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Environmental Management
Nov.21, 2020

by MCT Encabo
The What, Why, and How of
Energy Management

What is Energy Management?

It is a term that relates to saving
in business, public sector/government
organizations and homes
Energy Saving

It is the process of monitoring,

controlling or conserving energy in a
building or organization
Steps in Energy Saving

1. Metering energy consumption and collecting data.

2. a. Finding opportunities to save energy and

estimating how much energy each opportunity
could save.
b. Analyze meter data to find and quantify routine
energy waste.

c. Investigate energy savings you could make by

replacing equipment (e.g. lighting) or by
upgrading the building’s insulation.
Steps in Energy Saving

3. Taking action to target the opportunities to save

energy (i.e. tackling the routine waste and replacing
and upgrading the inefficient equipment).

Typically, start with the best opportunities first.

4. Tracking your progress by analyzing your meter

data to see how well your energy-saving efforts
have worked.
Home Energy Management (HEM)

The goal of HEM in energy or utility

companies is to ensure that their power
stations and RE* sources generate enough
energy to meet demand (the amount of
energy that their customers need).

It (HEM) refers to techniques for managing

and controlling one’s own level of personal

*RE – Renewable energy

Other Energy Management Applications

Energy management is as effective in larger

buildings as in homes.

Most of the principles that apply to business

and other organizations are also applicable
to homes.
The Global Need to Save Energy

• It (global need) is the key to saving

energy in your organization

• Much of the importance of energy savings

stems from the global need to save
energy – this global need affects energy
prices , emissions targets, and legislation,
all of which lead to several compelling
reasons why you should save energy at
your organization specifically.
Globally, we need to save energy to:

• Reduce the damage we’re doing to our

planet, Earth.

• Reduce our dependence on fossil fuels

that are becoming increasingly limited in
Saving energy globally

Wind turbines can only do so much –

we humans use a lot energy !
Controlling and reducing energy consumption
at your organization

This is important because it enables you to:

1. Reduce costs – this is increasingly becoming
important as energy costs arise.

2. Reduce C emissions and the damage they cause to

the environment, as well as the cost-related
implications of C taxes and the like

3. Reduce risks* – with energy management, your

organization can reduce risks by reducing the
demands for energy and by controlling it so as
to make it more predictable.

•The more energy that we consume the greater the risks that energy
price increases or supply shortages could seriously affect profitability
How to best manage Energy Consumption?

1. Metering energy consumption and collecting data

Before – read meter manually
Now(modern approach) - to fit interval metering

•Interval energy data is a fine-grained record of energy consumption,

with readings made at regular intervals throughout the day, everyday.
How to best manage Energy Consumption?

2. Finding and quantifying opportunities to save energy.

The detailed and metered data that you are collecting

will be invaluable to helping you to find and quantify
energy-saving opportunities.

The easiest and most cost-effective energy-saving

opportunities typically require little or no capital
How to best manage Energy Consumption?

Looking at detailed interval energy data is the ideal way to find routine energy
waste. You can check whether staff and timers are switching things off w/out
having to patrol the building day and night and you can also figure out who or
what is causing the wastage that you will find.
Detailed energy data

It is the key to finding the easiest

energy savings!

Using your detailed interval data, it is easy to

make reasonable estimates of how much energy
is being wasted at different times
Detailed energy data

For example: if you have identified that a lot of energy is being wasted by
equipment left on over the weekends, you can:

1. Use your interval data to calculate how much energy

in kWh is being used each weekend.

2. Estimate the proportion of that energy that is wasted

(by equipment that should be switched off).

3. Using the figures from Step 1 and Step 2, calculate

an estimate of the total kWh that are wasted each
Detailed energy data

Alternatively, if you have no idea of the proportion of the energy

that is being wasted by equipment left on unnecessarily, you could:

1. Walk the building one evening to ensure that

everything that should be switched off is switched off.

2. Look back at the data that evening to see how many

kW are being used after you switched everything off.
Detailed energy data

Alternatively, if you have no idea of the proportion of the energy that is

being wasted by equipment left on unnecessarily, you could:

3. Subtract the target kW figure (Step 2) from the kW

figure for weekends to estimate the potential savings
in Kw (power).

4. Multiply the kW savings by the no. of hours over the

weekend to get the total potential kWh energy savings
for a weekend.
How to best manage Energy Consumption?

3. Targeting the opportunities to save energy.

Take action by targeting, after finding opportunities.

a. Motivate people to make them aware. It can be hard

work, but if you can get people on your side, you
make some seriously big energy savings without
investing anything other than time.
How to best manage Energy Consumption?

3. Targeting the opportunities to save energy.

Take action by targeting, after finding opportunities.

b. For upgrading of equipment or insulation,

anticipated savings can be obtained.
How to best manage Energy Consumption?

Insulation – it usually works well, even when it looks like this ….

How to best manage Energy Consumption?

4. Tracking your progress at saving energy

Once you’ve taken action to save energy, it’s important
that you find out how effective your actions have been:

a. Energy savings that come from behavioral changes

need ongoing attention.

b. If you’ve invested money in a new equipment, you’ll

probably want to prove that you’ve achieved the
energy savings that you predicted.

c. If you’ve corrected faulty timers or control-eqpmnt

settings, you’ll need to keep checking back to ensure
that everything’s still working as it should be.
How to best manage Energy Consumption?

Managing your energy consumption

is an ongoing process ….
More energy saving tips

Always buy local food (patronize our own products)

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Travel less or make a travel plan

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Use renewable energy

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Use the car less….

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Domestic Tradable Quotas (DTQs) or Tradable Energy Quotas (TEQs)

DTQs or TEQs

TEQs is a proposal for a national emissions and

energy trading scheme that includes personal carbon
trading as a central element. It is the subject of
significant interest from the UK Government, and is
explicitly designed to address both climate change
and peak oil.
DTQs or TEQs

TEQs are measured in units.

Every adult is given an equal free Entitlement of TEQs

units each week. Other energy users (government,
industry, etc.) bid for the units at a weekly Tender,
or auction.

If you use less than your Entitlement of units, you can

sell your surplus. If you need more, you can buy them.

All trading takes place at a single national price, which

will rise and fall in line with demand.

Buying and selling would be as easy as topping up a

mobile phone.
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IEC Campaign
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IEC Campaign
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Saving energy in the kitchen

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More energy saving tips
Review the Basics on Energy

❖ What is Work?
❖ What is Energy?
❖ What are the Different Forms of Energy?
❖ The Law of Conservation of Energy
❖ Units of Energy
❖ Energy Equivalences
❖ What is Power?
❖ Units of Power

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