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Linear Algebra - Part II: Projection, Eigendecomposition, SVD

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Linear Algebra - Part II

Projection, Eigendecomposition, SVD

Punit Shah

(Adapted from Sargur Srihari’s slides)

Brief Review from Part 1

◮ Symmetric Matrix:
A = AT

◮ Orthogonal Matrix:

AT A = AAT = I and A−1 = AT

◮ L2 Norm: 󰁶󰁛
||x||2 = xi2

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Angle Between Vectors
◮ Dot product of two vectors can be written in terms of
their L2 norms and the angle θ between them.

aT b = ||a||2 ||b||2 cos(θ)

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Cosine Similarity

◮ Cosine between two vectors is a measure of their

cos(θ) =
||a|| ||b||
◮ Orthogonal Vectors: Two vectors a and b are
orthogonal to each other if a · b = 0.

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Vector Projection
◮ Given two vectors a and b, let b̂ = b
be the unit vector
in the direction of b.
◮ Then a1 = a1 b̂ is the orthogonal projection of a onto a
straight line parallel to b, where
a1 = ||a|| cos(θ) = a · b̂ = a ·

Image taken from wikipedia.

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Diagonal Matrix
◮ Diagonal matrix has mostly zeros with non-zero entries
only in the diagonal, e.g. identity matrix.

◮ A square diagonal matrix with diagonal elements given by

entries of vector v is denoted:

◮ Multiplying vector x by a diagonal matrix is efficient:

diag(v)x = v ⊙ x
◮ Inverting a square diagonal matrix is efficient:
󰀓 1 1 󰀔
diag(v)−1 = diag [ , . . . , ]T
v1 vn

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◮ Determinant of a square matrix is a mapping to a scalar.

det(A) or |A|
◮ Measures how much multiplication by the matrix expands
or contracts the space.

◮ Determinant of product is the product of determinants:

det(AB) = det(A)det(B)

Image taken from wikipedia.

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List of Equivalencies

The following are all equivalent:

◮ A is invertible, i.e. A−1 exists.

◮ Ax = b has a unique solution.
◮ Columns of A are linearly independent.
◮ det(A) ∕= 0
◮ Ax = 0 has a unique, trivial solution: x = 0.

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Zero Determinant

If det(A) = 0, then:

◮ A is linearly dependent.

◮ Ax = b has no solution or infinitely many solutions.

◮ Ax = 0 has a non-zero solution.

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Matrix Decomposition

◮ We can decompose an integer into its prime factors, e.g.

12 = 2 × 2 × 3.

◮ Similarly, matrices can be decomposed into factors to

learn universal properties:

A = Vdiag(λ)V−1

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◮ An eigenvector of a square matrix A is a nonzero vector v

such that multiplication by A only changes the scale of v.

Av = λv

◮ The scalar λ is known as the eigenvalue.

◮ If v is an eigenvector of A, so is any rescaled vector sv.

Moreover, sv still has the same eigenvalue. Thus, we
constrain the eigenvector to be of unit length:

||v|| = 1

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Characteristic Polynomial
◮ Eigenvalue equation of matrix A:

Av = λv
Av − λv = 0
(A − λI)v = 0
◮ If nonzero solution for v exists, then it must be the case
det(A − λI) = 0

◮ Unpacking the determinant as a function of λ, we get:

|A − λI| = (λ1 − λ)(λ2 − λ) . . . (λn − λ) = 0

◮ The λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λn are roots of the characteristic
polynomial, and are eigenvalues of A.
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◮ Consider the matrix:
󰀗 󰀘
2 1
A =
1 2
◮ The characteristic polynomial is:
󰀗 󰀘
2−λ 1
det(A − λI) = det = 3 − 4λ + λ2 = 0
1 2−λ
◮ It has roots λ = 1 and λ = 3 which are the two
eigenvalues of A.

◮ We can then solve for eigenvectors using Av = λv:

vλ=1 = [1, −1]T and vλ=3 = [1, 1]T

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◮ Suppose that n × n matrix A has n linearly independent

eigenvectors {v(1) , . . . , v(n) } with eigenvalues
{λ1 , . . . , λn }.

◮ Concatenate eigenvectors to form matrix V.

◮ Concatenate eigenvalues to form vector

λ = [λ1 , . . . , λn ]T .

◮ The eigendecomposition of A is given by:

A = Vdiag(λ)V−1

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Symmetric Matrices
◮ Every real symmetric matrix A can be decomposed into
real-valued eigenvectors and eigenvalues:
◮ Q is an orthogonal matrix of the eigenvectors of A, and
Λ is a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues.
◮ We can think of A as scaling space by λi in direction v(i) .

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Eigendecomposition is not Unique

◮ Decomposition is not unique when two eigenvalues are

the same.

◮ By convention, order entries of Λ in descending order.

Then, eigendecomposition is unique if all eigenvalues are

◮ If any eigenvalue is zero, then the matrix is singular.

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Positive Definite Matrix

◮ A matrix whose eigenvalues are all positive is called

positive definite.

◮ If eigenvalues are positive or zero, then matrix is called

positive semidefinite.

◮ Positive definite matrices guarantee that:

xT Ax > 0 for any nonzero vector x

◮ Similarly, positive semidefinite guarantees: xT Ax ≥ 0

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Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

◮ If A is not square, eigendecomposition is undefined.

◮ SVD is a decomposition of the form:


◮ SVD is more general than eigendecomposition.

◮ Every real matrix has a SVD.

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SVD Definition (1)

◮ Write A as a product of three matrices: A = UDVT .

◮ If A is m × n, then U is m × m, D is m × n, and V is
n × n.

◮ U and V are orthogonal matrices, and D is a diagonal

matrix (not necessarily square).

◮ Diagonal entries of D are called singular values of A.

◮ Columns of U are the left singular vectors, and

columns of V are the right singular vectors.

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SVD Definition (2)

◮ SVD can be interpreted in terms of eigendecompostion.

◮ Left singular vectors of A are the eigenvectors of AAT .

◮ Right singular vectors of A are the eigenvectors of AT A.

◮ Nonzero singular values of A are square roots of

eigenvalues of AT A and AAT .

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