Aleaciones de Aluminio Marino
Aleaciones de Aluminio Marino
Aleaciones de Aluminio Marino
Marine grade aluminum alloy 5052 as a non-heat treatable grade offers a high
level of strength. Its fatigue strength is greater than the majority of other
aluminum grades. In addition, it offers good resistance to Marine atmosphere
and saltwater corrosion. Due to its excellent workability characteristics, it is
easily formed or drawn into complicated shapes.
Structural steel is the traditional material used in the shipbuilding industry due to
its excellent mechanical properties and low manufacturing costs. However, the
increasing demand for larger, yet light ships made designers search for
alternative materials. Aluminum alloys were a great choice because they
provided high corrosion resistance, weighed less, and were considered
economical in the long run.
The following are some examples of cast aluminum alloys, their characteristics
and uses:
non-heat treatable
strain hardenable
easily weldable
highly corrosion-resistant, even in salt water
tough, even at cryogenic temperatures
moderately strong
Al-Mg-Si alloys (examples 6061, 6063, 6111):
heat treatable
highly corrosion-resistant
moderately strong
Watercraft made from aluminum alloys have high speeds, longer lives, lower
maintenance costs, greater payloads, and higher recycle values. Designers,
who are proactive about corrosion control and wish to avoid maintenance and
safety issues, prefer using marine grade aluminum.
5454. The beneficial properties of 5454 include high strength, superior corrosion
resistance, and good formability and weldability.
Low weight
High rigidity, strength, and vibration damping
High resistance to impacts
Good insulation from heat and sound
Good pliability
Since the honeycomb panel requires a smaller quantity of aluminum than a
solid sheet of comparable mechanical properties and thickness, it is more cost-
effective than aluminum panels. It’s lighter weight also saves on shipping costs
for bulk orders. Like all aluminum, honeycomb panels can be infinitely recycled.
Chemical milling
Deep hole drilling