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Teacher Notes Ohm'S Law

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Georg(sic) Ohm 1787-1854(see Encarta)

Professor Laithwaite of Imperial College was the inspiration behind this
program. He encouraged the use of plumbing analogies for teaching
electricity, and this program is dedicated to his memory.
The plumbing analogy is designed to try and encourage class discussion
and to consider the many similarities between the way electricity and
water flow. By toggling between the circuit and water screen the
similarities can be emphasised. There is a similarity to the plumbing
circuit and a central heating system, i.e. there is a pump and the
radiators act as resistors, and also there is a flow and return. A lot of
physics can be taught by considering analogies and models.
Students also find it interesting to consider where the analogy
breaks down such as if there were a hole in the water pipe. If
you look at the water circuit, water would flow out from the
top of the pressure pipes, so they should be longer………
No. Answer Description
1 3(C) Definition and hint available
2 3(C) If the voltage is doubled the current doubles
3 4(D) If 3V applied to 3 W, I = V/R = 3/3 = 1 A. Hint
4 2(B) Temperature kept constant for Ohm’s Law. Hint
5 1(A) Gradient gives value of resistance R = V/I
6 2(B) If 2mA through 3 kW, V = IR = 2x10-3x3x103= 6 V needed. Hint
7 2BFalse If the temperature rises, the resistance rises
8 4(D) R = V/I Rearranging equations and magic triangle. Hint
9 3(C) If 6V applied to 2 W, I = V/R = 6/2 = 3 A. Hint
10 1(A)Yes Graph linear i.e. a straight line
11 2(B) Ammeter should have zero resistance and be in series. Hint
12 4(D) Voltmeter should have infinite resistance and be in parallel.Hint
13 1(A) Same current flows through both resistors in series. Hint
14 2(B) Same voltage applied across both resistors in parallel. Hint
15 2(B) Fuse melts and breaks the circuit
16 2(B) Bulbs A and B will light, the switch for C is open
17 4(D) Total resistance is 6+4=10 W and I = V/R = 10/10 = 1 A
18 4(D) Two batteries and a single bulb will be the brightest
19 1(A) Diode acts in a similar way to a heart valve. Hint
20 1(A)Yes Diode rectifies (allows current flow in one direction)
Some web pages about electricity are available at:

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Ohm’s Law Worksheet
1. Define Ohm’s Law
The current flowing through a resistor is directly proportional to the potential
difference across its ends, provided the temperature remains constant.
2. Why is it better for the batteries to use the kilo ohm rather than
an ohm range of resistors?
If the resistance is much higher, the current will be much lower and the
batteries will not go flat very quickly e.g. with 6V and 1the current will be
6A. This could lead on to a discussion of fuses in the home, battery life for
walkmen, minidisks, mobiles etc. and the advantages and disadvantages of
rechargeable batteries.
3. Calculate data for the following chart and use the program to
check the values, use I=V/R
Resistor/ 1 k 2 k 3 k
Voltage/V Current/A Current/A Current/A
6.0 6.0 3.0 2.0
4.5 4.5 2.25 1.5
3.0 3.0 1.5 1.0
1.5 1.5 0.75 0.5
This can be done as a class exercise or individually.
4. Now try plotting a graph of Voltage against Current for each
resistor on the same graph.
In this graph plotting exercise the weaker students could have a simple grid
photocopied for them with the axes already drawn.

For the steepest line

R=6.0/2 = 3 W = 3 W
For the middle line
R=6.0/3 = 2 W = 2 W
For the least steep line
R=6.0/6 = 1 W = 1 W

Note X axis in Amps

5. Measure the gradient of each line, do you notice anything?
R=V/I, so the gradient gives the value of the resistor provided Ohm’s Law is
obeyed. This is the main reason why the graph is drawn this way round. Some
textbooks draw I against V so the straight-line gradient is 1/R, which can be

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Ohm’s Law Practical
1. Connect up the circuit and take readings of current and voltage.
Stress laying out the components first, and connecting the ammeter in series
and the voltmeter in parallel. A train-set/Scalectric analogy might be useful for
the series part of the circuit.
N.B. To keep the voltage as constant as possible use low internal resistance
batteries such as Duracell.

2. Now change the values of the resistor and the number of batteries
and complete the following table

Approx. Resistor
Values 1 k 2 k 3 k
Number of Voltage Current Current Current
Batteries /V /mA /mA /mA
4 6.0 6.0 3.0 2.0
3 4.5 4.5 2.25 1.5
2 3.0 3.0 1.5 1.0
1 1.5 1.5 0.75 0.5
0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

3. Are the values exactly the same as the ones in the worksheet or
program, if not can you explain this?
No. In this table the resistors are a thousand times bigger, and the current is
not in amps but in milliamps which are a thousand times smaller. The resistors
are normally accurate to about ±10%, also the multimeter will probably have a
little inaccuracy, so some variation in the readings will be normal. Some variation
in battery voltage is also inevitable, especially when they start running down.

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4. Now try plotting a graph of Voltage against Current for each
resistor on the same graph. Reasonably able students can use graph

N.B. X axis in milliamps

Measure the gradient of each line, do you notice anything?

R=V/I, so the gradient gives the value of the resistor

For the steepest line R=6.0/2x10 -3 = 3000 W = 3 kW
For the middle line R=6.0/3x10 -3 = 2000 W = 2 kW
For the least steep line R=6.0/6x10 -3 = 1000 W = 1 kW

The circuit below can also be used for a full investigation of Ohm’s

Other components can be used such as a bulb (probably with a 25 W variable

resistor) or a resistance wire. This can be done as coursework.

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Diode Practical

Take a reading of the milliammeter, reverse the direction of the

diode and then take another reading. What did you notice?
In the forward direction the current should be about 1mA, and when reverse
biased it should be 0mA. The more able students could investigate the
characteristics of a diode.
Diode Characteristics

Connect up the circuit as shown, and vary the value of the

variable resistor. Draw up a table of current and voltage.
Reverse the battery and record these readings. Plot the
current against forward and reverse voltage. Check with
your teacher to see what the graph should look like.
The diode should trigger at about 0.6 V, and the current should shoot up
to about 10 mA or more. When reverse biasing the voltage can be –6.0V
and the current should be 0 mA.

Very able students could consider the

‘actual’ resistance of the diode. This
will not be the gradient, but the ratio
of V/I at any given point.
This concept is normally covered in AS

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No. Answer Description
1 2(B) A.C. flows in BOTH directions
2 4(D) Diode rectifies A.C.
3 4(D) D.C. comes from batteries
4 1(A) Yes. Hint shows that flow can be stationary
5 3(B) Sine curve represents current and/or voltage against time
This latest simulation uses the concept of a piston executing S.H.M. (simple
harmonic motion). The flow (shown by the bending reed) and the voltage (shown by
the pressure pipes) varies according to the sine curve which can be hidden or
(1) Sketch what you think A.C. would look like after it has been
passed through a diode.
Half-wave rectified.

(2) How long does it take to charge up a typical mobile ‘phone?

Normally about 2 hours.

(3) What is the big heavy object inside a mobile ‘phone charger?

Transformer. This might be a good place to talk about power supplies, step up
and step down transformers and efficient power transmission and electrical

(4) Why does the charger get hot at the beginning of the charging

Initially a large current flows onto the flat battery causing heating of the
transformer coils as they have some resistance (I 2R factor).

(5) Where in the home would you find D.C. power supplies?

Radio, stereo, answer-‘phone, television, video, DVD player, computer, lots of

devices have their own external power supplies.

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Electrical Problems/Homework/Test
1. A bulb of 10 W carries a current of 1.2 A, what voltage is
across the bulb?
V = 1.2 x 10 = 12 V
2. A car's headlamps pass a current of 15 A. If the car's
battery is 12 V, what is the overall resistance of the
headlamp circuit?
R = V/I
R = 12/15 = 0.8 W
3. A 1 MW resistor is attached across a 12 kV power supply,
what current will flow?
I = V/R
I = 12000/1000000 = 0.012 A = 12 mA
Chance to discuss milli and Mega together with use of calculators,
and mention that both forms of answer acceptable.
4. A hand-held neon screwdriver passes a current of
0.01 mA when a 240 V terminal is touched, what is the
total resistance of the circuit?
R = V/I
R = 240/0.01x10-3 = 24000000 W = 24.0 MW

5. A 12 V battery is connected across a pair of 4 W and 2 W

resistors in series. What current flows in each resistor,
and what is the voltage across each one?
Total resistance = 4+2 = 6 W Total current I = V/R = 12/6 = 2 A
For 4W resistor V = IR = 2 x 4 = 8 V
For 2W resistor V = IR = 2 x 2 = 4 V

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