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Workbook Unit 5 A2.2

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5.1 What are you going to do?

A. Complete sentences with the words in the box.

Embarrassed nervous furious disappointed terrible silly

1. My teacher was Because I didn't do my homework and started

shouting at me.
2. She was Because She Was sick and music the
3. Sally is Because We have a test this afternoon
4. I am at windsurfing. I always fall
5. Tony was when he went to the checkout and didn't have
Enough Money to pay.
6. He is a (n) man. He buys all these things with the Credit
Card and I can Pay for them.

B. Match the words in the two columns and then use the phrases to complete the

1. Brand a) Out
2. What´s b) Wrong
3. Help
c) time
4. Over
d) call
5. Phone
d) new
6. Next
e) there

1. I can't wait to go for a drive in my father's
2. ? You look
3. Look! you're wet
It's cloudy don't forget to take an umbrella with you
4. my Boss is making an important
at the moment.
5. we can Finish this job soon you all
6. what's happening ?
I saw a man stealsomething.

C. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. have/lesson/going/you/are/to/a/music/now
Are you going to have a music lesson now?
2. Isn't /dinner/to/Carl/going cook

3. Going/a/my parents/Mexican restaurant/eat/to/are/at

4. You/when/room/clean/going/are/to/your't /a

D. What´s going to happen? Look at the pictures and the prompts and write sentences.

1. The boy is going to jump in to the pool


Not win/race

E. Look at David´s and Lucy´s schedules fot next week. Write questions and answers
as in the example. Use the future be going to

David´s Schedule Lucy´s Schedule

Monday Play volleyball Monday Play tennis with meg

Tuesday Tuesday
Wednesday Study math Wednesday Study math

Thursday Thursday

Friday Meet friends at the mal Friday

Saturday Clean bedroom Saturday Clean bedroom

Sunday Sunday Trip to Boston!

1. Lucy/play chess/Monday/?
Is lucy going to play chess next Monday
No, she isn´t She´s going to play tennis with meg

2. David/play volleyball/Monday/?

3. David and Lucy/watch tv/Wednesday/?

4. David/ stay/home/Friday/?

5. David and lucy /clean/bedrooms/Saturday/?

6. Lucy/be/home/Sunday/?
5.2 What the future holds
A. Choose a, b or c

1 Sue won the lottery! Sha had a lot of that day.

A. energy. B. luck. C. news
2. She speaks English
A definitely. B. fluently need
3. Helen started working in our company three years ago and
now. A businessman. B. businesswoman. C.
4. I didn't fun at the party. It was boring.
A. get B. make C. have
5 She has a bad of eating junk food all the time.
A. health. B. habit. C. Lifestyle
Dave will help me find a (n) to my problem.
A. solution B. promotion. C. argument
7 She stays in shape y working every afternoon.
A. in. B. out. C. on

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box

Spend overdo feel create get have

1. This job a lot of stress in my life

2. I´d like to some time in the countryside
3. Eat junk food sometimes, but don´t it.
4. My mother and I an argument
Because my bedroom was messy.
5. Dave is ready to married and have
a family.

6. After a good night´s sleep I now much

C. Complete the sentences with the future will of the verbs in the box.

Not fall drive travel be not go

1. Paul loves going on trips. I´m sure he around world when he

gets older.

2. Don´t worry. You your exam. You´re really good at


3. Ben believes computers_ cars in the future.

4. It´s raining outside. I´m sure Susan and Kent late.

5. Carol loves cooking. I think she a Chef.

6. Mary to work tomorrow. her back hurts.

D. Imagine that you are making predictions for Gemini, Cancer and libra for a
webside. Look at the prompts and write the predictions.

Cancer Libra You/be/lucky

You/work/a lot You/not win/money
You/not go/on You/make/new
vacation friend
you/not get/hurt
5.3 Will you help me?

A. Complete the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

Take lose make quit leave go discuss find

Five years ago I had a job with a successful company. All day long I
(1) meetings. There were days when I wanted to
(2) work early , but I had to stay late. I didn´t have any spare
time. My boss never gave me time to (3) on vacation.
couldn´t (4) a day off. I really wasn´t happy so I decided to
look for another job.
I (5) a new resume and decided to
(6) for a part-time job. After a few job interviews I
(7) the right job for me . the next day I was very happy
to (8) my oid job . just as I was about to tell my boss
that I wanted to (9) something important with him, he told
me. ¨I´m sorry but company is closing down and you are all going to
(10) your jobs. ¨no problem¨ I said and left with a big

B. Carla is asking a fortune teller questions. Use the prompts the future will write
questions and answers
1. (I/travel/mexico/in future?)
A: Will I travel to mexico in the future?
B: Yes, you will
2. (My brother/become/doctor/in 20 years?)


3. (My parents/buy/me/computer/for birthday?)

B: Yes,
4. (I/become/famous/in future?

B: Yes,

5. (My family and I/go/New York/this summer?)


B: No,

C. Look at the pictures. Complete the speech using the future will and the prompts
this food looks disgusting.

1 Not eat
Drive carefully or

2 Have/accident
It´s raining outside.

3 take/umbrella

Don´t do that again or

4. Tell/parents

I need to take these books to the library but I´m tired.

5. take/library
D. Read sentences 1-7. then, write new sentences using the future will and the prompts
in the box, as in the example.

Have/accident make/sandwich take/bus/school be back/ an hour

organize/ party
Study/harder/next time buy/them

1. I can´t ride my bike to school because it´s raining.

I will take the bus to school.

2. I failed my English test.

3. I really like these shoes.

4. I´m hungry.

5. Don´t worry,Mon.

6. Drive carefully or

7. My birthday is son Sunday.

5.4 Let´s see what happens

A. Read the text, look at the pictures and write the words
Yesterday I painted the beautiful countryside. I sat outside in the backyard. It was a sunny
day and the
was just right. I started painting the
when a big black

(3) got in front of the

(4) five minutes later, the


came so I went inside and started drawing a

(6) I have a nice one in my room.

Suddenly, a beautiful (7) appeared

I ran outside with my paints and got to work. I think it´s my best painting. What do you
B. Match the pictures 1-4 with the pictures a-d then, use the prompts to make
sentences with the zero conditional.

1. you/study/hard a. you/get/gray

2. it/cloudy b. not fail/test

3. you/mix/black/White c. they/die

4 . plants/not get/sunlight d . I/always take/umbrella/me

1. If/When you study hard, you don´t fail a tes.


C. Complete the dialogue with the sentences a-e

a. the Ballon sprays you with water.

b. I'm doing little experiment
c. no, I just want to see something
d. I want to see what happens when you fill fill
a Ballon with water.
e. Relax
D. Read the text and correct the sentences 1-5
"It's raining,
cats and dogs!

This is a very popular expression in

the English language. People say
"It's raining cats and dogs" when it's
raining hard outside.
Why did people start using this expression?
Well, there are a lot of different stories, Some
of them centuries old. It seems that centuries
ago people thought that storms happened
because of cats and it was windy because
dogs brought the winds. But this is more of a
myth than a true story.
Another story says that in the past lots of cats
and dogs stayed up in the roofs of houses
to keep warm. When it started raining, they
slipped and fell into the houses. People
thought they fell from the sky.
Can it actually rain cats and dogs?
Not really. But it can rain fish and frogs. In
Trowbridge in the U.K., people once saw frogs
falling from the sky and in India they once
collected big fish from the streets after the
How does it happen?
Sometimes when it's very windy and it rains,
the wind carries frogs and fish from rivers and
lakes nearby.

1. When it rains a lot outside, people say “It´s raining cats and frogs”

2. In the past people thought that there were storms because of frogs.
3. In Trowbridge fish fell from the sky during a storm once.
4. In India there were big fish in people´s houses after the rain.
5. It can rain frogs and fish when there isn´t any wind.
5.5 Sci-fi adventure

A. Choose a, b or c.

1. If we go to London, we_ big ben.

a. Visit b. can visit c. don´t visit
2. I´ll be in trouble if I the window.
a. will break b. broke c. break
3. If the weather´s good tomorrow, tom .
a. Swims b. goes swimming c. will go swimming
4. If you this button, the machine will start.
a. Press b. can press c. will press
5. If you your mind, please tell me.
a. won´t change b. change c. will change
6. What if he loses this race?
a. will happen b. happened c. doesn´t happen

A. Read the sentences. Then, write conditional sentences Type 1.

1. Dennis will not probably find a ticket so he won´t go to the concert.

If Dennis doesn´t find a ticket, he won´t go to the concert

2. Don´t shout! The baby will wake up

3. I need to study hard or I´ll be in trouble

4. Do you feel tired? Then, don´t out tonight

5. It´s possible it will rain tomorrow. then, we won´t go swimming.

6. Be ready in half an hour or I´ll leave.

C. Complete the dialogues with the phrases a-f.

a) Thank goodness
b) I´m confused
c) He´s a bit worried
d) He just disappeared
e) I couldn´t believe my

1. A: what did you think of Wendy´s pink hair?

B: when I saw her.

2. A: Is Tanya tammy´s sister or cousin?

B: I don´t know too!

3. A: what does this machine do?

B: . Maybe Lucy knows.

4. A: What´s wrong?

B: I had an accident but I´m OK.

A: !

5. A: Where´s Patrick?

B: I don´t know. !

6. A: what´s wrong with Anthony?

B: about this driving test.

5.6 A fresh star

A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

join couple energy plant plans resolution

1. Have you made any for Friday night?

2. Every spring I flowers in my garden.

3. Her New Year's is to stop eating junk food.

4. Please wait a(n) of minutes and then I can help you.

5. Ted has decided to a gym.

6. Turn off the light when you leave the room to save .

B. Complete the e-mail with the phrases a-g

a) take care (1) ,

b) dear jane (2) ? I hope you're fine. Thanks for your e-mail. It
c) that´s why I´m was great to hear your news. I'm glad the basketball team is winning
writing so

d) well, that´s all for many games. (3). and tell them I miss
now them.

e) how´s life 4) ? I've joined an environmental group and I'm beginning

to make new friends. (5) . Do you want to join us? We (6)
f) say hi to everyone I have to go and finish my homework. (7) .
g) guess what Mandy

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