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Free Press Bhopal Edition 21 Feb 2021

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� Regd. No. Indore MP/ICD 216/2021-2023 � ������������������������

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������� ������������������������������������������������ Mixed response to Cong's

JUDGE SEEKS proof �������������������������������������������
half-day state-wide bandh
how the sedition charge be
levelled against her that
linking toolkit used by ���������������������������������������� was not even slapped on
those indulging in violence
her with R-Day �����������������������������������������
on January 26.
She said if supporting a
violence in Delhi ������������������������������������������
protest is sedition, she
would like better to be in Mixed response was wit-
��������������� jail. She said through her nessed on Saturday's Con-
��������� ing against the Centre's Rana, had his own doubts half of police that the doc- lawyer: "If highlighting gress-supported half-day
controversial farm laws. on the case built by police as ument by her has to be farmers' protest globally is bandh to protest the price
An additional sessions She was arrested from he pointedly asked: "Is there read with hashtags and sedition, I am better in hike in petro products.
judge in Delhi on Saturday Bengaluru on February 13 any evidence or are we act- links to show all were jail." The lawyer asserted Bhopal police have booked
reserved its order for pro- by a cyber cell team of Delhi ing on the basis of surmises meant to "instigate people that in the first place, the former minister PC Shar-
nouncement on next Tues- Police, brought here and and conjectures?" to come on street and cre- police should not have ar- ma and other Congress
day on the bail plea of booked for sedition and oth- He sought evidence link- ate a public disorder." rested her since it has no leaders when they were
Disha Ravi, a 22-year-old er charges. A trial court on ing the toolkit used by her Delhi Police vehemently evidence to show that the forcing shopkepeers of Bit-
climate activist from Kar- Friday sent her to a 3-day ju- with the violence in Delhi opposed the bail plea filed toolkit on farmers' protest tan market area to down ����������������������������������������������������������
nataka accused by Delhi dicial lockup after her 5-day on the Republic Day when by Disha on Friday, while is responsible for the shutters on Saturday
Police of creating a toolkit police custody expired. additional solicitor gener- her lawyer rubbished all violence in Delhi on Janu- morning. hike. The Congressmen in- the bandh. While big shops
to help the farmers protest- The judge, Dharmendra al SV Raju claimed on be- the charges and wondered ary 26. ������������ On Friday, former chief cluding the ex-minister in the markets remained
minister Kamal Nath ap- were sent to jail on Satur- closed, small shops in the
pealed people to partici- day morning, by the police. city interior managed to
Deranged woman
pate in the bandh to raise Mixed impact was seen in do their business as usual.
voice against oil price the state capital city over ������������
dragged off govt hosp
Khargone: Picutres show-
ing a woman, apparently
suffering from mental ail-
plaint in 2018. The woman
had also lodged a case with
the Govindpura PS of re-
NASA rover sends first colour OZ CHAMP
images of Mars, a selfie too
ments, being dragged away A 30-year-old woman weight ceiving threats from Singh.
by a security guard at the
district hospital, Khargone
went viral on Saturday.
lifter of Bhopal was found
murdered in Haryana's Ro-
htak district on Thursday.
Her body was found in
forests at Damar village un-
der Sadar Rohtak police sta-
3,778 HCWs get second ����������
The incident had taken
place on Thursday, hospital
Her throat was slit and body
was dumped in the forests,
tion. The Haryana police
are yet to trace the accused,
jab against corona NASAs Perseverance rover
sources said. The woman said police. Bhagat Singh, in the case. ������������������ has sent some stunning
was asked to go away by The cops found slips of DSP Rohtak Sajjan Kumar ������ photos of the Red Planet,
hospital officials, and when bike-parking and bill of a ho- said the body was lying in a including a high-resolution
Sidhi tragedy: All she did not budge, a securi- tel at Habibganj railway sta- pool of blood and it ap- Around 3,778 HCWs were colour selfie taken during
ty guard dragged her off by tion from her trouser. A peared her throat was slit given second dose of coro- its landing.
54 bodies found her arm in full public view, team of Rohtak police visit- and was stabbed. Kumar na vaccine in 13 districts on The selfie is part of a age was taken from that
������ ��������������������� they said. The pictures of ed Bhopal and contacted said the accused is on the Saturday. These districts in- video taken by several cam- footage, which is still be-
���������������������������� the incident circulated on Govindpura police on Satur- run. Woman's Passion Pro clude Alirajpur, Bhind, eras as NASA's Persever- ing relayed to Earth and
���������������������������� social media, drawing an- day. The 30-year-old woman, bike was found parked AT Bhopal, Chhatarpur, Dhar, ance rover touched down processed," the US space
��������������������������� gry reactions. a resident of Saket Nagar Habibganj station by the Dindori, Indore, Jhabua, on Mars on February 18. agency said in a statement
������������������������� On Saturday, the hospi- weight-lifter was also a cops. She had parked her Narsinghpur, Sehore, Sha- "While NASA's Mars Cu- on Friday. A camera �������������������
������������������������������� tal's civil surgeon Dr coach in an institute of two-wheeler and boarded a japur, Sheopur and Ujjain. riosity rover sent back a aboard the descent stage ������������������������������
��������������������������� Deevyash Verma said that Bhopal. She had accused a train to Haryana. SHO Around 3,778 second shot stop-motion movie of its captured the shot. Unlike �����������������������������
������������������������������ guards and even doctors man Bhagat Singh, a coach Govindpura Ashok Singh were given to HCWs while descent, Perseverance's with past rovers, the ma-
������������������������� ���������������������������
have been warned that such in Haryana, of rape. A case said the woman had lodged 4,474 first shots were given cameras are intended to jority of Perseverance's ���������������������������
������������������������������� an incident should not re- was registered with a complaint of threatening to HCWs who had missed in capture video of its touch- cameras capture images in
����������������������������� ����������������������
cur. ������������ Haryana police on her com- calls in 2018. first round. ������������ down and this new still im- colour. ������������
������ � �������� �������� � ���������������

������������������������������� Congress gears

up for Damoh
MP committed to achieving
Rs 10L-cr GDP target: CM
by-election ������������������ Chief Secretary Iqbal Singh Bains
BHOPAL: The former chief min- ������ was also present.
ister, Kamal Nath, held a meeting Chouhan said the Union Budget and
with Damoh Congress party work- Chief Minister Shivraj Singh the state Budgets used to come to-
������ � Election to be held in House, minister in the BJP-led
government for long time.
ers at his residence on Saturday to
discuss the political possibilities
Chouhan has said Madhya Pradesh is
committed to achieving the target of
gether. Due to this, only a draft of the
Budget of the state governments

Either former minister Ra-

session beginning tomorrow The organisation wants
anyone, other than Shuk-
related to by-polls. The seat of
Damoh became vacant as the Con-
Rs 10 lakh crore GDP this year to
make India a five-trillion-dollar econ-
could be made. With the central Budg-
et initiated first by Modi, it has be-
jendra Shukla or MLA
Girish Gautam or set to be- � Cong may also field a candidate la, should be appointed
gress MLA, Rahul Lodhi, joined
the BJP leaving the Congress par-
omy by 2024. NITI Aayog’s six-point
agenda will be implemented in the
come possible for the state govern-
ments to make a practical and real
come the Speaker of the A decision on the matter is ty and the membership of the As- state within the time- Budget.
House. going to be taken in Delhi. sembly last year. Now, the by-poll limit, he added. ����������������� Chouhan called upon
The budget session of the The Congress, too, is in the constituency is scheduled in In the private sector, ���������������� the states to set such goals
House is beginning on mulling over fielding a the coming months. The Congress initiative can be taken with mutual consent to
Monday. The Speaker has candidate for the post. The party has started preparations to to generate solar ener-
��������������������� achieve with the help of
to be elected at the begin- party plans to take a deci- contest the election. gy and develop forests ��������������� central financial provi-
ning of the session. sion on the matter after the The state vice-president, Prakash in the degraded forest �������������� sions and the cooperation
It has happened for the party leaders hold discus- Jain, said that the DCC president area spread over 30
first in the history of Vid- sions with leader of oppo- of Damoh, including the in-charge lakh hectares in the
�������������� of the states. He said that
‘Start Your Business in
han Sabha that there has sition, Kamal Nath. of the constituency, presidents of state. Chouhan said, ���������������� Thirty Days’ system had
not been any full-time ��������������� ������������� The BJP has yet to take a the department and the leaders of “The need of the hour ���������������� been initiated in Madhya
Speaker for 11 months. decision on the name of a the frontal organisations partici- is to use the amount re- Pradesh to make India a
The BJP has decided Bhagat are going to discuss the Speaker is set to be tak- candidate for the Deputy pated in the meeting. The leaders ceived from the monetisation of un- global manufacturing hub.
Speaker will be from Vind- the issue with the party’s en after the discussions in Speaker. presented the demographic details usable public assets in a logical and Chouhan further said that all the
hya region, but the party is central leadership in Delhi Delhi. The party wants to field a to the former chief minister and scientific manner for development three agricultural laws brought by the
still mulling over a candi- on Sunday. Chouhan is in favour of candidate belonging to the also the current political scenario. work.” Centre were revolutionary. These
date for that coveted posi- Chief Minister Shivraj Rajendra Shukla for the Scheduled Castes/Sched- At the next meeting, the names of He made the statement at the sixth three laws were a powerful means of
tion. Singh Chouhan and Shar- post, but the organisation uled Tribes category. possible candidates for the elec- virtual meeting of the Governing doubling the income of farmers, he
Party’s state unit president ma discussed it on Satur- wants that Girish Gautam Someone from the Ma- tion will be discussed and, after Council of NITI Aayog under the said, adding that that procurement
VD Sharma and organisa- day. become the Speaker. hakaushal region may get that, the name will be finalised for chairmanship of Prime Minister was going on in Madhya Pradesh at
tional secretary Suhas A decision on the name of Shukla, however, was a that post. the election. Narendra Modi from Mantralaya. the minimum support price (MSP).

With one more body fished out, 7 cases filed against 25 for illegal sale of plots
Sidhi bus accident toll now 54 �����������������������������������������������������
��� ����� ��������

The Bhopal police have

plots were sold in Sewania
village while in Govindpu-
ra the illegal plots were
developed in Barkheda
registered 7 cases against Pathani. In Bilkhiria, the
� Arvind Vishwakarma, � After last body was found, 25 persons involved in the and, now, the government asked the civic body offi- from the Town and Country FIR was registered in the
whose body was fished out the administration has sale of plots and for devel- has ordered swift action in cials for cases to be regis- Planning (T and CP) and Khajuri Kalan village.
oping illegal colonies in these cases. The adminis- tered against colonisers. from Bhopal Municipal Cor- The Ratibad police have
on Saturday, was scheduled called off the search-and- Bhopal. This action has tration had identified over The action was taken on poration (BMC) before plot- registered 4 cases, Govind-
to tie the knot at end-2021 rescue operation been taken to prevent de- 150 such spots where small the complaints of the engi- ting their land and selling pura police have regis-
velopment of illegal plots are being sold skip- neering cell of Bhopal Mu- the plots. On the complaint tered two cases and
colonies in Bhopal at a pri- ping the mandatory per- nicipal Corporation (BMC) of BMC engineers Ankit Bilkhiria police have reg-
������������������ of the bus and it fell into mary stage. missions. in the Govindpura, Rati- Shakya and Yogendra Shar- istered 1 case. As many as
������ ������������� the Bansagar canal, which The residents of illegal The Bhopal collector had bad and Bilkhiria police ma, the cases were regis- 25 persons have been
�������� runs just by the side of the colonies in Bhopal were re- issued orders for action stations. tered with the police sta- booked in the cases for
The death toll in the Sidhi ������������������������ narrow road. peatedly asking for dispos- against development of il- The accused had skipped tions. their involvement, the po-
bus accident has increased ������������������������� When the bus fell, seven al of their pending issues legal colonies and had the mandatory permissions In Ratibad, the illegal lice said.
to 54 with the body of the ������������������ people managed to jump
last missing person recov- out of the vehicle and were
‘I don’t shake a**, I
ered from the Bansagar saved with the help of the ����������������
Ramps for disabled
canal on Saturday evening. villagers. The survivors
�������������������������� �������
After the last body was re- ���������������
were admitted to the local
government hospital. On break bones’: Kangana
to Cong leader’s troll ‘Patriarchy,
students not there
������������� the same day, the bus was
������������� fished out of the canal and
����������� 37 bodies were found
trapped in the vehicle. Lat- ������������������ Betul district. The BJP social mores to
in half the schools
blame for
����������������� er, one more person died in ������ women’s wing, on Friday
���������������� hospital. evening, protested in Betul
Earlier, nobody was sure The Manikarnika star ac- demanding action against

covered, the search-and-

about the correct number
of passengers travelling
tress, Kangana
Ranaut, herself,
Sukhdev Panse.
women’s status’ Only 3% of the only 3% schools had
rescue operation has been ���������������������� in the bus. The family responded over Kangana trained teachers to cater
called off. Out of 60 pas-
sengers, only six have sur-
������������������������ members who knew about
their relatives who had
Twitter on Friday
evening to a Con-
tweeted: “Who-
ever this fool is,
schools have to the needs of such stu-
vived and 54 have died.
The body of Arvind Vish-
������������������������� boarded the bus reached
the spot and mentioned
gress leader’s
‘naachne gaane-
does he know I
am no Deepika,
trained �������������������
wakarma was fished out
������������� their names. In the waali’ remark. Katrina or teachers for The school education
on Saturday evening from mishap, the conductor of The Opposition Alia… I am the department had given
the canal. Earlier, the bod- the bus also died. party workers only one who re- CWSN specific directions to all
ies of 53 people were fished ling from Sidhi to Satna in Every day, bodies have had protested twice against fused to do item numbers, ���������������� schools that the Supreme
out from the canal and one the 32-seater bus on Tues- been fished out at inter- Kangana’s recent tweets refused to do big hero ������������������ Court’s guidelines should
missing person’s body was day. When the bus was vals, but the three bodies terming the farmers agitat- (Khan/Kumar) films, ������������������ ������ be implemented in letter
retrieved on Saturday. crossing Sharda Patna vil- of Yogendra Sharma, ing on Delhi’s borders “ter- which made entire Bully- ������ and spirit by all the insti-
The Sidhi bus accident is lage, under Rampur Nanki Ramesh Vishwakarma rorists.” On both occasions, woodiya gang men + About half the schools in tutions. Later, a special
one of the major mishaps police station, the driver of and Arvind Vishwakar- the Opposition party work- women against me. I am a Director, woman and child Madhya Pradesh still do grant was also issued by
of recent times. In the bus, the vehicle, Balandru ma took five to six days to ers were lathicharged by Rajput woman, I don’t welfare, Swati Meena Naik, not have ramps for spe- the department to make
60 passengers were travel- Vishwarkma, lost control recover. the police in Sarni block of shake ass, I break bones.” says family structure, pre- cially abled students. ramps and other neces-
defined gender roles, social This is despite special sary arrangements for
conventions and lack of op- campaigns run by the CWSNs.

Two sexual harassment

portunities are responsible government and non-gov- Special campaigns
������������������������ for the lower status of ernment organisations started after 2010, when
women in our society. for the past several years. the Supreme Court gave

‘Single motherhood
She was speaking as a spe- These results came to orders to provide access

cases reported in city

cial guest at a webinar organ- light after an NGO con- to all disabled students
ised by the Government Saro- ducted a survey in 170 in all parts of the

can happen with

jini Naidu P-G Girls’ College randomly selected schools, including class-
in the city on Saturday. schools across the state. rooms, libraries, toilets
At the outset, the college The NGO found that chil- and other common facil-

family help’ ���������������������������������������������� principal, Pratibha Singh, dren with special needs ities.
spoke about the relevance (CWSN) were enrolled in
������������������������������ of the webinar. Chief guest
Chandrashekhar Balimbe,
74 of these schools sur-
veyed. Out of these 74 According to the
������������������ commissioner, higher edu- schools, 51 were primary guidelines, trained in-
������ ������������������ her to speak to him. cation, said that patriar- and 23 were middle structors were also to be
������ When she refused, he
Second incident chal society expects girls schools. The strength of posted in the schools.
Film actress Mahima
Chaudhary says that Two cases of molesta-
hurled abuses at the
victim. ���������������������������
and women to behave in a
certain way.
CWSNs in the schools
stood at about 44%.
Many teachers with
CWSN in their schools
single motherhood is a tion were reported in S-I Urmila Yadav said Keynote speaker were given special train-
challenge but can be Bhopal on Saturday. the complainant was ����������������� Leelavati Krishnan, a for- ���������������� ing to make CWSNs’
met with the support This has happened returning from a bun- ��������������������������������� mer IIT professor, spoke on According to the study, lives easier and help
of the family. “I’m a when the Bhopal po- galow where she works ����������������������������� ‘Psycho-Social Aspects of 58% of the schools sur- them learn better.
single mother and if lice are running a cam- around 09.30 pm. ��������������������������� Mental Health of Women’, veyed did not have ramps Nevertheless, even after
I’m able to bring up paign against such The accused, Dhar- �������������������������������� Dr Priya Bhave, gynaecolo- and other facilities for 10 years of the Supreme
my daughter well, it’s crimes. mendra Khote, way- ������������������������������ gist at Bansal Hospital, CWSNs to access class- Court order and several
because of the back- A 20-year-old woman laid her near Devki ������������������������������� spoke on ‘Mental Health of room and common facili- special drives and cam-
ing of my parents and was harassed when Nagar and forced her ����������������������������� Women and Hormonal ties, such as library, toi- paigns, more than half of
other family mem- she was going back to talk to him and later ��������������������������� Changes’. Dr Veena Singha lets and so forth. Some of the schools still do not
bers,” the actress says. home in the Nishatpu- hurled abuses and ��������������������������������� dwelt on how women could the schools had ramps, have the basic facilities
She shared the expe- ra area on Friday threatened her not to �������������������������� strike a balance between but they were broken or to help children with spe-
rience with media per- night. The accused reveal the incident to ���������������������� household work and taking not usable. Moreover, cial needs.
sons in the city on Sat- waylaid her and forced anyone. care of themselves.
urday. She was in the
city to attend a Beauty
Award show along
with another film ac-
tress, Rimi Sen.
Chaudhary said that
Colours of Smart Street project lend beauty to the night view
she would resume her Once completed, the area will have on both sides of the road on the roads around Board
acting career provided only help you hide the such facilities as bus interchange points, between Jyoti Talkies and Office require the com-
she got a film to her lik- flaws in your face. But the Board Office Square muters to cross the roads
ing. About the long it’s regular workouts open recreation area, underground will be developed as Smart from one side to another.
break in her career, she and taking care of your electrification and a food court Street. The project is named De-
said that films could not body and skin that really Nearly 80 vendors serv- velopment Transportation
be the ‘be all and end all’ make you look beauti- ������������������ Although the project is ing different cuisines will Infrastructure and Smart
for those in the industry. ful,” she said. ������ underway and is likely to be allotted space on the Street on the principle of
“We have other respon- She said that she was end within a month, the de- street inside the food court tactical urbanisation. It
sibilities, too. We have unlikely to play a role in The colours of the Smart velopment is already that is being developed in was scheduled to be com-
to take care of our per- any film in the future. Street project are now visi- adding to the beauty of the the area. Besides, free Wi- pleted in February but, due
sonal life, our family,” “Some years ago, I had ble around the Board Of- area in the night. Once the Fi and bus interchange to a shift in the deadline
she said. produced the film, Bud- fice Square. The first project reaches completion, points will be available on twice, the project may take
Actress and filmmaker hia, and it had won Smart Street of the state is the area will have such fa- both sides of the road. a little longer.
Rimi Sen said that make- many awards. I’ve now coming up in the areas cilities as bus interchange But the development has BSCDCL official Nitin
up cannot make anyone decided to focus on film- around Board Office points, open recreation The Bhopal Smart City veloping the project. It was already added led to a Dave said the project had
beautiful. “Make-up can making,” Sen said. Square and the Jyoti area, underground electrifi- Development Corporation started nearly three and a colourful illumination of cost Rs 6 crore and would
Talkies Square. cation and a food court. Limited (BSCDCL) is de- half years ago. The areas the square. The bus stands be inaugurated soon.


‘PPP model for large-scale
CATCH 22 SITUATION: Vaccination vaccination is inadvisable’
continues, as cases too increase
Doctors of Madhya
Pradesh say that a public- there
OUR STAFF REPORTER ments there have to take
private partnership (PPP)
model for corona vaccina-
should be
BHOPAL Within a week, the corona-positive rate has stringent action once again.
The people of Madhya
tion should not be allowed
for vaccination on a large-
The increasing number of
corona cases has left the
risen from 0.9 per cent to 1.9 per cent Pradesh should take a lesson
from this.
scale until there is large-
scale production of vac- of vaccines
health department, as well People should continue to cines in the country. Or
as medical experts, in Mad- adhere to such guidelines as else, it will promote black- in the
hya Pradesh high and dry.
Vaccination continues,
putting on masks and main-
taining social distancing
marketing and its cost
will skyrocket and will be
while, on the other hand, and hand hygiene to keep co- beyond the reach of the
cases, too, are increasing.
Within a week, there has
rona at bay. Even after vacci-
nation, masks are a must as
common man. Second, it
will lead to a crisis of vac-
been a hike of 1 per cent in it is a protection against sev- cine doses in government ‘The PPP model is good, but it shouldn’t be allowed for
the corona-positive rate, eral seasonal diseases. hospitals and private hos- large-scale vaccination until there is large-scale production
which reflects the increas- Doctors also expressed dis- pitals will rule the roost of vaccines in the country; or else, it’ll promote black-
ing trend in the state. A pleasure over several miscon- and start minting money marketing in vaccines’
week ago, the rate was 0.9 ceptions that are rife — for in- on the pretext of vaccina- � Dr AK Shrivastava, medical
per cent and, now, it is 1.9 stance, villagers do not put on tion. superintendent, TB Hospital
per cent. masks, but even so, they do However, private hospi-
Medical experts have ex- not contract the corona infec- tals say that they are ‘PRODUCTION MUST BE BOOSTED’
pressed deep concern over tion because they have im- ready to give vaccines at ‘If the PPP model is allowed for corona vaccination,
negligence on the part of munity to face all kinds of rates which the govern- private hospitals will start minting money. So, first of all,
some people who have diseases. It is also a miscon- ment fixes. the government should ensure large-scale production of
tossed off protocols and ception that prolonged use of AIIMS director Randeep vaccines and doses before permitting the PPP model’
guidelines against Covid — masks weakens the immune Guleria, on Saturday, � Dr IK Chaurasia, medical
putting on masks and main- system and the body will then called for a public-private superintendent, Hamidia Hospital
taining social distancing not have the resistance power partnership (PPP) for roll-
and hand hygiene on the
grounds that the arrival of
to face even a minor change
in weather.
out of the Covid-19 vacci-
nation programme on a
the vaccine makes masks Actually, corona has come large scale, stating, ‘We’re vaccinating vaccine as per guidelines. We’ve
and other precautionary
‘NEGLECT WILL LEAD TO SPURT’ from foreign countries and “There’s still a lot to do administered vaccines to health care workers (HCWs). If
the PPP model is permitted, we’ll work under the
measures inconsequential.
As a result, the number of
corona cases has started
‘O nly around 1 crore people have been vaccinated, but India’s population is rough-
ly 135 crore. So, it’s pointless to argue that, since vaccine is here, there’s no need
to use masks now. Masks are mandatory even after vaccination as they help protect
reached the urban areas in
India. It has not penetrated
the villages significantly
and I think there has to be
more private-public part-
nership. There is a need to
government’s guidelines and give doses at a price fixed by
the government’
picking up in Madhya people from various seasonal diseases. We’ve observed that the use of masks has dras- just because of poor trans- gradually start opening � Dr Anil Dixit, dean, People’s College of
Pradesh. tically reduced the number of allergic patients, TB patients and patients of various portation and the enforced up in order to cover a Medical Sciences & Research Centre
According to doctors, such respiratory problems. And it’s a misconception that prolonged use of masks reduces lockdown. So, comparison large number of people.
states as Kerala and Maha- immunity of the body. On the contrary, they’re protective and people should make use with villagers is not tenable. Health is an important Besides, people have cost of vaccination for
rashtra are glaring exam- of them regularly. If people continue to neglect these precautions, Madhya Pradesh If people continue to adhere factor as it affects all ar- raised their voice, saying speedy vaccination, in-
ples of what could happen if will start heading the Maharashtra way soon’ to protrocols, it will break eas, including the econo- that private hospitals stead of waiting for their
caution is thrown to the � Dr Lokendra Dave, professor & HoD, pulmonary department, state nodal doctor the chain of urban-to-village my and people’s liveli- should be allowed for turn on a priority basis or
winds as the state govern- infections. hood.” those who can afford the in a phased manner.

Baby’s body found, dog bite suspected

Railway travel inside MP MP begins name-change
BHOPAL: The body of a newborn boy was found lying near
an apartment on Saturday morning. A hand of the body was

is safe for women: GRP politics on pattern of UP

missing and there were bite marks all around.
ASI Radheylal of the Kohefiza police station said they re-
ceived information about a newborn boy’s body lying near
the parking lot of the Bhagyoday Apartment in the morning.
Only 137 cases of eve-teasing have
He said the boy appeared to have been born two days ago and
the body bore marks of being bitten by stray dogs.
been registered in the past 5 years Many places named ma has said there is a lot in a suit. According to historian “We sent it for post-mortem and have registered a case,”
Railway journey for women
in Madhya Pradesh is safe, after Muslim rulers name. If the name of Digvi-
jaya Singh is changed to
Sikandar Malik, the towns
and roads named after
said Radheylal. He said the CCTV footage from the area had
been accessed and it was not clear who had dropped the boy
if one believes the figures Junction 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total cases Yaqub Menon, how will he Nawabs cannot be rechris- there. The cause of death and the reason for dumping the
provided by the Govern- Bhopal 5 4 3 6 3 1 23 OUR STAFF REPORTER feel, or, if Rahul Gandhi is tened, because it has been body in Kohefiza were parts of the investigation, he said.
ment Railway Police (GRP). BHOPAL called Imam, what will hap- mentioned in the merger
Itarsi 6 2 2 7 6 0 23
In the past five years, only pen? Sharma asked. agreement. Changing the
137 cases of eve-teasing Amla 9 3 3 3 4 1 23 ‘What’s in a name?’ The BJP’s state unit presi- name of anything is a futile
were reported from various Bina 7 3 3 3 1 0 17 ‘A lot,’ will be the answer of dent, VD Sharma, along with exercise, as people generally
railway junctions of the Indore 5 3 2 2 3 1 16 politicians in Madhya other leaders, has congratu- call a place by its traditional
state. Pradesh. As their counter- lated the chief minister on name, he said.
Nowhere in the state had Gwalior 2 2 4 3 2 1 14 parts in Uttar Pradesh, politi- changing the name of Another historian, Prof.
FIRs registered against eve- Khandwa 0 1 0 4 4 2 11 cians in the state have begun Hoshangabad. Like Suresh Mishra, said the
teasing or harassment of Vidisha 2 4 0 2 1 1 10 to do ‘name-change politics’. Hoshangabad, there are rulers had changed the
women reached double fig- No sooner had Chief Min- many places which have names of many places. Infor-
ures in a year. Nevertheless, been registered under the Figures of complaint re- ister Shivraj Singh an- been named after Muslim mation about some places
Bhopal, Itarsi and Amla IPC sections 354 and 509 in- mained abnormally low in nounced that the name of rulers. In the coming days, whose names have been
junctions topped in num- voked in cases of eve-teas- 2020, as most of the train Hoshangabad would be Nar- the government may think change is yet to come to light,
bers of FIRs registered in ing and harassing of operations were cancelled madapuram than the BJP about changing their names, he said. It is not known
five years from 2015-2020. women or for making lewd for most of the time due to leaders have begun to con- although it keeps mum on whether the names of those
An RTI activist, Vivek or obscene gestures at the Covid-19 pandemic. Ex- gratulate one another. the issue now. Burhanpur, places have been changed by
Pandey, had filed an applica- women in the past five perts also cast doubts on The Congress has called it a Obaidullaganj, Nasrullaganj locals or those who founded
tion under the Right to In- years. the number of reported futile exercise. Former chief and Shahganj are some of such places did it, he said.
formation Act with the min- “The ministry of railways cases versus actual cases minister Digvijaya Singh the places named by Muslim According to social worker
istry of railways asking for had forwarded my applica- that went unreported ei- said on Saturday that chang- rulers. The names of many Ajay Dubey, calling
information on the number tion to important railway ther due to unawareness of ing the name of cities and towns have been Hoshangabad Narmadapu-
of incidents of eve-teasing junctions across the state. the victims, or because Hoshangabad would neither changed. ram will not stop illegal min-
inside trains and FIRs reg- I’ve received replies from 8 they chose to avoid unnec- arrest unemployment nor Chief Minister of Uttar ing in the area. He said it
istered on complaints. railway junctions across MP, essary invitation of prob- price rise. Reacting to Pradesh Adityanath began would be better if the gov-
According to the reply re- but the Jabalpur GRP hasn’t lems that come along with Singh’s statement, pro tem the name-change politics. ernment paid attention to
ceived, only 137 cases have responded yet,” said Pandey. reporting such cases. Speaker Rameshwar Shar- Chouhan has begun to follow the river.


Petrol, diesel and LPG price hike ‘Social media curbs are no solution,
may cost BJP dear in civic polls it’s violation of right to free speech’
OUR STAFF REPORTER Centre, as well as in the
BHOPAL state, the party may have to ASMA KHAN, 23, SOCIAL ACTIVIST
face the people’s anger. The A few youths voice their views on whether All social media platforms have their own
The skyrocketing prices of
petrol, diesel and cooking gas
Congress is sparing no ef-
forts to make the skyrocket-
government should try to control social media policies for curbing objectionable, vulgar,
inflammatory or abusive content. Those policies
may put the BJP in hot water ing prices of essential OUR STAFF REPORTER are good enough. There’s no need for the
in the ensuing civic polls. items an issue in the com- BHOPAL government to impose extra curbs. That would
The dates for the civic polls ing civic polls. The party be an attack on the right to freedom of
will be declared next month. began the process by or- Curbs on social media are no solution, as it is a violation of expression. Indian people are largely voiceless.
The elections may be held in gansing a half-day, the right to freedom of speech and expression, say residents Social media is one way they can make their
the beginning of April. statewide bandh against in the city. Citizens should also avoid posting objectionable voice heard. If that, too, is censored, it’ll only hurt our country.
The BJP, which is pulling the price rise. contents on social media. Besides, it should not be used to
out all the stops to win the BJP’s state secretary, Ra- make personal attacks, or to hurt the sentiments of others.
civic polls, may face diffi- jneesh Agarwal, said fuel The recent weeks have witnessed a dispute between the
The government should learn to listen to criticism.
culty, because the prices of prices had shot up because government and Twitter over deleting content and block-
As for individuals, if they have any problems with
essential commodities are of the rise in prices of ing accounts. On many occasions in the past, mobile In-
some content, they can very well ignore it. Why
going through the roof. crude oil in the interna- ternet services were suspended in Delhi, Haryana and
should the government or any person want to
The price of petrol is more tional market. The prices other places. Against this backdrop, Free Press asked a
curb the right to expression? But, unfortunately,
than Rs 100 a litre. Similar- would soon decline, he said, few youths whether the government should try to control
this has become quite common. The FB accounts
ly, the price of diesel is adding that the BJP social media. Excerpts:
of many of my friends were suspended for some
shooting up daily. Besides, planned to fight the civic
days or weeks after they put up posts critical of
SHRISHTI PRAGAT, 25, DIRECTOR, SKY SOCIAL the government. This is intolerable and unacceptable.
the cost of cooking gas has polls on the grounds of its Censoring social media or blocking accounts is no
been raised by Rs 50 a cylin- achievements. Vice-presi- solution. If the government does these kinds of ASHISH RAGHUVANSHI, 30, CITY ASSOCIATE, YUVA
der. The rise in the prices of dent of the Congress’s me- things, how will it get to hear the voice of the Till social media was helping the ruling party,
these three items has dia panel Bhupendra Gupta people? After all, everyone can’t take to the everything was fine. Now that the people are
spawned resentment among said the abnormal hike in streets to voice their protest. Freedom of speech using the same media to voice their concerns
middle-class families. fuel prices would impact and expression is integral to democracy. But some and criticise the government, it’s being targeted.
As the BJP is ruling at the urban voters. boundaries need to be drawn. One should not This is dictatorship and a violation of human and
hurt the sentiments of others and personal attacks fundamental rights of the people. The citizens
should be avoided. Film actress Kangana Ranaut is one example have the right to disagree with the government
of how this freedom can be misused. and it’s the government’s duty to listen to them.

We all have the right to freedom of speech. There are some mischievous elements in every
But, as mature citizens, we shouldn’t post society who make inflammatory posts and create
inappropriate content on social media trouble. Action should be taken against them.
platforms — content which is hurtful to our But it should be ensured that innocent persons
country or society. But, of course, one must don’t suffer. We all know that social media is
have the right to criticise the government. being used to peddle lies. We saw it during the
Otherwise, how will the government work violence in Delhi following the protests against
properly? No one should be penalised for NRC and CAA. As users, we should simply
criticising the government. ignore such content. Rubbish should be swept aside.
� �������� FREE PRESS
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Congressmen appeal to shopkeepers to keep outlets closed till noon

MLA Singhar Alirajpur traders support bandh Traders in several
addresses Alirajpur: On Saturday, town re- areas support bandh call
farmers mained completely closed under the
aegis of the District Congress Com- Badnawar: Several areas
Gandhwani: Following the mittee to protest against the anti-peo- noticed a bandh while oth-
instructions of the State ple policies of the central government, ers continued to operate un-
Congress president and for- increase in prices of petrol-diesel, der the voluntary bandh an-
mer Chief Minister Kamal cooking gas, edible oil etc. People and nounced by the state Con-
Nath, Madhya Pradesh was traders volunteered to keep their es- gress in against of the rising
closed by the State Congress tablishments completely closed from 7 prices of the petrol, diesel
��������������� District and City Congress Committee on Saturday in am to 2 pm, giving support against in- and cooking gas on Satur-
������� Committee, set out on the protest against the rising flation. A grand cycle rally was also taken out under the guidance of district Congress day. The bandh was sup-
streets to close the shops in prices of petrol, diesel and president Mahesh Patel and MLA Mukesh Patel which started from Cinema Hall. For- posed to be till 1 pm in the
According to the instruc- market to make the bandh cooking gas. MLA Umang mer district president Radheshyam Maheshwari, acting president Om Prakash Rathore, district whereas the support
tions of the State Congress a success. Congressmen ap- Singhar addressed the farm- youth district president Shankar Bamaniya, Rajendra Tawli and others. was not so uniform- for in-
president and former pealed to shopkeepers to ers on the occasion. MLA stance in the chaupati area,
Chief Minister Kamal keep the establishment Singhar was on a tour of shops, hotels, other estab-
Nath, Madhya Pradesh a
bandh was called by the
closed till noon. Rural Con-
gress president Omkar Pa-
various gram panchayats
where he performed bhoo-
Vehicle rally
taken out in Dhar Bandh evokes mixed lishments in the market and
bus stand remained closed.
State Congress Committee
on Saturday.
The bandh aims to in
tel, City Congress presi-
dent Indalsingh Panwar,
Ajay Ojha, Arsh Patha,
mi puja of various develop-
ment works. On this occa-
sion Swatant Joshi, Satpal
response in Ratlam However, passenger buses continued the operations. Dur-
ing the bandh, no Congressmen were witnessed appealing
the shopkeepers to comply with bandh.
protest against the rising Kisaan Congress president Barnala, Shekhu Singh Par- ��������������������������� Ratlam: Bandh evoked mix response in Ratlam on Satur-
prices of petrol, diesel and Shayam Yadav, Sunil Arya, mar, Subhan Singh and �������������������������������� day. City Congress has given bandh call to protest against
cooking gas. Congressmen, Vikas Vyas and others number of congress work- ����������������������� the rise in the ����������������
under the leadership of were present. ers were present. ��������������������������� prices of the pe- ������������������
��������������������������� troleum products
������������������������������������������� ����������������������������� for half day on Udaigarh: The half-day shutdown called by the Madhya
������������������������������� Sunday till 2 pm. Pradesh Congress against rising fuel prices also had an
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Congress workers impact in Udaigarh on Saturday. On the appeal of the
����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �����������������
�������������������������� led by City Con- District and Block Congress, the traders extended sup-
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ gress president port to the half-day bandh. Senior Congress leader Gyan
��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������
������������������������� Mahendra Singh Mujalda had urged the traders to support the
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Kataria came out on the streets in some areas and ap- bandh a day earlier in a meeting. Police personnel were
���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������� pealed the traders and shopkeepers to keep closed their posted at different locations under the guidance of po-
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������� business establishments. After 2 pm shops were opened lice station in-charge PS Damore.
��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������� and ususal business activities was observed in the area.

������������������������������������ Cong workers pay tribute to gas cylinder ����������������������

Narayangarh: A nukkad sabha was organised after the bandh at the bus stand ������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������
in protest of the rising prices of the petrol, diesel and cooking gas on Saturday. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������
��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
The sabha was addressed by block Con- ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
gress president Anil Sharma, vice presi- ����������������������� ����������
�������������������������������� �������������������������������
dent Ramchandra Karun, councilor ��������������������������������
Dilip Yadav, along with several others. ���������������������������������
��������������������������������� ������������������������������������
Congress leader Parshuram Sisodia said �������������������������������������
that Modi government has burdened the ��������������������������������
������������������������������� �����������������������������������
poor by increasing the prices of fuel. �����������������������������
District Congress president Babu Kha ����������������������������������������������������������������������������
���������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������
Mewati read the memorandum and sub- ���������������� �������������
mitted it to the tehsildar Vandana Harit ��������������������������������������������������������������������������
�������������������������������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������
addressed to the president. ����������������

������������������������������������������������� ��� ��������������

���������������� BJP MLA suspects foul play after
������������������������������� ��������������
he is declared Covid-positive

��������������� A kin of an ex-BJP man- loan. against Dilip.

Judicial magistrate first

class, district Neemuch, Dr
Manoj Kumar Goyal has
Alleges he is being
deliberately stopped
from attending
Assembly session as
tunate’ that his reports were
out in hardly five hours after
the test and he quarantined
himself at home.
Jaora Civil Hospital BMO
possible in politics. He said
that important decisions
have to be taken in the As-
sembly session and is im-
portant for him to attend
����� dal president also surfaced However, the farmers Based on Dilip’s state- sentenced an accused to six during Covid-19 Dr Deepak Paldiya himself the session so he will get
in the scam and during the were shocked to learn that ment, police have sum- months’ imprisonment took a sample of Dr Pandey himself tested again.
Local court has sent six course of an investigation a loan has been availed us- moned the bank manager with a fine of Rs 500 for not
outbreak, he had and handed it over to Rat- Pandey said that he is un-
staff of a private bank into it was revealed that he sud- ing their documents. and deputy manager for presenting a single bed and inspected health lam Medical College. der home quarantine and if
police remand till Febru- denly acquired the proper- Farmers accused the questioning. a double bed for confisca- department and Pandey alleged that he the second report also
ary 22 for misappropriat- ty worth lakhs. bank officials of cheating Besides Dilip, manager tion in the court. came to know through so- turns out to be positive
ing the amount issued un- The cops probed the mat- them. A former bank em- Vaibhav Badera, a resident ADPO Vipin Mandloi
medical college and cial media at 5.15 pm that then he will continue to be
der Kisan Credit Cards ter after over 30 farmers ployee Dilip Vyas, a resi- Ved Nagar, Ujjain, deputy while giving information told them about their he has tested positive for co- in quarantine.
(KCC). from villages adjoining dent of Banbana village manager Dinesh Rathore, said that the incident is of shortcomings rona. He did not receive any Collector Gopal Chandra
The matter came to fore Nagda rushed to the police who was on run• for long— a resident Rajgarh, cashier 2016 when the accused intimation by the health de- Dad said that he hasn’t given
recently after the police station and lodged a com- was arrested by Mandi Po- Sushil Kumar Meena, a Satish was asked to present ��������������� partment or the medical any directions for Covid
unearthed a multi-crore plaint. lice station. resident of Piplani, the said furniture for con- ����� college till 6.30 pm, whereas tests and if the CMHO has
scam recently. They alleged that offi- He revealed the names of Bhopal, consumer service fiscatin following a war- his report came at 4.48 pm, received any letter for the
Name of few persons from cials of a private bank ob- other bank staff who were officer Ankit Kapoor, a res- rant in a long pending case BJP MLA Dr Rajendra he added. same, he isn’t aware about it.
the town who lend money tained their legal docu- involved in the scam. The ident Nanakheda, Ujjain, by Additional session judge Pandey tested corona-posi- Pandey casted doubt on CMHO Dr Prabhakar
on the high-interest rates ments by promising to help embezzlement through Yashpal Solanki, a resident class II of Civil judge class I tive on Friday. He alleged the report alleging that he Nanaware first said that
has also come up in the them secure loans under Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Rajput Mohalla, Ujjain Manoj Kumar Rathi. that he was asked by the is being deliberately they acted on collector’s or-
scam. They allegedly paid Kisan Credit Card. But accounts amounts to Rs 2.5 have been booked under Consequently, Baghana health department to get stopped from attending the ders and conducted the
hefty amount to the staff to none of the complainant crore. Police have regis- sections 420, 409, 467, 471, police booked him under himself tested for Covid-19 Assembly session as during test. But, later he alleged
benefit from KCC funds. received the promised tered a case of cheating 34 of Indian Penal Code. relevant sections. After a test before the Assembly the Covid outbreak he had that the department has re-
full investigation a charge session which is slated inspected the health de- ceived a notice from the
News in Brief Service of in-charge terminated,
sheet was presented in the
special court- which pro-
from February 22.
Pandey said that it takes 12
partment and medical col-
lege and told them about
secretariat that was issued
to all the collectors and
ANM suspended after... nounced
against him.
the verdict to 24 hours to get a report of
Covid-19 test, but he was ‘for-
their shortcomings.
He said that everything is
they conducted the test ac-

Woman delivers baby �����������������������������

at gate of locked Our names removed from voters’ list
sub-health centre using forged application, allege locals
��������������� On February 14, Priyanka ��������������� the memorandum admit-
���� Jatav, a pregnant woman, �������� ted that it’s a serious of-
visited Pagara sub health fense and the administra-
Farewell programme organised Guna district administra- centre for delivery but Scores of locals from Warn tion will take serious ac-
��������������������������������������������������� tion has terminated Pagara found it locked. No doctors, No 35 here in Mandsaur tion in the matter and will
�������������������������������������������������� community sub health cen- ANMs were available. town of Madhya Pradesh punish the guilty.
����������������������������������������������������� tre in-charge Pushpa Priyanka Jatav delivered submitted an application to The ward residents said
��������������������������������������������������� Dahinkar and suspended the baby at the gate of the the sub-divisional magis- removal of their names
������������������������������������������������ an auxiliary nurse midwife sub health centre. After re- trate Bihari Singh alleging from the voter list will de-
������������������������������������������������������� (ANM) Shashi Namdev on ceiving complaint, collec- that based on application prive them of their Con-
��������������������������������������������� Friday. Besides, district tor took action. bearing their fake signa- stitutional right to fran-
��������������������������������������������������� collector Kumar Purushot- He said that it was Sun- tures their names were re- ter Shivraj Singh Chouhan asking him to remove their chise during the upcom-
����������������������������������������������������� tam issued notice for tak- day but health workers moved from voters list. seeking his intervention in name from the voter list. ing local body elections.
ing disciplinary action were supposed to be on Led by ex-corporator the matter. Locals claimed that they They added that it’s a con-
against district health offi- duty as decided. The mat- Vikram Bharva the ag- Locals claimed that fake are residing here at Ward spiracy to keep them away
Bhoomi puja of road cer incharge Dr Sarojini ter was investigated by grieved demanded action applications have been sub- No 35 by birth and our an- from voting.
Baig and has proposed a de- joint collector Sanjeev Ke- against the guilty and sub- mitted at the office of the cestors also lived in the
worth Rs 25L performed partmental enquiry shav Pandey who found the mitted a memorandum ad- registration officer at same place for decades.
against her. charges to be true. dressed to the Chief Minis- Mandsaur municipality SDM Singh who received PANCHANG 21.2.2021

‘Time has come to take revenge from BJP’ ���������



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��������������� a survey for the same,” he added. ���� ��������

���� Supervisor Ajay Singh Thakur who ���

had come from Ujjain said he will

� �
The Congress party held a meeting submit the report to MP Congress ���� ����
���������������������������������������������������� of supervisors, councillors and Committee.

������������������������������������������������� ticket aspirants here on Friday. The At the meeting, councillors of 15 � �

������������������������������������������������������� meeting was held in view of civic wards and ticket aspirants came
��������������������������������������������������� elections to be held after a month. with their supporters to claim � �

����������������������������������������������������� While addressing the gathering, candidacy. Welcome address was

���������������������������������������������������������� MLA Manoj Chawla said time has given by City Congress president � � � � �� � � � � �� � � � � � � � � �
�������������������������������������������������������� come to take revenge from BJP Abhinav Nigam. The programme RUNNING CLASSIFIED
������������������������������������������������������� through urban body elections. was conducted by District Con- DISPLAY CLASSIFIED 7 DAY 500/-
������������������������������������������������� “BJP bought Congress MLAs to gress general secretary Nagesh 50/- SQ.CM. B/W.
15 DAY 1000/-
30 DAY 1500/-
���������������������������������������������������� form government in Madhya for civic elections as he himself “Ticket will be given to a candi- Kharol. Vote of thanks was pro- 75/- SQ.CM.
������������������������������������������ Pradesh,” he alleged. He said he is was selected by party’s senior lead- date capable of victory and this posed by Youth Congress presi-
incapable of selecting candidates ers. will be decided after party conducts dent Ashok Panchal.
FREE PRESS CALL- 9425082195
��������������� � FREE PRESS ������ � �������� �������� � ������

News in Brief
Class 12 divisional topper feted ����������������������������� Budhni Mahotsav
begins next month: CM
��������������������� �����������������������������������������������������
����������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������
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������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������
���������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������
���������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� �� ���� ������� Chouhan said the city
������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������ ����������� will get a police station
������������ Nath to organise a state- �������������������������������������������������������� building and staff quar-
Sanitary pads distributed ������ wide voluntary ‘bandh’ ��������������������������������������������������� The Budhni Mahotsav is ters for tehsil staff. The
������������������������������������������������������ against rising prices. ������������������������������������������������������ set to begin next month, government college in the
��������������������������������������������������������������� Members of Congress party Nath had called for a half- said Chief Minister Shiv- city will be renamed Swa-
������������������ took out a bicycle rally led day bandh to which there raj Singh Chouhan on Fri- mi Vivekananda College.
�������������� by former minister Sukhdev was a mixed response in day. The festival is to be The chief minister has
�������������������� Panse in the city on Satur- the city. Members of Block organised on the occasion urged the citizens to plant
�������������� day. The party workers gath- Congress Committee, of Narmada Jayanti, he saplings and nurture
�������� ���� ����� ered on the call of the for- Youth Congress, Mahila said. them. He has vowed on
�������������������� mer chief minister Kamal Congress, Seva Dal, Na- Chouhan reached Narmada Jayanti to plant
��������������������� Budhni late at night after one sapling every day.
offering prayers at the The state government
CONG MEMO AGAINST RISING PRICES Narmada in has been running various
���������������������������������������������������� Ganj Basoda: The Congress bandh on Saturday re- Hoshangabad. He said a welfare schemes for the
ceived a mixed response in the city. The party work- tional Students’ Union of vara Chowk and ended at master plan is being pre- students in the city, said
ers rallied in the city and urged shopkeepers to India and all other Con- the MLA’s office situated at pared to make Budhni a Chouhan. Meritorious stu-
1,100 kg of mahua seized keep their shops shut for half a day. A few were seen gress morchas rallied Indira Gandhi ward. Panse mini-Smart City. dents of Grade 12 will be
�������������������������������������������������������� moving across the city, raising slogans against the across the city on bicycles. said the government has A super-specialty hospi- given laptops, he added.
����������������������������������������������������������� rising prices. They handed over a memorandum ad- They urged the shopkeep- hit a hole in the pockets of tal is to be constructed in He instructed the collec-
�������������������������� dressed to the Prime Minister to the sub-divisional ers and traders to keep the middle class. He said the city at a cost of Rs 15 tor to prepare an action
��������������������������������� officer of revenue, Rajesh Mehta. They have asked their shops shut for half a the BJP’s government was crore. plan for various construc-
������������������������������� the Prime Minister to slash back the rise in prices day in protest against the a government of false He said every household tion works required in
������������������������������������� of fuel and other important items. rising prices of petrol, promises. The margin- will get clean potable wa- the city. He said the devel-
������������������������� diesel, cooking gas and alised and the middle class ter. A welcome gate will be opment works in the city,
������������������������������������ other items. have suffered the most constructed at Budhni including a sewage treat-
�������������������������������������� ABVP Nagar Abhyas The rally began at Fav- from their policies, he said. Ghat and the flyover will
be beautified, he said.
ment plant, will be done
in time.

Varg concludes

Disabled kids get prizes

Rehti: The Nagar Abhyas Varg of the Akhil Bharatiya Vid-
yarthi Parishad concluded on Saturday at Krishna Mar-
riage Garden. The conclusion ceremony commenced with
Man booked under Arms Act Parishad Geet. There were sessions held to explain the ide-
��������������������������������������������������� ology to the members of the parishad. Department con-
�������������������������������������������������������� vener Vinayak Sharma, district convener Kritik Shivhare
����������������������������� and former district head Rajeev Sharma were present at
�������������������������� the ceremony. A city executive body was announced during
�������������������������� the event. Vishwas Sitaudiya was appointed as city head,
���������������������� Jatin Sharma as Nagar Mantri and Nitin Chouhan as city
��������������������������� sub-head. Ragini Vishwakarma, Chunmun Thakur, Atul
���������������������������� Chouhan and others were also distributed portfolios.

RTO runs checking drive


���� ���� ��� ��
Hoshangabad: Farmers
can get registration done to
sell their wheat at the mini-
mum support price till Feb-
ruary 25. Registration work
is on at 140 procurement
centres in the city. The cen-
tres will remain open on
Sundays, as well. Anil Tan-
tuvaya, the district food sup-
ply officer, told Free Press
that a database of land
records has been prepared
for registration of farmers.
The registration service for
the farmers of Sikami land
and forest pattas (land lease)
is available only at the pro-
curement centres estab-
lished at the samiti-level.

Seoni Malwa: The special-
ists from the hotel industry
will train the principals of
government schools about
the specifics of colloquial ac-
cents and pronounciations.
The Indian Institute of Hotel
Management has been given
the responsibility of teach-
ing the school principals ef-
fective communication and
multi-tasking skills. The
commissioner of education
department, Jaishree Kiya-
vat, has written to the prin-
cipals of all the schools to get
training for the language
skills and the soft skills. She
said that the principals have
to shoulder the responsibili-
ty of the entire school. They
must be effective with their
communication, she said.
The principals of all the gov-
ernment high schools and
higher secondary schools in
Hoshangabad will be given
training on February 26 at
2.45 pm.

Disengagement in Ladakh: A Welcome Development

cial for the two countries. Given the member of the UNSC . attributed to the steadfast and un- the necessary funding when faced dation to resort to non-lapsable fund-
LT GENERAL current economic and security chal- India also needs to carefully watch blinking approach of the Indian with the situation in Ladakh. It ing of defence capital expenditure
lenges facing the country posed due the turn of events in its neighbour- Armed Forces, valour and grit of the granted emergency powers to the must be implemented from the cur-
DUSHYANT to the ongoing pandemic which still hood with Myanmar under turmoil Indian troops on the ground, impact Armed Forces wherein the Indian rent year itself. We must remain cog-
SINGH persists with new strains of the due to military coup, Sri Lanka can- of the rigours of weather and ter- Armed Forces could procure any nizant of the fact that a robust hard
PVSM, AVSM virus surfacing periodically and the celling the contract to develop its rain under which the troops of the weapon system below 500 crores. PM power capability is the guarantor for
volatile geo-political regional and East Colombo Port Terminal, two sides were operating and the Modi also removed the cap on expen- peace and stability which in turn is
(RETD) global situation, India needs time to Afghanistan in a state of uncertain- whole hearted support by govern- diture on defence following the a mandatory condition for economic
get its economy back on track and ty and a highly volatile internal sit- ment of India in providing the nec- Ladakh crisis. The 20-21 budget had development of the country.
assess the shape of strategic align- uation in Nepal. In summary, the de- essary wherewithals for our troops earmarked Rs. 1.13 lakh crore for de- While the thaw in the bilateral se-

lobal Times has reported ments that are likely to take place in cision which was reported by many to operate in such difficult condi- fence but due to removal of the cap, curity situation is a welcome devel-
that "The Chinese and Indi- the world. Impact of change of Pres- news agencies to disengage from the tions. Also it goes without saying the likely expenditure for the cur- opment being mutually beneficial to
an border troops on the idency in the US, emerging power current friction points in Ladakh that the Chinese troops were not ac- rent year is likely to be Rs. 1.34 lakh both countries, it should not lull us
southern and northern shores of equation in the Islamic world with presumably agreed upon during the customed to either operating in such crores. While the prompt action by into complacency. Our intelligence
Pangong Lake began disengagement three major power centres repre- 9th round of the China-India Corps conditions for sustained periods or the Government of India is highly mechanism and Armed Forces must
as planned on Wednesday according sented by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Commander Level meeting held on have seen active combat unlike the commendable the important lesson remain geared for any adverse de-
to the consensus reached during the Iran trying to assert themselves for the Chinese side of the Moldo- Indian troops who have an experi- for the future is that we should con- velopment and keep plans ready to
ninth round of military command- leadership and the EU's stand still Chushul border meeting point on ence of over five decades of con- stantly improve our military capa- prevent China from surprising us be
er-level talks, citing their Defense uncertain due to BREXIT and diver- January 24 will provide the country stantly operating under such terrain bility to avoid a knee jerk episodic it occupation of any strategic fea-
Ministry." While no formal confir- gence of views with the US over the much needed strategic space and and weather conditions in warlike defence budget allocation. For this ture along our Northern broders ex-
mation has been received from MoD, trade relations with China demand a focus on well being of the country. situations. Further, in order to sup- the Long Term Perspective Plans of tending from Ladakh to Arunachal
Government of India, the news if studied approach by India globally Chinese side agreeing to the un- port the military effort the govern- the Defence Forces must be ade- Pradesh or a repeat of a Galwan like
correct will prove mutually benefi- especially as it is also a temporary conditional disengagement may be ment reacted swiftly in providing quately supported. The recommen- situation proactively.

COURAGE: A PREREQUISITE TO Education post-Covid: Opens

door for digital transformation
People who embrace and prac-
NAVEEN tice courage are the ones who LOVE YOURSELF
KRISHNA RAI live up to their passion and Never consider yourself to be
BUSINESS dreams, explore new horizons, trivial. Those who respect them-
take the leap of faith and suc- selves and love themselves, PC THOMAS
DEVELOPMENT cessfully embark on risky ven- know their worth and get re-
MANAGER tures without succumbing to spect. Humbleness&humility
IIM INDORE the pressures of uncertainty, come from an understanding of

the judgement of others and self and others in the scheme of oronavirus pandemic
constraints. things. Don't allow anyone to de- has influenced a huge

irtue maketh a man. Val- Courage strengthens one's mean you and crush your spirit. number of young stu-
ues and principles form character and principles. As- 3. DEVELOP A CORE dents all over the world and
the very framework with sertiveness and efficacy, the India is no exemption to
which the life of an individual virtues that lead to quick learn- COMPETENCE this. All educational institu-
is aligned. The search for pur- ing and better communication, Introspect and analyse your tions have wrestled with the
pose is the ultimate quest for can be practised only through unique strengths and passions. consequences and are des-
anyone over and above the basic courage. It also aids in improv- Find ways to develop them to an perately looking for solu-
need of subsistence which ing decision-making, bringing exquisite level where they become tions for the difficulties work, requiring revamp of it is significant for the address the mental health
makes a human different from one closer to one's destiny. It exclusive and valuable. Even the faced by the pandemic. the whole educational cur- schools to continue the issues emerging from this
other life on the planet. While empowers an individual to net- development of super courage When the lockdown was riculum. When one looks at learning process smoothly. pandemic among students
other species need food, shelter work better and nurture rela- and efficacy is competence. declared, schools, which the situation, it would ap- Digital learning is the way and prepare them to grasp
and security, humans are the tionships, getting free from the Courageous people don't get had already incorporated E- pear that this situation may forward as a significant as- the new situation and pro-
only beings that also need to shackles of shyness and self- distracted and discouraged by learning platforms, could probably stay for a little pect of the education sys- vide them care, sympathy,
make sense and derive the doubt. It makes one a better ne- hostile turbulence and can fo- grasp the change rapidly time more. It is admirable, tem and it is time to acceler- appreciation, and resilience
meaning of the world around gotiator, someone who is sensi- cus on the task at hand, unde- and adjust to the new cir- however, that different gov- ate the usage of technical that are necessary to face
them. tive to the need of all the parties terred by things they have no cumstance. They are con- ernment bodies and educa- tools to ensure proper deliv- the future.
Virtues help humans develop involved. control on. Courage acts like a nected with the students tionalists across the coun- ery of lessons. Looking at the above
an internal compass to embark Some ways to get started shock absorber preventing diffi- and parents through the E- try are moving in the direc- However, the Covid situa- points, schools and educa-
on self-actualisation and guide cult situation to dent one's de- learning modules and guar- tion of discovering avail- tion has given an open-door tionists today need to make
their action.While balance and on the journey of discovering termination. Courage enables anteed adaptive learning able resources to assist stu- for the digital transforma- an effort to reduce the nega-
diversity are the eternal virtues courage within you an individual to listen to one's process. For schools, the dents to keep on their learn- tion of the education frame- tive impact of the current
of nature, humans have given intuition and conscience, con- major challenge was to en- ing cycle. work and the future will scenario on the young
shape to other concepts like jus- 1. CHALLENGE nect the dots, look at the bigger sure acceptance of the new In the current situation, witness not only virtual minds. It is time for them to
tice, equality that have led to YOURSELF OFTEN picture and follow one's course normal by the parents and the clear focus of educa- classrooms but also parent- renew the system while ad-
the progress and prosperity of of destiny. the students. In the whole tional institutions will be teacher interactions on vir- justing to the new normal.
the race. Courage is a unique Acknowledge your fears and It stimulates one to see the process, there have been on modernizing technology tual platforms. As the com- They also have to explore
virtue that manifests itself in start addressing them by devel- doors of opportunities on the challenges and issues; yet and capacity building to munity of educationists other practical alternatives
many ways, like confidence and oping a habit of taking up small other side of the walls of fear. the parents hav accepted provide a profound learning pushes forward adjusting to to continue with the deliv-
efficacy, while acting as a fun- yet significant challenges. Do No one can complete the jour- the change to a great extent. experience. While each per- the new normal, there will ery of education in order to
damental virtue for other something you are not good at, ney of self-discovery without the However, the pandemic son and organization enthu- be some difficulties that remain relevant and pre-
virtues like honesty, trust and explore new places, and learn pedal of effort& the canoe of circumstance has upset the siastically looks forward to they have to face. pare the students for the fu-
kindness etc. something new and difficult. courage. whole educational frame- the situation to normalize, A more urgent need is to ture.

Challenges after WFH (Work from Home)
ing from home is sleeping late
and not having to drive. I realised
how much time you save in a day
when you don't have to drive to of-
cial distancing and it gives others
stress. As it is people are very in-
secure about their jobs after the
repercussions post the pandemic
My mom my mom The world is big fice." and they can't afford to let go of
who has to handle the storm. but you need to dig.
The second thing which caused office norms.
discomfort was wearing mask the Another thing is shaking
whole day. My daughter who also hands. Avoiding it is rude when
My mom my mom
went to my husband with a is a corporate employee says, "I the other person stretches his
who has to diffuse the bomb The world is high hot cup of tea and called, "I feel suffocated after some time hand. Hand shake is intrinsic to
Is laughing at your cry have brought tea third time. and take off my mask but the the corporate sector. That is how
The one who has to guide me through It is 7 am. Do you want to take next moment I realise the risk you greet a client or a colleague.
leave today? " and wear it again. Moreover Saying hello is not as profession-
right and wrong To see the moon My husband got out of bed some of the employees are so al as shaking hands.
you will have to reach soon. abruptly and went to the bath- careless that they don't wear Working from home has
The one who has to sing me a story room. It is the second day of go- mask and jeopardise the life of changed so many things. Most of
and make me some promise ing to office after work from others." the people miss sitting comfort-
The world now wants to see the home and he has been so irrita- Working officials say that one ably on the bed and enjoying
ble. Getting up early and going to roadblock in working effectively home-made tea and snacks while
The one who has to make me learn moon office at 8 am is out of practice from office is the fear regarding working. Many employees could
the world that is behind the fun. You reached so soon for the last ten months. He was personal space that has crept in stay with their parents and fami-
used to get up at 9 am and was since the pandemic broke out last ly (even in other cities) because
The one who has to make me run ready at 10 am to work on line. year. With the instructions of so- working on line was possible
Have a gut to buy a hut The time of travelling for two cial distancing and wearing a from anywhere in the world. Now
After that is fun. Congratulations because you hours was happily spent in sleep- mask has made people jittery and they have to go back to the cities
ing. Alas! Those happy days are they feel very uncomfortable where they work. Not only that
My mom my mom. have seen the world. over and he has to get up at 7 am. when they see anyone not wear- most of the people have become
It is difficult for most of the peo- ing mask or standing very close. so accustomed to home-made
MISS VANIAA MASSAND, Class IV (E) ple to get up at 7 am. The work
from home period has made most
Making sure that the other per-
son is following the rule is tough
food that they don't like to eat in
the office cafeteria.
SHISHUKUNJ INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, INDORE of the people lazy. It is very diffi- because you can't say curtly to When lock down was imposed,
cult to go back to the old routine follow it in the corporate world. It employees used to be restless
of getting up early and driving sounds very rude but some peo- staying home and now when
for work. My husband muttered, ple don't follow the norms and there is no lock down employees
"The one thing I miss about work- don't wear mask or maintain so- are again uncomfortable.

Demystifying Expansionary Policy: Trade-off between growth and Inflation

over the world (RBI in the case of In- borrow additional amounts of Under expansionary/ accommoda- creasing the CRR from 3% to 3.5% ef- mand recovery.
dia) to manage quantity of money in overnight money from RBI by using tive monetary policy Central Banks fective from March 27, 2021, and to Plight of savers with risk of infla-
RAGHVENDRA a country to meet requirements of SLR portfolio up to a limit. Bank increases money supply. The in- 4% effective from May 22, 2021. This tion has increased is a concern for
P PANKAJ different sectors of their economy. Rate is the rate at which RBI is ready crease of liquidity has cascading is a calibrated effort to decrease liq- RBI. Inflation factored real rate of
Chief Manager, RBI manages this liquidity in the to buy or rediscount bills of ex- multiplier effect. When Central uidity if the market may be getting return may become negative. If liq-
SBI market through following tools and change or other commercial papers. Banks decrease the policy-interest heated up. uidity remains in system for too long
(IIM Indore moral persuasion. Repo Rate is a Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) is an aver- rates/ reserve requirements market Some experts are of opinion that there is mispricing of risk. Investors
Alumnus) fixed interest rate at which the RBI age daily balance that a bank is re- gets flooded with an extraordinary extra liquidity has heated the stock may take up ventures which are
offers overnight liquidity to banks quired to maintain with RBI. CRR is amount of cash. market boom which is a disconnect riskier and may threaten financial
against the collateral of government calculated against Net demand and Recent improved growthfigures from street markets. If market is left stability in long run.

BI and Central Banks all over and other approved securities under time liabilities (NDTL). Statutory and increased GST collection has with a glut of liquidity for a very RBI would face greatest test to deal
world are embarked on an ex- the liquidity adjustment facility Liquidity Ratio is the share of NDTL broughtRBI in a quandary whether long it has negative repercussions. with the strain between controlling
traordinary expansionary pol- (LAF). Reverse Repo Rate is the in- that a bank is required to maintain to continue withexpansionary High money supply with goods and inflation and supporting recovery
icy. This stance has been taken to terest rate used by RBI to absorb liq- in safe and liquid assets. Open Mar- stance or to roll it back.The success services not growing at the same for sustained growth. Dilemma is
manage financial pressures un- uidity, on an overnight basis, from ket Operations (OMOs) include the of stimulus process depend on how pace may lead to loo much money much more peculiar when macroeco-
leashed by COVID-19. In this article banks against the collateral of eligi- purchase and sale of government se- well the timing and sequencing of chasing too few goods and services, nomic circumstances show high
let us make an endeavor to under- ble government securities under the curities for managing liquidity. Mar- events are planned. Historically leading to inflation.Core inflation variability. Future course of pan-
stand Expansionary Policy and chal- LAF. Liquidity Adjustment Facility ket Stabilization Scheme (MSS) sur- Global Financial Crisis has shown could firm up because of soaring in- demic is not known and light at the
lenges it brings for Central Banks consists of overnight as well as term plus liquidity arising from large cap- that an improper exit plan by Cen- put costs. Disproportionate margins end of long tunnel is not at sight.
and Financial World. repo auctions. Marginal Standing ital inflows is absorbed through the tral Banks could lead to a lot of mis- may also lead to high inflation. This Hopefully, existing expansionary pol-
Monetary policy is macroeconomic Facility is a facility under which sale of short-dated government secu- fortune at the macroeconomic level. inflation may not disappear if com- icy would be a safe landing rather
policy pursued by Central Banks all scheduled commercial banks can rities and treasury bills. RBI has taken right decision of in- panies get pricing power amid de- than a crash.

New JDU MLAs to deliver positivity on social media
PATNA: The experienced members of the ruling Janata Dal (United) in Bihar are now teaching new MLAs how to use
social media for maximum benefits. They will give tips to their juniors on delivering positive things to the public
through social media. Former JD(U) President and Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has multiple times vented his ire at
various public meetings about the negative and inflammatory things on social media. The Chief Minister also
expressed displeasure over anti-social talk on social media at the meeting of the party's MLAs on Friday.
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���������������������������������� One Nation, One Standard
������������������������������������ to be priority: Piyush
�������������������� kinds of public procure-
ment and tendering can be
������������������ the prime minister, Priyanka Gandhi Time has come when we an immediate deliverable."
said government 'mandis' and the mini- should focus on 'One Na- "Lab testing in India
Likening Prime Minister Narendra mum support price (MSP) system would tion, One Standard' to should be as per the world
Modi to the character of an arrogant come to an end with the new farm laws. make India a global leaders standards. Modern equip-
king, ahankari raja, from stories of yore, "Your rights will also end. The way in in setting standards as per ments and latest technolo-
Congress general secretary Priyanka which he has sold the entire country to global benchmarks as gies should be used. Gap
Gandhi Vadra on Friday said he is un- his two-three friends, in the same way he strength and character of a analysis of BIS and gov-
able to understand that the 'jawan' who wants to sell you, your land, and earn- nation is often exemplified ernment labs be taken up
has kept the country safe is also the son ings to his billionaire friends," she al- by the standards it sets for on priority basis as well,"
of a farmer. leged. the quality of its products said Goyal.
Addressing a "kisan mahapanchayat" In 2018, Priyanka Gandhi said the cost and services, said Union Referring to the non-uni-
�������������������������������������������� attended by thousands of people in of diesel was Rs 60 and today it is Rs 80 Minister for Railways and form standards in different
������������������������������������������ Muzaffarnagar, the Congress leader at- somewhere and Rs 90 elsewhere. Commerce & Industry and institutions and PSUs, the
tacked the prime minister on a range of "The electricity bill has increased, the Consumer Affairs, Food & Union Minister said that
Kamal Haasan meets issues, including the price of diesel, and price of the gas cylinder keeps on in- Public Distribution Piyush efforts should be made to
Rajinikanth at his residence alleged that he did not listen to farmers
demanding a rollback of the agri laws
������������������������������������������ creasing, but you are not getting the
price for your sugarcane. It is at the
Goyal on Saturday while
reviewing the work of Bu-
merge different standards
under one standard. He
�������� ������������������������� ����������������������������������������
because his politics were aimed only at ��������������������������������������� same place," she said. reau of Indian Standards also reiterated on dialogue,
�������������������������������������������� himself and his billionaire friends. "The BJP government earned Rs 3.5 (BIS). participation and collabo-
���������������������������������������������� She said the arrogant king from old sto- has also become an arrogant king of that lakh crore by imposing tax on diesel last He said, "While all areas ration of industry in set-
������������������������������������������������� ries would confine himself to his palace type." year. I want to ask where the money has of production and services ting up 'One Nation, One
��������������������������������������������������� as his rule expanded. "He is unable to understand that the gone. Why has the person who works day should be included in this Standard', simplification of
�������������������������������������������������� "People started feeling afraid of telling jawan who has kept this country safe is a and night for the country, and irrigates it national mission, bringing the process of granting cer-
�������������������������������������������������� the truth in front of him they would be son of a farmer," she told the gathering. with his blood and sweat not got this a national uniformity and tificates and avoiding du-
�������������������������������������������� grovelling. It seems our prime minister Launching a scathing attack against money?" she asked. standardization in all plication.

Thunderstorms, lightning
forecast for southern Andhra ���������������������������������������������������
���������� ������������������������������ ������������������ announced that Sreedharan nithala and PK Kunhalikutty.
��������������������������������������������� will be officially joining the They had treated me very well,
��������������������������������������� Metroman E Sreedharan, who party when his state wide ya- but I did not get the same from
������������������������������������� has recently been roped in by tra reaches his home town in the Left" Sreedharan told the
��������������������������������������������� the Kerala's BJP unit and is all Malappurram next week, media. "I wish to contest from
������������������������������������� set to contest for the Kerala As- Sreedharan has been busy North Kerala, while I live in
�������������������������������������������� sembly elections slated for with the media and made his Malappurram district but hail
���������������������������������������������� April-May, said that he would intentions clear. from Palakkad district. People
��������������������������������������������� be happy if Oommen Chandy "It would be a big disaster if there are aware that I am not
������������������������������������������ becomes the Chief Minister the Left returns to power. I contesting the polls for them,"
������������������������������������ again. would certainly be happy if he said.
However, he said that it Congress leader Oommen The 88-year-old Sreedharan
Mangaluru Air Customs seizes would be a disaster if the Left Chandy becomes the Chief said it's pointless to be a Rajya
under Pinarayi Vijayan re- Minister again. Even now I Sabha Member, as apart from
gold worth Rs 19 lakh, one held turns to power. Ever since the have great respect for Oom- asking questions, nothing can ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
���������� ������������������������ state BJP chief K.Surendran men Chandy, Ramesh Chen- be done. ������������������������������������������
�������������������������������������������� R-Day violence: Police PM to visit Assam, BJP's Shazia accuses BSP Inter-state gang
Bengal tomorrow of diesel thieves
MP of misbehaving with
������������������������������������������ releases photos of 20 NEW DELHI: Prime Minister
busted, 14 held
more people Narendra Modi will visit poll-bound
Assam and West Bengal on Monday her, case filed AURANGABAD: Police
have busted an inter- state
Declare Godavari-Cauvery river to dedicate to the nation some oil and gang of diesel thieves at
�������������������� the Red Fort violence. gas sector projects, engineering col- She alleges Akbar was very much abusive and humiliating towards her Kannad in Maharashtra's
link plan a national project: TN Thousands of protesters leges and various railway projects Aurangabad district and ar-
������������������������������������ The Delhi Police on Satur- had clashed with the police aimed at opening avenues of oppor- ��������� In her complaint, Ilmi al- rested 14 of its members, an
������������������������������������������� day released the photo- during the tractor parade tunity for local the youth, in line with leged that Ahmad allegedly official has said.
����������������������������������������������������� graphs of 20 people who called by farmer unions on the government's vision to drive east- A case has been registered started "misbehaving with Four trucks, around 40
���������������������������������������������������� were allegedly involved in January 26 to highlight ern India's socio-economic growth. against former BSP MP Ak- her and passed lewd re- containers filled with
����������������������������������������������� the violence that broke out their demand for repeal of During his visit to Assam, the bar Ahmad 'Dumpy' on a marks" at a dinner party in diesel, cash and other
�������������������������������������������������� at the Red Fort on Republic the Centre's three farm Prime Minister will dedicate to the complaint by Delhi BJP southwest Delhi's Vasant things, collectively worth
���������������������������������������������� Day during the farmers' laws. nation important projects of the oil vice-president Shazia Ilmi Kunj area on February 5, over Rs 98 lakh, were seized
������������������������������������������� tractor parade, officials Many of the protesters, and gas sector at an event organised accusing him of misbehav- according to the police. during the operation con-
������������������������������������������������� said. driving tractors, reached in Silapathar at 11.30 am, besides in- ing with her at a private Deputy Commissioner of ducted on February 17, the
������������������������������������������� Police said they are scan- the Red Fort and entered augurating the Dhemaji Engineering party, police said on Satur- Police (Southwest) Ingit police official said.
����������������������������������������� ning the videos and releas- the monument. Some of College and laying the foundation day. Pratap Singh said they re- "The action was taken
ing the pictures of people them even hoisted religious stone for Sualkuchi Engineering Col- Police said the case was ceived a complaint from Ill- based on a complaint
YSRCP organises 'padayatra' from them. flags on its domes and the lege. registered under Sections mi, and based on it, the case lodged in Chikalthana po-
"We have released the pic- flagstaff at the ramparts. The Prime Minister will also inau- 506 and 509 (word, gesture was registered against Ak- lice station in the district
in Vizag for steel plant tures and the process of The farmers have been gurate several railway projects in or act intended to insult the bar Ahmad 'Dumpy' on Feb- on February 16, which said
�������������� ���������������������� identification (of the peo- protesting since late No- West Bengal's Hooghly district. modesty of a woman) of the ruary 7. that 3,480 liters of diesel
����������������������������������������� ple) has been started," a vember at Delhi's borders In Assam, her will dedicate to the Indian Penal Code. Ilmi on Saturday alleged had been stolen from a
������������������������������������� senior police officer said. with Haryana and Uttar nation the INDMAX Unit at Indian Ahmad could not be Ahmad was "very much petrol pump in Chitegaon,"
�������������������������������������������� Earlier, police had re- Pradesh, demanding a roll- Oil's Bongaigaon Refinery, Oil India reached for comment and abusive and humiliating" district Superintendent of
��������������������������������������� leased 200 photographs of back of the Centre's three Limited's Secondary Tank Farm at did not respond to messages towards her at the gather- Police (SP) Mokshada Patil
��������������������������������������������� people in connection with new agri laws. Madhuban, Dibrugarh. on the matter. ing. told reporters on Friday.
���������������� ���������������������������������
WORST OF COVID NOT BEHIND TNCC chief, Kanimozhi condemn
police action on Congress MP
������������������������������������� ������� moval of Mahatma Gand- chief K S Alagiri alleged
hi's statue. that the police handling
1971 India-Pak war: Victory ����������������� The arrest of Congress While DMK MP Kani- was "repressive" and "in-
MP S Jothimani in Karur mozhi, representing the human."
flame reaches Bengaluru Over the last 30-40 years, India has been confi- on Saturday evoked strong Thoothukudi constituency, The Karur Congress MP
����������������������������������������� dent of its healthcare system to deal with any protest from the Congress claimed that the arrival of was arrested for allegedly
������������������������������������������������ challenge, but the Covid-19 pandemic has proved and DMK, which con- chief minister K staging a protest against
��������������������������������������� to be a grim reminder proving otherwise, Direc- demned the "repressive ac- Palaniswami to Karur had the decision to remove the
���������������������������������������������� tor General of the Council for Scientific and In- tion" and "heavy handed- triggered the police to in- bust-sized statue of Mahat-
�������������������������������������������� dustrial Research Dr Shekhar Mande said on ness" of the police in dulge in the "shameful ac- ma Gandhi and replace it
����������������������������������������������� Saturday. Speaking at a webinar organised by forcibly removing the tion," Tamil Nadu Con- with a new bronze sculp-
������������������������������������������������ the International Centre, Goa, Mande also said leader agitating against re- gress Committee (TNCC) ture.
�������������������������������������������������� that the worst of Covid-19 isn't behind us amid
���������������������������������������������� the increase in the rate of infections in Kerala
��������������������������������������������� and Maharashtra. "We have been priding our- people probably believe that the worst is behind
������������������������������������� selves over the last 30-40 years that our health- us. The worst is not over and unless we follow all
���������������������������������������� care systems can deal with any kind of situation precautions, unless we follow due diligence we
or emergency that arises. The current pandemic will not be able to get over the pandemic so easi-
TN CM slashes metro is a grim reminder that it is not the case. We have ly," he also said. Mande also said that the Covid-
been found to be wanting in all respects. In fact 19 pandemic is a "grim reminder" that similar
rail fare by Rs 20 the most advanced nations, the nations that prid- pandemics will continue to affect humanity.
������������������������������������ ed themselves on having the most advanced "That's a grim reminder that such kinds of
��������������������������������������������� healthcare systems have been worst affected," pandemics will continue hitting us, will contin-
��������������������������������������������� Mande said. ue hitting humanity and we better be prepared
������������������������������������������������ "In Kerala and in some parts of Maharashtra for them. There are much more serious prob-
������������������������������������������������ the numbers have been increasing in the past lems staring at us. Climate change has the po-
���������������������������������������������� few days and that might be a reflection of the tential to throw up way worse pandemics than
������������������ fact that people have become complacent and Covid," he also said.

India's first Digital Varsity comes up in Kerala

�������� Sree Narayana Guru Open Univer- ment is involved in the efforts of
������������������ sity, the Governor said "In any as- attaining digital excellence in var-
pect of life, knowledge brings ious fields. We need to foster tech-
Kerala took a major step forward courage, understanding, accept- nically-talented people in accor-
in its progress towards a knowl- ance, unity and also liberates us dance with the changes in the new
edge society with the inauguration from the clutches of ignorance." world," the CM said.
of the country's first Digital Uni- "The society expects the Digital Noting that the Digital Universi-
versity, based in Technocity at University to provide intellectual ty aims at utilising the develop-
Mangalapuram near here on Sat- support to lap up the new world ments in digital technology for so-
urday. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vi- of opportunities arising through cial progress, he said the benefits
jayan presided over the function, artificial intelligence (AI), of digital technology should be
where Governor Arif Mohammed said the launch of the Digital Uni- Blockchain, Data Analytics and made available for people in vari-
Khan, who is also the Chancellor versity is part of the state's resolve other digital transformation ous walks of life.
of the Kerala University of Digital to embrace new technologies and courses," he said. According to official sources, the
Sciences, Innovation and Technol- desire to use them for bringing In his address, the CM said the Digital University is set up by up-
ogy (KUDSIT), unveiled the varsi- positive changes in the life of peo- launch of the first Digital Univer- grading two-decade old Indian In-
ty plaque. ple and become a global hub for sity in the country would open stitute of Information Technology
Both the Governor and the Chief higher learning and technology. tremendous opportunities for and Management Kerala (IIITM-
Minister addressed the function Praising the state government youngsters. K), a centre of excellence in infor-
through video conferencing. for recent initiatives in higher ed- "There should not be a digital di- mation technologies established
In his inaugural address, Khan ucation including the launch of vide in the society. The govern- by Government of Kerala.
������ � �������� �������� � ������
Man held at airport with 1.5 kg smuggled gold
JAIPUR: The customs department Saturday seized two gold biscuits, weighing nearly 750 grams each and
estimated to value over Rs 70 lakh, from a man at the international airport here after his arrival from Sharjah,
an official said. The official said 26-year-old Shrawan Kumar had concealed the two gold biscuits in his shoes
and he has been arrested. The accused landed at the Jaipur international airport early this morning, he said.
He is a resident of Sikar district and works for a construction company in Sharjah, the official said.

����������������������� BJP youth leader held in drug

Continued from page 1
Toolkit case...
He said none of those arrested for the Red Fort vio-
case names Vijayvargiya’s aide
lence has said that he was inspired because of the
toolkit and as such there is no evidence to show the
toolkit behind the violence. He also questioned the �������� ed. This is his conspiracy,"
FIR, wondering if one can be accused of targeting ������� Goswami told reporters
Yoga and Chai. He said the talk of alleged genocide in while being taken to lock-
Kashmir has been going on for years and it can't sud- BJP's youth-wing leader up from a city court. She,
denly become sedition. The additional solicitor gener- Pamela Goswami, arrested however, did not repeat the
al countered: "This was not just a toolkit. The real plan ��������������������������� nomic resources of local bodies in the in a drugs case, on Satur- allegations inside the
was to defame India and create unrest in the country." 15th Finance Commission. Modi said day demanded the arrest of court.
He said Disha knew the legal actions in store for her Advancing his call of "vocal for local," along with use of technology public party colleague Rakesh Singh, a BJP state com-
and that is why she deleted WhatsApp chats, emails Prime Minister Narendra Modi on participation is also very important Singh, accusing him of mittee member, alleged
and other evidence. Why did she cover her tracks and Saturday urged the states to promote in the Local Governance reforms. conspiracy, and sought a that the ruling Trinamool
delete evidence if she did not commit any wrong? he the production-linked incentive (PLI) The Prime Minister said India has CID probe into the matter. Congress and the Kolkata
asked. Claiming a sinister design behind the toolkit, he schemes to increase production in the to spend about Rs 65,000 crore on im- Goswami, the state secre- police were conspiring
said Disha was "part of the Indian chapter of the glob- country and cut down dependence on port of edible oils, which can go to the tary of Bharatiya Janata against him and have
al conspiracy to defame India and create unrest in the imports. country’s farmers if they focus on Yuva Morcha (BJYM), was "brainwashed" Goswami.
garb of farmers' protest and that is why she was in In his opening remarks at the sixth gov- growing the oilseeds.Similarly, he arrested along with a He said that he has not
touch and preparing and sharing the toolkit with those erning council meeting of NITI Aayog said, there are many agricultural friend, Pradip Kumar Dey, been in touch with Goswa-
advocating Khalistan. On her plea to restrain police through video conference, he said the and the states.On the increase in products, which are not only pro- and her personal security mi for more than a year
from leaking to the media the probe material, Delhi states should take full advantage of the funds allocation for infrastructure in duced for the country but can also be guard from south Kolkata's and was ready to face any
High Court had on Friday asked the media not to scheme to reap the benefits. He pointed Budget 2020-21, the Prime Minister supplied to the world. For this, it is New Alipore area on Fri- investigation.
broadcast any leaked investigation material as it could out that the PLI scheme offers incentives said this would help the country's necessary that all states make their day after around 90 gm of "If I am involved, they
affect the probe. to boost domestic manufacturing and at- economy advance on many levels. He agro-climatic regional planning strat- cocaine worth lakhs of ru- can call me or Kailash
tract large investments in production of also urged the states to increase the egy. He said a holistic approach has pees was allegedly found Vijayvargiya or Amit
MIxed response... various types of equipment. exports. been adopted over the years, from from her handbag and car, Shah. I think the police
He laid stress on the need to He stressed the importance of mak- agriculture to animal husbandry and according to police. have brainwashed her. I
Similar situation was seen all over the state. strengthen businesses, MSMEs and ing the states self-reliant and giving fisheries. As a result, the country's "I want a CID investiga- am not in touch with
Congressmen took out rallies and asked people to startups. Modi also stressed the im- momentum to development in their agricultural exports have increased tion. BJP's Rakesh Singh, Pamela for more than one-
observe bandh till 2pm. The party also asked employ- portance of a better coordination and budget. The PM announced that there significantly even during the coron- the aide of Kailash Vijay- and-a half-years now,"
ees of private and government offices to close work till policy framework between the Centre would be a major increase in the eco- avirus era. vargiya, should be arrest- Singh told PTI.
2 pm. The leaders have also asked bus, local transport,
truck operators not to run their vehicles till 2 pm but
the traffic kept on running normally. In Jabalpur and
Gwalior, mixed response was also seen on the day. The
bandh was seen more successful in urban areas.
Trouble mounts for Vijayan Bengal wants its own beti
govt over deep-sea fishing deal is TMC’s poll slogan
Bhopal remained closed till 1 pm and after that shop-
keepers started opening their shops. Congress leader
Manoj Shukla and his supporters forcefully pulled
down shutters of some shops in Karod area. The
Congress leaders took rounds and asked them not to ������������������ with this project on Friday. over on a platter to an US �������� pass. "The people of the protected and the outcome
open the shops. Police force was also deputed in good "On Friday, both Mer- firm -- EMCC, which has ������� state want their own daugh- of the polls will prove that,"
number. The Congress leaders did not become aggres- Trouble seems to be mount- cykutty and the state's In- operations in India. ter who has been by their TMC's Rajya Sabha MP Sub-
sive to such extent in which situation could slip out of ing for the Chief Minister dustries Minister EP Ja- "The present Left govern- The Trinamool Congress on side for the last several rata Bakshi said.
their hands. Former chief minister Kamal Nath 'did Pinarayi Vijayan-led Ker- yarajan replied that they ment has cheated the hap- Saturday launched its slo- years as their chief minis- He said the chief minister
not come out. He remained in his bungalow and later ala government after the are not aware of any such less fisher folk who eke out gan for the upcoming as- ter. We don't want outsiders has already a submitted a
he delivered thanks to the citizens in his video mas- Opposition leader Ramesh company. Now I have re- their living by engaging in sembly elections -- 'Bangla to call the shots in Bengal," report card of the work
sage for participating in the bandh. On the other hand, Chennithala on Saturday leased this picture of Mer- fishing. If we hadn't found Nijer Meyekei Chaye', TMC secretary-general done in the last ten years to
former chief minister Digvijay Singh reached came out with a picture of cykutty having discussions out this, everything would adding to the shrill insider Partha Chatterjee said. the people of the state.
Roshanpura square and asked the shopkeepers to close a meeting between the will be releasing two more have been given to this US vs outsider debate while The Trinamool Congress "Which state has done so
their shops. He also visited various places in the city state's Fisheries Minister J. documents which say that firm. All I know that this portraying Chief Minister is engaged in a bitter politi- much? None," Bakshi
and participated in the rally. Mercykutty and a US-based a four acre plot of land was would not have happened Mamata Banerjee as the cal fight with the BJP, pitch- added.
firm on a proposed project handed over to this US without the knowledge of daughter of Bengal. ing the opposition party's State Panchayat Minister
Deranged woman... of handing over the deep- firm. If needed I will re- Vijayan. The Kerala Ship- The slogan, which trans- leaders as outsiders who Subrata Mukherjee said
sea fishing in the state to lease the meeting pictures ping and Inland Navigation lates to 'Bengal wants its are on "election tourism" to that while other parties are
A doctor on duty had asked the guards to shift the the latter. among Mercykutty and Corporation has been a key own daughter', with Baner- the state. struggling to find a chief
woman, who was deranged, away from the hospital However, Mercykutty de- those US officials," the the player in this project and jee's photo was put up on "The upcoming election is ministerial face, the Tri-
entrance as she could have been knocked down by nied the allegation of any Opposition leader said. none should forget its hoardings across Kolkata as not a big factor for the Tri- namool Congress has
ambulances, he said. In future, the staff have been such meeting and said that Chennithala said the pre- Chairman Tom Jose, who the state's ruling party offi- namool Congress. The en- Banerjee who knows the
asked to seek police's help in such situations, Dr Chennithala has lost his cious fisheries wealth of was also the former Chief cially launched it from its tire country is watching pulse of the people of Ben-
Verma said. Collector Anugraha P on Saturday bearings as he came out Kerala has been handed Secretary," he said. headquarters off EM By- how the Constitution can be gal.
instructed the hospital officials and police to trace the
woman and shift her to a hospital in Indore for treat-
ment, an official release said.
K'TAKA AMONG LOWEST Bail plea of six accused in
Lankesh murder case rejected
3,778 HCWs get...
Similarly, around 9,940 FLWs were given first dose. So

total 18,192 vaccination was reported against 81,827 in court here on Saturday re-
MP on Saturday taking overall tally to 6,40,422. FLWs jected the bail plea of six ac-
tally went to 2,90,542 while HCWs tally went to 3,49,880. cused in the Gauri Lankesh
Bhopal reported 13% vaccination with 1365 against �������� farm sector related initia- murder case. Earlier, the court
10,438 while Indore reported 25% with 1,538 against ��������� tives like setting up of a hearing cases registered un-
6,253. Similarly, Seoni reported 7% with 40 vaccina- task force to promote inte- der Karnataka Control of Or-
tions against 540. Umaria reported 8% with 66 vacci- Karnataka has been able to grated farming system, ganised Crime Act had dis-
nations against 825. Harda reported 9% with 70 getting maintain "one of the low- making Farmers Contact missed the bail applications of
shots against scheduled 738. Dindori leads with 80% est" unemployment rates Centresas a single point of three other accused.
vaccination. Health department will start full-fledged in the country at 3.6 per contact for region specific “The bail plea filed by nine
second dose of vaccination from February 22. Apart cent, Chief Minister BS input supplies and advi- accused have been rejected in-
from second dose to healthcare workers, catch-up Yediyurappa told Prime sories and also regarding cluding six on Saturday,” Spe-
round was also conducted for HCWs and FLWs in all Minister Narendra Modi conserving local breeds of cial Public Prosecutor in the
districts. State immunisation officer Dr Santosh on Saturday. cattle. case S Balan told PTI. He added
Shukla said, “The second dose started in 13 districts on The Chief Minister also According to the state- that the hitman and his prime
Saturday. From Monday, it will begin in all 52 districts. requested the Prime Minis- ment,the government in- aide did not move any bail plea.
Today, apart from second dose, we had catch –up round ter to declare Upper tends to set up a scientific ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Lankesh, a left-leaning journal-
for HCW as well as FLWs too in other districts.” Bhadra Project and Upper marketing intelligence cell �������������������������������������������������������������� ist-activist, was shot dead on
Krishna Project as nation- in order to shift focus on in- September 5, 2017 outside her
NASA rover... al projects. Speaking dur- come based policy to in- house here by a member of a

After landing, two of the Hazard Cameras (Hazcams)

captured views from the front and rear of the rover,
ing the virtual meeting of
the NITI Aayog chaired by
Modi,he said despite the
crease farmers income.
It is also intended to cre-
ate an online marketing
Punjab: Farmer, son commit gang that apparently planned
to kill her after being inspired
by a book brought out by right-
showing one of its wheels in the Martian dirt. A key
objective for Perseverance's mission on Mars is astro-
biology, including the search for signs of ancient
coronavirus pandemic all
the fiscal indicators of the
state have been contained
platform for surplus fruits
and vegetables supported
by infrastructure facilities
suicide over farm laws, debt wing group Sanatan Sanstha,
that had identified Lankesh as
a ‘durjan’ (evil person).
microbial life. The rover will characterize the plan- within the limits of the under the Atmanirbhar �������� ish Kumar said. They had the Dasuya Civil Hospital
et's geology and past climate, pave the way for human Karnataka Fiscal Respon- scheme. ����������� consumed a poisonous for a post-mortem, police
exploration of the Red Planet, and be the first mis- sibility Act, 2002. The state government substance, police said. said. Meanwhile, Opposi-
sion to collect and cache Martian rock and regolith "The Prime Minister was plans to follow NITI A debt-ridden farmer and In a suicide note recov- tion Shiromani Akali Dal
(broken rock and dust). Subsequent NASA missions, briefed about the initia- Aayog's 49 aspirational in- his son allegedly commit- ered from their residence, (SAD) and the Aam Aad-
in cooperation with ESA (the European Space tives taken by the State for dicators to monitor the ted suicide at a village they wrote that they were mi Party (AAP) demand-
Agency), would send spacecraft to Mars to collect Industrial development progress of 114 backward here, mentioning in a note taking the extreme step ed Chief Minister
these cached samples from the surface and return such as New Industrial Pol- taluks, Yediyurappa said. that they were upset over because of debt, accusing Amarinder Singh’s resig-
them to Earth for in-depth analysis. In the days to icy 2020-2024, Affidavit "Under Pradhan Mantri the Centre’s farm laws the Congress government nation. “The lies and de-
come, engineers will pore over the rover's system based clearance system, Jan Arogya Yojana, 3,409 and the state govern- in Punjab of not honour- ceit of the Congress gov-
data, updating its software and beginning to test its steps taken to promote ex- hospitals have enrolled, ment’s failure to waive ing its promise of waiving ernment have been un-
various instruments. In the following weeks, ports, MoUs made with e- which is the maximum in their loans. their farm loans. masked,” SAD leader and
Perseverance will test its robotic arm and take its commerce players like the country." "Under At- Jagtar Singh (70) and his They further mentioned former minister Bikram
first, short drive. It will be at least one or two months Amazon and Flipkart to manirbhar Scheme, we son Kirpal Singh (42) were in the note that they were Singh Majithia said in a
until Perseverance will find a flat location to drop off boost marketing of local have proposed to create su- found dead at their resi- distressed as the Centre statement.
Ingenuity, the mini-helicopter attached to the rover's products etc," the CMO per-speciality treatment fa- dence in Muhadipur vil- did not repeal the new The SAD also asked the
belly, and even longer before it finally hits the road, said in a statement. cilities in government hos- lage on Saturday morn- farm laws. The two owned Union government to re-
beginning its science mission and searching for its The Chief Minister also pitals in district centres," ing, Deputy Superinten- one acre of land. peal the three agricultur-
first sample of Martian rock and sediment. listed various farmer and Yediyurappa said. dent of Police (DSP) Mun- The bodies were sent to al laws.

Security beefed up outside Jalsa as RPI vows protection to Big B

Birla unfurls
100-ft-high Tricolour
in UP's Basti
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������

Lok Sabha Speaker Om

����������������� activists claimed that they the rising fuel prices in the coun- said, “I didn’t speak against Ak- Birla on Saturday un-
������ would support the actors, pro- try in the time of Modi govern- shay Kumar and Amitabh furled a 100-foot-high Tri-
tect them if the need arose, and ment. Patole had said at a press Bachchan but against their color at Shastri Chowk in
Security outside Bollywood su- would reportedly march towards conference, “Stars like Amitabh work. They’re not real heroes. If Basti, saying it unites peo-
perstar Amitabh Bachchan’s Jalsa. Bachchan and Akshay Kumar they were, they would’ve stood ple and makes them re-
Juhu residence, Jalsa, was An official said that the securi- had tweeted when the price of beside people during their suf- alise that despite diversity,
beefed up on Saturday, close on ty was beefed up for the RPI ac- petrol rose to Rs 70 per litre. But ferings. If they want to continue they are one.
the heels of Maharashtra Con- tivists showing support and not now the price is nearly Rs 100 being ‘kagaz ke sher’, then we The Lok Sabha Speaker
gress chief Nana Patole’s com- due to the Congress leader’s per litre. Why are they quiet? don’t have any problem.” also visited the
ments slamming Bachchan and threats. Mumbai Police had Don’t they have the courage to Patole further threatened to Gorakhnath temple at
actor Akshay Kumar for keeping learnt that the RPI party ac- speak against the dictatorial stop the screening and shooting Gorakhpur and offered
mum on the issues like fuel price tivists were to arrive at Jalsa to Modi government?” of movies involving. Reacting to prayers there. Addressing
hike, claiming that party work- show their support for the actors Patole on Saturday said that Patole’s threats, Union Minister the Basti Mahotsava as the
ers will show black flags to them on Saturday amid the controver- the Congress will protest against of State for Social Justice and chief guest, Birla said In-
and their films, when released, sy, security was tightened sioned along with increased se- the actors’ silence and black Empowerment Ramdas dia is the biggest democra-
in protest. around and outside Jalsa. A po- curity. flags will be shown to them Athawale had said that his party cy in the world and peo-
The Mumbai Police, however, lice van was stationed along Amid the soaring petrol and whenever they are spotted out- would stand with the actors and ple's continuous participa-
clarified that the additional se- with two police officers and bar- fuel prices, Patole had launched side or when their movies re- if Congress threatened to dis- tion in the election process
curity was prompted after the riers. Amitabh’s personal secu- an attack on Bachchan and Ku- lease. Patole claimed that they turb their shoot, the RPI would shows how much faith
Republican Party of India (RPI) rity guards were also commis- mar, calling out their silence on will do the democratic way and give them protection. they have in it.

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Pakistan: Maryam Nawaz alleges fraud in Punjab bypoll
LAHORE: Pakistan Muslim League (N) vice president Maryam
Nawaz accused the country's powerful military establishment
of abducting over 20 election officials to rig the by-poll in
Punjab province in favour of the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf
(PTI). At least two political workers were killed during the by-
election to the National Assembly seat NA-75 in Daska on
Friday, when clashes broke out, including an incident of
shooting between the supporters of the PTI and the PML-N.


She had alienated both Republicans and Democrats with her caustic tweets which have now come back to haunt her
ARUL LOUIS with her caustic tweets Portman brought up some of must have meant them, but
New York which have now come back Her overtly partisan her tweets. I really regret them."
to haunt her. "You wrote that Susan Sanders has not indicated
President Joe Biden's Indi- Appointments of members statements will have a Collins is the worst, that how he would vote, but dur-
an-American nominee for a of the cabinet and senior of- toxic and detrimental Tom Cotton is a fraud, that ing the hearing the leftist
cabinet post is at risk of not ficials have to be confirmed vampires have more heart leader grilled her about the
getting the Senate's approval by the Senate.
impact on the important than Ted Cruz. You called donations of 33 million the
after a Democratic Senator Despite the red flags, Biden working relationship leader McConnell: Moscow Centre for American
announced he would not
vote for her.
had nominated her in ex-
pecting that she would sail
between members of Mitch and Voldemort, and
on and on," he said.
Progress that she headed
had received from big busi-
Joe Manchin said on Fri- through the chamber with Congress and the next She faced an embarrassing ness. She has admitted to
day that he will oppose the vote of all the 50 Democ- director of the Office of situation when she ap- deleting more than 1,000
Neera Tanden's nomination rats and the tie-breaking peared before the Senate tweets in November 2020
to be the director of the pow- vote of Vice President Ka- Management and Budget Budget Committee, which is around the time Biden had
erful Office of Management mala Harris as the Senate chaired by Senator Bernie named her to be OMB direc-
and Budget citing her histo- president. But that calcula- Sanders, an independent tor. If her nomination were
ry of attacking leaders of tion has been upended by fel- aligned with the Democrats to be approved by the Sen-
both Democratic and Repub- low-Democrat Manchin. forward to the committee It would also point to the who had run for that party's ate, she would be the second
lican parties. It seems unlikely that any votes next week and to con- rough road ahead for Biden presidential nomination Indian-American to serve
"Her overtly partisan state- Republican would support tinuing to work toward her in keeping all the 50 Democ- against Hillary Clinton in on the US cabinet.
ments will have a toxic and her nomination in the even- confirmation through en- rats in his fold to get the 2016. As an adviser to the The first was Nikki Haley,
detrimental impact on the ly divided 100-member Sen- gagement with both par- budget and some other legis- Clinton campaign, Tanden who was given a cabinet
important working relation- ate. However, Biden stood ties." Defeat of Tanden's lation through. had made personal attacks rank by Trump when she
ship between members of firmly by Tanden saying a nomination would mark the Tanden has apologised for on Sanders. was the US permanent rep-
Congress and the next direc- firm "No", when reporters first defeat for Biden in the her tweets telling the Senate Republican Senator Lind- resentative to the United
tor of the Office of Manage- asked him if he would with- Senate, which has so far ap- Homeland Security Com- sey Graham brought up a Nations. –IANS
ment and Budget," he said. draw her nomination. proved seven appointees mittee last week, "I deeply tweet by her accusing
A loyalist of former Demo- His Spokesperson Jen Psa- with the support of many regret and apologise for my Bernie of being helped by
cratic Party presidential ki said, "Tanden is an ac- Republicans. They include language and some of my Russia a" a charge that that
candidate Hillary Clinton, complished policy expert the secretaries of state, de- past language." had also been made against
she had alienated both Re- who would be an excellent fence, treasury and home- At that committee's hear- former President Donald
publicans and Democrats Budget Director and we look land security. ing Republican Senator Rob Trump. She admitted, "I

Two killed in Myanmar protests

AGENCIES try's largest city. Another increasing their pres-
Mandalay was shot in the chest and sure against anti-coup
died en route to the hospital. protesters earlier Satur-
Two anti-coup protesters Several other serious in- day, using water can-
were shot dead by riot police juries were also reported. nons, tear gas, slingshots
who fired live rounds Satur- The shootings occurred and rubber bullets
day in Mandalay, Myan- near Mandalay's Yadan- against demonstrators
mar's second-largest city, lo- abon dock, where tear gas and striking dock work-
cal media reported. and rubber bullets were ers in Mandalay.
One of the victims was used on protesters earlier At least five people were
shot in the head and died at in the day. injured and had to be car-
the scene, according to The Irrawaddy news web- ried away in ambulances,
Frontier Myanmar, a news site also confirmed the according to an AP jour-
and business magazine deaths on social media. nalist who witnessed the
based in Yangon, the coun- Security forces had been violence.

US, Europe need to

develop joint
strategy on China,
Russia: Merkel

German Chancellor Angela

Merkel called for the United
States and Europe to find a joint
strategy to deal with China and
Russia and also stressed the need
for dialogue with these two coun-
Taking to the stage at the 2021
Munich Security Conference
(MSC) on Friday after the ad-
dress by US President Joe Biden,
Merkel said that China has
gained more power on the inter-
national stage and the transat-
lantic alliance needs to react to
the development. "We need to ad-
dress that," she said.
"In recent years, China has
gained global clout, and as trans-
Atlantic partners and democra-
cies, we must do something to
counter this," Merkel said at the
MSC, an annual conference on
international security policy
that has taken place in Munich
since 1963. This year it was held
virtually due to the Covid pan-
The German head of state not-
ed that dealing with China and
Russia is "perhaps more compli-
cated" as Beijing is both a com-
petitor but a necessary partner of
the West.
"China, on the one hand, is a
competitor, but on the other
hand we need China to settle
global problems such as climate
change, biodiversity and others,"
the chancellor said.
According to European Union
statistics released on Monday on
Eurostat, China has overtaken
the US as the EU's top trading
partner in 2020. The EU inked an
investment deal with China ear-
lier this year, while US tariffs put
in place during the Trump ad-
ministration remain under
In her address, Chancellor
Merkel also accused Russia of
causing "hybrid conflicts" and
said "We have not really made
progess in recent years "Russia
continually entangles Euro-
pean Union members in hybrid
conflicts...Consequently, it is
important that we come up
with a trans-Atlantic agenda
toward Russia that makes co-
operative offers on the one
hand, but on the other very
clearly identify the differ-
ences," Merkel said.
She said she agreed with Biden
on his criticism of Russia work-
ing to destabilize the EU, a block
of 27 member countries.
The German head of state also
highlighted the importance of
the COVAX program, especially
in light of the distribution of
Chinese and Russian vaccines in
developing countries.

Manoj Bajpayee and

Anubhav Sinha

The year of
On International Mother Language Day, Shilpi looks at how
the world’s most rapidly developing language — Bhojpuri — made
waves with its astonishing ascendency in the music, politics, The migrant crises in the wake of
the lockdown led many artistes to
literature and media circuits in the pandemic-struck world use Bhojpuri to their advantage

n a free-wheeling chat aired a funky avatar as a rapper was a and coordinated with various songs perturbed me, and my en- ary tradition remains mostly un-
during the peak of COVID lock- long-due collaboration between artists in India and overseas, man- deavours are aimed at restoring noticed and even neglected. “It is
down, UK-based author, speak- two old friends — Bajpayee and di- aged audio and video recordings the lost glory of Bhojpuri music,” because Bhojpuri is largely per-
er, filmmaker and entrepreneur rector Anubhav Sinha, and the en- and did online marketing. My stu- says Rathore. Of the many songs, ceived to be a folk language spoken
Raga Olga D’Silva interviewed ac- suing migrant crises in the wake of dent and artist Ragga Menno also the ones dealing with migrant by illiterate villagers. The other
tor Manoj Bajpayee to find out the lockdown only fuelled their de- came along,” says Mohan. workers, lockdown woes, unem- reason could be the near absence of
‘Who is the real Manoj Bajpayee?’ sire to come together. “Bhojpuri is With direction, music and vocals ployment, social issues, politics its interactions with the other liter-
As she delved deep into exploring my identity, nature, culture, and I by Mohan, the song features 11 and politicians of the state and ary cultures, through translations
the real person, who grew up in a am proud of it. I have never been singers from seven different coun- country hit the right chords with or otherwise,” notes academician
small village in Bihar before mak- away from my roots. Bhojpuri is tries. Mohan’s song gave a kaleido- the people. A song battle ensued and writer Gautam Choubey, who
ing it big in Mumbai, she request- my bridge to cover the geographi- scopic view of the depth and reach when she highlighted the sad state has translated Pandey Kapil’s Bho-
ed him to speak in his mother cal distance between Belwa and of the language spoken not just in of affairs in Bihar Me Ka Ba? A jpuri novel — Phoolsunghi — into
tongue. Bajpayee responded in Mumbai, and brought me closer to India, but across Fiji, Maldives, quick rebuttal by BJP in the poll- English that hit the stands in
chaste Bhojpuri, and with this im- my roots,” he says. Mauritius, Suriname, South bound Bihar saw the release — Bi- November 2020.
promptu act, the true son of the The heart-wrenching lyrics high- beat, and one sleepless night later, actor-singer Amrendra Sharma, Africa, The Netherlands, and har Me Ee Baa — in Bhojpuri,
soil knocked the socks off for all. lighting the plight of migrants he got cracking on finding words who calls himself a ‘migrant cre- Caribbean countries as a result of highlighting the developments that
Media nama
“Bhojpuri is my mother tongue. were penned by Dr Sagar, with mu- to convey the migrants’ misery ative labourer’. The song — Chal the ‘girmitiya’ or indentured mi- had taken place in the state during In the news circuit, Earshot
The language I grew up speaking sic by Anurag Saikia. Recounting that was unfolding all around Re Batohi Chal Re Apan Gaon — gration during the colonial period. the NDA rule. launched in October 2020 amid the
at home,” and with a child-like in- the musical journey, Sagar says, then. “I had been itching to write showed how a migrant had to pedal There are various versions of the pandemic as India’s first digital au-
nocence added, “I learned Hindi “Several Bhojpuri songs abusing in my mother tongue for long, and along to reach home during the same song, but Mohan says, “Mine Hooked and booked dio venture for news and entertain-
and a little bit of English at school, actor Rhea Chakraborty had gone this song seemed to happen at the lockdown. is my favourite. We are batohiyas The language has close to 200 mil- ment in five languages, including
and worked hard to improve my viral on social media during those most opportune time. It is a collec- (travellers) in the truest sense. The lion speakers spread across India Bhojpuri. “Bhojpuri has a special
English in Delhi and that too by days. The vulgarity was appalling, tive ode to all the migrants from all
Across the shore song conveys our pride, longing, and abroad. “But the rich Bhojpuri place in our hearts. It is a language
hanging out with Tanzanian and and it had ired so many of us, in- over, for all that they leave behind During the lockdown, the Nether- belonging and even sadness.” literary tradition of writers like that millions speak but is still to get
Kenyan college friends.” His hon- cluding filmmaker Anubhav Sin- in their native villages, their trou- lands-based Sarnámi-Bhojpuri Bhikhari Thakur and Gorakh its due. We will remember 2020 as
est admission pulled at the heart- ha. A pained Sinha tweeted, say- ble and turmoils in the big cities, singer and songwriter Raj Mohan Politically correct Pandey has a fairly negligible pres- the year in which we rolled out our
strings of one and all. ing, “If there’s any a good lyricist and the dreams that they nurture collaborated with various artistes The breakout star of 2020 was a ence in the literary circuit because signature Bhojpuri shows
who can write in Bhojpuri, he in their weary hearts,” he says. worldwide to record Batohiya song young folk singer Neha Singh the speakers of this language like Baahubali, Gangs of Purvan-
Singing star wouldn’t mind taking a plunge Another Bhojpuri song that put written by renowned Bhojpuri poet Rathore whose songs in Bhojpuri aren’t necessarily also the read- chal and Derahia Maat. You can
Barely two months later, the actor into the world of Bhojpuri films.” the devastating impact of the lock- Babu Raghuveer Narayan. “I dis- critiqued and questioned the gov- ers,” says Dr Braj Bhushan now listen to shows like Jiya Raja
let the cat out of the bag by croon- Someone recommended Sagar’s down on the lives and struggles of cussed the idea with my manager ernments and made her a social Mishra, a doyen of Bhojpuri litera- Benaras on Dolby Atmos,” says Ab-
ing a Bhojpuri rap — Bambai Main name to him, and the rest, as they migrant workers from UP and Bi- and business partner in India, De- media sensation in no time. “The ture. That perhaps explains why hijit Majumder, co-founder and
Ka Ba. The video featuring him in say, is history. Sinha sent him a har in sharp focus was released by vendra Singh, who came aboard lewd and innuendo-laden Bhojpuri the long and diverse Bhojpuri liter- editor-in-chief, Earshot.

Ganesh Chaturthi celebra- Niyoti Shenoy, and other
tions. “As part of the offer- members of the family en-
ings (also called naivedya) sured nothing was left unat-
to Ganpati bappa, we pre- tended and stayed identical
pared chaklis, nevri (karan- to the
jya), modak, special dessert regular celebrations.
madgane made of rice, jag- “We got the idol made by a
gery and coconut milk and murtikar at a workshop in
khotte that is, idlis steamed Prabhadevi and took the
Deprived of celebrating the annual Ganeshostav last in jackfruit leaves,” says idol to the Kashi Math at
Maya. The celebrations Banganga directly where
year owing to lockdown restrictions, many families were restricted to family the members gathered to
are now revelling in Maghi Ganesh Jayanti. members, this time around,
as opposed to the 30-odd
perform the rituals.”
Walkeshwar Kashi Math
Manu Shrivastava gives a glimpse of the celebrations invitees who would be pres- Secretary, Hemprakash
ent for the Ganesh Shenai says, “For genera-

he one thing that Hindu month of Bhadrapa- Chaturthi festivities. tions, it’s been a tradition
kept Maya going dur- da (August/September) fol- Mumbai’s Anushakti Na- that if, for any unforeseen
ing the arduous lock- lowed by the popular 10-day- gar-based Shenoy family also reason such as a death in the
down months was her un- long Ganeshotsav before cul- observed Ganesh Chaturthi family, Ganesh Chaturthi
flinching faith in her Gane- minating in the final visar- in the Magha month as they celebrations cannot be ob-
sha. So, last year though jan. Maghi Ganesh Jayanti, couldn’t organise the same served during the Bhadrapa-
she couldn’t celebrate Ganesh Jayanti or Varad during the Hindu month of da, the same can be held on
Ganeshotsav owing to the Chaturthi is celebrated in Bhadrapada last year. In Ashwin Shuddh Chaturthi
worsening COVID-19 situa- the month of Magha 2020, Ganesh Chaturthi fell during the Navratri. This
tion in the country and en- (January/February). on August 22, when COVID- time around, even for Navra-
suing restrictions on move- Even before the lockdown, 19 cases peaked in several tri in October 2020, the lock-
ment and social gatherings, Maghi Ganesh Jayanti was cities across Maharashtra, down was not lifted com-
the banking professional celebrated by select few Goa and Karnataka, the re- pletely leading to a further
compensated by showering communities in Maharash- gion where the festival is deferment of the festivities.
her love on Lord Ganesha tra, mostly across the mostly observed, leading to Hence, the celebrations were
by celebrating the festival Konkan belt as Lord Gane- most festivities being de- held during the month of
in February 2021, during sha’s birth anniversary. ferred. Magha, in February 2021.”
the Hindu month This year, February 15 “Several members of our Kashi Math Managing
of Magha. marked the celebration of extended family gathered at Committee member and
The “now more than 100- the auspicious Hindu festi- the Walkeshwar Kashi Sharad Shenoy’s brother Vi-
year-old family tradition,” val of Ganesh Jayanti. Math on February 15, 2021 las Shenoy offered, “We are a
is being carried forward by While most feel that for a long day of festivities big family living in different
Bengaluru-based Amey Bal- Ganesh Chaturthi is Bap- for the deferred Ganesh parts of Mumbai such as
wally and wife Maya Bal- pa’s birthday, it actually is Chaturthi celebrations. We Prabhadevi, Jogeshwari,
wally from this generation celebrated to commemorate started with a puja in the Chembur, Mulund, etc., and
of Chitrapur Saraswats. the arrival of Lord Gane- morning and concluded all came together for the aus-
“When I realised celebrat- sha and his mother Parvati with visarjan of the idol at picious celebration.”
ing Ganesh Chaturthi won’t from their heavenly abode This year, several the adjacent Banganga wa- Colaba Market-resident
be possible during the lock- in Mount Kailash to Earth, ter-tank in the night,” main- Ranjan Ramnathkar, who
families across
down last year, I spoke to and Maghi Ganesh Jayanti tains businessman Sharad moved to stay at his farm-
the family matriarch who is actually the birth an- Maharashtra, Shenoy. house in Vani in Maharash-
lives in Mumbai. She sug- niversary of Ganesha. Yet, Karnataka and “With relatives scattered tra during the lockdown
gested it was okay to post- according to some, Ganesh across the city, we come to- came to Mumbai to cele-
pone the festivities and in- Chaturthi is considered the
Goa observed gether to celebrate Ganesh brate Ganesh Chaturthi
stead hold them in the birthday of Lord Ganesha. Ganesh Chaturthi Chaturthi at the Kashi Math with his daughter, married
Magha month to come. This “Every year, we would in February. at Banganga during August- and settled in Mumbai dur-
is the first time in the fami- have very elaborate September. This year ing Magha. “For 12 years,
ly’s history we did some- Ganeshotsav celebrations around, like always, all the she has been getting Gane-
thing like this,” says Ms when we would bring the rituals were performed, sha over for a day at home
Balwally. idol home,” offers digital prasad distributed to family following her son’s recov-
This year, several families marketing specialist Amey. members, aarti and bhajans ery from a near-fatal acci-
across Maharashtra, Kar- “Last year, obviously, sung and finally the idol dent, but was heartbroken
nataka and Goa observed things were different was immersed but all on at being unable to do so last
Ganesh Chaturthi in Febru- but we are fortunate to Maghi Ganesh Jayanti,” year owing to the lock-
ary as they could not do the be able to celebrate he added. down,”
same in August last year. during this year’s For the Shenoy clan he says.
Due to the lockdown restric- Magha month. We im- this year, the atten- So, this time, during
tions, priests were unable to mersed the idol dance was lesser by Magha, Ranjan celebrated
visit homes to perform the after one and half day “about fifty per cent” the festival with aplomb with
puja and gatherings weren’t on February 16 and per- from the usual 90-100 daughter Sayali and grand-
possible to maintain social formed all the vidhis as members who would gath- son Rohit in tow before im-
distancing norms. per scriptures.” er every year for the festivi- mersing Bappa at Banganga
Traditionally, Ganesh The celebrations included ties during Ganesh after keeping him at home,
Chaturthi or Vinayaka preparation of special dish- Chaturthi. Shenoy’s wife complete with puja and ritu-
Chaturthi is observed in the es made only during the and senior BARC scientist, als, for a day.

Healthy relationship & unhealthy Positivity

The path to
mind: A complicated combo!
Everything is rosy and romantic until unwanted distance between couples start expanding, which sometimes could be the result of nothing but
Ravi Valluri explains how an
uncluttered mind and a positive
attitude together can open the
mental blues. Here’s an explainer on how stress, depression, anxiety, etc, take a toll on love life door to bliss and jollity
KANCHAN RAI duced opportunity for bonding and
can result in unmet needs.

elationships are one of the Risk of co-dependant behav-
most significant aspects of iours: Co-dependency is an un-
our lives, yet we can often for- wholesome behaviour pattern that
get just how crucial our networks manifests as one person supports
with other people are for our physi- another person’s faulty mental
cal and emotional well-being. There health, addiction or coping strate-
is no doubting gies. The partner of a person with
the fact that re- emotional illness may start to de-
lationships are scend their self-worth from the de-
complex. gree to which they are needed or
Healthy rela- how much they are capable enough

tionship can to take care of their loved one. pessimist sees the difficulty in every
sometimes be- In extreme cases, co-dependency opportunity; and an optimist sees the
come a blame can surge the peril of unmannerly opportunity in every difficulty,” wrote
game as it behaviours, encompassing manipu- Winston Churchill.
seems so easy lation other insalubrious dynamics. Positive oriented people seize opportunities
to point fingers Kanchan Rai Knowing how to differentiate be- during adversity, some magic conspired by
at our partner, tween the need to encourage and the Universe takes place and events
but can we blame our mental condi- support from the co-dependant automatically unfold. Now these efficacious
tions of our partners? While rela- nature of upholding the other and positively inclined people do not complain,
tionships may extrinsically person’s symptoms will help. crib or grumble. Those who hold a grouse and
appear to be enriching ex- Having a partner impacted bleat about result in becoming non-achievers.
periences, they do have the dergoing an emotionally by an emotional health con-
prospective to be unhealthy unhealthy state of mind is dition can be steered in a re-
The world of cricket
and harmful from the in- challenging enough, but lationship if both partners For a moment in the amphitheatre let our
side due to our mind health the stigma linked to men- have the required skills and minds recall and float to some riveting mo-
condition. tal health conditions can awareness to cope and in- ments of the fascinating game of cricket. Indi-
Mental illnesses often tend add an additional layer of terconnect through these ans are in any case a cricket insane nation.
to be very complicated, with anxiety for both the part- challenges. This is exactly Now, there are only three iconic and voguish
manifold conditions like post- ners. Mentally unstable why a paradigm shift is players in cricketing history, namely Garry
traumatic stress disorder, ma- partners may feel shame, needed. People should feel Sobers, Ravi Shastri and Yuvraj Singh who
jor depressive disorder or gen- awkwardness, may feel guilty enabled to seek profession- struck 6 sixers in an over. In that triumphant
eralised anxiety disorder. For about their condition and may al help if they or their loved one moment these talismanic players were in a
instance, while you might not even try hiding their symptoms. face-level con- has been battling with mental messianic quarter and precinct. They were
have been born exhibiting the fea- growing and nurturing your rela- In some cases, a person with de- versations. The basic quality of health. Mental illness is not a obviously in a zone of happiness.
tures of a certain mind illness, it tionship. Below mentioned are ways pression or anxiety may have a lim- dealing with the problem together as character flaw nor a moral issue. An uncluttered mind, is a mind in the present
may be lying dormant inside your by which mental illness can affect a ited emotional inability and may a unit will be torn apart as both part- Although people need to be held moment and is in absolute peace with itself
mind till the condition is triggered relationship. lack the desire to socialise. These ners feel a bigger level of frustration. accountable for their actions and be- and in that zone of jollity. When an individual
by a major traumatic event. Your The issues enclosed below are behaviours and challenges can put a Intimacy problems: Having a men- haviours patterns, but they also de- is in such a state the mind remains focused and
love although may be intense from common within couples impacted stress on the relationship which tal instability is bound to make a serve an appropriate context, under- fully concentrated.
the outside, but it is prudent to by an unhealthy mind. No two rela- may lead to feelings of disappoint- person disinterested in physical in- standing, and guidance so they can This could be say in the game of sports like
know that your mind can have an tionships are exactly the same, so it ment, denial, and disconnect. When timacy. This is due to stress that learn to uphold their mental well- cricket or soccer, or the spiritual realm or even
impact on your relationship. is vital to take into consideration couple relationships are under ex- tends to decrease one’s libido. being, heal from past trauma and while performing daily chores, which may ap-
If this is pertinent to you, be con- your unique relationship in order to treme stress, partners start physi- Alongside people with mental above all honor their partner’s parently appear quotidian or prosaic at the sub-
scious of the many challenges you enable you to be able to categorise cally and emotionally distancing health conditions may feel insuffi- experience. terranean level where an individual needs to
and your partner may face, and where you may need additional themselves from each other. When cient and may have performance (The writer is an Emotional and give his/her hundred percent.
make use of the resources and guidance. they do come together, the strained re- anxiety and low self-esteem. For Mental Well-being Coach, and the Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in his teachings lays
strategies that will facilitate you in Shame, guilt and antipathy: Un- lationship results in controlled or sur- both partners, this can lead to a re- Founder of Let Us Talk) tremendous importance on being in the present
moment and providing 100% percent.

Wash away those yellow blues!

A child always gives 100 percent as the infant
is living in the present moment. The child is in
a meditative state. He does not get easily dis-
tracted and luxuriates even while say savoring
his chocolate or playing with a set of toys.
Children do not complain. And even if they
display displeasure, it is singularly momentary.
They of course demand attention which is
Jaundice can cause a series of problems like fever, nausea, abdominal pain, headache, weakness and more. Know how quite charming in nature or are engaged in
self-healing techniques along with home remedies can help you recover faster from the illness their own magical world.
Stephen Hawking the noted scientist had suc-

hen a person is un- is an inherited condition that tervals to feed him. Also, mothers cinctly observed , “People won’t have time for
well, there is a com- impairs the specific enzyme must consume a healthy diet when you if you are always complaining or angry.”
mon expression heard responsible for processing breastfeeding their newborns. We have all the time for children as they are
“you look jaundiced!”. It’s to bilirubin. Freshly prepared, nutritious, bal- endearing, loving, caring and attentive and
imply the paleness or yellow- Dubin-Johnson syndrome: This anced meals can ensure that. most importantly not complaining or ensnared
ness that accompanies certain is an inherited form of chronic Therefore, include green leafy by antipathetic and Sisyphean thoughts of
kind of illness. But that is not jaundice that prevents conjugat- vegetables, a small portion of anger and arrogance.
necessarily Jaundice itself. ed bilirubin from being secreted seafood with low-mercury levels
Jaundice, also called icterus, from of the cells of the liver. per week, foods with healthy fats,
Why is a child attractive?
causes your skin and the Pseudojaundice: This is a seeds, nuts, fruits, well-cooked The innocence of a child is magnetic and the
whites of your eyes to turn yel- harmless form of jaundice. The meat, and a healthy dose of USP. A child is in the zone of happiness as the
low. The yellowing of the skin results other essential nutrients that fiber-rich starches. infant or a toddler displays the attitude of be-
condition from an excess of beta-carotene, help in combating jaundice. 2. Sun-bathing ing childlike and not childish. The alluring na-
is caused not from an excess of bilirubin. It improves liver function- If your baby has jaundice, keep ture of a child is that of an infant Lord Krish-
by too Pseudojaundice usually arises ing and helps balance the him in the sunlight for 1-2 na which draws the devout towards the divine.
much from eating large quantities of serum bilirubin levels. Boil hours daily. However, see to it Let us take a case of a harmonious household
bilirubin, carrot, pumpkin, or melon. amlas, make a paste and that the baby receives the and a house filled with negative vibes. We are
a yellow Therefore, it is best to be care- mix this with water and slanting rays of the sun before attracted to the former. Nature provides
chemical ful about adopting health fad di- honey and have daily. 8 o’clock in the morning. The abundance to such households.
in hemo- ets – some of which can be medications. hypolipidemic so it helps 11.Tulsi rays of the sun will help re- The grace of the Divine, the grace of the
globin Prof. G B Luthria harmful. To check if a person �
Doctors can treat obstruc- the liver. Have in the form of Tulsi or holy basil is perfect duce the bilirubin content in Guru flows like a waterfall. Imagine a house-
(the sub- is suffering from jaundice, a tion-induced jaundice by ginger-tea for best results. for the liver as it has hepato- the blood and cure jaundice. hold which has an alcoholic father, a demand-
stance that carries oxygen in physical examination of the surgically removing the 6. Garlic protective properties. It im- 3. Massage ing mother and irritable children! It spews out
your red blood cells). As red abdominal area to check for obstruction. Garlic is a powerful antioxi- proves immunity and fights A study revealed that soothing negative emotions and thought processes. They
blood cells break down, the possibly liver swelling is con- �
If the jaundice has been dant. This helps with liver off infections. Boil Tulsi oil massages in morning sun- keep complaining and grumbling and lose out
body builds new cells to re- ducted. To then check for caused by use of a medica- detoxification and thus con- leaves in water and have light every day could improve on whatever positivity that could have been
place them. The old ones are severity, the doctor may recom- tion, treatment for involves tributes to curing jaundice. this daily. the frequency of bowel move- bestowed by nature.
processed by the liver, but if mend specific liver function changing to an alternative 7. Lemon 12. Papaya leaves ment in babies and aid the elimi- Positive thinking people should buttress on a
the liver cannot handle the tests to determine how well the medication. Lemon juice helps in un- Papaya leaves are rich in nation of bilirubin by reducing couple of points.
blood cells as they break down, liver is working. While aggressive medication blocking the bile ducts as it papain enzymes that sup- enterohepatic circulation. One, be grateful and thankful after comple-
bilirubin builds up in the body. Some common symptoms of could be needed in some com- has antioxidant properties. port digestion and improve Pressure points for treating tion of the task without waiting for the out-
About 60 percent of all in- jaundice include vomiting, plicated cases, many natural Also, it enhances immunity liver health. Grind the Jaundice (serum bilirubin, come and second, once the result is known be
fants born in the United States nausea, loss of appetite, fever, home remedies can help in and stops further damage to leaves and strain to get the SGPT / SGOT raised): Both IF eternally grateful and thankful for the result
have jaundice. However, jaun- abdominal pains and quicker healing from jaundice. the liver. juice. Have a tablespoon dai- 3 / 4 LHM – 4, 5 ���3, 6 � even if it is not favorable!
dice can happen to people of all headaches, swelling of legs and Let’s take a look at some of 8. Yogurt ly. It is normal for a baby to Lt IF 5 / 6 LHM – 4, 5 �, 3, 6 � This generates a positive aura around us and
ages and is normally the result abdomen, and weakness. All of them. The probiotics in yogurt be suffering from jaundice Lt RF 5 / 6 LHM – 2, 4 �� 3, 6 � the universe conspires to provide us with
of an underlying condition these have been experienced by 1. Natural sunlight help improve immunity. It when he is born. �
Paste white side of the Byol several more such opportunities.
that include: people suffering from Covid-19 When infants are diagnosed brings down levels of There are several modes magnet touching the tape Many times we may not get the desired result
Acute inflammation of as well. The itching that ac- with Jaundice, apart from serum bilirubin and offers of treatment that you can where the white dot is shown which we aspired for, but nature or the uni-
liver: This may impair the abili- companies jaundice can some- phototherapy, doctors rec- protection against harmful try to treat jaundice in new- and yellow side of Byol magnet verse blesses us in some other manner. This is
ty of the liver to conjugate and times be so intense that pa- ommend exposing them to bacteria. Have a bowl of borns. B low is a list of where black dot is given. the intrinsic secret. We need to be happy in
secrete bilirubin, resulting in a tients have been known to sunlight. curd daily to cure your remedies that you can try to (The Free Press Journal along with our disposition. Happiness begets additional
buildup. scratch their skin raw, experi- 2. Sugarcane juice jaundice. treat jaundice in newborns. the Lions Club of Mumbai ACTION happiness and the magnetic aura around us ex-
Inflammation of bile duct: This ence insomnia, or, in extreme Sugarcane juice helps in 9. Tomatoes 1. Breastfeeding would like to guide people on how pands providing us with several more opportu-
can prevent the secretion of cases, even entertain thoughts strengthening the liver and Lycopene, a compound If your newborn baby has jaun- to treat self through non-invasive, nities.
bile and removal of bilirubin, of suicide. aids in its proper function- found in tomatoes, is a po- dice, feed him frequently. Breast- therapies like Sujok, Ayurvedic Acu- Can we be happy always, can we be positive
causing jaundice. When complications happen, ing. Have a glass daily till tent antioxidant. This feeding your little one frequently pressure and Mudra Yoga. This is at all times? These doubts perennially crop up.
Obstruction of bile duct: This this is usually because of the your jaundice improves. helps with detoxification will help eliminate the bilirubin complementary and will not over- Such is the character of the mind. If the mind
prevents the liver from disposing underlying problem, not the 3. Goat’s milk of the liver and curing of from his bloodstream and flush it ride the treatment given by doctor. does not think about ‘always’ it will be happy
of bilirubin. jaundice itself. For example, if At par with cow’s milk re- jaundice. Make a juice of out through stool and urine. Ba- Please share your problems by writ- at least in the present moment. This requires
Hemolytic anemia: The produc- an obstructed bile duct leads to garding nutrients, goat’s boiled tomatoes and have a bies with jaundice sleep a lot; if ing to us at; relentless Sadhana or practice.
tion of bilirubin increases jaundice, uncontrolled bleed- milk is easy to digest and glass daily. your baby has jaundice, he or she You May be knowledge alone does not provide an-
when large quantities of red ing may result. This is because is suitable for infants and 10. Amla might sleep a lot, too. can also share the problem on swers or succor to our problems.
blood cells are broken down. the blockage leads a shortage adults alike. Goat’s milk Amla is rich in vitamin C and Wake the baby up at regular in- WhatsApp at 9323178565.) Then it is our faith and surrender to the Di-
Gilbert’s syndrome: This is an of vitamins needed for clot- also has useful antibodies vine that help. We need to surrender our past,
inherited condition that im- ting. that help in curing present and future to the Guru and Divine.
pairs the ability of enzymes to The following treatments are jaundice. Both Guru and Divine are interchangeable.
process the excretion of bile. used to treat jaundice: 4. Green grape’s juice “Twenty years from now you will be more
Cholestasis: This interrupts �
Anemia-induced jaundice Juice of green grapes helps disappointed by the things you didn’t do. So
the flow of bile from the liver. may be treated by boosting in improving the liver func- throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe
The bile containing conjugated the amount of iron in the tioning. It balances the harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Ex-
bilirubin remains in the liver blood by either taking iron serum bilirubin levels and plore, dream, discover,” wrote Mark Twain.
instead of being excreted. supplements or eating more cures jaundice. This should be the endeavor, to discover and
Rarer conditions that may cause iron-rich foods. 5. Ginger execute with a positive frame of mind. Then
jaundice include: �
Hepatitis-induced jaundice Ginger has excellent antiox- we are in a zone of happiness like a child.
Crigler-Najjar syndrome: This requires antiviral or steroid idative properties. It is also

From striking saffron Tahir Raj Bhasin gives a glimpse

to soothing secular into his reading habits
The actor who will next be seen in the movie Looop Lapeta with Taapsee
Pannu, speaks about his favourite authors, the books that have made an
impact on him... as Manasi Y Mastakar listens on!
When did you get into reading? School to have read?
or college? Or later? Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
I got into reading when I was in col- Have you ever saved money to
lege. It started with academic reading buy a book?
and later transitioned to reading Yes, I have. It was for Archie
for leisure. comics and Hardy Boys when I
What are your favourite genres, books was a kid.
and authors? If asked to choose three books
I love reading books falling in the from your bookshelf which would
genre of magic realism, and biogra- those be?
phies. I loved the Steve Jobs biography Sapiens: A Brief History of Hu-
by Walter Isaacson. Another favourite mankind by Yuval Noah Harari, The
is Autobiography of a Yogi. It made an Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, and
impact on me by making me acknowl- Kafka on the Shore by Haruki
edge the wonder and magic in Murakami.
everyday life. Books you would recom-
My favourite authors are: Haruki mend to our readers?
Murakami for the surreal nature in 1. Sapiens... by Yu-
which he portrays even the most mun- val Noah Harari —
SUMEET NAIK town in Karad, the colour of in the deep woods than in dane of details, and Eckhart Tolle for to know the histo-
his loyalty is still striking
REVIEW the city’s concrete jungle. the spiritual, contemporary ry of man and

e have often heard that one saffron. Such an opening to Passing away of Balasa- philosophy his books leave me with. our place in it.
should not judge a book by its the book does make a reader heb Thackeray and rise of You have a busy schedule... how do you 2. The Power
cover. Make it an exception think from a party worker’s Narendra Modi as the new take out time for reading? of Now by
this time as the cover of Trail Of The perspective while reading Hindu Hriday Samrat, Ud- I try to read a minimum number of Ekhart Tolle
Tiger is as telling as the content. It is a the book even when some dhav and Aaditya Thacker- pages a day. If not a book I will atleast — for a philo-
well-researched and accounted read, chapters touch upon a few ay in seats of power, the read a short article or an essay online. sophical take
when it comes to understanding the family battles at Matoshree. ever-changing prism of fam- How many books do you read in on matters
change in the colours of the ‘Tiger’s’ Every chapter unfolds the ily equations and the a month? we perceive
stripes from striking saffron to story within and outside the Rashtriya Swayamsevak I can’t really put a fixed ‘per month’ as problems.
soothing secular. Thackeray family and links Sangh’s (RSS) dilemma to number since it varies based on my 3. Animal
Photography and politics have always it to the political domain deal with the tug of war in schedule. But, this question guilt trips Farm by
had one thing in common, and that was then and now. Smart play of the Hindutva camp is what me into being more consistent with George Or-
an alphabet P... Until, Uddhav Balasa- words and mention of cer- Trail Of The Tiger leads my reading game so I have a re- well — for
heb Thackeray stepped into both the do- tain instances in the book � Book: Trail Of The you to. spectable number to put down in my a satirical
mains, displaying skills in capturing by the author, shows person- Tiger: Uddhav Balasaheb As you go deeper and deep- next interview. take on
dense forests to the actual ‘wild’ life of al as well as political sides Thackeray: A Journey er into the woods, page after Where do you get book recommenda- our world
Maharashtra politics. Only difference of the father-son (Balasaheb page, one thing keeps resur- tions from? today.
� Author: Radheshyam
being, as a wildlife photographer he had and Uddhav) duo. facing repeatedly: that even Mostly through friends or online...
to guard his own self, while as a politi- Uddhav held his first pho- Jadhav today the name Balasaheb Ebook or physical book?
cian he had an unfathomable guard of tography exhibition, titled � Publisher: Thackeray echoes in the jun- Physical book any day. There’s some-
Hindu Hriday Samrat Balasaheb Thack- ‘Live and Let Live,’ at the Je- Bloomsbury gles of Maharashtra politics. thing about the sense of carrying a
eray and an army of Shiv sainiks. hangir Art Gallery in 1999. � Pages: 220
Just as it makes its magnani- book with you and the gratification of
Author Radheshyam Jadhav has The rules of politics are dif- mous presence felt on the the smell of the pages as you turn
played it brilliantly by opening the book ferent from those of the jun- � Price: Rs 599 cover of this book, though through chapters.
with a mention of dedicated Shiv Sena gle and a seasoned politi- the book is mainly about his On ‘currently reading’ shelf?
worker (Shiv sainik), Mahesh Patil. An cian like Balasaheb knew that the politi- son Uddhav Thackeray’s journey from a Gabriel García Márquez’s One
individual whose loyalty and devotion cal jungle was not about ‘live and let professional photographer in an adver- Hundred Years of Solitude.
towards his ‘God,’ Balasaheb Thackeray, live,’ but the survival of the fittest. On tising firm to Maharashtra’s Chief Min- Book adaptation(s) you loved?
and Shiv Sena remains unchanged till the backdrop of the emerging bitter- ister. Minus Balasaheb from the cover, A Street Car Named Desire for Marlon
date. Even if the guard has changed and ness between Uddhav and his cousin and what remains is just an image of Brando’s performance.
so has the ideology, for Mahesh who Raj Thackeray, the Sena chief knew that Uddhav Thackeray — a mirror image of Classic(s) you haven’t read, but claimed
works at a tailoring shop in Umbraj there was more humanity and warmth that in real life.

A veritable manna
from heaven ‘I am at a stage where I only A first-hand account
of Asaram’s arrest
and conviction
do a story if it excites me’
KATYA NAIDU ing to legal issues, only

here’s a beautiful word in Eng- touched upon these acts like

lish. It’s ‘edifying’. It means ll Indians, young and land grabbing, unaccounted
morally uplifting and ennobling. old, are aware of nitty- wealth, etc. The Delhi court
Reading Ravi Valluri’s pieces, one gets gritty of rape, molesta- had to overturn an injunction
that edifying feeling. His book Indian Says Chetan Bhagat, as he talks to Pooja Prabbhan Srijith about his new book, tion and harassment — on the sale of the book, and
Stories: Images & Thoughts is a treas- thanks to the multitude of any more information on
ure trove of heart-gladdening and One Arranged Murder, and his mantra of dealing with criticism and internet trolls cases right from Hathras hearsay which could have of
soul-cleansing short articles. episode to Hyderabad en- course added colour, had to be

Every article is a universe of wisdom ffable, intuitive and vo- counter of the rape accused avoided.
in itself. His fabulous compilation can be cal — author Chetan by the police and much more. Another major roadblock
compared to an Bhagat believes in However, few are aware of the could have been the fact that
REVIEW exquisite ghaz- evolving, opinionating and technicalities, legalities and the rape case had brought it
al penned by writing as he observes, and has the planning and pain that to the attention of the
Ghalib or Mir. made peace with the brickbats the police undergo to bring largesse that the Godman had
As you know, a that could come with it. His lat- culprits to court. made it a habit to prey on nu-
ghazal com- est lockdown release, One Gunning for the Godman — bile young girls of unsuspect-
prises a few Arranged Murder, has The True Story Behind ing parents who are his devo-
couplets and amassed mammoth intrigue Asaram Bapu’s tees. It is believed
every couplet quite like his other reads. And, Conviction by IPS
REVIEW that the Godman
is an inde- well, there’s a lot on his plate. officer Ajay Lamba must have mo-
pendent entity. But, at 46, he’s happiest about holds a mirror to lested at least a
A brief piece not giving a damn… We caught such rare and suc- 1,000 girls! But
like Ra- up with the prolific writer to cessful convictions. the few who had
mayana by talk about his new book, his As the book sug- the courage to tell
Valmiki in mantra of dealing with criti- gests, the case of the story or lodge
� Book: Indian Stories: this book, is so cism, the Godman is ex- a complaint were
Images & Thoughts thought-stir- trolls, and more. Excerpts from tremely sensitive either scared, si-
ring that you the interview. and complicated lenced or stron-
� Author: Ravi Valluri
instantaneous- One Arranged Murder is a little due to many fac- garmed. The po-
� Publisher: Become ly remember different from your previous tors. One of them lice too had lost a the proverbial books. Take us through how the being the fact that key witness, who
line in Hindi: idea came along... an intercourse has was killed, and
� Pages: 396
Dekhan mein I started out with stories about not occured, in � Book: Gunning for yet another went

� Price: Rs 449 chhote laage love and friendship. As an au- spite of the fact missing. But, one
the Godman
par ghaav kare thor I wanted to evolve and that a rape took has to admit that
� Author: Ajay Lamba
gambheer (though they look small, the also give my readers new sur- place. Added to the police and the
wounds they inflict are deep). prises each time. Hence, I that, much-needed IPS, Sanjeev Mathur prosecution did a
The book consists of four segments. moved to murder mysteries, physical evidence � Publisher: laudable job bring-
Since he’s a mandarin in Indian Rail- while retaining the elements of was also eroded by HarperCollins India ing the Godman to
ways based in Allahabad, readers find love and friendship that I have the fact that the re- justice, physically
� Pages: 248
interesting anecdotal pieces on trains in always had. The specific idea of bullying, and every- Being older has crassness? port was filed and legally.
the book. Readers quickly feel connected a murder on Karva Chauth thing in between. some advantages. In one of your recent inter- much after the � Price: Rs 499 Lamba and his
while reading Ravi’s nuggets. Whether came from a news item. Some- Are you okay with One of them is views, you mentioned how In- case took place. team also had to
it’s The story of the Telugu Language or thing like this actually being controversy’s you stop giving dian liberals failed “to ex- The book takes us through hold on to their frayed nerves
A Long Haul, readers stay glued till they happened in Gurgaon. favourite child? a damn. press themselves in a way In- day-to-day and event-to-event due to the political pressure
finish the book. Till 1965, The Reader’s Is there a bit of Keshav or For the last 14 Most of your dia understands”. Where do coverage of the case, which and threats. He also admits
Digest carried a monthly column. It was, Saurabh (characters from the years I have been videos/motiva- you think they are going starts with author Lamba re- that his wife had stopped
Not wanting to end books. The column book) in you? Do you really writing newspa- tional tips are for wrong? ceiving a call about the case sending their daughter to
discussed books that readers wanted believe all’s fair in love? per columns, and youngsters. Is They are more interested in pertaining to the jurisdiction. school for a while due to the
never to end. Had the column been con- Yes, I think so. I am very ra- they have to be on there a tip you impressing people like them- Since then, a team of police incessant death threats and
tinued, I dare say, Ravi’s Indian Stories tional and focused like Keshav. a different topics. wish you knew selves than in expressing painstakingly uncovered evi- phone calls.
would certainly have appeared there. I love food like Saurabh. Well, My job is to give when you were themselves to people across dence which started with the And, one of his team mem-
Such is the impact of the book! It casts a everything may not be fair in opinions, and younger? India. age of the victim (she was un- bers was also promised ‘all of
magical spell on readers. Those with a love, but love can justify or at many people like Oh, there is so Are you a hopeless romantic? deraged) to her presence at Rajasthan’ properties of the
spiritual bent of mind, will find this least explain lot of stupid reading them. Not everyone much I wish I knew when I was I guess I am. I am a positive the kutir, which was where ashram if they were to tread
book a veritable manna from heaven. behaviour sometimes. would agree with them and younger. Most of all, self-affir- person and love the idea of the event took place. lightly on the course of the
The best thing about Ravi Valluri’s Does the pressure of delivering sometimes people get upset. mation and a belief in myself love more than love I guess. While the team’s workings, case. All those were both po-
book is that there’s no pedantic pro- great reads ever get to you? The intention is to not create would have helped a lot. That’s Three things about Chetan their precautions, their smart litely and angrily shown to
fundity or condescending creativity. A little bit yes. But, now I don’t a controversy, but if it hap- what I try to do now. Bhagat his fans should know? planning of evacuating the the door.
The author hasn’t written this book get so affected by it to weigh pens, it’s a part of the job. What are some of the crassest He works hard... Godman from the backdoor of However, the victim and her
with a view to winning plaudits and me down. I am at a stage where How affected are you by comments you’ve come across He has down days... his ashram indeed made a family too belong to a rare
panegyrics. It’s his humble eucharistic I only do a story if it excites criticism? on social media? He has fans and haters... thrilling read. But the book class of people who had the
offering (Nirmalya in Sanskrit) to the me, and normally what excites I used to get affected a lot at 30, Why give importance to Is there something you want to could have done with more lit- courage to go against a finan-
readers. To encapsulate, it quenches me works for my readers when my first book came out. filth? If we keep giving them do, but have put off? erary touch on the Godman cially and politically powerful
the thirst of the seekers and satiates as well. Now at 46, it doesn’t matter and importance and platforms, Yes, to direct a movie. I might, and his many nefarious activ- man, who wields faith as a
the hunger of knowers. You’ve been vocal on politics, I think I have proved myself. aren’t we encouraging soon. Stay tuned. ities. The book, probably ow- weapon.


companies I dreamt
of playing
only want to Chanakya’

work with a
Manoj Joshi takes a
nostalgic trip with writer
Mihir Bhuta while
speaking about their

three-decade old Manoj Joshi in Chanakya

play, Chanakya
VIJAY SHANKER and more people to watch the play as it is
gives an insight into how 'rashtra bhakti'

hanakya, also known as Kau- is important, if we are united, nobody
tilya and Vishnugupta, might can destroy us.”
have existed 2300 years back, but In the world of theatre and even films
Singer Hariharan talks about the his ideology is relevant even to-
day. And, that is because Chanakya
and television Manoj needs no introduc-
tion. In 2018, he was bestowed with the
independent music scene in India, his new understood the power of people and how Padma Shri for his outstanding contribu-
album, and collaborating with son Akshay those very people can make the gov-
ernment or even destroy the
tion in the field of theatre, televi-
sion and films. Recalling about
country. And, bringing his childhood influences that
ideology to stage are veter- led him to performing

rom playback singing in films to ex- to become very successful in their profes- down a troubled mind. If you are uneasy an actor Manoj Joshi and arts, Manoj says, “My
ploring new avenues with bhajans sions but also retain a soft spot for music. and not feeling one can listen to some specif- writer Mihir Bhuta. grandfather was a sto-
and ghazals, singer Hariharan has They may not be professional singers or ic raags which will immediately make you The duo has been stag- ryteller and father was
done it all! He is now ready with his new musicians but will be good listeners. Every- feel better. Meditative listening to music can ing the play, Chanakya, a kirtan-kaar. People
album Ishq with lyrics by Bickram Ghosh one has learnt some music in their house. cure major ailments. Why do you think peo- for almost three Mihir would listen to their
and produced by Sufiscore. Cinema Journal So Carnatic music is thriving within the ple sing bhajans on religious occasions? decades now. In fact, Bhuta narrations for hours at
caught up with him as he basked in the qui- households of the listeners as well as the That is because that particular kind of mu- the play was recently length with great at-
et charm of an era gone by at Bharatpur in musicians. Carnatic music is a staple diet. sic has a cleansing effect on the soul. It re- staged on public de- tention. That was the
Rajasthan. Excerpts from the interview: moves all kinds of negativity. It gets you mand at Dinanath atmosphere I grew up in,
into a loop, which makes meditation easier. Mangeshkar Natyagruha and hence the performing
Tell us about your new album, Ishq. Music is the shortest distance between spir- in Mumbai. arts came to me naturally.”
The album is about six short love stories ituality and humanity. Manoj says he had dreamt of Manoj, a J J School of Arts
produced by Sufiscore. All the songs have playing Chanakya ever since read alumnus, was working as a carica-
been shot in Kolkata; I love the city... I have Do you think we are becoming less about him during his childhood. Speak- turist before foraying into the world of
been going there since the 1980s. This time tolerant as a society? ing about it, Manoj says, “I learnt San- theatre. “But, I realised that to sustain,
I got a chance to shoot at North Kolkata, There are so many groups with so skrit in school and knew about theatre was not enough. Then I started
which has an old city vibe. It was like many different schools of thought Chanakya, and the oldest play 'Mudrarak- doing small character roles in television
discovering something new all over now. Aggression has become the or- shasa' written by Vishakhadatta. Since shows and movies. But was not happy
again, within a familiar milieu. der of the day. People are so angry then I had harboured this dream of play- with that. And, that's when Chanakya
that they vent it out all over the ing the role of Chanakya someday. Then happened,” he says.
Why do you think independent place. You may not like something one day, my long time friend and writer Echoing similar sentiments, writer of
music is not as popular as film happening around you but that does- Mihir Bhuta said he would write the play the play, Mihir Bhuta says, “Manoj and I
music in India? n’t mean you have to indulge in van- and I could play Chanakya. We re- are college friends. We were in our 20s,
That is because music companies dalism! We are supposed to be a searched for four years before staging the and after reading over 50 books I scripted
don’t want to invest in independent civilised society. Violence is not the play almost three decades ago.” Chanakya. My play is inspired by
music. Even on radio and television solution, rather violence only breeds Ask him what makes the play relevant Vishakhadatta "Mudrarakshasa" and not
they only play film music! They only more violence! One can have different even today, Manoj says, “The play is rele- based on Chanakya's 'Arthashastra'. It
want to work with a formula. There used philosophies about life, but you cannot vant today because the Arthashastra also shows how Chandragupta Maurya rose to
to be channels for pop music or rock mu- be fanatic about it. Moderation should speaks about corruption, and how de- power and become the king of Magad
sic. But now it is more about Bollywood and be exercised from all quarters and for that monetisation is necessary to curb it. It with the guidance rendered by Chanakya.
other film music from different states in In- people need to be educated! Only then will also talks about the importance of the The dramatic pinnacle of the play is the
dia. That is why when they came to us with things change. welfare of the people. A person belongs to scene in which King Dhana Nanda at-
this idea of a non-filmy album it was very Hariharan with son Akshay a family, a community, a society and the tacks and humiliates Chanakya for help-
heartening. We need to do more at all levels. What are your upcoming projects? country at large. In fact it is the people ing Chandragupta escape. Chanakya was
My son, Akshay, is into electronic and fu- who make or mar the country's progress. a Brahmin and a man of principles and
What change do you see in the Carnatic Music is being used as a form of sion music and I have done a few collabora- In the play too Chanakya advises Chan- ideology. He explained to Chandragupta
music scene in the country? therapy for mental health issues. What’s tions with him. We will be releasing an al- dragupta to give up his personal pleas- the importance of maintaining the good-
For people living in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and your take? bum in August. My second son, Karan, who ures and be selfless for the sake of his will of his people. Chanakya in the play is
Hyderabad learning Carnatic music is a Music therapy started in India and became is an actor, features in Mora Man Megha Re, people. He reminds him that it was the quite aggressive, unlike the version seen
way of life. Every family will train their popular in the West. The frequencies of the one of the tracks on Ishq. I am also working support of the people that helped him es- in the TV serial Chanakya by Dr Chan-
children in music. These children grow up notes play an important role in soothing on a gazal album based on Urdu love poetry. tablish the largest empire. I want more draprakash Dwivedi.”

Bollywood Bytes Khajuraho Dance Festival

Of grace, groove and ghungroos!

Aditi Rao Hydari’s ‘OTT’ friendship!

ne of the most popular classical

diti Rao Hydari will dance festivals, the Khajuraho
next be seen in the Dance Festival, is back. The festi-
film The Girl On The val is organised annually to pro-
Train, which drops on mote India’s rich cultural heritage,
a digital platform soon. and is held at the backdrop of the histori-
Aditi attributes the popularity of cal Khajuraho Temple. The festival at-
streaming platforms to the fact tracts scores of tourists from all across
that the OTT space became our the world and features performances by
best friend during last years some renowned classical dancers.
lockdown, although she cant wait Organised by the Department of Cul-
to see people returning to ture, Madhya Pradesh Government, Us-
theatres to watch films. “During tad Allaudin Sangeet Kala Akademi with
lockdown, we realised that OTT the support from Incredible India and
platforms are like our best other organisations, the festival is one of
friends. Having said that, I feel the first major live festivals being held af-
that theatres have their own ter the lockdown. The first day of the fes-
magic, so I am waiting to tival, which commenced on February 20,
see people going to saw a performance by Bharatanatyam
theatres and watching exponent Padma Shri
films in large Geeta Chandran,
numbers. In the founder-director of A still from the group presentation, Anekanta
meantime, I think OTT Geeta Natya Vriksha dance
platforms have been amazing because we can watch really Chandran company, New Delhi. And to perform for a festival like this is Birju Maharaj. It
good content there,” she said. —IANS Geeta and her troupe of quite challenging and dancers were quite is interesting to
talented dancers thrilled about it.” note that there
Kajol: Happily imperfect performed a group
Her performance was followed by a
commendable Kathak recital by Deepak
are a fine set of
male dancers

ajol does not pay heed to her called Anekanta. Maharaj, son of veteran maestro Pandit who would be en-
imperfections. She does not It is inspired by thralling the au-
put them up for appraisal the Jain philoso- Sathyanarayana dience at the fes-
because she is aware of the phy that there is Raju tival.
effort she has made to reach no one univer- Two brilliant
where she is today. “I don't know sal truth or just male dancers
how I celebrate them, but I don't want one way of looking from Bangalore,
to put them up for critical appraisal, at things. There are Sathyanarayana
either. I don't put them up, and I don't sit multiple realities Raju will
down and pay too much attention to it. to every issue, perform
Because honestly, it has taken me a long whether it is cul- Bharatanatyam
time to reach here,” Kajol said. The tural, political or on February 25, Duet by Vinod
actress went on to open up about social. Geeta por- and Avijeet Das and Vrinda
motherhood, saying: “We are not trayed an artistic will put up the
perfect mothers. perspective in the thrilling Kuchipudi dance on February and her group will perform on February
“Mothers are put into a small contemporary sce- 24. There is an interesting mix of varied 24. Mohiniyattam dancer from Baroda,
little box, like a parameter that nario as to how we styles like Bharatanatyam, Odissi, Aishwariya Warier, will render an ele-
you can never get out of. You can adopt Jain phi- Kathak and Sattriya dances in duet gant recital on February 21. Other star
can't put one step out of it. They losophy for better presentations. Another fine Odissi attractions of the festival include the Ma-
are superhuman, they make living and existence. dancer from New Delhi, Vinod nipuri group recital by the renowned
breakfast, they make dinner, they Speaking about her Kevin Bachan, will perform a duet Jawaharlal Nehru Manipuri Dance
clean the house, they put send performances, Geeta with the charming dancer Vrinda Academy on the last day (February 26) of
you to school, and they go for said, “People always Chedda, both are the disciples of the festival that also includes the power-
work, and they come back and comment that Geeta Padma Shri Ranjana Gauhar. ful Bharatanatyam recital by Poornima
meet your teacher and rarely performs solo, it is Kathak duet by Saurav and Gau- Ashok and her group.
organise their life and your always group. I have a tal- rav Mishra will be held on Febru-
life and their husband's lives, ented team of dancers ary 22. (The writer is a professional kuchipudi-
and still manage to be calm and keeping them active Famous Mohiniyattam danseuse kathakali exponent, dance teacher, chore-
and cool and patient and all the time is important. from New Delhi, Bharati Shivaji, ographer and an actor.)
loving,” she said.
Pandemic made people supportive, caring on Twitter, Google
NEW YORK: The use of the words like sacrifice, share and help 10 weeks before and 10 weeks after March 13, 2020. Use of the
more than doubled on Twitter and Google from before the word “help” on Twitter increased by 37% in the period after March
pandemic to the period after March 13, according to new research, 13, while use of the word “share” increased by 24%. The research
saying that internet trends suggest Covid-19 spurred a return to also found that use of the word “sacrifice” more than doubled on

earlier values and activities among people. Researchers from Twitter from before the pandemic to the period after March 13.
University of California-Los Angeles and Harvard University “‘Sacrifice’ was a complete nonstarter in U.S. culture before Covid,”
analysed how two types of internet activity changed in the US for Greenfield said. –IANS


Take note if you are planning STREAM, CHILL, STEP OUT!

Amazing Ayurveda
Shishimihir Tel Muktadi Sapt Pishti From music and art to fitness, and from

to go ‘green’ for good skin

Key property: Regular Key property: It pro- webinars to unique workshops, here are some
head massage with vides physical interesting online & offline events which will
this oil strength- strength, it man-
ens and nourishes ages heartbeat. It help you keep busy during the pandemic
hair. It helps stop helps keeps anxiety
dandruff and itch- at bay. It provides re- ENTERTAINMENT
ing. It is also effective lief against inflamma-
against boils that appear on tion. It cures disorders trig- ‘Are natural, chemical-free skin products safe?’, ‘Are they effective enough?...’ Shor Police
the scalp. It averts hair fall. gered by imbalanced pitta. Here’s busting such five common myths about organic skincare products, WHAT: Shor Police—
Ingredient: Agar (Aquilar- It can help you get rid of Comprising the incredibly
ia), tagar (Valeriana wal- dizziness. which will help clear the air, if you are confused about going ahead the ‘natural’ way multi-faceted composer-
lichii/ Indian Valerian), Ingredient: Mukta pishti, producer-arranger Clinton
spikenard, red sandalwood, prawal pishti, jahar mohra AGENCIES you eat does have an impact Cerejo and the powerhouse
mahua fool, dry grapes, shi- pishti, mukta shukti pishti, New Delhi on your skin, food cannot vocals of Bianca Gomes—will
tal chinni, lotus seeds, rose, karwaha pishti, manikya cleanse away impurities and reinterpret the works of

alkanet root, shilajit, gug- pishti and akik pishti. n today’s generation, con- environmental toxins the contemporary blues-pop
gul (Commiphora wightii), Quantity: 125 grams to 250 sumers have become way a good face wash can, or legend John Mayer in the
camphor, jasmine leaves, grams. Or as directed by more aware and con- provide a protective barrier upcoming edition of Paytm
orange peel, nilofar the physician. scious of harmful chemicals on the skin the way a Insider’s Jim Beam Originals. It’s not surprising then that the
(Nymphaea alba) and (To know more about Shri Moh- hidden in their skincare moisturizer can. duo decided on multiple Grammy-winning John Mayer’s
coconut oil. ta Ayurvedic Rasayanshala, products. They have even be- For truly beautiful skin, be marvellous discography. Shor Police and Mayer are also
Quantity: As per require- call: 0151-2523227/ or reach at come skeptical of using sure to eat healthy, exercise connected by their Berklee College of Music, Boston,
ment or as directed by the mohtarasayanshala skincare that wear the claim regularly, and practice safe, association. Whereas Mayer is a Berklee dropout, Clinton was
physician. of being “organic” and “all organic skincare. Organic the first contemporary composer from India to conduct master
natural”, often questioning skincare products should ac- classes and residencies at the prestigious college in both their
Disclaimer: The description of the above-mentioned if these claims are just mar- company a healthy lifestyle Boston and Valencia campuses.
products is an excerpt from a booklet, Sankshipt keting gimmicks or more for a more youthful and WHEN: February 27, 9 PM onwards
Aushad Parichay Patrak. Please consult your doctor/ or importantly, if the lack of fresher complexion. WHERE: Watch it on Insider
contact the clinic before taking them. chemicals may contribute to ally extracted at the molecu- smartphone filter except Myth 5: All “natural types” of TO REGISTER VISIT:
the skin care not being as lar level leaving, behind the this time it’s real! Radiant, skincare are created equal
efficacious. most active and potent part hydrated and clear skin. Af- There is a thin line between ANTIGONE

Apps may steal

Jagvir Singh, Founder and for your skin care. ter just a few uses, your “organic” versus “natural” WHAT: Antigone is a tragedy written by Sophocles and is a play
President, Refresh Botani- Myth 2: Organic products are friends will be asking what products. Note that we use about the aftermath of a civil war in which the two sons of
cals shares five common ineffective you have been doing the word natural here, and Oedipus, Eteocles and Polyneices Kill each other, where the new
misconceptions about or- Many people are afraid of differently. not organic. While many king and their successor, Creon, tries to punish Polyneices for his

your data via

ganic skincare that will change and stick to a prod- Myth 3: Organic products products may claim to be disloyalty by not burying him properly. The daughter of Oedipus
make you rethink your uct that they are familiar need preservatives to last “all-natural” on their labels, and Jocasta, Antigone pits her beliefs against the King of Thebes
regimen: with and have used for longer it doesn't mean that their in- in a bloody test of wills that leaves few unharmed. Antigone
Myth 1: Homemade organic years. Unfortunately, many Highly organic products of- gredients are in fact “organ- raises issues of law and morality that are just as relevant today
face masks and lotions work drugstore products have ten require premium pack- ic”. Natural products often as they were more than two thousand years ago.

location tracking
the same as organic products been diluted, watered down, aging that are equipped with contain natural ingredients WHEN: Today, 8 PM onwards
You may believe that by and filled with an abun- airless pumps. This prevents but may contain pesticides WHERE: Veda Factory: ART STUDIO, Bungalow No. - 120,
whipping up a yogurt and dance of chemical preserva- the highly organic plant ma- and other harmful Opposite Gulshan Colony Co-Op Housing Society, Aram Nagar
honey smoothie in your tives to extend the lifespan. terial from oxidising thus chemicals. Part 2, Machlimar, Versova, Andheri – West
blender and using it as a face This means that while the spoiling. When looking for For a skin care brand to be
mask will benefit your skin product may offer quick re- organic skincare, look for able to wear the claim of “or- ATTEND
as would purchasing an or- sults, you shouldn't hold airless pumps – meaning ganic”, ingredient suppliers
ganic face mask. However, your breath waiting to see that the product is being have to undergo a rigorous Virtual Trailwalker Challenge by Oxfam India
often skincare brands ex- any real long-term benefits pumped through literally be- process where they are mon- WHAT: Oxfam Trailwalker is back this year with a virtual
tract organic molecules for the health of your skin. ing pushed out of the itored for many years to en- trailwalker challenge. Participants will walk for
from organical, whole plant Organic products, on the container. sure that their farming 100km/50kms/25kms in 10 days complying with the social
ingredients. other hand, are jam-packed Myth 4: Eating healthy is methods are free of pesti- distancing rules. An e-certificate will be provided to the
While we are all up for a with vital nutrients, antioxi- enough for great skin cides, herbicides and chemi- participant by the end of completing the challenge. This year’s
DIY face treatment once in a dants, vitamins and miner- There is no argument with cals. Additionally, skin care theme for the walkathon is #WalkForHer, “Walk to end all
while, the ingredients you als at high concentrations the benefits of eating clean, brands must ensure that discrimination against women.”
find in your kitchen can't re- that they truly feed your antioxidant-rich foods and their manufacturers follow WHEN: Slot 1 – February 25 to March 6 & Slot 2 – March 8 to
ally compare to the active in- skin with the love that it drinking tons of water. How- stringent practices to ensure March 17
gredients found in organic needs. You’ll instantly get ever, a healthy diet alone is there is no cross contamina- TO REGISTER VISIT:
skincare products. These that “glow” that is often not necessarily enough for tion of organic and
special ingredients are usu- achieved with your latest great skin. While everything inorganic materials. –IANS FOOD & FUN

AGENCIES from University of Bologna. Tap Takeover by Great State Aleworks at Terra
London Thanks to machine learn-
ing techniques, these data Here’s how you can make Rooftop
WHAT: Calling all you craft beer lovers! Join Great State

martphone users are provide sensitive informa- Aleworks for their first Tap Takeover this year at Terra, an open-
unaware of privacy im-
plications of some per-
tion such as the place where
users live, their habits, inter-
swimming pools safer! air rooftop in Bandra. Great State Aleworks is a Pune-based
craft brewery focused on modern and experimental ales using
missions they grant to apps ests, demographics, and in- AGENCIES/ Washington local ingredients, with an emphasis on juicy IPAs, tangy sours
and services and researchers formation about users’ Epidemiological studies and millet ales. Bringing you a variety of beers over a fun

have been able to identify personalities. team of researchers have linked DBPs to health Sunday brunch easing into a sundowner with great music,
which kind of personal in- Through the TrackingAd- has discovered a rem- problems, including respira- tapas, and a live BBQ. Look out for a new beer launch at this
formation the apps extract visor app employed in the edy to lessen the in- tory issues, bladder cancer, Tap Takeover.
with location tracking on. study – published in Pro- fection caused by chlorinat- and pregnancy and birth WHEN: Today, 1 PM onwards
This is the first extensive ceedings of the ACM on In- ed swimming pool water. complications. One way to WHERE: Cafe Terra, Nargis Dutt Rd, Pali Pathar, Pali Village,
study shedding light on the teractive, Mobile, Wearable The new study led by the reduce the amount of added Bandra West
range of personal informa- and Ubiquitous Technolo- American Chemical Society chlorine is through the use
tion that can be inferred gies – researchers were able found that using comple- of complementary disinfec- REWIND
from location-tracking data. to identify which kind of per- mentary forms of disinfec- tion strategies, such as CSI,
Consequently, the study by sonal information the app tion, like copper-silver ion- which involves generating Bandcamp Weekends: Live Bands + Movie
two researchers from Uni- extracted and its privacy sen- ization (CSI) can help the by antimicrobial copper and sil- Under The Stars
versity of Bologna, Italy and sitivity according to users. effects of swimming pool in- ver ions by electrolysis. WHAT: BandCamp
Benjamin Baron from Uni- For the study, 69 users used fections. Susan Richardson and col- Season 7 is on! Now
versity College London, the TrackAdvisor for at least two Swimming in indoor or leagues wondered whether enjoy the camping
UK also shows how collect- weeks. outdoor pools is a healthy using CSI along with re- experience every
ing such information can TrackAdvisor tracked form of exercise and recre- duced chlorine levels could weekend until April’
represent a violation of the
users' privacy.
more than 200,000 locations,
identifying approximately
ation for many people. How-
ever, the findings published
disinfect pool water while
also reducing DBP forma- How longevity gene protects 2021! BandCamp
Weekends takes you
To this end, the researchers
developed a mobile applica-
tion – TrackingAdvisor –
2,500 places and collecting al-
most 5,000 pieces of personal
information concerning
in ACS' Environmental Sci-
ence & Technology have
linked compounds that arise
tion and toxicity.
To find out, the researchers
collected water samples
brain stem cells from stress out of the city hustle
on Friday & Saturday
nights, helping you
that continuously collects both demographics and from chlorine disinfection of from two pools treated with AGENCIES stem cells from dividing un- experience great live
user location. personality. the pools to respiratory CSI and chlorine, one out- New York til after the stress has band performances
From the location data, the Among the data gathered, problems, including asthma, door and one indoor. They passed,” Paik added. and reconnect with cinema in the middle of nature. You can

app can extract personal in- the users find that the most in avid swimmers. detected 71 DBPs, some of gene linked to unusu- Many challenges like in- expect the movies to come from a mix of world cinema, classics
formation and asks users to sensitive pieces of informa- Disinfecting swimming which were quantified for ally long lifespans in flammation, radiation or a and crowd favourites. The live band performance before the
give feedback on the correct- tion were the ones about pool water is necessary to in- the first time in pools. humans protects lack of adequate nutrients movie screening will be indie, blues, retro music and so on!
ness of such information as health, socio-economic situa- activate harmful pathogens. In experiments with mam- brain stem cells from the can stress the brain. But the There will also be bonfires, a barbeque, sunset walks, and some
well as to rate its relevance in tion, ethnicity, and religion. Although an effective disin- malian cells in the lab, the harmful effects of stress, ac- team looked specifically at great food! The campsite has large grounds and they have
terms of privacy sensitivity. According to the re- fectant, chlorine can react team found that the indoor cording to a new study. what happens when brain added hammocks, books, and games to ensure that there is
“Users are largely unaware searchers, analyses like this with organic matter and pool samples were more tox- According to the re- stem cells are exposed to ox- something for everyone.
of the privacy implications pave the way to designing compounds introduced by ic to cells than the outdoor searchers, studies of hu- idative stress, which occurs WHEN: Fridays & Saturdays, 4 PM to 12 PM
of some permissions they targeted advertising systems swimmers, such as those in samples, likely because out- mans who live longer than when harmful types of WHERE: BandCamp, White Collar Hippie Camping Ground,
grant to apps and services, in that help users protect their sweat, urine, sunscreens, door DBPs can volatilise in 100 years have shown that oxygen build-up in the body. Dongri, Uttan, Mira Bhayandar
particular when it comes to privacy, especially with the and cosmetics, to produce the open air or degrade with many share an unusual ver- “We learned that the FOR BOOKING VISIT:
location-tracking informa- data they deem more disinfection byproducts sunlight over time. sion of a gene called Fork- FOXO3 protein is directly
tion”, said Mirco Musolesi sensitive. –IANS (DBPs). –ANI head box protein O3 modified by oxidative BODY & MIND
(FOXO3). stress,” she said. This modi-
Connect with yourself through Sound Therapy
GUIDING LIGHT The study showed that
mice that lack the FOXO3
fication sends the protein
into the nucleus of the stem WHAT: Join this workshop for a self-reflective and inspiring

Breaking your habits – Living consciously

gene in their brain are un- cell where it turns on stress session with Knowledge Contributor – Priyanka Jay Patel, who
able to cope with stressful response genes. will help you connect with yourself through sound. In this do-it-
conditions in the brain, The resulting stress re- along session, you will get to see the immediate shifts that
which leads to the progres- sponse leads to the depletion happen when your body and mind bathe in the ancient
– Sadhguru, Isha Foundation sive death of brain cells. The
gene preserves the brain's
of a nutrient called s-adeno-
sylmethionine (SAM). This
frequencies created through singing bowls and gongs. An
enriching and wholesome experience through a Sound Bath
SADHGURU: A habit is formed essen- Every child creates certain habits for Above all, if a person takes up a ability to regenerate by pre- nutrient is needed to help a where you are welcome to come and connect with your heart.
tially because it brings certain ease to the sake of survival. But generally, chil- spiritual path, his habits will drop be- venting stem cells from di- protein called lamin form a WHEN: Today, 11 AM onwards
your life – it makes parts of your life dren shake these patterns off as they cause there is no such thing as good viding until the environ- protective envelope around TO REGISTER VISIT:
automatic. You do not have to think grow, depending upon the level of and bad habits. Once you have grown ment will support the new the DNA in the nucleus of
about it. You can do it just like that. awareness you create around them. Ei- up, habits mean you are learning to cells’ survival. the stem cell. LAUGH OUT LOUD
Naturally human beings form habits ther by exposure or through education, conduct your life unconsciously. That “Stem cells produce new “Without SAM, lamin can’t
because unlike other animals, we have children change dramatically – they go may look safe, but it denies your life in brain cells, which are essen- form this strong barrier and Comedy Unstoppable
not come with many of our traits fixed. out for three years and when they come so many different ways. tial for learning and memo- DNA starts leaking out,” she WHAT: Hooted1ce is coming for the comedy lovers
You notice a little bit of difference be- back, parents cannot recognize them. Spirituality is the fundamental tool ry throughout our adult said. again with its regular curated comedy show at The
tween one dog and the next. They have It is those who are engrossed in self- to break all unconscious patterns that lives,” said lead author Paik, The cell mistakes this DNA Matchbox Cowork. There will be fun with some old
their individual personality, but most of preservation who cannot drop old we have within ourselves. What we re- Associate Professor at the for a virus infection, which and new jokes with the freshness of powerful
their traits are fixed. But almost every- habits. Those who are looking for ad- fer to as karma is also just this. Karma Cornell University in the triggers an immune re- comedy by the very talented and amazing gang of
thing is wide open for a human being. venture will drop their habits easily means you are unconsciously creating US. sponse called the type-I in- comedians. The show will have featured artists –
Because of this, as a child, you try to because they are always remodelling patterns for yourself, not only about “If stem cells divide with- terferon response. This caus- Bhavish Ailani, Punya Arora, Namrata Arora and Sonali Thakker.
form a defence pattern where you try to their lives whichever way it is needed your behaviour but about the way life out control, they get deplet- es the stem cell to go dor- WHEN: Today, 8 PM onwards
create your own patterns. for the situation in which they exist. happens to you. ed. The FOXO3 gene appears mant and stop producing WHERE: The Matchbox Cowork: 901 Gazdhar Enclave Near Fun
to do its job by stopping the new neurons. –IANS Republic Mall, Link Road, Veera Desai Industrial Estate, Andheri
– West

YOUR DAY By Nilikash P. Pradhan

ARIES: Domestic issues and personal GEMINI: You may discuss ideas, everything LEO: An interesting and energetic day awaits LIBRA: You will be in a confused state of SAGITTARIUS: Those in the field of sports AQUARIUS: Start the routine of regular workout
matters will keep you tied up. Do not which is important to you with someone you. The atmosphere at the workplace will mind. You may doubt your decision-making and politics, will see a rise in their name and and when it comes to food, be moderate. Little
sacrifice your mental peace for the sake of who you want to bring into your life. be less stressful. Share your inner feelings skills, which may affect your confidence. fame. This is the time to go with the flow of care regarding your health is required. Work
monetary, material gains. Business proposals are indicated. with partner, it will make you feel better. Seek expert advice if you are feeling stuck. wind not against it or you might tumble. issues are likely to keep you busy.
TAURUS: You may spend quality time with CANCER: You may get new business projects VIRGO: Better time and better relationships SCORPIO: You will be filled with confidence CAPRICORN: Today is the time for PISCES: Certain fluctuations would be felt
your family and loved ones. The atmosphere which may help recover your previous losses. will bring happiness and satisfaction. Your and would begin to think big and out of the consolidation. Travelling is likely. You may make in financial flows. But, overall the cash flow
at home will be harmonious. People will be Work stress is likely to go down. Your co- confidence will boost. At work, your box. Business collaborations will be profitable new contacts. Do not neglect your health. will be positive. Start saving. Those in the
impressed by your communicating skills. workers will support you over a decision. performance will impress everyone. and there will be a boost in your turnover. Consult experts before making an investment. film industry may get their big break.
If you fail to prepare, you’re prepared to fail
– Mark Andrew Spitz is an American former competitive swimmer and
nine-time Olympic champion. He was the most successful athlete at the
1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, winning seven gold medals, all in
INDORE | SUNDAY | FEBRUARY 21, 2021 world record tim

Awesome Osaka
Lays her hands on Daphne Akhurst Memorial Cup for
the second time beating Jennifer Brady
FP NEWS SERVICE are watching and are inspired by er unforced errors.
Melbourne what she is doing. Osaka has often said how much

“Hopefully I’m on this stage next she loves the big occasion and her Russia's Daniil Medvedev (L) and Serbia's Novak Djokovic

t took one hour and 17 minutes time with this girl over here,” she record in Grand Slam finals sug-
and the winners was there. And added, referring to the winners’ tro- gests as much, now a perfect 4-0.
it was none other than Naomi phy. This final was a fairly routine
Osaka of Japan with devastating The end of the opening set really affair, unlike her three oth-
power games to undo the challenge decided the outcome. Osaka hung on ers.
of Jennifer Brady of United States 6- at 4-4 then, aided by her countering, Osaka overcame

4, 6-3 at the Rod Laver court to regain broke as Brady relinquished a 40-15 the disappointment
her Australian Open, here on Satur- of not converting
day. three match points in a second
After nearly exiting less than a set to beat Petra Kvitova in 2019 in
week ago, Naomi Osaka has stormed Melbourne.
to a second Australian Open title It all could have been so different
and fourth Grand Slam success by this fortnight, since Osaka stood on
downing Jennifer Brady.
Osaka broke into a huge smile
the verge of departing in the fourth
round. At Australian Open, Djokovic
when the contest ended, prior to the
players exchanging a hug at the net. advantage.
She saved two match points
against last year’s finalist, Garbine chases 18th Slam, Medvedev 1st
“I didn’t play my last Grand Slam The Japanese star subsequently Muguruza, before soaring to anoth-
with fans so just to have this energy surged while Brady, the world No.24, er level. Wins over the tricky Su-Wei ASSOCIATED PRESS there is anything that can
it means a lot,” Osaka said to the understandably sagged. Hsieh and Serena Williams followed. Melbourne make it bigger."
fans during the trophy presentation, Both players struggled with their Osaka joined Caroline Wozniacki, It is an intergenerational
cradling the Daphne Akhurst Me- first-serve percentage, though Osaka Angelique Kerber and Li Na in tri- Novak Djokovic lost his first showdown - Serbia's
morial Cup. shaded matters on first-serve and umphing at the Australian Open in career Grand Slam final at Djokovic turns 34 in May;
“Thank you so much for coming. I second-serve points tallied while hit- the last decade after saving match the US Open. Then he won Russia's Medvedev just
feel like playing a Grand Slam is a ting one more winner and seven few- points. his second, which came at turned 25 - and another in the
super privilege right now and it’s the Australian Open. simmering standoff between
something I won’t take for granted. And look where he is now, the Big Three and the next
Thank you for this opportunity.” more than a dozen years lat- wave of up-and-coming play-
The world No.3 cemented her sta- er: One victory from a ninth ers hoping to supplant the
tus as the top hard-court player in championship at Melbourne group that has dominated for

the world. Osaka extended her win- Park and his 18th major title more than 15 years.
ning streak to 21, all on hard courts, ’d like to overall, which would put him Federer, Nadal and
a spell that included claiming the US congratulate two behind Roger Federer Djokovic have combined to
Open last September. Naomi on another and Rafael Nadal for the most win 14 of the past 15 majors
Osaka and Brady met in New York, by a man in tennis history. (Dominic Thiem at last year's
producing a tremendous, hard-hit- Grand Slam title Daniil Medvedev also lost U.S. Open was the exception),
ting semifinal affair in the Ameri- his first career Grand Slam and 57 of the last 69.
can’s big breakthrough. final at the US Open. And "Spice it up a little bit," by
And Osaka got the better of it now he will try to win in his adding a new name to the list
again at Rod Laver Arena to foil second try, which comes at of Slam champs, suggested
Brady’s bid to become the second the Australian Open on Sun- Stefanos Tsitsipas, the 22-
straight US women’s winner at Mel- day - against Djokovic. year-old who came back from
bourne Park who contested her "I know that to beat him, two sets down to eliminate
maiden Grand Slam final — after you need to just show your Nadal in the quarterfinals be-
Sofia Kenin. best tennis, be at your best fore losing to Medvedev 6-4, 6-
"I’d like to congratulate Naomi on physically, maybe four or five 2, 7-5 in the semifinals.
another Grand Slam title,” Brady hours, and be at your best The No. 1-seeed Djokovic is
told the crowd. mentally, maybe for five 17-0 in Oz Open semis and fi-
“She’s such an inspiration to us all hours," Medvedev said. nals, making him nearly as
and what she is doing for the game is "I would say to win a Slam, much of a lock on the blue
amazing in getting the sport out especially against somebody hard courts of Melbourne
there, and I hope young girls at home (like) Novak, is already a big Park as Nadal is on the red
motivation, and I don't think clay courts of Roland Garros.

Vijay Hazare trophy Suryakumar, Kishan, MP wrestler Sunny Jadhav wins silver medal

Tewatia in T20 squad

Varun Aaron strikes with ball, takes 6 for 37
Kishan stars in Jharkhand's PRESS TRUST OF INDIA

The two-day senior greco

mammoth win over MP New Delhi India's T20I squad roman wrestling champi-
V Kohli (Cap), R Sharma (v-c), KL Rahul, S onship has started at Love-
Ishan Kishan, Suryakumar Yadav Dhawan, S Iyer, S Yadav, H Pandya, R Pant ly Professional University
INDORE: Skipper Ishan Kishan balls.Courtesy Kishan's heroics, and Rahul Tewatia on Saturday (w-k), I Kishan (w-k), Y Chahal, V at Jalandhar. on the first
smashed a blistering 173 off just Jharkhand posted the highest to- earned their maiden India call-up Chakravarthy, A Patel, W Sundar, R Tewatia, day, Madhya Pradesh's
94 balls to lead Jharkhand to a tal by an Indian domestic side. for next month's five-match T20 se- T Natarajan, B Kumar, D Chahar, N Saini wrestler Sunny Yadav won
massive 324-run victory over Mad- Virat Singh (68 off 49 balls; 5x4, ries against England as the selec- and S Thakur. the silver medal. In 60 kg
hya Pradesh in an Elite Group B 3x6) and Sumit Kumar (52 off 58 tors rewarded them for their stu- bouts, Sunny Jadhav won
game of the Vijay Hazare Trophy, balls, 5x4) also played their parts pendous performances in the IPL. the only silver medal for
here on Saturday. to perfection as all the MP bowlers Wicket-keeper batsman Rishabh ning win for his team. Madhya Pradesh. He defeat-
Invited to bat, Jharkhand posted had an off day in the field.Howev- Pant, all-rounder Axar Patel and Left-arm wrist spinner Kuldeep ed Gyanendra of Common-
a mammoth 422 for nine, shaped er, there was more action in store pacer Bhuvneswar Kumar also re- Yadav, Sanju Samson and Manish wealth and former National
by Kishan's whirlwind knock, and as all-rounder Anukul Roy turned to a fresh-looking squad. Pandey have been dropped from Champion of army in the
then bundled out the opposition smashed seven sixes and three The selectors named a 19-man the side while pacer Jasprit Bum- semi-finals on the basis of
for a meagre 98 in 18.4 overs, with fours in his 39-ball 72 and ensured squad for the series starting rah has been rested. technical education,. Sun-
pacer Varun Aaron (6/37) doing that his team went past the 400- March 12 in Ahmedabad with an Mohammad Shami and Ravindra ny is taking training from
the bulk of the damage. The 22- run mark. Aaron wreaked havoc aim to try out new faces such as Jadeja were not included as they the Sports Authority of In-
year-old left-handed Kishan sin- to leave Madya Pradesh tottering Kishan, Yadav and Tewatia in a they are still recovering from in- dia wrestling coach and
gle-handedly tore apart the MP at- at 21 for five. It was just a matter of World Cup year. juries they suffered on the Aus- Vishwamitra awardee Ved
tack, striking 19 fours and 11 sixes time as they were eventually bun- All three had a stellar IPL though tralia tour. Prakash Jawala, server
in his knock.After Jharkhand lost dled out for 98 as their all top-or- Yadav has formed the backbone of Pant comes back into the team Mansoori and Arjuna
opener Utkarsh Singh (6) early, der batsmen faltered. Mumbai Indians' batting over the following a stellar run in Tests in Awardee Kripashankar
Kishan conjured up a 113-run sec- years.Questions were raised when Australia and his good form has Bishnoi in the wrestling
ond-wicket stand with Kumar BRIEF SCORES: Suryakumar Yadav did not make continued in the home series hall of Malharaashram In-
Kushagra (26) to lay the founda- Jharkhand 422/9 (Ishan Kishan the team for the series in Australia against England. Bhuvneshwar re- dore.
tion for a big score. 173, Anukul Roy 72; Virat Singh but his long wait has finally ended. turns to the side having recovered A few days ago, the Sports
Kishan, who opened the innings, 68; Gourav Yadav 4/73, Shubham Kishan too had a good IPL and from a hamstring injury he suf- Ministry approved a finan- fare Fund. For the last few years, he
continued playing his shots before Sharma 1/44) beat Madhya has been in red hot form in white fered in the IPL. He recently cial assistance of Rs 2.5 Earlier, Jadhav had won a had to work like washing
being caught by Shubham Shar- Pradesh 98 all out (Abhishek ball cricket. He got the call-up on a played for UP in the Syed Mushtaq lakh to Madhya Pradesh silver medal in the 60 kg the car of others to contin-
ma off Gaurav Yadav.Kishan Bhandari 42; Venkatesh Iyer 23; day when he smashed 173 off 93 Ali Trophy. Patel, who last played a wrestler Sunny Jadhav, Greco Roman category at ue his practice of
reached his individual 50 in 42 Varun Aaron 6/37, Bal Krishna balls for Jharkhand in the Vijay T20 in February 2018, is also back who was working as a la- the Under 23 Junior Nation- wrestling.Sunny congratu-
balls, 100 in 74 balls and 150 in 86 2/8) by 324 runs. Hazare Trophy. Tewatia, who plays having performed consistently in borer to fulfill his needs. al Wrestling Champi- lated by olympion Pappu
for Rajasthan Royals and Haryana, the IPL. His selection comes after Jadhav was provided with onships in Chittor, Ra- Yadav, Vikram awardee
Jagadeesan, Aparajith, Shahrukh star in TN win had smashed West Indian Sheldon
Cottrell for five sixes in an over in
he took a five-wicket haul in his
maiden Test and is a like-for-like
financial support from Pan-
dit Deendayal Upadhyay
jasthan in 2018 and the Khe-
lo India University Games
Omprakash Khatri and
wrestling dignitaries of
INDORE: Gurkeerat Singh Mann's unbeaten 139 went in vain as Tamil the IPL last year to pull off a stun- replacement for Jadeja. National Sportsperson Wel- in Bhubaneswar in 2020. MP for his achievements,
Nadu defeated Punjab by six wickets. Mann's 139 off 121 deliveries
(14x4s, 7x6s) had helped Punjab score 288 for four in 50 overs. However, INDORE SPORTS
Tamil Nadu romped home with an over to spare.A 185-run second-wick-
et partnership between Narayan Jagadeesan (101 off 103 balls) and ITF grade-5 championship Gonkar beat Krish Tyagi 3-6, 6 -0, 10-7 Raghav Amin beat Satav of Arena Badminton Club were introduced to players.
Baba Aparajith (88 off 115 balls) put Tamil Nadu on course for a win af-
ter the early loss of Arun Karthik's wicket. Towards the end, Shahrukh
Pahal in second round of qualifying Aryaman Jajodia 6-3, 6-4, Param Chandra beat Aryan Devkar
6-3, 6-4, Aditya Badla beat Vibhu Chalagundla 6-2, 6-1, Ayush
Guests were welcomed by RP Singh Nayar, Vishal Chandwani,
Vrishali and Anay Shirpurkar. Dharmesh Yashlha conducted the
Khanshowed his big-hitting prowess as his 36-ball 55 helped closed the In the first match of qualifying round of International world Hindalkar defeated Nil Pillai 6-3, 4-6, 10-4 to advance to the programme.
match in Tamil Nadu's favour. Khan hit seven fours and a six.
Brief Scores: Punjab 288/4 in 50 overs (GS Mann 139 not out, Prabh-
tennis tour Junior ITF grade-5 championship organized by
Madhya Pradesh Tennis Association and sponsored by Yellow
second round. The final matches of the qualifying round will
be played on Sunday. From which the top boy and girl will get Rohan, Divyansh, Atharv, Bhavya,
simran 71, Sanvir 58) lost to Tamil Nadu 289/4 in 49 overs (N Ja- Diamond, city girl Pahal Kharadkar entered the second round
on Saturday. But other players like Ananya Maheshwari, Rehan
a chance to reach the main round.
Jasraj, in second round
gadeesan 101, B Aparajith 88, Sharukh Khan 55 not out).
Malik and Saurish Singh faced defeat in the first round. Shailendra of MP wins 3 bronze medals The district sub-junior ranking badminton competition of
Andhra Pradesh win by 3 wickets In the first round of the qualifying matches played at the In the 46th senior national (male and female) power lifting Indore District Badminton Association began here at Devi
Indore Tennis Club, Pahal defeated Adhara Malik 3-6, 7-5, 10- championship held at Suguna Auditorium, Coimbatore (Tamil Ahilya Badminton Academy, Ishwar Farm, RR CAT Road on
At SS Cricket Commune ground,in a thrilling encounter, Andhra
7 in a thrilling encounter. After losing the first set, Pahal made a Nadu), Shailendra Sewatiya, who represented Madhya Saturday. There were 50 matches in different age groups
Pradesh defeated Vidarbha by 3 wickets. Vidarbha batted first to score
strong comeback and won the second set to retain his Pradesh in 74 kg won three bronze medals by lifting 722.5 kg. were played on day one. Competition secretary Vikas
331 for 6. Captain Faiz Faizal and Yash Rathod both scored ton, but
dominance in the tiebreaker as well. But other players from The first medal was won in 285 kg squat. He cleared 175 kg in Soni said that in U-13 group, Rohan Majumdar defeated
Andhra's batsmen Ricky Bhui101 not out and Hanuma Vihari's 65 runs
the state had to face defeat in the very first round itself. In girls bench press and 262.5 kg in deadlift. Vidhan Patel 15-5, 15-2 to enter the second round. In the
demolished Vidarbha's challenge. same category, Yudhish Virodihiya, Souhard Verma, Veer
category, Deepshikha Shriram defeated Ananya Maheshwari 6-
Brief scores: Vidarbha 331/6 (Yash Rathod 117, Faiz Fazal 100; C
Stephen 3/66, Girinath Reddy 2/79) lost to Andhra 332/7 (Ricky Bhui 101
2, 6-1. In the boys category, Rehan Malik and Saurish Singh lost
in the first round. Raghav Poonia defeated Rehan 2-6, 6-4, 10-
Niharika, Dhimahi, Rudra, Khare and Kanhaiya Sharma also reached the next round.
In the Under-15 group, Priyansh Chauhan, Arthav
not out, Hanuma Vihari 65; Darshan Nalkande 3/76, Aditya Thakare
2/76) by three wickets.
7 and Skandha Prasanna Rao defeated Saurish 6-4, 6-2. In the
first round of qualifying matches, top seed in the girls category,
Aastha, Aditya in semi-finals Chaudhary, Bhavishya Purohit, Agam Bhandari ,Jasraj
Singh Saluja won their respective matches. Apart from
GROUP A : Solanki hits ton as Baroda beat Goa by five wickets Under the auspices of Indore District Badminton Asociation this, Aditya Somani, Karan Singh also reached the second
Pavitra Parikh defeated America’s Inayat Rai 6-4 6-2 to
Hyderabad beat Tripura by 113 runs and Raja Rammohan Roy Badminton Academy, the fifth Rusi round. In under-11 category, Kriday Shah, Sarthak Verma,
advance to the next round. But the other seeded players faced
Gujrat beat Chhattisgarh by 3 wickets Punegar Memorial Indore District Junior Ranking Badminton Rohan Majumdar, Anesh Prakash, Vidhan Piplia, Reju
defeat. Pari Chavan defeated second seed Rajavi Panchal 6-1,
GROUP C: Uttar Pradesh stun Karanataka by 9 runs tournament was played at Palasia on Saturday. Niharika Sant Sharma and Ashi Chauhan reached the second round.
6-1, Pushti Laddha beat third seed Riya Matharu 6-3, 6-3,
Railways thrashed Bihar by 10 wickets reached semifinal of U-19 and U-17 categories, Rudra Tiwari Earlier tournament was inaugurated by Chief Referee
Raheen Taranum beat fourth seed Hanna Nagpal 6-4, 1 -6, 10-
Kerala beat Odisha by 34 runs (VJD method) in 19 and 17 years boys, Adhya Jain in 19 and 17 years girls. Deepak Yadav, match controller Jigar Harsoa, Vikas Soni,
8 and Karishma Manohar defeated fifth seed Mahi Panchal 7-6,
At KSCA 2, Alur: Bihar 189; 45.5 overs (Anuj Raj 72, Shabbir Khan 46 Dhimahi Chauhan U-15, U-17 and U-19 girls, Anushka Prof. Rafi Mohammad Sheikh, Dilip Majumdar, Karthik
1-6, 10-7 to advance to the next round.In the first round of
not out; T Pradeep 6/43, Amit Mishra 3/30) lost to Railways 190 for no Shahpurkar U-15 and U-17 girls, Aditya Jain U-19 and U-17 Mahendra and Anirudh Bhawsar. More than 170 players
the boys’ qualifying round, Ansh Kundu beat Ankit Srivastava
loss; 29 overs (Mrunal Devdhar 105 not out, Pratham Singh 72 not out) boys and reached the semifinals. During matches, Vimal and are taking part in the tournament.
6-2, 6-0, Ayan Arora beat Aniket Singh 6-2, 6-3, Akshar
by 10 wickets. Prabha Gauravat of Sanchi Chemicals Private Limited and Sunil

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