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Grade 10 Physical Sciences June Mock Exam 1: Total Marks: 100 Time: 1 Hour 30 Minutes

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Grade 10 Physical Sciences June Mock Exam 1

Total marks: 100 Time: 1 hour 30 minutes


Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions:

1. This question paper consists 10 pages with 5 questions and an information sheet.
2. Answer ALL the questions in the answer booklet.
3. Start each question on a new page.
4. Number the questions exactly as they are numbered.
5. Write neatly and legibly.
6. You may use non-programmable calculators. Round off to 2 decimal places where
7. Show all steps to calculations and make sure you give the correct S.I unit with each answer.
8. The diagrams in the question paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.
9. The information sheet is given at the back of the question paper and may be detached for
easy use.
10. Graph paper is provided for you in your answer booklet.

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Grade 10 Physical Sciences June Mock Exam 1

Question 1 Multiple Choice Questions

There are four possible options for each answer in the following questions. Each question has
only ONE correct answer. Choose the correct answer and write only A, B, C or D next to the
question number.

1.1 The distance between any two successive points which are in phase, is the

A period.
B wavelength.
C amplitude.
D frequency.

1.2 Of all the types of electromagnetic rays, gamma rays have the greatest penetration ability,
because they have:

A the longest wavelength.

B a particle nature.
C the highest frequency.
D the highest speed.

1.3 A tuning fork is made to vibrate by striking it gently on a rubber stopper.

The sound waves produced are …
A transverse waves and require a medium for propagation.
B transverse waves and require no medium for propagation.
C longitudinal waves and require a medium for propagation.
D longitudinal waves and require no medium for propagation.

1.4 Which of these elements is a magnetic material?

A copper
B magnesium
C aluminium
D iron

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Grade 10 Physical Sciences June Mock Exam 1

1.5 Select the correct combination for an instrument used for taking measurements in an
electric circuit:

Instrument Connection Resistance

A Ammeter Series Low
B Ammeter Parallel High
C Voltmeter Parallel High
D Voltmeter Series Low

(5 x 2 = 10)
Question 2

2.1 Precious throws a stone into a pond and watches as the transverse waves are formed in the
water. The waves have a wavelength of 5 cm and an amplitude of 0,4 cm. She notices that
three full waves pass a rock in 1,5 s.

2.1.1 Define the term transverse wave. (2)

2.1.2 Determine the frequency of the water wave. (3)
2.1.3 Calculate the speed of the wave. (3)

Immediately after dropping the stone into the pond, Precious places a small flat disc made
from cork onto the surface of the water next to the rock.
2.1.4 How far will the cork move in 1s? (4)

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Grade 10 Physical Sciences June Mock Exam 1

2.2 The diagram below shows data about electromagnetic waves:

A device emits an electromagnetic wave that has a wavelength of 500nm.

2.2.1 What is the relationship between the wavelength and frequency of an

electromagnetic wave? (2)

2.2.2 Calculate the frequency of the electromagnetic wave. (4)

2.2.3 Identify what type of electromagnetic wave is produced by the device.


2.2.4 Define the term photon. (2)

2.2.5 Calculate the energy of a photon emitted by the device. (3)

A detector is placed 1m away from the device and observations recorded. Next, a metal
screen with a single very thin slit is placed in directly in front of the device, where the
photons are emitted.

2.2.6 What would you observe:

i.) Before the metal screen is placed in front of the device. (2)

ii.) After the metal screen is placed in front of the device. (2)

2.2.7 What is the name of the phenomenon you observe after the metal screen is placed
in front of the device? (1)


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Grade 10 Physical Sciences June Mock Exam 1

Question 3
3.1 Below is a representation of Wave A showing how the particles of the medium are spread
out when the wave passes through the medium. The time shown indicates how long the
wave has taken to disturb the section of the medium shown.
Wave A Time: 4,25s
3.1.1 What type
of wave is
represented by
the diagram?

3.1.2 What term is used to describe the region of the medium where the particles are
spread out? (2)
3.1.3 Define the term: period (2)
3.1.4 Calculate the frequency of wave A. (3)
The speed of Wave A is 330m.s-1 in air when temperature is 300C.

3.1.5 Find the wavelength of Wave A, using the diagram. (4)

3.2 Jackson plays the flute in a jazz quartet. Below is the wave form when he plays the note
middle C on the flute as seen on an oscilloscope screen.

3.2.1 What type of wave is a sound wave? (1)

3.2.2 Suggest a label for the vertical axis? (2)

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Grade 10 Physical Sciences June Mock Exam 1

3.2.3 Jackson now plays a different note for the same time. The pattern on the oscilloscope is
shown below:

What difference would you observe in the sound produced compared to the first note
Jackson played? Give a reason for your answer. (2)

3.2.4 He now uses the oscilloscope to compare the two notes. The diagram shows the wave
pattern for a shorter time.

Middle C

2nd Note

In what other way is the first note different to the second note Jackson played? Give a
reason for your answer. (2)

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Grade 10 Physical Sciences June Mock Exam 1

Question 4
4.1 A group of learners conduct an investigation using a bar magnet and a small plotting
compass. They place the bar magnet on a piece of paper and trace around it using a
pencil. They label the one end of the bar magnet X and the other end Y. Next, they
place the plotting compass at different points around the compass and drew in small
arrows on the paper to show the direction in which the needle of the compass is
pointing. A diagram of the piece of paper indicating five positions where the plotting
compass was placed, is shown below.

4 2

3 X Y 1

4.1.1 What is a magnetic field? (2)

4.1.2 Which end of the bar magnet is the North pole? Explain your answer. (2)
4.1.3 Draw a diagram of magnetic field lines, showing the magnetic field pattern
around the bar magnet. (3)
4.1.4 At which point is the strength of the magnetic field the strongest? Explain
your answer. (2)

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Grade 10 Physical Sciences June Mock Exam 1

4.2 A balloon filled with air and carries a charge of – 45 μC is suspended by a long, thin cotton
thread attached to the ceiling in the middle of a room.

4.2.1 Explain how a balloon can be negatively charged. (2)

Susan has very fine, long, dry hair. She stands just below the balloon and makes sure she
does not touch the balloon. Two strands of hair rise up from her head and move towards
the balloon and away from each other.

4.2.2 Name the process in which the strands of hair became charged without touching
the balloon . (2)

A second balloon filled with helium carries a charge of + 65 μC is attached to a chair by a

long, thin cotton thread and positioned directly under the first balloon. The two balloons
touch and then immediately separate.

4.2.3 After separating, are the balloons positively charge, negatively charged
or neutral? (1)
4.2.4 Calculate the number of electrons transferred between the balloons, given that the
charge on one electron is 1,6 x 10-19C. (4)

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Grade 10 Physical Sciences June Mock Exam 1

Question 5

5.1 Thabi and Thato have to investigate the relationship between current passing through the
resistor and the potential difference across the resistor. They decide to use a 12V battery, a
variable resistor (rheostat), an ammeter, a voltmeter and a light bulb. They connect the
components according to the circuit diagram shown below:


5.1.1 What effect does increasing the resistance of the rheostat have on the current
passing through the resistor? (2)

The table below shows a selection of readings taken.

Reading Voltmeter (V) Ammeter (mA)

1 0,5 20
2 1,1 40
3 1,4 60
4 2,0 80
5 X 100

5.1.2 Identify the independent variable for this investigation (2)

5.1.3 What variable needs to be controlled to ensure this is a fair test? (1)

5.1.4 Use the data collected to plot a graph on the graph paper provided (5)

5.1.5 Use the graph to determine:

i.) the voltmeter reading X (2)

ii.) the resistance of the resistor (2)

5.1.6 Calculate the rate at which electrical energy is transformed by the resistor. (3)

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Grade 10 Physical Sciences June Mock Exam 1

5.2 Three 1,5V cells are connected in series. Three identical light bulbs, each with a resistance
of 3Ω, are connected as shown in the diagram below. The reading on the ammeter is
2,25A. The ammeter, battery and connect wires have negligible resistance.



5.2.1 Calculate the total resistance of the light bulbs in this circuit (3)
5.2.2 Find the current passing through light bulb X. (3)
5.2.3 Without doing a calculation, find the reading on the voltmeter? (2)

Total: 100 marks

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Grade 10 Physical Sciences June Mock Exam 1





Speed of light in a vacuum
c 3,0 x 108 m·s-1

Charge on an electron
qe 1,6 x 10-19 C



𝑐𝑐 = f. λ

I= R=
∆t I
1 1 1 1
= + + +⋯ RT = R1 + R2 + R3 ………..
R eq R1 R 2 R 3

W = Vq P=

W = VIΔt P = VI

W = I2RΔt P = I2R

V 2 ∆t V2
W= P=

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Grade 10 Physical Sciences June Mock Exam 1

ANSWER SHEET NAME: ____________________________

Question 5


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