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TD-OP-09 Used Spare Managment

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Heineken Breweries Share Company

Used Spare Part Management Procedure

Revision HISTORY
Revision Description of Change Originator Effective Date
00 Initial release Technical service team 17/11/2015

Document Number Document Title
ISO 9001:2008 6.3 Infrastructure,(b) Process equipment
7.5 Service and production Provision
ISO 22000:2005 6.3 Infrastructure,(b) Process equipment
7.2 prerequisite programs (d) supporting Service
HUSPMP Heineken Used Spare Part Management Procedure

No. Contenets Pages

I Issue History 1
Ii Reference Document 1
iii Contents 1
1 Purpose 2
2 Scope 2
3 Process Owner 2
4 Involved 2
5 Performance Management 2
6 Definitions and Abbreviations 2
7 Procedure 3
7.1 Process Flow diagram 3
7.2 Process Flow diagram Description 4
8 Records 5
9 Distribution 5
10 Related Documents 5

Document Number: TD/OP/009 Revision No.:00 Creation Date: Page 1 of 5

Approved by: Signature: Approval Date:
Heineken Breweries Share Company
Used Spare Part Management Procedure

1. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is managing and disposing used spare part in a safe and environmental friendly
way according to Heineken global standards and also to define the role & responsibility of technical service
department and general service/ human resource who involve in the activities.

2. Scope
This procedure applies to activities conducted under managing used spare part from collecting to discarding and

3. Process Owner
Technical service department

4. Involved
General Service, SHE

5. Performance Management/ Evaluation Criteria

 OTIF report
 Correct Environmental report

6. Definitions and Abbreviations

6.1. Definitions
- Spare part- is an interchangeable part that is kept in an inventory and used for the repair or replacement of
failed units.
- Used spare part- is a part that is replaced by a new interchangeable part due to failure or suppliers
- Disposal - The act or process of getting rid of something.

6.2 Abbreviations
R: Responsible
A: Accountable
C: Consulted
I: Informed
MP: Maintenance Planner
ME: Maintenance Engineer
SHE: Safety Health and Environmental Engineer
GS: General Service
HRM: Human Resources Manager
TM: Technical Manager
OTIF: On Time In Full

Document Number: TD/OP/009 Revision No.:00 Creation Date: Page 2 of 5

Approved by: Signature: Approval Date:
Heineken Breweries Share Company
Used Spare Part Management Procedure

BD: Break Down

7. Procedure
7.1 Process Flow diagram

1. Use d Sp a r e Pa r t

2. Re ce ive
Use d Ite m s

3. Ca te gor ize
&we igh Ite m s
& Re p or ts

Re fe r To
4. Ar e Ite m s
Ma te r ia l Re tu r n
Re p a ir a ble Or Ye s
Pr oce ss TD/ OP/
Usa ble ?


5. Disp osa l Of
Ite m s

6. Re cor d in g An d
Docu m e n ta tion s

Document Number: TD/OP/009 Revision No.:00 Creation Date: Page 3 of 5

Approved by: Signature: Approval Date:
Heineken Breweries Share Company
Used Spare Part Management Procedure

7.2 Flow Diagram Description

FLC Process in put Process Steps Process out put Role and Responsibility
1 Over hauls Used spare part Selected used material
BD Maintenance is executed and used parts are returned to MP ME MM/ ---
Project maintenance planner. SHE
2 Selected used items Receive used item Receiving of used items MP ME SHE
The maintenance planner receives items in terms of the ---
material type
3 Receive of used items Categorize & weigh items and report Reporting Categorized & weighed MP ME SHE
The maintenance planner categorize & weigh items in items ---
terms of the material type and reports it to the maintenance
engineer by using the used item report form
4 Reported Categorized & Are items repairable and or usable? Approved material ME TM SHE ---
weighed items Yes: Refer to material return process TD/OP/008 No: go to
next step
5 Approved material Disposal Disposal of items GS HRM SHE/
After the approval the used items are disposed according to ME ---
the company’s disposal system and environmental standard
6 Disposal of items Record and documentations Recording and documentation GS HRM SHE TM
The process is recorded and documented
Heineken Breweries Share Company
Used Spare Part Management Procedure

8. Records

Records such as Environmental Report and OTIF report with soft copies are available with technical
and management team that are involved.

All records are kept for a minimum of 2 years

9. Distribution

This developed records are available in hard copy with general service or human resource and those
having soft copy are the safety and environmental engineer, maintenance engineer and technical

10. Related Documents

Document title Document number
Used item Report form TD/OF/002
Used item monthly Report form TD/OF/003

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