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Oblicon Case Digest

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HEIRS OF DOLORES prescription requires possession of things in good faith

R. CICHON and with just title for a period of ten years. Without good
faith and just title, acquisitive prescription can only
475 SCRA 73 (2005) be extraordinary in character which requires uninterrupted
adverse possession for thirty years.
Ordinary acquisitive prescription requires possession of
things in good faith and with just title for a period of ten When Restar died in 1935, his eight children became pro
years while extraordinary acquisitive prescription only indiviso co-owners of the lot by intestate succession. Heirs
requires uninterrupted adverse possession for thirty years. of Chichon never possessed the lot, however, much less
asserted their claim thereto until January 21, 1999 when
they filed the complaint for partition subject of the present
Emilio Restar died intestate, leaving eight children-
petition. In contrast, Flores took possession of the lot after
compulsory heirs. Restar’s eldest child, Flores, on the
Restar’s death and exercised acts of dominion thereon —
basis of a Joint Affidavit he executed with Helen Restar,
tilling and cultivating the land, introducing improvements,
caused the cancellation of Tax Declaration in Restar’s
and enjoying the produce thereof. Flores’ possession thus
name. The same covers a 5,918 square meter parcel of
ripened into ownership through acquisitive prescription
land in Aklan which was among the properties left by
after the lapse of thirty years in accordance with the
Restar. Flores thereafter sought the issuance of another
earlier quoted Article 1137 of the New Civil Code.
Tax Declaration in his name. Flores later on died.

Heirs of Cichon did not deny that aside from the verbal
Ten years later, the heirs of Flores’ sisters, Dolores R.
partition of one parcel of land in Carugdog, Lezo, Aklan
Cichon, et. al. (Heirs of Cichon) filed a Complaint against
way back in 1945, they also had an amicable partition of
Flores’ heirs for “partition of the lot, declaration of nullity of
the lands of Emilio Restar in Cerrudo and Palale, Banga
documents, ownership with damages and preliminary
Aklan on September 28, 1973 (exhibit “20”). If they were
injunction” before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Aklan
able to demand the partition, why then did they not
alleging that the widow Esmenia appealed to them to
demand the inclusion of the land in question in order to
allow her to hold on to the lot to finance the education of
settle once and for all the inheritance from their father
her children, to which they agreed on the condition that
Emilio Restar, considering that at that time all of the
after the children had finished their education, it would be
brothers and sisters, the eight heirs of Emilio Restar, were
divided into eight equal parts; and upon their demand for
still alive and participated in the signing of the extra-
partition of the lot, the defendants Flores‘ heirs refused,
judicial partition?
they claiming that they were the lawful owners thereof as
they had inherited it from Flores. Flores‘ heirs claimed that
they had been in possession of the lot in the concept of Indeed, the following acts of Flores show possession
owner for more than thirty (30) years and have been adverse to his co-heirs: the cancellation of the tax
paying realty taxes since time immemorial. And they declaration certificate in the name of Restar and securing
denied having shared with the plaintiffs the produce of the another in his name; the execution of a Joint Affidavit
lot or that upon Flores’ death in 1989, Esmenia requested stating that he is the owner and possessor thereof to
the plaintiffs to allow her to hold on to it to finance her the exclusion of respondents; payment of real estate tax
children’s education, they contending that by 1977, the and irrigation fees without respondents having ever
children had already finished their respective courses. contributed any share therein; and continued enjoyment of
the property and its produce to the exclusion of
respondents. And Flores’ adverse possession was
The RTC of Kalibo, Aklan held that Flores and his heirs
continued by his heirs.
had performed acts sufficient to constitute repudiation of
the co-ownership, concluded that they had acquired the
lot by prescription. The Court of Appeals reversed The trial court’s finding and conclusion that Flores and his
the decision finding that there was no adequate notice by heirs had for more than 38 years possessed the land in
Flores to his co-heirs of the repudiation of the co- open, adverse and continuous possession in the concept
ownership and neither was there a categorical assertion of owner — which length of possession had never been
by the defendants of their exclusive right to the entire lot questioned, rebutted or disputed by any of the heirs of
that barred the plaintiffs’ claim of ownership. Cichon, being thus duly supported by substantial
evidence, he and his heirs have become owner of the lot
by extraordinaryprescription. It is unfortunate that
respondents slept on their rights. Dura lex sed lex.
Whether or not Heirs of Flores acquired ownership over
Arzadon-Crisolog v. Ranon (ART. 543)
the lot by extraordinaryprescription
According toRañon, her family had enjoyed continuous,
Acquisitive prescription of dominion and other real rights peaceful and uninterrupted possession and ownership
may be ordinary or extraordinary. Ordinary acquisitive over the subject property since 1962, and had religiously
paid the taxes thereon. They had built a house on the evidence of ownership, nevertheless, they are good
subject property where she and her family had resided. indicia of possession in the concept of owner for no one in
Unfortunately, in 1986, when her family was already his right mind would be paying taxes for a property that is
residing in Metro Manila, fire razed and destroyed the said not in his actual or at least constructive possession.They
house. Nonetheless, they continued to visit the subject constitute at least proof that the holder has a claim of title
property, as well as pay the real estate taxes thereon. over the property.As is well known, the payment of taxes
However, in August of 1986, her daughter, Zosie Rañon, coupled with actual possession of the land covered by the
discovered that the subject property was already in the tax declaration strongly supports a claim of ownership.
name of the spouses Montemayor under Tax Declaration
No. 0010563 which was purportedly issued in their favor Possession in the eyes of the law does not mean that a
by virtue of an Affidavit of Ownership and Possession man has to have his feet on every square meter of the
which the spouses Montemayor executed themselves. ground before it can be said that he is in possession.
The Affidavit was alleged to have created a cloud of doubt (Ramos v. Dir. Of Lands)
over Rañon’s title and ownership over the subject
property. Nothing was done by petitioners to claim possession over
the subject property from the time their predecessors-in-
The spouses Montemayor, for their part, alleged that they interest had lost possession of the property due to their
acquired the subject lot by purchase from Leticia del deaths. Plainly, petitioners slept on their rights.
Rosario and Bernardo Arzadon who are the heirs of its Vigilantibus sed non dormientibus jura subveniunt. The
previous owners for a consideration of P100,000.00. law comes to the succor only to aid the vigilant, not those
who slumber on their rights.
The Heirs of Marcelina Arzadon-Crisologo, (represented
by Leticia A. Crisologo del Rosario), Mauricia Arzadon, Respondents occupied without interruption the subject
and Bernardo Arzadon (petitioners) filed an Answer in property in the concept of an owner, thereby acquiring
Intervention claiming, inter alia, that they are the rightful ownership via extraordinary acquisitive prescription.
owners of the subject property, having acquired the same
from their predecessors-in-interest. They averred that AGUIRRE, ET AL. vs. COURT OF APPEALS, ET AL.
there existed no liens or encumbrances on the subject G.R. No. 122249 January 29, 2004
property in favor of Agrifina Rañon; and that no person,
other than they and the spouses Montemayor, has an FACTS:
interest in the property as owner or otherwise.                 Leocadio Medrano and his first wife Emilia
owned a piece of land. After the death of Emilia, Leocadio
ISSUES: married his second wife Miguela. When Leocadio died, all
his heirs agreed that Sixto Medrano, a child of the first
(1) W/N the Notice of Adverse Claim filed by the marriage, should manage and administer the said
petitioners constitute an effective interruption since 1962 property. After Sixto died, his heirs learned that he had
of respondents possession of the subject property; and executed an Affidavit of Transfer of Real Property in which
he falsely stated that he was the only heir of Leocadio. It
(2)W/N the respondents had acquired ownership over the turned out that while Sixto were still alive, he sold a
subject property through uninterrupted and adverse portion of the subject land tp Tiburcio Balitaan and
possession for 30 years, without need of title or of good another portion to Maria Bacong, Maria Bacong later sold
faith the said portion to Rosendo Bacong. Petitioners, all heirs
of Leocadio who were affected by the sale demanded
RULING: reconveyance of the portions sold by Sixto but the 3
vendees refused. Resultantly, petitioners filed a suit
Article 1123 and Article 1124 of the Civil Code underscore against them seeking the nullity of the documents and
the judicial character of civil interruption. For civil partition thereof. The vendees contended that they
interruption to take place, the possessor must have acquired the property under the valid deed of sale and
received judicial summons. None appears in the case at petitioners’ cause of action was barred by laches and
bar. The Notice of Adverse Claim which was filed by prescription. Tiburcio also contended that he is an
petitioners in 1977 is nothing more than a notice of claim innocent purchaser for value.
which did not effectively interrupt respondents’
possession. ISSUE:
                Whether or not there was a valid sale between
The open, continuous, exclusive and notorious Sixto Medrano and the three purchases considering the
possession by respondents of the subject property for a fact that it was made without the consent of the co-
period of more than 30 years in repudiation of petitioners’ owners.
ownership had been established. During such length of
time, respondents had exercised acts of dominion over HELD:
the subject property, and paid taxes in their name.                 Under Article 493 of the New Civil Code, a sale
Jurisprudence is clear that although tax declarations or by a co-owner of the whole property as his will affect only
realty tax payments of property are not conclusive his own share but not those of the other co-owners who
did not consent to the sale). The provision clearly provides P9,000.00, as evidenced by a deed entitled Kasulatan
that the sale or other disposition affects only the seller’s dated January 15, 1965 which deed appears to have been
share, and the transferee gets only what corresponds to duly notarized by then Municipal Judge Pascual L.
his grantor’s share in the partition of the property owned in Serrano of the Municipal Court of Siniloan,
common. Since a co-owner is entitled to sell his undivided
share, a sale of the entire property by one co-owner On April 1, 1973, petitioner Consuelo executed an
without the consent of the other co-owner is not null and Affidavit attesting to the fact that the aforementioned
void; only the rights of the co-owner-seller are transferred, parcel of land had truly been sold by her and her husband
thereby making the buyer a co-owner of the property. It is Generoso to the spouses Go S. Kiang and Rosa Javier
clear therefore that the deed of sale executed by Sixto in Go, as borne by the said Kasulatan. Evidently, the
favor of Tiburcio Balitaan is a valid conveyance only affidavit was executed for purposes of securing a new tax
insofar as the share of Sixto in the co-ownership is declaration in the name of the spouses Go.
concerned. Acts which may be considered adverse to
strangers may not be considered adverse in so far as co- In December, 1973, in a case for Unlawful Detainer
owners are concerned. A mere silent possession by a co- filed by a certain Demetria Garcia against herein
owner, his receipts of rentals, fruits or profits from the petitioners, the latter alleged that therein plaintiff Garcia is
property, the erection of buildings and fences and planting not a real party in interest and therefore has no legal
of trees thereon, and the payment of land taxes, cannot capacity and cause of action to sue the defendants; that
serve as proof of exclusive ownership, if it is not borne out the real parties in interest of the parcel of commercial land
by clear and convincing evidence that he exercised such and the residential apartment in question are Generoso
acts of possession which unequivocally constituted an Gualberto and Go S. Kiang respectively as shown by TCT
ouster or deprivation of the rights of the other co-owners. No. 9203 issued by the Register of Deeds of Laguna.

Thus, in order that a co-owner’s possession may In a Forcible Entry case filed by respondents against
be deemed adverse to the cestui que trust or the other co- petitioners before the Municipal Circuit Trial Court of
owners, the following elements must concur: Siniloan-Famy, Siniloan, Laguna docketed as Civil Case
(1) that he has performed unequivocal acts of No. 336, a decision was rendered in favor of respondents,
repudiation amounting to an ouster of the cestui que trust which decision was affirmed in toto by the RTC of
or the other co-owners; Siniloan, Laguna. When elevated to the Court of Appeals,
(2) that such positive acts of repudiation have that same decision was affirmed by the latter court, saying
been known to the cestui que trust or the other co-owners; that the Court finds that the judgment of the court a quo
and affirming the previous judgment of the municipal court is
(3) that the evidence thereon must be clear and supported by sufficient and satisfactory evidence and
convincing. there is no reason for the Court to hold otherwise.

Tested against these guidelines, the respondents In the meantime, on June 14, 1978, Original
failed to present competent evidence that the acts of Sixto Certificate of Title (OCT) No. 1388 was issued in the
adversely and clearly repudiate the existing co-ownership name of respondent Rosa Javier Go, wife of Go S. Kiang.
among the heirs of Leocadio Medrano. Respondent’s
reliance on the tax declaration in the name of Sixto August 10, 1995, in the Regional Trial Court at
Medrano is unworthy of credit since we have held on Siniloan, Laguna petitioners filed against respondents
several occasions that tax declarations by themselves do their complaint in this case for Conveyance, Accion
not conclusively prove title to land. Further, respondents Publiciana, and Quieting of Title with Damages, the trial
failed to show that the Affidavit executed by Sixto to the court, dismissed petitioners complaint and ordered them
effect that he is the sole owner of the subject property was to pay attorneys fees.
known or made known to the other co-heirs of Leocadio
Medrano. On appeal, the appellate court, a affirmed that of the trial
court, minus the award of attorneys fees.

Petitioners are the heirs of the late Generoso I. WHETHER OR NOT A TITLED PROPERTY
Gualberto, former registered owner of a parcel of land CAN BE THE SUBJECT OF A FREE
situated at Redor Street, Barangay Redor, Siniloan, PATENT TITLE.
Laguna under Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 9203,
containing an area of 169.59 square meters, more or less, II. WHETHER AN ACTION FOR
and declared for taxation purposes under Tax Declaration RECONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY BASED

Sometime in 1965, the subject parcel of land was Held:

sold by Generoso Gualberto and his wife, herein petitioner
Consuelo, to respondents father Go S. Kiang for I. No. The first issue raised by petitioners attacks
the validity of respondent Rosa Javier Gos free recover based on implied trust; prescribes
patent title. This cannot be done in the present after 10 years?
recourse for two
(2) basic reasons: first, the validity of a torrens
title cannot be assailed collaterally; and second, Yes. An action for reconveyance of real property
the issue is being raised for the first time before based on implied or constructive trust is not barred by the
the Supreme Court. 10-year period of prescription only if the plaintiff is in
actual, continuous and peaceful possession of the
II. No. An action for reconveyance of real property property involved. In DBP vs. CA, (2000) it was said that
based on implied or constructive trust is not generally an action for reconveyance based on an
barred by the aforementioned 10-year implied or constructive trust prescribes in 10-years from
prescriptive period only if the plaintiff is in actual, the date of issuance of the decree of registration.
continuous and peaceful possession of the However, this rule does not apply when the plaintiff is in
property involved. In DBP vs. CA,[16] the Court actual possession of the land.
If property is acquired through mistake or
. . . [A]n action for reconveyance of a parcel fraud, the person obtaining it is, by force of law,
of land based on implied or constructive considered a trustee of an implied trust for the
trust prescribes in ten years, the point of benefit of the person from whom the property
reference being the date of registration of comes. (Art. 1456, NCC). Thus, the law thereby
the deed or the date of the issuance of the creates the obligation of the trustee to reconvey
certificate of title over the property, but this the property and the title thereto in favor of the
rule applies only when the plaintiff or the true owner. The prescriptive period for the
person enforcing the trust is not in reconveyance for fraudulently registered real
possession of the property, since if a property is ten (10) years reckoned from the date
person claiming to be the owner thereof is of the issuance of the certificate of title. (Consuelo
in actual possession of the property, as the Vda. de Alberto, et al. vs. Francis Go, et al., G.R.
defendants are in the instant case, the right No. 139843, July 21, 2005).
to seek reconveyance, which in effect seeks
to quiet title to the property, does not Solid Homes Inc v Spouses Tan
prescribe. The reason for this is that one When the prescription should count
who is in actual possession of a piece of
land claiming to be the owner thereof may Facts:
wait until his possession is disturbed or his 1. In 1980, Petitioner Solid Homes sold to Sps. Uy a
title is attacked before taking steps to 1069sqm lot in their QC subdivision project. Said
vindicate his right, the reason for the rule lot was registered in the name of Uy’s and TCT
being, that his undisturbed possession was in their name
gives him a continuing right to seek the aid 2. Afterwards, the Uys sold it to herein Respondent
of a court of equity to ascertain and Sps. Tan in 1985, TCT transferred to them
determine the nature of the adverse claim subsequently.
of a third party and its effect on his own title, 3. Afterwards, after several visits to their property,
which right can be claimed only by one who Respondents found out the sad state of the
is in possession. development of the property. There was no
infrastructure or utility systems as announced in
Here, it was never established that the approved plans and advertisement of the
petitioners remained in actual possession of the subdivision project, and squatters occupy the
property after their fathers sale thereof to Go S. property and its surrounding areas.
Kiang in 1965 and up to the filing of their 4. Respondents then demanded Petitioners in a
complaint in this case on August 10, 1995. On the letter dated 1995, to provide the promised
contrary, the trial courts factual conclusion is that developments for the project and rid their property
respondents had actual possession of the subject of the squatters conformably with PD 957
property ever since. The action for reconveyance 5. Petitioner did not reply, hence, in 1996, they
in the instant case is, therefore, not in the nature complained before the HLURB Arbiter with the
of an action for quieting of title, and is not same prayers.
imprescriptible. a. HLURB Arbiter ruled IFO Respondents
b. Petitioner appealed to HLURB Board, but
Possible BAR QUESTION: the Arbiter was affirmed.
c. Petitioner appealed to OP, but affirmed
Question: HLURB with modification that if they
cannot deliver the prayers, they should
Can a petitioner file an action to pay back the Respondents with the
purchase price plus interests Eastern sold ESSO Philippines to the Philippine National
6. Both parties appealed to CA. Respondents appeal Oil Corporation (“PNOC”). ESSO Philippines, whose
because the payment should at least be based on corporate name was successively changed to Petrophil
fair market value and not purchase price. Corporation then to Petron Corporation (“Petron”), took
Petitioners appeal is for obvious reasons, kasi possession of the Property. It appears from the stipulation
natalo parin sila. of the parties during trial that the acquisition of ESSO
a. CA modified OP decision, payment Philippines by PNOC included the acquisition of the
should be based on fair market value. leasehold right over the Property.
7. Hence, this petition
Petitioner Mariano (“Petitioner”), who later bought
Issue: W/N Respondent’s action has prescribed the Property from the Aure Group and obtained title
Held: No. thereto under his name, sued Petron to rescind the lease
contract and recover possession of the Property. Among
Ratio: his arguments was that the assignment veto clause in the
Petitioners claim that the action has prescribed because lease contract was violated when ESSO Eastern sold
more than 10 years has lapsed since the sale in 1980 or ESSO Philippines to PNOC, thus assigning to PNOC its
the subsequent sale in 1985 up to the filing of the case in lease on the Property, without seeking the Aure Group’s
1996. prior consent.
Petron countered that the lease contract was not
SC disagrees. While it is true that Art 1144 of NCC breached because PNOC merely acquired ESSO
provides that 10 years is the prescriptive period to which Eastern’s shares in ESSO Philippines, a separate
an action should be brought upon, it must be counted corporate entity. The underlying assumption of Petron’s
when the cause of action has arisen. Art 1144 says that assertion was that ESSO Philippines (not ESSO Eastern)
an action must be brought within ten years upon a written initially held the leasehold right over the Property.
contract, upon an obligation created by law, or upon a
judgment. If not on a written contract, it must be upon an The Ruling of the Trial Court
obligation created by law. According to PD 957, the
developer has the obligation to provide adequate utilities. In its Decision dated 30 May 2000, the trial court
ruled for petitioner, rescinded the
Citing Banco Filipino Savings v CA, a cause of action
arises when that which should not have been done is Contract, ordered Petron to vacate the Property, and
done; or that which should have been done is not done. cancelled the annotation on petitioner’s title of Petron’s
lease.[16] The trial court ruled that ESSO Eastern’s sale to
The elements of cause of action are (1) right of the PNOC of its interest in
applicant, (2) obligation of defendant to respect such right,
(3) act or omission of defendant that violates the ESSO Philippines included the assignment to PNOC of
applicant’s right. It is only upon the happening of the last ESSO Eastern’s lease over the Property, which, for lack of
element that a cause of action arises. the Aure Group’s consent, breached the Contract,
resulting in its termination. However, because the Aure
In this case, it was only when the Respondents demanded Group (and later petitioner) tolerated ESSO Philippines’
in 1995 did the cause of action arise. Also in SSS v continued use of the Property by receiving rental
Moonwalk, an obligor violates his obligation from the time payments, the law on implied new lease governs the
the obligee demands. Absent any demand thereto, the relationship of the Aure Group (and later petitioner) and
obligor does not incur delay. As long as he is not in delay, Petron, creating for them an implied new lease terminating
he cannot be guilty of some violation of the obligee’s on 21 December 1998 upon Petron’s receipt of petitioner’s
rights. As a result, the prescriptive period does not run notice to vacate.[17]
until demand is made.
Petron appealed to the Court of Appeals,
Mariano v. Petron, G.R. No. 169438, 21 January 2010, distancing itself from its admission in the Joint Motion that
610 SCRA 487 in buying ESSO Philippines from ESSO Eastern, PNOC
Summary: also acquired ESSO Eastern’s leasehold right over the
Property. Petron again invoked its separate corporate
The Aure Group, owners of a parcel of land in personality to distinguish itself from PNOC.
Tagaytay (“Property”), entered into a lease contract over
the Property with ESSO Standard Eastern, Inc., (“ESSO
Eastern”), a foreign corporation doing business in the The Ruling of the Court of Appeals
country through its subsidiary ESSO Standard Philippines,
Inc. (“ESSO Philippines”). The lease contract contained In its Decision dated 29 October 2004, the Court of
an assignment veto clause barring the parties from Appeals found merit in Petron’s appeal, set aside the trial
assigning the lease without prior consent of the other. court’s ruling, declared the Contract subsisting until 13
November 2058[18] and ordered petitioner to pay Petron
Later, without notice to the Aure group, ESSO P300,000 as attorney’s fees. The Court of Appeals found
no reason to pierce ESSO Philippines’ corporate veil, distinct from their shareholders (individual or corporate)
treating PNOC’s buy-out of ESSO Philippines as mere thus facilitating the conduct of corporate business.
change in ESSO Philippines’ stockholding. Hence, the However, fiction gives way to reality when the corporate
Court of Appeals rejected the trial court’s conclusion that personality is foisted to justify wrong, protect fraud, or
PNOC acquired the leasehold right over the Property. defend crime, thwarting the ends of justice. [21] The fiction
Alternatively, the Court of Appeals found petitioner’s suit even holds lesser sway for subsidiary corporations whose
barred by the four-year prescriptive period under Article shares are wholly if not almost wholly owned by its parent
1389 and Article 1146 (1) of the Civil Code, reckoned from company. The structural and systems overlap inherent in
PNOC’s buy-out parent and subsidiary relations often render the subsidiary
as mere local branch, agency or adjunct of the foreign
of ESSO Philippines on 23 December 1977 (for Article parent corporation.[22]
1389) or the execution of the Contract on 13 November
1968[19] (for Article 1146 [1]).[20] Here, the facts compel the conclusion that ESSO
Philippines was a mere branch of ESSO Eastern in the
Petitioner sought reconsideration but the Court of execution and breach of the Contract. First, by ESSO
Appeals denied his motion in its Resolution of 26 August Eastern’s admission in the Contract, it is “a foreign
2005. corporation organized under the laws of the State of
Delaware, U.S.A., duly licensed to transact business in
Hence, this petition. the Philippines, and doing business therein under the
business name and style of ‘Esso Standard
The Issue Philippines’ x x x”. In effect, ESSO Eastern was ESSO
Philippines for all of ESSO Eastern’s Philippine business.
The question is whether the Contract subsists
between petitioner and Petron. Second, the Contract was executed by ESSO
Eastern, not ESSO Philippines, as lessee, with the Aure
Group as lessor. ESSO Eastern leased the Property for
The Ruling of the Court the use of ESSO Philippines, acting as ESSO Eastern’s
Philippine branch. Consistent with such status, ESSO
We hold in the affirmative and thus sustain the Philippines took possession of the Property after the
ruling of the Court of Appeals. execution of the Contract. Thus, for purposes of the
Contract, ESSO Philippines was a mere alter ego of
ESSO Eastern.
ESSO Eastern Assigned to PNOC its
The Lessor’s
Leasehold Right over the Property, Breaching the Continued
Contract Acceptance of
Lease Payments
PNOC’s buy-out of ESSO Philippines was total and Despite Breach
unconditional, leaving no residual rights to ESSO Eastern. of Contract
Logically, this change of ownership carried with it the Amounted to
transfer to PNOC of any proprietary interest ESSO Waiver
Eastern may hold through ESSO Philippines, including
ESSO Eastern’s lease over the Property. This is the The breach of contract notwithstanding, we hold
import of Petron’s admission in the Joint Motion that by that the Contract subsists. Contrary to the trial court’s
PNOC’s buy-out of ESSO Philippines “[PNOC], x x x conclusion that ESSO Eastern’s violation of the
acquired ownership of ESSO Standard Philippines, Inc., assignment veto clause extinguished the Contract,
including its leasehold right over the land in question, replaced by a new implied lease with a monthly term, [23]
through the acquisition of its shares of stocks.” As the we hold that the breach merely gave rise to a cause of
Aure Group gave no prior consent to the transaction action for the Aure Group to seek the lessee’s ejectment
between ESSO Eastern and PNOC, ESSO Eastern as provided under Article 1673, paragraph 3 of the Civil
violated the Contract’s assignment veto clause. Code.[24] Although the records do not show that the Aure
Group was formally notified of ESSO Philippines’ sale to
Petron’s objection to this conclusion, sustained by PNOC, the successive changes in the lessee’s name
the Court of Appeals, is rooted on its reliance on its (from ESSO Philippines to Petrophil Corporation then to
separate corporate personality and on the unstated Petron) suffice to alert the Aure Group of a likely change
assumption that ESSO Philippines (not ESSO Eastern) in the personality of the lessee, which, for lack of the Aure
initially held the leasehold right over the Property. Petron Group’s prior consent, was in obvious breach of the
is wrong on both counts. Contract. Thus, the continued receipt of lease payments
by the Aure Group (and later by petitioner) despite the
Courts are loathe to pierce the fictive veil of contractual breach amounted to a waiver of their option to
corporate personality, cognizant of the core doctrine in eject the lessee.
corporation law vesting on corporations legal personality
Petitioner’s Suit Barred by Prescription

Petitioner’s waiver of Petron’s contractual breach

was compounded by his long inaction to seek judicial
redress. Petitioner filed his complaint nearly 22 years after
PNOC acquired the leasehold rights to the Property and
almost six years after petitioner bought the Property from
the Aure Group. The more than two decades lapse puts
this case well within the territory of the

10 year prescriptive bar to suits based upon a written

contract under Article 1144 (1) of the Civil Code.[25]

WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition. The

Decision dated 29 October 2004 and the Resolution dated
26 August 2005 of the Court of Appeals areAFFIRMED.


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