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Chapter 11

Respiration in Plants



Objective Type Questions

1. Breakdown of complex molecules to yield energy takes place in

(1) Cytoplasm and mitochondria (2) Chloroplast
(3) Cytoplasm and plastids (4) Mitochondria and chloroplast
Sol. Answer (1)
Cytoplasm and mitochondria  in eukaryotes
Glycolysis in cytoplasm
Kreb cycle in mitochondria

2. Respiration involves breaking of_______ bonds of complex compounds through oxidation within the cells, leading
to release of considerable amount of energy.
(1) C — C (2) C — O (3) C — H (4) Both (2) & (3)
Sol. Answer (1)
C — C bonds of glucose break during respiration.

3. Read the following statements and choose the correct option:

(1) Respiration is purely a catabolic process
(2) Reduction of food results in the release of energy
(3) Chemical energy is broken down during respiration to release energy
(4) Fungi can make their own food and derive the energy by respiration
Sol. Answer (3)
Energy release during respiration due to breaking of chemical bonds.

4. Respiration is seen in
(1) Non green cells only
(2) Non green cells in light only
(3) All living cells both during day and night
(4) All cells, except the photosynthetic cells during day
Sol. Answer (3)
Respiration is continuous process occurs in all the living cells.
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50 Respiration in Plants Solution of Assignment

5. The compounds that are subjected to biological oxidation are called _______ in which ______ is the most
(1) Respiratory substrate, carbohydrate (2) Respiratory substance, protein
(3) Respiratory organic substances, fats (4) Respiratory substrate, protein
Sol. Answer (1)
Carbohydrate is most prefreable respiratory substrate.

6. Which of the following substances can undergo oxidation and release energy?
(1) Inorganic acids (2) Organic food (3) Organic acid (4) Both (2) & (3)
Sol. Answer (4)
Organic food and organic acid undergoes a catabolic process to release energy.

7. Choose the incorrect option for why plants can get along without respiratory organs as plants, unlike animals,
have no specialized organs for gaseous exchange.
(1) Respiration rate is faster than animals in roots, stems and leaves
(2) O2 released during photosynthesis is utilized for respiration
(3) Loose packing of parenchyma cells in leaves, stems and roots facilitates respiration
(4) There is very little transport of gases from one plant part to another
Sol. Answer (1)
In plants, respiration rate is slower than animals.

8. In floating respiration substrate used is/are

(1) Carbohydrate only (2) Fat and carbohydrate
(3) Fat and protein (4) Carbohydrate and protein
Sol. Answer (2)
When respiratory substrate is fat and carbohydrate, known as floating respiration.

9. Those organism which cannot use oxygen for growth and are even harmed by its presence, are known as
(1) Obligate aerobes (2) Aerotolerant anaerobes
(3) Facultative anaerobes (4) Obligate anaerobes
Sol. Answer (4)
These are organism which cannot live in O2 presence.

10. Facultative anaerobes

(1) Cannot use oxygen for growth and are even harmed by it
(2) Cannot use oxygen for growth, but tolerate the presence of it
(3) Are aerobes which can grow without oxygen
(4) Die when given aerobic condition
Sol. Answer (3)
Are aerobes which can live without oxygen i.e., they are not strictly anaerobic

11. What are the products of aerobic respiration?

(1) O2, H2O and energy (2) CO2 and energy only
(3) CO2, H2O and energy (4) H2O and CO2 only
Sol. Answer (3)
C6H12O6  6O2  6CO2  6H2O  686 kcal

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12. Maximum energy can be obtained from oxidation of which respiratory substrate
(1) Fat (2) Proteins (3) Carbohydrates (4) Organic acid
Sol. Answer (1)
Maximum energy present in fats.

13. Common step of both aerobic and anaerobic respiration are

(1) EMP pathway (2) Tricarboxylic acid cycle
(3) Acetyl CoA formation (4) Citric acid cycle
Sol. Answer (1)
i.e., Glycolysis, after that fate of pyruvic acid is decided.

14. Which of the following pathway was given by Embden, Meyerhof and Parnas?
(1) Glycolysis (2) Acetyl CoA formation step
(3) Krebs cycle (4) Pentose phosphate pathway
Sol. Answer (1)
Embden, Meyerhoff and Parnas i.e., EMP pathway

15. Glycolysis occurs in

(1) All living cells (2) Only eukaryotic cells (3) Nerve cells (4) Only muscle cells
Sol. Answer (1)
All living cells in the cytoplasm.

16. All are true about glycolysis, except

(1) Oxygen independent pathway
(2) It produces one pyruvic acid molecule from each glucose
(3) It occurs in the cytoplasm of cell
(4) It can operate by using both glucose and fructose
Sol. Answer (2)
No - One pyruvic acid from half molecule of glucose / we can say two pyruvic acid from one molecule of

17. In EMP pathway, hexose sugar splits into two molecules of triose sugar by the catalytic activity of
(1) Phosphofructokinase (2) Aldolase (3) Dehydrogenase (4) Transphosphorylase
Sol. Answer (2)

Glucos e 
 G  6  P 
 F  6  P 
 F  1, 6  P  Triose phosphate.

 2 Molecule

18. Interconversion of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate is catalysed by which enzyme?

(1) Phosphotriose isomerase (2) Phosphohexose isomerase
(3) Phosphoglyceromutase (4) Triose kinase
Sol. Answer (1)

Triose phosphate 
 Triose phosphate
(G  3 P) (DHAP)

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52 Respiration in Plants Solution of Assignment

19. Reducing power NADH + H+ is produced during conversion step of glycolysis.

(1) 3-phosphoglyceric acid to 2-phosphoglycerate
(2) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate to 1,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid
(3) 2-phosphoglycerate to phosphoenol pyrurvate
(4) Phosphoenol pyruvate to pyruvic acid
Sol. Answer (2)

F – 1, 6 – bP
2× + isomerase
PGAL dehydrogenase
NADPH (1, 3 bisphos acid)
Triose bisphosphate
2ADP (1, 3 - PGA)
Triose bisphosphate
(3 – PGA)

2 – PGA


ADP Pyruvate
Pyruvic acid

20. Which enzyme of glycolysis is also called as pacemaker enzyme?

(1) Hexokinase
(2) Enolase
(3) Phosphofructokinase
(4) Pyruvate kinase
Sol. Answer (3)
Phosphofructokinase is called pacemaker enzyme.

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21. Choose correct option w.r.t. anaerobic respiration

(1) The first oxidation step occur in mitochondria

(2) All reactions occur in the cytoplasm

(3) They require oxygen only at one step

(4) First step of eaction occur in cytoplasm then in mitochondria

Sol. Answer (2)

If aerobic  It requires mitochondria. else all will occur in cytoplasm.

22. Products of anaerobic respiration are

(1) Ethyl alcohol and lactic acid only (2) Ethyl alcohol and CO2 and metabolic H2O

(3) Ethyl alcohol, metabolic H2O, CO2 and lactic acid (4) Ethyl alcohol, CO2 or lactic acid

Sol. Answer (4)

C2 H5OH + CO2 + Energy
c n
oli ntatio
alc erme
F O2
Pyruvic acid C3H6O3 + Energy.
Lactic acid
Lactic acid

23. End product of anaerobic respiration is

(1) Phosphoglyceric acid (2) Pyruvic acid

(3) Lactic acid (4) Glyceraldehyde phosphate

Sol. Answer (3)

During anaerobic respiration, the end product is ethyl alcohol, lactic acid etc.

24. After glycolysis, first step of ethyl alcohol fermentation requires

(1) Dehydrogenation (2) Decarboxylation (3) FAD reduction (4) Mn+2 acceptance

Sol. Answer (2)

Pyruvic acid
Pyruvic acid

25. Concentration of alcohol in a sugar solution inoculated with yeast after which yeast gets killed is

(1) 13% (2) 25% (3) 30% (4) 20%

Sol. Answer (1)

Yeast posion themselves to death when concentration of alcohol reaches about 13%.

26. Cramps are formed during vigorous exercise, it is due to production of _____ in muscles.

(1) Acetyl coenzyme A (2) Ethyl alcohol (3) Lactic acid (4) Acetic acid

Sol. Answer (3)

During vigorous exercise, O2 , anaerobic pathway is adopted by cell, produces lactic acid.

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27. Identify the product marked by (i) & (ii) in the following pathway

3-phosphoglyceric acid (ii)

(i) Pyruvate

(1) (i) 2-phosphoglycerate; (ii) Acetyl CoA (2) (i) Phosphoenol pyruvate; (ii) Ethyl alcohol
(3) (i) Phosphoenol pyruvate; (ii) Citric acid (4) (i) Phosphoenol pyruvate; (ii) Acetyl CoA
Sol. Answer (2)
Pathway of anaerobic respiration.

28. During cellular respiration, number of ATP used during conversion of glucose into glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
(1) 1 (2) 2
(3) 3 (4) 4
Sol. Answer (2)

Glucose G–6–P F–6–P F – 1, 6 – bisP


29. Which enzyme is required for the following conversion ?

Pyruvic acid + CoA + NAD+  Acetyl CoA + CO2 + NADH + H+
(1) Pyruvate dehydrogenase (2) Phosphoglucomutase
(3) Pyruvate oxidase (4) Pyruvate carboxylase
Sol. Answer (1)
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex enzyme.

30. Number of acetyl CoA formed from one molecule of glucose is

(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 4 (4) 6
Sol. Answer (2)

One Glucose 2 Pyruvic acid

Pyruvic dehydrogenase

2 Acety-CoA

31. Connecting link between glycolysis and TCA cycle is

(1) Link reaction (2) EMP pathway (3) ETC (4) Citric acid cycle

Sol. Answer (1)

Link reaction or transition reaction is connecting link between glycolysis and TCA cycle.

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32. How many carbon atoms are present in Acetyl CoA?
(1) 2 (2) 6 (3) 4 (4) 3
Sol. Answer (2)


33. Which of the following product is formed by Krebs cycle?

(1) Acetyl CoA (2) ADP (3) ATP (4) NAD+

Sol. Answer (3)

ATP and NADH are formed by Krebs cycte.

34. Citric acid is formed in Krebs cycle by the combination of oxaloacetate with

(1) OAA (2) Acetyl CoA

(3) Malic acid (4) Pyruvic acid

Sol. Answer (2)

OAA + Acetyl CoA  Citric acid

35. The enzymes of Krebs cycle where NADH + H+ are produced are

(1) Isocitrate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase and malic dehydrogenase

(2) Succinate thiokinase, succinate dehydrogenase and aconitase

(3) Isocitrate dehydrogenase, -ketoglutaric dehydrogenase, malic dehydrogenase

(4) Isocitrate dehydrogenase, -ketoglutaric dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase

Sol. Answer (3)

Acetyl – coA H2O
+ (2C) Citrate synthase
(4C) Citric acid
NAD (6C)
Malic H2O Aconitase Fe2+
Malic acid K Cis-Aconitic acid
R (6C) 2+
H2O Fumerase H2O Aconitase Fe
B Isocitrate
Fumeric acid (6C)
FADH2 Succinate C NAD isocitrate Mn
dehydrogenase Y NADPH
+ dehydrogenase
Succinic Acid C Oxalosuccinic acid
GTP succinate L (6C)

CoA GDP thiokinase E CO2

H2O Succinyl-CoA + -Ketoglutaric acid

CO2 -Ketoglutaric CoA


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36. How many molecules of CO2 are released during two turns of Krebs cycle?
(1) 2 (2) 6 (3) 4 (4) 3
Sol. Answer (4)
Acetyl – coA H2O
+ (2C) Citrate synthase
(4C) Citric acid
NAD (6C)
Malic H2O Aconitase Fe2+
Malic acid K Cis-Aconitic acid
R (6C) 2+
H2O Fumerase H2O Aconitase Fe
B Isocitrate
Fumeric acid (6C)
FADH2 Succinate C NAD isocitrate Mn2+
dehydrogenase Y + dehydrogenase
Succinic Acid C Oxalosuccinic acid
GTP succinate L (6C)
CoA GDP thiokinase E 2

H2O Succinyl-CoA + -Ketoglutaric acid


CO2 -Ketoglutaric CoA

Since two CO2 in one turn thus 4 CO2 in two turn.

37. What is the net gain in a Krebs cycle?

(1) 1 FADH2, 2 NADH2 and 1 ATP (2) 2 FADH2, 2 NADH2 and 2 ATP
(3) 1 FADH2, 3 NADH2 and 1 ATP (4) 1 FADH2, 6 NADH2 and 2 ATP
Sol. Answer (3)
In one turn of Krebs cycle 3NADH2, 1ATP and 1FADH2 are produced.

38. Succinate dehydrogenase catalyzes the formation of

(1) FADH2  FAD (2) FAD  FADH2
(3) NAD  NADH + H+ (4) NADH + H+ FADH2
Sol. Answer (2)

FAD  FADH2

Succinate dehydrogenase

39. Where does ETS occur in our body?

(1) Cytoplasm (2) Mitochondrial matrix
(3) Inner mitochondrial membrane (4) Outer mitochondrial membrane
Sol. Answer (3)
ETS occurs in inner membrane of mitochondria.

40. How many complexes are involved in electron transport in mitochondria?

(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 4 (4) 5
Sol. Answer (3)
Complex-I, Complex-II, Complex-III, Complex-IV

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41. Complex which transfers electrons of FADH2 to ETS is

(1) I (2) II (3) III (4) IV

Sol. Answer (2)
Electrons from FADH2 to ETS are transferred by Complex II

42. Last acceptor of electrons is _____ in ETS which give electrons to oxygen.
(1) Cyt c1 (2) Cyt c (3) Cyt a – a3 (4) Cyt bc1
Sol. Answer (3)
Complex-IV (Cytochrome C oxidase)  Contains two copper centers.
(CuA and CuB) and cytochrome a and Cyt a3.

43. Ubiquinone receives reducing equivalents from

(1) NAD+ (2) FADH2 (3) NADH + H+ (4) Both (2) & (3)
Sol. Answer (4)
FADH2 and NADH + H+ i.e., electron from complex-I and II reaches to ubiquinone.

44. Mobile electron carrier in ETS in mitochondrial membrane is

(1) Complex I (2) Cyt c (3) Cyt a – a3 (4) Cyt bc1
Sol. Answer (2)
Cyt c is mobile electron carrier in ETS.

45. Protons for the formation of ATP first pass from

(1) F0 part (2) F1 head piece (3) Cyt c (4) Complex II
Sol. Answer (1)

Outer ATP

F0 F1 Inner
Inner part
membrane Matrix

46. How many ATP molecules are formed by oxidative phosphorylation from NADH produced during single Krebs
(1) 6 (2) 18 (3) 30 (4) 9
Sol. Answer (4)
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58 Respiration in Plants Solution of Assignment

47. The efficiency of aerobic respiration is approximately

(1) 50% (2) 45% (3) 90% (4) 30%
Sol. Answer (2)

38  8.1
 100  45%  One glucose

38 ATP  8.1 kcal

One glucose stores – 686 kcal molecule

48. Total energy obtained from 38 ATP is _____ kJ.

(1) 1298 (2) 1398 (3) 1292 (4) 1392
Sol. Answer (3)
38 ATP = 1292 kJ
1 ATP = 34 kJ/mol.
38 ATP = 34 × 38 = 1292 kJ/mol.

49. Intermediate common to proteins and carbohydrate oxidation is

(1) Pyruvate (2) Glycerol (3) Oxaloacetate (4) Succinate
Sol. Answer (1)
Glycerol form as a intermediate during protein and carbohydrate oxidation.

50. Which of these has R.Q. value more than one?

(1) Fat (2) Protein (3) Carbohydrate (4) Organic acids
Sol. Answer (4)
RQ value of malic acid – 1.33
Oxalic acid  4


Objective Type Questions

1. Which of the given enzymes of glycolysis is required at the beginning of process?

(1) Hexokinase (2) Aldolase (3) Isomerase (4) Mutase

Sol. Answer (1)
Glucos e  G  6  P

2. Conversion of fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate in respiration requires

(1) Hexokinase (2) Enolase
(3) Phosphofructokinase (4) Pyruvate kinase
Sol. Answer (3)

F  6  P 
 F  1, 6  bP
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3. Select the statement which is not related to fermentation
(1) It accounts for only a partial breakdown of glucose
(2) It gives only 2ATP as net for glucose degradation upto pyruvic acid
(3) NADH is oxidized slowly as compared to aerobic respiration
(4) ETS gives 11ATP for each Krebs cycle
Sol. Answer (4)
It is related to Kreb cycle not fermentation.

4. First step of ethyl alcohol fermentation requires

(1) Dehydrogenation (2) Decarboxylation (3) FMN (4) Zn2+
Sol. Answer (2)


5. How many redox equivalents are removed from two molecules of 3-PGAL?
(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 1 (4) 2
Sol. Answer (2)
Two from each 3-PGAL, thus total four from two molecule of 3-PGAL.

6. Primary acceptor of TCA cycle is

(1) OAA (2) Acetyl CoA (3) Citric acid (4) Pyruvic acid
Sol. Answer (1)
OAA + Acetyl CoA  Citric acid

7. In TCA cycle, how many reduced coenzymes are produced from one Acetyl CoA?
(1) 3 NADH2, 1 FADH2 (2) 2 NADH2, 1 FADH2 (3) 4 NADH2, 2 FADH2 (4) 5 NADH2, 1 FADH2
Sol. Answer (1)
Acetyl – coA H2O
+ (2C) Citrate synthase
(4C) Citric acid
NAD Malic (6C)
H2O Aconitase Fe2+
Malic acid K Cis-Aconitic acid
R (6C) 2+
H2O Fumerase H2O Aconitase Fe
B Isocitrate
Fumeric acid (6C)
FADH2 Succinate C NAD isocitrate Mn2+
dehydrogenase Y + dehydrogenase
Succinic Acid C Oxalosuccinic acid
GTP succinate L (6C)
CoA GDP thiokinase E 2

H2O Succinyl-CoA + -Ketoglutaric acid

4(C) NAD NADH (5C)

CO2 -Ketoglutaric CoA


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8. 5C intermediate molecule in TCA cycle is

(1) Citric acid (2) Succinyl CoA (3) -ketoglutaric acid (4) Fumaric acid
Sol. Answer (3)
5C present in -ketoglutaric acid.

9. Number of total ATP generated in TCA cycle per Acetyl CoA molecule is
(1) 10 (2) 12 (3) 14 (4) 24
Sol. Answer (2)
1 NADH  3 ATP  × 3  9 ATP
1 FADH2  2 ATP  2 ATP
1 GTP / ATP  1 ATP
12 ATP

10. Substrate level phosphorylation in TCA occurs when

(1) Succinic acid changes to fumaric acid (2) Fumaric acid changes to malic acid
(3) Succinyl CoA changes to succinic acid (4) Oxalosuccinic acid changes to -ketoglutaric acid
Sol. Answer (3)
Acetyl – coA H2O
+ (2C) Citrate synthase
(4C) Citric acid
NAD (6C)
Malic H2O Aconitase Fe2+
Malic acid K Cis-Aconitic acid
R (6C) 2+
H2O Fumerase H2O Aconitase Fe
B Isocitrate
Fumeric acid (6C)
FADH2 Succinate C NAD isocitrate Mn2+
dehydrogenase Y + dehydrogenase
Succinic Acid C Oxalosuccinic acid
GTP succinate L (6C)
CoA GDP thiokinase E 2

H2O Succinyl-CoA + -Ketoglutaric acid


CO2 -Ketoglutaric CoA


11. Mineral activator needed for the enzyme isocitrate dehydrogenase of TCA cycle is
(1) Fe (2) Mg (3) Mn (4) Cu
Sol. Answer (3)
Mn acts as activator by enzyme isocitrate dehydrogenase.

12. Fumarase enzyme converts

(1) Succinic acid to malic acid (2) Succinic acid to fumaric acid
(3) Fumaric acid to malic acid (4) Fumaric acid to citric acid
Sol. Answer (3)

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13. Substrate level phosphorylation does not occur in which of the following reaction of aerobic respiration?

(1) 1, 3-diPGA  3-PGA (2) 3-PGA  2-PGA

(3) PEP Pyruvate (4) Succinyl CoA  Succinic acid

Sol. Answer (2)

Substrate level phosphorylation  Direct transfer of a phosphate group from a substrate molecule to ADP to
form ATP.

There is no such transfer from 3PGA – 2PGA. In the phosphate group reshuffling is done here from
3rd position to 2nd position.

14. A Krebs cycle intermediate as raw material for chlorophyll production is synthesised after
(1) Condensation (2) Substrate level phosphorylation
(3) Hydration (4) Oxidative decarboxylation
Sol. Answer (4)

-Ketoglutaric acid Succinyl Co-A

Raw material for chlorophyll synthesis

15. Select the correct statement w.r.t. Krebs cycle

(1) Occurs in cytoplasm and mitochondria in the absence of O2
(2) Favoured by coenzyme NADP+
(3) Intermediate products contain four, five and six carbon atoms
(4) Substrate molecule is a 3C compound
Sol. Answer (3)
4, 5, 6 carbon atomes in intermediate product.
For e.g.,  Malic acid (4C), Oxalosuccinic acid (6C), -Ketoglutaric acid (5C).

16. Connecting link between respiration (TCA cycle) and protein synthesis is
(1) Citric acid (2) -ketoglutaric acid (3) Succinic acid (4) Fumaric acid
Sol. Answer (2)
Raw material for amino acid synthesis.

17. The correct sequence in Krebs cycle is

(1) Isocitric acid  Oxaloacetic acid  -ketoglutaric acid
(2) Oxaloacetic acid  Isocitric acid  -ketoglutaric acid
(3) -ketoglutaric acid  Isocitric acid  Oxaloacetic acid
(4) Isocitric acid  -ketoglutaric acid  Oxaloacetic acid
Sol. Answer (4)
In Krebs cycle citric acid converted into -ketoglutaric acid then oxaloacetic acid.

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18. ATP generated by 1 NADH2 and 1 FADH2 are respectively

(1) 3, 2 (2) 2, 3 (3) 3, 5 (4) 5, 3
Sol. Answer (1)

19. The complex concerned with oxidative phosphorylation in inner mitochondrial membrane is
(1) Complex IV (2) Complex V (3) Complex III (4) Complex II
Sol. Answer (2)
ATP synthase

20. Mobile electrons carriers in ETS in mitochondrial membrane are

(1) PQ, PC (2) CoQ, Cyt c (3) PQ, Cyt c (4) PC, CoQ
Sol. Answer (2)
CoQ and Cyt c are mobile electro carriers.

21. Total number of ATP produced through ETS only from one molecule of 3-phosphoglycerate in aerobic respiration is
(1) 14 (2) 12 (3) 15 (4) 16
Sol. Answer (1)

1 molecule of 3 PGA 1 molecule of pyruvic acid

releases Link reaction and Kreb cycle

& 1 FADH2
These molecules will enter ETS and produces ATP.
+ at most
Now, 1 NADPH 3 ATP × 4 12
1 FADPH2 2 ATP × 1 2
14 ATP

22. Slow oxidation of NADH occurs in

(1) Fermentation (2) Aerobic respiration
(3) Dicarboxylic acid cycle (4) PPP
Sol. Answer (1)
Lactic acid fermentation.

23. Which one of the following is incorrect statement for mitochondrial ETC and oxidative phosphorylation?
(1) Enzyme complex I accepts electrons and H+ from NADH and FADH2
(2) Passage of protons through the channel is coupled to the catalytic site of the F1 for ATP production
(3) Cytochrome-c is a mobile protein attached to outer surface of inner membrane
(4) 6H+ passes through F0 from intermembrane space to the matrix down the electrochemical proton gradient to
produce 3ATP

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Sol. Answer (1)

Complex I  (NADH Dehydrogenase)  it accepts only from NADPH. Complex II receives it from FADH2.

24. NADH2 generated in glycolysis produces ATP in ETS in presence of O2. In absence of O2, this NADH2
functions as
(1) Oxidising agent (2) Phosphorylating agent (3) Reducing agent (4) Carboxylating agent
Sol. Answer (3)
Act as reducing agent in absence of O2.

25. A false statement regarding cytochrome c-oxidase complex in ETS in mitochondria is

(1) Receives electrons directly from ubiquinone
(2) Capable of reducing O2
(3) Extend across the thickness of inner mitochondrial membrane
(4) Contains Fe & Cu both
Sol. Answer (1)
Receives electrons directly from ubiquinone via cyt bc1 to cyt c.
i.e., UQ  cyt bc1  cyt c

26. In prokaryotic cells, number of ATP generated from one glucose molecule is
(1) 36 (2) 38 (3) 34 (4) 32
Sol. Answer (2)
38 ATP produced from one molecule of glucose.

27. The efficiency of respiration is approximately

(1) 45% (2) 50% (3) 90% (4) 30%
Sol. Answer (1)

38  8.1kcal
 100  45%
686 cal

28. Mark the incorrect statement.

(1) Breaking of C – C bonds of complex organic molecules by oxidation cells leading to the release of a lot of
energy is called cellular respiration
(2) Initial stage of cellular respiration takes place in cytoplasm
(3) Incomplete oxidation of pyruvate by the stepwise removal of all the hydrogen atoms, leaving three molecules
of CO2
(4) TCA cycle starts with the condensation of acetyl group with OAA and H2O to yield citric acid
Sol. Answer (3)
Incomplete oxidation results in alcoholic/ Lactic acid fermentation.

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64 Respiration in Plants Solution of Assignment

29. Transfer of yeast cells from anaerobic to aerobic condition will

(1) Decrease sugar breakdown (2) Decrease CO2 evolution

(3) Increase CO2 evolution (4) More than one option is correct

Sol. Answer (4)

Decrease sugar breakdown and decrease CO2 evolution.

30. Inhibition of sugar breakdown due to the presence of O2 under anaerobic condition is called

(1) Pasteur effect (2) Warburg effect (3) Crabtree effect (4) Kutusky effect

Sol. Answer (1)

In anaerobic respiration, rate of respiration decreases in the presence of oxygen, known as Pasteur effect.

31. Common molecule formed from all food stuffs during aerobic respiration is

(1) Glucose (2) PGAL

(3) Pyruvic acid (4) Acetyl CoA

Sol. Answer (4)

All the food stuffs converted into Acetyl CoA because Kreb's cycle starts from Acetyl CoA.

32. From the oxidation of one molecule of palmitic acid (fatty acid), the number of ATP molecules gained as net

(1) 131 (2) 129 (3) 38 (4) 142

Sol. Answer (2)

Palmitic acid  C16H32O2.

C6H32O2  8 CH3CoSCoA + 7 FADH2 + 7 NADH + 7 H+

8 CH3Co.S.CoA  16 CO2 + 8 FADH2 + 24 NADH + 8 – P + 24 H+

Sum : C16H32O2  16 CO2 + 15 FADH2 + 31 NADH + 8 – P + 31H+

15 FADH2 15 × 2 ATP = 30
2 ATP’s are consumed in process to form acyl CoA
31 NADH 31 × 3 ATP = 93
 129 net yield.
8 ATP Substance level = 8

33. The value of RQ when the respiratory substances are poor in oxygen is

(1) Zero (2) Infinity

(3) Greater than one (4) Less than one

Sol. Answer (4)

Less than one e.g., in fats and proteins.

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34. Location of SDH enzyme of Krebs cycle in plants is
(1) Plasma membrane (2) Inner mitochondrial membrane
(3) Cytoplasm (4) Matrix
Sol. Answer (2)
Succinate dehydrogenase present on inner mitochondrial membrane.

35. Arrange the RQ value of following respiratory substrates in ascending order

(a) C4H6O5 (b) C6H12O6 (c) C18H36O2 (d) Succulents (night)
(1) (c), (b), (d) & (a) (2) (d), (c), (b) & (a) (3) (b), (c), (a) & (d) (4) (c), (b), (a) & (d)
Sol. Answer (2)
Succulents > C18H36O2 > C6H12O6 > C4H6O5

Previous Years Questions
1. Cytochromes are found in [AIPMT-2015]
(1) Lysosomes (2) Matrix of mitochondria
(3) Outer wall of mitochondria (4) Cristae of mitochondria
Sol. Answer (4)
Cytochromes involved in ETS, present on the cristae of mitochondria.

2. In which one of the following processes CO2 is not released? [AIPMT-2014]

(1) Aerobic respiration in plants (2) Aerobic respiration in animals
(3) Alcoholic fermentation (4) Lactate fermentation
Sol. Answer (4)
CO2 not evolved during Lactic acid fermentation.

3. Which of the metabolites is common to respiration mediated breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins?
(1) Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (2) Pyruvic acid
(3) Acetyl CoA (4) Glucose-6-phosphate
Sol. Answer (3)
Acetyl CoA form, from all the food stuffs.

4. The three boxes in this diagram represent the three major biosynthetic pathways in aerobic respiration. Arrows
represent net reactants or products

1 5 910
glucose Pathway A 2 6
Pathway B 7 Pathway C 11
4 8 12

Arrows numbered 4,8 and 12 can all be [NEET-2013]

(1) ATP (2) H2O (3) FAD+ or FADH2 (4) NADH

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66 Respiration in Plants Solution of Assignment

Sol. Answer (1)

Pathway - A  Glycolysis
Pathway - B  Kreb 4/8/12  ATP
Pathway - C  ETS 2  Pyruvic acid
9, 10  FADH2 , NADH
3  NADH

5. Read the following four statements (A-D)

(A) Both, photophosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation involve uphill transport of protons across the
(B) In dicot stems, a new cambium originates from cells of pericycle at the time of secondary growth
(C) Stamens in flowers of Gloriosa and Petunia are polyandrous
(D) Symbiotic nitrogen-fixers occur in free-living state also in soil
How many of the above statements are right? [AIPMT (Mains)-2012]
(1) Two (2) Three (3) Four (4) One
Sol. Answer (1)
A and D, because in dicot stem cambium not arise from pericycle. In Gloriosa - epiphylous, while in Petunia
- epipetalous.

6. The energy releasing metabolic process in whichsubstrate is oxidised without an external electron acceptor
is called [AIPMT (Prelims)-2010]
(1) Photorespiration (2) Glycolysis (3) Fermentation (4) Aerobic respiration
Sol. Answer (2)
During fermentation, substrate oxidised without an external electron acceptor.

7. Aerobic respiratory pathway is appropriately termed: [AIPMT (Prelims)-2009]

(1) Parabolic (2) Amphibolic (3) Anabolic (4) Catabolic
Sol. Answer (2)
i.e., both catabolism and anabolism.

8. A competitive inhibitor of succinic dehydrogenase is [AIPMT (Prelims)-2008]

(1) Malate (2) Malonate (3) Oxaloacetate (4) - ketoglutarate
Sol. Answer (2)

9. The chemiosmotic coupling hypothesis of oxidative phosphorylation proposes that adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
is formed because [AIPMT (Prelims)-2008]
(1) There is a change in the permeability of the inner mitochondiral membrane toward adenosine diphosphate
(2) High energy bonds are formed in mitochondrial proteins
(3) ADP is pumped out of the matrix into the intermembrane space
(4) A proton gradient forms across the inner membrane
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Sol. Answer (4)
Due to accumulation of protons, proton gradient form across the inner membrane.

10. The overall goal of glycolysis, Krebs cycle and the electron transport system is the formation of:
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2007]
(1) Nucleic acids (2) ATP in small stepwise units
(3) ATP in one large oxidation reaction (4) Sugars
Sol. Answer (2)
All cell are in need of energy obtained from ATP.

11. All enzymes of TCA cycle are located in the mitochondrial matrix except one which is located in inner
mitochondrial membranes in eukaryotes and in cytosol in prokaryotes. This enzyme is:
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2007]
(1) Succinate dehydrogenase (2) Lactate dehydrogenase
(3) Isocitrate dehydrogenase (4) Malate dehydrogenase
Sol. Answer (1)
Succinate dehydrogenase present on inner mitochondrial membrane.

12. How many ATP molecules could maximally be generated from one molecule of glucose, if the complete
oxidation of one mole of glucose to CO2 and H2O yields 686 kcal and the useful chemical energy available in
the high energy phosphate bond of one mole of ATP is 12 kcal ? [AIPMT (Prelims)-2006]
(1) Two (2) Thirty (3) Fifty seven (4) One
Sol. Answer (3)
For maximum ATP, we take efficiency 100%

x  57.1

i.e., 57 ATP molecules

13. During which stage in the complete oxidation of glucose are the greatest number of ATP molecules formed
from ADP? [AIPMT (Prelims)-2005]
(1) Conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl Co-A (2) Electron transport chain
(3) Glycolysis (4) Krebs cycle
Sol. Answer (2)

10 NADH & 1 FADH2 enters ETS

10 × 3 2×2

30 4 for one molecule of glucose

Total  34/36

34 or 32 from ETS

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68 Respiration in Plants Solution of Assignment

14. Chemiosmotic theory of ATP synthesis in the chloroplasts and mitochondria is based on :
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2005]
(1) Proton gradient (2) Accumulation of K ions
(3) Accumulation of Na ions (4) Membrane potential
Sol. Answer (1)

15. Glycolysis
(1) Takes place in the mitochondria
(2) Produces no ATP
(3) Has no connection with electron transport chain
(4) Reduces two molecules of NAD+ for every glucose molecule processed
Sol. Answer (4)

F – 1, 6 – bP
2× + isomerase
PGAL dehydrogenase
NADPH (1, 3 bisphos acid)
Triose bisphosphate
2ADP (1, 3 - PGA)
Triose bisphosphate
(3 – PGA)

2 – PGA


ADP Pyruvate
Pyruvic acid

16. The first phase in the breakdown of glucose, in animal cell, is

(1) Fermentation (2) Krebs cycle (3) Glycolysis (4) E.T.S.
Sol. Answer (3)
Glycolysis is first phase in both plants and animals.
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17. At the end of glycolysis, six carbon compound ultimately changes into

(1) Ethyl alcohol (2) Acetyl Co-A (3) Pyruvic acid (4) ATP

Sol. Answer (3)

One molecule of glucose  Two molecule of Pyruvic acid.

18. In glycolysis, during oxidation electrons are removed by

(1) ATP (2) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate

(3) NAD+ (4) Molecular oxygen

Sol. Answer (3)

NAD + 2e– + 2H+  NADH + H+

19. The organism used for alcohol fermentation, is

(1) Aspergillus (2) Saccharomyces (3) Pseudomonas (4) Penicillium

Sol. Answer (2)

Saccharomyces i.e., Yeast

20. Which of the following products are obtained by anaerobic respiration from yeast?

(1) Beer and wine (2) Alcohols (3) CO2 (4) All of these

Sol. Answer (4)

Beer, wine, alcohols and CO2.

21. The end products of fermentation are

(1) O2 and C2H5OH (2) CO2 and acetaldehyde

(3) CO2 and O2 (4) CO2 and C2H5OH

Sol. Answer (4)

Alcoholic fermentation

2CH3COCOOH 
 2CH3CHO  2CO2
Pyruvate decarboxylase

2CH3CHO  2NADH  2H   2C2H5OH  2NAD


22. During the formation of bread, it becomes porous due to release of CO2 by the action of

(1) Yeast (2) Bacteria (3) Virus (4) Protozoans

Sol. Answer (1)

Yeast causes fermentation.

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70 Respiration in Plants Solution of Assignment

23. In alcohol fermentation

(1) Triose phosphate is the electron donor while acetaldehyde is the electron acceptor

(2) Triose phosphate is the electron donor while pyruvic acid is the electron acceptor

(3) There is no electron donor

(4) Oxygen is the electron acceptor

Sol. Answer (1)

2CH3COCOOH 
 2CH3CHO  2CO2
Pyruvate decarboxylase

2CH3CHO  2NADH  H  2C2H5OH  2NAD


24. Dough kept overnight in warm weather becomes soft and spongy because of

(1) Absorption of carbon dioxide from atmosphere (2) Fermentation

(3) Cohesion (4) Osmosis

Sol. Answer (2)

During fermentation, CO2 evolved.

25. In Krebs cycle, the FAD precipitates as electron acceptor during the conversion of

(1) Fumaric acid to malic acid (2) Succinic acid to fumaric acid

(3) Succinyl CoA to succinic acid (4) -ketoglutarate to succinyl CoA

Sol. Answer (2)

Acetyl – coA H2O

+ (2C) Citrate synthase
(4C) Citric acid
NAD Malic (6C)
H2O Aconitase Fe2+
Malic acid K Cis-Aconitic acid
R (6C) 2+
H2O Fumerase H2O Aconitase Fe
B Isocitrate
Fumeric acid (6C)
FADH2 Succinate C NAD isocitrate Mn2+
dehydrogenase Y + dehydrogenase
Succinic Acid C Oxalosuccinic acid
GTP succinate L (6C)
CoA GDP thiokinase E CO2
H2O Succinyl-CoA + -Ketoglutaric acid

CO2 -Ketoglutaric CoA


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26. Which of the following is the key intermediate compound linking glycolysis to the Krebs cycle?

(1) Malic acid (2) Acetyl CoA (3) NADH (4) ATP

Sol. Answer (2)

Pyruvic acid 
 from glycolysis

Pyruvic acid 

Link reaction
Acetyl  CoA

Acetyl CoA 
 Enters Krebcycle

27. In which one of the following do the two names refer to one and the same thing ?

(1) Krebs cycle and Calvin cycle (2) Tricarboxylic acid cycle and citric acid cycle

(3) Citric acid cycle and Calvin cycle (4) Tricarboxylic acid cycle and urea cycle

Sol. Answer (2)

TCA and Citric acid cycle

other names for Kreb’s cycle.

TCA  because many intermediate have 3 carboxyl groups.

CAC  because of formation of citric acid in the first step of cycle.

Kreb  Scientist Hans Kreb who first elucidated it in flight muscles of pigeon.

28. In mitochondria, protons accumulate in the

(1) Intermembrane space (2) Matrix

(3) Outer membrane (4) Inner membrane

Sol. Answer (1)

Proton accumulate between outer and inner membrane.

29. The ultimate respiratory substrate, yielding maximum number of ATP molecules, is

(1) Glycogen (2) Ketogenic amino acid

(3) Glucose (4) Amylose

Sol. Answer (3)

Glucose is the ultimate respiratory substrate.

30. When one molecule of ATP is disintegrated, the amount of energy liberated is

(1) 1.8 kcal (2) 38 kcal (3) 8.15 kcal (4) 4.5 kcal

Sol. Answer (3)

1 ATP  8.15 kcal

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31. The correct sequence of electron acceptor in ATP synthesis is

(1) Cyt. b, c, a3, a (2) Cyt. c, b, a, a3 (3) Cyt. a3, a, b, c (4) Cyt. b, c, a, a3
Sol. Answer (4)
Electron transfer from Cyt b to Cyt c then Cyt a and Cyt a3.

32. The mechanism of ATP formation both in chloroplast and mitochondria is explained by
(1) Chemiosmotic theory (2) Munch’s hypothesis (mass flow model)
(3) Relay pump theory of Godlewski (4) Cholodny-Went’s model
Sol. Answer (1)
ATP synthesis explained by P.Mitchel through chemiosmotic theory.

33. Net gain of ATP molecules, during aerobic respiration, in heart cells is
(1) 40 molecules (2) 48 molecules
(3) 36 molecules (4) 38 molecules
Sol. Answer (4)
Malate Aspartate shuttle

34. How many ATP molecules will be produced in muscles by aerobic oxidation of one molecule of glucose?
(1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 36 (4) 34
Sol. Answer (3)
Glycerol – 3 Phosphate shuttle

35. Plants, but not animals, can convert fatty acids to sugars by a series of reactions called
(1) Photosynthesis (2) Krebs cycle (3) Glycolysis (4) Glyoxylate cycle
Sol. Answer (4)
Glyoxysome present in plants for glyoxylate cycle.

36. Pasteurization is a process, which means heating of drinks. It is carried out, at what temperature and for
how much duration?
(1) 70°C and 60 minutes (2) 80°C and 30 minutes
(3) 120°C and 60 minutes (4) 60-70°C and 30 minutes
Sol. Answer (4)
Pasteurization occurs at 60–70 °C for 30 minutes.


Assertion-Reason Type Questions

1. A : 2, 4 DNP is an uncoupling agent of ETS.

R : It is soluble in lipids.
Sol. Answer (2)
2 : 4 DNP allows electron transport but prevent ATP synthesis i.e., un coupler.

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2. A : In PPP (HMS), complete oxidation of one glucose molecule would produce 6CO2 molecules and 12 NADPH2
R : It occurs in cytoplasm and chloroplast, in presence of O2.
Sol. Answer (2)
In PPP, 12 NADPH2 produced at the place of NADH2.

3. A : RQ of maturing fatty seeds is > 1.

R : Fats are preferred energy fuels.
Sol. Answer (3)
Glucose is preferred energy fuel

4. A : In cellular respiratory ETS electron movement is a downhill journey.

R : Electrons move from high redox potential to low redox potential.
Sol. Answer (3)
Electrons move from low to high redox potential.

5. A : Succinyl CoA is the precursor of pyrrole group containing compounds.

R : Succinyl CoA is an intermediate of TCA cycle.
Sol. Answer (2)

Succinyl CoA is the precursor of chlorophyll.

6. A : Fat breakdown yields fatty acids and glycerol.

R : Glycerol enters glycolysis through serine formation.

Sol. Answer (3)

Fats Fatty acids and DHAP


Acetyl CoA Pyruvic acid G–3–P

Krebs cycle

7. A : Four ATP molecules are produced directly during glycolysis.

R : Substrate level phosphorylation occurs at two steps for a glucose broken down in mitochondrial matrix.

Sol. Answer (3)

Substrate level phosphorylation occurs during Kreb cycle at one step only.

8. A : Fermentation stops when alcohol in sugar solution is about 13%.

R : Saccharomyces cerevisiae are killed and zymase in not formed.
Sol. Answer (1)
Yeast poison themselves to death when the concentration of alcohol reaches about 13 %.

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74 Respiration in Plants Solution of Assignment

9. A : Cytochrome c is the peripheral protein.

R : It is found attached on the perimitochondrial space side of the inner mitochondrial membrane.
Sol. Answer (1)
Cyt c is a peripheral protein because it found attached on perimitochondrial space side of inner mitochondrial

10. A : Tricarboxylic acid cycle is an amphibolic pathway.

R : A number of TCA cycle intermediates are used in various catabolic reactions only.

Sol. Answer (3)

TCA intermediates are not used in various catabolic reaction only. But in anabolic reactions also. TCA is
amphibolic because them is catabolism and anabolism.


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