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Module 2 Lesson 2 Techniques in Selecting and Organizing Information

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1. BRAINSTORMING – It is an individual or group activity. Using this technique, efforts are

Made to make a solution to a particular problem. Ideas are
Gathered and listed from the input of every member.
1. CUBING – an idea is examined from six distinct viewpoints.
Describe it
Compare it.
. Associate it
Analyze it.
Apply it.
Argue for it or against it.
2. FREE WRITING - Set a time limit and number of words or pages. Just write. Do not
edit yourself. Free writing allows someone to work without inhibitions.
You turn off the editor in you and allow the writer in you free rein.
3. LISTING - just list topics. Then make a sub list of things you could write about each topic
For example, under languages you can write English, French, and Spanish.
At this point, do not outline yet, Outlining will limit your creativity.
4. MAPPING - It is also called webbing or clustering. It involves writing down ideas, and then
making connections by associating similar ideas with color coded circles or
underlined dominant themes, or using distinct patterns, and then showing the
relationship by linking with lines.
5. RESEARCHING - Go to the library or check out websites on the internet. Make a list or
map of the new ideas.

2. GRAPHIC ORGANIZER – uses visual symbols that express thoughts, ideas, knowledge concepts,
and the relationships between them. It makes easier for writers to classify
their ideas and to communicate them to others. It is often done prior to
writing. It helps the writer to be more coherent.
Three Types of Graphic Organizer
1. Basic Outline
2. Venn Diagram
3. Topical Organizer
BASIC OUTLINE - ensures that every point the writer makes has sufficient supporting details.
Thesis Statement or Major Idea
Topic Sentence or Main Idea
A. Supporting Details
1. Example
a. Detail
b. Detail
2. Example
B. Supporting Details
VENN DIAGRAM – It is used when the writer compares and contrasts elements. The Venn
Diagram helps visualize similarities and differences.

TOPICAL ORGANIZER – It allows the writers to map out their ideas. There is a hierarchical
topical organizer and the bubble topical organizer.


3. THE TOPIC OUTLINE – It uses phrases only. There are no sentences and verbs. Verbals
maybe used. Below is an example of a topic outline regarding
candle making.
The Process of Candle Making
I Preparing the supplies
A. Purchasing the materials
B. Making the wicks
C. Preparing the molds
II Making the candles
A. Making the wax and the paraffin
B. Putting color
C. Pouring the wax
D. Letting the wax harden
III Finishing the candles
A. Inserting the wicks
B. Trimming the wicks
C. Decorating the candles
4.THE SENTENCE OUTLINE – It provides more information than the topic outline. Every idea
should be written in a complete sentence. Avoid sentence fragments.
Below is a sample sentence outline
The Process of Candle Making
I The candle maker organizes his supplies.
A. First, he purchases and gathers his materials.
B. Secondly, he makes the wicks.
C. Thirdly, he prepares the candle molds before making the candles.
II Candle making is a matter of knowing about wax.
A. The candle maker makes the wax and the paraffin.
B. Next, he adds color by using wax crayons.
C. Then, he pours the wax into the molds.
D. Lastly, he lets the wax harden.
III Finishing the candles is a quick procedure.
A. First, insert the wicks.
B. Then, trim the wicks follow by the right length.
C. Lastly, decorate the candles.

1. Discuss the four techniques in selecting and gathering information. ( 4 pts.)
2. Differentiate the five strategies under brain storming. ( 5 pts.)
3. What are the three types of Graphic Organizer? (3 pts.)
4. Differentiate topic outline and sentence outline. ( 2 pts.)


1. Write 500 words in five minutes about anything. (FREE WRITING)

2. List down things that you are fighting for. ( LISTING)
3. Make a hierarchical topical organizer of your paternal family tree. (TOPICAL ORGANIZER)
4. Make a Venn Diagram of Basketball and Volleyball. ( VENN DIAGRAM)
5. Make a topic outline about Bullying.
I Definition
II Types of Bullying
A. Verbal
B. Physical
C. Effects of Bullying

6. Make a sentence outline

I Definition
II Types of Bullying
A. Verbal
B. Physical
C. Effects of Bullying


Let’s think about it.

Each person has a different purpose for writing. There are also particular characteristics that a writer
must remember in order to convey the right information of the discourse to the readers.

The Following patterns of development are used in multiple fields and types of media that require
written text.

1. NARRATION – is the most basic pattern of development. When a writer puts down an idea, he is then
considered as the narrator of the literary work. What is the narrator’s point of view? Is he omniscient, or
restricted to a single view ( his own)?
More importantly, narration is a pattern of development which ultimately describes how, when and
where an event actually happened. The narration virtually constructs the world as the reader sees it
from the text. From how the people think, speak and work in a particular setting at the time of the day.

It was late spring the last time we saw Rody. He was standing at the edge of the hill and he
never so much as looked up even though we were sure he knew we were there. There was a bunch of
flowers clutched to his fist, but there really was no reason for him to be standing there. We knew that
Lyn wasn’t coming to see him. But he stood there anyway, waiting, even as the afternoon sunlight
deepened towards the evening. He must have been standing there for hours.

2. DESCRIPTION- is simply the pattern of development which Goes into details about specific object,
person, location, in
Order to firmly set it’s appearance to reader’s mind. This is When the readers get to see with their
mind’s eye what the Writer is trying to present before them. Without description,
The text would become dry and incomplete.
A description makes the most of your five senses. What you see, hear, taste, smell and feel. A
powerful description enriches an experience. To be effective, a description has to be clear and alive.
There should be careful selection of details, accurate choice of words, proper
order of details that lead to a dominant impression or mood.

The glade was strange. There were vines that looped and Leapt from one branch to another,
forming a massive Canopy Over the clearing. The dome of the branches dappled the lances Of sunlight
falling in. Flowers, unlike anything that I’ve ever Seen, blossomed in cracks of mossy stone and peeking
through The leaves. Past the tall columns
of the dark trees crept over with Vines was a massive pool of water that mirrored and rippled The
sunlight. And in the middle of that pool was a lone circle of Grassy land.

3. DEFINITION – the goal is to ensure that the reader understands unfamiliar terms.
– In defining, the writer may put the term being defined in a class or genus and set it apart from other
members by some distinguishing features (Differentiation). A definition must be brief and exact. The
writer can also use analysis or comparison in his definition.
Some of the materials in writing a definition are:

1. etymology of the word

2. evolution of the object
3. personal definitions of the writer himself
4. quotations from literature regarding the subject
5. varieties of the subjects and their distinguishing features
6. comparison and contrast with similar objects
7. materials, ingredients, and composition
8. bibliography
9. future prospects


Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease that may produce recurring episodes of breathing
problems. At the onset of asthma attack, the linings in the airways of the lungs become swollen.
There is thick mucus. The muscles of the airways tighten.

It is the loss of pregnancy before 24 weeks with most miscarriages occurring during the first 12
weeks of pregnancy. Unfortunately, miscarriages are common, affecting one in five pregnancies.
There are different types of miscarriages. Firstly, in silent or (missed) miscarriages, Secondly,
incomplete miscarriage happens when women have bleed and may have pain. Thirdly, is
complete miscarriage where women may have bleed and have pain. Fourthly, there is blighted
ovum. Women have no symptoms at all and the miscarriage is only diagnosed by the presence
of the empty sac within the womb when they are given an ultrasound scan

Life is a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have signaling and self-sustaining process
from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased of else because they lack
such functions and are classified as inanimate. Biology is the science concerned with the study of
life. Living organisms undergo metabolism, maintain homeostasis, possess a capacity to grow,
respond to stimuli, reproduce and through natural selection, adapt to their environment in
successive generations.


It is a deep oil-based massage. It is an ancient system of healing, dating back to more than 400
years. It is similar to Ayurvedic massage. In Indonesian Massage, pushing techniques
predominate, working very deeply to ease muscle and joint pain. It relies upon deep pressure
massage to break down tensely knotted tissue. Deep thumb pushing along each

In Exemplification, the writer assembles facts to clarify a concept or to use anecdotes to illustrate a

1. Be sure to choose apt examples that support your idea.

2. The illustration should not overshadow the concept of the essay.
3. The examples should be properly introduced.
4. Avoid using the phrase “ for example” unless you want to give an example.

As for classification, the writer breaks down a concept, idea, a process or a thing into major
parts or categories. Classification is a useful way of organizing an idea.
First, base your categories on a single principle and secondly, explain that to your reader and
lastly, strive for originality.
Eating disorders are a serious problem. One disorder people think at most often is “Anorexia”.
The male and female is afraid of gaining weight so they become meticulous and controlling
about the amount of food they are swallow. The inadequate food portions make the body go
into starvation mode and if left unchecked, it may lead to heart damage, stroke and death.
Another example of an eating disorder is “Bulimia”. With this disorder, the person is stuck at the
middle of their desire for food and the desire not to gain weight. Therefore, a vicious cycle of
eating large quantities of food followed by vomiting develops. Overtime, the vomiting may
cause damages to the esophagus, deteriorates the enamel of the teeth and damages of the
My last case in point is “Binge Eating”. Food becomes a crutch to ease unhappiness and stress
felt in life. The taste and texture of food is comforting which invites overeating. This leads to a
feeling of guilt but the lure of food overrides the feeling. The individual eats until he becomes
overweight or obese. Obesity leads to heart disease as well as higher risk of diabetes, cancer
and arthritis. Many times, eating disorders are a signal that a person is suffering from mental
anguish, however they manifest themselves as severe health problems.
- M. McMann


Friends can be classified according to their honesty, loyalty, the type that fits you into your
schedule and the type that finds time for you when they need something.

An honest friend tells you the truth even if it’s not what you want to hear. In the long run, that
honest friend may have saved you from embarrassment or possibly rejection. They give you
constructive criticism overall.

The Loyal friend is the type of friend that will be there for you through thick and thin. And most
of all, they will not let you down when times are hard. They may be what you call a best friend.

The third group is the type of person that is always on the go. They barely have time for
themselves let alone another person. More than likely, they will not be there for you when you
need them most because they are so wrapped up in their busy, hectic life. Then, you have the
self- absorbent friend that finds time only for you when they something.

This type of person isn’t what you would call a friend. This person may always be extremely nice
to you because they know that if they are nice to you then they will be more likely get what they
want.. They will call you once in a while when it is time to use you. It may be for a ride to work,
home, or they just want someone to hang out with because they have no other friends. If the
person being used is smart, he will eventually realize that he is being taken advantage of and he
will stop being there for that person.

- A. Neil as edited by
Diana R. Agbayani

The narrative is concerned with events and actions.

The effective description appeals to the five senses.
The definition has to be exact.
In classification, a concept is broken down into major categories.


1. Narrate about your most memorable birthday.

2. Describe your home.
3. Define your concept of a hero.
4. Classify your classmates according to their fashion sense.
5. Give examples of what you consider a successful people.
6. According to the essay on friendship, what are the various types of friends?
7. What are the different types of eating disorders?

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