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Odpowiedzi Do Photocopies Angielski

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Extra photocopiables

Extra Photocopiables – teaching notes

Grammar Activities
1.1  Come and join me! 1.2 Verb patterns: noughts and
Aim crosses
To call friends and invite them to do an activity Aim
To revise verb patterns
Present simple to talk about likes and dislikes, present Language
continuous to talk about things you are doing now Verbs followed by verbs + -ing or infinitive + to

Time Time
30 minutes 8–10 minutes per grid

Preparation Preparation
Make copies of the cards and cut them up. With classes of Make one copy of grids per pair. Cut the pages in halves,
more than sixteen students, make two sets of cards. separating Grid 1 from Grid 2.

Procedure Procedure
• Give students a card each and ask them to look at it • Elicit from the students if they know what noughts and
secretly. Tell them to imagine they are doing the first crosses is. Write the name on the board and draw a 3x3
activity written on the card. noughts and crosses grid alongside. Ask two students to
come to the board and demonstrate the game.
• Tell students to pretend to call each other and invite
friends to join them in their activity. The objective is to • Divide the class into pairs. Give each pair a copy of Grid 1.
get as many friends as possible doing their activity. • Tell students that they are going to play noughts and crosses,
Students respond yes only to the second activity on their but before filling a box with O or X, they will need to form a
cards, i.e. the one next to the smiley face, but they can be correct sentence that includes the word in the box and the
persuaded to join other activities. Each student can only correct verb form that follows (-ing or infinitive + to). Give an
say yes to three different activities. example. If the sentence is incorrect, the box remains empty
• Write or project the conversation below on the board. Ask and their partner has a go. To win the game, they need to
two volunteers to model the conversation. have a vertical, horizontal or diagonal row of 4 boxes. Ask
them to decide in each pair who will use O and who will use X.
A:  What are you doing?
• Monitor the activity and help if necessary. Be on hand to
B: I’m (watching a film). What are you doing?
judge whether the sentence is correct or not.
A: I’m (hiking). Do you want to come and join me?
• When students have finished Grid 1, ask them to change
B: Yes, I love hiking. OR No thanks. I’m not really into hiking. partners and give each pair Grid 2. Continue as before.
A: [If they say no] Oh come on! (It’s fun. / The weather is so Alternatively, you may also choose to save Grid 2 for
lovely!) another lesson.
B: No, sorry. I can’t. OR OK, that sounds good. I’m coming.
• Put students into pairs and ask them to practise accepting Answers
and saying no to the invitations. Verbs followed by verb + -ing: avoid, can’t help, consider,
• Tell students to walk around and speak to as many other enjoy, finish, not mind, suggest.
students as they can. Verbs followed by infinitive + to: agree, decide, expect,
• Tell students to work in pairs. Ask them to tell their partner hope, learn, manage, need, offer, plan, promise, seem, want,
how many people said yes and who is doing their activity. would like.
• Ask the class who did the best job of making their activity Verbs followed by verb + ing or infinitive + to: begin,
sound fun. continue, hate, like, love, prefer, start.

Teaching notes

Vocabulary Activities
1.3  Personality chart 1.4  How well do you know me?
Aim Aim
To practise vocabulary related to personality To use adjective complements to talk about how you feel

Language Language
Personality words and phrases Adjective complements

Time Time
25–30 minutes
20–30 minutes
Make one copy of personality charts A and B per pair.
Make a copy of the worksheet for each student.
• Introduce the activity by telling the students that some of Procedure
the psychology studies seem to prove the theory that • Give each student a copy of the worksheet and ask them
there are five basic traits (‘The Big Five’) that can give a to complete the ‘You’ column with things or activities that
description of people’s personalities. To find out what kind make them feel the emotion in the first column. (Step A)
of personality we have, we need to define how sociable, • Copy the first couple of rows of the worksheet on the
kind, open, careful and emotional we are (originally these board and do a model for yourself.
traits are called extraversion, agreeableness, openness, • Put students into pairs and ask them to complete the
conscientiousness and neuroticism). During this activity second column for their partner, guessing what they
students will attempt to establish their personality profile might say. (Step B)
according to this theory. Inform students that this activity is • Tell students to ask and answer questions in the worksheet
not a valid psychological evaluation of any kind. in their pairs and see if they predicted any correctly. (Step C)
• Divide the class into pairs. Give each pair personality charts You could model the dialogue with a student first.
A and B (one for each person). • As a follow-up, ask them to repeat the activity with
• Tell students to ask their partners the provided questions, another student.
and mark their answers on the chart by following these
• To finish the activity, ask the class what the most common
instructions: if the partner answers yes, shade two boxes
answers are and share information. (Step D)
corresponding to the trait; if the answer is so-so, shade one
box; if the answer is no, leave the box blank. When a
student has completed the questions, the pair should
swap roles (there is a different set of questions on each
• Monitor the activity and help students if necessary. After
they have all finished, ask them to exchange their charts, so
that both students in each pair have their own results
before them. Then ask everyone to walk around the class
and try to find a person whose results are the closest to
their own.
• When they have found one or more individuals with similar
results, ask them to discuss the questions in Task 2.

Teaching notes

Matura Exam Activities

1.5  Reading
1.6  Translations and Multiple choice
1.7   Lexical pairs
1.8  Transformations
Time and Answers
Time: 7–10 minutes per activity
1 c  2 c  3 a
Time: 7–10 minutes per activity
Answers 1.6a:
1 scientific research  2 face-to-face  3 can’t help  4 keep her secret  5 whenever possible  6 all over the 
7 for example/instance  8 seems to be / comes across as  9 recognise this voice  10 suggested going
Answers 1.6b:
1 a  2 c  3 a  4 b  5 a
Time: 7–10 minutes
1 c  2 b  3 a  4 a  5 c  6 c  7 b  8 a  9 b  10 c
Time: 7–10 minutes
1 a  2 b  3 a  4 c  5 b  6 a  7 c  8 a  9 b  10 b


1.1   Come and join me!


watch a film skateboard hike listen to music
J skateboard J hike J play football J chat with friends

cook for friends
chat with friends play a video game go shopping
J play video
J watch films J go shopping J listen to music

have a picnic watch a sports
play football relax at the beach
J watch sports
J cook for friends J have a picnic
matches J have pizzas

go to a concert
have a pizza surf go bowling
J relax at the
J surf J go bowling J go to a concert

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1.2  Verb patterns: noughts and crosses

Grid 1

manage can’t help avoid like

enjoy need offer suggest

begin decide continue seem

want consider promise expect

Grid 2

learn hope finish start

would like consider hate decide

prefer agree can’t help love

expect plan suggest not mind

298 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE


1.3   Personality chart


Task 1 Task 1
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0







K in

K in
io n

io n









A Sociable A Sociable
1 Do you usually start conversations? 1 Do you talk to a lot of different people at parties?
2 Do you like being the centre of attention? 2 Are you popular among your friends?
3 Do you feel comfortable in company? 3 Do you like drawing attention to yourself?

B Kind B Kind
1 Are you interested in other people’s problems? 1 Do you help people with their problems?
2 Are you helpful? 2 Do you generally trust people?
3 Are you sensitive to others’ emotions? 3 Do you prefer listening to people rather than talking to
them about yourself?
C Open
1 Do you have a good imagination? C Open
2 Do you enjoy adventures? 1 Do you have a rich vocabulary?
3 Do you like changes? 2 Do you have excellent ideas?
3 Are you quick to understand things?
D Careful
1 Do you do your homework right away? D Careful
2 Do you like a sense of order? 1 Are you quick to put things back where they belong?
3 Do you pay attention to details? 2 Do you like following a schedule?
3 Are you always prepared?
E Emotional
1 Do you get angry easily? E Emotional
2 Does your mood often change? 1 Do you often feel very sad or very happy?
3 Do you often cry while watching a film or reading 2 Do you get upset easily?
a book? 3 Is it easy for other people to see how you feel?

Task 2 Task 2
1 Are you surprised that you have similar results? 1 Are you surprised that you have similar results?
2 Do you generally get on well with each other? 2 Do you generally get on well with each other?
3 Do you think it’s easier to get on well with a person 3 Do you think it’s easier to get on well with a person
who has a similar personality, or with someone with who has a similar personality, or with someone with
a different one? a different one?
4 If you could change one thing about your personality, 4 If you could change one thing about your personality,
what would it be? what would it be?

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1.4   How well do you know me?

A  Think of things that make you feel different emotions and complete the first column for you.
B  Predict (or guess) things for your partner and write them in the second column.

When do you … You Partner’s name ________

get really bored?

feel really happy?

get a little upset?

get nervous?

feel afraid?

get excited?

feel a little worried?

get a little sad?

get really frightened?

C  Ask your partner questions to see if any of your predictions were correct.
A: Do you feel really bored when ?
B: Yes! You got that right!
A: Do you feel bored when ?
B: No, that’s not my answer.
A: Oh, OK. When do you feel bored?
B: I feel bored when I .
D  Find out what makes other people in your class feel different emotions.

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1.5   Reading (multiple choice)

Przeczytaj teksty i z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z ich treścią. Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

Ben, Dear Alison,

I know that an argument with Tim was not what you Your mum had every right to be upset with you. You
wanted. I think my brother is not going to talk to you now, promised to be back at 10 pm but you were more than an
and it’s better for you to avoid him for a few days. Maybe if hour late. I think every parent would be as worried as your
you give it some time, the situation will resolve itself. mum in such a situation, so you should apologise to both
Take care, your mum and dad. It is never easy for parents to trust their
Greg children after something like this, but an apology would
be a good start.

1 Both texts are about ...

a predictions for the future.
b problems with family members.
c dealing with difficult situations.


When: Friday, December 12th

Where: school library

Join us for tea and conversation about your future studies and career. You can attend the morning session, which starts at 9 am,
or come to the afternoon meeting at 4 pm.
• Your personality and your future: do some personality tests and find out what you should take up in the future university
• Planning: do you have trouble choosing the right school? Match your personality with the university that will help you
achieve your potential most effectively
• Career advice: not interested in studying? Choose from a range of career paths that will best suit your personality

2 What CAN'T you do during the meeting?

a find out what job would be best for you
b discover what kind of character you have
c discuss any current school problems

3 This text is ...

a an invitation to a competition.
League of Legends
b a game advertisement.
5v5 Tournament
c the timetable for a tournament.
Sunday, June 2nd, 1 pm
Entry fee: €100 per team (€20 per player)
Tournament style: Sudden death
Requirements: Level 30 account with at least 5 owned
Prize: The winner will receive a cash prize relative to the
number of participants
Come and defeat your enemies!

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1.6a   Translations (gaps)

Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.

1 After I finish university, I’d like to do (badania naukowe) in France.

2 I’ve chatted with him online for half a year but we've never had a (twarzą w twarz) conversation.

3 Whenever I watch ‘Braveheart’ , I really (nie mogę powstrzymać się od) crying, it’s such an
emotional film.

4 I want to (zachować jej tajemnicę) but I’m also worried about her situation.

5 I try to exercise (kiedykolwiek to możliwe) because I love sport and I really enjoy being fit.

6 Nowadays, thanks to the internet, we can speak to people (na całym) world without even
leaving our home.

7 Chris likes many different types of literature, (na przykład) fantasy novels, crime stories and

8 Samantha (wydaje się być) a nasty person, but she is actually really kind.

9 I am not able to (rozpoznać tego głosu) . Do you know who it might be?

10 My brother (zaproponował pójście) to the cinema, and I immediately agreed.

1.6b  Multiple choice

Przeczytaj tekst i z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny
tekst. Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.
Personality is a subject that affects all of us, so many psychologists choose to carry out 1 on it. The results may be a surprise
to some of you.
First of all, the order in which children are born in the family (first, middle or last) as well as the family size 2 many personal
choices, for instance, the friends or partners we will have. Your place in the family might also predict some of your personality traits.
For example, if you are a first-born child, you may be either bossier or more responsible.
Another fact proven by researchers is a little more disturbing. 3 a recent study, people can judge your character quite well
by simply looking at your Facebook profile. Our activity on the internet, and 4 on social networks, leaves a lot of information
about who we are and what we enjoy or 5 . This information is very valuable for businesses as it means they can advertise
goods or services that will be adjusted more to our personal needs. As a result, the chance that we will buy whatever they are
offering is much greater.

1 a research 3 a According to 5 a dislike

b scientist b As a result b discover
c registration c Instead of c disagree

2 a is influencing 4 a immediately
b to influence b especially
c influences c actually

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1.7   Lexical pairs

Wybierz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obydwu zdaniach. Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

1 What did Paul for his birthday? I know he wanted a new phone.
I know Angela can easily angry, but, in reality, she is a very nice person.
a become b receive c get

2 I don’t telling my mum about my problems. She always gives great advice.
It’s important to keep an open when discussing difficult topics.
a eye b mind c feel

3 Do you always get with your sister?

Will you go reading this book for long? I’d like to borrow it.
a on b up c at

4 I don’t understand this maths exercise. It doesn’t sense to me.

Learning languages may it easier for you to get a job in the future.
a make b do c seem

5 My friend Sophia is such a and loving person.

What of chocolate do you like best?
a nice b type c kind

6 Jenny and Max seem to really like each . Are they a couple?
Do you know any languages apart from English?
a different b another c other

7 Have you read this about global warming? It’s fascinating.

In English there is only one definite : the.
a blog b article c chat

8 What happened? You upset.

I need to for my glasses. I can’t remember where I’ve left them.
a look b seem c search

9 Cassandra is really . She’s won a national maths competition.

I enjoy wearing clothes. I feel more confident when I wear them.
a intelligent b smart c fashionable

10 Are you hip-hop music or do you prefer rock?

Please, put your phones this box. You’ll get them back at the end of the lesson.
a on b in c into

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1.8   Transformations (multiple choice)

W poniższych zdaniach, spośród podanych opcji wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment.
Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

1 I think you could describe him as a person who is friendly and always telling the truth.
a honest b intelligent c shy

2 My mum is always telling me to stay out of trouble, but sometimes I have to take risks.
a consider b avoid c prefer

3 Yesterday, an unknown person asked me for directions in English and I was able to help him!
a a stranger b a member c a neighbour

4 Do you feel very afraid when you see a spider?

a worried b upset c frightened

5 I really like Hannah, but I’m afraid I hate her singing. She’s always out of tune.
a can’t help b can’t stand c can’t like

6 My sister can be awful and unpleasant sometimes, but I love her anyway.
a nasty b nervous c serious

7 I forgot to bring my English book today. Could we both use yours?

a rescue b compare c share

8 When I feel sadness, I usually eat a bar of chocolate. It always helps.

a experience b explain c expect

9 After playing chess for many years I’ve decided to take part in a national test of skills.
a event b competition c race

10 People often tell me I’ve got a very lively character, and that’s why they like being in my company.
a appearance b personality c perspective

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Teaching notes

Grammar Activities
2.1 Irregular verbs race 2.2   I remember it well!
Aim Aim
To revise past simple forms of irregular verbs To create a dialogue about the past

Language Language
Irregular verbs (past simple) Past simple, used to, past continuous

Time Time
15–20 minutes
Approximately 45 minutes
Make one copy of the worksheet per group.
Make a copy of the worksheet for each pair or group.
• Divide the class into groups of at least 3 students and hand Procedure
out the materials. Each student in the group must use a • Give each pair or group a worksheet and ask them to
different coloured pen or pencil. decide who will record the answers.
• Ask students to choose any box in the grid and to create a • Explain the situation: they are twenty years in the future,
past simple sentence with it. If the sentence is judged and they are meeting for the first time since they were
correct by the group, the student may claim the box by at school together. They have to create a dialogue about
colouring it in. Set a time limit for each sentence of what things were like when they were younger.
30 seconds (or less if you think your students will manage). • Ask students to read the first sentence stem and discuss
• From this point, if a student wants to claim another box, it what to write. They can do more than just finish the stem.
has to be contiguous to one that they have already Model it on the board if you wish, e.g. Remember when we
coloured in. were kids and we all lived in [Katowice]? We all lived only a
• The game continues until all the boxes have been coloured few minutes from each other. Give a time limit of two to
in. Students then count the number of boxes they have three minutes.
coloured in. The person with the highest number is the • Tell them to fold the paper where shown so what they
winner. have written is hidden, and pass their papers to the next
pair/group. You could ask them to pass it to the group on
their right, and each group does the same. They must not
look at the previous group’s writing on the new paper
they get.
• Tell them to read the next sentence stem and continue
their original discussion, but on the new paper. They pass
this to the next pair/group. They repeat this until all the
boxes have been completed.
• Tell students to hand back their papers to the original
• Pairs or groups should take turns to read the stories to the
rest of the class and vote on the best/funniest/strangest

Teaching notes

Vocabulary Activities
2.3  Buy my house 2.4 Colour by words
Aim Aim
To describe and ask questions about a house To revise word building (nouns ending in -ion and -ment and
nouns with the same form as the verbs)
Vocabulary for describing a house
Vocabulary from the unit
45–60 minutes
10–15 minutes
Preparation Preparation
Make a copy of the worksheet for each student. Plan groups: Make one copy of the worksheet per student.
you can either do this activity in groups of about seven or
eight, asking students to talk to every other student in their Procedure
group, or you can do this as a class mingling activity, asking
• Hand out the materials to students and ask them to create
students to switch partner every five minutes or so, and then
nouns from the verbs in the picture and then to colour in
coming together as a whole class.
the boxes according to the instructions on the worksheet.
• After they’ve finished, ask them to compare their pictures
Procedure in pairs and make any necessary corrections.
• Explain the situation to the students: they are all house • As a follow-up, you may ask individuals to spell the nouns
owners who want to sell their house and buy a new one. (one noun per person).
• Go through the questions to check if they understand them
all, and discuss what information they can write. They don’t Answers
have to write about a real house, but they can be creative. Nouns ending in -ion: addition, exploration, construction,
They can just write notes and key vocabulary here. Give direction, decision, decoration, communication, education,
students about five minutes to make notes about their location, imagination, description, accommodation.
house. (Step A) Nouns ending in -ment: government, statement,
• Model the activity with a student first, including some disappointment, commitment, entertainment, amusement.
bargaining over the price. It is important that students try Nouns which have the same form as the verbs: rent,
to make enough money from selling their house to buy question, smoke, view, cost.
the new house they want.
• Put students in pairs to ask and answer about their houses. The picture shows a house.
(Step B) They should take notes about the houses they
hear about. After five minutes, clap your hands and ask
students to find a different partner. Do the same after
another five minutes. After students have spoken to
everyone in their group/class, tell students to decide on
which house they want to buy. (Step C)
• Then put students into groups of three or four and ask
them to tell each other which houses they liked the most
and why, and to say which house they decided to buy.
(Step D)
• If you have time, ask one person from each group to tell
the class which houses were most popular and why.

Teaching notes

Matura Exam Activities

2.5  Reading
2.6  Translations
2.7  Reading
2.8   Equivalent words
Time and Answers
Time: 5–7 minutes
Suggested answers:
1 sell a house  2 a (very) big/large garden  3 two weeks
Time: 7–10 minutes
1 used to live / (once) lived  2 provide internet access  3 were you doing  4 so I decided  5 public transport 
6 spent a/one week  7 find a solution  8 includes/has a modern  9 quite/only recently / in recent times 
10 few/couple years later  11 was fixing  12 use to like  13 three times  14 was renovating  15 basic equipment
Time: 7–10 minutes
1 c  2 d  3 a  4 c  5 b
Time: 7–10 minutes
1 c  2 a  3 a  4 b  5 a  6 c  7 b  8 a  9 b  10 a  11 c  12 b  13 b  14 c  15 b

understand see go build keep

forget become have be buy

2.1   Irregular verbs race

fly draw come bring tell

find drive know meet think

say do give write choose

© Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.

speak grow ride sit bring


2.2   I remember it well!

Remember when we were kids and we all lived in …

Do you remember at the weekend we used to …

At school we used to …

And at school we loved …

But we didn’t use to …

Do you remember the time in school when we were …

Suddenly, the teacher came in and …

After that we …

Do you also remember all the fun things we did after school? We used to …

Yeah! That was great. And we looked so different! Do you remember we used to wear/have …

Oh yeah! I can’t believe how much we’ve changed. Well, it was great to see you! Let’s keep in touch!

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2.3   Buy my house

A You want to sell your house and buy a different house with the money you make. Complete the information about
your house below. You can be creative!

Where is it?

How many bedrooms does it have?


How many bathrooms does it have?


What other rooms does it have?


What materials did the builders use?


How big is it?


How old is it?


What cool things or places are near your house?


What other interesting facts are there about your house?


10 How much do you want to sell it for?

B Now, ask other people in the class about the houses they are selling. Ask questions to get more information if you
can. If you think the house is expensive, ask them for a cheaper price.
C Have you spoken to everyone? Can you afford the house you want to buy with the money you will make from your
house sale? Choose the house you want to buy, but don’t tell anyone yet.
D Work in new groups and discuss which houses you liked the most and what house you want to buy. Tell your
friends why you want to buy it.


310 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE


2.4  Colour by words

Create nouns from the verbs below. Then colour in the boxes in the picture according to the numbers in the following way:
• nouns ending in -ion – brown
• nouns ending in -ment – green
• nouns which have the same form as the verbs – blue

1 add 13 educate
2 govern 14 disappoint
3 rent 15 view
4 explore 16 locate
5 construct 17 commit
6 state 18 cost
7 question 19 imagine
8 direct 20 describe
9 decide 21 entertain
10 smoke 22 accommodate
11 decorate 23 amuse
12 communicate

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2.5   Reading (gap-filling)

Przeczytaj teksty 1 i 2. Uzupełnij luki w e-mailu do Suzanne zgodnie z treścią tekstów. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku
Tekst 1

From: Trevor Abernathy Subject: House for sale
To: Jessica Simons Date: May 18th

Hi Jess,
How are you? We haven’t seen each other for some time. I wanted to let you know that we are moving to London around
June 1st. We bought a house three months ago and, as the renovations are almost over, now we’re basically packing
everything we want to take with us.
We are also looking for a buyer for our old house in Addington. You’ve been there a few times, so you know how nice and
peaceful this place is – unlike London! :) The house is in very good condition and would be ideal for a family with children
or for someone who would like to have a quiet place as a holiday home and, as you know, it’s not very far from London. Let
me know if you have any friends who might be interested in buying it. I’m also sending a link to the advert, you’ll find more
details there:

Tekst 2


Spacious, detached family house with 5000 square feet!!! of garden

in a peaceful neighbourhood. House comprises a living room,
a dining room, a well-equipped kitchen, 4 bedrooms (2 with balconies)
complete with fitted wardrobes, 2 bathrooms and a study.
Gas central heating and a double garage.

Price: £700,000

From: Jessica Simons Subject: House for sale
To: Suzanne Wright Date: May 18th

Hi Suzie,
Are you still looking for a place to live in the country? I’ve got a friend who wants to 1 
in Addington. I’ve been there a few times and I think the place is amazing, so you must check it out!
The house has got 6 rooms, a kitchen and 2 bathrooms. There is also a double garage and the property is surrounded by
2 . It’s not very cheap, but I really think it’s worth the price.
If you want to see it, we could drive you there, but my friend is going to be there only for another 3 ,
as they are moving to London at the beginning of June.
What do you think? Let me know!

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2.6   Translations (gaps)

Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
trzy wyrazy.

1 Our ancestors (kiedyś żyli) in caves and hunt animals for food.

2 Before we move to our new flat, we need to find a company which will (zapewni dostęp do internetu)

3 What (robiłeś) when Mr Atkins entered the classroom?

4 I really needed a new dress for the wedding, (więc zdecydowałam) to go shopping with
my friend.

5 Do you like using (komunikacja publiczna) ?

6 Last month, I (spędziłem tydzień) in the countryside, and it was a wonderfully relaxing

7 Did you manage to (znaleźć rozwiązanie) to your problem?

8 Our district (zawiera nowoczesny) amusement park.

9 My family started the tradition of throwing a house-warming party (całkiem niedawno) .

10 My sister graduated from university with Honours and a (kilka lat później)
she became the head of a non-governmental organisation.

11 When I came home, my mum was working on her computer and my dad (przymocowywał)
a shelf to the wall, so I decided to help him first.

12 Did you (kiedyś lubiłeś) spinach or is it something that you’ve never tried?

13 I knocked on the door (trzy razy) , but nobody answered.

14 Around this time last summer, I (remontowałam) my house, so we didn’t have the time or
the money for holidays.

15 The flat we decided to rent has only the (podstawowe wyposażenie) , so we need to buy
some things to make it cosier.

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2.7   Reading (multiple choice)

Przeczytaj tekst i z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę a, b, c albo d.

Have you ever heard any of those strange stories about haunted houses and ghosts visiting the new inhabitants at
night? Well, I have, but I had never believed in them, looking on them as a kind of fairy-tale for children, until my
family bought an old Victorian house in the suburbs of London ...
We moved in at the end of summer. The house had two floors, and our bedrooms were upstairs. It was the first time I had
slept alone without my brother in the room, as we had finally got our own rooms. I was 12 at that time but I still felt quite
uneasy about the idea, so I always left the door open during the night. One night, I was woken up by a strange noise. When I
looked into the hallway, I saw a strange-looking lady standing outside my parents’ bedroom. She stared at me for some time
and then she began to move across the hallway and disappeared. At breakfast time the next morning I told my parents about
the incident, which I believed was only a dream, but, to my surprise, they looked at each other knowingly and asked me to
sketch what I had seen.
A week later things started to go missing. They would vanish only to turn up right in front of you or would suddenly fall and
smash for no obvious reason. We had a lot of cushions on the sofa and we would often find them on the floor whenever we
left the room for a minute. And on top of that, our dog, which was always well behaved, refused to go upstairs and often
barked when there was nobody in the room. All these incidents were odd and maybe a little upsetting, but we all treated
them as part of the process of settling into a new home rather than anything we should be really afraid of.
A few months later, however, I got talking to a neighbour of ours, a sweet, old lady, who had been living in the
neighbourhood her whole life. She told me about two sisters who used to live in our house and how one of them once
went missing. To this day, nobody knows what happened to her. When I told her about what I had seen and later showed
her my picture of the woman from that night, the old lady went pale and said she didn’t want to speak about it any further.
We lived in the house for another 10 years, and then my parents sold it. I still don’t really know what to think about it all and
whether I should treat my experiences as evidence of the paranormal. However, I am much more willing now to believe
people who share similar strange stories with me. I’d really like to know if any later residents ever met the strange lady or
experienced anything abnormal.

1 After moving to the new house the author … 4 The neighbour told the author something about …
a shared a bedroom with his brother. a the story of her house.
b slept in a room on the ground floor. b a murder mystery.
c felt alone in his new bedroom. c who had lived in the house before.
d didn’t like his new bedroom. d her missing sister.

2 When he told his parents about the lady, they … 5

In the text, the author wants to …
a thought he’d had a dream. a convince readers that ghosts exist.
b didn’t believe him. b share his paranormal experiences.
c were really surprised. c tell the story of a missing woman.
d told him to draw a picture. d warn readers against buying old houses.

3 What did NOT happen in the house?

a There was a regular smashing noise.
b An animal behaved strangely.
c Some objects disappeared.
d Cushions were thrown off the sofa.

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2.8   Equivalent words

W poniższych zdaniach, spośród podanych opcji wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment.
Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

1 Can you please make sure the fridge is turned on before we leave?
a armchair b stairs c refrigerator

2 We all thought everything was lost, when suddenly my mum thought of a brilliant idea.
a came up with b came down to c came in for

3 The bus was really full of people, so I wasn’t able to sit down.
a crowded b lively c residential

4 Regaining independence in 1918 was a memorable event for the Polish people.
a old-fashioned b historic c traditional

5 After my father had made it clear to me how the device worked, I was able to use it by myself.
a explained b expected c explored

6 Talking with my friends may sometimes be difficult if we have different opinions about something.
a Direction b Construction c Communication

7 This house has got a very unusual shape, but I really like it.
a modern b unique c urban

8 Does our district have any local groups of people? I’d love to feel part of one.
a communities b inhabitants c residents

9 We went to the cinema and later we decided to have a pizza.

a nearby b afterwards c previously

10 Have you got one more chair? I think my friend is going to come as well.
a an additional b an alternative c an actual

11 I’ve rented a little house in the country for our holidays and I think we’ll really enjoy our stay there.
a container b cellar c cottage

12 That hotel was surely the most comfortable place I’ve ever stayed in.
a actually b definitely c mostly

13 As I was dissatisfied with the colour of my room, I asked the decorators to paint it again.
a However b Because c While

14 What can I do to make my composition better?

a provide b realise c improve

15 I know you were born in this city, but which district did you become an adult in?
a grow b grow up c grow on

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Teaching notes

Grammar Activities
3.1   Health and lifestyle app 3.2 Phrasal verbs relay race
Aim Aim
To ask and answer questions about health and lifestyle To revise phrasal verbs

Language Language
How much, many?; countable and uncountable nouns Phrasal verbs from the unit

Time Time
45–60 minutes 15–20 minutes

Make one copy of the worksheet per group and cut it out as
Make a copy of the worksheet for each student in the class marked.

Procedure Procedure
• Put students into pairs or groups of three or four and tell • Divide the class into groups of 4 students and hand out the
them to read the worksheet. They have four areas they material. Each student should have a piece with a different
have to think about: Activity, Mental health, Diet, Sleep letter.
and relaxation. (An alternative here would be to divide • For the first stage of this activity, ask students to look at
the class into four and have each group design one area, their grid and fill in the missing phrasal verbs. Some letters
i.e. part of the app.) Tell students to talk to each other and of each of the verbs have been provided. Now ask students
decide what information the app should collect for each to pass their grid to the student in the group sitting to their
area, e.g. number of hours they sleep, what they eat, how right.
often they exercise, etc. • Now ask them to fill in the translation of the phrasal verb in
• Tell students to create questions the app would ask the the line below the verb. Again, after finishing, they should
user. Help with a couple of sample questions if necessary, pass their grids to the right.
e.g. How much water do you drink every day? A lot (3+ • In the third stage, ask students to turn their cards over and
glasses), Some (2 glasses), A little (1 glass). They should also write 5 sentences containing the phrasal verbs from their
consider the information the app will give the user. They cards. It is essential that they leave the space for the actual
also decide on the design of the app and how the user will verb blank. Again, they should pass the cards to the right.
use it, e.g. will it come up on the phone each day? What • Now ask students to fill in the sentences their classmates
visuals will it have? (Step A) (This could lead to a poster have prepared, not looking at the other side of the card.
presentation.) After this, they can check if their suggestions were correct
• Tell students to get prepared to present their app to the by turning the card over.
class. They should decide which member of their group • Monitor the activity and help students especially during
will present which aspect of the app. If possible, they the stage of writing the sentences.
should demonstrate it by asking a volunteer the relevant
questions and showing on the board how it would appear. Answers
• Tell groups to present to the class and ask the audience to UP: grow up, give up, pick up, take up, wake up
listen and think of questions. Allow time for questions after OUT: eat out, hang out, work out, carry out, find out
each presentation. (Step B) ON: turn on, work on, put on, pass on, get on
• Ask the students to tell the class what they liked about IN: fill in, hand in, go in, believe in, come in
each app.

Teaching notes

Vocabulary Activities
3.3  Body and health crossword 3.4   Let’s do something!
Aim Aim
To revise vocabulary related to body and health To plan and describe an event for different groups of people

Language Language
Vocabulary related to body and health Expressions for giving opinions, asking follow-up questions,
explaining ideas
10–12 minutes Time
30–45 minutes
Make one copy of the worksheet per pair.
Procedure Make a copy of the worksheet for each group.
• Hand out the material to students. Each individual student
in each pair should get a different version of the crossword Procedure
(A or B). • Start by eliciting from students different groups of people
• Inform students that they have a crossword that is only half in their town/city who sometimes get help from other
full and that they need to fill in the other half. Their people, e.g. retired people, children, homeless people.
partners have the words they are looking for, but nobody What problems do these people have and what might
has the clues, so they have to create these on their own. make them happier?
• Teach or remind them of some functional vocabulary that • Put students into groups of three or four and ask them to
may be useful during the activity (e.g. across, down, noun, read the first part of the worksheet and decide which
adjective). group of people to help. (Step A)
• Ask students to complete the crosswords. Monitor the • Ask students to work through the questions (Step B) and
activity and help if necessary. monitor to feed in vocabulary. Encourage students to use
online dictionaries if they have access. Give them about
fifteen minutes for this step.
• When students have finished Step B, reorganise the groups
so that the students are working with different partners.
Tell students to use the expressions in the Useful language
boxes on pages 54–55 of their books to help them here,
and demonstrate a dialogue (Step C), e.g.
A: We believe that older people often need company, so we’re
organising an afternoon dance for them.
B: While I agree with you that they often need company,
some of them might not be active enough to dance.
Encourage students to discuss and ask questions about
each other’s ideas. Give them about fifteen minutes for
this stage.
• When they have finished this stage, bring the whole class
together and ask students to tell the class what ideas they
liked and why. (Step D)

Teaching notes

Matura Exam Activities

3.5  Transformations
3.6   Sentence formation and Reading
3.7  Translations and Multiple choice
3.8  Reading
Time and Answers
Time: 7–10 minutes
1 wasn’t any  2 to hang out  3 carry on attending  4 a lot of / lots of / plenty of  5 get on with  6 a few places
7 turned him down  8 only a little  9 put it off  10 too many books
Time: 15 minutes
Answers 3.6a:
1 a lot of time, so  2 pick her up at six from  3 is looking after Nick because  4 How much money do you need 
5 computer broke down yesterday  6 would you like to buy  7 a few minutes to finish  8 didn’t take any suncream
9 who the/this wallet belongs to  10 could you explain it a bit
Suggested answers 3.6b:
1 teach/educate  2 touches a door knob  3 handkerchiefs  4 exercise regularly
Time: 15 minutes
Answers 3.7a:
1 up collecting  2 mind my own  3 No matter what  4 more and more  5 deal/cope with / handle  6 no longer feel 
7 found out / learnt / discovered that  8 A few / A couple / Several years  9 How much time  10 were growing up
Answers 3.7b:
1 b  2 a  3 b  4 c  5 b
Time: 8–10 minutes
1 e  2 b  3 a  4 d  5 a  6 c


3.1   Health and lifestyle app

A Preparation

You are going to design an app to check the health and lifestyle of teenagers. Then you will present your ideas
to your class.
1 Think about what information your app will have in Activity Mental health
each area. For example, in Activity it could collect
information about how much exercise the person does
in total, what kind of activity they do, how many hours
they spend on different activities, etc. Make a list of
ideas for each area.
2 How will your app work? Discuss this in your groups.
3 Write questions your app will ask the user to create their
profile and get daily information about the different
areas. Use the example questions below to help you. Diet Sleep and relaxation
Be prepared to explain why you are including these
questions. Z
4 What information will the app give the user? How often?
What will the information look like? Will it use graphs,
tables, diagrams?
5 What is the name of your app? What will it look like?
Decide on the name and design in your groups.

Example questions Our questions

For general information about habits to create
a profile:

How many/much … do you (verb) each


What type of (exercise/food, etc.) do you (verb) …?

How do you (relax) …?

Do you …?

Change these into the past simple to get specific

information about what the person did in one day/
week/month, etc.

B Presentation

Prepare to present your app to the class. You should explain:

• the name and image of your app (and why you chose that name and created that design)
• how the app works
• the questions it asks and why
• what information the app will give the user
• why you think people will use this app
Listen to the presentations and think of at least one question to ask each group. Tell each group what you liked
about their app.

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3.2   Phrasal verbs relay race


g v h

g w w e w


p t c r f


w k f

t p g h


p g b ie c

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3.3   Body and health crossword

Student A

2 3
5 6
9 10 11
13 14 15 16

Student B
2 3
5 6
9 10 11
13 14 15 16

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3.4   Let’s do something!

A Read the descriptions of the groups of people on the cards below. Your school wants to do something to help
these people. They have asked you to design an event that will make one of these groups happy. The best idea
will get money to make the activity happen! Choose which group you want to help.

Group A Group B
Older, retired people living alone in your Teenagers from different countries who are
town/city. studying in your town/city for a year. They
miss home and feel lonely.

Group C Group D
Young children in your town/city who do Your choice! You can think of a group of
not have much money. They do not have people in your community that need help.
many opportunities to do different activities
or travel. Some do not live with their

B  In your groups, design your event. Discuss these questions.

1 Where in your town/city will you hold the event?
2 What will the event be? Describe it.
3 How much will it cost?
4 How will it help your group feel happier?
Each person must be ready to explain their idea to another group. Make notes and practise explaining your ideas.

C Work with a new group. Explain your ideas, then ask questions about each other’s ideas and tell each other at
least one thing you like about their ideas.

D As a class, share ideas and discuss what things you like about each group’s ideas. Which group should get the

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3.5   Transformations (gaps)

Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby zachować sens zdania
wyjściowego. Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy, wliczając
w to wyraz już podany.

1 There was no cheese in the fridge, so I decided to go shopping.

There cheese in the fridge, so I decided to go shopping.

2 It’s really nice to spend time with friends, but I enjoy being with my family as well.
It’s really nice with friends, but I enjoy being with my family as well.

3 I think we should continue attending this course till the end of the year.
I think we should this course till the end of the year.

4 There are many things I’d like to tell you, but I don’t have time now.
There are things I’d like to tell you, but I don’t have time now.

5 Do you have a good relationship with your brother?

Do you your brother?

6 There are some places that I visit at least once a year.

There are that I visit at least once a year.

7 Mike asked Kelly to marry him but she said no.

Mike asked Kelly to marry him but she .

8 There isn’t much juice left, but I can bring you what’s left if you want.
There’s juice left, but I can bring you what’s left if you want.

9 The meeting was supposed to be on Tuesday, but I postponed it to Friday.

The meeting was supposed to be on Tuesday but I to Friday.

10 There are more books than space on the shelf.

There are for the shelf.

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3.6a   Sentence formation

Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując wyrazy w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. Nie należy zmieniać kolejności podanych
wyrazów, trzeba natomiast, jeżeli jest to konieczne, dodać inne wyrazy. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
sześć wyrazów, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.

1 I don’t have (lot / time / so) please do it quickly.

2 I promised my sister to (pick / six / from) the shopping centre.

3 At the moment my mum (look / Nick / because) he has broken his leg.

4 (how / money / need) for your school trip?

5 Unfortunately, my (computer / break / yesterday) , so I can’t finish my presentation.

6 What kind of present (you / like / buy) for Karen?

7 You have only (few / minutes / finish) the test, so please start checking your answers.

8 When we went camping the last time, my parents (not / take / suncream)  ,
so we weren’t able to sunbathe.

9 We don’t know (who / wallet / belong) , so I think we should take it to the police.

10 I don’t quite understand this exercise, so (could / explain / bit) more?

3.6b  Reading (gap-filling)

Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.

A 1950s ‘Health and Safety for You’ educational film shows how the common cold is spread not just by sneezing and coughing, but
through general human contact. The germs are illustrated by a black smudge, and after one careless carrier of the virus touches a
door knob at school, the germs spread though books and pencils, putting most of the students at risk. The advice given is to stay in
bed and use tissues, which can be easily and safely disposed of, instead of a traditional linen handkerchiefs. While teaching viewers
how not to spread germs, the film also manages to dish out some lessons in good manners and ways to lead a healthy lifestyle,
recommending regular exercise and maintaining a balanced diet, remembering to wash your hands, not to put pencils in your
mouth, and not to use other people’s straws when drinking.

1 The film was created to people how they can catch the common cold.

2 In the film the common cold is spread because one infected person .

3 The film advises the viewer not to put pencils or other people’s straws in their mouth and not to use .

4 In order to have a healthy lifestyle, you should , eat properly and keep your hands clean.

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3.7a   Translations (gaps)

Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
trzy wyrazy.

1 I had a lot of time during the summer, so I decided to take (zająć się kolekcjonowaniem)
stamps and old postcards.

2 The new boy at school is very rude! He told me to (pilnować swojego) business when I asked
him if he had a girlfriend.

3 (Nie ważne co) you do, I will always try to help you to the best of my abilities.

4 Working both mornings and evenings meant I felt (coraz bardziej) tired.

5 Even if giving a presentation makes you scared, I’m sure you’ll (poradzić sobie z) stress, and
everything will go well once you start talking.

6 After 6 months, I finally managed to find a job and I (już nie czuję się) sad or depressed.

7 When Christina (dowiedziała się, że) her boyfriend went to a dance with another girl without
telling her, she realised that their relationship was over.

8 (Kilka lat) ago I went to a party that I’ll never forget.

9 (Ile czasu) do you need to bake two cakes like these?

10 When my parents (dorastali) , they didn’t have any of the modern devices we are accustomed to,
apart from a TV.

3.7b  Multiple choice

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny
tekst. Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.


Basing on some recent scientific findings, psychologists have developed an exercise called ‘Random Acts of Kindness’. According to
them, if you consciously perform acts of kindness, it may help you increase your happiness. Researchers have looked 1 how
people who were aware of their own kind behaviour towards others feel, and 2 out that they are generally happier. 
A study carried 3 in 2004 proved this to be true. A group of students were asked to perform five random acts of kindness per
week, over the course of six weeks. The participants were supposed to make others happy, typically at 4 cost to themselves
(e.g., donating blood, cooking a meal for someone, or helping them with tidying up). Students who were in the control group did
not receive 5 instructions concerning kindness. After the experiment has finished, those students who consciously behaved
in a kind way felt happier, while the ones in the control group felt slightly less happy. So, if you want to feel better about yourself –
be kind to others (and be aware that you are)!
1 a after 3 a on 5 a no
b into b out b any
c for c in c much
2 a found 4 a any
b taken b a lot of
c worked c some

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3.8   Reading (missing sentences)

Przeczytaj teksty, z których usunięto po trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (a–e).
W każdym tekście dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

A slave named Androcles once escaped from his master and ran to hide in the forest. 1 At first, he turned to run again,
but realising that the lion was not chasing him, he stopped, turned back and went up to it.
As he came near, the lion put out its paw, which was terribly swollen and bleeding. Androcles saw that a huge thorn in the
paw was causing all the pain. 2 The big cat was soon able to stand and licked the hand of Androcles in gratitude, a
bit like a dog. The lion then took Androcles to its cave, and every day used to bring him meat which enabled him to survive.
However, shortly afterwards, both Androcles and the lion were captured, and the slave was sentenced to be thrown to the
lion, after the animal had been kept without food for several days. The Emperor and all his Court came to see the spectacle,
and Androcles was led out into the middle of the arena. 3 But as soon as it came near to Androcles, it recognised its
friend, and licked his hands like a friendly dog. The Emperor, amazed by this, summoned Androcles, who told him the whole
story. The slave was pardoned and freed, and the lion released back into its native forest.

a The lion was let loose from its cage, and ran roaring towards the frightened man.
b He pulled it out and bound up the paw of the lion.
c The lion was almost dead as a result of its injuries.
d He didn’t really know what to do or where he should go.
e As he was wandering, he came upon a lion lying down moaning and groaning.


Do you feel like you’re never satisfied with medical care and you would do everything better if you were the person in charge?
4 You only need to play Theme Hospital.
In the game you become a hospital manager and you are faced with many different challenges. 5 You’ll have to
diagnose and treat people with a broken heart, with alien DNA or the ones who became invisible because they were bitten
by a radioactive bug. But such odd conditions will not be your only concern. You’ll need to hire doctors and nurses to care for
the patients, as well as handymen to deal with cleaning, repairs and watering the plants. 6 In order to run your hospital
smoothly you need to provide them with good working conditions and high salary to keep them happy.
There are also emergencies to handle and new equipment your researchers need to discover first, so you’ll always have your
hands full. And be careful not to kill too many patients, you were supposed to be the one who does everything perfectly,

a The first and most important one are of course patients with very strange diseases.
b Many people are convinced they could do that, but that’s not always the case.
c Unfortunately, the staff members get tired and upset quite easily.
d Well, now you’ve got the chance to do that.
e They are usually so difficult that people stop playing after the first round.

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Teaching notes

Grammar Activities
4.1  Dominoes 4.2 Such a nice board game
Aim Aim
To compare things related to education To revise comparative forms

Language Language
Comparative and superlative adjectives, comparative forms Comparative forms (as ... as ..., too, enough, so, such)

Time Time
25–30 minutes
30–45 minutes
Make one copy of the worksheet per group. Separate the
Make a copy of the domino cards and the questions for board from the cards and cut the cards up along the lines as
each group. Cut the domino cards up so that you have a set indicated.
for each pair/group.
Procedure • Divide the class into groups of 4 students and hand out the
• Revise the different forms for comparisons. Refer students materials (one board and a set of cards placed face down
to pages 65, 68, 76 and 77 in their books. in the middle of the board per group).
• Tell students that they have to make comparative • Ask students to find a small object that will function as a
sentences using the subject and adjective on the cards, counter and to place them on 4 of the numbers on the
e.g. English is better than science because you don’t have to board (each person chooses a different number). They will
do experiments. also require a coin to toss.
• Hand out the cards to the pairs or groups. Each player • Explain the rules of the game. Students take turns to toss
should have the same number of cards. the coin and move accordingly (heads – one space
• Player A puts a card on the table, and then Player B puts forward, tails – two spaces forward). When they land on a
down a card with a different subject next to it, e.g. space with a comparative form, they take a word card and
create a sentence that includes a comparative and one or
maths interesting geography difficult two of the words from the card. If the sentence is judged
Player A then makes a comparison between maths and correct by the rest of the group, they stay on their space; if
geography using the adjective between the subjects, i.e. not – they have to go back to the previous position. The
interesting. If they make a correct comparison, they take card should be then put to one side (if they run out of
their card back and put it aside. If they can’t make a correct cards, they should be reshuffled and the play resumes).
comparison (you can give a time limit here), their card is The winner is the player who is first to return to the initial
put into a separate pile. starting point.
• Then Player C puts down a card next to geography / • Monitor the activity and help students, especially if there
difficult, with a different subject, and Player B makes a are doubts whether the sentence is correct.
comparative sentence with the adjective between them,
i.e. difficult. The game continues around the group until all
the cards have been used once.
• The student with the most cards at the end is the winner.
• Afterwards, hand out the questions to groups and ask
them to share their real opinions.
• Ask one or two people from each group to ask another
group what they discussed for one of the questions,
e.g. What did you say for number 1?

Teaching notes

Vocabulary Activities
4.3  What we think about 4.4  In your experience …
education Aim
Aim To revise the use of suffixes ­­-ful and -less to create adjectives
To give opinions about education Language
Adjectives ending in -ful and -less
Vocabulary related to education Time
15–20 minutes
30–45 minutes Preparation
Make one copy of the worksheet per pair.
Make a set of discussion cards for each group of students Procedure
and an agree and a disagree card for each student. There are • Hand out the materials to the students. Each individual
empty boxes if you want to extend the activity. student should get a different version (A or B) to their
Procedure • Tell students that they have to complete five questions on
• Students work in groups of three or four. The aim of the their worksheet, using adjectives ending either in -ful or
game is to predict other people’s opinions on statements -less.
about education. • After they’ve finished, student A should ask their partner
• Demonstrate the activity with a student before you hand the questions they have written. Student B says if the
out the cards. Give the student an agree card and a disagree questions are correct. Tell them to correct any mistakes in
card. Then turn over a statement card and read it aloud. Tell the questions. They then swap roles.
the student to guess if you agree or disagree with the • Now ask each pair to complete the table with adjectives
statement on the card. They should then put the card they from both versions, deciding which adjectives may have
choose face down on the table. Tell the student if you agree both endings and which usually take only one. Provide
or disagree and give a reason, and then turn up the card the them with the correct answers at the end of the activity.
student placed on the table. If the student guessed • Students should now take turns to ask each other and
correctly, they get a point. The student then takes a turn to answer the questions from their worksheets. Allow
read out the next statement card and you have to guess sufficient time for some free discussion. Monitor the
their opinion. The goal is to get as many points as possible. activity.
• Put students into groups of three or four and give each
group a set of statement cards and enough agree and Answers
disagree cards for each student in the group. Allow about Adjectives taking both endings: helpful/helpless, careful/
20–25 minutes for the game. careless, painful/painless, harmful/harmless, tasteful/tasteless
• After they finish the game, each group should choose up (although tasty is also used), useful/useless
to eight statements and adapt them to make them true Adjectives usually taking just one ending: worthless,
for their opinions. stressful, successful, thankful

Fast finishers
If one group finishes before the others, give them the four
Your idea … cards and ask each student to write their own
statement about education. They can then continue to play
the game with the new statements.

Teaching notes

Matura Exam Activities

4.5   Sentence formation and Reading
4.6   Lexical pairs
4.7  Translations and Gap-filling
4.8   Equivalent words
Time and Answers
Time: 15 minutes
Answers 4.5a:
1 the worst film you  2 not big enough for me  3 less important than studying maths  4 children are as quiet 
5 such awful weather that
Answers 4.5b:
1 B  2 A  3 C  4 B
Time: 8–10 minutes
1 b  2 a  3 b  4 c  5 b  6 a  7 a  8 c  9 c  10 a
Time: 15 minutes
Answers 4.7a:
1 b  2 a  3 c  4 a  5 b  6 b  7 c  8 b  9 a  10 c
Answers 4.7b:
1 oldest  2 as  3 so  4 too
Time: 10–12 minutes
1 a  2 b  3 a  4 c  5 a  6 b  7 a  8 c  9 a  10 c  11 c  12 b  13 a  14 c  15 a


4.1  Dominoes

maths interesting maths easy science hard

science good English bad English important

Polish difficult Polish useful technology serious

physical physical
technology interesting interesting easy
education education

art hard art good music bad

music important geography difficult geography useful

history serious history interesting computing useful

computing important literature serious literature interesting

What do you really think? Discuss these questions in your groups. Prepare to present your ideas to the class!
1 What are the most important skills to learn in school?

2 What subjects are the most difficult and why?

3 What two new subjects would you introduce to your school? Why?

4 What two subjects would you stop having in your school? Why?

5 How will schools be different in the future?

330 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE


4.2  Such a nice board game

not as ... as ...

Miss a turn

2 spaces
Go back
Go to ‘2’

not so
not to


Miss a turn
as ... as ...
not as ... as ...
Go back enough
1 space
Go back to ‘2’
not enough
Go forward WORD CARDS so
3 spaces
3 spaces
too Go forward
Miss a turn
not enough

Miss a turn

as ... as ...

2 spaces

Go to ‘4’

Go back

not so
not to



house book dog football coffee
flat magazine cat basketball tea

chocolate city maths cinema car

lollipop country English theatre bus

guitar elephant laptop comedy winter

piano mouse mobile horror summer

beach ship pizza museum garden

mountains plane hamburger park balcony

Poland teenager tent doctor April

England adult hotel teacher November

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. 331


4.3   What we think about education

Getting good Maths and

Private schools are We should not have
grades is the most languages are the
better than public to study maths and
important thing to most important
schools. science.
do at school. subjects at school.

School subjects
Teenagers are
Music and art are We don’t do should be more
better at learning
just as important as enough physical practical and
than young
science and maths. activity at school. focused on work
and getting a job.

In the future, more

For me, explaining
schools will be School now is more Project work is
something by
online and we will fun than it was for more effective than
speaking is easier
learn by watching our parents. It was traditional ways of
than writing about
videos and doing more serious then. learning.
online exams.

Travelling and Learning

We should learn
experiencing things We should have something new by
more computer
out of school is just longer summer doing it is easier
skills and fewer
as educational as holidays. than learning by
traditional subjects.
going to school. reading about it.

Your idea … Your idea … Your idea … Your idea …



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4.4   In your experience …

Student A

Complete the questions with adjectives (created from the words in brackets) ending in -ful or -less.

In your experience, ...

1 is it easy to be (HELP) to strangers?

2 what is the most (CARE) thing you can do while driving?

3 is going on a diet (WORTH) if you don’t exercise at the same time?

4 what can you do if you suffer from a really (PAIN) headache?

5 are violent computer games completely (HARM) or do they have some negative effects?

Student B’s answers: 1 tasteless, 2 stressful, 3 useless, 4 successful, 5 thankful

Adjectives that take both endings

(-ful and -less)

Adjectives that usually take only one

ending (either -ful or -less)

Student B

Complete the questions with adjectives (created from the words in brackets) ending in -ful or -less.

In your experience, ...

1 if soup is (TASTE), what can you do to improve it?

2 what is the most (STRESS) job?

3 what can you do with a completely (USE) present?

4 who is usually happier: a very rich and (SUCCESS) person with no family or a person with an
average income and a big family?

5 how can you show someone that you are (THANK) for something they’ve done for you?

Student A’s answers: 1 helpful, 2 careless, 3 worthless, 4 painful, 5 harmless

Adjectives that take both endings

(-ful and -less)

Adjectives that usually take only one

ending (either -ful or -less)

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4.5a   Sentence formation

Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując wyrazy w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. Nie należy zmieniać kolejności podanych
wyrazów, trzeba natomiast – jeżeli jest to konieczne – dodać inne wyrazy. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
sześć wyrazów, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.

1 What is (bad / film / you) have ever seen?

2 This jacket is (not / big / me) , I need something in a larger size.

3 I think learning music is (important / study / maths) because there is much more work for people
with mathematic abilities than for musicians.

4 When our (children / be / quiet ) as they are at the moment, we always know that they’re up to
no good.

5 During our holidays, we had (awful / weather / that) we spent almost the whole time in our

4.5b  Reading (matching paragraphs)

Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na trzy części (A–C) oraz pytania ich dotyczące. Do każdego pytania dopasuj
właściwą część tekstu. Jedna część tekstu pasuje do dwóch pytań.

In which part of the text does the author …

1 mention learning preferences that boys and girls have?
2 quote the results of a recent study?
3 claim that school does more than only teach regular subjects?
4 argue that a student may be interested in different subjects, depending on the school they attend?


A Over the decades, the single sex schools versus co-ed schools debate has been quite heated. Although the number of single sex
private schools has halved in the last 20 years, many educational experts have begun to point out the advantages of single sex
schools yet again. It is partly connected with recent news that girls in single sex state schools receive better GCSE* results than
those in co-ed schools, including those who come from poorer backgrounds. According to the SchoolDash research, 75% of
pupils at single-sex schools achieved five good GCSEs while in co-ed schools just 55% learners got such a result.
B So, what are the main advantages of single sex education? First of all, girls and boys are believed to have different learning needs
and teachers in schools for boys or girls only can use various techniques which are more suitable for the gender of their students.
Girls, for example, prefer collaborative learning which involves a lot of discussions and are good at multitasking while boys prefer
competition and are hardwired to be single-task focused. Using gender specific teaching methods can help get the most out of
lesson time and make the learning experience more enjoyable for pupils. Secondly, single sex schools enable girls and boys to
feel free to learn and discover any subject. Girls pursue their interest in male-dominated subjects such as maths and science more
often, and boys explore music and the arts more willingly.
C The opponents of single sex education are mainly concerned that it could make it harder for both girls and boys to relate to one
another in a workplace or social environment later in life. Teaching children academic skills is not the only purpose of education;
young people should also be able to socialise and interact with members of the opposite sex. There is a possibility that pupils
in single sex schools can view the other sex in an entirely unrealistic, idealised way and, as a result, they will not be prepared
adequately for adulthood. It is also believed that co-ed schools are a far better environment for teaching children a broader range
of essential life skills.

GCSE – The General Certificate of Secondary Education

334 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE


4.6   Lexical pairs

Wybierz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obydwu zdaniach. Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

1 I think I left my notebook in the . Could you get it for me, please?
Janine wants to law at Harvard University.
a learn b study c kitchen

2 This blouse was beautiful that I bought it without even trying it on.
I failed my last biology test, I need to revise everything once more.
a so b such c as

3 Do you and your brothers have a lot in , or are you completely different?
Cold is one of the most diseases during the autumn and winter time.
a popular b common c mind

4 Biology is my favourite school .

The of today’s lesson was comparative adjectives and adverbs.
a class b topic c subject

5 We’ll continue discussing the French revolution after the .

I don’t know why but I often things and then I have to replace them.
a lesson b break c destroy

6 Did you up in this neighbourhood?

Doing regular exercise allowed me to stronger.
a grow b become c live

7 Working in this company has not been interesting as I had expected.

you are not interested in horror films, I decided to watch it on my own.
a as b so c since

8 time I talk to him, I’ve got the impression that he isn’t listening.
I really hope we’ll see other very soon.
a one b every c each

9 Brian is an amazing football player.

I love reading crime stories as Agatha Christie’s novels.
a so b really c such

10 My cousin is in sixth at a school in America.

What did you get from the English test?
a grade b class c mark

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4.7a   Translations (multiple choice)

W poniższych zdaniach, spośród podanych odpowiedzi wybierz tę, która jest poprawnym tłumaczeniem fragmentu
zdania podanego w nawiasie. Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

1 (Czy stać cię) to buy a car?

a Can you stand b Can you afford c Can you make it

2 When did you (ukończyłeś) from secondary school?

a graduate b finish c complete

3 This self-defence course (trwa pięć dni).

a goes for five days b continues five days c is five days long

4 Knowing how to light a fire or climb a tree may save your live, so I think students should (rozwijać takie umiejętności).
a develop such skills b learn such abilities c demonstrate such competences

5 Do you think my composition is (wystarczająco długie), or should I write one more paragraph?
a too long b long enough c so long

6 Our maths teacher is (tak poważny, że) I have never seen him smile.
a as serious as b so serious that c not serious enough to

7 What are the (argumenty za i przeciw) of studying abroad?

a ups and downs b ins and outs c pros and cons

8 We’re still waiting for (dalsze informacje) about the spelling competition.
a farther information b further news c next announcement

9 Our last group project was (tak wymagającym) task that we spent over a month on it.
a such a challenging b so challenging c such challenging

10 I’m really (oczekuję z nieciepliwością) the next holidays as we’re going to Greece.
a looking up to b looking down on c looking forward to

4.7b Gap-filling
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
Enrolling at school may not be a great achievement, but Kimani Maruge has proved it may make people realise the importance of
education. Although there are no official records of his birth date, it is believed that when he started attending school, he was 84,
making him the 1 person in the world to do so. In the past, Mr Maruge was a Mau Mau fighter and he
fought for Kenya’s independence from the British, but he never learned to read or write. When the Kenyan Government announced
that primary education is free for all in 2002, Maruge decided to enrol. His path was not 2 easy as he
had expected, there was fierce opposition from parents and government officials. However, he did not give up and passed his first
end-of-term exams 3 well that he was among the top five students in the class. Mr Maruge wanted to
be able to read the Bible and count. He went to school alongside his two grandchildren. Maruge is an example that you are never
4 old to want education and literacy.

336 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE


4.8   Equivalent words

W poniższych zdaniach, spośród podanych opcji wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment.
Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

1 All 4th grade students are advised to go regularly to exam preparation classes.
a attend b afford c apply

2 We should really be thankful to our head for organising such an amazing concert.
a hopeful b grateful c careful

3 If there is a chance to get a scholarship, I will definitely do my best.

a an opportunity b an enquiry c a community

4 I know it’s not pleasant, but you have to confront your problems and find a solution.
a exchange b provide c face

5 What universities are you thinking about?

a considering b guessing c rejecting

6 Do you have any special abilities that could be useful for this project?
a powers b skills c contests

7 Clearly, he doesn’t want to be here. If he did, he wouldn’t behave in this way.

a Obviously b Additionally c Recently

8 Suzanne rushed home, quickly caught a sandwich and left in a hurry to meet her friends.
a came across b provided c grabbed

9 We are going to pay for the course before it starts.

a in advance b on schedule c at a time

10 The weather is beginning to get better.

a solve b differ c improve

11 This watch is made of gold. It must be very expensive.

a important b serious c valuable

12 Do women and men receive the same salary if they have the same position?
a a comparative b an equal c a suitable

13 I’m sad because yesterday I had a fight with my best friend, and we’re not talking to each other at the moment.
a an argument b a communication c an enquiry

14 Alex can be a little irresponsible sometimes when it comes to driving, so I’m often worried about him.
a hopeless b useless c careless

15 Have you already answered your aunt Mary’s email or should I do it?
a replied to b applied for c qualified for

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Teaching notes

Grammar Activities
5.1  Find someone who … 5.2   Who gets there first?
Aim Aim
To find out information about students in the class and To revise expressions that typically take the present perfect
compare experiences (since, for, yet, already, just, recently) and the past simple (ago,
last, in, yesterday) and to practise both of these tenses
Present perfect and past simple
Present perfect and past simple sentences with expressions
that are typical for both tenses
30–45 minutes Time
About 10–15 minutes per round
Make a copy of the worksheet for each student. Preparation
Make one copy of the board per group.
• Tell students they are going to find people who answer Procedure
yes to the activities on the worksheet. When they find • Divide the class into groups of 4 students and hand out the
someone who says yes, they should find out as much material (one board per group).
information as possible. They should try to find different • Ask students to use any small objects as counters and to
people for each experience. place them on the letters to the left of the board. Each
• Model a dialogue with a student and make sure they are student should choose a separate letter.
clear on the question forms they need to use, including • Tell students that they need to reach the corresponding
follow-up questions to get more information when they letter to that which they start from, which is on the
get a yes reply, e.g. opposite side of the board. They can do this by moving
A: Have you been to a birthday party in the last two months? horizontally or vertically across the board, one square at
B: Yes, I have. a time, provided they can create a grammatically correct
A: When was it? sentence that uses the expression in bold and one of the
B: It was two weeks ago. It was my sister’s sixteenth birthday. verbs in that square. Tell them they will need to decide
which tense (either the present perfect or the past simple)
• In a relatively small class, ask students to stand up and
is used with the expression and create a sentence
walk around to complete the activity. In a larger class,
accordingly. If a student lands on a square that has already
students can complete the activity in groups. (Step A)
been used, he/she has to create a sentence that uses the
When they find someone who answers yes to a question,
second verb. If the square has been used twice, the
they should ask another student the next question.
student needs to form two sentences, using both verbs, in
• When they have finished, put students into groups of four order to be able to remain on the square. The winner is the
or six, and ask them to exchange information about what first person who successfully reaches their letter.
they found out from the follow-up questions. (Step B)
• Monitor the activity and help students, especially if there
• Ask students to find out if they have any experiences in are doubts as to whether the sentences are correct.
common in their groups and to ask questions to find out
more information. Refer them to the worksheet to help
clarify the activity.
• Ask the class to work together and share information
about common experiences. (Step C)

Teaching notes

Vocabulary Activities
5.3   In our country … 5.4  Guess the word
Aim Aim
To describe social etiquette and local traditions in your To revise using suffix ­­-al for word formation
Language Adjectives (and nouns) ending in -al
Vocabulary to talk about people in your life, customs and
traditions Time
10–15 minutes per round
45–60 minutes
Make one copy of the worksheet per group and cut out the
cards. The material consists of two sets of cards: adjectives
ending in -al­ (20 cards) and nouns with the same ending
Make a copy of the worksheet for each student. Think about (6 cards). As the nouns will probably be more challenging for
the technology you have available if you want students to students, you may consider giving out just the adjective set to
make videos. You could also assign some of the work for weaker groups, while stronger students may have both sets.
homework if you want to use technology. Students can finish
their videos or create online quizzes or information sheets Procedure
after the lesson.
• Divide the class into groups of 3 or 4 students and hand
out the material. The cards should be placed in a pile, face
Procedure down.
• Ask students what they know about customs when
• Tell students that they’ll need to guess the words ending in
meeting people in other countries and how families and
-al after listening to the definitions. Demonstrate with one
young people might behave differently in social situations.
of the cards, showing that the required word is written on
Review useful language.
the card.
• Hand out the page to students and read the problem with
• Students play the game, taking turns to pick up a card and
the students. Ask them what these videos, factsheets and
read the definition to the other students in the group. The
quizzes might include. Write some ideas on the board.
first person to guess the word claims the card. If nobody
• Put students into groups and ask them to choose which can come up with the word, the player reading the
output they want to produce, i.e. a quiz, a factsheet (which definition gives the answer and keeps the card. Set a time
could be a poster) or a video, if the technology is available. limit of 30 seconds, or longer if you feel that your students
• Ask them to discuss what kind of information they want to require more time. It’s useful to pick one student in each
include. You could tell one person in each group to take group who can time the activity with the stopwatch on
notes. their phone. The winner is the person who has the most
• Students complete their factsheet, quiz or video. This cards at the end of the game.
could be something they complete at home, or together Note: With smaller classes (up to 12 students) you may choose
after the class. to make it a competition between two groups while you read
• Students should then show other groups their product. out the definitions in front of the class.
Ask students to ask questions about anything they don’t
understand and to say what they like about the product.

Teaching notes

Matura Exam Activities

5.5  Transformations
5.6   Sentence formation and Reading
5.7  Reading
5.8   Picture description
Time and Answers
Time: 10–12 minutes
1 have lived in  2 bought/got/purchased this car in  3 have just finished  4 not finished cleaning yet 
5 not been/gone camping for  6 has changed school several  7 Have you ever played  8 has gone to see  9 since I was 
10 has always been
Time: 15 minutes
Answers 5.6a:
1 have been friends since 2002  2 finished reading an hour  3 has not brought them yet  4 have never seen a better 
5 have already been there a few  6 have just heard on
Suggested answers 5.6b:
1 the (Southern District) Public Library  2 different cultures (and cultural anthropology) 
3 come of age / celebrate coming of age  4 ask questions  5 don’t have to / needn’t to / don't need to
Time: 8–10 minutes
1 b  2 c  3 d
Time: 10–12 minutes
Picture 1: 1 a mobile (phone)  2 a (tea/coffee) cup  3 between  4 long hair
Picture 2: 1 playing (computer/video) games  2 the sofa  3 popcorn  4 palm/plant
Picture 3: 1 birthday  2 candles  3 (birthday) cake  4 moustache
Picture 4: 1 re-enactment  2 armour  3 swords/weapons  4 screaming/shouting


5.1   Find someone who …

A Ask other students about the experiences below. Find out as much information as you can.

Find someone who … Name

has been to a birthday party in the last two months.

has appeared in a film or a video.

has stayed awake all night.

has been to a family party with more than fifty people.

has met someone from a different country at a party.

has celebrated a traditional festival in a different country.

has spoken in public at a party.

has organised a party for someone they know.

B Work in groups and tell each other what you found out about the people in your class.

What experience do you have in common with other people in your group? Ask questions to find out more information.

A: I think we have both been to a party with more than fifty people. What was the party for?

B: It was my grandmother’s birthday.

A: Really? How old was she?

C  Discuss the experiences with the class. What are the most common experiences?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. 341

for yet just three years ago

A live / work not see / not do leave / read visit / talk


last night yesterday last Monday recently

5.2   Who gets there first?

B go / meet buy / watch choose / speak think / break


a few days ago in 2017 for before yesterday

C start / finish attend / dream wear / drink give / take


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already just since yet

D prepare / cook pay / find learn / swim hear? / bring?



5.3   In our country …

The problem

There are lots of quizzes, factsheets and videos online that give tips and
information about social customs in different countries for families and friends,
business travellers and people moving to a new country. The problem is that
there is very little for teenagers. How can they know what to expect and how to
behave when they visit a different country?

Your job

You are going to create either a very short video (one to two minutes), a short quiz
or a factsheet about social customs for teenagers who are coming to visit your
country or live in it. Think about the following questions:
• What is it like to be a teenager in your country. (Is it fun? Is it serious? Are you
usually close to your family? Do you have a lot of freedom?)
• What typical things do teenagers do in their free time?
• How do you greet and say goodbye to people: other teenagers, adults,
teachers? (kiss, hug, shake hands, etc.)
• What should you do if you are invited to a meal with adults? (Do you have to
bring a gift? What should you wear? Are you expected to contribute to the
conversation or not?)

Work with your group and discuss what you will include. Make some notes.

Then create your video, quiz or factsheet.

Share it with other people in your class.

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5.4  Guess the word

connected with the past happening unexpectedly or by chance

historical accidental
related to one country characteristic of somebody or something, standard

national typical
related to crime / a person who has committed a crime related to teaching and learning

criminal educational
produced by our planet, not by people talented in singing or playing an instrument

natural musical
happening every day / relaxed and informal happening in the same way for many generations

casual traditional
connected with groups of people related to matters of state and the government

social political
extra, further not real, imaginary

additional fictional
relating to a person doing their job really well appearing in the world of the computer

professional virtual
belonging only to you easily affected by the feeling of sadness or happiness

personal emotional
lying in the middle position related to the law, allowed

central legal

coming to one’s destination giving permission, agreement

arrival approval
suggestion, offer, proposition staying alive in difficult conditions

proposal survival
saying no, a rejection testing, checking / a court case

refusal trial

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5.5   Transformations (gaps)

Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby zachować sens zdania
wyjściowego. Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy,
wliczając w to wyraz już podany.

1 We moved into this house five years ago.

We this house for five years.

2 Sam has had this car since March.

Sam March.

3 I finished my lunch a moment ago.

I my lunch.

4 I don’t think he’s actually finished cleaning.

I think he has .

5 We last went camping in 2015, and it’s 2018 now.

We have three years.

6 Jessica changed school when she was 8, again when she was 12 and then once more.
Jessica times.

7 Was there a time in your life when you played tennis?


8 My sister went to see her friends an hour ago and she’s still with them.
My sister her friends.

9 I joined this company when I was 25 years old.

I have worked for this company 25 years old.

10 We have never lived in a city other than New York.

New York the place we call home.

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5.6a   Sentence formation

Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując wyrazy w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. Nie należy zmieniać kolejności podanych
wyrazów, trzeba natomiast – jeżeli jest to konieczne – dodać inne wyrazy. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
sześć wyrazów, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.

1 We (be / friends / 2002) , which is when we met in the kindergarten.

2 Daniel (finish / read / an hour) ago and has since gone to bed.

3 We’re waiting for some very important test results. Our teacher (not / bring / yet)
, so we’re really nervous.

4 I have to admit that I (never / see / good ) film than The Lord of the Rings.

5 I don’t want to go to this museum. I (already / be / few) times, so I’d like to see something new.

6 Oh no, I (just / hear / on) the radio that the weather is about to change for the worse. I’m afraid
we won’t manage to have a picnic today.

5.6b  Reading (gap-filling)

Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij luki w zdaniach zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.

Coming of Age Public lecture by INVITATION

celebrations around Samuel Davis Passing from childhood into adulthood is a fascinating topic
the world and different cultures have totally different views on when and
how this special moment should be celebrated.
If you want to find out more on this topic, come and listen to
Tuesday, 25th March
our special guest who has seen many of these unique rites with
4 pm – 5.30 pm
his own eyes. You’ll hear about the Brazilian bullet ant initiation,
Venue: the Amish Rumspringa, Hamar Cow Jumping from Ethiopia and
Southern District the Apache Sunrise Ceremony.
Public Library World-famous traveller, After the lecture there’ll be half an hour of Q&A with our guest,
curious explorer of different so you can get more information about any matter that you
cultures and renowned find interesting.
free of charge
expert on cultural

1 The lecture will take place in .

2 The speaker is a person who has travelled a lot and who has wide knowledge about .

3 During the lecture, you can find out how people around the world.

4 After the lecture, the participants will be able to .

5 You pay to attend the lecture.

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5.7   Reading (multiple choice)

Przeczytaj teksty 1 i 2. Wybierz odpowiednie odpowiedzi do pytań 1–3.

Text 1

Meeting new people and getting to know them better is something that usually takes place at school, in workplaces or during
social events like parties. But it is not how I got to know my best friends. We started our friendship while playing an online
video game World of Warcraft.
It may seem strange, but when you think of it, you’ll reach the same conclusion that I did: we had a great starting point –
a shared passion for the game. We started off as teammates, playing together in instances to defeat some very difficult boss
monsters. We had communicated via written chats beforehand, then we added spoken communication, using headphones
with microphones as it was quicker and more effective as far as strategy was concerned. We discovered that we had a very
similar sense of humour and we began to talk more not only about the game, but about everything else. Finally, we created
our own guild in the game but also decided to meet in the real world as well.
Fortunately, it turned out that we all lived in the same city, so we decided to meet in a café in the centre. It was strange at first
to put a face to the voice and we were actually all quite shy. But after some time we realised that all the time we had spent
together while gaming had built up a special relationship between us, which made me realise that there was no point in being
afraid of one another. We’ve been real friends for about three years now, but if you add the initial in-game time, it’s already
been about 5 years.

Text 2

Playing online video games has become one of the easiest ways for teenagers to meet like-minded people and create what
may turn into a lifelong friendship. The results of a recent survey carried out among teens aged 13–17 show that 72 percent of
them spend their free time playing video games. However, what is even more interesting, 36 percent report they have made a
new friend through a networked video game. These young gamers also feel a real sense of affinity with their online teammates,
especially when they regularly use voice connections that help them develop and improve the friendship. According to the
research, playing online video games helps 78 percent of teenagers feel more connected to those that they’ve already known in
real life as well; a little more than a half also say they feel closer to friends whom they only know online. ‘Gaming is a great way to
get to know someone,’ said gamer Chris Wiseman, who met his fiancée while playing Halo 4. ‘It’s a teamwork and relationship-
building experience where you can really learn more about the other person.’ Researchers have been observing this trend for
many years now and they believe that the online game environment should be referred to as a ‘third space,’ outside of the
home and workplace. It is a very distinctive space for people from different backgrounds to come together and reinforce their
sense of belonging.

1 Which sentence is true about the author of Text 1?

a He had known the people who later became his best friends before he started gaming.
b It was easy for him to make friends with people in the game because of their similar hobbies.
c There was no voice communication in his online friendship.
d His first real meeting with his online friends was a total disaster.

2 Which of the following is stated as an opinion, not as a fact, in Text 2?

a More than one third of online game players make new friends in games.
b Playing online games with friends you’ve had before strengthens your relationship.
c Playing online games teaches you how to work better in a team.
d The online game environment has become a ‘third space’ for developing social relations.

3 From both texts we learn

a that playing online games improves your relationship with the people you know.
b how to make friends in an online environment.
c that you can find a life partner in an online game.
d that it’s possible to build a long-lasting friendship through an online game.

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5.8   Picture description

Przeczytaj opis ilustracji. Uzupełnij każdą lukę odpowiednimi wyrażeniami, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst
zgodny z ilustracją.

Picture 1
This is a picture of me and my friends when we were hanging
out in a café during the summer. I think it was taken by Sarah
because she’s not in it. The guy wearing glasses and a hat
in the middle, who’s holding 1 ,
is Jeff. If I remember correctly, he was showing us a
funny film on YouTube. The smiling girl on the right with
2 in front of her is my best
friend Jessica. The bearded boy to the left is my boyfriend
Simon. So now you’ll be able to guess that the girl sitting
3 the boys is me. At that time
I still had 4 , I decided to change my
hairstyle for a shorter one a few months later.

Picture 2
This picture was taken by my mum when me and my friend
Alicia were 1 . We were sitting on
2 and we were so focussed on the
game that we didn’t even notice mum was taking this picture.
And we had also forgotten there was a plastic box full of
3 between us. But I just love how
the 4 in the corner on the left
matches the pattern on the cushions in this picture, don’t you?

Picture 3
I took this picture a few years ago when we were celebrating
my little brother’s 1 . He was very
excited, but also scared because he didn’t really know how
to blow 2 , so my dad helped him.
I remember that the 3 that’s on the
table was delicious. My mum made it. She’s just next to my
brother. My grandparents are also in the picture. My grandma
is wearing glasses. She’s to the left. My grandpa has got a
4 , which makes him look a little like
a cowboy.

Picture 4
This photo was taken when we were practising for a
1 of a medieval Viking battle. We
were wearing helmets and 2 . It was
absolutely amazing, and of course we were carrying shields
and 3 . We were trying really hard
to get into our roles. We were all 4
and Jack was making threatening gestures with his axe. I had
a great time then.

348 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE

Teaching notes

Grammar Activities
6.1   Best vs worst 6.2   Giving advice
Aim Aim
To decide with a partner which school rules are the best and To revise zero conditional sentences for advice
worst, and to present the decisions
Language Giving advice
Modal verbs: have to, must, mustn’t, can, can’t, don’t have to,
should, shouldn’t to discuss rules Time
25–30 minutes
45–60 minutes Preparation
Make one copy of the cards per pair and cut them out.
Make one copy of the worksheet for each pair. Procedure
• Introduce the activity by asking the whole class if they like
Procedure travelling and if they like giving and receiving travelling
• Divide the class into pairs. Give each pair a copy of advice.
the worksheet. • Divide the class into pairs. Give each pair a set of 9 cut-out
• Tell students that they have five minutes to read all cards.
the rules. • Tell students they need to rearrange the cards in such
• Then each pair decides which are the six best rules and a way that the beginning and the ending of a sentence on
the six worst rules. They tick the six best and put a cross by the sides of nearby cards should match.
the six worst. (Step A) • Tell students that rearranging the cards in an appropriate
• Once the pairs have agreed on the rules, ask them to way will allow them to create 12 sentences. Inform them
choose either the best or worst rules for their school and to also that not all sentence beginnings and endings have
copy these six items onto a separate sheet of paper. (Step B) their counterparts (8 beginnings and 4 endings don’t).
• Students now prepare a short presentation of no more • Monitor the activity and help students if necessary.
than two minutes in which they explain why they chose • When students have finished, check the activity by asking
the rules they did and what effect these rules would have students (pair by pair) to read the sentences they created.
on a school. (Step C) • After checking the sentences, ask each pair to choose a city
• At this point, you can write some supporting language for they know well and create their own advice for a potential
the students on the board, such as: tourist. They should use zero conditional sentences.
We chose to talk about good/bad rules. • Ask them to write them down on a separate piece of
Our rules were … paper. They mustn’t write the name of the city.
The rule we most liked/disliked was … because … • Now collect your students' work, and redistribute it, giving
This rule would cause problems because … each pair a piece of paper that is not theirs. Ask students
• Ask pairs to deliver their presentations to the class. In order to guess the city and write it on the piece of paper. Then
to encourage active listening, allow the class to ask one or collect everything again and give back to the original
two questions about each pair’s choice of rules. authors. Ask them to check if their colleagues guessed
their city correctly.

Teaching notes

Vocabulary activities
6.3   Telling a story 6.4   Prefix roulette
Aim Aim
To revise key vocabulary from the unit and practise telling To predict the negative prefixes for a range of high frequency
stories words

Language Language
Key vocabulary covered in the unit Negative prefixes: in-, dis-, im- and un-

Time Time
20–25 minutes 30 minutes

Preparation Preparation
Make one copy of vocabulary cards per group and cut them Make one copy of the roulette wheel and one copy of the
out. Optionally, you may prepare a picture of a young adult to gamemaster’s lists for each group; only the gamemaster sees
present at the beginning of the activity. these lists. The players will need counters – they can use any
small items they have. The gamemaster will need to be able
Procedure to time each ‘go’, so he/she can use the stopwatch function
• Divide the class into groups of 3. Give each group a set of on their phones.
cut-out cards. They should hold them face down.
• Tell students you want to tell them a story of a certain Procedure
person (name the character at this point). If you’ve got • Divide the class into groups of four or five students and ask
a picture, present it to the class and start telling the story each group to elect one member as the gamemaster –
(you may use your own words or a completely different someone who has good organisational skills and will be
introduction if you wish): able to keep the game running smoothly.
This is Mr/Mrs X. He/She lives in a big city. He/She has got two • Provide each group with a roulette wheel and counters if
brothers and a sister and is the youngest in the family, so necessary. Give each gamemaster the words for Round 1.
everybody is very protective of him/her. Feeling so much care • The gamemaster reads out a word, e.g. usual. Then he/she
and love is nice, but Mr/Mrs X feels like a bird in a cage and says Please place your counters! The players have five
would really like to become more independent. One summer seconds to place their counters on the negative prefix that
day, when Mr/Mrs X has just finished breakfast, his/her mobile they think can precede the word.
starts ringing … • After ten seconds the gamemaster indicates the correct
• Explain to students that their task is to continue the story in answer by saying, e.g. Peter and Anna, you are correct.
their groups. Each member of the group should draw one • After each word, the gamemaster records the scores.
vocabulary card and create the next part of the story using • There are three rounds of roulette with ten words in each.
the word on the card or its derivative (eg. success – At the end of each round, the gamemaster adds up the
successful, unsuccessful, succeed). Each student should create scores and announces the winner, who then becomes the
between one and three sentences each round. The story gamemaster for the next round. Hand out the words for
should therefore consist of 15 to 45 sentences. the next round to each gamemaster. Repeat this after
• Monitor the activity and help students if necessary. Round 2.
• When students have used all the cards, ask students from
different groups if their story has finished well or badly, and
ask them for some details.

Teaching notes

Matura Exam Activities

6.5   Lexical pairs
6.6  Transformations and Word formation
6.7  Translations
6.8  Mini-dialogues
Time and Answers
Time: 5–7 minutes
1 c  2 a  3 b  4 c  5 a  6 b  7 a  8 c  9 a  10 b
Time: 15 minutes
Answers 6.6a:
1 a  2 b  3 b  4 c  5 a  6 c  7 b  8 c  9 b  10 a
Answers 6.6b:
1 failures  2 impatient  3 disagreed  4 disappeared
Time: 8–10 minutes
Answers 6.7a:
1 a  2 b  3 a  4 c  5 c  6 a  7 b  8 b  9 c  10 b
Answers 6.7b:
1 achieve a goal  2 feel relaxed  3 unable / not able to overcome / beat  4 without permission  5 follow / obey / respect
the rules.
Time: 8–10 minutes
Answers 6.8a: 1 b  2 a  3 a  4 c  5 a  6 b
Suggested answers 6.8b: 1 I’m not so sure. / I don’t think so. / No, not really.  2 You should take / You ought to take 
3 Here you are.  4 You must see it. / You have to see it.


6.1   Best vs worst

A Here are some school rules. Discuss the rules in pairs. Decide which six rules are the best and tick (✓) them.
Decide which six rules are the worst and put a cross (✗) by them.

❑  Students have to eat everything served at lunch.

❑  Badly-behaved students have to stand in the corner.
❑  You can help your classmates during exams.
❑  Students can’t be in groups of more than four at break times.
❑  You have to stand up when a teacher enters the classroom.
❑  You can’t wear sandals to school.
❑  You can’t dance anywhere in the school.
❑  You can have snacks only of fresh fruit at break times.
❑  Students don’t have to do their homework.
❑  Students have to cook their own lunch.
❑  You can take a nap when you need to.
❑  Each student has to teach one class every term.
❑  You can’t sing in the school building.
❑  Students must wear a uniform.
❑  Students have to sit in a different place every day.
❑  You mustn’t use your phone except in emergencies.
❑  Students can’t call anyone their best friend.
❑  You have to spend break times outside even when it’s cold.
❑  All students must have one PE lesson a day.
❑  You have to help younger students with their work.

Now write out either the six best or six worst rules. Give your list a heading: either The best school rules or The
worst school rules. Together, add two more rules to the list.

C  Prepare a short presentation to explain to the rest of the class which rules you chose. Say:
• which rule you agreed on the most quickly,
• why the rules are fair or not fair,
• which rules are your own,
• how they will make the school better or worse.

352 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE


6.2   Giving advice

If you want to have fun … … you may feel sad. When you feel tired …

… you should go to St. Peter’s Square.

… you can admire great views.

If you want to see the Pope …

If you don’t like crowds …

When you go to the Arc
de Triomphe …


If you visit the Louvre … ?

… you must see
Buckingham Palace If you are a history lover …

… you must see the Mona Lisa. the capital of Great Britain … the Colloseum.
When you are in … you must see
If you enjoy visiting old churches …

… you should take photographs.

If you go to Madame Tussauds …
… you should ask for a tortilla.

the world’s most famous faces.

should be your top choice.

… you can see some of

… Westminster Abbey


… you can’t miss If you want to do … you can’t miss the Prado
the Brandenburg Gate. some sightseeing … National Museum.

the capital of Germany… a double-decker bus. yourself an art lover …

When you visit … you may get on If you consider
… you must go to the Fernsehturm.

When you feel like walking …

If you want some excitement …

… you should go to Retiro Park.
If you want to see the city’s
When you want to taste

tallest structure …
German food …

If you are interested … I recommend visiting If you like modern

in political buildings … the Eye. buildings …

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throw brave worry waste success

6.3   Telling a story

fear socialise complain accept fail

© Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.

support potential struggle perfect reject



6.4   Prefix roulette

dis im

in un

Gamemaster's list of words

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Questions Answers Questions Answers Questions Answers
perfect imperfect fair unfair expected unexpected
agree disagree possible impossible employed unemployed
able unable successful unsuccessful organised disorganised
formal informal advantage disadvantage reliable unreliable
certain uncertain complete incomplete polite impolite
clear unclear appear disappear fortunately unfortunately
visible invisible like dislike friendly unfriendly
happy unhappy realistic unrealistic honest dishonest
fit unfit patient impatient trust distrust
correct incorrect likely unlikely experienced inexperienced

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6.5   Lexical pairs

Wybierz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obydwu zdaniach. Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

1 I’d really want to have my room and stop sharing one with my sister.
Do you a car, or do you use the one that belongs to your parents?
a drive b have c own

2 My cousin went to Paris for a month to his French.

Listen to this song! I think it would be for our first dance at the wedding reception.
a perfect b improve c ideal

3 Why do you your time watching such horrible films?

This country produces hundreds of tonnes of toxic every month.
a spend b waste c rubbish

4 We should go along this street and then turn at the traffic lights.
James is , we shouldn’t buy this car. It’s too expensive.
a positive b left c right

5 I’m not very good at gymnastics, but I can very fast.

We decided to set up a company and now we our own business.
a run b exercise c jump

6 What do you think this jumper? Does it suit me?

Maybe you should read a book before going to bed instead watching TV.
a from b of c about

7 If you are high altitude, you may have trouble breathing.

first, I wasn’t sure if he was joking or telling the truth.
a at b on c of

8 Can you give me that pen? I can’t it.

After a long discussion we finally managed to a conclusion.
a take b find c reach

9 He works for an organisation that tries to awareness of issues like global warming.
Please, your hand if you have any questions about the exam.
a raise b rise c increase

10 Do you know the grammar for the zero conditional?

Does a king or a queen in your country or do you have a president?
a reign b rule c condition

356 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE


6.6a   Transformations (multiple choice)

W poniższych zdaniach, spośród podanych opcji wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment.
Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

1 Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful in my maths exam and, as a result, I’ll have to retake it.
a failed b rejected c succeeded

2 The holiday was very nice, although the 12-hour journey by bus was a negative point.
a disagreement b disadvantage c disappearance

3 It is forbidden to use cameras in the building.

a You don’t have to b You mustn’t c You may not

4 My English essay still has some weaknesses, but I’m happy enough with it.
a failures b successes c imperfections

5 Can I use the computer in the living room?

a Am I allowed to b Do I have to c Do I need to

6 I really like Jasmine but I never understand why she’s always unable to wait.
a impossible b imperfect c impatient

7 He was so tired after swimming for so many hours that he fought for every breath.
a attempted b struggled c frightened

8 I really think it is a good idea for you to exercise more and eat less junk food.
a you might b you must c you should

9 I got a wonderful present for my birthday this year.

a surprise b gift c reward

10 I liked this dish although its special taste was definitely unusual.
a flavour b appearance c grocery

6.6b  Word formation

Uzupełnij luki w tekście, stosując wyrazy z ramki w odpowiedniej formie. Uwaga: dwa wyrazy zostały podane
dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

able advantage agree appear fail patient

Many things we use in everyday life were created in the long process of hard work and many repeated 1
which eventually led to a success. But some of them started as a result of an accident or pure luck.
One of them was the chewing gum. Thomas Adams, who tried to make a new substance similar to rubber from the sap of South
American trees, became 2 when his experiments didn’t bring the expected outcome. Angry, he put a piece
of the sap into his mouth and … he liked it.
Another one were potato chips. They were cooked by a hotel chef George Crum for a guest who complained about his potato
fries. Of course Crum 3 with his opinion and, feeling offended, decided to play a trick on the man. He sliced
a potato very thin, fried it much longer and salted it more. He thought the guest would hate it, but in fact the dish
4 within minutes and the guest asked for another serving.

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6.7a   Translations (multiple choice)

W poniższych zdaniach, spośród podanych odpowiedzi wybierz tę, która jest poprawnym tłumaczeniem fragmentu
zdania podanego w nawiasie. Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

1 (Czy ma znaczenie) if I wear casual clothes to the party?

a Does it matter b Does it have meaning c Is it important

2 Sometimes it’s really hard to (ciągle próbować) if we don't have any successes.
a still try b keep trying c only try

3 I've got a small problem and I'd like to (poprosić o radę).

a ask for advice b request directions c make a request

4 He chose to spend his holidays in Norway (zamiast) a more tropical location.

a apart from b according to c instead of

5 (Wszakże), everybody likes to have some fun from time to time.

a All in all b At all c After all

6 It’s true he (zrobił błąd), but can’t you see he didn’t mean to hurt anyone?
a made a mistake b did an error c made a failure

7 I was really impressed when Anna scored 100% with her (pierwszym podejściu).
a first attitude b first attempt c first attribute

8 It’s impossible to succeed (jeśli nie ryzykujesz).

a if you risk b unless you take a risk c if you not risk

9 When Tamara (nie zdała) the university entrance exams, she decided to take a gap year.
a rejected to pass b achieved to pass c failed to pass

10 I really hate it when food in the fridge goes off and I have to (wyrzucić je).
a throw it over b throw it away c throw it up

6.7b  Translations (gaps)

W poniższych zdaniach, przetłumacz fragment zdania podany w nawiasie.

1 It’s much easier to (osiągnąć cel) if you have a plan.

2 Do you (czujesz się odprężony) when you listen to music?

3 Yesterday Dennis was (niezdolny, żeby pokonać) his rival in the race and he lost.

4 It’s forbidden to use the equipment in the science lab (bez pozwolenia) .

5 Susan decided not to (przestrzegać zasad) and she was excluded from the game.

358 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE


6.8a   Mini-dialogues (multiple choice)

Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi, wybierając brakującą wypowiedź jednej z osób. Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

1 A: Something’s wrong with my mobile. 4 A: Let’s buy some junk food!

B: What’s the matter with it? B:
A: I can’t send text messages or call. A: Oh, come on. Just this once, please.
B: a That’s a great idea!
A: Good idea, I will. b Sorry, I can’t help you.
a Can’t you? c But we really shouldn’t.
b You might try restarting it.
c I’m really sorry. 5 A: I love taking photographs.
2 A: I’m so tired. I was doing maths exercises till midnight A: Maybe next year, I’ve already got too many additional
last night … lessons.
B: But why? We don’t have to hand in the homework until a Why not sign up for a photography course?
next Monday. b You should buy a camera.
A: c How about asking your dad for help?
a You’re kidding …
6 A
 : Do you remember that holiday in France when you lost
b That’s possible.
c You mustn’t say that. all you luggage?
3 A: Mum, did you hear me playing this piece? A: Why not? It all ended well, so we should be able to
B: Yes, you played it brilliantly. laugh about it now.
A: I guess all my hard work has finally paid off. a Yes, I remember quite well.
B: b Don’t even mention it.
a Well, practice makes perfect. c No, can you remind me?
b Not at all.
c I’ve always known that.

6.8b   Mini-dialogues (gaps)

Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi, wpisując brakującą wypowiedź jednej z osób.

1 A: Do you think I should buy this dress?

A: Well, then let’s go to a different shop.

2 A: I’ve got a terrible headache.

B: a painkiller.
A: That’s a good idea.

3 A: Can you pass me that book, please?

A: Thank you.

4 A: Have you seen the latest Star Wars film?

B: No, not yet.
A: . It's amazing!
B: If you say so, then I definitely will.

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Teaching notes

Grammar Activities
7.1  That’s not going to happen 7.2   Conditional ’Black Peter‘
round here! Aim
Aim To revise first conditional sentences
To agree or disagree with given predictions about students’ Language
town/city/country, to compare and defend their opinions
First conditional sentences
Language Time
Making predictions with will, won’t, going to, might and About 10–15 minutes per round
might not.
Time Make one copy of the worksheet per group. Cut out the cards
30–60 minutes along the lines indicated. You may choose to laminate the
cards, they will be easier to use again in the future.
Make one copy of the worksheet for each student. Procedure
• Divide the class into groups of 2–4 students and hand out
Procedure the cards (one deck per group).
• Hand out one worksheet to each student. Ask them to • Ask one student to deal out the cards in their group. They
read through the predictions and to decide for each one may not have the same number of cards, but inform that
whether they agree or disagree. They then tick or put a they should not be worried about that.
cross in the Stage 1 tick box, cross out the incorrect word • Every player should look for pairs of cards (two halves of
in the sentence and complete it with their reason for a conditional sentence) in their opening hand. If they have
agreeing/disagreeing. If they wish to write more for any some, they should show them to the rest of the group and
particular prediction, there is additional space at the put them to one side.
bottom of the worksheet. Allow up to fifteen minutes for • Then, in turn, the students draw one card from the player
students to complete Stage 1. on their left side. This card must be drawn ‘blind’. If the
card matches any of their cards, they create a sentence,
• Once students have finished, put them into pairs and
show it to the group and again put the cards to one side.
tell them to proceed with Stage 2. Here they look at the
The winner is the person who uses up all their cards first.
predictions with their partner, reading out their reasons.
The loser is the person who is left with a card without
If they agree with their partner, they tick the Stage 2 box.
a pair (the ’Black Peter‘).
If they disagree they put a cross in it. If they listen to their
• You may mix students up after the first round and let them
partner and change their mind about the prediction, they
play again.
put a C (for change) in the Stage 2 box. Allow ten minutes
• Monitor the activity and help students, especially if there
for this stage.
are doubts as to whether the sentence is correct.
• In Stage 3, read out the predictions one by one, or ask for a
volunteer to read them out, and the whole class votes on
whether they agree or disagree. Count up the votes for
each student to complete the Stage 3 sections of their
worksheet with the majority decision. Allow ten minutes
for this stage.
• Finally, invite one or two students to share their reasons for
agreeing or disagreeing with the class and allow any
resulting class discussion for another ten minutes or so.

Teaching notes

Vocabulary Activities
7.3   Design a menu! 7.4   Let’s switch
Aim Aim
To choose a menu for a partner, trying to predict their taste To revise the use of suffixes -er, -ance, -ment and -ion to create
preferences, then reporting back to the class nouns from verbs

Language Language
Food vocabulary from Unit 7 Nouns ending in -er, -ance, -ment and -ion

Time Time
30–45 minutes 25–30 minutes

Preparation Preparation
Make one copy of the worksheet for each student. Make one copy of the worksheet per group. Separate the
board from the cards and cut out the cards along the lines
Procedure indicated.
• Before you hand out the worksheets, explain to students
that this is a guessing game about food, so they must not Procedure
comment on whether they would like or not like the • Divide the class into groups and hand out the materials to
different dishes on the worksheet at the beginning. students. The word cards should be shuffled and placed in
• Remind the students that meals in restaurants are often a pile, face down.
made up of a starter, main course and dessert. Explain that • To play the game students need to create nouns from the
each student is going to choose a special menu for their verbs on the cards. Four players decide which letter they
partner from a new restaurant. want to start from and the fifth player becomes a
• Put the students into pairs and give each student a copy temporary gamemaster and receives the card containing
of the worksheet. Give students a few minutes to read the the answers.
different dishes individually, and then to choose and copy • The first student draws a card and if the word they create is
a menu for their partner. (Step A) Students put the name correct, they can claim a square with the corresponding
of their partner on the menu that they are designing. noun ending (tell them to use different colours or shapes).
They should not look at each other’s menus. However, the square has to be adjacent horizontally or
• When each student in the pair has finished, they show vertically to the square they started from. Later in the
each other their worksheets and rate them in the tick game, students may claim only those squares that are
boxes, i.e. a number of points (or a minus point) for each adjacent to the ones they have already claimed. The
choice. (Step B) Encourage them to look at the menus gamemaster has the ultimate decision as to whether a
together so this becomes a discussion activity. Allow up word is correct or not. If the noun is incorrect, the card is
to ten to fifteen minutes for them to look at both menus. placed at the bottom of the pile.
• Each partner totals up their score and then prepares a short • After 4 turns, the gamemaster switches places with
text, following the model at the bottom of the worksheet, to player A and joins in with the game. After another 4 turns,
share with the class. (Step C) Allow five minutes for the the gamemaster switches places with payer B and so on.
writing and between ten and twenty minutes for students The game continues until the players have run out of cards.
to share with the class, depending upon the number of The winner is the player who has claimed the most squares.
students you have. Remind the players that claiming them was a joint effort,

Teaching notes

Matura Exam Activities

7.5   Equivalent words
7.6  Transformations and Reading
7.7   Sentence formation and Gap-filling
7.8  Reading
Time and Answers
Time: 10–15 minutes
1 a  2 c  3 b  4 b  5 a  6 a  7 c  8 b  9 c  10 a  11 b  12 a  13 c  14 b  15 b
Time: 7–10 minutes
Answers 7.6a:
1 c  2 a  3 a  4 c  5 b
Suggested answers 7.6b:
1 terrible / very difficult / disastrous  2 she forgot to take her lunch to school.  3 she is a really good cook / she cooks really
well  4 run out of / didn’t have the ingredients  5 there was glass in the dish / glass from the light bulb was in the food.
Time: 15 minutes
Answers 7.7a:
1 we are flying to London  2 will definitely visit the/this/that restaurant  3 will stop eating meat  4 when you see him 
5 won’t do it/this/that again  6 are you going to do with  7 doesn’t want to eat  8 will make you a sandwich 
9 won’t be there  10 I will be ill / I’m going to be ill.
Answers 7.7b:
1 If  2 will  3 not  4 may / might / can / should
Time: 7–10 minutes
Suggested answers:
1 cook very well  2 fish and cream  3 half an hour / 30 minutes


7.1   That’s not going to happen round here!

First decide whether you agree with each of the predictions below about your local area and complete Stage 1 with
a tick (✓) or a cross (✗) in the box and give your reason. There is space at the bottom of the worksheet if you want to
write more. Then follow your teacher’s instructions for Stage 2 and Stage 3.

1  There are going to be more cars on the roads here in the future.
Stage 1 I agree/disagree because .
Stage 2 I agree/disagree with my partner about this.
Stage 3 The class voted for/against the statement.

2  In ten years, there won’t be as many jobs in this area.

Stage 1 I agree/disagree because .
Stage 2 I agree/disagree with my partner about this.
Stage 3 The class voted for/against the statement.

3  There might not be as many small shops in the area as bigger stores and online shopping will become more
and more popular.
Stage 1 I agree/disagree because .
Stage 2 I agree/disagree with my partner about this.
Stage 3 The class voted for/against the statement.

4  There will be more crime on the streets of towns and cities in this area.
Stage 1 I agree/disagree because .
Stage 2 I agree/disagree with my partner about this.
Stage 3 The class voted for/against the statement.

5  People might not have as many holidays here in the future.

Stage 1 I agree/disagree because .
Stage 2 I agree/disagree with my partner about this.
Stage 3 The class voted for/against the statement.

6  There is going to be more English used on TV and in day-to-day conversations here in the future.
Stage 1 I agree/disagree because .
Stage 2 I agree/disagree with my partner about this.
Stage 3 The class voted for/against the statement.

7  People here are going to be interested in learning other languages (not English) in the future.
Stage 1 I agree/disagree because .
Stage 2 I agree/disagree with my partner about this.
Stage 3 The class voted for/against the statement.
You can write additional reasons for agreeing/disagreeing with any of the predictions here:

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7.2  Conditional ’Black Peter‘

✂ If you exercise regularly, ... ... you will be in great shape. If you study hard, … … you will achieve success.

✂ If you bake a cake, … … I will eat it very quickly. She will be tired in the … unless she goes to bed
morning … soon.

✂ You will need a big suitcase … if you want to travel If we go to Paris, … … we will definitely see
… abroad. the Eiffel Tower.

✂ If you talk to your friends, … … they may help you solve You will get an injection … … if you are seriously ill.
your problem.

✂ I won’t buy a new car … … unless I have enough If they are in love, … … they will probably get
money. married.

✂ I will take a picture of this … unless the weather is bad. … he will be called the Black
mountain … Peter.

364 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE


7.3   Design a menu!

A It’s your partner’s birthday and you’re going to choose a special menu for him/her from a new and modern
restaurant … but how well do you know your partner’s tastes? Look at the options below and pick two choices
from each. Copy them into your partner’s personal menu below.

Starters Main course Desserts

- apple and avocado salad with - french fries with fried eggs - watermelon and grilled halloumi
lemon juice - vegetable curry and rice kebab
- oranges, olive oil and a sprinkle of - grilled fish with roast potatoes - banana and coffee ice cream
sea salt - iced tea with strawberries and
- pasta with broccoli and garlic
- salad with feta cheese and wild honey
- chicken and noodle pie with
berries - blackberry pie
- roast onion and apple on toast - chilli cheese with sweet tomato
- futuristic kebab with meat grown
- kiwi and grape smoothie in a laboratory jam
- peanut-flavoured potato crisps - barbecued meat with bitter - pineapple jelly
- spicy prawn soup chocolate sauce - extra milky cappuccino with
- green olives - red pepper stuffed with rice chocolate powder
- black coffee

’s special menu! I can’t I don’t I’ll try I’d like I’d love
eat it! like it. it. that. it!
Starters (-1 point) (0 point) (+1 point) (+2 points) (+3 points)
1 ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒
2 ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒
Main course
1 ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒
2 ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒
1 ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒
2 ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒

Total Points Scored: ___

B When you have finished the menu, ask your partner to rate it using the check boxes to the right. Then calculate
your score.

C  Prepare a short report to share your results with the class. For example:

I put the spicy prawn soup for one of Basia’s starters, but I was wrong. She can’t eat prawns, so I lost a point there. I got the apple and
avocado salad right, though – she loves avocados! For the main course I chose the pasta and kebab for her, but she doesn’t like pasta
very much. She wanted to try the kebab, so I scored some points there. I know she likes pineapple, so I put the pineapple jelly on her
menu. I thought she liked black coffee, but I was wrong about that. In total I scored five points.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. 365


7.4   Let’s switch

-er -ance -ion -ment -er -ance

-ment A -er -ion B -ment

-ance -ion -ment -er -ance -ion

-er -ance -ion -ment -er -ance

-ment C -er -ion D -ment

-ance -ion -ment -er -ance -ion

Word cards Answers

agree work perform concentrate acceptance
enjoy run appear operate appearance
achieve bake accept predict avoidance
appoint drive enter suggest designer
require design attend permit ignorance
replace farm ignore protect performance
arrange paint tolerate decide requirement
announce annoy avoid imagine tolerance

366 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE


7.5   Equivalent words

W poniższych zdaniach, spośród podanych opcji wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment.
Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

1 I think the taste of this dish is amazing.

a flavour b spice c impact

2 We were all really tired but, finally, we managed to prepare the party in time.
a generally b actually c eventually

3 My grandfather lives in the countryside and has worked all his life in farming.
a harvest b agriculture c livestock

4 Does this company only supply boxed dishes?

a require b provide c transfer

5 Do you know why the number of bees has decreased recently?

a dropped b raised c modified

6 If you go to this party, you’ll have the opportunity to meet Tom. I know he’s going.
a the chance b the appointment c the arrangement

7 Luckily, we don’t have to cook today. Mum’s left something tasty in the fridge.
a Originally b Additionally c Fortunately

8 Hmmm, I think this soup needs more salt and a pinch of basil.
a achieves b requires c appears

9 This little gadget is very handy when you need something to open a bottle with.
a probable b popular c useful

10 The modern world faces a growing problem of water shortage.

a an increasing b a losing c a disappearing

11 Josh, you still need to give some food to the cat before we go.
a raise b feed c grow

12 My sister strongly advised we go to this restaurant. She said the food was delicious.
a recommended b agreed c gathered

13 My mum says I should keep going to tennis classes, but I don’t like it any more.
a return b hold c continue

14 The man who is leading the expedition has been to these mountains twice before.
a trailing b guiding c generating

15 This spaghetti is really tasty. Have you added anything different to it?
a bitter b delicious c sour

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7.6a   Transformations (multiple choice)

W poniższych zdaniach, spośród podanych opcji wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment.
Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

1 At the weekend, my plan is to visit my old friend Alison.

a I will visit b I might visit c I’m visiting

2 Take an umbrella, it may be useful if the weather changes.

a come in handy b come up with c come down on

3 If you add any more salt, it’s possible that you won’t be able to eat this stew.
a you may not be b you aren’t c you should not be

4 This dish is definitely not a Mexican recipe, it’s not at all spicy.
a by any chance b in return c by no means

5 If we don’t stop killing bees, we may have huge problems with growing food.
a However we stop b Unless we stop c Although we stop

7.6b  Reading (open-ended questions)

Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania zgodnie z treścią tekstu.

Everyone occasionally has one of those days, a day when anything that can go wrong – does go wrong. Well, mine was yesterday,
and I’m so relieved that it is all over now. In the morning, I overslept and, hurrying to school, I remembered that I had forgotten to
take half of my books along with my lunch. The teachers weren’t too happy, as you can imagine.
I went back home feeling angry and hungry, so I decided to make myself some dinner. But, as I love cooking and regularly feed
my family with my Master-Chef-style meals, it obviously couldn’t be something ordinary. I decided to prepare a mouth-watering
Chinese-style sweet and sour chicken, stir-fried vegetables and rice, using the brand new wok my mum had bought a few days
earlier. I was halfway through the preparation stage when I realised that the vegetables we had in the fridge were a bit off, so I had
to stop cooking and go to the grocery shop to buy some fresh ones. But I didn’t check whether we had enough rice ... which, of
course, we didn’t. So I had to go back to the shop once again!
Finally, I managed to finish the dish and I started setting the table in the dining room. However, when I turned on the lamp above
the table, unexpectedly, the light bulb went. I quickly found a new one and stepped on a chair to replace it. As I was unscrewing the
bulb, it slipped out of my hand and broke into a hundred pieces on the edge of one of the plates. Naturally, some glass also went
into the food. When my parents and sister came into the room, they saw me in tears, throwing our delicious dinner into the rubbish
bin. We ended up ordering a pizza.

1 How does the writer feel about the day she is describing?
It was

2 Why was the writer so hungry when she got home?

She was hungry because

3 How does the writer judge her own cooking skills?

She thinks

4 She had to stop preparing the dish on two occasions for the same reason. What was it?

5 Why couldn’t she or her family eat the dish she had prepared?
They couldn’t eat it because

368 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE


7.7a   Sentence formation

Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując wyrazy w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. Nie należy zmieniać kolejności podanych
wyrazów, trzeba natomiast, jeżeli jest to konieczne, dodać inne wyrazy. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
sześć wyrazów, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.

1 Tomorrow, (we / fly / London) to visit my aunt Victoria. Of course,

we’ve already got the tickets and we’re almost packed.

2 If I am in the city centre, I (definitely / visit / restaurant) you told me


3 Do you think over the next hundred years all people (stop / eat / meat)
and become vegetarian?

4 Please tell Sam (when / you / see) next time that his pizza was absolutely delicious.

5 I know I behaved badly. I (not / do / again) , I promise.

6 Three weeks in Spain? And what (you / do / with ) your dog during the holidays?

7 If Tom (not / want / eat) sweets, I will prepare some savoury snacks.

8 I didn’t realise you were hungry. Come on, I (make / you / sandwich) .

9 When you come home, I (not / be / there) because I have my dancing classes later
today. Take the keys with you.

10 I started coughing this morning and now I’ve got a runny nose. I think (I / be / ill) .

7.7b Gap-filling
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

A lot of people are aware of the important role that bees play and of the great danger they are in, mainly due to the use of chemicals.
However, not many of us know that we can also make a difference as far as the future of bees is concerned.
1 you want to help these useful insects, try following some simple rules.
Bees need different sources of food, so you ought to plant bee-friendly flowers in your garden or on your balcony. It’s
obvious that you shouldn’t use any chemicals on the plants, as they will become contaminated and any harmful substances
2 likely affect the bees and kill them. Garden owners should also avoid planting lawns because they
don’t contain any of the plants that are beneficial for insects. Besides, they are mown too often to allow any plants to bloom. It’s
also good 3 to weed the garden, especially in the spring. Many weeds are the only source of food for
insects at this time of the year, so let them grow instead. We 4 also buy honey from local beekeepers,
not from the supermarket. Although it is more expensive, it’s usually a much better quality.

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7.8   Reading (gap-filling)

Przeczytaj teksty 1 i 2. Uzupełnij luki w e-mailu do Samanthy zgodnie z treścią tekstów.

Tekst 1

From: Grace Johnson Subject: Katie’s birthday
To: Dan Smith Date: June 11th

Hi Dan,
I couldn’t get you on the phone, and it’s quite urgent. Do you remember that Katie’s birthday is this Saturday? We need to
organise something for her asap. There are only two days left. My mum said we can prepare a surprise party at my place, but
I don’t have enough time to do everything on my own.
I was thinking about a Mexican-style party, you know how Katie loves tacos. I’ll decorate a couple of the rooms at home,
I think I’ll even be able to buy a piñata. You’ll have to buy something to drink. I’ll ask Joanne to buy a gift, she’s good at finding
unusual items. And maybe you could ask Samantha to help us with the food, she’s got some great culinary skills.
Get back to me, please.

Tekst 2
1/4 cup sour cream 4 small onions Prep: 20 min
2 tablespoons lime juice 2 tablespoons olive oil Cook: 15 min
salt and black pepper 0.5 kg fresh fish fillets
1 jalapeno pepper 8 tortillas
2 cups red cabbage 1/2 cup fresh basil
1 Mix the sour cream and lime juice together in a large bowl, add some salt and black pepper to taste. Place about half of it in a
separate bowl. Cut the jalapeno pepper in half, then slice the onions and cabbage. Mix the vegetables with the sour cream and
lime juice to make a slaw.
2 Heat the olive oil and the other half of the jalapeno in a large pan. Cut the fish fillets into strips and season them with salt and
pepper. Pan-fry the fish until it is golden brown, 5 to 6 minutes.
3 Heat the tortillas in the microwave, 20 to 30 seconds.
4 Serve the fish in warm tortillas with the cabbage slaw, the remaining sour cream mixture, and some basil as a garnish.

From: Dan Smith Subject: FW: Katie’s birthday
To: Samantha Erickson Date: June 11th

Hi Sam,
We’re preparing Katie’s surprise birthday party and I’d really appreciate it if you could help us. Grace told me you can
1 . We want to make some Mexican-style dishes, so my question is – can you prepare some fish
tacos? Of course, I will help you however I can.
I’ve found a fairly easy recipe on the net. Please, have a look at it. I think I’ve got all the vegetables and spices, but I still need
to buy the tortillas, 2 . I’m going to go to get some drinks for the party anyway, so I can buy the
other ingredients at the same time.
I think we can prepare the tacos at Grace’s just before the party, I suppose she’s got a microwave and the rest of the
necessary stuff. It takes a little more than 3 to make the tacos ready. Let me know if you can come
at about 3 pm to give me a hand.

370 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE

Teaching notes

Grammar Activities
8.1   Hypothetical stories 8.2  Who? Where? When? Why?
Aim Shopping habits
To revise second conditional sentences
Language To interview a partner about their shopping habits and revise
defining relative clauses
Second conditional sentences
Defining relative clauses
25–30 minutes
30–50 minutes
Make one copy of the worksheet per group. Cut out the
4 stories.
Procedure Make one copy of the worksheet for each student.
• Divide the class into groups and hand out the material to
students (one story per student).
• (Step A) Hand out a copy of the worksheet to each student.
• Tell students that they are to write 6 second conditional
Give them five minutes to fill in the gaps individually. Ask
sentences on 6 separate pieces of paper, using the
them not to answer the questions at this stage. These are
prompts on their cards to tell a story. At this stage, they can
for another student’s responses, not for their own.
use their books to check if their sentences are correct (give
help if necessary). • Correct the exercise as a class.
Answers: 1 which (√)  2 who (√)  3 which, which 
• After they’ve finished, inform them that they now have to
4 which (√)  5 who  6 who  7 which (√)
orally recreate the stories of the other students in the
8 which, which (√)
group. Ask one student in each group to show their story
Another option is for all the sentences to take that.
to the remaining 3 group members. They take it in turns to
create the sentences of this story orally (2 sentences per • (Step B) Tell students that they now have five minutes to
student). The student whose story is being retold checks if think about how they would answer the questions.
the sentences are correct using the sentences he/she has They should still not write anything on the worksheet.
written. Then they switch to another story and continue If they wish they can make notes on a separate piece of
until all 4 stories have been retold. paper or in their notebooks.
• As a follow-up you may ask them which story they liked • (Step C) Put students into pairs and tell them to ask and
best/least, whether they prefer stories with happy or sad answer the questions with their partners. Allow about ten
endings or ask them to write alternative endings to some minutes for each pair to ask and answer the questions. They
of the stories. should write their partner’s responses under each question.
• (Step D) Individually, students should write a short
paragraph in the space provided on the worksheet
comparing (some of) their answers to their partner’s.
Encourage them to use but and however to contrast ideas.
Allow five minutes or so for this.
• If a student finishes early, ask them to read their paragraphs
to you and give them a follow-up question. Once the whole
class has finished, invite volunteers to read their paragraphs
to the class, answering any additional questions if they occur.
This final phase might last anywhere from five minutes to
twenty or more, depending upon the size of your class.

Teaching notes

Vocabulary Activities
8.3   That’s exactly what it means! 8.4  Compound nouns
Aim wordsearch
To identify the correct definitions of vocabulary items from
false ones
To revise compound nouns related to shopping and the
Language environment

Vocabulary from Unit 8 on shopping and products Language

Compound nouns
30–45 minutes Time
About 25–30 minutes
Make a copy of the three ‘Definition and word facts’ tables Preparation
(A, B and C) for each group of six or seven students. Make one copy of the worksheet per person.

Procedure Procedure
• This is a version of ‘Call my bluff’, which you may have • Hand out the copies to the students and ask them to find
heard on the radio. 16 compound nouns related to shopping and the
• Put students in groups of six or seven. In each group there environment. The words are arranged horizontally,
should be three readers and three players. In groups of diagonally and vertically. They need to write each of the
seven, there is a separate gamemaster, but in groups of six nouns below the grid in the appropriate category, paying
the gamemaster can also take on the role of one of the attention to spelling rules (should they be written as one
readers. The gamemaster tallies the score at the end of word or separately?).
each round. • After they’ve completed the task, ask them to compare
• Give the readers (A, B and C) in each group a copy of the their lists in pairs and check if there are any differences.
corresponding ‘Definition and word facts’ tables (A, B and Help out if they’re not sure about the spelling.
C). Tell them that for each of the 12 words on the list they • Now, every pair needs to choose six words (three from
are going to read out three definitions and facts in the each category) and write their definitions. You may
tables. Only the ticked information is correct, but each encourage them to use defining relative clauses to do so.
student has to read out their information as if it is true. • After they’ve finished, ask each pair to find another pair to
work with. Working in groups of 4, students should now
• The rest of the students in each group are players. They
take turns to read out their definitions for the other pair to
should have a piece of paper each to record their answers.
guess the word being defined.
• Starting with the first word (production line), Reader A
reads out the definition, then Reader B, then Reader C. Answers:
• The gamemaster then asks the players to record the Environment: air pollution, greenhouse effect, ozone layer,
definition/word fact that they think sounds true, i.e. by rainforest, light bulb, sea life, recycling programme, global
writing A, B or C next to 1 on their papers. When all the warming
players have answered, the reader with the correct answer Shopping: handbag, department store, billboard,
stands up. The gamemaster awards a point to the players credit card, street market, shopping centre, bookshop, shop
who got the correct answer and keeps a record of this. assistant
• The game continues until all twelve words have been read.
The player with the most points is the winner.

Teaching notes

Matura Exam Activities

8.5  Transformations and Word formation
8.6  Translations
8.7   Lexical pairs
8.8  Translations and Reading
Time and Answers
Time: 15 minutes
Answers 8.5a:
1 I had enough time  2 the boy who plays  3 If I were you  4 the one that/which used  8 if (only) he didn’t
Answers 8.5b:
1 shoppers  2 social  3 unlikely  4 advertising/advertisements
Time: 7–10 minutes
1 b  2 a  3 c  4 c  5 b  6 a  7 c  8 a  9 b  10 a
Time: 7–10 minutes
1 b  2 c  3 a  4 a  5 c  6 c  7 b  8 a  9 c  10 b
Time: 15 minutes
Answers 8.8a:
1 who works as  2 I wouldn’t complain  3 air pollution  4 discount (that/which was) sent  5 earns a living
6 self-esteem
Answers 8.8b:
1 C  2 A  3 B  4 C


8.1   Hypothetical stories

my parents / have a I / can play

lot of money the guitar
they / buy
me I / form
an expensive car rock band

I / drive the band / become

very fast incredibly famous

we / give concerts
the police / stop me
around the word

I / have to pay we / have to travel

a huge fine all the time

my parents / be I / feel extremely

furious with me tired

they / give I / not enjoy playing

the car to my brother the guitar any more

my best friend / buy my brother / work

a really nice dress as a wildlife volunteer

she / wear it to he / travel

a school party to South Africa

all the boys / he / help

admire her animals in a sanctuary

they / ask
he / feel really happy
her to dance

she / dance
he / decide to go
the boy she secretly
to China
he / ask he / start working
her to go on a date with giant pandas

she / be he / stay
over the moon in China for life

374 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE


8.2  Who? Where? When? Why? Shopping habits

A Complete these questions with which, that or who. Tick (√) the sentences which are correct without a relative pronoun.

1 Is there a shop you enjoy visiting more than others? Why? Where is it?

2 Tell me about a person you like going shopping with. What makes them such a good companion
when shopping?

3 Have you ever bought an item was damaged and you had to return?
When was it? Did you get a refund or did you exchange the item?

4 If the shop you often buy clothes in, for example, offers an onsite as well as an online sale, which
do you prefer? Why?

5 Have you ever met a shop assistant actually helped you choose clothes that were suitable for you?
Did it encourage you to return to the shop again?

6 Do you know anyone behaves like a shopaholic? Can you describe them?

7 Is window-shopping an activity you find enjoyable? Why/Why not?

8 Tell me about something you bought as a present for somebody, and

you would like to buy for yourself.

B How would you answer these questions? Spend a few minutes thinking about a possible response but don’t write
anything on the worksheet. You may make notes on a separate piece of paper.
C Work in pairs. Interview your partner and write their answers down, in English, on this worksheet under each of the
D Write a short paragraph comparing your answers with your partner’s. Use words such as but and however to make
contrasts between attitudes / experiences.
Example: I really enjoy visiting Pepco, because there are many small and inexpensive items which I can buy to decorate my
room. Daniel, however, dislikes shopping for decorations and he prefers going to sports shops like Decathlon.

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8.3   That’s exactly what it means!

Definitions and word facts A
1  production line A production line is a line of finished products waiting to be sold.
2  online shopping The first thing bought online was a CD in 1994. ✓
3  throw away You throw something away when you recycle it instead of putting it in the rubbish.
4 manufacture This word is a combination of the phrase Manchester factories.
5 cotton Cotton comes from the Arabic word qutun. ✓
6 cash Cash only refers to money in the form of metal coins.
7 campaign Campaign means ‘a series of actions to achieve a goal’. ✓
8 bag The word bag came first from the Latin word bagus then from the French baque.
9 designer The s in this word is pronounced the same as the s in snake.
10 environment Environment comes from the French environ meaning ‘around, about’ and means ‘the world
around us’. ✓
11  shopping spree A shopping spree means that special products are given away free.
12 charity Every charity needs to have a uniform and a symbol.

Definitions and word facts B
1  production line A production line is a series of stages that make a product. ✓
2  online shopping The first example of online shopping was in 2004 from Harrods in London.
3  throw away Throw away means the same as throw up.
4 manufacture This word comes from the Latin manu which means hand and factum which means something
made. ✓
5 cotton Cotton first came from sheep on the Cottony Island (Scotland), which is famous for white wool.
6 cash Cash only refers to money in the form of paper.
7 campaign Campaign comes from the French campagne and means ‘to protect the countryside’.
8 bag Bag is usually a noun but can also be a verb meaning ‘to put something in a bag’. ✓
9 designer The g in this word is a hard /g/ sound.
10 environment When we talk about our natural environment we usually mean the other planets and stars too.
11  shopping spree If you go on a shopping spree, you spend a lot of money and buy a lot of things. ✓
12 charity Charities have to give all their money to governments, who decide how to spend it.

Definitions and word facts C
1  production line A production line is a line of workers waiting to start work.
2  online shopping Ray Tomlinson, who invented email, first bought food for his dog online in 1974.
3  throw away Throw away sometimes has a similar meaning to throw out. ✓
4 manufacture This is an Old English word meaning men-of-action (or people that make things).
5 cotton Cotton is in fact produced by the cotton spider not the cotton plant itself.
6 cash Cash can refer to metal or paper money. ✓
7 campaign Campaign means sleeping in tents.
8 bag The first recorded example of a bag was in one of Shakespeare’s plays in 1611.
9 designer The g in this word is completely silent (it is not pronounced). ✓
10 environment Stones are not part of the natural environment because they are not alive.
11  shopping spree A shopping spree is when you buy things with another person’s credit card.
12 charity If you work for a charity, you can still earn money. ✓
376 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE

8.4   Compound nouns wordsearch

c g r e e n h o u s e e f f e c t r
r s s c c u p i s j z h u m q i r e
s h u g l o b a l w a r m i n g w c
m o d e p a r t m e n t s t o r e y
b p x o c t t a l o b i n o n y o c
i p v s h o p a s s i s t a n t h l
l i q a h m i x z q z i t g k z s i
l n a q i l i g h t b u l b x b t n
b g u w g r c r e d i t c a r d r g
o c z b k c p d y o r l i j k a e p
a e p b m y l o n t u k s k c o e r
r n v u s q y l l f d z l y t p t o
d t v r o z o n e l a y e r i d m g
z r n s e a l i f e u f w q u z a r
a e m b f s d h j w l t e a b j r a
p i q b o o k s h o p l i k m l k m
a l g r a i n f o r e s t o g w e m
v h n h a n d b a g f m p h n y t e

Environment Shopping

1 4

2 5

3 6

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8.5a   Transformations (gaps)

Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby zachować sens zdania
wyjściowego. Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy,
wliczając w to wyraz już podany.

1 I don’t have enough time to try on all these clothes.

If , I would try on all these clothes.

2 This boy plays in my brother’s rock band.

This is in my brother’s rock band.

3 Being in your position, I’d definitely try to solve this problem as soon as possible.
, I’d definitely try to solve this problem as soon as possible.

4 There are many tables here, but this one used to be a sewing machine.
There are many tables here, but this is to be a sewing machine.

5 Peter would go shopping with you unless he had something important to do.
Peter would go shopping with you have anything important to do.

8.5b  Word formation

Uzupełnij luki w tekście, używając wyrazów z ramki w odpowiedniej formie.
Uwaga: dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

like direct society design advertise shop


More and more millennials are beginning to enter the job market and now that they have their own money, they have become a
very influential purchasing power on the market. However, the preferences of many millennial 1 differ
in several important areas from earlier consumers'.
Millennials are much more open to different shopping options, both onsite and online, as they will switch between the two
frequently. Half of those who go to conventional shops choose to buy online and pick the items up in the store. They view shopping
as a 2 activity that’s done in the company of friends or family members, and they care more about the
experience itself than about the product they buy. It is also very 3 that they will be influenced by direct
marketing, as they strongly dislike receiving countless emails or inappropriate recommendations. They are generally very sceptical
of any type of 4 and only one in three says they would visit a conventional shop as a result of seeing a
marketing campaign. That is why shops need to start investing in more alternative shopping options and focus more on creating a
positive customer experience if they want to keep their customers satisfied.

378 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE


8.6   Translations (multiple choice)

W poniższych zdaniach, spośród podanych odpowiedzi wybierz tę, która jest poprawnym tłumaczeniem fragmentu
zdania podanego w nawiasie. Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

1 This computer program is definitely (przestarzały), you need to buy the latest version.
a old-fashioned b out-of-date c elderly

2 Sitting in the shade and relaxing (sprawia, że jestem szczęśliwa).

a makes me happy b gives me happiness c causes me happy

3 (Na twoim miejscu), I’d definitely buy this suit. You look really smart in it.
a If I am you b If I would be you c If I were you

4 What’s the (związek pomiędzy) skateboards and plastic waste in the ocean?
a link among b relationship of c connection between

5 I know a really good online bookshop (który nabywa) titles like those you want to sell.
a who purchases b which buys c that needs

6 How do you usually (pozbywasz się) old electronic equipment?

a get rid of b throw away c set up

7 If I had more time, (dostarczyłbym) this package today, but it seems more likely that you’ll get it tomorrow.
a I delivered b I will deliver c I would deliver

8 (Gdybyś nie była zmęczona) we would go to the concert tonight.

a Unless you were tired b If you were tired c If you aren’t tired

9 Is he the person (która przekonała) you to accept the position in our company?
a which convinced b who persuaded c that told

10 How (byś się poczuł) if I lied to you about something important?

a would you feel b did you feel c will you feel

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8.7   Lexical pairs

Wybierz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obydwu zdaniach. Zakreśl literę a, b albo c.

1 I don’t think it’s that my brother gets more pocket money than I do.
Do you know this girl with hair? I’d like to speak to her.
a right b fair c long

2 Does this jacket me or is it too big?

My cousin Alison exercises every day, so she’s very .
a suit b sporty c fit

3 I was sitting on my bed, eating spaghetti, so the bed ended up getting dirty.
Don’t judge a book by its . I know Sam doesn’t seem very nice, but he really is.
a cover b sheet c title

4 I don’t think I help you with this task. It’s too difficult.
If you go the shop, will you buy me a of cola?
a can b should c bottle

5 Jenny’s birthday is next week, and I’ve already bought a wonderful for her.
Can you the results of your study, Dr Moore?
a gift b show c present

6 This film is much than I expected. I’m too tired to watch all of it today.
Speaking honestly, I no buy things from this shop. Their prices are too high for such poor quality goods.
a better b more c longer

7 Every summer I go to my grandparents to help them strawberries and other berries.

You look great in both these shirts, just the one you like most.
a collect b pick c choose

8 I can go with you, but on the that you won’t say anything about my hairstyle.
These clothes are in good , so we could always donate them to charity.
a condition b shape c promise

9 Wow, you look amazing in this . Just add some jewellery and it’ll be perfect.
Grace likes to in an original way, so she often goes to thrift stores.
a shirt b clothes c dress

10 Did you any changes in Matt’s behaviour yesterday? He seemed strange to me.
In today’s paper there is a/an saying there’ll be a garage sale taking place on Saturday.
a see b notice c advert

380 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. PHOTOCOPIABLE


8.8a   Translations (gaps)

Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery

1 Do you know the man (który pracuje jako) the shop manager here?

2 (Nie narzekałabym) about the service here if I didn’t know they could do much better.

3 The (zanieczyszczenie powietrza) in China is so big that in some cities people need to wear face

4 I’d like to use the (rabat, który został przysłany) to me via email.

5 My uncle (zarabia na życie) writing articles about fashion.

6 I’m so worried about him. He is extremely intelligent but he’s got such low (poczucie własnej wartości)

8.8b  Reading (matching paragraphs)

Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na trzy części (A–C) oraz pytania ich dotyczące. Do każdego pytania dopasuj
właściwą część tekstu. Jedna część tekstu pasuje do dwóch pytań.

In which part of the text does the author …

1 quote two government officials?
2 provide information about changes in the number of hurricanes?
3 show the opinions of two scientists on the topic?
4 present the view of a person who blames one particular country for the problem?


Both scientists and politicians are divided over the increase in hurricanes in the last 30 years. The years 1970 to 1994 saw far
fewer hurricanes than 1995 to the present. The New York Times suggests this was a result of the generally cooler North Atlantic
water resulting in the winds that prevented potential hurricanes from forming. Some experts say the recent intensification in
the numbers of hurricanes is part of a natural cycle, while others claim that global warming has increased both the destructive
power and the frequency of hurricanes. The Times pointed out that during a recent 8-year-period there was a one-third drop in
the number of severe hurricanes affecting the US.
Britain’s chief scientific adviser Sir David King stated, ‘We have known since 1987 that the intensity of a hurricane is related to the
surface sea temperature and we know that, over the last 15 to 20 years, surface sea temperatures in these regions have increased
by half a degree centigrade. So it is tempting to conclude that the increased intensity of hurricanes is associated with global
warming.’ Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Professor Kerry Emanuel wrote that rising sea temperatures could account for
only part of what he claims has been a sharp rise in the destructiveness of tropical cyclones since the 1970s.
Jürgen Trittin, Germany’s Minister of the Environment was sharply critical of the US Government. He wrote in an editorial:
‘Greenhouse gases have to be radically reduced worldwide. The US has, until this point, had its eyes closed to this emergency
situation.’ Carsten Voigt of the German Foreign Ministry said that while he believed that hurricanes were more destructive as a
result of global warming, he did not believe that hurricane Katrina was America’s fault. ‘The main point, however, is that climate
change is an issue that needs to be put on the table.’

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