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Physical Education: Quarter 1 - Module III

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Physical Education
Quarter 1 - Module III
Physical Education - Grade 8

Quarter 1 - Module III: Plan Big! Achieve Big!

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Jay Y. Ursabia

Editor: Marma L. Capellan

Layout Artist: Jay Y. Ursabia


I. Introduction

T hi s m o d u l e pr o v i d e s yo u d i f f er en t
a c t i v i t i e s t hat w i l l hel p y o u r ef l e c t a n d t h i n k
d eepl y o n t h e e sse n t i a l s o f heal t h- r el at e d
f i t n e ss.
T h i s m o d u l e w i l l a l so hel p y o u r ea l i z e t he
i m po r t a n c e o f m ak i n g y o u r o w n Ac t i v i t y Pl a n ,
t o be a bl e t o o r g a n i z e a n d be g u i d e d w i t h t he
d i f f er en t p hy si c a l a c t i v i t i e s y o u hav e l ea r n e d
t he pr i o r m o d u l e s.

II. Objective

At the end of this module you as a learner are expected to:

• Prepares a physical activity program.

III. Vocabulary List

FITT – Frequency, Intensity, Type, Time

HRF (Health-Related Fitness) - ability to become and stay physically healthy.

Wellness – the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the
result of deliberate effort

Gadget – a small device or machine with a particular purpose

Social Media - websites and applications that enable users to create and share
content or to participate in social networking.
IV. Pre Test


Directions: The following are known as FITT Principle. Arrange the letters for each
item to decipher the word(s). A hint is provided below the words.

1.Y C N E U F R Q E ______________________
Hint. Refers to the number of exercise sessions per week.

2. T I N T Y S E N I ________________________
Hint. Is the degree of effort or exertion put forth by an individual during exercise.

3.M E T I ________________________
Hint. Is the duration of the length of the activity.

4.P E T Y ___________________
Hint. Is the mode of exercise being performed.

5. What do you think is the function of the FITT principle in improving your health?

V. Learning Activities

You need to understand the health benefits derived from physical activity before
you can successfully design and implement an HRF (Health-Related Fitness) plan.
The illustration below will emphasize the importance of being healthy and physically
fit. By maintaining a healthy body, it would be possible for you to achieve a long life
and long time to be with their families and make good memories with them.
VI. Practice Task

Activity I: The Reason Why

Choose from the box a word or phrase which you consider a barrier to exercise.
Provide a possible solution by writing it just opposite to the identified barrier. Write
your answers on any sheet of paper.


Lack of equipment - I will make an effort to research for some exercise that don’t
require equipment.

Lack of confidence to do physical activity Lack of equipment

Laziness Gadget
Social Media Lack of support from Family
No knowledge about physical Exercise Frequent leisure
Lack of time

One way of being healthy and physically fit is through PROPER and
REGULAR exercise using HRF plan and Physical Activity Program. (see ANNEX
I: Figure I and Figure II)

Activity II: My HRF Plan

Now is the time for you to work on your HRF plan.

Setting of your goals here is crucial to the
development of your HRF plan. Look into the very
needs of your family by referring to the outputs you
have on the previous activities as basis of your plan.

Provide Frequency (How often in a week) of each

physical component. (cardiovascular fitness,
muscular strength and endurance, flexibility)

Determine the intensity (time and repetitions of each

exercises) depending on your own capacity.

Provide your own type of exercises depending on your

capacity and availability of your equipment. You may
refer to any available reference.
FITT Table
Health Related Frequency
Intensity Type Time
Components (How
(How hard) (What activity) (How long)


Strength and .


Activity III: My Physical Activity Program

Guidelines to consider:

1. Consider FITT (see ANNEX I: Figure 2)

2. Consider the capacity of the individual who will undergo the
program. Elaborate that the intensity of the exercises and the
type of exercises is depending on the individual who will
undergo the program.
3. Consider fitness components. Remember that exercises
should develop the cardiovascular fitness, muscular
My Physical Activity Program strength
and endurance, flexibility and body composition.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

(Cardiovasc (Muscular (Cardiovas (Muscular (Cardiova (Muscular
ular Strength & cular Strength & scular Strength
Endurance+ Enduranc Endurance Endurance+ Enduranc and
Flexibility) e+ + Flexibility) e+ Endurance+
Flexibility) Flexibility) Flexibility) Flexibility)

VII. Post Test

Choose a place or an area in your house where you can move with ease.
Get a friend or any family member and together develop a physical activity that you
will both enjoy doing. Execute such and send a picture/video while you are doing
such activity.

VIII. Assignment

1. Read about “Team Sport”


Figure I
(Physical Activity Program)

Figure II

FITT Table
Health Related Frequency
Intensity Type Time
Components (How
(How hard) (What activity) (How long)
Running, walking,
3–6 swimming, dancing,
Cardiovascular Moderate to 20 – 30
times per cycling, aerobic
Endurance vigorous mins.
week classes, circuit
training, etc.

Muscular 2–3 Progressive Weights, resistance

20 – 60
Strength and times per to moderate bands, circuits, push-
Endurance week resistance ups, curl-ups, etc.

3–7 Stretching, yoga, minutes
Flexibility times per dynamic stretching, during warm
week etc. up and cool

DepEd Learner’s Module. Physical Education and Health 8. Pp. 6 – 18.

Lifestyle Health education, PNG -
Physical education school PNG -
Yellow arrows -

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