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Circumferential Cracking

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Concrete Pipe Association

of Australasia

Introduction Description
R einforced concrete pipe, when designed in accordance
with AS/NZS4058 and AS/NZS3725 can last for over
100 years. However, when the synergy required between
T his document covers cracks that develop at right angles
to the axis of the pipeline. Known as circumferential
Engineering Assessment and Acceptance Guideline
cracks, they generally occur when the pipe is loaded like
Concrete designers, installers and asset managers is
Pipe Association a beam (which it is not designed for). They do
Circumferential not affect
notof Australasia
met, the integrity of the concrete pipe may be affected. the load carrying capacity of the pipe. If this type of
This document provides industry with the information cracking occurs it is usually evident in the middle third of
required to make sound engineering decisions on the the pipe, and is only likely to occur in concrete pipes ranging
assessment and acceptance of reinforced concrete pipe with from DN225 to DN450.
respect to circumferential cracking. Prevention is better than
cure, and this document will give designers and installers a Circumferential cracking can occur at the:
checklist of what to look out for to ensure the integrity of the
• bottom section of the pipe
remains as specified, and give asset managers a practical Engineering AssessmentLoad pipeGuideline
and Acceptance
• top section of the pipe
Concrete Pipe
to Association
assessment and any appropriate action required. Circumferential Cracking
of Australasia • full circumference of the pipe
Even support along the length of the pipe is essential. If there are gaps
in the bed zone the pipe will be subject to point loads and could crack
circumferentially. It is best to use granular bedding materials because
they are easy to handle and spread, and give even support to the pipe.

Concrete Concrete
Circumferential pipe pipe
cracks Circumferential
Gaps in bedding
(or uneven compaction)

Pipes can crack circumferentially
pipe at the top where support is not uniform
and it is forced to Circumferential
act like a cantilever beam.
Gaps in bedding
(or uneven compaction)
Pipes can crack circumferentially at the top where support is not uniform
and it is forced to act like a cantilever beam.

Pipes can crack circumferentially at the top where support is not uniform
and it is forced to act like a cantilever beam. Concrete
Circumferential Load

Circumferential Load
Gaps in bedding
(or uneven compaction)
Pipes can crack circumferentially at the bottom where uniform support is
not achieved. Pipes are not designed to act as beams.
Pipes can crack circumferentially at the bottom where uniform support is
not achieved. Pipes are not
2 designed to act as beams.

A 6mm crack at the bottom of a DN300 pipe due A 6mm crack at the top of a DN300
to stresses resulting from poor bedding. pipe due to stresses that have
resulted from poor bedding

An internal circumferential crack of a DN300 An internal circumferential crack of a DN300

concrete pipe, less than 0.5mm wide. concrete pipe, greater than 0.5mm wide.

An internal circumferential crack of a DN375 An internal circumferential crack of a DN375

concrete pipe, less than 0.5mm wide. concrete pipe, greater than 0.5mm wide.


T he table below provides a number of scenarios, insequence of events, that can cause reinforced concrete pipe to crack
circumferentially, and in which part of the pipe it can be found. The table also explains how manufacturers, designers and
contractors can avoid these issues occuring when confronted by expected or unexpected situations.

Likely Cause of Crack Where it Occurs How to Avoid

Excessive movement during Bottom, Do not place pipes in a position where beam loads are applied
transport and handling can result Top, Full during transport or handling on site (e.g. travelling over or on
in the “broken back” effect uneven ground with the pipe suspended on a single strop)

Very low foundation strength Bottom, Visually assess the conditions when unsure. Consider a special
Top, Full design to improve the strength such as designing a raft, using
a wider and deeper bed zone, encapsulating in geotextile.

Collars not dug out in the bedding Bottom Ensure correct pipe installation practice is followed by
excavating collar pockets to sufficient depths in the bed zone

Non-uniform support due to: Bottom, • Construct bed zone in accordance with AS/NZS3725
• variable compaction of bed zone Top, Full • Ensure compacted surface is level and on grade
• low spots in bed zone • Visually assess and over excavate, re-fill and compact local
• variable foundation strength soft spots where necessary

Bedding not compacted to Bottom, Remove pipe and correct the bed zone grade before laying
required grade or attempted Top, Full any further pipes
grade adjustment with pipe

Uncontrolled de-watering Bottom, Assess potential for bed zone to liquefy at pump shutdown.
(liquefaction of foundation or Top, Full Backfill trench to minimum depth to prevent liquefaction.
bedding when natural water table Use granular material in the bed zone and encapsulate in
re-established) geotextile if necessary.

Settlement of pipeline adjacent to Top, Full Provide flexible joints close to all rigid structures e.g. entry and
entry and exits to rigid structures exit stubs

High spots at mid pipe Top, Full Ensure that the compacted surface is level and on grade along
the pipe bedding.

Migration of fines in the bedding Bottom, Use correctly graded material or geotextile that is suitable for
Top, Full the installation

Excessive and non uniform side fill Top, Full Ensure uniform compaction on both sides of pipe in
compaction appropriate lifts. Use appropriate well graded material and do
not over compact poor materials.

Compaction lift too high for pipe Top, Full Ensure uniform compaction on both sides of pipe in
being installed appropriate lifts.

Construction loads without Bottom, Ensure minimum cover over pipe appropriate to construction
sufficient full cover Top, Full equipment being used (refer to CPAA Pipe Class or Charts)


Acceptance and Assessment Chart

Size of Crack Action Recommended

< 0.15mm No action required

0.15mm to 0.5mm No action required, allow autogenous healing to take place

0.5mm to 1.0mm Monitor and allow autogenous healing and review after 12 months

1.0mm to 2.0mm Assess potential for fines to migrate through crack (which may degrade the bedding)

2.0mm > Crack likely to be all way around and may require repair or replacement of pipe

Available Repair Options

W here repair work or rectification of a pipe is required to allow it to remain in service, a number of options are available
to the asset manager. The repair method used is dependant on the extent of the problem and the following table
offers some suggested options.

Option Repair Description For Rectifying

1 No rectification required No need for repair or autogenous healing may fill any cracks.

2 Access defect via pit or manhole and grind Minor cracks, 0.15mm to 0.5mm, that are not “live”
out crack. Fill and seal defect zone with an and are not subjected to any further movement.
approved epoxy paste or resin. Applicable where number of cracks is small.

3 Provide an internal lining with an approved non- Minor cracks, 0.15mm to 0.5mm, that are not “live”
structural patching repair mortar (epoxy based or and are not subjected to any further movement.
polymer modified cement based) to cover defect. Applicable where there are multiple cracks.

4 Seal cracks with approved flexible PVC Minor cracks, 0.15mm to 0.5mm, that may remain
bandage using appropriate epoxy adhesive. “live” (i.e. continue to grow) or larger cracks that
are not subjected to any further movement.

5 Apply shear bands, rubbers straps or “concrete Large cracks (> 0.5mm) that won’t affect the
stitching” for non-structural repairs to prevent structural capacity of the pipe but may affect the
the ingress of fines. long term durability.

6 Provide an internal structural lining that is Large cracks (> 0.5mm) where the durability of
designed in accordance with the appropriate the pipe may be affected.
standard (for flexible pipe, AS2566.1) to
ensure it satisfies the required loading criteria.

7 Replace the pipe using appropriate techniques Where the pipe affected is an isolated problem
such as shear bands. Contact your local CPAA and is beyond repair from a durability perspective.
member company for more details.

8 Replace the entire pipeline. Contact your local Where the entire pipeline is beyond repair from a
CPAA member company for more details. durability perspective.


The Concrete Pipe Association of Australasia believes the information given within this brochure is the most up-to-date and correct on the subject.
Beyond this statement, no guarantee is given nor is any responsibility assumed by the Association and its members.

Concrete Pipe Association

of Australasia

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