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Org. & Mgt.-Grade 11-Quarter 2-Week 5

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Organization and Management Grade 11, Quarter 2, Week 5



Name: _________________________________________________ Section: ____________________

Learning Objective:
 Analyze motivation, leadership, and communication work in organization

 Time Allotment: 4 hours

Key Concepts


Looking for what is right with people rather than for what is wrong is suggested to
prevent mental and behavioral problems which are barriers to achieving both
organizational and individual goals.

 Leading is a management function that involves the inspiring and influencing of

people in the organization to achieve a common goal.
 Managing is the process of working with and through others to achieve organizational
objectives, efficiently and ethically amid constant change.
 Successful leadership begins by focusing on the psychological well-being of the
employer/ leader and the employee/subordinate.
 Personality is the unique combination of physical and mental characteristics that
affect how individuals react to situations and interact with others; and if unhealthy
or not fully functioning could cause conflicts/problems among them.
 Healthy personality is possessed by persons who are fully functioning in mind,
body, and spirit.
 Ideally, human resources of organizations must have a healthy fully-functioning
personality because when one is functioning at the highest level, one, inevitably,
becomes efficient in one’s work, and cooperative with managers/leaders and co-
 The Big Five Personality Traits that ensure success/efficiency in the workplace are
extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness
to experience.
 Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage one’s self and interact with
others in a positive way.
 The Four Key components of EI are self-awareness, self-management, social
awareness, and relationship management.

Author: Jessebel D. Anthony

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
Email Address:
 Organizational Citizenship Behavior is employee behavior that exceeds work role
 Organizational commitment is the extent an employee identifies with an
organization and its goals.
 Job satisfaction and productivity are related; those with high level of job
satisfaction have a positive attitude toward their respective jobs, thus affecting
their productivity and, ultimately, increasing the profits of their organizations.

 Motivation refers to psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed
 Early theories of motivation revolved around the idea that motivation is brought
the employees’ desire to fulfil their needs.
 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory refers to physiological, safety, social, esteem,
and self-actualization needs.
 Other Theories related to need satisfaction are: McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y,
Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, McClelland’s Three Needs Theory, and Alderfer’s
ERG Theory.
 Modern Theories of Motivation are: Goal-setting Theory, Reinforcement Theory,
Job Design Theory, Equity Theory and Expectancy Theory.


 Early leadership theories include the following: Trait Theory which is based on a
leader’s personal characteristic; and Behavioral Theory which focuses on the
leader’s conduct, and demeanor as a leader.
 The Trait Theory of Leadership evolved from the Great Person Theory advocates
that there are some personal distinguishing characteristics that separate effective
and ineffective leaders.
 Physical traits such as an individual’s height, weight, skin color, and physique
make no difference in determining leadership success.
 Subordinates consistently admire leaders who are honest, competent, forward
looking, inspiring, and credible.
 A comprehensive review by Shelley Kirkpatrick and Edwin Locke (in Schemerhorn,
2008) identify the following personal traits of many successful leaders: drive/high
energy, self-confidence, creativity and cognitive ability, business knowledge,
motivation, flexibility, honesty, and integrity.
 Contemporary theories of leadership based on situational control are the Fiedler
Model, Hersey-Blanchard Model, and Path Goal Theories.
 Situational control refers to a leadership style dependent on circumstances in
which leadership occurs.
 Modern leadership views include the following theories: Transactional,
Transformational, Charismatic, Visionary, Team Leadership and Servant

Author: Jessebel D. Anthony

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
Email Address:
 Communication is the interpersonal exchange of information and
understanding among organization members.
 Communication may be verbal, non-verbal, formal, and informal.
 Communication direction and flow may be vertical (upward or downward),
horizontal, lateral, and diagonal.
 Communication networks are varied patterns of combined horizontal and vertical
flows of organizational communication.
 Grapevine is an informal communication network; rumors/gossips are examples.
 Computer networks are also used in communication among organization
 Barriers to communication filtering, emotions felt by receiver, information
overload, defensive- ness, language used, and national culture.
 Overcoming barriers to communication include using feedback, using simple
language, active listening, controlling emotions, and observing body language.


 Organizational change is any alteration of people structure or technology in
organizations brought by external or internal forces which they encounter.
 Organizational diversity is the host of individual differences that make people
in organizations different from each other.
 To manage resistance to organizational change, the following are needed: a)
education of employees regarding the reasons and importance of change; b)
participation of members in decision-making related to bringing about change;
c) facilitation and support to minimize fear of change; d) manipulation of
information to avoid damaging information; e) selection of people who are open
to change, to help disseminate beneficial effects of change; and by f) coercion
or the use of force to make people accept change.
 Workplace Diversity in an organization is inevitable, but it can be managed by
encouraging employees to accept the organization’s culture and the differences
in the workplace.
 Organizational culture is a shared set of beliefs, values, norms, standards of
behavior and expectations that influence the interaction of organization
members in order to achieve their mission, vision, goals, and objectives.


 The Primary Filipino Values are social acceptance, economic security and social
mobility. These may have positive and negative implications to organizational
 Foreign Culture related to gender egalitarianism, assertiveness, performance
orientation, and humane orientation may also influence organizational

Author: Jessebel D. Anthony

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
Email Address:

Activity No. 1: Elimination.

What you need: Pen and Paper
What to do: Direction. Four terms are given in each number. Choose the term
which is not related to the other three. Write the letter corresponding to the
unrelated term on the provided blank before each number.

1. a. extraversion c. charismatic
b. agreeableness d. emotional stability

2. a. leading c. inspiring people

b. managing people d. influencing people

3. a. Physiological needs c. social needs

b. Self-actualization needs d. equity needs

______ 4. a. modern motivation c. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

theory theory
b. ERG theory d. Theory X and Theory Y

5. a. Transactional Model c. Contemporary Theory

b. Transformational Model d. Servant Leadership Theory

6. a. diagonal communication c. upward communication

b. vertical communication d. downward communication

7. a. chain network c. computer network

b. wheel network d. all-channel

8. a. filtering c. emotions felt
b. active listening d. defensiveness
9. a. coercion c. creating new rituals
b. participation in decision d. education of
making employees
10. a. ningas cogon c. economic security
b. social acceptance d. social mobility

Author: Jessebel D. Anthony

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
Email Address:
Activity No. 2: Modified True or False.

What you need: Pen and Paper

What to do: Direction. Two statements are given. If only the first statements is
true, answer A; if only the second statement is true, answer B; If both statements
are true, answer C; if both statements are false, answer D. Write your answers on
the space provided.

_______________ 1. Leading and managing are synonymous terms. Successful

leadership must begin by focusing on the psychological capital of both the
employer and the employee.

_______________ 2. Conscientiousness is knowing what is right and what is wrong.

Extraversion is the degree to which someone is sociable, talkative, and assertive.

_______________ 3. Job satisfaction refers to the employees’ general attitude toward

their respective job. It has no effect on productivity.

_______________ 4. Theory X is a positive view of workers. Theory Y is a negative

view of workers.

_______________ 5. The Two Factor Theory of Motivation was proposed by

McClelland. The ERG Theory was developed by Alderfer.

_______________ 6. Self-actualization refers to the human need for continued

personal growth. Esteem is the human need for self-respect and self-fulfilment.

_______________ 7. Managers are advised to set goals for their subordinates.

Difficult goals demotivate workers.

_______________ 8. Job enlargement is the increasing of job depth by empowering

employees to assume tasks often done by managers. It is an example of Job
Design Theory.

_______________ 9. Change is considered by many organization members as a

threat. Fear of change may be due to uncertainty, pessimism, and concern about
personal loss.

_______________ 10. Mañana habit has a positive implication to organizational

management. Ningas Cogon is another positive belief of Filipino workers.

Activity No. 3: Independent Activity

What you need: Pen and Paper
What to do: Directions: Define Servant Leadership on a bond paper. Below the
definition, prepare two columns. Label one column “In favor” and other column
“Not in favor”. Conduct a mini-survey by asking at random ten classmates to
check their preference on the columns in the bond paper which will be handed to
them. Count the number of those in favor and those who are not favor. Try to

Author: Jessebel D. Anthony

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
Email Address:
explain their preferences. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper. (Read
the rubrics for this activity as your guide)


5 4 3 2 1
The procedure was followed carefully.
5 4 3 2 1
The information in the chart are ALL CORRECT.
5 4 3 2 1
The output is neat and legible.
5 4 3 2 1
The output is presentable and has an impact to the
Originality and Precision
The content of the output is correct and it was not 5 4 3 2 1
copied from other outputs.

How can I apply the knowledge I gained from this activity in real life settings?



Cabrera, Helena Ma. F, Anthony DC Altarejos, and Riaz Benjamin. “TM

Organization _ Management.” Edited by Clarence Darro B Del Castillo, 2016.

Cabrera, Helena Ma. F., Anthony DC Altarejos, and Riaz Benjamin. “Organization
and Management.” Edited by Clarence Darro B. Del Castillo, 2016.

Author: Jessebel D. Anthony

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
Email Address:
Answer Key

Activity No. 1: Elimination

1. C
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. A
Activity No. 2: True or False
1. C
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. D
Activity No. 3: “Answers/outputs are expected to vary”

Author: Jessebel D. Anthony

School/Station: Tagbina National High School
Division: Surigao del Sur
Email Address:

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