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Benefits of Quran Verses and Surahs'

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In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful At this point it should be mentioned that one cannot
interpret the verses of the Holy Qur’an using their own
Introduction logical deductions or reasoning. If we were to do this then
we would easily stray from the correct path and would
The importance of reciting, studying and begin to justify our fallacies with our own interpretations of
contemplating on the verses of the Holy Qur’an cannot be this divine text. Many traditions have been narrated about
stressed enough. Indeed this great revelation has many this and grave punishments have been promised to those
depths and mysteries that have yet to be discovered. Those who misuse the Holy Qur’an for personal gain.
who frequently read the Holy Qur’an can attest to the fact The tafseer or interpretation of the Holy Qur’an is
that it is an unending source of information and a actually done very carefully by very learned religious
bottomless well of fresh knowledge and guidance. Reading scholars who refer to vast amounts of historical texts and
it repeatedly does not lead to ennui, but rather causes one to traditions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) and the Aimmah (a.s).
open many more avenues of thought. Fortunately, many tafaseer are readily available today and
How unfortunate is the person who forsakes the one can easily find the interpretations of any particular
words of his Creator ? And what excuse would be verse of the Holy Qur’an.
acceptable for doing so ? If the true value of the Holy It should be noted, however, that aside from the
Qur’an was understood, the Muslims of the world would benefits of guidance towards divine truth, the verses and
not be where they are today. Lifetimes can be spent in chapters of the Holy Qur’an also have a hidden benefit. In
research about the meanings of what is contained in this fact, there is so much benefit in the recitation of some
divine book and yet nothing would be exhausted from it. portions of this great book, that it would surprise us.
Yet this great living miracle lies abandoned in our This is the aspect of the Holy Qur’an that we wish to
libraries, bookshelves, or even in a beautifully created discuss in the following pages. Hopefully, it will be a way
casing; gathering dust from lack of use. All this while we of encouraging people to frequently recite the Holy Qur’an
digress in all spheres of our lives. This is why when we will and take advantage of its numerous benefits. We pray to
be brought to account for our deeds and misdeeds on the Allah (s.w.t.) to enlist us from those who always recite the
Day of Judgment, we will have no reason to say that we Holy Qur’an when He raises us on the Day of Judgement –
were not adequately guided, because we are the ones who Ameen.
did not take the readily available guidance.
SECTION ONE out, ‘O believer, pass through quickly, your presence is
Benefits of the recitation of the chapters of the Holy causing my fire to die out !’
Qur’an When a teacher teaches a child to recite
“Bismillah…” the child, his parents and the teacher are all
guaranteed freedom from hellfire. It is narrated that Prophet
The Verse “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” Isa (a.s.) was once passing by a graveyard and he saw a
grave upon which the Wrath and Punishment of Allah
If we were to give an exhaustive account of the (s.w.t.) was descending, so he quietly walked past. When he
benefits of the recitation of “Bismillah…” we would need passed the same place after some time, he noticed that the
more than a single volume to do justice to it. Apart from Mercy and Blessings of Allah (s.w.t.) was being showered
being part of every chapter in the Holy Qur’an (except the on the same grave. He was surprised at this and asked Allah
chapter of repentance [surah at-tawba]), it is also the most (s.w.t.) about what has happened and it was revealed to him
oft repeated verse in the Holy Qur’an. that the man inside the grave was a sinner and was thus
It is narrated in Tafseere Burhaan that the Holy being punished for his sins. When he died, his wife was
Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that when a person recites pregnant and soon gave birth to a son. When the boy grew
“Bismillah...” then five thousand ruby palaces are built for older, his mother took him to a teacher who taught him to
him in Jannah Each palace has a thousand chambers made recite “Bismillah…” and I felt that it would not be justice
of pearls and in each chamber has seventy thousand thrones that this man’s son was calling My Name and I was
of emerald and each throne has seventy thousand carpets punishing his father in the grave.
made from special fabrics and upon each carpet is seated a It is also mentioned that recitation of “Bismillah…”
Hur-ul-Ein. A person asked for the condition necessary to with a loud voice is from the signs of a true believer. Imam
get this great reward and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) replied Ali Ridha (a.s.) said that “Bismillah…” is very close to the
that the person should recite the “Bismillah…” with chosen name of Allah (s.w.t.) [Isma A’adham].
conviction and understanding.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has also said that when a
believer will have to cross the Pul-e-Siraat on the Day of
Judgement, and he will say “Bismillah…” then the flames
beneath him will start dying down until Jahannam will cry
Surah al-Fatihah (The Opening) Imam AbuAbdillah Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that
whoever cannot be cured by surah al-Fatihah, then there is
There are seven verses in this surah (chapter) and it is no cure for that person. In the same narration it is written
said that this surah is both ‘makki’ and ‘madani’ ie. it was that if this surah is recited 70 times on any part of the body
revealed in both Makkah and Madinah. that is paining, the pain will surely go away. In fact, the
In the commentary of Majma’ul Bayan it is narrated power of this surah is so great that it is said that if one were
that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that whoever recites this to recite it 70 times over a dead body, you should not
surah, he will get the reward for reciting two thirds (2/3) of become surprised if that body starts moving (ie. comes back
the whole Qur’an, and will get the reward equivalent to to life).
what would be gained by giving charity to all the believing Surah al-Fatihah is a cure for physical and also
men and women in the world. spiritual ailments. Without this surah, even the daily prayers
One of the companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) are incomplete. It is indeed a great treasure that has been
narrates that he once recited this surah in the presence of given to us by Allah (s.w.t.) through the Holy Prophet
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and the Prophet said, ‘By Him in (s.a.w.) and no previous prophet has been given anything
whose hand is my soul, a similar revelation to this has not like it. This surah is also known as ‘Ummul Kitab’ and
been included in the Taurat (Torah), Injeel (Bible), Zabur ‘Sab’a mathani’.
(Psalms) or even the Qur’an itself.’
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) once asked Jabir ibn Surah al-Baqarah (The Cow)
Abdallah Ansari, “Should I teach you a surah that has no
other comparison to it in the whole Qur’an ?” Jabir replied, This surah has 286 verses and is a ‘madani’ surah ie.
“Yes, and may my parents be ransom upon you O prophet it was revealed in Madinah. It is also the longest surah in
of Allah.” So the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) taught him surah al- the Holy Qur’an.
Fatihah. Then the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) asked, “Jabir, The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that whoever
should I tell you something about this surah ?” Jabir recites the first four verses of surah al-Baqarah,
answered, “Yes, and may my parents be ransom upon you accompanied by the ‘ayatul kursi’ together with the last
O prophet of Allah.” The Prophet (s.a.w.) said, “It (surah three verses of this surah - and makes a habit of reciting
al-Fatihah) is a cure for every ailment except death.” these verses daily – his life, property and family will be
protected and no evil shall come upon them. Shaitan will
not come close to him and he will not be from those who Surah an-Nisa (The Women)
forget Allah (s.w.t.).
This surah was revealed in Madinah and has a total of
Surah Ale-Imran (The Family of Imran) 177 verses. In ‘tafseer al-burhan’ it is written that Imam
Ali (a.s.) has said that whoever recites this surah on every
In this surah, there are a total of 200 verses and it was Friday, he will remain safe from the squeezing in the grave
revealed in Madinah. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said (‘fishare qabr’).
that whoever recites surah Ale-Imran on Friday, then until
the setting of the sun, he will be showered by the Mercy of Surah al-Ma’idah (The Table-spread)
Allah (s.w.t.) and the angels will beg for his forgiveness.
The Prophet (s.a.w.) has also recommended this There are 120 verses in this surah and it is a ‘makki’
surah for those women who are not able to conceive. The surah ie. it was revealed in Makkah. It is narrated from the
surah should be written using saffron and then given to her Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that whoever recites this surah, he
to wear as a talisman and by the Will of Allah (s.w.t.) she will get a reward equivalent to ten times the number of
will conceive. Jews and Christians alive in the world, and will be forgiven
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that if a person the same amount of sins and will be raised in status by the
faces hardship in earning his livelihood, he should write this same amount.
surah and wear it as a talisman and Allah (s.w.t.) will
increase his sustenance greatly. The Imam (a.s.) also said Surah al-An’aam (The Cattle)
that if anyone recites both surah al-Baqarah and Ale-Imran,
then these surahs will come in the shape of clouds on the This surah was revealed in Makkah and contains a
day of judgement to protect him from the scorching heat. total of 165 verses. Imam Ridha (a.s.) has said that this
surah was revealed accompanied by the descending of
seventy thousand angels. These angels will ask forgiveness
from Allah (s.w.t.) for any person who recites this surah,
and they will continue doing so until the Day of Judgement.
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that if a person
writes this surah using musk or saffron and then drinks it
(ie. puts the written surah in water for its writing to
dissolve) for six consecutive days, that person will be Surah al-Anfaal (The Spoils of War)
blessed abundantly and will be free from all problems and
ailments. He will not loose his health or fall sick. This surah was revealed in Madinah and it has 75
The 6th Holy Imam (a.s.) also said that this surah verses. In the commentary of Majma’ul Bayaan, it is
must be accorded due respect as the name of Allah (s.w.t.) narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that whoever
appears 70 times in it. If people knew the benefits of recites surah al-Anfaal and surah at-Tawba every month, he
reciting this surah, they would never leave it. will be protected from being a hypocrite and will be
counted among the followers of Ameerul Mu’mineen –
Imam Ali (a.s.), and on the day of Qiyamah he will eat from
Surah al-A’araaf (The Elevated Places) the table-spread of Jannah together with all the followers of
Ahlul Bayt.
There are 206 verses in this ‘makki’ surah. It is This surah contains the verse about khums, which is
reported from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.), that whoever the right of the Ahlul Bayt. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said
recites this surah once a month, he will have no worry or that he will, on the Day of Judgement, intercede for the
fear on the Day of Resurrection and if it is recited on a person who recites this surah and will bear witness that the
Friday, then the reciter will be from among those who will reciter of this surah was free from hypocrisy. Keeping surah
be exempted from the taking of accounts on the Day of al-Anfaal in your possession at all times ensures that you
Judgement. get your rights that have been taken from you and your
Surah al-A’araaf has the ayaat al-muhkamaat that legitimate desires are fulfilled.
will give witness on behalf of its reciter on the Day of
Reckoning. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that there Surah al-Bara’at / at-Tawba (The Repentance)
will be a veil between the reciter of this surah and Iblees on
Judgement day and the reciter will be in the company of This surah has 129 verses and was revealed in
Prophet Adam (a.s.) Madinah. This surah was revealed all at once and its
Writing this surah with rose water and saffron and revelation was accompanied by seventy thousand angels. It
keeping the writing at all times ensures safety from enemies is narrated that keeping this surah over one’s head (like in a
and wild animals. cap or Amama) is a safety from thieves and destruction of
property by fire. Also, keeping this surah in one’s It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) that the
possession ensures safety from the evil designs of enemies. person who recites surah Hud will get a reward equal to the
number of people who were there at the time of the Holy
Surah Yunus Prophet (s.a.w.) and his rank will be like of the martyrs.
The accounting for his deeds will also be made easy for
This surah is ‘makki’ and it has 109 verses. It is him.
narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that if a person Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that writing this
recites this surah once in two or three months, he will not surah on a sheepskin and keeping it in one’s possession at
be placed alongside the ignorant ones and will be from all times makes one so courageous and bold that nobody
among the ‘muqarrabeen’ (close ones) on the Day of can defeat him in combat. Whoever sees him will be filled
Reckoning. It is also narrated that if a person recites surah with fear.
Yunus, he will get the reward equal to the number of people
who were present in the community of Prophet Yunus Surah Yusuf
This surah can be used as a means of identifying Surah Yusuf has 111 ayaat and was revealed in
thieves from among your workers. This is done by either Makkah. It is narrated that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said
writing the surah and under it writing the names of all the that whoever recites this surah and teaches his family
people in the house or workplace who could be suspected of members how to recite it also, Allah (s.w.t.) will make the
stealing and then keeping this writing in the house. It will, final moments before his death (sakaraatul mawt) easy for
after some time, become manifest who the thief is. him to bear and will remove jealousy from his heart.
It has been narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq that
Surah Hud whoever recited this surah daily, he will be raised on the
day of Qiyamah with the handsomeness of Prophet Yusuf
This surah was revealed in Makkah and has a total of (a.s.) and he will be protected from the fear and discomfort
123 ayaat (verses). Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) has said of this day. He will be raised among the pious servants of
that whoever recites this surah every Friday, his accounts Allah (s.w.t.). This surah also keeps one’s heart safe from
will on the Day of Judgement, be taken together with that illegitimate lustful desires.
of the Prophets and all his sins will be forgiven.
The sixth Imam (a.s.) has also said that if a person
drinks the water in which this surah has been dissolved, Surah Ibrahim
then his sustenance will be easier to reach and he will be
made from the people of Jannah. This is a ‘makki’ surah that has 52 ayaat. It is
narrated by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq that whoever recites surah
Surah Ra’d Ibrahim and surah Hijr in a two-rak’aat prayer on every
Friday, he will remain safe from poverty, insanity and
There are 43 ayaat in this surah and it is ‘makki’ sudden calamity.
though some Mufassireen (those who have written In the commentary of Burhan, it is mentioned that
commentaries of the Holy Qur’an) say that the last verse of writing this surah on a white parchment and then making a
this surah was revealed in Madinah. In fact, some even go child wear it as a talisman keeps the child safe from
as far as saying that the whole of this surah is ‘madani’ ailments and makes it easy for him to drink and digest milk.
except for two verses.
The Holy Prophet (a.s.) has been quoted as saying Surah Hijr
that whoever recites this surah will be made from among
those who fulfil their promise to Allah (s.w.t.) and they will There are 99 verses in this ‘makki’ surah. It is
be given reward which is ten times the number of sins they narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that whoever recites
have committed. surah Hijr will get the reward equal to the number of
It is narrated that Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said Muhajireen and Ansaar (companions of the Holy Prophet
that if a mu’min recites this surah often, he will be taken to [s.a.w.]) and this surah should be written with saffron and
Jannah without having to give the long and detailed then worn as a talisman by a new mother who cannot
accounts for his deeds on Earth. He will also be allowed to produce enough milk for her child.
intercede on behalf of his relatives and friends. If written and tied on one’s arm, it makes any
If this surah is written at night, after the time for Isha business conducted by the wearer to be profitable and
prayers, under a candlelight, and then hung outside the door makes people like doing business with him. His sustenance
of a tyrant ruler’s palace, then the ruler will perish and so thus increases. In a narration by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.)
will his control over the people. His army and his one can also put this surah (written) inside the pocket or
supporters will betray him and nobody will listen to him. safe (for storing valuables).
It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that
Surah an-Nahl (The Bee) whoever recites surah Bani-Isra’il every Thursday night,
will not die before meeting Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.) and will be
This surah was revealed in Makkah and has 128 counted among his companions. Also, if a child is not able
ayaat. In the commentary of Majma’ul Bayan it is recorded to speak or is delaying in his learning how to speak, he
from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that whoever recites this should be given the water of this surah that has been written
surah will not be questioned, on the Day of Judgement, with saffron.
about the blessings he received on the Earth and will get the In the commentary of Safi it is written that the Holy
reward equal to the amount of people who left a good will Prophet (s.a.w.) told Imam Ali (a.s.) that the last two verses
when they died. of this surah are a protection and safety from theft. This
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that whoever surah is also called surah al-Isra’.
recites surah an-Nahl once every month, he will be safe
from 70 types of diseases and will be from among the Surah al-Kahf (The Cave)
people of Jannah. This surah should, however, under no
circumstance be written and kept in the house or garden as This surah has 110 ayaat and it was revealed in
it may have harmful effects. Imam Sadiq (a.s.) has said that Makkah. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that whoever
if kept in a house or garden, it will soon be destroyed. recites this surah will be protected from fitna (evil) for eight
Indeed this is a weapon that one is only allowed to use days. If a person recites the last verse of surah al-Kahf
against an evil person who is the enemy of Islam. before sleeping at night, Allah (s.w.t.) creates a noor (light)
from his sleeping place up to the Holy Ka’bah and in this
Surah Bani-Isra’il (Children on Israel) light are angels who continually pray for the reciter until he
wakes up.
There are 111 verses in this ‘makki’ surah. The Holy It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that if
Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that a great reward will be a person wishes to wake up at a particular time, he should
accorded to those who recite this surah and when they reach recite the last ayah of this surah and then make the intention
the verse about parents, they feel a sense of love and that he will wake up at a certain time and he will wake up at
gentleness towards their parents. that time. He (a.s.) also said that if a person recites this
surah every Thursday night, he will die the death of a
martyr. Keeping this surah (written) in the house becomes a (s.a.w.) that whoever recites this surah will get the reward
means of protection from poverty and debts. equivalent to the number of companions of the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.) from the Muhajireen and Ansaar.
Surah Maryam Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that Allah (s.w.t.)
befriends the ones who recite this surah and this person will
There are 99 ayaat in this ‘makki’ surah. It is written receive his book of deeds on his right hand. His sins will be
in the commentary of Majma’ul Bayan that the reward for forgiven and he will get so much reward that he will be
reciting this surah is equal to ten times the number of pleased on the Day of Judgement.
people present at the time of Prophet Zakariyyah (a.s.), This surah should be recited before war, going before
Yahya (a.s.), Isa (a.s.), Musa (a.s.), Ishaq (a.s.), Harun a tyrant ruler and trying to guide a community towards the
(a.s.), Ibrahim (a.s.), Ya’qub (a.s.) and Isma’il (a.s.) path of Allah (s.w.t.). If a girl is not getting married and she
combined. wishes to get married, she should take ghusl (bath) with
Keeping this surah (written) in the house ensures water in which this surah has been dissolved and by the will
protection from thieves and Allah (s.w.t.) blesses the of Allah (s.w.t.) she will get married.
occupants of the house. It is also narrated that before going If a man wishes to get married, he should write
in the presence of a tyrant ruler, if a person recites ‘Kaf-Ha- verses 131 and 132 of this surah with saffron and then wear
Ya-’Ain-Saad’ and closed, with each letter, one finger of his it as a talisman and InshaAllah his proposal will be
right hand, and then recites ‘Ha-Mim-‘Ain-Seen-Qaaf’ and accepted.
with each letter, closes one finger of his left hand; and then
he comes in the presence of the tyrant and recites ‘wa Surah al-Ambiya (The Prophets)
‘anatil wujuhu lil hayyil qayyum wa khaaba man hamala
dhulma’ and then he opens his fingers, he will be protected This ‘makki’ surah has 112 ayaat. It is narrated that
from the evil of the tyrant. the reward for reciting this surah is that the accounting on
the Day of Reckoning becomes easy for the reciter and all
Surah Taha the Prophets whose names appear in the Holy Qur’an will
come to meet him on this day.
This surah was revealed in Makkah and has 135 Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that whoever
verses. It is mentioned in a narration from the Holy Prophet recites surah al-Ambiya frequently, his status in Jannah
will be close to the Prophets. Writing this surah and prophets. If this surah is written (at night) and put on the
keeping it with one removes all stress and worry. neck of a drunkard, he will start hating intoxicating drinks
and will stop this bad habit.
Surah al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage)
Surah an-Nur (The Light)
There are 78 ayaat in this surah and it was revealed
in Makkah. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that reciting There are 64 ayaat in this surah and it was revealed
this surah carries the reward equal to the number of in Madinah. In the commentary of Burhan it is narrated
pilgrims who have been for Hajj and those who will go for from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that whoever constantly
Hajj in the future. recites surah an-Nur will never, in his lifetime, see any evil
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq has said that whoever recites from his near ones and when he dies, seventy thousand
this surah once in every three days will get the opportunity angels will accompany his body up to the grave and will
of going for Hajj in the same year, and if he dies on the pray for his forgiveness.
way, he will be granted Jannah. Someone asked what The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that it is especially
would happen if the person performing the Hajj was a good for women to recite this surah. He (s.a.w.) also said
sinner, so the Imam (a.s.) replied that his punishment would that the reward for reciting this surah is equal to ten times
be reduced. the number of mu’mineen and mu’minaat on the Earth. The
sixth Imam (a.s.) said that keeping this surah in one’s bed
Surah al-Mu’minun (The Believers) prevents wet dreams.

This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 118 Surah al-Furqan (The Criterion)
verses. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) has said that the reciter of
this surah will feel great comfort when the angel of death This surah has 77 ayaat and it is ‘makki’. The Holy
comes to take his soul and he will be given the good news Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that a person who recites this surah
of his position by angels. will be taken to Jannah without questioning, provided he
It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that believes in the Day of Judgement and the Raising of the
whoever recites this surah on every Friday, he will have a Dead (from the graves).
great status in the hereafter and will be in the company of
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that Allah (s.w.t.) Surah an-Naml (The Ant)
will never send His punishment upon any person who
recites this surah every night. The reciter of this surah will This ‘makki’ surah has 93 verses. In the commentary
also gain a highly status in the hereafter. The person who of Majma’ul Bayan, it is written that the reward for reciting
writes this surah and keeps it in his possession will never be this surah is compared to ten times the number of people
harmed by the vermin of this earth. alive during the time of Prophet Suleiman (a.s.), Hud (a.s.),
Shu’aib (a.s.), Saalih (a.s.) and Ibrahim (a.s.).
Surah ash-Shu’ara (The Poets) In the commentary of Burhan it is written that if this
surah is written on deerskin and kept in the house, then no
This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has a total dangerous creature (e.g. snake) will come near the house.
of 227 ayaat. In the commentary of Burhan it is narrated This has been narrated by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.)
from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq that whoever recites the three
Tawaseen (ie. the three surahs beginning with Ta-Seen) on Surah al-Qasas (The Narrative)
every Thursday night, will be counted from the Awliyaa-
ullah (friends of Allah) and will be under the protection of There are 88 ayaat in this surah and it was revealed
Allah (s.w.t.). The reward for reciting this surah is so great in Makkah though some scholars say that it was revealed in
that when the person sees the reward he has gotten from it Madinah. The 58th verse of this surah was revealed at the
(on the Day of Judgement) he will be pleased. time of the Holy Prophet’s (s.a.w.) migration from Makkah
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that the one who to Madinah.
recites this surah will come out of his grave reciting the It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that
Shahadah or Kalimah, bearing witness in the Oneness of whoever recites this surah will get the reward equivalent to
Allah (s.w.t.). Reciting surah ash-Shu’ara at dawn is the number of people present at the time of Prophet Musa
compared to the recitation of all the heavenly books that (a.s.) and all the angels will bear witness on his behalf. If
have been revealed. Frequent recitation of this surah one drinks the water in which this surah has been dissolved,
ensures protection from thieves and from death by all his problems and worries will be solved.
drowning or being burnt. Drinking water in which this Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that drinking
surah was dissolved protects one from all types of ailments. water in which this surah has been dissolved is a remedy
from illness and worries (this can also be done by writing
the surah inside a container and then gathering rain water in Surah Luqman
the same container).
This surah is ‘makki’ and it has 34 ayaat. Imam
Surah al-‘Ankabut (The Spider) Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that if surah Luqman is
recited at night, then angels protect the reciter from Iblees
The first 11 ayaat of this surah are ‘madani’ and the and his army until the next morning, and if recited in the
rest were revealed in Makkah. This surah has a total of 69 daytime then the angels protect from them him until
verses. In the commentary of Burhan it is narrated from nighttime.
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that whoever recites surah al- It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that
‘Ankabut on the 23rd night of the month of Ramadhan, will whoever recites this surah will be raised on the Day of
enter Jannah without any questioning. Judgement with Hadhrat Luqman (a.s.) and will get the
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that the reward for reward which is ten times the amount of people who have
reciting this surah can be compared to ten times the number advised others to do good (amr-bil-ma’ruf) and prevented
of believing men and women plus ten times the number of them from doing bad (nahy-‘anil-munkar).
hypocrites on Earth. Drinking water in which this surah has Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has also said that writing
been dissolved brings one great joy and happiness in his this surah and then putting it in water to dissolve and then
life. drinking the water provides for a cure from all types of
illnesses and pains.
Surah ar-Rum (The Romans)
Surah as-Sajdah (The Adoration)
This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 60
ayaat. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that the reward for There are 30 verses in this surah and it was revealed
reciting this surah is equal to ten times the number of angels in Makkah. Some scholars say that the 19th, 20th and 21st
between the heavens and the earth who praise Allah (s.w.t.) ayaat of this surah are ‘madani’. In the commentary of
constantly. It is not advisable to keep this surah as a Burhan it is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that the
talisman (written) in the house. reward for reciting surah as-Sajdah and surah al-Mulk is the
same as what reward is gotten if one spends the entire night
of Qadr in worship. It is said that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) Surah as-Saba
used to recite these surahs before sleeping.
The person who recites this surah will be given 60 This is a ‘makki’ surah and it has 54 verses. It is
rewards, forgiven 60 sins and raised 60 levels nearer to narrated that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that whoever
Allah (s.w.t.). Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that one recites this surah, on the Day of Judgement, all the Prophets
who recites this surah will be given his book of deeds in his and Messengers will come to meet him.
right hand on the Day of Judgement and will be counted In a saying from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) it is
from among the friends of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and his mentioned that whoever recites surah Saba and surah Fatir
family. Keeping this surah in writing works as a cure from at night, he will remain under the protection of Allah
aches and pains. (s.w.t.) for the whole night. The reward for reciting this
surah is so great that when it is seen in the book of deeds,
Surah al-Ahzab (The Allies) the reciter’s heart will be filled with joy.
Wearing this surah as a talisman or drinking its water
This surah was revealed in Madinah and it has 73 removes fear from one’s heart and keeps one safe from
ayaat. In the commentary of Majma’ul Bayan it is narrated enemies and wild animals.
from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that whoever recites surah
al-Ahzab and also teaches it to his family members, he will Surah al-Fatir (The Originator)
be saved from the torment of the grave.
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that the reward There are 45 ayaat in this surah and it was revealed
for reciting this surah often is countless and the one who in Makkah. In a narration from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) it
does so will be under the protection of the Holy Prophet is said that three doors of Jannah will be opened for the
(s.a.w.) and his progeny on the Day of Reckoning. Keeping person who recites this surah. He will be able to enter it
this surah written (on deer-skin) makes a person honourable through whichever door he pleases. In another narration it is
in the eyes of people, and everyone craves for his company. said that the eight doors of Jannah will open to him and he
will be permitted to enter through whichever he likes.
It is narrated that a person once came to Imam Ja’far
as-Sadiq (a.s.) and complained that his daughter had a
problem of getting severe migraine headaches all the time.
The Imam (a.s.) placed his hand on her head and recited also said that if this surah is recited in a graveyard then all
verse 42 of this surah and she was cured. punishment is lifted, for that day, from all the graves and
the reciter gets the reward equal to the sum of all the good
Surah Yaseen actions performed by all those who are buried in that
This surah is ‘makki’ and it has 83 verses. It is It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that
written in the commentary of Majma’ul Bayan whoever whoever recited this surah in the morning will be protected
recites surah Yaseen solely for seeking the pleasure of from all calamities and problems during the day and
Allah (s.w.t.), all his sins will be forgiven and he will be whoever recites it at night will be protected from Shaitan by
given the reward equal to the reward of reciting the whole seventy thousand angels. Recitation of this surah saves one
Qur’an 12 times. If this surah is recited near a person on his from the squeezing of the grave and its other torments.
deathbed, then for each letter recited, 12 angels are sent to Passing the difficult stages in the hereafter will also be
pray for his forgiveness and they remain even when the soul made easy for him.
is being taken by the Angel of Death. The angels also take The sixth Imam (a.s.) also said that drinking this
part in his funeral rites. surah after writing it in a mixture of rose water and saffron
If recited near a person who is in Sakarat-ul-Mawt for seven days (it has to be written once for each day)
(on the verge of passing away), then an angel brings a drink makes a person have such a good memory that he will
for the dying person from Jannah and as he drinks of it, he never forget what he hears. He will win debates and will
feels greatly eased. In another narration, this surah has been gain great respect and status. If given to a woman, her
described as the key to all good in this life and in the breast-milk will increase.
hereafter and a safety from all evil in this life and in the Keeping this surah in one’s possession as a talisman
hereafter. Needs are fulfilled if asked after the recitation of acts as a protection from the jealousy of people. The wearer
this surah and the reward for its recitation is also compared remains safe from the evil designs of men and Jinn. It also
to performing twenty hajj pilgrimages. acts as a cure from disease.
Drinking the water in which this surah has been
dissolved cures one of a thousand types of illnesses. The Surah as-Saffaat (The Rangers)
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that everything has its heart and
the heart of the Holy Qur’an is surah Yaseen. He (s.a.w.)
There are 182 ayaat in this surah and it was revealed this surah will be taken to Jannah along with his family and
in Makkah. The reward for reciting this surah is ten times loved ones; to such an extent that even those servants of his
the total number of Jinn and Shayateen that exist. The whom he loves will be with him in Jannah.
reciter of this surah is protected from Shaitan and is safe If this surah is placed under the tyrant ruler, his reign
from falling into disbelief and Shirk. His angels who record will not last for more than three days before people will see
his deeds will testify for him on the Day of Judgement that his true nature and will start hating him. This will
he was from among those who believed in the Prophets of eventually lead to his downfall.
Allah (s.w.t.).
It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that Surah az-Zumar (The Companies)
reciting surah as-Saffaat on every Friday keeps one safe
from all types of calamities. His sustenance will increase This surah has 75 ayaat and it was revealed in
and his life, wealth and children will be protected from the Makkah. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that whoever
evil designs of Shaitan and the tyrant rulers of the time. If recites this surah will be given a honourable and respectable
one dies soon after reciting this surah, he will die the death status in this life and in the hereafter. Allah (s.w.t.) will
of a martyr; he will be raised on the Day of Judgement give him so much respect in the eyes of the people that they
together with the martyrs and will enter Jannah with them. will be in awe. The fire of Jahannam will be made haraam
on his body (ie. he will never enter hell fire) and the gifts he
Surah Saad will get in Jannah will be countless.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that is a person
This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 88 keeps this surah (written) in his possession then whoever
verses. In the commentary of Majma’ul Bayan it is written meets him will praise him. If this surah is tied to one’s arm
that the reward for reciting this surah is equal to the weight then whoever sees him will praise him.
of the mountain of Prophet Dawood (a.s.). Allah (s.w.t.)
inspires the reciter of this surah to avoid every type of sin – Surah al-Mu’min (The Believer)
big or small.
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) has said that the This is a ‘makki’ surah and it has 85 ayaat. When a
reward for reciting surah Saad is compared to the reward person recites this surah then the souls of all the Prophet
given to the Holy Prophets and the one who often recites (a.s.), the truthful people and the believers send salutations
to him and pray for his forgiveness. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq This surah has 53 ayaat and it was revealed in
(a.s.) has said that whoever recites this surah once in every Makkah. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that the one who
three days, his sins will be forgiven and he will become a recites this surah will be from among those people on
God-fearing person. whom the angels send salutations and pray for their
It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that if forgiveness.
this surah is written and kept in a garden or farm, then the It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that
plants or crops will become more fruit bearing and green. If whoever recites this surah will be raised on the Day of
kept in a business premises then business will prosper and Reckoning with a face as bright as the full moon and he
more profit will be gained. Keeping this surah as a talisman will be told : ‘You are from those who used to recite ash-
works as a cure for wounds and scars. This surah is also a Shura. If you knew the reward for this, you would never
remedy for heart problems, dizziness and nausea. have felt tired of reciting it.’ The angels will then be
ordered to take him to Jannah where he will find a palace
Surah Hamim Sajdah made of red rubies. There will be two huries and a thousand
slaves in that palace.
Another name for this surah is Fussilat. This is a If this surah is written and kept as a talisman, it
‘makki’ surah that has 54 verses. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) becomes a means of protection and drinking water in which
has said that for each letter of this surah that is recited, ten this surah has been dissolved is especially good for those
rewards are given. intending to travel as it provides for a journey without
It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq that the one unforeseen problems.
who recites surah Hamim Sajdah will have light shining on
front of him on the Day of Judgement and his life in this Surah az-Zukhruf (The Embellishment)
world will be praiseworthy. If this surah is written in a
container and rainwater is then collected in it and put on This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 89
one’s eyes, then it alleviates all eye problems. ayaat. It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that
whoever recites this surah will be saved from the vermin
Surah ash-Shura (The Council) (e.g. insects, scorpions etc.) in the grave and will not
undergo the squeezing (Fishar) in the grave.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that drinking water in which this surah has been dissolved is a cure for all
which this surah was dissolved acts as a cure and a relief ailments related to the stomach.
from pain.
Surah al-Jaathiyah (The Kneeling)
Surah ad-Dukhan (The Smoke)
There are 37 verses in this surah and it was revealed
This is a ‘makki’ surah and it has 59 ayaat. It is in Makkah. This surah is also called surah ash-Shari’ah. It
narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that if this surah is is narrated that whoever recites this surah will not be
recited at night, then seventy thousand angels pray to Allah frightened on the Day of Judgement and his private parts
(s.w.t.) to forgive the sins of the reciter. If recited on will remain covered (whereas all people will be raised
Thursday nights, all sins are forgiven and houses are built naked on this day).
for the reciter in Jannah. The reward for reciting each letter Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that whoever
of this surah is equal to that of freeing a thousand slaves for recites this surah will not see Jahannam and neither will he
seeking the pleasure of Allah (s.w.t.). hear the voice of its flames. Keeping this surah in one’s
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) said that whoever possession makes him a beloved of the people and protects
recites surah ad-Dukhan in his faraa’idh (compulsory him from tyrant rulers. It also keeps one safe from those
prayers) will be protected from the torment of the Day of who love to slander and backbite. If it is placed on the neck
Judgement and will easily be able to give his accounts. His of a newborn child, it ensures safety and protection from all
book of deeds will also be given to him in his right hand. calamities.
If kept in one’s possession, this surah acts as a
protection from the plots of Shaitan. If kept under one’s Surah al-Ahqaf (The Sandhills)
pillow before sleeping at night, there will be no suffering
from nightmares and one will always get good dreams. This is a ‘makki’ surah and it has 35 verses. Imam
Keeping this surah in a place of business makes the trade Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that a person who recites this
prosper. surah daily, or at least every Friday, will remain safe from
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that keeping this all the dangers of this world and the hereafter.
surah as a talisman ensures protection from the authorities It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that the
and makes people fond of the wearer. Drinking water in reward for reciting this surah is ten times the number of
creatures that walk on this Earth and an equal number of
sins will be forgiven. Keeping this surah as a talisman acts Surah al-Fath (The Victory)
as a protection and means of averting all kinds of
difficulties. There are 29 verses in this surah and it was revealed
If a person dissolved this surah in zamzam water and in Madinah. It is narrated that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)
then drinks it, he will be greatly honoured by the people and said, ‘Whoever recites this surah (al-Fath), it will be as if he
what he says will never be rejected. He will also remember was with me when Makkah was conquered and he has
everything he hears. It acts as a cure for disease and a pledged allegiance to me.’ When this surah was revealed to
protection from the Jinn. the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), he said, ‘Such verses have been
revealed to me that are dearer to me than this entire world.’
Surah Muhammad (s.a.w.) Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that those who recite
this surah will be counted from among the sincere and true
This is a ‘madani’ surah and it has 37 ayaat. In the servants of Allah (s.w.t.) and will gain a honourable status
commentary of Majma’ul Bayan it is narrated that the Holy in Jannah. In times of war or unrest, keeping this surah in
Prophet (s.a.w.) said that whoever recites this surah will one’s possession is a means of protection and safety.
have his thirst quenched by the drink from the rivers of Drinking water in which this surah has been dissolved cures
Jannah. any heart problems and protects those who are travelling.
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that the person who
recites this surah will never have doubts about his religion Surah al-Hujuraat (The Chambers)
and will not fall into disbelief and Shirk. A thousand angels
will send salutations to his grave after his death. He will be This surah was revealed in Madinah and it has 18
placed under the protection of Allah (s.w.t.) and His ayaat. It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that the
Prophet (s.a.w.). When the reciter of this surah will arise reward for reciting this surah can be compared to ten times
from his grave, whichever way he turns, he will see the the number of believers and disbelievers on Earth.
blessed face of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq has narrated that those who
If this surah is written and kept as a talisman, it recite this surah will be counted from among those who
protects a person, whether he is asleep or awake, from all visited the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). Writing this surah and
evils and problems. It is also a safety from insanity. keeping it in one’s possession makes the Shaitan run away
and acts as a protection in times of war and unrest. If a Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that recitation of
pregnant woman drinks water in which this surah has been this surah increases ones sustenance and makes it easy to
dissolved, then both herself and her child will remain safe earn. Drinking water in which this surah was dissolved after
from danger and drinking this water also increases breast- being written acts as a remedy for back problems (e.g.
milk in a breastfeeding mother. backaches). If a pregnant woman wears a talisman of surah
ad-Dhariyaat, her pregnancy and delivery will be easy.
Surah Qaf Keeping this surah close to a dying person makes his death
This surah is ‘makki’ and it has 45 ayaat. The Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that whoever recites this surah Surah at-Tur (The Mountain)
frequently will not suffer at the time of death. Reciting
surah Qaf in salaat increases one’s sustenance and makes This surah has 49 verses and it was revealed in
the accounting of the Day of Judgement easy. Makkah. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that the one who
Writing and drinking water in which this surah has recites this surah will be kept safe from the wrath and
been dissolved cures one of many acute diseases. Verse 23 punishment of Allah (s.w.t.).
of this surah is especially good for the cure of eye ailments. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that the recitation
One can recite this verse and blow into some water and then of this surah brings good fortune to the reciter and constant
drink it, and by the will of Allah (s.w.t.) any problem with recitation by those who have been imprisoned secures an
eyes will be cured. early release from bondage. Surah at-Tur, if recited or kept
as a talisman, keeps children in good health.
Surah adh-Dhariyaat (The Scatterers)
Surah an-Najm (The Star)
There are 60 ayaat in this surah and it was revealed
in Makkah. In the commentary of Majma’ul Bayan it is This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 26
narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that the reward for ayaat. The reward for reciting this surah is ten times the
reciting this surah is ten times the number of moving winds number of believers and sinners combined. The reciter will
or breezes. lead a respectable and honourable life and people will love
and respect him.
Writing this surah and keeping it at a talisman makes point out those people who used to recite this surah and he
one courageous in front of the ruler and makes the ruler will name them. Then he will be allowed to beg pardon for
respect him. He also comes out victorious in debates and those whom he names and Allah (s.w.t.) will pardon them.
discussions. The Imam (a.s.) also said that if a person dies after
reciting this surah, then is considered a martyr. Writing this
Surah al-Qamar (The Moon) surah and keeping it makes all difficulties and problems
vanish and also cures eye ailments. Writing it on the walls
This ’makki’ surah has 55 ayaat. It is narrated from of a house keeps away all types of household pests. If
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that the fact of the person who recited at night, then Allah (s.w.t.) sends an angel to guard
recites this surah will shine like the full moon on the Day of the reciter until he wakes up and if recited in the daytime
Reckoning. The best time to recite this surah is at night and then an angel guards him until sunset.
this carries the highest reward.
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that the one who Surah al-Waqi’ah (The Event)
recites this surah will have a mount from Jannah on which
he will sit when he wakes from his grave. Whoever keeps This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 96
this surah under his cap or turban at the time of Jumu’ah ayaat. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that a person who
prayers will be highly respected by the people and his recites this surah will not be from among the absent-minded
difficulties will be eased. ones. Poverty does not come near this person.
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) said that the one
Surah ar-Rahman (The Beneficent) who recites surah al-Waqi’ah will have a shining face of the
Day of Reckoning. It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq
This surah has 78 verses and it is ‘makki’. Imam (a.s.) that whoever recites this surah on every Friday, will
Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that reciting this surah on be from those whom Allah (s.w.t.) loves and he will be
Friday after the dawn prayers carries great reward. Surah loved by people also. He will be free from troubles and
as-Rahman removes hypocrisy from one’s heart. poverty and will be counted from the loyal companions of
On the Day of Judgement, this surah will come in the Imam Ali (a.s.). Reciting this surah on a dead person leads
shape of a human being who will be handsome and will to all his sins being forgiven and if the person is on his
have a very nice scent. Allah (s.w.t.) will then tell him to deathbed then he will die with ease.
Keeping this surah in one’s possession is a means of Surah al-Mujadilah (The Pleading One)
increase in sustenance. Imam Ali Zainul Abideen (a.s.) has
narrated that if a person recites this surah (at night) on the There are 22 ayaat in this surah and it was revealed
first night of the lunar month and then continues to recite in Madinah. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that the one
the same surah, increasing the number of times to coincide who recites this surah will be from among the thankful
with the date, such that on the tenth night he recites it ten servants of Allah (s.w.t.) on the Day of Judgement. If surah
times, until the fourteenth night, then his sustenance will al-Mujadilah is recited near a sick person, or worn by the
increase greatly. sick person as a talisman, he will be cured of his illness. If
recited on anything that has been buried in the ground, it
Surah al-Hadid (The Iron) will remain protected until the person himself removes it.
Reciting this surah brings a feeling of ease to a
This is a ‘madani’ surah and it ha 29 ayaat. The Holy restless person. Constant recitation also protects one from
Prophet (s.a.w.) said that the reciter of this surah will be thieves. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that recitation
counted from among the staunch believers. Imam of this surah keeps one safe from the evil designs of Jinn
Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) has said that whoever recites all and men. If recited on dust or sand and then thrown towards
the surahs that start with Tasbih of Allah (s.w.t.) before the enemy, he is easily overcome.
going to sleep, will not die before meeting the 12th Holy
Imam (a.s.) and after his death, he will have the honour of Surah al-Hashr (The Banishment)
being a neighbour of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).
It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq that if surah This surah is ‘madani’ and it has 24 ayaat. It is
al-Hadid and al-Mujadilah are recited in the faraa’idh narrated that whoever recites this surah will be sent
(compulsory prayers) frequently, then the reciter will never salutations from Jannah, Jahannam, the angels, the
face any punishment of Allah (s.w.t.) in this world and will Heavens, the Earth, the trees, the birds, the sun and the
not see any evil from his family. If recited by a prisoner, he moon and these will pray for the forgiveness of his sins.
will be released soon. If worn on the neck as a talisman, the When he dies, he will die a martyr. If a person recites both
wearer will not be killed in war. This surah also makes one surah ar-Rahman and surah al-Hashr then one angel will be
courageous. assigned to protect him at all times.
If a four-rak’ah prayer is recited where after surah al- This surah has 14 ayaat and it was revealed in
Hamd surah al-Hashr is recited, then whatever important Madinah. It is narrated that is a person recites this surah, as
work one goes to do will be successful (with the condition long as he remains alive, Prophet Isa (a.s.) seeks
that it is not a sin). Drinking water in which this surah has forgiveness from Allah (s.w.t.) for him and he will be from
been dissolved is good for memory and concentration. If among the friends of Prophet Isa (a.s.) on the Day of
this surah is recited for forty consecutive days without Reckoning.
missing a day, it will make even the hardest task become an Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) has said that the
easy one. person who recites this surah will be placed in the group of
angels and Prophets on the Day of Judgement. If this surah
Surah al-Mumtahanah (The Examined One) is continually recited during a dangerous journey, the
reciter is protected until he reaches his destination.
This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 13
verses. It is narrated from Imam Ali Zainul Abideen (a.s.) Surah al-Jumu’ah (The Friday)
that if a person recites this surah in any of his prayers
(salaat), his heart will become filled with faith and belief. This is a ‘madani’ surah and it has 11 ayaat. Imam
On the Day of Judgement, all the believing men and women Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that if this surah is recited
will pray for him to be forgiven by Allah (s.w.t.). frequently in the mornings and evenings, the reciter is
Recitation of this surah increases the acuity of vision protected from the influence of Shaitan and his temptations.
and protects the reciter and his children from insanity. The His sins are also forgiven.
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that angels send salutations In another narration it is said that if a person recites
and pray for the forgiveness of the one who recites this this surah daily, he will be safe from every dangerous and
surah. If he dies on that day then he will have died as a frightening thing.
martyr. Drinking water in which this surah has been
dissolved also acts as a cure for some ailments. Surah al-Munafiqun (The Hypocrites)

Surah as-Saff (The Ranks) There are 11 verses in this ‘madani’ surah. It is
narrated that Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that it is
required of our followers that they recite, in their prayers on
Thursday nights, surah al-Jumu’ah and surah al-A’ala, and Talaq and surah at-Tahrim are recited in the faraa’idh then
on Fridays, at the time of noon prayers, surah al-Jumu’ah the reciter will be protected by Allah (s.w.t.) from the fear
and surah al-Munafiqun. Whoever does this, it will be like of the Day of Judgement and he will enter Jannah.
he has obeyed the command of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), In another narration it is said that the one who recites
and his reward will be Jannah. this surah will be given the inspiration to perform Tawbatan
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that by the recitation Nasuha (the sincere repentance to Allah [s.w.t.]).
of this surah, a person stays free from Shirk and hypocrisy.
Recitation of this surah over a wound will heal it and over Surah at-Tahrim (The Prohibition)
any ache will cure the ache. In fact, it is a cure for all
diseases and ailments. This ‘madani’ surah has 12 ayaat. It is narrated from
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that the one who recites this surah
Surah at-Taghabun (The Loss And Gain) will be from those who always seek sincere repentance
from Allah (s.w.t.). The recitation of this surah and drinking
This surah has 18 ayaat and it was revealed in of its water acts as a cure from many ailments and diseases.
Madinah. It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that If this surah is recited by a person who is not getting
the person who recites this surah will be safe at the time of sleep then he will be able to sleep and if recited by a person
his death. who is frightened, he will become calm. Frequent recitation
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that if a person also helps a person who is in debt to clear his debts.
recites this surah in the faraa’idh (compulsory prayers) then
on the Day of Judgement this surah itself will intercede on Surah al-Mulk (The Kingdom)
his behalf until he is allowed to enter Jannah. It is also
narrated that one who recites this surah will be protected This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 30
from the tyranny of the rulers. ayaat. It is also called Munjiyah because it saves the one
who recites it from the torment of the grave. The Holy
Surah at-Talaq (The Divorce) Prophet (s.a.w.) likened the recitation of this surah to the
staying awake on the night of Qadr. He (s.a.w.) also wished
This surah was revealed in Madinah and it has 12 that every believer would memorize this surah and know it
verses. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that if surah at-
by heart. He said that this surah will remove its reciter from The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that reciting this
Hellfire and take him to Jannah. surah makes the accounting of deeds on the Day of
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that reciting this Reckoning easier. If this surah is worn as a talisman by a
surah at night keeps one under the protection of Allah pregnant woman, then her baby will be safe. Giving water
(s.w.t.) until morning. Recitation on the night of Eid gives in which this surah has been dissolved to a child will make
the reward of staying awake the whole night in worship. If his memory and intellect improve. Imam Muhammad al-
recited on a person who has just died, his soul gets Baqir (a.s.) said that the one who recites this surah will
immediate relief. Memorizing this surah has great reward. never loose his religion.
If memorized, this surah acts as a protection from the
torment of the grave, and it intercedes on behalf of the one Surah al-Ma’arij (The Ways of Ascent)
who has memorized it on the Day of Judgement.
This surah has 44 ayaat and it was revealed in
Surah al-Qalam (The Pen) Makkah. It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that
the reward for reciting this surah is equivalent to the total
There are 52 verses in this ‘makki’ surah. The Holy number of people who keep up prayer and safeguard the
Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that the one who recites this surah property which has been entrusted to them.
will never face financial difficulties. Writing this surah and Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) has said that the one
tying it to any part of the body that is suffering from pain who recites this surah will have his sins hidden on the Day
alleviates the pain. of Judgement and he will enter Jannah alongside the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.). If a prisoner recites this surah, he will
Surah al-Haqqah (The Sure Calamity) secure his release. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that if
this surah is recited before sleeping, one keeps safe from
This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 52 the temptations of Shaitan.
verses. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has advised that this
surah should be recited often in prayers as this is a sign of Surah Nuh
faith. This surah has praise for Imam Ali (a.s.) and insult for
Mu’awiya ibn Aba Sufyan. This surah has 28 ayaat and it is ‘makki’. The Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.) said that those who recite this surah will
get a reward equal to the number of people who believe in
Prophet Nuh (a.s.). There are 20 ayaat in this surah and it was revealed
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that those who in Makkah. Some scholars say that it was revealed in
believe in Allah (s.w.t.), His Prophet (s.a.w.) and recite the Madinah. It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that a
Holy Qur’an, should never leave out surah Nuh as they will person who recites this surah will never face bad times. The
gain a place among the favoured servants of Allah (s.w.t.) person who recites it in the Isha or Tahajjud prayers always
by reciting it. He will get three places in Jannah instead of remains pure of heart and even dies while he is in a pure
one and he will be given 200 houries. Any supplications state.
made after reciting this surah are quickly answered. The Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that a person who
one who recites this surah often will not die until he sees his recites this surah properly will get a chance to meet the
place in Jannah. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and if he prays for something from
Allah (s.w.t.) he will get it. Reciting surah al-Muzammil a
Surah al-Jinn hundred times on Thursday night leads to the forgiving of a
hundred major sins and procures a hundred rewards.
This ‘makki’ surah has 28 ayaat. It is narrated from Recitation of this surah protects one from insanity and from
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that frequent recitation of this being a slave to people.
surah is a protection from Jinn and the reciter will be in the
company of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) on the Day of Surah al-Mudathir (The Clothed One)
Resurrection. This surah also protects one from the evil
actions of an unjust person. This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 56
Prisoners secure early release by reciting this surah ayaat. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) has said that the
and those who recite it properly will never face poverty or person who recites this surah in his compulsory prayers will
starvation. Keeping this surah in one’s possession ensures attain a rank near the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) in the hereafter
safety from the Jinn, victory in debate or confrontation, and and will be protected from any misfortunes in this world.
safety of possession and wealth. Debts are also easily paid If this surah is recited daily and then a dua is made
back. after its recitation, then the dua will be answered and the
need will be fulfilled. If one makes dua that he wishes to
Surah al-Muzammil (The Wrapped)
memorize the whole Qur’an then he will not die until he has war brings victory. Drinking water in which this surah has
memorized it. been dissolved is good for those with heart problems.

Surah al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) Surah al-Mursalaat (The Emissaries)

This surah has 40 ayaat and it is ‘makki’. It is This is a ‘makki’ surah and it has 50 ayaat. The Holy
narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that the person who Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that the one who recites this surah
recites this surah will be counted from among those who will not be counted from the Mushrikeen (polytheists). He
believed in the Day of Judgement and his face will be will always be victorious over his enemy.
shining when he is raised from his grave. It is also narrated It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that
that frequent reciters will be raised with handsome and drinking this surah after it is written, and then dissolved in
attractive faces on the Day of Judgement. water that is mixed with the water from an onion, acts as a
Recitation of this surah increases sustenance and cure from aches and pains. Keeping this surah, written on
protects the life and possessions of the reciter. He is liked deerskin, as a talisman, enables one to reduce the amount of
by people. Surah al-Qiyamah also makes a person chaste, time he sleeps and he will be able to stay awake for a longer
humble and sincere. Drinking water in which this surah has time.
been written keeps the heart safe from ailments.
Surah an-Naba (The Great Event)
Surah ad-Dahr (The Period)
There are 40 verses in this ‘makki’ surah. Imam
This surah is also called al-Insan (The Man). It was Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that whoever recites this surah
revealed in Makkah and it has 31 ayaat. It is narrated from everyday will be fortunate enough to visit Masjidul Haraam
the Holy Prophet (s.w.t.) that the reward for reciting this in the same year. The Holy Prophet (a.s.) said that
surah is Jannah and its bounties. memorization of this surah carries great reward.
If a person recites this surah, especially on Thursday If this surah is recited with the intention of staying
mornings, he will be rewarded with a hundred houries and awake, then the reciter will not fall asleep and if it is recited
four thousand slaves in Jannah and he will be given a place before travelling then the journey will become easy.
close to that of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). Reciting it win
Drinking water in which this surah has been dissolved cures opened. Whoever wishes that Allah (s.w.t.) should show
stomach problems. him His Mercy on the Day of Judgement should recite this
Surah an-Nazi’aat (Those who Pull Out) Recitation of this surah is especially good for the
eyes. It improves vision and removes any ailments of the
This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 42 eyes.
ayaat. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that the reward
for reciting this surah is ten times the number of entities in Surah al-Infitaar (The Cleaving Asunder)
the Heavens.
There are 19 ayaat in this surah and it was revealed
Surah ‘Abasa (He Frowned) in Makkah. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that if a person
recites this surah frequently in his prayers then on the Day
This surah has 42 verses and it was revealed in of Judgement there will be no curtain between Allah (s.w.t.)
Makkah. It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that and himself and when his book of deeds will be opened,
the person who recites this surah will come out of his grave Allah (s.w.t.) will protect him from humiliation.
laughing on the Day of Resurrection. If a prisoner writes this surah and keeps it with him,
Writing this surah as a talisman on deerskin and he will be released sooner and he will be saved from any
keeping it in one’s possession makes one successful in all dangers. It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq that even
his endeavours. If it is recited during a journey, then the if the sins of the one who recites this surah are equal to the
traveller will return home safely. Whoever recites this surah drops of rain, he will still be forgiven. This surah is also
with surah at-Takweer will be under the shade of the Holy good for the eyes and one should blow gently into the eyes
Prophet (s.a.w.) in Jannah. after reciting this surah.

Surah at-Takwir (The Covering Up) Surah al-Mutaffin (The Defrauders)

This ‘makki’ surah has 29 ayaat. The Holy Prophet This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 36
(s.a.w.) said that the person who recites this surah will be verses. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that if a person
happy on the day when the book of deeds of people will be recites this surah in his faraa’idh prayers, he will be safe
from Jahannam. He will not even see it, hear it or even Reciting this surah saves one from dangers and if
come close to it. His accounts for deeds will not be taken. recited before sleeping, one is kept under the protection of
It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that if Allah (s.w.t.) for the whole night. When trying to wean a
this surah is recited on a treasure, it will remain safe. In baby (stop it from breastfeeding and start eating solid
fact, reciting it on anything keeps it safe, even from the foods), this surah should be written and tied as a talisman
vermin of the Earth. around the baby’s neck.

Surah al-Inshiqaq (The Bursting Asunder) Surah at-Taariq (The Night-Comer)

This surah has 25 ayaat and it was revealed in This surah has 17 ayaat and it is a ‘makki’ surah. The
Makkah. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that the one Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that the reward for reciting
who recites this surah will not get his book of deeds from this surah is equivalent to ten times the number of heavenly
his back on the Day of Reckoning. bodies in space.
If written and worn by a pregnant woman, the Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has narrated that if surah
delivery of the baby becomes easy. However, it is important at-Taariq is recited in compulsory prayers, then the reciter
that after delivery, this surah should be kept away from her. is honoured by Allah (s.w.t.) and will get the opportunity of
If this surah is tied on any animal (eg. camels or horses) being with the Prophets (a.s.). Reciting this surah over
then it keeps them safe. anything keeps it safe. If recited before taking medicine,
then the medicine will be a sure cure. The water in which
this surah has been dissolved should be poured gently on a
Surah al-Buruj (The Mansion of Stars) wound and it will heal with the Grace of Allah (s.w.t.).

This ‘makki’ surah has 22 ayaat. It is narrated from Surah al-A’ala (The Most High)
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that the one who recites this surah
will be near the Prophets and Messengers on the Day of There are 19 verses in this surah and it was revealed
Judgement. The reward for reciting this surah is ten times in Makkah. It is narrated that the reciter of this surah will
the number of people who gather on the plains of Arafah. get the reward equal to ten times the number of letters in the
divine books that were revealed to the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.), Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) and Prophet Musa (a.s.). It It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that the
is also said that in the hereafter, he will be told to enter one who recites this surah, Allah (s.w.t.) will forgive his
Jannah through whichever door he pleases. sins amounting to ten times the number of people who
Imam Ali (a.s.) used to recite this surah often in his recite this surah. On the Day of Reckoning he will have a
compulsory prayers. Surah al-A’ala is also good for shining light. If this surah is written as a talisman and then
relieving ear pains and other ailments. tied to one’s back, after which he goes into his wife, then
Allah (s.w.t.) will give him a child who will be a means of
Surah al-Ghashiyah (The Overwhelming Calamity) pride and blessings for him.

This is a ‘makki’ surah and it has 26 ayaat. It is Surah al-Balad (The City)
narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that the one who
recites this surah will not face difficulty in the accounting This surah has 10 verses and it was revealed in
of deeds on the Day of Judgement and Allah (s.w.t.) will Makkah. the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that whoever
show Mercy to him and save him from Jahannam. recites this surah will be safe from the Wrath of Allah
Reciting this surah near a baby removes fright from (s.w.t.) on the Day of Reckoning. Those who recite this
him and stops his crying. Imam Ali (a.s.) has said that if surah in their faraa’idh prayers, will be counted among the
this surah is recited over a part of the body which is pious and will given a highly status in the company of the
paining, the pain will go away and if recited over food Prophets and martyrs.
items, it removes any bad effects of that food. Writing this surah as a talisman and tying it around
the neck of a child keeps him safe from illness. Water in
Surah al-Fajr (The Daybreak) which this surah has been dissolved, if put in the nostrils,
acts as a cure for nose ailments.
This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 30
ayaat. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) urged believers to recite Surah as-Shams (The Sun)
this surah in their prayers as it is the surah of Imam Hussein
(a.s.) and the one who recites it often will be in the This is a ‘makki’ surah and has 15 ayaat. It is
company of Imam Hussein (a.s.) on the Day of Judgement. narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that the reward for
reciting this surah is compared to the things upon which the If recited together with name of a person who has
sun and the moon shine. gone missing, he will return home safe and sound. If
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that the person something is forgotten somewhere by mistake, the
who recites surah as-Shams, al-Layl, ad-Dhuha and al- recitation of this surah keeps its safe until you get it back.
Inshirah will, on the Day of Judgement, find all creatures of
the earth testifying on his behalf and Allah will accept their Surah al-Inshirah (The Expansion)
testimony and give him a place in Jannah. Recitation of this
surah also leads to an increase in sustenance, courage and This surah has 8 ayaat and it is ‘makki’. The Holy
popularity amongst the people. Prophet (s.a.w.) said that Allah (s.w.t.) grants good fortune
and Yaqeen (certitude) in religion, to the person who recites
Surah al-Layl (The night) this surah.
Recitation of this surah is also good for relieving
There are 21 ayaat in this surah and it was revealed chest pains. Drinking water in which this surah has been
in Makkah. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that the dissolved is a cure for problems while urination and heart
reward of reciting this surah is so much that the one who ailments.
recites it will be pleased when he sees it in his Book of
Deeds. His inspiration of good deeds (Tawfiq) will also Surah at-Teen (the Fig)
If recited 15 times before sleeping, one will dream This surah was revealed in Makkah and has 8 verses.
about what pleases him most. Reciting it in the I’sha Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said the reward for reciting
prayers, carries the reward of completing a quarter of the this surah in prayers is a great palace in Jannah
holy Qur’an and is guaranteed that the prayers are accepted. It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that the
reward given to the person who recites this surah cannot be
Surah adh-Dhuha ( The Brightness) counted. If recited on food, it’s evil effects are removed.
The one who recites this surah is compared to the person
This surah was revealed in Makkah and has 11 who has visited the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and had his needs
verses. It is narrated from the holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that fulfilled by him.
Allah (s.w.t.) is pleased with person who recites this surah.
Surah al-Alaq (The Clot) paying back of loans, one should seek forgiveness and
should recite surah Qadr as many times as possible.
There are 19 ayaat in this surah and it was revealed Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that for pious
in Makkah. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that whoever children, one should keep his right hand on his wife and
recites this surah in the daytime or at night, and then passes recite this surah 7 times before going into her. If recited
away, he will be counted amongst the martyrs who died seven times on the grave of a believer, his sins will be
while fighting on the side of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) forgiven.
It is highly recommended to recite this surah while
travelling and it acts as a safety from accidents. If recited on Surah al-Bayyinah (The Clear Evidence)
a treasure, it remains safe.
This surah has 8 ayaat and it is a ‘madani’ surah. The
Surah al-Qadr (The Majesty) Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that if people knew the benefits
of reciting this surah, they would leave their work in order
This is a ‘makki’ surah with 5 ayaat. Imam to learn it.
Mohammad al-Baqir (a.s.) has said that whoever recites this If a person recites this surah at night, then Allah
surah with a loud voice, it is as if he has lifted his sword to (s.w.t.) sends angels to protect the reciter and his faith is
fight in the way of Allah (s.w.t.) and whoever recites it also secure. The angels seek forgiveness for him. The
slowly in his mind, it is as if he has been sacrificed in the reward for reciting this surah is equal to all those things on
way of Allah and has died a martyr. this Earth upon which the sun shines.
If a person recites this surah ten times, one thousand Writing and drinking water of this surah is beneficial
sins of his are forgiven. If recited in compulsory prayers, all for cure of ailments. Surah al-Bayyinah is also good for
previous sins are forgiven. It is narrated from the Holy pregnant women and helps to ensure their safety and the
Prophet (s.a.w.) that reciting this surah once carries the safety of their babies. Reciting this surah before eating food
reward of fasting for the whole month of Ramadhan. removes any ill effects of the foods.
Constant recitation of this surah, increases sustenance.
If surah Qadr is recited 11 times before sleeping, the
reciter remains safe the whole night. Recitation in front of
an enemy keeps one safe from his evil designs. For the
Surah al-Zilzaal (The Earthquake) If recited by a person in fear, this surah brings him to
safety; if recited by a hungry person, it helps in his finding
This surah was revealed in Madinah and it has 8 sustenance; if recited by a thirsty person, his thirst will be
ayaat. It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that quenched.
whoever recites this surah in his nawafil (recommended)
prayers will not die as a result of an earthquake and will be Surah al-Qari’ah (The Terrible Calamity)
saved from all the natural calamities.
The experience of death is made easy for the one who This is a ‘makki’ surah which has 11 ayaat. Imam
recites this surah and he sees the light of Jannah as he is Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) has said that the person who
about to die. Then, seventy thousand angels accompany his frequently recites this surah will be saved from the heat of
soul to the heavens. Keeping this surah in one’s possession hellfire.
is a safety from tyrant rulers. If a businessman or a person in financial difficulties
keeps this surah in his possession, the doors of sustenance
Surah al-‘Aadiyaat (The Assaulters) will be opened to him. Recitation of this surah in prayers
also increases in one’s sustenance. Water in which this
There are 11 verses in this surah and it was revealed surah has been dissolved is useful in keeping away
in Makkah. In a tradition from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) it unwanted pests (eg. Insects and rodents).
is said that the reward for reciting this surah is equivalent to
ten times the number who are present in ‘Arafah and
Muzdalifa at the time of Hajj. Surah at-Takathur (The Multiplication of Wealth)
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that those people
who recite surah al-‘Aadiyaat everyday will be counted This surah has 8 ayaat and it was revealed in
from the companions of Ameerul Mu’mineen (a.s.) and it Makkah. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that whoever
has also been narrated that reciting this surah daily carries recites this surah before going to sleep at night will be
the reward of reciting the entire Qur’an. If a person has saved from the torments of the grave. If this surah is recited
many creditors, recitation of this surah will help clear his in faraa’idh prayers, the reciter will get the reward of a
debts. hundred martyrs. If recited in the nawafil prayers, he will
get the reward of fifty martyrs.
It is especially recommended to recite surah at- Reciting surah al-Humazah in compulsory prayers
Takathur in the ‘Asr prayers and the person who does this keeps a person safe from poverty. Sustenance comes
remains under the protection of Allah until the day ends. towards him. His death will not be of a sudden and
Recitation of this surah is a cure from headaches. Another terrifying nature. This surah is also a cure for pain in the
way of reciting salaat al-Wahshat (apart from the eyes and should be recited before blowing gently into the
commonly known way) is to recite Ayahul Kursi once and eyes for relief from pain. Keeping this surah in a talisman
surah al-Ikhlas twice after the al-Hamd of the first rak’aat around one’s neck acts as a protection from the ‘evil eye’.
and then recite surah at-Takaathur ten times after the al-
Hamd of the second rak’aat. Surah al-Feel (The Elephant)

Surah al-‘Asr (The Time) This is a ‘makki’ surah with 5 verses. It is narrated
from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq that whoever recites this surah
There are 3 ayaat in this ‘makki’ surah. Imam Ja’far in his faraa’idh prayers, the mountains will bear witness on
as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that the person who recites this the Day of Judgement that he prayed and he will be taken to
surah in his recommended prayers will have a shining face Jannah on the command of Allah (s.w.t.).
on the Day of Judgement. The person who recites this surah is kept safe from
The one who recites this surah will be patient in his enemies and has his difficulties and problems solved
adversity and will be counted from among the people of quickly. Recitation of this surah is also helpful in remaining
truth. If this surah is written after ‘Isha prayers and kept, it safe from evil tyrant rulers.
will be a safety from the tyrant ruler in whose presence one
is brought. Surah al-Quraysh

Surah al-Humazah (The Slanderer) This surah has 4 ayaat and it was revealed in
Makkah. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that the one who
This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 9 recites this surah will get the reward of ten times the
ayaat. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that the reward for number of people performing Tawaaf and I’tekaaf.
reciting this surah can be compared to ten times the number The recitation of surah al-Feel and al-Quraysh in the
of disbelievers who were present in Makkah. compulsory prayers carries great reward. If this surah is
recited on food, its ill effects are removed. Those with heart to ten times the number of cattle slaughtered on Eid-ul-
conditions should recite this surah and then gently blow Adh’ha every year until the Day of Resurrection.
into some drinking water and drink it. If a poor person
recites this surah before sunrise, Allah (s.w.t.) will make it Surah al-Kaafirun (The Disbelievers)
easy for him to get his sustenance.
This surah is ‘makki’ and has 6 verses. The Holy
Surah al-Maa’un (The Daily Necessities) Prophet (s.a.w.) said that reciting this surah carries the
reward of reciting a quarter of the Holy Qur’an. The
This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 7 recitation of this surah drives away Shaitan and keeps one
verses. It is narrated from Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) safe from Shirk.
that if a person recites this surah in any of his prayers, then It is also among the five surahs that have been
they will be accepted. recommended to be recited during a journey, the others
The sins of those who recite this surah are forgiven. being surah an-Nasr, at-Tawhid, al-Falaq and an-Naas.
If recited a hundred times after the Fajr prayers, one Reciting surah al-Kafirun and at-Tawheed in compulsory
remains safe until the next day’s Fajr time. Imam Ja’far as- prayers is a means for forgiveness of sins for the reciter, his
Sadiq (a.s.) said that if a person recites surah al-Maa’un parents and his children. If a person dies after reciting this
fourty-one times every day, he and his family will remain surah, it is as if he has died a martyr. Recitation of this
free from being dependant on others for their sustenance. (It surah before sleeping keeps one safe the whole night.
is recommended that salawaat should also be recited after
the first and last ten times) Surah an-Nasr (The Assistance)

Surah al-Kawthar (The Heavenly Spring) This surah was revealed in Madinah and it has 3
ayaat. It is narrated that whoever recites this surah in
There are 3 ayaat in this ‘makki’ surah. It is narrated compulsory prayers will always be victorious over his
from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that the person who recites enemies. On the Day of Judgement he will be given a book
this surah in any of his prayers, will drink from the fountain in which it will be written that he is free from hellfire.
of Kawthar. The reward for reciting this surah is compared Recitation of this surah in the prayers ensures that the
prayers are accepted. The one who recites this surah
frequently is held in the same status as those who were with 11 times, the reciter will have palaces built for him in
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) when Makkah was conquered. Jannah.
When a person recites this surah 100 times, all his
Surah al-Lahab (The Flame) sins for the past 25 years are forgiven (except the sins of
killing an innocent person or usurping the property of
There are 5 verses in this surah and it is ‘makki’. people). The one who recites it 1000 times will not die
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) advised that whenever a person unless he sees his place in Jannah.
recites this surah, he should curse Abu Lahab because of his The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) once advised a poor person
he mistreated the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and showed to always say ‘salaam’ when entering his house, even if
disrespect to him. there was nobody there, and then recite surah at-Tawheed.
It is narrated that recitation of this surah is good for After a little while, the man became abundantly wealthy.
relieving back pains and reciting it before sleeping keeps It is narrated that if a person does not recite this surah
one safe in the night. in any of his five daily prayers, it is as if he has not prayed.
In fact, if a person does not recite this surah in any of his
Surah at-Tawheed (The Unity) prayers for seven consecutive days, and he dies, it will be as
if he died while following the religion of Abu Lahab.
This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 4 It is makruh to recite this surah in one breath. This
verses. It is also known as surah al-Ikhlaas. It is narrated surah has numerous other benefits and is a cure for many
from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that whoever recites this ailments. It should be recited when travelling or when
surah once will get the reward equal to ten times the facing a tyrant ruler.
number of people who have believed in the Islamic
This surah has many other rewards and its recitation Surah al-Falaq (The Dawn)
is compared to reciting a third of the Holy Qur’an. Reciting
it once is a means of blessings for the reciter, if recited This is a ‘madani’ surah and it has 5 ayaat. It is
twice then the blessings are also showered upon the narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that whoever recites
children of the reciter. Reciting it thrice brings blessings on this surah in the month of Ramadhan in any of his prayers,
the entire family of the reciter. If surah al-Ikhlas is recited
it is as if he has fasted in Makkah and he will get the reward
for performing Hajj and ‘Umra.
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) said that in the
prayer of Shafa’a (in Salaatul-layl) one should recite surah
al-Falaq in the first rak’aat and an-Naas in the second.

Surah an-Naas (The Man)

This surah was revealed in Madinah and it has 6

ayaat. Surah an-Naas and al-Falaq are together called
Ma’udhatayn. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that
whoever recites this surah in his house every night, will be
kept safe from Jinnaat and the evil designs of Shaitan.
If this surah is put around the neck of a child as a
talisman, the child will be protected from Jinnat. Reciting
the Ma’udhatayn before sleeping is a means of safety and if
recited on any part of the body that is paining, the pain will
be relieved.
It is narrated that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) once advised
one of his companions, who was in debt, to recite this
ayah after every prayer and then supplicate to Allah
SECTION TWO (s.w.t.) for the repayment of his debts saying that even if
Benefits of reciting various verses of the Holy Qur’an the debts are equal to the entire land on Earth, they will
be repaid.

Verses to be recited after prayers 3. Ayah al-Kursi (Surah al-Baqarah : 255-257)

It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that there is
Some actions are to be performed after the no barrier between the person who recites this ayah after
completion of every compulsory prayer and these are called every prayer and Jannah except for death ie. he will be
Ta’qibaat. Out of the numerous actions that have been taste the pleasures of Jannah immediately after his
recommended, there are a few verses of the Holy Qur’an death, and only that person will be able to recite it who
that have also been prescribed and carry much reward if is pious and righteous.
recited after the daily prayers.
The following is a list of the verses that should be 4. Ayah al-Madhkurah (Surah ar-Rum : 17-22)
recited and a note of the reward gained for the recitation of Whoever recites this after every compulsory prayer will
each one. get a reward equal to drops of rain and grains of sand.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has highly recommended the
1. Ayah ash-Shahada (Surah Ale Imran : 18-19) recitation of this ayah especially during the early
In the commentary of Majma’ul Bayaan, it is narrated morning and evening times.
from the Holy Prophet that those who recite this ayah
make a covenant with Allah (s.w.t.) and Allah always 5. Ayah as-Sakhrah (Surah A’araaf : 54)
fulfils His covenants. If this ayah is recited after every This should also be recited after every prayer. The
prayer, then Jannah is guaranteed to the reciter. benefit of reciting this ayah is that it acts as a protection
from Shaitan. It is said that the one who recites this ayah
2. Ayah al-Mulk (Surah Ale Imran : 26-27) is protected against the plots of Shaitan even if he is
alone in the desert.
: 67] before going to sleep, he will be safe from drowning
Other recitations are also recommended, for example, (if he is sleeping on a ship) or burning (in his home).
it is said in a narration that whoever recites surah at- Recitation of [surah al-Kahf : 110] is good for
Tawheed after prayers will wed a Hur-ul-Ein in Jannah. It is making a person wake up at a particular time. All that has
recommended that surah at-Tawheed be recited ten times to be done is to make an intention of the exact time you
after every prayer and this leads to being forgiven be Allah wish to wake up and then recite this ayah before sleeping.
(s.w.t.) and being blessed with the good of this world and Surah at-Takathur is also recommended and the Holy
the hereafter. Prophet (s.a.w.) said that whoever recites it before sleeping
For the sake of brevity, here is a list of ayaat and will be saved from the horrors of the grave.
surahs that are also recommended to be recited after prayers
: Recitations specifically for Thursday nights and Fridays
a) Surah al-Ahzaab : 56
b) Surah al-Baqarah : 285-286 It is recorded that if a person recites surah Bani-
c) Surah al-Kahf : 109-110 Isra’il on Thursday night, he will meet the 12th Imam (a.t.f.)
d) Surah as-Saffaat : 1-10 and then the last three ayaat. and will be among his companions. The one who recites
e) Surah ar-Rahman : 33-36 surah al-Kahf will die a martyr and will be raised with the
f) Surah al-Hashr : 21-24 martyrs on the Day of Judgement.
g) Surah al-An’aam : 1-3 Whoever recites surah Saad on Thursday night will
h) Surah al-Falaq, an-Naas, ar-Rahman al-Qadr, al-Fatehah, be blessed with good in this world and good in the hereafter
Yaseen, al-Waaqiyah, al-Mulk, ad-Dahar and an-Naba are to such an extent that nobody except the prophets and those
all recommended. who are very close to Allah (s.w.t.) will get a similar
Verses to be recited before sleeping If surah ad-Dukhan is recited on this night, all his
sins will be forgiven. He will get the reward equivalent to
It is narrated that whoever recites [surah al-Fatir : 41] that of freeing a thousand slaves for each letter he recites
before going to sleep is kept safe from the collapse of his and seventy thousand angels will pray for his sins to be
home on top of him. Imam Ali (a.s.) has said that if a forgiven. The one who recites surah al-Waqi’ah will be
person recites [surah al-A’araaf : 196] and [surah az-Zumar counted from the friends of Allah (s.w.t.). The other surahs
that have been recommended on Thursday nights are surah in terms of earning an income. Reciting surah adh-
an-Naml, al-Qasas and Hamim Sajdah. Dhariyaat every day also increases sustenance.
On the day of Friday, the surahs that are highly Writing [al-Fatir : 29-30] and keeping it at the place
recommended are surah al-Ikhlaas, an-Naas, al-Falaq, at- of trade also acts as a means of increase in income. Keeping
Tawba, al-Kahf, as-Saffaat, ar-Rahman, an-Nisaa, Hud and [al-Jumu’ah : 4] together with your goods for sale brings
al-Qadr. All these carry great reward and should be recited blessing and keeps the goods safe from damage. Drinking
if possible. Imam Ali (a.s.) has said that whoever recites water in which surah Yusuf has been dissolved (after
surah an-Nisaa on Fridays will be protected from the writing) also increases sustenance.
torments of the grave. The one who recites surah Hud will
be counted with the prophets and messengers and his sins Verses that help to quickly repay debts
will be forgiven.
The benefit of reciting surah al-Kahf is that all sins of As mentioned earlier, ayah al-Mulk [Ale Imran : 26-
the past week are forgiven. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said 27] should be recited for those who wish to repay their
that if a person recites surah as-Saffaat on this day, he will debts. One should recite this ayah and then supplicate to
be protected from all calamities and misfortunes. The one Allah (s.w.t.) that he wishes to repay his debts and seeks
who recites surah ar-Rahman will have a shining face on help for doing so. For the same purpose, the last two verses
the Day of Judgement. of surah al-Baqarah should also be recited after every ‘Isha
It is also recommended to recite [at-Tawba :128-129] prayer.
and [al-Hashr : 21-24] on Friday mornings. The recitation of ayah al-Kursi after every prayer and
reciting surah al-Waaqi’ah 41 times are other means of
Recitations for increase in sustenance getting divine assistance in the repaying of debts.

It is narrated that writing surah al-Mu’min at night

and then keeping it in one’s place of business increases
sustenance. Keeping surah al-Hijr in one’s pocket or tied to
the arm is also a means of increase in livelihood. Surah al-
Qaari’ah should be worn around the neck and surah al-
Waaqi’ah should be recited every night to stay independent

In Conclusion…

It would be right to argue that the material presented

in this book is in no way exhaustive. There is much more
benefit in the recitation of the Holy Qur’an than can be
imagined or perceived. What you have read is just a drop in
the ocean, but it should be enough to convince anyone to
read Qur’an more regularly and try to ponder over it.

In conclusion, we all pray to Allah (s.w.t.) to make

our hearts attached to the Holy Qur’an and make us able to
understand its teachings and guidance.

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