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Ce8702 Railways, Airports, Docks and Harbour Engineering MCQ

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and 92,081 km (57,216 mi) of running track

over a route of 66,687 km (41,437 mi) at the
CE8702 RAILWAYS, end of 2015-16. Forty-five percentage of its
routes are electrified, using entirely 25 kV
AIRPORTS, DOCKS AC electric traction. The track is mostly
broad gauge with small stretches of metre and

AND HARBOUR narrow gauge track. 37% of the tracks are
double or multiple tracked.
ENGINEERING 2. ____________ is the predominant gauge
used by Indian railways.
CIVIL - SEVENTH a) Broad gauge

b) Narrow gauge
SEMESTER c) Metre gauge
d) Standard gauge

Answer: a
REGULATIONS Explanation: Indian gauge 1,676 mm (5 ft 6
in) (a broad gauge) is the predominant gauge
2017 pa used by IR.
Broad Gauge: width 1676 mm to 1524 mm or
5’6” to 5’0”
Standard Gauge: width 1435 mm and 1451
mm or 4′-8⅟2”
Metre Gauge: width 1067 mm, 1000 mm and
915 mm or 3′-6”, 3′-33/8” and 3′-0”
PLANNING AND Narrow Gauge: width 762 mm and 610 mm
or 2′-6” and 2′-0”.
3. Sleepers (ties) are mostly made up of

TOPIC 1.1 ELEMENTS OF _______________

a) wood
PERMANENT WAY RAILS, b) prestressed concrete

1. ______ percentage of Indian rails routes Answer: b

are electrified. Explanation: Prestressed concrete is a form
a) 66% of concrete used in construction which is

b) 25% “pre-stressed” by being placed under

c) 45% compression prior to supporting any loads
d) 76% beyond its own dead weight. This
compression is produced by the tensioning of

Answer: c high-strength “tendons” located within or

Explanation: It is the fourth largest railway adjacent to the concrete volume and is done
network in the world by size, comprising to improve the performance of the concrete in
119,630 kilometres (74,330 mi) of total track service.

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4. __________ forms the trackbed upon Answer: c

which railroad ties (sleepers) are laid. Explanation: In this form of track, the rails
a) Track ballast are welded together by utilising flash butt
b) Concrete ballast welding to form one continuous rail that may
c) Rail ballast be several kilometres long. Because there are
d) Wooden ballast few joints, this form of track is very strong,

gives a smooth ride, and needs less
Answer: a maintenance; trains can travel on it at higher
Explanation: It is packed between, below, speeds and with less friction. Welded rails are
and around the ties. It is used to bear the load more expensive to lay than jointed tracks, but
from the railroad ties, to facilitate drainage of have much lower maintenance costs.
water, and also to keep down vegetation that
might interfere with the track structure. This 7. The distance shown by red line represents

also serves to hold the track in place as the ______________
trains roll by. It is typically made of crushed
stone, although ballast has sometimes
consisted of other, less suitable materials, for

example burnt clay. The term “ballast” comes a) separation
from a nautical term for the stones used to b) parallel way
stabilize a ship. pa c) height
d) gauge
5. The shape of ballast should be
_____________ Answer: d
a) triangular Explanation: During the early days of rail,
b) irregular there was considerable variation in the gauge
c) spherical used by different systems. Today, 54.8% of
d) longitudinal the world’s railways use a gauge of 1,435 mm
(4 ft 8 in), known as standard or

Answer: b 2

international gauge. Gauges wider than

Explanation: Stones must be irregularly cut, standard gauge are called broad gauge;
with sharp edges, so that they properly

narrower, narrow gauge. Some stretches of

interlock and grip the ties in order to fully track are dual gauge, with three (or
secure them against movement; spherical sometimes four) parallel rails in place of the
stones cannot do this. In order to let the usual two, to allow trains of two different
stones fully settle and interlock, speed limits gauges to use the same track.
are often lowered on sections of track for a

period of time after new ballast has been laid. 8. The surface of the head of each of the two
rails can be maintained by using a
6. In this form of track, the rails are welded ___________
together by utilising flash butt welding to

a) rail header
form one continuous rail that may be several b) rail trimmer
kilometres long, this type of rail is called c) rail grinder
__________ d) rail cutter

a) Continuous jointed rail

b) Merged rail Answer: c
c) Continuous welded rail Explanation: A rail grinder (or rail grinder)
d) Continuous welded rail is a maintenance of way vehicle or train used
to restore the profile and remove irregularities

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from worn tracks to extend its life and to • Bilaspur railway station, Chhattisgarh,
improve the ride of trains using the track. Rail India: 802 m (2,631 ft).
grinders were developed to increase the
lifespan of the tracks being serviced for rail
corrugation. Rail grinding is a process that is
done to stop the deformation due to use and GAUGES - TRACK STRESS,

friction on railroad tracks by removing CONING OF WHEELS, CREEP
deformations and corrosion. IN RAILS, DEFECTS IN RAILS
9. The track and ballast form the
a) Temporary way
b) True way http://www.geekmcq.c

c) Rigid way
d) Permanent way engineering/railway-
Answer: d engineering/7

Explanation: The permanent way is the
elements of railway lines: generally the pairs
of rails typically laid on the sleepers (“ties” in
American parlance) embedded in ballast, AND MODERN METHODS--
intended to carry the ordinary trains of a GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF
railway. It is described as permanent way
because in the earlier days of railway RAILWAY, GRADIENT, SUPER
construction, contractors often laid a ELEVATION
temporary track to transport spoil and
materials about the site; when this work was 1. The design of horizontal and vertical
substantially completed, the temporary track alignments, super elevation, gradient is worst
was taken up and the permanent way affected by ___________
installed. a) Length of vehicle

b) Width of vehicle
10. The longest railway platforms is c) Speed of vehicle
______________ d) Height of vehicle
a) State Street subway, Chicago
b) Gorakhpur railway station, UP Answer: c
c) Kharagpur, West Bengal Explanation: All the geometric design

d) Kollam Junction, Kerala features are worst affected by velocity of the

vehicle only.
Answer: b
Explanation: • Gorakhpur railway station, 2. The most raised portion of the pavement is

Uttar Pradesh, India:1,366.33 m (4,483 ft) called ___________

(longest in the world). a) Super elevation
• Kollam Junction, Kerala, India:1,180.5 m b) Camber

(3,873 ft) c) Crown

• Kharagpur, West Bengal, India: 1,072.5 m d) Kerb
(3,519 ft)
• State Street subway, Chicago, Illinois, US: Answer: c
1,067 m (3,501 ft) (longest in North America) Explanation: The most elevated or the

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highest portion of a pavement is called as a 6. The design speed of NH on a cross slope of

crown, whereas camber is the portion that is up to 10% is ___________
raised for drainage purposes. a) 100kmph
b) 80kmph
3. The extra width of pavement is provided c) 60kmph
on ___________ d) 50kmph

a) Horizontal curve
b) Width of pavement Answer: a
c) Length of pavement Explanation: The ruling speed up to a cross
d) Super elevation slope of 10% is 100kmph; it decreases with
an increase in increase of cross slope.
Answer: a
Explanation: Extra width of the pavement is 7. A part of pavement raised with respect to

provided on horizontal curve to avoid the one side keeping the other side constant is
skidding, if the vehicle negotiates the curve called ___________
then the centrifugal force will act towards a) Footpath
outside and there is a chance of skidding, to b) Kerb

avoid this extra width is provided. c) Super elevation
d) Camber
4. Transition curve is introduced in
___________ Answer: c
a) Horizontal curve
b) Circular curve
pa Explanation: The super elevation is a portion
of pavement raised on outer edge with respect
c) Between horizontal curve and circular to inner edge or both edges raised with
curve respect to centre.
d) Vertical curve
8. The main purpose of providing camber is
Answer: c ___________
Explanation: A transition curve is introduced a) To collect storm water
between horizontal curve and circular curve, b) To maintain equilibrium
the transition curve slowly introduces the c) To follow IRC specifications

centrifugal acceleration to avoid the danger of d) To follow geometric specifications

Answer: a
5. The most important factor that is required Explanation: During the rainy season the
for road geometrics is ___________ roads are usually flooded with water so to

a) SSD keep the pavement dry they have to be

b) OSD drained off so the road is provided with a
c) ISD camber.
d) Speed of vehicle

9. The legal axle load of the design vehicle

Answer: d used in India is?
Explanation: The road user characteristics, a) 1.6 tonne

traffic and vehicular characteristics mostly b) 8.2 tonne

influence the road geometric design but the c) 16.2 tonne
most important factor is the speed of vehicle. d) 32.4 tonne

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Answer: b 2. The final choice of stabilisation technique

Explanation: The legal axle load used for the is based on __________
design of pavements is 8.2 tonnes; usually a) Labour
they are expressed in MSA (million standard b) Material
axles). c) Equipment
d) Cost

10. In India, the type of traffic assumed to
design pavements is? Answer: d
a) Low traffic Explanation: Though all the equipment,
b) Heavy traffic labour and materials are equally important,
c) Mixed traffic flow the final factor is cost.
d) Very low traffic
3. The flexural strength is based on

Answer: c __________
Explanation: In India generally there is a) IRC
always a mixed traffic flow except during b) Plate test
midnight hours and early morning hours, so c) CBR

the designer has to assume mixed traffic flow d) Shear
Answer: c
Explanation: The most commonly used
pa method for testing the strength of the flexible
4. The mix design should take into
CONSTRUCTION AND consideration is?
MAINTENANCE a) Stability
b) Durability
c) Stability and durability


Explanation: The mix should take into
DRAINAGE consideration, the stability and durability
requirements, strength is also equally
1. How many types of challenges are important.

encountered in bitumen stabilisation?

a) One 5. The modification factor used in base course
b) Two thickness is called __________
c) Three a) Granite equivalence

d) Four b) Gravel equivalence

c) Sand equivalence
Answer: c d) Soil equivalence

Explanation: The major problems are choice

of stabilisation, design mix and thickness of Answer: b
layer. Explanation: In the thickness of the
pavement layer the mix can’t be designed

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directly, so it needs some factor which is huge and non availability of water is a major
called equivalence factor. problem in the desert, and desert sand is very
less stable, hence suitable stabilisation should
6. The colloidal content in BC soils can be up be done.
to __________
a) 20% 10. The water content in the emulsion is

b) 30% about __________
c) 40% a) 10%
d) 50% b) 20%
c) 30%
Answer: d d) 40%
Explanation: The colloidal content in the soil
may be up 50%, which is an undesirable Answer: d

property for pavement. Explanation: The emulsion in the mix
consists of 40% of water, hence it is used for
7. What is the shrinkage limit value in BC stabilisation of desert sand.

a) 0%
Answer: c
Explanation: The BC soils have a less
shrinkage limit value from 10% to 15 %,
which is a very high value, whereas in sand 1. ______ percentage of Indian rails routes
and silt they don’t exist. are electrified.
a) 66%
8. The cement content required for BC soil is b) 25%
__________ c) 45%
a) High d) 76%

b) Very high
c) Low Answer: c
d) Very low Explanation: It is the fourth largest railway
network in the world by size, comprising
Answer: b 119,630 kilometres (74,330 mi) of total track

Explanation: The cement content required and 92,081 km (57,216 mi) of running track
for the cement is 15 to 25%, so it is not over a route of 66,687 km (41,437 mi) at the
advisable to directly stabilize with cement. end of 2015-16. Forty-five percentage of its
routes are electrified, using entirely 25 kV

9. The desert sand is __________ AC electric traction. The track is mostly

a) Strong broad gauge with small stretches of metre and
b) Weak narrow gauge track. 37% of the tracks are

c) Normal double or multiple tracked.

d) Unfit for pavements
2. ____________ is the predominant gauge
Answer: b used by Indian railways.
Explanation: The sand in the desert is very a) Broad gauge

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b) Narrow gauge might interfere with the track structure. This

c) Metre gauge also serves to hold the track in place as the
d) Standard gauge trains roll by. It is typically made of crushed
stone, although ballast has sometimes
Answer: a consisted of other, less suitable materials, for
Explanation: Indian gauge 1,676 mm (5 ft 6 example burnt clay. The term “ballast” comes

in) (a broad gauge) is the predominant gauge from a nautical term for the stones used to
used by IR. stabilize a ship.
Broad Gauge: width 1676 mm to 1524 mm or
5’6” to 5’0” 5. The shape of ballast should be
Standard Gauge: width 1435 mm and 1451 _____________
mm or 4′-8⅟2” a) triangular
Metre Gauge: width 1067 mm, 1000 mm and b) irregular

915 mm or 3′-6”, 3′-33/8” and 3′-0” c) spherical
Narrow Gauge: width 762 mm and 610 mm d) longitudinal
or 2′-6” and 2′-0”.
Answer: b

3. Sleepers (ties) are mostly made up of Explanation: Stones must be irregularly cut,
_______________ with sharp edges, so that they properly
a) wood pa interlock and grip the ties in order to fully
b) prestressed concrete secure them against movement; spherical
c) metal stones cannot do this. In order to let the
d) steak stones fully settle and interlock, speed limits
are often lowered on sections of track for a
Answer: b period of time after new ballast has been laid.
Explanation: Prestressed concrete is a form
of concrete used in construction which is 6. In this form of track, the rails are welded
“pre-stressed” by being placed under together by utilising flash butt welding to
compression prior to supporting any loads form one continuous rail that may be several
beyond its own dead weight. This kilometres long, this type of rail is called
compression is produced by the tensioning of __________

high-strength “tendons” located within or a) Continuous jointed rail

adjacent to the concrete volume and is done b) Merged rail
to improve the performance of the concrete in c) Continuous welded rail
service. d) Continuous welded rail

4. __________ forms the trackbed upon Answer: c

which railroad ties (sleepers) are laid. Explanation: In this form of track, the rails
a) Track ballast are welded together by utilising flash butt
b) Concrete ballast welding to form one continuous rail that may

c) Rail ballast be several kilometres long. Because there are

d) Wooden ballast few joints, this form of track is very strong,
gives a smooth ride, and needs less

Answer: a maintenance; trains can travel on it at higher

Explanation: It is packed between, below, speeds and with less friction. Welded rails are
and around the ties. It is used to bear the load more expensive to lay than jointed tracks, but
from the railroad ties, to facilitate drainage of have much lower maintenance costs.
water, and also to keep down vegetation that

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7. The distance shown by red line represents b) True way

______________ c) Rigid way
d) Permanent way

Answer: d
a) separation Explanation: The permanent way is the

b) parallel way elements of railway lines: generally the pairs
c) height of rails typically laid on the sleepers (“ties” in
d) gauge American parlance) embedded in ballast,
intended to carry the ordinary trains of a
Answer: d railway. It is described as permanent way
Explanation: During the early days of rail, because in the earlier days of railway
there was considerable variation in the gauge construction, contractors often laid a

used by different systems. Today, 54.8% of temporary track to transport spoil and
the world’s railways use a gauge of 1,435 mm materials about the site; when this work was
(4 ft 8 in), known as standard or
substantially completed, the temporary track
was taken up and the permanent way

international gauge. Gauges wider than
standard gauge are called broad gauge; installed.
narrower, narrow gauge. Some stretches of
10. The longest railway platforms is
track are dual gauge, with three (orpa
sometimes four) parallel rails in place of the ______________
usual two, to allow trains of two different a) State Street subway, Chicago
gauges to use the same track. b) Gorakhpur railway station, UP
c) Kharagpur, West Bengal
8. The surface of the head of each of the two d) Kollam Junction, Kerala
rails can be maintained by using a
Answer: b
Explanation: • Gorakhpur railway station,
a) rail header
Uttar Pradesh, India:1,366.33 m (4,483 ft)
b) rail trimmer
(longest in the world).
c) rail grinder
• Kollam Junction, Kerala, India:1,180.5 m

d) rail cutter
(3,873 ft)
Answer: c • Kharagpur, West Bengal, India: 1,072.5 m
Explanation: A rail grinder (or rail grinder) (3,519 ft)
is a maintenance of way vehicle or train used • State Street subway, Chicago, Illinois, US:
to restore the profile and remove irregularities 1,067 m (3,501 ft) (longest in North America)

from worn tracks to extend its life and to • Bilaspur railway station, Chhattisgarh,
improve the ride of trains using the track. Rail India: 802 m (2,631 ft).
grinders were developed to increase the

lifespan of the tracks being serviced for rail TOPIC 2.3 RAILWAY STATION
corrugation. Rail grinding is a process that is AND YARDS AND PASSENGER
done to stop the deformation due to use and
friction on railroad tracks by removing AMENITIES-SIGNALLING

deformations and corrosion.

1. The first passenger train was introduced in
9. The track and ballast form the India in:
______________ a) 1851
a) Temporary way b) 1853

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c) 1835 Answer: d
d) 1815 Explanation: The track modulus defines the
stiffness of track or its load bearing capacity.
Answer: b It is based on the elastic theory. When a load
Explanation: The first passenger train in causes a deflection on the top of the rail, the
India started in 1853 with around 400 deformation comes on the sleeper, below the

passengers, 3 coaches between Boribundar rail.
and Thane.
5. The track modulus is not affected by
2. Name the organization which is the gauges.
research and development wing of Indian a) True
Railways. b) False

b) RDSO Answer: b
c) RSDO Explanation: As the three gauges (narrow-
d) IRCTC NG, metre –MG and broad-BG) increases, the
components of the permanent part (like

Answer: b ballast and sleeper) also increases in size. As
Explanation: The RDSO (Research, Designs a result track modulus also increases. The
and Standards Organization) acts as the recommended track modulus is: BG = 70 to
technical advisor and consultant to the
Ministry of Railways and their production
90kg/cm2, MG=42-54kg/cm2 and

6. Which of the following causes stresses in

3. The Railways has a _________ degree of
freedom for its movement.
a) Eccentric vertical loads
a) Single
b) Contact shear stress of wheel and rail
b) Two
c) Lateral deflection of sleepers
c) Three
d) Track components
d) Four

Answer: d
Answer: a
Explanation: The track components like the
Explanation: Degree of freedom refers to the
track modulus, the stiffness of rail, design of
number of directions in which a vehicle can
the sleeper, sleeper density (number of
move. Since trains have to run on the
sleepers provided) and their load bearing
provided tracks, their movement is restricted
capacity are factors which cause stresses in

to one direction only, compared to road

transport which can move in x, y and z sleepers. The other 3 options are responsible
directions. for stresses in rails.

7. There are __________ types of rail

4. Track modulus is defined as:
a) Load/unit length of sleeper
a) 2
b) Load/unit length of sleeper to produce
b) 3

depression in rail
c) 4
c) Load/unit length of rail to produce
depression in sleeper d) 5
d) Load/unit length of rail to produce unit
Answer: b
depression/deflection in track
Explanation: The three types of rail sections

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are Double Headed Rail (Shaped like a seasoning is the most commonly used
dumbbell), Bull Headed Rail (Head method.
thicker/stronger than lower part) and Flat
Footed Rail.

8. How does the depth of ballast cushion


affect rail section?
a) Higher the depth bigger the rail section
b) Depth is less, bigger the rail section PLANNING
c) Depth is less, smaller the rail section
d) Depth and Rail section same TOPIC 3.1 AIR TRANSPORT

Explanation: The selection of the rail section CLASSIFICATION
depends on many factors like heaviest axle
loads, maximum permissible speed, type of
sleepers and depth of ballast cushion. If the TOPIC 3.2 ICAO - AIRPORT

depth of the ballast cushion is less, then a PLANNING: SITE SELECTION
bigger rail section has to be provided. TYPICAL AIRPORT LAYOUTS -
9. The mountain alignment can be classified
into _________ types.
a) 4

b) 3 1. Airports can be classified on how many

c) 2 basis?
d) 1 a) 5
b) 4
Answer: c c) 3
Explanation: They are the zig-zag d) 2
development and the switch back
development. In the zig-zag developments, Answer: b

the alignments try to follow the contours of Explanation: The airports can be classified
the region to an extent. In the switch back, into 4 on the basis of take-off and landing,
certain contours like steep slopes have to be geometric design, based on aircraft approach
negotiated and may use buffer stops. speed (FAA) and function.

10. What must be done to wooden sleepers 2. ICAO classification system considers how
before use? many things?
a) Seasoning a) 2
b) Washing b) 4

c) Painting c) 5
d) Hydrating d) 6

Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: The wood for the sleepers is Explanation: The ICAO classification system
taken directly from the trees and they contain is based on geometric designs broadly. It
moisture. In order to reduce the moisture mainly considers 2 things for its classification
content, seasoning is adopted. In India, air

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– length of the runway and on basis of wing without obstruction. The ground staff is
span and outer main gear wheel span. considered depending on the size of airport.

3. The FAA classification of the airport is 6. Runways are oriented in a direction against
based on: the prevailing wind.
a) Function a) True

b) Geometric design b) False
c) Airport approach speed
d) Length of Runway Answer: b
Explanation: The runways are oriented in the
Answer: c direction of the wind so that it can utilize the
Explanation: The FAA or Federal Aviation force provided by the wind for take-off and
Administration classifies on the basis of the landing of the aircraft.

aircraft approach speed, given in knots. They
are ranging from category A<91 knots to 7. The wind intensity during a calm period in
category E>186 knots. runways should be:
a) Below 4.6km/hr

4. Which of the following is not a b) Above 5km/hr
characteristic of centralized system of the c) Between 5-10 km/hr
terminal Area? d) Below 6.4km/hr
a) Passengers, cargo routed centrally
b) Passenger facilities in small units
c) Walking distance to aircraft < 200m
Answer: d
Explanation: The wind intensity should
d) Common facilities for different gate remain below 6.4km/hr during a calm period
positions and it is the same for all wind direction. It is
equal to 100 minus the total wind coverage.
Answer: b
Explanation: The passenger facilities are 8. The application of __________ diagram is
arranged in smaller units or provided used to find the orientation of the runway to
separately at different locations in a get the desired wind coverage.
decentralised system. Each unit will have a) Wind Butterfly

aircraft gate positions. b) Wind Cycle

c) Wind Star
5. Which of the below does not affect the site- d) Wind Rose
selection of an airport site?
a) Adequate access Answer: d

b) Air traffic potential Explanation: An average date of around 5-10

c) Sufficient airspace years of the various components of wind
d) Number of ground staff (intensity, duration and direction) of the area
is compiled to make a Wind Rose diagram.

Answer: d The entire area of the airport is divided into

Explanation: The other 3 options are the 16 equal parts at angles of 22.5o. The wind
specific aspects on which the site-selection is coverage in each of the small quadrants is

dependent. The site should be accessible by then studied for the orientation of the runway.
people easily from different locations, there
should be potential for air traffic – flight or 9. Elevation of airport site above MSL is a
passenger and sufficient airspace for airports factor that controls airport size.

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a) True Answer: a
b) False Explanation: Given, span b=2m, area S =
4m2, taper ratio t = 0.6
Answer: a Now, root chord Cr is given by,
Explanation: It is one of the factors. As the Cr = 2*s / b (1+t) = 2*4 / 2(0.6+1) = 8/2*1.6
elevation increases, the meteorological = 2.5m.

conditions like air pressure and density
reduces. As a result, bigger size of facilities 2. Term marked by ’?’ in diagram is
has to be provided. ________
10. How many types of Fly Rules are there?
a) 2
b) 5

c) 4
d) 3

Answer: a

Explanation: There are 2 fly rules; the VFR
(Visual Flight Rules) and IFR (Instrumental
Fly Rules). The VFR allows the aircraft to be
operated within reasonable conditions by
oneself. In IFR, the operations are entirely
controlled by instruments. A flight plan is
required in both cases.
a) tip chord
b) root chord
c) thrust

DESIGN Answer: a

Explanation: Typical wing planform is

shown in figure. Chord at the fuselage section
TOPIC 4.1 RUNWAY DESIGN: is called root chord. Chord at wing tip is
ORIENTATION, WIND ROSE called tip chord. Thrust is a propulsive force.
DIAGRAM, PROBLEMS ON Lift is an upward force.

3. Consider below wing. Calculate the value

GEOMETRIC DESIGN of span of wing marked by ‘?’.

1. A wing is to be loft with span as 2m and

reference area of wing is 4m2. If we want to
design the wing with taper ratio of 0.6 then

what will be the value of tip chord?

a) 2.5m
b) 2.50m
c) 2.65m
d) 25.6m

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a) 3.3m Answer: a
b) 6.66m Explanation: Given, Cr = 10m, Ct = 2m and
c) 3.36m taper ratio t = Ct/Cr = 2/10 = 0.2
d) 6.96m MAC is given by,
MAC = (2/3)*Cr*((1+t+t2) / (1+t))
Answer: a = (2/3)*10*((1+0.2+0.22) / (1+0.2)) = 5.79 =

Explanation: Given, Cr = 4m, Ct = 2m, S = 5.8m.
Taper ratio t = Ct/Cr = 2/4 = 0.5. 6. Following graph represents ____
Hence, wing span of given wing b/2 = S/Cr*
(1+t) = 20/4*(1+0.5) = 20/4*1.5 = 3.3m.

4. Let’s consider flat wrapping is to be used

for lofting. If wing has taper ratio of 0.4, span
of 26.6ft and root chord Cr is 76in then, find
the area to be covered by flat wrapping.

a) 118ft2
b) 200ft2
c) 1600in
d) 10m

Answer: a
pa a) graphical method to find MAC
b) graphical method to produce drag
Explanation: Given, Cr = 76in = 76*12ft =
912ft, span b=26.6ft, taper ratio t=0.4 c) graphical method to find lift
Area S is given by, d) graphical method to find lift-curve
S = Cr*b*(1+t)/2 = 912*26.6*(1+0.4)/2 =
Answer: a
16981.44 in2 = 16981.44/144 ft2 = 118ft2.
Explanation: Above figure is showing the
5. From following diagram find the value of typical graphical method to find the MAC.
MAC of wing. Here, first we project the root chord from tip

chord and vice-versa as shown by dashed

lines from respective chords. After that we
draw a line from which will connect
midpoints of root and tip chord. Intersection
of both lines will provide MAC which will be
located at Y distance from root chord as


7. For wing to be lofted as shown in below


figure, what will be the approximated value

of MAC?

a) 5.8m

b) 6.8m
c) 2.5m
d) 10m

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Answer: a
Explanation: In general, airfoils are drawn to
find the complete wing layout. When wing
has some twist then, we need to find
incidence at each span station in order to
include effects of twist. Also chord needs to

be rotated accordingly before drawing an
actual airfoil for lofting.

10. Which of the following is correct?

a) Generally, tip airfoils are selected for stall
b) Always root airfoils are elected for stall

a) 8m from l.e. characteristics
b) 8m from t.e. c) Wing twist will increase thrust by engine
c) 12m from l.e. d) Wing twist is not considered for layout
d) 12m from t.e.

Answer: a
Answer: a Explanation: Generally, tip airfoils are
Explanation: Given, Cr=12m, Ct=3m span = selected for gentle stall properties. Root
2*20 = 40m
Taper ratio t = Ct/Cr = 3/12 = 0.25.
Location of MAC, γ = (b/6)*(1+2*t) / (1+t) =
airfoils are selected for best performance. By
doing so we will have better wing which has
overall good performance and stall properties.
(40/6)*(1+2*0.25) / (1+0.25) = 40*
(1+0.5)/6*1.25 = 8m from l.e. 11. In linear interpolation method, new airfoil
is created as ____________
8. If wing has MAC of 8m then, what will be a) weighted average of root and tip airfoil
the location of aerodynamic centre? b) heavier than the root airfoil always
a) 2m from l.e. c) higher chord than root always
b) 2m from t.e. d) lower chord than tip always
c) At l.e.

d) At t.e. Answer: a
Explanation: Linear interpolation method is
Answer: a used to create new airfoil station between root
Explanation: Given, MAC = 8M and tip airfoil. In general, root airfoil is based
Location of aerodynamic center = 25% of on performance and tip is selected for stall
MAC = 25% of 8 = 0.25*8 = 2m from l.e.

properties. Linear interpolation will give new

airfoil as weighted average of the root and tip
9. Which of the following is correct in terms airfoil.
of the wing layout with twist?

a) Incidence at each span station must be 12. A constant percent chord line is drawn
considered and chord should be rotated from root airfoil to tip airfoil in linear
accordingly interpolation method.
b) Only untwist airfoils can be used for layout

a) True
c) Only rotation of chord line is required at b) False
c/6 points
d) Only chord line should be rotated by Answer: a
reducing length of chord Explanation: Linear interpolation technique

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is used to create intermediate airfoil section a) Function

as weighted average. To do so first both b) Geometric design
airfoils are connected with line. Next step is c) Airport approach speed
to draw a constant percent chord line from d) Length of Runway
root to tip airfoil. After following respective
steps we will get airfoil section as per our Answer: c

requirements. Explanation: The FAA or Federal Aviation
Administration classifies on the basis of the
aircraft approach speed, given in knots. They
TOPIC 4.2 ELEMENTS OF are ranging from category A<91 knots to
TAXIWAY DESIGN category E>186 knots.

4. Which of the following is not a

TOPIC 4.3 AIRPORT ZONES - characteristic of centralized system of the
SERVICES RUNWAY AND a) Passengers, cargo routed centrally
b) Passenger facilities in small units

c) Walking distance to aircraft < 200m
d) Common facilities for different gate
1. Airports can be classified on how many positions
a) 5
b) 4
pa Answer: b
Explanation: The passenger facilities are
c) 3 arranged in smaller units or provided
d) 2 separately at different locations in a
decentralised system. Each unit will have
Answer: b aircraft gate positions.
Explanation: The airports can be classified
into 4 on the basis of take-off and landing, 5. Which of the below does not affect the site-
geometric design, based on aircraft approach selection of an airport site?
speed (FAA) and function. a) Adequate access

b) Air traffic potential

2. ICAO classification system considers how c) Sufficient airspace
many things? d) Number of ground staff
a) 2
b) 4 Answer: d

c) 5 Explanation: The other 3 options are the

d) 6 specific aspects on which the site-selection is
dependent. The site should be accessible by
Answer: a people easily from different locations, there

Explanation: The ICAO classification system should be potential for air traffic – flight or
is based on geometric designs broadly. It passenger and sufficient airspace for airports
mainly considers 2 things for its classification without obstruction. The ground staff is

– length of the runway and on basis of wing considered depending on the size of airport.
span and outer main gear wheel span.
6. Runways are oriented in a direction against
3. The FAA classification of the airport is the prevailing wind.
based on:

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a) True conditions like air pressure and density

b) False reduces. As a result, bigger size of facilities
has to be provided.
Answer: b
Explanation: The runways are oriented in the 10. How many types of Fly Rules are there?
direction of the wind so that it can utilize the a) 2

force provided by the wind for take-off and b) 5
landing of the aircraft. c) 4
d) 3
7. The wind intensity during a calm period in
runways should be: Answer: a
a) Below 4.6km/hr Explanation: There are 2 fly rules; the VFR
b) Above 5km/hr (Visual Flight Rules) and IFR (Instrumental

c) Between 5-10 km/hr Fly Rules). The VFR allows the aircraft to be
d) Below 6.4km/hr operated within reasonable conditions by
oneself. In IFR, the operations are entirely
Answer: d controlled by instruments. A flight plan is

Explanation: The wind intensity should required in both cases.
remain below 6.4km/hr during a calm period
and it is the same for all wind direction. It is
equal to 100 minus the total wind coverage.
8. The application of __________ diagram is UNIT V HARBOUR
used to find the orientation of the runway to
get the desired wind coverage. ENGINEERING
a) Wind Butterfly
c) Wind Star
d) Wind Rose

Explanation: An average date of around 5-10

years of the various components of wind
1. Which of the following can be considered
(intensity, duration and direction) of the area
as inland water transportation?
is compiled to make a Wind Rose diagram.
a) Transportation by river
The entire area of the airport is divided into
b) Transportation by culvert

16 equal parts at angles of 22.5o. The wind

c) Transportation on bridge
coverage in each of the small quadrants is
d) Transportation by barrage
then studied for the orientation of the runway.

Answer: a
9. Elevation of airport site above MSL is a
Explanation: Inland transportation includes
factor that controls airport size.
transportation by river or canal, which is
a) True
considered only for human transportation. In

b) False
case of ocean transportation, trade and
Answer: a commerce will be conducted with high
Explanation: It is one of the factors. As the flexibility.
elevation increases, the meteorological

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2. Which of the following can act as an Answer: d

advantage of water transportation? Explanation: For having stability in case of
a) Tides floating a ship in the water, a vertical linear
b) Less development draft is considered. This is immersed in the
c) Costly mode of transportation water surface along with the ship for
d) Cheap mode of transportation improving the stability.

Answer: d 6. Which of the following is used as a basis
Explanation: There are many advantages for the classification of harbor?
while considering water transportation. Some a) Protection
of those include the provision of defense, b) Placement
cheap mode of transportation, high load c) Area
carrying capacity, overall development etc. d) Climatic condition

3. Goods can be transported within less time. Answer: a
a) True Explanation: Harbor can be classified based
b) False on the protection, utility and the location.

Based on the condition of the area present,
Answer: b the harbor must be constructed. It must be
Explanation: Though it is the cheapest mode able to adapt to the situations and withstand
of transportation, it is more time consuming
process. Its slow operation makes it a time
consuming travel and it can lead to accidents
for a longer period.

7. Which of the following will not come

in case of storms. under the category of harbor classification?
a) Natural harbor
4. A basin which can protect water well from b) Semi artificial harbor
the actions of wind and waves can be c) Artificial harbor
designated as___________ d) Semi natural harbor
a) Quarry
b) Basin Answer: b
c) Harbor Explanation: Under the protection basis,

d) Port harbor has been classified into 3 types. Those

include the natural harbor, semi natural
Answer: c harbor and artificial harbor. These are
Explanation: Harbor can be defined as the adopted based on the placement of the sea
basin which can protect water well from the coast.

actions of wind and waves. This can be along

the sea-shore, river estuary, lake or canal, 8. Bombay harbor will come under the
which is connected to the sea shore. classification of ____________
a) Semi natural harbor

5. Which of the following is considered in b) Artificial harbor

case stable floating condition of ship? c) Natural harbor
a) Vertical measurement d) Semi artificial harbor

b) Horizontal measurement
c) Linear measurement Answer: c
d) Draft Explanation: Natural harbor is having a
protected inlet from storms and waves,
developed by natural land. It can afford safe

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discharge facility for a ship on sea coast in Answer: a

the form of creek and basins. Explanation: Harbour is an enclosed area
where there is storage, refuelling, loading and
9. On what basis a harbor can be designated unloading of cargo facilities. A port is a
as natural roadstead? harbour which provides all facilities for the
a) Semi artificial harbor transfer of cargo as well as passengers. So, all

b) Artificial harbor the ports are harbours.
c) Navigable channel
d) Semi natural harbor 2. How many components does a harbour
comprise of?
Answer: d a) 5
Explanation: The presence of navigable b) 10
channel with a protective natural bank c) 15

towards seaward can make a harbor as natural d) 20
roadstead. These are having naturally
developed structures rather than manmade Answer: b
structures. Explanation: The various components of a

harbour are entrance channel, break water,
10. Which of the following harbor areas are turning basin, shelter basin, pier, wharf, quay,
having artificial protection? dry dock, wet dock and jetty.
a) Vishakhapatnam port
b) Mumbai port
c) Kakinada port
pa 3. The entrance channel ranges from:
a) 100-160m
d) Yanam port b) 100-500m
c) 0-400m
Answer: a d) 100-260m
Explanation: The provision of artificial
protection at the entrance is made to the Answer: d
Vishakhapatnam port because it is having Explanation: The ships enter the harbour
protection only on the sides and having more from a wide water area, which is called an
chances of being affected to winds. entrance channel. The width is 100m for a

small harbour, 100-160m for medium and

160-260 for large harbour.
DESIGN OF HARBOURS: 4. The solid parallel platform in a harbour
HARBOUR LAYOUT AND with berthing facility on one side only is:


b) Quay
c) Wharf
TOPIC 5.3 COASTAL d) Jetty


Answer: c
WATERS, WHARVES, JETTIES, Explanation: A pier is the platform parallel

to the shore with berthing possible on both

sides, a quay provides berthing on one side
1. Every port is a harbour. and retains earth on other side. A jetty is a
a) True platform that is perpendicular to shoreline.
b) False

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5. ____________ is a type of utility based Answer: b

harbour. Explanation: The ferry designs depend on
a) River harbour factors like passenger capacity, speed, water
b) Artificial harbour conditions and length of route; ex- a double
c) Commercial harbour ended ferry used in States Island,
d) Canal harbour Washington, which has interchangeable sterns

& bows to shuttle the route without turning
Answer: c around.
Explanation: The commercial harbour
provides facilities for loading/unloading of 9. The alignment of breakwater should be:
cargo. An artificial harbour is based on the a) Horizontal
protection needed. (Manmade to protect from b) Straight
storms/waves). River and canal harbours are c) Perpendicular

based on the location of these. d) Diagonal

6. The open type of wharves are made of: Answer: b

a) Timber Explanation: Breakwater is a protection

b) R.C.C. barrier constructed to protect the harbour
c) Timber, R.C.C. or both from the effect of sea waves. Its alignment
d) Earth or rock fill pa should be straight with an intersection angle
within 60o & sometimes curved in the open
Answer: c sea to reduce the effect of waves.
Explanation: These have high level decks
which are supported by piles and are made of
timber, R.C.C or both together. Sometimes TOPIC 5.4 DOLPHINS AND
stressed slab or beam is also used. The solid FLOATING LANDING STAGE
type wharves are made of earth or rock fill INLAND WATER TRANSPORT
with the bottom made of structures like steel
pile cells. 1. The main objective of transportation is?
a) Economical transport of goods
7. The marine structure located alongside or

b) Economical transport of passengers

at the entrance of a pier or a wharf is:
c) To generate revenue
a) Pier heads
d) Safe economical and efficient transport of
b) Dolphins
goods and passengers
c) Breakwater
d) Fenders Answer: d

Explanation: The main objective of a good

Answer: b
transportation system is to provide safe
Explanation: These structures provide
economical, efficient transportation for the
mooring facilities for ships, absorb impact

facility of passengers and the transport of

force and shorten the length of a pier or a
2. The factors influencing the cost of

8. The ferry designs are dependent on:

transportation are?
a) Aesthetics
a) Supply
b) Length of route
b) Demand
c) Country where it is used
c) Both supply and demand
d) Weather conditions
d) Cost of land

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Answer: c later became a part of bharat nirman

Explanation: Increased productivity of programme.
various items such as agricultural and their
distribution can lower the cost of products. 6. The road density in India in km per 100 sq.
The cost of transportation substantially km land area in 2008 is?
reduces prices. a) 100

b) 110
3. Which is the most flexible type of c) 129
transportation available? d) 150
a) Roadway
b) Railway Answer: c
c) Waterway Explanation: The road density is the mean
d) Airway length of state roads per 100km2 so it is

highly uneven in India.
Answer: a
Explanation: The other 3 types of transport 7. The PMGSY was launched in the year?
systems have to depend upon the roads to a) 2000

reach their destination point from the b) 2002
terminals that is railway station, harbours and c) 2003
airports. pa d) 2004

4. The transportation system that requires a Answer: a

low initial investment among the following Explanation: The PMGSY was launched in
is? the year 2000. The main aim of this program
a) Roadway was to connect the rural roads by the year
b) Railway 2007.
c) Harbour
d) Airport 8. The current road length in India is in which
position in the world?
Answer: a a) 1st
Explanation: The Roadway requires a b) 2nd

cheaper initial investment when compared to c) 3rd

the other 3 networks and it is the only system d) 4th
that provides equal facility for everyone in
the society. Answer: b
Explanation: The total roadway length in

5. The PMGSY aims to connect all villages India is around5, 532,482km in march 2015
under a population of 500 by which year? which is the 2nd largest network in the world.
a) 2003
b) 2004 9. The current highway development works in

c) 2005 India are undertaken by?

d) 2007 a) NHAI
b) Govt. of India

Answer: d c) State governments

Explanation: The PMGSY aims to connect d) NHDP
all the villages of the population above 1000
by 2003 and population below 500 by 2007 it Answer: a
Explanation: The highway works all across

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the country are undertaken by NHAI, It was c) Three

formed in 1988 and it has mandate to follow d) Four
all the NHDP (national highway development
program) which is implemented in phases. Answer: b
Explanation: The scope of highway
10. The scope of highway engineering is engineering is divided into 2 parts called

divided into how many parts. phases and details. In these phases overall
a) One review is given and in the details it is planned
b) Two in detail.


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