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SOS 316 - Note - Physics - Update

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SOS 316



Dr. M. A. Busari

Definition of soil Physics

Soil Physics is a branch of soil science that deals with physical

properties of soil as well as measurement, prediction and control
of physical processes taking place in and through the soil. Soil
physical properties include soil texture, soil structure, soil colour,
consistency, density, thermal regime, soil water, porosity,
infiltration, hydraulic conductivity etc.
Soil Physics could fundamentally be regarded as both basic and
applied sciences. This is because, Soil Physics involves
application of the principles of Physics to the characterization of
soil properties and understanding of soil processes involving
transport of matter or energy.

Soil productivity is an economic concept and signifies the capability of the soil
to produce specified plant or sequence of plants under well defined specified
systems of management and environmental conditions. This suggests that
productivity is not soil fertility alone but a function of several factors (e.g.
climatic condition and soil factors). Soil productivity is measured in terms of
output or harvest.

On the other hand, soil fertility refers to the inherent capacity of the soil to
provide adequate amount and proper balance of nutrient for the growth of
specified plant when other growth factors (e.g. light, water, temperature and
favourable soil physical environment) are favourable.

In addition to chemical fertility i.e. presence of adequate nutrient in the soil and
absence of toxic agents, the soil should also, be physically fertile. That is, the
soil must be loose, soft and friable, possesses no mechanical impedance to root
development, has pore volume and size distribution that allow entering,
movement and retention of water and air to meet plant needs and has optimal
thermal regime.
Soil is made up of 4 basic components: mineral matter; organic
matter, soil water and soil air.
On the basis of these, there are three phases in the soil. These are solid
phase, liquid phase and gaseous phase.

The Solid Phase: The solid phase is broadly composed of inorganic

(mineral) and organic constituents. The mineral constituents form the
bulk of the soil solid phase and consist of particles of various sizes,
shapes and chemical composition. The mineral constituent specifically
composed of primary and secondary minerals. The primary minerals
are the quartz and feldspars (most abundant) with relatively small
amount of pyroxenes, amphiboles, olivine, micas etc.
The secondary minerals originates from the break down of primary
minerals and examples are silica, alumina, iron oxides etc. They
constitute the most active site in the soil.
The organic fraction constitutes a small fraction of the soil solid
phase and it includes residues at various stages of decomposition
as well as life organisms.

The Liquid Phase: About 40 to 50% of the bulk volume of soil

body is generally occupied by soil pores or voids which may be
partially or completely filled with water. The liquid phase is an
aqueous solution of salts because the soil water keeps salts in
solution which act as plant nutrients. When all the soil pores are
completely filed with water, the soil is said to be saturated.

The Gaseous Phase: This is the soil air/atmosphere. It is made up

of mixture of gases. It composed mainly of nitrogenous gas,
oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapour. The volume of the
gaseous phase is dependent on that of the liquid phase. The pore
space not filled by water is automatically occupied by air.
The dispersed nature of the soil and its constituent inter-phasal
activities give rise to such phenomena as:
(i) adsorption of water and chemicals;
(ii) ion exchange;
(iii) adhesion and cohesion;
(iv) dispersion and flocculation;
(v) swelling and shrinking and
(vi) capillarity.

The three phases of the soil play definite roles. The solid phase
provides mechanical support for and nutrients to the plants.
The liquid phase supplies water and along with it dissolved
nutrients to plant root. The gaseous phase satisfied the aeration
need of the plant. Thus, the 3 phases complimentarily shared
the soil’s function to sustain plant growth.

Soil texture is the relative proportion of various soil separates in

a soil. It is usually expressed on percentage basis.
Soil separates are group of soil particles of given size range i.e.
different size of particles which together make up a given soil.

The main textural classes are sand, silt and clay. These textural
classes may be modified by addition of suitable adjective based
on relative amount of each separate that make up the soil e.g.
Loam: Soil material with clay, silt and sand in close proportion
(e.g. 7-27% clay; 28-50% silt and <50% sand).
Loamy sand: Materials with about 80-90% sand.
Sandy loam: <7% clay; <50% silt; about 52% sand.

Other modifications include silty loam, sandy clay loam, clay

loam, gravelly loamy sand etc.
Determination of Soil Texture

Soil texture may be determined on the field by textural feel

and in the laboratory by soil mechanical analysis or soil
particle size distribution. The mechanical analysis in the
laboratory may be carried out either by Pipette or
hydrometer method.

After the proportion of each of the soil separates are

determination, the textural class of the soil is identified using
a USDA Soil Textural Triangle. The sides of the soil texture
triangle are scaled for the percentages of sand, silt, and clay.
Soil texture triangle
Systems of soil particle size classification
There are two widely used systems of soil classification. These
are: United State
Department of Agriculture (USDA) and International Soil
Science Society (ISSS)

USDA Classification system

Fraction Diameter (mm)

Very coarse sand 2.00 – 1.00
Coarse sand 1.00 – 0.50
Medium sand 0.50 – 0.25
Fine sand 0.25 – 0.10
Very fine sand 0.10 – 0.05
Silt 0.05 – 0.002
Clay <0.002
ISSS Classification system

Fraction Diameter (mm)

Coarse sand 2.00 – 0.2
Fine sand 0.2 – 0.02
Silt 0.02 – 0.002
Clay <0.002

Materials: >20 mm diameter – stone
20-2 mm diameter – gravel
<2mm diameter – Fine earth (soil)

Importance of soil texture

•It affects water and nutrient holding capacity of the soil
•It influences the type of crop to be grown
•It indicates type of management needed for crop growth and for
engineering purposes.
Mechanical composition of soil
The mechanical composition of soil is a basic
requirement in the soil physical investigation useful
for land capability classification and in the study of
soil morphology, genesis, classification and mapping.
Soil mechanical analysis is the procedure for
determining the particle size distribution of a soil
Steps in soil mechanical analysis

Sample collection
Air dry the sample at room temperature
If the sample contains high amount of organic matter remove the
organic matter using H2O2
Dispersion of the sample in an aqueous solution using Calgon
solution (Sodium hexametaphosphate).
Carry out mechanical agitation by shaking or using ultrasonic
Determination/quantification of size fraction
(1) Sieving (for coarse fraction) – use nest of sieve corresponding to
the desired particle size
(2) Sedimentation (fine fraction)
The principles of sedimentation are that the velocity of fall of
particle in a viscous medium is influenced by
(i) the viscosity of the medium
(ii) density difference between the medium and the falling
(iii) the size and shape of the material.

The law which govern sedimentation of particles is called

Stoke’s Law which states that resistance offered by liquid to the
fall of a rigid spherical particles vary with the circumference of
the sphere (and not its surface) OR the terminal velocity of a
spherical particle settling under the influence of gravity in a
fluid of a given density and viscosity is proportional to the
square of the particle radius.
The Stokes’ law consists of the factors contributing to the cause
of settling and resistance to settling.
Particle volume = 4/3πr3; density difference = d1–d2; g = gravity;
Particle circumference = 2πr
Viscosity = η; V = velocity of sedimentation
Therefore, if
Force of settling = resistant to settling
Force = mass x acceleration i.e F = mg (where g is acceleration
due to gravity)
Note that density = mass/volume; therefore mass = ρv
4/3πr3 (d1 – d2)g = 2πr.η.3v
V = 4/3πr3 (d1 – d2)g = 2r2(d1 – d2)g
2πr.η.3 9η
V = settling velocity (cm s-1); d1 =particle density; d2 = density
of fluid (g cm-3);
r = particle radius (cm); η = viscosity of the medium
The time (t) required for particle to settle through a given depth (h)
in liquid may be obtained from the Stokes’ Law
V = 2r2(d1 – d2)g

Re-write r2 in terms of particle diameter (D) i.e. r2 = ¼ D2
Therefore, V = 2D2(d1 – d2)g
V = (d1 – d2)g D2
Velocity = distance (h) / time (t); hence, t = h/V
t = 18η.h
(d1 – d2)g D2
Calculate the velocity of sedimentation of silt particle 0.006 mm and clay
particle 0.0002 mm diameter at 30oC. The viscosity of the water at 30oC was
0.00798 cm-1 s-1. Assuming the gravity to be 980 cms-2.

The extent of the surface of dispersed soil system is described in terms of the
soil specific surface.

The soil specific surface is defined as the sum of the surfaces of constituent
dispersed soil particles referred to unit mass or unit volume.

Specific surface of soil (Am) or (Av) = Total surface area of soil (As)
Mass or volume of soil (Ms or Vs)
That is, Am or Av = As
Ms or Vs
Therefore, on mass basis Am = As cm2 or m2 or m2
Ms g g kg

On volume basis, Av = As cm2 or m2

Vs cm3 m3
Many of the soil physical and chemical reactions are related to
inter facial surface phenomena and are thus influenced by soil
specific surface area.

Soil properties such as plasticity, swelling, soil strength, water

retention, CEC and nutrient availability are strongly affected by
soil surface area.

Soil specific surface depends on:

i. Particle size
ii. Particle shape
iii. Mineralogy of the material

The volume-mass relationship among the three phases of soil

could be diagrammatically represented as:

Va AIR Ma ≈ 0
Va = volume of air
Vf Vf = volume of void
Vt = total volume
Vt Water Mw
Ma = mass of air
Mw = mass of water
Ms = mass of solid
Based on the diagram above, a quantitative
representation of the 3 phases can be expressed
in terms:
Particle density (ℓs) = Ms/Vs (g cm-3)
Vs = volume of solid
Bulk density (dry): (ℓb) = Ms/Vt (g cm-3)
Total porosity (Pt) = Vf/Vt or (Va + Vw)/Vt
Void ratio (e) = (Va + Vw)/Vs
Soil wetness: This can be expressed relative
to total mass or total volume
In term of mass:
mass wetness (w) = Mw/Ms. This is called
gravimetric water content
In terms of volume (Ө) = Vw/Vt. This is
called volumetric water content.
Degree of saturation (s) = Vw/Vf

Air filled porosity (Pa) = Va/Vt. This is the

fractional volume of air in the field.

Soil structure is the arrangement of soil particles to form peds. Or,

the arrangement of primary particles into secondary particles

Soil structure is strongly affected by changes in climate, biological

activities and soil management practices.

Measurement of soil structure

There are direct and indirect methods of measuring soil structure.

The direct methods involve measuring the size and shape of
aggregate and pores of the soil. That is, three dimensional study of
soil. This is done by thin section analysis with aid of powerful
microscope e.g. scanning electron microscope, transmission
microscope, petrographic microscope etc.
The indirect methods involve measuring soil properties
that depend on soil structure. These properties include:
aggregate size distribution, aggregate stability, bulk
density, porosity, pore size distribution, permeability,
infiltration etc.

Importance of soil structure

•It affects water and nutrient holding capacity of the soil

•It affects germination and root growth and development
•It affects water retention and transmission of fluid in soil
•It affects soil aeration
•It influences soil thermal properties
Measurement of soil structural stability

There are various methods: the two common methods that will be
considered are sieving method and water drop impact technique

1. Sieving method: there are wet and dry sieving techniques. What
is measured here is the Mean weight diameter (MWD). For wet
soil it is called MWDW and for dry soil it is called MWDD

The formula is given as

Where X = mean of diameter of particles size range separated by

Wi = weight (proportional) of the aggregates in each size

Aggregate diameter % X Wi X Wi
10 – 5 5 7.5 0.05 0.375
5–2 5 3.5 0.05 0.175
2 – 1.0 15 1.5 0.15 0.225
1.0 – 0.5 25 0.75 0.25 0.1875
0.5 – 0.0 50 0.25 0.5 0.125
MWD 1.0875 mm
2. Water drop technique: this is done by studying the impact of
rain drop on soil aggregate stability. This is done in the laboratory by
using a rainfall simulator.

Soil water is the amount of water present in the soil available to

crop. Water can enter into the soil by precipitation or by irrigation.

Forms in which water exist in the soil

Water exists in 3 forms in the soil
(i.) Hygroscopic water (ii.) Capillary water (iii.) Gravitational
Importance of water to crop
i. It is important in the absorption of mineral salts from the soil by
ii. It helps in the transportation of plant nutrients from the root to
other parts of the plant.
iii. Water is an essential raw material needed during
Some terminologies in soil water include
Field capacity, water table, water log, wilting point
Ways by which soil loss water
i.) evaporation from the soil surface
ii.) Transpiration from plant leaves, stem and fruit surface.
iii. drainage
iv.) erosion

Sources of water in the soil

i.) Precipitation
ii.) Irrigation
iii.) High humidity
Water content and Water retention
Water content: this is the amount of water present in the
soil. This is usually expressed as a percentage of oven
dried weight of soil volume.

Water retention: The spaces that exist between soil

particles, called pores, provide for the passage and/or
retention of gasses and moisture within the soil profile.
The soil’s ability to retain water is strongly related to
particle size; water molecules hold more tightly to the
fine particles of a clay soil than to coarser particles of a
sandy soil, so clays generally retain more water
Pore space
Methods of determining soil water content

A. Direct methods
1. Gravimetric method
2. Volumetric method

B. Indirect methods
1. Electric resistant method
2. Neutron scattering technique
3. Gamma ray attenuation technique
4. Time domain reflectomery
5. Tensiometry method
Gypsum Block Sensor
Gamma ray technique
Tensimeter in operation

Method of expressing soil water content
1. On mass basis
2. On volume basis
3. On depth basis

Forces acting on soil water

1. Matric force
2. Osmotic force
3. Body force
Movement of water in soil
Flow of water in soil may take the following forms:
1. Saturated flow
2. Unsaturated flow
3. Vapour movement
Saturated water flow

Soil pores filled with water

The flow is influenced by 3 factors:
 Soil – termed permeability
 Fluid – termed fluidity (forces of viscosity
and gravity)
 Moving force – termed hydraulic gradient
Unsaturated water flow
As expected, unsaturated flow is slower than
saturated flow

The driving force of water under unsaturated

flow is the suction gradient:
Water flow from region of low suction to high

The two forces responsible for unsaturated flow

are adhesion and capillarity
Water Vapour movement in Soils
Root zone normally have large air filled
Vapour moves from warm to cold region
Downward during the day and upward
during the night

Vapour density gradient may be caused by:

Difference in soil water potential
Temperature difference
• The hydrologic cycle: Hydrologic cycle is the
set of processes by which water moves through
different reservoirs on earth. The hydrologic
cycle can be thought of as a series of
reservoirs, or storage areas, and a set of
processes that cause water to move between
those reservoirs. The largest reservoir by far is
the oceans
Water Balance
Water balance is an accounting of all water volumes that
enters and leave the soil over a period of time

Water Balance Equation

• ∆S = P/I – (R + D + Et).
∆S is change in soil water content between sampling;
P is precipitation; I = Irrigation
R is the runoff; D is deep drainage and Et is



Soil Surface


Solar Radiation
Solar Radiation is the major source of soil heat.
Only a portion of the emitted solar radiation
reaches the earth’s surface. Part of the solar
radiation may be:

1. Reflected by the clouds

2. Scattered into the atmosphere by
atmospheric gases.
3. Absorbed by the ozone and water vapour.
Percentages of the Emitted
Solar Radiation
Percentages of the emitted solar radiation
reaching the earth surface are as follows:

1. Cloud free regions 75 %

2. Cloudy, humid regions 30 – 40 %

3. Global radiation (average) 50 %

Management of Soil Heat
These methods includes:
1. Surface Covers
2. Mechanical manipulation of soil surface
3. Others (indirect effects)
i) Irrigation – reduces temperature
ii) Drainage – increases temperature
iii) Weed control
iv) Plants/trees
Soil erosion can be simply defined as the
wearing away of soil materials from place to place by
the agents of erosion such as water, wind and ice.
In general soil erosion is broadly divided into
1. Geologic Erosion
Soil erosion that occurs naturally, without the
influence of human activities.
2. Accelerated Erosion
Soil erosion resulting from human interference
with the natural environment.
Mechanics of Soil Erosion
a. Detachment of soil aggregates into
b. Transportation of the detached particle
by floating, rolling and dragging.
c. Deposition of the transported materials
where the energy or force dissipates.
Types of Soil Erosion by water
Splash erosion:
Sheet Erosion: The removal of a fairly
uniform layer of soil from the land surface by
runoff water.
Rill Erosion: As sheet flow is concentrated
into tiny channels (called rills), rill erosion
Gully Erosion: When the volume of runoff is
concentrated, the rushing water cuts deeper
into the soil, deepening and fusing the rills
into larger channels called gullies.
Sheet erosion
Factors affecting soil erosion
1. Climatic factor
2. Soil factors
3. Topography
4. Vegetation cover
5. Human activities e.g., Tillage, Overgrazing, Fires, Lowering of the
water table (water use in excess of replenishment rate) - these accentuates
wind erosion
Measurement of Soil Erosion by Water
The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), was designed by
Wischmeier and Mannering (1969), to predict annual soil
loss by water in the USA but has been adapted and
modified in some cases for prediction around the world.
The USLE equation is as follows:
A - predicted soil loss (kg m-2 s-1);
R - rainfall erosivity
K - soil erodibility;
L - slope length;
S - slope gradient or steepness
C - cover management
P - erosion control practices
Conservation tillage
Conservation tillage – tillage method that leaves
at least 30% of plant residue on the soil after
Tillage on a general term is classified into 3 (ZT,
MT and CT).
Conservation tillage includes
• Mulch tillage,
• Zero Tillage
• Minimum Tillage ( leaves about 15-30%
• Contour tillage
• Contour strip cropping
• Strip cropping

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