Midterm Answers 2019
Midterm Answers 2019
Midterm Answers 2019
February 2019
Calculators only
Student MUST count the number of pages in this examination question paper before
beginning to write and report any discrepancy immediately to a proctor. This question
paper has 3 pages.
All questions have the same value. Answer each question in this exam paper within the
outlined boxes, which are provided after each question and before the next question (please note
that some boxes take more than one page). The answers, or parts thereof, outside of the outlined
1. A tensile test was performed using a specimen cut from a 1-mm thick sheet metal.
The specimen had a gauge section with the initial length of 50 mm and width of 10
mm. The lengths and widths of the gauge section obtained at two different levels of
the applied tensile load are shown in Table 1. (a) Estimate by calculation the UTS of
the metal. (b) Discuss briefly an expected accuracy of the UTS estimate.
a) Find engineering stresses at two levels of the applied load:
at 1.4 kN:
F1 1.4 10 3 N
S1 140 MPa
A0 10 1 mm 2
at 1.9 kN:
F2 1.9 10 3 N
S2 190 MPa
A0 10 1 mm 2
1 K 1n (1)
2 K 2n (2)
Take logarithm of (1) and (2) and divide one obtained equation by the other to find n as:
ln 2
n 0.552
At the onset of necking (when the UTS point is reached) UTS n . Therefore, the true
stress corresponding to the UTS point on the S(e) diagram can be found as:
2. (a) Compare the main advantages and disadvantages of the basic oxygen converter
process and the electric arc furnace process. Which process would you recommend
for the manufacturing of H26 tool steel (Fe - 0.5 wt. % C, 0.3 wt. % Mn, 0.3 wt. %
Si, 4.0 wt. % Cr, 1.0 wt. % V, 18.0 wt. % W) ?
(b) Identify the major products of the Bayer and Hall-Héroult processes.
(a) The basic oxygen process is fast and has a high productivity and low cost;
however, it allows for a very limited quality control. The electric arc furnace
process is more expensive, takes longer to complete the production cycle, can use
load with 100% of scrap metal, and allows for the production of the material with
a very high quality. The electric arc furnace process should be recommended for
the manufacturing of H26 tool steel which is highly alloyed and, therefore,
(b) Alumina and aluminum.
3. A very large 220 mm-thick iron plate is cast by pouring iron into a sand mould at the
temperature of 50 C above the plate’s melting temperature, so that heat is withdrawn
from both faces of the solidifying plate. Estimate (by calculation) the solidification
rate df s / dt , where f s is a fraction of solid and t is time, at the moment when the
fraction of the solid phase in the casting is 0.7. The material parameters of iron are:
melting temperature 1540 C; density 7.9 g / cm 3 ; specific heat 0.77 J / g C ; latent
The fraction of solid equal to 0.7 is achieved when the thickness of solid on both
sides of the plate is equal to 77 mm.
The equation for the thickness of solid, S , is:
2 TM T0
S k m m Cm t
C H f C CC T
This equation can be converted into an equation for the solidification time:
S C H f C C C T 2
k m m Cm 2 TM T0
3.14 0.077 7900 281 1000 7900 0.77 1000 50
0.65 1520 1200 2 1540 20
t 10.83 10 3 s
The solidification rate can be related to the growth rate, v growth , using the total
dS km m Cm TM T0
v growth
dt t C H f C C C T
v growth
0.65 1520 1200
1540 20
3.14 10.83 10 3 7900 281 1000 7900 0.77 1000 50
v growth 3.555 10 -6 m / s
df s 3.555 10 6 m / s
2 3.23 10 5 s 1
dt 0.22 m
2 TM T0
S k m m Cm t
C H f C CC T
S 2 C H f C CC T
4 TM T0 2 km m Cm
dS 1 TM T0 k C
m m m
C H f C CC T t
dS 2
TM T0 2 k C
m m m
dt C H f C CC T 2 S
df s 2 dS
TM T0 2 k C
m m m
L dt L C H f C CC T 2 S
Substituting parameters with mass in g and length in cm:
1.52 1.2
df s
1540 202
dt 22 7.9 281 1.52 1.2 50 2 7 .7
df s
3.23 105 s 1
Alternatively we can get:
df s
TM T0 2 k C
m m m 3.23 105 s 1
dt L2 C H f C CC T 2 fs
4. a) Briefly describe the main advantages of the Cosworth - Ford casting process over
the conventional sand casting methods.
b) List three material characteristics, which produce a strong effect on the castability
of alloys.
a). The main advantages of the Cosworth - Ford casting process over conventional sand
casting methods are:
a higher dimensional accuracy due to a lower coefficient of thermal expansion of
zircon sand;
a finer grain structure resulting from a higher cooling rate due to a higher thermal
conductivity of zircon sand;
lower buoyant forces on cores due to similar densities of zircon sand and Al;
the atmosphere control reducing the danger of the hydrogen contamination;
a tranquil flow of the metal reducing the danger of the oxide ingestion;
b). The material characteristics that produce a strong effect on the castability of alloys
fluidity which depends on:
solidification range
eutectic fraction
solid phase morphology
solidification shrinkage
thermal shock resistance (thermal expansion coefficient, toughness)
T 2T 1 T km dQ dV
J k m th c H f
x x 2 th t Cm m dt dt
T x A exp d B
4 th
erf x
exp 2 d
2 x3 x5 x7 x9 T TM T0 x 2
erf( x) x ...
3 1! 5 2! 7 3! 9 4! x th t 4 th t
2 TM T0 v2 p
S k m m Cm t G k pg h const
c H f 2 g g
h 2f y Hf h f F l
Y* H* S* a e
u ks Cs C s Tm T0 ks A0 l0
F lf A0 A f
t ln E e RA ln(e 1) t a (e 1)
A l0 A0
t K n
u f d tm f Wi V u
h dt l
v 1 dA Wi h1 dh
t C m p av Wi C V m C V m f
l A dt t av h0 h
D G b b RT
p n
A e
kT d G
J cal
1 in 25.4 mm 1 J 0.239 cal 0.738 ft lb f 1 2.39 10 4
kg K gK
W cal m
1 2.39 103 g 9.80665 1 N 0.2248 lb f 1 MPa 145 psi
mK cm s K s2
1 kg / mm 2 1422 psi