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Umts Son Solution Guide (Ran17.1 - 01)

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UMTS SON Solution Guide

Issue 01
Date 2015-04-20


Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2015. All rights reserved.
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UMTS SON Solution Guide Contents


1 About This Document..................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope..............................................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Intended Audience..........................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Change History...............................................................................................................................................................1

2 Solution Overview........................................................................................................................3
2.1 Background.....................................................................................................................................................................3
2.2 Application Scenarios.....................................................................................................................................................3
2.3 Overall Solution..............................................................................................................................................................5
2.3.1 Overview.....................................................................................................................................................................5
2.3.2 C-SON.........................................................................................................................................................................5
2.3.3 D-SON.........................................................................................................................................................................6
2.3.4 Application Scenarios..................................................................................................................................................7

3 Solution Application Guidelines.............................................................................................10

3.1 Scenario 1: Wireless Networking - Single Carrier.......................................................................................................10
3.1.1 Scenario Description..................................................................................................................................................10
3.1.2 Solution Purpose........................................................................................................................................................10
3.1.3 Solution Description..................................................................................................................................................11
3.1.4 Implementation..........................................................................................................................................................17
3.2 Scenario 2: Wireless Networking - Multiple Carriers..................................................................................................17
3.2.1 Scenario Description..................................................................................................................................................17
3.2.2 Solution Purpose........................................................................................................................................................18
3.2.3 Solution Description..................................................................................................................................................20
3.2.4 Implementation..........................................................................................................................................................27
3.3 Scenario 3: Wireless Networking - HetNet..................................................................................................................29
3.3.1 Scenario Description..................................................................................................................................................29
3.3.2 Solution Purpose........................................................................................................................................................30
3.3.3 Solution Description..................................................................................................................................................31
3.3.4 Implementation..........................................................................................................................................................36
3.4 Scenario 4: Unplanned Heavy Traffic..........................................................................................................................36

4 List of Features Involved in the Solution...............................................................................37

5 Acronyms and Abbreviations...................................................................................................39

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UMTS SON Solution Guide Contents

6 Reference Documents.................................................................................................................41

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 1 About This Document

1 About This Document

1.1 Scope
This document describes solutions for different application scenarios in a self-organizing
network (SON).

The purpose of this document is to help customers choose the appropriate feature or feature
combination for their network deployment scenarios. The technical principles, deployment, and
activation of each feature will not be described in this document and will be included in the
corresponding Feature Parameter Description document.

1.2 Intended Audience

This document is intended for personnel who:

l Need to understand SONs

l Work with Huawei products

1.3 Change History

This section provides information about the changes in different document versions.

RAN17.1 01 (2015-04-20)
This issue is the first commercial release of RAN17.1.

Compared with Issue 01 (2014-05-15) of RAN16.0, Issue 01 (2015-04-20) of RAN17.1 includes

the following changes:

l Added the description of the following features:

– SNFD-140219 CCO - UMTS DL Capacity Optimization RRM Based
– SNFD-150204 Intelligent Network Energy Saving - UMTS
– SNFD-151206 Initial Parameter Organizing - UMTS

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 1 About This Document

– WRFD-140104 Enhanced Combined Services

– WRFD-171107 Automatic Detection and Optimization for Abnormal Terminals
– WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra-Frequency Neighbor Relation Optimization
– WRFD-171213 Self Optimization Under Uplink Interference
– WRFD-171214 Inter-Band Load Balancing
l Deleted the description of "Network O&M."
l Deleted the description of "Unplanned Heavy Traffic." For detailed information about
"Unplanned Heavy Traffic", see UMTS Big Events Solution Guide.
l Modified the feature IDs of SONMaster features.

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 2 Solution Overview

2 Solution Overview

2.1 Background
The UMTS SON solution is used to reduce human involvement during network operation and
maintenance (O&M), network operating costs, and operating expense (OPEX) while improving
user experience and network key performance indicators (KPIs).

2.2 Application Scenarios

The UMTS SON solution applies to all the stages of network O&M: network planning, network
deployment, network optimization, and network maintenance. This solution enables a network
to automatically adapt to its own changes in order to achieve self-management. This solution
replaces human involvement during conventional network O&M with automatic system actions,
which improves O&M efficiency and reduces costs.
Currently, the RAN16.0 SON solution mainly plans radio frequency (RF) parameters for a newly
deployed base station or newly added carriers, and optimizes RF parameters and wireless
parameters during network planning and optimization.
l RF parameter planning
RF parameter planning includes neighboring cell and scrambling code (SC) planning.
After base station deployment or carrier addition, neighbor relationships need to be adjusted
during base station activation. If an offline tool is used for planning neighbor relationships,
neighbor relationships need to be planned once a base station is deployed or a carrier is
added, which is time-consuming. The online planning mechanism, however, automatically
plans and configures neighboring cells and SCs without operators' manual operations,
which significantly improves site deployment efficiency, simplifies related operations, and
reduces network maintenance OPEX.
l RF parameter optimization
RF parameter optimization includes neighboring cell optimization and SC conflict
Traditional RF parameter optimization requires a large number of human and material
resources, and requires personnel to have extensive network optimization experience. As
the network scale expands, it becomes more difficult to perform RF parameter optimization

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 2 Solution Overview

based on experience. Both operators and equipment vendors expect automatic RF

parameter optimization for minimizing operators' OPEX and improving network resource
l Wireless parameter optimization
Wireless parameter optimization includes capacity problem resolution and handover
problem resolution.
The modes of user equipment (UE) include idle and connected modes. Corresponding
features can optimize the parameters of each mode to improve network performance,
increase resource utilization, and improve user experience.
The UMTS SON solution is mainly used in the following scenarios:
l Different wireless networking scenarios
l Unplanned heavy traffic scenarios

Wireless Networking Scenarios

The UMTS SON solution applies to the following wireless networking scenarios:
l Single-carrier networking: There is only one UMTS carrier within the specified coverage
area of the wireless network.
l Multicarrier networking: There are at least two UMTS carriers within the specified
coverage area of the wireless network.
l HetNet networking: Micro base stations (BTS3902E and BTS3803E) are introduced into
macro base station (3900 series base stations) networking to expand network capacity in
hot spots.

Unplanned Heavy Traffic Scenarios

For the definition of unplanned heavy traffic scenarios, see UMTS Big Events Solution Guide.
Unplanned heavy traffic is often caused by large events of which the carrier is unaware. Such
events may include natural disasters or large-scale parades, and hardware expansion and
parameter adjustment cannot be performed prior to the event taking place. Only product solutions
can be deployed to prevent severe network congestion and even possible network failure.
An unplanned heavy traffic scenario occurs when any of the following conditions are met for at
least 30 minutes:
l The value of the VS.CellDCHUEs counter indicating the number of DCH UEs in a cell is
greater than 55.
l The downlink non-HSPA power load factor is greater than 80%.
The downlink non-HSPA power load factor can be calculated using the following formula:
Downlink non-HSPA power load factor = 10(VS.MeanTCP.NonHS/10)/10(MaxTxPower/100)
l The value of the VS.RRC.AttConnEstab.Sum counter indicating the number of RRC
connection setups in a cell is greater than 3600.
l The value of the VS.AttCellUpdt counter indicating the number of cell updates is greater
than 5400.
The UMTS SON solution provides optimization methods to improve system stability and
capacity in unplanned heavy traffic scenarios.

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 2 Solution Overview

2.3 Overall Solution

2.3.1 Overview
Huawei SON solution consists of Centralized SON (C-SON) and Distributed SON (D-SON).
Some features involved in the D-SON are implemented on the Strategy Engine for Target
Scenario. Figure 2-1 illustrates how SONs are classified.

Figure 2-1 Classification of SONs

2.3.2 C-SON
C-SON is carried by the operation, administration and maintenance (OAM)system, such as the
SONMaster or U2000. C-SON has two variants:
l NM-Centralized SON (SON solution where SON algorithms are executed at the Network
Management level, such as SONMaster)
l EM-Centralized SON (SON solution where SON algorithms are executed at the Element
Management level, such as U2000)
Table 2-1 lists the features involved in the C-SON in the UMTS SON solution.

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 2 Solution Overview

Table 2-1 Features involved in the C-SON in the UMTS SON solution

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced in… RAN


SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor Relation - SONMaster14.0 RAN15.0

UMTS Intra-Frequency

SNFD-140206 Automatic Neighbor Relation - SONMaster14.0 RAN15.0

UMTS Inter-Frequency

SNFD-140208 Automatic Neighbor Relation - SONMaster14.0 RAN15.0


SNFD-140209 Automatic Neighbor Relation - SONMaster14.0 RAN15.0


SNFD-140210 Automatic Neighbor Relation - SONMaster14.0 RAN15.0


SNFD-140222 Scrambling Code Self- SONMaster14.0 RAN15.0

Optimization - UMTS

SNFD-140211 Mobility Load Balancing - SONMaster14.0 RAN15.0

UMTS Inter-Band

SNFD-140212 Mobility Load Balancing - SONMaster14.0 RAN15.0

UMTS Idle Mode HetNet

WOFD-171300 Cell Outage Detection and M2000 V200R011 RAN13.0


SNFD-140215 Mobility Robustness SONMaster14.0 RAN15.0

Optimization - UMTS Inter-

SNFD-150204 Intelligent Network Energy SONMaster15.0 RAN16.0

Saving - UMTS

SNFD-151206 Initial Parameter Organizing - SONMaster15.1 RAN17.1



According to Huawei SingleOSS strategic plan, the name of the wireless operations support system (OSS)
product M2000 is renamed U2000 since V200R014. In V200R013 and earlier versions, the M2000 name
does not change.
The name change does not affect the product functions, GUIs, installation methods, or external interfaces.

2.3.3 D-SON
D-SON is carried by NEs and is a SON solution where SON algorithms are executed at the RAN
level. Table 2-2 lists the features involved in the D-SON in the UMTS SON solution.

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 2 Solution Overview

Table 2-2 Features involved in the D-SON in the UMTS SON solution

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced in…

WRFD-151201 Adaptive RACH RAN16.0

WRFD-151203 Camping Strategy Switch for RAN16.0

Mass Event

WRFD-160214 Load-based Intelligent State RAN16.0


WRFD-160253 Automatic Congestion Handler RAN16.0

WRFD-140104 Enhanced Combined Services RAN14.0 (Enhanced in RAN17.1)

WRFD-171107 Automatic Detection and RAN17.1

Optimization for Abnormal

WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra-Frequency RAN17.1

Neighbor Relation

WRFD-171213 Self Optimization Under Uplink RAN17.1


WRFD-171214 Inter-Band Load Balancing RAN17.1

2.3.4 Application Scenarios

The UMTS SON solution mainly applies to the following scenarios:

l Scenario 1: Wireless networking scenario - single carrier

l Scenario 2: Wireless networking - multiple carriers
l Scenario 3: Wireless networking - HetNet
l Scenario 3: Unplanned heavy traffic

Figure 2-2 illustrates the mapping between application scenarios and SON types.

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 2 Solution Overview

Figure 2-2 Mapping between application scenarios and SON types

With the development of UMTS networks, the number of features and the number of parameters
increase. The relationships among parameters are complex. Traffic volume in networks
fluctuates, and therefore performance requirements vary depending on traffic scenarios. To meet
different performance requirements, parameter values need to be modified. For example, in
congestion scenarios, parameter values can be modified to relieve congestion. After congestion
is relieved, parameter values can be modified to optimize user experience.

To apply optimal parameter values to different scenarios without human involvement and to
solve the problem of slow modification of parameter values, Huawei proposed Strategy Engine
for Target Scenario.

With Strategy Engine for Target Scenario, scenarios can be automatically identified, and
parameters can be accordingly set to optimal values for the scenarios to achieve optimal network

For unplanned events, operators cannot adjust parameter settings in advance. To avoid network
accidents and improve user experience in unplanned events, operators can define a scenario-
based parameter setting mechanism in Strategy Engine for Target Scenario, which will adapt
parameter settings to different scenarios.

The scenario-based parameter setting mechanism implements adaptive parameter settings. That
is, parameters are automatically set to the most appropriate values for different scenarios. Figure
2-3 illustrates the scenario-based parameter setting mechanism in Strategy Engine for Target

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 2 Solution Overview

Figure 2-3 Scenario-based parameter setting mechanism in Strategy Engine for Target Scenario

Table 2-3 lists D-SON features whose parameter settings are implemented in Strategy Engine
for Target Scenario.

Table 2-3 D-SON features whose parameter settings are implemented in the Strategy Engine
for Target Scenario

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced in…

WRFD-160214 Load-based Intelligent State RAN16.0


WRFD-160253 Automatic Congestion Handler RAN16.0

WRFD-140104 Enhanced Combined Services RAN14.0 (Enhanced in RAN17.1)

WRFD-171213 Self Optimization Under Uplink RAN17.1


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UMTS SON Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

3 Solution Application Guidelines

3.1 Scenario 1: Wireless Networking - Single Carrier

3.1.1 Scenario Description

Single-carrier scenarios are those in which there is only one UMTS carrier within the specified
coverage area of the wireless network. In single-carrier scenarios, there is only one layer of
coverage. All the Radio Resource Management (RRM), including intra-cell RRM (such as
access) and inter-cell RRM (such as handover and load balancing), is implemented at the same
horizontal layer.

3.1.2 Solution Purpose

The purposes of this solution are as follows:

l To plan neighboring cells and SCs during network planning

l To optimize neighbor relationships and resolve SC conflicts during network optimization
l To resolve capacity and congestion problems due to traffic or interference burst
l To resolve abnormal network KPIs due to combined services or faulty UEs

In addition, GSM and UMTS neighboring cell configuration or UMTS and LTE neighboring
cell configuration must be complete because GSM and UMTS networks, or UMTS and LTE
networks are generally deployed together in single-carrier scenarios.

1. Neighboring cell and SC planning

During capacity expansion and replanning, only neighbor relationship and SC planning is
required for newly deployed base stations. In this case, the SNFD-151206 Initial Parameter
Organizing - UMTS feature is used to automatically plan and configure SCs for neighboring
cells of the newly deployed base stations, thereby improving base station deployment
2. Neighboring cell optimization
The WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra-Frequency Neighbor Relation Optimization feature
resolves the following network problems:

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

l Missing configuration of intra-frequency neighboring cells in the second order

l Redundancy of intra-frequency neighboring cell
The SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS Intra-Frequency feature
resolves missing configuration, redundancy, or priority adjustment of intra-frequency
neighboring cells. Compared with the WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra-Frequency
Neighbor Relation Optimization feature, the SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor Relation
- UMTS Intra-Frequency feature matches neighboring cell names through engineering
parameter settings and can detect missing configuration of intra-frequency neighboring
cells in the second or a higher order.
Some other features resolve the following network problems:
l Missing configuration or redundancy of inter-RAT neighboring cells for UMTS-to-
GSM or UMTS-to-LTE handovers
l Priority adjustment of inter-RAT neighboring cells for UMTS-to-GSM handovers
These features include the following:
l SNFD-140208 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS to GSM
l SNFD-140209 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS to LTE FDD
l SNFD-140210 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS to LTE TDD
3. SC conflict resolution
The SNFD-140222 Scrambling Code Self-Optimization - UMTS feature resolves call drop
or cell update problems caused by SC conflicts.
4. Capacity and congestion problem resolution
The WRFD-151201 Adaptive RACH feature resolves uplink capacity problems due to
traffic burst. For example, a large number of UEs in the same cell initiate random access
simultaneously, resulting in a high received total wideband power (RTWP) in the cell.
Overload problems such as traffic burst and tide traffic in wireless networks are prone to
cause access failures and power congestion, and therefore affect network performance and
user experience. The SNFD-140219 CCO - UMTS DL Capacity Optimization RRM Based
feature resolves these problems.
The WRFD-160214 Load-based Intelligent State Transition and WRFD-160253 Automatic
Congestion Handler features resolve network congestion problems due to traffic burst.
These features can increase the uplink and downlink network capacities and relieve network
5. Abnormal network KPI resolution
The CS service in CS+PS combined services has a higher probability of experiencing a call
drop than a single CS service. The WRFD-140104 Enhanced Combined Services feature
resolves this problem.
The WRFD-171107 Automatic Detection and Optimization for Abnormal Terminals
feature resolves the abnormal service setup success rate and call drop rate due to faulty

3.1.3 Solution Description

List of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-1 lists the features involved in the solution for single-carrier scenarios.

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Table 3-1 List of features involved in the solution for single-carrier scenarios

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster

Relation - UMTS Intra- 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
Frequency ANR Feature Description

SNFD-140208 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster

Relation - UMTS to GSM 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
ANR Feature Description

SNFD-140209 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster

Relation - UMTS to LTE 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
FDD ANR Feature Description

SNFD-140210 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster

Relation - UMTS to LTE 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
TDD ANR Feature Description

SNFD-140222 Scrambling Code Self- SONMaster SONMaster

Optimization - UMTS 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
SC Self-Optimization
Feature Description

SNFD-140219 CCO - UMTS DL SONMaster SONMaster

Capacity Optimization 14.0 Documentation -> CCO -
RRM Based UMTS DL Capacity
Optimization RRM Based
Feature Description

SNFD-151206 Initial Parameter SONMaster1 SONMaster

Organizing - UMTS 5.1 Documentation -> Initial
Parameter Organizing
Feature Description

WOFD-171300 Cell Outage Detection and M2000 U2000 Product

Recovery V200R011 Documentation -> RAN
Management -> SON
Management -> CODR

WRFD-151201 Adaptive RACH RAN16.0 RAN Feature

Documentation ->
Adaptive RACH Feature
Parameter Description

WRFD-160214 Load-based Intelligent RAN16.0 RAN Feature

State Transition Documentation -> Load-
based Intelligent State
Transition Feature
Parameter Description

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


WRFD-160253 Automatic Congestion RAN16.0 RAN Feature

Handler Documentation ->
Automatic Congestion
Handler Feature
Parameter Description

WRFD-140104 Enhanced Combined RAN14.0 RAN Feature

Services (Enhanced in Documentation ->
RAN17.1) Enhanced Combined
Services Feature
Parameter Description

WRFD-171107 Automatic Detection and RAN17.1 RAN Feature

Optimization for Documentation ->
Abnormal Terminals Automatic Detection and
Optimization for
Abnormal Terminals
Feature Parameter

WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra- RAN17.1 RAN Feature

Frequency Neighbor Documentation ->
Relation Optimization Automatic Intra-
Frequency Neighbor
Relation Optimization
Feature Parameter

Description of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-2 lists the features involved in the solution for single-carrier scenarios.

Table 3-2 List of features involved in the solution for single-carrier scenarios

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor 1. This feature achieves ANR between intra-

Relation - UMTS Intra- frequency UMTS cells by automatically
Frequency detecting and adding missing neighboring
UMTS cells, and deleting redundant
neighboring UMTS cells.
2. It automatically adjusts priority
parameters for intra-frequency neighboring
UMTS cells so that optimized neighboring
cells can be preferably selected for

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

SNFD-140208 Automatic Neighbor 1. This feature achieves UMTS-to-GSM

Relation - UMTS to GSM ANR by automatically detecting and adding
missing neighboring GSM cells of UMTS
cells, and deleting redundant neighboring
GSM cells of UMTS cells.
2. It automatically adjusts priority
parameters for neighboring GSM cells of
UMTS cells so that optimized neighboring
cells can be preferably selected for

SNFD-140209 Automatic Neighbor This feature achieves UMTS-to-LTE FDD

Relation - UMTS to LTE ANR by automatically detecting and adding
FDD missing neighboring LTE FDD cells of
UMTS cells, and deleting redundant
neighboring LTE FDD cells of UMTS cells.

SNFD-140210 Automatic Neighbor This feature achieves UMTS-to-LTE TDD

Relation - UMTS to LTE ANR by automatically detecting and adding
TDD missing neighboring LTE TDD cells of
UMTS cells, and deleting redundant
neighboring LTE TDD cells of UMTS cells.

SNFD-140222 Scrambling Code Self- 1. With this feature, SC conflicts in the

Optimization - UMTS network are automatically detected based on
the mobility of users.
2. In addition, the SC is replaced by the
optimal SC selected from the available SC
collection to automatically resolve SC

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

SNFD-140219 CCO - UMTS DL This feature identifies overload cells and

Capacity Optimization their traffic models by collecting and
RRM Based analyzing traffic statistics, further analyzes
the problem in aspects of neighboring cell
faults, access parameter configuration,
traffic load imbalance, and traffic burst, and
provides optimization advice in the
following aspects:
l Reporting of neighboring cell fault
l Access parameter configuration
l Enabling of features related to load
balancing and capacity improvement
l Optimization of handover parameters
and pilot power
By doing this, this feature resolves or
relieves overload and traffic burst, and
therefore improves network performance
and user experience.

SNFD-151206 Initial Parameter This feature enables the SONMaster to

Organizing - UMTS automatically perform initial planning on
the intra-frequency or UMTS-to-LTE and
UMTS-to-GSM neighboring cells as well as
SCs of UMTS macro NodeBs when sites
and carriers are added.

WOFD-171300 Cell Outage Detection and This feature automatically detects outage
Recovery cells and compensates for these cells
through RRM parameter adjustment.

WRFD-151201 Adaptive RACH In unplanned heavy traffic scenarios, a large

number of UEs in the same cell initiate
random access simultaneously, resulting in
a high RTWP in the cell. Based on the uplink
power load and the number of random
access ACKs in the cell in a period of time,
the RNC dynamically selects the most
appropriate cell random access parameters
to reduce the cell's RTWP and increase
network capacity.

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

WRFD-160214 Load-based Intelligent This feature enables the RNC to

State Transition automatically select state transition
parameters (including the D2F timer and
event 4A threshold) based on the cell load.
In this way, if UEs in the high-load cell have
no data transmission, the RNC quickly
switches them to the CELL_FACH state in
order to increase cell capacity.

WRFD-160253 Automatic Congestion This feature enables the RNC to

Handler automatically identify congestion scenarios
and activate the corresponding congestion
relief functions. This reduces the customer's
O&M workload, relieves network
congestion, and enhances system stability.
Enabling this feature can relieve the
following congestion in a cell: downlink
power congestion, uplink power
congestion, and FACH congestion.

WRFD-140104 Enhanced Combined This feature enables the RNC to determine

Services cell congestion status based on downlink
load and available codes, and to
automatically adjust the initial rate type and
low activity rate threshold parameters of the
BE service in combined services. Therefore,
you can flexibly configure the initial rate
type and low-activity rate threshold
parameters of the BE service for different
cells or for the same cell in different
congestion states, thereby reducing the
number of admission failures due to
insufficient resources and reducing the CS
call drop rate of combined services.

WRFD-171107 Automatic Detection and This feature measures the voice service
Optimization for setup success rate, data service setup
Abnormal Terminals success rate, voice service drop rate, and
data service drop rate for terminals with the
same TAC on a daily basis. If the
measurement results are lower than
specified thresholds, these terminals are
considered abnormal. The measurement
results of several days provide a basis for
generating a blacklist of terminals that may
be abnormal and for putting forward
corresponding suggestions.

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra- This feature can automatically optimize

Frequency Neighbor UMTS intra-RAT intra-frequency neighbor
Relation Optimization relationships without manual intervention.
The automatic optimization includes
automatically detecting and adding missing
intra-frequency neighboring cells as well as
automatically detecting and deleting
redundant intra-frequency neighboring

3.1.4 Implementation
When the UMTS SON solution is used in single-carrier scenarios, all the features in Table
3-1 can be enabled.

l If there is no GSM network, it is not necessary to enable the SNFD-140208 Automatic
Neighbor Relation - UMTS to GSM feature.
l If there is no LTE FDD network, it is not necessary to enable the SNFD-140209 Automatic
Neighbor Relation - UMTS to LTE FDD feature.
l If there is no LTE TDD network, it is not necessary to enable the SNFD-140210 Automatic
Neighbor Relation - UMTS to LTE TDD feature.

Feature Relationships
It is recommended that the following features be used together to implement automatic planning
and optimization of neighboring cells and SCs:
l SNFD-151206 Initial Parameter Organizing - UMTS
l WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra-Frequency Neighbor Relation Optimization
l SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS Intra-Frequency
l SNFD-140222 Scrambling Code Self-Optimization - UMTS
The WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra-Frequency Neighbor Relation Optimization and
SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS Intra-Frequency features can be used
together. The SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS Intra-Frequency feature
matches neighboring cell names through engineering parameter settings and can detect missing
configuration of intra-frequency neighboring cells in the second or a higher order.

3.2 Scenario 2: Wireless Networking - Multiple Carriers

3.2.1 Scenario Description

Multicarrier scenarios are those in which there are multiple carriers working in the same band
or in different bands within the specified coverage area of the wireless network. In these

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scenarios, it is important to consider not only the configuration and mobility strategies of the
horizontal layer (intra-frequency) for a single carrier, but also the configuration and mobility
strategies of the vertical layer (inter-frequency or inter-band) between different carriers.

3.2.2 Solution Purpose

Multicarrier networking is complex. In addition to neighboring cell and SC planning during
network planning, and neighboring cell optimization and SC conflict resolution during network
optimization, it is also important to consider the following in multicarrier scenarios:

l Resolution of capacity and congestion problems due to traffic or interference burst

(including optimization of load imbalance between carriers at different layers)
l Automatic optimization of mobility parameters (camping, reselection, and handover)
l Resolution of abnormal network KPIs due to combined services or faulty UEs
1. Neighboring cell and SC planning
During capacity expansion and replanning, only neighbor relationship and SC planning is
required for newly deployed base stations. In this case, the SNFD-151206 Initial Parameter
Organizing - UMTS feature is used to automatically plan and configure SCs for neighboring
cells of the newly deployed base stations, thereby improving base station deployment
2. Neighboring cell optimization
The WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra-Frequency Neighbor Relation Optimization feature
resolves the following network problems:
l Missing configuration of intra-frequency neighboring cells in the second order
l Redundancy of intra-frequency neighboring cell
The SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS Intra-Frequency feature
resolves missing configuration, redundancy, or priority adjustment of intra-frequency
neighboring cells.
The SNFD-140206 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS Inter-Frequency feature
resolves missing configuration, redundancy, or priority adjustment of inter-frequency
neighboring cells.
Some other features resolve the following network problems:
l Missing configuration or redundancy of inter-RAT neighboring cells for UMTS-to-
GSM or UMTS-to-LTE handovers
l Priority adjustment of inter-RAT neighboring cells for UMTS-to-GSM handovers
These features include the following:
l SNFD-140208 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS to GSM
l SNFD-140209 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS to LTE FDD
l SNFD-140210 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS to LTE TDD
3. SC conflict resolution
The SNFD-140222 Scrambling Code Self-Optimization - UMTS feature resolves call drop
or cell update problems caused by SC conflicts.
4. Capacity and congestion problem resolution
A load imbalance problem may occur between the UMTS 2100 MHz and UMTS 900 MHz
networks. For example, the load on the UMTS 900 MHz network is too high and the load

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on the UMTS 2100 MHz network is too low, or vice versa. To balance downlink TCP load
between high and low frequency bands, the SNFD-140211 Mobility Load Balancing -
UMTS Inter-Band feature is used.
A load imbalance problem may occur between the UMTS 2100 MHz and UMTS 900 MHz
networks. To improve user experience and system capacity in scenarios where load
imbalance occurs between high and low frequency bands, the WRFD-171214 Inter-Band
Load Balancing feature is used. This feature provides low frequency bands' coverage gains
during off-peak hours while ensuring capacity sharing, and attempts to avoid cells working
in low frequency bands from being in the heavy load state during peak hours.
The WRFD-151201 Adaptive RACH feature resolves uplink capacity problems due to
traffic burst. For example, a large number of UEs in the same cell initiate random access
simultaneously, resulting in a high RTWP in the cell.
Overload problems such as traffic burst and tide traffic in wireless networks are prone to
cause access failures and power congestion, and therefore affect network performance and
user experience. The SNFD-140219 CCO - UMTS DL Capacity Optimization RRM Based
feature resolves these problems.
The WRFD-160214 Load-based Intelligent State Transition and WRFD-160253 Automatic
Congestion Handler features resolve network congestion problems due to traffic burst.
These features can increase the uplink and downlink network capacities and relieve network
congestion. For multicarrier networks using the "Preferred Camping" strategy, the
WRFD-151203 Camping Strategy Switch for Mass Event feature is used to change the
strategy to "Random Camping." This can balance the load between cells, relieve the
congestion on some carriers, and increase the access success rate.
The UMTS 900 MHz or UMTS 850 MHz system is vulnerable to interference from GSM
and CDMA systems as well as repeaters. As a result, the cell RTWP significantly rises and
the UMTS 900 MHz or UMTS 850 MHz cell performance deteriorates. The WRFD-171213
Self Optimization Under Uplink Interference feature resolves this problem.
5. Handover problem resolution
If inter-frequency handover parameters are inappropriately set, inter-frequency handovers
may occur too early or too late, which will result in radio link failures. If the radio
environment changes slowly (for example, most users are walking), the handover
parameters should be less sensitive to the changes. If the radio environment changes quickly
(for example, most users are driving), the handover parameters should be more sensitive
to the changes. The SNFD-140215 Mobility Robustness Optimization - UMTS Inter-
Frequency feature resolves this problem.
6. Abnormal network KPI resolution
The CS service in CS+PS combined services has a higher probability of experiencing a call
drop than a single CS service. The WRFD-140104 Enhanced Combined Services feature
resolves this problem.
The WRFD-171107 Automatic Detection and Optimization for Abnormal Terminals
feature resolves the abnormal service setup success rate and call drop rate due to faulty
7. Energy saving
In multicarrier networks, UE inactivity in certain periods of time (such as nights and
holidays in commercial areas, nights in residential areas, periods of having no sporting
events in stadiums) causes light cell load, the light cell load periodically occurs, and
operators require energy be saved and emission be reduced in single-band multicarrier

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networks. In this case, the SNFD-150204 Intelligent Network Energy Saving - UMTS
feature is used.

3.2.3 Solution Description

List of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-3 lists the features involved in the solution for multicarrier scenarios.

Table 3-3 List of features involved in the solution for multicarrier scenarios

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster

Relation - UMTS Intra- 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
Frequency ANR Feature Description

SNFD-140206 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster

Relation - UMTS Inter- 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
Frequency ANR Feature Description

SNFD-140208 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster

Relation - UMTS to GSM 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
ANR Feature Description

SNFD-140209 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster

Relation - UMTS to LTE 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
FDD ANR Feature Description

SNFD-140210 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster

Relation - UMTS to LTE 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
TDD ANR Feature Description

SNFD-140222 Scrambling Code Self- SONMaster SONMaster

Optimization - UMTS 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
SC Self-Optimization
Feature Description

SNFD-140211 Mobility Load Balancing - SONMaster SONMaster

UMTS Inter-Band 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
MLB Feature Description

SNFD-140219 CCO - UMTS DL SONMaster SONMaster

Capacity Optimization 14.0 Documentation -> CCO -
RRM Based UMTS DL Capacity
Optimization RRM Based
Feature Description

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Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


SNFD-150204 Intelligent Network SONMaster1 SONMaster

Energy Saving - UMTS 5.0 Documentation ->
Intelligent Network
Energy Saving Feature

SNFD-151206 Initial Parameter SONMaster1 SONMaster

Organizing - UMTS 5.1 Documentation -> Initial
Parameter Organizing
Feature Description

WOFD-171300 Cell Outage Detection and M2000 U2000 Product

Recovery V200R011 Documentation -> RAN
Management -> SON
Management -> CODR

SNFD-140215 Mobility Robustness SONMaster SONMaster

Optimization - UMTS 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
Inter-Frequency MRO Feature Description

WRFD-151201 Adaptive RACH RAN16.0 RAN Feature

Documentation ->
Adaptive RACH Feature
Parameter Description

WRFD-151203 Camping Strategy Switch RAN16.0 RAN Feature

for Mass Event Documentation ->
Camping Strategy Switch
for Mass Event Feature
Parameter Description

WRFD-160214 Load-based Intelligent RAN16.0 RAN Feature

State Transition Documentation -> Load-
based Intelligent State
Transition Feature
Parameter Description

WRFD-160253 Automatic Congestion RAN16.0 RAN Feature

Handler Documentation ->
Automatic Congestion
Handler Feature
Parameter Description

WRFD-140104 Enhanced Combined RAN14.0 RAN Feature

Services (Enhanced in Documentation ->
RAN17.1) Enhanced Combined
Services Feature
Parameter Description

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Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


WRFD-171107 Automatic Detection and RAN17.1 RAN Feature

Optimization for Documentation ->
Abnormal Terminals Automatic Detection and
Optimization for
Abnormal Terminals
Feature Parameter

WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra- RAN17.1 RAN Feature

Frequency Neighbor Documentation ->
Relation Optimization Automatic Intra-
Frequency Neighbor
Relation Optimization
Feature Parameter

WRFD-171213 Self Optimization Under RAN17.1 RAN Feature

Uplink Interference Documentation -> Self
Optimization Under
Uplink Interference
Feature Parameter

WRFD-171214 Inter-Band Load RAN17.1 RAN Feature

Balancing Documentation -> Inter-
Band Load Balancing
Feature Parameter

Description of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-4 lists the features involved in the solution for multicarrier scenarios.

Table 3-4 List of features involved in the solution for multicarrier scenarios

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor 1. This feature achieves ANR between intra-

Relation - UMTS Intra- frequency UMTS cells by automatically
Frequency detecting and adding missing neighboring
UMTS cells, and deleting redundant
neighboring UMTS cells.
2. It automatically adjusts priority
parameters for intra-frequency neighboring
UMTS cells so that optimized neighboring
cells can be preferably selected for

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Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

SNFD-140206 Automatic Neighbor 1. This feature achieves ANR between inter-

Relation - UMTS Inter- frequency UMTS cells by automatically
Frequency detecting and adding missing inter-
frequency neighboring UMTS cells, and
deleting redundant inter-frequency
neighboring UMTS cells.
2. It automatically adjusts priority
parameters for inter-frequency neighboring
UMTS cells so that optimized neighboring
cells can be preferably selected for

SNFD-140208 Automatic Neighbor 1. This feature achieves UMTS-to-GSM

Relation - UMTS to GSM ANR by automatically detecting and adding
missing neighboring GSM cells of UMTS
cells, and deleting redundant neighboring
GSM cells of UMTS cells.
2. It automatically adjusts priority
parameters for neighboring GSM cells of
UMTS cells so that optimized neighboring
cells can be preferably selected for

SNFD-140209 Automatic Neighbor This feature achieves UMTS-to-LTE FDD

Relation - UMTS to LTE ANR by automatically detecting and adding
FDD missing neighboring LTE FDD cells of
UMTS cells, and deleting redundant
neighboring LTE FDD cells of UMTS cells.

SNFD-140210 Automatic Neighbor This feature achieves UMTS-to-LTE TDD

Relation - UMTS to LTE ANR by automatically detecting and adding
TDD missing neighboring LTE TDD cells of
UMTS cells, and deleting redundant
neighboring LTE TDD cells of UMTS cells.

SNFD-140222 Scrambling Code Self- 1. With this feature, SC conflicts in the

Optimization - UMTS network are automatically detected based on
the mobility of users.
2. In addition, the SC is replaced by the
optimal SC selected from the available SC
collection to automatically resolve SC

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Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

SNFD-140211 Mobility Load Balancing - This feature detects areas with load
UMTS Inter-Band imbalance issues between cells in different
frequency bands based on long-period
statistics, and automatically generates
parameter optimization suggestions. This
achieves load balancing between cells in
different frequency bands in these areas.

WOFD-171300 Cell Outage Detection and This feature automatically detects outage
Recovery cells and compensates for these cells
through RRM parameter adjustment.

SNFD-140215 Mobility Robustness This feature automatically identifies cells

Optimization - UMTS where an inter-frequency handover occurs
Inter-Frequency too early or too late, and automatically
optimizes inter-frequency handover
parameters to find the proper handover time
for most UEs.

SNFD-140219 CCO - UMTS DL This feature identifies overload cells and

Capacity Optimization their traffic models by collecting and
RRM Based analyzing traffic statistics, further analyzes
the problem in aspects of neighboring cell
faults, access parameter configuration,
traffic load imbalance, and traffic burst, and
provides optimization advice in the
following aspects:
l Reporting of neighboring cell fault
l Access parameter configuration
l Enabling of features related to load
balancing and capacity improvement
l Optimization of handover parameters
and pilot power
By doing this, this feature resolves or
relieves overload and traffic burst, and
therefore improves network performance
and user experience.

SNFD-150204 Intelligent Network Based on engineering parameters,

Energy Saving - UMTS performance data, and configuration data,
the SONMaster analyzes network KPIs,
generates energy saving optimization
advice for optimization areas periodically,
and generates and delivers configuration
data to facilitate the enabling of certain
green base station features, thereby gaining
energy saving benefits.

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Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

SNFD-151206 Initial Parameter This feature enables the SONMaster to

Organizing - UMTS automatically perform initial planning on
the intra-frequency, inter-frequency, or
neighboring cells as well as SCs of UMTS
macro NodeBs when sites and carriers are

WRFD-151201 Adaptive RACH In unplanned heavy traffic scenarios, a large

number of UEs in the same cell initiate
random access simultaneously, resulting in
a high RTWP in the cell. Based on the uplink
power load and the number of random
access ACKs in the cell in a period of time,
the RNC dynamically selects the most
appropriate cell random access parameters
to reduce the cell's RTWP and increase
network capacity.

WRFD-151203 Camping Strategy Switch This feature periodically measures the

for Mass Event number of RRC connection setup requests
and the ratio of rejected RRC connection
setup requests due to uplink and downlink
power and code resource congestion to the
total RRC connection setup requests in
preferentially camped cells.
If the conditions for determining unplanned
heavy traffic are met, this feature
automatically changes the network camping
strategy to "Random Camping" so that the
load is more balanced between cells. In
addition, this feature supports automatically
resuming the original preferential camping
parameters the next morning after parameter
This feature requires that the original
multicarrier network use the "Preferred
Camping" strategy.

WRFD-160214 Load-based Intelligent This feature enables the RNC to

State Transition automatically select state transition
parameters (including the D2F timer and
event 4A threshold) based on the cell load.
In this way, if UEs in the high-load cell have
no data transmission, the RNC quickly
switches them to the CELL_FACH state in
order to increase cell capacity.

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Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

WRFD-160253 Automatic Congestion This feature enables the RNC to

Handler automatically identify congestion scenarios
and activate the corresponding congestion
relief functions. This reduces the customer's
O&M workload, relieves network
congestion, and enhances system stability.
Enabling this feature can relieve the
following congestion in a cell: downlink
power congestion, uplink power
congestion, and FACH congestion.

WRFD-140104 Enhanced Combined This feature enables the RNC to determine

Services cell congestion status based on downlink
load and available codes, and to
automatically adjust the initial rate type and
low activity rate threshold parameters of the
BE service in combined services. Therefore,
you can flexibly configure the initial rate
type and low-activity rate threshold
parameters of the BE service for different
cells or for the same cell in different
congestion states, thereby reducing the
number of admission failures due to
insufficient resources and reducing the CS
call drop rate of combined services.

WRFD-171107 Automatic Detection and This feature measures the voice service
Optimization for setup success rate, data service setup
Abnormal Terminals success rate, voice service drop rate, and
data service drop rate for terminals with the
same TAC on a daily basis. If the
measurement results are lower than
specified thresholds, these terminals are
considered abnormal. The measurement
results of several days provide a basis for
generating a blacklist of terminals that may
be abnormal and for putting forward
corresponding suggestions.

WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra- This feature can automatically optimize

Frequency Neighbor UMTS intra-RAT intra-frequency neighbor
Relation Optimization relationships without manual intervention.
The automatic optimization includes
automatically detecting and adding missing
intra-frequency neighboring cells as well as
automatically detecting and deleting
redundant intra-frequency neighboring

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Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

WRFD-171213 Self Optimization Under This feature monitors the uplink RTWP of
Uplink Interference a cell in real time and identifies scenarios in
which uplink interference occurs. If uplink
interference occurs in a cell, this feature
automatically activates related function
algorithms or reconfigures related
parameters on a live network to improve
system capacity and network performance
for the cell. The automatic parameter
reconfiguration includes adaptively
adjusting the cell camping threshold
parameters, enabling the inter-frequency
handover algorithm considering the target
RTWP, adaptively controlling algorithm
switches and parameters for automatic
update of background noise, and adaptively
reconfiguring compressed mode

WRFD-171214 Inter-Band Load This feature periodically monitors the

Balancing average downlink load of high- and low-
band cells. By adjusting parameters for
high- and low-band cells that have load
differences, this feature enables UEs to
travel to low-load cells through preferred
camping, redirection, and directed retry
decision (DRD). This implements downlink
load balancing between high- and low-band
cells. This feature provides low frequency
bands' coverage gains during off-peak hours
while ensuring capacity sharing, and
attempts to avoid cells working in low
frequency bands from being in the heavy
load state during peak hours. Therefore, this
feature improves user experience and
system capacity in scenarios where load
imbalance occurs between high and low
frequency bands.

3.2.4 Implementation
When the UMTS SON solution is used in multicarrier scenarios, all the features in Table 3-1
can be enabled.

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l If there is no GSM network, it is not necessary to enable the SNFD-140208 Automatic
Neighbor Relation - UMTS to GSM feature.
l If there is no LTE FDD network, it is not necessary to enable the SNFD-140209 Automatic
Neighbor Relation - UMTS to LTE FDD feature.
l If there is no LTE TDD network, it is not necessary to enable the SNFD-140210 Automatic
Neighbor Relation - UMTS to LTE TDD feature.
l If there is no inter-band macro base station on the network, it is not necessary to enable the
SNFD-140211 Mobility Load Balancing - UMTS Inter-Band or WRFD-171214 Inter-Band
Load Balancing feature.

Feature Relationships
l The WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra-Frequency Neighbor Relation Optimization and
SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS Intra-Frequency features can be used
together. The SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS Intra-Frequency
feature matches neighboring cell names through engineering parameter settings and can
detect missing configuration of intra-frequency neighboring cells in the second or a higher
l It is recommended that the following features be used together to implement automatic
planning and optimization of neighboring cells and SCs:
– SNFD-151206 Initial Parameter Organizing - UMTS
– WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra-Frequency Neighbor Relation Optimization
– SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS Intra-Frequency
– SNFD-140222 Scrambling Code Self-Optimization - UMTS
l The SNFD-140211 Mobility Load Balancing - UMTS Inter-Band and WRFD-171214
Inter-Band Load Balancing features cannot be used together because of different
application scenarios and different purposes.
l The SNFD-140211 Mobility Load Balancing - UMTS Inter-Band feature is used to adjust
the following:
l Path loss threshold during user location-based multiband DRD
l Load ratio factor during load balancing-based DRD
l Reselection-related parameters
Therefore, it is recommended that the SNFD-140211 Mobility Load Balancing - UMTS
Inter-Band feature be used together with the following DRD-related features:
– WRFD-01061112 HSDPA DRD
– WRFD-150232 Multiband Direct Retry Based on UE Location
– WRFD-02040001 Intra System Direct Retry
In cells that are not served by the same site but cover the same area, if user location-based
multiband DRD and load balancing-based DRD are not enabled, the SNFD-140211
Mobility Load Balancing - UMTS Inter-Band feature can be used to directly adjust cell
reselection parameters.

l The SNFD-140211 Mobility Load Balancing - UMTS Inter-Band feature is used to adjust
the following:

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– RAB service steering and load sharing parameters

– Parameters for cell reselection of UEs in idle mode
– Parameters for inter-frequency load balancing based on the configurable load threshold
– RRC service steering and load sharing parameters
– Parameters for service steering and load sharing of UEs in the CELL_FACH state
Therefore, it is recommended that the SNFD-140211 Mobility Load Balancing - UMTS
Inter-Band feature be used together with the following RAN features:
– WRFD-02040004 Traffic Steering and Load Sharing During RAB Setup
– WRFD-020120 Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup
– WRFD-150246 Service Steering and Load Sharing in CELL_FACH State
– WRFD-140217 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load
l The SNFD-140219 CCO - UMTS DL Capacity Optimization RRM Based feature may
adjust the pilot power of a cell. The pilot power adjustment of a cell will change the basic
network structure. In automatic optimization scenarios, to ensure that other automatic
parameter optimization processes that are based on the basic network architecture can be
performed concurrently, it is recommended that this feature be enabled with the following
– WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra-Frequency Neighbor Relation Optimization
– SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS Intra-Frequency
– SNFD-140222 Scrambling Code Self-Optimization - UMTS
– SNFD-140215 Mobility Robustness Optimization - UMTS Inter-Frequency
l The optimization function provided by the SNFD-140219 CCO - UMTS DL Capacity
Optimization RRM Based feature depends on the following features:
– WRFD-010683 Downlink 64QAM
– WRFD-030010 CQI Adjustment Based on Dynamic BLER Target
– WRFD-010610 HSDPA Introduction Package
– WRFD-010685 Downlink Enhanced L2
– WRFD-02040004 Traffic Steering and Load Sharing During RAB Setup
– WRFD-020103 Inter Frequency Load Balance
If the preceding features are not enabled, the SNFD-140219 CCO - UMTS DL Capacity
Optimization RRM Based feature can still take effect to provide methods of optimizing
power or handover parameter settings and provide recommended values of these

3.3 Scenario 3: Wireless Networking - HetNet

3.3.1 Scenario Description

HetNet scenarios are those in which macro stations (3900 series base stations) and micro base
stations (BTS3902E/BTS3803E) are deployed together in a specified coverage area.

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3.3.2 Solution Purpose

In addition to neighboring cell optimization, SC conflict resolution, and load imbalance
resolution between macro and micro base stations during network optimization, it is also
important to consider the resolution of capacity and congestion problems due to traffic burst in
HetNet scenarios. Furthermore, it is important to focus on the interaction between macro and
micro base stations so that the introduction of micro base stations into the network does not
affect the original network KPIs while expanding network capacity and improving user

1. Neighboring cell optimization

The WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra-Frequency Neighbor Relation Optimization feature
resolves the following network problems:
l Missing configuration of intra-frequency neighboring cells in the second order
l Redundancy of intra-frequency neighboring cell
The SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS Intra-Frequency feature
resolves missing configuration, redundancy, or priority adjustment of intra-frequency
neighboring cells.
The SNFD-140206 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS Inter-Frequency feature
resolves missing configuration, redundancy, or priority adjustment of inter-frequency
neighboring cells.
Some other features resolve the following network problems:
l Missing configuration or redundancy of inter-RAT neighboring cells for UMTS-to-
GSM or UMTS-to-LTE handovers
l Priority adjustment of inter-RAT neighboring cells for UMTS-to-GSM handovers
These features include the following:
l SNFD-140208 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS to GSM
l SNFD-140209 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS to LTE FDD
l SNFD-140210 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS to LTE TDD
2. SC conflict resolution
The SNFD-140222 Scrambling Code Self-Optimization - UMTS feature resolves call drop
or cell update problems caused by SC conflicts.
3. Capacity and congestion problem resolution
The SNFD-140212 Mobility Load Balancing - UMTS Idle Mode HetNet feature resolves
the load imbalance problems between macro and micro base stations. The possible load
imbalance problems are as follows:
l The load on the micro base station that is used for offloading traffic in hot spots is too
high, which affects user experience.
l The load on the micro base station that is used for offloading traffic in hot spots is too
low, which does not produce the expected traffic offloading results.
The WRFD-151201 Adaptive RACH feature resolves uplink capacity problems due to
traffic burst. For example, a large number of UEs in the same cell initiate random access
simultaneously, resulting in a high RTWP in the cell.
The WRFD-160214 Load-based Intelligent State Transition and WRFD-160253 Automatic
Congestion Handler features resolve network congestion problems due to traffic burst.

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These features can increase the uplink and downlink network capacities and relieve network
4. Abnormal network KPI resolution
The CS service in CS+PS combined services has a higher probability of experiencing a call
drop than a single CS service. The WRFD-140104 Enhanced Combined Services feature
resolves this problem.
The WRFD-171107 Automatic Detection and Optimization for Abnormal Terminals
feature resolves the abnormal service setup success rate and call drop rate due to faulty

3.3.3 Solution Description

List of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-5 lists the features involved in the solution for HetNet scenarios.

Table 3-5 List of features involved in the solution for HetNet scenarios

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster

Relation - UMTS Intra- 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
Frequency ANR Feature Description

SNFD-140206 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster

Relation - UMTS Inter- 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
Frequency ANR Feature Description

SNFD-140208 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster

Relation - UMTS to GSM 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
ANR Feature Description

SNFD-140209 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster

Relation - UMTS to LTE 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
FDD ANR Feature Description

SNFD-140210 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster

Relation - UMTS to LTE 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
TDD ANR Feature Description

SNFD-140222 Scrambling Code Self- SONMaster SONMaster

Optimization - UMTS 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
SC Self-Optimization
Feature Description

SNFD-140212 Mobility Load Balancing - SONMaster SONMaster

UMTS Idle Mode HetNet 14.0 Documentation -> UMTS
MLB Feature Description

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


WRFD-151201 Adaptive RACH RAN16.0 RAN Feature

Documentation ->
Adaptive RACH Feature
Parameter Description

WRFD-160214 Load-based Intelligent RAN16.0 RAN Feature

State Transition Documentation -> Load-
based Intelligent State
Transition Feature
Parameter Description

WRFD-160253 Automatic Congestion RAN16.0 RAN Feature

Handler Documentation ->
Automatic Congestion
Handler Feature
Parameter Description

WRFD-140104 Enhanced Combined RAN14.0 RAN Feature

Services (Enhanced in Documentation ->
RAN17.1) Enhanced Combined
Services Feature
Parameter Description

WRFD-171107 Automatic Detection and RAN17.1 RAN Feature

Optimization for Documentation ->
Abnormal Terminals Automatic Detection and
Optimization for
Abnormal Terminals
Feature Parameter

WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra- RAN17.1 RAN Feature

Frequency Neighbor Documentation ->
Relation Optimization Automatic Intra-
Frequency Neighbor
Relation Optimization
Feature Parameter

Description of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-6 lists the features involved in the solution for HetNet scenarios.

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Table 3-6 Description of features involved in the solution for HetNet scenarios

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor 1. This feature achieves ANR between intra-

Relation - UMTS Intra- frequency UMTS cells by automatically
Frequency detecting and adding missing neighboring
UMTS cells, and deleting redundant
neighboring UMTS cells.
2. It automatically adjusts priority
parameters for intra-frequency neighboring
UMTS cells so that optimized neighboring
cells can be preferably selected for

SNFD-140206 Automatic Neighbor 1. This feature achieves ANR between inter-

Relation - UMTS Inter- frequency UMTS cells by automatically
Frequency detecting and adding missing inter-
frequency neighboring UMTS cells, and
deleting redundant inter-frequency
neighboring UMTS cells.
2. It automatically adjusts priority
parameters for inter-frequency neighboring
UMTS cells so that optimized neighboring
cells can be preferably selected for

SNFD-140208 Automatic Neighbor 1. This feature achieves UMTS-to-GSM

Relation - UMTS to GSM ANR by automatically detecting and adding
missing neighboring GSM cells of UMTS
cells, and deleting redundant neighboring
GSM cells of UMTS cells.
2. It automatically adjusts priority
parameters for neighboring GSM cells of
UMTS cells so that optimized neighboring
cells can be preferably selected for

SNFD-140209 Automatic Neighbor This feature achieves UMTS-to-LTE FDD

Relation - UMTS to LTE ANR by automatically detecting and adding
FDD missing neighboring LTE FDD cells of
UMTS cells, and deleting redundant
neighboring LTE FDD cells of UMTS cells.

SNFD-140210 Automatic Neighbor This feature achieves UMTS-to-LTE TDD

Relation - UMTS to LTE ANR by automatically detecting and adding
TDD missing neighboring LTE TDD cells of
UMTS cells, and deleting redundant
neighboring LTE TDD cells of UMTS cells.

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

SNFD-140222 Scrambling Code Self- 1. With this feature, SC conflicts in the

Optimization - UMTS network are automatically detected based on
the mobility of users.
2. In addition, the SC is replaced by the
optimal SC selected from the available SC
collection to automatically resolve SC

SNFD-140212 Mobility Load Balancing - This feature automatically generates

UMTS Idle Mode HetNet optimization suggestions about mobility
load balancing (MLB) for UEs in idle mode
between UMTS macro and micro cells
based on historical traffic statistics. This
feature also automatically optimizes
parameters related to camping on UMTS
networks by adjusting parameters by step.
This feature balances load between macro
and micro cells by adjusting parameters for
UEs in idle mode in these cells. This
improves radio resource utilization and user

WRFD-151201 Adaptive RACH In unplanned heavy traffic scenarios, a large

number of UEs in the same cell initiate
random access simultaneously, resulting in
a high RTWP in the cell. Based on the uplink
power load and the number of random
access ACKs in the cell in a period of time,
the RNC dynamically selects the most
appropriate cell random access parameters
to reduce the cell's RTWP and increase
network capacity.

WRFD-160214 Load-based Intelligent This feature enables the RNC to

State Transition automatically select state transition
parameters (including the D2F timer and
event 4A threshold) based on the cell load.
In this way, if UEs in the high-load cell have
no data transmission, the RNC quickly
switches them to the CELL_FACH state in
order to increase cell capacity.

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

WRFD-160253 Automatic Congestion This feature enables the RNC to

Handler automatically identify congestion scenarios
and activate the corresponding congestion
relief functions. This reduces the customer's
O&M workload, relieves network
congestion, and enhances system stability.
Enabling this feature can relieve the
following congestion in a cell: downlink
power congestion, uplink power
congestion, and FACH congestion.

WRFD-140104 Enhanced Combined This feature enables the RNC to determine

Services cell congestion status based on downlink
load and available codes, and to
automatically adjust the initial rate type and
low activity rate threshold parameters of the
BE service in combined services. Therefore,
you can flexibly configure the initial rate
type and low-activity rate threshold
parameters of the BE service for different
cells or for the same cell in different
congestion states, thereby reducing the
number of admission failures due to
insufficient resources and reducing the CS
call drop rate of combined services.

WRFD-171107 Automatic Detection and This feature measures the voice service
Optimization for setup success rate, data service setup
Abnormal Terminals success rate, voice service drop rate, and
data service drop rate for terminals with the
same TAC on a daily basis. If the
measurement results are lower than
specified thresholds, these terminals are
considered abnormal. The measurement
results of several days provide a basis for
generating a blacklist of terminals that may
be abnormal and for putting forward
corresponding suggestions.

WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra- This feature can automatically optimize

Frequency Neighbor UMTS intra-RAT intra-frequency neighbor
Relation Optimization relationships without manual intervention.
The automatic optimization includes
automatically detecting and adding missing
intra-frequency neighboring cells as well as
automatically detecting and deleting
redundant intra-frequency neighboring

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

3.3.4 Implementation
When the UMTS SON solution is used in HetNet scenarios, all the features in Table 3-3 can be

l If there is no GSM network, it is not necessary to enable the SNFD-140208 Automatic
Neighbor Relation - UMTS to GSM feature.
l If there is no LTE FDD network, it is not necessary to enable the SNFD-140209 Automatic
Neighbor Relation - UMTS to LTE FDD feature.
l If there is no LTE TDD network, it is not necessary to enable the SNFD-140210 Automatic
Neighbor Relation - UMTS to LTE TDD feature.
l If there is no inter-band macro base station on the network, it is not necessary to enable the
SNFD-140211 Mobility Load Balancing - UMTS Inter-Band feature.

Feature Relationships
The WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra-Frequency Neighbor Relation Optimization and
SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS Intra-Frequency features can be used
together. The SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS Intra-Frequency feature
matches neighboring cell names through engineering parameter settings and can detect missing
configuration of intra-frequency neighboring cells in the second or a higher order.

It is recommended that the following features be used together in scenarios where some cells
cannot be configured as neighboring cells due to SC conflicts:

l SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor Relation - UMTS Intra-Frequency

l SNFD-140222 Scrambling Code Self-Optimization - UMTS

3.4 Scenario 4: Unplanned Heavy Traffic

For details, see UMTS Big Events Solution Guide.

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 4 List of Features Involved in the Solution

4 List of Features Involved in the Solution

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


SNFD-140205 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster Documentation -> UMTS ANR

Relation - UMTS Intra- 14.0 Feature Description

SNFD-140206 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster Documentation -> UMTS ANR

Relation - UMTS Inter- 14.0 Feature Description

SNFD-140208 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster Documentation -> UMTS ANR

Relation - UMTS to GSM 14.0 Feature Description

SNFD-140209 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster Documentation -> UMTS ANR

Relation - UMTS to LTE 14.0 Feature Description

SNFD-140210 Automatic Neighbor SONMaster SONMaster Documentation -> UMTS ANR

Relation - UMTS to LTE 14.0 Feature Description

SNFD-140222 Scrambling Code Self- SONMaster SONMaster Documentation -> UMTS SC

Optimization - UMTS 14.0 Self-Optimization Feature Description

SNFD-140211 Mobility Load Balancing - SONMaster SONMaster Documentation -> UMTS MLB
UMTS Inter-Band 14.0 Feature Description

SNFD-140212 Mobility Load Balancing - SONMaster SONMaster Documentation -> UMTS MLB
UMTS Idle Mode HetNet 14.0 Feature Description

WOFD-171300 Cell Outage Detection and M2000 U2000 Product Documentation -> RAN
Recovery V200R011 Management -> SON Management ->
CODR Management

SNFD-140215 Mobility Robustness SONMaster SONMaster Documentation -> UMTS MRO

Optimization - UMTS 14.0 Feature Description

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 37

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 4 List of Features Involved in the Solution

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


SNFD-140219 CCO - UMTS DL SONMaster SONMaster Documentation -> CCO -

Capacity Optimization 14.0 UMTS DL Capacity Optimization RRM
RRM Based Based Feature Description

SNFD-150204 Intelligent Network SONMaster SONMaster Documentation -> Intelligent

Energy Saving - UMTS 15.0 Network Energy Saving Feature

SNFD-151206 Initial Parameter SONMaster SONMaster Documentation -> Initial

Organizing - UMTS 15.1 Parameter Organizing Feature Description

WRFD-151201 Adaptive RACH RAN16.0 RAN Feature Documentation -> Adaptive

RACH Feature Parameter Description

WRFD-160214 Load-based Intelligent RAN16.0 RAN Feature Documentation -> Load-

State Transition based Intelligent State Transition Feature
Parameter Description

WRFD-160253 Automatic Congestion RAN16.0 RAN Feature Documentation -> Automatic

Handler Congestion Handler Feature Parameter

WRFD-151203 Camping Strategy Switch RAN16.0 RAN Feature Documentation -> Camping
for Mass Event Strategy Switch for Mass Event Feature
Parameter Description

WRFD-140104 Enhanced Combined RAN14.0 RAN Feature Documentation -> Enhanced

Services (Enhanced in Combined Services Feature Parameter
RAN17.1) Description

WRFD-171107 Automatic Detection and RAN17.1 RAN Feature Documentation -> Automatic
Optimization for Detection and Optimization for Abnormal
Abnormal Terminals Terminals Feature Parameter Description

WRFD-171108 Automatic Intra- RAN17.1 RAN Feature Documentation -> Automatic

Frequency Neighbor Intra-Frequency Neighbor Relation
Relation Optimization Optimization Feature Parameter

WRFD-171213 Self Optimization Under RAN17.1 RAN Feature Documentation -> Self
Uplink Interference Optimization Under Uplink Interference
Feature Parameter Description

WRFD-171214 Inter-Band Load RAN17.1 RAN Feature Documentation -> Inter-Band

Balancing Load Balancing Feature Parameter

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 38

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 5 Acronyms and Abbreviations

5 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym and Abbreviation Full Name

ACH Automatically Congestion Handler

ANR Automatic Neighbor Relationship

C-SON Centralized SON

DRD Directed Retry Decision

D-SON Distributed SON

GSM Global System for Mobile Communications

KPI Key Performance Indicator

LTE Long Term Evolution

MLB Mobility Load Balancing

MRO Mobility Robustness Optimization

OPEX OPerating EXpense

PSC Primary scrambling code

RACH Random Access CHannel

RAN Radio Access Network

RF Radio Frequency

RLF Radio Link Failure

RNC Radio Network Controller

RRC Radio Resource Control

RRM Radio Resource Management

RTWP Received Total Wideband Power

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 39

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 5 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym and Abbreviation Full Name

SON Self Organization Network

UE User Equipment

UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 40

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UMTS SON Solution Guide 6 Reference Documents

6 Reference Documents

1. Adaptive RACH Feature Parameter Description

2. Camping Strategy Switch for Mass Event Feature Parameter Description
3. Automatic Congestion Handler Feature Parameter Description
4. Load-based Intelligent State Transition Feature Parameter Description
5. RAN KPI Reference
6. SONMaster Documentation -> UMTS ANR Feature Description
7. SONMaster Documentation -> UMTS SC Self-Optimization Feature Description
8. SONMaster Documentation -> UMTS MLB Feature Description
9. SONMaster Documentation -> UMTS MRO Feature Description
10. U2000 Product Documentation -> RAN Management
11. SONMaster Documentation -> CCO - UMTS DL Capacity Optimization RRM Based
Feature Description
12. SONMaster Documentation -> Intelligent Network Energy Saving Feature Description
13. SONMaster Documentation -> Initial Parameter Organizing Feature Description
14. Enhanced Combined Services Feature Parameter Description
15. Automatic Detection and Optimization for Abnormal Terminals Feature Parameter
16. Automatic Intra-Frequency Neighbor Relation Optimization Feature Parameter
17. Self Optimization Under Uplink Interference Feature Parameter Description
18. Inter-Band Load Balancing Feature Parameter Description

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 41

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