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Tij 1o0 Course Outline Castlebrooke 2020-21

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Technological Studies Department

Course Outline 2020-2021

Course: Exploring Technologies Course Code: TIJ 1O0

Grade: 9 Credit Value : 1.0 Prerequisite: None

Curriculum Document : Technological Studies 2009 Department Head : V. Shaikh

Teachers: Mr. Elsie Mr. Chauhan Mr. Snyder Mr. Balian

Course Description:
This course enables students to further explore and develop technological knowledge and skills introduced in the
elementary science and technology program. Students will be given the opportunity to design and create products
and/or provide services related to the various technological areas or industries, working with a variety of tools,
equipment, and software commonly used in industry. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and
societal issues, and will begin to explore secondary and postsecondary education and training pathways leading
to careers in technology-related fields.)
In particular course will focus on the design process with an increased focus on engineering.

Overall Curriculum Expectations :

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental concepts and skills required in the planning and
development of a product or service, including the use of a design process and/or other problem-solving
processes and techniques;
2. Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of appropriate methods to communicate ideas and solutions;
3. Evaluate products or services in relation to specifications, user requirements, and operating conditions.

Outline Of Course Content/Unit Titles :

Unit: SPICE Design Process

Unit: Exploring Communications Technology - TV & Video Production
Unit: Exploring Communications Technology - 3D Modelling & Animation
Unit: Exploring Computer Electronics & Robotics
Unit: Exploring Construction Technology
Unit: E-waste
Student Website Portfolio

Teaching Strategies :
Students will be working within the Design Process (ie: SPICE) Framework on a series of projects which will

● Concept Development ● Analysis / Critique of ● Teacher - Student

● Sketching finished projects Conferencing
● Prototyping ● Individual Work ● Online Discussion /
● Testing / Revising ● Small Group Work Project Submission
● Production ● Student - Student

Assessment and Evaluation:

The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation at Castlebrooke Secondary School is to improve student
learning. Student performance is measured in two ways. First, they are measured against the content standards
in the Ontario curriculum and second, against the performance standards in the provincial achievement chart.
Overall, teachers use a balanced approach to assessment and evaluation by considering and integrating all four
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achievement categories when they assess and evaluate student work (over the stretch of a semester). Evidence
of learning refers to anything that students do, say or create that demonstrates deep conceptual understanding
of Ontario curriculum expectations based on established learning goals for a course.
Evidence of learning also refers to a more holistic approach or process of appraising what students know, can do
and understand in place of traditional assessment methods of teaching, quizzing and testing; it uses the process
of triangulation of student data used in research to provide a more well-rounded and all-inclusive picture of
student achievement. Triangulation means collecting student evidence over time from three sources:
observations, conversations and student products and considering all three sources in determining
students’ grades.

Summative tasks/exams will consist of 30%; and term work will consist of 70% of the grade, using the following

Knowledge Thinking Communication Application Summative Task

(10%) (10%) (10%) (40%) (30%)

Students will Students will Students will Students will effectively Students will utilize
demonstrates an demonstrate the provide both use the classroom their overall
understanding of ability to use informal and formal resources available to experiences in this
safety procedures, previous learning drawings of their design and execute their course to complete
proper use of to develop new concepts and projects using best a final summative
equipment and the concepts and/or designs. practices. Students will task for each of the
terminology solve design Students will also also be responsible for four units of study.
associated with issues. provide written or maintaining a safe,
their classroom verbal explanations clean and well organized
project work of their projects at workspace.
key points in the
design process.

Learning Skills:
The following learning skills will be taught and assessed throughout the course and will be shown on report cards.
Students’ performance in these skill areas will not be included in the final numeric mark but it is important to note
that the development and consistent practice of these skills will influence academic achievement. These skills
consist of:

Responsibility * Organization * Independent Work * Collaboration * Initiative * Self Regulation

Program Planning/Special Considerations:

Accommodations will be provided whenever required to insure safety and the best possible opportunities for
student success.

Resource Materials:
Course materials will be supplied by the instructor or made available through various online sources as
required. (MYCLASS, Angel, server folders, D2L, Youtube, etc)

Students’ Responsibilities With Respect To Evidence For Evaluation

Students are responsible for providing evidence of their learning within established timelines, and must be
aware that there are consequences for cheating, plagiarizing, not completing work, and submitting work late.

Homework Policy (Based on PDSB Policy #70)

Student’s will be expected to complete homework assigned in this course. Homework achieves the following
-supplements and supports in-school experiences through related out-of-class activities;
-encourages the development of self-discipline and good work habits;
-helps to develop positive and enthusiastic attitudes towards independent study and lifelong learning;
-assists students in preparing for subsequent planned learning activities;
-acquaints parents with the student’s in-school learning experiences and strengthen the links between
home and school
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Cheating and Plagiarism

When a student plagiarises or cheats, the student does not provide evidence of achievement. Based on the
consideration of mitigating factors, school teams and teachers will choose from a variety of possible responses.
Some resolutions include assigning of a zero and/or the opportunity to complete a similar evaluation.

“Plagiarism is...Copying all or part of another person's work; paying another person to write your essay or
report; having another person write your essay or report ;Failing to cite another person's ideas; rewording,
summarizing or paraphrasing another's ideas without giving credit; stealing another person's essay or report;
copying all or part of another source, such as information found in a website, without citing the source”- Source

Late and Missed Assignments/Tests

If there was a legitimate reason for the assignment/test to be late or missed the teacher will decide when the
assignment/test is to be completed. After clarifying that there were no legitimate reasons for the product to be
late or missed, and considering mitigating factors, teachers may deduct marks for late or missed assignments.
(Growing Success Document)

Summative Assessments are equivalent to a formal exam and attendance is mandatory. In this course, the
summative assessment can run over several periods. Students who are absent for summative assessments
must provide a legitimate reason. Please note that vacation and weather issues are not valid reasons.

Classroom & Shop Safety

The safety of all individuals in a shop environment is very important. Each student must accept responsibility
for their own safety. They are not to use any tools or equipment without adequate training and permission.
Students who do not respect the safety rules as outlined by the teacher will be given 2 warnings. If a 3rd
warning is necessary, the student will not be permitted to participate in any shop activities for the remainder of
the course and must complete a theoretical alternative program.

__________________________ _________________________
Student’s Name (Print) Student’s Signature

__________________________ _________________________
Parent’s Signature Date

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