The British College Kathmandu Coursework Submission Coversheet
The British College Kathmandu Coursework Submission Coversheet
The British College Kathmandu Coursework Submission Coversheet
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According to Harold Koontz Management is the act of getting things done in the effective way
goals (Akrani 2011). The competing value framework which indicates of four corporate cultures,
was developed by Robert Quinn and Kim Cameron which shows how a company work and what
the corporates values are. A four corporate cultures are Open System Model, Rational Goal
Model, Internal Process Model and Human Relation Models. This report consists of the type of
organization is based on open system model which is flexible and a customer focused and
internal process model which is more controlled and focused on the internal surroundings and
how the organization has performed following these competing value frame work.
Open system, the system that interacts with the external surrounding and has a flexible
organizational structure. The best example is living beings. We actively interact with the
environment which results to the change in both environment and us. For an instant we eat to
gain energy. We are even exposed to the natural chemical that can harm as wells benefit us.
We also gather information from different aspect whether from the internet or the educational
institutes. Human beings have also made many innovations subjected to the environment and
the growth of innovation is increasing with the time, hence this has effect on the both the
aspect, environment and human beings. The changes in the environment has affected the
environment in both the ways positively and negatively. Negative effect in the sense resulting
to pollution (Conroy 2017). Nursing and healthcare can also be considered as the major
coordination, energy transformation and equifinality. Open system is based on the inputs,
throughput, output, system as cycle of events and feedback. Energy inputs in the nursing is
associated with the staff member , funding information, supplies resources etc. in order to
achieve an outcome, nursing intervention is transformed by reorganizing the inputs. Then then
they achieve an outcome for egg patient volumes. Nursing health care receives the feedback
from the external environment looking at the organizational performance and the services they
have provided. This series is repeated in order to renew the system with the process of
exchanging and transforming energy. (Meyer and Pallas 2010). Thus nursing has a flexible
Thus open system take the company’s environment and change it in if necessary. Open system
studies about how the environment, economy, customer needs affect the system of the
company. Effective problem solving, leadership, planning, commutation are the major benefits
of the open system. This model helps leader to understand the overall structure of the
organization and what must be done to guide the organizational goal. One of the most
important method for the success of the organization is ongoing feedback or communication
(Sherman 2018). Since open system focus on the interaction of external environment. Thus
organization can maintain a good public relation. Open system believes in decentralization,
even the lower level staff have the right to make the decisions. This may be very advantageous
to the organization. The disadvantage of the open system model is use to the large amount of
staff in many organizations, a consensus on a goal maybe difficult to achieve in a short space of
time. Increased employee interaction may lead to a decrease in professionalism due to
Internal process model focus mainly on the internal surrounding and emphasize control.
McDonalds is perfect example of the internal process model that demonstrate the Henri Fayol’s
management principles. From the Henry Fayol’s model, the work specialization in McDonald is
divided into different departments like packing department, front desk, makes of food stuff in
their work and many other departments. Fayol not only focus in the output but also address the
training of the employees. As per the Fayol’s believes McDonald has better customer services
and low employee turnover. Mc Donald has two-stage training for more than 4000 staff. First
stage is at welcome meetings about the McDonald operational procedure and to operate the
foodservice equipment and the second stage of training is done after the initial training period.
All the employees receive bonus each month based on mystery shopper. They provide service
awards for the employees recognizing their stuck services at five years interval. Thus the
company have less employee turnover (UK essay 2017). Espirit De corps: McDonald has been a
As bureaucracy is good in internal process model, executive Steve Easterbrook said that for the
pace movement of the company McDonald will have layers of bureaucracy stripped away as
McDonald is reconstructing its units into four groups: international lead markets, the flagship us
market, high growth market such as China and Russia and the rest of the worlds. (Easterbrook
The advantages of following an Internal Process Model is that as mentioned by the Fayol’s
would not be biased. There will be no partiality among the employees and everyone will be
treated equally. There will be no confusion in the work process as different departments are
separated for a different post. There are set of rules and regulation that helps to achieve the
goal of the company in a disciplined manner. All the employees including top level and lower
level, everyone should be disciplined and follow the rules and regulation of the organization
strictly. Besides its positive aspect, Henry Fayol’s model also has disadvantage as it supports
disadvantages by some reasons like the employees will not have rights to keep their word and
ideas. It’s not mandatory that manager’s statements will always be correct and useful. Even
they can make a mistake so it is necessary to listen up to everyone voice in the office. This
Organization based on the Open System Model will be more effective rather than organization
based on Internal Process Model. Open System Model has a flexible structure and focus mainly
on the external environment. Thus, if any variation occurs in the structure of the management
then it can be easily changed. Most of the organization are customer centric if you are able to
keep the customers happy and satisfied than the business will automatically leads to a success.
Maintaining a good relation with seller and buyer benefits the organization in the process of
exchange of good and services. Thus internal process model may not be as effective as open
system model because they are controlled. Organization cannot make the change with the
situation. They are more focused on the internal environment than the external environment
though they may have good relation with the employees and may have less employee turn-over
but interaction with the external surrounding like seller, customer would not be good. So if the
company has no good relation with the external environment than the company will negatively
affected in the trading process. Hence preference of open system model in the organization is
more beneficial.
In the final analysis, the model of competing value frame work open system model emphasizes
more on the external surroundings and towards the expansion change whereas the internal
process emphasize more on the internal surrounding and is controlled. According to the open
system model based on the complexity theory which explain that the both the internal and
external should be focused and if any problem arises make the change. Internal process model
is based on the management principle by Henri Fayol’s which explain that the organization
should be centralized, disciplined, have unity of command and direction, remuneration policy.
Many organization like McDonald has followed Fayol’s principles and are regarded as the
Despite, I would recommend any organization to follow open system model of the
management as open system model is more flexible, any organization will be able to make the
change according the variation in the organizations. Also open system emphasize on the
interaction with the external environment like customers. Thus a good public relation leads to a
successful business.
Delilah Conroy. 2017. Why live beings are open system?. [ONLINE] Available
at: [Accessed 13 November
Raquel M Meyer and Linda L O’Brien-Pallas. 2010. Nursing Services Delivery Theory: an open
system approach. [ONLINE] Available
at: [Accessed 13 November 2018].
Steve Easterbrook. 2015. McDonalds strips out bureaucracy. [ONLINE] Available
31193679.html. [Accessed 13 November 2018].