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Ucc 1

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Special Fund – Independent Treasury Account as an off-balance sheet Legal Entity, but it was under a Fraudulent Registration Concealment

Conveyance placed as a corporation of organization UNITED STATES Citizen-SHIP – Financial Vessel Home Ported and domiciled in a
Foreign American Jurisdiction known as Washington, District of Columbia and operated under the “Secret Controls” of the UNITED STATES
Bankruptcy Fiduciary Management and Fiscal Agents.

As this UCC1 noted Bankruptcy Principal Fictional Legal Entity is acting as the BANKRUPT/DEBTOR/LESSEE, the bankrupt account
holder of the Inherit Property belonging to the American Secured Party. The Principal Entity is operating as an Executive Agency as a Private
deposit insurer/sub-lessor and is able to issue orders for Subleasing Commercial Bankruptcy Insurance Contracts. But Sub-Leasing contracts
have been issued under Fraudulent Concealments and Conveyances. The Bankruptcy Registered Documented Assets were granted to be used as
the Collateral for the Bankruptcy Leasing Contracts after 90 days because the Inherit Assets were not properly claimed, which was because the
true intent of the initial registration was never disclosed to the Grantor or her Guardian. The Bankruptcy Granted Leases were done by way of
Bankruptcy Registered Master Document, The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Certification of Report of Birth
of a United States Citizen and the Granted LESSEES were to be The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF STATE
Certification of Report of Birth of a United States Citizen, and the CHURCH OF ROME; as Bankrupt Organizations of corporation. These
Granted Leases were to be for 3 – Seven-year periods or a total of 21 years, but they have remained in operation as Letter of Marque Leases in
violation of the Laws of the United States “Bankruptcy” Constitution. Therefore, the Bankrupt accounts can be lawfully claimed at any time, as
the initial contracts were never properly ratified and this UCC1 filing is a foundational consummating action for that claim.

The Original Bankruptcy BANKRUPT/DEBTOR Contracting insurance commercial monetary bonding Instruments (Driver’s License, Voter
Registration Card, etc. and all other certificates and corporate accounts including the W-4 employment forms, and ALL unemployment forms)
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF STATE and all other AFFILIATES, which have in FACT been used with a secondary
fraudulent concealment as dual purpose Leasing Contracts of Bondage and Unjust Usury not only for the Inherit Assets but to also place the
individual into a false UNITED STATES Citizen-Ship servitude. Therefore, per this UCC1 filing, along with separate UCC1’s against the
STATE and FEDERAL Debtors Legal Entity Bankrupt Persons, they are now identified as being the secondary party to the contracts under full
obligations to make the required settlements when demanded. It is a Fact in Law per the “Bankruptcy” Constitutions that the Governments and
other Organizations of Corporation are the Bankrupt/Debtors that have an obligated DEBT owed to the American “We the People”.

This UCC1 is consummating the American Bankruptcy process by identifying the Principal Legal Entity Bankrupt/Debtor's Collateral and
the assets used to SECURE the Sub-Lessor as the 1st Secured Party in the Bankruptcy Debtor Sub-Leasing Contracts. This action is required in
to ENFORCE and to ENSURE that the Leasing Rents OWED by the Sub-Leasing DEBTOR/LESSEE'S are paid to the SECURED
PARTY/LESSOR, when demanded by the American Individual Secured Party – Shirley Ann Pringle Jr Cr., as her Orders of Demand by
Assignments, which are given to be processed against Principal Legal Entity Bankrupt/Debtor Account. At the present time (per the processing
requirements of the Law derived from the Book of Leviticus, known as the Argument of peaceful conversion) the Bankrupt Accounts are
controlled by the “Secret” Governmental Bankruptcy Fiduciary Management System and its Fiscal Agents (the UNITED STATES
Governmental “Secret Services” [Levites of the OT] and the Justice BAR Associations [Priest of the OT]) operating under the 10%
governmental just settlement processing Service Fee as it is a requirement per the Time Honored Laws.

This UCC1 Principal Legal Entity Corporate Bankrupt/Debtor’s collateral owed to the Secured Party also covers ALL of the Assets held
by or assigned as leased collateral to the following Sub-Leasing Bankrupt/Debtors/Lessee’s per the attached Bankrupt Accounts under the
Bankruptcy Registered Bankrupt Account Numbers:

The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Certification of Report of Birth of a United States Citizen; who are acting
as the fictional Legal Entities, the Bankrupt/Debtor/Sub-Lessees per the – Shirley Ann Pringle Jr Cr- "Certification of Report of Birth of a
United State Citizen File # xxx-xxx9577; an American Independent Treasury – Special Fund Account under a Preferred "Secret" Bankruptcy
Maritime Lien document and a Bankruptcy Municipal Corporation Shareholder Leasing Contract, which was only to be a granted lease of 3-
seven year periods and it was to be terminated at the age of 21 and the assets are to be restored to the Secured Party – Shirley Ann Pringle Jr Cr.
at the Age of 25 when they are properly Claimed and it is a requirement of the Time Honored Laws.

The UNITED STATES Governmental Public Bankrupt Agencies and other non-governmental Bankrupt Usage Affiliates with their unjust usury
of the assets; who are acting as the fictional Legal Entities, the Bankrupt/Debtor/Sub-Lessees to the Bankrupt – SHIRLEY ANN PRINGLE JR
"SSN Account" xxx-xx9577; an American Independent Treasury – Trust Fund Account under a Preferred "Secret" Maritime Lien/Bankruptcy
Leasing document and an Open-Ended - Commercial Leasing Contract, which is only to be a 1-seven year leasing contract (18 to 25) and its
usage is to be fully terminated when the Secured Party – Shirley Ann Pringle Jr Cr. obtains the age of 25; per their own Governmental “Secret”
Bankrupt Laws - U.S.C. Title 46 Shipping, chapter 573, section 8 and it is a requirement of the Time Honored Laws.

A Leasing Grant was given to the Foreign Bankruptcy Creditor – the CHURCH OF ROME byway of being a Granted Bankrupt/Sub-LESSEE to
the assets held under the SHIRLEY ANN PRINGLE JR - " The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Certification of Report of
Birth of a United States Citizen File # xxx-xxx9268 an American Independent Treasury – Special Fund Account under a Municipal Corporation
Shareholder Leasing Contract it was only to be operated under 3-seven year leases and to be terminated at the age of 21 and the assets are to be
restored to the Secured Party – Shirley Ann Pringle Jr Cr. at the Age of 25 when they were properly Claimed and it is a requirement of the Time
Honored Laws.
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Certification of Report of Birth, never disclosed to the Father or Mother the
true intent of the initial registration of the "Certificate of Live Birth" created unknowingly by this UCC1’s Secured Party as one of the Guardians
the following Executive Agencies (SPV) Accounts:

1) STATE OF MICHIGAN Certification of Live Birth: Du Juan David Pringle File # xxx-xx8463,

2) STATE OF MICHIGAN Certificate of Live Birth: Danika Dominique Pringle File # xxx-xx7243,

3) STATE OF MICHIGAN Certificate of Live Birth: Devonte Neal Holt Certification) of Live Birth, # LF

This UCC1 filing supersedes all other previously filed under the same Secured Party and


Under penalty of perjury this UCC is acknowledged and concurred as correct by the Debtor: (S/)SHIRLEY ANN PRINGLE JR

Under penalty of perjury this UCC is acknowledged and concurred as correct by the Secured Party: (S/)Shirley Ann Pringle Jr Cr.

5. Checkonlyif applicable and check

onlyone box: Collateral is gfedc being administered by a Decedent's Personal Representative
held in a Trust (see UCC1Ad, item 17 and Instructions)

6a. Check
onl if applicable and checkonl one box
: 6b. Check onl if applicable and check
onl one box:
Public-Finance gfedcy Manufactured-Home Transaction
Transaction gfedc A Debtor is a Transmitting Utilitygfedc Agricultural
y gfedc Non-UCC
Lien y Filing

7. ALTERNATIVE (if applicable): Lessee/Lessorg

fedc Consignee/Consignor
gfedc Seller/Buyer gfedc Bailee/Bailor gfedc Licensee/Licensor
The Constitution Public Statutes at Large and the Codes for the de facto governmental organization


COPY 04/20/11)

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