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RECOUNT TEXTS C. Tommy wanted revenge.

D. Roger is a trouble maker

Text One E. To show that he is stronger than Roger.

Tommy, after being punished by the 02. How did Tommy provoke Roger?
headmaster, wanted to take revenge. So after A. Tommy kicked Rodger’s foot.
school, he purposely waited for Roger at a quiet B. Tommy said something bad about
corner where he would be walking home with his Roger.
younger brother, Joseph. C. Tommy stared at Roger when they
Tommy, with his black cap tilted over one Were on their way home.
ear, ran up on tiptoe behind Roger to provoke D. Tommy embarrassed Roger.
him. Tommy gave a hasty pull at his brother”s E. Tommy pulled Josepph”s hair.
hair. It was such a jerk that Roger’s brother fell
hard on the ground, and it must have hurt him so 03. Which of the following statement is not true
badly that he groaned in great pain. according the text?
Tommy, who was taller and sturdy looking A. Tommy was punished by the headmaster.
than Roger, thought that Roger dared not hit him. B. Tommy won the fight
Bur Roger did not stop to think. Though smaller C. Roger was smaller built than Tommy
than Tommy, he did not hesitated to fling himself D. Their problem was not resolved by the
with one spring on that bigger fellow and began to headmaster.
pound him with his fists. E. Many people were shocked to see
There were lots of people on the streets and Tommy and Roger fighting in public
they were shocked to see them fighting in public. 4. Tommy who was taller and sturdy looking
Roger grabbed Tommy around the waist and with than Roger…( paragraph 3 )
one furious effort, slammed him down on the The word “sturdy “means….
pavement and fell upon him with one knee on his A. Strong
chest. B. Slim
Although there were people gathered around C. Big.
them only some intervened to stop the boys from D. Thin.
fighting. Tommy, hurt his back quite badly, stood E. Hard
up and walked away. Roger was also badly
bruised, but triumphant. Besides him was his 05. What is the type or genre of the reading text?
younger brother who was crying softly. The A. An explanation text.
onlookers advised them to see their principal to B. A hortatory exposition text.
resolve their differences and not to take law in to C. A narrative
their own hand. D. A review.
However,Roger thinking more of his school E. An anecdote.
homework than about his victory. He picked up
his bag, brushed off the dirt and said to his 06. What tense is mostly used in the reading text?
brother, “Come , let’s go home and complete our A. Simple present tense
home work. B. Simple past tense.
C. Past perfect tense
D. Present Continuous tense
01. Why did Tommy want to pick a fight with E. Present future tense
Roger ?
A. Roger is his enemy It had only been a few hours since we left our
B. Tommy was angry with Roger’s brother campsite, but we seemed to have lost our way for
many days. My heart was already filled with E. Narrative.
disappear, even thugh I did not speak of such
things to my men because I was afraid it would 11. The writer mostly uses mainly…
dampen their spirits. A. Simple present tense
Not only did we lose our way, it seemed we B. Present tense.
also lost sight of the sky . Never in my wildest C. Past continuous tense.
dream could I imagine that such dense mist D. Future tense.
existed. The air was so hot and heavy that it made E. Present perfect tense.
all of us feel very uncomfortable. In addition, the
ground was wet and muddy. Overgrown plants
reached up the canopy above and a thick mist lied Two years ago, I attempted to escape from
over the ground. mainland China to Hong Kong. I planned and
We were all very tired, and all our food prepared well. I dressed up like a farmer and
had been eaten up. Our only hope was to find a walked for two days from my village to the border
stream or river to get out of the jungle. between China and Hong Kong. That night, I was
very excited and nervous, but I tried to be calm.
07. The writer and his men were in a … At the border there were a lot of sentries who
A. Jungle. tried to catch people like me, so I put some mud
B. Grassland on my self to avoid being noticed. It was not easy
C. Cave. for me to pass through the sentries, but I bit my
D. Meadow. tongue and climbed across the swampy areas.
E. Desert. Finally, I reached the river that runs across the
border. I plunged into it. It was icy cold, and I
08. What did the writer and his men hope used all my strength to swim as fast as I could. In
to do? about twenty minutes, I touched land. I had made
A. The wanted to find some food to it! My happiness was beyond description. But
eat. when I stood up, a Honh Kong policeman was
B. The wanted to find some water to immediately was beside me. My dream was
drink. shattered. I was taken to a police station to wait
C. They wanted to get out of the place. for a truck that takes unsuccessful refugees back
D. The wanted to see the sky. to China. The police put me in the truck with a
E. They wanted to rest. great many other [people, and we were driven like
a herd of buffalo back to China. I had lost my
09.How long had the writer been lost? freedom again.
A. The writer had been lost for many days.
B. The writer had been lost for several 12. Which statement indicates the distance the
hours. young man lived from the Hong Kong border?
C. The writer had been lost for a few a. I was taken to a police station to wait for a
weeks. truck.
D. The writer had been lost for an hour. b. We were driven like a herd of buffalo.
E. The writer had been lost for a day. c. At the border there were a lot of sentries.
d. I reached the river that runs across the
10. What kind of writing is this? border.
A. Procedure. e. “ … and walked for two days from my
B. Recount village to the border …”
C. Spoof
D. News item. 13.Which detail supports the statement
that there are many people who try to province on the island of Sumatra that has been
leave mainland China? nearly 80,000 people killed by the floating.
A. Hong Kong policeman was “I was not afraid because I am used to sea,”
immediately beside me. Wira said while massaging his wounded leg. “As I
B. The police put me in the truck with a was still holding to a door, the mattress came by
great many other people. so I decided to climb on it, I was not afraid but I
C. The sentries tried to catch me. was cold.”
D. I dressed up like a farmer. The fisherman who found him said,” I think he
E. I had lost my freedom again. was a brave boy, he held on various floating pieces
of wood while being swept for two days.”
14. What is the main idea of the passage ?
A. Escaping from the mainland. 17. The text mainly
B. Caught by the police border. discusses………………
C. An unsuccessful escape. A. A refugee camp in Meulaboh
B. Tsunami in Aceh
D. Driven like a herd of buffalo. C. A brave boy
E. Passing through the sentries. D. A devastated province
E. A rare tale of happiness in Aceh
15. Find the word in the passage which can be 18. Which statement is NOT TRUE
replaced by the word “destroyed”. according to the text?
A. excited A. The brave boy has floated for two days
B. plunged B. The brave boy was used to swim in the sea
C. attempted C. The brave boy ate various floating pieces
D. driven of wood
E. shattered D. The brave boy was found by the fisherman
E. The brave boy met his parents after
16. What kind of text is the above passage ? floating in the see for two d
A. Discussion. 19. “A rare tale of happiness in the devastated
B. Narration province on the island of Sumatra that has
C. Anecdote been nearly 80,000 people killed by the
D. Explanation floating.” (Paragraph 3)
E. Review The word devastated is similar to
A. attacked
B. deforested
Feeling no fear, a five-year-old boy spent two C. inhabited
days floating at sea on a mattress to survive from D. Destroyed
tsunami that killed thousands of people from its E. left away
town and was reunited with his family on
“Mother, mother, mother,” he cried as he Treasure Seekers
rushed to his parents, older brother and young
sister at a refugee camp in Meulaboh, his Peter, John and Rose brought with them some
hometown of 40,000 people in Aceh that was on tools to explore a cave in the cemetery. As they
hardest hit in Sunday’s disaster. slowly walked deeperin the cave, it was getting
Wira later calmly recounted to reporters the darker and cooler inside. Rose was getting uneasy
amazing events that brought him back to his and asked Peter,” Why don’t you switch on your
family, a rare tale of happiness in the devastated torch.” “Oh yeah,” replied Peter.
When he switched on the torchlight they E. There were five treasure seekers.
found a huge gray object appeared right in front
of them. They were astonished and frightened. 21. What did they bring along the tools?
John went up and carefully examined the object A. They wanted to dig up the grave.
he said, “It’s a stone casket.” Rose replied, “why B. They armed themselves in case of being
don’t we see what’s inside.” Everyone agreed. attack.
Peter and John used crowbars to force C. They used the tools to construct an
open the stone cover while Rose, using all her entrance to the cave.
might to push the cover to the side and suddenly it D. They brought the tools in case the need to
slipped and fall on the floor with a loud “BANG!” open any hidden treasure.
All of them got a rude shock and took a E. Because they wanted to look like
few steps backward. The three of them slowly and
quietly walked back to the casket. Peter who was 22. The organization of the text is …
holding the torch shone it against the internal of A.Resolutions, Orientation, and
the casket. All of them nearly fell on the ground Complications.
because a preserved corpse was found inside B.Introduction, Orientation, and
casket. They saw plenty of jewelry and even exotic Resolution.
paintings buried with the corpse. C.Orientation, Complication and
While they were examining the contents, Resolution.
Rose felt a jolt on the ground and realized D.Sequence, Resolution, and
something was not right. She shouted, “SCRAM!” Complications.
She was the first one to rush to exit followed by E.Complications, Resolution, and
Peter. John was the last one and before he reached Orientation.
the exit it was completely sealed off by falling
rocks and was trapped. 23. In paragraph 7 tells us that John …
What suddenly occurred was too much for A. Was saved by the glow worm.
John to handle and he said to himself that he was B. Was doomed in the cave.
going to die there. He knelt down and solemnly C. Saw a dim light at the end of the tunnel.
prayed to the deceased that if he ever got out of D. Killed the glow worm.
the cave alive, he would keep this place a secret, E. Fell over the rocks.
never returned to disturb it and promised to offer
thanksgiving to the spirit. 24. The above text is in the form of …
After a while he saw a glowworm flew out A. Discussion
from the coffin towards the opposite direction of B. Report
the blocked exit. John followed the glowworm step C. Explanation
by step. About some distance away he saw some D. Narration
dim light coming from the end of the cave. He E. Review
immediately removed some rocks and to his
surprise it was another exit. The dim light was 25. To show the dialogues among the
moonlight outside the cave. characters, the writer uses….
He knelt again to thank the spirit. A. Simple present tense
B. Direct Speech.
20. How many treasure seekers were there? C. Indirect speech
A. There was one treasure seeker. D. Passive voice
B. There were two treasure seekers. E. Past tense
C. There were three treasure seekers.
D. There were four treasure seekers.
On Saturday I went to Mount Bromo with my walk around with one trouser leg or sleeve shorter
friends. We stayed at Mira’s house. It was only than the other.
two kilometers from the mountain resort. We were poor and my pocket money was
On Sunday morning we went to the scenic only a nickel (five cents) a week. When I was
ride on horse back to Mount Bromo. Actually it young I used to buy sweets the size of golf balls
was also fun. We got a closer look at the mountain which took hours to disappear in my mouth.
and took pictures. There were many beautiful Love hit me when I was twelve. A young girl,
types of scenery. It was my amazing experience. Lucy, used to live in the flat above ours. She was
After having fun, in the afternoon we went home. pretty with lovely brown hair and perfect teeth.
For weeks, I saved enough money to take her to a
26.How did the writer and friends enjoy the variety show. When we arrived, Lucy asked for
scenic of Mount Bromo? some candy and I had to buy some. During the
A. Driving a car performance, Lucy ate all the candy.
B. Taking a train On the way out, I realized I only had enough
C. Riding a horse money for one ticket back home. Today I feel
D. Taking a bus terrible about this, but remember I was only
E. Going on foot twelve, it was very cold and Lucy had eaten all the
candy. I said, “I ‘m going to toss this coin. If it’s
27.What is the speaker mainly talking about ?
heads, you get to ride home. If it’s tails, I ride
A. The speakers experience
home.” It was tails. For some curious reason, Lucy
B. The speakers vacation to Mount Bromo
never spoke to me again.’
C. The speakers impression about Mount
28.What does the passage talk about ?
D. The speakers ride an horse
A. The slum neighborhood in New York
E. The speakers visit to Mira’s house
B. The love story of the young Groucho Marx
C. The life story of Marx’s childhood
The following test is for questions 28 to 32
D. The Groucho Marx’s family
E. The situation of New York City
Give or take a few years, I was born around
the turn of the century. I won’t say which century. 29.What is the main idea of paragraph 3 ….
My parents gave me a name Groucho. A. The family of the author who live in a
Everyone can have one guess. We used to live crowded flat.
in a crowded flat in New York. In addition to the B. The poor relations the author had with the
five brothers-Chico, Harpo, Groucho, Gummo mother
and Zeppo-there were my father and mother, my C. The people came to the author’s house
mother’s father and mother and an adopted sister. seeking for advice
Lots of poor relations used to visit our house D. the author’s father was very bad at his job
day and night. All our visitors would always come E. The author was given a nickle a week by
to see my mother. She used to advise them about
the mother
their love lives, where to find jobs and how to stay
out of trouble. She was amazing. She used to have 30.Why did Lucy never speak to Groucho
more friends than anyone else I’ve known. Marx anymore ?
My father was a tailor. He was probably the A. Because Groucho was poor and got only
worst tailor in our part of New York. He thought a nickel a week.
he could measure a man by just looking at him, so B. Because she ate all the candies
he didn’t use to use a tape measure. You could C. Because Groucho took her to a lonely
easily recognize his customers. They would all show she didn’t like
D. Because that night was very cold and there then we met group B at the information center to
was no more money to buy the candy. have our lunch.
E. Because she had to go back home by Soon, it was time for us to go to the orchid
section while Group B did some research on
flowers. Hum…A lady led us to the orchid section.
31.“We used to live in a crowded flat in New Then, she explained about many kinds of orchid.
York.” (Paragraph 2) Next, we had a look at the Indonesian
The underlined words mean …. orchid. Wow, we saw many kinds of Indonesian
A. Groucho had been living in a crowded flat orchids. They were all beautiful. Later, we took a
since he was born look at the American, European and Asian
B. Groucho doesn’t not live in the crowded orchid’s section. It was interesting. Soon after we
flat anymore had finished our observations, we went back
C. Groucho had moved to the crowded flat outside and met group B. Then, we got on the bus
D. Groucho felt uncomfortable in the and returned to school. We really enjoyed the trip
crowded flat to Bogor Botanic Garden.
E. Groucho did not live in the crowded flat
33. What is the type of the text?
A. A report
32.“She was pretty with lovely brown hair B. A description
and perfect teeth.” (Paragraph 6) C. A recount
The underlined word means D. A legend
A. complete E. An explanation
B. correct
C. excellent 34. What is the writer’s job?
D. total A. a biology teacher
E. exact B. a domestic tourist
C. a reporter
D. a student
Text 3 for questions number 33 to number 40 E. an analyst

35. Why did they go to Bogor Botanical

GARDEN A. To spend their holiday
B. For a weekend
C. To make an observation
All right, everybody, I’ll tell you about this
D. For recreation
great place.
E. To plant new plants
On Friday 16 March we went to Bogor Botanic
Garden. We went there by bus and we arrived at
36. Which statement is RIGHT according
that famous garden at 10 o’clock.
to the text?
Arriving at the garden, we were divided
A. The writer used a car to go there
into two groups. Group A followed Mrs. Nina and
B. The first place they visited isIndonesia
Group B followed Mr. Ahmad. I was in group A.
Well, first we went to the odd tropical plants and
C. The trip to Bogor Botanical garden was
Mrs. Nina read us some of the information. Then,
we looked at all the lovely plants. After that, we
D. The writer and his/her friends were
went to a little spot near the Raffles cemetery and
divided into three groups
had morning tea. Next, we did some sketching and
E. The botanical garden is small these spots I drank a margarita or two. (Yes, I had
a fake ID.)
37.”They were all beautiful” (the last I was giggly by 11:00, tipsy by midnight, and
paragraph) flat out soused by the time we shut the bars down
The word “They” in the sentence refers at three. Of course, as I hollered farewells to my
to … friends and poured myself into the car, I was dead
A. The writer and his/her friends certain that I was sober enough to drive home
B. The plants safely. With one eye shut to keep the road from
C. The flowers blurring, I weaved down Monroe Avenue. One
D. The Indonesian orchids minute there was not a soul on the road in front of
E. The trees me, and the next –crash! I had plowed into a big
green Buick.
38.What tense is mostly used by the writer? When the police arrived –instantly, it seemed
A. Present continuous tense —they gave me a breath test even before asking to
B. Past tense see my license. Naturally I registered drunk. After
C. Simple present tense filling out pages of forms and checking to see that
D. Past tense and present continuoustense no one was injured, the police took me to jail,
E.Future tense where I was photographed, fingerprinted, and
charged with driving under the influence of
39.“Arriving at the garden, we were divided alcohol (DUI). I had to pay a $2,000 fine and
into two groups.” (Paragraph 2) attend driving school for three months.
“Arriving at the garden “means… It was there, viewing gory films of accident
A. Before going to the garden victims with their bodies crunched under tires and
B. After they had arrived at the garden heads wrapped inside bumpers, that I resolved not
C. Before entering the garden to drive while intoxicated ever again.
D. While they were entering the garden ( )-mpk 2009-2010
E. Before they arrived at the garden
41. What is mainly discussed in this text?
40. The followings are TRUE about the A.A night of celebration turning into
garden, EXCEPT ….. a costly and embarrassing lesson
A. The botanical garden is great on the dangers of drinking and
B. It is famous driving
C. It is used for observation orresearch B. A high school graduation
D. It is a public cemetery C. The night of celebration of high
E. It has many plants and flowers to See school graduation
D. Popular hangouts
E. Intoxicated driver
This text is for questions number 41 to 44
42. What did the writer feel when he left
One Saturday last June, just two days after my the bars and wanted to drive home?
high school graduation, a night of celebration A. He felt fine enough.
turned into a costly and embarrassing lesson on B. He felt drunk.
the dangers of drinking and driving. Out with a C. He didn’t feel drunk enough.
girlfriend for a wild night on the town, we made D. He felt he was getting drunk.
stops at such popular hangouts as Studebaker’s, E. He didn’t feel fine enough.
Baggy Drawers, and Night Lights, and at each of
43. Why did the writer get drunk?
A few days after this decision, they saw the
A.Because he celebrated her graduation island in the distance where they decided to live.
exaggeratedly. Before they went ashore, Charles asked the other
B.Because he drank alcoholic drinks. two make a promise not to say a word after they
C.Because he wanted to show off in front reached the island. They were to remain perfectly
of his girlfriend. quit during their stay.
D.Because he drank a margarita or two in During the first few days after they
each of the popular hangouts. landed, they built a little house where they planted
E.Because he had got uncontrolled. a garden. The island was paradise for Charles
because this was the peace and quiet that they
44.What does the writer mean when he wanted.
said “I was giggly by 11:00, tipsy by
midnight, and flat out soused by the time 45.The purpose of the text is………….
we shut the bars down at three.” A. to persuade the readers to be hermit
A.He was deeply involved in the B. to tell the past experience of Charles
euphoria of celebration. C. to entertain the readers
B. He was gradually getting drunk D. to describe Charles’ experience
C. He was at the bars until they were E. to evaluate in the past experience
shut down.
D. He drank again and again until the 46.They expected to make the trip….. (
bars were closed. paragraph 2)
E.The bars’ assistants knew well The underlined word means …
who The writer was.. A. asked
B. wanted
C. aimed
D. hoped
Text is for questions no. 45 – 47.. E. had

Once upon a time there was an office 47. Which of the following statements is
worker whose name was Charles. He worked in TRUE according to the text?
the same insurance office for many years. But A. Charles disliked the noisy condition
during that time, he became more and more B. Charles wanted to be a sea voyage
unhappy. While he worked, he dreamed C. Charles liked people when they
constantly, and in his dream he was always a talked
hermit, he stayed in his room. He didn’t like D. Charles disliked peace and quite.
people. He especially didn’t like people when they E. Charles dreamed to live in the city
talked. He wanted peace and quiet. Life went on
for Charles in this way until he became desperate.
His big opportunity came when he learned
about sea voyage the two of his friends were The following text is for questions 48 to 50.
planning. They expected to make the trip during On Sunday, my friend and I went to lake
their summer vocation. Charles asked to join Kintamani in Bali. The water is clean, the
them. While they are sailing, our hero talked to temperature is cool and there are many trees
his friends about the joys of hermits’ life. He surrounding the lake.
talked until he finally convinced them and they On Monday, we visited Tanah Lot. The
decided to stop at the First Island that they found. scenery there was amazing. There was holy water
beside Tanah Lot. Many people washed their face
with it. Across from Tanah Lot, beside the rocky I was tired by the end of the shed but our wasn’t
hill, there was hole occupied by a snake which finished. We all had to help to get the wethers and
according to local people was sacred. lambs back into the paddocks. As well, we had to
On Tuesday, we went to Sangeh where get a mob of ewes and their lambs into the yards
many wild monkeys walked freely and climbed the for shearing the next day. Then it was time for tea
tree. In the afternoon we went home. (that’s what my nanna calls dinner).

48. How long did the writer spend his time in This was very long day but I enjoyed it a lot.
Bali ?
A. A day 51. When did the writer go ?
B. Two days a. Early
C. Three days b. 7.30
D. Four days c. Last holiday
E. Half day d. After lunch

49. What did the writer do before across 52. How many events are there in the text ?
From Tanah Lot ? a. 4
A. Saw the holly water b. 3
B. Climbed the tree c. 2
C. Washed the face d. 1
D. Went to Sangeh
E. Went home 53. Which word in the text means “small grass
field” ?
50. There was holy water beside TanahLot. a. Paddock
The underlined word means … b. lambs
A. Dirty c. yards
B. Clean d. shed
C. Sacred
D. Contamination On Friday 16 March, we went to Bogor
Botanical Garden. We went there by bus and we
arrived at that famous garden at 10 o’clock.
Arriving at the garden, we were divided
A Visit to a sheep property into two groups. Group A followed Mrs. Nina and
Group B followed Mr. Ahmad. I was in Group A.
Last holidays I visited a sheep property. I helped Well, first we went to the odd tropical plants and
in the shearing sheds in the yards. Mrs. Nina read us some of the information. Then,
On the first day the Merino weathers were we went to a little spot near the Raffless cemetery
crutched. I helped by sweeping up after the rouse and had morning tea. Next, we did some sketching
about picked up the wool pieces. Sheares start and then we met Group B at the information
early (at 7.30 am). center to have our lunch.
Soon, it was time for us to go to the orchid
After lunch, we started shearing the lambs. There section while Group B did some research on
were more than 400 so we didn’t finish until the flowers. Uhm...A lady led us to the orchid section.
text day. Once again I was sweeping and picking Then, she explained about many kinds of orchids.
up dags. Later, we had a look at the Indonesian
orchid. Wow, we saw many kinds of Indonesian
orchids. They were all beautiful. Later, we took a
look at the American European and Asian B. rare
orchid’s section. It was interesting. Soon after we C. top
had finished our observations, we went out and D. nice
met Group B. Then, we got on the bus and E. unique
returned to school. We really enjoyed the trip to (Source MKS-MPK 2010-2011)
Bogor Botanical Garden.
The following text is for questions 58 to .
54. They went to the Bogor Botanical
garden in the … month of the year During the summer, we went to the beach every
A. third day. We stayed at a lovely motel right on the
B. fourth beach. In the morning we would get up at 9.30,
C. fifth have breakfast, and then spend four hours near
D. sixth the pool with all the other guests. At 1.00 we
E. seventh would have lunch in our room. For lunch we
would eat something light like sandwiches and
55. What is the main idea of the last fruit. In the afternoon we would return to the pool
paragraph? area and sit in the sun for a while. At night we
A. The Indonesian orchids were would take long walks along the beach or visit
beautiful. some friends who lived at 520 Volusia Avenue in
B. The students and writer returned Daytona Beach.
to school. Many people from out of town stayed at the
C. The American, European, and motel. Like us, they had been coming to that same
Asian orchids were lovely. motel since 2005. Most of them were from Ohio.
D. The observation to Bogor From time to time we would eat out at a nice
Botanical Garden was interesting. restaurant, where we did not have to wait long for
E. The trip to Bogor Botanical the waitress to serve us. In July it is usually very
Garden was very enjoyable. crowded, but this year at least, it was not as
crowded as in the past. Once in a while, we went
56. The correct sentence of the text is …. to the movies at the theater on the corner of Las
A. Both the groups enjoyed their Olas Boulevard and Castillo Avenue. We arrived
lunch outside Bogor Botanical there in no time in all by car.
B. The writer of the story didn’t 58. What did the writer do in the afternoon?
belong to any group of the A. Sit in the sun.
students. B. Take long walks
C. The arrival at Bogor Botanical C. Go to the movies.
Garden was in the morning. D. Visit some friends.
D. The students arrived at Bogor E. Eat at a nice restaurant.
Botanical Garden after lunch.
E. There were more than two groups 59. The main idea of the second paragraph is
on that story ….
A. The theater is near the motel.
57. …. Well, first we went to the odd B. The restaurant is always crowded.
tropical plants and …. ( paragraph 2 C. The writer sometimes went to the
) movies.
The underlined word means … D. The location of the theater is on the
A. strange corner of Las Olas and Castillo Avenue.
E . The writer and the people from Ohio D. After finishing the race
had been coming to the motel since E. In the start of the race.
33. What is the main idea of the second
60. Which statement is TRUE? paragraph?
A. The motel is small and cheap. A. The writer found that marathon was
B. The theater is always crowded. enjoyable so he wanted to join again.
C. The restaurant offers special menu. B. After completing the 26,2 miles, the
D. The visitors were not interested in the writer felt upset.
motel. C. The writer thought marathon was hard
E. The menu of break fast is sandwiches and so he stopped it as soon as possible.
fruit. D. The writer felt tired when he had to run
at 26,2 miles.
61. “Once in a while, we went to the movies E. The writer found marathon to be fun
….” (Paragraph 2) and wanted to join again in the next two years.
The underlined phrase means ….
A. often 34. Why did the writer want to join another
B. always marathon?
C. usually A. To learn valuable things.
D. generally B. To improve his time.
E. sometimes C. To participate in the event.
D. To experience an interesting race.
E. To make himself proud.

The following text is for Questions 32 to 34. The following text is for questions 23-25
Last year I joined the Chicago Marathon, my
first marathon. I had to run 26,2 miles to complete Thomas Matulessy, (June 8, 1783 - December 16,
it. It is hard but I learned valuable things from 1817), also known as Kapitan Pattimura or simply
joining it. Pattimura, was an Ambonese soldier who led a
At first, I just wanted to get the experience of rebellion against Dutch forces on Saparua near
joining a marathon. I thought it would be one in a Ambon in Maluku.
life time’s experience. After finishing it, I changed
my mind. I wanted to join another one. I was
He took the Dutch fortress there and repelled the
interested to complete at least one more marathon
colonial force sent against him. The Dutch
and improve my time. I also experienced a good
Resident on Saparua and his family (except for
feeling between participants and the spectators,
one child) were murdered, the Dutch sent
which made me happy. It was a very wonderful
reinforcements from Batavia (modern-day
thing for me. So I decided that I had to join
Jakarta); the rebels were defeated and Matulessy
another marathon the following year, because I
surrendered. In December 1817 he was hanged
was not satisfied with this first one.
along with three others.
32. When did the writer change his/her opinion
about marathon? 1. How old was Pattimura when he died?
A. When preparing for the race A. 83 years old
B. During the race B. 38 years old
C. before the race C. 34 years old
D. 17 years old legs and stood on a low wall admiring the stars. I
E. 16 years old returned to my bench and had a few hours sleep.
We woke up to discover that we had fallen
asleep in a garden in a small cemetery. Over the
2. He took the Dutch fortress there and
wall on which I had casually stood a cliff dropped
repelled the colonial force sent against into the sea several hundred feet below.
him. The word ‘repelled’ has the same (MPK JAKBAR 2011-2012)
meaning as ….
A. won 31. What does the text mainly tell us?
B. betrayed A. A small village in the top of the
C. murdered island
B. The little park in the island
D. chased away
C. The beautiful beach in the island
E. surrendered D. The unforgettable holiday in the
3. Including Pattimura, how many people E. The travelling by a ferry
were hanged by the colonial at that time?
A. 1 32. What did the other travellers do to reach
B. 2 the village?
A. They walked along the seashore.
C. 3
B. They waited till the morning dawn.
D. 4 C. They climbed the cliff.
E. 5 D. They carried themselves their
Text 7 E. They preferred hiring the donkeys.
Last month my uncle took me on a holiday
with his family. We went to an island by a ferry. 33. Which statement is TRUEaccording to the
We needed forty- five minutes to reach the island. text?
Sitting on the bench, I could enjoy the beautiful A. The writer had got good
beach from a far. information about the island.
When we arrived at the island, a launch came B. The writer could sleep soundly.
to take the passenger of the ferry. Night had fallen C. It was so dark when the writer
by the time we stepped ashore and everything was wanted to get the village.
completely black. Unknown to us, the village lay at D. The writer realized that the way to
the end of a long, steep winding path. Other the village was difficult.
travellers, who were better informed than us, E. The writer had enough money to
eagerly hired donkeys to carry themselves and hire a hotel.
their luggage to the top. Having little money and
being unaware of the climb ahead of us, we 34. Where did the writer spend his first night
decided to walk. in the island?
When we arrived at the village, all the cheap A. In his uncle’s house
hotels were full up. There was nowhere to camp B. In a little park
either. After much walking, we finally came across C. In a cemetery
a little park so we took out our sleeping bags and D. In a camp
made ourselves as comfortable as we could on a E. In one of the hotels
couple of benches we found. During the night,
bothered by mosquitoes, I got up to stretch my
35. “During the night, bothered by E. The horror in the garden
mosquitoes, I got up to stretch my legs
and…” 2. Which country did the writer probably live?
The underlined word has the same meaning A. In Singapore
to … B. In Thailand
A. Treated C. In Indonesia
B. Disturbed D. In Australia
C. Bitten E. In Philippines
D. Threatened
E. Flown 3. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to
Text 8 the text?
A. The writer felt it safe to take the
When I was a child, I lived in a small town. parakeet outside.
One day I was walking around the house with B. Kathy did not get angry with the
my sister Kathy’s new parakeet, Perky, on my writer although her parakeet flew
finger. Suddenly, I had the idea of showing Perky off .
what the sky looked like. Its wings had been C. Kathy’s parakeet had blue color
clipped, so I felt it was safe to take it outside. I D. Perky is a kind of bird.
took it into the garden, and then, to my horror, E. People believe that parakeet is the
Perky suddenly flew off. One minute it was best pet in the world.
there, and the next minute it was gone, clapped
wings and all.. 4. “I was astounded.” ( Paragraph 3, line 5)
Kathy managed to forgive me, and told me The underlined word has closest meaning to …
that Perky had certainly found a new home, A. Surprised
but I did not believe her. For a long time, I was B. Impressed
inconsolable. Time passed, however, and C. Confused
eventually my guilt lessened and we all grew up. D. Disappointed
Many years later my family lived in a E. Interested
different city. We had become very friendly with
another family. One summer evening, my 5. What did the writer tell to his new neighbour,
family and my neighbour sat together in the Barry?
garden telling stories about pets we had in the A. The Summer season
past. Then Barry our neighbour, told that the B. The sweetest pie
greatest pet all of the time was his blue C. The pet in the past
parakeet, Sweetie Pie. He also told us that that he D. The habitat of parakeets
found it some years ago. I was astounded. I asked E. The various kinds of birds
him the dates and locations he found it, and
also the description on the pet. All the (MPK Jakbar 2011-2012)
description matched up with Perky.
So I think my sister was right that Perky
did found the new home
1. What is the text about?
A. The writer’s new home town Father Eyes
B. The writer’s neighbour
C. Kathy’s new pet Once in a city, there was a skinny young boy who
D. The greatest pet all of the time loved football with all his heart. Practice after
practice, he eagerly gave everything he had. But
being half the size of the other boys, he got Swallowing hard, he mumbled to the coach, "My
absolutely nowhere. At all the games, this hopeful father died this morning. Is it all right if I miss
athlete sat on the bench and hardly ever played. practice today?" The coach put his arm gently
This teenager lived alone with his father, and the around his shoulder and said, "Take the rest of
two of them had a very special relationship. the week off, son. And don't even plan to come
back to the game on Saturday."
Even though the son was always on the bench, his
father was always in the stands cheering. He never Saturday arrived, and the game was not going
missed a game. This young man was still the well. In the third quarter, when the team was ten
smallest of the class when he entered high school. points behind, a silent young man quietly slipped
But his father continued to encourage him but also into the empty locker room and put on his football
made it very clear that he did not have to play gear. As he ran onto the sidelines, the coach and
football if he didn't want to. But the young man his players were astounded to see their faithful
loved football and decided to hang in there. He teammate back so soon. "Coach, please let me
was determined to try his best at every practice, play. I've just got to play today," said the young
and perhaps he'd get to play when he became a man. The coach pretended not to hear him. There
senior. was no way he wanted is worst player in this close
playoff game.
All through high school he never missed neither a
practice nor a game but remained a bench- But the young man persisted, and finally feeling
warmer all four years. His faithful father was sorry for the kid, the coach gave in. "All right," he
always in the stands, always with words of said. "You can go in." Before long, the coach, the
encouragement for him. players and everyone in the stands could not
believe their eyes. This little unknown, who had
When the young man went to college, he decided never played before was doing everything right.
to try out for the football team as a "walk-on." The opposing team could not stop him. He ran, he
Everyone was sure he could never make the cut, passed, blocked, and tackled like a star.
but he did. The coach admitted that he kept him
on the roster because he always puts his heart and His team began to triumph. The score was soon
soul to every practice, and at the same time, tied. In the closing seconds of the game, this kid
provided the other members with the spirit and intercepted a pass and ran all the way for the
hustle they badly needed. winning touchdown. The fans broke loose. His
teammates hoisted him onto their shoulders. Such
The news that he had survived the cut thrilled him cheering you never heard.
so much that he rushed to the nearest phone and
called his father. His father shared his excitement Finally, after the stands had emptied and the team
and was sent season tickets for all the college had showered and left the locker room, the coach
games. This persistent young athlete never missed noticed that this young man was sitting quietly in
practice during his four years at college, but he the corner all alone. The coach came to him and
never got to play in a game. said, "Kid, I can't believe it. You were fantastic!
Tell me what got into you? How did you do it?"
It was the end of his senior football season, and as
he trotted onto the practice field shortly before the He looked at the coach, with tears in his eyes, and
big playoff game, the coach met him with a said, "Well, you knew my dad died, but did you
telegram. The young man read the telegram and know that my dad was blind?" The young man
he became deathly silent. swallowed hard and forced a smile, "Dad came to
all my games, but today was the first time he could government offices were closed too. The wind blew
see me play, and I wanted to show him I could do continuously and many people, especially
it!” children, began to get sick. But the rain continued
to fall.
Then, the worst thing happened. The river
overflowed the embankment and there were floods
22. What is the purpose of the text? everywhere in my town. In some areas, the water
A. To amuse the reader was about three meters high. Parts of the town
B. To tell about a boy’s story looked like the sea and the buildings looked like
C. To tell about father’s love islands.
D. To show the reader about boy’s story People began to evacuate. Some people bravely
E. To give information walked through the water, while others used rafts
to carry their belongings. Strangely enough, many
children enjoyed playing and swimming in the
23. Since when the young man decided to join the muddy water. I just watched them from a distance
football team? because I was too afraid to go near the water.
A. At Junior high school Luckily, my uncle had a house high up on a hill, so
B. At Senior high school my family went to his house and stayed with him
C. At college for a few days.
D. After graduate Then, one morning, the rain suddenly stopped and
E. After 10 year the sun apppeared. Everyone was overjoyed. But
it took another week for the waters to go down.
When we went home, we were shocked to see the
24. The first paragraph tells us about _____ condition of our house. It was full of mud and
A. the skinny young boy who love football smelly. Everything, including all the furniture,
B. the young boy’s father had been ruined. My parents were devastated.
C. The dead of young boy’s father Althouh many people were willing to lend a hand,
D. Football team it took a long time before everything was back to
E. The young boy’s practice normal.
25. “The coach admitted that he kept him on the Indeed, I shall never forget what I experienced
roster …” (par. 4) during this terrrible flood.
What is the meaning of the underlined word? 29. It can be inferred from the reding text above
A. a black cock that ...
B. list A. The flood did not last long
C. striker B. The flood made everybody annoyed
D. bench C. The writer was not ready to face a flood
E. trainee D. The flood was not troublesome to the
E. People living on the hill were swimming
This text is for questions 29 to 32. in the muddy water.

Although I have read a lot about what to do 30. It is not mentioned in the second paragraph
during a flood, being in a flood for the first time that ...
was still a horrible experience. A. Store were closed
Last month, the rains poured heavily for several B. People did not go to work
days. People were unable to go to work and most C. There were floods everywhere
of the stores were closed. Even the schools and D. Government offices were closed
E. It rained heavily for several days at three different levels. Then he made me come to
the tought of teaching algebra and geometry – two
31. Why were the writer shocked to see the subjects at which I had been completely
condition of their house? incompetent at school. But since I needed money, I
A. Because the house was full of water. took the job.
B. Because the house was only full of mud. This was my first job and it
C. Because the house had been ruined. was the hardest job I ever had.
D. Because the house had been under the 30. Where did the writer get the information
water surface about the job vacancy?
E. Because the house was the only one A. From the headmaster
which broken B. From the job agency
C. From a school in a suburb of London
32. “Everyone was overjoyed” (paragraph 5) D. From the interview with the headmaster
The underlined word is not synonymous
with ... E. From the advertisement of the newspaper
A. Happy 31. The main idea of the fourth paragraph is...
B. Joyful A. Reasons why the writer disliked the job
C. Thrilled B. Things to do at the interview
D. Grateful C. The number of students available
E. delighted D. The difficulties of teaching algebra and
E. Different levels of class
TEXT 5 32. The writer did not enjoy the journey
The following text is for no. 30 -33 A. He was nervous
My First Job B. He hated the interviews
Being very short of money and C. It was rather complicated
wanting to do something useful, I applied for a D. He had never travelled before
teaching post advertised at a school in a suburb of E. It was too hot to travel comfortably
London and three days later a letter arrived, 33. “...the teaching set-up appalled me.”
summoning me to Croydon for an interview. (Paragraph 4)
I went to Croydon by train and The underlined word has a meaning in
then I had to walk a dusty street at least a quarter common with the word....
of a mile. As a result of this journey, I arrived on a A. Warned D.
hot June morning too desperate to feel nervous.
appealed to
When I arrived there, I met
the headmaster himself. After asking me to sit B. Horrified E.
down, he proceeded to ask me a number of appeared to
questions. I assumed that the headmaster and I C. Repented
obviously had singularly little in common.
After the interview, we Text for no 34 to 36
discussed about the subjects I should teach and
asked the number of students in my class. I was Yosef, my roommate, and I had a great
rather shocked because the teaching set-up weekend. Last Saturday we got up early and ate a
appalled me. He told me that I had to split the big breakfast. We took the bus to go downtown
class up into three groups and teach them in turn
and went to an art museum. The museum opened unable to enjoy coffee without some kind of baked
at nine o’clock and we stayed there all morning. goods.
We saw some beautiful paintings. We had
a guide who explained everything to us. I like all Then I decided to run out to buy something, but
the art, but Yosef didn’t like the modern art very all the stores were closed, but one. That store did
much. I bought copies of two paintings. I’m going not have any fresh pastries, and I ended up buying
to put them on the wall of my bedroom. four slices of wheat bread. I was frustrated for two
At one o’clock, we were very hungry so we reasons: firstly, I couldn’t enjoy drinking my
had lunch at the museum cafeteria. After lunch, coffee on Sunday morning; and secondly, the sales
we took a walk in the park near the museum. We woman charged me $3.00 for four slices of bread!
went home at five o’clock. We were very tired, but
we had a good time. On Sunday we stayed home Next, I returned to the building where I live on the
and studied. tenth floor, stepped into the elevator, pushed the
button, and got out. When I reached my
34. What did the writer and his roommate do last apartment and tried to unlock the door, I could
weekend? not turn the key. I made a few attempts without
A. They went to an art museum success. I started banging on the door hoping to
B. They watched people painting wake up my daughter. I was not successful at that
C. They worked part time in a museum either.
D. They had a big dinner
E. They worked part time as a guide I can’t explain how it crossed my mind to check
the number of the apartment. The apartment
35. The main idea of the second paragraph is …. number was correct, except for the first digit: the
A. A guide accompanied the visitors apartment wasn’t on the ninth floor, but the tenth.
B. The writer liked all the art displayed at the I was shocked to realize that I had been banging
museum on somebody else’s door.
C. The museum only displayed modern art
D. The guide helped the visitors to buy the I still muse over what might have happened if
paintings displayed somebody had opened the door and what he or she
E. Yosef and his roommate liked all the would have said to me at 8:00 am on Sunday
beautiful paintings at the museum morning.

36. Which of the following you don’t agree with

about Yosef?
A. Yosef was the writer’s roommate 29. What is the purpose of the author in writing
B. Yosef and the writer had a great weekend the text?
C. Yosef liked all the art displayed A. To tell about her ruined Sunday
D. Yosef and the writer had lunch at the morning routine
museum cafeteria B. To tell about the expensive price of
E. Yosef and the writer went to an art museum the bread she bought at a local store
C. To tell about her mistake in finding
TEXT-6 her apartment
It happened on Sunday morning a few days ago. D. To show how angry she was for not
When I was about to have my routine cup of being able to enter her apartment
coffee along with a bagel, I realized that I did not E. To show how embarrassed she was
have any bread at all. I have to admit that I am for banging on somebody else’s door
30. When she went to the store, she intended to kindness at a time” It’s a message that applies
buy _____ to all aspects of life, including in conserving
A. Wheat bread water. So, to begin with, I started to list some of
B. Bread my water-consuming activities. And from various
C. Fresh fruit sources, I found out that taking a bath is the
D. Fresh pastries biggest water consumer (about 45 percent of the
E. Coffee daily consumption), followed by toilet flushing
(25 percent) and kitchen activities (15 percent). A
31. Why couldn’t she unlock the door of her survey conducted in 2006 by the Directorate of
apartment? Water Development of the Public Works Ministry
A. She took the wrong key showed that the average daily use of fresh water in
B. Her apartment door was broken Indonesia was 144 liters per person. Based on that
C. Her daughter locked the door from figure, bathing, flushing and kitchen activities
the inside represent 65, 36, and 21.5 liters respectively or
D. It was not her apartment 122.5 liters in total. Assuming the Indonesia
E. She forgot to bring the key population represents around 230 million people,
all having equal access to 122.5 liters per day, can
you imagine what happens to that 2% of global
fresh water? You do the math!
Those numbers have given me a stronger urge to
In today’s fast-paced, cyber-linked world, it be more efficient with my personal consumption
would be hard to imagine working without of fresh water. So, I started off with my bathroom.
internet. Most of us would probably feel pretty First, I readjusted the showerhead to a low - flow
desperate. Well, how about trying to live a day version and took shorter showers, less than 5
without water, a real every-day nightmare for minutes long, since that could already reduce my
some people. I know how it feels. water use approximately by half.

After suffering from one-day emergency Second, I tried a simple trick suggested by
shutdown of my local water supply, which a friend to save water in the tank, by placing a
prevented me from getting a single drop of water one-liter plastic bottle filled with water in the
from the tap, let alone showering or flushing the tank. This way, I save one liter of fresh water
toilet, I started to think how ironic it is that on a every time I flush the toilet. If the toilet is used 10
planet where water covers 71 percent of its times a day, I have already saved 10 liters of fresh
surface, I suddenly had no. But when I learned water.
that just over 2 percent of the total volume of
water in the global cycle is fresh water, and most And since I am not really a kitchen type a
of that is locked up as polar ice caps and in person, I believe my water spending in that
glaciers, I became horrified. Yes, horrified at the department wouldn’t exceed 10 liters per day. So
thought of more than 6 billion people sharing this in total, I could save around 56.6 liters per day
small amount of water that is available. It made from bathroom and kitchen activities. Not bad
me wonder: is there anything I can do to use this for a start, as there are still more things that can
precious resource more wisely? be done to efficiently use water.

That question leads me to one of my favorite lines

from the movie Evan Almighty. “How do we 39. What is the main idea of the passage?
change the world? By doing one act of random
A. A nightmare for some people in
Indonesia when living a day without water
B. The importance of people’s awareness
in using the precious resource wisely
C. The need to start saving the use of
water in the toilet tank and bathroom
D. The stronger urge to make a list of
water-consuming activities at home
E. The need to make a personal
consumption of fresh water more efficient
40. Which of the following is closest in meaning
to “locked up” in the line 8? Gregory is my beautiful gray Persian cat. He
A. restricted walks with pride and grace, performing a dance of
B. kept disdain as he slowly lifts and lowers each paw with
C. limited the delicacy of a ballet dancer. His pride, however,
D. bordered does not extend to his appearance, for he spends
E. secured most of his time indoors watching television and
growing fat.
41. The pronoun “it” in line 6 refers to _____
A. after suffering from one-day He enjoys TV commercials, especially those for
emergency shutdown of my local water supply Meow Mix and 9 Lives. His familiarity with cat
B. which prevented me from getting a food commercials has led him to reject generic
single drop of water from the tap brands of cat food in favor of only the most
C. that on a planet where water covers expensive brands.
71 percent of its surface, I suddenly had no
D. that just over 2 percent of the total Gregory is as finicky about visitors as he is about
volume of water in the global cycle is fresh water what he eats, befriending some and repelling
E. that most of that is locked up as polar others. He may snuggle up against your ankle,
ice caps and in glaciers, I became horrified begging to be petted, or he may imitate a skunk
and stain your favorite trousers. Gregory does not
42. “… I became horrified …” (par.2) do this to establish his territory, as many cat
What is the antonym of the underlined word? experts think, but to humiliate me because he is
A. surprised jealous of my friends.
B. shocked
C. terrified After my guests have fled, I look at the old fleabag
D. encouraged snoozing and smiling to him in front of the
E. endangered television set, and I have to forgive him for his
obnoxious, but endearing, habits.

36. Who is Gregory?

A. a cat
B. a dog
C. a animal
D. a cow
E. a gray Persian cat news on TV. My little brother was playing
computer games in his room, and my older sister
was in the kitchen preparing our dinner. Our
37. “…pride and grace, performing a dance of parents were still at work.
disdain as …” (line 1) At exactly 5.04 P.M., the earthquake
What is the synonym of the underlined? struck. Our house started shaking violently as if
A. honor giant waves struck a small boat in the ocean. At
B. insult first, none of us realized what was happening.
C. sympathetic Then my sister cried out, “Earthquake! Get under
D. grace something!” I was too stunned to move, but the
E. beauty shaking was so strong that I soon fell off the sofa
onto the floor. I rolled and crawled across the
floor to the dining table and got under it. My
38. What is the function of the passage above? sister was sitting on the floor in the kitchen,
A. to describe a particular thing in detail holding her arms over her head to protect it from
B. to give analysis for a particular case falling dishes. She yelled at my little bother to get
C. to report the nature of Persian cat under his des, but he watched to be near us. He
D. to amuse the readers tried to get out of his room, but he kept falling
E. to persuade the readers how down. The earthquake lasted less than a minute,
disdainful it is a Persian cat is but it seemed like a year to us.
At last, the shaking stopped. For a minute or
two, we were too scared to move. Then my sister
and I carefully got up and went to help our little
brother, who was crying. As soon as he saw us, he
began to calm down. There was no electricity, so I
looked for my transistor radio and turned it on.
Unfortunately, it didn’t work because the
batteries were too old. Next, we checked every
room in our house for damage, but we didn’t find
any. We felt very lucky, for nothing was broken
and no one was hurt. After while, we started
worrying about our parents. I tried to call them at
work, but the phone lines were busy.
Two hours later, our parents finally arrived
at home. They were unhurt, but they had no walk
home because the roads were badly broken. They
were crying happily for us and we were so happy
to see them, too! Our first earthquake was an
experience that we will never forget, but it taught
us a lesson, too. Now we keep more fresh batteries
for my radio, and we have an emergency plan for
communication with one another.
March 1, 1999, was a day that I will never Soal:
forget. It was the day I experienced my first What did the writer feel when the earthquake
earthquake. I had just got home from school and struck?
was lying on the living room sofa watching the What did the writer do to protest herself?
What lesson do you think the writer learned from B. a real father with his two sons
what happened? C. Phil Young’s special anniversary
How long did the earthquake last? D. Phil’s activity after having been given
How did you and your family feel?
a new heart
Why did the writer write this text?
What do the following words mean? E. A charity football match for the
rolled hospital’s transplant program
damage 27. Paragraph 3 mainly discusses about _____
crawled A. a charity football match
stunned B. the hospital’s transplant program
kept falling down
C. new hearts for eleven people
turn it on
realised D. Tottenham, Mr. Young’s football club
E. Mr. Young’s activities before a
charity football match

TEXT-5 28. Which of the following statements is NOT

BUILDER - Phil Young is celebrating a very TRUE about Phil Young according to the text?
special anniversary today – it is exactly one year A. Phil Young had a kidney disease in
since he was operated on at St Bartholomew’s 1990
hospital and given a new heart. Mr. Young, 47, of B. He wants to help the hospital’s
Tottenham, is now so full of energy that he is transplant program
training to play in a charity football match to raise C. He is very energetic now
money for the hospital’s transplant program. So D. He is training for the charity
far eleven people have been given new hearts. E. He has two sons

Mr. Young wants to help others like himself. In

1990 he was seriously ill with heart disease. He Text for no 34 to 36
couldn’t work, he couldn’t climb the stairs, and he
had two young sons to look after. Yosef, my roommate, and I had a great
weekend. Last Saturday we got up early and ate a
Now the boys are helping to train their father for big breakfast. We took the bus to go downtown
the ball match. “My boss is very pleased that I am and went to an art museum. The museum opened
so fit again,” said Mr. Young. “I have become a at nine o’clock and we stayed there all morning.
real father to them again. We don’t just play We saw some beautiful paintings. We had
football – we go jogging and swimming and play a guide who explained everything to us. I like all
soccer together. I hope more people will be helped the art, but Yosef didn’t like the modern art very
by the hospital, as I was. much. I bought copies of two paintings. I’m going
to put them on the wall of my bedroom.
At one o’clock, we were very hungry so we
26. The text is about _____ had lunch at the museum cafeteria. After lunch,
A. Phil Young, a man with a new heart we took a walk in the park near the museum. We
went home at five o’clock. We were very tired, but
we had a good time. On Sunday we stayed home Then I decided to run out to buy something, but
and studied. all the stores were closed, but one. That store did
not have any fresh pastries, and I ended up buying
34. What did the writer and his roommate do last four slices of wheat bread. I was frustrated for two
weekend? reasons: firstly, I couldn’t enjoy drinking my
A. They went to an art museum coffee on Sunday morning; and secondly, the sales
B. They watched people painting woman charged me $3.00 for four slices of bread!
C. They worked part time in a museum
D. They had a big dinner Next, I returned to the building where I live on the
E. They worked part time as a guide tenth floor, stepped into the elevator, pushed the
button, and got out. When I reached my
35. The main idea of the second paragraph is …. apartment and tried to unlock the door, I could
A. A guide accompanied the visitors not turn the key. I made a few attempts without
B. The writer liked all the art displayed at the success. I started banging on the door hoping to
museum wake up my daughter. I was not successful at that
C. The museum only displayed modern art either.
D. The guide helped the visitors to buy the
paintings displayed I can’t explain how it crossed my mind to check
E. Yosef and his roommate liked all the the number of the apartment. The apartment
beautiful paintings at the museum number was correct, except for the first digit: the
apartment wasn’t on the ninth floor, but the tenth.
36. Which of the following you don’t agree with I was shocked to realize that I had been banging
about Yosef? on somebody else’s door.
A. Yosef was the writer’s roommate
B. Yosef and the writer had a great weekend I still muse over what might have happened if
C. Yosef liked all the art displayed somebody had opened the door and what he or she
D. Yosef and the writer had lunch at the would have said to me at 8:00 am on Sunday
museum cafeteria morning.
E. Yosef and the writer went to an art museum

29. What is the purpose of the author in writing

the text?
TEXT-6 A. To tell about her ruined Sunday
It happened on Sunday morning a few days ago. morning routine
When I was about to have my routine cup of B. To tell about the expensive price of
coffee along with a bagel, I realized that I did not the bread she bought at a local store
have any bread at all. I have to admit that I am C. To tell about her mistake in finding
unable to enjoy coffee without some kind of baked her apartment
D. To show how angry she was for not People began to evacuate. Some people bravely
being able to enter her apartment walked through the water, while others used rafts
E. To show how embarrassed she was to carry their belongings. Strangely enough, many
for banging on somebody else’s door children enjoyed playing and swimming in the
muddy water. I just watched them from a distance
30. When she went to the store, she intended to because I was too afraid to go near the water.
buy _____ Luckily, my uncle had a house high up on a hill, so
A. Wheat bread my family went to his house and stayed with him
B. Bread for a few days.
C. Fresh fruit Then, one morning, the rain suddenly stopped and
D. Fresh pastries the sun apppeared. Everyone was overjoyed. But
E. Coffee it took another week for the waters to go down.
When we went home, we were shocked to see the
31. Why couldn’t she unlock the door of her condition of our house. It was full of mud and
apartment? smelly. Everything, including all the furniture,
A. She took the wrong key had been ruined. My parents were devastated.
B. Her apartment door was broken Althouh many people were willing to lend a hand,
C. Her daughter locked the door from it took a long time before everything was back to
the inside normal.
D. It was not her apartment Indeed, I shall never forget what I experienced
E. She forgot to bring the key during this terrrible flood.
29. It can be inferred from the reding text above
that ...
This text is for questions 29 to 32. A. The flood did not last long
Although I have read a lot about what to do B. The flood made everybody annoyed
during a flood, being in a flood for the first time C. The writer was not ready to face a flood
was still a horrible experience. D. The flood was not troublesome to the
Last month, the rains poured heavily for several writer
days. People were unable to go to work and most E. People living on the hill were swimming
of the stores were closed. Even the schools and in the muddy water.
government offices were closed too. The wind blew
continuously and many people, especially 30. It is not mentioned in the second paragraph
children, began to get sick. But the rain continued that ...
to fall. A. Store were closed
Then, the worst thing happened. The river B. People did not go to work
overflowed the embankment and there were floods C. There were floods everywhere
everywhere in my town. In some areas, the water D. Government offices were closed
was about three meters high. Parts of the town E. It rained heavily for several days
looked like the sea and the buildings looked like
islands. 31. Why were the writer shocked to see the
condition of their house?
A. Because the house was full of water. the tought of teaching algebra and geometry – two
B. Because the house was only full of mud. subjects at which I had been completely
C. Because the house had been ruined. incompetent at school. But since I needed money, I
D. Because the house had been under the took the job.
water surface This was my first job and it
E. Because the house was the only one was the hardest job I ever had.
which broken 30. Where did the writer get the information
about the job vacancy?
32. “Everyone was overjoyed” (paragraph 5) F. From the headmaster
The underlined word is not synonymous G. From the job agency
with ... H. From a school in a suburb of London
F. Happy I. From the interview with the headmaster
G. Joyful J. From the advertisement of the newspaper
H. Thrilled 31. The main idea of the fourth paragraph is...
I. Grateful F. Reasons why the writer disliked the job
J. delighted G. Things to do at the interview
H. The number of students available
TEXT 5 I. The difficulties of teaching algebra and
The following text is for no. 30 -33 geometry
My First Job J. Different levels of class
Being very short of money and 32. The writer did not enjoy the journey
wanting to do something useful, I applied for a because....
teaching post advertised at a school in a suburb of F. He was nervous
London and three days later a letter arrived, G. He hated the interviews
summoning me to Croydon for an interview. H. It was rather complicated
I went to Croydon by train and I. He had never travelled before
then I had to walk a dusty street at least a quarter J. It was too hot to travel comfortably
of a mile. As a result of this journey, I arrived on a 33. “...the teaching set-up appalled me.”
hot June morning too desperate to feel nervous. (Paragraph 4)
When I arrived there, I met The underlined word has a meaning in
the headmaster himself. After asking me to sit common with the word....
down, he proceeded to ask me a number of D. Warned D.
questions. I assumed that the headmaster and I appealed to
obviously had singularly little in common. E. Horrified E.
After the interview, we appeared to
discussed about the subjects I should teach and F. Repented
asked the number of students in my class. I was
rather shocked because the teaching set-up
appalled me. He told me that I had to split the The following text is for Questions 32 to 34.
class up into three groups and teach them in turn Last year I joined the Chicago Marathon, my
at three different levels. Then he made me come to first marathon. I had to run 26,2 miles to complete
it. It is hard but I learned valuable things from E. To make himself proud.
joining it.
At first, I just wanted to get the experience of
joining a marathon. I thought it would be one in a The following text is for questions 23-25
life time’s experience. After finishing it, I changed
my mind. I wanted to join another one. I was Thomas Matulessy, (June 8, 1783 - December 16,
interested to complete at least one more marathon 1817), also known as Kapitan Pattimura or simply
and improve my time. I also experienced a good Pattimura, was an Ambonese soldier who led a
feeling between participants and the spectators, rebellion against Dutch forces on Saparua near
which made me happy. It was a very wonderful Ambon in Maluku.
thing for me. So I decided that I had to join
another marathon the following year, because I He took the Dutch fortress there and repelled the
was not satisfied with this first one. colonial force sent against him. The Dutch
Resident on Saparua and his family (except for
32. When did the writer change his/her opinion one child) were murdered, the Dutch sent
about marathon? reinforcements from Batavia (modern-day
A. When preparing for the race Jakarta); the rebels were defeated and Matulessy
B. During the race surrendered. In December 1817 he was hanged
C. before the race along with three others.
D. After finishing the race
E. In the start of the race. 4. How old was Pattimura when he died?
A. 83 years old
33. What is the main idea of the second B. 38 years old
paragraph? C. 34 years old
A. The writer found that marathon was D. 17 years old
enjoyable so he wanted to join again. E. 16 years old
B. After completing the 26,2 miles, the
writer felt upset. 5. He took the Dutch fortress there and
C. The writer thought marathon was hard repelled the colonial force sent against
so he stopped it as soon as possible. him. The word ‘repelled’ has the same
D. The writer felt tired when he had to run meaning as ….
at 26,2 miles. A. won
E. The writer found marathon to be fun B. betrayed
and wanted to join again in the next two years. C. murdered
D. chased away
34. Why did the writer want to join another E. surrendered
A. To learn valuable things. 6. Including Pattimura, how many people
B. To improve his time. were hanged by the colonial at that time?
C. To participate in the event. A. 1
D. To experience an interesting race. B. 2
C. 3 C. The beautiful beach in the island
D. 4 D. The unforgettable holiday in the
E. 5 island
E. The travelling by a ferry
Text 7
36. What did the other travellers do to reach
Last month my uncle took me on a holiday the village?
with his family. We went to an island by a ferry. A. They walked along the seashore.
We needed forty- five minutes to reach the island. B. They waited till the morning dawn.
Sitting on the bench, I could enjoy the beautiful C. They climbed the cliff.
beach from a far. D. They carried themselves their
When we arrived at the island, a launch came luggages.
to take the passenger of the ferry. Night had fallen E. They preferred hiring the donkeys.
by the time we stepped ashore and everything was
completely black. Unknown to us, the village lay at 37. Which statement is TRUEaccording to the
the end of a long, steep winding path. Other text?
travellers, who were better informed than us, A. The writer had got good
eagerly hired donkeys to carry themselves and information about the island.
their luggage to the top. Having little money and B. The writer could sleep soundly.
being unaware of the climb ahead of us, we C. It was so dark when the writer
decided to walk. wanted to get the village.
D. The writer realized that the way to
When we arrived at the village, all the cheap the village was difficult.
hotels were full up. There was nowhere to camp E. The writer had enough money to
either. After much walking, we finally came across hire a hotel.
a little park so we took out our sleeping bags and
made ourselves as comfortable as we could on a 38. Where did the writer spend his first night
couple of benches we found. During the night, in the island?
bothered by mosquitoes, I got up to stretch my A. In his uncle’s house
legs and stood on a low wall admiring the stars. I B. In a little park
returned to my bench and had a few hours sleep. C. In a cemetery
We woke up to discover that we had fallen D. In a camp
asleep in a garden in a small cemetery. Over the E. In one of the hotels
wall on which I had casually stood a cliff dropped
into the sea several hundred feet below. 36. “During the night, bothered by
(MPK JAKBAR 2011-2012) mosquitoes, I got up to stretch my legs
35. What does the text mainly tell us? The underlined word has the same meaning
A. A small village in the top of the to …
island F. Treated
B. The little park in the island G. Disturbed
H. Bitten
I. Threatened 7. Which country did the writer probably live?
J. Flown F. In Singapore
Text 8 G. In Thailand
H. In Indonesia
When I was a child, I lived in a small town. I. In Australia
One day I was walking around the house with J. In Philippines
my sister Kathy’s new parakeet, Perky, on my
finger. Suddenly, I had the idea of showing Perky 8. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to
what the sky looked like. Its wings had been the text?
clipped, so I felt it was safe to take it outside. I F. The writer felt it safe to take the
took it into the garden, and then, to my horror, parakeet outside.
Perky suddenly flew off. One minute it was G. Kathy did not get angry with the
there, and the next minute it was gone, clapped writer although her parakeet flew
wings and all.. off .
Kathy managed to forgive me, and told me H. Kathy’s parakeet had blue color
that Perky had certainly found a new home, I. Perky is a kind of bird.
but I did not believe her. For a long time, I was J. People believe that parakeet is the
inconsolable. Time passed, however, and best pet in the world.
eventually my guilt lessened and we all grew up.
Many years later my family lived in a 9. “I was astounded.” ( Paragraph 3, line 5)
different city. We had become very friendly with The underlined word has closest meaning to …
another family. One summer evening, my F. Surprised
family and my neighbour sat together in the G. Impressed
garden telling stories about pets we had in the H. Confused
past. Then Barry our neighbour, told that the I. Disappointed
greatest pet all of the time was his blue J. Interested
parakeet, Sweetie Pie. He also told us that that he
found it some years ago. I was astounded. I asked 10. What did the writer tell to his new neighbour,
him the dates and locations he found it, and Barry?
also the description on the pet. All the F. The Summer season
description matched up with Perky. G. The sweetest pie
So I think my sister was right that Perky H. The pet in the past
did found the new home I. The habitat of parakeets
J. The various kinds of birds
6. What is the text about?
F. The writer’s new home town (MPK Jakbar 2011-2012)
G. The writer’s neighbour
H. Kathy’s new pet
I. The greatest pet all of the time
J. The horror in the garden
A. Moving the spaceship.
The following text is for questions 29 and 30. B. Cleaning the alien craft.
(paket A rayon 06) C. Seeing the spaceship properly.
I Saw a UFO D. Making the spaceship disappearing.
When I was out walking my dog in Parson’s E. Visiting the gigantic spaceship landing.
Field last night, I heard a loud metallic sound
like a steel drum being cut up by a chainsaw. 30. What does the second paragraph mainly tell
When I looked up, I saw gigantic spaceship us about?
landing in the woods to my right. It was circular A. The writer saw a faint yellow glow.
and flat like a flying saucer. Lots of tiny blue B. The ship had landed behind the trees.
balls of light like electricity were being fired out C. The ship attracted the writer to come in.
of it in all directions. One of the lights came D. The writer intended to run but he could
straight at me and seemed to pass right through not.
at me. I felt a tingling sensation from head to E. The writer tried to figure out what
foot, but the sensation passed in a few seconds happened.
By now the ship had landed behind the
trees and all I could see was a faint yellow glow.
I intended to run while I had the chance, but I
seemed to have no control over my body. To my The following text for questions 29 and 30. (Paket
horror, my legs began to carry me towards the B rayon 06)
spaceship. I tried to resist, but it was hopeless. I lifted my wet woolen gloves up to my damp
As I entered the clearing where the alien eyelashes and wiped the delicate snowflakes from
craft had landed, I was caught in a strong beam my eyes. I could not feel my nose and my breath
of white light that actually lifted me off the was like icecles forming in the air. I was cold. I
ground. I was held in mid-air for several was fed up! I wanted to go home. Mum and dad
seconds, and I felt that I was being examined had forced me and my two sisters – Jenny and
inside and out. Suddenly the beam was switched Mary to go for a Sunday afternoon walk in the
off and I fell to the damp ground. I was slightly park. I could see my footprints in the snowy path.
stunned, but now I could see the spaceship Like atrail of breadcrumbs in the forest showing
properly. It surface was completely smooth. me the way home.
There were no openings, and I could not make I stopped and listened to the music around me.
out where the lights had been beamed from. I could hear the wind howling like a stray hungry
However, the whole ship was glowing yellow. dog for a yummy bone. The branches of the trees
Although I was still scared I was able to that used to whisper and rustle had become bare,
control my movements at last. I turned and saw brown bones and the grass was covered with a
the spaceship rise and disappear into the night white sparkling blanket. Then I saw a web
sky. This encounter was undoubtedly the shimmer and glimmer beneath a pale sun. My
strangest experience of my life! breath was like silky soft smoke wafting up into
the freezing cold air.
29. What was the writer’s strangest Suddenly there was mum with a big cup of
experience? liquid heaven. She handed it to me with an
enormous smile on her face. “Here you are Jo, this made a lot of damage to my town. Although
will keep you warm.” I slowly sipped the delicious nothing was left, I thanked God that nobody was
liquid and felt it dripping and slipping down into seriously injured.
my tummy like lava flowing down a mountainside.
My wet woolen gloves were no longer frozen but
warm. My breath had thawed and I was no longer 29. What did the writer do for save himself?
fed up or cold. I was happy and contented. A. He left the car and walked
B. He kept staying on his car.
29. What did the writer’s parents ask him to do? C. He crept under the car
A. Have a walk in the park. D. He ran away to house
B. Go home on Sunday afternoon. E. He drove the car fast
C. Enjoy the scenery in the snowy.
D. Have a big cup of liquid heaven. 30. Paragraph 2 tells about ....
E. Wear the gloves to warm his hands. A. the deadly damage caused by the
30. Paragraph 2 mainly tells about... B. the solution to save one’s life
A. the condition of snowy weather C. the impact of the earthquake
B. the beautful scenery D. the predictable arthquake
C. the wind in the snow E. signs of the earthquake
D. the strong wind
E. the slim body

The following text is for questions 29 and 30.

Let me remind you my experience during an

earthquake last week. When the earthquake
happened, I was on my car. I was driving home
from my vacation in Bali.
Suddenly my car lunched to one side, to the
left. I thought I got a flat tire. I did not know that
it was an earthquake. I knew it was an earthquake
when I saw some telephone and electricity poles
falling down to the ground, like matchsticks.
Then I saw a lot of rocks tumbling across
the road. I was trapped by the rock. Even I could
not move my car at all. There were rocks
everywhere. There was nothing I could do but left
the car and walked along way to my house in the
When I reached my town, I was so surprised
that there was almost nothing left. The earthquake
PAKET 2 A. She has to make a refledron on the failure of
her marriage life
This text for number 1-2 B. She has to accept her failure in her marriage
C. She has to begin a new life
What we know as America today is named D. She has to evaluate her marriage life behind
after Amerigo Vespucci (1454 – 1512). He was E. She has to leave her marriage life behind
an Italian navigator and also an adventurer.
5. What makes her marriage fail?
Once Amerigo Vespuccci an adventurer
A. Her fantasies of her first love
came to a place. He described the place as very
B. Her dating with Brent Rogers
pleasant and fertile. His men were in great need
C. Her knowing of her husband’s affairs
of water and wood. They went to the shore and
D. Her husband unfaithfulness
found the natives looking at them from the top
E. Her affairs
of a hill. They were naked.
Vespucci’s men tried to induce the natives 6. “After reaching the end of her rope with her
to get along with them but failed. Another effort marriage,” (p.2)
was made. They left many bells and mirrors on What does the underlined phrase mean?
shore. The natives saw them. They came down A. The limit of her rope
the hill. They were all astonished at these things. B. The end of her patience
In return Vespucci’s men got water. C. The limit of her endurance
D. The last of her physical strength
1. Who was Amerigo Vespucci? E. The end of her resources
A. an Italian navigator
7. “… of her puzzling life and learn the hard truth
B. an adventurer
….” (p.3)
C. an American navigator
What does the underlined word mean?
D. an American navigator and adventurer
A. Difficult reality
E. an Italian navigator and adventurer
B. Bad experiences
2. What made the natives amazed? C. Soor truth
A. naked natives D. Controversial truth
B. many bells E. Painful fact
C. bells and mirrors
D. a very pleasant and fertile place William Shakespeare was born in 1564 at Stratford-
E. many mirrors on-Avon in England. At that time Elizabeth I had
been Queen for six years.
We do not know much about Shakespeare’s
The following text is for questions 3 to 7 life. However, we do know that his father was a
shopkeeper and that his mother was the daughter of
Tandi Crawford is an unsatisfied a farmer. William went to Stratford Grammar
woman. Her 13-year-marriage has become School, where he learnt Latin, Scripture and
lonely and empty after she discovered her Mathematics.
husband’s Jared’s affairs three years ago. The When he left school, William was employed
only thing has got Tandi through this difficult by his father. He married a local girl, Anne
time are tha fantasies of her first love, Brent Hathaway, when he was eighteen. Three years later
Rogers. he left Stratford and went to London.
After reaching the end of her rope with We do not know anything about
her marriage, Tandi leaves Jared, takes her 11- Shakespeare’s life between the years 1585 and 1590.
year-old son, Michael and ends up moving into We are certain, however, that by the end of 1590 he
the place she ran away from 18 years before, had joined a group of actors and had started writing
with her father Glynne Belson. plays. During the next twenty years he wrote thirty
Now Tandi has to pick up the pieces of two plays. He wrote possibly more plays, which he
her puzzling life and learn the hard truth that did not have published or performed.
everything that looks good to to you is not Shakespeare went back to Stratford-on-Avon
necessarily good for you. a few years before he died in 1616 at the age of 52.

3. What does the text tell us about? 8. What did Shakespeare do in 1582 ?
A. The life of Tandi Crawford A. He attended Stratford Grammar School
B. The happy life of Tandi Crawford B. He married Anne Hathaway
C. Tandi Crawford’s child experiences C. He went to London
D. The unhappy Tandi Crawford’s D. He began to write plays
marriage life E. He joined a group of actors.
E. The affairs of Tandi Crawford’s
9.What had Shakespeare done by the end of
1590 ?
4. What is the main idea of paragraph 3? A. He had written many plays
B. He had joined a company of actors
C. He went to London lawyers, and other black-owned or black-operated
D. He had returned to live in Stratford. businesses and services. Even in the face of Atlanta’s
E. He had become a teacher in London segregation, the district thrived. Dr. King never
forgot the community spirit he had known as a child,
10.When did Shakespeare return to Stratford ? nor did he forget the racial prejudice that was a
A. When he was 18 seemingly insurmountable barrier that kept black
B. When he was 32 Atlanta from mingling with whites.
C. When he was 52
D. A few years before his death. 13. What is this passage mainly about?
E. In 1616 A. the prejudice that existed in Atlanta
B. Martin Luther King’s childhood
11. What is the communicative purpose of C. Mel’s grandfather
this text ? D. the neighborhood King grew up in
A. To amuse the readers E. Dr. King’s community spirit
B. To persuade the readers to read about
Shakespeare’s life 14. The type of the reading text is … .
C. To retell the Shakespeare’s life A. Description
D. To describe how Shakespeare is famous. B. Exposition
E. To entertain the readers about the C. Narrative
interesting story D. Review
E. Recount
12. Which statement is NOT TRUE in this
story? 15. According to the author, King was influenced by
A. Shakespeare’s wife was called Anne … .
Hathaway. A. community spirit
B. Shakespeare was a son of a shopkeeper B. black lawyer
C. Shakespeare’s grandfather was a C. his mother
farmer. D. his speeches
D. Shakespeare studied Latin, Scripture E. his church
and Mathematics at Stratford-on-Avon.
E. Shakespeare was born six years after 16. The word “eloquent” in paragraph 1 line 6,
Queen Elizabeth I means most nearly... .
A. active
Martin Luther King. Jr., is well Known B. romantic
for his work in civil rights and for his many C. powerful
famous speech, among them his moving “I have D. fascinating
dream” speech. But fewer people know much E. symbol
about King’s childhood. M.L, as he was called,
was born in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Bob Marley was born on February 6, 1945 in a small
home of his maternal grandfather. M.L.’s village called Nine Miles in Jamaica. He launched his
grandfather, the Reverend A.D. Williams, first record at the age of 16 in Kingston with a song
purchased their home on Auburn Avenue in called “Judged Not” in 1963. He formed a band
1909, twenty years before M.L. was born. The called the Wailers, launching “Simmer Down” which
Reverend Williams, an eloquent speaker, played became an instant hit in Jamaica. In 1972,
an important role in the community since so international recognition came after the album
many people’s live centered around the church. “Catch Fire” was released.
He allowed his church and his home to be used After breaking with the Wailers, Bob Marley
as a meeting place for number of organization went on with a new band line up and released “Natty
dedicated to the education and social Dread” which was a major success. Soon, he
advancement of blacks, M.L. grew up in this received a United Nations Peace Medal in New York
atmosphere, with his home being used as a after his concert on April 22, 1978.
community gathering place, and was no doubt Being close related to politics in Jamaica
influences by it. made Bob Marley an assassination target. But he
M.L.’s childhood was not especially survived the attempt and went on with his concert.
eventful. Is father was a minister and his His last concert was held on September 23, 1980 in
mother was a musician. He was the second of Pittsburgh when he was already diagnosed of having
three children, and he attended all-black brain and lung cancer. He died on May 11, 1981 in
schools in a black neighborhood. The Miami, and was buried in his birthplace.
neighborhood was not poor, however. Auburn
Avenue was the main artery through a 17. When did Bob Marley have his last
prosperous neighborhood that had come to concert ?.
symbolize achievement for Atlanta’s black A. On September 23, 1980
people. It was an area of banks, insurance B. On April 22, 1978
companies, builders, jewelers, tailors, doctors,
C. On February 6, 1945
D. On May 11, 1981 E. Review
E. On February 14, 1072
22. We can conclude from the passage that
Marian Anderson first toured Europe
18. Where did Bob Marley die?
instead of the United States because … .
A. In Nine Miles, Jamaica A. it was too expensive to tour in the United
B. In Miami States
C. In New York B. She was paid more in Europe
D. In Pittsburgh C. She was not allowed to perform in the United
E. In Kingston States
D. there were better operatic facilities in Europe
E. She became the first African-American
19. What is the main of the third
singer to perform at New York’s
paragraph ? Metropolitan Opera
A. The music development of the Bob
Marley 23. What did Marian Anderson have in
B. The works of Bob Marley common with Martin Luther King, Jr ?
C. The concerts and the death of Bob A. moral perseverance
Marley B. a clear strong voice
C. a performance at the Lincoln Memorial
D. Bob Marley and his music
D. singing in church
E. The reward of Bob Marley E. endure a racism

20. What is the main idea of the text 24. The word ‘eventually’ in 9 could be best
above … . be replaced by which of the following?
A. A travelling of Bob Marley A. however
B. Bob Marley’s music career and his life B. at last
C. in the long run
C. Bob Marley’s songs
D. recently
D. Bob Marley’s life E. later
E. Bob Marley’s music
This text is for questions 25 to 36.

Marian Anderson’s brilliant singing career Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in Thal, Austria,
began at six when she sang spiritual at the four miles (6 km) from Graz, to a Gendarmerie-
Union Baptist Church in her home town of Kommandant policeman, Gustav Schwarzenegger
Philadelphia. She toured Europe in the 1920s, (1907-1972) and his wife, the former Aurelia Jadrny
drawing vast acclaim; however, when she (1922-1998). His parents were members of the Nazi
returned to the United States she was still party.
barred from performing on the American After working in the United Kingdom for a short
operatic stage. After she was prevented from time, and with $20 in his pocket, and not fluent in
singing in Washington’s segregated English, he moved to the U.S. in 1968. He became a
Constitution Hall in 1939. Eleanor Roosevelt U.S. citizen in 1983, although he had also retained
intervened and arranger for Miss Anderson to his Austrian citizenship. During this time, he earned
perform at the Lincoln Memorial. A crowd of a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin-Superior
75,000 people came to watch her sing before the where he graduated with degrees in international
memorial. Marian Anderson’s beautiful marketing of fitness and business administration in
contralto voice broke down racial barriers, 1979.
showing white Americans that blacks had a Schwarzenegger married TV journalist Maria
profound contribution to make to America’s Shriver, niece of the late President John F. Kennedy.
cultural life. Eventually, in 1955, she became the The couple have four children: daughters Katherine
first African-American singer to perform at and Christina, and sons Patrick and Christopher.
New York’s Metropolitan Opera. In he many Together, the couple own a home in the fabled
years of touring she had to endure a racism that Kennedy Compound.
forced her to enter concert halls and hotels
through service entrances. Her grace under this 25. What does the text mainly tell about?
stress showed a moral perseverance that
paralleled that of the famous Martin Luther A. The wife of Arnold Schwarzenegger
King, Jr. B. The biography of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
C. The difficult moment of Arnold
21. The type of the reading text is … . Schwarzenegger.
A. Description D. The profession of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s
B. Exposition wife.
C. Narrative
D. Recount
E. The place where Arnold
Schwarzenegger was born. This text is for questions 32 to 35
26. What is the main idea of paragraph
2? Abraham Lincoln was born in Hardin (now
A. Schwarzenegger’s US citizenship. Larue) County, Ky., on Feb. 12, 1809. His family
B. Schwarzenegger’s moving to US. moved to Indiana and then to Illinois, and Lincoln
C. Schwarzenegger’s Austrian gained what education he could along the way. While
citizenship. reading law, he worked in a store, managed a mill,
D.The time when Schwarzenegger’s surveyed, and split rails. In 1834, he went to the
started his business. Illinois legislature as a Whig and became the party's
E.The university where Schwarzenegger floor leader. For the next 20 years he practiced law
earned his degree. in Springfield, except for a single term (1847–49) in
Congress, where he denounced the Mexican War. In
27. The following is true according to the 1855, he was a candidate for senator and the next
text, EXCEPT … year he joined the new Republican Party.
A.He was born in Austria.
B. His wife was an Austrian. A leading but unsuccessful candidate for the
C. He graduated from a university. vice-presidential nomination with Frémont, Lincoln
D. His father was a member of the gained national attention in 1858 when, as
Nazi party. Republican candidate for
E.He did not bring a lot of money senator from Illinois, he engaged in a series of
when he came to the States. debates with Stephen A. Douglas, the Democratic
candidate. He lost the election, but continued to
28. ‘ … although he had also retained his prepare the way for the 1860 Republican convention
Austrian citizenship’ (Paragraph 2) and was rewarded with the presidential nomination
The closest meaning of the underlined on the third ballot. He won the election over three
word is … opponents.
A. had
B. left 32. The text tells about Lincoln’s ….
C. lost A. childhood.
D. bought B. part of his life.
E. applied C. unhappy moment.
D. Republican Party.
29. ‘Schwarzenegger married TV journalist E. role in Mexican War.
Maria Shriver, niece of the late President
John F. Kennedy.’ (Paragraph 3). 33. “A leading but unsuccessful candidate for the
What does the underlined word mean? vice-presidential nomination with Frémont,
A. dead Lincoln gained national attention in 1858…”
B. smart (Paragraph 2)
C. absent What does the underlined word mean?
D. famous A. received
E. charming B. produced
C. showed
30. How long had Arnold Schwarzenegger D. started
been in U.S. when he became a U.S. E. noted
34. Which of the following is NOT true
A. 11 years about Lincoln?
B. 13 years A. He was a politician.
C. 14 years B. He agreed to the Mexican War.
D. 15 years C. He came from the Republic Party.
E. 18 years D. He used to live in different places.
E. He worked in different professions.
31. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
35. As illustrated in the secondParagraph,
A. Schwarzenegger looked for job in U.S we can conclude that Lincoln was …
B. Schwarzenegger married with Maria
Shriver A. rich.
C. Schwarzenegger moved to U.S and B. humble
studied there C. generous
D. Schwarzenegger got an American D. persistent
citizen E. adventurous.
E. Schwarzenegger had two citizens
The This text is for questions 36 to 38
Revolution. In fact, he was a lieutenant general, the
Stephen A. Douglas was the name of the highest rank in the army at that time. In 1759, he
candidate by Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 married Martha Dandridge Custis. They had several
presidential race. Nicknamed the “Little children.
Giant,” Douglas was short in stature but had a
large head and shoulders. Washington was elected president of the United
It was only two years prior to the 1860 States in 1787. He was reelected to a second term in
contest that Douglas defeated Lincoln in the 1792. Many people wanted him to continue as
Illinois senatorial race. During this campaign, president after his second term, but Washington
the Lincoln-Douglas debates became news refused.
throughout the whole century.
One reason Douglas was defeated in his During Washington ‘s presidency, many mportant
bid for the presidency was the stand he took on things happened. The first national census was
the question of slavery. Southern Democrats, completed. The total number of US citizens was then
angry with his position, voted almost solidly for 3,929,214.
Lincoln. In addition, the Bill of Right became law on
Soon after the election of Lincoln in 1860, december 15, 1791. These ten laws make sure that
the Civil War began. Although Douglas had Americans will have basic freedoms, such as
offered his services to the new president, he died freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
from typhoid fever shortly after the beginning
of the War. Washington helped to shape the beginning of the
United States in three important Ways. First he
commanded the Continental Army that won
36. When did Lincoln become president? independence from Great Britain in the
A. In 1858 revolutionary War. Second, he served as president of
B. Upon Douglas’ death the convention that wrote the United States
C. Shortly before the Civil War began Constitution. Third, he was the first man elected
D. In 1850 president of the United States.
E. In 1855
No other American has been honored more than
36.Why was Douglas called the “Little Washington. The nation’s capital, Washington D.C.
Giant?” was named for him. The state of Washington is the
A.Because he felt strongly about only state that was named for a president. Many
slavery countries, towns, streets bridges, lakes, parks, and
B.Because he was defeated by schools have his name today. Washington’s portrait
Lincoln for president appears on postage stamps, on the one-dollar bill,
C.Because he was short in stature but and on the quarter. His birthday is also a federal
strong in frame holiday.
D.Because his head was larger than
his shoulders The people of his day loved Washington very much.
E. Because he agreed to His army officers wanted to make him king, but he
Underestimate others did not let them. From the time of Revolutionary
War, his birthday has been celebrated throughout
38.What is the major topic of this text? the country. Today we continue to remember this
A. Abraham Lincoln famous United States citizen.
B. Stephen A. Douglas
C. The Civil War
D. Presidential candidates 39. Washington helped his country for
E. Law Agreement about . . . .
A. ten years
George Washington is one of the most famous B. twenty years
citizens of the United States. C. three years
He is remembered as the “Father of His D. five years
Country”. For nearly twenty years, he guided E. seven or eight years
his nation.
40. The first national census was
Washington was born in Westmoreland Completed . . . .
County, Virginia, on February 22, 1732. It is A. in 1791
difficult to know much about Washington’s B. in 1787
early education. He only had seven or eight C. in 1792
years of school in his whole life. In 1749 he D. when Washington was president
became a surveyor, a person who measures land E. when he was reelected
areas as a profession. He served in the army
during the American 41. Which of these statements is true?
A. Washington was president for three
B. Washington’s birthday is a holiday. 44. What does the text talk about?
C. Washington attended many
universities. A. The description of Rosiana Silalahi.
D. Washington’s picture is on all U.S. B. The physical appearance of Rosi.
money. C. The description of Rosiana Silalahi.
E. Washington was once made a king. D. The physical appearance of Rosi.
E. Rosi’s achievements.
42. “He is the most respected person that
America has ever had.” 45. What major did she take in
This idea can be found in paragraph . . . . A. University of Indonesia?
A. 2 B. Communication
B. 3 C. Broadcasting
C. 4 D. Japanese literature
D. 5 E. English literature
E. 6 Language

43. “The capital city of the USA is named 46.How old was Rosi when her family
after its president” moved permanently to the capital city?
The underlined words means . . . . A. 4 years old
A. given the name after B. 5 years old
B. given the name as C. 7 years old
C. given the name for D. 9 years old
D. called for E. 11 years old
E. equal to
47. Regarding her recent selection by a
Magazine as one of the country’s most
powerful woman, Rosi says it only
This text is for questions number 44 to 2 means she has to do better.
What can we infer from this sentence?
A lean commanding, spiky-haired figure walks A. She is a low profile person.
through the glass doors of the office of Liputan B. She is a tough person.
6 at the new and fancy SCTV Tower at Senayan C. She is a workaholic.
City. In floral top, black khakis and a a pair of D. She is very ambitious .
signature dark-rimmed glasses, she walks tall E. She is never satisfied with her achievement.
and proud. Her gait is rather boyish yet elegant.

Born in Pangkal Pinang, Bangka, in 1972, she is Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in
the daughter of a judge, L.M. Silalahi. When Vinci, Italy. He was the
she was five, her family relocated to Palembang illegitimate son of Ser Piero, a Florentine notary and
then also in South Sumatera, where they stayed landlord, but lived on the estate and was treated as a
for four years before they moved permanently legitimate son. In 1483, Leonardo da Vinci drew the
to the capital city. Rosi admits that, even as a first model of a helicopter. It did not look very much
child, she was never the “quiet” type. like our modern day “copter,” but the idea of what it
could do was about the same.
A graduate of the University of Indonesia with a
degree in Japanese literature, Rosi freely admits Leonardo was an artist and sculptor. He Was very
she chose that particular major because her interested in motion and
application to the communication program was movement and tried to show it in his art. In order to
denied. show movement, he found it helpful to study the way
Rosiana Silalahi is known to be a hands-on things moved. One subject he liked to study was
editor, with a clear vision of where she is birds and how they flew. He spent many hours
heading. Her interview skills have become the watching the birds and examining the structure of
gold standard for broadcast journalist in the their wings. He noticed how they cupped air with
country. In 2004 she produced a program their wings and how the feathers helped hold the air.
cleverly titled the Voice Ballot covering the Through these studies, Leonardo began to
sensitive issue of money politics. understand how birds were able to fly.

Regarding her recent selection by a magazine as Like many other men, Leonardo began to dream of
one of the country’s most powerful woman, the day when people would be
Rosi says it only means she has to do better. able to fly. He designed a machine that used all the
And she refuses to stop until she has achieved things he had learned about flight, and thus became
her goals.
the first model of a helicopter. Leonardo’s invention?
a. motors were not yet invented
Poor Leonardo had only one problem, however. b. the birds lost their feathers
c. he was illegitimate
He had no way to give the d. he couldn’t draw
necessary speed to his invention. You see,
motors had not yet been invented and speed was 55. The word they in the third paragraph
an important part of the flying process. It would refers to:
be another four hundred years before the a. the feathers
engine was invented and another fifty years b. the birds
before it was put to the test in an airplane. c. the studies
Leonardo’s dream of a helicopter finally came d. the wings
to pass in 1936.The Italian painter, sculptor,
architect, engineer, and scientist, Leonardo died 56 . In what year was the first helicopter
on May 2, 1519, and was buried in the cloister flown
of San Fiorentino in Amboise. a. 1483
b. 1452
c. 1519
48. What is the author’s main point? d. 1936
57. What two things did birds have that
A. The invention of the helicopter. Leonardo da Vinci noticed helped
B. Birds cup air with their wings and them to fly?
use feathers to help hold the air. a. wings and beaks
C. An overview of one of Leonardo da b. feathers and talons
Vinci’s many skills. c. wings and feathers
D. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 d. cups and feathers
and died in 1519.
49. The word problem in paragraph five 58. The word thus in the fourth
could best be replaced by the word: paragraph could best be replaced by:
A. dilemma a. Hence
B. mistake b. After
C. danger c. Unsuitably
D. pain d. Inappropriately
50 The word it in paragraph two refers to: The following text is for questions 59 to 63.
a. Leonardo da Vinci
b. The first model helicopter Faraday studied the magnetic field around a
c. 1483 conductor carrying a DC electric current. While
d. motion and movement conducting these studies, Faraday established the
basis for the electromagnetic field concept in physics,
51. Which paragraph explains why subsequently enlarged upon by James Maxwell. He
Leonardo’s helicopter was not similarly discovered electromagnetic induction,
successful in his lifetime: diamagnetism, and laws of electrolysis. He
a. paragraph 1 established that magnetism could affect rays of light
b. paragraph 2 and that there was an underlying relationship
c. paragraph 4 between the two phenomena. His inventions of
d. paragraph 5 electromagnetic rotary devices formed the
foundation of electric motor technology, and it was
52. The word illegitimate in paragraph largely due to his efforts that electricity became
one is closest in meaning to: viable for use in technology.
a. against the law or illegal As a chemist, Michael Faraday discovered
b. not in correct usage benzene, investigated the clathrate hydrate of
c. incorrectly deduced; illogical chlorine, invented an early form of the Bunsen
d. born out of wedlock burner and the system of oxidation numbers, and
popularized terminology such as anode, cathode,
53 . The following sentence would best electrode, and ion.
complete which paragraph? “Since Although Faraday received little formal
then people have been living out education and knew little of higher mathematics,
Leonardo’s dream of flying.” such as calculus, he was one of the most influential
a. paragraph 3 scientists in history. Historians of science refer to
b. paragraph 4 him as the best experimentalist in the history of
c. paragraph 5 science. The SI unit of capacitance, the farad, is
d. paragraph 2 named after him, as is the Faraday constant, the
charge on a mole of electrons (about 96,485
54. What was the main problem with coulombs). Faraday's law of induction states that
magnetic flux changing in time creates a wrote the majority of their songs. Originally ,
proportional electromotive force. Lennon and five others formed a group called
Faraday was the first and foremost Quarrymen in 1956, with McCartney joining them
Fullerian Professor of Chemistry at the Royal later that year. George Harrison, John Lennon, and
Institution of Great Britain, a position to which Paul McCartney , together with Stuart Sutcliffe, who
he was appointed for life. played the bass guitar, and Pete Best on the drums,
Albert Einstein kept a photograph of performed together in several bands for a few years,
Faraday on his study wall alongside pictures of until they finally settled on the silver Beatles in 1960.
Isaac Newton and James Clerk Maxwell. American rock musicians, such as Chuck Berry
Faraday was highly religious. He was a and Elvis Presley, influenced Lennon’s and
member of the Sandemanian Church, a McCartney’s music, whose first hits consisted of
Christian sect founded in 1730 that demanded simple tunes and lyrics about young love, ”Love me
total faith and commitment. Biographers have do” and “please, please me. “ The Beatles ‘U S. tour
noted that a strong sense of the unity of God propelled them to stardom and led to two movies A
and nature pervaded Faraday's life and work. HARD DAYS’S NIGHT AND HELP!, filmed in
1964 and 1965. The so-called British invasion of the
59. What was Michael Faraday expert? United State was in full swing when they took the top
A. science, history and religion five spots on the singles charts, followed by the
B. chemistry, electricity and calculus release of their first film.
C. electronic, technology and religion
D. chemistry, physic and mathematics 64. What does the text mainly discuss ?
E. physic, technology and photography A. The history and music of the Beatles
60. 60. The main idea of the first paragraph is …. B. The fashion and music popular in the 1960s
A. Faraday and James found the C. The history and milestones of rock music
electromagnetic D. The creation and history of music group
B. James invented the motor technology E. The most popular group in rock music
C. Faraday found the motor technology
D. James discovered the diamagnetic 48. According to the text , how many
E. Faraday found the electromagnetic members were in the band , formed in
1956 ?
61. Which of the following statements closely A. Four
relates to Michael Faraday? B. Five
A. Michael Faraday dedicated his life C. Six
in science and religion. D. Seven
B. Michael Faraday was downhearted E. Eight
his life in science.
C. Michael Faraday concentrated his 49. The correct sentence of the text above is
life in technology. …
D. Michael Faraday was one of A. The group music Beatles came from U S
successful scientists. B. John Lennon and McCartney were
E. Michael Faraday poured his science American rock musicians
in technology. C. John Lennon and McCartney composed
most of their songs
63. “Faraday's law of induction states that D. Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley were the
magnetic flux changing in time creates a member of the Beatles
proportional electromotive force.” E. The Beatles was the most popular group in
(Paragraph 3) pop music
The underlined word has the same
meaning as …. 50. … when they took the top five spots on
A. brisk the singles charts, followed by the release
B. quick of thei first film. The underlined word
C. abrupt has the similar meaning with ….
D. current A. Launching
E. constant B. Setting off
C. Sending out
D. Publishing
The Beatles became the most popular group E. Producing
in rock music history. This quartet of (source : mks MPK 2010-2011
extraordinary talented musicians generated a
phenomenal number of pieces that won gold
They inspired a frenzy that transcended
countries and economic strata . While all of
them sang. John Lennon and Paul McCartney
On the day of the tour, he was ready. My
friend and his group drove on through mountains.
Singaraja is a city of about 90 thousands people. It is
a busy but quiet town. The street are lined with trees
and there are many old Dutch houses. Then they
returned very late in the evening to Kuta.
The second tour to Ubud was a very different
tour. It was not to see the scenery but to see the art
and the craft of the island. The first stop was at
Batubulan, a center of stone sculpture. There my
friend watched young boys were carving away at big
blocks of stone. The next stop was Celuk, a center
for silversmiths and goldensmiths. After that he
stopped a little while for lunch at Sukawati and on to
mass. Mass is a tourist center
My friend ten-day-stay ended very quickly
beside his two tour, all his day was spent on the
beach. He went sailing or surfboarding every day.
He was quiet satisfied.

1. Whom did the writer visit Bali with in his

holiday ?
A. Alone
B. His family
C. His friends
D. Tour guide
E. Tour agent

02. Where did he spend his first three

days around Bali ?
A. Singaraja
B. Kuta beach
C. Ubud
D. Batubulan
E. Tana Lot

03.Based on the text above, when

somebody wants to enjoy the beauty
of hand-made goods, he should visit
to ...
A. Batubulun
B. Ubud
C. Sukawati
D. Kuta
E. Singaraja

04. How long did he stay in Bali ?

A. Two days
B. A week
C. Ten days
D. A few days
E. Twelve days

MATERI BIMBEL TRY OUT MPK 2010-2011 Last weekend, my family and I went to
Rongkang beach near our grandparents' house. The
Visiting Bali day was sunny and hot, of course. It was on June.
That's why the day was very bright. In our country,
There were so many places to see in Bali Indonesia, We had two seasons. They were dry
that my friend decided to join the tours to see as season and rainy season. The dry season started
much as possible. My friend stayed in Kuta on from May and lasted for 5 months. While, rainy
arrival. He spent the first three days swimming season started from November and ended in March.
and surfing on Kuta beach. He visited some The view was so beautiful. There were many people
tour agents and selected two tours. The first one at the beach. Most of them were teenagers.
was to Singaraja, the second was to Ubud.
We were having fun. We built a body. They wanted it to come up to the top of the
sandcastle. We had to rebuild twice before it water.
really stood up. The first attempt failed because I hid in the tall grass when the steamboat
we built it too close to the water. And the second came near the island. I could see Tom Sawyer,
attempt, the successful one, was just right. The Tom’s Aunt Polly, the Widow Douglas, Judge
spot we chose was not too close to the water and Thatcher, even Pap was there. Everybody was
the mixture was good. talking about me. They thought I was dead. They
Our parents loved our work. Some shoot the big gun again. BOOM! That one was really
people who passed our castle loved it, too. They loud. It made my ears ring, but I didn’t move from
even took pictures near our castle. We were so the tall grass. After a while, the boat went away.
proud of our work that day. On the fourth day, when I was looking
around, I stepped on a fire, it was still smoking. I
05. What emotion does NOT illuminate didn’t wait to see who made it. I just run. I ran all
the writer feeling? the way back to my canoe. I thought I heard
A. happy somebody, so I climbed a tree and looked around.
B. rejoiced There wasn’t anybody there. That night I went very
C. delighted quietly back to the fire. When I got there, I saw a
D. gloomy man sleeping near it. He had a coat over his head.
E. fun Then suddenly he started to move and he took the
coat off his face. It was Jim.
06. Had the writer preferred spending “Jim”, I said politely while tapping his
the vacation on early December to shoulder. Jim turned around and said surprisingly,
June ? “ It’s you Huckleberry Finn!”
A. The atmosphere would have been I was very glad to see Jim. Jim and I sat and
greater because it was near Christmas talked. It was good to talk to somebody. I didn’t feel
B. Of course the weather would have been so lonely.
C. The days would not have been very 9. What is the text about?
bright because it was in rainy season. A. The situation where the writer fight with
D. It would have just been ok his enemy around the river.
E. It was impossible, there might be B. The writer who was glad because met his
tsunami in December. friend, Jim on the war around the river.
07. What is the best title of the passage C. The situation where the writer could
above? escape from his enemy around the river.
A. Rongkang Beach D. The writer who went to sleep because he
B. Our vacation in Grandparents’ was tired of paddling for about five
House miles.
C. Our Happy Vacation to Rongkang E. The writer who died because he was
D. Sandcastle building shoot by his enemies.
E. Our Happy Holidays
10.What is the main idea of the 5th
08. “The first attempt failed because we paragraph?
.......” A. The big gun and the loud boom
The underlined word could be best B. He tried to make fire
replaced by _______ C. He talked with his friend, Jim
A. temptation D. He was shoot by some people
B. attest E. A quiet night where he saw Jim.
C. effort
D. trial 11.From the text above we know that…
E. attach A. The writer died because he was shot.
B. Jim is Huckleberry Finn’s friend
C. He made the fire with his friend
On the River D. Some people is looking for Jim
E. The story happened around the hill
I paddled for about five miles and then I
was tired. I stopped on Jackson’s Island, hid the Five days ago, I got a telephone call from my
Canoe behind some trees and went to sleep. supervisor, Mr. Wahyudi. He congratulated me on
I woke up when I heard a boom. It come my success in increasing the sales target in August
from somewhere up the river. Then another 2009. I have been working under his supervision in
boom came louder. the area of Pasuruan for three years. He invited me
I saw the white smoke. They were to come to his office. On the phone he said that
shooting a big gun from a steamboat into the needed to discuss the prospect of the company in the
water because they wanted to find my dead future. He planned to expand his business to other
towns in East Java.
Yesterday, I was very happy because I detect the heartbeat of the baby as it was reported
could come to see Mr. Wahyudi. As I arrived at that there had been no kicking for the last few days.
his office, located at 12 Jalan Peneleh Masjid No heartbeat was detected, which meant the baby
Surabaya, I was warmly greeted by him. He was dead.
asked me what drink I would like. I answered, “ Usually the mother would have a caesarean to
I like tea”. He asked the office boy to make it ease her suffering, but there were no operation
for me. He showed me the table of the sales and rooms available at that moment. Thus, it had to go
said “it’s your duty to expand our business in back to the conventional procedure. Half an hour
the area of Probolinggo”. Then I read the table later into labor I could feel the infant’s head, but the
of my own sales which is much better than any mother just wasn’t pushing hard enough.
other area’s sales except that of Surabaya. I The baby boy popped into my hands at last. He
smiled happily to see my successful work. “ I weighed about three and a half kilos. As a usual
begin to have a lot of self-confidence. “ I procedure, I had to place the dead baby on a sterile
thought, as a young salesman I said to my self, sheet on the table so that the mother could see him.
“Business is my world and it is really true that The saddest moment came when she took a quick
my grandfather once said that I had a talent of glance at her dead baby and immediately turned her
selling things”. head away, weeping quietly. I could not find any
words to say to the mother.
12.What is the text about? As I was wrapping up the dead infant, I heard a
A. A successful salesman faint cough coming from him, which became the
B. A grateful supervisor happiest moment of my life. I repeatedly told the
C. The sales of selling things mother, “Ma’am, your baby is alive!” She was very
D. The new business happy and started to say,”Thank you for bringing
E. The prospect of the company my child to life,” over and over again. I didn’t
believe it because the baby should have been dead.
13.What is the main idea of paragraph 2? It was truly a miracle.
A. The conditions of Mr. Wahyudi’s
office 15.How was the hospital in Manila
B. How to expand new business in furnished?
Probolinggo A. It was well –equipped
C. How Mr. Wahyudi accepted his B. It was proper and well maintained
employee arrival. C. It was modern and well organized.
D. The Prospect of the company in D. It was run-down and sparsely-equipped
the future. E. It was good and completely equipped
E. The writer’s activity in selling
things. 16.What is Doppler ultrasound?
A. A device to measure blood pressure
14. Why did his supervisor invited him to B. A device to detect heartbeat
come to his office? C. A device to check pregnancy
A. To congratulate his success in D. A device to check urine
increasing the sales target in E. A device to check illness
August 2009
B. To discuss the prospect of the 17.What do you think the mother felt
company in the future. when she found her child was still
C. To expand the business in alive?
Pasuruan, Surabaya and A. Dismayed
Probolinggo B. Delighted
D. To have lunch and do some C. Disappointed
meeting D. Furious
E. To have some tea and sell things. E. Regretful

This text is for questions 15 - 18 18.She was, however, immediately

transferred to the emergency room for
My name is Paul Benson. I graduated in Doppler Ultrasound to detect the
medicine from Australian National University. heartbeat of the baby as it was reported
After graduating, I was posted to Manila in that there had been no kicking for the
2003 to do my obstetrics rotation in a run-down last few days.
and sparsely equipped government hospital. It The word it refers to …..
was my first job. A. The last few days
One day, at 9 p. m, after 3hours into my B. The Doppler ultrasound
shift, an olive-skinned pregnant woman in her C. The emergency room
late thirties was brought to my delivery table. D. The heartbeat of the baby
She was, however, immediately transferred to E. The kicking of the baby
the emergency room for Doppler Ultrasound to
This text is for questions 19 - 22 D. driven
E. shattered
Two years ago, I attempted to escape from
mainland China to Hong Kong. I planned and
prepared well. I dressed up like a farmer and There were so many places to see in Bali that
walked for two days from my village to the my friend decided to join the tours to see as much as
border between China and Hong Kong. That possible. My friend stayed in Kuta on arrival. He
night, I was very excited and nervous, but I spent the first theree days swimming and surfing on
tried to be calm. At the border there were a lot Kuta Beach. Hwe visited some tour agents and
of sentries who tried to catch people like me, so selected two hours. The first one was to Singaraja,
I put some mud on my self to avoid being the second was to Ubud.
noticed. It was not easy for me to pass through On the dayu of the tour, he was ready. My
the sentries, but I bit my tongue and climbed friend and his group drove on through mountains.
across the swampy areas. Finally, I reached the Singaraja is a city of about 90 thousands people. It is
river that runs across the border. I plunged into a busy but quite town. The streets are lined with
it. It was icy cold, and I used all my strength to trees and there are many old Dutch houses. Then
swim as fast as I could. In about twenty they returned very late in the evening to Kuta.
minutes, I touched land. I had made it! My The second tour to Ubud was a very different
happiness was beyond description. But when I tour. It was not to see the scenery but to see the art
stood up, a Honh Kong policeman was and the craft of the island. The first stop was at
immediately was beside me. My dream was Batubulan, a center of stone sculpture. There my
shattered. I was taken to a police station to wait friend watched young boys were carving away at a
for a truck that takes unsuccessful refugees big blocks of stone. Thenext stop was Celuk, a center
back to China. The police put me in the truck forsilversmiths and goldensmiths. After that he
with a great many other people, and we were stopped a little while for lunch at Sukawati and on to
driven like a herd of buffalo back to China. I mass. Mass is a tourist center.
had lost my freedom again. My friend ten-day-stay ended very quickly beside his
two tour, all his day was spent on the beach. He went
19.Which statement indicates the distance sailing or surfboarding every day. He as quiet
the young man lived from the Hong Kong satisfied.
A. I was taken to a police station to wait for 23.What is the topic about?
a truck. A. Visiting Bali
B. We were driven like a herd of buffalo. B. The first three days in Bali
C. At the border there were a lot of C. Travel agent
sentries. D. There were manyplaces to see in Bali
D. I reached the river that runs across the E. There were many visitors in Bali
E. “ … and walked for two days from my 24.Which is NOT TRUE about Singaraja?
village to the border …” A. It is city of about 90 thousands
20.Which detail supports the statement B. It is busy and quiet town.
that there are many people who try to C. There are many old Dutch houses.
leave mainland China? D. It is a center of art and craft.
A. Hong Kong policeman was E. The streets are lined with trees.
immediately beside me.
B. The police put me in the truck with a 25.My friend watched the boys were
great many other people. carving away at big blocks of stone at…
C. The sentries tried to catch me. A. Batubulan
D. I dressed up like a farmer. B. Mass
E. I had lost my freedom again. C. Sukawati
D. Ubud
21.What is the main idea of the passage? E. Celuk
A. Escaping from the mainland
B. Caught by the police border This text is for question 26 to
C. An unsuccessful escape
D. Driven like a herd of buffalo Many years ago my family left Switzerland
E. Passing through the sentries and boarded a ship bound for the sparkling blue
waters of the Pacific Ocean. Our destination was an
22.Find the word in the passage which can island near New Guinea, where we were to establish
be replaced by the word “destroyed”. a colony. Along the way we ran into a violent storm.
A. excited For six days, the wind howled and tore at the sails,
B. plunged when the wind pounded against our little wooden
C. attempted ship, tossing high in the air.
On the seventh day, the mast ripped C. caring and religious
apart and fell into the sea. Several leak D. efficient and mean
appeared, and the ship began to fill with water. E. arrogant but discipline
Realizing that the storm had driven us far off
course the frighten sailors fell to their knees in
“You mustn’t be afraid,” I said to my THE CENTURY'S GREATEST MAN OF
four sons, Fritz (15), Jack (13), Ernest (11) and SCIENCE
Francis (8), who clung to me trembling. “God
will save us, for nothing is impossible to Him”. In 1894, when Albert Einstein was 15, his father lost
My wife Elizabeth whipped away her money and could not support him any longer. Other
tears and reassured our sons that we would boys would have left school and stopped studying.
survive this crisis. I admired her courage, but Not Albert. He left school for sometime, but he later
my heart was heavy as I led my family in managed to go to a better school, the Polytechnic in
prayer. Zurich, Switzerland.
“Land ahoy! Land ahoy!” cried a sailor.
At same moment, the ship crashed into a large On leaving the Institute he discovered that no one
rock, sending everyone on board reeling in all would offer him the kind of job he wanted. At last he
directions. Then we heard a loud crack as if the found a suitable one at the patent office in Berne.
whole ship was falling apart. Suddenly, the sea Einstein's task at the paten office was to make an
came rushing in. investigation of the new products sent to his office.
“Stay calm,” I said. “There is no reason The job did not require much of Einstein's new
to panic. First of all, the water hasn’t reached products sent to his office. The job did not require
us yet, and secondly, we are near land, with much of Einstein's time, so he was able to write
luck and the change of tide, we should be able scientific
reach shore sometime tomorrow,” I told my articles. He published these in 1905. Scientists were
solemn sons when I went below. surprised by what he had written. They were even
more surprised when they knew that these articles,
26.What does the story tell? could have been written by a university professor,
A. a lucky accident were actually written by an official at a patent office.
B. a fatal ship wreck
C. a Swiss family’s sailing Investigations were made and it was decided that the
D. an island near New Gunea official should be taken from the patent office and
E. Elizabeth and her four children given a more suitable job. A few years later, Einstein
became a professor at the University of Zurich. In
27.What does paragraph 3 talks about? 1911 he taught in Prague, and later at the
A. lack of water Polytechnic Institute in Switzerland, where he had
B. the ship wreck been a student.
C. the sinking ship
D. the seven brave sailors Then he was requested to move to Berlin. Einstein
E. the sailors’ terrifying moment stayed in Berlin for 20 years, from 1913 to 1933.
During that period he worked on his famous Theory
28.Which of following is NOT TRUE of Relativity. He gave a simple example, in simple
according to the text? language, to explain the idea of relativity. A man
A. the voyage wasn’t easy riding on a train drops a stone out of the window.
B. there was storm on the sea To the man on the train, it seems that the stone
C. Elizabeth had four children follows a straight path as it drops. However, to a
D. the ship crashed into a large rock man outside the train, the part of the stone does not
E. the family never reach the land seem straight; it
looks like a parabola. The theory; expands those of
29.”My wife, Elizabeth, wiped away her Newton an Galileo, which are correct; only under
tears and reassured our sons that we certain conditions.
would survive this crisis.”(ph.4)
A. proved Einstein made very important contributions in the
B. attracted field; of physics. The Nobel Prize that he won in 1912
C. remained at the a of 42 was no surprise to the scientific world.
D. ascertained No scientist beat him his field. What beat him was
E. discouraged time. He died in: Princeton in the U.S.A in 1955.
People believed that he was j the century's greatest
30. How do we describe the writer’s man of science.
A. lazy and mean 01. Why did Albert Einstein leave school?
B. attractive and cute A. He found it difficult to find a job.
B. He went to a batter school in Zurich. A papal decree of 1493 had assigned all land in the
C. He was offered to work at a patent New World west of 50 degrees W longitude to Spain
office. and all the land east of that line to Portugal.
D. Other boys left school and stopped Magellan offered to prove that the East Indies fell
studying. under Spanish authority. On September 20, 1519,
E. His parent could not finance his Magellan set sail from Spain with five ships. More
education. than a year later, one of these ships was exploring
02. Which statement is correct according the topography of South America in search of a
to the text? water route across the continent. This ship sank, but
A. Einstein wasn't at his office because he the remaining four ships searched along the
was being interrogated. southern peninsula of South America. Finally they
B. Einstein wasn't a professor when he found the passage they sought near a latitude of 50
published the surprising articles in 1905. degrees S. Magellan named this passage the Strait of
C. After leaving school for some time All Saints, but today we know it as the Strait of
Einstein worked at the patent office. Magellan.
D. The scientist were surprised that
the articles they/I read was written by a One ship deserted while in this passage and returned
university professor. to Spain, so fewer sailors were privileged to gaze at
E. Because his job at the patent office that first panorama of the Pacific Ocean. Those who
didn't require much of his time, he remained crossed the meridian we now call the
wrote the Theory of Relativity,] International Date Line in the early spring of 1521
after ninety-eight days on the Pacific Ocean. During
02.Albert Einstein was able to write those long days at sea, many of Magellan's men died
scientific articles;that surprised of starvation and disease.
scientist. You can get this information-'
from paragraph ... Later Magellan became involved in an insular
A. 1 conflict in the Philippines and was killed in a tribal
B. 2 battle. Only one ship and seventeen sailors under the
C. 3 command of the Basque navigator Elcano survived
D. 4 to complete the westward journey to Spain and thus
E. 5 prove once and for all that the world is round, with
03.They were even more surprise.... no precipice at the edge.
(paragraph 2)
The word "they" refers to ... 05.The sixteenth century was an age of
A. articles great ___exploration.
B. products
C. scientist A. cosmic
D. the new products B. land
E. Scientific articles C. mental
D. common man
04. ..., his father lost money.... (paragraph E. none of the above
The word "lost" in the sentence above
06. Magellan lost the favor of the king of
means ...
Portugal when he became involved in
A. no longer had
a political ___.
B. couldn't get
C. used unwisely
D. had just enough A. entanglement
E. failed to obtain B. discussion
C. negotiation
D. problems
E. none of the above
Questions 5-12.
3. The Pope divided New World lands between Spain
and Portugal according to their location on one side
In the sixteenth century, an age of great marine
or the other of an imaginary geographical line 50
and terrestrial exploration, Ferdinand Magellan
degrees west of Greenwich that extends in a ___
led the first expedition to sail around the world.
As a young Portuguese noble, he served the king
of Portugal, but he became involved in the
quagmire of political intrigue at court and lost A. north and south
the king's favor. After he was dismissed from B. crosswise
service to the king of Portugal, he offered to C. easterly
serve the future Emperor Charles V of Spain. D. south east
E. north and west
4. One of Magellan's ships explored the ___ of Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne
South America for a passage across the with some of the greatest scientists of her day, one of
continent. whom was Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre were
married in 1895 and spent many productive years
A. coastline working together in the physics laboratory. A short
B. mountain range time after they discovered radium, Pierre was killed
C. physical features by a horse-drawn wagon in 1906. Marie was stunned
D. islands by this horrible misfortune and endured
E. none of the above heartbreaking anguish. Despondently she recalled
their close relationship and the joy that they had
5. Four of the ships sought a passage along a shared in scientific research. The fact that she had
southern ___. two young daughters to raise by herself greatly
increased her distress.
A. coast
B. inland Curie's feeling of desolation finally began to fade
C. body of land with water on three sides when she was asked to succeed her husband as a
D. border physics professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first
E. answer not available woman to be given a professorship at the world-
famous university. In 1911 she received the Nobel
6. The passage was found near 50 degrees S of Prize in chemistry for isolating radium. Although
___. Marie Curie eventually suffered a fatal illness from
her long exposure to radium, she never became
A. Greenwich disillusioned about her work. Regardless of the
B. The equator consequences, she had dedicated herself to science
C. Spain and to revealing the mysteries of the physical world.
D. Portugal
E. Madrid The Curies' ____ collaboration helped to unlock the
secrets of the atom.
7. In the spring of 1521, the ships crossed the
___ now called the International Date Line. A. friendly
B. competitive
A. imaginary circle passing through the poles C. courteous
B. Imaginary line parallel to the equator D. industrious
C. area E. chemistry
D. land mass
E. answer not found in article 9. Marie had a bright mind and a .......personality.

A. strong
B. lighthearted
Questions 8-14 C. humorous
D. strange
E. envious
Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished
scientists in history. Together with her husband,
Pierre, she discovered radium, an element 10. When she learned that she could not attend the
widely used for treating cancer, and studied university in Warsaw, she felt___.
uranium and other radioactive substances.
Pierre and Marie's amicable collaboration later A. hopeless
helped to unlock the secrets of the atom. B. annoyed
C. depressed
Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, D. worried
where her father was a professor of physics. At E. none of the above
the early age, she displayed a brilliant mind and
a blithe personality. Her great exuberance for 11. Marie ___ by leaving Poland and traveling to
learning prompted her to continue with her France to enter the Sorbonne.
studies after high school. She became
disgruntled, however, when she learned that the A. challenged authority
university in Warsaw was closed to women. B. showed intelligence
Determined to receive a higher education, she C. behaved
defiantly left Poland and in 1891 entered the D. was distressed
Sorbonne, a French university, where she E. answer not available in article
earned her master's degree and doctorate in
physics. 12. _____she remembered their joy together.
A. Dejectedly The Spanish fleet met the smaller, faster, and more
B. Worried maneuverable English ships in battle off the coast of
C. Tearfully Plymouth, England, first on July 31 and again on
D. Happily August 2. The two battles left Spain vulnerable,
E. Sorrowfully having lost several ships and with its ammunition
depleted. On August 7, while the Armada lay at
13. Her ____ began to fade when she returned anchor on the French side of the Strait of Dover,
to the Sorbonne to succeed her husband. England sent eight burning ships into the midst of
the Spanish fleet to set it on fire. Blocked on one side,
A. misfortune the Spanish ships could only drift away, their crews
B. anger in panic and disorder. Before the Armada could
C. wretchedness regroup, the English attacked again on August 8.
D. disappointment
E. ambition Although the Spaniards made a valiant effort to
fight back, the fleet suffered extensive damage.
14. Even though she became fatally ill from During the eight hours of battle, the Armada drifted
working with radium, Marie Curie was never perilously close to the rocky coastline. At the
____. moment when it seemed that the Spanish ships
would be driven onto the English shore, the wind
A. troubled shifted, and the Armada drifted out into the North
B. worried Sea. The Spaniards recognized the superiority of the
C. disappointed English fleet and returned home, defeated.
D. sorrowful
E. disturbed Sir Francis Drake added wealth to the treasury and
diminished Spain's ____.
Conflict had existed between Spain and
England since the 1570s. England wanted a A. unlimited power
share of the wealth that Spain had been taking B. unrestricted growth
from the lands it had claimed in the Americas. C. territory
D. treaties
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, encouraged her E. answer not available in article
staunch admiral of the navy, Sir Francis Drake,
to raid Spanish ships and towns. Though these 21. Philip recruited many ___soldiers and sailors.
raids were on a small scale, Drake achieved
dramatic success, adding gold and silver to A. warlike
England's treasury and diminishing Spain's B. strong
omnipotence. C. accomplished
D. timid
Religious differences also caused conflict E. non experienced
between the two countries. Whereas Spain was
Roman Catholic, most of England had become 22. The ____ Armada set sail on May 9, 1588.
Protestant. King Philip II of Spain wanted to
claim the throne and make England a Catholic A. complete
country again. To satisfy his ambition and also B. warlike
to retaliate against England's theft of his gold C. independent
and silver, King Philip began to build his fleet D. isolated
of warships, the Armada, in January 1586. E. answer not available

Philip intended his fleet to be indestructible. In 23. The two battles left the Spanish fleet ____.
addition to building new warships, he
marshaled one hundred and thirty sailing A. open to change
vessels of all types and recruited more than B. triumphant
nineteen thousand robust soldiers and eight C. open to attack
thousand sailors. Although some of his ships D. defeated
lacked guns and others lacked ammunition, E. discouraged
Philip was convinced that his Armada could
withstand any battle with England. 24. The Armada was ___ on one side.

The martial Armada set sail from Lisbon, A. closed off

Portugal, on May 9,1588, but bad weather B. damaged
forced it back to port. The voyage resumed on C. alone
July 22 after the weather became more stable. D. circled
E. answer not available in this article
25. Questions 25-29. D. placate
E. answer not available
The victory of the small Greek democracy of
Athens over the mighty Persian empire in 490 27. Their participation___to the Athenians.
B. C. is one of the most famous events in
history. Darius, king of the Persian empire, was A. gave comfort
furious because Athens had interceded for the B. gave honor
other Greek city-states in revolt against Persian C. gave strength
domination. In anger the king sent an enormous D. gave fear
army to defeat Athens. He thought it would take E. gave hope
drastic steps to pacify the rebellious part of the
empire. Persia was ruled by one man. 28. The people of Delos did not want to ___ the
conquest of Greece.
In Athens, however, all citizens helped to rule.
Ennobled by this participation, Athenians were A. end
prepared to die for their city-state. Perhaps this B. encourage
was the secret of the remarkable victory at C. think about
Marathon, which freed them from Persian rule. D. daydream about
On their way to Marathon, the Persians tried to E. answer not available
fool some Greek city-states by claiming to have
come in peace. The frightened citizens of Delos 29. The Athenians were ___by some soldiers who
refused to believe this. Not wanting to abet the arrived from Plataea.
conquest of Greece, they fled from their city
and did not return until the Persians had left. A. welcomed
They were wise, for the Persians next B. strengthened
conquered the city of Etria and captured its C. held
people. D. captured
E. answer not available
Tiny Athens stood alone against Persia. The
Athenian people went to their sanctuaries. 30. Questions 30-32.
There they prayed for deliverance. They asked
their gods to expedite their victory. The
The Trojan War is one of the most famous wars in
Athenians refurbished their weapons and
history. It is well known for the ten-year duration,
moved to the plain of Marathon, where their
for the heroism of a number of legendary characters,
little band would meet the Persians. At the last
and for the Trojan horse. What may not be familiar,
moment, soldiers from Plataea reinforced the
however, is the story of how the war began.
Athenian troops.

The Athenian army attacked, and Greek

According to Greek myth, the strife between the
citizens fought bravely. The power of the
Trojans and the Greeks started at the wedding of
mighty Persians was offset by the love that the
Peleus, King of Thessaly, and Thetis, a sea nymph.
Athenians had for their city. Athenians defeated
All of the gods and goddesses had been invited to the
the Persians in archery and hand combat.
wedding celebration in Troy except Eris, goddesses
Greek soldiers seized Persian ships and burned
of discord. She had been omitted from the guest list
them, and the Persians fled in terror.
because her presence always embroiled mortals and
Herodotus, a famous historian, reports that
immortals alike in conflict.
6400 Persians died, compared with only 192
To take revenge on those who had slighted her, Eris
decided to cause a skirmish. Into the middle of the
Athens had ____the other Greek city-states
banquet hall, she threw a golden apple marked “for
against the Persians.
the most beautiful.” All of the goddesses began to
haggle over who should possess it. The gods and
A. refused help to goddesses reached a stalemate when the choice was
B. intervened on behalf of narrowed to Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. Someone
C. wanted to fight was needed to settle the controversy by picking a
D. given orders for all to fight winner. The job eventually fell to Paris, son of King
E. defeated Priam of Troy, who was said to be a good judge of
26. Darius took drastic steps to ___ the
rebellious Athenians. Paris did not have an easy job. Each goddess, eager
to win the golden apple, tried aggressively to bribe
A. weaken him.
B. destroy
C. calm
“I'll grant you vast kingdoms to rule, “ Anastasia had survived. Over the years, a number of
promised Hera. “Vast kingdoms are nothing in women claimed to be Grand Duchess Anastasia.
comparison with my gift,” contradicted Athena. Perhaps the best –known claimant was Anastasia
“Choose me and I'll see that you win victory Tschaikovsky, who was also known as Anna
and fame in war.” Aphrodite outdid her Anderson.
adversaries, however. She won the golden apple
by offering Helen, Zeus' daughter and the most In 1920, eighteen months after the Czar's execution,
beautiful mortal, to Paris. Paris, anxious to this terrified young woman was rescued from
claim Helen, set off for Sparta in Greece. drowning in a Berlin river. She spent two years in a
hospital, where she attempted to reclaim her health
Although Paris learned that Helen was married, and shattered mind. The doctors and nurses thought
he accepted the hospitality of her husband, that she resembled Anastasia and questioned heer
King Menelasu of Sparta, anyway. Therefore, about her background. She disclaimed any
Menelaus was outraged for a number of reasons connection with the Czar's family.
when Paris departed, taking Helen and much of
the king's wealth back to Troy. Menelaus Eight years later, though, she claimed that she was
collected his loyal forces and set sail for Troy to Anastasia. She said that she had been rescued by two
begin the war to reclaim Helen. Russian soldiers after the Czar and the rest of her
family had been killed. Two brothers named
Eris was known for ___both mortals and Tschaikovsky had carried her into Romania. She
immortals. had married one of the brothers, who had taken her
to Berlin and left her there, penniless and without a
A. scheming against vocation. Unable to invoke the aid of her mother's
B. involving in conflict family in Germany, she had tried to drown herself.
C. feeling hostile toward
D. ignoring During the next few years, scores of the Czar's
E. comforting relatives, ex-servants, and acquaintances interviewed
her. Many of these people said that her looks and
31. Each goddess tried ___to bribe Paris. mannerisms were evocative of the Anastasia that
they had known. Her grandmother and other
A. boldly relatives denied that she was the real Anastasia,
B. effectively however.
C. secretly Tried of being accused of fraud, Anastasia
D. carefully immigrated to the United States in 1928 and took the
E. answer not stated name Anna Anderson. She still wished to prove that
she was Anastasia, though, and returned to
32. Athena ___ Hera, promising Paris victory Germany in 1933 to bring suit against her mother's
and fame in war. family. There she declaimed to the court, asserting
that she was indeed Anastasia and deserved her
A. denied the statement of inheritance.
B. defeated
C. agreed with In 1957, the court decided that it could neither
D. restated the statement confirm nor deny Anastasia's identity. Although we
E. questioned the statement will probably never know whether this woman was
the Grand Duchess Anastasia, her search to establish
33. Questions 33-37. her identity has been the subject of numerous books,
plays, and movies.
One of the most intriguing stories of the
Russian Revolution concerns the identity of Some Russian peasants and workers___for social
Anastasia, the youngest daughter of Czar reform.
Nicholas II. During his reign over Russia, the
Czar had planned to revoke many of the harsh A. longed
laws established by previous czars. Some B. cried out
workers and peasants, however, clamored for C. begged
more rapid social reform. In 1918 a group of D. hoped
these people, known as Bolsheviks, overthrew E. thought much
the government. On July 17 or 18, they
murdered the Czar and what was thought to be 34. Witnesses ___ that all members of the Czar's
his entire family. family had been executed.

Although witnesses vouched that all the A. gave assurance

members of the Czar's family had been B. thought
executed, there were rumors suggesting that C. hoped
D. convinced some French Revolution. During this time of struggle and
E. answer not stated violence (1789-1799), thousands of aristocrats, as
well as the king and queen themselves, lost their lives
35. Tschaikovsky ____any connection with the at the guillotine. Perhaps if Louis XVI and Marie
Czar's family. Antoinette had reined in their extravagant spending,
the events that rocked France would not have
A. denied occurred.
B. stopped
C. noted The people surrounding the queen encouraged her to
D. justified spend money ____.
E. answer not stated
A. wisely
36. She was unable to ___the aid of her relative. B. abundantly
C. carefully
A. locate D. foolishly
B. speak about E. joyfully
C. call upon
D. identify 39. The minister of finance tried to curb these royal
E. know ___.

37. In court she ___ maintaining that she was A. aristocrats

Anastasia and deserved her inheritance. B. money wasters
C. enemies
A. finally appeared D. individuals
B. spoke forcefully E. spenders
C. testified
D. gave evidence 40. Questions 40-45.
E. answer not stated
Many great inventions are greeted with ridicule and
38. Questions 38-39. disbelief. The invention of the airplane was no
exception. Although many people who heard about
King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette the first powered flight on December 17,1903, were
ruled France from 1774 to 1789, a time when excited and impressed, others reacted with peals of
the country was fighting bankruptcy. The royal laughter. The idea of flying an aircraft was repulsive
couple did not let France's insecure financial to some people. Such people called Wilbur and
situation limit their immoderate spending, Orville Wright, the inventors of the first flying
however. Even though the minister of finance machine, impulsive fools. Negative reactions,
repeatedly warned the king and queen against however, did not stop the Wrights. Impelled by their
wasting money, they continued to spend great desire to succeed, they continued their experiments
fortunes on their personal pleasure. This lavish in aviation.
spending greatly enraged the people of France.
They felt that the royal couple bought its Orville and Wilbur Wright had always had a
luxurious lifestyle at the poor people's expense. compelling interest in aeronautics and mechanics. As
young boys they earned money by making and
Marie Antoinette, the beautiful but exceedingly selling kites and mechanical toys. Later, they
impractical queen, seemed uncaring about her designed a newspaper-folding machine, built a
subjects; misery. While French citizens begged printing press, and operated a bicycle-repair shop.
for lower taxes, the queen embellished her In 1896, when they read about the death of Otto
palace with extravagant works of art. She also Lilienthal, the brother's interest in flight grew into a
surrounded herself with artists, writers, and compulsion.
musicians, who encouraged the queen to spend
money even more profusely. Lilienthal, a pioneer in hang-gliding, had controlled
his gliders by shifting his body in the desired
While the queen's favorites glutted themselves direction. This idea was repellent to the Wright
on huge feasts at the royal table, many people in brothers, however, and they searched for more
France were starving. The French government efficient methods to control the balance of airborne
taxed the citizens outrageously. These high vehicles. In 1900 and 1901, the Wrights tested
taxes paid for the entertainments the queen and numerous gliders and developed control techniques.
her court so enjoyed. When the minister of The brothers' inability to obtain enough lift power
finance tried to stop these royal spendthrifts, for the gliders almost led them to abandon their
the queen replaced him. The intense hatred that efforts.
the people felt for Louis XVI and Marie
Antoinette kept building until it led to the
After further study, the Wright brothers D. accepted by
concluded that the published tables of air E. opposed by
pressure on curved surfaces must be wrong.
They set up a wind tunnel and began a series of 44. The old tables were __ and replaced by the first
experiments with model wings. Because of their reliable figures for air pressure on curved surfaces.
efforts, the old tables were repealed in time and
replaced by the first reliable figures for air A. destroyed
pressure on curved surfaces. This work, in turn, B. canceled
made it possible for them to design a machine C. multiplied
that would fly. In 1903 the Wrights built their D. discarded
first airplane, which cost less than one thousand E. not used
dollars. They even designed and built their own
source of propulsion- a lightweight gasoline 45. The Wrights designed and built their own source
engine. When they started the engine on of ____.
December 17, the airplane pulsated wildly
before taking off. The plane managed to stay A. force for moving forward
aloft for twelve seconds, however, and it flew B. force for turning around
one hundred twenty feet. C. turning
D. force to going backward
By 1905 the Wrights had perfected the first E. none of the above
airplane that could turn, circle, and remain
airborne for half an hour at a time. Others had
flown in balloons or in hang gliders, but the
Wright brothers were the first to build a full-
size machine that could fly under its own power.
As the contributors of one of the most
outstanding engineering achievements in
history, the Wright brothers are accurately
called the fathers of aviation.

The idea of flying an aircraft was ___to some


A. boring
B. distasteful
C. exciting
D. needless
E. answer not available

41. People thought that the Wright brothers

had ____.

A. acted without thinking

B. been negatively influenced
C. been too cautious
D. had not given enough thought
E. acted in a negative way

42. The Wright's interest in flight grew into a


A. financial empire
B. plan
C. need to act
D. foolish thought
E. answer not in article
Answer Key
43. Lilenthal's idea about controlling airborne
1. B
vehicles was ___the Wrights.
2. A
3. A
A. proven wrong by 4. C
B. opposite to the ideas of 5. C
C. disliked by 6. B
7. A
8. A        I usually woke up at 8 a.m. and went to the press center to ch
9. B briefings and press conferences, usually held by the United Natio
10. B mitigation team chief, Alwi Shihab.
11. A        It was challenging to visit different refugee camps to find sof
12. A stories. Then, I went back to the press center in between to cover
13. C day.
14. C        It was heart breaking when I saw these survivors fight for fo
15. B which they said were limited and inadequate. Emerging to a glar
16. A back to the press center to write stories and race against time, al
17. B connection would come crashing down.
18. B        And after everything was done, only then I remembered to e
19. C a day because you always had to rush and it was difficult to find
20. A far, about a 30-to 45-minute trip by car to find fresh food.
21. B
22. B 33.   How often did the writer eat a day ........
23. C
24. A
25. B
26. C
27. B
28. B
29. B
30. B
31. A One day I was setting in the local library, I started to
32. A read a medical encyclopedia that was lying on the
33. B table in front of me. The first illness I read about
34. A was cholera. As I read the list of symptoms, it
35. A occurred to me that perhaps I had cholera myself. I
36. C sat for a while, too frightened to move.
37. B
38. B Then, in a kind of dream, I started to turn the pages
39. B of the book again. I came to malaria. Yes, there was
40. B no doubt about it – I had malaria too. And I
41. A certainly had hepatitis. And yellow fever. And so it
42. C went on. I read through the whole book, and by the
43. C end I came to the conclusion that I had every illness.
44. B There was only one illness I didn’t have – and that
45. A was housemaid’s knee.

I sat and thought, and I became more and more

worried. I wondered how long I had to live. I
  examined myself. I felt my pulse. At first, I couldn’t
Last Sunday I (46) … up very late. I looked out find it at all; then, suddenly it seems start off. I
of the window. looked at my watch to time it – it was beating 147
It was dark (47)…very silent  outside. “What a times a minute. I tried to feel my heart. I couldn’t
day!”  I Thought. “ It was raining again”.Just feel it. It wasn’t beating. I stuck my tongue out and
then , the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. tried to look at it. I could only see the end of it, but
She asked (48) … if  I was fine  from that I was even more certain than before that I
  had yellow fever.
46.  a. Get
       b. got I went straight to my doctor, who was a good friend
  c. gotten of mine. “What’s the matter with you?” he asked. “I
      d. getting have every illness in the medical encyclopedia.” I
47.  a. but  told him how I read the medical encyclopedia. Then
       b. or  he opened my mouth and looked at my tongue, and
c. and  he felt mu pulse, and he listened to my heart. Then
       d. if he sat down and wrote a prescription. It said:
48.  a. me 
c. mine  3 good meals every day
d. I  A two-mile walk every day morning
 Be in bed at 11 o’clock every night
 Don’t read medical books!
 I followed the doctor’s instructions, and Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, was known throughout
I am happy to say that I now feel quite the ancient world for her beauty and intelligence.
well again. Every man would fall in love with her. Antony, who
(Adapted from Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. with two others ruled Rome after the death of Julius
Jerome , first published in 1889) Caesar, went to the East to meet Cleopatra and
discover she was plotting against Rome.
Answer the questions
1. Where this person reading? When Antony reached Egypt and saw Cleopatra for
2. What was the first illness he thought he the first time, he was fascinated with her beauty and
had? fell in love with her; he completely forgot his
3. What book was he reading? purpose there.
4. What was the illness that he did not have?
5. How did he check himself? Antony stayed in Egypt enjoying the lazy and
6. What was the doctor’s advice? luxurious life with Cleopatra. Cleopatra was very
7. What do you think of being your own happy. She asked him to live in Egypt forever.
8. Have you met people who worry too much Meanwhile, Anthony’s fellow ruler in Rome,
about their health? Octavius was angry to hear that Antony spent his
9. Have you met people who do not worry time in merry-making in Egypt while Rome was
about their health? threatened by its enemy, Pompey. So, he arranged a
Diposkan oleh My e-primbon di 23.51 marriage between her sister, Octavia and Anthony
for political reasons and restored the friendship.

Although Antony treated his wife with great

kindness and respect, he longed for Cleopatra in
Anne Boleyn Egypt. In fact, he knew that Octavius was ambitious
and wanted to be a single ruler in Rome. At last
During the reign of King Henry VIII of Antony went back to Egypt and joined with
England in 1522, Anne Boleyn, the daughter of Cleopatra against Rome.
Sir Thomas Boleyn and a niece of the Duke of
Norfolk, returned to England from France This time Octavius could not tolerate Antony so he
where she spent her childhood. She became the sent his army to Actium to fight Antony and
Lady-in waiting into the service of Catherine of Cleopatra's army. The battle was so fierce that
Aragon, King Henry VIII’s first wife. Antony and Cleopatra lost their armies.

She soon caught the eyes of the King. The King

tried to make Anne his mistress but Anne
refused it. Her sister, Mary Boleyn had been the
king’s mistress and gained little from it but a
scandal. She demanded that the King marry
her. She waited nearly seven years for Henry to
obtain an annulment of his marriage with
Feeling ashamed of being dishonored, Antony took
Catherine of Aragon. In 1532 Henry VIII and
his own life using his own sword. Cleopatra was
Catherine divorced. It finally took an
speechless with grief. She couldn’t go on living
unavoidable breaking with the Pope in Rome
without Antony. She told her servants to bring her
before they wed in the mid of September in
two poisonous snakes. And so, dressed in a queen,
she prepared for her death. On her throat and her
arm she placed two snakes which bite and killed her
A year later Anne was pregnant, but she was instantly.
unable to give the King the son he desperately
needed for an heir. The King was so
disappointed. Their marriage ended tragically
for Anne. She was accused of witchcraft, incest Johnny Ramone Died
and adultery. On May 19th, 1536 she was LOS ANGELES. Jhonny Ramone, a guitarist and
beheaded at the Tower of London. Ten days cofounder of the seminal punk band ‘The Ramones’
after her death, King Henry married to Lady died. He was 55. Ramone died in his sleep on
Jane Seymour who was able to give the king a Wednesday afternoon at his Los Angeles home
son, Prince Edward. But this didn’t last long. surrounded by friends and family. He had battle
The young prince died young. Elisabeth, the against prostate cancer for five years and was
daughter of Anne and Henry VIII became hospitalized in June at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.
England’s greatest queen. Ramone,born Jhonny Cuming, was one of the
original members of ‘The Ramones’, whose hit songs
I Wanna Be Sedated and Blitzkrieg Bop,among
others, reached the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame very interested in motion and
in 2002. Jhonny Ramone founded ‘The movement and tried to show it in his art. In order to
Ramones’ in 1974 with Joey Ramone, Dee Dee show movement, he found it helpful to study the way
Ramone and Tommy Ramone, the only things moved. One subject he liked to study was
surviving member of the original band. birds and how they flew. He spent many hours
watching the birds and examining the structure of
their wings. He noticed how they cupped air with
their wings and how the feathers helped hold the air.
Through these studies, Leonardo began to
understand how birds were able to fly.

Like many other men, Leonardo began to dream of

the day when people would be able to fly. He
designed a machine that used all the things he had
learned about flight, and thus became the first model
of a helicopter.

Poor Leonardo had only one problem, however.

He had no way to give the
necessary speed to his invention. You see, motors
had not yet been invented and speed was an
important part of the flying process. It would be
another four hundred years before the engine was
invented and another fifty years before it was put to
the test in an airplane. Leonardo’s dream of a
helicopter finally came to pass in 1936.The Italian
painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and scientist,
Leonardo died on May 2, 1519, and was buried in
the cloister of San Fiorentino in Amboise.

1. What is the author’s main point?

a. The invention of the helicopter.
b. Birds cup air with their wings and use feathers
TEXT 1 to help hold the air.
Mathilda Loise was one of those pretty and c. An overview of one of Leonardo da Vinci’s
charming girls who seemed to have been born many skills.
through some mistakes of fortune into the d. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 and died in
wrong family. She let herself get married to a 1519.
lowly-paid clerk, Frau Loisel, who worked at 2. The word problem in paragraph five could best be
the Department of Education in Paris. She was replaced by the word:
unhappy because of the poor flat in which she a. dilemma
lived, with its shabby furniture. All day long she b. mistake
would think of the beautiful houses of wealthy c. danger
people. d. pain
3. The word it in paragraph two refers to:
a. Leonardo da Vinci
b. The first model helicopter
c. 1483
d. motion and movement

4. Which paragraph explains why Leonardo’s

helicopter was not successful in his
Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 a. paragraph 1
in Vinci, Italy. He was the b. paragraph 2
illegitimate son of Ser Piero, a Florentine notary c. paragraph 4
and landlord, but lived on the estate and was d. paragraph 5
treated as a legitimate son. In 1483, Leonardo 5. The word illegitimate in paragraph one is closest
da Vinci drew the first model of a helicopter. It in meaning to:
did not look very much like our modern day a. against the law or illegal
“copter,” but the idea of what it could do was b. not in correct usage
about the same. c. incorrectly deduced; illogical
d. born out of wedlock
Leonardo was an artist and sculptor. He was 6. The following sentence would best complete which
paragraph? “Since then couldn’t find it at all; then, suddenly it seems start
people have been living out Leonardo’s off. I looked at my watch to time it – it was beating
dream of flying.” 147 times a minute. I tried to feel my heart. I
a. paragraph 3 couldn’t feel it. It wasn’t beating. I stuck my tongue
b. paragraph 4 out and tried to look at it. I could only see the end of
c. paragraph 5 it, but from that I was even more certain than before
d. paragraph 2 that I had yellow fever.
7. What was the main problem with Leonardo’s
invention? I went straight to my doctor, who was a good friend
a. motors were not yet invented of mine. “What’s the matter with you?” he asked. “I
b. the birds lost their feathers have every illness in the medical encyclopedia.” I
c. he was illegitimate told him how I read the medical encyclopedia. Then
d. he couldn’t draw he opened my mouth and looked at my tongue, and
8. The word they in the third paragraph refers he felt mu pulse, and he listened to my heart. Then
to: he sat down and wrote a prescription. It said:
a. the feathers
b. the birds  3 good meals every day
c. the studies  A two-mile walk every day morning
d. the wings  Be in bed at 11 o’clock every night
9. In what year was the first helicopter flown  Don’t read medical books!
a. 1483
b. 1452 I followed the doctor’s instructions, and I am happy
c. 1519 to say that I now feel quite well again.
d. 1936
10. What two things did birds have that (Adapted from Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K.
Leonardo da Vinci noticed helped them to Jerome , first published in 1889)
a. wings and beaks
Answer the questions
b. feathers and talons
c. wings and feathers
d. cups and feathers 1. Where this person reading?
2. What was the first illness he thought he had?
11. The word thus in the fourth paragraph 3. What book was he reading?
could best be replaced by: 4. What was the illness that he did not have?
a. Hence 5. How did he check himself?
b. After 6. What was the doctor’s advice?
c. Unsuitably 7. What do you think of being your own
d. Inappropriately doctor?
8. Have you met people who worry too much
about their health?
9. Have you met people who do not worry
about their health?

One day I was setting in the local library, I

started to read a medical encyclopedia that was
lying on the table in front of me. The first illness
I read about was cholera. As I read the list of NATALIE IMBRUGLIA
symptoms, it occurred to me that perhaps I had
cholera myself. I sat for a while, too frightened Born as second of the four daughters to an Italian (Sicilian) father an
to move. grew up on the Central Coast, north of Sydney. Imbruglia studied ba
a child, hoping to make a career out of it. She also sang in shopping
Then, in a kind of dream, I started to turn the performances.
pages of the book again. I came to malaria. Yes, Natalie Imbruglia is one of the most successful Australian - born fem
there was no doubt about it – I had malaria too. MTV Awards for Best New Artist in 1998, and 3 constitutive nomin
And I certainly had hepatitis. And yellow fever. 1999. She has sold over 9 million albums worldwide.
And so it went on. I read through the whole Extracted from HELLO
book, and by the end I came to the conclusion No. 263 November 2007 page 9
that I had every illness. There was only one
illness I didn’t have – and that was housemaid’s 21.   How many sisters does Natalie Imbruglia have ?
knee. A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
I sat and thought, and I became more and more
D. 4
worried. I wondered how long I had to live. I
E. 5
examined myself. I felt my pulse. At first, I
22.   Where does her father come from?
A. Italy
B. Scotland
C. Australia
D. Central Coast
E. North of Sydney

23.   Which of the following is not done by Natalie Imbruglia when she was a child ?
A. She studied tap
B. She learnt ballet
C. She did Scottish dancing
D. She studied in shopping malls
E. She sang in school performances

24.   In 1998, she was awarded as the best …

A. Australian performer
B. female singer
C. albums seller
D. young dancer
E. new artist

25.   "She has received one MTV Awards for Best New Artist in 1998, and 3 constitutive
Nominations of Grammy Award in 1999."
The synonym of the underlined word is ….
A. got
B. left
C. made
D. touched
E. created

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