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Hydroprocessing and Hydrocracking Dao-English

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Annual Meeting

March 19-21, 2017

Marriott Rivercenter
San Antonio, TX

AM-17-35 Hydroprocessing and Hydrocracking DAO:

Achieving Unlimited Cycle Lengths with the Most
Difficult Feedstocks

Presented By:

David Schwalje
Axens NA
Princeton, NJ

Eric Peer
Axens NA
Princeton, NJ

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Hydroprocessing and Hydrocracking DAO
Achieving unlimited cycle lengths with the most difficult feedstocks
David Schwalje, Eric Peer, Axens North America


The refining landscape remains dynamic. In the last decade, the industry has gone from rampant
dieselization to the tight oil and condensate boom, to king gasoline and unprecedented premiums on the
octane-barrel. Today, we find the US as a major product exporter to Latin America, keeping utilization high
independent of domestic demand. A simple truth remains: the refiner who remains the most flexible in
terms of feed and product slates has remained the most profitable.

The phenomenon most likely to affect US refiners in the short and mid-term include (1) the policy path of
the new administration including most notably potential taxes on imports and pending pipeline approvals,
(2) the reduction of Marine Fuel Oil sulfur to < 0.5 wt% in 2020, (3) uncertainty related to Latin American
project investment, (4) biofuel blending as mandated by the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), and (5) global
hydraulic fracturing expansion. Additionally, recent events in Europe suggest a mild tightening of
automotive diesel demand as blow-back from perceived emissions scandals infiltrates the urban political
mindset; however, in the US any reductions in transportation diesel demand will likely be offset by other
exports and industrial demand as tight oils play the role of swing producer to the global market.

The focus of this paper is the impact to the US refiner as a result of U.S. policy decisions in conjunction with
the reduction in marine fuel oil sulfur to < 0.5 wt% for ships lacking Exhaust Gas Scrubbers (EGS).
Specifically, the potential approval and construction of pipelines to increase the availability of heavy, sour
crudes to mid-continent and Gulf Coast refiners coupled with the widening spread between sweet and sour
crudes resulting from the IMO regulation may create an environment that favors sour crude conversion.

The well-established routes for refiners processing residue-heavy crudes are Residue Hydrocracking (Axens
H-Oil® process), Residue Hydrotreating followed by Residue Fluid Catalytic Cracking (Axens HyvahlTM
followed by R2RTM), Coking, and Solvent Deasphalting (Axens SolvahlTM). This paper will concentrate on
Solvent Deasphalting (SDA) and downstream processing of Deasphalted Oil (DAO), as SDA is the least
capital intensive of these options and has provided attractive returns for refiners with a viable outlet for the
pitch. The attractiveness of SDA is evidenced by the 23 operating units in the US totaling approximately 500
MBPSD of residue throughput1.

SDA Units are attractive because of their low capital requirements and relative ease of operation; however,
the technology does not come without its challenges, as processing of the DAO significantly impacts the
activity and cycle length in downstream units. Many refiners now process DAO in fixed-bed Cat Feed
Hydrotreaters (CFHT) where its inherent metals and CCR content can be detrimental to catalyst activity and

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cycle lengths. CFHT and hydrocrackers processing feeds concentrated with DAO that were not originally
designed for that operation can experience cycle lengths drastically lower than the preferred 30-36 months
to better coincide with FCC I&T’s. The increased downtime resulting from frequent catalyst changes
challenges profitability and refinery storage logistics.

Axens technology portfolio includes two solutions for this “DAO Dilemma:”

 The patented Swing Reactor System (or Permutable Reactor System, PRS) to change-out catalyst in
multi-reactor fixed-bed hydroprocessing units on-the-fly without shut-down of the operating unit.
This technology is applicable in low capital investment environments where gasoline production via
the FCC or RFCC is the most profitable.
 The ebullated-bed, H-OilDC process for high conversion hydrocracking of 100% DAO feed without
any cycle limitations. This is the higher investment option that favors product slate flexibility,
increased diesel production, and increased liquid fuel yields.

This paper will present commercial results and a case study to evaluate the benefits of these two
technologies in an environment that favors heavy, sour crude processing.

DAO Dilemma Option 1: DAO Hydrocracking in H-OilDC

The ebullated-bed H-Oil® process is a well-established technology with 21 licensed units including 10 in
operation and a total licensed capacity of over 1,000,000 BPSD since its commercialization in 1968. The key
to the technology is the ebullated-bed reactor, which is a three-phase system utilizing back-mixing of both
the reactor liquid and catalyst particles to provide excellent reactor temperature control coupled with low
and constant pressure drop over several years of continuous operation. A critical technology component is
the ability to add and withdraw fresh catalyst to control the level of catalyst activity in the reactor as
required. This provides constant catalyst activity and eliminates the need to shut down the unit for catalyst
change out. The fluidized bed and catalyst withdraw capability make H-Oil ideal for exothermic reactions
and difficult feedstocks such a DAO concentrated in metals, asphaltenes, and other foulants/coke

The ebullated bed process therefore provides the following benefits compared to fixed-bed systems:

 Nearly isothermal operation throughout the run

 Unlimited reactor run lengths (shut-downs dictated by I&T schedules rather than catalyst activity)
 High conversion flexibility
 Unlimited metals processing capacity
 Lower gas circulation rates due to the use of cold feed as reactor quench

The most common feed to an H-Oil Plant is vacuum residue with relatively high CCR and contaminant
metals. This mode of operation is referred to as H-Oil RC (for Residue Cracking) and has been commercially
demonstrated for over 50 years. H-Oil DC (for Distillate or DAO Cracking) is an extension of the well-known

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H-Oil RC for processing non-residue feedstocks and began commercial operation in 2004. The DC technology
is typically used to treat difficult feeds like heavy coker gas oil or DAO containing high levels of CCR and
contaminant metals. 4 of the 21 licensed H-Oil units have been of the DC variety; additionally, 2 of the RC
units have operated temporarily in DC mode to produce low sulfur FCC feed.

The H-OilDC process has the following features, which distinguish from H-OilRC:

 Typically lower reactor operating pressure

 Typically lower catalyst addition rates
 No vacuum tower reacquired for product separation
 Typically reduced reactor volume

As a result of these features, internal Axens studies have shown that for conversion of feeds high in metals
and CCR, ebullated-bed hydroprocessing has significantly better returns than fixed-bed hydroprocessing
due to its unlimited cycle length and reduction in required reactor volume. The relative reactor volume for
fixed bed units processing high metals feeds can be on the order of 50% higher than for the ebullated bed

The introduction of the H-Oil process for DAO conversion was the result of a deep knowledge of the
interaction between SDA operations and downstream hydroprocessing units developed via intensive R&D
projects coupling SDA and H-Oil piloting across a wide range of feedstocks and operating conditions.
Specifically, the technology development focused on four key areas: catalyst selection, DAO quality,
Unconverted Oil (FCC Feed) quality, and conversion selectivity.

Catalyst Selection

Even for DAO feeds low in asphaltenes, the use of heavier butane or pentane solvents results in DAO metals
contents greater than 20 wppm for many crudes. Catalyst screening was performed on a C5 DAO derived
from Cold Lake vacuum residue considering three different catalysts. The DAO contained 90 wppm of Ni + V
and over 4 wt% sulfur. Catalyst 1 (with a unimodal pore size) was a high activity product developed to
process heavy vacuum gas oil feedstocks. Catalysts 2 and 3 had bi-modal pore size containing adequate
macropore volume for metals tolerance and were both developed for processing of feedstocks with
significant metals content. The test results clearly show that processing of DAO requires a metals tolerant
catalyst and that Catalyst 3 (Axens HTS-458) designed for ebullated-bed DAO processing had the best long
term activity maintenance.

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Figure 1 – Catalyst Selection Results for DAO Hydrocracking

DAO Quality

The quality of DAO is primarily a function of the vacuum residue properties, SDA solvent, and SDA
operation. Heavier, more aromatic crudes tend to contain more sulfur, nitrogen, CCR, metals, and
asphaltenes; consequently, DAO produced from these crudes will comparably contain more heteroatoms
than lighter crudes.

The composition of vacuum residue can be described in 4 distinct fractions: saturates, aromatics, resins,
and asphaltenes. Assuming proper design and operation of the SDA unit, the asphaltene fraction should be
mostly rejected with the pitch in the extractor regardless of the solvent composition (down to the ppm
range), and the saturates will be mainly extracted with the DAO. This leaves the aromatics and resins as the
fractions most affected by the type of solvent and operation of the SDA unit. Heavier solvents achieve
higher DAO lift by extracting more of the aromatic and resin phase while lighter solvents extract mainly
saturates while rejecting much of the aromatic and resin molecules with the pitch. Figure 2 below
summarizes this relationship for an Arabian Light residue.

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Figure 2 – SARA Analysis for Various SDA Solvents

It is this resin fraction that is most critical to hydroprocessing unit operation, as it contains the majority of
the refractory molecules and metals. The high aromatic content of DAO’s derived from heavier solvents
affects the exothermicity and hydrogen consumption requirements of the H-Oil unit. The table below
summarizes DAO contaminants as a function of SDA solvent for a fixed crude VR.


DAO Lift, wt% - 30 61 78
SPGR 1.018 0.938 0.969 0.987
S, wt% 5.5 3.2 4.2 4.7
Ni+V, wppm 126 5 24 48
CCR, wt% 18.1 1.9 6.6 8.9
C7 Asph., wt% 6.2 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05
Required CFHT LHSV (1) Base Base x 0.4 Base x 0.2
Note 1: LHSV required to meet a product sulfur target of 1,000 wppm at iso-conditions

While DAO asphaltenes should theoretically be maintained below 500 wppm in a properly designed and
operated SDA unit, commercially, in many instances, this is not the case. Mostly due to high extractor linear
velocity or poor control over the extractor temperature gradient, DAO asphaltene carry-over has extremely
detriment effects on downstream catalytic processes. Axens quantified the asphaltene effect on H-Oil and
fixed-bed catalyst by conducting pilot testing under identical operating conditions using DAO that was
artificially spiked with known quantities of asphaltenes to compare “clean” DAO (< 500 wppm C7
asphaltenes) to “dirty” DAO (> 1,000 wppm C7 asphaltenes).

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Figure 3 – Effects of Asphaltene Carry-Over on HDT Performance

The results clearly indicate the importance of limiting DAO asphaltene entrainment.

Unconverted Oil (FCC Feed) quality

The 650 °F+ material from the H-OilDC atmospheric fractionator bottoms is typically routed to the FCC due
to its high hydrogen content, low metals, and low sulfur. The quality of this stream is critical to predicting
FCC performance when considering a drop-in H-Oil solution. Axens has conducted extensive piloting across
a range of conversion levels and feedstocks to quantify the UCO properties. One such analysis performed
on C5 DAO from a heavy Canadian Bitumen is representative of the relative FCC feed qualities with varying

Piloting was conducted for single-reactor and two-reactor H-Oil designs processing DAO from heavy
Canadian residue. In the single-stage operation, the 650°F+ product had 2-3 wppm Ni+V and approximately
2.5-3.0 W% CCR. With two-stages and nearly 100 wppm more Ni+V in the feed, the 650 °F+ product had
less than 1 wppm Ni+V. While the final selection of unit configuration, conversion, and catalyst usage will
depend on the refiner’s requirements for FCC feed rate and quality, the H-Oil technology is very flexible;
conversion and product quality can be adjusted depending on refinery objectives both during the design
and operational phases.

Page 6
Single Reactor Two Reactor
H-Oil Feed 650 °F+ UCO H-Oil Feed 650 °F+ UCO
Yield, wt% 100 66 100 55
Gravity, °API 9.5 20.5 6.2 18.7
S, wt% 4.3 0.3 5.2 0.2
N, wppm 4,300 1,900 5,300 3,100
Hydrogen wt% 10.7 12.1 10.3 11.8
Metals, wppm 90 3 193 0.4
CCR, w% 10.7 2.3 16.1 2.8

DAO Dilemma Option2: Axens Swing Reactor System (PRS)

Axens commercially proven Swing Reactor, or Permutable Reactor System (PRS), provides refiners with a
method for drastically extending cycles for fixed-bed hydroprocessing units processing difficult feedstocks.
The heart of the PRS technology is the catalyst conditioning system, which allows the refiner to change out
catalyst in one reactor “on the fly” without disturbing the operation of the operating unit. This unique
arrangement is particularly attractive for configurations where short-cycling CFHT units disrupt FCC
operations between turn-arounds.

The Swing Reactor system can be designed in three flavors.

 By-passable guard reactor: The first reactor in a multi-reactor system is installed with a by-pass
allowing the operator to take it out of service when it has reached the end of its cycle. The main
reactor(s) remain online for the remainder of their cycle.
 PRS1R: The first reactor in a multi-reactor system is by-passable, and a catalyst conditioning system
is installed in order to change-out first reactor catalyst on the fly and place it back into service.
 PRS2R: The first two reactors in a multi-reactor system operating in a lead/lag arrangement, and a
catalyst conditioning system is installed in order to change-out either reactor catalyst on the fly and
place it back into service.

The key features of the technology are:

 Specialty severe service valves to ensure positive isolation for operating pressures from 1,000 psig
to in excess of 2,500 psig
 Robust safety permissive systems to prevent potential high pressure to low pressure exposure
 Low pressure catalyst conditioning system for reactor change-outs “on the fly”
 Over 35 combined operating-years of commercial experience

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Figure 4 – PRS Configuration Options

The concept was originally designed and implemented on Hyvahl Atmospheric and Vacuum Residue
Desulfurization (ARDS and VRDS) units where feed metals content can limit the applicability of traditional
fixed-bed units. In these residue configurations, multiple guard reactors are installed upstream of the main
hydrotreating catalyst and contain the majority of the demetalization catalyst. These guard reactors are
operated in a lead/lag configuration using PRS and changed-out when metals slippage to the main catalyst
becomes problematic. In effect, the technology provides limitless metals trapping capabilities, allowing the
cycle length of the HDS catalyst to be determined by traditional coke lay-down as opposed to contaminant

Today, the swing reactor system is increasingly more applicable for CFHT units as economics favor FCC
pretreatment, DAO hydroprocessing, and processing heavy crudes high in metals and CCR. The technology
is a relatively low cost solution that is equally suitable for grassroots units or as a drop-in revamp solution
for existing short-cycling units. The driver for capital expenditure is the opportunity and logistics costs of
multiple 3-4 week FCC shut-downs between FCC turn-arounds.

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Figure 5: PRS General Arrangement for Series Reactors

The heart of the technology is the Catalyst Conditioning Package, which is used to perform all the requisite
start-up and shut-down steps of the offline reactor during catalyst change-out including but not limited to
washing, hydrogen stripping, cool down, inerting, loading, and warm-up. The package can also perform
catalyst sulfiding, if necessary, although many units can either be loaded with presulfided catalyst or
activated online without any appreciable loss of hydrodemetalization activity.

Reliable valve performance is critical to prevent high pressure to low pressure exposure and ensure quick
reactor turn-arounds, and, as such, Axens specifies valves exclusively from its proven and qualified supplier
in North America.

PRS - Commercial Experience

Axens has licensed and designed five PRS2R configurations; three are currently under operation with the
fourth and fifth currently under construction. Four of these units operate on residue and one on FCC slurry.
The commercial units have combined for over 35 years of operating experience (over 50 reactor swaps)
without a single safety-related incident. There are numerous other 1R and by-passable units in design and
operation. In addition, the catalyst addition and withdrawal system in Axens operating H-Oil units has
successfully utilized a similar safety interlock system to prevent high-pressure to low-pressure exposure for
over 25 years.

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DAO Processing Options: An Axens Case Study

Axens performed a quantitative comparison of classical fixed-bed CFHT, PRS-equipped CFHT, and ebullated
bed DAO hydrocracking to assess the attractiveness of each of these options. A critical aspect of this case
study was the opportunity to increase the processing of discounted heavy, sour crudes via the introduction
of the above-described DAO-processing technology solutions.

The Base Case study refinery configuration is summarized in Figure 6. Vacuum residue was processed in an
SDA utilizing a butane solvent for moderate DAO recovery, and the DAO fed a CFHT and FCC conversion
block for maximum gasoline production. It was assumed that SDA pitch was sold to the asphalt market. For
simplicity, the case study refinery produced a full-range diesel without any jet product, and the gasoline
pool consisted of reformate, alkylate, FCC gasoline, and straight-run light naphtha.

Figure 6 – Base Refinery Configuration

Three operating cases were compared:

 Base Case (current operation) processing a medium sour crude diet consisting of WTI, WTS, and
Arabian crudes (blend S=1.6 wt%, API=33) utilizing a C4 SDA + CFHT + FCC for residue conversion
 PRS Case (revamp operation) where the crude slate was modified to include discounted heavy, sour
crude (blend S=1.8 wt%, API=31) and the CFHT was revamped to include a new reactor utilizing
Axens PRS1R system.
 H-OilDC Case (revamp operation) where the crude slate was modified to include discounted heavy,
sour crude (blend S=1.8 wt%, API=31), the SDA was revamped to a C5 solvent for higher DAO
recovery, and 100% of the DAO was processed in a new ebullated bed hydrocracker.

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The bottom of the barrel revamps are summarized in the following BFD’s:

Figure 7 – Revamp Refinery Configurations

The following table summarizes the crude slates for the Base and Revamp cases.

CASE Base Case PRS Case H-Oil Case

Crude Rate, MBPSD 210 210 210
Crude Composition, v%
WTI 25 25 25
WTS 25 25 25
Arab Med 50 25 25
WCS 0 25 25
Gravity, °API 33 31 31
S, wt% 1.6 1.8 1.8
Vacuum Residue, MBPSD 35.9 41.6 41.6

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Case Descriptions and Results

The Base Case CFHT was assumed to be an existing unit utilizing 2 reactors with a total LHSV of 1.5 hr-1
operating at a pressure of 1,500 psig with a product Sulfur target of 1,000 wppm. As a result of processing
27 vol% DAO containing 16 wppm metals, the unit achieved only an 18 month cycle with a total feed rate of

For the PRS case, the crude slate was modified to include more discounted heavy, sour feedstock providing
a distinct crude acquisition cost advantage. Consequently, the DAO metals increased from 16 to 24 wppm,
which would have reduced the CFHT unit cycle to 16 months. To extend the cycle, an additional guard
reactor was added to the CFHT unit such that it operated in PRS1R mode: when the guard reactor became
metals loaded after 18 months, it was changed-out on the fly using the Catalyst Conditioning System and
placed back into service in the guard position. The overall LHSV considering the new reactor was 1.1 hr-1 for
a feed rate of 72 MBPSD (29 vol% DAO), representing a very feasible increase of 8% to the base rate. The
product quality target was held at 1,000 wppm, and the resulting cycle length was increased to 30 months
by the PRS1R system.

FCC slurry oil was sold as low sulfur fuel oil (LSFO) for both the Base and PRS Cases.

The H-OilDC case consisted of making the same crude shift as the PRS case. To maximize conversion and
production of middle distillate, the SDA unit was revamped to utilize a pentane solvent, and 100% of the
DAO was processed in a new ebullated bed hydrocracker. As a result, the CFHT (Base Case reactor
configuration – no PRS) now processed only straight-run VGO and could easily achieve a cycle length of 36
months. Hydrocracked naphtha was processed in the existing NHT/CCR block for gasoline production, and
the hydrocracked diesel was routed to the existing DHT. The H-Oil unit utilized one reactor with a 690°F+
conversion of 60%; the H-Oil atmospheric fractionator bottoms was of sufficiently high quality to rout
directly to the FCC.

A summary of the case results and overall refinery product pools for each case are presented in the
following Table and Figure. The Base and PRS cases of course favor gasoline production via the FCC, while
the H-OilDC scheme shifts the product slate to favor middle distillates while increasing overall refinery
residue conversion (40% reduction in residual fuel oil production).

It should be noted that while the overall production of residual fuel oil (via FCC slurry) for the H-Oil case
was reduced by 40%, the low sulfur fuel oil (LSFO) production is not possible in the H-Oil case as it was for
the other cases. RFO sulfur is expected to be approximately 1 wt% for the H-Oil case.

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CASE Base Case PRS Case H-Oil Case
Feed Rate, MBPSD 36,000 41,600 41,600
Lift, v% 50 50 70
DAO Ni+V, wppm 16 24 66
DAO CCR, wt% 6.5 7.0 11.0
Feed Rate, MBPSD 67,100 72,200 51,400
Feed DAO, MBPSD 18,000 20,800 0
No. of Reactors 2 3 2
Cycle Length, mo 18 30 36
Feed Rate, MBPSD - - 29,100
690 °F+ Conversion - - 60
Diesel Yield (350-690°F), v% - - 47
Cycle Length, mo - - Unlimited
Feed Rate, MBPSD 66,000 71,000 62,700
Feed API 23.0 23.3 23.5
Gasoline Yield, v% 67 67 65
NHT Feed Rate, MBPSD 57,000 52,400 58,500
DHT Feed Rate, MBPSD 82,700 79,700 91,900

Figure 8 – Case Study Refinery Product Pools

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Case Study Economics

The following price scenarios serve as the basis for economic evaluation.

Gasoline Diesel
Favored Favored
PRICE, $/BBL (MMSCFD) Scenario Scenario
WTI 65 65
WTS 64 64
Arab Med. 63 63
WCS 57 57
H2 2.5 2.5
LPG 30 30
Gasoline 85 83
ULSD 83 91
Residual Fuel Oil (LSFO) 51 51
Residual Fuel Oil (HSFO) 41 41
Asphalt 42 42

Refinery-wide margin calculations were performed accounting for operating hydrocarbon margin, catalyst
costs, and FCC downtime as a result of short-cycling in the CFHT unit. A justifiable capital expenditure was
then calculated assuming a 30% IRR.

The driver for selecting a PRS-FCC-based scheme compared to an H-Oil-based scheme is clearly the
gasoline-diesel differential, as H-Oil shifts the product slate to favor middle distillate production.
Accordingly, the margin analysis was based on applying the Gasoline Favored Scenario for the Base and PRS
Cases and applying the Diesel Favored scenario for the H-OilDC Case. It should be noted that the H-Oil case is
still profitable in the Gasoline Favored Scenario – just to a lesser extent - and hydrocracking conversion can
be easily adjusted on the fly to swing the product slate as needed.

The result of the Case Study is clear: US refiners can take advantage of the increased incentive to process
heavy, sour crude within existing refinery networks by utilizing DAO hydrocracking or PRS to process the
more difficult DAO. Both projects were quite profitable in this analysis.

The PRS system revamp is a relatively low-investment endeavor that will have an extremely quick pay-back.
Previous revamp PRS project total investments have ranged from 12 to $30MM. The results also indicate
that H-OilDC investment can be justified as high as $30,000 per BPSD of unit feed, which is far greater than
the expected project TIC.

Page 14
Base Case PRS Case H-OilDC Case
Operating Margin
$MM per day Base + 0.31 + 0.70
$MM per year Base + 121 + 257
Justifiable Project CAPEX @ 30% IRR, $MM - 402 852

It should be noted that even without a crude shift to include more discounted heavy, sour feedstock, the
PRS system has a justifiable CAPEX of $77MM based solely on the reduction in FCC downtime associated
with the short-cycling CFHT unit.


For refiners struggling to extend CFHT unit cycle lengths and avoid multiple catalyst change-outs per FCC
turn-around, a low-cost CFHT revamp to include a Swing Reactor System (PRS) can have an extremely rapid
return on investment while avoiding any major disruptions to the operating plant. In environments where
diesel production is favored over gasoline, H-OilDC for high-conversion hydrocracking of 100% DAO feeds is
an attractive major-project option. Project economics for both options become more favorable as the
differential between sweet and sour crudes widens thanks to the technologies’ ability to process crudes
with increasingly high percentages of vacuum residue containing high metals and conradson carbon.

Page 15

1. 2015 Worldwide Refining Survey. Oil & Gas Journal December 2015.

Axens, North America Axens, North America

1800 St. James Place 650 College Rd. E.
Suite 500 Suite 1200
Houston, TX 77056 Princeton, NJ 08540
800-304-5247 609-243-8700

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