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Allergies - Kiiko Matsumoto Japanese Style

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Allergies - Kiiko Matsumoto Japanese Style
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Manage Wiki Alergies, in this treatment modality, will have there origins from a
constitutional weaknesses that will have an impact on how the
upper warmer regulates the emotional as well as physical body's
Navigation function. The factor, very common in TCM, of Zong (ancestral) Qi
is also important when considering it is where the vitality (breath)
and genetics (ancestral qi), connect with the kidney.

There is an interdependancy between the upper burner where the

lungs are located and lower burner where the kidneys are located.
This relationship is best described with an understanding of Ming
Men. The Su Wen chapter 52 mentioned: ...above diaphragm-
huang there is father and mother; at the side of the seventh
section there is a small heart..." Ming men is associated with the
source of kidney qi and is the designation for Du4 (tonifies the
kidneys among other benefits) at the level of third lumbar
vertibrae. Think of Ming Men as a fire that boils a pot of water
(conceptualize the kidney's here), The steam (qi) boils hot from the
lower level (warmer) upward naturally, cooling down as it rises,
through the three levels (jiao's) to nourish and vitalize the organs
on the way. Once in the upper heater (where the lungs are
located) and this steam is cooled in condenses along the top of the
pot that has a lid (diaphragm in this case). This condensation cools
and drops back down into the pot (kidneys) where it can be
re-heated by Ming Men free of impurities to boiled and recirculated
through the Triple Warmers.

Immune system imbalances are additional factors that need to be

considered. Kiiko Matsumoto style acupuncture recognizes the
traditional chinese text where it mentions "wind is the source of
one hundred diseases" and confirms its term of "Evil Wind" and
equivilent to any external pathogenic factor or internal pathogenic
factor that invades the body to weaken its defenses to other
pathogens. In the case of allergies, the Evil Wind is fighting
against the individuals wei qi and the individuals wei qi is strong
and they are exhibiting symptoms such as sniffling, runny nose,
mild fever, and or cough or the fight is being lost on the wei level
and the pathogen has entered further affecting the stomach,
energy levels, joint and muscular stiffness and pain. Factors that
weaken the immune system are as follows;
Focal infections (staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria)
Nasal deviation (narrowing of the nostrils and nasal cavity
may lead to focal infections because the impaired flow of air
through the nostrils may casuse may cause bacteria to
linger and multiply in the region of the nasopharynx).
Chronic nasopharyngitis may become a site for focal
Any chronic disease.
Shock, trauma, or other factors that cause adrenal gland
Drug and alcohol abuse including caffeine and smoking or
overuse of antibiotic mediction.
Excess of dairy products and/or sugar (especially in
persons who are spleen deficient)
Depression, stress, and anxiety
Immune-suppressant drugs.
Radiation and chemotherapy.

General symptoms of a weakened or imbalanced immune system

are as follow;

Catching cold easily

Chronically swollen lymph glands at the neck, armpit, or
Fatigue (including chronic fatigue immune deficiency
Difficulty recovering from a cold which may develope into
chronic sinusitis, chronic pharyngitis, chronic otitis, etc.)
Stomach flu, indigestion, and lack of appetitie.
Autoimmune diseases and Allergies.
Chronic ear infections that may lead to symptoms of an
autonomic nerve imbalance such as nausea, dizziness,
vertigo, fatigue, and Menier's disease.
Weakened connective tissue which may present as a
susceptability to injury, herniation (ie., inguinal and
intravertebral discs), knee ligamentweakness, ptosis and
prolapse of ogans and valves.
Slow healing injuries that cause repeated problems
(especially sports injuries in the extremities that involve
tendons and ligaments), scars might not heal completelyy
even after years, keloid formation and adhesions.
Body does not respond to any treatments for chief
complaints and diseases.
Chronic and resistant tendonitis (even after the patient had
stopped the repetitive motion that precipitated the

Hara Diagnosis
The act of palpating the Hara allows the practitioner of the this
modality to access the overall health of the underlying organs but
also identify whether there are constrictions in specific areas
associated with a stagnation (lack of movement) of Qi or Blood (Qi
in this case has an association with energy or the intention (of
energy) to move or circulate). With regard to allergies, the
Sixteenth Difficult Issue in the Nan-Ching states that pressure pain
and tightness palpated at the area to the right of the unbilicus is
related to pathology of the lung. When considering palpation of this
area, select the points 1and 2 cun below the umbilicus and 2 cun
lateral to the midline. These two points are called Wai Ling ST26
and Da Ju ST27. These two points are especially important
according to Master Nagano because the area between these two
points are the reflection zone of the immune system. This why
tension, pressure pain, or soreness in this area may be a clue to a
weakend immune system.

An important note regarding the location of this reflex and its

underlying physiology worth mentioning is the mobility of the
appendix. The appendix has the largest collection of lymphatic
tissue in the lower abdominal cavity and if a weaker immune
system is confirmed it may suggest excessive activity in this area.
Also, due to the different locations of the appendix in different
people, there may other areas on the hara that will reflect this
reflex if the traditional locations do not confirm predominant
findings confirming immune deficiency. The different locations
have been found by three different surgeons Dr. Kuemmel, Dr.
Lanz, and Dr. McBurney. Kuemmel's point can be described as
being located 2/3 the distance from the navel on a straight line
toward ST26 with the second point at a location in the Ren 7 area.
Lanz's point can be located 1/3 the distance from the navel on a
straight line to the ASIS. McBurney's point can be located 1 cun
below the traditional ST27 and 1/3 the distance from the ASIS on
the right on a straight line toward the opposite ASIS on the left.

Tian Shu St25 is another important factor in considering the

disharmony in the immune system. The harmony at the Celestial
Pivot, where Yin and Yang serve to protect the body from EPF's
and heat the body to drive out pathogens, if interrupted can throw
this harmony into disharmony leading to weaker immune system
not capable of fighting off EPF's. If chronic this area will be tender
if not painful on palpation and will clue the practitioner to a
treatment to restore this balance.

It should be mentioned that, aside from palpating the hara to

confirm the chief complaint, other signs that may confirm other
forms of stagnation may prevail against the immune system. The
stagnation of blood in the hara in the areas of KD15 to ST27 on
the left side of the abdomen suggest not only Oketsu but a degree
of toxicity that can be weakening the body's natural inclination to
rid itself of external pernicious factors, causing an imbalance in the
liver of liver stagnation (liver reflex by palpation will be painful or
ache), which can turn into heat (heat rises), having an impact on
upper respiratory conditions.

Neck Diagnosis
Once information has been gathered from the hara, another area
that can be addressed is the are located superior and behind the
SCM. This area is called by Master Nagano as "East Wind" TH16
and this is referred as the tonsil reflex. This area of the neck will be
tender if the immune system has been weak by EPF or external
evil. "East Wind" is located approximately 1 to 1 1/2 centimeters
inferior to TH16, behind the SCM, called "Evil Wind."

Back Diagnosis
Backache along a horizontal lone at the level of BL25, at the iliac
crest, is almost always related to a weak immune system. This
may be residual pain from a febrile sisease associated with
generalized muscular and joint ache. Some patients present this
symptom as they there chief complaint. Also, the quadratus
lumborum muscle and the fascia behind this muscle can become
tight, especially after a febrile disease. Pressure pain shows at
BL23, BL52, and GB25. A side point can be made regarding the
anatomical association between L4 and BL25 as the
representation of the front right ST26 and ST27. We can also
include Oketsu reflex of the left anatomically speaking.

A thickening at the neck at DU14 is associated with adrenal,

thyroid, and/ or fat metabolism imbalance. An imbalance in any of
these areas may indicate a weakend immune system. As a result
of fat metabolism imbalace, stagnation and an accumulation of
toxins may contribute to Oketsu, which can ultimately burden the
immune system. DU12 and DU11 are considered to be the reflex
of the Thymus gland. The Thymus gland is responsible for the
activation of T-cells (A T-cell is a type of blood cell. T-cells belong
to a group of white blood cells (WBCs) called lymphocytes. WBCs
protect the body from infection.
/od/glossary/g/tcells.htm )

Treatment Strategy
Reflex Point prescription
Oketsu LV4 with LU5 (in the direction that clears the reflex best
and most tender of the three LU5 locations)
Lung right ST26 and ST27 LI11 and LI10 Tonsilar point to relieve
pain at TH16 "East Wind" and TH16 with "Evil Wind"
Active Adrenals KD6 main adrenal exhaustion point to support
immune treatment
"Evil Wind" DU14 needle and moxabustion
Additional treatment Point prescription
Thymus gland DU12 needle with moxabustion (in children,
associate number of moxa to age until puberty)
Sinus and Deviated Septum ST44 with ST45 to release pain at
ST2 and Bi Tong
GB40 with 8 to 15 direct moxa release pain at ST2 and Bi Tong
Surround the navel with 30mm-40mm Japanese #1 needles at 45
degrees (nose/navel assoc.)
Diode rings on ST2 and Bi Tong

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