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Zonal Development Plan Planning Zone - K-Ii' (Dwarka)

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ZDP for Zone – K-II(Dwarka)

Authenticated on Behalf of
Government of India vide
Letter No. K-12011/3/2010-DDIB

(U. Viswanadham)
Under Secretary
M/o Urban Devt.
Govt. of India


LETTER NO. K 12011/23/2009/DDIB ON 08.03.2010



The Zonal Development Plan for Zone K-II (Dwarka) has been approved by
the Central Government, vide letter No.K-12011/23/2009-DDIB dated the 8th
March 2010 and 26th May 2010 under Section 11(A) of Delhi Development Act,

The regularisation of Cultural, Religious (including spiritual), Educational and

Healthcare institutions will be subject to fulfillment of the conditions as given in
chapter 2.4.2 of the Zonal Development Plan (report) / Government directions
issued from time to time.

Influence Zone along MRTS / Major Transport Corridor shall be dealt as per
chapter 2.4.1 of the Zonal Development Plan (report) and as per the guidelines
and conditions as notified by DDA with the approval of Government of India
from time to time.



1.1 Background, Location, Boundaries & Area 1

1.2 Statutory Provisions and Objectives 1
1.3 Earlier approved Zonal Development Plan 2


2.1 Population and Employment 2

2.2 Residential Development 3
2.3 Work Centers 6
2.4 Social Infrastructure 6
2.5 Transportation Network 8
2.6 Environment/Areas of Significance 10
2.7 Areas for urban design 10
2.8 Conservation of built heritage 10
2.9 Physical infrastructure 10
2.10 Green Belt 11
2.11 Recreational use 11
2.12 Proposed Land use 11
2.13 Phasing and Implementation 13
2.14 Plan Review and Monitoring 13


I) Variation in the Zonal Plans prepared under 15

MPD- 2001 & MPD -2021
II) Modifications incorporated in Zonal Plan 16
III) List of pre-existing institutions. 18
IV) List of Unauthorised colony in Zone K-II 19

i) Location Plan 21
ii) Existing built-up areas Plan 22
iii) Land Use Plan 23




As per Master Plan for Delhi 2021, notified on 7.2.2007 under the Delhi Development Act-
1957, National Capital Territory of Delhi is divided in to 15 zones out of which 8 zones
(A to H) are falling within urban area and the rest of the 6 zones (zone J to P except Zone
I) are in the urbanisable area of MPD 2021.


The planning zone K-II with an area of 5924 Ha. includes the Dwarka Sub-city and the
area in between Bijwasan road and the National Capital Territory of Delhi boundary and is
bounded in East by Delhi Rewari Railway Line, on the South by National Capital Territory
of Delhi boundary in the West by Najafgarh Drain and in the North by Najafgarh road and
Pankha Road.


As per the MPD-2001, the National Capital Territory of Delhi was divided in to 15 zones
from A to H and Zone J to P(except-Zone I), of which 8 zones are in the urban area, one
is falling in riverbed and remaining 6 in the rural area. Now the rural area has been
earmarked for Urbanization in MPD 2021.

Section-8 of Delhi Development Act provides for preparation of zonal Development Plan
simultaneously with the preparation of Master Plan or as soon may be, the Authority shall
proceed with the preparation of Zonal Development Plan for each of the zone into which
Delhi may be divided. However, a Zonal Development Plan may contain a site plan and
land use plan with approximate location and extent of land uses such as public and semi
public buildings / work centers / utilities, roads, housing, recreation, industries, business
markets, school, hospitals, open spaces etc. Section 10 of the Delhi Development Act
provides procedure to be followed for the preparation and approval of the Zonal
Development Plan.

A Zonal Development Plan means a plan for each Zones (Division) containing information
regarding provision of social infrastructure, parks and open spaces, circulation system etc.
The Zonal Development Plan indicates the actual as well as proposed use-zones
designated in the 9 ‘land use’ categories stated in the Master Plan according to which the
area in the Zone is to be finally developed. User indicated in the Zonal Development Plan
will not give automatic right to the owners to use their property / land for the designated

Based on the availability of the infrastructure services by the respective departments, the
urbanisable areas will be opened up for development in a phased manner to meet with the
needs of urbanization envisaged in the Master Plan-2021. The hierarchy of Urban
Development indicated in the Zonal Development Plan is to be in conformity with table 3.3
of Master Plan -2021.


ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)


Zonal Development Plan of zone K-II (Dwarka) was prepared under the provisions of
MPD-2001, had been notified with the approval of the Government of India vide
notification no. K13011/7/2006 – DDIB dated 7-8-2006.
1.3.1 Framework for the preparation of Zonal Development Plan
The DDA formulated a Structure Plan for Dwarka which was approved by DDA on 7.7.92
vide item No.81/92. The structure plan provides 29 sectors. Subsequently work of
preparation of sector plans was taken up and layout plans of 1 to 26 sectors already stand
approved. The preparation of the Zonal Development plan as required under DD Act-1957
and MPD-2021 takes into consideration proposals of the approved structure plan and
sector plans.
1.3.2 Land Use Plan (2001)

Earlier the Zonal Development plan of Zone K(Part)Dwarka sub-city was worked out
within the framework of MPD-2001, taking the cognizance of the structure plan approved
by the Authority vide its item No.81/92 dated 7.7.92, the notification of MOUD Dt.6.11.93
and Corrigendum dt. 30.8.94 regarding change of land use in respect of Phase –I and
proposed modification of land use approved by the Authority vide item No.86/96 Dated
27.8.96 in respect of Phase-II. Change of landuse in respect of Dwarka Phase-II was
notified by MOUD & PA vide notification dated 16.10.2000. The land use break up for
Zone K (Pt.), Dwarka. Phase I and Phase II is as under:



1. Residential 2912.3

a) Built-up 1688 (29.89%)# 51.56

b) Planned area of 1224.3 (21.67%)
Dwarka Sectors
2. Commercial 352.13
a)Commercial 239.13 6.24
b)Service Center 113.00
3. Govt. Use 91.36 1.62
4. Public & Semi Public 369.94 6.55
5. Utility 138.76 2.46
6. Recreational 1006.18 17.81
7. Transportation 777.33 13.76

Total 5648.00 100.00



As per MPD-2021, the holding capacity of Zone K-II, has been proposed for a population
of 13 lakh. There is an increase in area of this zone from 5648 ha. to 5924 ha. by adding
the land in between Bijwasan road and the NCTD boundary (refer Annexure-I). This

ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)

increase in population from 11 lakh to 13 lakh by the year 2021 shall be accommodated in
the built up area of Zone K-II.

The envisaged population as per MPD 2001 for Dwarka Sub city (Zone K (part) was 11
lakh proposed to be accommodated. The Dwarka Sub city has an area of 5648 ha. Out
of this, 1688 ha is designated as built-up and the balance 3960 ha is under
planned/regulated development comprising sector 1 to 29. The estimated population for
the planned sectors of Dwarka i.e. sector 1 to 23 is 7 lakh. In the remaining residential
area sector 19 Pt, 23, 24 & 26 about 90 ha, only 50,000 population can be
accommodated. Sector 27, 28 & 29 are to be planned for low intensity development.
Hence, the additional population as projected by MPD 2021 shall be accommodated in the
existing built-up area under various re-development schemes. The population to be
accommodated in the built up area shall be about 6.5 lakh. As per the estimated
population the existing population in the year 2001 in built-up area is 3.3. lakh. Keeping in
view of enhanced density & FAR norms for plots, the balance 3.2 lakh population are to
be accommodated within this built up area.


2.2.1 New Housing areas

In Dwarka the new housing area units are proposed in part of sector 19, 23, 24 & 26.
These sectors are to be developed on low density.

2.2.2 Restructuring and upgrading/redevelopment of existing built up areas

The entire built up area of 1688 proposed for Redevelopment area, for which
redevelopment schemes shall be taken up. In this area mixed use and commercial
streets/roads shall be as per notification issued time to time by Local Body/Government.

2.2.3 Unplanned areas : Villages and unauthorized colonies, regularized unauthorized


i) Villages
There are Eleven village abadi existing within K-II Zone. Seven villages are surrounded
by planned development of Dwarka and Four villages falling with in built-up area.
Following village abadi area falls within K-II:

Amber Hai

Village development plans are to be prepared for these villages. Some of the facilities
provided in adjoining sectors and Dwarka shall meet out deficiency of village facilities.
The Gaon Sabha land of these villages is to be planned and utilized mainly for community
facilities and recreational use. The extent of of mixed land use shall be as per the
requirement of the village and its surrounding area. The activities which generates
ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)

pollution and hazardous in nature shall be excluded from mixed use. Each village needs
to have proper emergency approach for fire tenders, medical emergency and at the time
of any natural calamity, access of fire tender within the village shall be provided upto
such distance wherever it is possible.

Villages are characterized by a mix of different land uses and similarity in compact
building form, norms circulation space a low rise high dimension development. These
mainly accommodate residential, commercial and industrial use and function as a mix.
Comprehensive scheme for the village redevelopment area villages is to be prepared by
the concerned local bodies with aim of provision of optimal facilities and services within
the abadi area and its integration to the surrounding areas. The development along the
peri-pheries of the villages is to be carefully planned.

Social and Educational facilities on reduced space standards shall be provided. The
facilities like community hall, dispensary, etc. may be grouped together depending upon
the availability of the land. Small shops as per policy shall be permissible in residential
plots on ground floor as per the provisions of mixed land use regulations in villages.

ii) Unauthorized Colonies

There are large number of unauthorized colonies within the existing built up area of Zone
K-II and also around the Kakrola Village which are falling within sector 14 & 15, 16 A & B
of Dwarka. Re-development of these unauthorized colonies shall be as per the structure
plan of Dwarka, as these sectors have already designed and approved under the
provisions of Delhi Development Act.

The process for regularization of Unauthorized colonies is being coordinated by the Govt.
of GNCTD. Regularisation of unauthorized colonies is a continuing process and is subject
to the Government guidelines approved from time to time. The tentative list of the
Unauthorized colonies falling in each Zone has been annexed as Annexure –IV. As in the
case of Village Abadis, the ‘land use’ of the finally approved Unauthorized colonies
located in any use zone, at any point of time, within the boundaries specified by the
competent authority, would be ‘residential’.

iii) Regularized unauthorized colonies

There are number of regularized unauthorized colonies within the built up area of Zone K-
II. Redevelopment scheme shall prepared for these colonies as per Master Plan policy.
In all unauthorized colonies (except those falling in sector-14,15,16 & 18) whether on
private or public land, regularization shall be done as per the government orders issued
from time to time. It must be ensured that for improvement of physical and social
infrastructure, the minimum necessary/feasible level of services and community facilities
are provided.
Physical: Plans for provision of services shall be prepared by the concerned local
Social: For provision of social facilities, reduced space standards shall be adopted.
Depending upon the availability of land, facilities like community hall, dispensary etc.
can be grouped together.

a) Primary School 800 sq.m. per 5000 population

b) Sr. Secondary School 2000 sq.m. per 10000 population

ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)

These norms can be further relaxed for existing recognized schools on the basis of
minimum norms prescribed by the Education Department, GNCTD/central Board of
Secondary Education.

c) The following facilities can be clubbed in a composite facility center (500-1000


Multi-purpose community hall – 100 sq.m.

Basti Vikas Kendra – 100sq.m.
Religious site – 100 sq.m.
Police Post – 100 sqm.
Health Center – 100 sqm.
Park/Shishu Vatika – 200 sqm.
Area for essential retail outlets e.g. Milk Booth, Fair Price Shop, Kerosene
shop, etc. may be provided.
Provisions for informal trade units and weekly market to be made, wherever

2.2.4 Farm Houses

The Farm Houses were permitted and sanctioned under the provision of Master Plan-
1962 and 2001. As per MPD-2021, the farm houses are now permitted only in the ‘green
belt’. All existing farm houses would be dealt with as per the Government policy on Farm

2.2.5 Mixed use

In zone K-II area mixed land use have been permitted in a planned manner in the major
road crossings. Further mixed use may be permitted as per the provision of MPD 2021.

2.2.6 Housing for urban poor

Land for EWS housing, built up units for service personnel in the form of group housing
schemes to be encouraged in built up area. Pockets/areas for these to be identified at the
time of detailed urban redevelopment plan.

2.2.7 High intensity development along MRTS corridors

In K-II zone (Dwarka ) the metro corridor (30m. wide) is passing through the linear District
Centre conceived, planned and implemented, in sectors 21, 9, 10, 11,12,13, 14 & 15.
This is pre-planned Metro corridor, hence there is no proposal to enhance the intensity
along the influence zone of metro corridor.

In Zonal Development Plan prepared the number of colony roads, local drains, high
tension wires, heritage areas etc. are not indicated. Therefore, boundary of Influence
Zone has not been indicated in the Zonal Development Plan. It will be shown only in the
Local Area Plans which are more site-specific. However, if there is any proposal received
within 500 mtr. of the centre line of the MRTS/major transport corridor, it will be examined
as per the guidelines given for redevelopment in the Master Plan as per directions issued
by Government from time to time.

ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)


2.3.1 Industry

In the K-II zone comprising of Dwarka Sub city, no industrial area has been proposed in
view of the proximity to the Airport. As such, Service Center sites have already been kept
in Sector 29 & Sector 20 & Sector 25 of Dwarka. Govt. of NCT, vide notification
No.F.1/C.I./Policy/INSITU/Dabri/2005/02/546. dated 02.12.05 has notified non conforming
cluster of industrial concentration for redevelopment at Dabri. The delineation of the
boundary shall be as per notification and provisions in MPD-2021.

2.3.2 Trade and Commerce, wholesale markets

In the planned sector of Dwarka Sub city the hierarchy of Commercial Centers are, Linear
District Centre along the Dwarka Metro Corridor, Community Centres in each sector
followed by Local Shopping Centre and Convenience Shopping Centre. Beside this,
Mixed Land Use plots have been proposed at the major transport crossing in Sector 6, 10
& 11.
An Integrated Freight Complex with an area of 143 ha in sector 25 & 26 have been
proposed. This will cater mainly to the Air Cargo based trading, being near to the
International Airport and other limited commodities as part of wholesale trade.

2.3.3 Informal trade and commerce

In the new sectors, informal trade service markets were being proposed. In the built-up
area wherever land availability is found such informal trade market may be proposed as
part of redevelopment plan.

2.3.4 Govt. Offices

In the K-II zone (Dwarka) 1.68% of land has been proposed under govt. use.


In the Zonal Plan of Zone K-II, Social Infrastructure has been provided as per the MPD-
2001norms. For the additional population which is proposed to be accommodated as per
MPD-2021 in the built-up area, the facilities of social infrastructure are to be provided
based on reduced area norms. The details of the social infrastructure for health,
education, sports facilities, communications, security & safety & other facilities are given
in Table -2 .

ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)


Proposed in K-II Zone as per
S.No Social Infrastructure
1 to 29
1. Health:
 General Hospital 3
 Inter-mediate. Hospital ’A’ & ’B’ 13
 Polyclinic 2
 Nursing Home 8
 Maternity Home 5
2. Education:
 University 1
 College 3
 Higher Education Inst. 7
3. Sports Facilities:
 Sports Complex 8
 Recreational Club 1
4. Communication:
 RLU/Telephone Exchange 6
 Post Office 2

5. Security & Safety:

 Police Station 4
 Fire station 5
6. Others:
 E.S.S. 220/66 KV 3/11
 Bus Terminal/Bus Depot 5
 District/Comm. Park 3
 Community Center 10
 Waste Water Treatment facility 1
 Sewerage Pumping Station 4

7.  Cremation ground
 Burial ground One each in Sec-24 &
 Gas Crematorium Sec 29
 Cemetery

* These numbers are indicative. More facilities are to be added in built up area at the time
preparation of redevelopment plan and in the sectors yet to be planned and approved.

2.4.1 In the built up area the existing and the proposed facilities shall be worked out while
preparing the redevelopment plans and identification of availability of land. The
existing facilities shall be considered for regularization provided they do not affect
the Master plan roads, infrastructure corridors/services, utilities up an extent of MPD
2021 norms, subject to payment of all levies and charges such as conversion
charges, betterment charges, additional FAR charges etc. and on regularization of
Layout plan and Building plan.

ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)

2.4.2 Regularisation of existing Health Care, Educational, Cultural &

Religious (including Spiritual) institutes existing prior to 01/01/2006 on self owned
land not including Gram Sabha or Ridge Land. In pursuance of the Public Notice issued in this regard, the Authority
resolved incorporation & regularisation of the above uses/activities in the ‘Public & Semi
Public’ land use category of the Master Plan. The applications of the existing institutions
as listed in the Annexure -III shall be examined as per the Authority resolution and as per
the directions of the Central Government issued from time to time. However, the
regularisation of existing institutions located in the immediate vicinity of notified
Ridge/Reserved Forest/Regional Park shall be subject to finalisation & demarcation of
the boundaries of the aforesaid respective use zones/areas. In case of cultural, health care and educational institutions, the structures of
such institutes as existed as on 1/1/2006, but not beyond the prevailing relevant
provisions of MPD-2021, shall be considered for regularization. However, in case of the
existing religious ( including spiritual) institutions and vis-à-vis the land presently owned
by them, regularization shall be subject to the conditions that a) the built up area in these
cases shall not exceed FAR of 15 with maximum 15% ground coverage; b) shall be
confined to the buildings, which are directly related to the use activities-religious
(including spiritual); c) the structure as existed on 1/1/2006 shall only be considered; and
d) the remaining area shall be kept as “green area” with no construction to be permitted
in future.
The regularization of all the above institutions shall be confined to those listed in
the Annexure-III of this Plan or those cases recommended by DDA to the Government on
or before 8th March 2010 & shall be undertaken only after ensuring that the change of
land use u/s 11A of DD Act, 1957 is notified in conformity with the provisions of MPD-
2021 as and where required. This is further subject to the condition that such individual
cases shall not be considered for regularization, if the site in question is located:
a. On public / Government land; or on land acquired by DDA;
b. On encroached land; or on illegally occupied land;
c. In notified or reserved forest area;
d. In area of right of way of infrastructure such as of existing / proposed railway
lines/ master plan roads, major trunk water supply and sewerage lines etc.;
e. Or if it violates the provisions of the Ancient Monument and Archeological
Remains Act, 1958, amended from time to time;
f. Or in cases where there is a Court Order restraining change of land use or for
eviction/vacation of premises. Further, regularisation orders of these categories of institutions shall not be

considered as approved, unless the requisite payment of penalty / levy / additional FAR
charges etc. are deposited by the applicant institutes; all the conditions prescribed by the
Government are fulfilled and formal ‘Regularization Orders’ are issued by the DDA.
None of the above institutes shall, however, be entitled to put the land to any other land
use at any time, and doing so shall invite takeover of land by the DDA for alternative
uses, on payment of reasonable compensation.


2.5.1 Circulation Network: The Zonal Plan indicates circulation network, which is
based on secondary source data. The actual detailed alignment will be with reference to
the actual detailed project report/site survey and thus may undergo minor modifications at
the time of finalizing the road alignment which will be incorporated in the sector
plans/layout plans. A Realistic strategy of compensation & rehabilitation of project
affected persons is recommended under these Plans / areas.

ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)

2.5.2 Road, Rail, Air

Dwarka sub-city requires a highly efficient mass transportation system for enhancement
of intercity and intracity movement. Therefore, a multi mode transport system has been
envisaged which consists of a hierarchy of road network supported with railway corridor.
The hierarchies of road systems adopted in Dwarka sub-city are as under:
(i) Primary Arterial Roads -100 m ROW. & 80 m ROW
(ii) Other Primary Arterial Roads – 60 m ROW & 45 m ROW
(iii) Primary Sub-Arterial (Collector) – 30 mts
(iv) Secondary Sub-Arterial (Collector) - 18 mts.

2.5.3 MRTS corridor

(i) The K-II zone up to Sector 21 is connected by the MRTS corridor of ITO
Barakhamba road- Najafgarh line.
(ii) A new corridor shall be developed starting from Sector 21, along the 100m. road
in South-west, West & North connecting Rohini & Narela Projects.
(iii) It is also proposed to connect Sector 21 Dwarka with I.G.I Airport and City Centre
(Rajiv Chowk).
2.5.4 Integrated Metropolitan Passenger Terminal
An Integrated Metropolitan Passenger Terminal has been proposed in sector 21 with an
area of about 140 ha. to be utilized by Northern Railway and DMRC as a Passenger
Interchange Point.
2.5.5 I.S.B.T.

An ISBT with an area of about 10 ha in sector 22 has been proposed which is on the 100
m road connecting Dwarka with NH-8 and NH- 10.
2.5.6 Airport
The K-II zone is connected to the International Airport by the 100 m link road connecting
Dwarka with NH-8.

2.5.7 Parking
In order to meet parking requirement as per MPD-2021 norms exclusive multi-level
parking are also proposed in sub-city center, community center, terminals, isolated
pockets and redevelopment area, etc. 4 locations are indicated on plan, Exact locations
and area are to be finalized in consultation with Traffic Department.

2.5.8 Fuel stations

Fuel stations are shown in the zonal development plan and sector plans. At the time of
preparation of layout plans of various use zones namely, residential, commercial,
industrial, PSP facilities and other areas Fuel Stations are to be earmarked as per norms
given in MPD-2021. Already existing authorized CNG Service Stations for public transport
vehicles may continue for this purpose alone, till the layout plans / local area plans /
redevelopment plans are prepared.

ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)


2.6.1 System of open spaces

The recreational area constitutes about 17% of the total sub-city area. The recreational
area is provided in the form of district park (along with banks of the drain and adjacent to
low lying area) and sports complex.
2.6.2 Water Bodies
All water bodies more than 1 ha as identified are proposed to be preserved and
maintained. As per the Hon’ble High Court the water body as per revenue record in village
Palam, Bagdola, Amber Hai, Pochanpur have been planned for development and
protection as water body.

2.6.3 Green Belt

As per provision of Master Plan about 264 ha. of land south of Bijwasan road have been
added as green belt.


The urban design of the linear District Centre specifically around the metro stations in
sectors 14, 13, 12, 11, 10 has been prepared and stands approved by the Delhi Urban
Art Commission.


The significant built heritage in K-II zone are confined to the villages within the K-II zone
for which the village development plan are to be taken-up by the local agency for
development of these villages.

ASI has identified only one Mosque built during the Reign of the 1st Mughal Emperor,
Babar dated A.D. 1528 (South-West from the main chowk of the Palam village) as
protected monument.


2.9.1 Water supply

Based on the projected population, water supply demand for Zone K-II is estimated to be
60 MGD. Which would be supplied by the proposed Water Treatment Plant at
Masoodabad village adjacent to Zone K-II. The water supply system will consist of
underground reservoirs/ command tanks (one command tank to serve 1.5 to 2.0 lakhs
population) are inter-connected. Each command tank has its own command area.

2.9.2 Sewerage

Based on the projected population Zone K-II will generate about 48 MGD and sewerage
discharge. A Sewage Treatment Plant has been planned in Dwarka. The location of
Sewage Treatment Plant is guided by gradient and site conditions. The sewerage
system consists of gravity main, sewage pumping station (SPS) and rising. The STP is
located adjoining Najafgarh drain which will carry treated discharge for disposal and
some of treated sewage shall be used for maintaining proposed green areas.

ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)

2.9.3 Drainage

The drainage system has been designed for a total catchments area of entire Dwarka
Project on the basis of storm intensities and 70% average run off. The existing natural
gradient towards Najafgarh drain side makes it vastly economical and eminently sensible
to use the natural slope to its advantage for working out a proper drainage system. It is
proposed to construct six major out fall drains which shall carry the discharge of Zone
K-II. These drains will pass through the connected green areas so as to merge with the
landscaping of adjoining green. Few retention ponds have been proposed along-with the
Najafgarh drain which should receive the discharge from the outfall drain. These should
also help to raise the water-table of the surrounding area and could be used for water
sports etc. Specific plan for Najafgarh drain is required to be prepared and implemented.

2.9.4 Solid waste Disposal

Considering the resident and floating population of Dwarka sub city, the daily waste works
out to be about 800 MT. Zone K-II, being adjacent to the international airport and its flight
path requires a modern and sophisticated technology to handle the huge quantity of
waste disposal. Identification of suitable land in and around Dwarka for treatment of solid
waste into Bio-degradable and non-bio-degradable requires due consideration.

2.9.5 Electricity

The total power requirement for Dwarka Sub-city has been envisaged 500 Mega Watt. A
grid station has been set up which will receive 400 KV power supply from overhead
feeder and transforming to three 220 KV grid stations. These will be further transformed
to eleven 66 KV grid station and finally to 11 KV grid station. It is proposed to lay under
ground cables for 66 KV, 220 KV line in entire Dwarka area. A new site has been
identified for 750 KV Gas based Power Station in Sector 29.


MPD-2021 recommends one village depth as green belt where ever available. In the K-II
zone the land between Bijwasan-Najafgarh road and the NCTD boundary within area of
264 Ha. has been proposed for green belt. The use-permissibility in these green belts is
as per MPD-2021 norms.


In the K-II zone 16.53 % of land has been proposed for recreational use. The large size
city level recreational uses has been proposed in sector-5,16,19, 20 23, 24,25 &29.


The proposed land use of K-II comprises the built up area, proposed for redevelopment
and Sector 1 to Sector 29 of Dwarka and the green belt on south of Bijwasan Road.
Already notified Landuse plan of Zone K (Part) Dwarka (on 7-8-2006) has been further
modified as per Annexure –II and the ground realities given in Table-3.

ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)

Sl. Location Area (In Modification Remarks
No Ha) From To
1. Sector- 15.26 Residential Gross- Due to built-up
14 0.45 Commercial residential (Built based on
6.98 Recreational up) ground reality.
5.09 Transportation
2. Sector 25 5.95 Commercial Gross
(Service Center) residential --do--
3. Sector-23 19.02 Residential Gross
Ph.II 0.08 Residential residential
1.96 Recreational (built-up)
4.65 Transportation
4. Sector-16 9.68 Residential Gross
(b) 3.20 Recreational residential --do--
2.01 Transportation (built-up
5. Sector-19 1.58 Residential Gross
Ph.-II 0.02 Recreational residential --do--
0.54 Transportation (built-up)
6. Sector-27 8.40 Residential Gross
0.17 Recreational residential --do--
0.72 Transportation (built-up)
7. Sector-28 13.13 Residential Gross
2.10 Commercial residential
1.84 Transportation (built-up)
0.40 Recreational
8. Sector-29 22.05 Residential Gross
0.35 Residential residential --do--
1.82 Transportation (built-up)
9. Sector-26 0.88 Residential Gross
0.16 Transportation --do--

10. Sector-23 2.97 Recreational Gross

Ph.-I residential --do--
11. Sector-21 9.88 Transportation Gross
residential --do--
12 Sector 15 96.24 Residential Gross
7.20 PSP residential --do--
1.10 Utility (built-up)

Based on the above ground realities the Proposed Landuse for zone K-II (2021) is
enclosed at Map-3.

ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)


Sl.No. Landuse Area (in Ha.) Percentage

1. Residential 2956.65
a) Built-up (Redevelopment) 1933.33 (32.64%)#
b) Planned areas 1023.32 (17.27 %)
2. Commercial 342.82
a)Commercial (including 299.77
IFC) 43.05
b)Service Center
3. Govt. Use 99.97 1.69
4. Public & Semi Public Use 363.00 6.13
5. Utilities 154.66 2.61
6. Recreational 979.30 16.53
7. Transportation 763.60 12.89
8. Green Belt 264.00 4.46

Zone K-II Total 5924.00 100.00

# The land use of built up area as shown in Map-2 is only indicative which is to be
redeveloped as per policy.


2.13.1 Development by DDA

The development of K-II will be done in two phases i.e. implementation and development
of DDA land and redevelopment schemes for the built up area and villages. The
development of the villages shall be done by the local agency as per the village
development plan to be prepared for each village.

2.13.2 Redevelopment Schemes

The proposed redevelopment scheme shall be along the major proposed roads within the
built-up area, to be initiated by the local agencies. Mixed land use concept may be
implemented while preparing the redevelopment scheme. The villages may be treated as
special area and implement able plans for the villages have to be prepared.


Zonal Plan Monitoring is essential to evaluate the changes required to improve the quality
of life in the city. Properly phased monitoring makes the plan responsive to the merging
social-economic forces. Implementation of the plan can be effective only when monitored
and reviewed at appropriate periods.

No long-range plan can be implemented as it is. The process of implementation has to be

divided into various time frames depending on the projects & schemes. To study the
effect of implementation of these projects, monitoring is required from time to time for
each of the various aspects of the master plan. A scientific monitoring framework is
essential for:

ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)

i. Effective implementation of plan within the plan period, thereby achieving

the intended targets.
ii. Respond to the changing socio-economic needs of the people of the city.
iii. To check unintended growth within the city.
iv. Time lags between various implementation schemes and emerging needs of
the people.
v. Review the appropriateness of the plan policies.
vi. Monitoring framework for targets of the master plan helps in judging the
performance of various sectors, which need priority. Critical aspects and
their targets need shorter monitoring period so that they can be constantly
reviewed from time to time.


ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)



Sl. Description MPD 2001 MPD 2021 Remarks

1 Name of the Zone K (Part) Zone K – II
zone Dwarka Sub-
2 Area 5648 Ha. 5924 Ha Area between the Najafgarh
–Bijwasn road and NCTD
boundary is added in MPD
3 Proposed 11 Lakh 13 Lakh
3 Green belt - 264 Ha Earlier area between the
Najafgarh –Bijwasn road
and NCTD boundary was
rural use zone, now it is
notified as Green belt as per
MPD 2021 landuse plan.
4 Unauthorized Approximately In addition to the The entire built-up area is
Colonies 30 % of the earlier one, proposed as
zone area is unauthorized “Redevelopment Area” and
under built-up colonies in sector its re-development shall take
area. 14,15,16 & 23 is place as per the policy on
shown in the Zonal the subject.
plan as built-up

ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)



Sl. Location Area Modification Remarks
No. (in ha.) From To
1. Sector 10 0.6172 “Residential” “Government Notification No.S.O. 1617
(Housing Area use” (District (E) dated 3nd July, 2008 by
Facilities) court, Dwarka Ministry of Urban
for Construction Development (Delhi
of Lawyers Division), Government of
chambers and India
Malkhana) (K-13011 /6 /2007 –DDIB)
2. Sector 10 0.8140 “Commercial” “Public and
(community Semi Public
Centre) facilities”
3. Sector 24 3.5 Recreational Public and Incorporated in ZDP
Semi public approved in 2006 and
(Burial ground MPD-2021.


/ CLAUSE 8 (2), NOTE NO.1 ON PAGE 126 OF MPD-2021.

Sl. Location Area Modification Remarks

No. (in ha.) From To
1. Sector 29 4.0 Public and Utility Approved by TC vide item
Semi public (Power Plant) no.46 / 07 dated 12 / 04 /
2007 for the proposed gas
13.0 Residential Utility based power plant.
(Power Plant)
2. Sector 27, 4.0 Residential Transportation Widening of proposed 45m
28 & 29 road ROW to 80 m road
ROW (UER) as per
12.0 Green belt Transportation approved ZDP Zone-K-Part
Dwarka on 7.08.2006.
3. Sector 24 4.04 Recreational Transportation ROW as per structure plan
and ZDP (2006) is 30m.
The ROW as per ZDP is
60m. ROW modified to 45m
as per third technical
committee meeting held on
17 / 03 /2008 vide item no.
24 / 2008.
4. Sector 24 2.0 Recreational Transportation Proposed in zonal plan land
reservation for intersection
improvement at the junction
of proposed 100m ROW
and proposed 45 m road.
5. Sector 0.7 Recreational Transportation Proposed in zonal plan for
16-c 45m road ROW in view of

ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)

new linkage provided to

0.7 Residential Transportation Dwarka from the proposed
100m road.
6. Sector 0.94 Recreational Transportation Proposed in zonal plan for
16-d 45m road ROW in view of
new linkage provided to
Dwarka from the proposed
100m road.
7. Sector 24 This is part Transportation Recreational 30m road was part of the
of (30m road recreational use in sector
Recreation along 24 (from proposed 100 m to
al use in Najafgarh palam drain), which is not
Sec. 24 drain) required as it does not link
any habitable area on
either side.
8. Sector 21 7.87 Government Railway Approved by Technical
Terminal Committee on 15.05.2008
vide item no. 49/2008 and
on 07/11/08 vide item no.

ZDP for Zone K-II (Dwarka)




S. File No./ Date Name of Institutions Name of the Area / Sector

1 1233/20.6.2008 Delhi Institute of Fire Institute Raj Nagar-II
2 1315/24.6.2008 Nav Gyan Deep Public School Vijay Enclave
3 1424/25.6.2008 Kanady Public School Raj Nagar-II
(Palam Colony)
4 1773/30.6.2008 Harsh Public School West Sagarpur
5 1827/30.6.2008 Nav Jeewan Academy Madhu Vihar
6 1857/30.6.2008 Nutan Public School Durga Park
7 1882/30.6.2008 Mother Teresa Convent School Sagarpur
8 1942/30.6.2008 Shiv Vani Model Sr.Sec. School Mahavir Enclave
9 1976/30.6.2008 Nutan Bal Vidyalaya West Sagarpur
10 2441/30.6.2008 Grewal Educational Society Bharat Vihar, Kakrola
11 2694/30.6.2008 Daulat Ram Public School Jagdamba Vihar,
West Sagar PUr
12 1824/30.6.2008 New Holy Public School Shish Ram Partk,
Uttam Nagar
13 2076/30.6.2008 Mahima Children’s Valley Public Raja Puri,
School Uttam Nagar
14 1641/27.6.2008 St Asian’s Public School Raja Puri,
Uttam Nagar
15 2128 Gagan Bharti Sr. Sec. School Om Vihar
16 1954/27.6.2008 Radha Swami Satsang Beas Sector-23, Dwarka Phase-II
17 1990/30.6.2008 Shiksha Bharati Educational Sector-7, Dwarka
18 1830/30.6.2008 Nav Jeewan Academy Jeewan Park

19 1917/30.6.2008 R.S.M. Convent School Sagarpur

20 2042/30.6.2008 Divine Modern Public School Raj Nagar-II (Palam Colony)

21 1880/30.6.2008 St. Michell Public School Binda Pur

22 2197/4.7.2008 New Holy Public School Arya Samaj Road,Uttam

23 1811/30.6.2008 Happy child Model School Jain Colony Part-III,Uttam
24 2070/30.6.2008 Shishu Kalyan Public School Anup Nagar, Jeewan Park,
Uttam Nagar
25 1813/30.6.2008 Happy Child Model School Uttam Nagar

26 2080/30.6.2008 Hari Krishna Public School Uttam Nagar

Regularization of above institutions would be subject to examination by Zonal Committee
and further processing for approvals as per Authority resolution dated 10/04/2008, and
fulfillment of all the conditions stipulated vide Government of India letter No.K-
12011/23/2009-DDIB dated the 8th March 2010. Some of such facilities although indicated
on plan as existing facilities shall not become part of use-zone till the competent authority
approves it, subject to fulfillment of all the conditions.

S.No. Name of Unauthorized Colonies 48 Vaishali Dabri Road (Dabri,Vaishali)

1 Indra park (East Ext.) (Nasirpur) 49 F-Pocket,Sadh Nagar Part-II (Nasirpur)

2 Bindapur Ext. (Bindapur) 50 Near T Block Uttam Nagar (Matiala)
3 Suraj Vihar A,B block &Bajaj Enclave Ext. 51 Mahavir Vihar (Palam ,Mirzapur)
4 Dabri Ext. (Dabri)
52 Kamal Park (Palam)
5 Vikas Vihar (Kakrola)
6 Chanakya place part-II (Bindapur) 53 Panchsheel colony,F-Block,Mahavir enclave
7 Janakipuri colony,Uttam Nagar (Bindapur) 54 B-Block,Pochanpur Extn.
8 Sitapuri Ext.II,G-I Block (Dabri) 55 Syndicate Enclave (Dabri)
9 Dia Block Mahavir Enclave-I Dabri-Palam road
10 Ambika Enclave (Kakrola) 56 Rohtash Nagar (Mirzapur,Palam)
11 Vijay Enclave C-2 block (Palam)
57 F-Block,Mahavir Enclave Part-I,Palam (Nasirpur)
12 Mohan Block West Sagerpur (Dabri)
13 D- Block,Jeevan Park(Asalatpur) 58 B-Block,Kailash Puri Colony (Nasirpur)
14 Shayam Vihar (Kakrola) 59 U-Block,Uttam Nagar
15 Mansa Ram Park,E-Block (Matiala) 60 Rajapuri G,K,L,M,S Blocks (Palam)
16 Kailash Puri Ext. (Nasirpuri)
61 O-Block Extn.Geeta Enclave,Uttam Nagar
17 Major Bhola Ram Enclave (Pochanpur)
18 Nand Vihar (Kakrola)
62 Subhash Park Extn.Rajapuri Extn.(Bindapur)
19 SitaPuri
20 Chander Park (Kakrola) 63 Shivani Enclave Ph.-I,II & III (Kakrola)
21 Sita Puri Part-II (Bindapur) 64 R-Block & Extn. Vani Vihar (Bindapur)
22 C-I,Block Sanjay Enclave Uttam Nagar 65 Patel Garden Extn. (Kakrola)
23 Pratap Garden (Bindapur)
24 Sadh Nagar,F-Block,Uttam Nagar (Bindapur) 66 Anoop Nagar (Bindapur)
25 T.A.B.Block,Uttam Nagar (Bindapur) 67 Jain Park (Matiala)
68 B-I &B- II Blocks,Vijay Enclave
26 Shiv Park (Kakrola)
27 Vishnu Vihar,Block-V (Bindapur) 69 C-3 & I Blocks,Mahavir Enclave Extn. (Mirzapur)
28 SAdh Nagar,F-Block left out area (Nasirpur)
70 C,E & F Blocks,Vishwas Park (Palam)
29 Mahavir Enclave Extention I,H -1,H-
2,Block(Palam) 71 Bharat Vihar Extn. (Kakrola)
30 Subhash Park Ex. B –Block,Uttam Nagar 72 Sewak Park D,E & F Blocks (Matiala)
73 C-3 Block,Mahavir Enclave,Palam road
31 Srichand Park (Matiala)
32 Raju Ex. Old Palam Road (Kakrola)
74 TA-Block,Om Vihar (Matiala)
33 Raj Nagar-II Ex. (Palam) 75 Pankaj near Amber Hai,Sec.19,Dwarka
34 Raj Nagar Resident Welfare Society (Palam)
76 Chanakya place,Pankha Road (Asalatpur)
35 Federation A,B,D,E block ,Bharat Vihar (Kakrola)
77 B & C Block,Mahavir Enclave (Palam)
36 Sitapuri Ext.Part-I 78 Vijay Enclave B-3 Block,Palam-Dabri Road
37 Raghu Nagar,Pankha Road Dabri 79 Nanhey Park,B-I Block (Matiala)
38 NasirPur,Mahavir Enclave,Block D &F 80 Mahavir Enclave G,H & I Block (Palam)

39 EBlock Sadh Nagar-II (Nasirpur) 81 F-Block Jeevan Park,Uttam Nagar (Asalatpur)

40 Vaishali Extn. 82 Shiv Vihar(Sewak Park),Naj.Road (Matiala)

41 Tara Nagar (Kakrola) 83 South Block (Matiala)
42 Sulahkul Vihar (Kakrola)
84 Vikas Vihar Q-Block,Uttam Nagar (Bindapur)
85 Kesho Ram Park (Bindapur)
43 Pochanpur Extn. (Pochanpur)
86 T Extn.(Jain colony Part-I)Uttam Nagar (Matiala)
44 Sadh Nagar (Nasirpur) 87 Nanda Block,Mahavir Enclave(Palam)
45 Shah Nagar,Mangla Puri Chowk (Palam) 88 Nanda Block,Mahavir Enclave (Palam
46 C-Block Bharat Vihar (Kakrola) 89 Dev Kunj,Raj Nagar Part-II (Palam)
90 Old Janki Puri,Uttam Nagar (Bindapur)
47 Sadh Nagar (Palam)
91 L-Block Mahavir Enclave (Palam)

92 Main Bharat Garden (Matiala) 130 Mohit Nagar (Kakrola )
93 Vijay Nagar ‘A’ Blk. Palam Dabri Road 131 G-1 Block Mahavir Enclave (Mirzapur Palam )
94 Durga Park,Pocket-E (Nasirpur) 132 Mahavir Enclave Block D , F Palam-Dabri Road
95 Sainik Nagar Colony (Matiala) (Nasirpur )
133 P and T Block West Sagarpur (Nasir Pur )
96 Sewak Park B-I Extn.,Uttam Nagar(Matiala)
134 Vijay Enclave A and B Block Dabri-Palam Road
97 Sadh Nagar Part-II,Palam Colony (Nasirpur) (Mirzapur )
98 Adarsh Nagar,Bindapur Extn. (Bindapur) 135 Bajaj Enclave Old Palam Road (Kakrola )
99 Khushi Ram Park,Uttam Nagar (Matiala) 136 Sita Puri Ext. Pt.-II Block A,B,C,D ( Bindapur )
100 Mohindra Park,Pankha Road (Asalatpur) 137 F Block Nand Ram Park Mahavir Enclave Part-III
101 Raja Puri,Vishwas Park Extn. (Palam) (Bindapur )
138 Shivpuri ( Nasirpur )
102 Mahavir Enclave,Part-II (Palam)
103 Raj Nagar-I,Palam colony (Palam/SW) 139 Uttam Vihar Q. Ext. (Bindapur)

104 A-Block Pochanpur Extn. (Pochanpur) 140 Om Vihar Ext. Block E,E-1 Uttam Nagar
105 Mohindra Park,Pankha Road, (Asalatpur) 141 P and T Block West Sagar Pur
106 C-2 Block,Mahavir Enclave Part-I (Mirzapur) 142 E Block Jeevan Park (Asalatpur)
107 J-Block West Sagarpur (Nasirpur) 143 Bharat Vihar , Rajapuri, Uttam Nagar (Palam
108 L-Block,Vijay Enclave (Palam) Village)
144 V Blk. Vishnu Vihar Sect.-A Uttam Nagar
109 Vishwas Park, G & S Block Matiala) 145 Durgapuri DwarkaPuri (Palam)
110 Palam Vihar Dwarka sec-6 (Palam) 146 Chanakya Place Part-II ( Bindapur)
111 Mahavir Enclave,Palam (Palam) 147 Pochanpur Extn.’C’ Blk. Pochanpur
112 B-2 Block,Nand Ram Park,Bhagwat Enclave 148 B,C,H,I Block Mahavir Enclave (Mirzapur,Palam)
149 Dashrath Puri K-Block (Dabri)
113 H-2 Block,Raj Nagar-II Extn., Palam colony
(Palam) 150 Raja Puri colony, Uttam nagar (Palam)
114 Nanhe Park (Matiala) 151 Sanjay Enclave Uttam Nagar (Bindapur)
115 Adarsh Gali,Palam (Palam) 152 Rajapuri Ext. Uttam nagar ( Palam )
116 F-Block,Vishwas Park (Palam) 153 C and D Block Vijay Enclave ( Palam )
117 Indra Park Extn. Part-I (Bindapur) 154 Block-T Extention Bindapur
118 Matiala Extn. (Matiala) 155 Vashisht Park
156 Mangey Ram Park ( A,B,C,D,D-1 Extn. )
119 Madhu VIhar Sec.-3,Dwarka(Najafgarh)
157 Hari Vihar,(Kakrola)
120 Tamil Enclave, Dabri(Palam)
158 Raju Enclave,Kakrola
121 Mahavir Enclave Block-E,G,H1,H2 & H3,Pal
(Palam,Dabri) 159 Mohan Nagar,Pankha road
122 Indra Part Extn. Part-2(Nasirpur) 160 F-2 block,Mahavir Nagar (Nasirpur)
123 CD Block Mahavir Enclave Dabri- Palam Road 161 Palam Kunj,Harijan Basti,Palam
(Mirzapur )
162 Chander Vihar,Palam Extn. Pt.-I, (Palam)
124 Chander Vihar Palam Extension (Palam ) 163 Pochanpur Extn.,C-Block (Pochanpur)
125 Geetanjali Park , West Sagar Pur (Dabri ) 164 Sangwan Enclave,Manglapuri Road (Palam)
126 R.W.A. , V Block Bhagwati Vihar ( Bindapur ) 165 Bagdola Village Extended Area (Bagdola)
127 Nishant Park (Kakrola ) 166 C-Block,Pochanpur Extn. (Pochanpur)
128 G Block , Vijay Enclave and left out portion 167 Chotiyal ,Palam Village Extn.
Palam Road 168 Kakrola Village Extn. Area (Kakrola)
169 Bindapur Extended Abadi (Bindapur)
129 Jain colony T Block , Pt.-III and T Ext., Pt.-II
Uttam Nagar (Matiala )
Source: Urban Development Deptt. GNCTD.
Note : The list is of unauthorized colonies in the process of regularization, as provided by GNCTD, subject to
modification from time to time. In case of discrepancy the list of GNCTD to be referred.


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