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210212-08MN053-NIRB LTR Parties Re Draft Extended PH Agenda-OEDE

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NIRB File No.

: 08MN053
NWB File No.: 2AM-MRY1325
QIA File No.: LUA-2008-008
DFO File No.: 2008 MR
February 12, 2021

To: Mary River Distribution List

Sent via email

Re: Procedural Direction and Draft Agenda for the Extension of the NIRB Public Hearing
for Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation’s “Phase 2 Development” Proposal

Dear Parties:

On January 25-February 6, 2021, the Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB or Board) held the
resumed in-person Public Hearing in respect of Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation’s (Baffinland
or Proponent) “Phase 2 Development”, a proposed amendment to the approved Mary River Project
(NIRB File No. 08MN053). On January 30, 2021, the Board received a written Notice of Motion
from the Ikajutit Hunters and Trappers Association which was read into the Public Hearing record
on February 1, 2021. The Motion requested an order by the Board to either extend the current
Public Hearing session or recess and reconvene at a future session. On February 2, 2021, the Board
partially granted the Motion and provided procedural direction orally to parties indicating that it
would be extending the Public Hearing sessions, tentatively scheduling additional sessions in
March 2021 pending confirmation of logistics.

The intention of the extension of the session is to facilitate an opportunity for the Board to hear
directly from the 7 potentially-affected North Baffin communities through a Community
Roundtable as well as providing parties an opportunities to ask limited follow-up questions from
their written submissions provided since the recess of the Public Hearing on February 6, 2021.
While in Pond Inlet, the Board held a Community Roundtable on Saturday February 6, 2021,
providing an opportunity for Pond Inlet community members as well as invited community
representatives from Pond Inlet to ask their questions to the Proponent, Intervenors and the Board.
At the extended Public Hearing session, the Board will be inviting five (5) community
representatives from each of the seven (7) affected communities: Pond Inlet, Igloolik, Hall Beach,
Arctic Bay, Clyde River, Resolute Bay and Grise Fiord. Further, the Board will be ensuring
community representatives from a broad demographic including women, Elders, youth, Hunters
and Trappers Organizations and Hamlets are in one venue to ask questions and provide comments
to the Proponent, Intervenors and the Board. Parties are hereby notified that the extension of the
Public Hearing is being scheduled from April 12-21, 2021 in Iqaluit, Nunavut as part of the

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Board’s process for the reconsideration1 of the terms and conditions of Project Certificate No. 005.
Recognizing that during the previous sessions, the Board was unable to complete the Community
Roundtable portion of the agenda, the extended Public Hearing session in Iqaluit, will focus on the
Community Roundtable and allowing an opportunity for members of the most affected
communities to participate and provide their comments and concerns. The Board’s proceedings
will be available to the Public using similar platforms as the previous meetings (Teleconference
and Zoom); however, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the in-person venue in Iqaluit, will be a
private venue reserved for the Proponent, Intervenors and invited Community Representatives.
Recognizing the significant amount of interest from community members in Pond Inlet and the
shortened Community Roundtable sessions hosted in Pond Inlet during the January-February 2021
Public Hearing sessions, the Board is currently exploring options for Public participation from
Pond Inlet and will provide a further update upon release of the Final Agenda.

An oral Notice of Motion was received from the Mittimatalik Hunters and Trappers Organization
on January 30, 2021 requesting an order to have unlimited oral questioning from registered
Intervenors. In respect of this Motion, registered Intervenors, Baffinland and the Board who have
outstanding questions in relation to the presentations provided during the technical sessions
conducted during the Public Hearing are directed to prepare and provide these questions to
Baffinland or any of the other registered Intervenors in writing in English, Inuktitut or French, and
these submissions will be filed with the Board in written format pursuant to the Board’s Rules of
Procedure2, Rule 25.4. The written question submissions should be organized by topic as set out
below, and should list the party or parties to whom the question is directed. Baffinland is also
invited to file their written questions to any registered Intervenor at this time as well. The deadline
for Baffinland and the Intervenors to submit their written questions is Monday, March 1, 2021 at
3:00 pm MT and these questions will be entered as Exhibits in the Public Hearing Record. The
Board will be submitting their outstanding questions to Baffinland and registered Intervenors in
writing on March 10, 2021.

The presentations below were delivered during the January-February 2021 Public Hearing sessions
but with limited opportunity for questioning. As a result, parties will be able to pose all of their
outstanding questions on these topics in writing as outlined above.

• Baffinland Presentations:
o Updated Public Consultation, Inuit Qaujimaningit, and Alternatives Assessment
(Doc ID: 332549);
o The combined Atmospheric Environment, Freshwater Environment and Human
Health Assessment (Doc ID: 332555, 332552 and 332550);
o The Terrestrial Environment (Doc ID: 332551); and
o The Marine Environment (Doc ID: 332553).

The presentations below were delivered during the January-February 2021 Public Hearing sessions
but with no opportunity for questioning. As a result, parties will be able to pose all of their

In accordance with Section 12.8.2 of the Agreement between the Inuit of the Nunavut Settlement Area and Her
Majesty the Queen in right of Canada (Nunavut Agreement) and with s. 112 of the Nunavut Planning and Project
Assessment Act, S.C. 2013, c. 14 (NuPPAA).
NIRB’s Rules of Procedure dated September 3, 2009.

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questions on the subject matter in writing as outlined above and in accordance with the Board’s
Rules of Procedure, Rule 25.1 and 25.2.

• Baffinland Presentations
o The combined Socio-Economic/Food Security Update (Doc ID: 332554); and
o Adaptive Management, Management Plans and Monitoring Program (Doc ID:
• Registered Intervenor Presentations:
o Qikiqtani Inuit Association (Doc ID: 332998 and 332999);
o Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (Doc ID: 332820 and 332821);
o Government of Nunavut (Doc ID: 332665);
o Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (Doc ID: 332636 and
o Environment and Climate Change Canada (Doc ID: 332569 and 332709);
o Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Doc ID: 332568 and 332649);
o Health Canada (Doc ID: 332546, 332656 and 332657);
o Natural Resources Canada (Doc ID: 333120);
o Parks Canada (Doc ID: 332578, 332579, and 332697);
o Transport Canada (Doc ID: 332584, 332582 and 332583);
o Mittimatalik Hunters and Trappers Organization (Doc ID: 333006);
o Hamlet of Pond Inlet (Doc ID: 332702);
o Igloolik Working Group (Doc ID: 333005);
o Hamlet of Arctic Bay and the Ikajutit Hunters and Trappers Association (Doc ID:
o Hamlet of Sanirajak (Doc ID: 332564 and 332565);
o Sanirajak Hunters and Trappers Association (Doc ID: 332581 and 333008);
o Hamlet of Clyde River and the Nangmautaq Hunters and Trappers Association
(Doc ID: 333002 and 333003);
o Amaruq Hunters and Trappers Association (Doc ID: 333000 and 333001);
o Nunavut Independent Television Network (Doc ID: 333007);
o Oceans North (Doc ID: 332714 and 332670); and
o World Wildlife Fund (Doc ID: 332585 and 332688).

In order to allow parties time to adequately review submissions and provide fulsome responses,
those submitting questions and responses in writing are encouraged to keep their submissions
concise and prioritize their most important inquiries. The deadline for responses to written
questions directed to Baffinland and registered Intervenors is Monday, March 22, 2021 at 3:00
pm MT. Parties providing responses are reminded that to be considered as evidence by the Board
the responses must be provided by individuals who were sworn or affirmed to provide evidence
during the Public Hearing and continue to attest to the truth of the contents.

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The following provides additional details including logistics information related to the extension
of the Public Hearing and a Draft Agenda (Appendix A) for parties’ review. The NIRB’s copy of
its public meeting protocols have also been included to ensure that participants are aware of the
procedures in Iqaluit locations.


As this is the extension of proceedings from January-February 2021, the agenda will not cover the
entirety of Public Hearing agenda topics but, instead will highlight the two aspects of an oral Public
Hearing process as noted in the Board’s Rules of Procedure Rule 36.13. During a brief wrap up of
the technical session, parties will be invited to ask follow-up questions to the written questions
provided by parties since the recess of the Public Hearing on February 6, 2020. As public input is
essential to the Board’s assessment processes, the NIRB will again be requesting the nomination
of five (5) community representatives from each of the seven (7) potentially affected communities.
These designated Community Representatives will be able to ask questions to the Proponent,
Intervenors and the Board regarding the Community Roundtable. In order to help orientate
community representatives, the Proponent will deliver the brief overview presentation that was
provided on February 6, 2021 in Pond Inlet at the beginning of the Community Roundtable.

The Board requires that each intervenor ensure sufficient technical expertise is accessible
during the extended sessions of the Public Hearing, which may include evening sessions.


Parties are requested to bring (40) print copies of their question and response submissions filed
with the Board to provide to community roundtable participants.).


The NIRB has made the following logistical arrangements for the extended Technical session and
Community Roundtable session of the Public Hearing:

Interpretation: Simultaneous English and Inuktitut interpretation will be provided to the

extent practicable. Parties requiring French interpretation for the Public
Hearing are to notify the NIRB by February 26, 2021.
Seating (in-person meeting only): Seating will be assigned based on the number of parties
attending. There will be no flexibility for last minute substitutions as
registration will be required. Once the capacity limit is reached, no more
admissions can occur for that session (a session is the morning, afternoon,
and evening time slots, separated by breaks longer than a health break).
Non-Medical face masks will be mandatory in the venue at all times.
Facilitator: The extended Technical Sessions and Community Roundtable will be
facilitated by the NIRB’s Chairperson.

NIRB’s Rules of Procedure dated September 3, 2009.

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Timing: All times given in the Agenda will be strictly enforced during the extended
session and parties are advised to plan their oral submissions to reflect the
timing provided.
Materials: The NIRB will provide access to the digital copy of all materials contained
within the Board’s public registry for the Mary River project, including the
FEIS Addendum, transcript and exhibits from the November 2019 Public
Hearing and the January-February 2021 Public Hearing, and any additional
submissions received up to date and throughout the assessment process.
Meeting times: Meetings start at 9:00 a.m. and run until 5:00 p.m. daily (EST), with a 75-
minute break for lunch and two 15-minute health breaks throughout the
day. Under the new NIRB protocols for COVID-19, refreshments will not
be served and meals will not be provided.
Format: In-person with audio-video feed through Zoom link and a teleconference
option (details provided to registered participants).
All parties are advised to ensure their travel and other logistical arrangements are sufficiently
flexible to accommodate modifications to the proposed timing throughout the Public Hearing.
Given the limited gathering sizes allowed under current Public Health Orders, seating must be
designated at the venue and the NIRB will make efforts to ensure equitable allocation of seats per
registered party. The NIRB expects that registered parties maintain full and on-time
attendance for their allocated number of seats, for the duration of the meetings.

It is critical that parties confirm the list of attendees representing their organizations as soon
as possible to ensure they will have the appropriate number of seats. Additionally, parties are
requested to provide a list of representatives for the party that wish to attend through the Zoom
link or teleconference options, including name, position and email address. Parties should also
indicate who will be their lead speaker for the Public Hearing and this information is
required on or before March 22, 2021.

The NIRB is supportive of any planned efforts by public media outlets to cover or record the
proceedings and will ensure that media representatives are granted sufficient access to the meetings
to report accurately, while maintaining adherence to Public Health Orders. The NIRB has
established rules for recording of Public Hearing proceedings, and due to the COVID-19 protocols
will require all media outlets that wish to observe, to provide the NIRB with advance notice to
assist in minimizing all disruptions and plan for options should they wish to make either an audio
or video recording. As such, the NIRB would like to request that all media outlets that wish to
record proceedings during the Public Hearing (film, photograph, audio) request media access from
the Board on or before March 22, 2021.

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Summary of Important Dates for parties

February 26, 2021 Deadline for parties to provide comments and suggested revisions to the
Draft Agenda to NIRB (Appendix A) or request additional language

March 1, 2021 Deadline for parties to provide outstanding written questions on technical
presentations from the Proponent and Intervenors.

March 22, 2021 Deadline for parties to confirm attendance and lead speaker at the Hearing
and request by public media outlets to cover the proceedings.

Deadline to request specialized audio/visual equipment and/or specific

logistical arrangements that may be required during the proceedings.

Deadline for parties to provide responses to outstanding written question on

presentations from the Proponent and Intervenors.

March 26, 2021 NIRB to release final Hearing Agenda.

The NIRB requires all parties provide the Board with the above noted materials within the
timelines provided. These materials are essential for the Board’s assessment of Baffinland’s Phase
2 Development Proposal and providing these materials in a timely manner ensures the Board and
all other parties are able to fully consider the materials for inclusion on the Public Hearing Record.

The Board also notes that as requested by the Qikiqtani Inuit Association during the January-
February Public Hearing, if parties’ wish to provide the Board with a written Final Statement, they
will be permitted to file their Final Statement in writing two weeks after the close of the in-person
session of the Public Hearing on May 6, 2021.

Parties are asked to direct all forthcoming submissions to the NIRB at Should you
require clarification on the NIRB’s assessment of the “Phase 2 Development” proposal contact
Cory Barker at or (867) 983-4607 or Keith Morrison, at (867) 983-4617 or via
email at


Karen D. Costello
Executive Director
Nunavut Impact Review Board

cc: Megan Lord-Hoyle, Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation

Lou Kamermans, Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation

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P.O. Box 1360, Cambridge Bay, NU X0B 0C0
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Attachment: Appendix A – Draft Extended Public Hearing Agenda for Baffinland’s Phase 2 Development Project
Appendix B – List of Deferred Questions for Parties
Enclosed: NIRB COVID-19 Protocols (November 4, 2020)

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NIRB File No.: 08MN053 – Phase 2 Development Project Proposal

Proponent: Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation
Formats: In-person with audio-video feed (details provided to registered
Locations: Aqsarniit Hotel and Conference Centre, Iqaluit, NU (in-person,
invitation only)

Alternative Participation Options:

Zoom Audio/video Feed (Online)
BlueJeans Teleconference Line
Dates: April 12-21, 2021

Times: All times given are approximate and the order of discussion topics are
subject to change at the NIRB’s discretion. Additional evening sessions
may be scheduled if deemed necessary to complete the agenda.

Day Time Sessions: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Evening Sessions: 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Note (1): Witnesses appearing on behalf of the Proponent and Registered Intervenors
have been sworn in/affirmed and Exhibits were marked during the Public
Hearing Sessions from January 25-February 6, 2021.

Note (2): All testimony will be recorded and transcribed by the Board and may also
be recorded by the media.

Note (3): Zoom and Teleconference information will be provided to registered

participants and interested members of the Public the week of April 5, 2021.

Sunday, April 11, 2021 – Training Session – 6:30-9:00 p.m.

Community Representatives invited by the Board will be required to participate in a training

session to demonstrate how proceedings will be conducted, their role in the meetings and how to
most effectively participate.

Day 1 – April 12, 2021 – Technical Sessions

General Opening
1. Opening prayer
2. Welcoming Remarks by the Mayor of Iqaluit (or Delegate)
3. Opening Remarks by the Chairperson (60 minutes)

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i. Introductions, overview of procedural history, structure of proceedings, etc.
ii. Review of Agenda
iii. Housekeeping Items
Technical Session
4. Roundtable of questions on the Marine Environment from parties who were unable to pose
questions in the January-February 2021 Public Hearing sessions. Parties will be provided
60 minutes each for this roundtable.

i. The Government of Canada;

ii. The Hamlet of Clyde River and the Nangmautaq Hunters and Trappers Association;
iii. The Amaruq Hunters and Trappers Association;
iv. Oceans North;
v. World Wildlife Fund; and
vi. Nunavut Independent Television.
Close of Day 1

Day 2 - Tuesday, April 13, 2021 – Technical Sessions (including evening session)
Technical session (Continued from Day 1)
General Opening
1. Opening prayer
2. Opening Remarks by the Chairperson (20 minutes)
3. Roundtable of follow-up questions by Intervenors on Baffinland’s response to written
questions since the recess of the January- February 2021 Public Hearing sessions. Each
party who submitted written questions will be provided a total of 30 minutes to follow
up with respect to their questions in relation to any/all of the following topics.

i. Updated Public Consultation, Inuit Qaujimaningit, and Alternatives Assessment;

ii. The combined Atmospheric Environment, Freshwater Environment and Human
Health Assessment;
iii. The Terrestrial Environment;
iv. The Marine Environment;
v. The combined Socio-Economic/Food Security Update
vi. Adaptive Management, Management Plans and Monitoring Program
Close of Day 2

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Day 3 – Wednesday, April 14, 2021 – Technical Sessions
Technical session (Continued from Day 2)
General Opening
1. Opening prayer
2. Opening Remarks by the Chairperson (20 minutes)
3. Continued Roundtable of follow-up questions on Baffinland and Intervenor Presentations
since the recess of the January- February 2021 Public Hearing sessions. Each party who
submitted written questions will be provided a total of 30 minutes to follow up with
respect to their questions in relation to any/all of the following topics.

i. Updated Public Consultation, Inuit Qaujimaningit, and Alternatives Assessment;

ii. The combined Atmospheric Environment, Freshwater Environment and Human
Health Assessment;
iii. The Terrestrial Environment;
iv. The Marine Environment;
v. The combined Socio-Economic/Food Security Update
vi. Adaptive Management, Management Plans and Monitoring Program
Close of Day 3

Day 4 – Thursday, April 15, 2021 – Technical Sessions (including evening session)
Technical session (Continued from Day 3)
General Opening
1. Opening prayer
2. Opening Remarks by the Chairperson (20 minutes)
3. Follow up questioning of the Intervenors by Baffinland in relation to the presentations by
Register Intervenors in the January-February 2021 Public Hearing sessions (5 hours)
4. Questioning of the Proponent and Intervenors by the Board
5. Identification of Motions or Objections arising during the extended technical session
Close of Day 4
Day 5 – Friday, April 16, 2021 – Community Roundtable
General Opening
1. Opening prayer
2. Opening Remarks by the Chairperson (30 minutes)

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Community Roundtable Session
3. Presentation by the Proponent – Introduction and Overview of Project (30 minutes)
4. Questioning of the Proponent and Intervenors by Community Representatives
5. Comments and Questions by attendees in Pond Inlet who have advised the Chairperson
that they wish to present.
Close of Day 5
Day 6 – Saturday, April 17, 2021 – Community Roundtable
Community Roundtable Session (Continued)
General Opening
1. Opening prayer
2. Opening Remarks by the Chairperson (20 minutes)
3. Questioning of the Proponent and Intervenors by Community Representatives
4. Comments and Questions by attendees in Pond Inlet who have advised the Chairperson
that they wish to present.
Close of Day 6

Day 7 – Monday, April 19, 2021 – Community Roundtable (including evening session)
Community Roundtable Session (Continued)
General Opening
1. Opening prayer
2. Opening Remarks by the Chairperson (20 minutes)
3. Questioning of the Proponent and Intervenors by Community Representatives
4. Comments and Questions by attendees in Pond Inlet who have advised the Chairperson
that they wish to present.
Close of Day 7

Day 8 – Tuesday, April 20, 2021 – Community Roundtable

Community Roundtable Session (Continued)
General Opening
1. Opening prayer
2. Opening Remarks by the Chairperson (20 minutes)
3. Questioning of the Proponent and Intervenors by Community Representatives

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4. Comments and Questions by attendees in Pond Inlet who have advised the Chairperson
that they wish to present.
Close of Day 8

Day 9 – Wednesday, April 21, 2021 – Community Roundtable

Community Roundtable Session (Continued)
General Opening
1. Opening prayer
2. Opening Remarks by the Chairperson (20 minutes)
3. Questioning of the Proponent and Intervenors by Community Representatives
4. Comments and Questions by attendees in Pond Inlet who have advised the Chairperson
that they wish to present.
5. Closing Remarks by Community Representatives (10 minutes for each community)
6. Closing Remarks by the Chairperson (15 minutes)
Close of Day 9

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Appendix B:
List of Deferred Questions for Parties


QIA Igloolik “Where are we when it comes to the decision in ICA
Working regard to direct benefits to the communities? I
Group know that the communities had put four hours a
day to work with the Qikiqtani Inuit
Association in regard to many different things
within the ICA. But as the president of the
Igloolik working group said, he felt that it was
a waste of time because the agenda did not
concentrate on what was important for the
communities. So, I want to put that on the
record, but I'll ask that question, for the QIA.”
QIA Igloolik How comfortable is QIA that -- to go into the ICA
Working final hearing without really having anything
Group even close to being defined when it comes to
adaptive management as well as the monitoring
QIA Amaruq HTO The Inuit stewardship plan seems to be up in ICA
the air. It should be developed solely by Inuit.
And QIA being the main Inuit organization
along with NTI it would be good to see this
done, but on the hunters and trappers as well as
hunters and Inuit perspective first before office
people. The very people who are continually
monitoring. So, the questions being asked
around the Inuit stewardship plan still have yet
to be answered. Why would we proceed if that
was -- if these were left for another time with
so much money involved?
QIA & Amaruq HTO Have other organizations agreed on the increase ICA / INUIT
HAMLET of shipping? “The ships if they will be 170 STEWARDSHIP
POND ships in August and September it appears that PLAN,
INLET, three ships will be making transit on a daily SHIPPING
MHTO basis and I wonder if they have been approved
by the any HTO and also the Inuit stewardship
plan and the Inuit water quality management’’
QIA & Igloolik How are the Terrestrial and Marine ICA
MHTO Working Environment working groups working? The
Group reason I ask is -- because what we have heard is
that these groups are dysfunctional and not
effective, and is the whole reason that we had
issues as the Igloolik Working Group to move
forward with the ICA unless we had something

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in paper that defined a role of communities, and
more clearly the HTAs, as they are the wildlife
management under the Nunavut land claims
agreement, on their role that they would play in
these committee and especially with the
management and framework, the Inuit
committee, and, you know, wildlife monitoring
GN Sanirajak ‘’That was my first question about government COMMUNITY
HTA programming. On page -- on Slide 36, that Joe BENEFITS
Tigullaraq shared with us, under the Inuit
Certainty Agreement, Inuit stewardship, it
identifies some money that will go to the
MHTO and the regional house enabling
program, the Pond Inlet food baseline study.’’
Clarification over housing programs from the
Hamlet of Sanirajak “Why aren't they being transparent about the POND INLET
Pond HTA discussions with the Hamlet of Pond Inlet? And
Inlet, to summarize with regards to the Government
GN, GOC of Nunavut and the feds, I know that the -- I
know that Baffinland has met with federal
ministers at different times and probably quite a
bit we don't hear about, but what have they
recommended? Have they made any
recommendations to the project on how to
better meet the needs of communities, not
better meet the needs of growing the economy
for Canada?”
QIA & MHTO Would the benefits of this project provides be CULTURE and
NTI adequate trade-off for losing one’s culture, LANGUAGE
clothing, language, and security considering we
are not all miners?
QIA & MHTO Since Baffinland our hunters have been reduced SUPPORT FOR
NTI in their use of waters in the area. My question PROJECT
to Qikiqtani and NTI, Inuit as first people it
says that Inuit will be prioritized, when it
comes to hunting activities or interests, the QIA
will you prioritize Inuit hunting when you make
your decision.
DFO Hamlet Pond Request appropriateness of using aerial survey NARWHAL
Inlet should be discussed by DFO in its presentation.
Intent to monitor narwhal populations not just
impacts to individuals

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QIA Igloolik “Understanding that the ICA has not been ICA
Working accepted by a lot of the communities and a part
Group of the ICA says that it would only be effective
if there's consensus of the five impacted
communities, and the communities have not
Question: how many of the resolved issues
from each one of the presentations have been
set as resolved due to the ICA?”
Health Hamlet of Does Health Canada agree with statements HUMAN
Canada Sanirajak – made by the proponent that the overall risk is HEALTH
Mr. Primeau low even though Nitrogen dioxide
concentrations are predicted to exceed the
Canadian ambient air quality standard at some
locations outside the project development area.
ECCC WWF – ECCC to clarify statement on the percentage BLACK
Andrew increase in black carbon emissions from project CARBON
Dumbrille shipping. WWF states 157%, proponent’s
presentation stated 2.3 %.
GN MHTO- Has a study been done on the population levels CARIBOU
Eamon that are required for Inuit to continue to harvest
Murphy. caribou as is their right to do so?

DFO NTI – David Is Baffinland aware that DFO science in 2020 NARWHAL
Lee has recommended that the total allowable
landed catch for the Eclipse Sound stock be
reduced from 230 to approximately 117?”
Clarification required by DFO on this statement
after they are sworn in.
DFO Hamlet of Are invasive species increasing in Arctic? INVASIVE
Pond Inlet - Where are they coming from? Are they coming SPECIES
Joshua Arreak from the ballast water? Are they coming from
the bottom of the ship? How are they carried
into and out of our waters?
DFO & Hamlet of Are there any research studies by DFO on NARHWAL
other Pond Inlet - whale/narwhal blubber? Any by other regional
regional Mr. Koonark groups?
org. on
this item
Hamlet Pond Inlet “It says the final shipping season will be SHIPPING
Pond Public, Kaujak November 15 when Baffinland's ships make
Inlet, Komangunpik, their last trip. That will be my question. Will --
MHTO have you carefully -- has Baffinland carefully
reviewed the fact that November 15th will be
the final trip for shipping ore, and I wonder if
the people of Pond Inlet are fully aware of that

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or has organizations been informed about that?
I want clarification on that, and I -- I will
explain the rationale behind my question.”……
“My question is: November 14, have you fully
informed the people of Pond Inlet?”

(Details over the usage of the ice with

background experience concerns over the safety
of the ice.)
QIA, Pond Inlet “They went to the area where Baffinland NARWHAL
DFO & Public, - provided some funds to Qikiqtani Inuit
other Charlie Association in the event the hunters failed to
parties Inuarak harvest anything. If they failed to harvest
anything, then they could be compensated by
QIA. It's not a very simple process to access
those funds. Like, they have been generously
provided by Baffinland but almost impossible
to get paid and, to date, some of the hunters still
have not been paid when they applied since last
summer. Like, the process should be improved.
The compensation process should be
“We, hunters and trappers association, has lots
of narwhal tags, and it's almost impossible to go
travel to another community to harvest narwhal,
only after their hunters and trappers
organization approves this request, then I go to
Arctic Bay. And sometimes I get approved, but
sometimes other communities refuse outsiders
to harvest narwhal because they want to ensure
that their tags are not depleted. So, Madam
Chair, I encourage you, DFO should allow
individuals from one community to go to
another community to harvest wildlife or
narwhal especially, so that's one of our biggest
concerns. That's why we are angry about this,
so we inform you -- like, because Department
of Fisheries and Ocean refuses -- won't allow
hunters from Pond Inlet to go to other
communities to harvest narwhal.”

DFO Hamlet of Has DFO noted and impacts to cod fishery MARINE
Pond-Inlet from the project? ENVIRONMENT

(866) 233-3033 (867) 983-2594 @NunavutImpactReviewBoard

P.O. Box 1360, Cambridge Bay, NU X0B 0C0
Page 16 of 19
Transport MHTO- Is the definition of open water from BIM SHIPPING
Canada different from the one of Transport Canada?
(Should Transport Canada comment on this
definition because BIM said the definition was
sent to TC?)

DFO MHTO - “So for around two years there's a species of INVASIVE
unknown origin in the waters of Milne Port, SPECIES
and you're still not sure whether it's invasive.
So how can you be confident that your program
will be able to identify and respond rapidly to
prevent the establishment of potential aquatic
invasive species in the future?”
BIM: “I just want to point to the fact that we're
following an established framework that's been
endorsed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada who
has the oversight and management of this
within their mandate.”

If it took 2 years to identify a non-indigenous

specie in Milne Port, how can BIM be
confident that their monitoring program shall
be adequate in the future? BIM: the framework
is overviewed by DFO, and we are able to
consider that this specie is non-invasive.
(Should DFO over the framework of this
monitoring program?)

DFO MHTO- “Mr. Rouget, even though it might be novel, NARWHAL

isn't it a potentially useful way to measure the
impacts of increased shipping on narwhals,
particularly since, as we understand it, the
Department of Fisheries and Oceans study
shows an increase in a hundred percent of
cortisol levels in narwhals in the area.”

Respond from BIM:

“As we've said previously throughout these
proceedings, that doesn't mean we're not
willing to support studies to this effect but that
those studies should be carried out by the right
organizations. And, in our view, that would be
Fisheries and Oceans who is responsible for
narwhal stock management.”
Can DFO comment on this study?

(866) 233-3033 (867) 983-2594 @NunavutImpactReviewBoard

P.O. Box 1360, Cambridge Bay, NU X0B 0C0
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DFO POND- Mr. DFO to comment on its various marine MARINE
Ootoovak mammal monitoring and research programs in MAMMAL
the region. RESEARCH

BIM Hamlet of Can BIM provide audio records from the AUDIO
Sanirajak- Mr. devices in the bottom of the sea? RECORDS
Primeau MARINE
BIM Hamlet of “Could Baffinland provide in percentage terms DUST
Sanirajak- Mr. the estimated reduction in project dust that
Primeau would result from, one, the operationalization
of the Milne Inlet crusher and, two, the north
DFO Mr. “I saw in the layer inside the seal's bladder; it INVASIVE
Panipakoocho was same sort of a worm that was on the screen SPECIES &
earlier. I couldn't -- it was -- maybe it was about BALLAST
1 centimeter long which was a worm which WATER
was alive and was inside the blubber of the
seal. Like, it was wiggling, and like part of the
blubber has been damaged.”

Did the current was considered during the

assessment of ballast water?
“One can assume, like, the ballast water
discharged at Milne Inlet dissipates in the
ocean. That is what it said, but the ballast
water, which is dispersed at Milne Inlet, travels
towards the Pond Inlet area. Because of the
current, they will always go out through Milne
Inlet and enter to Eclipse Sound.”
GN & Hamlet of “when we were talking about food security -- FOOD
QIA Arctic Bay- and I would like to say: Who is giving that food SECURITY
Mr. security? It's our people, those employed, or the
Naqitarvik residents? Or who, I guess, should have a
healthy life? Who is that for?”
“When we talk about who is the one
responsible towards food security or good food,
as Inuit, as -- especially Elders, we want to eat
mostly country food. With the high price of
groceries when you don't have a job and -- and
you are provided -- it means to provide
insufficient amount of food”

Who will be giving food security, who is

responsible towards providing food security?
Who will receive this food security? Food

(866) 233-3033 (867) 983-2594 @NunavutImpactReviewBoard

P.O. Box 1360, Cambridge Bay, NU X0B 0C0
Page 18 of 19
groceries is expensive, and we want to eat more
country food.

GN & Arctic Bay “and people tried to sell their fish and seal IMPACTS TO
QIA HTO – Mr. skins, how much would they sell them for? TRADITIONAL
Koonoo Have you done any of that stuff steady, with the ECONOMY
-- selling the -- what I just said?”

Any research has been done on the possible

impacts on the traditional economy from the
Phase 2 proposal. If there are negative impacts,
will communities receive support?
TC & Hamlet of Impacts on marine mammals, are TC and DFO MARINE
DFO Arctic Bay keeping a registry of any accident with marine MAMMALS -
wildlife? INCIDENTS

QIA Hamlet Arctic To clarify everything surrounding funds, for ICA/IIBA

Bay hunting, for harvesting food, or any others.

DFO & Ikajutit HTO- Explanation of analysis done on invasive INVASIVE

TC Ms. Idlout species and ballast water. Clarification needed SPECIES AND
by the intervenor. BALLAST
DFO Ikajutit HTO- “On Slide 48 (marine environment), is there ICE
Ms. Idlout any way you can know if the entrapment ENTRAPMENT
mentioned in Slide 50 are -- 55 are not a result
of shipping?

BIM deferred to DFO for more details.

(866) 233-3033 (867) 983-2594 @NunavutImpactReviewBoard

P.O. Box 1360, Cambridge Bay, NU X0B 0C0
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