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Reflection On Ancient Educational System

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Educational Systems of Pre-literate societies, China, India, and Egypt

A teacher is a person who plays a pivotal role in molding a student's life.

Some teachers remain in your memory as a key to a few life problems.

A teacher imparts not only academic knowledge but also shares ethical values, and

imbibes morality that shapes our personality as a better human being. As educators, we

tend to think back and reflect on the teachers who made a difference in our lives. Some

of those teachers pushed us to do our best and some of them were powerful enough to

make us believe we could do anything.

I can remember quite a few

teachers who had a gift for teaching and

continue to influence my instruction

today. Before teacher-directed students

to learn through memorization,

performing in front, demonstration,

storytelling, sharing moral lessons of radio drama, and TV telenovela,

recitation techniques, and more exciting performance-based activities. How traditional

methods were taught back then ensured that students acquired the basics and the

essentials of the subjects. Students were rewarded by appreciative words and even

simple tokens for their efforts every time they participated in actual performance,

examinations, and school contests. As I recall during Elementary days, my teachers

normally asked me to render a song to entertain our class which I usually obliged. After

the class discussion, teachers used class periods efficiently and exercised clear rules to

manage students’ behavior. They were based on established customs that had been
used successfully in schools over many years. The teachers communicated the

knowledge and enforced standards of behavior.

The teaching styles of traditional education from my previous experience are

teacher-driven and learner-centered. The learners discussed with their peers their ideas

about the lessons and listened attentively to their classmates. Students' interaction

within and among the students has been practiced before while teachers are doing their

best in facilitating the learning process. In cases students are doubtful and confused

about their ideas, teachers are there to enlighten


Education in the preliterate society involves

the transmitting of culture, values, and

skills through enculturation. Children

learn through imitation. They are taught numerals

by asking them to count their fingers, toes, the

number of houses within their premises, the number of individuals within their extended

family. The culture was transmitted orally, through songs and stories from generation to

generation. For these cultures to continue it had to be transmitted from adult to child.

During the preliterate educational system, most children were provided with

solely vocational training, which was

supervised by parents, tribal tutors, or

those assigned for specific, specialized

roles within their communities. In most

communities, stories, songs, poetry, dances, medicinal practices, and advice regarding

all sorts of community life issues were passed from generation to generation mostly

through oral tradition.

Ancient Chinese education was based on the master-pupil relationship. The

master was all-powerful and usually could not be

questioned, while the punishment was often used

for motivation. The pupils would always be ranked

as to standing (how close to the master).

The educational system in China is a major vehicle

for both inculcating values and teaching needed

skills to its people. Traditional Chinese culture

attached great importance to education as a

means of enhancing a person's worth and career.

Education in ancient India began around the 3rd century B.C with elements of religious

training and impart of traditional knowledge. Sages

and scholars imparted education orally. Palm leaves

and barks of trees were used for writing. In ancient

India, both formal and informal ways

of education system existed.
Formal education in ancient Egypt was mostly reserved for the boys of wealthier

families. Although there is some evidence that

occasionally, girls did go to school and even

became doctors. Boys usually started school

at the age of 7 and they were taught to read

and write as well as mathematics.

Technology has changed the world

of teaching at this present time. However,

despite gifting schools with access to new resources, collaborative learning tools, and

increased flexibility, some teachers are still dubious about the benefits technology can

deliver to the classroom. Furthermore, Technology cannot, of course, replace teachers

and despite the amount of time most pupils spend glued to a screen, virtual learning will

never recreate the teacher-student bond. The reality is that advancements in

educational technology are not about replacing teachers, or even traditional teaching

methods. Instead, many of today’s modern teaching methods are simply an evolution of

older techniques. The modern education system relies on computers and the internet.

When the learners choose between online or traditional education, the difference that

comes to their mind is the difference between sitting in front of a computer and sitting in

a traditional classroom. These are not only the difference in online and traditional

education, but there is also a difference in learning style, technology, learning

environment, etc. which affects the learners.

Education is an important aspect that plays a huge role in the modern,

industrialized world. People need a

good education to be able to survive in

this competitive world. Modern society is

based on people who have high living

standards and knowledge which allows

them to implement better solutions to their

problems. With the rise of technology,

modern lives are highly dependent on technologies where in fact, it is now regarded as

one of the basic needs in life. While teachers and students can go on lives without using

technologies presently, it would be too difficult now to cope with school-related activities

without having 21st-century technologies like information and communication

technologies. An example of this is our situation right now where we have to embrace e-

learning due to COVID 19 pandemic. At present, students, teachers, and parents who

have no access to computers and the internet are simply left behind in terms of

education, business, information, global updates, job employment, and more. While

today’s need is modern ways of teaching, we can’t disregard and set aside the ancient

educational systems during the pre-literate society, China, India, and Egypt. These four

ancient educational systems continue to influence our modern educational systems and

so, therefore, they remain very relevant and worth revisiting and study. The moral

lessons, the values, the goals of their educational systems are still very much applicable

in these modern days. Technologies have undergone revolution but the content and the

purposes of those ancient educational systems mentioned above will continue to live on
and will always influence human lives, societies, government, business, religion, and

even the environment. This early, I found my learning in this subject very much relevant

and meaningful. It allows me to refresh my knowledge of history. I always believe that

history is one subject that everybody should love because not knowing the past events

would result in difficulty in dealing with the present time and connecting the future.

Thank you and God bless!

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