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Lecture (Production of Social Studies Materials)

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INTRODUCTION TO INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA/ traditional media (lectures, books) are assigned

TECHNOLOGY verbal roles.

Learning – a process that builds on or modifies - Non-verbal Media – are assumed to be more
understanding, capacities, abilities, attitudes, and concrete and effective and that perennial villain
propensities in the individual. in the teaching-learning process is “verbalism”

A process of having one’s behaviour modified , more or 2. BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE VIEW – concerned with
less permanently by what happens in the world around the application of scientific knowledge which
him, by what he does. provides a conceptual basis and methodology
for the design, development and evaluation of
Instruction – is a teaching provided through classroom
instructional systems.
activities and is often associated with pre-service
education programmes. - Emphasizes the application or use the scientific
knowledge rather than the mere availability of
Technology – a branch of knowledge based on the
the hardware.
development and implementation of computers,
software, and other technical tools and the assessment Common Elements of Educational Technology:
and evaluation of students’ educational outcomes
1. Filed area of study or the practice of using
resulting from their use of technology tools.
methods and technologies.
Educational Technology – emphasis on its hardware
2. Systematized methods and resources.
aspect – that is – machines and the equipment
themselves- while others stress its software side- the 3. Facilitation of the learning process as the
programs, printouts or instructional materials that go ultimate goal.
with those machines.
Four Phases of Educational Technology:
Technology (Goodman, 1972) – complex human
activities concerned with using the findings of science to 1. Identification of Objectives
solve the problems of human society.  Logical approach to any type of activity
A social activity, involving people and ideas, methods  Goals, purpose or objectives to be
and machines, dynamic structures, communications, accomplished serve as guide to the type
values and tools, but always people. and nature of learning activities as well
To achieve an efficient and rational divisions of labor, as the methodologies to be used.
subject to human control, between people and the  There is a need to ensure that the
support systems they evolve to amplify human objectives chosen are relevant to the
creativity not to replace it. individuals’ needs in a rapidly changing
Seattler (1978) cites two differing viewpoints in society.
educators: 2. Design of Learning Experiences
1. PHYSICAL SCIENCE VIEW – defines educational 1. Sequence and strategies
technology in terms of hardware or devices; 2. Modes and media
slide projector, television, radio, film, camera,  Simultaneous with the selection of
computer and the like. teaching strategies for a particular
subject matter is the design of the
- Materials (audio-visual) or software and media and materials to be used with
machines (projectors, computers and others) these strategies.
are assigned non-verbal roles while some of the  The teacher selects and prepares media
that are appropriate for the learning

experiences and methods keeping in  An area within educational technology which

mind the requirements and limitations stresses the teaching-learning process or
of budget, personnel, facilities, instruction.
equipment and schedules.
Tickton (1970) – has two ways of defining instructional
3. Evaluation of how effective learning
experiences are in achieving the objectives  A media born of the communication revolution;
 Accurate and evaluation of how can be used for instructional purposes
effective the learning experiences have  Systematic way of designing, carrying out and
been depends on the construction and evaluating the total process of learning and
use of evaluative devices that fit the teaching in terms of specific objectives, based
stated objectives. on research in human learning and
 Evaluative methods: communication.
 Observation devices, checklists, - employs human and non-human
rating scales, anecdotal records resources so combined to make
and the behaviour journal instruction more effective
 Self-report instruments:
inventories, questionnaires and Instructional Technology
ranking devices - The means of communication available for
 Test items: essay and objective educational purposes other than the live
types teacher or other human resources in a face-to-
face situation. Consists primarily of instructional
4. Improvement of the learning experiences in materials advertently developed to promote
achieving the objectives learning and includes hardware such as
 Presupposes partial or complete non- television and teaching machines and software
attainment of objectives designed to be such as programmed texts and films.
accomplished with a set of learning
experiences. Educational Media
 There is a need to modify the whole - Puts special emphasis on the material medium
system to only certain elements of it. or means of communication other than the
 Some learning experiences may human teacher.
need to be revised themselves
through the sequencing or Media
strategies used or through the
- represents an intervening or mediating
media or materials employed.
substance through which impressions are
 Determine if the objectives are
conveyed to the senses
compatible with the need, goals
- Chalkboard-and chalk-combination – an
or interests of the learner.
educational medium between the teacher and
students, or between the sender of information
Educational Technology VS Instructional Technology and its receiver
Educational Media and Audio-visual Aids
Audio-visual Media
Instructional Technology
- Emphasis on the use of two sense modalities:
Brickson (1969) – aspects of educational technology hearing (audio) and seeing (visual), either singly
that are concerned primarily with instruction as or in combination.
contrasted to design and operation institutions

Audio-media-radio and recordings 3. Improved performance and productivity

- Still and moving pictures sound as visual aid and 4. Focus on the learner
television, films, slide tape presentations and all
The Teacher’s Role
others which use both modalities
- Emphasize the use of above materials as a – Teacher may act as facilitator, catalyst, director
means of communication or manager of the teaching-learning process

– Require a vast understanding of subject matter,

Verbal Symbols learning process and nature of the learner
Visual symbols – Provide for individual differences guided by
educational accountability, the teacher needs to
Recording Radio Still Pictures
undertake systematic planning, control and
Motion Pictures evaluation to ensure effective instruction

Educational Television Principles and guidelines for teachers and

administrators, potential of educational technology
– Be open to innovation
Study Tips
– Use media effectively
– Cultivate a commitment to continuous
Dramatized Experiences
Contrived Experiences
– Promote the humanizing aspects of educational
Direct Purposeful Experiences technology

Student’s Role

Classification of Media – With educational technology comes shift in the

responsibility of learning from that of the
1. Audio Materials teacher to the student
2. Visual Materials – A greater part of educational activity may be
3. Audio-visual Materials done by the student himself especially in cases
where individualized instruction is practiced
4. Materials projected on screen
– The student assumes the task of teaching
5. Non-projected materials himself and even evaluating his own progress
Media Dimensions – He takes personal responsibility for his own
– Literacy learning

– Audio and visual – Self-feedback provides him with the motivation

or reinforcement to do better
– Solo versus group use
– Learning proceeds at one’s own rate, the
– Cost and spread students therefore tend to perform different
activities at the same time
Factors affecting educational technology:

1. Trend toward a science of education

2. Shift from what to teach and how to teach

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