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Reading Comprehension - Life Science Stories

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Life Science Stories

Story by Andrew Frinkle

Amphibians are a kind of animal. Amphibians are

always found near water. Frogs, salamanders,
newts, and toads are the most common amphibians.

Amphibians are vertebrates, so they have

backbones. They have slimy skins, not scales or fur.
Amphibians usually breathe air, but some of them
can breathe through their skins!

Amphibians often come from eggs. Some, like

frogs, can change a LOT after they are born. They
can look very different when they grow up. This is
called metamorphosis.

Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories

Life Science Stories

1. Amphibians are a kind of__________ .
A habitat B people C animal D weather

2. Which of these is an amphibian?

A salamander B bird C snake D fish

3. What kind of skins do amphibians have?

A feathery B slimy C scaly D furry

4. DEFINITION: an animal with a backbone

A vertebrate B habitat C animal D weather

5. Amphibians have scales.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

1. Amphibians are a kind of__________ .
A habitat B people C animal D weather

2. Which of these is an amphibian?

A salamander B bird C snake D fish

3. What kind of skins do amphibians have?

A feathery B slimy C scaly D furry

4. DEFINITION: an animal with a backbone

A vertebrate B habitat C animal D weather

5. Amphibians have scales.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories

Life Science Stories

Arctic & Tundra
Story by Andrew Frinkle

Earth has a few very cold habitats. It is very hard

for plants and animals to live in these areas.

The Arctic and Antarctic areas are at the top and

bottom of our world. These areas are called the
North and South Poles. They are covered with ice
and snow, but it doesn’t rain or snow very often. It
does not get warm enough to melt all of the ice.
Very few plants or animals can live here.

Tundra and Taiga are near the poles. Snow and ice
melts for a month or two. Some plants and trees
might grow here during those warmer months.
Animals that live here have to adapt to live here.
They might have extra fat to keep them warm.
They might migrate or move when it gets too cold.
It is a hard life in these areas.

Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories

Life Science Stories

Arctic & Tundra

1. Earth has a few very cold __________ .
A houses B habitats C horses D humans

2. Which of these is a cold habitat?

A arctic B jungle C forest D desert

3. Which word describes arctic & tundra habitats?

A rainy B hot C humid D cold

4. DEFINITION: the top and bottom of our world

A poles B posts C spots D houses

5. These cold habitats are very easy to live in.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

Arctic & Tundra

1. Earth has a few very cold __________ .
A houses B habitats C horses D humans

2. Which of these is a cold habitat?

A arctic B jungle C forest D desert

3. Which word describes arctic & tundra habitats?

A rainy B hot C humid D cold

4. DEFINITION: the top and bottom of our world

A poles B posts C spots D houses

5. These cold habitats are very easy to live in.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories
Story by Andrew Frinkle

Birds are a kind of animal. Birds can be found all

over the world. Sparrows, doves, cardinals, owls,
eagles, hawks, chickens, and hummingbirds are some
common birds.

Birds are vertebrates, so they have backbones.

They are the only kind of animal with feathers.
Birds lay eggs. Usually they have a nest for the
eggs. Birds have two feet and special arms. They
don’t have hands or fingers. They have flippers or

Most birds can fly. Birds have feathers, wings, and

very light bones to help them fly. They can’t be too
heavy! Only a few birds, like ostriches or penguins,
can’t fly.

Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories

Life Science Stories

1. Birds can be found all over the __________ .
A house B people C weather D world

2. Which of these is a bird?

A rabbit B ladybug C snake D owl

3. What kind of body covering do birds have?

A feathers B slime C scales D fur

4. DEFINITION: a body part that helps animals fly

A foot B wing C beak D eye

5. All birds can fly.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

1. Birds can be found all over the __________ .
A house B people C weather D world

2. Which of these is a bird?

A rabbit B ladybug C snake D owl

3. What kind of body covering do birds have?

A feathers B slime C scales D fur

4. DEFINITION: a body part that helps animals fly

A foot B wing C beak D eye

5. All birds can fly.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

Story by Andrew Frinkle

Classifying is a way of sorting things. When you
sort things by how they look, you are classifying.
You are also classifying if you sort things into
groups that are similar. You can classify anything.

If we classify animals, we might sort them many

ways. We can sort by how many legs they have. We
can sort by size, shape, and color. We can sort
them by if they have fur, scales, or feathers. We
can sort by what kind of place they call home.
There are so many ways to classify animals!

If we classify plants, we can sort them many

ways, too. We can sort them by their sizes, shapes,
and colors. We can sort by if they make flowers or
fruits. We can sort by where they are found or
what kinds of leaves they have. There are many
ways to classify plants!
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

1. Classifying is a way of __________ things.
A sorting B eating C taking D breaking

2. Which of these is NOT a way to sort animals?

A colors B sizes C homes D flowers

3. Which of these is NOT a way to sort plants?

A flowers B rocks C leaves D fruits

4. DEFINITION: to sort by how things look or what they are

A classify B round up C get D give

5. Plants can be sorted by their kinds of leaves.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

1. Classifying is a way of __________ things.
A sorting B eating C taking D breaking

2. Which of these is NOT a way to sort animals?

A colors B sizes C homes D flowers

3. Which of these is NOT a way to sort plants?

A flowers B rocks C leaves D fruits

4. DEFINITION: to sort by how things look or what they are

A classify B round up C get D give

5. Plants can be sorted by their kinds of leaves.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories
Story by Andrew Frinkle

Crustaceans are a kind of animal. Crustaceans are

usually found by the water. There are some
crustaceans that live on land also, like pill bugs and
some hermit crabs. Crabs, shrimp, crayfish, and
lobsters are some common crustaceans.

Crustaceans are invertebrates, so they do NOT

have backbones. Instead, they have shells. That
makes them very different from most other

Crustaceans often have a lot of legs. Lobsters,

shrimp, and crabs all have ten legs! If they lose a
claw or a leg, they can grow it back!

Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories

Life Science Stories

1. Crustaceans are usually found by the __________ .
A city B forest C water D clouds

2. Which of these is a crustacean?

A crab B ladybug C rabbit D bird

3. What kind of body covering do crustaceans have?

A feathers B shells C hair D fur

4. DEFINITION: a type of animal without a backbone

A habitat B animal C vertebrate D invertebrate

5. Some crustaceans have as many as 10 legs!

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

1. Crustaceans are usually found by the __________ .
A city B forest C water D clouds

2. Which of these is a crustacean?

A crab B ladybug C rabbit D bird

3. What kind of body covering do crustaceans have?

A feathers B shells C hair D fur

4. DEFINITION: a type of animal without a backbone

A habitat B animal C vertebrate D invertebrate

5. Some crustaceans have as many as 10 legs!

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories

Life Science Stories

Story by Andrew Frinkle
Earth has a lot of deserts. Deserts make up
about one third of all land! There are deserts on all
7 continents. These places can be cold or hot, but
they are always dry.

Hot deserts are sandy places, like the Sahara

Desert in Africa. Some deserts don’t get any rain
for a whole year! Others get less than 10 inches per
year. When it does rain, special desert plants drink
the water up quickly. There can even be flowers.
Animals have adapted to life in an area with very
little water.

Usually, we think of deserts as sandy, hot places.

There are cold deserts, too. Some cold deserts are
high in the mountains. Others are near the ocean.
The two largest deserts in the world are the north
and south poles, and they are very cold!
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

1. Deserts make up about one __________ of all land.
A half B fourth C fifth D third

2. Which of these is NOT a desert?

A North Pole B ocean C Sahara D South Pole

3. What is the weather like in ALL deserts?

A rainy B windy C humid D dry

4. DEFINITION: one of Earth’s 7 large pieces of land

A yard B island C continents D spots

5. All deserts are hot places.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

1. Deserts make up about one __________ of all land.
A half B fourth C fifth D third

2. Which of these is NOT a desert?

A North Pole B ocean C Sahara D South Pole

3. What is the weather like in ALL deserts?

A rainy B windy C humid D dry

4. DEFINITION: one of Earth’s 7 large pieces of land

A yard B island C continents D spots

5. All deserts are hot places.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories
Story by Andrew Frinkle

Fish are a kind of animal. Fish can be found in

rivers, lakes, swamps, seas, and oceans. Fish always
need water to live. Perch, sunfish, bluegill, salmon,
trout, and tuna are some common fish.

Fish are vertebrates, so they have backbones.

They have scales, just like reptiles. Like reptiles and
amphibians, fish are cold-blooded. They get warm
or cold depending on how hot or cold the water
around them is.

Fish have special body parts to help them live in

water. Fish have gills to breathe air from the water.
They do not have hands and feet. Instead, they
have lots of fins to help them swim. Many fish also
have swim bladders so they do not sink.

Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories

Life Science Stories

1. Fish have ________ to breathe air from the water.
A gills B fins C scales D eyes

2. Which of these is NOT a place you would find fish?

A swamps B lakes C trees D rivers

3. What kind of body covering do fish have?

A feathers B slime C scales D fur

4. DEFINITION: a body part that helps fish swim

A foot B wing C leg D fin

5. All fish need water to live.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

1. They have _________ to help them get air from the water.
A gills B fins C scales D eyes

2. Which of these is NOT a place you would find fish?

A swamps B lakes C trees D rivers

3. What kind of body covering do fish have?

A feathers B slime C scales D fur

4. DEFINITION: a body part that helps fish swim

A foot B wing C leg D fin

5. All fish need water to live.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories
Food Chains

Story by Andrew Frinkle

Food Chains show how energy moves. When
something eats something else, energy moves. We
need food energy to play and learn. How do plants
and animals get their energy?

All food chains start with the sun. The sun feeds
plants. Plants make their own food using the sun,
water, and soil. Animals that eat plants are called
herbivores. They get their energy from the plants.
Herbivores are animals like cows, grasshoppers, and

Animals that eat other animals are called

carnivores. They get their energy from the animals
they eat. Carnivores are animals like tigers, owls,
sharks, and dragonflies. Some animals eat plants
and animals. They are called omnivores. Are you an
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

Food Chains
1. Food Chains show how __________ moves.
A mud B water C energy D bugs

2. Where do all food chains start?

A the moon B the sun C the clouds D the dirt

3. Which of these words is not part of a food chain?

A carnivores B herbivores C omnivores D cookies

4. DEFINITION: things that eat plants and animals

A carnivores B herbivores C omnivores D cookievores

5. Plants get all of their energy from eating animals.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

Food Chains
1. Food Chains show how __________ moves.
A mud B water C energy D bugs

2. Where do all food chains start?

A the moon B the sun C the clouds D the dirt

3. Which of these words is not part of a food chain?

A carnivores B herbivores C omnivores D cookies

4. DEFINITION: things that eat plants and animals

A carnivores B herbivores C omnivores D cookievores

5. Plants get all of their energy from eating animals.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

Story by Andrew Frinkle

Earth has many kinds of forests. These habitats
are filled with different kinds of trees! These
trees give animals food, shelter, and oxygen.

Near the North and South Poles, forests are

almost all pine trees. These are cold for most of
the year. There are some big animals, like snow
leopards or caribou, but not too many.

Many forests have leafy trees. These might be

more familiar to us. They are filled with oak, maple,
and other hardwood trees. Animals like squirrels,
wolves, bears, and owls might live in these forests.

There are also rain forests and jungles. These are

very humid places. It rains so much in these
forests. There might be parrots, monkeys, gorillas,
and tigers living in these rainy forests.
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

1. Earth has __________ kinds of forests.
A many B a few C no D two

2. Which of these animals is not found in a forest?

A whale B tiger C bear D caribou

3. Which word describes ALL forest habitats?

A trees B empty C clouds D cold

4. DEFINITION: a habitat filled with trees

A desert B forest C mountain D ocean

5. Rain forests are rainy places.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

1. Earth has __________ kinds of forests.
A many B a few C no D two

2. Which of these animals is not found in a forest?

A whale B tiger C bear D caribou

3. Which word describes ALL forest habitats?

A trees B empty C clouds D cold

4. DEFINITION: a habitat filled with trees

A desert B forest C mountain D ocean

5. Rain forests are rainy places.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

Story by Andrew Frinkle

Funguses are important living things. Funguses are

not plants or animals. They are kind of in-between.
Common funguses include molds, mushrooms, and

Funguses are like plants for a few reasons. They

don’t walk or move. They have something like roots,
called mycelium. Some funguses look like vegetables,
too. You can eat some funguses, like mushrooms,
but many of them can make you sick.

Funguses are like animals because they eat or

consume their food. They usually live on dead things.
They ‘eat’ dead plants or animals. They are
nature’s recyclers. They do not make their own
food from sunlight like plants do. In fact, some
mushrooms even grow in the dark.

Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories

Life Science Stories

1. Funguses are not plants or __________ .
A mushrooms B toadstools C animals D molds

2. Which of these is NOT an example of a fungus?

A mold B mushroom C toadstool D cookie

3. Funguses are like nature’s what?

A builders B firefighters C doctors D recyclers

4. DEFINITION: another word for eating

A mycelium B roots C cookie D consume

5. Mushrooms have a kind of roots called mycelium.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

1. Funguses are not plants or __________ .
A mushrooms B toadstools C animals D molds

2. Which of these is NOT an example of a fungus?

A mold B mushroom C toadstool D cookie

3. Funguses are like nature’s what?

A builders B firefighters C doctors D recyclers

4. DEFINITION: another word for eating

A mycelium B roots C cookie D consume

5. Mushrooms have a kind of roots called mycelium.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories
Story by Andrew Frinkle

Mammals are a kind of animal. Mammals can be

found all over the world, on land or in the sea. Dogs,
cats, cows, monkeys, and whales are common
mammals. People are mammals, too!

Mammals are vertebrates, so they have

backbones. They are the only kind of animal with
fur or hair, except for some insects. Most mammals
have four legs and a tail. Some mammals have two
arms and two legs. Marine mammals that live in
water, like whales or dolphins, have fins and a tail.

Mammals all feed their babies milk. Other types of

animals, like fish or reptiles, can’t make milk.
Mammals are warm-blooded, just like birds. This
means their bodies can make their own heat from
food they eat.

Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories

Life Science Stories

1. People are __________, too!
A mammals B birds C reptiles D insects

2. Which of these is a mammal?

A goldfish B bluebird C butterfly D monkey

3. What kind of body covering do mammals have?

A feathers B slime C scales D fur or hair

4. DEFINITION: a word for something in the sea

A cloudy B marine C land D sky

5. Warm-blooded animals make their own body heat.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

1. People are __________, too!
A mammals B birds C reptiles D insects

2. Which of these is a mammal?

A goldfish B bluebird C butterfly D monkey

3. What kind of body covering do mammals have?

A feathers B slime C scales D fur or hair

4. DEFINITION: a word for something in the sea

A cloudy B marine C land D sky

5. Warm-blooded animals make their own body heat.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

Story by Andrew Frinkle

Plants are a very important kind of life. Plants

cover most land. They can be big or small and come
in many colors, but they are not animals. Trees,
flowers, grasses, and bushes are common plants.

How are animals and plants different? Plants

usually can’t move. Plants breathe a different kind
of air than people and animals do. Plants make their
own food from water, sunlight, and the soil. Plants
can’t talk. Plants don’t think. Plants usually make
more plants, or reproduce, with seeds.

How are animals and plants the same? They both

have body parts that do jobs. Animals eat food, but
Plants ‘eat’ sunlight with their leaves and ‘drink’
with their roots. Animals grow from babies to
adults, and plants grow from seeds to adults.

Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories

Life Science Stories

1. __________ cover most land.
A rocks B rabbits C plants D purple

2. Which of these is NOT used by plants to make food?

A candy B water C soil D sunlight

3. Which of these is a part of a plant?

A arm B roots C leg D nose

4. DEFINITION: to make more of a plant or animal

A animal B talk C swim D reproduce

5. Plants can ONLY be yellow.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories
Life Science Stories

1. __________ cover most land.
A rocks B rabbits C plants D purple

2. Which of these is NOT used by plants to make food?

A candy B water C soil D sunlight

3. Which of these is a part of a plant?

A arm B roots C leg D nose

4. DEFINITION: to make more of a plant or animal

A animal B talk C swim D reproduce

5. Plants can ONLY be yellow.

A True B False
Life Science Reading Comprehension Stories

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