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Field oriented vector AC Drive for

synchronous/asynchronous motors

Industrial application
Quick start up guide

Specification and installation

Information about this manual
The ADV200 Quick start guide is a handy-sized manual for mechanical installation, electrical
connection and fast start-up.
The manual explaining the functions and a description of the parameters and the manuals of
the expansions and field bus can be found on the CD provided with the drive.

Software version
This manual is updated according the software version V 7.X.16.
The identification number of the software version is indicated on the identification plate of the
drive or can be checked with the Firmware ver.rel - PAR 490 parameter, menu 2.5.
The Softscope3 (Gefran’s Digital Oscilloscope) Tool can be used with version V.7.X.14 and
more recent of the firmware. For detailed information on use, please refer to the 1S9SF3EN

General information

Note ! In industry, the terms “Inverter”, “Regulator” and “Drive” are sometimes interchanged. In this document, the
term “Drive” will be used.

Before using the product, read the safety instruction section carefully. Keep the manual in a
safe place and available to engineering and installation personnel during the product function-
ing period.
Gefran S.p.A has the right to modify products, data and dimensions without notice. The data
can only be used for the product description and they can not be understood as legally stated

Thank you for choosing this Gefran product.

We will be glad to receive any possible information which could help us improving this manual.
The e-mail address is the following:
All rights reserved.

2 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Table of contents

Information about this manual.................................................. 2

1 - Safety Precautions................................................................ 6
1.1 Symbols used in the manual..................................................................................... 6
1.2 Safety precaution...................................................................................................... 7
1.3 General warnings...................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Instruction for compliance with UL Mark (UL requirements), U.S. and Canadian
electrical codes................................................................................................................ 9
2 - Introduction to the product................................................. 11
2.1 Drive type designation............................................................................................. 12
2.1.1 Parallel inverters...............................................................................................................13

3 - Transport and storage......................................................... 14

3.1 General.................................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Permissible Environmental Conditions.................................................................... 15
3.3 Disposal of the device............................................................................................. 15
4 - Mechanical installation....................................................... 16
4.1 Inclination and mounting clearance......................................................................... 16
4.2 Fastening positions................................................................................................. 17
5 - Wiring Procedure................................................................. 22
5.1 Power section.......................................................................................................... 26
5.1.1 Cable Cross Section.........................................................................................................26
5.1.2 EMC guide line.................................................................................................................28
5.1.3 Block diagram power section............................................................................................29
5.1.4 Internal EMC filter.............................................................................................................33
5.1.5 Power line connection.......................................................................................................33
5.1.6 Input mains choke (L1).....................................................................................................36
5.1.7 Motor connection..............................................................................................................37
5.1.8 Braking unit connection (optional)....................................................................................38
5.1.9 Parallel connection on the AC (Input) and DC (Intermediate Circuit) side of several invert-
5.1.10 Parallel DC connection...................................................................................................40
5.1.11 Connection of fans..........................................................................................................41
5.2 Regulation section................................................................................................... 43
5.2.1 Removing the terminal cover............................................................................................43
5.2.2 Cable Cross Section.........................................................................................................43
5.2.3 Regulation section connection..........................................................................................43
5.2.4 Switches, jumpers and LED..............................................................................................45
5.2.5 R-PSM pre-charge card (only for sizes ≥ 71600).............................................................48
5.2.6 R-SM3-ADV pre-charge card (only for sizes ≥ 71600).....................................................54
5.3 Braking.................................................................................................................... 56
5.3.1 Braking unit.......................................................................................................................56
5.4 Encoder................................................................................................................... 57
5.5 Serial interface (XS connector)............................................................................... 57
5.5.1 Drive / RS 485 Port (not insulated) point-to-point connection...........................................57
5.5.2 Drive / RS485 port point-to-point connection (with insulation)..........................................59
5.5.3 RS 485 multi-drop connection..........................................................................................59
5.6 Typical connection diagrams................................................................................... 61
6 - Use of the keypad................................................................ 65
6.1 Description.............................................................................................................. 65
6.2 Navigation............................................................................................................... 66
6.2.1 Scanning of the first and second level menus..................................................................66
6.2.2 Display of a parameter......................................................................................................66
6.2.3 Scanning of the parameters .............................................................................................67
6.2.4 List of the last parameters modified..................................................................................67
6.2.5 “Goto parameter” function.................................................................................................67

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 3

6.3 Parameter modification........................................................................................... 68
6.4 How to save parameters......................................................................................... 69
6.5 Configuration of the display..................................................................................... 70
6.5.1 Language selection...........................................................................................................70
6.5.2 Selection of Easy / Export mode.......................................................................................70
6.5.3 Startup display..................................................................................................................70
6.5.4 Back-lighting of the display...............................................................................................70
6.6 Alarms..................................................................................................................... 71
6.6.1 Alarm reset........................................................................................................................71
6.7 Messages................................................................................................................ 71
6.8 Saving and recovery of new parameter settings..................................................... 72
6.8.1 Selection of the keypad memory......................................................................................72
6.8.2 Saving of parameters on the keypad................................................................................72
6.8.3 Load parameters from keypad..........................................................................................73
6.8.4 Transfer of parameters between drives............................................................................73

7 - Commissioning via keypad (STARTUP WIZARD)............. 74

7.1 Startup Wizard......................................................................................................... 77
7.1.1 Startup Wizard for Asynchronous Motors.........................................................................77
7.1.2 Startup Wizard for Synchronous Motors...........................................................................87
7.2 First customized start-up......................................................................................... 97
7.2.1 For Asynchronous Motors.................................................................................................97
7.2.2 For Synchronous Motors, Flux vector CL and Flux vector OL control............................104
7.3 Programming......................................................................................................... 109
7.3.1 Menu display modes.......................................................................................................109
7.3.2 Programming of “function block” analog and digital input signals...................................109
7.3.3 Variable interconnections mode......................................................................................109
7.3.4 Multiple destination......................................................................................................... 111

8 - Troubleshooting................................................................. 112
8.1 Alarms....................................................................................................................112
8.1.1 Speed fbk loss alarm according to the type of feedback................................................ 117
8.1.2 “ExtIO fault” Alarm .........................................................................................................124
8.1.3 “FastLink” Alarm..............................................................................................................125
8.2 Messages.............................................................................................................. 126
8.3 Other anomalies.................................................................................................... 131
9 - Specification...................................................................... 132
9.1 Environmental Conditions..................................................................................... 132
9.2 Standards.............................................................................................................. 132
9.3 Accuracy (Asyncronous)........................................................................................ 133
9.3.1 Current control................................................................................................................133
9.3.2 Speed control..................................................................................................................133
9.3.3 Speed control limits........................................................................................................133
9.3.4 Torque control.................................................................................................................133
9.3.5 Overload.........................................................................................................................133
9.4 Accuracy (Synchronous)....................................................................................... 134
9.4.1 Current control................................................................................................................134
9.4.2 Speed control..................................................................................................................134
9.4.3 Initial torque limit.............................................................................................................134
9.4.4 Overload.........................................................................................................................134
9.4.5 Flux reduction.................................................................................................................134
9.5 DC circuit............................................................................................................... 135
9.6 Input electrical data............................................................................................... 135
9.6.1 AC power supply.............................................................................................................135
9.6.2 DC power supply............................................................................................................136
9.7 Output electrical data............................................................................................ 137
9.7.1 Derating factors..............................................................................................................138
9.7.2 Overload for output frequency........................................................................................140
9.7.3 Switching frequency........................................................................................................142
9.8 Voltage level of the inverter for safe operations.........................................................143
9.9 Cooling.................................................................................................................. 144
9.10 Weight and dimensions....................................................................................... 145

4 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

10 - Options............................................................................. 151
10.1 Optional external fuses ....................................................................................... 151
10.1.1 AC input side fuses (F1)...............................................................................................151
10.1.2 External fuses of the power section DC input side (F2)................................................152
10.1.3 Optional internal fuses for the DC connection (F2).......................................................153
10.2 Choke.................................................................................................................. 154
10.2.1 Optional input chokes (L1)............................................................................................154
10.2.2 Optional external choke (L2).........................................................................................155
10.3 External EMC filter (optional).............................................................................. 159
10.4 External filters to reduce grid harmonics (optional)............................................. 161
10.4.1 Choice of performance and calculation of current in RHF filters..................................161
10.4.2 Connection diagrams....................................................................................................162
10.4.3 Matching motors, RHF filters and ADV200 drives........................................................164
10.4.4 Dimensions and weights of RHF filters.........................................................................164
10.4.5 Dimensions and weights of L0-RHF chokes.................................................................165
10.5 Braking resistor (optional)................................................................................... 165
10.6 Installation of optional cards................................................................................ 166
10.6.1 SLOT / Encoder Card Management.............................................................................167
10.6.2 Procedure ....................................................................................................................169
10.6.3 Shielding of optional card connections.........................................................................170
10.7 Wiring connection using SBM motor series......................................................... 171
10.7.1 Resolver wiring (RES).................................................................................................171
10.7.2 Sinusoidal Encoder SinCos wiring (SESC)...................................................................172

Appendix 1 - Parallel connection (400kW ... 1.65MW sizes).173

A 1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 173
A 1.2 Compatibility of IGBT modules.......................................................................... 174
A 1.3 MS-SL interface cable wiring sizes 400...710kW............................................... 176
A 1.4 MS-SL interface cable wiring sizes 900kW-1MW............................................... 177
A 1.5 MS-SL interface cable wiring sizes 1.35 MW..................................................... 178
A 1.6 MS-SL interface cable wiring sizes 1.65 MW..................................................... 179
A 1.7 Jumpers and Switches....................................................................................... 180
A 1.8 LEDs.................................................................................................................. 180
A 1.9 Safety STO Interface.......................................................................................... 182
A 1.9.1 ADV-...-MS-SI models (INT-P-ADV card, revision “F” and lower)................................182
A 1.9.2 ADV-...-MS-SI models (INT-P-ADV card, from revision “L”)........................................182

Appendix 2 - Miscellaneous................................................... 185

A 2.1 DC-link capacity................................................................................................. 185
A 2.2 Encoders............................................................................................................ 186
A.2.3 - Phasing........................................................................................................................186

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 5

1 - Safety Precautions

1.1 Symbols used in the manual

Indicates a procedure, condition, or statement that, if not strictly observed, could result
in personal injury or death.
Indique le mode d’utilisation, la procédure et la condition d’exploitation. Si ces consignes ne
sont passtrictement respectées, il y a des risques de blessures corporelles ou de mort.

Indicates a procedure, condition, or statement that, if not strictly observed, could result
in damage to or destruction of equipment.
Indique et le mode d’utilisation, la procédure et la condition d’exploitation. Si ces consignes ne sont
Caution pas strictement respectées, il y a des risques de détérioration ou de destruction des appareils.

Indicates that the presence of electrostatic discharge could damage the appliance.
When handling the boards, always wear a grounded bracelet.
Indique que la présence de décharges électrostatiques est susceptible d’endommager l’appa-
reil. Toujours porter un bracelet de mise à la terre lors de la manipulation des cartes.

Indicates a procedure, condition, or statement that should be strictly followed in order to

optimize these applications.
Indique le mode d’utilisation, la procédure et la condition d’exploitation. Ces consignes doivent
Attention êtrerigoureusement respectées pour optimiser ces applications.

Note ! Indicates an essential or important procedure, condition, or statement.

Indique un mode d’utilisation, de procédure et de condition d’exploitation essentiels ou importants

Qualified personnel
For the purpose of this Instruction Manual , a “Qualified person” is someone who
is skilled to the installation, mounting, start-up and operation of the equipment and
the hazards involved. This operator must have the following qualifications:
- trained in rendering first aid.
- trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment in accordance with
established safety procedures.
- trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear, ground and tag circuits
and equipment in accordance with established safety procedures.
Personne qualifiée
Aux fins de ce manuel d’instructions, le terme « personne qualifiée » désigne toute personne
compétente en matière d’installation, de montage, de mise en service et de fonctionnement
de l’appareil et au fait des dangers qui s’y rattachent. L’opérateur en question doit posséder
les qualifications suivantes:
- formation lui permettant de dispenser les premiers soins.
- formation liée à l’entretien et à l’utilisation des équipements de protection selon les
consigne de sécurité en vigueur.
- formation et habilitation aux manoeuvres suivantes : branchement, débranchement,
vérification des isolations, mise à la terre et étiquetage des circuits et des appareils selon
les consignes de sécurité en vigueur.

6 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Use for intended purpose only
The power drive system (electrical drive + application plant) may be used only for
the application stated in the manual and only together with devices and compo-
nents recommended and authorized by Gefran.
Utiliser uniquement dans les conditions prévues
Le système d’actionnement électrique (drive électrique + installation) ne peut être utilisé que
dans les conditions d’exploitation et les lieux prévus dans le manuel et uniquement avec les
dispositifs et les composants recommandés et autorisés par Gefran.

1.2 Safety precaution

The following instructions are provided for your safety and as a means of preventing
damage to the product or components in the machines connected. This section lists
instructions, which apply generally when handling electrical drives. Specific instruc-
tions that apply to particular actions are listed at the beginning of each chapters.
Les instructions suivantes sont fournies pour la sécurité de l’utilisateur tout comme pour éviter
l’endommagement du produit ou des composants à l’intérieur des machines raccordées. Ce
paragraphe dresse la liste des instructions généralement applicables lors de la manipulation
des drives électriques. Les instructions spécifiques ayant trait à des actions particulières sont
répertoriées au début de chaque chapitre.

Read the information carefully, since it is provided for your personal safety and will
also help prolong the service life of your electrical drive and the plant you connect to it.
Lire attentivement les informations en matière de sécurité personnelle et visant par ailleurs à
prolonger la durée de vie utile du drive tout comme de l’installation à laquelle il est relié.

1.3 General warnings

This equipment contains dangerous voltages and controls potentially dangerous rotat-
ing mechanical parts. Non-compliance with Warnings or failure to follow the instructions
contained in this manual can result in loss of life, severe personal injury or serious
Warning! damage to property.
Cet appareil utilise des tensions dangereuses et contrôle des organes mécaniques en mou-
vement potentiellement dangereux. L’absence de mise en pratique des consignes ou le non-
respect des instructions contenues dans ce manuel peuvent provoquer le décès, des lésions
corporelles graves ou de sérieux dégâts aux équipements.

The drives cause mechanical movements. The user is responsible for ensuring that
these mechanical movements do not create unsafe conditions. The safety blocks and
operating limits provided by the manufacturer cannot be bypassed or modified
Les drives occasionnent des mouvements mécaniques. L’utilisateur est tenu de s’assurer
que de tels mouvements mécaniques ne débouchent pas sur des conditions d’insécurité.
Les butées de sécurité et les seuils d’exploitation prévus par le fabricant ne doivent être ni
contournés ni modifiés.

Only suitable qualified personnel should work on this equipment, and only after becom-
ing familiar with all safety notices, installation, operation and maintenance procedures
contained in this manual. The successful and safe operation of this equipment is
dependent upon its proper handling,installation, operation and maintenance.
Seul un personnel dûment formé peut intervenir sur cet appareil et uniquement après avoir
assimilé l’ensemble des informations concernant la sécurité, les procédures d’installation, le
fonctionnement et l’entretien contenues dans ce manuel. La sécurité et l’efficacité du fonction-
nement de cet appareil dépendent du bon accomplissement des opérations de manutention,
d’installation, de fonctionnement et d’entretien.

In the case of faults, the drive, even if disabled, may cause accidental movements if it

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 7

has not been disconnected from the mains supply.
En cas de panne et même désactivé, le drive peut provoquer des mouvements fortuits s’il n’a
pas été débranché de l’alimentation secteur.

Electrical Shock
The DC link capacitors remain charged at a hazardous voltage even after cutting off the
power supply.
Never open the device or covers while the AC Input power supplyis switched on. Mini-
mum time to wait before working on the terminals or inside the device is listed in par.
“9.8 Voltage level of the inverter for safe operations”, page 143.
Risque de décharge électrique
Les condensateurs de la liaison à courant continu restent chargés à une tension dangereuse
même après que la tension d’alimentation a été coupée.
Ne jamais ouvrir l’appareil lorsqu’il est suns tension. Le temps minimum d’attente avant de
pouvoir travailler sur les bornes ou bien àl’intérieur de l’appareil est indiqué dans la section
«9.8 Voltage level of the inverter for safe operations», page 143.

Electrical Shock and Burn Hazard:

When using instruments such as oscilloscopes to work on live equipment, the oscil-
loscope’s chassis should be grounded and a differential probe input should be used.
Care should be used in the selection of probes and leads and in the adjustment of the
oscilloscope so that accurate readings may be made. See instrument manufacturer’s
instruction book for proper operation and adjustments to the instrument.
Décharge Èlectrique et Risque de Brúlure : Lors de l’utilisation d’instruments (par example
oscilloscope) sur des systémes en marche, le chassis de l’oscilloscope doit être relié à la terre
et une sonde différentiel devrait être utilisé en entrée. Les sondes et conducteurs doivent être
choissis avec soin pour effectuer les meilleures mesures à l’aide d’un oscilloscope. Voir le
manuel d’instruction pour une utilisation correcte des instruments.

Fire and Explosion Hazard:

Fires or explosions might result from mounting Drives in hazardous areas such as loca-
tions where flammable or combustible vapors or dusts are present. Drives should be
installed away from hazardous areas, even if used with motors suitable for use in these
Risque d’incendies et d’explosions: L’utilisation des drives dans des zônes à risques (pré-
sence de vapeurs ou de poussières inflammables), peut provoquer des incendies ou des
explosions. Les drives doivent être installés loin des zônes dangeureuses, et équipés de
moteurs appropriés.

8 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

1.4 Instruction for compliance with UL Mark (UL require-
ments), U.S. and Canadian electrical codes
Short circuit ratings
ADV200 inverters must be connected to a grid capable of supplying a symmetrical
short-circuit power of less than or equal to “xxxx A rms (at 600 V +10% V max).

The values of the “xxxx” A rms short-circuit current, in accordance with UL require-
ments (UL 508 c), for each motor power rating (Pn mot in the manual) are shown
in the table below.

Short circuit current rating

Pn mot (kW) SCCR ( A ) @ 600Vac
75 ...132 10000
160 ... 250 18000
315 ... 400 30000
500 ... 630 42000
710 ... 1000 85000
1350 ... 1650 100000

Note! Drive will be protected by semiconductor Fuse type as specified in the instruction manual.

Branch circuit protection

In order to protect drive against over-current use fuses specified in par. “10.1
Optional external fuses”, page 151.

Environmental condition
The drive has to be considered “Open type equipment”. Max surrounding air
temperature equal to 40°C. Pollution degree 2.

Wiring of the input and output power terminals

Use UL listed cables rated at 75°C and round crimping terminals. Crimp terminals
with tool recommended by terminal manufacturer.
Field wiring terminals shall be used with the tightening torque specified in par. “9.9
Cooling”, page 144.

Over-voltage control
In compliance with CSA-requirements Overvoltage at mains terminal is achieved
installing an overvoltage protection device as for :
Type OVR 3L 15 660 from ABB or similar.

Minimum time required for safe DC-link voltage

Before removing drive cover in order to access internal parts, after mains discon-
nection wait 300 sec for time.

Over-speed; over-load/current limit; motor overload

Drive incorporate over-speed, over-current/current limit, motor overload protection.
Instruction manual specify degree of protection and detailed installation instruction.

Solid State Motor Overload Protection.

Drive incorporate motor overload protection. Protection is implemented as

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 9

software function. Instruction manual specify degree of protection and detailed
installation instruction. *
*Applicable up to 9 May 2013.
New requirement. Applicable as from 9 May 2013.
The drive is not provided with the internal motor overload protection (software
function) as required under UL 508c as from 9 May 2013.
The drive is designed for use with motors with integrated thermal overload protec-
The integrated thermal overload protection signal must be connected to the equip-
ment, starting from a contact, on the “digital input connector” terminal, pins 4 and
10, that accepts a maximum of 24 VDC, 5 mA. The final result of this signal is the
switching of the motor control device output to solid state OFF.

10 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

2 - Introduction to the product
The new inverter series ADV200 represents an innovative concept in drive tech-
nology, as a result of the constant technological research and of the experience
that the Gefran Group has acquired keeping a constant presence aside that of the
major sector players.
The new range has been engineered and developed to satisfy the real needs of
System Integrators and OEM’s in order to provide them the best innovations and
economical competitiveness in the international markets.
Based on full mechanical modularity and on a powerful, intuitive and “fully open”
programming platform, ADV200 offers absolute integration flexibility with high-
end performance in any system architectures of the most advanced automation

• Modularity
An innovative concept of integrated technology that offers full modularity. Mountable
side by side and with accessories specifically dedicated to system solutions, ADV200
has been engineered to make installation easy for any operator, both in existing
systems and in specific machine solutions, always offering a real reduction of required
space in the cabinet and the best manageability.
• Integrated Quality
ADV200 integrates the fundamental devices for an absolute quality level, such as the
DC choke that ensures maximum reliability in any conditions of working and the input
filter that renders the drive in compliance with the EMC normative EN61800-3. Note: the
choke and filter are not present in ADV200-DC models.
• Fast Access
Structured to offer simple and fast management of the product in any situation of instal-
lation and mounting. From the terminal access to the rack assembling of the options,
each operation is quick and easy.
• Smart Connections
Dedicated accessories and fully removable terminals, ensure simple and fast installa-
tion and start-up in compliance with the EMC normative.
• Options
ADV200 manages up to 3 option cards.
• Safety STO Interface (ADV-...-SI models and the master inverter of 400 kW to 1.65
MW parallel versions)
Integrated on board as the 4th option or integrated in the INT-P-ADV power card (sizes
≥ 71600 and from “L” HW version), the EXP- SFTy card allows the motor to be disabled
without the use of a safety contactor on the drive output, guaranteeing compliance to
the directive for machine safety EN61800-5-2 SIL3.
• Serial Line
Integrated standard RS485 serial line with Modbus RTU protocol, for peer-to-peer or
multidrop connections (with OPT-RS485-ADV card).
• Back-Up Supply
ADV200 can be supplied through an external +24Vdc supply in order to be kept active
in case of mains input loss, ensuring in this situation the operation of all monitoring
functions, programming and any connected fieldbus network.
• Cables shield
OMEGA clamp to grounding 360° of shielded cables.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 11

2.1 Drive type designation
The main technical characteristic of the drive are showed in the product code and
in the nameplate. I.e. product code:

ADV 7 2000 -K X X -6 -XX YY -DC -SI -IT

IT = IT Network configuration
Safety card
EXP-SFTy-ADV included
DC bus power supply version
YY : 04 = 400.0 kW
05 = 500.0 kW
Parallel version only:
06 = 630.0 kW
07 = 710.0 kW
09 = 900.0 kW
10 = 1 MW
14 = 1.35 MW
17 = 1.65 MW
Rated voltage :
6 = 690 Vac (sizes 5 and 6)
6 = 500...690 Vac (sizes 7)

Software: X = standard

Braking unit:
B = included
X = non included

K = included
X = non included

Drive power, in kW:

750 = 75.0 kW 2000 = 200.0 kW
900 = 90.0 kW 2500 = 250.0 kW
1100 = 110.0 kW 3150 = 315.0 kW
1320 = 132.0 kW 3550 = 355.0 kW
1600 = 160.0 kW

Mechanical drive sizes:

5 = size 5
6 = size 6
7 = size 7

Drive ADV200 series

Identification Nameplate
Serial number Gefran S.p.A via G.Carducci, 24
I-21040-Gerenzano, VA
Drive model Type : ADV72000 -KXX-6 S/N: 07012345
Inp: 500Vac -10% ÷ 690Vac +10% 50/60Hz 3Ph
Input (mains supply, frequency, AC Input
Current at constant torque) 189A
Out : 0-690Vac 200Hz 3Ph 200kW@690Vac 200Hp @ 575Vac

Output (Output voltage, frequency, power, 200kW 210A Ovld . 150%-60s

current, CT and VT overloads) 250kW 265A Ovld . 110%-60s


Firmware & cards revision level nameplate

Firmware HW release S/N 07012345 Prod.
Release D F P R S BU SW . CFG CONF

7.0.1 -.E -L 14.15.18 A1

Firmware revision

Cards revision



Braking unit


12 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

The inverter must be selected according to the rated current of the motor.
The rated output current of the drive must be higher than or equal to the rated cur-
rent of the motor used.
The speed of the three-phase motor is determined by the number of pole pairs and
the frequency (nameplate, data sheet) of the motor concerned.
Operation above the rated frequency and speed of the motor must take into ac-
count the specifications given by the manufacturer losses (bearings, unbalance
etc.). This also applies to temperature specifications for continuous operation under
20 Hz (poor motor ventilation, not applicable to motors with external ventilation).

2.1.1 Parallel inverters

A parallel connection of several drives basically consists of one MASTER unit and
one or more SLAVE units.
When placing your order please give the code number of the master and slave
and number of these:

Power code Description (Designation) Power code Description (Designation)

S9O76M ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04-SI S9O76MC ADV-72000-KXX-6- MS 04-DC- SI
400kW 400kW
S9O76S ADV-72000-XXX-6-SL S9O76SC ADV-72000-XXX-6- SL-DC
S9O77M ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05-SI S9O77MC ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05-DC-SI
500kW 500kW
S9O77S ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL S9O77SC ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL-DC
S9O78M ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 06-SI S9O78MC ADV-73150-KXX-6 -MS 06-DC-SI
630kW 630kW
S9O78S ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL S9O78SC ADV-73150-XXX-6 -SL-DC
S9O79M ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 07-SI S9O79MC ADV-73550-KXX-6- MS 07-DC-SI
710kW 710kW
S9O79S ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL S9O79SC ADV-73550-XXX-6- SL-DC
S9O78M1 ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 09-SI S9O78M1C ADV-73150-KXX-6 -MS 09-DC-SI
900kW S9O78S ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 900kW S9O78SC ADV-73150-XXX-6 -SL-DC
S9O78S ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL S9O78SC ADV-73150-XXX-6 -SL-DC
S9O79M1 ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10-SI S9O79M1C ADV-73550-KXX-6- MS 10-DC-SI
1 MW S9O79S ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 1 MW S9O79SC ADV-73550-XXX-6- SL-DC
S9O79S ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL S9O79SC ADV-73550-XXX-6- SL-DC
S9O79M2 ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 14-SI S9O79M2C ADV-73550-KXX-6- MS 14-DC-SI
S9O79S ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL S9O79SC ADV-73550-XXX-6- SL-DC
1.35 MW 1.35 MW
S9O79S ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL S9O79SC ADV-73550-XXX-6- SL-DC
S9O79S1 ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 S9O79SC1 ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2-DC
S9O79M3 ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 17-SI S9O79M3C ADV-73550-KXX-6- MS 17-DC-SI
S9O79S ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL S9O79SC ADV-73550-XXX-6- SL-DC
1.65 MW S9O79S ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 1.65 MW S9O79SC ADV-73550-XXX-6- SL-DC
S9O79S1 ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 S9O79SC1 ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2-DC
S9O79S1 ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 S9O79SC1 ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2-DC

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 13

3 - Transport and storage

Correct transport, storage, erection and mounting, as well as careful operation and
maintenance are essential for proper and safe operation of the equipment.
Protect the inverter against physical shocks and vibration during transport and storage.
Caution Also be sure to protect it against water (rainfall) and excessive temperatures.
Le bon accomplissement des opérations de transport, de stockage, d’installation et de mon-
tage, ainsi que l’exploitation et l’entretien minutieux, sont essentiels pour garantir à l’appareil
un fonctionnement adéquat et sûr.
Protéger le variateur contre les chocs et les vibrations pendant le transport et le stockage. Il
faut également s’assurer qu’il est protégé contre l’eau (pluie), l’humidité et contre des tempé-
ratures excessives.

If the Drives have been stored for longer than two years, the operation of the DC link
capacitors may be impaired and must be “reformed”. Before commissioning devices
that have been stored for long periods, connect them to a power supply for two hours
with no load connected in order to regenerate the capacitors, (the input voltage has to
be applied without enabling the drive).
En cas de stockage des variateurs pendant plus de deux ans, il est conseillé de contrôler
l’état des condensateurs CC avant d’en effectuer le branchement. Avant la mise en service
des appareils, ayant été stockés pendant long temps, il faut alimenter variateurs à vide pen-
dant deux heures, pour régénérer les condensateurs : appliquer une tension d’alimentation
sans actionner le variateur.

3.1 General
A high degree of care is taken in packing the ADV Drives and preparing them for
delivery. They should only be transported with suitable transport equipment (see
weight data). Observe the instructions printed on the packaging. This also ap-
plieswhen the device is unpacked and installed in the control cabinet.

Upon delivery, check the following:

- the packaging for any external damage
- whether the delivery note matches your order.

Open the packaging with suitable tools. Check whether:

- any parts were damaged during transport
- the device type corresponds to your order

In the event of any damage or of an incomplete or incorrect delivery please notify

the responsible sales offices immediately. The devices should only be stored in
dry rooms within the specified temperature ranges .

Note! A certain degree of moisture condensation is permissible if this arises from changes in temperature.
This does not, however, apply when the devices are in operation. Always ensure that there is no
moisture condensation in devices that are connected to the power supply!

14 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

3.2 Permissible Environmental Conditions
storage �������������������� -25…+55°C (-13…+131°F), class 1K4 per EN50178
-20…+55°C (-4…+131°F), for devices with keypad
transport ������������������� -25…+70°C (-13…+158°F), class 2K3 per EN50178
-20…+60°C (-4…+140°F), for devices with keypad

Air humidity
storage �������������������� from 5% to 95 % and 1 g/m3 to 29 g/m3 (class 1K3 as per EN50178)
transport ������������������� 95 % (3), 60 g/m3 (4)

A light condensation of moisture may occur for a short time occasionally if the device is not in operation
(class 2K3 as per EN50178)

Air pressure:
storage �������������������� [kPa] 86 to 106 (class 1K4 as per EN50178)
transport ������������������� [kPa] 70 to 106 (class 2K3 as per EN50178)

(3) Greatest relative air humidity occurs with the temperature @ 40°C (104°F) or if the temperature of the
device is brought suddenly from -25 ...+30°C (-13°...+86°F).
(4) Greatest absolute air humidity if the device is brought suddenly from 70...15°C (158°...59°F).

The drive is suitable for use under the environmental service conditions (climate,
mechanical, pollution, etc.) defined as usual service conditions according to
Attention EN61800-2.

3.3 Disposal of the device

The ADV200 inverter can be disposed of as electronic waste according to national
regulations in force for the disposal of electronic components.

Pursuant to Article 26 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 49 of 14 March 2014 “Im-

plementation of Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equip-
ment (WEEE)”
The symbol showing a crossed-out wheeled bin on equipment or its packaging indicates
that the product must be collected separately from other waste at the end of its useful life.
The manufacturer is responsible for organising and managing the separate collection of
this piece of equipment at the end of its useful life.
Users wishing to dispose of the equipment must therefore contact the manufacturer to
obtain instructions from the same on how to have the equipment collected separately at
the end of its useful life.
By collecting the disused equipment separately, it can be recycled, treated or disposed
of in an environmentally friendly manner, thus helping to prevent the environment and
public health from being affected negatively and enabling reuse and/or recycling of the
materials forming the same equipment.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 15

4 - Mechanical installation

The Drive must be mounted on a wall that is constructed of heat resistant material.
While the Drive is operating, the temperature of the Drive’s cooling fins can rise to a
temperature of 158° F (70°C).
Le drive doit être monté sur un mur construit avec des matériaux résistants à la chaleur.
Pendant le fonctionnement du drive, la température des ailettes du dissipateur thermique peut
arriver à 70°C (158° F).

Because the ambient temperature greatly affects Drive life and reliability, do not install
the Drive in any location that exceeds the allowable temperature.
Étant donné que la température ambiante influe sur la vie et la fiabilité du drive, on ne devrait
pasinstaller le drive dans des places ou la temperature permise est dépassée.

Be sure to remove the desicant dryer packet(s) when unpacking the Drive. (If not
removed these packets may become lodged in the fan or air passages and cause the
Drive to overheat).
Lors du déballage du drive, retirer le sachet déshydraté. (Si celui-ci n’est pas retiré, il em-
pêche la ventilation et provoque une surchauffe du drive).

Protect the device from impermissible environmental conditions (temperature, humidity,

shock etc.).
Protéger l’appareil contre des effets extérieurs non permis (température, humidité, chocs etc.).

4.1 Inclination and mounting clearance

The Drives must be mounted in such a way that the free flow of air is ensured see
paragraph “9.9 Cooling”, page 144.

Maximum angle of inclination �����������30° (referred to vertical position)

Minimum top and bottom distance �������150 mm (≥ADV71600 = 400mm)
Minimum free space to the front ���������25 mm
Minimum distance between drives �������none
Minimum distance to the side with the cabinet 10 mm

≥150 mm [ 6" ]
≥400 mm [ 15.75" ] (ADV 7...)

≥150 mm [ 6" ]
≥10 mm [ 0.4" ] ≥400 mm [ 15.75" ] (ADV 7...) ≥10 mm [ 0.4" ] ≥25 mm [ 0.98” ]

16 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

4.2 Fastening positions
400mm [15.75"]
Fissaggio a muro
200mm [7.87"] Wall mounting
100mm [3.93"]

400mm [15.75"]
200mm [7.87"]
100mm [3.93"]

1113mm [43.82"]
1095mm [43.11"]
942mm [37.08"]
904 mm [35.6"]

A 7.5 mm

12.75 mm
Taglia 5 Taglia 6

12.75 mm
Size 5 Size 6

A A 7.5 mm

417 [16.42”]
355.6 [140”]
177.8 [7.00”]
Fissaggio a muro
Wall mounting
1209.5 [47.62”]
1264 [49.76”]
1407 [55.4”]

(*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente

(*) Protective trasparent policarbonate


Taglia 7 3
Ø 1 1”]
6.5 [0.5
Size 7 [0.26”]


(A) (B)


ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 17

Recommended screws for fastening

Size 5 (ADV 5...) 4 x M6 x 16 mm screws + Grover (spring-lock) washer + Flat washer

Size 6 (ADV 6...) 5 x M6 x 16 mm screws + Grover (spring-lock) washer + Flat washer

Size 7 (ADV 7...) 6 x M6 x 16 mm screws + Grover (spring-lock) washer + Flat washer

Note! Other dimensions see chapter “9.10 Weight and dimensions”, page 145.

18 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

417 [16.42”] 417 [16.42”]
355.6 [140”] 355.6 [140”]
177.8 [7.00”] 177.8 [7.00”]
(*) (*)
Fissaggio a muro
Wall mounting
(B) (B)

1209.5 [47.62”]
1264 [49.76”]
1407 [55.4”]

400 ... 710 kW

(A) (A)

(*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente

(*) (*) Protective trasparent policarbonate

417 [16.42”] 417 [16.42”] 417 [16.42”]

355.6 [140”] 355.6 [140”] 355.6 [140”]
177.8 [7.00”] 177.8 [7.00”] 177.8 [7.00”]
(*) (*) (*)
Fissaggio a muro
Wall mounting
(B) (B) (B)
1209.5 [47.62”]
1264 [49.76”]
1407 [55.4”]

900 ... 1000 kW

(A) (A) (A)

(*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente

(*) (*) (*) Protective trasparent policarbonate

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 19

417 [16.42”] 417 [16.42”] 417 [16.42”] 417 [16.42”]
355.6 [140”] 355.6 [140”] 355.6 [140”] 355.6 [140”]
177.8 [7.00”] 177.8 [7.00”] 177.8 [7.00”] 177.8 [7.00”]
(*) (*) (*) (*)
Fissaggio a muro
Wall mounting
(B) (B) (B) (B)
1209.5 [47.62”]
1264 [49.76”]
1407 [55.4”]

1350 kW

(A) (A) (A) (A)

(*) (*) (*) (*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente

(*) Protective trasparent policarbonate

417 [16.42”] 417 [16.42”] 417 [16.42”] 417 [16.42”] 417 [16.42”]
355.6 [140”] 355.6 [140”] 355.6 [140”] 355.6 [140”] 355.6 [140”]
177.8 [7.00”] 177.8 [7.00”] 177.8 [7.00”] 177.8 [7.00”] 177.8 [7.00”]
(*) (*) (*) (*) (*)
Fissaggio a muro
Wall mounting
(B) (B) (B) (B) (B)
1209.5 [47.62”]
1264 [49.76”]
1407 [55.4”]

1650 kW

(A) (A) (A) (A) (A)

(*) (*) (*) (*) (*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente

(*) Protective trasparent policarbonate

20 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation


Ø 1 1”]
6.5 [0.5


(A) (B)

Recommended screws for fastening

ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04 -SI
400 kW

ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05 -SI
ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL 12 x M6 x 16 mm screws + Grover (spring-lock) washer + Flat
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 06 -SI washer

ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 07 -SI

ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 09 -SI
900kW ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 18 x M6 x 16 mm screws + Grover (spring-lock) washer + Flat
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10-SI washer
1 MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL

ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 14-SI
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 24 x M6 x 16 mm screws + Grover (spring-lock) washer + Flat
1.35 MW
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL washer
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 17-SI
30 x M6 x 16 mm screws + Grover (spring-lock) washer + Flat
1.65 MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL washer

Note! Other dimensions see chapter “9.10 Weight and dimensions”, page 145.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 21

5 - Wiring Procedure

Adjustable frequency drives are electrical apparatus for use in industrial installations.
Parts of the Drives are energized during operation. The electrical installation and the
Warning! opening of the device should therefore only be carried out by qualified personnel. Im-
proper installation of motors or Drives may therefore cause the failure of the device as
well as serious injury to persons or material damage. Drive is not equipped with motor
overspeed protection logic other than that controlled by software. Follow the instructions
given in this manual and observe the local and national safety regulations applicable.
Les drives à fréquence variable sont des dispositifs électriques utilisés dans des installations
industriels. Une partie des drives sont sous tension pendant l’operation. L’installation élec-
trique et l’ouverture des drives devrait être executé uniquement par du personel qualifié. De
mauvaises installations de moteurs ou de drives peuvent provoquer des dommages materiels
ou blesser des personnes. On doit suivir les instructions donneés dans ce manuel et observer
les régles nationales de sécurité.

Replace all covers before applying power to the Drive. Failure to do so may result in
death or serious injury.
Remettre tous les capots avant de mettre sous tension le drive. Des erreurs peuvent provo-
quer de sérieux accidents ou même la mort.

The drive must always be grounded. If the drive is not connected correctly to ground,
extremely hazardous conditions may be generated that may result in death or serious
Warning! injury.
Le drive doit toujours être raccordé au système de mise à la terre. Un mauvais raccorde-
ment du drive au système de mise à la terre peut se traduire par des conditions extrêmement
dangereuses susceptibles d’entraîner le décès ou de graves lésions corporelles.

Never open the device or covers while the AC Input power supply is switched on. Minimum
time to wait before working on the terminals or inside the device is listed in section “9.8
Voltage level of the inverter for safe operations”, page 143.
Ne jamais ouvrir l’appareil lorsqu’il est suns tension. Le temps minimum d’attente avant de
pouvoir travailler sur les bornes ou bien à l’intérieur de l’appareil est indiqué dans la section “9.8
Voltage level of the inverter for safe operations”, page 143.

Do not touch or damage any components when handling the device. The changing of
the isolation gaps or the removing of the isolation and covers is not permissible.
Manipuler l’appareil de façon à ne pas toucher ou endommager des parties. Il n’est pas
permis de changer les distances d’isolement ou bien d’enlever des matériaux isolants ou des

Do not connect power supply voltage that exceeds the standard specification voltage
fluctuation permissible. If excessive voltage is applied to the Drive, damage to the inter-
Caution nal components will result.
Ne pas raccorder de tension d’alimentation dépassant la fluctuation de tension permise par
les normes. Dans le cas d’ une alimentation en tension excessive, des composants internes
peuvent être endommagés.

Operation with Residual Current Device

If an RCD (also referred to as ELCB or RCCB) is fitted, the inverters will operate without
nuisance tripping, provided that:
- a type B RCD is used.
- the trip limit of the RCD is 300mA.

22 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

- the neutral of the supply is grounded (TT or TN systems)
- only one inverter is supplied from each RCD.
- the output cables are less than 50m (screened) or 100m (unscreened).

RCD: Residual Current Device

RCCB: Residual Current Circuit Breaker
ELCB: Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker

Note: The residual current operated circuit-breakers used must provide protection
against direct-current components in the fault current and must be suitable for
briefly suppressing power pulse current peaks. It is recommended to protect the
frequency inverter by fuse separately.
The regulations of the individual country (e.g. VDE regulations in Germany) and
the regional power suppliers must be observed!

Fonctionnement avec un dispositif de courant résiduel

En cas d’installation d’un RCD – dispositif de courant résiduel – (également dénommé RCCB
ou ELCB), les onduleurs fonctionneront sans faux arrêt à condition que :
- le RCD utilisé soit de type B
- le seuil de déclenchement du RCD soit fixé à 300 mA
- le neutre du bloc d’alimentation soit mis à la terre (systèmes TT ou TN)
- chaque RCD n’alimente qu’un seul onduleur
- la longueur des câbles de sortie soit inférieure à 50 m (blindés) ou 100 m (non blindés)

RCD: Dispositif de courant résiduel

RCCB: Disjoncteur à courant résiduel
ELCB: Disjoncteur contre fuite à la terre

Remarque : Les RCD utilisés doivent assurer la protection contre les composants à courant
continu présents dans le courant de défaut et doivent être capables de suppri-
mer des crêtes de courant en peu de temps. Il est recommandé de protéger
séparément l’onduleur au moyen de fusibles.
Respecter la réglementation des pays concernés (par exemple, les normes VDR
en Allemagne) et des fournisseurs locaux d’énergie électrique.

Functioning of the Drive without a ground connection is not permitted. To avoid distur-
bances, the armature of the motor must be grounded using a separate ground connec-
tor from those of other appliances.
Défense de faire fonctionner le drive sans qu’il y ait eu raccordement de mise à la terre préa-
lable. Pour éviter les perturbations, la carcasse du moteur doit être mise à la terre à l’aide d’un
raccord de mise à la masse séparé de ceux des autres appareils.

The grounding connector shall be sized in accordance with the NEC or Canadian Elec-
trical Code. The connection shall be made by a UL listed or CSA certified closed-loop
terminal connector sized for the wire gauge involved. The connector is to be fixed using
the crimp tool specified by the connector manufacturer.
Le raccordement devrait être fait par un connecteur certifié et mentionné à boucle fermé par
lesnormes CSA et UL et dimensionné pour l’épaisseur du cable correspondant. Le connecteur
doit êtrefixé a l’aide d’un instrument de serrage specifié par le producteur du connecteur.

Do not perform a megger test between the Drive terminals or on the control circuit terminals.
Ne pas exécuter un test megger entre les bornes du drive ou entre les bornes du circuit de contrôle.

No voltage should be connected to the output of the drive (terminals U, V, W). The par-
allel connection of several drives via the outputs and the direct connection of the inputs
and outputs (bypass) are not permissible.
Aucune tension ne doit être appliquée sur la sortie du convertisseur (bornes U, V et W). Il
n’est pas permis de raccorder la sortie de plusieurs convertisseurs en parallèle, ni d’effectuer
une connexion directede l’entrée avec la sortie du convertisseur (Bypass).

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 23

The electrical commissioning should only be carried out by qualified personnel, who
are also responsible for the provision of a suitable ground connection and a protected
power supply feeder in accordance with the local and national regulations. The motor
must be protected against overloads.
La mise en service électrique doit être effectuée par un personnel qualifié. Ce dernier est
responsable del’existence d’une connexion de terre adéquate et d’une protection des câbles
d’alimentation selon les prescriptions locales et nationales. Le moteur doit être protégé contre
la surcharge

If the Drives have been stored for longer than two years, the operation of the DC link
capacitors may be impaired and must be “reformed”. Before commissioning devices
that have been stored for long periods, connect them to a power supply for two hours
with no load connected in order to regenerate the capacitors, (the input voltage has to
be applied without enabling the drive).
En cas de stockage des variateurs pendant plus de deux ans, il est conseillé de contrôler
l’état des condensateurs CC avant d’en effectuer le branchement. Avant la mise en service
des appareils, ayant été stockés pendant long temps, il faut alimenter variateurs à vide pen-
dant deux heures, pour régénérer les condensateurs : appliquer une tension d’alimentation
sans actionner le variateur.

Type of networks
ADV200-6 drives are designed to be powered from standard three phase lines that are
electrically symmetrical with respect to ground (TN or TT network). In case of supply
Caution with IT network, sizes ≥ 71600 (with integrated EMI filter and max. distance of 50 m
between inverter and motor) can be used.

For sizes < 71600, the use of the “ADV200….-IT” series is mandatory.
ADV200...-IT does not include the use of an EMI filter with internal capacitors connected to
the ground. The RFI emissions level are more relevant but in accordance with EN 61800-3.
In case of limited emission levels requirements, it is suggested to check for excessive
noise from close electrical equipment or to the public low-voltage mains. If necessary,
to reduce the levels of emissions is enought to use a voltage transformer with static
screening between the primary and secondary windings.

Do not install an external EMI filter to the ADV200-IT. Capacitors inside the stand-
ard EMI filter could be damaged and could cause safety problem. Special EMC
filters for IT Network are available on request

Type de réseaux :
Les variateurs ADV200-6 sont conçus pour être alimentés à partir des lignes triphasées
standard qui sont électriquement symétrique par rapport à la terre (TN ou réseau TT).
En cas d’alimentation avec le réseau IT, les tailles ≥ 71600 (avec filtre EMI intégré et
une distance maximale le de 50 m entre le variateur et le moteur) peuvent être utilisés.

Pour les tailles <71600, la référence «ADV200 ....-IT» est obligatoire.

“ADV200...-IT’’ n’inclut pas l’utilisation d’un filtre EMI avec des condensateurs internes
reliés à la masse. Le niveau des émissions de RFI sont plus pertinentes, mais en con-
formité avec la norme EN 61800-3.
En cas de besoins pour limités les niveaux d’émission, il est suggéré de vérifier le bruit
excessif provenant des équipements électriques à proximité ou sur le réseau basse
tension . Si nécessaire, pour réduire les niveaux d’émissions trop important utiliser un
transformateur d’isolement entre les enroulements primaires et secondaires.

Ne pas installer un filtre EMI externe à l’ADV200-IT. Les condensateurs à

l’intérieur du filtre EMI standard pourraient être endommagés et pourraient

24 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

causer des problèmes de sécurité. Filtres CEM spécials pour Réseaux IT sont
disponibles sur demande.

Power supply networks

Based on the grounding method, the IEC 60634-1 describes three main types of
grounding for power supply networks: TN, TT and IT systems.
In particular, the IT system has all the active parts insulated from earth or a point
connected to ground through an impedance. The earths of the system are con-
nected separately or collectively to the system ground.

The following figures show these different systems.

TN-S supply lines TN-C supply lines

L1 L1

L2 L2

L3 L3



TT supply lines IT supply lines

L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 L3

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 25

5.1 Power section
5.1.1 Cable Cross Section

Terminals: U1/L1 - V1/L2 - W3/L3 - C - D - U2/T1 - V2/T2 - W2/T3

Sizes Maximum Cable Cross Section (flexible conductor) Recommended stripping Tightening torque (min)
(mm2) AWG (mm) (Nm)

5750 50 1/0 16 3.2

6900 70 2/0 24 3.5
61100 70 2/0 24 3.5
61320 70 2/0 24 3.5
Morsetti: PE1 - PE2
5750 35 2 15 3.2
6900 35 2 18 5
61100 35 2 18 5
61320 35 2 18 5

Terminals: U3 - 2V3 - 1V3

Maximum Cable Cross Section (flexible conductor) Recommended stripping Tightening torque (min)

(mm2) AWG (mm) (Nm)

5750 4 10 10 0.5
6900 4 10 10 0.5
61100 4 10 10 0.5
61320 4 10 10 0.5

Bars: L1 - L2 - L3 - C - D - U - V - W

Sizes Recommended Cable Cross Section Lock screw diameter Tightening torque (min)

(mm2) AWG / kcmil (mm) (Nm)

71600 95 AWG 4/0 M10 25
72000 150 300 kcmil M10 25
72500 240 500 kcmil M10 25
73150 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
73550 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25

Connection on bars
Sizes Cable Cross Section Lock screw Recommended Tightening torque
diameter terminal
(mm2) AWG / kcmil (mm) (Nm)
71600 50 AWG 1/0 M10 Eyelet 25
72000 75 AWG 2/0 M10 Eyelet 25
72500 120 250 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
73150 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
73550 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25

26 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Bars: L1 - L2 - L3 - C - D - U - V - W

Sizes Recommended cable cross-section Lock screw Tightening torque

diameter (min)
(mm2) AWG / kcmil (mm) (Nm)
ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04-... 150 300 kcmil M10 25
ADV-72000-XXX-6-SL-... 150 300 kcmil M10 25
ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05-... 240 500 kcmil M10 25
ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL-... 240 500 kcmil M10 25
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 06-... 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL-... 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 07-... 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL-... 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 09-... 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
900kW ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL -... 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL -... 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10-... 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
1MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL -... 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL -... 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 14-SI 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 17-SI 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
1.65MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 25

Recommended cable Lock screw Recommended Tightening
Sizes cross-section diameter terminal torque (min)
(mm2) AWG / kcmil (mm) (Nm)

ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04-... 75 AWG 2/0 M10 Eyelet 25

ADV-72000-XXX-6-SL-... 75 AWG 2/0 M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05-... 120 250 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL-... 120 250 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 06-... 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL-... 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 07-... 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL-... 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 09-... 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
900kW ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL -... 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL -... 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10-... 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
1MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL -... 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL -... 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 14-SI 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 17-SI 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
1.65MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 25

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 27

5.1.2 EMC guide line

In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio inference, in which case sup-
plementary mitigation measures may be required.
Dans un environnement domestique, ce produit peut causer des interférences radio, auquel
cas des mesures d’atténuation supplémentaire peuvent être nécessaires.

Drives are designed to operate in an industrial environment where a high level

of electromagnetic interference are to be expected. Proper installation practices
Attention will ensure safe and trouble-free operation. If you encounter problems, follow the
guidelines which follow.
- Check for all equipment in the cabinet are well grounded using short, thick
grounding cable connected to a common star point or busbar. Better solution
is to use a conductive mounting plane and use that as EMC ground reference
- Flat conductors, for EMC grounding, are better than other type because they
have lower impedance at higher frequencies.
- Make sure that any control equipment (such as a PLC) connected to the
inverter is connected to the same EMC ground or star point as the inverter via
a short thick link.
- Connect the return ground from the motors controlled by the drives directly to
the ground connection ( ) on the associated inverter.
- Separate the control cables from the power cables as much as possible, using
separate trunking, if necessary at 90º to each other.
- Whenever possible, use screened leads for the connections to the control
- Ensure that the contactors in the cubicle are suppressed, either with R-C
suppressors for AC contactors or ‘flywheel’ diodes for DC contactors fitted to
the coils. Varistor suppressors are also effective. This is important when the
contactors are controlled from the inverter relay .
- Use screened or armored cables for the motor connections and ground the
screen at both ends using the cable clamps

Note! For further information regarding electro-magnetic compatibility standards, according to Directive
2014/30/EC, conformity checks carried out on Gefran appliances, connection of filters and mains
inductors, shielding of cables, ground connections, etc., consult the “Electro-magnetic compatibility
guide” on the CD attached to this drive.

28 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

5.1.3 Block diagram power section

Note! Size 7 only: pre-engineered for internal assembly of DC side fuses upon request.

On 400 kW to 1.65 MW devices, the output choke value and their technical char-
acteristics MUST be the same for all the drive power modules.

ADV5750-...-6 ... ADV61320-...-6


L1 U
690Vac, 3ph
L2 V

L3 W


ADV71600-...-6... ADV73550-...-6
500-690Vac, 3ph

L1 U

L2 V

L3 W


ADV71600-...-6-DC ... ADV73550-...-6-DC

600 - 1120 Vdc



400 ... 710kW (ADV200-...-6)

Input Input choke
(mandatory) Output choke
fuse ADV- ...- MS..-6 (mandatory)
L1 U
500-690Vac, 3ph

L2 V

L3 W

To motor


Input Input choke Output choke W

fuse (mandatory) ADV- ...- SL..-6 (mandatory)
L1 U

L2 V

L3 W


ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 29

400 ... 710kW (ADV200-...-6-DC)

Output choke
fuse ADV- ...- MS..-6-DC (mandatory)

600 - 1120 Vdc



To motor

Input Output choke W

fuse ADV- ...- SL..-6-DC (mandatory)



900kW ... 1MW (ADV200-...-6)

Input Input choke
(mandatory) Output choke
fuse ADV- ...- MS..-6 (mandatory)
L1 U
500-690Vac, 3ph

L2 V

L3 W


To motor

Input Input choke Output choke W

fuse (mandatory) ADV- ...- SL..-6 (mandatory)
L1 U

L2 V

L3 W


Input Input choke Output choke

fuse (mandatory) ADV- ...- SL..-6 (mandatory)
L1 U

L2 V

L3 W


900kW ... 1MW (ADV200-...-6-DC)

Output choke
fuse ADV- ...- MS..-6-DC (mandatory)
600 - 1120 Vdc


To motor

Input Output choke W

fuse ADV- ...- SL..-6-DC (mandatory)



Input Output choke

fuse ADV- ...- SL..-6-DC (mandatory)



30 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

1.35 MW (ADV200-...-6)
Input Input choke
(mandatory) Output choke
fuse ADV- ...- MS..-6 (mandatory)
L1 U

500-690Vac, 3ph
L2 V

L3 W


Input Input choke Output choke

fuse (mandatory) ADV- ...- SL..-6 (mandatory)
L1 U

L2 V

L3 W


To motor
Input Input choke Output choke
fuse (mandatory) ADV- ...- SL..-6 (mandatory) W
L1 U

L2 V

L3 W


Input Input choke Output choke

fuse (mandatory) ADV- ...- SL2..-6 (mandatory)
L1 U

L2 V

L3 W


1.35 MW (ADV200-...-6-DC)

Output choke
fuse ADV- ...- MS..-6-DC (mandatory)
600 - 1120 Vdc


Input Output choke

fuse ADV- ...- SL..-6-DC (mandatory)



To motor

Input Output choke

ADV- ...- SL..-6-DC (mandatory) V


Input Output choke

fuse ADV- ...- SL2..-6-DC (mandatory)



ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 31

1.65 MW (ADV200-...-6)
Input Input choke
(mandatory) Output choke
fuse ADV- ...- MS..-6 (mandatory)
L1 U

500-690Vac, 3ph
L2 V

L3 W


Input Input choke Output choke

fuse (mandatory) ADV- ...- SL..-6 (mandatory)
L1 U

L2 V

L3 W


To motor
Input Input choke Output choke
fuse (mandatory) ADV- ...- SL..-6 (mandatory) W
L1 U

L2 V

L3 W


Input Input choke Output choke

fuse (mandatory) ADV- ...- SL2..-6 (mandatory)
L1 U

L2 V

L3 W


Input Input choke Output choke

fuse (mandatory) ADV- ...- SL2..-6 (mandatory)
L1 U

L2 V

L3 W


1.65 MW (ADV200-...-6-DC)
Output choke
fuse ADV- ...- MS..-6-DC (mandatory)
600 - 1120 Vdc


Input Output choke

fuse ADV- ...- SL..-6-DC (mandatory)



To motor

Input Output choke

ADV- ...- SL..-6-DC (mandatory) V


Input Output choke

fuse ADV- ...- SL2..-6-DC (mandatory)



Input Output choke

fuse ADV- ...- SL2..-6-DC (mandatory)



32 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

5.1.4 Internal EMC filter
ADV200 series inverters are equipped with an internal EMI (except ADV200-...-DC
models) filter able to guarantee the performance levels required by EN 61800-3
standard (according to 2nd environment, category C3) with a maximum of 20
meters of shielded motor cable (up to 50 metres for size 5 and above).

5.1.5 Power line connection

ADV5750-6 ... ADV61320-6

PE1 L1 L2 L3



L1 L2 L3 (3ph - 690 VAC, 50/60 Hz)

ADV71600-6 ... ADV73550-6


L1 L2 L3 U V W




L1 L2 L3

(3ph - 500 ... 690 VAC, 50/60 Hz)

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 33

ADV71600-...-6-DC ... ADV73550-...-6-DC

DC - 600 - 1120 VDC





400 ... 710 kW (ADV200-...-6)


ADV-...-MS..-6 ADV-...-SL-6

L1 L2 L3 U V W L1 L2 L3 U V W

L1 L1
Mandatory Mandatory

F1 F1


L1 L2 L3 (3ph - 500 ...690 VAC, 50/60 Hz)

34 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

400 ... 710 kW (ADV200-...-6-DC)
(600 ... 1120 VDC)


F1 F1


ADV-...-MS..-6-DC ADV-...-SL-6-DC


900 kW ... 1.65 MW (ADV200-...-6)


ADV-...-SL ADV-...-MS-.. ADV-...-SL ADV-...-SL2

L1 L2 L3 U V W L1 L2 L3 U V W L1 L2 L3 U V W L1 L2 L3 U V W

L1 L1 L1 L1
Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory

F1 F1 F1 F1


L1 L2 L3 (3ph - 500 ...690 VAC, 50/60 Hz)

900 kW: n.1 ADV-73150-...-MS, n.2 ADV-73150-...-SL.
1 MW: n.1 ADV-73550-...-MS, n.2 ADV-73550-...-SL.
1.35 MW: n.1 ADV-73550-...-MS, n.2 ADV-73550-...-SL and n.1 ADV-73550-...-SL2.
1.65 MW: n.1 ADV-73550-...-MS, n.2 ADV-73550-...-SL and n.2 ADV-73550-...-SL2.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 35

900 kW ... 1.65 MW (ADV200-...-6-DC)

(600 ... 1120 VDC)


F1 F1 F1 F1


ADV-...-MS..-6-DC ADV-...-SL-6-DC ADV-...-SL-6-DC ADV-...-S2L-6-DC


900 kW: n.1 ADV-73150-...-MS, n.2 ADV-73150-...-SL.
1 MW: n.1 ADV-73550-...-MS, n.2 ADV-73550-...-SL.
1.35 MW: n.1 ADV-73550-...-MS, n.2 ADV-73550-...-SL and n.1 ADV-73550-...-SL2.
1.65 MW: n.1 ADV-73550-...-MS, n.2 ADV-73550-...-SL and n.2 ADV-73550-...-SL2.

Note! Recommended combination F1 fuses: see paragraph “10.1 Optional external fuses”, page 151.

5.1.6 Input mains choke (L1)

Sizes ADV5750-6 ... 61320-6: Integrated on DC-link.
Sizes ADV71600-6 ... and above: external choke mandatory (for the recommend-
ed combination see chapter “10.2 Choke”, page 154.
Sizes ADV-...-DC: not available.

36 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

5.1.7 Motor connection

All drive-motor cables connections MUST have same lenght and they have to run
in parallel ways.

ADV5750-6 ... ADV61320-6 ADV71600-6 ... ADV73550-6,

ADV71600-6-DC ... ADV73550-6-DC

U3 1V3

C D U2 V2 W2 PE2
L1 L2 L3 U V W

3 ph

3 ph

Note: terminals L1-L2 and L3 are not present in -DC versions.

400 ... 710 kW (ADV200-...-6 and ADV200-...-6-DC)

ADV-...-MS-.. ADV-...-SL

L1 L2 L3 U V W L1 L2 L3 U V W

Output choke Output choke

or current-sharing or current-sharing
choke (mandatory) choke (mandatory)

3 ph

Nota: terminals L1-L2 and L3 are not present in -DC versions.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 37

900 kW ... 1.65 MW (ADV200-...-6 and ADV200-...-6-DC)

ADV-...-SL ADV-...-MS.. ADV-...-SL ADV-...-SL2

L1 L2 L3 U V W L1 L2 L3 U V W L1 L2 L3 U V W L1 L2 L3 U V W

Output choke Output choke Output choke Output choke

or current-sharing or current-sharing or current-sharing or current-sharing
choke (mandatory) choke (mandatory) choke (mandatory) choke (mandatory)

3 ph

Note: terminals L1-L2 and L3 are not present in -DC versions.

900 kW: n.1 ADV-73150-...-MS, n.2 ADV-73150-...-SL.
1 MW: n.1 ADV-73550-...-MS, n.2 ADV-73550-...-SL.
1.35 MW: n.1 ADV-73550-...-MS, n.2 ADV-73550-...-SL and n.1 ADV-73550-...-SL2.
1.65 MW: n.1 ADV-73550-...-MS, n.2 ADV-73550-...-SL and n.2 ADV-73550-...-SL2.

Output chokes value and their technical characteristics MUST be the same for all the drive power
All drive-motor cables connections MUST have same length and they have to run in parallel ways.

5.1.8 Braking unit connection (optional)

Note! An optional BUy braking unit connected to terminals C and D can be used. For further details reference
should be made to the BUy manual.

You MUST set the parameters for controlling braking resistance overload (MENU
22.6) to detect overheating of the braking resistance. Without this information on
the resistance used, you have to monitor the overtemperature switch on the resist-
ance. Overheating may be caused by:
• ramp times too short or braking too long
• wrong braking resistance size
• input voltage too high
• defective braking transistor on inverter or on braking module.

The overtemperature switch can be connected to the auxiliary contacts of the

power supply contactor in order to disable the drive in case of failure.

38 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

5.1.9 Parallel connection on the AC (Input) and DC (Intermediate Circuit)
side of several inverters

V M1

V M2


V M..

V M6

7 8 9 10
RBR BUy-...

- The inverters used have to be all the same size.

- The mains power supply has to be simultaneous for all inverters, i.e. a single switch /line contactor has
to be used.
- Such connection is suitable for a maximum of 6 inverters.
- If necessary dissipate braking energy; one (or several) external braking unit has to be used.
- Fast fuses (F12...F62) have to be fitted on the dc-link side ( C and D terminals) of each inverters (see
chapter “10.1 Optional external fuses”, page 151).
(*) Do not connect if external braking units BUy.. is used.

Caution (*) Pas raccorder si l’unité de freinage extérieure BUy... est utilisée

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 39

5.1.10 Parallel DC connection

In the case of DC power supply, insertion of an AC mains inductance on the power

supply input of the power supply unit is compulsory (for the type of inductance,
Caution consult the manual of the power supply unit).

To avoid to damage the internal EMI filter, AFE200 regenerative power supply unit
may not supply the DC power supply to ADV1007 ...ADV61320 drives, ver-
sion ADV....-IT must be used.

AFE200 Power supply unit may supply the DC power supply to the ADV200
(≥ 71600) and ADV200-...-DC series.

FFE200 Regenerative power supply unit may supply the DC power supply to
the standard ADV200, ADV200-...-DC and ADV....-IT series.

V M1
D W 3
ADV200-...-6 (1)

V M2
(3ph - 500 VAC / 690 VAC, 50/60 Hz)

AFE200, FFE200,
SMB200, SM32 or
D W 3
F1 (*) DC Power supply ADV200-...-6 (2)

L1 (*)
V M3
D W 3
ADV200-...-6 (3)

V M..
D W 3
ADV200-...-6 (..)

(*) Refer to AFE200, FFE200, SMB200, SM32 or DC Power supply manual.

Note! For size 7 only, adaptation for internal mounting of “F12, F22, F32, F.2” fuses (DC side) on request.

40 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

5.1.11 Connection of fans

U3 1V3
5750 0.45A@230V (±10%) / 50Hz
61000 0.65A@230V (±10%) / 50Hz

NB ! Size 621320 is provided with 2.5 A, 250 Vac internal slo-blow fuses.
External fuses must be used for sizes 5750 and 6900.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 41

Version before 2009/125/CE (ErP regulation)
Terminals U3 V3 PE 31 32
250V/10A contact
1 x 230V (±10%)
OK fan contact management terminals 31-32:
Ground Closed: Internal fan OK and powered;
2.4A (50Hz) - 3.3A
Open: Internal fan in over temperature alarm and/or input power supply
not available.
Sizes Power the internal fan (max 600W) with a single-phase voltage on terminals U3/V3.
Type of fan compliant 2009/125/CE (ErP)
71600 ... 72500 ADV200 starting from S/N 33GC017331

400 kW (1) U3 V3 W3 PE 31 32
500 kW (1) 3 x 400V (±10%)
50/60Hz, 250V/2A contact
1.25/1.65Arms OK fan contact management terminals 31-32:
Closed: Internal fan OK (also with non-powered fan)
3 x 460V (±10%) Open: Internal fan in over temperature alarm
60Hz, 1.55Arms
Power the internal fan ( 570W @400V, 930W @460V ) with a three-phase voltage on terminals U3/V3/W3.

Version before 2009/125/CE (ErP regulation)

Terminals U3 V3 W3 PE 31 32
3 x 400V (±10%)
250V/10A contact
50Hz, 1,55Arms
OK fan contact management terminals 31-32:
Sizes or Ground
Closed: Internal fan OK (also with non-powered fan)
3 x 460V (±10%)
Open: Internal fan in over temperature alarm
73150 ... 73550 60Hz, 1,7Arms (2)
Power the internal fan (max 1200W) with a three-phase voltage on terminals U3/V3/W3.
630 kW (1)
Type of fan compliant 2009/125/CE (ErP)
710 kW (1)
ADV200 starting from S/N 33GN071493
900 kW (1)
1 MW (1) 250V/10A contact
3 x 380...480V
1.35 MW (1) OK inverter fan contact management terminals 31-32:
(±10%) 50/60Hz, Ground
1.65 MW (1) Closed: Inverter fan OK and powered;
1.9 ... 1.7 Arms
Open: Inverter fan in alarm or not supplied.
Power the internal fan (max 1200W) with a three-phase voltage on terminals U3/V3/W3.

(1) for each module.

(2) Sizes ADV200-73150-KXX-6A and ADV200-73550-KXX-6A.

Make sure the sequence of the three-phase fan power supply phases is the same as that shown on
the relative drive terminals. If not, the air flow will be inadequate to ensure correct cooling and it could
Caution cause Overtemperature alarm.

42 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

5.2 Regulation section
5.2.1 Removing the terminal cover

When removing the covers be carefull to lateral metal sheet enclosure. Presence of
sharp edge are possible.


5.2.2 Cable Cross Section

Maximum Cable Cross Section Recommended Tightening torque (min)

stripping (min)
Terminal strips
(Regulation card) (mm2) (AWG) (mm) (Nm)

0.2 ... 2.5 24 ... 12 7 0.5

5.2.3 Regulation section connection

Figure Regulation shielding

For shielding of the regulation section (recommended), fasten the shield of the
cables to the omega sections (see figure above).

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 43

Table Regulation terminals

Strip T2 (top)
Terminal Designation Function Max
R21 COM Digital output 2 Common reference for digital output 2 (Relay 2) -
R24 Digital output 2 Programmable digital relay output 2 (NO). Default = Drive ready 250 Vac - 30 Vdc / 2A
5 Analog output 1 Analog output 1. Default = Null (not assigned) ±12,5 V (typical ±10 V / 5 mA)
- voltage (default):
±12,5 V (typical ±10V/5mA)

6 Analog output 2 Analog output 2. Default = Null (not assigned) - current (set by S3 switch):
0...20mA or 4...20mA (setting by
C1 COM Analog output Common reference for analog outputs and ±10V potential voltage reference -
7 Digital input E Digital input E . Default = Digital input E mon (Enable) 5mA @ +24V (+30V max)
8 Digital input 1 Digital input 1 . Default = FR forward src, PAR 1042 5mA @ +24V (+30V max)
9 Digital input 2 Digital input 2 . Default = FR reverse src, PAR 1044 5mA @ +24V (+30V max)
10 Digital input 3 Digital input 3 . Default = Null (not assigned) 5mA @ +24V (+30V max)
11 Digital input 4 Digital input 4 . Default = Null (not assigned) 5mA @ +24V (+30V max)
12 Digital input 5 Digital input 5 . Default = Fault reset src 5mA @ +24V (+30V max)
C2 COM Digital inputs Common reference for digital inputs -
C3 0V 24 OUT Reference point for +24V OUT -
S3 + 24V OUT +24V supply for IO 150 mA (Resettable fuse), ±10 %

Strip T1 (bottom)
Terminal Designation Function Max
R11 COM Digital output 1 Common reference for digital output 1 (Relay 1) -
R14 Digital output 1 Programmable digital relay output 1 (NO). Default = Drive OK 250 Vac - 30 Vdc / 2A
1 Programmable / configurable analog differential input. - voltage (default):
Analog input 1 Signal: terminal 1. Reference: terminal 2. ±12,5 V (typical ±10V/1mA)
2 Default = Ramp ref 1 src - current (set by switches S1-S2):
3 0...20mA or 4...20mA (set by PAR
Programmable / configurable analog differential input. 1502 or 1552, 14 - ANALOG INPUTS
Analog input 2 Signal: terminal 3. Reference: terminal 4. menu)
4 Default = Not used
- input impedance = 10 kΩ
S1+ +10 V Voltage reference +10V; reference point: C1 terminal +10 V ±1% / 10 mA
S1- - 10V Analog output -10V; reference point: C1 terminal -10 V ±1% / 10 mA
13 Digital output 3 Digital output 3. Default = Speed is 0 delay +24 V / 20 mA (typ), 40 mA (max)
14 Digital output 4 Digital output 4. Default = Ref is 0 delay +24 V / 20 mA (typ), 40 mA (max)
IS1 PS Digital output Digital outputs 3 / 4 power supply -
IC1 COM Digital output Common reference for digital outputs 3 / 4 -
IC2 0V 24 EXT Reference for regulation card 24V external supply -
IS2 + 24V EXT External supply of regulation card +24V ±10% / 1A

+24Vdc voltage, which is used to externally supply the regulation card has to be stabi-
lized and with a maximum ±10% tolerance. The maximum absorption is 1A.
It is not suitable to power supply the regulation card only through a unique rectifier and
capacitive filter.
La tension de + 24Vdc utilisée pour alimenter extérieurement la carte de régulation doit être
stabiliséeet avec une tolérance de ±10% ; absorption maximum de 1A. Les alimentations
obtenues avec les seules redresseur e filtre capacitive ne sont pas appropriées.

44 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

5.2.4 Switches, jumpers and LED

Jumpers : CFG

Switches : S1 S2 S3

S1 S2 S3

Switch V/I settings on inputs and analog output LEDs Function

Analog input 1 PWM

S1 LED lit during IGBT modulation
Default = voltage (±10 V) (green)

Flashes (freq. 1 sec) if no errors or faults

Analog input 2 RUN have occurred.
Default = voltage (±10 V) (green) If ON or OFF, indicates an error conditions
(software hangup)

Analog output 2 PWR ON when the regulation card is correctly

Default = voltage (±10 V) (green) powered

Jumpers Function

Reserved. Deafult = Open

Open = 690V/50Hz rated voltage (default)

Closed = 690V/50Hz rated voltage (ADV-5... and ADV-6... sizes) (3)
CFG (1)
575V/60Hz rated voltage (ADV-7... sizes) (2)

(1) Need to be verified the setting of the Unvervoltage alarm threshold

For drive size 7 and parallel units, Threshold can be selected thru S1 switch (mounted on R-PSM
board). This selection has to be the same of parameter PAR 560.
- Drive is automatically set for EU configuration (690V/50Hz). Parameter 460 will show 0 : EU (default
- Drive is automatically set for USA configuration (2) (3). Parameter 460 will show 1 : USA.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 45

+24 V

To Expansion Cards +24 V

Analog input 1
Analog output 1 5
Analog input 2
4 0V C1

Analog output 2 6

+10V S1+
Digital input E mon 0V C1
- 10V
FR forward src S1-

FR reverse src
Digital output 1 R11
10 (Relay 1) Drive OK R14
Null (not assigned)

11 Digital output 2 R21

(Relay 2) Drive ready R24
Null (not assigned)

Speed is 0 delay
Fault reset src IS1 +24V
Digital output 3

Ref is 0 delay

0V(+24V) Digital output 4 14


IS2 +24 V_EXT
Regulation 0V(+24V)
Internal power supply card supply
from Power Card S3
Isolated power
supply for Inputs/Outputs
0 V (+24 V_EXT) 0V (24V)_OUT
IC2 C3

Figure Potentials of the control section, Digital I/O PNP connection

46 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

S3 S3 S3
+24V OUT +24V OUT +24V OUT
Enable 7 Enable 7 Enable 7
Dig.inp E Dig.inp E Dig.inp E
FR forward src 8 FR forward src 8 FR forward src 8
Dig.inp 1 Dig.inp 1 Dig.inp 1
FR reverse mon 9 FR reverse mon 9 + FR reverse mon 9
Dig.inp 2 Dig.inp 2 Dig.inp 2
Null 10
Dig.inp 3 24V I Null 10
Dig.inp 3 24V I Null 10
Dig.inp 3
Null 11 Null 11 Null 11
Dig.inp 4 + Dig.inp 4 Dig.inp 4
Fault reset src 12 Fault reset src 12 Fault reset src 12
Dig.inp 5 Dig.inp 5 Dig.inp 5

C2 C2 C2
C3 C3 C3
0V 24V 0V 24V 0V 24V

Connections for Controls Opto-insulated from the Connections for Controls Opto-insulated from the Inverter ( NPN ) Connections for Controls Opto-insulated from the Inverter ( PNP )
Inverter ( NPN ) - Internal supply External supply External supply

Figure Other inputs connections (NPN-PNP)

Speed is 0 delay
IS1 0V(+24V)
Digital output 3

Ref is 0 delay

Digital output 4 14 LOAD


Figure NPN outputs connection

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 47

5.2.5 R-PSM pre-charge card (only for sizes ≥ 71600)
Starting from ADV200 power size ≥ 160KW, the R-PSM card is used to control
the pre-charge circuit on the power supply module. When the pre-charge circuit
is connected to the mains (terminals L1 – L2 – L3), the R-PSM regulation card
generates the internal power supplies needed for operation. Therefore, additional
external power supplies are unnecessary.

If an UNDERVOLTAGE alarm is detected when the SCR bridge is enabled, the

pre-charge ramp can be repeated only after 300ms, the time needed for the phase
loss circuit to confirm that normal mains conditions have been restored.

Position of R-PSM card

Figure Position of Switches, LEDs and Jumpers on R-PSM card


S5 D78


P25 D8

23 52 32 33 34 35 36 37 70 72 S1 S2 S7 LED D1...7,D80...84
TB1 Input/Output R-PSM Regulation card

The switches and jumpers on the R-PSM card are factory-set.
If the module is used according to its standard power supply characteristics:
• ADV200-…-4 = 400VAC / 50Hz
• ADV200-…-6 = 690VAC / 50Hz
the settings should not be changed.

In case of non-standard power supply, see the configuration tables shown further

48 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Table TB1 terminal strip on R-PSM

Terminal Designation Function Electrical specifications

ENABLE digital input of the pre-charge
23 ENABLE 5mA @ +24Vdc (+20% max, -20% min)
52 ENABLE in COM ENABLE common digital input
32 Digital Out 1 Drive OK 24V / 20mA typ (40mA max)
33 Dig Out Com Common Digital Out 1 and Digital Out 2 -
34 0V24 Out Reference point for power supply -
35 +24V Out Power supply output 150mA resettable fuse
36 Digital Out 2 Digital output : Factory preset as Mains Loss 24V / 20mA typ (40mA max)
37 Dig Out Supply Power supply for digital outputs -
70, 72 Relay 1 Factory preset as Precharge OK 250Vac - 30Vdc - 0,5A

Terminal strip TB1

Cable Cross Section (flexible conductor) Recommended stripping Tightening torque (min)
(mm2) AWG (mm) (Nm)
0,2 ... 2,5 24 ... 12 7 0,5 Behavior of Pre-charge OK Relay-Digital Out 1, Digital Out 2 at

“PowerOn” and “PowerOff”

AC Power Supply

DC DC Voltage

Precharge OK Relay

Digital Out 1 - Drive OK

Digital Out 2 - Mains Loss

( Default configuration )

Relay 1 – Precharge OK (factory setting)

The relay between terminals 70 – 72 closes at the end of the pre-charge phase
and opens when DC voltage drops below the DC Undervoltage threshold. Wiring
of the OK relay contact (70 - 72) in series with the Enable chain of the ADV200
regulation card is recommended
Digital Out 1 – Drive OK
Digital output 1 connected to terminal 32 goes high at the end of the pre-charge
phase and goes low under one of the following conditions:
• power failure
• lack of a power supply phase
• mains frequency out of range ( > ±5%). This condition occurs only during the

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 49

power-on phase.
• presence of Enable command at terminal 23.
Digital Out 2 – Mains Loss (factory setting)
Digital output 2 connected to terminal 36 goes high at Power On and goes low
under one of the following conditions.
• power failure;
• lack of a power supply phase. R-PSM card configuration switches

The jumpers and switches on these cards are factory-set. If the module is used
according to its standard power supply characteristics the settings should
not be changed.
The R-PSM card has three 4-position configuration switches.
The following tables show all of the permitted combinations.

(*) Default setting for models ADV200-...-4,
(**) Default setting for models ADV200-...-6

Setting for ADV200 drive starting from firmware 7.X.6 and higher (R-PSM
card starting from hardware revision “F”)

S1 - Mains voltage configuration switches

DC undervoltage trip DC undervoltage
Mains voltage
threshold return threshold S1-1 S1-2 S1-3 S1-4
[Vac] [Vdc] [Vdc]
380 330 370 1 0 0 0
400 (*) 330 370 0 1 0 0
415 361 401 1 1 0 0
440 383 423 0 0 1 0
460 400 440 1 0 1 0
480 417 457 0 1 1 0
500 435 475 1 1 1 0
575 500 540 0 0 0 1
690 (**) 600 640 1 0 0 1

50 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Setting for ADV200 drive up to firmware 7.X.3

S1 - Mains voltage configuration switches

DC undervoltage trip DC undervoltage
Mains voltage
threshold return threshold S1-1 S1-2 S1-3 S1-4
[Vac] [Vdc] [Vdc]
380 372 412 1 0 0 0
400 (*) 392 432 0 1 0 0
415 407 447 1 1 0 0
440 431 471 0 0 1 0
460 451 491 1 0 1 0
480 470 510 0 1 1 0
500 490 530 1 1 1 0
575 563 603 0 0 0 1
690 (**) 676 716 1 0 0 1

The correct selection of mains voltage is very important for correct setting of
The same value set has to be carried out on PAR560 (DRIVE CONFIG MENU).

S2 - Mains frequency configuration switch

Mains frequency
50 (*) 0
60 (**) 1

An incorrect mains frequency setting will disable the control card: the mains fre-
quency tolerance is ±5%.

S2 – Switch configurazione tempi di Pre-carica

Selection of pre-charge time Selezione del tempo di Pre-carica
for 50Hz line per rete 60Hz S2-2 S2-3 S2-4
[s] [s]
17.4 24.1 0 0 0
11.6 (*)(**) 12.1 1 0 0
8.7 8 0 1 0
6.9 6 1 1 0
5.0 4.8 0 0 1
3.5 3.4 1 0 1
2.7 2.7 0 1 1
1.9 2 1 1 1

Switch S2-2…4 lets you set the pre-charge time for the capacitors connected to
the DC link.
The default configuration calls for a time of 11.6[s] for a 50[Hz] line and 12.1[s] for
a 60[Hz] line.
Remember that with equal levels of energy to be transferred to the condenser
bank, decreasing the precharge time increases the current draw.
The rectifier bridge and pre-charge inductance are sized for maximum peak cur-
rent of 400[Apk].

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 51

Considering that with decreased pre-charge time the increased current is not lin-
ear, and that the larger the capacitors bank connected to the DC Link the greater
the energy to be transferred, if you need a pre-charge time shorter than the default
configuration you have to run the following check procedure:
1) Keep the default configuration of switches S2-2…4 and connect an current
probe to output C or D of the ADV200 module. The probe must be able to
measure a peak current ≤ 10[ms].
2) Power and enable the pre-charge bridge by measuring the value of the peak
current absorbed.
3) Cut power to the pre-charge bridge and wait for the DC Link to discharge
completely (discharge time depends on the total capacitance installed on the
DC Link).
4) Set the switches to have a pre-charge time of 8.7[s] (8[s] for 60[Hz] line).
5) Repeat point 2). If the peak current measured is below 400[Apk] you can fur-
ther reduce the pre-charge time. In this case, run the entire procedure again
until you reach the required pre-charge time.

S7-1…3 – Dig Out 2 configuration switch S7-1 S7-2 S7-3

No Mains Loss or Phase Loss (*) (**) 0 0 0
Mains Loss alarm 1 0 0
Phase Loss alarm 0 1 0
Drive OK ( excluded UV alarm) 1 1 0
Heatsink OT alarm 0 0 1
SCRs pulses enabled 1 0 1
Precharge ramp finished 0 1 1
Undervoltage alarm 1 1 1

The configurable output goes high when the condition indicated in the table oc-

S7-4 -Function exchange between Relay 1 and Digital Out 2

Function S2-1
Factory preset 0 (*) (**)
Function exchanged between Relay 1 and Digital Out 2 1 Jumpers

The configuration of the configuration Jumpers can be changed ONLY by Gefran

personnel. Unauthorized changes will invalidate the warranty.

Jumper Function Default

P1 FPGA manual reset OPEN
P10 Disables heatsink overtemperature monitor CLOSE
P23 Enables function of 230VAC line power supply OPEN
P25 Internal use OPEN
P26 Connects J3 shield with ground OPEN
P27 Connects 0V control with 0V_24 I/O OPEN
P28 Grounds 0V control CLOSE
P29 Grounds 0V_24 I/O CLOSE

52 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Note! For the position of the Jumpers, see “Figure Position of Switches, LEDs and Jumpers on
R-PSM card” . Leds on R-PSM card

LED Color “MONITOR” function

D9 GREEN +3V3 logic power
D78 GREEN +5V logic power
D79 GREEN +22V driver power
D91 BLUE Presence of DC-Link voltage
LED Colore “SIGNAL” function
D1 GREEN DC-Link voltage above UNDERVOLTAGE limit
D2 GREEN Power supply enabled
D3 GREEN Not used
D4 GREEN Power supply OK (no alarms – excluding UV)
D6 RED Phase loss or Main loss alarm
D7 RED Heatsink overtemperature alarm
D8 GREEN FPGA configuration in progress
D84 RED Wrong line frequency alarm
LED Color “POWER SUPPLY STATE” functions
D83 YELLOW Bit S0: codes STATE of power supply (LSB)
D80 YELLOW Bit S1: codes STATE of power supply
D81 YELLOW Bit S2: codes STATE of power supply (MSB)
D82 YELLOW SCR bridge enabled

Note! For the position of the Jumpers, see “Figure Position of Switches, LEDs and Jumpers on
R-PSM card” .

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 53

5.2.6 R-SM3-ADV pre-charge card (only for sizes ≥ 71600)
Pre-charge card for drive S/N previous than S/N:34GG044151 (September 2014).

Figure 1: Terminals location

Terminals Function Voltage / Current

23 Input of the precharge enable control (15 - 35V, 5 - 11mA)

32 Output of the MLP static signal (low - active signal) (5 … 35V, 20mA source)
33 (Common) Ground of the MLP and ML static signals -

34 Reference point for Power supply +24V -

35 Power supply output +24V (32V / 300mA max)

36 Output of the ML signal (low - active signal) (5 … 35V, 20mA max sink)
37 Power supply of the ML and MLP signals (35V max)

52 (Common) Ground of the precharge enable control -

70, 72 OK Relay (max 250VAC, 1A – AC11)

Note! The jumpers shown are factory-wired.

Wiring of the OK relay contact (70 - 72) in series with the Enable chain of the ADV200 regulation card
is recommended.

54 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Dip-switch and Jumper

S6 - S7 Selection of the AC mains frequency: 50 or 60 Hz

AC Mains frequency S6-1...4 S7-1...4

50 Hz (Default) OFF (50 Hz) OFF (50 Hz)
60 Hz ON (60 Hz) ON (60 Hz)

Control description

The OK relay has a normally open contact which close at the end of the precharg-
ing phase if no alarm condition is present (overtemperature, power supply on the
regulation card ±15V).
The contact is closed during the normal functioning of the device and also during
an undervoltage situation. The contact opens when a failure occurs (see the alarm
conditions described above) or when the power supply is switched off and the DC-
LINK is completely discharged (C and D terminals).

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 55

5.3 Braking
There are various possible types of braking:
- via external braking unit (BUy-6, usable for all sizes),
- injection of direct current from the Inverter into the motor (DC braking),
- through a special overflux function (AC braking) available if V/F control is

The various possibilities have the following key difference:

- Using a braking unit or the AC braking function it is possible to control a speed
reduction (for example form 1000 to 800rpm) while the DC braking can only
used to stop the motor.
- Using a braking unit the energy is dissipated into heat in the braking resistor
- Using the AC braking function or the DC braking function, the energy is dis-
sipated into heat in the motor windings (resulting in a further rise in the motor
- By using the AC braking function in place of the DC braking, the braking action
is more efficient (more braking capability) and allows to maintain the same
speed control without introducing operational discontinuities. It means that the
AC braking allows the machine to change quickly its behavior from motorizing
to braking when required.

5.3.1 Braking unit

Frequency-regulated asynchronous motors during hyper-synchronous or regen-
erative functioning behave as generators, recovering energy that flows through the
inverter bridge, in the intermediate circuit as continuous current.
This leads to an increase in the intermediate circuit voltage.
Braking units (external BUy-6) are therefore used in order to prevent the DC volt-
age rising to an impermissible value. When used, these activate a braking resistor
(external to drive) that is connected in parallel to the capacitors of the intermediate
circuit. The feedback energy is converted to heat via the braking resistor (Rbr),
thus providing very short deceleration times and restricted four-quadrant opera-

Note! An optional BUy braking unit connected to terminals C and D can be used. For further details reference
should be made to the BUy manual.
Recommended combination braking resistors: see chapter “10.5 Braking resistor (optional)”, page 165.

56 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

5.4 Encoder
The encoders may only be connected to the inverter when an EXP-...-ADV op-
tional card is installed.
For further details of the technical specifications, refer to the EXP-...-ADV optional
card manual.
For instructions regarding fastening of the optional card, see paragraph “10.6 Instal-
lation of optional cards”, page 166 of this manual.

Optional Card Code Encoder PAR 530 - 532 - 534

Slot X card type (*)
EXP-DE-I1R1F2-ADV S5L30 Incremental Digital Encoder (DE) Enc 1
EXP-DE-I2R1F2-ADV S5L35 Double Incremental Digital Encoder (2 x DE) Enc 7
EXP-SE-I1R1F2-ADV S5L31 Incremental Sinusoidal Encoder (SE) Enc 2
EXP-SESC-I1R1F2-ADV S5L32 Incremental Sinusoidal Encoder + SinCos Absolute (SESC) Enc 3
EXP-EN/SSI-I1R1F2-ADV S5L33 Incremental Sinusoidal Encoder + Endat Absolute + SSI (SE-EnDat/SSI) Enc 4
EXP-HIP-I1R1F2-ADV S5L34 Incremental Sinusoidal Encoder + Hiperface Absolute (SE-Hiperface) Enc 5
EXP-ASC-I1-ADV S5L42 Incremental SinCos Absolute Encoder Enc 8
EXP-RES-I1R1-ADV S5L43 Resolver Enc 9

(*) Enc X = name assigned to the card by the software, see PAR 530 - 532 - 534.

5.5 Serial interface (XS connector)

Function I/O Electr. interface

PIN 1 Internal use – –
PIN 2 Internal use – –
PIN 3 RxA/TxA I/O RS485
PIN 4 Equipotentiality (optional) – –
PIN 5 0V (Ground for 5 V) – Power supply

XS PIN 6 +5 V – Power supply

PIN 7 RxB/TxB I/O RS 485
PIN 8 Internal use – –
PIN 9 Internal use – –

I = Input
O = Output

The ADV200 drive is equipped as standard with a port (9-pin D-SUB receptacle
connector: XS) for connection of the RS485 serial line used for drive/PC point-
to-point communication (through the GF-eXpress configuration software) or for
multi-drop connection.

To access the connector, remove the lower cover as illustrated in shown in para-
graph 5.2.1.

5.5.1 Drive / RS 485 Port (not insulated) point-to-point connection

The connection indicated is without galvanic insulation !

Caution Le raccordement indiqué n’a pas d’isolation galvanique !

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 57

Reserved TxB/RxB
+5 V


XS 5 4 3 2 1
9 8 7 6


Figure Serial connection (not insulated)

A twin-pair consisting of two symmetrical conductors, spiral wound with a common

shield plus the bonding connection cable, connected as shown in the figure, must
be used for connection. The transmission speed is 38.4 kBaud.

For connection of the RS485 serial line to the PC, see the figure below.

(XS) Industrial PC
Shielded cable with connectors,
(with RS485)
4.5 mt (8S864C)

PC with RS232 port

(XS) RS232
Shielded cable with connectors,
4.5 mt (8S864C) PCI-COM (S560T)

PC with USB port

Shielded cable with RS232 RS232
4.5 mt (8S864C) PCI-COM (S560T) USB RS232 converter

Kit (S50T6) = Shielded cable 5 mt + PCI-COM

Figure RS485 connection to the PC

Connection of an industrial PC with RS485

The following are required for connection:
• shielded cable for the XS / RS485 connection (see figure, code

Connection to a PC with RS232 port

The following are required for connection:
• an optional PCI-COM (or PCI-485) adapter, code S560T.
• shielded cable for XS / PCI-COM (or PCI-485) connection, code 8S864C, see
figure .

Connection to a PC with USB port

The following are required for connection:
• an optional PCI-COM (or PCI-485) adapter, code S560T.

58 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

• an optional USB/ RS232 adapter, code 8S8F62 (including the cable for USB
• shielded cable for the XS / PCI-COM (or PCI-485) connection, code 8S864C,
see figure .

5.5.2 Drive / RS485 port point-to-point connection (with insulation)

To make the connection with galvanic isolation, the OPT-RS485-ADV optional
card is required.
The card is equipped with a 9-pin D-SUB male receptacle connector which must
be inserted in the XS connector of the ADV200 drive.
Connect terminals 1, 2 and 4 to the serial line as shown in the figure below; for
the connection from the serial line to the PC, the adapters indicated in paragraph
5.5.1 must be used.

Terminal Name
1 TxA /RxA
2 TxB /RxB
3 Reserved
4 EQP (Equipotentiality)

Switch Function
S1 Closing of terminations

Figure OPT-RS485-ADV card

5.5.3 RS 485 multi-drop connection

For the multi-drop connection, the OPT-RS485-ADV optional card must be in-
stalled on each drive; the ends of the connection must have S1 termination switch
set to ON (for point 3: ON only on the first).

The multi-drop connection is always galvanically insulated.

Up to 20 drives can be connected; the maximum length of the connection is 200

1) Multidrop connection between ADV200 and an industrial PC with RS485

See figure The connection requires:
• an optional OPT-RS485-ADV card for each ADV200,
• shielded wires to connect the OPT-RS485-ADV to the PC.

2) Multidrop connection between ADV200 and a PC with RS232 output

See figure The connection requires:
• an optional OPT-RS485-ADV card for each ADV200,
• shielded wires to connect the OPT-RS485-ADV to the PC, and an optional
PCI-COM adapter (code S560T).

3) Multidrop connection between ADV200 and a PC with USB output

See figure The connection requires:
• an optional OPT-RS485-ADV card for each ADV200,
• a USB-RS485 Serial converter interface (8S8F60).

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 59


S1 S1 S1 S1



PLC. etc
(WITH RS485)
ADV200 ADV200 ADV200 ADV200
Termination = ON

Figure Example of Multidrop connection between ADV200 and an industrial PC with RS485 port

3 7 9 5


S1 S1 S1 S1



ADV200 ADV200 ADV200 ADV200 PC with RS232

Figure Example of Multidrop connection between ADV200 and a PC with RS232 port


S1 S1 S1 S1
g n


ADV200 ADV200 ADV200 ADV200

v = verde
a = arancione
g = giallo
m = marrone
n = nero

USB - RS485
Serial Converter Cable
Figure Example of Multidrop connection between ADV200 and a PC with USB port

60 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

5.6 Typical connection diagrams




S12 K1M

G1 R11
S2 K2T Drive ok
ON / Start R14
PRC ok (*)

K0 K2 K1M
EMERGENCY-OFF ON / OFF t =1s Mains contactor
Start / Stop

(*): Only for sizes ≥ ADV71600.

Figure 5.6.1: Auxiliary control circuits

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 61

Dig. Out.4
K0 S3 IS1
+ 24V PS Dig. Out.3/4
C3 Dig. Out.3
0 V24
COM Dig. Out.3/4
Analog 5
output 1

Analog 6
output 2
K2T K1M 7
Digital input E mon
(Enable) - 10 V S1-
K2 8
FR forward src
+ 10 V S1+
FR reverse src
Null (not assigned) 0 V 10 C1
Null (not assigned)
Fault reset src
Analog input 1

Drive ready R24
Dig. Output 2 2
R21 (Relay 2)

Analog input 2

Drive OK R14 Dig. Output 1

R11 (Relay 1)

RS 485


(**) SMPS


5 6 L3
W M1
3 4 L2 V M E
1 2 L1 U 3~
F1 K1M L1(*)

Figure 5.6.2: Typical connection diagram, connection through terminals strip (ADV5750-6 ... ADV73550-6)

(*): ADV5750 ... 61320: Integrated choke on DC link; ≥ 716000: external choke mandatory
(**) See chapter “5.1.11 Connection of fans”, page 41.

62 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Dig. Out.4
K0 S3 IS1
+ 24V PS Dig. Out.3/4
C3 Dig. Out.3
0 V24
COM Dig. Out.3/4
Analog 5
output 1

Analog 6
output 2
K2T K1M 7
Digital input E mon
(Enable) - 10 V S1-
K2 8
FR forward src
+ 10 V S1+
FR reverse src
Null (not assigned) 0 V 10 C1
Null (not assigned)
Fault reset src
Analog input 1

Drive ready R24
Dig. Output 2 2
R21 (Relay 2)

Analog input 2

Drive OK R14 Dig. Output 1

R11 (Relay 1)

RS 485

Safety Enable 24V 2 (on ADV-...-SI models)
- (optional)
Feedback power supply 24V 4
Safety Enable 5



(**) SMPS


5 6 L3
W M1
3 4 L2 V M E
1 2 L1 U 3~
F1 K1M L1(*)
Fig 5.6.3: Simplified diagram, Safe Torque Off function (ADV-...-SI models only)

For instructions on connecting and commissioning the SIL2 or SIL3 safety level function, please see
Caution chapter 7 “Application Examples” in the Safety manual (code 1S5F94) in the CD supplied with the drive
or which you can download from

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 63

Dig. Out.4
K0 S3 IS1
+ 24V PS Dig. Out.3/4
C3 Dig. Out.3
0 V24
COM Dig. Out.3/4
Analog 5
output 1

Analog 6
output 2
K2T K1M 7
Digital input E mon
(Enable) - 10 V S1-
K2 8
FR start mon
+ 10 V S1+
FR reverse mon
Null (not assigned) 0 V 10 C1
Null (not assigned)
Fault reset src
Analog input 1

Drive ready R24

Dig. Output 2 2
R21 (Relay 2)

Analog input 2

Drive OK R14 Dig. Output 1

R11 (Relay 1)

RS 485


(*) SMPS

W M1
3 4 D V M E
1 2 C U 3~
F1 K1M
Fig 5.6.4: Typical connection diagram, connection through terminals strip (ADV71600-6-DC ... ADV73550-6-DC)

(*) See paragraph “5.1.11 Connection of fans”, page 41.

64 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

6 - Use of the keypad
This chapter describes the keypad and methods of use for display and program-
ming of inverter parameters.

6.1 Description
LCD display
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL 7 virtual leds line: led is lit
led is off
03 STARTUP WIZARD Four alphanumeric lines
04 DRIVE CONFIG with 21-digit each

Membrane keyboard :
• commands
• navigation

Membrane keyboard
Inverter control programming menu navigation keys.
Symbol Reference Description

Start Starts the motor

Stop Stops the motor

ESC Escape Returns to the higher level menu or submenu. Exit from a parameter, a list of parameters,
from the list of the last 10 parameters and from the Goto parameter function (see CUST).
Can be used to exit from a message that requires use of this.

FWD Forward/Reverse Reverses the direction of rotation of the motor

LOC Local/Remote Changes the method of use from local to remote and vice versa.
Is active only if the drive is not enabled.
RST Reset Resets alarms only if the causes have been eliminated.

CUST Custom The first time it is pressed, displays the list of the last 10 parameters modified.
Pressing this key a second time activates the Goto parameter function for access to a
parameter through its number. To exit these functions, press the ◄ key.

DISP Display Displays a list of drive functioning parameters.

E Enter Accesses the submenu or parameter selected or selects an operation,

Is used during parameter modification to confirm the new value set.

▲ Up Moves selection in a menu or a list of parameters up.

During modification of a parameter, increases the value of the digit under the cursor.

▼ Down Moves the selection in a menu or a list of parameters down.

During modification of a parameter, decreases the value of the digit under the cursor.

◄ Left Returns to the higher level menu.

During modification of a parameter, moves the cursor to the left.

► Right Accesses the submenu or parameter selected.

During modification of a parameter, moves the cursor to the right.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 65

LED’s meaning:
T+ the LED is lit, when the drive operates with a positive torque
T- the LED is lit, when the drive operates with a negative torque
EN the LED is lit, when the drive is enabled
LOC The led is lit when the drive is in local mode and OFF when in remote
Ilim the LED is lit, when the drive operates at a current limit. During normal
functioning, this led is OFF.
n=0 the LED is lit; it signals zero speed
AL the LED is lit; it signals a trip

6.2 Navigation
6.2.1 Scanning of the first and second level menus

1st level 2nd level

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL



(*) This example is visible only in Export mode (see paragraph 6.5.2).

6.2.2 Display of a parameter

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

1 16.01 PA R : 2 0 0 0 13. 05 PA R : 1 3 3 0 05.04 PA R : 610

2 Rated voltage Dig out 1 inversion Ramp ref 1 src

3 + 400 V ON Mlt ref out mon
4 Def: +400 Value: 2034

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

1 04.02 PA R : 552 04.0 1 PA R : 550 01.01 PA R : 250

2 Regulation mode Save parameters Output current

3 V/f control Press E to execute + 0.3 A
4 Value: 0 Param read only
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

1 Autotune
3 Error code: 1
4 Press ESC to exit
1 Position of the parameter in the menu structure (in figure A, 16.01);
number of the parameter (in figure A, PAR: 2000).

66 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

2 Description of the parameter.
3 Depends on the type of parameter:
● Numeric parameter: displays the numeric value of the parameter, in the
format required, and unit of measurement (figure A).
● Binary selection: the parameter may assume only 2 states, indicated as
OFF-ON or 0 - 1 (figure B).
● LINK type parameter: displays the description of the parameter set from the
selection list (figure C).
● ENUM type parameter: displays the description of the selection (figure D)
● Command: displays the method of execution of the command (figure E)
4 In this position, the following may be displayed:
● Numeric parameter: displays the default, minimum and maximum values
of the parameter. These values are displayed in sequence pressing the ► key
(figure A).
● LINK type parameter: displays the number (PAR) of the parameter set (fig-
ure C) .
● ENUM type parameter: displays the numeric value corresponding to the cur-
rent selection (figure D).
● Command: in the case of an error in the command, indicates that ESC must
be pressed to terminate the command (figure G).
● Messages and error conditions (figure F):
Param read only attempt to modify a read-only parameter
Password active the parameter protection password is active
Drive enabled attempt to modify a non-modifiable parameter with the drive enabled
Input value too high the value entered too high
Input value too low the value entered too low
Out of range attempt to insert a value outside the min. and max. limits

6.2.3 Scanning of the parameters


T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

01.22 PA R : 1400

Digital output X mon

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

01.01 PA R : 250
02 DRIVE INFO Output current

01.02 PA R : 252

Output voltage
- 1 V


6.2.4 List of the last parameters modified

Pressing the CUST key, a list containing the last 10 parameters modified is ac-
cessed. One parameter at a time is displayed and the list can be scrolled using
the ▲ and ▼ keys.
To exit this list, press the ► key.

6.2.5 “Goto parameter” function

Pressing the CUST key twice, or once if already in the “List of modified param-
eters”, the “Goto parameter” is activated.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 67

This function permits access to any parameter entering only the software number
of the parameter (PAR).
When the parameter reached by the “Goto” command is displayed, it is possible
to navigate all the parameters forming part of the same group using the ▲ and ▼
Pressing the ► key returns to the “Goto” function.

To exit the “Goto” function, press the ► key.

6.3 Parameter modification

To enter parameter modification mode, press the E key when the parameter to be
modified is displayed.
To save the value of the parameter, following modification, press the E key again.

Note ! To save permanently, see “6.4 How to save parameters”, page 69.

To exit from modification mode without saving the value, press the ESC key.

The operations to be carried out to modify the value depend on the type of the
parameter, as described below.

Note ! For further information about the type of parameters displayed, see chapter Parameters List (ADV200
FP manual).

● Numeric parameters
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

16.01 PA R : 2000 16.01 PA R : 2000

14 ANALOG INPUTS Rated voltage E Rated voltage
15 ANALOG OUTPUTS + 400 V + 000000400 V
16 MOTOR DATA Def: +400 Def: +400

When E is pressed to access modification mode, the cursor is activated on the

digit corresponding to the unit.
Using the ◄ and ► keys, the cursor can be moved to all the digits, including trail-
ing zeros that are normally not displayed.
With the ▲ and ▼ keys, the digit under the cursor is increased or decreased.
Press E to confirm the modification or ESC to cancel.

● Binary parameters (BIT type)

The parameter may assume only two states which are indicated as OFF-ON or
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

10 SPEED MONITOR FUNC X5 13.05 PA R : 1330 13.05 PA R : 1330

11 COMMANDS Dig out 1 inversion E Dig out 1 inversion


Pressing E, modification mode is activated. The entire line is displayed in reverse.

Use the ▲ and ▼ keys to move from one state to another.
Press E to confirm the modification or ESC to cancel.

68 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

● LINK type parameter
The parameter may assume the number of another parameter as value.
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

05.04 PA R : 610

Ramp ref 1 src

Analog input 2 mon
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL
Value: 1550
05.04 PA R : 610 05.04 PA R : 610
03 STARTUP WIZARD Ramp ref 1 src E Ramp ref 1 src
04 DRIVE CONFIG Mlt ref out mon Mlt ref out mon
05 REFERENCES Value: 2034 Value: 852 T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

05.04 PA R : 610

Ramp ref 1 src

Mpot output mon
Value: 894

Pressing E, modification mode is activated. The entire line is displayed in reverse.

The elements of the list of parameters associated to this parameter can be
scrolled using the ▲ and ▼keys.
Press E to confirm the modification or ESC to cancel.

● ENUM type parameter

The parameter may assume only the values contained in a selection list.
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

01 MONITOR X2 0 4.03 PA R : 554 0 4.03 PA R : 554

02 DRIVE INFO Access mode E Access mode

04 DRIVE CONFIG Value 0 Value 1

Pressing E, modification mode is activated. The entire line is displayed in reverse.

The elements of the selection list can be scrolled using the ▲ and ▼ keys.
Press E to confirm the modification or ESC to cancel.

● Execution of commands
A parameter can be used to carry out a number of operations on the drive.
For an example, see paragraph 6.4: in this case, the “Press E to execute” request is
displayed instead of the value.
To perform the command, press E.
During execution of the command, the “In progress” caption is displayed to indi-
cate that the operation is in course.
At the end of execution, if the result is positive, the “Done” caption is displayed for
few seconds.
If execution has failed, an error message is displayed.

6.4 How to save parameters

Menu 04 DRIVE CONFIG, parameter 04.01 Save parameters, PAR : 550.
Used to save changes to parameter settings so that they are maintained also at
the power-off.

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

0 4.01 PA R : 550 0 4.01 PA R : 550 0 4.01 PA R : 550

02 DRIVE INFO Save parameters E Save parameters Save parameters
03 STARTUP WIZARD Press E to execute In progress Done

To exit, press the ◄ key.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 69

6.5 Configuration of the display
6.5.1 Language selection
Menu 04 DRIVE CONFIG, parameter 04.15 Language select, PAR: 578,
Used to set one of the languages available : English, Italian, Francais, Deutsch,
Polish, Romanian, Russian, Turkish and Portuguese.

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

1 T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL
2 T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

01 MONITOR X3 01 MONITOR X5 0 4. 15 PA R : 578

02 DRIVE INFO 02 DRIVE INFO Language select


3 4 5
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

0 4. 15 PA R : 578 0 4. 15 PA R : 578

E Language select Language select E

English Italiano
Value 0 Value 1

Note !
To access the Cyrillic font: : 1) press the E key and hold it down while you switch the drive on, 2)
select the required font using the ▲ and ▼ keys, 3) press E to confirm and return to normal operating

6.5.2 Selection of Easy / Export mode

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

01 MONITOR X2 0 4.03 PA R : 554 0 4.03 PA R : 554

02 DRIVE INFO Access mode E Access mode

04 DRIVE CONFIG Value 0 Value 1

Menu 04 DRIVE CONFIG, parameter 04.03 Access mode , PAR: 554.

Makes it possible to configure two methods of access :
Easy (default) only the main parameters are displayed.
Expert for advanced users, all the parameters are displayed.

6.5.3 Startup display

Note ! This parameter is visible only in Expert mode (see paragraph 6.5.2).

Menu 04 DRIVE CONFIG, parameter 04.13 Startup display, PAR : 574.

Used to set the parameter that will be displayed automatically at drive power-on.
Entering the value -1 (default), the function is disabled and the main menu is
displayed at power-on. Set to 0 to show the display menu.

6.5.4 Back-lighting of the display

Note ! This parameter is visible only in Expert mode (see paragraph 6.5.2).

70 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Menu 04 DRIVE CONFIG, parameter 04.16 Display backlight, PAR : 576.
Sets lighting of the display
ON the light of the display remains always on.
OFF (default) the light switches off after approx. 3 minutes from pressing of
the last key.

6.6 Alarms
The alarms page is displayed automatically when an alarm occurs.

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

1 Alarm -R T N : 1/2

2 Power down
3 Code: 0000H-0
4 Time: 28:04

1 Alarm: identifies the alarm page.

RTN : indicates that the alarm has been reset; if the alarm is still active, noth-
ing is displayed.
x/y : x indicates the position of this alarm in the list of alarms and y the number
of alarms (the alarm with lowest x is the most recent)
2 Description of the alarm
3 Sub-code of the alarm, provides other information in addition to the description
4 Moment of occurrence of the alarm in machine time.

The list of alarms is scrolled using the ▲ and ▼ keys.

6.6.1 Alarm reset

● If the alarm page is displayed:
Pressing the RST key, the alarms are reset and all alarms reset are eliminated
from the list.
If, after this operation, the list of alarms is empty, the alarm page is closed.
If the list is not empty, press the ► key to exit from the alarms page.

● If the alarms page is not displayed:

Pressing the RST key, the alarms are reset.
If active alarms are still present following reset, the alarm page is opened.

Note ! For further information, see chapter “8.1 Alarms”, page 112

6.7 Messages
Operator messages are displayed with this page.
The messages are of two types:
- timed (closed automatically after a certain number of seconds),
- fixed (remain displayed until the operator presses the ESC key).

Several concurrent messages are enqueued and presented to the operator in

sequence, starting from the most recent.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 71

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

1 Message 01

2 Load default
3 Code: 0001H-1
4 Press ESC to exit

1 MESSAGE : identifies a message.

xx indicate show many messages are enqueued. The queue may contain a
maximum of 10 messages and the message with the highest number is the
most recent.
2 Description of the message (see chapter 8 for further information)
3 Sub-code of the message. Provides extra information in addition to the descrip-
4 “Press ESC to exit” is displayed if the message requires acknowledgment.

When a message is closed, the next message is displayed until the queue is

Note ! For further information, see chapter “8.2 Messages”, page 126

6.8 Saving and recovery of new parameter settings

Drive parameters can be saved on the keypad in 5 different memory areas.
This function is useful to obtain various sets of parameters, for safety backup or to
transfer the parameters from one drive to another.

6.8.1 Selection of the keypad memory

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

0 4.19 PA R : 594 0 4.19 PA R : 594

02 DRIVE INFO Keypad memory select E Keypad memory select
03 STARTUP WIZARD 1 000000002
04 DRIVE CONFIG Def: 1 Def: 1

Menu 04 DRIVE CONFIG, parameter 04.21 Keypad memory select, PAR : 594.
The keypad features 5 memory areas dedicated to saving parameters.
The memory to be used is selected using the Keypad memory select parameter.
Subsequent saving and recovery operations will be carried out on the memory

6.8.2 Saving of parameters on the keypad

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

01 MONITOR X3 0 4.17 PA R : 590 0 4.17 PA R : 590

02 DRIVE INFO Save par to keypad E DRIVE --> K2006 X

03 STARTUP WIZARD Press E to execute

Menu 04 DRIVE CONFIG, parameter 04.19 Save par to keypad, PAR : 590.
Is used to transfer the parameters from the drive to the selected keypad memory.
To start the operation, press the E key.
During transfer, a bar is displayed which indicates progress of the operation.
Instead of the letter X, the number of the currently selected keypad memory is

At the end of transfer, if this has been completed successfully, the “Done” caption
is displayed for a few seconds with subsequent return to the initial page.

72 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

If an error occurs during transfer, the following message is displayed:
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

Message 01

Save par failed

Code: XX
Press ESC to exit

The code XX indicates the type of error, see paragraph “8.2 Messages”, page 126.
To exit from the error message, press the ESC key.

6.8.3 Load parameters from keypad

Menu 04 DRIVE CONFIG, parameter 04.20 Load par from keypad, PAR : 592.
Is used to transfer the parameters from the selected memory of the keypad to the

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

01 MONITOR X2 0 4.18 PA R : 592 0 4.18 PA R : 592

02 DRIVE INFO Load par from keypad E DRIVE <-- K2006 X

03 STARTUP WIZARD Press E to execute

To start the operation, press the E key. During transfer, a bar is displayed which
indicates progress of the operation.
Instead of the letter X, the number of the currently selected keypad memory is

At the end of transfer, if this has been completed successfully, the “Done” caption
is displayed for a few seconds with subsequent return to the initial page.

If an error occurs during transfer, the following message is displayed:

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

Message 01

Load par failed

Code: XX
Press ESC to exit

The code XX indicates the type of error, see paragraph “8.2 Messages”, page 126.
To exit from the error message, press the ESC key.

6.8.4 Transfer of parameters between drives

Transfer the parameters of the source drive to the keypad memory as indicated
in paragraph “6.8.2 Saving of parameters on the keypad”, page 72, then connect the keypad
to the drive on which the new setting is to be saved and proceed as indicated in
paragraph 6.8.3.

To prevent possible damage to equipment, it is advisable to disconnect and connect the

keypad with the drive OFF.
Caution Pour éviter tout endommagement possible des appareils, il est conseillé de débrancher et de
brancher le pavé de commande une fois le drive éteint.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 73

7 - Commissioning via keypad (STARTUP WIZARD)

Adjustable frequency drives are electrical apparatus for use in industrial installations.
Parts of the Drives are energized during operation. The electrical installation and the
Warning! opening of the device should therefore only be carried out by qualified personnel. Im-
proper installation of motors or Drives may therefore cause the failure of the device as
well as serious injury to persons or material damage. Drive is not equipped with motor
overspeed protection logic other than that controlled by software. Follow the instructions
given in this manual and observe the local and national safety regulations applicable.
Les drives à fréquence variable sont des dispositifs électriques utilisés dans des installations
industriels. Une partie des drives sont sous tension pendant l’operation. L’installation élec-
trique et l’ouverture des drives devrait être executé uniquement par du personel qualifié. De
mauvaises installations de moteurs ou de drives peuvent provoquer des dommages materiels
ou blesser des personnes. On doit suivir les instructions donneés dans ce manuel et observer
les régles nationales de sécurité.

Always connect the Drive to the protective ground (PE) via the marked connection .
ADV Drives and AC Input filters have ground discharge currents greater than 3.5 mA.
EN 50178 specifies that with discharge currents greater than 3.5 mA the protective
conductor ground connection ( ) must be fixed type and doubled for redundancy.
Il faut toujours connecter le variateur à la terre (PE). Le courant de dispersion vers la
terre est supérieur à 3,5 mA sur les variateurs et sur les filtres à courant alterné. Les normes
EN 50178 spécifient qu’en cas de courant de dispersion vers la terre, supérieur à 3,5 ma, la
mise à la terre ( ) doit avoir une double connexion pour la redondance.

Only permanently-wired input power connections are allowed. This equipment must be
grounded (IEC 536 Class 1, NEC and other applicable standards).
If a Residual Current-operated protective Device (RCD) is to be used, it must be an
RCD type B. Machines with a three phase power supply, fitted with EMC filters, must
not be connected to a supply via an ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit-Breaker - see DIN
VDE 0160, section 5.5.2 and EN50178 section
The following terminals can carry dangerous voltages even if the inverter is inoperative:
- the power supply terminals L1, L2, L3, C, D.
- the motor terminals U, V, W.
This equipment must not be used as an ‘emergency stop mechanism’ (see EN 60204,
Seuls des branchements électriques permanents par câble en entrée sont admis. Mettre
l’appareil à la masse (IEC 536 Classe 1, NEC et autres normes applicables).
S’il s’avère nécessaire d’utiliser un dispositif protecteur de courant résiduel (RCD), il convient
de choisir un RCD de type B. Les machines à alimentation triphasée et dotées de filtres EMC
ne doivent pas être raccordées au bloc d’alimentation par le biais d’un disjoncteur ELCB
(Earth Leakage Circuit-Breaker – cf. DIN VDE 0160, paragraphe 5.5.2 et EN50178 para-
Les bornes suivantes peuvent recevoir des tensions dangereuses, même si l’onduleur est
désactivé :
- bornes d’alimentation L1, L2, L3, C, D.
- bornes du moteur U, V, W.
Ne pas utiliser cet appareil en tant que « dispositif d’arrêt d’urgence » (cf. EN 60204,

Do not touch or damage any components when handling the device. The changing of
the isolation gaps or the removing of the isolation and covers is not permissible.
Manipuler l’appareil de façon à ne pas toucher ou endommager des parties. Il n’est pas permis
de changer les distances d’isolement ou bien d’enlever des matériaux isolants ou des capots.
According to the EEC standards the ADV and accessories must be used only after checking
that the machine has been produced using those safety devices required by the 89/392/EEC
set of rules, as far as the machine industry is concerned. These standards do not apply in

74 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

the Americas, but may need to be considered in equipment being shipped to Europe.
Selon les normes EEC, les drives ADV et leurs accessoires doivent être employés seule-
ment après avoir verifié que la machine ait été produit avec les même dispositifs de sécurité
demandés par la réglementation 89/392/EEC concernant le secteur de l’industrie.

Motor parameters must be accurately configured for the motor overload protection to
operate correctly.
Configurer soigneusement les paramètres du moteur afin que la protection contre les sur-
charges équipée sur le moteur fonctionne convenablement.

High voltage levels are present in the drive.

Les tensions, à l’intérieur du drive, sont élevées.

Wherever faults occurring in the control equipment can lead to substantial material dam-
age or even grievous bodily injury (i.e. potentially dangerous faults), additional external
precautions must be taken or facilities provided to ensure or enforce safe operation,
even when a fault occurs (e.g. independent limit switches, mechanical interlocks, etc.).
Adopter des mesures de précaution supplémentaires à l’extérieur du drive (par exemple, des
interrupteurs de fin de course, des interrupteurs mécaniques, etc.) ou fournir des fonctions
aptes à garantir ou à mettre en place un fonctionnement sécurisé en cas de survenue d’une
panne de l’appareil de commande susceptible d’occasionner des dégâts matériels d’enver-
gure, voire même des lésions corporelles graves (par exemple, des pannes potentiellement

Certain parameter settings may cause the inverter to restart automatically after an input
power failure.
Certaines configurations de paramètres peuvent provoquer le redémarrage automatique de
l’onduleur après une coupure de l’alimentation.

This equipment is suitable for use in a circuit capable of delivering not more than 10,000
symmetrical amperes (rms), for a maximum voltage of 690 V .
Cet appareil est conçu pour une utilisation sur un circuit d’alimentation en mesure de délivrer
10.000 ampères symétriques (rms) maximum pour une tension maximale de 690V.

This equipment must not be used as an ‘emergency stop mechanism’ (see EN 60204,
Ne pas utiliser cet appareil en tant que « dispositif d’arrêt d’urgence » (cf. EN 60204,

Do not open the device or covers with the product connected to the mains or a DC
power supply. Minimum time to wait before working on the terminals or inside the device is
listed in section”9.8 Voltage level of the inverter for safe operations”, page 143 .
Ne pas ouvrir le dispositif ou les couvercles tant que le produit est sous alimentation secteur ou
DC. Le temps minimum d’attente avant de pouvoir travailler sur les bornes ou bien àl’intérieur de
l’appareil est indiqué dans la section «9.8 Voltage level of the inverter for safe operations», page 143 .

Fire and Explosion Hazard:

Fires or explosions might result from mounting Drives in hazardous areas such as locations
where flammable or combustible vapors or dusts are present. Drives should be installed
away from hazardous areas, even if used with motors suitable for use in these locations.
Risque d’incendies et d’explosions. L’utilisation des drives dans des zônes à risques
(présence de vapeurs ou de poussières inflammables), peut provoquer des incendies ou
des explosions. Les drives doivent être installés loin des zônes dangeureuses, et équipés de
moteurs appropriés.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 75

Protect the device from impermissible environmental conditions (temperature, humidity,
shock etc.).
Protéger l’appareil contre des effets extérieurs non permis (température, humidité, chocs etc.).

To the output of the drive (terminals U, V, W) :

- no voltage should be connected to the output of the drive
- the parallel connection of several drives are not permissible.
- the direct connection of the inputs and outputs (bypass) are not permissible.
- capacitative load (e.g. Var compensation capacitors) should not be connected.
À la sortie du convertisseur (bornes U, V et W) :
- aucune tension ne doit être appliquée
- aucune charge capacitive ne doit être connectée
- il n’est paspermis de raccorder la sortie de plusieurs convertisseurs en parallèle
- l n’est paspermis d’effectuer une connexion directede l’entrée avec la sortie du convertisseur

The electrical commissioning should only be carried out by qualified personnel, who
are also responsible for the provision of a suitable ground connection and a protected
power supply feeder in accordance with the local and national regulations. The motor
must be protected against overloads.
La mise en service électrique doit être effectuée par un personnel qualifié. Ce dernier est
responsable del’existence d’une connexion de terre adéquate et d’une protection des câbles
d’alimentation selon les prescriptions locales et nationales. Le moteur doit être protégé contre
la surcharge.

Do not connect power supply voltage that exceeds the standard specification voltage
fluctuation permissible. If excessive voltage is applied to the Drive, damage to the
internal components will result.
Ne pas raccorder de tension d’alimentation dépassant la fluctuation de tension permise par
les normes. Dans le cas d’ une alimentation en tension excessive, des composants internes
peuvent être endommagés.

Do not operate the Drive without the ground wire connected.

The motor chassis should be grounded to earth through a ground lead separate from all
other equipment ground leads to prevent noise coupling.
Ne pas faire fonctionner le drive sans prise de terre.
Le chassis du moteur doit être mis à la terre à l’aide d’un connecteur de terre separé des
autres pour éviter le couplage des perturbations.

No dielectric tests should be carried out on parts of the drive. A suitable measuring
instrument (internal resistance of at least 10 kΩ/V) should be used for measuring the
signal voltages.
Il ne faut pas éxécuter de tests de rigidité diélectrique sur des parties du convertisseurs. Pour
mesurer lestensions, des signaux, il faut utiliser des instruments de mesure appropriés (résis-
tance interne minimale 10kΩ/V).

76 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

7.1 Startup Wizard
7.1.1 Startup Wizard for Asynchronous Motors
The ADV200 can operate with regulation modes : V/f control (Voltage/Frequency) ,
Flux vector OL (open loop) and Flux vector CL (field-oriented control, closed loop).

Menu 04 DRIVE CONFIG, parameter 04.2 Regulation mode, PAR: 552, default=V/f

Start-up in one mode is valid also for the other regulation modes.

The startup wizard is a guided procedure used for quick start-up of the drive that
helps to set the main parameters.
It consists of a series of questions relating to the various sequences for entering
and calculating the parameters necessary for correct drive operation.
The order of these sequences is as follows:

● Basic connections See step 1

● Setting motor parameters See step 2
● Self-tuning with rotating motor See step 3A
● Self-tuning with motor at stand-still or coupled to the load See step 3B
● Setting the maximum speed reference value See step 4
● Setting ramp parameters See step 5
● Saving parameters See step 6
● Speed regulation setting See step 7
● Setting the motor in Flux vector OL control mode See step 8

The format of the function selection page is as follows:

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL


02 DRIVE INFO Set motor data ?
04 DRIVE CONFIG E=Yes Down=Next

Pressing the E key, the function to be programmed is accessed.

Press the ▼ (Down) key to move to the next function skipping the current function.
Press the ▲ key to return to the previous function.
To terminate the sequence of functions and return to the menu, press the ESC key.

The end of the start-up sequence is indicated with the page:

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

End of sequence !

Up=Back Down=Next

Press the ▼(Down) key to exit the sequence and return to the menu.

Note ! In the procedures described below, the settings have been made using the ADV72500 drive and a 234
kW asynchronous motor.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 77

Step 1 - Connections

Connect the drive to the power supply as illustrated in the following diagrams:

Connection to the mains and motor

U3 1V3

PE1 L1 L2 L3 C D U2 V2 W2 PE2


F1 M
3 ph

L1 L2 L3
(3ph - 500...690 VAC, 50/60 Hz)
For ADV-...-6-DC versions please refer to the diagrams in paragraph “5.1.5 Power
line connection”, page 33 and “5.1.7 Motor connection”, page 37.

Connection of the drive enabling contact

R21R24 5 6 C1 7 8 9 10 11 12 C2 C3 S3


R11R14 1 2 3 4 S1+S1- 13 14 IS1 IC1 IC2 IS2

Connection of the drive enabling contact with Safety function

(SIL2 configuration)

Strip T2 (Regulation terminals) Safety Input / Output connector

R21R24 5 6 C1 7 8 9 10 11 12 C2 C3 S3 5 4 3 2 1

R11R14 1 2 3 4 S1+S1- 13 14 IS1 IC1 IC2 IS2

Strip T1 (Regulation terminals)

78 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Checks to be performed before powering the drive
• Check that the supply voltage is correct (TN,TT for ADV200 standard series
; IT for ADV200...-IT series) and that the input terminals on the drive (L1, L2
and L3 or C and D for ADV-...-6-DC) are connected correctly.
• Check that the output terminals on the drive (U, V and W) are connected to
the motor correctly.
• Check that all the drive control circuit terminals are connected correctly. Check
that all control inputs are open.

Powering the drive
• After completing all the checks described above, power the drive and proceed
to Step 2.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 79

Step 2 - Setting motor parameter (Set motor data)
Set the rating data of the motor connected: rated voltage, rated frequency, rated
current, rated speed, rated power, power factor (cosφ).
Motor & Co.
Type: ABCDE Ic416
Motor: 3 phase 37.5 Hz Nr. 12345-91
Rated voltage 690 V I nom 246 A
Rated power 234 kW Power factor 0.87
Rated speed (nN) 750 rpm

IP54 Iso Kl F S1

Made in ..............

The self-tuning procedure is described below using the data of an imaginary motor
by way of example.
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL


02 DRIVE INFO Set motor data ? E Rated voltage
04 DRIVE CONFIG E=Yes Down=Next Def: +690

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

SEQ.02 PA R : 2002 SEQ.02 PA R : 2002 SEQ.02 PA R : 2002

Rated current E Rated current Rated current E

+ 265.0 A + 0000265.0 A + 000268.0 A
Def: +265.0 Def: +265.0 Def: +265.0

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

SEQ.03 PA R : 2004 SEQ.03 PA R : 2004 SEQ.03 PA R : 2004

Rated speed E Rated speed Rated speed E

+ 1450 rpm + 000001450 rpm + 000000750 rpm
Def: +1450 Def: +1450 Def: +1450

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

SEQ.04 PA R : 2006 SEQ.04 PA R : 2006 SEQ.04 PA R : 2006

Rated frequency E Rated frequency Rated frequency E

+ 50.0 Hz + 50.0 Hz + 37.5 Hz
Def: +50.0 Def: +50.0 Def: +50.0

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

SEQ.05 PA R : 2008 SEQ.05 PA R : 2008 SEQ.05 PA R : 2008

Pole pairs E Pole pairs Pole pairs E

+2 + 000000002 + 000000003
Def: +2 Def: +2 Def: +2

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

SEQ.06 PA R : 2010 SEQ.06 PA R : 2010 SEQ.06 PA R : 2010

Rated power E Rated power Rated power E

+ 250.00
kW + 000250.00 kW + 000234.00 kW
Def: +250.00 Def: +250.00 Def: +250.00

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

SEQ.07 PA R : 2012

Rated power factor

+ 0.87
Def: +0.87

Rated Voltage [V]: motor rated voltage as indicated on the data plate.
Rated current [A]: motor rated current, approximately, the value should not be less than 0.3 times the rated current of the
drive, output current class 1 @ 690V on the rating plate of the drive.
Rated speed [rpm]: motor rated speed, the value must reflect the speed of the motor at full load at rated frequency. If slip is
indicated on the motor rating data, set the Rated speed parameter as follows:
Rated speed = Synchronous speed - Slip
Rated frequency [Hz]: motor rated frequency, as shown on the data plate.
Pole pairs: Number of motor pole pairs. The number of motor pole pairs is calculated using the data on the plate and
the following formula: P = 60 [s] x f [Hz] / nN [rpm]
Where: p = motor pole pairs

80 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

f = motor rated frequency (menu 16 MOTOR DATA par. 2006)
nN = motor rated speed (menu 16 MOTOR DATA par. 2004)

Rated power [kW]: motor rated power, for a motor rating plate with a HP power value, set the rated power
kW = 0.736 x motor power Hp value.
Rated power factor: leave the default value of Cos φ if the data are not available.

Note ! When data entry is complete the Take parameters command (menu 16 MOTOR DATA, PAR: 2020) is
executed automatically. The motor data entered during the STARTUP WIZARD procedure are saved in
a RAM memory to enable the drive to perform the necessary calculations.
These data are lost if the device is switched off. To save the motor data follow the procedure described
in Step 6.

At the end of the procedure, proceed to Step 3A (motor free to rotate and uncou-
pled from transmission) or to Step 3B (motor coupled to transmission).

Step 3 - Autotune of the motor

The drive carries out the motor autotune procedure (real measurement of motor
Autotune may last a few minutes.

Note ! If this operation generates an error message (example Error code 1), check the connections of the
power and control circuits (see Step 1 - Connections), check motor data settings (see Step 2 – Motor
data setting) and then repeat the Autotune procedure (or, alternatively, select a different type of proce-
dure (Rotation or Still)

Step 3A - Self-tuning with rotating motor (Autotune rotation)

Use this procedure when the motor is not coupled or the transmission does not
represent more than 5% of the load. This procedure obtains the most accurate

Note ! Autotuning can be cancelled at any time by pressing

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL


Run autotune rot ? E Close Enable input Autotune rotation Open Enable input
Press E to execute Progress 5%
E=Yes Down=Next Esc=Abort Press Esc to abort

Connect terminal 7 (Enable) to terminal S3 (+24Vdc).

To interrupt this operation, press the ESC key.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 81

Note ! At the end of the self-tuning procedure there is a request to open the Enable contact (terminals
7 – S3); the Take tune parameters command (menu 16 MOTOR DATA, PAR: 2078) is automatically
The calculated parameters are saved in a RAM memory to enable the drive to perform the neces-
sary calculations. These data are lost if the device is switched off. To save the motor data follow the
procedure described in Step 6.

When the Enable contact is opened the drive proposes Step 4 to proceed with the

Step 3B - Self-tuning with motor at stand-still or coupled to the load

(Autotune still)
Use this procedure when the motor is coupled to the transmission and cannot
rotate freely.

May cause limited rotation of the shaft.

Peut entraîner une rotation de l’arbre limitée.

Note ! Autotuning can be cancelled at any time by pressing

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL


Run autotune still ? E Close Enable input Autotune still Open Enable input
Press E to execute Progress 5%
E=Yes Down=Next Esc=Abort Press Esc to abort

Connect terminal 7 (Enable) to terminal S3 (+24Vdc)

Note ! At the end of the self-tuning procedure there is a request to open the Enable contact (terminals
7 – S3); the Take tune parameters command (menu 16 MOTOR DATA, PAR: 2078) is automatically
The calculated parameters are saved in a RAM memory to enable the drive to perform the neces-
sary calculations. These data are lost if the device is switched off. To save the motor data follow the
procedure described in Step 6.

When the Enable contact is opened the drive proposes Step 4 to proceed with the

82 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Step 4 - Setting the maximum speed reference value (Set max speed)

This step is used to define the maximum motor speed value that can be reached
with each single reference signal (analog or digital).

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

STARTUP WIZARD SEQ.01 PA R : 680 SEQ.01 PA R : 680 SEQ.01 PA R : 680

Set max speed ? E Full scale speed E Full scale speed Full scale speed
+ 1500 rpm + 000001500 rpm + 000000750 rpm
E=Yes Down=Next Def: +1500 Def: +1500 Def: +1500

After setting the speed, proceed to Step 5 to set the acceleration and deceleration
ramp parameters.

Step 5 - Setting ramp parameters (Set ramps)

Set the acceleration and deceleration times for the profile of ramp 0 :

PAR: 700 PAR: 700 T

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

STARTUP WIZARD SEQ.01 PA R : 700 SEQ.02 PA R : 702

Set ramps ? E Acceleration time 0 Deceleration time 0

+ 10.00 s + 10.00 s
E=Yes Down=Next Def: +10.00 Def: +10.00

Note ! After setting the acceleration and deceleration ramps, the parameters that have been set manually and
calculated using the self-tuning procedures can be saved permanently in a non-volatile flash memory.
To save the parameters proceed to Step 6.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 83

Step 6 - Saving parameters (Save parameters)
To save the new parameter settings, so that they are maintained also after power-
off, proceed as follows:

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

Save parameters ? E Save parameters E Save parameters Save parameters End of sequence !
Press E to execute In progress Done
E=Yes Down=Next Up=Back Down=Exit

Step 7 - Speed regulation setting

In this step the basic settings in order to perform a functional test of the drive-
motor system are described. This functional test uses factory settings as far as
the analog and digital commands of the drive are concerned. The regulation
mode is that set in PAR 552 Regulation mode, default is V/f control.

Before starting, check the following setting:

Menu 02 DRIVE INFO, parameter 02.1 Drive series, PAR:480 = Asynchronous.

Menu 04 DRIVE CONFIG, parameter 04.2 Regulation mode, PAR: 552 (default:
0 = V/f control; 1 = Flux vector OL; 2 = Flux vector CL; 3 = Autotune)

• Basic connections for the speed test

R1 S1-
- 10V
(2 ... 5 kohm)
2 Analog input 1

+24V OUT
Enable 7
Dig.inp E
FR forward src 8
Dig.inp 1
FR reverse src 9
Dig.inp 2
0V 24V

After making the connections described in the previous section, proceed as fol-
lows to start the motor rotating:
1. Make sure the analog signal or potentiometer are set to the minimum value.
2. Close the Enable contact (terminals S3 – 7)
3. Close the FR forward src (PAR 1042) contact, terminals S3 – 8. The drive
starts magnetizing the motor
4. Increase the reference signal gradually using the potentiometer or analog signal
5. If the motor rotates anti-clockwise with the FR forward src (PAR 1042) com-
mand and a positive analog reference, stop the drive, disconnect the power
supply and invert two phases between U, V and W.

84 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

6. Press the DISP key to check that the voltage, current and output frequency
values are correct in relation to the type of motor and the set speed reference
7. If all the parameters are correct, increase the analog reference to the full scale
value and check that the output voltage is the same as that on the motor data
plate, that the current is approximately equal to the magnetizing current (for
a standard asynchronous motor this is usually between 25% and 40% of the
rated current) and that the output frequency is 50 Hz.
8. If the motor does not reach its maximum speed, self-tuning of the analog input
may be necessary‘: set the input signal to its maximum value and set the An
inp 1 gain tune parameter (PAR: 1508) to 1.
9. If the motor still rotates with a reference of zero, eliminate the condition by
self-tuning the analog input offset: set the input signal to its minimum value
and set 1 for An inp 1 offset tune (PAR: 1506).
10. To reverse the direction of rotation, keep closed the FR forward src (PAR
1042) contact (terminals S3 – 8) and close the FR reverse src (PAR 1044)
contact (terminals S3 – 9). The motor will start the deceleration ramp until
reaching the zero speed, after which it will reverse the direction of rotation and
move to the set speed with the acceleration ramp.
11. To stop the drive, open the FR forward src (PAR 1042) contact (terminals
S3 – 8): the motor will start the deceleration ramp and the speed will move to
zero, but the motor will remain magnetized. To interrupt magnetization, open
the Enable contact (terminals S3 – 7).
12. If the Enable contact is opened while the motor is running, the inverter bridge
is immediately disabled and the motor stops due to inertia.

Note ! Once you have verified the correct operation of the drive-motor system, the application can be cus-
tomized by changing some of the parameters.

• Summary of parameters
The parameters used and/or modified in the Startup Wizard procedures are listed below.

Menu PAR Description

16.1 2000 Rated voltage Motor rated voltage
16.2 2002 Rated current Motor rated current
16.3 2004 Rated speed Motor rated speed
16.4 2006 Rated frequency Motor rated frequency
16.5 2008 Pole pairs Number of pole pairs
16.6 2010 Rated power Motor rated power
16.9 2022 Autotune rotation Self-tuning with motor rotating
16.10 2024 Autotune still Self-tuning with motor at stand-still or coupled
to the load
5.22 680 Full scale speed Maximum speed setting
6.1 700 Acceleration time 0 Acceleration time 0
6.2 702 Deceleration time 0 Deceleration time 0
4.1 550 Save parameters Save parameters in the non-volatile memory

Proceed to step 8.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 85

Step 8 - Setting the motor in “Flux Vect OL” mode (sensorless)

Menu 04 DRIVE CONFIG, parameter 04.2 Regulation mode, PAR: 552,

set = [1] Flux vector OL.

Test with no load applied to the motor

1 Set the value of PAR 2308 OverFlux perc to 120%.
2. Set the value of PAR 2312 OverFlux spd thr to approximately 25% of the
rated speed.
3. Close the Enable contact (terminals S3 – 7).
4. Close the FR forward src contact (PAR 1042), terminals S3 – 8. The drive
starts magnetising the motor.
5. Using the potentiometer, gradually increase the reference signal until reaching
the maximum speed.
6. Open the FR forward src contact (PAR 1042), terminals S3 – 8, until reach-
ing the minimum set speed requested by the application.
7. Check that the ramp is linear and, once the set value has been reached, that
the minimum speed remains stable.
If the ramp is not linear and the minimum speed is not stable, reduce the value
of PAR 2306 Flux observe gain OL in steps of 5.
Examples of values for PAR 2306 with standard 4-pole motors
100 For motor power ratings up to 15 kW
40-50 For motor power ratings of 45-55 kW
20-30 For motor power ratings of more than 132 kW

8. To save the new parameter settings, so that they are maintained also after
power-off, proceed as follows:

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

0 4.01 PA R : 550 0 4.01 PA R : 550 0 4.01 PA R : 550

02 DRIVE INFO Save parameters E Save parameters Save parameters
03 STARTUP WIZARD Press E to execute In progress Done

Test with rated load applied to the motor

1. Close the Enable contact (terminals S3 – 7).
2. Close the FR forward src contact (PAR 1042), terminals S3 – 8. The drive
starts magnetising the motor.
3. Using the potentiometer, gradually increase the reference signal until reaching
the maximum speed.
4. Open the FR forward src contact (PAR 1042), terminals S3 – 8, until reach-
ing the minimum set speed requested by the application.
- if current overload conditions occur at the minimum speed,
- if the current exceeds the rated current value setting,
- if the motor shaft is blocked at zero speed,
reduce the value set in PAR 2306 Flux observe gain OL in steps of 5 until
reaching the best working condition with no overload.
5. To save, repeat step 6.

86 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

7.1.2 Startup Wizard for Synchronous Motors

The ADV200 can operate with regulation modes: field-oriented vector control Flux
vector CL and Flux vector OL of permanent magnet synchronous motors (brushless).

Note! Before starting, check the factory setting:

Menu 04 DRIVE CONFIG, parameter 04.2 Regulation mode, PAR: 552,
default=Flux vector CL.

The startup wizard is a guided procedure used for quick start-up of the drive that
helps to set the main parameters.
It consists of a series of questions relating to the various sequences for entering
and calculating the parameters necessary for correct drive operation.
The order of these sequences is as follows:

● Basic connections See step 1

● Setting motor parameters See step 2
● Self-tuning with motor at stand-still or coupled to the load See step 3
● Setting encoder parameters (*) See step 4
● Encoder phasing (*) See step 5
● Setting the maximum speed reference value See step 6
● Setting ramp parameters See step 7
● Saving parameters See step 8
● Setting of the synchronous motor in “Flux Vect OL” (sensorless) mode for
typically variable torque load types See step 9

(*) Flux vector CL mode only.

The format of the function selection page is as follows:

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL


02 DRIVE INFO Set motor data ?
04 DRIVE CONFIG E=Yes Down=Next

Pressing the E key, the function to be programmed is accessed.

Press the ▼ (Down) key to move to the next function skipping the current function.
Press the ▲ key to return to the previous function.
To terminate the sequence of functions and return to the menu, press the ESC key.
The end of the start-up sequence is indicated with the page:
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

End of sequence ! Press the ▼(Down) key to exit the sequence and return
Up=Back Down=Next
to the menu.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 87

Step 1 - Connections

For ADV-...-6-DC versions please refer to the diagrams in paragraph “5.1.5 Power
line connection”, page 33 and “5.1.7 Motor connection”, page 37.

Connect the drive to the power supply as illustrated in the following diagrams:

Connection to the mains and motor

U3 1V3

PE1 L1 L2 L3 C D U2 V2 W2 PE2


F1 M
3 ph

L1 L2 L3
(3ph - 500...690 VAC, 50/60 Hz)

Connection of the drive enabling contact

R21R24 5 6 C1 7 8 9 10 11 12 C2 C3 S3


R11R14 1 2 3 4 S1+S1- 13 14 IS1 IC1 IC2 IS2

Connection of the drive enabling contact with Safety function

(SIL2 configuration)

Strip T2 (Regulation terminals) Safety Input / Output connector

R21R24 5 6 C1 7 8 9 10 11 12 C2 C3 S3 5 4 3 2 1

R11R14 1 2 3 4 S1+S1- 13 14 IS1 IC1 IC2 IS2

Strip T1 (Regulation terminals)

88 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Checks to be performed before powering the drive
• Check that the supply voltage is correct (TN,TT for ADV200 standard series;
IT for ADV200...-IT series) and that the input terminals on the drive (L1, L2
and L3 or C and D for ADV-...-DC) are connected correctly.
• Check that the output terminals on the drive (U, V, and W) are connected to
the motor correctly.
• Check that all the drive control circuit terminals are connected correctly. Check
that all control inputs are open.
• Check the encoder connections, see section A.3 of the Appendix.

Powering the drive
• After completing all the checks described above, power the drive and proceed
to Step 2.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 89

Step 2 - Setting motor parameter (Set motor data)
Set the rating data of the motor connected.
The self-tuning procedure is described below using the data of an imaginary motor
by way of example.

Rated Voltage [V]: motor rated voltage as indicated on the data plate.
Rated current [A]: motor rated current, approximately, the value should not be less than 0.3 times the rated current of the
drive, output current class 1 @ 400V on the rating plate of the drive.
Rated speed [rpm] : motor rated speed; see data plate.
Pole pairs: Number of motor pole pairs. The number of motor pole pairs is calculated using the data on the plate and
the following formula: P = 60 [s] x f [Hz] / nN [rpm]
Where: p = motor pole pairs
f = motor rated frequency (menu 16 MOTOR DATA par. 2006)
nN = motor rated speed (menu 16 MOTOR DATA par. 2004)
Torque constant (KT) : (KT) Ratio between the torque generated by the motor and the current required to supply it.
EMF constant : (KE = KT / √3) Electromotive force constant, which represents the ratio between motor voltage and motor
rated speed.

Note ! When data entry is complete the Take parameters command (menu 16 MOTOR DATA, PAR: 2020) is
executed automatically. The motor data entered during the STARTUP WIZARD procedure are saved in
a RAM memory to enable the drive to perform the necessary calculations.
These data are lost if the device is switched off. To save the motor data follow the procedure described
in Step 6.

At the end of the procedure, proceed to Step 3.

90 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Step 3 - Autotune of the motor
The drive carries out the motor autotune procedure (real measurement of motor
Autotune may last a few minutes.

Note ! If this operation generates an error message (example Error code 1), check the connections of the
power and control circuits (see Step 1 - Connections), check motor data settings (see Step 2 – Motor
data setting) and then repeat the Autotune procedure (or, alternatively, select a different type of proce-
dure (Rotation or Still)

Step 3A - Self-tuning with rotating motor (Autotune rotation)

Use this procedure when the motor is not coupled or the transmission does not
represent more than 5% of the load. This procedure obtains the most accurate

Note ! Autotuning can be cancelled at any time by pressing

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL


Run autotune rot ? E Close Enable input Autotune rotation Open Enable input
Press E to execute Progress 5%
E=Yes Down=Next Esc=Abort Press Esc to abort

Connect terminal 7 (Enable) to terminal C3 (+24Vdc).

To interrupt this operation, press the ESC key.

Note ! At the end of the self-tuning procedure there is a request to open the Enable contact (terminals
7 – S3); the Take tune parameters command (menu 16 MOTOR DATA, PAR: 2078) is automatically
The calculated parameters are saved in a RAM memory to enable the drive to perform the neces-
sary calculations. These data are lost if the device is switched off. To save the motor data follow the
procedure described in Step 6.

When the Enable contact is opened the drive proposes Step 4 to proceed with the wizard.

Step 3B - Self-tuning with motor at stand-still or coupled to the load

(Autotune still)
Use this procedure when the motor is coupled to a mechanical transmission
and cannot be made to rotate freely.

May cause limited rotation of the shaft.

Peut entraîner une rotation de l’arbre limitée.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 91

Note ! Autotuning can be cancelled at any time by pressing

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL


Run autotune still ? E Close Enable input Autotune still Open Enable input
Press E to execute Progress 5%
E=Yes Down=Next Esc=Abort Press Esc to abort

Connect terminal 7 (Enable) to terminal C3 (+24Vdc)

Note ! At the end of the self-tuning procedure there is a request to open the Enable contact (terminals
7 – S3); the Take tune parameters command (menu 16 MOTOR DATA, PAR: 2078) is automatically
The calculated parameters are saved in a RAM memory to enable the drive to perform the neces-
sary calculations. These data are lost if the device is switched off. To save the motor data follow the
procedure described in Step 6.

When the Enable contact is opened the drive proposes Step 4 to proceed with the wizard.

Step 4 - Setting encoder parameters

For Flux vector CL mode only (Menu 04 DRIVE CONFIG, parameter 04.2 Regula-
tion mode, PAR: 552, default=Flux vector CL).

Note !
Following procedure is valid with EXP-SESC-I1R1F2-ADV optional card installed

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

03 STARTUP WIZARD SEQ.01 PA R : 210 0 SEQ.01 PA R : 210 0 SEQ.01 PA R : 210 0

Set encoder param? E Encoder resolution E Encoder resolution Full scale speed
2048 ppr 000002048 ppr 000002048 ppr
E=Yes Down=Next Def: 2048 Def: 2048 Def: 2048

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

SEQ.02 PA R : 210 2 SEQ.02 PA R : 210 2 S E Q . 02 PA R : 210 2

Encoder supply E Encoder supply Encoder supply

5.2 V 0000005.2 V 0000005.2 V
Def: 5.2 Def: 5.2 Def: 5.2

An incorrect encoder voltage setting could result in permanent damage to the device. Check the value
on the encoder data plate.

92 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Step 5 - Encoder phasing

For Flux vector CL mode only (Menu 04 DRIVE CONFIG, parameter 04.2 Regu-
lation mode, PAR: 552, default=Flux vector CL).

This procedure can be avoided if “SBM” series motors (supplied by Gefran) are used.

The drives have a command to start automatic phasing of the encoder. This proce-
dure can be run with the motor shaft in rotation and with the shaft stopped (the
brake must be blocked).

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

03 STARTUP WIZARD SEQ.01 PA R : 2024 Autophase Autophase

Run phasing still ? E Autophase E
Press E to execute Progress 0% Progress 10 %
E=Yes Down=Next Close Enable input Press ESC to abort
(1) (2) (3) (4)

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

Autophase Autophase

Progress 100 % Done

Open Enable input

With regard to phasing with the motor stopped, with the Autophase still mode
parameter (PAR 2194) you can select two different methods based on the different
characteristics of synchronous motors on the market.
We recommend using Mode 1 as the first option. If Mode 1 does not run cor-
rectly, the motor (due to its constructive characteristics) requires a different mode
(i.e., Mode 2 ).

If an incremental digital encoder is used, you can select different methods for
phasing the motor with the Autophase still run parameter (PAR 2196): via
“Autophase rotation” dedicate command or by Wizard procedure, only at the first
enabling of the drive ( “First enable” selection) or at each enabling of the drive
(“Each enable” selection).

Phasing must be repeated whenever:

- the drive is replaced (alternatively, download parameters taken from previous
- the motor is replaced
- the encoder is replaced.

Note ! For further information see parameters 15.15 PAR 2190 Autophase rotation and 15.16 PAR 2192
Autophase still in the Description of functions and list of parameters manual).
See section A.3.2 Phasing in the Appendix for further information.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 93

Step 6 - Setting the maximum speed reference value (Set max speed)

This step is used to define the maximum motor speed value that can be reached
with each single reference signal (analog or digital).

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

STARTUP WIZARD SEQ.01 PA R : 680 SEQ.01 PA R : 680 SEQ.01 PA R : 680

Set max speed ? E Full scale speed E Full scale speed Full scale speed
+ 1500 rpm + 000001500 rpm + 000000750 rpm
E=Yes Down=Next Def: +1500 Def: +1500 Def: +1500

After setting the speed, proceed to Step 5 to set the acceleration and deceleration
ramp parameters.

Step 7 - Setting ramp parameters (Set ramps)

Set the acceleration and deceleration times for the profile of ramp 0 :

PAR: 700 PAR: 700 T

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

STARTUP WIZARD SEQ.01 PA R : 700 SEQ.02 PA R : 702

Set ramps ? E Acceleration time 0 Deceleration time 0

+ 10.00 s + 10.00 s
E=Yes Down=Next Def: +10.00 Def: +10.00

Note ! After setting the acceleration and deceleration ramps, the parameters that have been set manually and
calculated using the self-tuning procedures can be saved permanently in a non-volatile flash memory.
To save the parameters proceed to Step 8.

Step 8 - Saving parameters (Save parameters)

To save the new parameter settings, so that they are maintained also after power-
off, proceed as follows:
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

Save parameters ? E Save parameters E Save parameters Save parameters End of sequence !
Press E to execute In progress Done
E=Yes Down=Next Up=Back Down=Exit

94 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Step 9 – Setting the synchronous motor in “Flux Vect OL” mode
(sensorless) for a typically variable torque-type load with OL control
Menu 04 CONFIG DRIVE, parameter 04.2 Regulation mode, PAR: 552, set = [1]
Flux vector OL .

Test with no load applied to the motor

1. Close the Enable contact (terminals S3 – 7)
2. Close the FR forward src contact (PAR 1042), terminals S3 – 8. The drive
starts magnetising the motor.
3. Using the potentiometer, gradually increase the reference signal until reaching
the maximum speed.
4. Open the FR forward src contact (PAR 1042), terminals S3 – 8, until reaching
the minimum set speed requested by the application.
5. Check that the ramp is linear and, once the set value has been reached, that
the speed remains stable.
Test with rated load applied to the motor
1. Close the Enable contact (terminals S3 – 7)
2. Close the FR forward src contact (PAR 1042), terminals S3 – 8. The drive
starts magnetising the motor.
3. Using the potentiometer, gradually increase the reference signal until reaching
the maximum speed.
4. Open the FR forward src contact (PAR 1042), terminals S3 – 8, until reaching
the minimum set speed requested by the application.

If the motor with the load applied has difficulty starting:

increase the value of SLS id current corr (PAR 7014) (this value depends on the
size of the drive) in steps of 10% until the problem is eliminated.
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

21.04 PA R : 7014 21.04 PA R : 7014

19 REGULATOR PARAM SLS id current corr E SLS id current corr
20 TORQUE CONFIG x3 7.36 A 0000007.36 A
21 SENSORLESS Def: 7.36 Def: 7.36

If mechanical vibrations occur during steady state operation:

reduce the value of SLS id current corr (PAR 7014) (this value depends on the
size of the drive) in steps of 10% so as to reach a compromise with that stated
above, also changing parameter SLS obs speed gain (PAR 7022) in steps of 0.
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

21.08 PA R : 7022 21.08 PA R : 7022

19 REGULATOR PARAM SLS obs speed gain E SLS obs speed gain
20 TORQUE CONFIG ... 1.000 00001.000
21 SENSORLESS Def: 1.000 Def: 1.000

If current overloads occur during steady state operation:

with the drive disabled and the Enable contact (terminals S3 – 7) open, change
parameter SLS id sel ctrl (PAR 7020) by selecting control “[1] Advanced”.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 95

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

21.07 PA R : 7020 21.07 PA R : 7020

19 REGULATOR PARAM SLS id sel ctrl E SLS id sel ctrl
20 TORQUE CONFIG ... Normal Advanced
21 SENSORLESS Value 0 Value 1

If vibrations are present at Start, modify the following parameters:

Enable parameter SLS rotor alignment (PAR 7048) and perform the alignment
procedure as follows:
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

21.19 PA R : 7048 21.19 PA R : 7048

19 REGULATOR PARAM SLS rotor alignment E SLS rotor alignment
20 TORQUE CONFIG ... Disable Enable
21 SENSORLESS Value 0 Value 1

1. Close the Enable contact (terminals S3 – 7)

2. Set Speed reference = 0
3. Close the FR forward src contact (PAR 1042), terminals S3 – 8.
4. Wait 1 second (value set in parameter PAR 7050), gradually increase the
reference signal using the potentiometer, until exceeding 10% of the maximum
5. Using the potentiometer again, reduce the speed reference signal to zero.
6. Open the FR forward src contact (PAR 1042), terminals S3 – 8.

If the vibrations have not been entirely eliminated, increase the value of parameter
SLS max speed OL (PAR 7012) in steps of 10% until reaching the best working
T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

21.03 PA R : 7012 21.03 PA R : 7012

19 REGULATOR PARAM SLS max speed OL E SLS max speed OL
20 TORQUE CONFIG x2 120rpm 000000120 rpm
21 SENSORLESS Def: 120 Def: 120

To save the new parameter settings, so that they are maintained also after power-
off, proceed as follows:

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

0 4.01 PA R : 550 0 4.01 PA R : 550 0 4.01 PA R : 550

02 DRIVE INFO Save parameters E Save parameters Save parameters
03 STARTUP WIZARD Press E to execute In progress Done

96 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

7.2 First customized start-up
In this section a startup test is performed, using a standard configuration, to check
drive functioning and command connections.
A programming sequence has to be run to achieve a first simple customisation in
order to be able to set the drive for the requested application.

Note !
The main sections to be used, depending on the desired configuration, are
described below.

• Typical connection diagrams

Auxiliary control circuits �������������������������������� see chapter 5.6, figure 5.6.1
Typical connection diagram, connection through terminals strip ��� see chapter 5.6, figure 5.6.2
Potentials of the control section, Digital I/O PNP connection ������ see chapter 5.2.4, figure
Other inputs connections (NPN-PNP) ����������������������� see chapter 5.2.4, figure
NPN outputs connection �������������������������������� see chapter 5.2.4, figure

• Digital inputs
The table on chapter 5.2.3 shows the default settings for the analog and digital
inputs and outputs.

Note ! Digital input settings can only be edited from the Expert parameters, see paragraph “6.5.2 Selection of
Easy / Export mode”, page 70.

7.2.1 For Asynchronous Motors

• Selecting the regulation mode
First set the regulation mode in the Regulation mode parameter (04 DRIVE CON-
FIG menu, PAR: 552) :

0 V/f control. This is the simplest and least advanced control mode. This mode
can also be used to control several motors connected in parallel using a single
1 Open loop field-oriented vector control (Flux vector OL). In this mode,
once the motor parameter self-tuning procedure has been performed, it is
possible to create a mathematical model on which to perform all the neces-
sary calculations in order to obtain high performance levels, especially high
motor torque levels, even at very low speeds without the use of feedback, and
achieve significant dynamic performance.
2 Closed loop field-oriented vector control (Flux vector CL). This mode can
be used to obtain maximum drive-motor efficiency in terms of speed precision,
dynamic system response and motor torque regulation. It requires feedback
by a digital encoder keyed to the motor shaft and connected to the relative
optional expansion card mounted in the drive.

• Selecting the type of reference

After setting the regulation mode, the source of the speed reference must be set in
the Ramp ref 1 src parameter (05 REFERENCES menu, PAR: 610). This source
can be selected from among those listed in the L_MLTREF selection list:

1 Analog input 1 mon parameter (PAR: 1500) to use the signal applied to

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 97

terminals 1 – 2 of analog input 1 (14 - ANALOG INPUTS menu).
2 Dig ramp ref 1 parameter (05 - REFERENCES menu, PAR: 600) to set a
digital speed inside the drive.
3 Multi ref out mon parameter (07 - MULTI REFERENCE menu, PAR: 852) to
select the digital speeds using the digital inputs of the drive.
4 Mpot output mon parameter (08 - MOTOPOTENTIOMETER menu, PAR:
894) to use the internal motor potentiometer of the drive. If sending the com-
mand from the operator keypad, to use the motor potentiometer function enter
the Mpot setpoint parameter (PAR: 870) modify mode and press the Up (▲)
and Down (▼) keys.
5 Jog output mon parameter (09 - JOG FUNCTION menu, PAR: 920) to use
one of the drive’s internal jog speeds.

Signals from expansion cards, the serial line or fieldbus can also be set as speed
references (see the detailed description of parameters).

• Setting the type of analog reference

If the analog input has been selected, choose the type of signal to use in the Ana-
log inp 1 type parameter (14 - ANALOG INPUTS menu, PAR.1502):
0 ± 10V
1 0-20mA o 0-10V
2 4-20mA
As well as programming the Analog inp 1 type parameter (PAR:1502) you must
also verify the position of the switches on the regulation card, as showed on
chapter 5.2.4.

• Ramps setting
The acceleration and deceleration ramps can be set in Acceleration time 0 (06 -
RAMPS menu, PAR: 700) and Deceleration time 0 (PAR: 702).
The signal available on the analog input can be adjusted using Analog inp 1
scale parameter (14 - ANALOG INPUTS menu, PAR: 1504), An inp 1 offset
tune parameter (PAR: 1506) and An inp 1 gain tune parameter (PAR: 1508).
To use a digital speed to control the drive, enter it in the Dig ramp ref 1 parameter
(05 - REFERENCES menu, PAR: 600).
The ramps are the same used with the reference signal from the analog input.

• Multispeed
To use more than one digital speed, use the multi-speed function.
First select the source of the speed signals Multi ref 0 src and Multi ref 1 src (07
- MULTI REFERENCE menu, PAR: 832 e 834) from the L_MLTREF selection list.
Next define which digital inputs are to perform switching between the various
speeds; use the Multi ref sel .. src parameters (PAR: from 840 to 846) to select
the signals to use from the L_DIGSEL2 selection list. Set the desired speeds in
the Multi reference 0...7 parameters (PAR: from 800 to 814).
Also in this case the ramps can be set in the Acceleration time 0 parameter
(06 - RAMPS menu, PAR: 700) and Deceleration time 0 parameter (PAR: 702)

• Motor potentiometer
To use the motor potentiometer, the signals to increase or decrease the reference

98 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

must be defined: set the Mpot up src parameter (08 - MOTOPOTENTIOMETER
menu, PAR: 884) and Mpot down src parameter (PAR: 886) parameters respec-
tively to increase and decrease the reference using selection list L_DIGSEL2.
Set the motor potentiometer ramps using Mpot acceleration (PAR: 872) and
Mpot deceleration parameters (PAR: 874).

• Jog
Finally, for Jog mode, select the control terminal in the Jog cmd + src parameter
(09 - JOG FUNCTION menu, PAR: 916), using a signal from selection list L_DIG-
The Jog speed must be written in the Jog setpoint parameter (PAR: 910), while
the acceleration and deceleration ramps can be set, respectively, in Jog accelera-
tion (PAR: 912) and Jog deceleration parameters (PAR: 914).

• Speed limits
After selecting the reference, set the speed limits in the following parameters (05 -
- Full scale speed (PAR: 680). Setting of the maximum motor speed, which
usually coincides with the rated speed indicated on the motor data plate.
- Speed ref top lim (PAR: 670). Upper speed limit: the maximum setting is
200% of the Full scale speed.
- Speed ref bottom lim (PAR: 672). Lower speed limit: the maximum setting is
-200% of the Full scale speed.
- Overspeed threshold (24 - ALARM CONFIG menu, PAR: 4540). Overspeed
alarm limit.

• Input and Output terminals

The default setting of the input terminals is as follows:
- Terminal 7 Digital input E Enable
- Terminal 8 Digital input 1 FR forward src, PAR 1042
- Terminal 9 Digital input 2 FR reverse src, PAR 1044
- Terminal 10 Digital input 3 Null (not assigned)
- Terminal 11 Digital input 4 Null (not assigned)
- Terminal 12 Digital input 5 Fault reset src
- Terminal S3 + 24V OUT I/O supply

The default configuration of the terminals dedicated to digital outputs are as fol-
- Terminal R14 Digital output 1 Drive OK (Relay 1)
- Terminal R11 COM Digital output 1 Common digital output 1 (Relay 1)
- Terminal R24 Digital output 2 Drive ready (Relay 2)
- Terminal R21 COM Digital output 2 Common digital output 2 (Relay 2)
- Terminal 13 Digital output 3 Speed is 0 delay
- Terminal IC1 COM Digital output 3/4 Common ref. for digital outputs 3 / 4
- Terminal 14 Digital output 4 Ref is 0 delay
- Terminal IS1 PS Digital output 3/4 Digital outputs 3 / 4 power supply

Signals for the digital outputs can be programmed using the Digital output 1...4
src parameters (13 - DIGITAL OUTPUTS menu, PAR: from 1310 to 1316) using
the settings in the L_DIGSEL1 selection list.

The drive also includes two analog outputs which are not factory-set. These
outputs must be enabled by setting Analog out 1 src (15 - ANALOG OUTPUTS
menu, PAR: 1800) and Analog out 2 src parameters (PAR: 1802) with a signal

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 99

selected from selection list L_ANOUT.
The signal available on analog output 1 is ± 10V, while the analog output 2 signal
can be selected using the Analog out 2 type parameter (PAR: 1848) between:
0 0-20mA
1 4-20mA
2 ± 10V

The analog output signal can be adjusted using Analog out 1 scale (PAR: 1808)
and Analog out 2 scale parameters (PAR:1810).

• Setting an analog output for reading a temperature sensor

2 Analog input 1

3 Analog output 1
4 Analog input 2
0V C1

Analog output 2 6


The following is a description of the commissioning procedure to use the drive’s

ADV200 regulation card to acquire the temperature of a motor with KTY84 / PTC
• The sensor can be powered via analog output 2 of the ADV200: connect the
signal to analog output 2 as shown (input 1 can be used as an alternative).
• Set analog output 2 to “current” via the Jumper (S3=I).
• Set analog output 2 (or 1) to voltage via the Jumper (S2=V or S1=V).
• On the ANALOG OUTPUTS menu, assign the value “0..20mA” to the Ana-
log out 2 type parameter (PAR 1848).
• On the ANALOG INPUTS menu, assign the value “-10V..+10V” to Analog
inp 2 type parameter (PAR 1552) or to the Analog inp 1 type parameter
(PAR 1502).
• On the ANALOG OUTPUTS menu, assign the selection “Null” to the Analog
out 2 src parameter (PAR 1802), which sets a null current in output.
• On the ANALOG INPUTS menu, run automatic calibration of the analog
offset of the selected output: 1 or 2 via the An inp 1 offset tune parameter
(PAR 1506) or the An inp 2 offset tune parameter (PAR 1556).
• On the ANALOG OUTPUTS menu, assign the selection “KTY84/PTC cur-
rent” to the Analog out 2 src parameter (PAR 1802), which lets you set a
current of 2mA in output to power the temperature sensor.
• On the ALARM CONFIG menu, assign the value “KTY84 An1” or “KTY84
An2” (“PTCAn1” or “PTC An2”), depending on the analog output selected, to
the MotorOT probe parameter (PAR 4530).
• On the MONITOR menu, the Motor temperature parameter (PAR 290)
displays the motor temperature in °C (if KTY84 is selected).
• On the ALARM CONFIG menu, the MotorOT mon parameter (PAR 4536)
displays sensor resistance in ohms or °C.
• On the ANALOG INPUTS menu, the Analog inp 1 filter parameter (PAR
1510) or Analog inp 2 filter parameter (PAR 1560) can be used to filter the
resistance and temperature measurements.

100 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

• Setting the mechanical brake function (Hoist mode 1)

• Basic connections

R1 S1-
- 10V
(2 ... 5 kohm)
2 Analog input 1

+24V OUT
Enable 7
Dig.inp E Holding Brake
FR forward src 8 R21 Aux Relay coil
Dig.inp 1 BRK
FR reverse src 9
Dig.inp 2 R24

COM-DI Dig. Output 2
C3 (Relay 2)
0V 24V

Set the following parameters as shown in the “Set to” column:

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

13.02 PAR: 1312 13.02 PAR: 1312

11 COMMANDS Digital output 2 src E Digital output 2 src
12 DIGITAL INPUTS Drive ready Drive ready
13 DIGITAL OUTPUTS Value: 1064 Value: 1064

Menu PAR Description Default Set to

Selection of the function of digital output 2
13.2 1312 Dital output 2 src Drive ready Brake control mon
(another available digital output may be used)

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

22 .13.01 PAR: 3170 22 .13.01 PAR: 3170

20 TORQUE CONFIG 22.12 VDC CONTROL Brake control funct E Brake control funct
21 SENSORLESS x2 22.13 BRAKE CONTROL Disable x2 Hoist mode 1
22 FUNCTIONS 22.14 DIMENSION FACT Value: 0 Value: 3

Menu PAR Description Default Set to

This parameter is used to enable the Brake Control
22.13.1 3170 Brake control funct Disable Hoist mode 1
function mode.
Setting of the delay for opening an external mechanical Based on customer
22.13.2 3172 Brake open delay 0.20
brake. application
Setting of the delay to reach the motor zero speed before Based on customer
22.13.3 3174 Brake close delay 0.20
closing the brake. application
Based on customer
22.13.4 3176 Brake open spd thr Setting of the brake opening speed threshold value 0
Based on customer
22.13.5 3178 Brake close spd thr Setting of the brake closing speed threshold value 0
Torque ref%
Selection of the type of comparison between the brake Output
22.13.6 3182 Brake open thr sel (for Flux vector OL
opening threshold value and the torque or current value. curr
and Flux vector CL)
Based on customer
22.13.7 3184 Brake open thr Value of the threshold at which the comparison is made 10
PAR Based on customer
22.13.8 3186 Brake open thr src Selection of the origin (source) of the signal to be used
3184 application

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 101

• Basic settings to control asynchronous multi-windings motor

Through two separate inverters in Master-Slave configuration, it is possible to

control only motors with separate windings, isolated and in phase with each other.
For this operating mode, only the “Flux vector CL” operating mode is possible and
a motor equipped with an encoder is required.

Here below are indicated all necessary setting to control asynchronous “multi-
windings” motor by using drives in Master/Slave configuration. The function is
managed via Fast Link communication (requires EXP-FL-XCAN-ADV card).

The Master drive sends to the Slave drive the three control variables (PAR 220
Theta mon, PAR 224 Flux ref mon, and PAR 2388 Torque ref nofilter) needed
to command the function.

Below configuration is required for the MASTER drive:

PAR 222 Theta ref src set to “Theta ref mon” (default)
PAR 226 Flux ref src set to “Flux ref mon” (default)
PAR 5730 FL Fwd 1 src set to “Theta ref mon”
PAR 5732 FL Fwd 2 src set to “Flux ref mon”
PAR 5734 FL Fwd 3 src set to “Torque ref nofilter”
PAR 6208 Ctrl mode mon set to “Ramp”

Save the setting, switch the drive off and on again to make the enabling effective.

Below configuration is required for the SLAVE drive:

PAR 222 Theta ref src set to “FL Fwd 1 mon”
PAR 226 Flux ref src set to “FL Fwd 2 mon”
PAR 2382 Torque ref 1 src set to “FL Fwd 3 mon”
PAR 6208 Ctrl mode mon set to “Torque”.

Save the setting, switch the drive off and on again to make the enabling effective.

• Keypad
Use the LOC / REM key with the Enable input open (terminal 7 on terminal strip
T2) to control running, to stop and reverse the direction of rotation of the motor
using the operator keypad on the drive. Use the potentiometer or an analog signal
to control speed.
For information on how to use a digital speed reference, see the example on para-
graph “7.3.3 Variable interconnections mode”, page 109. The reference can have a positive or
negative value, making it possible to reverse the direction of rotation of the motor.

When the Enable input is closed, to enable motor running press START. The mo-
tor starts the acceleration ramp and moves to the speed set in the FWD direction.
With the motor running you can adjust the speed using the PAR 602 Dig ramp
ref 2 (or PAR 604 Dig ramp ref 3, in this case modify also the selection PAR 614

102 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Ramp ref 3 src to PAR 604 Dig ramp ref 3), and the acceleration/deceleration
ramps using Acceleration time 0 (PAR: 700) and Deceleration time 0 (PAR:

To change the direction of rotation press FWD/REV.

To stop the motor with the deceleration ramp, press STOP.
If the Enable contact is opened the inverter bridge is immediately disabled and the
motor stops for inertia

To return to control using the terminal strip commands and analog speed reference:
1. Stop the motor
2. Open the Enable terminal
3. Press LOC / REM key.

Note ! For more customizations and any information that is not included in this initial customization guide, see
the description of the parameters in this manual.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 103

7.2.2 For Synchronous Motors, Flux vector CL and Flux vector OL control

Note ! At start-up, the synchronous motor may turn slightly in the direction opposite to that of rotation. This
may depend on the parameter settings, the position of the rotor and the inertia/load applied.

• Selecting the regulation mode

First set the regulation mode in the Regulation mode parameter (04 DRIVE CON-
FIG menu, PAR: 552) :

1 Open-loop field-oriented vector control (sensorless).

(Flux vector OL) In this mode, once the motor parameter self-tuning procedure
has been performed, it is possible to create a mathematical model on which to
perform all the necessary calculations in order to obtain high performance levels,
especially high motor torque levels, even at very low speeds without the use of
feedback, and achieve high dynamic performance increasingly similar to closed-
loop operation.

2 Closed loop field-oriented vector control.

(Flux vector CL) This mode can be used to obtain maximum drive-motor effi-
ciency in terms of speed precision, dynamic system response and motor torque
regulation. It requires feedback by a digital encoder keyed to the motor shaft
and connected to the relative optional expansion card mounted in the drive.

• Inertia
Set the value of inertia applied to the motor axis in the Inertia parameter (menu 18

• Selecting the type of reference

After setting the regulation mode, the source of the speed reference must be set in
the Ramp ref 1 src parameter (05 REFERENCES menu, PAR: 610). This source
can be selected from among those listed in the L_MLTREF selection list:

1 Analog input 1 mon parameter (PAR: 1500) to use the signal applied to
terminals 1 – 2 of analog input 1 (14 - ANALOG INPUTS menu).
2 Dig ramp ref 1 parameter (05 - REFERENCES menu, PAR: 600) to set a
digital speed inside the drive.
3 Multi ref out mon parameter (07 - MULTI REFERENCE menu, PAR: 852) to
select the digital speeds using the digital inputs of the drive.
4 Mpot output mon parameter (08 - MOTOPOTENTIOMETER menu, PAR:
894) to use the internal motor potentiometer of the drive. If sending the com-
mand from the operator keypad, to use the motor potentiometer function enter
the Mpot setpoint parameter (PAR: 870) modify mode and press the Up (▲)
and Down (▼) keys.
5 Jog output mon parameter (09 - JOG FUNCTION menu, PAR: 920) to use
one of the drive’s internal jog speeds.
Signals from expansion cards, the serial line or fieldbus can also be set as speed
references (see the detailed description of parameters).

• Setting the type of analog reference

If the analog input has been selected, choose the type of signal to use in the Ana-
log inp 1 type parameter (14 - ANALOG INPUTS menu, PAR.1502):

104 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

0 ± 10V
1 0-20mA o 0-10V
2 4-20mA
As well as programming the Analog inp 1 type parameter (PAR:1502) you must
also verify the position of the switches on the regulation card, as showed on
chapter 5.2.4.

• Ramps setting
The acceleration and deceleration ramps can be set in Acceleration time 0 (06 -
RAMPS menu, PAR: 700) and Deceleration time 0 (PAR: 702).
The signal available on the analog input can be adjusted using Analog inp 1
scale parameter (14 - ANALOG INPUTS menu, PAR: 1504), An inp 1 offset
tune parameter (PAR: 1506) and An inp 1 gain tune parameter (PAR: 1508).
To use a digital speed to control the drive, enter it in the Dig ramp ref 1 parameter
(05 - REFERENCES menu, PAR: 600).
The ramps are the same used with the reference signal from the analog input.

• Multispeed
To use more than one digital speed, use the multi-speed function.
First select the source of the speed signals Multi ref 0 src and Multi ref 1 src (07
- MULTI REFERENCE menu, PAR: 832 e 834) from the L_MLTREF selection list.
Next define which digital inputs are to perform switching between the various
speeds; use the Multi ref sel .. src parameters (PAR: from 840 to 846) to select
the signals to use from the L_DIGSEL2 selection list. Set the desired speeds in
the Multi reference 0...7 parameters (PAR: from 800 to 814).
Also in this case the ramps can be set in the Acceleration time 0 parameter
(06 - RAMPS menu, PAR: 700) and Deceleration time 0 parameter (PAR: 702)

• Motor potentiometer
To use the motor potentiometer, the signals to increase or decrease the reference
must be defined: set the Mpot up src parameter (08 - MOTOPOTENTIOMETER
menu, PAR: 884) and Mpot down src parameter (PAR: 886) parameters respec-
tively to increase and decrease the reference using selection list L_DIGSEL2.
Set the motor potentiometer ramps using Mpot acceleration (PAR: 872) and
Mpot deceleration parameters (PAR: 874).

• Jog
Finally, for Jog mode, select the control terminal in the Jog cmd + src parameter
(09 - JOG FUNCTION menu, PAR: 916), using a signal from selection list L_DIG-
The Jog speed must be written in the Jog setpoint parameter (PAR: 910), while
the acceleration and deceleration ramps can be set, respectively, in Jog accelera-
tion (PAR: 912) and Jog deceleration parameters (PAR: 914).

• Speed limits
After selecting the reference, set the speed limits in the following parameters (05 -
- Full scale speed (PAR: 680). Setting of the maximum motor speed, which
usually coincides with the rated speed indicated on the motor data plate.
- Speed ref top lim (PAR: 670). Upper speed limit: the maximum setting is

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 105

200% of the Full scale speed.
- Speed ref bottom lim (PAR: 672). Lower speed limit: the maximum setting is
-200% of the Full scale speed.
- Overspeed threshold (24 - ALARM CONFIG menu, PAR: 4540). Overspeed
alarm limit.

• Input and Output terminals

The default setting of the input terminals is as follows:
- Terminal 7 Digital input E Enable
- Terminal 8 Digital input 1 FR forward src, PAR 1042
- Terminal 9 Digital input 2 FR reverse src, PAR 1044
- Terminal 10 Digital input 3 Null (not assigned)
- Terminal 11 Digital input 4 Null (not assigned)
- Terminal 12 Digital input 5 Fault reset src
- Terminal S3 + 24V OUT I/O supply

The default configuration of the terminals dedicated to digital outputs are as follows:
- Terminal R14 Digital output 1 Drive OK (Relay 1)
- Terminal R11 COM Digital output 1 Common digital output 1 (Relay 1)
- Terminal R24 Digital output 2 Drive ready (Relay 2)
- Terminal R21 COM Digital output 2 Common digital output 2 (Relay 2)
- Terminal 13 Digital output 3 Speed is 0 delay
- Terminal IC1 COM Digital output 3/4 Common ref. for digital outputs 3 / 4
- Terminal 14 Digital output 4 Ref is 0 delay
- Terminal IS1 PS Digital output 3/4 Digital outputs 3 / 4 power supply

Signals for the digital outputs can be programmed using the Digital output 1...4
src parameters (13 - DIGITAL OUTPUTS menu, PAR: from 1310 to 1316) using
the settings in the L_DIGSEL1 selection list.

The drive also includes two analog outputs which are not factory-set. These
outputs must be enabled by setting Analog out 1 src (15 - ANALOG OUTPUTS
menu, PAR: 1800) and Analog out 2 src parameters (PAR: 1802) with a signal
selected from selection list L_ANOUT.
The signal available on analog output 1 is ± 10V, while the analog output 2 signal
can be selected using the Analog out 2 type parameter (PAR: 1848) between:
0 0-20mA
1 4-20mA
2 ± 10V

The analog output signal can be adjusted using Analog out 1 scale (PAR: 1808)
and Analog out 2 scale parameters (PAR:1810).

106 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

• Setting an analog output for reading a temperature sensor

2 Analog input 1

3 Analog output 1
4 Analog input 2
0V C1

Analog output 2 6


The following is a description of the commissioning procedure to use the drive’s

ADV200 regulation card to acquire the temperature of a motor with KTY84 / PTC
• The sensor can be powered via analog output 2 of the ADV200: connect the
signal to analog output 2 as shown (input 1 can be used as an alternative).
• Set analog output 2 to “current” via the Jumper (S3=I).
• Set analog output 2 (or 1) to voltage via the Jumper (S2=V or S1=V).
• On the ANALOG OUTPUTS menu, assign the value “0..20mA” to the Ana-
log out 2 type parameter (PAR 1848).
• On the ANALOG INPUTS menu, assign the value “-10V..+10V” to Analog
inp 2 type parameter (PAR 1552) or to the Analog inp 1 type parameter
(PAR 1502).
• On the ANALOG OUTPUTS menu, assign the selection “Null” to the Analog
out 2 src parameter (PAR 1802), which sets a null current in output.
• On the ANALOG INPUTS menu, run automatic calibration of the analog
offset of the selected output: 1 or 2 via the An inp 1 offset tune parameter
(PAR 1506) or the An inp 2 offset tune parameter (PAR 1556).
• On the ANALOG OUTPUTS menu, assign the selection “KTY84/PTC cur-
rent” to the Analog out 2 src parameter (PAR 1802), which lets you set a
current of 2mA in output to power the temperature sensor.
• On the ALARM CONFIG menu, assign the value “KTY84 An1” or “KTY84
An2” (“PTCAn1” or “PTC An2”), depending on the analog output selected, to
the MotorOT probe parameter (PAR 4530).
• On the MONITOR menu, the Motor temperature parameter (PAR 290)
displays the motor temperature in °C (if KTY84 is selected).
• On the ALARM CONFIG menu, the MotorOT mon parameter (PAR 4536)
displays sensor resistance in ohms or °C.
• On the ANALOG INPUTS menu, the Analog inp 1 filter parameter (PAR
1510) or Analog inp 2 filter parameter (PAR 1560) can be used to filter the
resistance and temperature measurements.

• Keypad
Use the LOC / REM key with the Enable input open (terminal 7 on terminal strip
T2) to control running, to stop and reverse the direction of rotation of the motor
using the operator keypad on the drive. Use the potentiometer or an analog signal
to control speed.
For information on how to use a digital speed reference, see the example on chap-
ter “7.3.3 Variable interconnections mode”, page 109. The reference can have a positive or
negative value, making it possible to reverse the direction of rotation of the motor.

When the Enable input is closed, to enable motor running press START. The mo-
tor starts the acceleration ramp and moves to the speed set in the FWD direction.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 107

With the motor running you can adjust the speed using the PAR 602 Dig ramp
ref 2 (or PAR 604 Dig ramp ref 3, in this case modify also the selection PAR 614
Ramp ref 3 src to PAR 604 Dig ramp ref 3), and the acceleration/deceleration
ramps using Acceleration time 0 (PAR: 700) and Deceleration time 0 (PAR:

To change the direction of rotation press FWD/REV.

To stop the motor with the deceleration ramp, press STOP.
If the Enable contact is opened the inverter bridge is immediately disabled and the
motor stops for inertia

To return to control using the terminal strip commands and analog speed reference:
1. Stop the motor
2. Open the Enable terminal
3. Press LOC / REM key.

Note ! For more customizations and any information that is not included in this initial customization guide, see
the description of the parameters in this manual.

108 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

7.3 Programming
7.3.1 Menu display modes
The programming menu can be displayed in two modes, which can be selected
using the Access mode parameter (04 - DRIVE CONFIG menu), see paragraph
“6.5.2 Selection of Easy / Export mode”, page 70:

• Easy (default) only the main parameters are displayed.

• Expert all the parameters are displayed.

7.3.2 Programming of “function block” analog and digital input signals

The signals, variables and parameters of each single “function block” of the drive are inter-
connected in order to achieve the configurations and controls inside the control system.
These can be managed and modified using the keypad, PC configurator or field-
bus programming.
The programming mode is based on the following logic:
src (source; i.e.: Ramp ref 1 src, PAR: 610)
This term defines the source of the function block input, i.e. the
signal to be processed in the function block.
The different configurations are defined in the relative selection lists.
cfg (configuration; i.e.: Mpot init cfg, PAR: 880)
This term refers to the parameter setting and its effect on the func-
tion block.
For example: Ramp times, internal reference adjustment, etc...

mon (display; i.e.: Ramp ref 1 mon, PAR: 620)

This term refers to the variable output from the function block, which
is the result of the calculations performed on the actual block.

Function block


Input selected X Variable

src mon
Parameter Parameter

7.3.3 Variable interconnections mode

The source (src) allows the desired control signal to be assigned to the function
block input. This operation is performed by using specific selection lists.

Possible control signal sources:

1 – Physical terminal
The analog and digital signals come from the terminal strip of the regulation card
and/or from those of the expansion cards.
2 – Drive internal variables
Internal drive control system variables, from “function block” calculations, sent via
keypad, PC configurator or fieldbus.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 109

Practical example
The following examples illustrate the philosophies and methods with which more
or less complex operations are performed in the single “function blocks”, the
results of which represent the output of the block.

• Example: Changing the Speed Reference source

The main drive reference (in the default configuration) Ramp ref 1 mon (PAR:
620) is generated by the output of the function block “Ramp setpoint Block”.
Its default source is the Analog input 1 mon signal (PAR: 1500), from the output
of the function block “Analog input 1 Block”, which in this case refers to analog
input 1 of the signal terminal strip.

To change the reference source from the analog input to a digital reference inside
the drive, the input signal must be changed to “Ramp setpoint Block”.
Enter the Ramp ref 1 src parameter (PAR: 610) and set a new reference, select-
ing it from among those listed in the L_MLTREF selection list, for example Dig
ramp ref 1 (PAR: 600).

• Example: Inverting the analog reference signal

To invert the “Analog input 1 Block” output signal, the value of the An inp 1 sign
src parameter (PAR: 1526), which has a default setting of Null (no operation),
must be changed by selecting the source of the command signal from among
those listed in the L_DIGSEL 2 selection list, for example Digital input X mon,
One (function always enabled), etc.

* -1
Terminal input Analog input 1 Block Analog input 1 mon
* +1

An inp 1 alt value

Null An inp 1 sign src

Null An inp 1 alt sel src

Ramp ref 1 src Ramp Setpoint Block Ramp ref 1 mon

Null Ramp ref invert src

The diagrams above illustrate the internal processing philosophy of the single
“function blocks” and the result of these changes on the other interconnected
“function blocks”.

110 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Note ! This section contains a brief description of the functions of the other parameters in the function blocks
not included for the changes in the example.

The An inp 1 alt sel src parameter (PAR: 1528) can be used to select an alterna-
tive reference for the Analog input 1 mon (PAR: 1500) output.

The An inp 1 alt value parameter (PAR: 1524) determines the alternative refer-
ence value for the Analog input 1 mon (PAR: 1500) output.

The Ramp ref invert src parameter (PAR: 616) can be used to select the source
for the command to reverse the “Ramp setpoint” function block output.

The output signal from the “Ramp setpoint” block is displayed in the Ramp ref 1
mon parameter (PAR: 620).

7.3.4 Multiple destination

Several functions can be assigned together to each input: to display which and
how many functions have been assigned to each input, check the relative “dest”
parameter to see whether there is a number shown in square brackets to the right
of the number of the selected parameter (as shown in the figure below).

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

12.09 PA R : 1156

Digital input 3 dest

>> Multi ramp sel 0 src
Value: 722 [1]

If there is a number, press the key to display the next source applied to the se-
lected input.

T+ T- EN LOC ILim n:0 AL

12.09 PA R : 1156

Digital input 3 dest

>> Multi ramp sel 0 src
Value: 840 [2]

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 111

8 - Troubleshooting

8.1 Alarms

Note ! To reset alarms, see paragraph 6.6.1.

In the following table, the Code is visible only from serial line.

Code Error message shown Sub-code Description

on the display

0 No alarm Condition: No alarm present

Condition: DC link overvoltage alarm due to energy recovered from the motor.
1 Overvoltage The voltage arriving at the drive power section is too high compared to the maximum threshold
relating to the PAR 560 Mains voltage parameter setting.
- Extend the deceleration ramp.
- Use a braking resistor between terminals BR1 and BR2 to dissipate the recovered energy
- Use the VDC Control function
Condition: DC link undervoltage alarm.
The voltage arriving at the drive power section is too low compared to the minimum threshold
2 Undervoltage relating to the 560 Mains voltage parameter setting due to:.
- the mains voltage being too low or overextended voltage drops.
- poor cable connections (e.g. loose contactor terminals, inductance, filter, etc. ).
Solution: Check the related connections of the drive power supply and its correct range.
3 Ground fault Condition: Ground short circuit alarm
- Check drive and motor wiring.
- Check that the motor is not grounded.
Condition: Instantaneous overcurrent protection intervention alarm.
4 Overcurrent This may be due to the incorrect setting of current regulator parameters or a short circuit
between phases or ground fault on the drive output.
- Check the current regulator parameters
- Check wiring towards the motor
5 Desaturation Condition: Instantaneous overcurrent in the IGBT bridge alarm.
Solution: Switch the drive off and then switch it on again.
If the alarm persists, contact the technical service centre.
Condition: The number of attempted automatic restarts after the Undervoltage alarm has
6 MultiUndervolt
exceeded the set PAR 4650 UVRep attempts value in the PAR 4652 UVRep delay time.
Solution: Too many Undervoltage alarms.
Adopt the proposed solutions for the Undervoltage alarm.
Condition: 2 attempted automatic restarts after the Overcurrent alarm within 30 seconds. If
7 MultiOvercurr more than 30 seconds pass after the Overcurrent alarm was generated, the attempt counter is
Solution: Too many Overcurrent alarms. Adopt the proposed solutions for the Overcurrent
Condition: 2 attempted at automatic restarts after the Desaturation alarm within 30 seconds.
8 MultiDesat If more than 30 seconds pass after the Desaturation alarm was generated, the attempt counter
is reset.
Solution: Too many Desaturation alarms.
Adopt the proposed solutions for the Desaturation alarm.
9 Heatsink OT Condition: Heatsink temperature too high alarm

112 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

- Verify the correct operation of the cooling fan.
- Check that the heatsinks are not clogged
- Check that the openings for the cabinet cooling air are not blocked.
10 HeatsinkS OTUT Condition: IGBT modules temperature too high or too low alarm
- Verify the correct operation of the cooling fan.
- Check that the heatsinks are not clogged
- Check that the openings for the cabinet cooling air are not blocked.
11 Intakeair OT Condition: Intake drive air temperature too high alarm.

- Check correct fan operation
- Check that the heatsinks are not clogged
- Check temperature in electrical panel.
Condition: Motor overtemperature alarm. Possible causes:
- Load cycle too heavy
- The motor is installed in a place where the ambient temperature is too high
12 Motor OT - If the motor is provided with a blower: the fan is not working
- If the motor is not provided with a blower: the load is too high at slow speeds. Cooling the fan
on the motor shaft is not sufficient for this load cycle.
- The motor is used at less than the rated frequency, causing additional magnetic losses.
- Change the processing cycle.
- Use a cooling fan to cool the motor.
Condition: Drive overload alarm.
13 Drive overload
The overload threshold of the accumulator of the I²t drive thermal image has been exceeded.
Solution: Check that the size of the drive is suitable for the application.
Condition: Motor overload alarm.
14 Motor overload The current absorbed during operation is greater than that specified on the motor data plate. The
overload threshold of the accumulator of the I²t motor thermal image has been exceeded.
- Reduce the motor load.
- Increase the size of the motor.
Condition: Braking resistor overload alarm.
15 Bres overload The current absorbed by the resistor is greater than the rated current. The overload threshold of
the accumulator of the I²t braking resistor thermal image has been exceeded.
Solution: Increase the Watt value of the braking resistor
16 Phase loss Condition: Power phase loss alarm.
Solution: Check the mains voltage and whether any protections upstream of the drive have
been tripped.
17 Opt Bus fault Condition: Error in the configuration stage or communication error.
XXX0H-X If the first digit to the left of “H” in the alarm sub-code is 0, the error regards a
communication problem.
XXXXH-X If the first digit to the left of “H” in the alarm sub-code is other than 0, the error
regards a configuration problem.
Solution: For configuration errors, check the configuration of the bus communication, type of
bus, baudrate, address, parameter setting.
For communication errors verify wiring, resistance of terminations, interference immunity,
timeout settings.
For further details, please refer to the user guide for the specific bus.
18 Opt 1 IO fault Condition: Error in the communication between Regulation and I/O expansion card in slot 1
Solution: Check that it has been inserted correctly, see chapter 10.5.
19 Opt 2 IO fault Condition: Error in the communication between Regulation and I/O expansion card in slot 2 or 3
Solution: Check that it has been inserted correctly , see chapter 10.5.
20 Opt Enc fault Condition: Error in the communication between Regulation and Encoder feedback card.
Solution: Check that it has been inserted correctly , see chapter 10.5.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 113

Condition: External alarm present.
21 External fault A digital input has been programmed as an external alarm, but the +24V voltage is not available
on the terminal.
Solution: Check that the terminal screws are tight
Condition: Speed feedback loss alarm.
22 Speed fbk loss The encoder is not connected, not connected properly or not powered: verify encoder operation
by selecting the PAR 260 Motor speed parameter in the MONITOR menu.

- Check encoder wiring for integrity.
- Check that the encoder is connected to the power supply.
- With the drive disabled, turn the motor clockwise (seen from the motor shaft side). A positive
value must be displayed.
- If the value does not change or values are indicated randomly, check the encoder power supply
and cables.
- If the value displayed is negative, invert the encoder connections. Change channel A+ and A- or
B+ and B-.
- Check that the encoder electronics are consistent with those of the relative expansion card.
- Generated in case of an encoder fault. Each type of encoder generates a “Loss of feedback”
alarm differently. See parameter 2172 SpdFbkLoss code for information about the cause of the
alarm and chapter D.1 Speed fbk loss alarm.
Condition: Motor overspeed alarm. The motor speed exceeds the limits set in the PAR 4540
23 Overspeed
Overspeed threshold parameter.
- Limit the speed reference.
- Check that the motor is not driven in overspeed during rotation.
Condition: Speed reference loss alarm
Occurs if the difference between the speed regulator reference and the actual motor speed is
24 Speed ref loss
more than 100 rpm. This condition occurs because the drive is in the current limit condition. It is
only available in the Flux Vect OL and Flux Vect OC mode.
- Check the drive load conditions
- Check the number of encoder impulses
Condition: Emergency stop alarm.
The Stop key on the keypad was pressed with the PAR 1008 Stop key mode parameter set to
25 Emg stop alarm EmgStop&Alarm.
Active in remote control mode (PAR 1012=1) both by using “Terminals” command or “Digital”
commands and, in local control mode (PAR 1012=0) by using “Terminals” command.
Eliminate the reason for which the Stop key on the keypad was pressed and reset the drive.
26 Power down Condition: The drive was enabled with no supply voltage at the power section.
Solution: Check drive power supply.
27 ExtIO fault Condition: Communication fault with the external module.
Solution: See paragraph “8.1.2 “ExtIO fault” Alarm”, page 124
28 FastLink fault Condition: FastLink communication fault
Solution: See paragraph “8.1.3 “FastLink” Alarm”, page 125
29 Brake fault Condition: Incorrect setting of brake control function parameters.
Solution: See menu 22.13 - FUNCTIONS/BRAKE CONTROL
Condition: Motor overtemperature prealarm. % value of threshold compared to PAR 4532
MotorOT thr,
30 Motor pre OT Solution:
- Value set too low for duty cycle
- Heavy duty cycle
Condition: Output phase loss.
31 Mot phase loss
Solution: Check Drive/motor connection.

114 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Condition: High condensation level inside the drive. Operating conditions (combination of ambi-
ent temperature, humidity and cooling liquid temperature) are not safe,
32 Condensation Solution: Safe conditions are obtained when the work point is under the respective curve
indicated in the graph of chapter 22.18 - FUNCTIONS/LC CONTROL . Otherwise, you have to
take adequate precautions to lower the ambient temperature and/or the relative humidity or to
raise the cooling liquid temperature.
Condition: Enabled application developed in the IEC 61131-3 environment has found the condi-
Plc1 fault
tions for generating this specific alarm to be true. The meaning of the alarm depends on the
33 ... 40 ...
type of application. For more information, refer to the documentation concerning the specific
Plc8 fault
XXXXH-X The XXXXH-X code indicates the reason for the error: make a note of this to discuss
it with the service centre.
Solution: Refer to the documentation concerning the enabled application.
Condition: may occur during functioning when the watchdog protection of the micro is acti-
vated; the alarm is inserted in the alarm list and alarm log. After this alarm:
41 Watchdog
- the drive automatically runs a reset
- motor control is not available.
XXXXH-X The XXXXH-X code indicates the reason for the error: take note for examination
with the service centre.
Solution: If the alarm was a consequence of a variation to the drive configuration (parameter
setting, installation of an option, downloading of a PLC application), remove it.
Switch the drive off and then switch it on again.
Condition: this condition can occur during operation when the trap micro protection is enabled;
the alarm is included in the list of alarms and alarm log. After this alarm:
42 Trap error
- the drive automatically runs a reset
- motor control is not available.
XXXXH-X The XXXXH-X code (SubHandler-Class) indicates the reason for the error: take note
for examination with the service centre.
Solution: If the alarm was a consequence of a variation to the drive configuration (parameter
setting, installation of an option, downloading of a PLC application), remove it.
Switch the drive off and then switch it on again.
Condition: this condition can occur during operation when the operating system protection is
enabled; the alarm is included in the list of alarms and alarm log. After this alarm:
43 System error
- the drive automatically runs a reset
- motor control is not available.
XXXXH-X The XXXXH-X code (Error-Pid) indicates the reason for the error: take note for
examination with the service centre.
Solution: If the alarm was a consequence of a variation to the drive configuration (parameter
setting, installation of an option, downloading of a PLC application), remove it.
Switch the drive off and then switch it on again.
Condition: this condition can occur during operation when the software protection is enabled;
the alarm is included in the list of alarms and alarm log. After this alarm:
44 User error
- the drive automatically runs a reset
- motor control is not available.
XXXXH-X The XXXXH-X (Error-Pid) code indicates the reason for the error: make a note of this
to discuss it with the service centre.
Solution: If the alarm was a consequence of a variation to the drive configuration (parameter
setting, installation of an option, downloading of a PLC application), remove it.
Switch the drive off and then switch it on again.
Condition: if an error occurs during the enabling of the parameter database saved in the Flash
45 Param error
memory; the alarm is included in the list of alarms and alarm log.
XXXXH-X The code XXXXH-X indicates the IPA of the parameter that has been set outside the
range allowed when the database is enabled.
Solution: Set the parameter causing the error to a value within the range and run Save param-
eter. Switch the drive off and then switch it back on again.
If the IPA of the parameter is not shown in the manual, contact the service centre.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 115

Condition: this can occur during loading of the parameter database saved in the Flash memory
it is normal if it appears in the following conditions: the first time the drive is switched on, when
a new version of the firmware is downloaded, when the regulation is installed on a new size,
46 Load default
when a new region is entered. If this message appears when the drive is already in use it means
there has been a problem in the parameter database saved in the Flash memory.
If this message is displayed the drive restores the default database, i.e. the one downloaded.
0001H-1 The database saved is not valid
0002H-2 The database saved is not compatible
0003H-3 The saved database refers to a different size and not to the current size
0004H-4 The saved database refers to a different region and not to the current region
Solution: Set the parameters to the desired value and run Save parameter
Condition: this can occur during loading of the MDPLC application
47 Plc cfg error
The Mdplc application present on the drive is not run.
The application that has been downloaded has a different Crc on the DataBlock and
Function table.
0065H-101 The application that has been downloaded has an invalid identification code (Info).
0066H-102 The applciation that has been downloaded uses an incorrect task number (Info).
0067H-103 The application that has been downloaded has an incorrect software configuration.
The application that has been downloaded has a different Crc on the DataBlock and
Function table.
A Trap error or System error has occurred.
The drive has automatically executed a Power-up operation.
Application not executed.
See the Alarm List for more information about an error that has occurred.
006AH-106 The application that has been downloaded has an invalid identification code (Task).
006BH-107 The application that has been downloaded uses an incorrect task number (Task).
006CH-108 The application that has been downloaded has an incorrect Crc (Tables + Code)
Solution: Remove the MDPLC application or download a correct MDPLC application.
Condition: this can occur during loading of the parameter database saved in the Flash memory
of the MDPLC application
it is normal if it appears the first time the drive is switched on, after downloading a new applica-
48 Load par def plc
tion. If this message appears when the drive is already in use it means there has been a problem
in the parameter database saved in the Flash memory.
If this message appears the drive automatically runs the Load default command.
0001H-1 The database saved is not valid
Solution: Set the parameters to the desired value and run Save parameter.
Condition: this can occur at drive power-on if the wrong enabling key is entered for a given
49 Key failed
firmware function
0001H-1 Incorrect PLC key. PLC application not available.
Solution: Ask Gefran for the correct key to enable the desired firmware function.
Condition: this condition may occur when the drive is powered during encoder setup each time
parameter 552 Regulation mode is set.
An error occurred during setup; the information received from the encoder is not
100H-256 reliable. If the encoder is used for feedback the Speed fbk loss [22] alarm is also
50 Encoder error generated.
Solution: Take the recommended action for the Speed fbk loss [22] alarm.
Cause: The firmware on the optional encoder card is incompatible with that on the
regulation card. The information received from the encoder is not reliable
Solution: Contact Gefran in order to update the firmware on the optional encoder card.

116 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Condition: this may occur when powering the drive if an expansion card has been removed or
replaced or the incorrect enable key is inserted for a given firmware function.
0064H-100 Card removed from slot 1.
0014H-20 Card removed from slot 2
0003H-3 Card removed from slot 3
51 Opt cfg change 0078H-120 Card removed from slot 1 and from slot 2
0067H-103 Card removed from slot 1 and from slot 3.
0017H-23 Card removed from slot 2 and from slot 3.
007BH-123 Card removed from slot 1, from slot 2 and from slot 3
Solution: Check the hardware configuration, then press ESC. Save the parameters (Save
parameters, menu 04.01 par 550) to save the new hardware configuration.
Condition: Disconnection or short circuit of the humidity sensor built into the ADV200-LC drive.
0x0 No error.
0x1 Communication error on humidity / temperature sensor
52 HumTempSensErr
0x2 Error on NTC temperature sensor for temperature of liquid flowing into heatsink
0x3 Communication error and NTC temperature sensor
Solution: Reset the drive. If the problem persists, contact Gefran Customer Service.
Condition: Enabled application developed in the IEC 61131-3 environment has found the condi-
tions for generating this specific alarm to be true. The meaning of the alarm depends on the
Plc9 fault type of application. For more information, refer to the documentation concerning the specific
53 ... application..
Plc16 fault XXXXH-X The XXXXH-X code indicates the reason for the error: make a note of this to discuss
it with the service centre.
Solution: Refer to the documentation concerning the enabled application.
Condition: parameter 4640 UnderV restart is set to “Enable”. Undervoltage condition is
61 UV Wng&Restart detected, the drive is disabled and UV Wng & Restart warning signal is generated.
Solution: Check drive power supply wirings and its correct range.
Condition: Occurs when:
• the input signal is below 0.1V or 4-20mA
62 An inpLoss
• the KTY84 sensor short-circuits or disconnect
Solution: Check the wiring.
Condition: Parameter 3280 UV RT enable is set = 1. Due to a mains voltage dip (Mains loss)
63 UV Ride Thr the DC link voltage value is lower than the threshold PAR 3282 UV RT on.
Solution: Check drive power supply wirings and its correct range.

8.1.1 Speed fbk loss alarm according to the type of feedback

Note ! To interpret the causes of the alarm correctly, read the parameter 17.30 SpdFbkLoss code, PAR 2172,
as described below.

Take the digits of the number in hexadecimal format and enter them in the table
D7..D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

For each D0, D1, D2, D3 value other than 0x0 (0x0 = no alarm active)search for
the sub-values it can be divided into in the table below.

D0 D1 D2 D3
0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x1
0x2 0x0 0x0 0x2 0x0
0x3 0x0 0x0 0x2 0x1
0x4 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x0

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 117

0x5 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x1
0x6 0x0 0x4 0x2 0x0
0x7 0x0 0x4 0x2 0x1
0x8 0x8 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x9 0x8 0x0 0x0 0x1
0xA 0x8 0x0 0x2 0x0
0xB 0x8 0x0 0x2 0x1
0xC 0x8 0x4 0x0 0x0
0xD 0x8 0x4 0x0 0x1
0xE 0x8 0x4 0x2 0x0
0xF 0x8 0x4 0x2 0x1

In the table regarding the type of encoder in use, search for the sub-values
obtained from each D0, D1, D2, D3 digit in the corresponding columns Value.D0,
Value.D1, Value.D2, Value.D3.

Example with Endat encoder:

PAR 2172 = A0H
Take the digits of the number in hexadecimal format and enter them in the table

D7..D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Value 0xA 0x0

For each D0, D1, D2, D3 value other than 0x0 search for the sub-values it can be
divided into in table 1.

D0 D1 D2 D3
0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x1
0x2 0x0 0x0 0x2 0x0
0x3 0x0 0x0 0x2 0x1
0x4 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x0
0x5 0x0 0x4 0x0 0x1
0x6 0x0 0x4 0x2 0x0
0x7 0x0 0x4 0x2 0x1
0x8 0x8 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x9 0x8 0x0 0x0 0x1
0xA 0x8 0x0 0x2 0x0
0xB 0x8 0x0 0x2 0x1
0xC 0x8 0x4 0x0 0x0
0xD 0x8 0x4 0x0 0x1
0xE 0x8 0x4 0x2 0x0
0xF 0x8 0x4 0x2 0x1

For each D0, D1, D2, D3 value other than 0x0 search for the sub-values it can be
divided into in table 1.

In the table regarding the type of encoder in use, search for the sub-values
obtained from each D0, D1, D2, D3 digit in the corresponding columns Value.D0,
Value.D1, Value.D2, Value.D3

Value.D1 = 2H
Cause: (CRC_CKS_P)disturbed SSI signals cause a CKS error or Parity.

Valore.D1 = 8H
Cause: (DT1_ERR) Encoder has detected a malfunction and signals this to the dri-

118 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

ve via Error bit. Bits 16..31 contain the type of malfunction detected by the encoder.

●● Speed fbk loss [22] alarm with digital incremental encoder

Value Description
Bit Name
D7..D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0 0x1 CHA Cause: no impulses or disturbance on incremental channel A.
Solution: Check the connection of the encoder-drive channel A,
check the connection of the screen, check the encoder supply
Check parameters 2102 Encoder 1 supply and 2104 Encoder 1
input cfg (if encoder 1 is used).
Check parameters 5102 Encoder 2 supply and 5104 Encoder 2
input cfg (if encoder 2 is used).
1 0x2 CHB Cause: no impulses or disturbance on incremental channel B.
Solution: Check the connection of the encoder-drive channel B,
check the connection of the screen, check the Encoder 1 supply
Check parameters 2102 Encoder 1 supply and 2104 Encoder 1
input cfg (if encoder 1 is used).
Check parameters 5102 Encoder 2 supply and 5104 Encoder 2
input cfg (if encoder 2 is used).
2 0x4 CHZ Cause: no impulses or disturbance on incremental channel Z.
Solution: Check the connection of the encoder-drive channel Z,
check the connection of the screen, check the Encoder 1 supply
Check parameters 2102 Encoder 1 supply and 2104 Encoder 1
input cfg (if encoder 1 is used).
Check parameters 5102 Encoder 2 supply and 5104 Encoder 2
input cfg (if encoder 2 is used).

●● Speed fbk loss [22] alarm with sinusoidal incremental encoder

Value Description
Bit Name
D7..D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Cause: voltage level not correct or disturbance on signals of incre-
3 0x8 MOD_INCR
mental channels A-B.
Solution: Check the connection of the encoder-drive channels A-B,
check the connection of the screen, check the encoder supply
voltage, check parameter 2102 Encoder 1 supply, check parameter
2108 Encoder 1 signal Vpp.

●● Speed fbk loss [22] alarm with SinCos encoder

Value Description
Bit Name
D7..D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Cause: voltage level not correct or disturbance on signals of incre-
3 0x8 MOD_INCR
mental channels A-B.
Solution: Check the connection of the the encoder-drive channels
A-B, check the connection of the screen, check the encoder supply
voltage, check parameter 2102 Encoder 1 supply, check parameter
2108 Encoder 1 signal Vpp.
Cause: voltage level not correct or disturbance on signals of absolute
4 0x1 0x0 MOD_ABS
SinCos channels.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 119

Value Description
Bit Name
D7..D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Solution: Check the connection of the the encoder-drive channels
A-B, check the connection of the screen, check the encoder supply
voltage, check parameter 2102 Encoder 1 supply, check parameter
2108 Encoder 1 signal Vpp.

●● Speed fbk loss [22] alarm with SSI absolute encoder

Value Description
Bit Name
D7..D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Cause: voltage level not correct or disturbance on signals of incre-
3 0x8 MOD_INCR
mental channels A-B.
Solution: Check the connection of the the encoder-drive channels
A-B, check the connection of the screen, check the encoder supply
voltage, check parameter 2102 Encoder 1 supply, check parameter
2108 Encoder 1 signal Vpp.
5 0x2 0x0 CRC_CKS_P Cause: SSI signals not present or disturbed.
Solution: Check the connection of the clock and encoder-drive data,
check the connection of the screen, check the encoder supply volt-
age, check parameter 2102 Encoder 1 supply, check parameter 2112
Encoder 1 SSI bits.
8 0x1 0x0 0x0 Setup error Cause: An error occurred during setup.
Solution: Check the connection of the clock and encoder-drive
data, check the connection of the screen, check the encoder supply
voltage, check parameter 2102 Encoder 1 supply, check parameter
2112 Encoder 1 SSI bits.

●● Speed fbk loss [22] alarm with EnDat absolute encoder

Value Description
Bit Name
D7..D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Cause: voltage level not correct or disturbance on signals of incre-
3 0x8 MOD_INCR
mental channels A-B.
Solution: Check the connection of the the encoder-drive channels
A-B, check the connection of the screen, check the encoder supply
voltage, check parameter 2102 Encoder 1 supply, check parameter
2108 Encoder 1 signal Vpp.
5 0x2 0x0 CRC_CKS_P Cause: SSI signals not present or disturbed cause an error on CRC
Solution: Check the connection of the clock and encoder-drive
data, check the connection of the screen, check the encoder supply
voltage, check parameter 2102 Encoder 1 supply.
8 0x1 0x0 0x0 Setup error Cause: An error occurred during setup.
Solution: Check the connection of the clock and encoder-drive
data, check the connection of the screen, check the encoder supply
voltage, check parameter 2102 Encoder 1 supply.

The following conditions occur while resetting the encoder following Speed fbk
loss [22] activation

120 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Value Description
Bit Name
D7..D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
6 0x4 0x0 ACK_TMO Cause: SSI signals not present or disturbed cause an error on CRC
Solution: Check the connection of the clock and encoder-drive
data, check the connection of the screen, check the encoder supply
voltage, check parameter 2102 Encoder 1 supply.
Cause: Encoder has detected malfunction and signals this to
7 0x8 0x0 DT1_ERR the drive via bit DT1. Bits 16..31 contain the type of malfunction
detected by the encoder.
Solution: See the encoder manufacturer's technical guide.
16.31 xxxx Bit =0 =1
0 Light source OK Failure (1)
1 Signal amplitude OK Erroneous (1)
2 Position value OK Erroneous (1)
3 Over voltage NO Yes (1)
4 Under voltage NO Under voltage supply (1)
5 Over current NO Yes (1)
6 Battery OK Change the battery (2)
(1) Can also be set after the power supply is switched off or on.
(2) Only for battery-buffered encoders

●● Speed fbk loss [22] alarm with Hiperface absolute encoder

Value Description
Bit Name
D7..D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Cause: voltage level not correct or disturbance on signals of incre-
3 0x8
mental channels A-B.
Solution: Check the connection of the the encoder-drive channels
A-B, check the connection of the screen, check the encoder supply
voltage, check parameter 2102 Encoder 1 supply, check parameter
2108 Encoder 1 signal Vpp.
5 0x2 0x0 Cause: disturbed SSI signals cause a CKS error or Parity
Solution: Check the connection of the clock and encoder-drive
data, check the connection of the screen, check the encoder supply
voltage, check parameter 2102 Encoder 1 supply.
Cause: Encoder does not recognise the command that has been sent
6 0x4 0x0 to it and replies with ACK. The SSI signals not present cause a TMO
Solution: Check the connection of the clock and encoder-drive
data, check the connection of the screen, check the encoder supply
voltage, check parameter 2102 Encoder 1 supply.
8 0x1 0x0 0x0 Cause: An error occurred during setup.
Solution: Check the connection of the clock and encoder-drive
data, check the connection of the screen, check the encoder supply
voltage, check parameter 2102 Encoder 1 supply.

The following conditions occur while resetting the encoder following Speed fbk
loss [22] activation.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 121

Value Description
Bit Name
D7..D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Cause: Encoder has detected malfunction and signals this to the
7 0x8 0x0 DT1_ERR drive via Error bit. Bits 16..31 contain the type of malfunction
detected by the encoder.
Solution: See the encoder manufacturer's technical guide.
16.31 xxxx Type Code Description
Transmission 09h Transmitted parity bit is incorrect
0AH Checksum of transmitted data is wrong
0BH Incorrect command code
0CH Wrong number of transmitted data
0DH Illegal transmitted command argument
0FH Wrong access authorization specified
0EH Selected field has READ ONLY status
10H Data field (re) definition not executable
due to field size
11H Specified address is not available in
selected field
12H Selected field does not yet exist
00H No encoder error, no error message
03H Data field operations disabled
04H Analog monitoring inoperative
08H Counting register overflow
01H Encoder analog signals are unreliable
02H Wrong synchronisation or offset
05H- Encoder-internal hardware fault, no
07H operation possible
1CH- Error in sampling, no operation possible
1EH Permissible operation temperature is

●● Speed fbk loss [22] alarm with Resolver

Code Name Error description Possible solution

0x00000001 D0 FAULT REGISTER Configuration parity error Reset Resolver card
0x00000002 D1 FAULT REGISTER Phase error exceeds phase lock range
0x00000004 D2 FAULT REGISTER Velocity exceeds maximum tracking rate
Tracking error exceeds LOT (Loss of Signal)
0x00000008 D3 FAULT REGISTER
Check the connection of the Resolver
SIN/COS inputs exceed DOS (Degradation of
0x00000010 D4 FAULT REGISTER input pins (SIN-,SIN+,COS-,COS+),
signal) mismatch threshold
check PAR 2128
Check the connection of the Resolver
SIN/COS inputs exceed DOS (Degradation of
0x00000020 D5 FAULT REGISTER input pins (SIN-,SIN+,COS-,COS+),
signal) over range threshold
check PAR 2126

122 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Code Name Error description Possible solution
Check the connection of the Resolver
SIN/COS inputs below LOS (Loss of Signal)
0x00000040 D6 FAULT REGISTER input pins (SIN-,SIN+,COS-,COS+),
check PAR 2124
Check if any of the Resolver input pins
(SIN-,SIN+,COS-,COS+) are shorted
0x00000080 D7 FAULT REGISTER SIN/COS inputs clipped
with power input or ground of the
resolver board Reset Speed fbk loss alarm

The reasons for activating the Speed fbk loss alarm and the information acquired
by the encoder are shown in parameter 2172 SpdFbkLoss code.

If no card has been installed the Speed fbk loss [22] alarm is generated and no
cause is displayed in parameter 2172 SpdFbkLoss code. Several causes may be
present at the same time.
If no card is recognised, the system runs a routine that always returns Speed fbk
loss [22] active without specifying a cause. Encoder error alarm

Setup is performed each time the drive is turned on, regardless of the regulation
mode that has been selected. If an error is detected during setup the Encoder
error alarm is generated with the following codes:

Value Description
Bit Name
D7..D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Cause: An error occurred during setup. When this has been signalled
8 0x1 0x0 0x0 Setup error
the information obtained from the encoder is not reliable.
Solution: Take the action recommended for Speed fbk loss [22]
alarm according to the type of encoder.
Cause: Firmware on option card incompatible with firmware on
Compatibility regulation card.
9 0x2 0x0 0x0
error When this has been signalled the information obtained from the
encoder is not reliable.
Solution: Contact Gefran in order to update the firmware on the
optional card.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 123

8.1.2 “ExtIO fault” Alarm
The drive may generate an “ExtIO fault” alarm for a series of reasons. At drive
startup there may be problems with configuration, associated with the EXP-FL-
XCAN-ADV card or parameter settings. During the Config phase the alarm might
depend on an SDO communication error. During the Control phase the HeartBeat
or NodeGuarding protocol might fail due to an interruption in the communication
with the slave. An Emergency message sent by the slave could generate the
“ExtIO fault” alarm.
Each reason for the alarm can be identified by to the associated subcode.
The table below shows information about the subcodes and how to associate
these with the cause of the alarm, to enable troubleshooting and proper use of the

Subcode Description Remarks

0 0 BusLoss Loss of communication in the Operational state
1..51 1h..35h SDO error Error sending the SDO. See the SDO Configuration Table on appendix to identify the
object with the problem
200 0xC8 CAN error Internal hardware fault; if the problem cannot be solved, replace the regulation card
202 0xCA Config error The number or I/Os in the slave module has changed. Check parameter 5482 External
IO info. Save the parameters to store the current configuraiton.
203 0xCB Lost Mes- TPDOs coming from the slave too frequently. Check that the slave meets CANopen
sages specifications for TPDO sending times
204 0xCC Opt IO An optional internal I/O expansion card has been installed. The EXP-XCAN-ADV card
installed functions are not available.
255..65535 0xFF..0xFFFF Slave Emer- Emergency message sent by the slave.

If the alarm is due to an Emergency message sent by the slave, the subcode
contains the error code (Error code low and Error code Hi) of the message, while
4 of the 5 additional bytes in the message are shown by parameter 5486 External
IO Failcode.
Emergency message content:

Byte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7

Error code Low Error code Hi Error register Info 0 Info 1 Info 2 Info3 Info4
Subcode PAR 5486 External IO Failcode

See the slave manual for information about the meaning of the Emergency mes-

124 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

8.1.3 “FastLink” Alarm
Reasons why the FastLink alarm is generated:
Name Description
D3 D2 D1 D0
0 0x1 Cks Cause: The drive has detected a checksum error
Solution: Take all the necessary precautions to increase the resistance of the drive to
1 0x2 Not used Cause:
2 0x4 Not used Cause:
3 0x8 Not used Cause:
4 0x1 Not used Cause:
5 0x2 RX Timeout Cause: The slave drive has not received a new data frame for 2 consecutive cycles.
Solution: Take all the necessary precautions to increase the resistance of the drive to
Cause: On the slave drives there is a problem with the function that enables the
generation of Pwm signals to be synchronised with the Pwm signals of the master and
Pwm sync with the function that enables the execution of control tasks to be synchronised with
6 0x4
slave execution of control tasks by the master.
An error exceeding the maximum error allowed has been detected for 4 consecutive
Solution: Take all the necessary precautions to increase the resistance of the drive to
7 0x8 Cable open Cause: No optical fibre.
Solution: Check connection with optical fibre.
Cause: An error occurred during setup; the information received from the FastLink is
8 0x1 Setup error
not reliable.
Solution: Check setting of FastLink parameters.

Compatibil- Cause: The firmware on the optional FastLink card is incompatible with that on the
9 0x2 regulation card.
ity error

Solution: Contact Gefran in order to update the firmware on the optional FastLink card.
Slave an- Cause: situation in which an interrogated Slave does not reply
10 0X4
swer NOK
Solution: check FastLink connection

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 125

8.2 Messages

Note ! For more information see chapter 6.7.

Index Error message shown Sub-code Description

on the display
Condition: may occur during loading of the parameter database saved in flash
normally appears in the following conditions: at initial power-on when a new firmware version is
downloaded, when the regulation is installed on a new size, when the region is changed.
1 Load default param
If this message is displayed when the drive is already operating, this means that a problem has
occurred in the parameter database saved in Flash.
If this message is displayed the drive restores the default database, i.e. the one downloaded.
0001H-1 The database saved is not valid
0002H-2 The database saved is not compatible
0003H-3 The database saved refers to a different size from the current size
0004H-4 The database saved refers to a different region from the current region
Solution: Set the parameters to the value required and perform Save parameter
2 Option detect slot 1 Condition: at power-on, the drive recognizes the presence of an optional card in one of the three
3 Option detect slot 2 expansion slots.
4 Option detect slot 3 One of the three messages is shown on the display
0H-0 None
0004H-4 Can/DeviceNet
00FFH-255 Unknown
0104H-260 Profibus
0204H-516 Rte
0208H-520 Enc 3 EXP-SESC- I1R1F2-ADV
0301H-769 I_O_1
0308H-776 Enc 4 EXP-EN/SSI- I1R1F2-ADV
0408H-1032 Enc 5 EXP-HIP- I1R1F2-ADV
0608H-1544 Enc 1 EXP-DE-I1R1F2-ADV
0701H-1793 I_O_2
0108H-1800 Enc 2 EXP-SE-I1R1F2-ADV
0808H-2056 Enc 7 EXP-DE-I2R1F2-ADV
0901H-2305 I_O_3
0D01H-3329 I_O_4
0508H-1288 Enc 6 EXP-RES-I1R1-ADV
908H-2312 Enc 8 EXP-ASC-I1-ADV
5 Autotune Condition: this may occur during the Autotune procedure
0 No error
The commands are not configured in Local mode.
Solution: Execute the requested configuration
The Commands local sel parameter has not been configured from the keypad
Solution: Execute the requested configuration
The motor plate data parameters have changed but the Take parameters com-
3 mand, PAR 2020, has not been executed
Solution: Execute the Take parameters command.

126 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Index Error message shown Sub-code Description
on the display
Error in motor connection.
Solution:Check the motor connection, set the value of the direct current of the
4 motor to 1/3 and perform the motor autotune procedure. Then increase the direct
current until autotuning is executed. The penultimate value is the nominal current
value at which the drive performs autotuning.
While running self-tuning the ESC key was pressed or the enable contact was
opened or an alarm occurred. The Autotune command was sent with the drive in
5 the alarm condition
Solution: Eliminate the reason for the alarm, remove the reason for the opening of
the enable contact, reset alarms.
A setting performed by the Autotune function produced a parameter value outside
the min or max range.
Solution: Check the motor plate data or drive and motor sizes have been combined
The Autotune command was sent without being enabled.
Solution: Close the enable contact before sending the Autotune command
Internal calculation error concerning IGBT control
8 Solution: Perform autotuning once more, if the problem persists, contact the Gefran
technical support centre.
The drive has measured a stator resistance value exceeding the set limit.
Solution: contact the Gefran technical support centre.
The drive has measured a stator resistance value below the set limit.
Solution: contact the Gefran technical support centre.
Measurement of DTL internal compensation voltage outside accepted range.
11-12 Solution: check connection between drive and motor.
If correct, the drive is faulty, contact the Gefran technical support centre.
Measurement of DTS internal voltage outside accepted range.
13-14 Solution: check connection between drive and motor.
If correct, the drive is faulty, contact the Gefran technical support centre.
LS leakage inductance value outside accepted range.
15 - 16 -17 Solution: Perform autotuning once more, if the problem persists, contact the Gefran
technical support centre.
Measurement of Im magnetising current outside accepted range.
18-19 Solution: Perform autotuning once more, if the problem persists, contact the Gefran
technical support centre.
Measurement of Rr rotor resistor outside accepted range.
20-21 Solution: Perform autotuning once more, if the problem persists, contact the Gefran
technical support centre.
Solution: If the message appears with a value other than 0, follow the instructions supplied for
each particular case and repeat Autotune. This should be performed using the wizard function
available from the keypad (STARTUP WIZARD) and the Tool software on the PC.
Pay attention to all motor plate data parmaeters, especially:
- Rated speed, Motor rated speed in rpm.
- Rated frequency, Motor rated frequency in Hz
- Pole pairs, Motor pole pairs
Take care not to set the Rated speed parameter to the synchronous speed. The value of the Rated
speed parameter must be less than: [(Rated frequency * 60) / Pole pairs].
If the problem persists even after following the instructions supplied, confirm the values of the mo-
tor plate data parameters, execute the Take parameters command but not Autotune.
Condition: may occur during recognition of power cards. If this message is displayed, it is not
6 Power config
possible to drive the motor.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 127

Index Error message shown Sub-code Description
on the display
0020H-32 The power card is configured for a drive that is incompatible with the regulation
0021H-33 The configuration of the power card is not compatible with the regulation card
0017H-23 The configuration required is not available on the power card
Solution: Download the correct configuration on the power card
7 Save par failed Condition: during transfer of the parameters from the drive to the memory of the keypad
0H-0 Communication error
0025H-37 The data saved on the keypad are not valid
0026H-38 Incompatible drive series
0027H-39 Incompatible software version
0028H-40 Incompatible drive size
0029H-41 Error during saving of parameters on the drive
8 Load par failed Condition: during transfer of the parameters from the memory of the keypad to the drive
9 Load par incomplete 0H-0 Communication error
0025H-37 The data saved on the keypad are not valid.
No parameter is transferred from the keypad to the drive
0026H-38 Incompatible control type.
No parameter is transferred from the keypad to the drive
0027H-39 Incompatible software version.
All the parameters present in the memory of the keypad have been transferred
to the drive. The set of parameters transferred refers to a drive with a different
firmware version; therefore, certain parameters may not be updated.
0028H-40 Incompatible control type.
All the parameters present in the memory of the keypad (excluding those that
depend on the size of the drive), have been transferred to the drive. The parameters
that depend on size maintain their original value.
0029H-41 Error during saving of parameters on the drive.
All the parameters present in the memory of the keypad have been transferred to
the drive. The transfer of one or more parameters has caused an “out of range”
error, or one or more parameters does not exist. At the end of transfer, one or more
parameters may not have been updated.
002AH-42 PLC application release and version not compatible.
All parameters in the keypad memory have been transferred to the drive.
The transferred set of parameters relates to a drive with a PLC application in which
the version and release of the application are different. As a result some of the PLC
application parameters may not be updated.
002BH-43 PLC application not compatible.
All the parameters in the keypad memory except those relating to the PLC applcia-
tion have been transferred to the drive.
The transferred set of parameters relates to a drive with a different PLC application.
As a result none of the PLC application parameters are updated.
Solution: Recover a set of parameters from a compatible drive (model and size)
10 Options config error Condition: may occur at drive start-up, during recognition of the optional cards installed
0001H-1 Non-permissible optional card in slot 1
0002H-2 Non-permissible optional card in slot 2
0004H-4 Non-permissible optional card in slot 3
0010H-16 Conflict slot 1 with slot 2
0020H-32 Conflict slot 1 with slot 3
0040H-64 Conflict slot 2 with slot 3

128 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Index Error message shown Sub-code Description
on the display
Solution: Remove the optional cards from the incorrect slots and insert them in the correct slots
Condition: may occur during loading of the parameter database saved in the Flash of the Mdplc
Normally appears at initial power-on after downloading a new application.
11 Load def plc
If this message is displayed when the drive is already operating, this means that a problem has
occurred in the parameter database saved in Flash.
If this message appears the drive restores the default database, i.e. the one that was downloaded.
0001H-1 The database saved is not valid
Solution: Set the parameters to the value required and perform Save parameter

Condition: may occur during loading of the Mdplc application

12 Plc cfg error
The Mdplc application present on the drive is not run.
0004H-4 The application downloaded has a different Crc on DataBlock and Function table
0065H-101 The application downloaded has an invalid identifier (Info)
0066H-102 The application downloaded has an incorrect task number (Info)
0067H-103 The application downloaded has an incorrect software configuration
0068H-104 The application downloaded has a different Crc on DataBlock and Function table
0069H-105 A Trap error or System error has occurred.
The drive automatically performs a Power-up operation.
The application is not run.
See in Alarm List for further information regarding the error occurred
006AH-106 The application downloaded has an incorrect identifier (Task)
006BH-107 The application downloaded has an incorrect task number (Task)
006CH-108 The application downloaded has an incorrect Crc (Tables + Code)
Solution: Remove the Mdplc application or download a correct Mdplc application

13 Plc 1
14 Plc 2
Reserved messages and dedicated to the PLC application. See the application manual.
15 Plc 3
16 Plc 4
Condition: this may occur when the drive is turned on, during fieldbus card setup. Error during
17 Option bus fault
configuration or communication error.
XXX0H-X If the first digit to the left of “H” in the alarm sub-code is 0, the error regards a
communication problem.
XXX0H-X If the first digit to the left of “H” in the alarm sub-code is other than 0, the error
regards a configuration problem.
Solution: For configuration errors, check the configuration of the bus communication, type of bus,
baudrate, address, parameter setting.
For communication errors, check wiring, termination resistors, disturbance immunity, timeout
For further details, please refer to the user guide for the specific bus.
Condition: this may occur when powering the drive, if the incorrect enable key is inserted for a
18 Key failed
given firmware function.
0001H-1 Incorrect PLC key. PLC application not available.
Solution: Ask Gefran to supply the correct key to enable the desired firmware function.
Condition: this may occur at drive power-on if the incorrect enabling key was inserted for a given
19 Key expiring firmware function. At this stage the firmware function can still be used freely, but this time limit is
about to expire.
xxxxH-x Number of hours for which the function can still be used freely.
Solution: Ask Gefran for the correct key to enable the desired firmware function.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 129

Index Error message shown Sub-code Description
on the display
Condition: if an error occurs during activation of the parameter database saved in flash; the alarm
20 Param error
is inserted in the alarm list and alarm log.
XXX0H-X The code XXXXH-X indicates the IPA of the parameter that has been set outside the
range allowed when the database is enabled.
Solution: Set the parameter causing the error to a value within the range and run Save param-
eters. Switch the drive off and then switch it back on again.
If the IPA of the parameter is not shown in the manual, contact the service centre.
Condition: this condition may occur when the drive is powered during encoder setup each time
21 Encoder error
parameter 552 Regulation mode is set.
100H-2564 Cause: An error occurred during setup; the information received from the encoder
is not reliable. If the encoder is used for feedback the Speed fbk loss [22] alarm is
also generated.
Solution: Take the recommended action for the Speed fbk loss[22] alarm.
200H-512 Cause: The firmware on the optional encoder card is incompatible with that on the
regulation card. The information received from the encoder is not reliable
Solution: Contact Gefran in order to update the firmware on the optional encoder card.
Condition: this may occur when powering the drive if an expansion card has been removed or
22 Options cfg changed
replaced or the incorrect enable key is inserted for a given firmware function.
0064H-100 Card removed from slot 1
0014H-20 Card removed from slot 2
0003H-3 Card removed from slot 3
0078H-120 Card removed from slot 1 and from slot 2
0067H-103 Card removed from slot 1 and from slot 3
0017H-23 Card removed from slot 2 and from slot 3
007BH-123 Card removed from slot 1, from slot 2 and from slot 3
Solution: Check the hardware configuration, then press ESC. Save the parameters (Save param-
eters, menu 04.01 par 550) to save the new hardware configuration.
23 0 No error
(Only Synchronous) The encoder card in use cannot manage automatic phasing.
Solution: Use the appropriate encoder card
Incorrect Incremental encoder impulse count
41 Solution: Check the electric signals of the incremental encoder. Check the value of
the encoder impulse parameter
Incorrect absolute encoder impulse count
42 Solution: Check the electric signals of the absolute encoder. Check the configura-
tion of the absolute encoder
Incorrect incremental encoder impulse count or incorrect absolute encoder impulse
count probably caused by an incorrect value of the pole pairs parameter or a load
43 applied to the motor.
Solution: Check the value of the pole pairs parameter, check whether a load is
Incorrect incremental encoder impulse count probably caused by the incorrect value
of the encoder impulse parameter.
Solution: Check the electric signals of the incremental encoder. Check the value of
the encoder impulse parameter.
Incorrect absolute encoder impulse count
45 Solution: Check the electric signals of the absolute encoder. Check the configura-
tion of the absolute encoder.

130 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Index Error message shown Sub-code Description
on the display
Incremental encoder impulse count sign inverted with respect to the absolute
46 encoder impulse count.
Solution: Invert the A+ and A- signal of the incremental encoder.
Incremental encoder impulse count sign inverted with respect to the absolute
47 encoder impulse count.
Solution: Invert the A+ and A- signal of the absolute encoder.
Incorrect phase sequence. (Message not signalled)
48 Solution: The automatic procedure has modified the setting of the Encoder direction
parameter. No other action is required
During automatic phasing a communication channel is activated between the drive
49 and encoder. An error has occurred on this communication channel.
Solution: Repeat the procedure.
Solution: If the message has a value other than 0 follow the instructions provided for each case
and repeat automatic phasing.
Condition: The drive was restarted when PAR 1010 Safe Start Command = ON and in presence
of Enable command.
24 Safe start active
Solution: Press the ESC key to cancel the message
You have to disable the Enable command to restart the drive.

Note! If any messages not included in this list are displayed, reference should be made to the manual of the
application used by the drive.

8.3 Other anomalies

Condition: triggering of “noises” (torque instability and/or ripple) when controlling speed mainly
due to mechanical coupling (resonance bands at 500rad/s ≈80Hz) between motor and load
Noisy motor Solution:
(Flux vector OL mode) manually change the value of one or more of the following parameters as shown:
· IPA 2242 Bandwidth (rad/s): reduce
· IPA 2236 Speed reg P gain (N/rpm): reduce
· IPA 2134 Encoder1speed filter (ms): increase to 0.5 … 2ms

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 131

9 - Specification

9.1 Environmental Conditions

Installation location ������������������Pollution degree 2 or lower (free from direct sunligth, vi-
bration, dust, corrosive or inflammable gases, fog, vapour
oil and dripped water, avoid saline environment).
Installation altitude ������������������Max 2000m (6562 feet) above sea level (up to 1000m
without current derating).
Mechanical conditions for installation ���Vibrational stress: EN 60721-3-3 Class 3M1
Operating temperature ��������������0…+40°C [32°…104°F] (sizes 5750 ... 61320)
-10…+40°C [14°…104°F] (sizes 71600 ... 73150)
-10…+35°C [14°…95°F] (size 73550)
Operating temperature (1) ������������+40°C (+35°C) ... +50°C with derating,
+104°F (95°F) … +122°F with derating
Air humidity (operating) ��������������from 5 % to 85 % and from 1 g/m3 to 25 g/m3 without
moisture condensation or icing (class 3K3 as per
Air pressure (operating) [kPa] ����������86 to 106 (class 3K3 as per EN50178).

(1) In menu 4 - DRIVE CONFIG set the Ambient temperature parameter, PAR 564, to 1 (50°C).
10 % derating of output current.

The drive is suitable for use under the environmental service conditions (climate,
mechanical, pollution, etc.) defined as usual service conditions according to
Attention EN61800-2.

9.2 Standards
Directive EC ������������������������LVD 2014/35/EU, EMC 2014/30/EU, RoHs 2011/65/EU
Climatic conditions ������������������EN 60721-3-3
Electrical safety ��������������������EN 50178, EN 61800-5-1
Operating safety ��������������������(for ADV200...+SI series) IEC EN 61800-5-2 , SIL 3 ;
ISO EN 13849-1 , PL “e”
Vibration ��������������������������EN 60721-3-3, EN 60068-2-6
Shock ����������������������������EN60068-2-27
EMC compatibility �������������������EN61800-3 EN61800-3 (EMC conducted: immunity and
Immunity: environment 2, EN12016
Conducted emission: environment 2, category C2 and C3,
Radiated emission: determined by cabinet of final applica-
Protection degree �������������������IP20, ≥ size 7: IP00

Approvals ������������������������� ,
UL and cULus, Complies with directives for the American and Canadian markets (with power supply ≤600Vac).

132 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

9.3 Accuracy (Asyncronous)
9.3.1 Current control
Type ������������������������������Flux vector CL (Field Oriented Control with feedback) and
Flux vector OL (Open Loop Field Oriented Control)
Loop sampling time �������������������125µs
Response time ����������������������600 - 1600µs
PWM frequency ���������������������2, 4 kHz (size dependent)

9.3.2 Speed control

Type ������������������������������Flux vector CL (Field Oriented Control with feedback) and
Flux vector OL (Open Loop Field Oriented Control)
Loop sampling time �������������������125µs
Response time ����������������������5 - 10ms
Speed measurement ������������������FP, F mode
Speed regulation accuracy �������������Flux vector CL : 0.01 % rated speed
Flux vector OL : ± 30 % rated slip
V/F : ± 60 % rated slip
9.3.3 Speed control limits
Control range (1) ���������������������± 32000 rpm
Speed format (1) ���������������������32 bit
Frequency range ���������������������± 2000 Hz

(1) referred to Full scale speed, PAR:680.

Sizes Max frequency Min frequency

Flux vector Flux vector V/f Flux vector Flux vector V/f
CL OL control CL OL control
5750 - 6900 300 Hz 150 Hz 400 Hz
6110 - 61320 200 Hz 150 Hz 300 Hz
71600 300 Hz 150 Hz 500 Hz 0 Hz 0,5 Hz 1 Hz
72000 ... 1.65 MW 200 Hz 150 Hz 200 Hz

9.3.4 Torque control

Torque resolution (2) �����������������> 0.1 %
Torque regulation accuracy (2) ����������FVCL : ± 5%
Direct torque control ������������������yes
Current limitation ��������������������Limits ±, Limits mot/gen, Limits variable

(2) referred to rated torque

9.3.5 Overload
Sizes 5750 ... 61320
Heavy duty (HD) ���������������������136% 60 sec each 300 sec, 183% 0,5 sec each 300 sec.
Light duty (LD) ����������������������n.d.

Sizes ≥ ADV 71600

Heavy duty (HD) ���������������������150% 60 sec each 300 sec, 180% 0,5 sec each 300 sec.
Light duty (LD) ����������������������110% 60 sec each 300 sec.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 133

9.4 Accuracy (Synchronous)
9.4.1 Current control
Type ������������������������������Flux vector CL (Field Oriented Control with feedback) and
Flux vector OL (Open Loop Field Oriented Control)
Loop sampling time ������������������125 µs
Band width �������������������������< 1000 Hz
PWM frequency ���������������������2, 4 kHz (depending on the size)
Torque ripple ������������������������< 5%
Control limits �����������������������Programmable (3)

(3) See PAR 2354, in the ADV200 FP manual for details.

9.4.2 Speed control

Type ������������������������������Flux vector CL (Field Oriented Control with feedback) and
Flux vector OL (Open Loop Field Oriented Control)
Loop sampling time �������������������125 µs
Band width �������������������������< 100 Hz (Flux vector CL), < 10Hz (Flux vector OL)
Control range �����������������������1:1500 (Flux vector CL), 1:20 (Flux vector OL)
Speed control precision ����������������Flux vector CL: 0.01% @ Rated speed
Flux vector OL: 0.1% @ Rated speed

9.4.3 Initial torque limit

Flux vector CL �����������������������200% (> 3Hz)
Flux vector OL �����������������������100% @ 10% Rated speed (4)

(4) The initial torque limit in Flux vector OL mode depends on the inertia and friction applied to the motor.

9.4.4 Overload
Sizes 5750 ... 61320
Heavy duty (HD) ���������������������150% 60 sec. each 300 sec., 200% 3 sec each 300 sec.
Light duty (LD) ����������������������n.d.

Sizes ≥ ADV 71600

Heavy duty (HD) ���������������������160% 60 sec. each 300 sec., 200% 3 sec each 300 sec.
Light duty (LD) ����������������������110% 60 sec each 300 sec.

9.4.5 Flux reduction

Control loop sampling time �������������125µs
Band width �������������������������< 100 Hz (Flux vector CL), <10Hz (Flux vector OL)
Control range �����������������������1:1,5 of Rated speed (5).
(5) The flux reduction range depends on the type of motor. Please contact Gefran for further details.

134 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

9.5 DC circuit
Overvoltage threshold (Overvoltage) ������1192 Vdc
Undervoltage threshold (Undervoltage) ����676 Vdc (@ 690 Vac); 563 Vdc (@ 575 Vac)

9.6 Input electrical data

9.6.1 AC power supply
AC Input voltage, Uln �����������������• ADV 5750 ... 61320 : trifase 690 Vac ±10%
• ADV 71600 and higher: three-phase mains 500 Vac
-10% ... 690 Vac +10%
AC Input frequency �������������������50/60 Hz, ± 5%
Maximum line voltage unbalance ���������3 %
Choke �����������������������������integrated DC (sizes 5750 ... 61320); external mandatory
(≥ sizes 71600)
Total harmonic distortion (THD) ���������40% Light duty, 50% Heavy duty (at nominal current)
Connection to TT and TN Networks �������yes, standard version
Connection to IT Networks: �������������yes, standard version only for sizes ≥ 71600 (with
integrated EMI filter and max. distance of 50 m between
inverter and motor)
Sizes <71600 special version ADV200...-IT only (upon

ADV200-...-6 versions (@ 690 Vac)

AC Input current
Heavy duty Light duty
5750 90 -
6900 109 -
61100 129 -
61320 157 -
71600 172 210
72000 214 263
72500 263 336
73150 336 382
73550 382 420
400 kW 420 520
500 kW 533 651
630 kW 665 755
710 kW 756 843
900 kW 1009 1180
1 MW 1180 1259
1.35 MW 1375 1515
1.65 MW 1680 1840

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 135

9.6.2 DC power supply
Input voltage, Udc ��������������������ADV -71600-6-DC and higher: 600 ... 1120 Vdc

ADV200-...-6-DC versions (@ 690 Vac)

DC Input current
Heavy duty (A) Light duty (A)
5750 - -
6900 - -
61100 - -
61320 - -
71600 190 235
72000 235 300
72500 300 370
73150 370 420
73550 420 470
400 kW 514 637
500 kW 653 797
630 kW 814 925
710 kW 926 1032
900 kW 1236 1445
1 MW 1445 1542
1.35 MW 1684 1855
1.65 MW 2058 2254

Contact Gefran if an AFE200 series regenerative power supply is used.

136 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

9.7 Output electrical data
U2 Max output voltage ����������������0,95 x Uln (Uln =AC Input voltage)
f2 Max output frequency ���������������400 Hz (sizes 5750 ... 6900)
300 Hz (sizes 61100, 61320 and ≥ size 72000)
500 Hz (size 71600):
see section 9.3.3 for more details.
Braking IGBT Unit ��������������������External
BR ON/OFF (Programmable through P454) ��@ 575V = Default 955 -945Vdc
@ 690V = Default 1142-1132Vdc

Pn mot (Recommended asynchronous motor output)

Heavy duty Light duty
@690 Vac @575 Vac @690 Vac @575 Vac
(kW) (Hp) (kW) (Hp)
5750 75 - - -
6900 90 - - -
61100 110 - - -
61320 132 - - -
71600 160 150 200 200
72000 200 200 250 250
72500 250 250 315 350
73150 315 350 355 400
73550 355 400 400 450
400 kW 400 450 500 500
500 kW 500 550 630 700
630 kW 630 700 710 800
710 kW 710 800 800 900
900 kW 900 1000 1000 1100
1 MW 1000 1100 1150 1300
1.35 MW 1350 1500 1500 1600
1.65 MW 1650 1800 1800 2000

In Rated output current In Rated output current

(For Asynchronous motors) (For Synchronous motors)
Heavy duty Light duty Heavy duty Light duty
(A) (A) (A) (A)
5750 92 - 75 -
6900 110 - 90 -
61100 133 - 110 -
61320 159 - 130 -
71600 170 210 153 189
72000 210 265 189 238
72500 265 330 238 297
73150 330 375 297 337
73550 375 (1) 415 337 (1) 373
400 kW 400 500 360 450
500 kW 500 630 450 567
630 kW 630 710 567 639
710 kW 710 (1) 790 (1) 639 (1) 711
900 kW 900 1000 810 900
1 MW 1000 (1) 1150 (1) 900 (1) 1035
1.35 MW 1300 (1) 1450 1170 (1) 1305
1.65 MW 1600 1770 1440 1593

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 137

In Rated output current In Rated output current
(For Asynchronous motors) (For Synchronous motors)
ADV200-DC @ 930 Vdc @ 930 Vdc @ 1120 Vdc @ 1120 Vdc @ 930 Vdc @ 930 Vdc @ 1120 Vdc @ 1120 Vdc
Heavy duty Light duty Heavy duty Light duty Heavy duty Light duty Heavy duty Light duty
(A) (A) (A) (**) (A) (**) (A) (A) (A) (**) (A) (**)
71600 170 210 148 (*) 183 153 189 148 (*) 183
72000 210 265 210 265 189 238 189 239
72500 265 330 233 290 238 297 233 290
73150 330 375 291 330 297 337 291 330
73550 375 (1) 415 330 (1) 365 337 (1) 373 330 (1) 365
400 kW 400 500 400 500 360 450 360 450
500 kW 500 630 440 554 450 567 440 554
630 kW 630 710 554 625 567 639 554 625
710 kW 710 (1) 790 (1) 625 (1) 695 639 (1) 711 625 (1) 695
900 kW 900 1000 792 880 810 900 792 880
1 MW 1000 (1) 1150 (1) 880 (1) 1012 900 (1) 1035 880 (1) 1012
1.35 MW 1300 (1) 1450 1144 (1) 1276 1170 (1) 1305 1144 1276
1.65 MW 1600 1770 1408 1558 1440 1593 1408 1558

(*) If F switching = 2KHz, see column @930Vdc.

(**) Current values with an ambient temperature > 30°C.
(1) Current values with an ambient temperature of 35°C.

9.7.1 Derating factors

The derating factors shown below are applied to the rated DC output by the user.
They are not automatically implemented by the drive.

Output current derating factors

Idrive = In x Kv1 x Kt x Kalt

Kv1(2): Derating factor for DC power supply from AFE200 (1120 Vdc), only ap-
plied with ambient temperatures of more than 30°C.
Kt (3) : Derating factor with an ambient temperature of 50°C (1% every °C over
40°C with HD and 2% every °C over 40°C with LD), >35°C for sizes
73550, 710 kW and ≥ 1 MW.
Kalt (4): Derating factor for installation at altitudes above 1000 meters a.s.l.. Value
to be applied at each 100 m increase above 1000 m (up to a maximum
of 4000 m). If the ambient temperature is ≤ 30°C and the application
provides for the use of Kv derating, Kalt derating can be avoided.
E.g.: Altitude 2000 m, Kalt = 1.2% * 10 = 12% derating; In derated = (100 -
12) % = 88 % In.

If not all of the derating factors are considered, this could result in a drive overtempera-
ture condition.
The specific alarm indicates this condition and normal drive operation is stopped.

138 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Derating factor
Kv1 (2) Kt Kalt
Tamb Tamb Heavy duty Light duty (4)
≤ 30°C 31 ... 40°C (3) (3)
5750 1 0.9 0.8 - 1.2%
6900 1 0.9 0.8 - 1.2%
61100 1 0.9 0.8 - 1.2%
61320 1 0.9 0.8 - 1.2%
71600 1 (5) 0.9 0.8 1.2%
72000 1 1 0.9 0.8 1.2%
72500 1 0.88 0.9 0.8 1.2%
73150 1 0.88 0.9 0.8 1.2%
73550 1 0.88 0.85 0.8 1.2%
400 kW 1 1 0.9 0.8 1.2%
500 kW 1 0.88 0.9 0.8 1.2%
630 kW 1 0.88 0.9 0.8 1.2%
710 kW 1 0.88 0.85 0.8 1.2%
900 kW 1 0.88 0.9 0.8 1.2%
1 MW 1 0.88 0.85 0.8 1.2%
1.35 MW 1 0.88 0.85 0.8 1.2%
1.65 MW 1 0.88 0.85 0.8 1.2%

(5) Fsw = 4 kHz (default): Kv = 1; Fsw = 2 kHz: Kv = 0.87.

Kt Output Current derating factor at Ambient Temperature of:

Installation altitude above sea level
20°C 25°C 30°C 35°C 40°C 45°C 50°C
0 … 1000 m 1 0.95 0.90

This table does not apply to 73550 size and its parallel units (Working Temperature = -10…+35°C).

Input voltage derating factor

Kv2 (6) : Derating factor of the input voltage based on altitudes

Figure 9.7.1: Kv2 derating factor based on altitudes
Derating Kv




0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Installation Altitude a.s.l. (meters)

Installation Kv2 Derating factor (6)

altitude Mains voltage [V]
m (s.l.m.) 500 Vac 575 Vac 690 Vac
≤ 2000 100% 100% 100%

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 139

Installation Kv2 Derating factor (6)
altitude Mains voltage [V]
≤ 2250 100% 100% 97%
≤ 2500 100% 100% 94%
≤ 2750 100% 100% 92%
≤ 3000 100% 100% 89%
≤ 3250 100% 100% 86%
≤ 3500 100% 100% 83%
≤ 3750 100% 96% Not allowed
≤ 4000 100% 93% Not allowed

If the voltage derating factor is not considered, may occour a drive breakdown.

9.7.2 Overload for output frequency

For Asynchronous motors
Sizes Heavy duty Light duty
K1 SP [%] K2 SP [Hz] K3 SP [Hz] K1 SL [%] K2 SL [Hz]
5750 100 3 4.8 100 3
6900 100 3 4.8 100 3
61100 100 3 4.8 100 3
61320 100 3 4.8 100 3
71600 100 3 4.8 100 3
72000 100 3 4.8 100 3
72500 100 3 4.8 100 3
73150 100 3 4.8 100 3
73550 100 3 4.8 100 3
400 kW 100 3 4.8 100 3
500 kW 100 3 4.8 100 3
630 kW 100 3 4.8 100 3
710 kW 100 3 4.8 100 3
900 kW 100 3 4.8 100 3
1 MW 100 3 4,8 100 3
1.35 MW 100 3 4.8 100 3
1.65 MW 100 3 4.8 100 3

Figure Sizes ≤ 61320 - HD Overload (For Asynchronous


160 k3
I out [%]

130 k1
110 k2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
f [Hz]

140 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Figure Sizes ≥ 71600 - HD Overload (For Asynchronous Figure Sizes ≥ 71600 - LD Overload (For Asynchronous
motors) motors)
200 120
190 k2
170 110
160 k3
I out [%]


I out [%]
130 k1
120 k2
90 80
70 70
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
f [Hz] f [Hz]

_ _ Islow, .... Ifast; __ In _ _ Islow, __ In

For Synchronous motors

Sizes Heavy duty Light duty
K1 SP [%] K2 SP [Hz] K3 SP [Hz] K1 SL [%] K2 SL [Hz]
5750 100 3 5 100 3
6900 100 3 5 100 3
61100 100 3 5 100 3
61320 100 3 5 100 3
71600 100 3 5 100 3
72000 100 3 5 100 3
72500 100 3 5 100 3
73150 100 3 5 100 3
73550 100 3 5 100 3
400 kW 100 3 5 100 3
500 kW 100 3 5 100 3
630 kW 100 3 5 100 3
710 kW 100 3 5 100 3
900 kW 100 3 5 100 3
1 MW 100 3 5 100 3
1.35 MW 100 3 5 100 3
1.65 MW 100 3 5 100 3

Figure Sizes ≤ 61320 - HD Overload (For Synchronous


170 k3
I out [%]

140 k2
130 k1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
f [Hz]

_ _ Islow, .... Ifast; __ In

(1) FAST current limit; (2) SLOW current limit; (3) RATED current

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 141

Figure Sizes ≥ 71600 - HD Overload (For Synchronous Figure Sizes ≥ 71600 - LD Overload (For Synchronous
motors) motors)

190 110
180 k1
170 k3
160 100

I out [%]
I out [%]

140 k2
130 k1 90
80 70
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
f [Hz]
f [Hz]

_ _ Islow, .... Ifast; __ In _ _ Islow, __ In

(1) FAST current limit; (2) SLOW current limit; (3) RATED current

9.7.3 Switching frequency

“Fixed frequency” mode (PAR 568 Switching freq mode =0, default)
Max (default) Minimum
[kHz] [kHz]
5750 4 2
6900 4 2
61100 2 2
61320 2 2
71600 4 2
72000 2 2
72500 2 2
73150 2 2
73550 2 2
400 kW 2 2
500 kW 2 2
630 kW 2 2
710 kW 2 2
900 kW 2 2
1 MW 2 2
1.35 MW 2 2
1.65 MW 2 2

“Variable frequency” mode (PAR 568 Switching freq mode=1)

Higher switch- Lower switch-

Temperature Temperatura
ing frequency ing frequency Fout
Sizes (HD) (LD)
hswf Iswf

[kHz] [kHz] [kHz] [°C] [°C]

71600 4 2 7 88 93
72000 4 2 7 88 96

Note ! The switching frequency is controlled by the temperature of the drive heat sink and the output fre-
quency. For further information see the Functions and Parameters manual, menu 4.12

142 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

9.8 Voltage level of the inverter for safe operations
The minimum time between the moment in which an ADV200 drive is disabled
from the mains and that in which an operator can operate on internal parts of the
drive, without the danger of electric shock, is 5 minutes.

The value consider the time to turn-off for a drive supplied at 690Vac +10%, without any
options (time indicated for disabled drive condition).

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 143

9.9 Cooling
For all drives fan power suplly is external, see paragraph “5.1.11 Connection of fans”,
page 41.

Dissipated power Airflow of fan

W Heatsink (m3/h)

5750 1500 2 x 325

6900 2000 3 x 325
61100 2000 3 x 325
61320 2400 3 x 325
71600 3800 1500
72000 4200 1500
72500 4500 1500
73150 5200 2000
73550 5700 2000
ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04 4200 1500
400 kW
ADV-72000-XXX-6-SL 4200 1500
ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05 4500 1500
500 kW
ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL 4500 1500
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 06 5200 2000
630 kW
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 5200 2000
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 07 5700 2000
710 kW
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 5700 2000
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 09 5700 2000
900 kW ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 5700 2000
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 5700 2000
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10 5700 2000
1 MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 5700 2000
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 5700 2000
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 14 5700 2000
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 5700 2000
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 5700 2000
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 5700 2000
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 17 5700 2000
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 5700 2000
1.65MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 5700 2000
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 5700 2000
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 5700 2000

144 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

9.10 Weight and dimensions
Sizes Weight (kg) Weight (lbs)

5750 ... 6900

61100 ... 61320
71600 ... 72000 130 286,6
72500 140 308,7
73150 ... 73550 150 330,7
400 kW 260 573,2
500 kW 280 617,4
630 ... 710 kW 300 661,4
900 kW ... 1 MW 450 992.1
1.35MW 600 1322.7
1.65MW 750 1653.5

Note ! Weights referred to standard drive with keypad, without options, packaging not included.

119 mm

400 mm
200 mm 30

23 mm
100 mm
12.75 mm

942 mm (37.08")
904 mm (35.59")
318 mm (12.52")

7.5 mm
528 mm (20.47")

Figure 9.10.1: Size 5 dimensions

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 145

119 mm
400 mm
200 mm
100 mm

23 mm
1134 mm (44.64")
1095 mm (43.11")
1113 mm (43.82")
319 mm (12.559")

12.75 mm

7.5 mm
520 mm (20.472")

Figure 9.10.2: Size 6 dimensions

417 (16.4) 355.6 (14.0)




(*) 35 6.5


1209.5 (47.6)
1230 (48.4)

1407 (55.4)


. 25

62 62 62 62 62
Vista senza protezioni
(*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente View without protections

485 (19.1) (*) Protective trasparent policarbonate


Figure 9.10.3: Size 7 dimensions

146 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

420 155
62 62 62 62 62

837 [33.0]
Quote senza protezioni vedere taglia 7
6.5 See Size 7 for dimensions without protections. (*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente
(*) Protective trasparent policarbonate

1209.5 [47.6]

1636.5 [64.4]
(*) 1407 [55.4]



485 [19.1]

177.8 177.8


Figura 9.10.4: Sizee 400 ... 710 kW dimensions

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 147

420 420 155
62 62 62 62 62

1257 [49.49] (*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente
(*) Protective trasparent policarbonate
6.5 Quote senza protezioni vedere taglia 7
See Size 7 for dimensions without protections.

1209.5 [47.6]

1407 [55.4]
1636.5 [64.4]



93 485 [19.1]


420 420

Figura 9.10.5: Sizes 900 kW - 1 MW dimensions

148 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

1677 mm [66.02”]

interasse di fissaggio
355.6 mm [14”]
485 mm [19.09”]

420 mm [16.54”] 420 mm [16.54”] 420 mm [16.54”] 177.8 mm [7”]

1209.5 mm [47.62”]

1230 mm [48.43”]
1407 mm [55.39”]

12 mm

dettaglio fissaggio inferiore

6.5 mm

Figure 9.10.6: Size 1.35 MW dimensions

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 149

2097 mm [82.56”]

interasse di fissaggio
355.6 mm [14”]
485 mm [19.09”]

420 mm [16.54”] 420 mm [16.54”] 420 mm [16.54”] 420 mm [16.54”] 177.8 mm [7”]

1209.5 mm [47.62”]

1230 mm [48.43”]
1407 mm [55.39”]

12 mm

dettaglio fissaggio inferiore

6.5 mm

Figure 9.10.7: Size 1,55 MW dimensions

150 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

10 - Options

10.1 Optional external fuses

10.1.1 AC input side fuses (F1)
The inverter must be fused on the AC Input side.
Use fast fuses only.

F1 - AC input side fuses

Type Code Type Code
5750 S00C+/üf1/160A/690V F4EAL FWP-175A S7G57
6900 S00C+/üf1/160A/690V F4EAL FWP-175A S7G57
61100 S00üf1/80/200A/690V F4G23 FWP-200A S7G58
61320 S1üf1/110/250A/690V F4G28 FWP-250A S7G59
71600 20 613 32.315 / 170M4160 S85C20 20 613 32.315 / 170M4160 S85C20
72000 20 613 32.400 / 170M4162 S85C21 20 613 32.400 / 170M4162 S85C21
72500 20 623 32.500 / 170M5160 S8B21BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5160 S8B21BF
73150 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
73550 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04 20 613 32.400 / 170M4162 S85C21 20 613 32.400 / 170M4162 S85C21
400 kW
ADV-72000-XXX-6-SL 20 613 32.400 / 170M4162 S85C21 20 613 32.400 / 170M4162 S85C21
ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05 20 623 32.500 / 170M5160 S8B21BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5160 S8B21BF
500 kW
ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL 20 623 32.500 / 170M5160 S8B21BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5160 S8B21BF
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 06 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
630 kW
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 07 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
710 kW
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 09 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
900 kW ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
1 MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 14 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 17 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
1,65MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF 20 623 32.500 / 170M5162 S8B22BF

The technical data of the fuses, e.g. dimensions, weights, heat dissipation, auxiliary contactors, are reported
in the corresponding manufacturer data sheets. S... (Jean Müller); 20 613.. (SIBA - SQB 1 DIN 110); 20 623..
(SIBA - SQB 2 DIN 110); FWP.. (Bussmann); 170M.. (Bussmann - Square body).

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 151

10.1.2 External fuses of the power section DC input side (F2)
The following fuses must be used with an external DC power supply or regenerative
converter (for further details refer to the converter instruction manual):

F2 - External fuses for DC input side

Type Code Type Code
5750 S00üf1/80/200A/690V F4G23 FWP-200A S7G58
6900 S1üf1/110/250A/690V F4G28 FWP-250A S7G59
61100 S1üf1/110/315A/690V F4G30 FWP-350A S7G61
61320 S1üf1/110/400A/690V F4G34 FWP-400A S7G62
71600 20 733 32.400 / 170M6140 S85C13 20 733 32.400 / 170M6140 S85C13
72000 20 733 32.500 / 170M6142 S85C14 20 733 32.500 / 170M6142 S85C14
72500 20 733 32.630 / 170M6144 S85C15 20 733 32.630 / 170M6144 S85C15
73150 20 733 32.700 / 170M6145 S85C16 20 733 32.700 / 170M6145 S85C16
73550 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17
ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04 20 733 32.500 / 170M6142 S85C14 20 733 32.500 / 170M6142 S85C14
400 kW
ADV-72000-XXX-6-SL 20 733 32.500 / 170M6142 S85C14 20 733 32.500 / 170M6142 S85C14
ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05 20 733 32.630 / 170M6144 S85C15 20 733 32.630 / 170M6144 S85C15
500 kW
ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL 20 733 32.630 / 170M6144 S85C15 20 733 32.630 / 170M6144 S85C15
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 06 20 733 32.700 / 170M6145 S85C16 20 733 32.700 / 170M6145 S85C16
630 kW
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 20 733 32.700 / 170M6145 S85C16 20 733 32.700 / 170M6145 S85C16
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 07 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17
710 kW
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 09 20 733 32.700 / 170M6145 S85C16 20 733 32.700 / 170M6145 S85C16
900 kW ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 20 733 32.700 / 170M6145 S85C16 20 733 32.700 / 170M6145 S85C16
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 20 733 32.700 / 170M6145 S85C16 20 733 32.700 / 170M6145 S85C16
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17
1 MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 14 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17
1,65MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17

The technical data of the fuses, e.g. dimensions, weights, heat dissipation, auxiliary contactors, are reported
in the corresponding manufacturer data sheets. S... (Jean Müller); 20 733.. (SIBA - SQB 3 DIN 110); FWP..
(Bussmann); 170M.. (Bussmann - Square body)..

Note! For size 7 only, adaptation for internal mounting of fuses (DC side) on request.

152 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

10.1.3 Optional internal fuses for the DC connection (F2)

F2 - External fuses for DC input side


Type Code
71600 20 733 32.400 / 170M6140 S85C13
72000 20 733 32.500 / 170M6142 S85C14
72500 20 733 32.630 / 170M6144 S85C15
73150 20 733 32.700 / 170M6145 S85C16
73550 20 733 32.800 / 170M6146 S85C17

The technical data of the fuses, e.g. dimensions, weights, heat dissipation, auxiliary contactors, are reported
in the corresponding manufacturer data sheets.

170.. Bussmann (Square body)

20 ... Siba (SQB 3 DIN 110)

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 153

10.2 Choke
10.2.1 Optional input chokes (L1)

A three-phase mains choke is mandatory for sizes of ≥ 160 kW.

Use of mains chokes with an impedance of at least 3% is recommended.
The table below shows the minimum inductance values and current ratings with
the codes proposed by Gefran.
In case of a Master and Slave connection (400 kW to 1.65 MW devices) the use of
identical chokes (same inductance value and same current rating) for Master drive
and for each Slave drive is mandatory to ensure the correct distribution of current
over the drive input rectifier bridges.

In- Mains Rated Saturation Type Code Dimensions

Sizes verter inductance current current (W x H x d, mm) and
Output (µH) (A) (A) weights
5750 ... 61320 HD / LD Integrated on DC-link
71600 HD / LD 200 206 398 LR3-6-160-ADV S7AL07 350 x 420 x 250, 54kg
72000 HD / LD 160 260 493 LR3-6-200-ADV S7AL08 350 x 360 x 250, 64kg
72500 HD / LD 135 335 600 LR3-6-ADV-250 S7AD6 390 x 380 x 255, 75kg
73150 HD / LD 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
380 x 450 x 270, 95kg
73550 HD / LD 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04 160 260 493 LR3-6-200-ADV S7AL08
400 kW HD / LD 350 x 360 x 250, 64kg
ADV-72000-XXX-6-SL 160 260 493 LR3-6-200-ADV S7AL08
ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05 135 335 600 LR3-6-ADV-250 S7AD6
500 kW HD / LD 390 x 380 x 255, 75kg
ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL 135 335 600 LR3-6-ADV-250 S7AD6
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 06 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
630 kW HD / LD
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 07 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
710 kW HD / LD
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 09 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
900 kW ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL HD / LD 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
1 MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL HD / LD 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09 380 x 450 x 270, 95kg
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
1,35MW HD / LD
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 17 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
1,65MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL HD / LD 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 110 405 852 LR3-6-315-355-ADV S7AL09

154 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

10.2.2 Optional external choke (L2)

On 400 kW to 1.65 MW devices, output chokes must be used: value and their
technical characteristics MUST be the same for all the drive power modules (same
inductance value and same current rating) to garantee correct current sharing.
Cable lenght must be the same between the drive power modules.

The ADV200 drive can be used with general purpose standard motors or with
motors specially designed for drive use. The latter usually have a higher isolation
rating to better withstand PWM voltage.
Examples of reference regulations are provided below:
Motors designed for use with Adjustable Frequency Drives do not require any spe-
cific filtering of the voltage waveform from the drive. For general purpose motors,
especially with long cable runs (typically over 100 m [328 feet]) an output choke is
recommended to mantain the voltage waveform within the specified limits.
The rated current of the chokes should be approx. 20% above the rated current
of the frequency drive in order to take into account additional losses due to PWM

Sizes 5750 ... 73550

Mains Rated Saturation
Inverter Dimensions (W x H x d,
Sizes inductance current current Type Code
output mm) and Weights
(µH) (A) (A)
5750 HD / LD 280 102 125 LU3-6-75 S7AE1 240 x 200 x 235, 28kg
6900 HD / LD 230 148 180 LU3-6-110 S7AE2
370 x 330 x 205, 50kg
61100 HD / LD 230 148 180 LU3-6-110 S7AE2
61320 HD / LD 200 160 220 LU3-6-132 on demand
HD 85 210 445 LU3-6-ADV-200 S7FO17
LD 85 210 445 LU3-6-ADV-200 S7FO17 300 x 360 x 210, 50kg
HD 85 210 445 LU3-6-ADV-200 S7FO17
LD 65 265 562 LU3-6-ADV-250 S7FO18
300 x 350 x 210, 44kg
HD 65 265 562 LU3-6-ADV-250 S7FO18
LD 45 400 849 LU3-6-ADV-400 S7FO19
HD 45 400 849 LU3-6-ADV-400 S7FO19
LD 45 400 849 LU3-6-ADV-400 S7FO19 360 x 350 x 250, 65kg
HD 45 400 849 LU3-6-ADV-400 S7FO19
LD 45 400 849 LU3-6-ADV-400 S7FO19

Note ! When the drive is operated at the rated current and at 50 Hz, the output chokes cause a voltage drop
of approx. 2% of the output voltage.
Chokes dimensions and weights are listed in the Gefran Accessories catalogue (1S9I09).

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 155

Sizes 400 kW ... 1.65 MW
The use of output chokes is mandatory for parallel units; as a function of the application/connection,
according to the following criteria:
• for applications with short motor cables (≤ 100 m long) bus bars with an integrated ferrites
(see Table 1) or Only Ferrites may be used (see Table 2) or single distributor chokes may be used
(see Table 3);
• for applications with long motor cables (> 100 m long) output choke may be used (see Table 4);

Table 1: Busbars with integrated output chokes

Busbar kit
Sizes Motor cable lenght distance ≤ 100 m Code
Heavy Duty Light Duty
400 kW OUT-PW-KIT 2P-690V S726412
500 kW OUT-PW-KIT 2P-690V S726412
630 kW OUT-PW-KIT 2P-690V S726412
710 kW OUT-PW-KIT 2P-690V S726412
900 kW OUT-PW-KIT 3P-690V S726413
1 MW OUT-PW-KIT 3P-690V S726413
1.35 MW Not applicable -
1,65 MW Not applicable -

Nota: viste senza protezione.

Note: views without protections

Figure 2.1: Busbar kit for sizes 400 ... 710 kW

Nota: viste senza protezione.

Note: views without protections

Figure 2.2: Busbar kit for sizes 900 kW - 1 MW

156 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Table 2: Ferrites

Motor cable lenght distance ≤ 100 m

Inverter @690Vac
output Q.ty Dimensions (mm) Weights
Type Code
(1) A B D E F G R kg
400 kW SP / SL 48 Ferrite -N 57L 34P 22H

500 kW SP / SL 48 D

630 kW SP / SL 48
11.5 35 1.5
710 kW SP / SL 48 6S7060 33.5 57.2 22 10 0.2
min min max

900 kW SP / SL 72

1 MW SP / SL 72

≥1.35 kW SP / SL (2) E F E
(1) A total of 8pcs of ferrites has to be mounted on each drive module output phase.
(2) Solution not recommended: use output inductances.

Table 3: Current distributor output choke

Motor cable lenght distance ≤ 100 m

Sizes Mains Rated Saturation
output Dimensions and
inductance current current Q.ty Type Code
(µH) (A) (A)
ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04 1
400 kW HD
ADV-72000-XXX-6-SL 1 L = 240 mm
LU3-6- A = 215 mm
ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04 25 265 562 1 S7FO23
ADV-250P p = 200 mm
400 kW LD
ADV-72000-XXX-6-SL 1 20 kg
ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05 1
500 kW HD
ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL 1
ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05 1
500 kW LD
ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL 1
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 06 1
630 kW HD/LD
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 1
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 07 1
710 kW HD/LD
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 1
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 09 1
900 kW ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL HD/LD 1
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 1
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10 1 L = 270 mm
LU3-6- A = 290 mm
1 MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL HD/LD 15 415 796 1 S7FO22
ADV-355P p = 185 mm
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 1 24 kg
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10 1
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 1
1,35 MW HD / LD
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 1
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 1
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 17 1
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 1
1,65 MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL HD / LD 1
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 1
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 1

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 157

Table 4: output choke

Motor cable lenght distance > 100 m

Inverter @690Vac
Q.ty Type Code Dimensions and Weights

ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04 1 W = 300 mm
H = 360 mm
400 kW HD LU3-6-200 S7FO17
d = 210 mm
ADV-72000-XXX-6-SL 1 46 kg

ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04 1 W = 300 mm
H = 360 mm
400 kW LD LU3-6-250 S7FO18
d = 210 mm
ADV-72000-XXX-6-SL 1 46 kg
ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05 1
500 kW HD / LD
ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL 1
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 06 1
630 kW HD / LD
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 1
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 07 1
710 kW HD / LD
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 1
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 09 1
900 kW ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL HD / LD 1
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 1
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10 1 W = 360 mm
H = 350 mm
1 MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL HD / LD 1 LU3-6-ADV-400 S7FO19
d = 250 mm
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 1 65 kg
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10 1
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 1
1.35 MW HD / LD
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 1
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 1
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 17 1
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 1
1.65 MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL HD / LD 1
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 1
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 1

158 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

10.3 External EMC filter (optional)
ADV200 series inverters (except ADV200-...-DC models) are equipped with an in-
ternal EMI filter able to guarantee the performance levels required by EN 61800-3
standard (according to 2nd environment, category C3) with a maximum of 20
meters of shielded motor cable (up to 50 metres for size 5 and above).
Optional external filters for different installations are listed in the table below.

Note !
The filters indicates are for connection to networks “TT” and “TN“.
In the case of supply of the inverter through IT networks, a series of special EMI filters are available.

Heavy duty Light duty EN 61800-3 :

Sizes Category / Environment
Type Code Type Code / Motor cable length
5750 EMI-690-180 S7DGP EMI-690-250 S7DGQ C3 / 2nd / 100 m
6900 EMI-690-180 S7DGP EMI-690-250 S7DGQ C3 / 2nd / 100 m
61100 EMI-690-180 S7DGP EMI-690-250 S7DGQ C3 / 2nd / 100 m
61320 EMI-690-180 S7DGP EMI-690-250 S7DGQ C3 / 2nd / 100 m
71600 EMI-690-180 S7DGP EMI-690-250 S7DGQ C3 / 2nd / 100 m
72000 EMI-690-250 S7DGQ EMI-690-320 S7DGR C3 / 2nd / 100 m
72500 EMI-690-320 S7DGR EMI-690-320 S7DGR C3 / 2nd / 100 m
73150 EMI-690-320 S7DGR EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
73550 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m

ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04 EMI-690-250 S7DGQ EMI-690-320 S7DGR C3 / 2nd / 100 m

400 kW
ADV-72000-XXX-6-SL EMI-690-250 S7DGQ EMI-690-320 S7DGR C3 / 2nd / 100 m
ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05 EMI-690-320 S7DGR EMI-690-320 S7DGR C3 / 2nd / 100 m
500 kW
ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL EMI-690-320 S7DGR EMI-690-320 S7DGR C3 / 2nd / 100 m
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 06 EMI-690-320 S7DGR EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
630 kW
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL EMI-690-320 S7DGR EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 07 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
710 kW
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 09 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
900 kW ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
1 MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
1,35 MW
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 17 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
1,65 MW ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m
ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 C3 / 2nd / 100 m

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 159

Filters Dimensions Weights

Type Code (Wx H x d) - mm kg

EMI-690-180 S7DGP 200 x 110 x 170 5
EMI-690-250 S7DGQ 200 x 110 x 170 5
EMI-690-320 S7DGR 230 x 116 x 190 7.2
EMI-690-400 S7EMI12 230 x 116 x 190 7.5

160 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

10.4 External filters to reduce grid harmonics (optional)
ADV200-RHF filters are used to reduce total harmonic distortion (current) on the
power supply line.
The choice of filter depends on the rated characteristics of the motor, on its ser-
vice conditions (LD or HD), and on the performance levels you want to achieve in
terms of line THDi.
The tables in section 10.4.3 show the standard performance for each motor size
as defined by motor tables in efficiency class IE2 – High Efficiency (according to
Considering that filters are normally required in HVAC applications, the service
use of the motor (and therefore of the inverter) is always Light Duty.
The following section shows the formula and an example of calculation of line
current starting from motor data. Therefore, you can always select an appropriate
filter for HD service as well.

On RHF-A and RHF-B series filters, input choke inductance is integrated in the filters.
On RHF-AS and RHF-BS series filters, inductance is external and is supplied with
these filters

Drive efficiency = 0.975

RHF efficiency = 0.99.

10.4.1 Choice of performance and calculation of current in RHF filters

Protection degree (IP)
Mains frequency
Filter rated current
A: THDi ≤ 10% with mains or DC choke (THDu ≤ 2%)
B: THDi ≤ 5% with mains or DC choke (THDu ≤ 2%)
Passive filter to reduce harmonics


Fan voltage supply
Mains frequency
Filter rated current
AS: THDi ≤ 10% (THDu ≤ 2%) and supply of external input
choke inductance L0
BS: THDi ≤ 5% (THDu ≤ 2%) and supply of external input
choke inductance L0
Passive filter to reduce harmonics

Choice of performance
Inverter without input Inverter with input choke Inverter without input Inverter with input choke
choke inductance or DC inductance or DC choke inductance or DC inductance or DC
< 16% < 10% < 10% < 5%

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 161

Calculation of filter current

I filter [A] =
Uln * √3 * ηf * ηl * ηm

Rated motor power Pm 18.5 [kW]
Motor efficiency ηm 95%
Mains voltage Uln 400 [V]
Mains frequency 50 [Hz]
Inverter efficiency ηl 98%
Passive filter efficiency ηf 99.0%
Filter current 29.0 [A]

The rated current of the chosen filter must be ≥ the filter current calculated above:
RHF-A/B 29-400-50-20-A

10.4.2 Connection diagrams

Figure 10.4.1: RHF-A-... and RHF-B-... models


1 3 5
2 4 6



X3.1 X3.2 X3.3

RHF-A/B-... K2M
Capacitor disconnect

X2.1 X2.2 X2.3 A B X4.1 X4.2 X4.3

Auxiliary circuit
(Pulse lock)
L1 L2 L3




162 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Figura 10.4.2: Parallel connection of RHF-A-... and RHF-B-... models


F1 F1
K2M 3 K2M 3






X3 X4 X3 X4

RHF-A/B-... RHF-A/B-...

X2.1 X2.2 X2.3 A B X2.1 X2.2 X2.3 A B

L1 L2 L3

Auxiliary circuit (Pulse lock)



K2M = Capacitor disconnect (optional)

Figura 10.4.2: RHF-AS-... and RHF-BS-... models


F1 230Vac,1ph
1 3 5
2 4 6 F2

L0 L1 N PE
Fan supply RHF-R*

X4.3 A B

Auxiliary circuit (Pulse lock)

L1 L2 L3




ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 163

10.4.3 Matching motors, RHF filters and ADV200 drives
Grid: 690V / 50Hz
Drive Output: Light Duty RHF Passive Filter Line Input
Motor Motor Drive
Power 4 Rated Rated Current
Efficiency Size Overload
poles IE2 Power Current Type (1) Current @ 380V
[%] [kW] [A] [A] [A]
- - 5750
- - 5900
- - 61100
- - 61320
200 95.1 71600 200 210 RHF-A/B 197-690-50-20-A 197 182.3
250 95.1 72000 250 265 RHF-A/B 240-690-50-20-A 240 227.9
315 95.1 72500 315 330 RHF-A/B 296-690-50-20-A 296 287.1
355 95.1 73150 355 375 RHF-AS/BS 366-690-50-230-A 366 323.6
400 95.1 73550 400 415 RHF-AS/BS 366-690-50-230-A 366 364.6
500 95.1 400 kW 500 500 (2) RHF-AS/BS 480-690-50-230-A 480 455.8
630 95.1 500 kW 630 630 RHF-AS/BS 550-690-50-230-A 550 574.3
710 95.1 630 kW 710 710 RHF-AS/BS 680-690-50-230-A 680 647.2
800 95.1 710 kW 800 790 RHF-AS/BS 760-690-50-230-A 760 729.2
1000 95.1 900 kW 1000 1000 2 x RHF-AS/BS 480-690-50-230-A 960 911.5
1150 95.1 1 MW 1150 1150 2 x RHF-AS/BS 550-690-50-230-A 1100 1048.3
1500 95.1 1.35 MW 1500 1450 2 x RHF-AS/BS 680-690-50-230-A 1360 1367.3
1800 95.1 1.65 MW 1800 1770 2 x RHF-AS/BS 760-690-50-230-A 1520 1640.8
(1) RHF-A/B: RHF-A Models ... or RHF-B-... , RHF-AS/BS: RHF-AS Models ... or RHF-BS-...; see section 10.4.1.
(2) Overload 110% the Rated Current for 60s every 300s
(3) Reduced THDi performance due to part load

10.4.4 Dimensions and weights of RHF filters

RHF Passive Filte Q.ty * Frame Dimensions: W * H * d (mm) Weight (kg)

RHF-A 197-690-50-20-A X7 911 * 468 * 449 123
RHF-A 240-690-50-20-A X8 911 * 468 * 540 136
RHF-A 296-690-50-20-A X8 911 * 468 * 540 142

RHF-B 197-690-50-20-A X7 911 * 468 * 449 197

RHF-B 240-690-50-20-A X8 911 * 468 * 540 220
RHF-B 296-690-50-20-A X8 911 * 468 * 540 228

RHF-AS 366-690-50-230-A X38B 951 * 307 * 444,5 tbd

RHF-AS 480-690-50-230-A 2 x X38B 951 * 307 * 444,5 tbd
RHF-AS 550-690-50-230-A 2 x X38B 951 * 307 * 444,5 tbd
RHF-AS 680-690-50-230-A 3 x X38B 951 * 307 * 444,5 tbd
RHF-AS 760-690-50-230-A 3 x X38B 951 * 307 * 444,5 tbd

RHF-BS 366-690-50-230-A X38B 951 * 307 * 444,5 tbd

RHF-BS 480-690-50-230-A 2 x X38B 951 * 307 * 444,5 tbd
RHF-BS 550-690-50-230-A 2 x X38B 951 * 307 * 444,5 tbd
RHF-BS 680-690-50-230-A 3 x X38B 951 * 307 * 444,5 tbd
RHF-BS 760-690-50-230-A 3 x X38B 951 * 307 * 444,5 tbd

164 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

10.4.5 Dimensions and weights of L0-RHF chokes

L0-RHF-AS/BS mais chokes are included in delivery of the RHF-AS/BS module

filters series (RHF-AS/BS = L0 RHF-AS/BS choke + n filters RHF-R).

Dimensions: H * W *d (mm) Weight (kg)
External choke
L0 RHF-AS 366-690-50-230-A 420 * 370 * 370
L0 RHF-AS 480-690-50-230-A 480 * 440 * 440
L0 RHF-AS 550-690-50-230-A 480 * 520 * 440
L0 RHF-AS 680-690-50-230-A 480 * 520 * 440
L0 RHF-AS 760-690-50-230-A 480 * 520 * 440

L0 RHF-BS 366-690-50-230-A 480 * 520 * 440

L0 RHF-BS 480-690-50-230-A 600 * 640 * 400
L0 RHF-BS 550-690-50-230-A 600 * 640 * 420
L0 RHF-BS 680-690-50-230-A 600 * 640 * 450
L0 RHF-BS 760-690-50-230-A 600 * 640 * 460

10.5 Braking resistor (optional)

Note ! An optional BUy braking unit connected to terminals C and D can be used. For further details reference
should be made to the BUy manual.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 165

10.6 Installation of optional cards

Up to three optional cards can be inserted in the three slots under the top cover:
• Slot 1 (1): dedicated to IO cards (EXP-IO-...-ADV , EXP-FL-XCAN-ADV)
• Slot 2: dedicated to Encoder cards (EXP-...-ADV) and I/O cards (2).
• Slot 3 (1): dedicated to field Bus cards (EXP-PDP-ADV, EXP-CAN-ADV, etc.) and
I/O cards (2).

(1) If managing 2 or 3 encoders, these slots can also be used for the encoder cards or the EXP-RES-...
resolver card, see section “10.6.1 SLOT / Encoder Card Management”, page 167 for further details.
(2) On all of the slots on the control card, you can connect the three I/O expansion cards (*) dedicated
to the analog/digital I/O and to reading of temperature sensors PT100 / PT1000 / NI1000 / PTC / KTY84.
(*) EXP-IO-SENS-100-ADV card (recognized as I/O 8 at slot level), EXP-IO-SENS-1000-ADV card (recog-
nized as I/O 6 at slot level), and EXP-IO-D5R8-ADV card (recognized as I/O 7 at slot level).
EXP- SFTy-ADV card (models ADV-...SI): Integrated on board as the 4th option or integrated in the INT-
P-ADV power card (sizes ≥ 71600 and “L” HW version and above).

If an optional card is inserted in an incorrect Slot, the drive will send an error message.
The EXP-SFTy-ADV safety card can be installed and configured only in factory.

166 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

10.6.1 SLOT / Encoder Card Management

Configurations other than those described below are not allowed.

Note !
Encoder 1 = Encoder menu, parameters 21XX.
Encoder 2 = Encoder menu, parameters 51XX.
Encoder 3 = Encoder menu, parameters 52XX.

1 encoder managed (one optional card)

Optional Card SLOT Software recognition
EXP-DE-I1R1F2-ADV Incremental Digital Encoder (DE) 2 Encoder 1

EXP-RES-I1R1-ADV Resolver (o slot 1/3) (Encoder 2)

EXP-SE-I1R1F2-ADV Incremental Sinusoidal Encoder (SE)

Incremental Sinusoidal Encoder +
EXP-SESC-I1R1F2-ADV SinCos Absolute (SESC)
Encoder 1
Incremental Sinusoidal Encoder + Endat 2
EXP-EN/SSI-I1R1F2-ADV Absolute + SSI (SE-EnDat/SSI) (o slot 3) (1)
(Encoder 2) (1)
Incremental Sinusoidal Encoder +
EXP-HIP-I1R1F2-ADV Hiperface Absolute (SE-Hiperface)
EXP-ASC-I1-ADV Incremental SinCos Absolute Encoder

2 encoders managed (one optional card)

Optional Card SLOT Software recognition
Double Incremental Digital Encoder 2 Encoder 1 / Encoder 2
(2 x DE) 1 (or 3) Encoder 2 / Encoder 3

2 encoders managed (two optional cards)

Software Software
Optional Card SLOT Optional Card SLOT
recognition recognition
EXP-EN/SSI-I1R1F2-ADV 2 Encoder 1 EXP-EN/SSI-I1R1F2-ADV (1) Encoder 2
EXP-HIP-I1R1F2-ADV EXP-HIP-I1R1F2-ADV (1) (or slot 3)

(1) configuration possible only with optional board revision “D” or higher.

(2) two RESOLVER boards cannot be used.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 167

3 encoders managed (two optional cards)
Optional Card SLOT Software recognition Optional Card SLOT Software recognition
EXP-EN/SSI-I1R1F2-ADV 2 Encoder 1 EXP-DE-I2R1F2-ADV Encoder 2 / Encoder 3
EXP-HIP-I1R1F2-ADV (o slot 3

3-encoder managed (three optional cards)

Prohibited combination.

168 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

10.6.2 Procedure
1. Remove the bottom cover as indicated in paragraph 5.2.1.


2. To remove the top cover, loosen screws B by about 2 turns and slide out cover
C as shown in the figure.

3. To prevent damage to the connection of the keypad, the top cover can be
positioned as indicated in the figure.
Alternatively, remove the connector of the keypad and rest the cover in a safe place.

S2 (x2)


S2 (x2)

S1 (x1)

S1 (x1)

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 169

4. Position and fasten the metallic shield (S), provided with the optional card, with
the screws S1 and S2 (x1) as shown in the figure.


5. Position the optional card in the dedicated Slot (in the example, the EXP-IO
card is inserted in Slot 1).
Align the ends of the card (D) in the slots and then fully insert the connector of
the card in the connectors of the drive (E).
6. Fasten the card with the screw + washer (provided with the optional card) in
housing (F) as shown in the figure.

10.6.3 Shielding of optional card connections

Fasten the shield of the

cables to the omega sections
as showed on figure.

170 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

10.7 Wiring connection using SBM motor series
Drive/Feedback connections
Following paragraphs specify the connection between the drive ADV200 and sen-
sors feedback installed on SBM standard series synchronous motors.

10.7.1 Resolver wiring (RES)

Following table shows the connections needed using Resolver sensor mounted on
SBM5, SBM7, SBM8, SBM9 Gefran series motor:

19poles SBM motor connector EXP-RES-I1R1-ADV board
B (SHIELD) Drive side
C resolver cos+ channel 23
D resolver cos- channel 24
E resolver sin - channel 22
F resolver sin+ channel 21
S (KLIXON) Klixon contact Note 1
T (KLIXON) Klixon contact Note 1
U Excitation resolver + 25
V Excitation resolver - 26

10poles SBM3 motor connector EXP-RES-I1R1-ADV board
B (SHIELD) Drive side
C resolver cos+ channel 23
D resolver cos- channel 24
E resolver sin - channel 22
F resolver sin+ channel 21
G Excitation resolver +
H Excitation resolver - 26
J (KLIXON) Klixon contact Note 1
K (KLIXON) Klixon contact Note 1
- For resolver cable use twisted pair shielded cable; the pairs should be the signal wires cos+/cos-,sin+/
sin-, exc+/ exc-, motor temperature sensor wires. All the shields must be connected together to cable
shield pin of resolver connector on the motor side and on drive side.

Note 1 : “Klicson” Motor thermal contact can be connected to a digital input of the drive programmed as alarm
Motor Overtemperature, [12] Motor OT.


IPA Description Note Default
4520 Motor OT src Digital input selection Zero
4522 Motor OT activity Alarm type selection Fast Stop
4528 Motor OT holdoff Digital filter setting 1000ms

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 171

10.7.2 Sinusoidal Encoder SinCos wiring (SESC)
Following table shows the connections needed using SinCos encoder mounted on
SBM5, SBM7, SBM8, SBM9 Gefran series motor (it cannot be applied those type
of encoder with SBM3):

19poles SBM motor connector
A Ref encoder power supply 0VDC C5
B (SHIELD) cable shield Drive side
C Absolute Cos+ channel 29
D Absolute Cos- channel 30
E Absolute Sin- channel 28
F Absolute Sin+ channel 27
H Sinusoidal incremental B+ channel 23
J Sinusoidal incremental B- channel 24
K Sinusoidal incremental A- channel 22
L Sinusoidal incremental A+ channel 21
M Zero pulse Z+ channel 25
N Zero pulse Z- channel 26
P Power supply encoder +5VDC S5
S (KLIXON) Klixon contact Note 1
T (KLIXON) Klixon contact Note 1

- For encoder cable use twisted pair shielded cable; the pairs shouldbe the signal wires A+/A-,B+/B-,Z+/Z-
,cos+/cos-,sin+/sin-, motortemperature sensor wires, encoder supply wires. All the shields must be
connected together to cable shield pin of encoder connector on the motor side and on drive side.

Note 1 : “Klicson” Motor thermal contact can be connected to a digital input of the drive programmed as alarm
Motor Overtemperature, [12] Motor OT.


IPA Description Note Default
4520 Motor OT src Digital input selection Zero
4522 Motor OT activity Alarm type selection Fast Stop
4528 Motor OT holdoff Digital filter setting 1000ms

Power Connector
(E) (BRAKE +24V)
(F) (BRAKE 0V)

172 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Appendix 1 - Parallel connection (400kW ... 1.65MW sizes)

A 1.1 Introduction
To obtain a drive of more than 355 kW connect a number of single units of be-
tween 200 kW and 355 kW in parallel.
A parallel connection of several drives basically consists of one MASTER unit and
one or more SLAVE units.

Power code Description (Designation) Power code Description (Designation)

S9O76M ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04-SI S9O76MC ADV-72000-KXX-6- MS 04-DC- SI
400kW 400kW
S9O76S ADV-72000-XXX-6-SL S9O76SC ADV-72000-XXX-6- SL-DC
S9O77M ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05-SI S9O77MC ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05-DC-SI
500kW 500kW
S9O77S ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL S9O77SC ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL-DC
S9O78M ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 06-SI S9O78MC ADV-73150-KXX-6 -MS 06-DC-SI
630kW 630kW
S9O78S ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL S9O78SC ADV-73150-XXX-6 -SL-DC
S9O79M ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 07-SI S9O79MC ADV-73550-KXX-6- MS 07-DC-SI
710kW 710kW
S9O79S ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL S9O79SC ADV-73550-XXX-6- SL-DC
S9O78M1 ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 09-SI S9O78M1C ADV-73150-KXX-6 -MS 09-DC-SI
900kW S9O78S ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL 900kW S9O78SC ADV-73150-XXX-6 -SL-DC
S9O78S ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL S9O78SC ADV-73150-XXX-6 -SL-DC
S9O79M1 ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10-SI S9O79M1C ADV-73550-KXX-6- MS 10-DC-SI
1 MW S9O79S ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 1 MW S9O79SC ADV-73550-XXX-6- SL-DC
S9O79S ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL S9O79SC ADV-73550-XXX-6- SL-DC
S9O79M2 ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 14-SI S9O79M2C ADV-73550-KXX-6- MS 14-DC-SI
S9O79S ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL S9O79SC ADV-73550-XXX-6- SL-DC
1.35 MW 1.35 MW
S9O79S ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL S9O79SC ADV-73550-XXX-6- SL-DC
S9O79S1 ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 S9O79SC1 ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2-DC
S9O79M3 ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 17-SI S9O79M3C ADV-73550-KXX-6- MS 17-DC-SI
S9O79S ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL S9O79SC ADV-73550-XXX-6- SL-DC
1.65 MW S9O79S ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL 1.65 MW S9O79SC ADV-73550-XXX-6- SL-DC
S9O79S1 ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 S9O79SC1 ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2-DC
S9O79S1 ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2 S9O79SC1 ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2-DC

Master unit
This is the only one to have the regulation card and keypad. It differs from the
standard single unit in that the power section control card (INT-P-ADV) is recon-
figured to function as MASTER and includes one or more MASTER - SLAVE (INT-
SLAVE) interface cards, one card for each slave that is connected.
The MASTER - SLAVE interface is achieved via a specific signal cable included in
the SLAVE drive packaging.
Slave unit
It differs from the standard single unit in that it has a dedicated power section
control card (INT-P-ADV) and there is no regulation card or keypad.

The INT-P-ADV-MASTER card provided with one or more INT-SLAVE cards, acts
as the interface between the R-ADV regulation card and the power section of the
master unit and all the slave units. It also performs the following functions:
• current signal scaling (via dip switch, factory-set)
• hardware dead time compensation
• alarm signal management (including local diagnostics via LED)
• temperature signal management.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 173

The INT-P-ADV-SLAVE card interfaces between the power section of the slave
unit and the master unit. It also performs the following functions:
• alarm signal management (including local diagnostics via LED)
• temperature signal management.

The INT-SLAVE interface card manages communication between a master unit
and a slave unit.
The INT-SLAVE cards are mounted on the master unit, their number correspond-
ing to that of the slaves that are connected (max. 4 slaves).
The INT-SLAVE card is factory-set.

In the event of a failure, the INT-P-ADV card may only be replaced by trained and
specialized Gefran personnel.
The drives mounting the INT-P-ADV cards rev L and higher, can not be connected in
Caution parallel with drives that mount the INT-P-ADV card rev F or lower.

A 1.2 Compatibility of IGBT modules

Starting from July 2015, the following 690V products based on power stack 315kW
and 355kW, which use IGBT modules “INFINEON” branded, will be manufac-
tured with power modules “FUJI” branded too. Both types have same mechanical
dimensions but they cannot combined together.
MODEL Code Type

Code Type Product Product

configuration with configuration with
S9O78 ADV-73150-KXX-6
S9O78M ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 06 -SI
S9O78M1 ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 09 -SI
S9O78M1C ADV-73150-KXX-6 -MS 09-DC-SI
S9O78MC ADV-73150-KXX-6 -MS 06-DC-SI
S9O78S ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL
S9O78SC ADV-73150-XXX-6-SL-DC
S9O78SI ADV-73150-KXX-6+SI
S9O79 ADV-73550-KXX-6
S9O79M ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 07 -SI
S9O79M1 ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10-SI
S9O79M1C ADV-73550-KXX-6- MS 10-DC-SI
A1...B2 B3
S9O79M2 ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 14-SI
S9O79M2C ADV-73550-KXX-6- MS 14-DC-SI
S9O79M3 ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 17-SI
S9O79M3C ADV-73550-KXX-6- MS 17-DC-SI
S9O79MC ADV-73550-KXX-6- MS 07-DC-SI
S9O79S ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL
S9O79S1 ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2
S9O79SC ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL-DC
S9O79SC1 ADV-73550-XXX-6-SL2-DC
S9O79SI ADV-73550-KXX-6+SI
S9O85 ADV-73150-KXX-6-DC
S9O85SI ADV-73150-KXX-6-DC+SI

174 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Code Type Product Product
configuration with configuration with
S9O86 ADV-73550-KXX-6-DC
A1...B2 B3
S9O86SI ADV-73550-KXX-6-DC+SI

S9O80 ADV-73150-KXX-6A
S9O80M ADV-73150-KXX-6A-MS 06 -SI
S9O80M1 ADV-73150-KXX-6A-MS 09 -SI
S9O80M1C ADV-73150-KXX-6A-MS 09-DC-SI
S9O80MC ADV-73150-KXX-6A-MS 06-DC-SI
S9O80S ADV-73150-XXX-6A-SL
S9O80SC ADV-73150-XXX-6A -SL-DC
S9O80SI ADV-73150-KXX-6A+SI
S9O81 ADV-73550-KXX-6A
S9O81M ADV-73550-KXX-6A-MS 07 -SI
S9O81M1 ADV-73550-KXX-6A-MS 10-SI A1...B1 B3
S9O81M1C ADV-73550-KXX-6A- MS 10-DC-SI
S9O81M2 ADV-73550-KXX-6A-MS 14-SI
S9O81MC ADV-73550-KXX-6A- MS 07-DC-SI
S9O81S ADV-73550-XXX-6A-SL
S9O81SC ADV-73550-XXX-6A- SL-DC
S9O81SI ADV-73550-KXX-6A+SI
S9O87 ADV-73150-KXX-6A-DC
S9O87SI ADV-73150-KXX-6A-DC+SI
S9O88 ADV-73550-KXX-6A-DC
S9O88SI ADV-73550-KXX-6A-DC+SI

When replacing the IGBT modules on an existing product, it must be checked

the “Prod Configuration” on the label for the correct replacement. IGBT module
installed in the drive must be all the same type. See “Firmware & cards revision” in
chapter “2.1 Drive type designation”.

The following rules must be strictly followed:

• IGBT modules installed in the drive must be all same type / typology.
• Master / Slave products configuration must necessarily be made with the
same IGBT type. It will be not possible to use drive with different product
configuration between master and slave.
• For repair in field, the replacement of an IGBT module may be carry out with
same type. It will be not possible to use drive Master with Infineon power
module and drive Slave with Fuji power module and vice versa.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 175

A 1.3 MS-SL interface cable wiring sizes 400...710kW
Fit the ADV200 MASTER and SLAVE inverters inside the electrical panel. Connect
all the power section cables and connect the signal cable for interfacing between
the 2 drives.

8S860B x 1 (1mt)

The cable (code 8S860B) for connecting 2 drives is one metre long and has two
quick coupling male MDR connectors at the ends.

ADV-...-MS-.. ADV-...-SL






J4 connector XSL connector


Wiring instructions:
1. Connect one of the 2 ends of the interface cable to the XSL connector of the
2. Secure the cable using the specific clamp.
3. Connect the other end of the cable to connector J4 of the INT-SLAVE card
mounted on the INT-P-ADV-MASTER card of the MASTER drive.
4. Secure the cable in the relative clamp
5. To prevent the interface cable from coming into contact with the power termi-
nals, fold the excess length of cable inside the SLAVE drive as shown in the
figure and secure it using the specific cable clamps.

176 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

A 1.4 MS-SL interface cable wiring sizes 900kW-1MW
Fit the ADV200 MASTER and SLAVE inverters inside the electrical panel. Con-
nect all the power section cables and connect the 2 signal cables for interfacing
between the 3 drives.

8S860B x 2 (1mt)

The cable (code 8S860B, x 2) for connecting the drives is one metre long and has
two quick coupling male MDR connectors at the ends.


ADV-...-SL ADV-...-MS-.. ADV-...-SL

INT-SLAVE card (1)

INT-SLAVE card (2)

INT-P-ADV SLAVE card (1)

INT-P-ADV SLAVE card (2)

XSL connector J4 connectors XSL connector


Wiring instructions:
1. Connect one of the 2 ends of the interface cable to the XSL connector of the
2. Secure the cable using the specific clamp.
3. Connect the other end of the cable to connector J4 of the INT-SLAVE (2)
card mounted on the INT-P-ADV-MASTER card of the MASTER drive.
4. Secure the cable in the relative clamp
5. Repeat steps 1-2-3-4 for SLAVE 1.
6. To prevent the interface cables from coming into contact with the power
terminals, fold the excess length of cable inside the SLAVE drive as shown in
the figure and secure it using the specific cable clamps.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 177

A 1.5 MS-SL interface cable wiring sizes 1.35 MW
Fit the ADV200 MASTER and SLAVE inverters inside the electrical panel. Con-
nect all the power section cables and connect the 3 signal cables for interfacing
between the 4 drives.

8S860B x 2 (1mt) Supplied with ADV200-...-SL

8S870B x 1 (2mt) Supplied with ADV200-...-SL2

The cables (cod. 8S860B x2 + cod. 8S870B x 1) for connecting the ADV200-...-SL
and ADV200-...-SL2 drives are respectively one meter and two meters long and
has two quick coupling male MDR connectors at the ends.

ADV200-...-SL2 ADV200-...-SL ADV200-...-MS ADV200-...-SL

INT-P-ADV SLAVE card (1)


INT-SLAVE card (2)
XSL connector
INT-P-ADV SLAVE card (3)

INT-P-ADV SLAVE card (2) 3.

XSL connector
XSL connector

J4 connectors 4.

6. 7.

8S860B 8S860B

Wiring instructions:
1. Connect one of the 2 ends of the interface cable to the XSL connector of the
2. Secure the cable using the specific clamp.
3. Connect the other end of the cable to connector J4 of the INT-SLAVE (2)
card mounted on the INT-P-ADV-MASTER card of the MASTER drive.
4. Secure the cable in the relative clamp
5. Repeat steps 1-2-3-4 for SLAVE 1 and SLAVE 3 (see figure 6-7 for location
and wiring of INT-SLAVE card on INT-P-ADV-MASTER card)
6. To prevent the interface cables from coming into contact with the power
terminals, fold the excess length of cable inside the SLAVE drive as shown in
the figure and secure it using the specific cable clamps.

178 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

A 1.6 MS-SL interface cable wiring sizes 1.65 MW
Fit the ADV200 MASTER and SLAVE inverters inside the electrical panel. Con-
nect all the power section cables and connect the 4 signal cables for interfacing
between the 5 drives.

8S860B x 2 (1mt) Supplied with ADV200-...-SL

8S870B x 2 (2mt) Supplied with ADV200-...-SL2

The cables (cod. 8S860B x2 + cod. 8S870B x 2) for connecting the ADV200-...-SL
and ADV200-...-SL2 drives are respectively one meter and two meters long and
has two quick coupling male MDR connectors at the ends.


ADV200-...-SL2 ADV200-...-SL ADV200-...-MS ADV200-...-SL ADV200-...-SL2


INT-P-ADV SLAVE card (1)

INT-P-ADV SLAVE card (2)


XSL connector
XSL connector
INT-P-ADV SLAVE card (3)

INT-P-ADV SLAVE card (4)

XSL connector
XSL connector

J4 connectors


6. 7.

8S860B 8S860B
8S870B 8S870B

Wiring instructions:
1. Connect one of the 2 ends of the interface cable to the XSL connector of the
2. Secure the cable using the specific clamp.
3. Connect the other end of the cable to connector J4 of the INT-SLAVE (2)
card mounted on the INT-P-ADV-MASTER card of the MASTER drive.
4. Secure the cable in the relative clamp
5. Repeat steps 1-2-3-4 for SLAVE 1, SLAVE 3 and SLAVE 4 (see figure 6-7 for
location and wiring of INT-SLAVE card on INT-P-ADV-MASTER card)
6. To prevent the interface cables from coming into contact with the power
terminals, fold the excess length of cable inside the SLAVE drive as shown in
the figure and secure it using the specific cable clamps.

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 179

A 1.7 Jumpers and Switches
The jumpers and switches on these cards are factory-set. DO NOT change these

A 1.8 LEDs
The cards incorporate a LED diagnostics system for rapid analysis of everything
happening on a multi-unit drive.


INT-P-ADV (≥ Rev L)

LEDS Normal
Colour FUNCTION functioning
≤ F (*) ≥ L (*)
H1 D119 Green +15V_PWR_U monitor On
H2 D120 Green +15V_PWR_V monitor On
H3 D121 Green +15V_PWR_W monitor On
H4 D123 Green +15V monitor On
H5 D125 Green -15V monitor On
H6 D129 Green +3,3V monitor On
D25 Green +3,3V R monitor On
H16 D122 Green +24V monitor On
H17 D124 Green +5V monitor On
It switches on after power supply start-up when the FPGA configuration
DP* D128 Green On
sequence is complete
D149 Green +5V safety monitor On
H7 D67/D64 Red PHASE U Off
They light up to indicate a short circuit between the output
H8 D68/D65 Red PHASE V Off
H9 D69/D66 Red PHASE W Off
H10 D126 Red It lights up to indicate a power rectifier heat sink overtemperature Off

180 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

LEDS Normal
Colour FUNCTION functioning
≤ F (*) ≥ L (*)
H11 D127 Red It lights up to indicate overtemperature of the air inside the drive Off
H12 D132 Red IGBT U They light up to indicate loss of the feedback signal relating Off
H13 D130 Red IGBT V to the moment the IGBT devices are switched on. The Off
H14 D133 Red IGBT W signal is used for hardware dead time compensation Off
It lights up in case of overtemperature of one of the IGBT devices.
The signal temperature relating to the hotter of the master and slave
IGBT devices is sent to the regulation card.
A temperature signal is also sent automatically to the regulation card in
case of minimum temperature, which could occur in the event of a fault
H15 D131 Red Off
in one of the temperature reading circuits.
The loss of one of the temperature signals is indicated by LED H15,
with the code indicated by the number of flashes (*): the sequence of
flashes to indicate the faulty PHASE or SLAVE has a 3Hz frequency and
is repeated cyclically every 5 seconds.
It lights up on the INT-P-ADV MASTER card to indicate that the drive’s
total current (master + slave) has exceeded the overcurrent value for
H18 D91 Red the size of drive, whereas it lights up on the INT-P-ADV SLAVE card to Off
indicate that the SLAVE current has only exceeded the overcurrent value
of the SLAVE.
It lights up to indicate a fault on the DC-BUS power supply regulation
H19 D95 Red Off
D71 Red Overvoltage / Undervoltage safety supply Off
D148 Red FPGA active reset HW On
Active PWM from regulation and sent to power (master drive or single
drive only)
D152 Green Active PWM from regulation but cancelled (master drive or single drive
Active PWM to power (master drive and single drive only) On
D74 Green Active PWM to power On

(*) HW revision of INT-P-ADV card

(*) Led H15 code indicated by number of flashes NO. FLASHES


ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 181


Dig. Out.4
K0 S3 IS1
+ 24V PS Dig. Out.3/4
C3 Dig. Out.3
0 V24
COM Dig. Out.3/4
Analog 5
output 1

Analog 6
output 2
K2T K1M 7
Digital input E mon
(Enable) - 10 V S1-
K2 8
FR forward src
+ 10 V S1+
FR reverse src Normal
LEDS Colour 10FUNCTION functioning
Null (not assigned) 0 V 10 C1
Null (not assigned)
It flashes to indicate the presence of
12 the temperature signal of the slave drive that
D1 Yellow Fault reset src Flashes
is connected

Analog input 1

Drive ready R24
Dig. Output 2 2
R21 (Relay 2)

A 1.9 Safety STO Interface 3
Analog input 2

Drive OK R14 Dig. Output 1
A 1.9.1 ADV-...-MS-SI models
(Relay 1) card, revision “F” and lower)
The EXP- SFTy card is integrated as standard in the master inverter of 400 kW to 1.65

MW. parallel versions. RS 485

Safety Enable 24V 2 (on ADV-...-SI models)
- (optional)
Feedback power supply 24V 4
Safety Enable 5



If the safety function is not required,

(**) the safety enable command
SMPSmust still be sent to terminal 1 on
the EXP-SFTy-ADV card to enable the drive.

For instructions on connecting and commissioning the safety card with the SIL2 or SIL3 safety level
function, please see chapter 7 “Application
Caution L3 Examples” in the Safety manual (code 1S5F94) in the CD
5 6 W
supplied with the drive or which you can download from
3 4 L2 V M E
1 2 L1 U 3~
A 1.9.2 ADV-...-MS-SI models (INT-P-ADV card, from revision “L”)
F1 K1M L1(*)
The ADV200 size 7 (and parallel unit ADV-...-MS) does not have G1 the EXP-SFTy-
ADV card, it is integrated and maintains all of the functions in the INT-P-ADV
MASTER card (from revision “L”).
In the reference manual for “Description of functions and parameters list” (ADV200
ASY FP, code 1S9H51 or ADV200 SYN FP, code 1S9H66) safety function man-

182 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

agement parameters maintain the reference to the “EXP-SFTy-ADV card”.

If the safety function is not required, the safety enable command (SFTy ENABLE) must still be sent to
PIN1 terminal TB1 on the INT-P-ADV card to enable the drive.
For instructions on connecting and commissioning the safety card with the SIL2 or SIL3 safety level
function, please see chapter 7 “Application Examples” in the STO Safety Interface manual (code
1S5F94) in the CD supplied with the drive or which you can download from

TB1 terminal

Terminal Signal name Function Description Electrical limits and range

+0 COM power supply for alarm
5 O- (IN) 0V
feedback circuit
+24V@100mA output feedback signal (OUT) 0…35V; 150mA
4 FB
SAFETY DISABLED maximum DC current
+24V power supply for alarm feedback (IN) +5v…35v with respect
3 O+
5 4 3 2 1 circuit to #5
2 - (SFTy ENABLE) 0V COM for disabling the safety function (IN) 0V
(IN) +12…+35v with
1 + (SFTy ENABLE) +24v for disabling the safety function
respect to #2

State of feedback to terminal TB1-4 based on (SFTy ENABLE) command to pins

1, 2 and of ENABLE control to pin 7 of the R-ADV200 card:


24V 24V O+

TB2 terminal
SAFETY STATUS digital output ad OPTOMOS: 0…35V, 150mA max

2 1

Terminal TB2 provides a digital output to OPTOMOS (SAFETY STATUS), which

is not used in the safety chain but can be used to signal the STO state to the R-
ADV200 control card (via digital input).
A typical application can be to program as DRIVE INTERLOCK the source of the
digital input to which +24V is delivered via the SAFETY STATUS output.

When the STO function is disabled (24V present between terminals 1 and 2 of
TB1), the contact (SAFETY STATUS) between pins 1 and 2 of TB2 is closed

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 183

24V OPEN Open
OPEN 24V Close
24V 24V Close

In this way, when the (SFTy ENABLE) command is high, the control input pro-
grammed as DRIVE INTERLOCK is also high and the drive can be enabled.

Figure A1: Connection of safety terminals TB1 and TB2 on INT-P-ADV card


7 C2 R14 R11 DIx 1 2 1 2 3 4 5

Safety Safety
Enable Enable Stat mon Drive Enable
Interlock Feedback

+24 V +24 V
0V 0V

Rele K1
+24 V

If the (SFTy ENABLE) command is removed, the DRIVE INTERLOCK input on

the control card goes low and the drive is disabled instantaneously.
To re-enable the drive, you first have to set the (SFTy ENABLE) command to high
(see parameter 1032 Drv Interlock src in ADV200 manual) and then remove and
re-give the ENABLE and START commands to the control card.

Note! If the (SFTy ENABLE) signal is removed from terminal TB1 of the INT-P-ADV card and the SAFETY
STATUS signal is not connected to the control card, the PWM impulses (from the control card) are
blocked by the STO interface but the control card (not having feedback on STO state) remains enabled.
This irregular condition is signaled by LED D152 blinking at 3Hz, and the drive remains in this condition
even when the (SFTy ENABLE) signal is given again.
To resume control of the motor, you first have to remove the ENABLE and START commands from the
control card and re-give them only after setting the (SFTy ENABLE) command to high.
The (SFTy ENABLE) command can also be re-given before removing the ENABLE and START com-

184 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Appendix 2 - Miscellaneous

A 2.1 DC-link capacity

DC-link capacity

5750 4700
6900 6270
61100 6270
61320 6270
71600 11200
72000 11200
72500 11200
73150 11200
73550 11200
400kW 22400
500kW 22400
630kW 22400
710kW 22400
900kW 33600
1MW 33600
1.35MW 44800
1.65MW 56000

You cannot add an external capacitor on 5750 ... 61320 sizes.
You can add an external capacitor from sizes 71600 and higher (ask Gefran for more details).

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 185

A 2.2 Encoders
Encoders provide motor speed and position feedback
The regulation algorithms in the ADV200 drive are capable of controlling asyn-
chronous and permanent magnet synchronous (brushless) motors.
The regulation algorithm may or may not use the speed measurement obtained
from the encoder reading.
The drive supports different types of encoders, each managed by a specific ex-
pansion card. The card is automatically recognised at startup

Possible configurations are summarised in the table:

Flux Flux PAR 552
Flux vec- Flux vec-
V/f control vector vector Regulation
tor CL tor OL
OL CL mode
PAR 2444
Open Closed
Slip comp
Loop Loop
PAR 532, Slot2 mode
Card code
EXP – xx

card type

Encoder type

Incremental Digital DE Enc 1 -  -   -

Double Incremental Digital DE Enc 1 -  -   -
Incremental sinusoidal SE Enc 2 -  -   -
Incremental sinusoidal + absolute SinCos SESC Enc 3 -  -   -
Incremental sinusoidal + Absolute Endat/SSI EN/SSI Enc 4 -  -   -
Incremental sinusoidal + Hiperface absolute HIP Enc 5 -  -   -
Incremental SinCos Absolute ASC Enc 8 -  -   -
Resolver RES Enc 9 -  -   -

- = encoder not used,

Recommended =  Possible use but with lower performance =  Not allowed = 

Note! Up to 7.0.1 Firmware version , the drive can operate with encoder type with number of pulses power
by 2 (e.g. 1024, 2048, 4096, etc). This restriction does not apply for firmware 7.0.3 and higher.

A.2.3 - Phasing
In order for the Brushless regulation algorithm to function correctly, it is necessary
to know the position of the rotor with respect to the stator power phases. Therefore
the 0° position provided by the absolute encoder must be known with respect to
the position of a motor pole and the encoder count direction must match the motor
power phases.
This is called phasing. Phasing can be performed manually, directly by means of
the mechanical encoder assembly position on the motor shaft and on the phases,
or using the automatic procedures available in the drive.

186 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Phasing must always be repeated whenever:
- the encoder assembly position is changed
- the phase sequence of the motor power supply connection is changed
- the encoder incremental signal connection is changed
- the encoder absolute signal connection is changed
- the value of the PAR 2008 Pole pairs parameter is changed
- the value of the PAR 2100 Encoder pulses parameter is changed
- the drive is replaced (alternatively, download parameters taken from previous

There are two different procedures that can be launched by writing two different

• PAR 2190 Autophase rotation -> rotation phasing:

this procedure must be performed with the motor free to turn and with no load
With regard to phasing with the motor stopped, with the Autophase still mode
parameter (PAR 2194) you can select two different methods based on the different
characteristics of synchronous motors on the market.
We recommend using Mode 1 as the first option. If Mode 1 does not run correctly,
the motor (due to its constructive characteristics) requires a different mode (i.e.,
Mode 2).

• PAR 2192 Autophase still -> static phasing:

this procedure must be performed with the motor still and brake applied.
If an incremental digital encoder is used, you can select different methods for
phasing the motor with the Autophase still run parameter (PAR 2196): via
“Autophase rotation” dedicate command or by Wizard procedure, only at the first
enabling of the drive ( “First enable” selection) or at each enabling of the drive
(“Each enable” selection).

• PAR 2198 Autophase run type, selection (2) Virtual:

Use this setting when the value in mechanical degrees of the distance of the rotor
pole from the “zero” of the encoder is known. This value must be entered manually
before starting the phasing (contact Gefran’s Customer Service for further informa-

Rotation phasing
This procedure is based on the possibility of moving the motor, by a maximum
angle of two pole pairs, to find correct encoder phasing, cross-check the available
encoder and motor data and, if the encoder count direction does not match the
phase sequence of the motor power supply, correct it by automatically modifying
PAR 2130 Encoder direction.

Note! In the case described above, a positive speed reference could generate a rotation in reverse with
respect to that defined as positive for the encoder (usually clockwise), while still ensuring good motor

The encoder direction defined as positive can be stored as the positive reference
direction by inverting two motor power phases and repeating the rotation phasing
If the procedure is terminated without any errors, code 0 is shown on the keypad,
otherwise if any differences have been detected that cannot be corrected by the

ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 187

drive, one of the codes listed in Autotune (phasing), see chapter 8.2 Messages, is

Possible faults:
- faults in electric signals not detected with a “Speed fbk loss [22]” alarm
- error in the PAR 2008 Pole pairs parameter setting
- error in the PAR 2100 Encoder pulses parameter setting

Static phasing
Using this method, in which the motor cannot move, the encoder and motor data
cannot be cross-checked to verify the matching of parameters or count direction.
This condition must therefore be checked before launching the procedure.

188 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

Gefran worldwide
Philipp-Reis-Straße 9a ENA 23 Zone 3, nr. 3910 31 Ubi Road 1
D-63500 Seligenstadt Lammerdries-Zuid 14A #02-07, Aztech Building,
Singapore 408694
Ph. +49 (0) 61828090 B-2250 OLEN
Ph. +65 6 8418300
Fax +49 (0) 6182809222 Ph. +32 (0) 14248181
Fax +65 6 7428300 Fax +32 (0) 14248180


Gottlieb-Daimler Strasse 17/3 Clarendon Court Survey No. 191/A/1,
D-74385 - Pleidelsheim Winwick Quay Chinchwad Station Road, Chinchwad,
Ph. +49 (0) 7144 897360 Warrington Pune-411033, Maharashtra
Fax +49 (0) 7144 8973697 WA2 8QP Ph. +91 20 6614 6500 Ph. +44 (0) 8452 604555 Fax +91 20 6614 6501
Fax +44 (0) 8452 604556


Steigweg 8, 8 Lowell Avenue
CH-8355 Aadorf, Switzerland Yesilkoy Mah. Ataturk WINCHESTER - MA 01890
Ph. +41(0)52-2421818 Cad. No: 12/1 B1 Blok K:12 Toll Free 1-888-888-4474
Fax +41(0)52-3661884 D: 389 Bakirkoy /Istanbul Fax +1 (781) 7291468 TURKIYE
Ph. +90212 465 91 21
Fax +90212 465 91 22


Bâtiment K - ZI Champ Dolin No. 1285, Beihe Road, Jiading Avenida Dr. Altino Arantes,
3 Allée des Abruzzes District, Shanghai, China 201807 377 Vila Clementino
69800 Saint-Priest Ph. +86 21 69169898 04042-032 SÂO PAULO - SP
Ph. +33 (0) 478770300 Fax +86 21 69169333 Ph. +55 (0) 1155851133
Fax +33 (0) 478770320 Fax +55 (0) 1132974012
Manuale ADV200-6 QS -EN
Rev 1.14 - 12-11-2018


Via Sebina 74
25050 Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) GEFRAN DRIVES AND MOTION S.R.L.
ITALY Via Carducci 24
Ph. +39 030 98881 21040 Gerenzano [VA] ITALY Technical Assistance :
Fax +39 030 9839063 Ph. +39 02 967601 Fax +39 02 9682653 Customer Service :

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