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When Is A Sprint A Sprint? A Review of The Analysis of Team-Sport Athlete Activity Profile

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published: 20 June 2017

doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00432

When Is a Sprint a Sprint? A Review

of the Analysis of Team-Sport Athlete
Activity Profile
Alice J. Sweeting 1, 2, 3 , Stuart J. Cormack 4 , Stuart Morgan 5 and Robert J. Aughey 1*
Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living (ISEAL), Victoria University, Footscray, VIC, Australia, 2 Netball Australia, Fitzroy,
VIC, Australia, 3 Performance Research, Australian Institute of Sport, Bruce, ACT, Australia, 4 School of Exercise Science,
Australian Catholic University, Fitzroy, VIC, Australia, 5 Department of Rehabilitation, Nutrition and Sport, School of Allied
Health, La Trobe University, Bundoora, VIC, Australia

The external load of a team-sport athlete can be measured by tracking technologies,

including global positioning systems (GPS), local positioning systems (LPS), and
vision-based systems. These technologies allow for the calculation of displacement,
velocity and acceleration during a match or training session. The accurate quantification
of these variables is critical so that meaningful changes in team-sport athlete external
load can be detected. High-velocity running, including sprinting, may be important
for specific team-sport match activities, including evading an opponent or creating a
shot on goal. Maximal accelerations are energetically demanding and frequently occur
Edited by:
from a low velocity during team-sport matches. Despite extensive research, conjecture
Billy Sperlich,
University of Würzburg, Germany exists regarding the thresholds by which to classify the high velocity and acceleration
Reviewed by: activity of a team-sport athlete. There is currently no consensus on the definition of
Pascal Edouard, a sprint or acceleration effort, even within a single sport. The aim of this narrative
University Hospital of Saint-Etienne,
France review was to examine the varying velocity and acceleration thresholds reported in
Beat Knechtle, athlete activity profiling. The purposes of this review were therefore to (1) identify the
University of Zurich, Switzerland
various thresholds used to classify high-velocity or -intensity running plus accelerations;
(2) examine the impact of individualized thresholds on reported team-sport activity
Robert J. Aughey profile; (3) evaluate the use of thresholds for court-based team-sports and; (4) discuss
potential areas for future research. The presentation of velocity thresholds as a single
Specialty section:
value, with equivocal qualitative descriptors, is confusing when data lies between two
This article was submitted to
Exercise Physiology, thresholds. In Australian football, sprint efforts have been defined as activity >4.00 or
a section of the journal >4.17 m·s−1 . Acceleration thresholds differ across the literature, with >1.11, 2.78, 3.00,
Frontiers in Physiology
and 4.00 m·s−2 utilized across a number of sports. It is difficult to compare literature
Received: 23 January 2017
Accepted: 06 June 2017
on field-based sports due to inconsistencies in velocity and acceleration thresholds,
Published: 20 June 2017 even within a single sport. Velocity and acceleration thresholds have been determined
Citation: from physical capacity tests. Limited research exists on the classification of velocity and
Sweeting AJ, Cormack SJ, Morgan S
acceleration data by female team-sport athletes. Alternatively, data mining techniques
and Aughey RJ (2017) When Is a
Sprint a Sprint? A Review of the may be used to report team-sport athlete external load, without the requirement of
Analysis of Team-Sport Athlete Activity arbitrary or physiologically defined thresholds.
Profile. Front. Physiol. 8:432.
doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00432 Keywords: velocity thresholds, acceleration, data mining, player tracking, match analysis

Frontiers in Physiology | 1 June 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 432

Sweeting et al. Review of Activity Profile Analysis

INTRODUCTION a two-dimensional plane, with changes in position due to vertical

movement going undetected (Barris and Button, 2008).
The quantification of athlete external load is of interest to Accelerometers are wearable sensors that directly quantify
scientists and practitioners, for the planning and monitoring of athlete load in three-dimensional planes. Accelerometers have
training or competition. Team-sport athlete external load can been utilized in field-based (Mooney et al., 2013) and court-based
be quantified using accelerometers, global positioning systems (Cormack et al., 2014) team-sports however, accelerometers
(GPS), local positioning systems (LPS), and optical tracking cannot calculate an athlete’s position relative to a playing area.
systems. Except for accelerometers, these systems calculate Consequently, the time and distance covered by an athlete at
displacement, velocity and acceleration over time. The analysis varying velocities are unable to be quantified. The use of GPS
of external load over a match or training session is termed to collect the distance and velocities of field-based team-sport
activity profile (Aughey, 2011a). Information from the activity athletes is well-documented (Buchheit et al., 2010b; Jennings, D.
profile is used to monitor change across a competitive season or H. et al., 2012; Varley et al., 2013b). A recent review has examined
tournament (Bradley et al., 2009; Jennings, D. et al., 2012) and factors influencing the setup, analysis and reporting of GPS data,
allow for the design of specific training drills (Boyd et al., 2013). for use in team-sports (Malone et al., 2016).
The activity profile of field-based team-sport athletes is well- Large variations exist in GPS estimates of changes in velocity,
documented (Aughey, 2011a; Mooney et al., 2011; Jennings, between models and units from the same manufacturer (Buchheit
D. H. et al., 2012; Bradley et al., 2013). Activity profile et al., 2014). During simultaneous capture of a sled dragging
analysis typically includes time spent in velocity or acceleration exercise, small to very large between-model and unit differences
zones. These zones are defined according to threshold values were observed in 15 Hz GPS units (Buchheit et al., 2014). These
and determined arbitarily, by the proprietary software of units were manufactured with a 10 Hz GPS but upsampled
tracking systems or expressed relative to a physiological test. to 15 Hz (Aughey, 2011a). In 10 Hz GPS, acceleration and
Currently, there is no consensus on how to determine a deceleration movements have a large between-unit coefficient
velocity or acceleration threshold. Large discrepancies exist in the of variation (CV) of 31–56% (Varley et al., 2012). A variety of
classification of a sprint effort. The comparison of activity profiles factors may influence GPS measures of acceleration and velocity.
across and within team-sports is consequently difficult. The accuracy of GPS to measure instantaneous velocity is limited
The aim of this narrative review is to examine the varying by unit processing speed, location, antenna volume, and chipset
velocity and acceleration thresholds used to analyze team-sport capacity. Quantification of instantaneous velocity is up to three
athlete external load. Applying a global velocity or acceleration times more accurate in 10 Hz GPS units compared to 5 Hz (Varley
threshold does not account for individual differences. Whilst et al., 2012). When measuring acceleration and deceleration,
thresholds can be individualized, physiological tests comprising 10 Hz units still differ by ∼10% when compared to a laser device
continuous or linear movement do not reflect changes of (Varley et al., 2012).
direction and acceleration. The current techniques used to Whilst GPS quantifies the position and velocities of field-
analyze external load are therefore inappropriate. Alternate based team-sport athletes (Aughey, 2011a), GPS cannot be
methods, including unsupervised data mining techniques, are used with court-based sports held indoors, due to no satellite
considered. These techniques find trends within external data reception. The development of radio-frequency (RF) based LPS,
and may be useful in informing thresholds. including the Wireless ad hoc System for Positioning (WASP),
allows athlete movement to be captured indoors (Hedley et al.,
ATHLETE TRACKING TECHNOLOGIES 2010). Local position systems (LPS) sample at up to 1000 Hz
with generally superior accuracy compared to GPS (Stevens et al.,
Team-sport athlete external load is collected by tracking 2014). During varying speed and change of direction movement,
technologies. Manual video analysis is an inexpensive method the average acceleration and deceleration derived from LPS was
to estimate external load. Athletes are filmed by cameras within 2% of Vicon (Stevens et al., 2014). Although, accuracy for
positioned around a playing area, with footage subjectively coded peak acceleration and deceleration is limited, LPS can measure
into locomotor categories (Spencer et al., 2004). Manual video average change in velocity or time spent in various acceleration
analysis requires substantial time demand to examine activity. thresholds.
Validity also has not been established, due to the subjective
estimation of athlete movement. A tracking system must be valid
so meaningful changes in athlete activity profile can be detected. DISTANCE COVERED
The capacity of a human to consistently reproduce results is also
a major limitation of manual video analysis. Semi-automated A common athlete activity profile measure is the total distance
tracking systems were designed to remove the laborious and covered. English Premier League athletes cover an average
subjective classification of athlete activity. Commercial systems, of 10,714 m during matches (Bradley et al., 2009), less than
including ProZone (Di Salvo et al., 2006) and Amisco (Castellano One Day International (ODI) cricketers at 15,903 m per match
et al., 2014), can detect the position of multiple team-sport (Petersen et al., 2009). Elite Australian footballers may record
athletes. However, the required equipment is expensive and non- total distances of up to 12,939 m (Coutts et al., 2010). The
portable. Activity profiles therefore cannot be collected without total distance covered during matches varies across athlete age
the elaborate infrastructure. Athlete movement is also collected in (Buchheit et al., 2010a), position and competition level (Jennings,

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Sweeting et al. Review of Activity Profile Analysis

D. H. et al., 2012). When total distance covered is expressed per the same sport, activity >4.00 m·s−1 was classed as high-speed
minute of match duration, soccer athletes cover 104 m·min−1 running (Sullivan et al., 2013). The classification of high-velocity
(Varley et al., 2013b). Australian footballers may average 157 or high-intensity movement is also without consistent definition.
m·min−1 (Aughey, 2011b) whilst elite rugby league players The varying definitions make for a difficult comparison between
cover up to 97 m·min−1 (Varley et al., 2013b). Sport-specific studies. In Australian football, sprint efforts have been defined
constraints, including positional or tactical roles, may contribute as activity >4.00 m·s−1 (Sullivan et al., 2013) while a threshold
to these differences. The higher total distance in Australian of >4.17 m·s−1 has also been utilized (Aughey, 2010; Mooney
football may be attributed to the unlimited interchange policy et al., 2011). The presentation of thresholds as a single > or <
(removed in 2015), and the smaller field size available to soccer value, with ambiguous descriptors, is confusing when velocity
and rugby league athletes (Varley et al., 2013b). The total distance data falls between two thresholds. For example, running by
covered should be presented per minute of match duration or professional soccer athletes is described as velocities between
time spent on field/ in a training drill (Aughey, 2011a). 4.00 and 5.47 m·s−1 whilst activity >5.50 m·s−1 was considered
Court-based athletes have a smaller playing area compared high-intensity movement (Carling et al., 2012). It is unclear if
to their field-based counterparts, yet cover similar meters per velocities within the 0.03 m·s−1 upper and lower ranges of the
minute. There is limited activity profile research on court-based two classifications were removed from analysis. Deletion of these
athletes. State-level female basket ballers cover 127–136 m·min−1 values may influence the frequencies and durations reported.
during matches (Scanlan et al., 2012), higher than junior males Research describing thresholds in this manner should detail
(115 m·min−1 ) and similar to state- (126–132 m·min−1 ) and how instantaneous velocities are binned into different zones. If
national (130–133 m·min−1 ) male basketballers (Scanlan et al., researchers use discrete values, it is recommended that thresholds
2011). In semi-elite netball, center (C) athletes cover up to be presented as ≥ or ≤ values.
133 m·min−1 compared to goal keepers (GK) and goal shooters The confusion in velocity thresholds also extends to the
(GS), who average 71 and 70 m·min−1 , respectively (Davidson duration of a sprint. In elite female rugby union (Clarke et al.,
and Trewartha, 2008). These differences could be due to the 2014), hockey (Vescovi, 2014), and professional male soccer
spatial restrictions imposed by each playing position although (Carling et al., 2012) matches, sprinting must occur for a
manually estimating distance covered from video may also minimum of 1 s. However, in other studies (Buchheit et al.,
provide unreliable estimates (Barris and Button, 2008). 2010a; Jennings, D. H. et al., 2012; Varley et al., 2013b; Kempton
In court-based sports, the ball may frequently and chaotically et al., 2015b), the minimum duration is not stated. It is unclear
change direction. Court-based athletes must be responsive to what effect these inconsistent minimum threshold durations have
movement of the ball, their team-mates and opposition in a on the activity profile. Researchers should state the minimum
small area. Athletes may change direction and complete short, duration required to record a sprint effort. The inconsistency of
high-intensity movements to cover or create space. Although, sprint thresholds in the literature is likely due to values being
there are more spatial limitations compared to field-based sports, arbitrarily determined or taken from proprietary software.
the high frequency of these actions performed by court-based
athletes may result in a comparable meters per minute profile.
Whilst reporting meters per minute gives an understanding of ACCELERATION THRESHOLDS
intensity, granular periods of activity at different velocities are
lost by aggregating to the total distance covered. Quantifying Acceleration is a metabolically demanding activity, requiring
the time spent and distance covered at varying velocities may be more energy than constant running (Osgnach et al., 2010).
useful in programming training and monitoring load. During team-sport matches, a large number of high intensity
efforts are short in duration and commence from a low velocity.
In elite soccer matches, more than 85% of maximal accelerations
VELOCITY THRESHOLDS did not exceed the high-speed (4.17 m·s−1 ) threshold (Varley and
Aughey, 2013). Maximal accelerations (>2.78 m·s−2 ) occurred
During matches or training, the instantaneous velocity of an eight times more than sprinting, classified as >6.94 m·s−1 but
athlete is binned into different zones via threshold values. <10.00 m·s−1 (Varley and Aughey, 2013). The starting velocity is
Velocity thresholds are defined by proprietary software providers critical when measuring accelerations or decelerations, although
(Cunniffe et al., 2009), modified from published research quantification of these variables is dependent upon the validity
(Jennings, D. H. et al., 2012) or determined arbitrarily (Mohr and reliability of athlete tracking systems.
et al., 2003). There is no consensus on how to determine a velocity There are large inconsistencies between acceleration
threshold and large discrepancies exist, even within a single team- thresholds used throughout the literature. In field-based
sport (Table 1). The comparison of activity profile research is team-sports, accelerations have been classified as >1.11 m·s−2
consequently difficult. (Wisbey et al., 2010), 2.78 m·s−2 (Varley et al., 2013a), 3.00 m·s−2
The inconsistency between velocity thresholds extends (Hodgson et al., 2014), and 4.00 m·s−2 (Farrow et al., 2008).
to qualitative descriptors. For example, activity may be Accelerations have also been categorized into moderate (2.00–
labeled as low-velocity or low-intensity movement. Low-velocity 4.00 m·s−2 ) or high (>4.00 m·s−2 ) zones, with a minimum
movement, including walking and jogging, could be activity duration of 0.40 s (Higham et al., 2012). The rationale used to
between 0 and up to 5.40 m·s−1 (Varley et al., 2013b). Yet in select these zones is unknown. The 2.78 m·s−2 threshold used

Frontiers in Physiology | 3 June 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 432

TABLE 1 | Classification of athlete movement, according to speed zones, in a variety of field-based team-sports.
Sweeting et al.

Reference Cohort Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6

Speed Descriptor Speed Descriptor Speed Descriptor Speed Descriptor Speed Descriptor Speed Descriptor
(m·s−1 ) (m·s−1 ) (m·s−1 ) (m·s−1 ) (m·s−1 ) (m·s−1 )

Clarke et al., 2014 Elite females <2 Low >3.5 Moderate >5 High-intensity
Suárez-Arrones et al., Elite males 0.03–1.64 Standing and 1.66–3.31 Jogging 3.33–3.86 Cruising 3.89–4.98 Striding 5–5.53 High-intensity >5.56 Sprinting
2012 walking

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Varley et al., 2013b Elite males 0–5.4 Low-intensity ≥5.5–10 High-velocity ≥7–10 Sprinting
Sullivan et al., 2013 Elite males >4 High-speed
Aughey, 2010 Elite males 0.10–4.17 Low-intensity 4.17–10 High-intensity
Jennings, D. et al., Elite males 0.10–4.17 Low-speed >4.17 High-speed
Macutkiewicz and Elite females 0–0.17 Standing 0.19–1.67 Walking 1.69–3.06 Jogging 3.08 to 4.17 Running 4.19–5.28 Fast-running >5.28 Sprinting
Sunderland, 2011

Johnston et al., 2013 Sub-elite 0–4.72 Low-speed >4.75 High-speed
Kempton et al., 2015a Elite males >4 High-speed >5.03 Very high-speed >6.67 Sprinting
Buchheit et al., 2010a Youth males <3.61 Low-intensity 3.64–4.44 High-intensity 4.47–5.28 Very high >5.31 Sprinting
Carling et al., 2012 Elite males <0.17 Standing 1.94–1.97 Walking 2–3.97 Jogging 4–5.47 Running >5.5 High-intensity
Review of Activity Profile Analysis

June 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 432

Sweeting et al. Review of Activity Profile Analysis

in soccer (Varley and Aughey, 2013) and Australian Football decelerations is likely to have a detrimental effect on subsequent
(Aughey, 2010) originated from a standing start maximal 40 m sprint test performance (Lakomy and Haydon, 2004). In
acceleration of between 2.50 and 2.70 m·s−2 , performed by collegiate team-sport athletes, muscle damage was induced post
non-athletes (Varley et al., 2012). Since elite Australian Football 15 × 30 m repeated sprints with a rapid deceleration, interspersed
athletes often maximally accelerate from a moving start during with 60 s of passive recovery (Howatson and Milak, 2009).
matches (Aughey and Falloon, 2008), a 4.00 m·s−2 threshold Increased muscle soreness, swelling, creatine kinase efflux and
was considered too high and 1.11 m·s−2 too low (Aughey, decreased maximum isometric contract was also observed 48–72
2010). It appears the threshold of 2.78 m·s−2 was determined h post exercise (Howatson and Milak, 2009). Collectively, these
arbitrarily (Aughey, 2010). Acceleration thresholds of 1.50, 3.00, results demonstrate the magnitude of muscle and performance
and 4.00 m·s−2 have been used in a single study (Buchheit et al., damage when team-sport athletes perform repeated deceleration
2014). Specifying thresholds in this manner has implications efforts.
for quantifying activity profile and monitoring change over Investigation into the decelerations of team-sport athletes
time, particularly when large variations in the measurement of during matches is limited. In elite male rugby seven matches,
acceleration are common between GPS models from the same decelerations were classified as moderate (−4.00 to −2.00 m·s−2 )
manufacturer (Buchheit et al., 2014). or high (> 4.00 m·s−2 ) and occurred for a minimum of 0.40 s
The velocity distribution of elite field-based team-sport (Higham et al., 2012). It is unclear why these zones were chosen.
athletes was used to create sport-specific threshold values (Dwyer A 35 and 25% difference in moderate and high decelerations,
and Gabbett, 2012). Match data from five elite female and respectively, existed between standards of play (Higham et al.,
male soccer, hockey and professional male Australian Football 2012). The large error of 5 Hz GPS to accurately quantify these
athletes were collected from GPS sampling at 1 Hz (Dwyer and movements may account for the difference between playing
Gabbett, 2012). A frequency distribution of speed (0–7 m·s−1 ) in levels. The deceleration of professional rugby league athletes
0.1 m·s−1 increments was computed from the 25 data sets and were investigated during two competitive seasons (Delaney et al.,
an average distribution calculated (Dwyer and Gabbett, 2012). 2015). Differences in the maximum value recorded over a rolling
Four normally distributed Gaussian curves were then fitted to the average, from 1 to 10 min in duration, was compared across
averaged velocity distribution curves and the intersecting points playing positions (Delaney et al., 2015). Compared with a 10 min
used to determine thresholds for each sport (Dwyer and Gabbett, rolling average, a large effect was observed for acceleration
2012). A frequency distribution of acceleration from each data and decelerations of 1–2 min. A moderate to small effect for
set was calculated and a threshold was based on the highest 3–7 min duration was also recorded (Delaney et al., 2015). While
5% of accelerations performed (Dwyer and Gabbett, 2012). This this approach presents the maximum load of an athlete over
threshold was then calculated for each pre-determined velocity varying durations, all acceleration and deceleration measures
range and used to identify sprints (Dwyer and Gabbett, 2012). were modified to estimate the total number of accelerations
The average velocity distribution for all field-based team-sports performed (Delaney et al., 2015). This approach could be
was similar. Differences between sexes from the same sport misleading as energetically, the ability to accelerate and decelerate
were larger than differences across sports (Dwyer and Gabbett, is different. Using this approach, the specific training prescription
2012). Six additional sprints, of a short duration, would not of deceleration is consequently limited.
have been recorded using the traditional threshold (Dwyer and The deceleration output of court-based team-sport athletes
Gabbett, 2012). While the decision to include five movement remains largely unknown. Decelerations account for up to 18%
categories comprising standing, walking, jogging, running, and of total distance covered during professional football match play
sprinting, appear to have been arbitrarily determined, this is a (Akenhead et al., 2013). Decelerations, and their distribution
novel idea compared to the traditional analysis of athlete velocity. over varying epochs, should therefore be included in the activity
This approach was utilized to profile the activity of national profiles of court-based team-sport athletes, to ensure appropriate
level lacrosse (Polley et al., 2015) and youth female field hockey training design for competition. The inconsistency previously
(Vescovi, 2014) athletes. However, the 1 Hz GPS units used have described in defining velocity thresholds is also evident in
a very large (77.2%) CV when measuring short sprint efforts research on decelerations. There is currently no consensus on
(Jennings et al., 2010). Consequently, data obtained from 1 Hz how to define acceleration or deceleration thresholds. While
GPS during these movements, and the results presented, should presenting the acceleration frequency of team-sport athletes
be interpreted with extreme caution. The small sample size is provides a global representation of high-intensity movements,
also limited in detecting meaningful change across and between limited research exists on the individualization of acceleration
sports. Decelerations or negative changes in velocity were also thresholds. The classification of accelerations is also dependent
removed from the analysis, likely due to the poor capacity of GPS upon the sampling epoch utilized, which may alter the magnitude
to accurately quantify these movements (Buchheit et al., 2014). of frequencies reported.
The ability to reduce velocity is termed deceleration. An
athlete’s capacity to efficiently decelerate is important for
changing direction (Kovacs et al., 2008). The major components FILTERING OF DATA
of deceleration include dynamic balance, power, reactive, and
eccentric strength (Kovacs et al., 2008). In elite team-sport Athlete tracking data may be filtered during the post-processing
athletes, the substantial eccentric loading during repeated phase. Filtering involves the smoothing of position and reduction

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Sweeting et al. Review of Activity Profile Analysis

of noise using various mathematical algorithms (Carling et al., Aughey, 2013) does not account for differences in individual
2008). Noise can be removed by numerous techniques, each with physical capacity. The use of a single sprinting or high-velocity
different results. Curve fitting involves a low-order polynomial threshold, for all athletes within a team, also does not consider
curve fitted to raw trajectory data. Although, this technique is the differences between individual athletes. Although, team-sport
best for repetitive movements including jumping, error may be matches are contested at an absolute level, the same external
introduced through poor selection of specific points that the load calculated by a high-velocity or sprinting threshold, for
curve is fitted to (Winter, 2009). These points are determined two athletes could represent a different internal load based
from the raw data and consequently, are influenced by the very on individual characteristics (Impellizzeri et al., 2004). Athlete
noise the filter is trying to eliminate (Winter, 2009). Bandpass movement may be expressed relative to a physiologically defined
filtering converts raw data from the spatial to the time domain, variable. High-intensity activity can be classified as greater
typically using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). High-frequency than the second ventilatory threshold (VT2 ), obtained during a
signal, uncharacterize of normal human movement, is eliminated maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max ) test. The VT2 is the point
before data is converted back into the spatial domain through an where CO2 production exceeds O2 consumption during exercise
inverse FFT (Wundersitz, D. et al., 2015). However, the threshold (Davis, 1985). It is assumed that activity beyond this point cannot
used as the optimal cut-off frequency is arbitary and typically be sustained for prolonged periods due to the athlete no longer
chosen via visual inspection (Wundersitz, D. et al., 2015). Digital being in a steady state (Davis, 1985). During team-sport matches,
filtering analyzes the frequency spectrum of both signal and activity below the VT2 can likely be continued for a prolonged
noise. The signal typically occupies the lower end of a frequency duration. In male soccer athletes, distance covered at or greater
spectrum and overlaps with the noise, which is typically observed than vVT2 was 167% higher or a very large effect when compared
at a higher frequency (Winter, 2009). A low-pass filter permits the to a threshold of 5.50 m·s−1 (Abt and Lovell, 2009). A 44%
lower frequency signals while consequently reducing the higher variation in athlete rank, calculated by distance covered at high-
frequency noise. Low-pass filtering can be used when analyzing speed, was observed between the two thresholds (Abt and Lovell,
trajectory data (Winter, 2009). 2009). Individual VT2 has also been measured in professional
The filtering of athlete external load data is dependent soccer athletes (Lovell and Abt, 2012). The resulting vVT2 was
upon the tracking system utilized. Filtering may occur on compared to an arbitrary velocity (4.00 m·s−1 ) threshold (Lovell
raw positional data at the instruction of the tracking system and Abt, 2012). High-speed running distance was overestimated
manufacturer (Stevens et al., 2014). Derived measures, including by 9% when arbitrary thresholds were used (Lovell and Abt,
metabolic power from GPS (Di Prampero et al., 2005; Osgnach 2012). For individual athletes, this range could be between
et al., 2010) are also filtered at unspecified frequencies during 22% lower and 33% higher (Lovell and Abt, 2012). In elite
the post-processing stage. Butterworth (Stevens et al., 2014) and female rugby sevens athletes, a physiologically-defined threshold
Kalman (Sathyan et al., 2012) filters are typically used for LPS corresponding to treadmill speed at VT2 was compared to a
data. There is limited information on how filters are used in cohort average (3.50 m·s−1 ) value (Clarke et al., 2014). When
optical player tracking systems and GPS. Filtering may account individualized thresholds were used, high-intensity running was
for the 24% difference in sprint distance between real-time and up to 14% over or under-estimated compared to the cohort mean
post-match Australian football GPS data (Aughey and Falloon, VT2 derived threshold (Clarke et al., 2014). Distance covered
2010) although no detail was presented on how the manufacturer at high-speed may therefore be underestimated by traditional
explains these discrepancies. It is important to know how the thresholds.
manufacturer of an athlete tracking system filters raw data, While the individualization of velocity thresholds is a well-
particularly when inferences from external load are used to make reasoned approach to assess external load, conjecture exists
decisions on programming training (Borresen and Lambert, on the implementation of an incremental treadmill protocol,
2009; Rogalski et al., 2013). The filtering of accelerometer data conducted within a laboratory, and its application to team-
has recently been examined (Boyd et al., 2011). Only one of the 13 sports. The individualization of velocity thresholds, derived from
filters was strongly related (mean bias; −0.01 ± 0.27 g; CV 5.5%) a continuous running protocol, does not consider the change
to the criterion measure, Vicon (Wundersitz, D. et al., 2015). of direction and acceleration movements, frequent in team-
Information on filtering is rarely presented from GPS or LPS sports (Lovell and Abt, 2012). Whilst speed thresholds have been
data when time spent or distance covered in velocity bands are individualized in field-based team-sports (Abt and Lovell, 2009;
reported. The filtering of raw data from an athlete tracking system Lovell and Abt, 2012; Clarke et al., 2014), limited research exists
has a substantial impact on the frequencies and distances covered on court-based team-sports.
in velocity or acceleration zones (Wundersitz, D. et al., 2015). Athlete thresholds for external load can be expressed relative
Prior to reporting team-sport athlete activity profiles, researchers to maximum speed attained during sprint testing. The external
should detail the type of filtering applied to raw data. load of junior-elite male soccer athletes was compared using
absolute (>5.27 m·s−1 ) or individual thresholds by obtaining the
peak running velocity during the fastest 10 m split of a 40 m sprint
INDIVIDUALIZED THRESHOLDS (Buchheit et al., 2010b). Athletes in the highest playing standard
(U18 years of age) performed more repeated-sprint efforts
Activity profile data reported as an average across a team when activity was assessed using absolute thresholds (Buchheit
(Aughey, 2011b) or position (Mooney et al., 2011; Varley and et al., 2010b). Younger players (U13 and U14 years of age)

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Sweeting et al. Review of Activity Profile Analysis

recorded more sprinting activity with individualized thresholds tracking technologies that are accurate at detecting movement
(Buchheit et al., 2010b). In junior male rugby league athletes, within a range of intensities should also be used. Although,
when an individualized threshold of peak velocity obtained the relationship between match outcomes, athlete performance,
during the final 20 m of a 40 m sprint test was compared with and external load have been examined, research has applied a
absolute speed (>5.00 m·s−1 ) thresholds, younger athletes (U13) mean velocity threshold to all athletes within a team (Mooney
performed likely (effect size = 0.43–0.58) greater high-speed et al., 2011; Bradley et al., 2013). The justification for these
running compared to their older (U14 and U15 years of age) thresholds is typically based on other literature or arbitarily
counterparts (Gabbett, 2015). The total high-intensity running determined. Individualizing velocity thresholds may allow for a
performed by junior athletes may be altered when expressed detailed analysis of the relationship between athlete external load
relative to a movement threshold obtained during maximal and match outcome, although physiologically defined thresholds
sprinting (Buchheit et al., 2010b; Gabbett, 2015). Inconsistencies are limited in their application for defining accelerations (Varley
therefore exist in the recorded sprinting distance according to the and Aughey, 2013). The majority of research on the relationship
velocity threshold used. between athlete performance and external load has focused on
Expressing a team-sport athlete’s data relative to a males competing in team-sports, with limited information on
physiologically defined threshold is an individualized approach female athletes (Costello et al., 2014).
that may benefit the training prescription for players. Although,
an advancement on the use of arbitrarily derived velocity
thresholds, limited research exists on how to individualize THRESHOLDS FOR MALE AND FEMALE
accelerations. Accelerations require more energy than constant TEAM-SPORT ATHLETES
velocity (Osgnach et al., 2010). Without information on how
to classify accelerations, individualized thresholds are therefore Men and women compete in team-sports at an elite level.
limited in their use for team-sport athletes, including those who Tracking technologies, including GPS, are used to collect the
participate in court-based sports. activity profiles of male and female team-sport athletes (Gabbett
and Mulvey, 2008; Dwyer and Gabbett, 2012; Vescovi, 2014).
There are differences in physiological capacities between sexes,
RELATIONSHIP OF HIGH-INTENSITY including aerobic fitness and absolute sprinting ability (Mujika
ACTIVITY TO MATCH PERFORMANCE et al., 2009). Consequently, the physiological cost of high-speed
running may be substantially different for male and female team-
The capacity to accelerate and sprint is important for team- sport athletes. Although, lower speed thresholds are suggested for
sport match performance. In junior-elite Australian Football, female team-sport athletes (Dwyer and Gabbett, 2012), limited
athletes faster over a 5 and 20 m split acquired the most kicks research exists on the application of these thresholds. An under-
and disposals during matches, compared with their slower or over-estimation of external load may occur if female athletes
counterparts (Young and Pryor, 2007). During elite matches, use thresholds initially developed for male athletes.
a relationship exists between athlete physical capacity and the Thresholds developed for male team-sport athletes have
number of disposals. This relationship is mediated by the been applied to female external load data. During international
amount of high intensity-running (HIR) m·min−1 or distance female hockey matches, the average number (17) of sprints
traveled at >4.17 m·s−1 (Mooney et al., 2011). Sophisticated completed was lower than the mean number (30) performed by
modeling techniques may therefore be able examine the effect male athletes (Macutkiewicz and Sunderland, 2011). However a
of contextual and match-related factors on team-sport athlete sprinting threshold of 5.2 m·s−1 , adapted from research on male
running intensity. soccer athletes (Bangsbo, 1992), was applied to female match
The relationship between physical capacity and match data. Since there are sex differences in sprinting speed (Mujika
performance in professional soccer was examined across three et al., 2009), the reduction in mean sprints observed during
top English leagues (Bradley et al., 2013). Total distance covered international female hockey could be due to the inappropriate
and HIR >5.50 m·s−1 was captured via semi-automatic tracking use of a velocity threshold designed for males. In soccer, male
(Bradley et al., 2013). Less total and HIR distance occurred velocity thresholds have also been applied to female external
at a higher than a lower playing standard. Physical capacity, load data (Krustrup et al., 2005; Mohr et al., 2008). However,
defined as score on the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery two the sprinting speed of female soccer athletes varies across age
(IR2) test, was correlated with HIR distance (Bradley et al., (Vescovi et al., 2011) and differs compared to males (Mujika
2013). In junior-elite male soccer athletes, the relationship et al., 2009). To develop female specific values, varying velocity
between external load, defined as movement >4.47 m·s−1 and thresholds have been used in soccer (Vescovi, 2012). During
physical capacity, quantified as score on the Yo-Yo IR1, was competitive matches, sprinting by professional female soccer
position dependent. Poor correlations were observed between athletes accounts for 5.3% of total distance covered when
match running performance and athlete physical capacity in categorized as activity >5.0 m·s−1 (Vescovi, 2012). However, if
all positions except strikers. However, the 1 Hz GPS units the threshold is increased to >6.9 m·s−1 , similar to thresholds
used have poor validity (CV% of 11–30%) for assessing HIR used for male team-sport athletes (Varley et al., 2013b), little to
(Coutts and Duffield, 2010). To truly quantify the relationship no sprinting is recorded (Vescovi, 2012). A ceiling effect may
between athlete match external load and physical capacity, therefore be present when using thresholds originally developed

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for male team-sport athletes. Although, the use of varying approaches to the individualization of team-sport athlete external
velocity thresholds is a guide in the development of sprinting load. For example, the latent properties of external load from
values for female soccer, this approach does not consider the a single athlete can be found using data mining approaches.
individual physiological differences between athletes. Velocity or acceleration thresholds are therefore derived directly
The individualization of velocity thresholds for female athletes from the sampled data and can be examined across age, sex,
has recently been examined. In elite female rugby sevens athletes, playing standard, or position.
a male velocity threshold (5.0 m·s−1 ), individual and cohort Relationships between latent properties in data that may
mean vVT2 speed, was used to determine distance covered impact athletic performance can be uncovered using data mining
at high-intensity (Clarke et al., 2014). The absolute amount (Ofoghi et al., 2013). Machine learning, a data mining technique,
of match high-intensity running was underestimated by up has been used to discover the physiological capacities required
to 30% when using a velocity threshold designed for male to medal in sprint cycling (Ofoghi et al., 2010). A recent review
athletes (Clarke et al., 2014). The individualized threshold under- (Ofoghi et al., 2013) highlighted the lack of a contemporary
or over-estimated high-intensity running by up to 14% when framework for analyzing the match performance data of elite
compared to the cohort mean vVT2 speed threshold of 3.5 m·s−1 athletes. For example, a traditional statistical analysis on the
(Clarke et al., 2014). Individualizing the high-intensity running performance of a team-sport athlete during passing chains
threshold, assessed via a linear physiological test, of female team- may consider a direct relationship with a dependent variable.
sport athletes may allow for customized training prescription. However, this type of analysis ignores the context of data
However, individualization requires a time-consuming and collection (Ofoghi et al., 2013). Using data mining techniques,
expensive laboratory-based VO2max test, which can be difficult the hidden features that may impact upon passing quality could
to implement with a large number of athletes in a team-sport be examined, going beyond a superficial analysis (Ofoghi et al.,
setting. Alternatively, the maximal aerobic speed (MAS) of an 2013).
athlete is highly-correlated with maximal oxygen uptake (Léger An alternative approach is mediation analysis, a statistical
and Boucher, 1980) and reflects running economy (Di Prampero technique that examines the relationship between the dependent
et al., 1986). Assessment of MAS can occur on a large number of variable and independent variables to identify plus explain
athletes during an incremental field running test (Buchheit et al., process. Mediation analysis has been applied in elite Australian
2013). The relationship between MAS and high-intensity running Football to examine inter-relationships between athlete capacity,
has been assessed in youth male soccer athletes (Buchheit et al., match intensity and performance (Mooney et al., 2011). Playing
2013) although, to date, no research exists on individualizing position and experience influence the relationship between an
the velocity thresholds of female team-sport athletes using athlete’s capacity, match activity profile and possession output
MAS testing results. For female team-sport athletes who cannot (Mooney et al., 2011). Linear techniques including discriminant
complete individualized physiological or field testing, a threshold analysis (Castellano et al., 2012) and generalized linear modeling
of 3.5 m·s−1 could be used as guide for high-intensity running, have also been used to examine team-sport performance.
although differences between playing position and standard are However, linear techniques may not be an optimum method to
not accounted for with this fixed threshold. analyze the match performance of dynamic and chaotic team-
The development and implementation of female-specific sports.
thresholds, according to playing standard and position, should In contrast, non-linear data mining techniques are not
be investigated. Although, thresholds have been developed for constrained to a single linear variable. Decision trees, a non-
female athletes competing in field-based sports (Dwyer and linear technique, have been used to explain match outcome
Gabbett, 2012; Clarke et al., 2014), there are no thresholds in Australian football (Robertson et al., 2016), classify team-
specifically for court-based sports. Netball, for example, is a sport activities from a wearable sensor (Wundersitz, D.W. et al.,
court-based team-sport played indoors by elite female athletes. 2015) and explore the attacker and defender interaction during
Due to the lack of research on female court-based sports, there is invasion sports (Morgan et al., 2013). Decision trees involve
limited information on how to quantify velocity and acceleration the repeated partitioning of data, based on input fields that
thresholds for netball athletes. create branches which can be further split to differentiate the
dependent variable. Decision trees can handle missing data and
provide an intuitive analysis of a dataset (Morgan et al., 2013).
ALTERNATE APPROACHES TO CLASSIFY Unlike clustering, decision tree induction is not dependent on the
ATHLETE ACTIVITY selection of a prior distribution.
Clustering is a data mining technique that could be used
Data mining is a research area that aims to discover regularity to find unknown patterns in large datasets by classification,
from within large datasets and yield insights that are not possible whereby data is grouped based on similarity (Chen et al.,
using conventional statistics (Chen et al., 1996). Large databases, 1996). A large dataset can be meaningfully divided into smaller
such as the external load obtained from tracking technologies, components or categories using clustering (Punj and Stewart,
can therefore be investigated. Knowledge may be extracted 1983). These categories may be mutually exclusive (Fayyad
through data mining techniques including classification, where et al., 1996). Categories can also be sorted in a hierarchical or
data are sorted into predefined classes based on some common overlapping manner. Gaussian mixture models, a cluster method
features (Chen et al., 1996). These methods are alternative that contains a prior belief about group assignment, have been

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used to classify shot making in tennis (Wei et al., 2013). These RECOMMENDATIONS
clustering methods represent sub-populations within a dataset
and express the uncertainty about cluster assignment. The k- A range of velocity thresholds are utilized to classify the
means clustering algorithm divides a dataset into a user-specified sprint effort of a team-sport athlete. Although, thresholds may
number of k clusters (Wu et al., 2008). The k-means algorithm be individualized (Abt and Lovell, 2009; Clarke et al., 2014),
starts with k centroids, selected at random. Each data point within applying a global velocity or acceleration threshold may allow
the wider dataset is assigned to its nearest centroid, based on for examination of positional and individual differences over
similarity. The centroids are updated each time a data point is time. A practical issue for those monitoring activity profiles is
assigned (Wu et al., 2008). The centroid mean is then calculated determining velocity and acceleration thresholds for a cohort
from the data points allocated to that cluster (Wu et al., 2008). of athletes. Selection of these global thresholds is often arbitary
The size of the dataset determines the number of repetitions and dependent upon the cohort profiled. We recommend
required for the k-means algorithm to reach completion (Wu that practitioners choose thresholds of an equal bandwidth,
et al., 2008). Clustering, via the k-means algorithm, could be used for example, 0–5, 15–10, 15–20, 20–25, and ≥25 km·h. The
in a variety of sport settings, including grouping the external load minimum duration required for a sprint effort to be recorded
of an athlete. should also be stated.
Complex statistical or data mining techniques, including For elite female team-sport athletes competing in field-
clustering, may uncover unknown patterns or counter prior based sports, a fixed threshold of 3.5 m·s−1 may be used to
beliefs. These approaches could be used to guide the development detect high-speed activity across a cohort of players (Clarke
of athlete velocity and acceleration thresholds. Self-organizing et al., 2014). Since a consensus is yet to be reached on
maps (SOM) and clustering have been utilized in elite rugby the physiological tests to determine velocity or acceleration
union to uncover playing styles related to team success (Croft thresholds, we recommend that practitioners chose a test
et al., 2015). The coordination patterns during three different deemed most appropriate for their sport. Alternatively, data
basketball shots from varying distances have also been classified mining approaches could be used to examine the velocity
using SOM (Lamb et al., 2010). The lowest variability was and acceleration output of team-sport athletes. Recently, the
recorded in the three-point and hook shots. The SOM displayed velocity, acceleration and angular velocity output of court-based
a movement output that differed unexpectedly from traditional team-sport athletes was examined without arbitary thresholds
analysis, including visual inspection and time series data (Lamb (Sweeting et al., 2017). Rather than comparing the velocity,
et al., 2010). A movement analyst with experience and prior acceleration and angular velocities performed by individuals as
knowledge or bias may have been distracted by other information a function of time, the similarities between playing positions
compared to a SOM, that has a more objective methodology according to the movement sequences performed. This approach
(Lamb et al., 2010). These approaches could also be used to may have application for coaching and conditioning. Knowledge
group athlete velocity data, without the requirement of a human of the movements performed, angle of attack and accelerations
input threshold based on a physiologically defined or arbitary may assist with planning sport-specific training. Practitioners
value. These groups could be formed irrespective of an athlete’s and scientists can subsequently focus on training the specific
age, sex, position, or playing standard. Patterns within athlete movement sequences frequently performed by athletes in each
movement, including velocities and accelerations performed, playing position. These sequences can also be examined across
could be derived by applying clustering techniques to external different playing standards, such as elite and junior-elite levels.
load data. Profiling the activity profile across the athlete pathway may assist
The accelerometer derived PlayerLoadTM data of elite female in preparing team-sport athletes during transition from lower to
netball athletes was grouped by k-means clustering (Young et al., higher levels.
2016). Optimal clustering was the greatest Euclidean distance
obtained from two to five clusters (Young et al., 2016). The CONCLUSION
seven netball playing positions were divided into two groups
according to playing intensity and relative time spent in a low- Athlete position, velocity, and acceleration can be measured
intensity zone (Young et al., 2016). The PlayerLoadTM for the goal during matches or training via optical tracking, GPS and LPS. The
based positions was lower than the attacking and wing positions, analysis of distance, velocity, and acceleration over a specified
likely due to the time spent performing low intensity activity time epoch is termed athlete activity profile. It is difficult to
(Young et al., 2016). This study was the first to use data mining compare literature on field-based sports due to inconsistencies
techniques, including k-means clustering, to examine athlete load in velocity and acceleration thresholds, even within a single
data. However, only accelerometer data was investigated and sport. Velocity and acceleration thresholds have been determined
not the position of an athlete, from GPS or LPS. Capturing the from physiological and physical capacity tests. Limited research
position of an athlete allows for the calculation of displacement, also exists on female team-sport athletes and how to classify
velocity and acceleration. With the large volume of data obtained their velocity plus acceleration. Alternatively, data mining can
from athlete tracking systems, data mining represents a technique derive patterns from large datasets. With the large volume of
to gain further insight into athlete activity profiles. Consequently, data obtained from athlete tracking systems and advancements
athlete external load could be analyzed without the requirement in classifying movement patterns during skill or endurance
of an arbitrary or software-implemented threshold. performance, data mining is a technique to gain further insight

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Sweeting et al. Review of Activity Profile Analysis

into athlete activity profiles. Consequently, athlete external load AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
could be analyzed without velocity or acceleration thresholds.
Future work should focus on using data mining techniques Conceived and designed the experiments: AS, SC, SM, and
to analyze the movement performed by team-sport athletes, RA. Drafted manuscript and prepared tables/figures: AS. Edited,
particularly elite females and those participating in court-based critically revised paper, and approved final version of manuscript:
sports. AS, SC, SM, and RA.

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