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Iso 13679 Connection Testing: Test Datasheet

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Test DataSheet There are four Connection Application Levels within ISO

13679; JFEBEAR Clear-Run® was tested at the highest

T-06 level, CAL IV.

Within ISO 13679, three sealability tests are specified:

Series A – combined load of tension, compression

ISO 13679 Connection and internal & external pressure.

Testing Series B - combined load of bending, plus tension,

compression and internal & external pressure

Series C – thermal cycling tests with internal

pressure and tension.

Introduction To validate the performance of Clear-Run®, four specimens

were tested to ISO 13679 CAL IV loads combining Test
In recent years, the number of easily developed oil and Series A and B on 5-1/2” 23lb/ft HP2 13Cr110 JFEBEAR
gas wells has decreased, forcing operators to drill connections were machined to the following interference
deeper wells with resultant increases in pressures and combinations:
temperatures. Improvements in drilling technologies
have led to more complex, highly deviated well Specimen 1A – High Thread / Low Seal
structures, such as directional and horizontal wells. Specimen 1B – High Thread / Low Seal
Therefore the requirements placed on casing and tubing Specimen 2A – Low Thread / High Seal
connections under combined loads such as tension and Specimen 2B – Low Thread / High Seal.
compression, internal and external pressure, and
bending have become increasingly severe. JFE Steel Specimen 1 Specimen 2
has developed a premium joint, JFEBEAR, designed for
use in such environments. JFEBEAR has been successfully H/L H/L L/H L/H
tested to ISO 13679 CAL IV test protocol and this
document details the subsequent testing undertaken A B B A
to JFEBEAR in combination with the Hunting Clear-
Run® Advanced Tubular System.
Figure 1: Specimen Assembly

Features of the JFEBEAR premium connection All specimens were prepared as Hunting Clear-Run®
Advanced Tubular System, namely Clear-Plate® replacing
In summary, the features and design concept of the copper electroplating on the coupling threads and Clear-
JFEBEAR premium connection are presented below: Glide® replacing thread compound for all make-ups.

150 Torque Shoulder Angle and Optimised 250

Stab Flank gap, giving high resistance to Make and Break Torque Test
compression and high overtorque resistance
A total of nine makes and breaks were completed on
Contoured Metal to Metal Seal, reducing local specimen 2B, all other ends received a final make-up in
stress concentration providing excellent seal preparation for specimen assembly. Make-up torques
galling resistance values have been determined by comprehensive analysis
and testing methods.
Different Corner Radii on Load Flanks of Pipe
and Coupling Threads provides excellent The make and break element of the test was successfully
resistance to galling completed with no galling to pin or box threads and seals.
Negative 50 angle on Load Flank providing
increased capability under Bending and External Both connections remained gas tight for the duration of
Pressure loads. the test.

Connection Testing Procedure Sealability Tests

In the past, API RP5C5, the Recommended Practice of Test Series A consists of sealability tests with a combined
the American Petroleum Institute, was widely used as load of tension, compression, and internal and external
a connection evaluation procedure. However, to mirror pressure. Figure 2 shows the load path in Test Series A.
well demands, evaluation procedures have been more Oil and Gas well string design is on the specified minimum
stringent and ISO 13679, issued formally in 2002, is yield strength. In the internal pressure region, testing is
now recognised as the standard connection testing carried out along the 95% VME yield stress envelope. For
protocol. external pressure, the maximum load is limited to the
API collapse pressure. A compression limit of 80% of pipe

T-06 rev1 - Test Datasheet - Connection Load Testing to ISO 13679 Test Protocol
body yield was applied for this connection. Another Conclusion
feature of ISO combined load testing is that the load path
of quadrant 1 to 4 is repeatedly applied. As shown in The make and break element of the test was successfully
Table 3, the loads are cycled through Quadrant 1 to completed with no galling to pin or box threads and seals.
Quadrant 2 in order to confirm sealing reliability under Having been subjected to extreme loading conditions,
cyclical loading. Gas and liquid are used for internal and the Hunting Clear-Run® Advanced Tubular System in
external pressure testing, respectively. Each load point combination with the JFEBEAR premium connection
shown in Figure 2 / Table 1 was visited three times and remained fit for purpose (gas tight) throughout the test
was held for the duration specified in ISO 13679 procedure. programme.

Test Series B consists of combined load of bending, plus

tension, compression and internal & external pressure.
For the above specimens, bending of 200 per 100 feet was
applied during loading in quadrants 1 and 2.
Related Documents

C01 – Connection Solution: JFEBEAR Premium Threaded


T01 – Test Datasheet – Anti-Gall Properties of Clear-Plate®

T03 –Test Datasheet – Make-up and Breakout Testing

Hunting Internal Technical Report - Hunting Clear-

Run® Loading Trials

JFE Steel Technical Report No. 7 “Premium Joint, JFEBEAR

for OCTG”, Jan 2006.

Figure 2 – Test Series A Load Path and Load Points.

Loading Sequence Description of Loading based on pipe body strength

1,2,3,4,5 Quadrant 1 95% VME Tension + Internal Pressure

6,7,8,9 Quadrant 2 95% VME Internal Pressure to 80% Compression

10,11,12 Quadrant 3 80% VME Compression with API Collapse pressure

13,14,1 Quadrant 4 API Collapse pressure to 95% VME Tension

14,13,12 Quadrant 4 API Collapse pressure

11,10,9 Quadrant 3 API Collapse pressure to 80% VME Compression

10,11,12 Quadrant 3 API Collapse pressure
13,14,1 Quadrant 4 API Collapse pressure to 95% VME Tension
2,3,4,5 Quadrant 1 95% VME Internal Pressure + Tension + Bending
6,7,8,9 Quadrant 2 95% VME Internal Pressure to 80% Compression + Bending
1,2 Quadrant 1 95% VME Tension + Internal Pressure

Table 3 – Table 3 - loading sequence

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