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VU22593-1 - Assessment Tasks

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22484VIC Course in EAL (Access)


Read and write short, simple messages and forms

Assessment Tools for this unit include:

Competency Mapping
Assessor Instructions (including student Instructions)
Assessment Task A: Text message E1 & 2
Assessment Task B: Library form E3 & 4
Marking Guide
Competency Mapping
Competency Mapping

Unit to be assessed: VU22593 Read and write short, simple messages and forms

Steps & Employability skills Elements/per Required skills and knowledge Range statements Evidence guide
Task formance
Use familiar
Task A Communication Element 1 • A limited range of content words • Purposes may conventions and
• Read short, Read short relevant to immediate personal and include; to convey linguistic
Read a simple texts in simple social needs to read and write simple personal knowledge to:
text a familiar written messages information to
message environment. messages for • A limited range of phrases formulaic familiar others • Reads short simple
Identify immediate expressions used in simple messages related
relevant everyday messages • Short simple to familiar topics
Reply to a information in purposes • A limited range of simple adjectives messages may such as personal
text short, simple PC 1.1, 1.2, and adverbs include details
message print texts 1.3, • A limited range of simple adverbial - SMS • Construct short
which include phrases - Card simple messages
visual • A limited range of high frequency which include
Write a elements. Element 2 tenses such as simple present, • Key information simple phrases or
message • Write short Write short present continuous and past Main point or idea short sentences
on a card simple simple • Some simple phrasal verbs Key details
messages, for messages for • Simple modals - Who • Check own written
immediate immediate - What messages for
• Simple contracted forms
personal and social - Where accuracy
• Simple connectives
social purposes - When
PC 2.1, 2.2, • The alphabet in upper and lower
case • Familiar words or
Planning and 2.3, 2.4 phrases
• basic structural features in simple
short messages − Names of
• Organise people, suburbs,
• Use writing conventions left to right
required nationalities
and top to bottom
learning • Layout conventions
• Reading skills to access simple
materials and
dictionary • Check writing
Learning • Appropriate forms of address
• Use EAL • Conventions to complete simple
resources such messages
Note: These are the Employability Skills from the EAL Framework qualification that have been identified by the writers of this task as applicable.
as simple • Use models to guide writing
dictionaries to • Writing conventions from left to right
support and top to bottom
learning. • Simple common polite expressions

• Complete
delegated tasks

Note: These are the Employability Skills from the EAL Framework qualification that have been identified by the writers of this task as applicable.
Steps & Employability Elements/performan Required skills and knowledge Range statements Evidence guide
Task Skills ce criteria

Task B Communication Read short simple • A limited range of content words • Purpose of simple Use familiar
• Read short, forms for immediate relevant to immediate personal forms may include: conventions and
Read a simple texts in personal & social and social needs to read and - Excursion forms linguistic
form a familiar purposes write forms - Enrolment knowledge to:
environment. Element 3: • A limited range of phrases forms
• Identify PC 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 formulaic expressions used in - Library • Reads short simple
relevant simple forms application forms related to
information in • A limited range of simple familiar topics such
Complete short, simple adjectives and adverbs • A range of simple as personal details
a form print texts Complete short • A limited range of simple forms • Complete forms
which include simple forms for adverbial phrases using formats as
visual immediate personal • A limited range of high frequency • Organisational appropriate to need
elements. & social purposes tenses such as simple present, features and context
• Complete Element 4: present continuous and past
forms with PC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 • Some simple phrasal verbs • Details may • Check own written
own personal • Simple modals include: forms for accuracy
details and • Simple contracted forms - Name
numerical • Simple connectives - Address
information.. - Date of birth
• The alphabet in upper and lower
Planning and - Signature
organising - Responses to
• Follow sequential or conditional
• Organise instructions to complete forms
• Use writing conventions left to
learning • Appropriately may
right and top to bottom
materials and include;
resources. • Reading skills to access simple − Correct format,
Learning − Use required
• Conventions in forms
• Use EAL abbreviations,
• Use models to guide writing
resources − Circling, ticking
such as • Writing conventions from left to or underlining,
right and top to bottom
simple − Following
dictionaries to instructions

Note: These are the Employability Skills from the EAL Framework qualification that have been identified by the writers of this task as applicable.
• Complete

Note: These are the Employability Skills from the EAL Framework qualification that have been identified by the writers of this task as applicable.
Assessor Instructions
TASK A Instructions for the Assessor

22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL (Access)

VU22593 Read & Write short, simple messages and forms
Element 1 & 2 messages

Setting up the assessment task

• Inform the students that you will be assessing their reading and writing skills for this
• Prepare the students with similar activities and tasks prior to assessing.
• There is a benchmark text and marking guide included for the assessor.
• Assessors will make any reasonable adjustments to the task as required i.e. enlarge
task for a student with a visual impairment

Prepare assessment tools

• Instructions for the learner to be given orally

• Copies of the assessment task for each student
• Class dictionaries, personal dictionaries available for students to refer to

Conducting the assessment

1. All instructions should be given verbally and the assessor should explain that the
purpose of the activity is to read a message and write a response.
2. Tell the students what support is available to them: access to teacher, use of
3. Hand out the worksheet to the students to read. Give a reasonable time for them to
reread and check vocab in their personal lists or dictionaries.
4. Instruct students to read the text and answer the questions
5. Students must also write a text message in reply and write on an appropriate card.
6. Students proofread their work before showing the teacher and write a final copy
7. Provide verbal feedback to the student on their performance.
8. Assessment to be collected and kept in the student’s file.

Think West Assessment Bank 22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL

VU22593 Read & Write short, simple messages and forms
Element 1 & 2 messages
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Student Instructions

VU22593 Element 1 & 2 TASK A

For this assessment you will need to read and write a message and card

You have 3 tasks:

1. Read a text message

2. Respond to the message
3. Choose and write on a suitable card

• You will complete these activities in class.

• You may refer to models we have used in class

At the end of the assessment the assessor will collect your work and correct it.
They will talk about your answers with you and then keep your work in your file

Think West Assessment Bank 22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL

VU22593 Read & Write short, simple messages and forms
Element 1 & 2 messages
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
TASK B Instructions for the Assessor

22484VIC Certificate 1 in ESL (Access)

VU22593 Read & Write short, simple messages and forms
Element 3 & 4 Simple forms

Setting up the assessment task

• Inform the students that you will be assessing their reading and writing skills for this
unit and their ability to read and complete simple forms
• Prepare the students with similar activities and tasks prior to assessing
• Marking guide included for the assessor.
• Assessors will make any reasonable adjustments to the task as required i.e. enlarge
task for a student with a visual impairment

Prepare assessment tools

• Instructions for the learner to be given orally

• Copies of the assessment task for each student
• Class dictionaries, personal dictionaries available for students to refer to

Conducting the assessment

1. All instructions should be given verbally and the assessor should explain that the
purpose of the activity is to read a completed form and then to fill out a form with their
own details.
2. Tell the students what support is available to them: access to teacher, use of
3. The students could be given the task as 2 separate tasks or as one.
4. Hand out the worksheet to the students to read, allowing a reasonable time for them
to reread and check vocab in their personal lists or dictionaries.
5. Instruct students to read the form and answer the questions on the worksheet.
6. Students must then complete the form with their personal information.
7. Students check and mark on their sheet the checks they have done before showing
the teacher
8. Provide verbal feedback to the student on their performance
9. Assessment to be collected and kept in the student’s file.

Think West Assessment Bank 22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL

VU22593 Read & Write short, simple messages and forms
Element 3 & 4 simple forms
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Student Instructions

VU22593 Elements 3 & 4 TASK B

For this assessment you will need to read and complete a form

You have 2 tasks

1. Read a form that has been filled out and answer some questions
2. Complete the form with your own information

▪ You may use dictionaries to help you

▪ Make sure you read the instructions clearly
▪ Check your work at the end
▪ Your work will be collected and kept in your file

Think West Assessment Bank 22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL

VU22593 Read & Write short, simple messages and forms
Element 3 & 4 simple forms
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Assessment Tasks
Name Date
Task A Read and reply to a text message

It’s a boy! Born at

8.30am today. His
name is Tom. He is
52cm long and
weighs 3.5 kg. Both
mum and baby doing
well. Can you ring
May to tell her the
From Mark & Anna x

1. What type of message is this?

 an email a text message a postcard

2. Who sent this message?

3. Why did they send this message?

 to announce the birth of their son

 to invite them to their place for dinner

 to remind them to pick up their son from school

4. Did they have a daughter or a son?

5. What is the baby’s name?

6. What are the parent’s names?

7. When was the baby born?

8. How much does the baby weigh?

9. What does the person who got the text message have to do?

Think West Assessment Bank Adapted from ACSF Assessment Bank

22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL
VU22593 Read and write short simple messages and forms E1 & 2
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Write a short text message to reply to Mark and Anna’s baby news.


After you have written your text message check the following 
have you included the names of the people you are texting
have you included your own name
have you mentioned the new baby
have you checked your spelling
have you checked your punctuation
have you passed on your best wishes
have you let them know you will do what they asked

Think West Assessment Bank Adapted from ACSF Assessment Bank

22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL
VU22593 Read and write short simple messages and forms E1 & 2
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Final Copy: Rewrite your text message below

You send flowers to Mark and Anna to congratulate them on their new
baby. You need to write on a card to send with the flowers.

Which card should you buy? …….. 

   

Think West Assessment Bank Adapted from ACSF Assessment Bank

22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL
VU22593 Read and write short simple messages and forms E1 & 2
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Now it’s your turn to write on the card to Mark and Anna.
Remember to write:

• who it’s to
• a short message congratulating them
• who it’s from


 Satisfactory  More evidence required

Assessor’s Signature: Students Signature:

Think West Assessment Bank Adapted from ACSF Assessment Bank

22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL
VU22593 Read and write short simple messages and forms E1 & 2
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Name Date
TASK B Read and complete a form


Membership form

All questions with a * must be answered

Use BLOCK letters and black pen

Q1 TITLE: 
MR MRS 





Q4 PHONE NUMBER: 9687 0000 (H)

0400 121212 (MOB.)


(if only English go to Q7)

Q6 What items would you like to borrow in your language? 

books 
DVDs 
music 
magazines 

Q7 DATE OF BIRTH : 15/06/1970

Q8. SIGNATURE: My Vinh le

(If under 16 a parent must sign)

Membership is free and open to everyone

Think West Assessment Bank 22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL

VU22593Read & write short, simple messages and forms E3 &4
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Read the form to answer these questions

1. Look at the title of this form. What is this form for? 

 to join an English class
 to join a library
 to join a tennis club

2. Why would you fill out this form? 

 to join the library
 to get a job
 to get my driver’s license

3. Tick True or False 

My Vinh Le is over the age of 16.  True  False
You must use block letters to fill out the form.  True  False
My Vinh Le doesn’t have a mobile phone.  True  False

My Vinh Le wants to borrow Italian books.  True  False

My Vinh Le needs to sign the top of the form  True  False

4. What questions have to be answered?

5. What is the name of the library?

6. How much does it cost to join the library?

7. Where does My Vinh Le live?

Think West Assessment Bank 22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL

VU22593Read & write short, simple messages and forms E3 &4
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Read carefully and fill out the form below with your information.


Membership form

All questions with a * must be answered

Use BLOCK letters and black pen

Q1 TITLE: 
MR MRS 



Q3 ADDRESS: NUMBER STREET ____________________


Q4 PHONE NUMBER: _____ (H)

__________ (MOB.)


(if only English go to Q7)

Q6 What items would you like to borrow in your language? 

 books 
DVDs 
music magazines 



(If under 16 a parent must sign)

Membership is free and open to everyone

1. Have you : 

 checked the form  used block letters

 answered all the questions you

have to

 checked your spelling  signed the form

Think West Assessment Bank 22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL

VU22593Read & write short, simple messages and forms E3 &4
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Marking Guide
Marking Guide VU22593

Elements 1-2

This task consists of 2 elements and may be given as a whole or separately. The focus on
the first part of the task is to read a text message. The second part involves wiring skills and
the ability to respond appropriate. In order to complete the task for VU22593 satisfactorily,
the learner should show the following.

Task A
Element 1
The first part of the assessment looks at the student’s ability to read simple messages
Questions 1 & 3 need to be ticked appropriately and refer to the type and purpose of the
Questions 2, 4-9 require short answers and relate to key information. Most of these should
be completed correctly for a satisfactory completion

Element 2
The second part of the assessment looks at the student’s ability to write a response to the
text message and to write on an appropriate card.
• The student must be able to construct a simple message of one or two simple phrases
• The student uses the conventions of left to right and top to bottom orientation of texts
• The student uses conventions in their cards and messages – openings, salutations,
• The student uses legible writing
• The student uses appropriate vocabulary for the context
• The student ticks the appropriate card and message
• The student checks writing (with support) and make revisions as needed

Think West Assessment Bank Adapted from ACSF Assessment Bank

22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL
VU22593 Read and write short simple messages and forms E1 & 2
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Marking Guide

It’s a boy! Born at

8.30am today. His
name is Tom. He is
52cm long and
weighs 3.5 kg. Both
mum and baby doing
well. Can you ring
May to tell her the
From Mark & Anna x

1. What type of message is this?

 an email a text message a postcard

2. Who sent this message? Mark and Anna

3. Why did they send this message?

to announce the birth of their son

 to invite them to their place for dinner

 to remind them to pick up their son from school

4. Did they have a daughter or a son? A son

5. What is the baby’s name? Tom

6. What are the parent’s names? Mark and Anna

7. When was the baby born? Today at 8:30am

8. How much does the baby weigh? 3.5kg

9. What does the person who got the text message have to do? Ring May

Think West Assessment Bank Adapted from ACSF Assessment Bank

22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL
VU22593 Read and write short simple messages and forms E1 & 2
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Marking Guide

Write a short text message to reply to Mark and Anna’s baby news

The text will vary according

to the student. Check
evidence guide to ensure
required evidence is met.

Hi Mark and Anna

Congratulations on the
baby. What great
news. Will call May
and let her know.
Jenny x

After you have written your text message check the following 
have you included the names of the people you are texting
have you included your own name
have you mentioned the new baby
have you checked your spelling
have you checked your punctuation
have you passed on your best wishes
have you let them know you will do what they asked

Final copy to be included

Think West Assessment Bank Adapted from ACSF Assessment Bank

22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL
VU22593 Read and write short simple messages and forms E1 & 2
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Which card should you buy? …….. 

   

You send flowers to Mark and Anna to congratulate them on their new
baby. You need to write on a card to send with the flowers.

Now it’s your turn to write on the card to Mark and Anna.
Remember to write:

• who it’s to
• a short message congratulating them
• who it’s from

Dear Mark and Anna

Congratulations on the
birth of your new baby
Lots of l ov e

Jenny x x

The text will vary

according to the
student. Check
evidence guide to
ensure required
Think West Assessment Bank evidence
Adapted from ACSF is met.
Assessment Bank
22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL
VU22593 Read and write short simple messages and forms E1 & 2
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Marking Guide VU22593

Elements 3-4

This task consists of 2 elements and may be given as a whole or separately. The focus on
the first part of the task is to read a form. The second part involves completing a form with
their personal details. In order to complete the task for VU22593 satisfactorily, the learner
should show the following.

Task B
Element 3
The first part of the assessment looks at the student’s ability to read and interpret a form and
must demonstrate that the student is able to:
• Read simple forms
• Use strategies such as visual cues to create meaning

Question 1 identifies the purpose of the form by ticking the appropriate box
Question 2-8 contains several parts relating to key information and organisational features
of the form
Question 2 must be ticked appropriately
Questions 3- 8 requires short answers

Element 4
The second part of the assessment looks at the student’s ability to complete a form with their
personal information. The student must demonstrate
• The ability to complete required sections of the form
• The use of conventions to complete simple forms –dates, titles, abbreviations
• Ability to follow sequential or conditional instructions when completing the form – block
letters, go to Q7
• Ability to identify the purpose of the form (question 9)
• Strategies to check and revise writing by ticking the elements in question 10 as done
• Legible handwriting (in this form it must be in block letters)

Think West Assessment Bank 22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL

VU22593 Read & write short, simple messages and forms E3 & 4
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Marking Guide

Read the form to answer these questions

1. Look at the title of this form. What is this form for? 

 to join an English class

 to join a library

 to join a tennis club

2. Why would you fill out this form? 

 to join the library
 to get a job
 to get my driver’s license

3. Tick True or False 

My Vinh Le is over the age of 16. 
True 
You must use block letters to fill out the form. 
True 
You must answer Q5. 
True 
My Vinh Le doesn’t have a mobile phone. 
True 
If I speak English I don’t answer Q6. 
True 
My Vinh Le wants to borrow Italian books. 
True 

4. What questions have to be answered? Q2, Q3, Q4, Q7

5. What is the name of the library? Western Public Library

6. How much does it cost to join the library? It’s free

7. Where does My Vinh Le live? Footscray

Think West Assessment Bank 22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL

VU22593 Read & write short, simple messages and forms E3 & 4
Reviewed and Validated November 2018
Marking Guide

Read carefully and fill out the form below with your information

To be completed with student’s own

personal information in BLOCK
LETTERS. Signature not to be in
block letters

Think West Assessment Bank 22484VIC Certificate 1 in EAL

VU22593 Read & write short, simple messages and forms E3 & 4
Reviewed and Validated November 2018

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