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ME series

Interface specifications

Model ME96NSR-MB


This Specification is as of October, 2020.

Please note that contents of the specification may change without notice.
1. Functions .................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. System Configurations ............................................................................................................................... 2
2 .1 MODBUS RTU Example........................................................................................................................ 2
2 .2 MODBUS TCP Example ........................................................................................................................ 2
3. Technical Characteristic ............................................................................................................................. 3
3 .1 MODBUS RTU ....................................................................................................................................... 3
3 .2 MODBUS TCP (Optional Plug-in Module:ME-0000MT-SS96) ............................................................. 3
3 .3 MODBUS TCP (Optional Plug-in Module:ME-0040MT2-SS96) ........................................................... 3
4. Specification for Communication ................................................................................................................ 4
4 .1 General MODBUS frame ....................................................................................................................... 4
4 .2 MODBUS RTU ....................................................................................................................................... 5
4 .3 MODBUS TCP ....................................................................................................................................... 6
5. PDU Framing of Query and Response ...................................................................................................... 7
5 .1 Read Holding Registers (03H)............................................................................................................... 7
5 .2 Write Multiple Registers (10H)............................................................................................................... 8
5 .3 Diagnostics (08H) (Sub function code: 00H) ......................................................................................... 9
6. Exception Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 10
6 .1 MODBUS RTU ..................................................................................................................................... 10
6 .2 MODBUS TCP ..................................................................................................................................... 10
6 .3 Example ............................................................................................................................................... 10
7. Data .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
7 .1 List of Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 11
7 .2 Data of Setup Registers....................................................................................................................... 44
7 .3 Multiplying Factor ................................................................................................................................. 50
7 .4 Specifications of built-in logging data .................................................................................................. 52
8. Test Fumction Mode ................................................................................................................................. 70
8 .1 ME96SSH/SSR/SSE/SSHA/SSRA/SSEA/SSHB/SSRB/SSEB-MB.................................................... 70
8 .2 ME96NSR-MB ..................................................................................................................................... 71
9. Sample program for the programmable controllers (Reference information) .......................................... 83
9 .1 Sample program for QJ71MB91 .......................................................................................................... 83
9 .2 Sample program for FX3U-485ADP-MB ........................................................................................... 108
TRADEMARKS................................................................................................................................................. 118

1. Functions
Mitsubishi Electronic Multi-Measuring Instruments (ME96NSR-MB/ME96SSH-MB/ME96SSR-MB/ME96SSE-
(hereinafter referred to as ME96) provide measurement values with MODBUS RTU protocol to a PLC or PC via
an RS485 serial link (2 wires).

In addition, ME96SSHA-MB/ME96SSRA-MB/ME96SSHB-MB/ME96SSRB-MB with the Optional Plug-in Module

ME-0000MT-SS96 or ME-0040MT2-SS96 provide measurement values with MODBUS TCP protocol to a PLC
or PC via an Ethernet.

Note: ME-0040MT2-SS96 is only applicable to ME96SSHB-MB with firmware version 01.01 or later.

2. System Configurations
2 .1 MODBUS RTU Example

USB 120Ω




Maximum 31 units

2 .2 MODBUS TCP Example

Client: (ex:PC)
Client: (ex:PLC)



with with with
ME-0000MT-SS96 ME-0000MT-SS96 ME-0000MT-SS96

3. Technical Characteristic
Item Specifications
Physical interface RS-485 2wires half duplex
Protocol RTU mode
Transmission wiring type Multi-point bus (either directly on the trunk cable, forming a daisy-chain)
Baud rate 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 bps (Default is 19200 bps)
Data bit 8
Stop bit 1 or 2 (Default is 1)
Parity ODD,EVEN or NONE (Default is EVEN)
Slave address 1~255(FFh) (Default is 1, 0 is for broadcast mode)
(248 to 255 are reserved)
Response time 1s or less
Distance 1200m
Max. number 31
Terminate 120Ω 1/2W
Recommended cable Refer to each user’s manual.
Note: Baud rate, stop bit and parity are necessary to set in the setting-mode of the each ME96.

3 .2 MODBUS TCP (Optional Plug-in Module:ME-0000MT-SS96)

Item Specifications
Interface 1 port (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX)
Transmission method Base band
Maximum segment length*1 100 m
Connector applicable for
external wiring
Cable compliant with the IEEE802.3 10BASE-T Standard
(unshielded twisted pair cable (UTP cable), Category 3 or more)
Cable compliant with the IEEE802.3 100BASE-TX Standard
(shielded twisted pair cable (STP cable), Category 5 or more)
Protocol MODBUS TCP (Port Number 502)
Number of simultaneously
Max. 4
Autonegotiation (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX automatically detected)
Supported function
Auto MDIX function (straight/crossover cable automatically detected)
*1: Length between a hub and a node.
*2: Indicates the number of TCP connections that can be established simultaneously.

3 .3 MODBUS TCP (Optional Plug-in Module:ME-0040MT2-SS96)

Item Specifications
Interface 2 ports (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX)
Transmission method Base band
Maximum segment length*1 100 m
Connector applicable for
external wiring
Cable compliant with the IEEE802.3 10BASE-T Standard
(unshielded twisted pair cable (UTP cable), Category 3 or more)
Cable compliant with the IEEE802.3 100BASE-TX Standard
(shielded twisted pair cable (STP cable), Category 5 or more)
Protocol MODBUS TCP (Port Number 502)
Number of simultaneously
Max. 4
Autonegotiation (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX automatically detected)
Supported function
Auto MDIX function (straight/crossover cable automatically detected)
*1: Length between a hub and a node or between nodes.
*2: Indicates the number of TCP connections that can be established simultaneously.

4. Specification for Communication
4 .1 General MODBUS frame
The MODBUS protocol defines a simple protocol data unit (PDU) independent of the underlying
communication layers. The mapping of MODBUS protocol on specific buses or network can introduce some
additional fields on the application data unit (ADU).


Additional address Function code Data Error check


For details, please download and refer to Modbus Technical Resources and Mobdus Spesifications posted on
the following URL;

(1) MODBUS RTU Frame
The standard communications frame consists of:

Slave Function
Data CRC(Lo) CRC(Hi)
address code
1byte 1byte 0 to 252 bytes

Slave address : 00~FFH
*When selecting slave address 0, a message is sent to all the instruments present on the
network. When the slave receives it, the slave does not make a response.
Function code : 03H …… Read Holding Registers (maximum 250 bytes)
: 08H …… Diagnostics
: 10H …… Write multiple registers
(ME96 does not support the other function codes.)
Data : 8 bit HEX data
CRC : The Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) field is two bytes, containing a 16-bit binary value.

Procedure for generating CRC:
1. Load a 16-bit register with FFFF hex (all 1’s). This is called the CRC register.
2. Exclusive OR the first 8-bit byte of the message with the low-order byte of the 16-bit CRC register, putting the result
in the CRC register.
3. Shift the CRC register one bit to the right (toward the LSB), zero-filling the MSB. Extract and examine the LSB.
4. (If the LSB was 0): Repeat Step 3 (another shift).
5. (If the LSB was 1): Exclusive OR the CRC register with the polynomial value 0xa001 (1010 0000 0000 0001).
6. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until 8 shifts have been performed. When this is done, a complete 8-bit byte will have been
7. Repeat Steps 2 through 5 for the next 8-bit byte of the message. Continue this until all bytes have been processed.
8. The final content of the CRC register is the CRC value.
9. When the CRC is placed into the message, its upper and lower bytes must be swapped as described above.

(2) Bit Sequence

With RTU character framing, the bit sequence is below.
<Example> With Parity Checking and Stop bit is 1.
Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Par Stop

(3) MODBUS Message RTU Framing

A MODBUS message is placed by transmitting device into a frame that has a known beginning and ending
point. This allows devices to receive a new frame to begin at the start of the message, and to know when the
message is completed. Partial messages must be detected and errors must be set as a result.
In RTU mode, message frames are separated by a silent interval of at least 3.5 character items.

at least 3.5 char

at least 3.5 char less than 1.5 char less than 1.5s

Response Slave Function CRC(Lo) CRC(Hi) Response

address code

(1) MODBUS TCP frame
The frame specifications of MODBUS TCP are indicated below.

Ethernet frame Ethernet IP TCP FCS

Application data
header header header (Error check)


(MODBUS TCP application data unit)

MBAP header PDU

(MODBUS application header) (Protocol data unit)

Transaction Message Function

Protocol ID Unit ID Data
ID Length code

(Message length)

Area Name Area Size Description

Used by the master for matching of the response message
Transaction ID 2 bytes
from the slave.
Indicates the protocol of the PDU (protocol data unit).
Protocol ID 2 bytes
Stores 0 in the case of MODBUS TCP.
MBAP header
Stores the message size in byte unit.
Message Length 2 bytes The message length after this field is stored. (See the above
Stores FFh in the case of ME96SSHA/SSRA/SSHB/SSRB-
MB with the Optional Plug-in Module ME-0000MT-SS96 or
Unit ID 1 byte
ME96SSHB-MB with the Optional Plug-in Module ME-
The master specifies the processing to be performed for the
Function code 1 byte 03H …… Read Holding Registers (maximum 250 bytes)
PDU 10H …… Write multiple registers
(Protocol data (ME96 does not support the other function codes.)
unit) [When master sends request message to slave]
Stores the requested processing.
Data 1 to 252bytes
[When slave sends response message to master]
Stores the result of processing execution.

5. PDU Framing of Query and Response
5 .1 Read Holding Registers (03H)
(1) Query framing
Code Head holding
Read points
register number
03H Hi Lo Hi Lo
・Head holding register number : 2 bytes
・Read points : 0001H to 007DH (Maximum 125 points)

(2) Response framing (Maximum 255 bytes)

(a) When completed normally
Function Byte
Code count Data1 Data2 … Data n
03H Hi Lo Hi Lo … Hi Lo
・Byte count : Byte count of response data (Maximum 250)
For example, if n = 4, the byte count is calculated as 4 x 2 =8 bytes.
(b) When completed with an error
Code Exceptrion
83H *1 *1: Refer to Chapter 6.

(3) Example (ADU frame example)

<Example1> In case of monitoring the phase 2 current value (0301H), and the slave address is 01H in
◼ Query framing
01H 03H 03H 01H 00H 01H D5H 8EH
Head holding
register Read points CRC(=8ED5H)
◼ Response framing
01H 03H 02H Hi Lo Lo Hi
Slave Byte phase 2 CRC
address count current value

< Example2 > In case of monitoring from phase 1 current value (0300H) to neutral current value
(0306H).Slave address is 01H in MODBUS RTU..
◼ Query framing
01H 03H 03H 00H 00H 04H 44H 4DH
Slave Head holding CRC(=4D44H)
address register Read points
◼ Response framing
01H 03H 08H Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Lo Hi
Slave Byte phase 1 phase 2 phase 3 Neutral CRC
address count current value current value current value current value

<Example3> In case of monitoring of the active energy (unit:Wh fixed) (056Eh) in MODBUSTCP.
◼ Query framing
00H 00H 00H 00H 00H 06H FFH 03H 05H 6EH 00H 02H
Transaction Message Unit Func. Head holding
Protocol ID Read points
ID Length ID Code register number
◼ Response framing
00H 00H 00H 00H 00H 07H FFH 03H 04H HH HL LH LL
Transaction Message Unit Func. Byte active energy (unit:Wh fixed)
Protocol ID
ID Length ID Code count

5 .2 Write Multiple Registers (10H)
(1) Query framing
Function Byte
Code Head holding Write points
register number n
count Data1 Data2 … Data n
10H Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo … Hi Lo
・Head holding register number : 2byte
・Write points : 0001H to 007BH (Maximum 123 points)
・Byte count : Write point x 2 (Maximum 246)
・Data 1 to Data n : Write data

(2) Response framing

In MODBUS RTU, if the slave address is 0 (broadcast), a response is not made.
(a) When completed normally
Function Head holding
Code Write points
register number
10H Hi Lo Hi Lo
*1: The value same as in the request message is stored.
(b) When completed with an error
Code Exceptrion
90H *2 *2: Refer to Chapter 6.

(3) Example (ADU frame example)

<Example1> In case of setting a primary current value (0204H). Slave address is 01H in MODBUS RTU.
◼ Query framing
01H 10H 02H 04H 00H 02H 04H HH HL LH LL Lo Hi
Slave Head holding Byte Primary current CRC
Write points
address register count
◼ Response framing
01H 10H 02H 04H 00H 02H Lo Hi
Slave Head holding CRC
address register Write points

<Example2> In case of restart of rolling demand calculation by 16bits set/reset register2 (0249H) in
◼ Query framing
00H 00H 00H 00H 00H 09H FFH 10H 02H 49H 00H 01H 02H 40H 00H
Transaction Protocol ID Message Unit Func. Head holding Write points Byte 16bit
ID Length ID Code register number count set/reset
◼ Response framing
00H 00H 00H 00H 00H 06H FFH 10H 02H 49H 00H 01H
Transaction Protocol ID Message Unit Func. Head holding Write points
ID Length ID Code register number

5 .3 Diagnostics (08H) (Sub function code: 00H)
Diagnostics (08H) is the function dedicated to the MODBUS serial protocol.

(1) Query framing (Sub function code: 00H)

Code Sub function Arbitary
Code data
08H 00H 00H Hi Lo

(2) Response framing

(a) When completed normally
The slave returns the request message received from the master without change.

(b) When completed with an error

Code Exceptrion
88H *1 *1: Refer to Chapter 6.

(3) Example (ADU frame example)

<Example> In case of the data is 1234H. Slave address is 01H in MODBUS RTU.
◼ Query framing
01H 08H 00H 00H 12H 34H EDH 7CH
Slave Sub function Data CRC(=7CEDH)
address code

◼ Response framing
01H 08H 00H 00H 12H 34H EDH 7CH
Slave Sub function Data CRC(=7CEDH)
address code

6. Exception Codes
ERROR Meaning Exception code Display of ME96
Framing error Stop bit is incorrect. COM in the
The next data was received before display blinks
Overrun error completion of the current reception No response is until it receives
processing. returned. the correct query.
Parity error Parity data is incorrect.
CRC error Framing data is incorrect.
The function code received in the query
Illegal function 01H
was except 03H, 08H and 10H.
The data address received in the query is
Illegal data address 02H
not an allowable address for the slave.
The data value received in the query is not
Illegal data value 03H
an allowable data value for the slave.
Logging data was able to read from the
Device failure internal memory because of failure to 04H
access it.
As the ME96 is executing in setting mode,
Slave busy the setting request message processing 06H
cannot be executed.

ERROR Meaning Exception code Display of ME96
No response is COM in the
The protocol ID in MBAP header is not 0.
returned. display blinks
Protocol ID error Review the data part of the request
(TCP connection until it receives
is cut off.) the correct query.
The function code received in the query
Illegal function 01H
was except 03H and 10H.
The data address received in the query is
Illegal data address 02H
not an allowable address for the slave.
The data value received in the query is not
Illegal data value 03H
an allowable data value for the slave.
As the ME96 is executing in setting mode,
Slave busy the setting request message processing 06H
cannot be executed.
Unit ID is abnormal (Except FFh).
Gateway unusable 0AH
ME96 is not available for gateway function.
The message length in MBAP header is or No response is
incorrect. . returned.
Message length
Review The MBAP header length + 6 (TCP connection
equals the application data unit length in is cut off when
Ethernet frame next message

6 .3 Example
< Example > In case of monitoring from total apparent power (Min)(0380H) to undefined
address(0387H).Slave address is 01H in MODBUS RTU.
◼ Query framing
01H 03H 03H 80H 00H 08H Lo Hi
Slave Starting Quantity of CRC
address address registers

◼ Response framing
01H 83H 02H Lo Hi
Slave Illigal data CRC
address address

7. Data
7 .1 List of Parameters
At the list of parameters, precautions are following.
*1 R/W : Reads and writes register.
When a data in the write multiple registers (10H) is 8000h or 80000000h, the setting of the address is skipped.
R : Reads only register.
If it receives the write multiple registers code for this register, exception code 02h is returned.
*2 The data of negative number is expressed a two’s complement.
The data is a big endian.
Multiplying the received data by the multiplying factor gives the actual value.(Refer to 7 .3)
The data of time is described as BCD code (binary coded decimal).
*3 Supported registers are different by the model and the setting of phase wiring. Also, “3P3W" means “3P3W_2CT" and “3P3W_3CT". “1P3W" means “1P3W_1N2" and
○: Applicable
△: Reserved. (If it is requested, reply data is 0. Do not write any data.)
×: Illegal data address. (Same as unregistered address.)
*4 Applicable only when ME96SS ver.A (ME96SSHA-MB/ME96SSRA-MB/ME96SSEA-MB) and ME96SS ver.B (ME96SSHB-MB/ME96SSRB-MB/ME96SSEB-MB).
*5 Applicable only when Optional plug-in module: ME-0000BU-SS96 installed.
*6 Applicable only when Optional plug-in module: ME-0000MT-SS96 or ME-0040MT2-SS96 installed.
*7 Applicable only when ME96SS ver.B (ME96SSHB-MB/ME96SSRB-MB/ME96SSEB-MB).
*8 Reserved only when ME96SS ver.B (ME96SSHB-MB/ME96SSRB-MB/ME96SSEB-MB).

Note: Measurement data (Voltage/Current) correspond as follows according to setting of phase wiring. (Maximum / Minimum data and harmonic data are same.)
Phase wiring
Name of channel
3P3W 1P3W(1N3) 1P3W(1N2) 1P2W
Voltage V12 Voltage V12 Voltage V1N Voltage V1N Voltage
Voltage V23 Voltage V23 Voltage V3N Voltage V2N -
Voltage V31 Voltage V31 Voltage V13 Voltage V12 -
Phase 1 current Phase 1 current Phase 1 current Phase 1 current Current
Phase 2 current Phase 2 current Phase N current Phase N current -
Phase 3 current Phase 3 current Phase 3 current Phase 2 current -

(1) Setup Registers (0x0200)
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
512 0200h 2 R/W Phase wiring Refer to 7 .2(1) - ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
513 0201h 4 R/W Primary voltage Refer to 7 .2(2) V ○ ○ △*8 ○ ○ ○ △*8 ○ ○ ○ △*8 ○ ○ ○
515 0203h 4 R/W Primary voltage (L-N) Refer to 7 .2(3) x0.1 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
517 0205h 4 R/W Secondary voltage Refer to 7 .2(4) x0.1 V ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
519 0207h 4 R/W Primary current Refer to 7 .2(5) x0.1 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
521 0209h 2 R Reserved - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
522 020Ah 2 R/W Time constant for DA Refer to 7 .2(7) s ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
523 020Bh 2 R/W 16bits Set/Reset register 1 Refer to 7 .2(12) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
524 020Ch 2 R 16bits monitor 1 Refer to 7 .2(14) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
525 020Dh 2 R Reserved △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
526 020Eh 2 R Reserved △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
528 0210h 2 R Reserved △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
530 0212h 2 R Reserved △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
531 0213h 2 R Reserved △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
532 0214h × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
・・・ ・・・ × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
580 0244h × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
581 0245h 4 R/W Secondary current Refer to 7 .2(6) A × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
583 0247h 2 R/W Interval time constant Refer to 7 .2(8) min × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
584 0248h 2 R/W Subinterval time constant Refer to 7 .2(8) min × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
585 0249h 2 R/W 16 bits Set/Reset register 2 Refer to 7 .2(13) × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
586 024Ah 2 R/W Frequency Refer to 7 .2(9) Hz × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △*8 △*8 △*8 △*8
587 024Bh × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
・・・ ・・・ × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
593 0251h × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
594 0252h 2 R 16bits monitor 2 Refer to 7 .2(15) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
595 0253h × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
・・・ ・・・ × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
・・・ ・・・ × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
740 02E4h × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
741 02E5h 4 R/W CO2 equivalent rate 0 to 999 x0.001 × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
743 02E7h × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
・・・ ・・・ × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
750 02EEh 2 R x1 Multiplier 0 (Fixed) × × ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
Multiplying factor of voltage (L-L for
751 02EFh 2 R Refer to 7 .2(10) × × ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
752 02F0h Reserved × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
753 02F1h Reserved × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
754 02F2h 2 R Multiplying factor of current Refer to 7 .2(10) × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
755 02F3h 2 R Multiplying factor of voltage Refer to 7 .2(10) × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
756 02F4h 2 R Multiplying factor of power Refer to 7 .2(10) × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
757 02F5h 2 R Multiplying factor of energy Refer to 7 .2(10) × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
758 02F6h 2 R Multiplying factor of power factor Refer to 7 .2(10) × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
759 02F7h 2 R Multiplying factor of frequency Refer to 7 .2(10) × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
760 02F8h 2 R Multiplying factor of current THD. Refer to 7 .2(10) × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
761 02F9h 2 R Multiplying factor of voltage THD. Refer to 7 .2(10) × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
Multiplying factor of energy
762 02FAh 2 R Refer to 7 .2(10) × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
763 02FBh 2 R Model code Refer to 7 .2(11) × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

(2) Instantaneous Value / Maximum Value / Minimum Value Registers (0x0300)
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
768 0300h 2 R Phase 1 current 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
769 0301h 2 R Phase 2 current 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
770 0302h 2 R Phase 3 current 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
771 0303h 2 R Neutral current 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
772 0304h 2 R Average value current 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
773 0305h 2 R Phase 1 current demand 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
774 0306h 2 R Phase 2 current demand 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △
775 0307h 2 R Phase 3 current demand 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △
776 0308h 2 R Neutral current demand 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △
777 0309h 2 R Average value current demand 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △
778 030Ah 2 R Voltage V12 0 to 16383 V ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
779 030Bh 2 R Voltage V23 0 to 16383 V ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
780 030Ch 2 R Voltage V31 0 to 16383 V ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
781 030Dh 2 R Average value voltage (L-L) 0 to 16383 V ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
782 030Eh 2 R Voltage V1N 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
783 030Fh 2 R Voltage V2N 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
784 0310h 2 R Voltage V3N 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
785 0311h 2 R Average value voltage (L-N) 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
786 0312h 2 R Phase 1 power factor -0 to +1000 to 0 x0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
787 0313h 2 R Phase 2 power factor -0 to +1000 to 0 x0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
788 0314h 2 R Phase 3 power factor -0 to +1000 to 0 x0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
789 0315h 2 R ΣPower factor -0 to +1000 to 0 x0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
790 0316h 2 R Frequency 0,445 to 999 x0.1 Hz ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
791 0317h 2 R Phase 1 active power -16383 to 16383 kW ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
792 0318h 2 R Phase 2 active power -16383 to 16383 kW ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
793 0319h 2 R Phase 3 active power -16383 to 16383 kW ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
794 031Ah 2 R ΣActive power -16383 to 16383 kW ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
795 031Bh 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
796 031Ch 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
797 031Dh 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
798 031Eh 2 R ΣRolling demand (kW) (Last) (Note1) -16383 to 16383 kW △ △ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
799 031Fh 2 R Phase 1 reactive power -16383 to 16383 kvar ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
800 0320h 2 R Phase 2 reactive power -16383 to 16383 kvar ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
801 0321h 2 R Phase 3 reactive power -16383 to 16383 kvar ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
802 0322h 2 R ΣReactive power -16383 to 16383 kvar ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
803 0323h 2 R Phase 1 apparent power 0 to 16383 kVA ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
804 0324h 2 R Phase 2 apparent power 0 to 16383 kVA ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
805 0325h 2 R Phase 3 apparent power 0 to 16383 kVA ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
806 0326h 2 R ΣApparent power 0 to 16383 kVA ○ △ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
807 0327h 2 R ΣRolling demand (kvar) (Last) (Note1) -16383 to 16383 kvar △ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
808 0328h 2 R ΣRolling demand (kVA) (Last) (Note1) 0 to 16383 kVA △ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △

Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
809 0329h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
810 032Ah 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
811 032Bh 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
812 032Ch 2 R Phase 1 current Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
813 032Dh 2 R Phase 2 current Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
814 032Eh 2 R Phase 3 current Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
815 032Fh 2 R Neutral current Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
816 0330h 2 R Average value current Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
817 0331h 2 R Phase 1 current demand Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
818 0332h 2 R Phase 2 current demand Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △
819 0333h 2 R Phase 3 current demand Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △
820 0334h 2 R Neutral current demand Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △
821 0335h 2 R Average value current demand Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △
822 0336h 2 R Reserved Max. - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
823 0337h 2 R Voltage V12 Max. 0 to 16383 V ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
824 0338h 2 R Voltage V23 Max. 0 to 16383 V ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
825 0339h 2 R Voltage V31 Max. 0 to 16383 V ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
826 033Ah 2 R Average value voltage(L-L) Max. 0 to 16383 V ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
827 033Bh 2 R Reserved Max. - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
828 033Ch 2 R Voltage V1N Max. 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
829 033Dh 2 R Voltage V2N Max. 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
830 033Eh 2 R Voltage V3N Max. 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
831 033Fh 2 R Average value voltage(L-N) Max. 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
832 0340h 2 R Reserved Max. - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
833 0341h 2 R Phase 1 power factor Max. -0 to +1000 to 0 x0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
834 0342h 2 R Phase 2 power factor Max. -0 to +1000 to 0 x0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
835 0343h 2 R Phase 3 power factor Max. -0 to +1000 to 0 x0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
836 0344h 2 R ΣPower factor Max. -0 to +1000 to 0 x0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
837 0345h 2 R Frequency Max. 0,445 to 999 x0.1 Hz ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
838 0346h 2 R Phase 1 active power Max. -16383 to 16383 kW ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
839 0347h 2 R Phase 2 active power Max. -16383 to 16383 kW ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
840 0348h 2 R Phase 3 active power Max. -16383 to 16383 kW ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
841 0349h 2 R ΣActive power Max. -16383 to 16383 kW ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
842 034Ah 2 R Reserved Max. - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
843 034Bh 2 R Reserved Max. - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
844 034Ch 2 R Reserved Max. - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
845 034Dh 2 R ΣRolling demand (kW) Max. -16383 to 16383 kW △ △ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
846 034Eh 2 R Phase 1 reactive power Max. -16383 to 16383 kvar ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
847 034Fh 2 R Phase 2 reactive power Max. -16383 to 16383 kvar ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
848 0350h 2 R Phase 3 reactive power Max. -16383 to 16383 kvar ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
849 0351h 2 R ΣReactive power Max. -16383 to 16383 kvar ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
850 0352h 2 R Phase 1 apparent power Max. 0 to 16383 kVA ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
851 0353h 2 R Phase 2 apparent power Max. 0 to 16383 kVA ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
852 0354h 2 R Phase 3 apparent power Max. 0 to 16383 kVA ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
853 0355h 2 R ΣApparent power Max. 0 to 16383 kVA ○ △ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
854 0356h 2 R ΣRolling demand (kvar) Max. -16383 to 16383 kvar △ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
855 0357h 2 R ΣRolling demand (kVA) Max. 0 to 16383 kVA △ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
856 0358h 2 R Reserved Max. - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
857 0359h 2 R Reserved Max. - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
858 035Ah 2 R Phase 1 current Min. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
859 035Bh 2 R Phase 2 current Min. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
860 035Ch 2 R Phase 3 current Min. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
861 035Dh 2 R Neutral current Min. 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
862 035Eh 2 R Average value current Min. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
863 035Fh 2 R Phase 1 current demand Min. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
864 0360h 2 R Phase 2 current demand Min. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △
865 0361h 2 R Phase 3 current demand Min. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △
866 0362h 2 R Neutral current demand Min. 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △
867 0363h 2 R Average value curret demand Min. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △
868 0364h 2 R Voltage V12 Min. 0 to 16383 V ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
869 0365h 2 R Voltage V23 Min. 0 to 16383 V ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
870 0366h 2 R Voltage V31 Min. 0 to 16383 V ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
871 0367h 2 R Average value voltage(L-L) Min. 0 to 16383 V ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △
872 0368h 2 R Voltage V1N Min. 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
873 0369h 2 R Voltage V2N Min. 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
874 036Ah 2 R Voltage V3N Min. 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
875 036Bh 2 R Average value voltage(L-N) Min. 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
876 036Ch 2 R Phase 1 power factor Min. -0 to +1000 to 0 x0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
877 036Dh 2 R Phase 2 power factor Min. -0 to +1000 to 0 x0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
878 036Eh 2 R Phase 3 power factor Min. -0 to +1000 to 0 x0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
879 036Fh 2 R ΣPower factor Min. -0 to +1000 to 0 x0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
880 0370h 2 R Frequency Min. 0,445 to 999 x0.1 Hz ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
881 0371h 2 R Phase 1 active power Min. -16383 to 16383 kW ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
882 0372h 2 R Phase 2 active power Min. -16383 to 16383 kW ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
883 0373h 2 R Phase 3 active power Min. -16383 to 16383 kW ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
884 0374h 2 R ΣActive power Min. -16383 to 16383 kW ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
885 0375h 2 R Reserved Min. - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
886 0376h 2 R Reserved Min. - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
887 0377h 2 R Reserved Min. - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
888 0378h 2 R Reserved Min. - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
889 0379h 2 R Phase 1 reactive power Min. -16383 to 16383 kvar ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
890 037Ah 2 R Phase 2 reactive power Min. -16383 to 16383 kvar ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
891 037Bh 2 R Phase 3 reactive power Min. -16383 to 16383 kvar ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
892 037Ch 2 R ΣReactive power Min. -16383 to 16383 kvar ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
893 037Dh 2 R Phase 1 apparent power Min. 0 to 16383 kVA ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
894 037Eh 2 R Phase 2 apparent power Min. 0 to 16383 kVA ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △

Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
895 037Fh 2 R Phase 3 apparent power Min. 0 to 16383 kVA ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*7 △ △ △
896 0380h 2 R ΣApparent power Min. 0 to 16383 kVA ○ △ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
897 0381h 2 R Reserved Min. - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
898 0382h 2 R Reserved Min. - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
899 0383h × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
・・・ ・・・ × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
921 0399h × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
ΣPower factor Max. value
922 039Ah 2 R 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
ΣPower factor Max. value
923 039Bh 2 R 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Day, Hour)
ΣPower factor Max. value
924 039Ch 2 R 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Minute,Second)
925 039Dh 4 R Current unbalance 0 to 99999 x0.01% × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △*7 × × × ×
927 039Fh 4 R Voltage unbalance 0 to 99999 x0.01% × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △*7 × × × ×
929 03A1h × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
・・・ ・・・ × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
953 03B9h × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
954 03BAh 2 R Reserved - - × × △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
955 03BBh 2 R Reserved - - × × △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
956 03BCh 2 R Reserved - - × × △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
957 03BDh 2 R ΣRolling demand (kW) Present -16383 to 16383 kW × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
958 03BEh 2 R ΣRolling demand (kvar) Present -16383 to 16383 kvar × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
959 03BFh 2 R ΣRolling demand (kVA) Present 0 to 16383 kVA × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
960 03C0h 2 R Reserved - - × × △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
961 03C1h 2 R Reserved - - × × △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
962 03C2h 2 R Reserved - - × × △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
963 03C3h 2 R ΣRolling demand (kW) Predict. -16383 to 16383 kW × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
964 03C4h 2 R ΣRolling demand (kvar) Predict. -16383 to 16383 kvar × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
965 03C5h 2 R ΣRolling demand (kVA) Predict. 0 to 16383 kVA × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
Current Max. value occurrence
966 03C6h 2 R (Note.2) 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
time (Year, Month)
Current Max. value occurrence
967 03C7h 2 R (Note.2) 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
time(Day, Hour)
Current Max. value occurrence
968 03C8h 2 R (Note.2) 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
Current Min. value occurrence
969 03C9h 2 R (Note.2) 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
time (Year, Month)
Current Min. value occurrence
970 03CAh 2 R (Note.2) 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
time(Day, Hour)
Current Min. value occurrence
971 03CBh 2 R (Note.2) 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
Voltage (L-L) Max. value
972 03CCh 2 R (Note.2) 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
Voltage (L-L) Max. value
973 03CDh 2 R (Note.2) 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Day, Hour)
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
Voltage (L-L) Max. value
974 03CEh 2 R (Note.2) 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Minute,Second)
Voltage (L-L) Min. value
975 03CFh 2 R (Note.2) 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
Voltage (L-L) Min. value
976 03D0h 2 R (Note.2) 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Day, Hour)
Voltage (L-L) Min. value
977 03D1h 2 R (Note.2) 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Minute,Second)
Voltage (L-N) Max. value
978 03D2h 2 R (Note.2) 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
Voltage (L-N) Max. value
979 03D3h 2 R (Note.2) 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Day, Hour)
Voltage (L-N) Max. value
980 03D4h 2 R (Note.2) 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Minute,Second)
Voltage (L-N) Min. value
981 03D5h 2 R (Note.2) 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
Voltage (L-N) Min. value
982 03D6h 2 R (Note.2) 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Day, Hour)
Voltage (L-N) Min. value
983 03D7h 2 R (Note.2) 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Minute,Second)
ΣActive power Max. value
984 03D8h 2 R 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
ΣActive power Max. value
985 03D9h 2 R 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Day, Hour)
ΣActive power Max. value
986 03DAh 2 R 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Minute,Second)
ΣActive power Min. value
987 03DBh 2 R 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
ΣActive power Min. value
988 03DCh 2 R 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Day, Hour)
ΣActive power Min. value
989 03DDh 2 R 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Minute,Second)
ΣPower factor Min. value
990 03DEh 2 R 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
ΣPower factor Min. value
991 03DFh 2 R 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Day, Hour)
ΣPower factor Min. value
992 03E0h 2 R 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Minute,Second)
Frequency Max. value
993 03E1h 2 R 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
Frequency Max. value
994 03E2h 2 R 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Day, Hour)
Frequency Max. value
995 03E3h 2 R 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Minute,Second)
Frequency Min. value
996 03E4h 2 R 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
Frequency Min. value
997 03E5h 2 R 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Day, Hour)

Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
Frequency Min. value
998 03E6h 2 R 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Minute,Second)
ΣReactive power Max. value
999 03E7h 2 R 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
ΣReactive power Max. value
1000 03E8h 2 R 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Day, Hour)
ΣReactive power Max. value
1001 03E9h 2 R 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Minute,Second)
ΣReactive power Min. value
1002 03EAh 2 R 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
ΣReactive power Min. value
1003 03EBh 2 R 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Day, Hour)
ΣReactive power Min. value
1004 03ECh 2 R 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Minute,Second)
ΣApparent power Max. value
1005 03EDh 2 R 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
ΣApparent power Max. value
1006 03EEh 2 R 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Day, Hour)
ΣApparent power Max. value
1007 03EFh 2 R 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Minute,Second)
ΣApparent power Min. value
1008 03F0h 2 R 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
ΣApparent power Min. value
1009 03F1h 2 R 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Day, Hour)
ΣApparent power Min. value
1010 03F2h 2 R 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time(Minute,Second)
1011 03F3h 4 R Current unbalance Max. 0 to 99999 x0.01% × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △*7 × × × ×
1013 03F5h 4 R Voltage unbalance Max. 0 to 99999 x0.01% × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △*7 × × × ×
Note1: “Last” means the rolling demand value of latest interval time completed.
Note2: Data used for the judgement of Max./Min. value occurrence time is as below table.
Register Name 3P4W 3P3W/1P3W 1P2W
Current Max./Min. value occurrence time Average value current Max./Min. Average value current Max./Min. Phase 1 current Max./Min.
Voltage (L-L) Max./Min. value occurrence time Average value voltage (L-L) Max./Min. Average value voltage (L-L) Max./Min. Voltage V12 Max./Min.
Voltage (L-N) Max./Min. value occurrence time Average value voltage (L-N) Max./Min. - -

(3) Setup Registers 2 (0x0400)
Applicable *3, *4
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
1024 0400h 2 R Reserved - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1025 0401h 2 R Reserved - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1026 0402h 2 R Reserved - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1027 0403h 2 R Reserved - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1028 0404h 2 R/W Logging ID 01h to FFh - × × ○*5 ○*5 ○*5 ○*5 ○*5 ○*5 ○*5 ○*5 △ △ △ △
1029 0405h 2 R Reserved - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1030 0406h 2 R/W Current time (Year,Month) 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) △ △ △ △
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1031 0407h 2 R/W Current time (Day,Hour) 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) △ △ △ △
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1032 0408h 2 R/W Current time (Minute,Second) 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) (Note1) △ △ △ △
1033 0409h 2 R Reserved - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1034 040Ah 2 R Reserved - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1035 040Bh 2 R/W Upper/Lower limit alarm item1 Refer to 7 .2(20) - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △ △ △ △
1036 040Ch 4 R/W Upper/Lower limit alarm value1 Refer to 7 .2(20) - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △ △ △ △
1038 040Eh Reserved - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1039 040Fh Reserved - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1040 0410h Reserved - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1041 0411h 2 R/W Upper/Lower limit alarm item2 Refer to 7 .2(20) - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △ △ △ △
1042 0412h 4 R/W Upper/Lower limit alarm value2 Refer to 7 .2(20) - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △ △ △ △
1044 0414h Reserved - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1045 0415h Reserved - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1046 0416h Reserved - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1047 0417h 2 R/W Upper/Lower limit alarm item3 Refer to 7 .2(20) - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △ △ △ △
1048 0418h 4 R/W Upper/Lower limit alarm value3 Refer to 7 .2(20) - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △ △ △ △
1050 041Ah Reserved - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
・・・ ・・・ × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1065 0429h Reserved - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1066 042Ah 4 R MAC Address (1,2 octet) × × ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 △ △ △ △
Refer to 7 .2(18)
1068 042Ch 4 R MAC Address (3 to 6 octet) × × ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 △ △ △ △
1070 042Eh 4 R/W IP Address × × ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 △ △ △ △
1072 0430h 4 R/W Subnet mask address Refer to 7 .2(19) × × ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 △ △ △ △
1074 0432h 4 R/W Default gateway address × × ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 ○*6 △ △ △ △
1076 0434h 2 Reserved - - × × △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
1077 0435h 2 R 16bits monitor 3 Refer to 7 .2(16) - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
Multiplying factor of current/voltage
1078 0436h 2 R Refer to 7 .2(10) × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △*7 × × × ×
1079 0437h 2 Reserved - - × × △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
1080 0438h 2 R/W Upper/Lower limit alarm item4 Refer to 7 .2(20) - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
1081 0439h 4 R/W Upper/Lower limit alarm value4 Refer to 7 .2(20) - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
Note1: Current time is valid in case of below. (OR condition.)
- Applicable only when Optional plug-in module: ME-0000BU-SS96 installed.
- Setting of Built-in logging use is “on” at ME96SSHB-MB/ME96SSRB-MB.
(4) Counting of Energy Registers (0x0500)
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
1280 0500h 2 R Active energy (Lo) less than 1000 kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1281 0501h 2 R (Hi) 1000 or more kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1282 0502h 2 R Active energy (Lo) less than 1000 kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1283 0503h 2 R (Hi) 1000 or more kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1284 0504h 2 R Reactive energy (Lo) less than 1000 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
import LAG
1285 0505h 2 R (Hi) 1000 or more kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1286 0506h 2 R Reactive energy (Lo) less than 1000 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
export LAG
1287 0507h 2 R (Hi) 1000 or more kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1288 0508h 2 R Reactive energy (Lo) less than 1000 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
import LEAD
1289 0509h 2 R (Hi) 1000 or more kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1290 050Ah 2 R Reactive energy (Lo) less than 1000 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
export LEAD
1291 050Bh 2 R (Hi) 1000 or more kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1292 050Ch 2 R Extended active energy (Lo) less than 1000 kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1293 050Dh 2 R (Hi) 1000 or more kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1294 050Eh 2 R Extended active energy (Lo) less than 1000 kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1295 050Fh 2 R (Hi) 1000 or more kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1296 0510h 2 R Extended reactive energy (Lo) less than 1000 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
import LAG
1297 0511h 2 R (Hi) 1000 or more kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1298 0512h 2 R Extended reactive energy (Lo) less than 1000 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
export LAG
1299 0513h 2 R (Hi) 1000 or more kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1300 0514h 2 R Extended reactive energy (Lo) less than 1000 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
import LEAD
1301 0515h 2 R (Hi) 1000 or more kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1302 0516h 2 R Extended reactive energy (Lo) less than 1000 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
export LEAD
1303 0517h 2 R (Hi) 1000 or more kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1304 0518h 4 R/W Active energy import 0 to 999999 kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1306 051Ah 4 R/W Active energy export 0 to 999999 kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1308 051Ch 4 R/W Reactive energy import LAG 0 to 999999 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1310 051Eh 4 R/W Reactive energy export LAG 0 to 999999 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1312 0520h 4 R/W Reactive energy import LEAD 0 to 999999 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1314 0522h 4 R/W Reactive energy export LEAD 0 to 999999 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1316 0524h 4 R Extended active energy import 0 to 999999 kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1318 0526h 4 R Extended active energy export 0 to 999999 kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1320 0528h 4 R Extended reactive energy import LAG 0 to 999999 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1322 052Ah 4 R Extended reactive energy export LAG 0 to 999999 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1324 052Ch 4 R Extended reactive energy import LEAD 0 to 999999 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1326 052Eh 4 R Extended reactive energy export LEAD 0 to 999999 kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1327 052Fh × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
・・・ ・・・ × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
1372 055Ch × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
1374 055Eh 4 R/W Periodic active energy (Period 1) import 0 to 999999 kWh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
1376 0560h 4 Reserve × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
1378 0562h 4 R Operating time 1 0 to 999999 h × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1380 0564h 4 R Operating time 2 0 to 999999 h × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1382 0566h 4 Reserve × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1384 0568h 4 Reserve × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1386 056Ah 4 R/W Periodic active energy (Period 2) import 0 to 999999 kWh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
1388 056Ch 4 R/W Apparent energy 0 to 999999 kVAh × × ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1390 056Eh 4 R Active energy (unit: Wh fixed) import 0 to 999999999 Wh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1392 0570h 4 R Active energy (unit: Wh fixed) export 0 to 999999999 Wh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1394 0572h 4 R Reactive energy (unit: varh fixed) import LAG 0 to 999999999 varh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1396 0574h 4 R Reactive energy (unit: varh fixed) export LAG 0 to 999999999 varh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1398 0576h 4 R Reactive energy (unit: varh fixed) import LEAD 0 to 999999999 varh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1400 0578h 4 R Reactive energy (unit: varh fixed) export LEAD 0 to 999999999 varh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1402 057Ah 4 R Apparent energy (unit: VAh fixed) 0 to 999999999 VAh × × ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
Periodic active energy (Period 1)
1404 057Ch 4 R import 0 to 999999999 Wh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
(unit: Wh fixed)
Periodic active energy (Period 2)
1406 057Eh 4 R import 0 to 999999999 Wh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
(unit: Wh fixed)
1408 0580h 4 R Active energy (unit: kWh fixed) import 0 to 999999999 kWh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1410 0582h 4 R Active energy (unit: kWh fixed) export 0 to 999999999 kWh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1412 0584h 4 R Reactive energy (unit: kvarh fixed) import LAG 0 to 999999999 kvarh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1414 0586h 4 R Reactive energy (unit: kvarh fixed) export LAG 0 to 999999999 kvarh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1416 0588h 4 R Reactive energy (unit: kvarh fixed) import LEAD 0 to 999999999 kvarh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1418 058Ah 4 R Reactive energy (unit: kvarh fixed) export LEAD 0 to 999999999 kvarh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1420 058Ch 4 R Apparent energy (unit: kVAh fixed) 0 to 999999999 kVAh × × ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
Periodic active energy (Period 1)
1422 058Eh 4 R import 0 to 999999999 kWh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
(unit: kWh fixed)
Periodic active energy (Period 2)
1424 0590h 4 R import 0 to 999999999 kWh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
(unit: kWh fixed)
1426 0592h 4 R Active energy (unit: MWh fixed) import 0 to 999999999 MWh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1428 0594h 4 R Active energy (unit: MWh fixed) export 0 to 999999999 MWh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1430 0596h 4 R Reactive energy (unit: Mvarh fixed) import LAG 0 to 999999999 Mvarh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1432 0598h 4 R Reactive energy (unit: Mvarh fixed) export LAG 0 to 999999999 Mvarh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1434 059Ah 4 R Reactive energy (unit: Mvarh fixed) import LEAD 0 to 999999999 Mvarh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1436 059Ch 4 R Reactive energy (unit: Mvarh fixed) export LEAD 0 to 999999999 Mvarh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1438 059Eh 4 R Apparent energy (unit: MVAh fixed) 0 to 999999999 MVAh × × ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
Periodic active energy (Period 1)
1440 05A0h 4 R import 0 to 999999999 MWh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
(unit: MWh fixed)
Periodic active energy (Period 2)
1442 05A2h 4 R import 0 to 999999999 MWh × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
(unit: MWh fixed)
1444 05A4h × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
・・・ ・・・ × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
1474 05C2h × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
1476 05C4h 4 R/W CO2 equivalent 0 to 999999 kg × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △*7 × × × ×
1478 05C6h × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×

Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
・・・ ・・・ × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
1482 05CAh × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
1484 05CCh 4 R/W Periodic active energy (Period 3) import 0 to 999999 kWh × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
Periodic active energy (Period 3)
1486 05CEh 4 R import 0 to 999999999 Wh × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
(unit: Wh fixed)
Periodic active energy (Period 3)
1488 05D0h 4 R import 0 to 999999999 kWh × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
(unit: kWh fixed)
Periodic active energy (Period 3)
1490 05D2h 4 R import 0 to 999999999 MWh × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
(unit: MWh fixed)

Note: For from register address 1304(0518h) to 1326(052Eh), the data of energy will change according to the total load setting of ME96. (This matches to display of
For from register address 1390(056Eh) to 1442(05A2h), the data of energy of selected unit will reply regardless to the total load setting of ME96. (This matches to
the additional display (9 digits) of ME96SSH/ME96SSR/ ME96SSE.)

(Example) In case of Active energy (import) data is 876,543,210,987,654,321 mWh, each reply data are following.
GWh MWh kWh Wh mWh
Data = 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Register Name Total power[kW] Note
less than 10 0 9 8 7 6 5
10 or more and less than 100 1 0 9 8 7 6
1304 100 or more and less than 1000 2 1 0 9 8 7
Active energy (import)
(0518h) 1000 or more and less than 10000 3 2 1 0 9 8
10000 or more and less than 100000 4 3 2 1 0 9 Multiplying the received data
100000 or more 5 4 3 2 1 0 by the multiplying factor of
less than 10 7 6 5 4 3 2 section 7 .3 gives the actual
10 or more and less than 100 8 7 6 5 4 3 value (unit:kWh)
1316 100 or more and less than 1000 9 8 7 6 5 4
Extended active energy (import)
(0524h) 1000 or more and less than 10000 0 9 8 7 6 5
10000 or more and less than 100000 1 0 9 8 7 6
100000 or more 2 1 0 9 8 7
1390 Active energy (unit: Wh fixed)
- 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4
(056Eh) (import) Data of energy of selected
1408 Active energy (unit: kWh fixed) unit will reply regardless to the
- 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7
(0580h) (import) total load.
1426 Active energy (unit: MWh fixed)
- 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
(0592h) (import)

Note: About the reply data of CO2 equivalent (Register address 1476(05C4h), refer to follows.
kg g
Data= 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
Item Total power [kW] Note
less than 10 7 8 9 0 1 2
10 or more and less than 100 6 7 8 9 0 1
Multiplying the received data by the
100 or more and less than 1000 5 6 7 8 9 0
CO2 equivalent (Reply data) multiplying factor of section 7 .3 gives
1000 or more and less than 10000 4 5 6 7 8 9
the actual value (unit:kg)
10000 or more and less than 100000 3 4 5 6 7 8
100000 or more 2 3 4 5 6 7
less than 10 7 8 9 0. 1 2
10 or more and less than 100 6 7 8 9 0. 1
100 or more and less than 1000 5 6 7 8 9 0
CO2 equivalent (LCD display) Unit:kg
1000 or more and less than 10000 4 5 6 7 8 9 0. 1 2
10000 or more and less than 100000 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0. 1
100000 or more 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

(5) Alarm Value Registers (0x0600)
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
1536 0600h 4 R/W Current demand upper limit 0 to 4000000 ×0.01 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
1538 0602h 4 R/W Voltage(L-N) upper limit 0 to 75000000 ×0.01 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
1540 0604h 4 R/W Current upper limit 0 to 4000000 ×0.01 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1542 0606h 4 R/W Power factor upper limit -50 to +1000 to 50 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1544 0608h 4 R/W Frequency upper limit 445 to 665 ×0.1 Hz ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1546 060Ah 4 R/W Harmonics current upper limit 0 to 1200 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
1548 060Ch 4 R/W THD voltage upper limit 0 to 200 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
Rolling demand (W) (Last)
1550 060Eh 4 R/W 0 to 1638300000 W △ △ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
upper limit
1552 0610h 4 R/W Active power upper limit -1638300000 to 1638300000 W ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1554 0612h 4 R/W Reactive power upper limit -1638300000 to 1638300000 var ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
1556 0614h 4 R/W Current demand lower limit 0 to 4000000 ×0.01 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
1558 0616h 4 R/W Voltage(L-N) lower limit 0 to 75000000 ×0.01 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
1560 0618h 4 R/W Current lower limit 0 to 4000000 ×0.01 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1562 061Ah 4 R/W Power factor lower limit -50 to +1000 to 50 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1564 061Ch 4 R/W Frequency lower limit 445 to 665 ×0.1 Hz ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1566 061Eh 4 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1568 0620h 4 R/W Active power lower limit -1638300000 to 1638300000 W ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
1570 0622h 4 R/W Reactive power lower limit -1638300000 to 1638300000 var ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7
Neutral current demand lower
1572 0624h 4 R/W 0 to 4000000 ×0.01 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △
1574 0626h 4 R/W Neutral current lower limit 0 to 4000000 ×0.01 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △
Neutral harmonics current
1576 0628h 4 R/W 0 to 1200 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △
lower limit
1578 062Ah 4 R/W Voltage(L-L) upper limit 0 to 75000000 ×0.01 V ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○
1580 062Ch 4 R/W Voltage(L-L) lower limit 0 to 75000000 ×0.01 V ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○
1582 062Eh Reserved × × △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4
・・・ ・・・ Reserved × × △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4
1592 0638h Reserved × × △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4
Rolling demand (var) (Last)
1594 063Ah 4 R/W 0 to 1638300000 var × × ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4
upper limit
Rolling demand (VA) (Last)
1596 063Ch 4 R/W 0 to 1638300000 VA × × ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △*4 △*4 △*4 △*4
upper limit
Rolling demand (W) (Present)
1598 063Eh 4 R/W 0 to 1638300000 W × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
upper limit
Rolling demand (var) (Present)
1600 0640h 4 R/W 0 to 1638300000 var × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
upper limit
Rolling demand (VA) (Present)
1602 0642h 4 R/W 0 to 1638300000 VA × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
upper limit
Rolling demand (W) (Predict)
1604 0644h 4 R/W 0 to 1638300000 W × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
upper limit
Rolling demand (var) (Predict)
1606 0646h 4 R/W 0 to 1638300000 var × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
upper limit

Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
Rolling demand (VA) (Predict)
1608 0648h 4 R/W 0 to 1638300000 VA × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
upper limit
Current unbalance
1610 064Ah 4 R/W 0 to 9900 x0.01% × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
upper limit
Voltage unbalance
1612 064Ch 4 R/W 0 to 9900 x0.01% × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
upper limit
Note 1: Setting of alarm value will be valid only if the alarm items are set in the ME96.
Note 2: Monitor of rolling demand(W/var/VA) upper limit, active power upper/lower limit and reactive power upper/lower limit is up to ±1638300000W(var).

(6) Harmonics Voltage (L-N) r.m.s. Registers (0x0700)
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
1792 0700h 2 R Harmonics value V1N Total 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △
1793 0701h 2 R Harmonics value V2N Total 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △
1794 0702h 2 R Harmonics value V3N Total 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △
1795 0703h 2 R Harmonics value V1N 1st 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1796 0704h 2 R Harmonics value V2N 1st 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1797 0705h 2 R Harmonics value V3N 1st 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1798 0706h 2 R Harmonics value V1N 3rd 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1799 0707h 2 R Harmonics value V2N 3rd 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1800 0708h 2 R Harmonics value V3N 3rd 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1801 0709h 2 R Harmonics value V1N 5th 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1802 070Ah 2 R Harmonics value V2N 5th 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1803 070Bh 2 R Harmonics value V3N 5th 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1804 070Ch 2 R Harmonics value V1N 7th 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1805 070Dh 2 R Harmonics value V2N 7th 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1806 070Eh 2 R Harmonics value V3N 7th 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1807 070Fh 2 R Harmonics value V1N 9th 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1808 0710h 2 R Harmonics value V2N 9th 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1809 0711h 2 R Harmonics value V3N 9th 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1810 0712h 2 R Harmonics value V1N 11th 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1811 0713h 2 R Harmonics value V2N 11th 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1812 0714h 2 R Harmonics value V3N 11th 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1813 0715h 2 R Harmonics value V1N 13th 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1814 0716h 2 R Harmonics value V2N 13th 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1815 0717h 2 R Harmonics value V3N 13th 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1816 0718h 2 R Harmonics value V1N 15th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1817 0719h 2 R Harmonics value V2N 15th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1818 071Ah 2 R Harmonics value V3N 15th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1819 071Bh 2 R Harmonics value V1N 17th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1820 071Ch 2 R Harmonics value V2N 17th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1821 071Dh 2 R Harmonics value V3N 17th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1822 071Eh 2 R Harmonics value V1N 19th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1823 071Fh 2 R Harmonics value V2N 19th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1824 0720h 2 R Harmonics value V3N 19th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1825 0721h 2 R Harmonics value V1N 21st 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1826 0722h 2 R Harmonics value V2N 21st 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1827 0723h 2 R Harmonics value V3N 21st 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1828 0724h 2 R Harmonics value V1N 23rd 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1829 0725h 2 R Harmonics value V2N 23rd 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1830 0726h 2 R Harmonics value V3N 23rd 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1831 0727h 2 R Harmonics value V1N 25th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1832 0728h 2 R Harmonics value V2N 25th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
1833 0729h 2 R Harmonics value V3N 25th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1834 072Ah 2 R Harmonics value V1N 27th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1835 072Bh 2 R Harmonics value V2N 27th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1836 072Ch 2 R Harmonics value V3N 27th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1837 072Dh 2 R Harmonics value V1N 29th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1838 072Eh 2 R Harmonics value V2N 29th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1839 072Fh 2 R Harmonics value V3N 29th 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1840 0730h 2 R Harmonics value V1N 31st 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1841 0731h 2 R Harmonics value V2N 31st 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
1842 0732h 2 R Harmonics value V3N 31st 0 to 16383 V × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

(7) Harmonics Voltage (L-L) r.m.s. Registers (0x0800)
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
2048 0800h 2 R Harmonics value V12 Total 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
2049 0801h 2 R Harmonics value V23 Total 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○*4 ○*4 △
2050 0802h 2 R Reserved - - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2051 0803h 2 R Harmonics value V12 1st 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
2052 0804h 2 R Harmonics value V23 1st 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2053 0805h 2 R Reserved - - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2054 0806h 2 R Harmonics value V12 3rd 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
2055 0807h 2 R Harmonics value V23 3rd 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2056 0808h 2 R Reserved - - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2057 0809h 2 R Harmonics value V12 5th 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
2058 080Ah 2 R Harmonics value V23 5th 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2059 080Bh 2 R Reserved - - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2060 080Ch 2 R Harmonics value V12 7th 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
2061 080Dh 2 R Harmonics value V23 7th 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2062 080Eh 2 R Reserved - - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2063 080Fh 2 R Harmonics value V12 9th 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
2064 0810h 2 R Harmonics value V23 9th 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2065 0811h 2 R Reserved - - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2066 0812h 2 R Harmonics value V12 11th 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
2067 0813h 2 R Harmonics value V23 11th 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2068 0814h 2 R Reserved - - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2069 0815h 2 R Harmonics value V12 13th 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
2070 0816h 2 R Harmonics value V23 13th 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2071 0817h 2 R Reserved - - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2072 0818h 2 R Harmonics value V12 15th 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
2073 0819h 2 R Harmonics value V23 15th 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ △ △ ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △
2074 081Ah 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2075 081Bh 2 R Harmonics value V12 17th 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
2076 081Ch 2 R Harmonics value V23 17th 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ △ △ ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △
2077 081Dh 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2078 081Eh 2 R Harmonics value V12 19th 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
2079 081Fh 2 R Harmonics value V23 19th 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ △ △ ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △
2080 0820h 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2081 0821h 2 R Harmonics value V12 21st 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2082 0822h 2 R Harmonics value V23 21st 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2083 0823h 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2084 0824h 2 R Harmonics value V12 23rd 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2085 0825h 2 R Harmonics value V23 23rd 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2086 0826h 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2087 0827h 2 R Harmonics value V12 25th 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2088 0828h 2 R Harmonics value V23 25th 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2089 0829h 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
2090 082Ah 2 R Harmonics value V12 27th 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2091 082Bh 2 R Harmonics value V23 27th 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2092 082Ch 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2093 082Dh 2 R Harmonics value V12 29th 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2094 082Eh 2 R Harmonics value V23 29th 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2095 082Fh 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2096 0830h 2 R Harmonics value V12 31st 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2097 0831h 2 R Harmonics value V23 31st 0 to 16383 V × × △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2098 0832h 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

(8) Harmonics Current r.m.s Registers (0x0900)
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
2304 0900h 2 R Harmonics value I1 Total 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
○ ○ ○*4
2305 0901h 2 R Harmonics value I2 Total 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○*4 (Note1) △ △
2306 0902h 2 R Harmonics value I3 Total 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △
2307 0903h 2 R Harmonics value IN Total 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △
2308 0904h 2 R Harmonics value I1 1st 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
○ ○
2309 0905h 2 R Harmonics value I2 1st 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △
2310 0906h 2 R Harmonics value I3 1st 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2311 0907h 2 R Harmonics value IN 1st 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2312 0908h 2 R Harmonics value I1 3rd 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
○ ○
2313 0909h 2 R Harmonics value I2 3rd 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △
2314 090Ah 2 R Harmonics value I3 3rd 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2315 090Bh 2 R Harmonics value IN 3rd 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2316 090Ch 2 R Harmonics value I1 5th 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
○ ○
2317 090Dh 2 R Harmonics value I2 5th 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △
2318 090Eh 2 R Harmonics value I3 5th 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2319 090Fh 2 R Harmonics value IN 5th 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2320 0910h 2 R Harmonics value I1 7th 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
○ ○
2321 0911h 2 R Harmonics value I2 7th 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △
2322 0912h 2 R Harmonics value I3 7th 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2323 0913h 2 R Harmonics value IN 7th 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2324 0914h 2 R Harmonics value I1 9th 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
○ ○
2325 0915h 2 R Harmonics value I2 9th 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △
2326 0916h 2 R Harmonics value I3 9th 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2327 0917h 2 R Harmonics value IN 9th 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2328 0918h 2 R Harmonics value I1 11th 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
○ ○
2329 0919h 2 R Harmonics value I2 11th 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △
2330 091Ah 2 R Harmonics value I3 11th 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2331 091Bh 2 R Harmonics value IN 11th 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2332 091Ch 2 R Harmonics value I1 13th 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
○ ○
2333 091Dh 2 R Harmonics value I2 13th 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △
2334 091Eh 2 R Harmonics value I3 13th 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2335 091Fh 2 R Harmonics value IN 13th 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2336 0920h 2 R Harmonics value I1 15th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
○ ○*4
2337 0921h 2 R Harmonics value I2 15th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○*4 (Note1) △ △ △ △ △ △
2338 0922h 2 R Harmonics value I3 15th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △
2339 0923h 2 R Harmonics value IN 15th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2340 0924h 2 R Harmonics value I1 17th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
2341 0925h 2 R Harmonics value I2 17th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ △ △ ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △
(Note1) (Note1)
2342 0926h 2 R Harmonics value I3 17th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △
2343 0927h 2 R Harmonics value IN 17th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2344 0928h 2 R Harmonics value I1 19th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
○ ○*4
2345 0929h 2 R Harmonics value I2 19th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○*4 (Note1) △ △ △ △ △ △
2346 092Ah 2 R Harmonics value I3 19th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △
2347 092Bh 2 R Harmonics value IN 19th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2348 092Ch 2 R Harmonics value I1 21st 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2 R ○
2349 092Dh Harmonics value I2 21st 0 to 16383 A × × ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2350 092Eh 2 R Harmonics value I3 21st 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2351 092Fh 2 R Harmonics value IN 21st 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2352 0930h 2 R Harmonics value I1 23rd 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2 R ○
2353 0931h Harmonics value I2 23rd 0 to 16383 A × × ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2354 0932h 2 R Harmonics value I3 23rd 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2355 0933h 2 R Harmonics value IN 23rd 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2356 0934h 2 R Harmonics value I1 25th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2 R ○
2357 0935h Harmonics value I2 25th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2358 0936h 2 R Harmonics value I3 25th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2359 0937h 2 R Harmonics value IN 25th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2360 0938h 2 R Harmonics value I1 27th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2 R ○
2361 0939h Harmonics value I2 27th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2362 093Ah 2 R Harmonics value I3 27th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2363 093Bh 2 R Harmonics value IN 27th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2364 093Ch 2 R Harmonics value I1 29th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2 R ○
2365 093Dh Harmonics value I2 29th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2366 093Eh 2 R Harmonics value I3 29th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2367 093Fh 2 R Harmonics value IN 29th 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2368 0940h 2 R Harmonics value I1 31st 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2 R ○
2369 0941h Harmonics value I2 31st 0 to 16383 A × × ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2370 0942h 2 R Harmonics value I3 31st 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2371 0943h 2 R Harmonics value IN 31st 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

Note 1: 3P3W_3CT setting only. In case of 3P3W_2CT setting, it is △(Reserved).

(9) Harmonics Voltage (L-N) THD/ Distortion ratio Registers (0x0A00)
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
2560 0A00h 2 R THD V1N Total 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △
2561 0A01h 2 R THD V2N Total 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △
2562 0A02h 2 R THD V3N Total 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △
2563 0A03h 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 3rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2564 0A04h 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 3rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2565 0A05h 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 3rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2566 0A06h 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 5th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2567 0A07h 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 5th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2568 0A08h 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 5th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2569 0A09h 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 7th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2570 0A0Ah 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 7th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2571 0A0Bh 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 7th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2572 0A0Ch 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 9th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2573 0A0Dh 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 9th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2574 0A0Eh 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 9th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2575 0A0Fh 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 11th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2576 0A10h 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 11th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2577 0A11h 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 11th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2578 0A12h 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 13th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2579 0A13h 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 13th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2580 0A14h 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 13th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2581 0A15h 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 15th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2582 0A16h 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 15th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2583 0A17h 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 15th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2584 0A18h 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 17th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2585 0A19h 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 17th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2586 0A1Ah 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 17th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2587 0A1Bh 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 19th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2588 0A1Ch 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 19th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2589 0A1Dh 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 19th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2590 0A1Eh 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 21st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2591 0A1Fh 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 21st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2592 0A20h 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 21st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2593 0A21h 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 23rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2594 0A22h 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 23rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2595 0A23h 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 23rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2596 0A24h 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 25th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2597 0A25h 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 25th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2598 0A26h 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 25th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2599 0A27h 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 27th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2600 0A28h 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 27th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2601 0A29h 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 27th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
2602 0A2Ah 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 29th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2603 0A2Bh 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 29th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2604 0A2Ch 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 29th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2605 0A2Dh 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 31st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2606 0A2Eh 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 31st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2607 0A2Fh 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 31st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

(10) Harmonics Voltage (L-L) THD/ Distortion ratio Registers (0x0B00)
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
2816 0B00h 2 R THD V12 Total 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
2817 0B01h 2 R THD V23 Total 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○*4 ○*4 △
2818 0B02h 2 R Reserved - - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2819 0B03h 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 3rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
2820 0B04h 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 3rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2821 0B05h 2 R Reserved - - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2822 0B06h 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 5th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
2823 0B07h 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 5th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2824 0B08h 2 R Reserved - - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2825 0B09h 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 7th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
2826 0B0Ah 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 7th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2827 0B0Bh 2 R Reserved - - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2828 0B0Ch 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 9th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
2829 0B0Dh 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 9th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2830 0B0Eh 2 R Reserved - - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2831 0B0Fh 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 11th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
2832 0B10h 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 11th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2833 0B11h 2 R Reserved - - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2834 0B12h 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 13th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
2835 0B13h 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 13th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
2836 0B14h 2 R Reserved - - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2837 0B15h 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 15th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △
2838 0B16h 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 15th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △
2839 0B17h 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2840 0B18h 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 17th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △
2841 0B19h 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 17th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △
2842 0B1Ah 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2843 0B1Bh 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 19th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △
2844 0B1Ch 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 19th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △
2845 0B1Dh 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2846 0B1Eh 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 21st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2847 0B1Fh 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 21st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2848 0B20h 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2849 0B21h 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 23rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2850 0B22h 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 23rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2851 0B23h 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2852 0B24h 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 25th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2853 0B25h 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 25th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2854 0B26h 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2855 0B27h 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 27th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2856 0B28h 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 27th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
2857 0B29h 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2858 0B2Ah 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 29th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2859 0B2Bh 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 29th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2860 0B2Ch 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2861 0B2Dh 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 31st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2862 0B2Eh 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 31st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
2863 0B2Fh 2 R Reserved - - - × × △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

(11) Harmonics Current THD/ Distortion ratio Registers (0x0C00)
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
3072 0C00h 2 R THD I1 Total 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
○ ○ ○*4
3073 0C01h 2 R THD I2 Total 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○*4 (Note1) △ △
3074 0C02h 2 R THD I3 Total 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △
3075 0C03h 2 R THD IN Total 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △
3076 0C04h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 3rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
○ ○
3077 0C05h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 3rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △
3078 0C06h 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 3rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
3079 0C07h 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 3rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3080 0C08h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 5th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
○ ○
3081 0C09h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 5th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △
3082 0C0Ah 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 5th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
3083 0C0Bh 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 5th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3084 0C0Ch 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 7th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
○ ○
3085 0C0Dh 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 7th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △
3086 0C0Eh 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 7th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
3087 0C0Fh 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 7th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3088 0C10h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 9th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
○ ○
3089 0C11h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 9th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △
3090 0C12h 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 9th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
3091 0C13h 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 9th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3092 0C14h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 11th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
○ ○
3093 0C15h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 11th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △
3094 0C16h 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 11th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
3095 0C17h 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 11th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3096 0C18h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 13th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
○ ○
3097 0C19h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 13th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △
3098 0C1Ah 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 13th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △
3099 0C1Bh 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 13th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3100 0C1Ch 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 15th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
○ ○*4
3101 0C1Dh 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 15th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○*4 (Note1) △ △ △ △ △ △
3102 0C1Eh 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 15th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △
3103 0C1Fh 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 15th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3104 0C20h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 17th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
○ ○*4
3105 0C21h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 17th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ (Note1)
△ △ ○*4 (Note1) △ △ △ △ △ △
3106 0C22h 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 17th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △
3107 0C23h 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 17th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3108 0C24h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 19th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
3109 0C25h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 19th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ △ △ ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △
(Note1) (Note1)
3110 0C26h 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 19th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △ △
3111 0C27h 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 19th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3112 0C28h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 21st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

3113 0C29h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 21st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3114 0C2Ah 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 21st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3115 0C2Bh 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 21st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3116 0C2Ch 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 23rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

3117 0C2Dh 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 23rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3118 0C2Eh 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 23rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3119 0C2Fh 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 23rd 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3120 0C30h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 25th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

3121 0C31h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 25th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3122 0C32h 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 25th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3123 0C33h 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 25th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3124 0C34h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 27th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

3125 0C35h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 27th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3126 0C36h 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 27th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3127 0C37h 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 27th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

3128 0C38h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 29th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ (Note1)
○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3129 0C39h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 29th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3130 0C3Ah 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 29th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3131 0C3Bh 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 29th 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3132 0C3Ch 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 31st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

3133 0C3Dh 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 31st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ (Note1)
△ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3134 0C3Eh 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 31st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3135 0C3Fh 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 31st 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

Note 1: 3P3W_3CT setting only. In case of 3P3W_2CT setting, it is △(Reserved).

(12) Harmonics Voltage (L-N) r.m.s. Maximum Registers (0x0D00)
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
3328 0D00h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3329 0D01h 2 R Harmonics value V(L-N) 1st Max. 0 to 16383 V ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3330 0D02h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3331 0D03h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3332 0D04h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3333 0D05h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3334 0D06h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3335 0D07h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

(13) Harmonics Voltage (L-L) r.m.s. Maximum Registers (0x0E00)

Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
3584 0E00h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3585 0E01h 2 R Harmonics value V(L-L) 1st Max. 0 to 16383 V △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
3586 0E02h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3587 0E03h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3588 0E04h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3589 0E05h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3590 0E06h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3591 0E07h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △

(14) Harmonics Current r.m.s. Maximum Registers (0x0F00)
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
3840 0F00h 2 R Harmonics value current Total Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
3841 0F01h 2 R Harmonics value current 1st Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
3842 0F02h 2 R Harmonics value current 3rd Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
3843 0F03h 2 R Harmonics value current 5th Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
3844 0F04h 2 R Harmonics value current 7th Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
3845 0F05h 2 R Harmonics value current 9th Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
3846 0F06h 2 R Harmonics value current 11th Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
3847 0F07h 2 R Harmonics value current 13th Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
3848 0F08h 2 R Harmonics value current 15th Max. 0 to 16383 A △ △ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
3849 0F09h 2 R Harmonics value current 17th Max. 0 to 16383 A △ △ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
3850 0F0Ah 2 R Harmonics value current 19th Max. 0 to 16383 A △ △ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
3851 0F0Bh 2 R Harmonics value current 21st Max. 0 to 16383 A △ △ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3852 0F0Ch 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3853 0F0Dh 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3854 0F0Eh 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3855 0F0Fh 2 R Harmonics value neutral current Total Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △
3856 0F10h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3857 0F11h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3858 0F12h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3859 0F13h 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 1st Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3860 0F14h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3861 0F15h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3862 0F16h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3863 0F17h 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 3rd Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3864 0F18h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3865 0F19h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3866 0F1Ah 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3867 0F1Bh 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 5th Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3868 0F1Ch 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3869 0F1Dh 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3870 0F1Eh 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3871 0F1Fh 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 7th Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3872 0F20h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3873 0F21h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3874 0F22h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3875 0F23h 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 9th Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3876 0F24h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3877 0F25h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3878 0F26h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3879 0F27h 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 11th Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3880 0F28h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3881 0F29h 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
3882 0F2Ah 2 R Reserved - - △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3883 0F2Bh 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 13th Max. 0 to 16383 A ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3884 0F2Ch × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
・・・ ・・・ × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
3917 0F4Dh × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
3918 0F4Eh 2 R Harmonics value current 23th Max. 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3919 0F4Fh 2 R Harmonics value current 25th Max. 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3920 0F50h 2 R Harmonics value current 27th Max. 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3921 0F51h 2 R Harmonics value current 29th Max. 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3922 0F52h 2 R Harmonics value current 31st Max. 0 to 16383 A × × ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3923 0F53h 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 15th Max. 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3924 0F54h 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 17th Max. 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3925 0F55h 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 19th Max. 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3926 0F56h 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 21st Max. 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3927 0F57h 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 23rd Max. 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3928 0F58h 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 25th Max. 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3929 0F59h 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 27th Max. 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3930 0F5Ah 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 29th Max. 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
3931 0F5Bh 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 31st Max. 0 to 16383 A × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
Harmonics value current (Total)
3932 0F5Ch 2 R Max. value occurrence time 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
(Year, Month)
Harmonics value current (Total)
3933 0F5Dh 2 R Max. value occurrence time 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
(Day, Hour)
Harmonics value current (Total)
3934 0F5Eh 2 R Max. value occurrence time 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×

(15) Harmonics Voltage (L-N) THD/ Distortion ratio Maximum Registers (0x1000)
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
4096 1000h 2 R THD Voltage L-N Total Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △
4097 1001h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-N) 3rd Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4098 1002h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-N) 5th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4099 1003h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-N) 7th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4100 1004h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-N) 9th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4101 1005h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-N) 11th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4102 1006h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-N) 13th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% ○ △ ○ △ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4103 1007h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-N) 15th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4104 1008h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-N) 17th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4105 1009h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-N) 19th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ ○*4 △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4106 100Ah 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-N) 21st Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4107 100Bh 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-N) 23rd Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4108 100Ch 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-N) 25th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4109 100Dh 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-N) 27th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4110 100Eh 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-N) 29th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4111 100Fh 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-N) 31st Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
THD Voltage L-N Max. value
4112 1010h 2 R 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
THD Voltage L-N Max. value
4113 1011h 2 R 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Day, Hour)
THD Voltage L-N Max. value
4114 1012h 2 R 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 ○*7 △*7 △*7 △*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Minute,Second)

(16) Harmonics Voltage (L-L) THD/ Distortion ratio Maximum Registers (0x1100)
Applicable *3
Dec. Hex. Count *1 *2 Unit 3P4W 3P3W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W 3P4W 3P3W 1P3W 1P2W
4352 1100h 2 R THD Voltage L-L Total Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4
4353 1101h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-L) 3rd Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
4354 1102h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-L) 5th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
4355 1103h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-L) 7th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
4356 1104h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-L) 9th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
4357 1105h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-L) 11th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
4358 1106h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-L) 13th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △
4359 1107h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-L) 15th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
4360 1108h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-L) 17th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
4361 1109h 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-L) 19th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ ○*4 ○*4 ○*4 △ △ △ △
4362 110Ah 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-L) 21st Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4363 110Bh 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-L) 23rd Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4364 110Ch 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-L) 25th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4365 110Dh 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-L) 27th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4366 110Eh 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-L) 29th Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
4367 110Fh 2 R Harmonic distortion Voltage(L-L) 31st Max. 0 to 16383 ×0.1% × × △ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △
THD Voltage L-L Max. value
4368 1110h 2 R 16h…99h+01h…12h - × × △*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Year, Month)
THD Voltage L- L Max. value
4369 1111h 2 R 01h…31h+00h…23h - × × △*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Day, Hour)
THD Voltage L- L Max. value
4370 1112h 2 R 00h…59h+00h…59h - × × △*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 △*7 ○*7 ○*7 ○*7 × × × ×
occurrence time (Minute,Second)

7 .2 Data of Setup Registers
In details of setting data and setting ranges, please refer each user’s manuals.

When a data in the write multiple registers (10H) is 8000H or 80000000H, the setting of the address is skipped.
In case of collective setting, use as the unset address.

(1) Phase Wiring

Phase wiring Data
1P2W 0001H
1P3W_1N3 0002H
3P3W_2CT 0003H
3P4W 0004H
1P3W_1N2 0005H
3P3W_3CT 0006H

(2) Primary Voltage value (L-L)

The set value is the data in which the voltage value is converted into 4 bytes. (When the setup voltage is 6600 V,
the set value is 6600(000019C8h).)
(a) 3P4W
Use the (2)primary voltage value (L-N).
(b) 3P3W_2CT, 3P3W_3CT
If setting value is a direct voltage value (Ex. 110 V, 220 V or 440 V ), it is set “Direct input”, and set the primary
voltage which is transmitted as the direct input voltage. In other case, it is set “With VT”.
(c) 1P3W
110 V or 220 V is valid only.

(3) Primary Voltage Value (L-N)

The set value is the data in which the 10 times voltage value is converted into 4 bytes. (When the setup voltage
is 63.5 V, the set value is 635 (0000027Bh).)
(a) 3P4W
If setting value is a direct voltage value (Ex. 63.5 V, 100 V, 110 V, 220 V, 230 V, 240 V, 254 V or 277 V), it is
set “Direct input”, and set the primary voltage which is transmitted as the direct input voltage. In other case, it
is set “With VT”.
(b) 3P3W_2CT, 3P3W_3CT, 1P3W or 1P2W
Use the (2)primary voltage value (L-L).

(4) Secondary Voltage Value

The set value is the data in which the 10 times voltage value is converted into 4 bytes. (When the setup voltage
is 63.5V, the set value is 635 (0000027Bh).)
(a) 3P4W, 3P3W_2CT, 3P3W_3CT, or 1P2W
About setting range, please refer to each user’s manuals.
In case of 3P4W, set the voltage of L-N. In case of 3P3W_2CT or 3P3W_3CT, set the voltage of L-L. If the
setting of ME96 is “Direct voltage”, the setting is changed “With VT” and set the secondary voltage.
Furthermore, the setting of the primary voltage is changed to the initial value or the previous value.
(b) 1P3W
It cannot set. If monitored, the data is the 10 times of the primary voltage.

(5) Primary Current Value

The set value is the data in which the 10 times current value is converted into 4 bytes. (When the setup current
is 7.5 A, the set value is 75 (0000004Bh).)

(6) Secondary Current Value

The set value is the data in which the current value is converted into 4 bytes. (When the setup current is 5 A,
the set value is 5 (00000005h).)

(7) Time Constant for Current Demand

The set value is the data in which the second unit value is converted into 2 bytes. (When the setup time is 2 min,
the set value is 120 (0078h).)
(8) Intarval Time Constant, Subintarval Time Constant
The set value is the data in which the minute unit value is converted into 2 bytes. (When the setup time is 15 min,
the set value is 15 (000Fh).)
When the interval time constant is changed, the subinterval time constant is changed to 1 min. When the
subinterval is changed, if the interval time constant cannot be divided by subinterval time constant, it will be the
error of illegal data value.

(9) Frequency
The set value is the data in which the frequency value is converted into 2 bytes. (When the setup time is 50 Hz,
the set value is 50 (0032h).)

(10) Multiplying factors (Register address 02EFh, 02F2h to 02FAh, 0436h)

These are multiplying factors of the current, voltage, power, energy, power factor, frequency, current THD,
voltage THD, energy (extended) and current/coltage unbalance. The data of powers of 10 (“n” of [x10n]) is
converted into 2 bytes. The data of negative number is expressed a two’s complement. Multiplying the measuring
data by [10n] gives the actual value.

(11) Model codes

The following table lists the model codes
Type Data
ME96SSE-MB 0212h
ME96SSR-MB 0213h
ME96SSH-MB 0214h
ME96SSEA-MB 0215h
ME96SSRA-MB 0216h
ME96SSHA-MB 0217h
ME96SSEB-MB 0219h

(12) 16 Bits Set/Reset Register 1
Content ON(1) OFF(0)
b0 Reset of all alarm executed -
b1 Reset of all energy(Note1) and all max/min value(Note2) executed -
b2 Reset of all max/min value(Note2) executed -
b3 Unusable - -
b4 Set of digital output 1 (DO1) (Note3) Set Reset
b5 Set of digital output 2 (DO2) (Note3) Set Reset
b6 Unusable - -
b7 Unusable - -
b8 Reset of all digital input (DI) latch (Note3) executed -
b9 Unusable - -
b10 Unusable - -
b11 Unusable - -
b12 Unusable - -
b13 Unusable - -
b14 Reset of all energy(Note1) executed -
b15 Unusable - -
Note1: Periodic active energy (period 1/2/3) and CO2 equivalent are not reset. Active energy (import/export), reactive energy
(import(LEAD/LAG) /export(LEAD/LAG)), apparent energy and operating time are reset.
Note2: Maximum value of rolling demand power is not reset.
Note3: Depending on the used option, it becomes “Unusable”.

(13) 16 Bits Set/Reset Register 2

Content ON(1) OFF(0)
b0 Select of periodic active energy (period 1) (Note1) Select Cancel
b1 Select of periodic active energy (period 2) (Note1) Select Cancel
b2 Select of periodic active energy (period 3) (Note1) Select Cancel
b3 Unusable - -
b4 Reset of periodic active energy (period 1) executed -
b5 Reset of periodic active energy (period 2) executed -
b6 Reset of periodic active energy (period 3) executed -
b7 Unusable - -
b8 Reset of maximum value of rolling demand power executed -
b9 Reset of CO2 equivalent executed -
b10 Unusable - -
b11 Unusable - -
b12 Unusable - -
b13 Unusable - -
b14 Restart of rolling demand calculation executed -
b15 Unusable - -
Note1: When the bit in on(1), the active energy (import) is add to the active energy (period n). (where n= 1, 2, 3 )
Note 2. Depending on the model, there are unused bits. Refer to the each user’s manual for supported functions.

(14) 16 Bits Register for Alarm Monitor 1
Content ON(1) OFF(0)
b0 Digital input 1 (DI1) (Note1) ON OFF
b1 Digital input 2 (DI2) (Note1) ON OFF
b2 Digital input 3 (DI3) (Note1) ON OFF
b3 Digital input 4 (DI4) (Note1) ON OFF
b4 Digital input 5 (DI5) (Note1) ON OFF
b5 Alarm (total) Alarm Non-Alarm
b6 Alarm of Demand current (Note2) Alarm Non-Alarm
b7 Alarm of Rolling Demand (W/var/VA) (Note3) Alarm Non-Alarm
b8 Alarm of Voltage (Note2) Alarm Non-Alarm
b9 Alarm of Current (Note2) Alarm Non-Alarm
b10 Alarm of Active power (Note2) Alarm Non-Alarm
b11 Alarm of Reactive power (Note2) Alarm Non-Alarm
b12 Alarm of Frequency Alarm Non-Alarm
b13 Alarm of Power factor (Note2) Alarm Non-Alarm
b14 Alarm of T.H.D (Voltage) (Note2) Alarm Non-Alarm
b15 Alarm of Harmonics current (Note2) Alarm Non-Alarm
Note1: Depending on the used option, it becomes “Unusable”.
Note2: For the alarm judging items, refer to the next page.
Note3: ME96NSR-MB is non-applicable.

(15) 16 Bits Register for Alarm Monitor 2

Content ON(1) OFF(0)
b0 Upper limit alarm of current (phase 1) Alarm Non-Alarm
b1 Upper limit alarm of current (phase 2) Alarm Non-Alarm
b2 Upper limit alarm of current (phase 3 Alarm Non-Alarm
b3 Upper limit alarm of current (phase N) Alarm Non-Alarm
b4 Upper limit alarm of current (total) (Note1) Alarm Non-Alarm
b5 Lower limit alarm of current (total) (Note1) Alarm Non-Alarm
b6 Upper limit alarm of L-L voltage (total) Alarm Non-Alarm
b7 Lower limit alarm of L-L voltage (total) Alarm Non-Alarm
b8 Upper limit alarm of L-N voltage (1-N) Alarm Non-Alarm
b9 Upper limit alarm of L-N voltage (2-N) Alarm Non-Alarm
b10 Upper limit alarm of L-N voltage (3-N) Alarm Non-Alarm
b11 Upper limit alarm of L-N voltage (total) Alarm Non-Alarm
b12 Lower limit alarm of L-N voltage (1-N) Alarm Non-Alarm
b13 Lower limit alarm of L-N voltage (2-N) Alarm Non-Alarm
b14 Lower limit alarm of L-N voltage (3-N) Alarm Non-Alarm
b15 Lower limit alarm of L-N voltage (total) Alarm Non-Alarm
Note1: For the alarm judging items, refer to the follows.

◼ Alarm judging items of each phase wiring is shown as follows.

Monitored phase
Upper/lower limit alarm element
3P4W 3P3W(3CT,2CT) 1P3W(1N2) 1P3W(1N3)
Upper limit current, current demand 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, N, 2 1, N, 3
Lower limit current, current demand 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2 1, 3
Upper limit N-phase current, N-phase current demand N ― ― ―
Lower limit N-phase current, N-phase current demand N ― ― ―
Upper limit voltage (L-L) (Note 1) 12, 23, 31 12, 23, 31 1N, 2N, 12 1N, 3N, 13
Lower limit voltage (L-L) (Note 1) 12, 23, 31 12, 23, 31 1N, 2N, 12 1N, 3N, 13
Upper limit voltage (L-N) 1N, 2N, 3N ― ― ―
Lower limit voltage (L-N) 1N, 2N, 3N ― ― ―
Upper limit active power, reactive power, power factor Total Total Total Total
Lower limit active power, reactive power, power factor Total Total Total Total
Upper limit frequency 1N 12 1N 1N
Lower limit frequency 1N 12 1N 1N
Harmonic current total RMS value 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 (note 2) 1, 2 1, 3
Harmonic current total RMS value N-phase N ― ― ―
Harmonic voltage total distortion ratio 1N, 2N, 3N 12, 23 1N, 2N 1N, 3N
Upper limit rolling demand Total Total Total Total
Note1: For phase 12 (or phase 31) at 1-phase 3-wire, alarm monitoring is executed using a value that is two times the set
upper/lower limit alarm value.
Note2: Only 3P3W (3CT) is measured for the phase 2 harmonic current.

(16) 16 Bits Register for Alarm Monitor 3
Content ON(1) OFF(0)
b0 Unusable - -
b1 Unusable - -
b2 Unusable - -
b3 Unusable - -
b4 Unusable - -
b5 Unusable - -
b6 Upper limit alarm of current unbalance Alarm Non-Alarm
b7 Upper limit alarm of voltage unbalance Alarm Non-Alarm
b8 Unusable - -
b9 Unusable - -
b10 Unusable - -
b11 Unusable - -
b12 Unusable - -
b13 Unusable - -
b14 Unusable - -
b15 Unusable - -

(17) Current time

When setting the current time of Logging unit or ME96, specify that the register address is 1030(0406h) and the write points
is 3.
When a data of current time in the write multiple registers (10H) is 80000000H, the setting is not skipped.

Ex) When Logging unit time of ME-0000BU-SS96 is “October 23, 2016 02:34:56, the monitor data are follows.

Resister Address Byte R/W Register Name Data(Hex) *1

Dec. Hex. Count
1030 0406h 2 R/W Current time (Year,Month) 16 10
1031 0407h 2 R/W Current time (Day,Hour) 23 02
1032 0408h 2 R/W Current time (Minute,Second) 34 56
*1 Data of logging unit current time are BCD code.

Note: Current time is 0 reply when no-installed logging unit and unused the built-in logging function.

(18) MAC Address

When monitoring MAC Address, specify that the register address is 1066(042Ah) and the read points is 4.

Ex) When MAC Address of ME-0000MT-SS96 is 00:26:92:FF:6F:A9, the monitor data are follows.

Resister Address Byte R/W Register Name Data(Hex)

Dec. Hex. Count
1066 042Ah 4 R MAC Address (1,2 octet) 00 00 00 26
1068 042Ch 4 R MAC Address (3 to 6 octet) 92 FF 6F A9

(19) IP Address/Subnet mask/Default gateway

When a data of IP Address/Subnet mask/Default gateway in the write multiple registers (10H) is 80000000H, the setting is
not skipped.

Ex) When IP Address is, the monitor/setting data are follows.

Resister Address Byte R/W Register Name Data(Hex)

Dec. Hex. Count
1070 042Eh 4 R/W IP Address C0 A8 03 0A

(20) Upper/Lower limit alarm item/value
The following table lists alarm items and its corresponding data.
Refer to the each user’s manual about the alarm value in details.
Alarm item Alarm value
Items Data
Dec. Hex.
non 0 00h - -
Current upper imit 1 01h 50 to 1200 x0.1%
Current lower imit 2 02h 30 to 950 x0.1%
Neutral current upper imit 3 03h 50 to 1200 x0.1%
Currentdemand upper imit 9 09h 50 to 1200 x0.1%
Current demand lower imit 10 0Ah 30 to 950 x0.1%
Neutral current demand upper imit 11 0Bh 50 to 1200 x0.1%
Voltage (L-L) upper limit 17 11h 250 to 1350 x0.1%
Voltage (L-L) lower limit 18 12h 200 to 950 x0.1%
Voltage (L-N) upper limit 19 13h 250 to 1350 x0.1%
Voltage (L- N) lower limit 20 14h 200 to 950 x0.1%
Active power upper limit 21 15h -950 to 1200 x0.1%
Active power lower limit 22 16h -1200 to 950 x0.1%
Rolling demand (W) (Last) upper limit 23 17h 50 to 1200 x0.1%
Rolling demand (W) (Present) upper limit 39 27h 50 to 1200 x0.1%
Rolling demand (W) (Predict) upper limit 42 2Ah 50 to 1200 x0.1%
Reactive power upper limit 25 19h -950 to 1200 x0.1%
Reactive power lower limit 26 1Ah -1200 to 950 x0.1%
Rolling demand (var) (Last) upper limit 35 23h 50 to 1200 x0.1%
Rolling demand (var) (Present) upper limit 40 28h 50 to 1200 x0.1%
Rolling demand (var) (Predict) upper limit 43 2Bh 50 to 1200 x0.1%
Rolling demand (VA) (Last) upper limit 36 24h 50 to 1200 x0.1%
Rolling demand (VA) (Present) upper limit 41 29h 50 to 1200 x0.1%
Rolling demand (VA) (Predict) upper limit 44 2Ch 50 to 1200 x0.1%
Power factor upper limit 27 1Bh -50 to 1000 to 50 x0.1%
Power factor lower limit 28 1Ch -50 to 1000 to 50 x0.1%
Frequency upper limit 29 1Dh 450 to 650 x0.1 Hz
Frequency lower limit 30 1Eh 450 to 650 x0.1 Hz
Harmonics current upper limit 31 1Fh 10 to 1200 x0.1%
Neutral harmonics current upper limit 33 21h 10 to 1200 x0.1%
THD voltage upper limit 32 20h 5 to 200 x0.1%
Current unbalance upper limit 37 25h 100 to 9900 x0.01%
Voltage unbalance upper limit 38 26h 100 to 9900 x0.01%

7 .3 Multiplying Factor
Conditions of multiplying factor by setup of each element are shown below.
Element Unit Condition
factor *3 Address Data
Voltage less than 440V x0.1 -1
Harmonics voltage Primary 440 V or more and less than 3300 V x1 0
V 755(02F3h)
(1P2W, 1P3W, 3P3W, voltage *1 3300 V or more and less than 113.7 kV x10 1
3P4W(L-N)) 113.7 kV or more x100 2
less than 440 V x0.1 -1
Voltage Primary
440V or more and less than 3300 V x1 0
Harmonics voltage V voltage 751(02EFh)
3300V or more and less than 113.7 kV x10 1
(3P4W(L-L)) (L-L)
113.7 kV or more x100 2
less than 40 A x0.01 -2
Primary 40 A or more and less than 400 A x0.1 -1
Current demand A 754(02F2h)
current 400 A or more and less than 4000 A x1 0
Harmonics current
4000 A or more x10 1
0 kW or more and less than 1.2 kW x0.0001 -4
Active power 1.2 kW or more and less than 12 kW x0.001 -3
Reactive power kW 12 kW or more and less than 120 kW x0.01 -2
Total load
Apparent power kvar 120 kW or more and less than 1200 kW x0.1 756(02F4h) -1
power *2
Rolling demand power kVA 1200 kW or more and less than 12000 kW x1 0
(kW/kvar/kVA) 12000 kW or more and less than 120000 kW x10 1
120000 kW or more x100 2
0 kW or more and less than 10 kW x0.01 -2
Active energy kWh 10 kW or more and less than 100 kW x0.1 -1
Reactive energy kvarh Total load 100 kW or more and less than 1000 kW x1 0
Apparent energy kVAh power *2 1000 kW or more and less than 10000 kW x10 1
CO2 equivalent kg 10000 kW or more and less than 100000 kW x100 2
100000 kW or more x1000 3
0 kW or more and less than 10 kW x0.00001 -5
Active energy 10 kW or more and less than 100 kW x0.0001 -4
(extended) kWh Total load 100 kW or more and less than 1000 kW x0.001 -3
Reactive energy kvarh power *2 1000 kW or more and less than 10000 kW x0.01 -2
(extended) 10000 kW or more and less than 100000 kW x0.1 -1
100000 kW or more x1 0
Power factor % - - x0.1 758(02F6h) -1
Frequency Hz - - x0.1 759(02F7h) -1
Harmonics distortion
% - - x0.1 760(02F8h) -1
Harmonics distortion
% - - x0.1 761(02F9h) -1
Active energy
(unit: Wh fixed)
Reactive energy
varh - - x1 - -
(unit: varh fixed)
Apparent energy
(unit: VA fixed)
Active energy
(unit: kWh fixed)
Reactive energy
kvarh - - x1 - -
(unit: kvarh fixed)
Apparent energy
(unit: kVA fixed)

Element Unit Condition
factor *3 Address Data
Active energy
(unit: MWh fixed)
Reactive energy
Mvarh - - x1 - -
(unit: Mvarh fixed)
Apparent energy
(unit: MVA fixed)
Operating time h - - x1 - -
% - - x0.01 1078(0436h) -2
*1: When 3P4W, it is L-N voltage.
*2: How to calculate primary rated power is the as follows.

α x (Primary voltage) x (Primary current)

Total rated power[kW]=

Phase wiring α Note

1P2W α=1
1P3W α=2 Primary voltage is L-N voltage.
3P3W α=1.732
3P4W α=3 Primary voltage is L-N voltage.

*3: ME96NSR-MB is non-applicable.

7 .4 Specifications of built-in logging data
When the built-in logging function of the ME96SSHB-MB / ME96SSRB-MB is enabled, the measured data is
stored in the internal memory (nonvolatile memory) as logging data. Alarm data, maximum / minimum value
occurrence time, and system log data are also stored as events that occurred in the main unit. The stored data is
read out using MODBUS RTU communication.

Note: This function is only for MODBUS RTU. Cannot be used with MODBUS TCP.

7.4.1 Logging data type

Logging data type Description
Measuring data Measuring data and time data are logged at the interval set at the data logging period.
(15 min, 30 min, 60 min)
Integrated value data: 5 items,
Number of logging
Data other than integrated value: 15 items
(Total: A maximum of 20 items)
30 days (Logging period: 15 minutes)
Internal memory
60 days (Logging period: 30 minutes)
logging period
120 days (Logging period: 60 minutes)
Also, there are registers that can get measurement data at any timing, even outside the
logging cycle.
Alarm data Stores up to 100 records of alarm elements and time data when each alarm occurrence
/ retention / cancellation event occurs for the alarm elements set on the ME96.
Max/Min value occurrence One record of time data when the maximum or minimum value is updated is stored for
time each element.
System log data Stores up to 100 records of time data when events such as setting changes occur.

7.4.2 Pre-Operational Procedures and Setting
This section explains the procedures and setting method for built-in logging.. (Only concerned with the setting
of built-in logging funtion)
Please read the user’s manual in addition to this document.


Turn on the power of ME96.

Enable the built-in logging function on

Refer to section 7.4.2(1).
the ME96.

Set the current time of the ME96. Refer to section 7.4.2(1)


Confirm the logging item of

Refer to section 7.4.2(2).
measurement data.

Needed the measurement data are
in the built-in logging item pattern
LP01 or LP02


Set the built-in logging item pattern Set the built-in logging item
(LP01 or LP02) and the logging cycle Refer to section
pattern “LP00”, and set the
of the ME96. logging cycle of the ME96.

Set the logging element via Refer to section

MODBUS RTU communication. 7.4.2(3).


(1) Setting of current time, built-in logging function, logging-item pattern and logging cycle
Setting of current time, built-in logging function, logging-item pattern and logging cycle are set at the ME96.
Please refer the user’s manual of ME96.
The current time can also be set from MODBUS RTU. Refer to “7 .2(17)Current time”.

When the following settings are changed, the stored measurement data in the built-in logging is deleted.
When changing the settings, output the logging data in advance and check that the logging data is
stored correctly before changing the settings.
・ Changing the phase wire setting
・ Built-in logging data clear
CAUTION ・ Logging element change for built-in logging element pattern P00
・ Changing the current time setting exceeding the logging period

In addition, when the current time exceeding the logging cycle is changed, processing to complement
the data at the corresponding logging time is executed. It becomes 0 when monitoring data of built-in
logging is monitored during complement processing. Please try again after a while.

(2) Built-in logging items
The logging items are grouped as the logging-item pattern (LP01, LP02) at the ME96 in advance. So, it is
possible to select the logging item by setting the logging-item pattern. Refer to the below about the logging item.
In addition, if there is no logging pattern that you want, select the LP00 to configure the logging item freely.

(a) In case of 3P4W

Data size Logging-item pattern LP01 LP02
Logging measuring data
Active energy (import) Active energy (import)
(Integrated value data) 1
Logging measuring data
Active energy (export) Active energy (export)
(Integrated value data) 2
Logging measuring data
4byte area Reactive energy (import LAG) Reactive energy (import LAG)
(Integrated value data) 3
Logging measuring data
Reactive energy (import LEAD) Reactive energy (import LEAD)
(Integrated value data) 4
Logging measuring data
Apparent energy Apparent energy
(Integrated value data) 5
Logging measuring data
ΣActive power ΣActive power
(Data other than integrated value) 1
Logging measuring data
ΣPower factor ΣPower factor
(Data other than integrated value) 2
Logging measuring data
Frequency Frequency
(Data other than integrated value) 3
Logging measuring data
ΣReactive power Average value current
(Data other than integrated value) 4
Logging measuring data
ΣApparent power Average value voltage (L-L)
(Data other than integrated value) 5
Logging measuring data
Average value current Phase 1 current
(Data other than integrated value) 6
Logging measuring data
2byte area Average value voltage (L-L) Phase 2 current
(Data other than integrated value) 7
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kW) (Last) Phase 3 current
(Data other than integrated value) 8
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kvar) (Last) Neutral current
(Data other than integrated value) 9
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kVA) (Last) Voltage V12
(Data other than integrated value) 10
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kW) (Max.) Voltage V23
(Data other than integrated value) 11
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kvar) (Max.) Voltage V31
(Data other than integrated value) 12
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kVA) (Max.) Voltage V1N
(Data other than integrated value) 13
Logging measuring data
Harmonics value I1 (Total) Voltage V2N
(Data other than integrated value) 14
Logging measuring data
THD V1N (Total) Voltage V3N
(Data other than integrated value) 15

(b) In case of 3P3W_2CT, 3P3W_3CT, 1P3W
Data size Logging-item pattern LP01 LP02
Logging measuring data
Active energy (import) Active energy (import)
(Integrated value data) 1
Logging measuring data
Active energy (export) Active energy (export)
(Integrated value data) 2
Logging measuring data
4byte area Reactive energy (import LAG) Reactive energy (import LAG)
(Integrated value data) 3
Logging measuring data
Reactive energy (import LEAD) Reactive energy (import LEAD)
(Integrated value data) 4
Logging measuring data
Apparent energy Apparent energy
(Integrated value data) 5
Logging measuring data
ΣActive power ΣActive power
(Data other than integrated value) 1
Logging measuring data
ΣPower factor ΣPower factor
(Data other than integrated value) 2
Logging measuring data
Frequency Frequency
(Data other than integrated value) 3
Logging measuring data
ΣReactive power Average value current
(Data other than integrated value) 4
Logging measuring data
ΣApparent power Average value voltage (L-L)
(Data other than integrated value) 5
Logging measuring data
Average value current Phase 1 current
(Data other than integrated value) 6
Logging measuring data
2byte area Average value voltage (L-L) Phase 2 current
(Data other than integrated value) 7
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kW) (Last) Phase 3 current
(Data other than integrated value) 8
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kvar) (Last) non
(Data other than integrated value) 9
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kVA) (Last) Voltage V12
(Data other than integrated value) 10
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kW) (Max.) Voltage V23
(Data other than integrated value) 11
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kvar) (Max.) Voltage V31
(Data other than integrated value) 12
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kVA) (Max.) non
(Data other than integrated value) 13
Logging measuring data
Harmonics value I1 (Total) non
(Data other than integrated value) 14
Logging measuring data
THD V12 (Total) non
(Data other than integrated value) 15

(a) In case of 1P2W
Data size Logging-item pattern LP01 LP02
Logging measuring data
Active energy (import) Active energy (import)
(Integrated value data) 1
Logging measuring data
Active energy (export) Active energy (export)
(Integrated value data) 2
Logging measuring data
4byte area Reactive energy (import LAG) Reactive energy (import LAG)
(Integrated value data) 3
Logging measuring data
Reactive energy (import LEAD) Reactive energy (import LEAD)
(Integrated value data) 4
Logging measuring data
Apparent energy Apparent energy
(Integrated value data) 5
Logging measuring data
ΣActive power ΣActive power
(Data other than integrated value) 1
Logging measuring data
ΣPower factor ΣPower factor
(Data other than integrated value) 2
Logging measuring data
Frequency Frequency
(Data other than integrated value) 3
Logging measuring data
ΣReactive power non
(Data other than integrated value) 4
Logging measuring data
ΣApparent power non
(Data other than integrated value) 5
Logging measuring data
Phase 1 current Phase 1 current
(Data other than integrated value) 6
Logging measuring data
2byte area Voltage V12 non
(Data other than integrated value) 7
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kW) (Last) non
(Data other than integrated value) 8
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kvar) (Last) non
(Data other than integrated value) 9
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kVA) (Last) Voltage V12
(Data other than integrated value) 10
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kW) (Max.) non
(Data other than integrated value) 11
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kvar) (Max.) non
(Data other than integrated value) 12
Logging measuring data
ΣRolling demand (kVA) (Max.) non
(Data other than integrated value) 13
Logging measuring data
Harmonics value I1 (Total) non
(Data other than integrated value) 14
Logging measuring data
THD V12 (Total) non
(Data other than integrated value) 15

(3) Setting method with built-in logging element pattern LP00
When the built-in logging element pattern is LP00, the measurement element to be logged must be specified by
communication using MODBUS RTU.
After setting LP00 on the main unit, use the “5 .2 Write Multiple Registers (10H)” and set the measurement
elements to be logged in the following registers. (After setting, built-in logging of measurement data starts.)

(a) Setting register for built-in logging element

Resister Address Byte R/W Register name Setting data Unit

Dec. Hex. Count
Setting for logging measuring data
57424 E050h 2 R/W
(Integrated value data) 1
Setting for logging measuring data
57425 E051h 2 R/W
(Integrated value data) 2
Setting for logging measuring data Refer to “(i)Integrated
57426 E052h 2 R/W -
(Integrated value data) 3 value data”
Setting for logging measuring data
57427 E053h 2 R/W
(Integrated value data) 4
Setting for logging measuring data
57428 E054h 2 R/W
(Integrated value data) 5
Logging measuring data
57429 E055h 2 R/W
(Data other than integrated value) 1 setting
Logging measuring data
57430 E056h 2 R/W
(Data other than integrated value) 2 setting
Logging measuring data
57431 E057h 2 R/W
(Data other than integrated value) 3 setting
Logging measuring data
57432 E058h 2 R/W
(Data other than integrated value) 4 setting
Logging measuring data
57433 E059h 2 R/W
(Data other than integrated value) 5 setting
Logging measuring data
57434 E05Ah 2 R/W
(Data other than integrated value) 6 setting
Logging measuring data
57435 E05Bh 2 R/W
(Data other than integrated value) 7 setting
Refer to
Logging measuring data
57436 E05Ch 2 R/W “(ii)Data other than -
(Data other than integrated value) 8 setting
integrated value”
Logging measuring data
57437 E05Dh 2 R/W
(Data other than integrated value) 9 setting
Logging measuring data
57438 E05Eh 2 R/W
(Data other than integrated value) 10 setting
Logging measuring data
57439 E05Fh 2 R/W
(Data other than integrated value) 11 setting
Logging measuring data
57440 E060h 2 R/W
(Data other than integrated value) 12 setting
Logging measuring data
57441 E061h 2 R/W
(Data other than integrated value) 13 setting
Logging measuring data
57442 E062h 2 R/W
(Data other than integrated value) 14 setting
Logging measuring data
57443 E063h 2 R/W
(Data other than integrated value) 15 setting

(i) Integrated value data
Logging element Unit 3P3W 3P3W
Dec. Hex 3P4W 1P2W 3P4W 1P2W
1P3W 1P3W
non 0 0000h - ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Active energy import 1304 0518h kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Active energy export 1306 051Ah kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy import LAG 1308 051Ch kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy export LAG 1310 051Eh kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy import LEAD 1312 0520h kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy export LEAD 1314 0522h kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Apparent energy 1388 056Ch kVAh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Periodic active energy (Period 1) import 1374 055Eh kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Periodic active energy (Period 2) import 1386 056Ah kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Periodic active energy (Period 3) import 1484 05CCh kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Active energy (unit: Wh fixed) import 1390 056Eh Wh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Active energy (unit: Wh fixed) export 1392 0570h Wh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy (unit: varh fixed) import LAG 1394 0572h varh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy (unit: varh fixed) export LAG 1396 0574h varh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy (unit: varh fixed) import LEAD 1398 0576h varh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy (unit: varh fixed) export LEAD 1400 0578h varh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Apparent energy (unit: VAh fixed) 1402 057Ah VAh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Periodic active energy (Period 1)
import 1404 057Ch Wh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
(unit: Wh fixed)
Periodic active energy (Period 2)
import 1406 057Eh Wh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
(unit: Wh fixed)
Periodic active energy (Period 3)
import 1486 05CEh Wh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
(unit: Wh fixed)
Active energy (unit: kWh fixed) import 1408 0580h kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Active energy (unit: kWh fixed) export 1410 0582h kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy (unit: kvarh fixed) import LAG 1412 0584h kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy (unit: kvarh fixed) export LAG 1414 0586h kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy (unit: kvarh fixed) import LEAD 1416 0588h kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy (unit: kvarh fixed) export LEAD 1418 058Ah kvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Apparent energy (unit: kVAh fixed) 1420 058Ch kVAh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Periodic active energy (Period 1)
import 1422 058Eh kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
(unit: kWh fixed)
Periodic active energy (Period 2)
import 1424 0590h kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
(unit: kWh fixed)
Periodic active energy (Period 3)
import 1488 05D0h kWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
(unit: kWh fixed)
Active energy (unit: MWh fixed) import 1426 0592h MWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Active energy (unit: MWh fixed) export 1428 0594h MWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy (unit: Mvarh fixed) import LAG 1430 0596h Mvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy (unit: Mvarh fixed) export LAG 1432 0598h Mvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy (unit: Mvarh fixed) import LEAD 1434 059Ah Mvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Reactive energy (unit: Mvarh fixed) export LEAD 1436 059Ch Mvarh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Apparent energy (unit: MVAh fixed) 1438 059Eh MVAh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Periodic active energy (Period 1)
import 1440 05A0h MWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
(unit: MWh fixed)
Periodic active energy (Period 2)
import 1442 05A2h MWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
(unit: MWh fixed)
Periodic active energy (Period 3)
import 1490 05D2h MWh ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
(unit: MWh fixed)
Operating time 1 1378 0562h h ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Operating time 2 1380 0564h h ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
CO2 equivalent 1476 05C4h kg ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Current unbalance 925 039Dh x0.01% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Voltage unbalance 927 039Fh x0.01% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

(ii) Data other than integrated value
Logging element Unit 3P3W 3P3W
Dec. Hex. 3P4W 1P2W 3P4W 1P2W
1P3W 1P3W
non 0 0000h - ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Average value 772 0304h A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase 1 768 0300h A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Current Phase 2 769 0301h A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase 3 770 0302h A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Neutral 771 0303h A ○ - - ○ - -
Average value 777 0309h A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase 1 773 0305h A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Current demand Phase 2 774 0306h A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase 3 775 0307h A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Neutral 776 0308h A ○ - - ○ - -
Average value (L-N) 785 0311h V ○ - - ○ - -
V1N 782 030Eh V ○ - - ○ - -
V2N 783 030Fh V ○ - - ○ - -
V3N 784 0310h V ○ - - ○ - -
Average value (L-L) 781 030Dh V ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
V12 778 030Ah V ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
V23 779 030Bh V ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
V31 780 030Ch V ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
ΣActive power 794 031Ah kW ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
ΣRolling demand (kW) (Max.) 845 034Dh kW ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
ΣRolling demand (kW) (Last) 798 031Eh kW ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
ΣReactive power 802 0322h kvar ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
ΣRolling demand (kvar) (Max.) 854 0356h kvar ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
ΣRolling demand (kvar) (Last) 807 0327h kvar ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
ΣApparent power 806 0326h kVA ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
ΣRolling demand (kVA) (Max.) 855 0357h kVA ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
ΣRolling demand (kVA) (Last) 808 0328h kVA ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
ΣPower factor 789 0315h x0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Frequency 790 0316h x0.1 Hz ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
(Continued on next page.)

Logging element Unit 3P3W 3P3W
Dec. Hex. 3P4W 1P2W 3P4W 1P2W
1P3W 1P3W
Phase 1 2304 0900h A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 2305 0901h A ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 2306 0902h A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 2307 0903h A ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 2308 0904h A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 2309 0905h A ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 2310 0906h A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 2311 0907h A ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 2312 0908h A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 2313 0909h A ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 2314 090Ah A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 2315 090Bh A ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 2316 090Ch A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 2317 090Dh A ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 2318 090Eh A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 2319 090Fh A ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 2320 0910h A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 2321 0911h A ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 2322 0912h A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 2323 0913h A ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 2324 0914h A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 2325 0915h A ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 2326 0916h A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 2327 0917h A ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 2328 0918h A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 2329 0919h A ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 2330 091Ah A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 2331 091Bh A ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 2332 091Ch A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 2333 091Dh A ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 2334 091Eh A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 2335 091Fh A ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 2336 0920h A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 2337 0921h A ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
harmonics 15th
Phase 3 2338 0922h A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 2339 0923h A ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 2340 0924h A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 2341 0925h A ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 2342 0926h A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 2343 0927h A ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 2344 0928h A ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 2345 0929h A ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 2346 092Ah A ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 2347 092Bh A ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 2348 092Ch A ○ ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2 2349 092Dh A ○ ○(*1) - - - -
Phase 3 2350 092Eh A ○ ○ - - - -
Phase N 2351 092Fh A ○ - - - - -
Phase 1 2352 0930h A ○ ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2 2353 0931h A ○ ○(*1) - - - -
Phase 3 2354 0932h A ○ ○ - - - -
Phase N 2355 0933h A ○ - - - - -
Phase 1 2356 0934h A ○ ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2 2357 0935h A ○ ○(*1) - - - -
Phase 3 2358 0936h A ○ ○ - - - -
Phase N 2359 0937h A ○ - - - - -
Phase 1 2360 0938h A ○ ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2 2361 0939h A ○ ○(*1) - - - -
Phase 3 2362 093Ah A ○ ○ - - - -
Phase N 2363 093Bh A ○ - - - - -
Phase 1 2364 093Ch A ○ ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2 2365 093Dh A ○ ○(*1) - - - -
Phase 3 2366 093Eh A ○ ○ - - - -
Phase N 2367 093Fh A ○ - - - - -
Phase 1 2368 0940h A ○ ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2 2369 0941h A ○ ○(*1) - - - -
Phase 3 2370 0942h A ○ ○ - - - -
Phase N 2371 0943h A ○ - - - - -
*1: Applicable only when 3P3W_3CT.
(Continued on next page.)

Logging element Unit 3P3W 3P3W
Dec. Hex. 3P4W 1P2W 3P4W 1P2W
1P3W 1P3W
Phase 1 3072 0C00h x0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 3073 0C01h x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 3074 0C02h x0.1% ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 3075 0C03h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 3076 0C04h x0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 3077 0C05h x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 3078 0C06h x0.1% ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 3079 0C07h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 3080 0C08h x0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 3081 0C09h x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 3082 0C0Ah x0.1% ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 3083 0C0Bh x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 3084 0C0Ch x0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 3085 0C0Dh x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 3086 0C0Eh x0.1% ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 3087 0C0Fh x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 3088 0C10h x0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 3089 0C11h x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 3090 0C12h x0.1% ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 3091 0C13h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 3092 0C14h x0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 3093 0C15h x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 3094 0C16h x0.1% ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 3095 0C17h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 3096 0C18h x0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 3097 0C19h x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 3098 0C1Ah x0.1% ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 3099 0C1Bh x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 3100 0C1Ch x0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 3101 0C1Dh x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 3102 0C1Eh x0.1% ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 3103 0C1Fh x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 3104 0C20h x0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 3105 0C21h x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 3106 0C22h x0.1% ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 3107 0C23h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 3108 0C24h x0.1% ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Phase 2 3109 0C25h x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - ○ ○(*1) -
Phase 3 3110 0C26h x0.1% ○ ○ - ○ ○ -
Phase N 3111 0C27h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1 3112 0C28h x0.1% ○ ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2 3113 0C29h x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - - - -
Phase 3 3114 0C2Ah x0.1% ○ ○ - - - -
Phase N 3115 0C2Bh x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 1 3116 0C2Ch x0.1% ○ ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2 3117 0C2Dh x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - - - -
Phase 3 3118 0C2Eh x0.1% ○ ○ - - - -
Phase N 3119 0C2Fh x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 1 3120 0C30h x0.1% ○ ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2 3121 0C31h x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - - - -
Phase 3 3122 0C32h x0.1% ○ ○ - - - -
Phase N 3123 0C33h x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 1 3124 0C34h x0.1% ○ ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2 3125 0C35h x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - - - -
Phase 3 3126 0C36h x0.1% ○ ○ - - - -
Phase N 3127 0C37h x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 1 3128 0C38h x0.1% ○ ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2 3129 0C39h x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - - - -
Phase 3 3130 0C3Ah x0.1% ○ ○ - - - -
Phase N 3131 0C3Bh x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 1 3132 0C3Ch x0.1% ○ ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2 3133 0C3Dh x0.1% ○ ○(*1) - - - -
Phase 3 3134 0C3Eh x0.1% ○ ○ - - - -
Phase N 3135 0C3Fh x0.1% ○ - - - - -
*1: Applicable only when 3P3W_3CT.
(Continued on next page.)

Logging element Unit 3P3W 3P3W
Dec. Hex. 3P4W 1P2W 3P4W 1P2W
1P3W 1P3W
Phase 1-N 1792 0700h V ○ - - ○ - -
Total Phase 2-N 1793 0701h V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 1794 0702h V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 1795 0703h V ○ - - ○ - -
1st Phase 2-N 1796 0704h V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 1797 0705h V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 1798 0706h V ○ - - ○ - -
3rd Phase 2-N 1799 0707h V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 1800 0708h V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 1801 0709h V ○ - - ○ - -
5th Phase 2-N 1802 070Ah V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 1803 070Bh V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 1804 070Ch V ○ - - ○ - -
7th Phase 2-N 1805 070Dh V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 1806 070Eh V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 1807 070Fh V ○ - - ○ - -
9th Phase 2-N 1808 0710h V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 1809 0711h V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 1810 0712h V ○ - - ○ - -
11th Phase 2-N 1811 0713h V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 1812 0714h V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 1813 0715h V ○ - - ○ - -
13th Phase 2-N 1814 0716h V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 1815 0717h V ○ - - ○ - -
Voltage (L-N) Phase 1-N 1816 0718h V ○ - - ○ - -
harmonics 15th Phase 2-N 1817 0719h V ○ - - ○ - -
value Phase 3-N 1818 071Ah V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 1819 071Bh V ○ - - ○ - -
17th Phase 2-N 1820 071Ch V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 1821 071Dh V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 1822 071Eh V ○ - - ○ - -
19th Phase 2-N 1823 071Fh V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 1824 0720h V ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 1825 0721h V ○ - - - - -
21st Phase 2-N 1826 0722h V ○ - - - - -
Phase 3-N 1827 0723h V ○ - - - - -
Phase 1-N 1828 0724h V ○ - - - - -
23rd Phase 2-N 1829 0725h V ○ - - - - -
Phase 3-N 1830 0726h V ○ - - - - -
Phase 1-N 1831 0727h V ○ - - - - -
25th Phase 2-N 1832 0728h V ○ - - - - -
Phase 3-N 1833 0729h V ○ - - - - -
Phase 1-N 1834 072Ah V ○ - - - - -
27th Phase 2-N 1835 072Bh V ○ - - - - -
Phase 3-N 1836 072Ch V ○ - - - - -
Phase 1-N 1837 072Dh V ○ - - - - -
29th Phase 2-N 1838 072Eh V ○ - - - - -
Phase 3-N 1839 072Fh V ○ - - - - -
Phase 1-N 1840 0730h V ○ - - - - -
31st Phase 2-N 1841 0731h V ○ - - - - -
Phase 3-N 1842 0732h V ○ - - - - -
(Continued on next page.)

Logging element Unit 3P3W 3P3W
Dec. Hex. 3P4W 1P2W 3P4W 1P2W
1P3W 1P3W
Phase 1-N 2560 0A00h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Total Phase 2-N 2561 0A01h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 2562 0A02h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 2563 0A03h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
3rd Phase 2-N 2564 0A04h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 2565 0A05h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 2566 0A06h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
5th Phase 2-N 2567 0A07h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 2568 0A08h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 2569 0A09h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
7th Phase 2-N 2570 0A0Ah x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 2571 0A0Bh x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 2572 0A0Ch x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
9th Phase 2-N 2573 0A0Dh x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 2574 0A0Eh x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 2575 0A0Fh x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
11th Phase 2-N 2576 0A10h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 2577 0A11h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 2578 0A12h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
13th Phase 2-N 2579 0A13h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 2580 0A14h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 2581 0A15h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
15th Phase 2-N 2582 0A16h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Voltage (L-N)
Phase 3-N 2583 0A17h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 2584 0A18h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
17th Phase 2-N 2585 0A19h x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 2586 0A1Ah x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 2587 0A1Bh x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
19th Phase 2-N 2588 0A1Ch x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 3-N 2589 0A1Dh x0.1% ○ - - ○ - -
Phase 1-N 2590 0A1Eh x0.1% ○ - - - - -
21st Phase 2-N 2591 0A1Fh x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 3-N 2592 0A20h x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 1-N 2593 0A21h x0.1% ○ - - - - -
23rd Phase 2-N 2594 0A22h x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 3-N 2595 0A23h x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 1-N 2596 0A24h x0.1% ○ - - - - -
25th Phase 2-N 2597 0A25h x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 3-N 2598 0A26h x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 1-N 2599 0A27h x0.1% ○ - - - - -
27th Phase 2-N 2600 0A28h x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 3-N 2601 0A29h x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 1-N 2602 0A2Ah x0.1% ○ - - - - -
29th Phase 2-N 2603 0A2Bh x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 3-N 2604 0A2Ch x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 1-N 2605 0A2Dh x0.1% ○ - - - - -
31st Phase 2-N 2606 0A2Eh x0.1% ○ - - - - -
Phase 3-N 2607 0A2Fh x0.1% ○ - - - - -
(Continued on next page.)

Logging element Unit 3P3W 3P3W
Dec. Hex. 3P4W 1P2W 3P4W 1P2W
1P3W 1P3W
Phase 1-2 2048 0800h V - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2049 0801h V - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2051 0803h V - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2052 0804h V - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2054 0806h V - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2055 0807h V - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2057 0809h V - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2058 080Ah V - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2060 080Ch V - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2061 080Dh V - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2063 080Fh V - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2064 0810h V - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2066 0812h V - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2067 0813h V - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2069 0815h V - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2070 0816h V - ○ - - ○ -
Voltage (L-L)
Phase 1-2 2072 0818h V - ○ ○ - ○ ○
harmonics 15th
Phase 2-3 2073 0819h V - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2075 081Bh V - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2076 081Ch V - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2078 081Eh V - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2079 081Fh V - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2081 0821h V - ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2-3 2082 0822h V - ○ - - - -
Phase 1-2 2084 0824h V - ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2-3 2085 0825h V - ○ - - - -
Phase 1-2 2087 0827h V - ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2-3 2088 0828h V - ○ - - - -
Phase 1-2 2090 082Ah V - ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2-3 2091 082Bh V - ○ - - - -
Phase 1-2 2093 082Dh V - ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2-3 2094 082Eh V - ○ - - - -
Phase 1-2 2096 0830h V - ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2-3 2097 0831h V - ○ - - - -
Phase 1-2 2816 0B00h x0.1% - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2817 0B01h x0.1% - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2819 0B03h x0.1% - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2820 0B04h x0.1% - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2822 0B06h x0.1% - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2823 0B07h x0.1% - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2825 0B09h x0.1% - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2826 0B0Ah x0.1% - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2828 0B0Ch x0.1% - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2829 0B0Dh x0.1% - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2831 0B0Fh x0.1% - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2832 0B10h x0.1% - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2834 0B12h x0.1% - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2835 0B13h x0.1% - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2837 0B15h x0.1% - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Voltage (L-L) 15th
Phase 2-3 2838 0B16h x0.1% - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2840 0B18h x0.1% - ○ ○ - ○ ○
distortion 17th
Phase 2-3 2841 0B19h x0.1% - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2843 0B1Bh x0.1% - ○ ○ - ○ ○
Phase 2-3 2844 0B1Ch x0.1% - ○ - - ○ -
Phase 1-2 2846 0B1Eh x0.1% - ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2-3 2847 0B1Fh x0.1% - ○ - - - -
Phase 1-2 2849 0B21h x0.1% - ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2-3 2850 0B22h x0.1% - ○ - - - -
Phase 1-2 2852 0B24h x0.1% - ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2-3 2853 0B25h x0.1% - ○ - - - -
Phase 1-2 2855 0B27h x0.1% - ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2-3 2856 0B28h x0.1% - ○ - - - -
Phase 1-2 2858 0B2Ah x0.1% - ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2-3 2859 0B2Bh x0.1% - ○ - - - -
Phase 1-2 2861 0B2Dh x0.1% - ○ ○ - - -
Phase 2-3 2862 0B2Eh x0.1% - ○ - - - -

7.4.3 Data read of built-in logging data
The built-in logging data can be read using MODBUS RTU communication.

(1) Logging measuring data

The following table describes the procedure to read the logging measuring data stored in the logging cycle by
the ME96.
No. Procedure Register address Remarks
1. Specify the time (request time) of the data Refer to (a) The specification method is the same as
you want to read with the”Write Multiple the current time in 7 .2(17).
Registers (10H)”.
2. Read the built-in logging measurement Refer to (b) If time data other than the record stored in
data with the “Read Holding Registers the internal memory is specified as a
(03H)”. request time, error code 03h is returned.
3. If there are multiple request times, repeat - -
steps 1 and 2 above.

(a) Request time register

Resister Address Byte R/W Register name RANGE *1 Unit

Dec. Hex. Count
57344 E000h 2 R/W Request time (Year,Month) 16h…99h+01h…12h -
57345 E001h 2 R/W Request time (Day,Hour) 01h…31h+00h…23h -
57346 E002h 2 R/W Request time (Minute,Second) 00h…59h+00h…59h -
*1. The data of time is described as BCD code (binary coded decimal).

(b) Logging measuring data register

Resister Address Byte R/W Register name RANGE Unit

Dec. Hex. Count
Logging measuring data
57360 E010h 4 R
(Integrated value data) 1
Logging measuring data
57362 E012h 4 R
(Integrated value data) 2
Logging measuring data
57364 E014h 4 R
(Integrated value data) 3
Logging measuring data
57366 E016h 4 R
(Integrated value data) 4
Logging measuring data
57368 E018h 4 R
(Integrated value data) 5
Logging measuring data
57370 E01Ah 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 1
Logging measuring data
57371 E01Bh 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 2
Logging measuring data
57372 E01Ch 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 3
Logging measuring data
57373 E01Dh 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 4
Logging measuring data The RANGE / unit is the same
57374 E01Eh 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 5 as the “7 .1List of Parameters”.
Logging measuring data Check each logging element
57375 E01Fh 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 6 that has been set.
Logging measuring data
57376 E020h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 7
Logging measuring data
57377 E021h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 8
Logging measuring data
57378 E022h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 9
Logging measuring data
57379 E023h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 10
Logging measuring data
57380 E024h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 11
Logging measuring data
57381 E025h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 12
Logging measuring data
57382 E026h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 13
Logging measuring data
57383 E027h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 14
Logging measuring data
57384 E028h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 15

(2) Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
This is a register that can monitor the multiplying factor corresponding to each measurement element of the
“Logging measuring data”.
The acquired “Logging measuring data” can be converted to an actual value by multiplying the “7 .3 Multiplying
When reading the multiplying data, it is not necessary to specify the request time in “Request time register”
(a) Multiplying factors register for Logging measuring data

Resister Address Byte R/W Register name RANGE Unit

Dec. Hex. Count
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57392 E030h 2 R
(Integrated value data) 1
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57393 E031h 2 R
(Integrated value data) 2
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57394 E032h 2 R
(Integrated value data) 3
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57395 E033h 2 R
(Integrated value data) 4
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57396 E034h 2 R
(Integrated value data) 5
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57397 E035h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 1
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57398 E036h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 2
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57399 E037h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 3
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57400 E038h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 4
The RANGE is the
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57401 E039h 2 R same as the “7 .2(10)”.
(Data other than integrated value) 5
Check each logging -
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57402 E03Ah 2 R element that has been
(Data other than integrated value) 6
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57403 E03Bh 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 7
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57404 E03Ch 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 8
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57405 E03Dh 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 9
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57406 E03Eh 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 10
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57407 E03Fh 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 11
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57408 E040h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 12
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57409 E041h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 13
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57410 E042h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 14
Multiplying factors for Logging measuring data
57411 E043h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 15

(3) Current values for Logging measuring data
This register can acquire the current value of each measurement element in the built-in logging measurement
It can be acquired at any timing other than the logging cycle.
When reading current value data, it is not necessary to specify the request time in “Request time register”

(a) Current values register for Logging measuring data

Resister Address Byte R/W Register name RANGE Unit

Dec. Hex. Count
Current value for Logging measuring data
57456 E070h 4 R
(Integrated value data) 1
Current value for Logging measuring data
57458 E072h 4 R
(Integrated value data) 2
Current value for Logging measuring data
57460 E074h 4 R
(Integrated value data) 3
Current value for Logging measuring data
57462 E076h 4 R
(Integrated value data) 4
Current value for Logging measuring data
57464 E078h 4 R
(Integrated value data) 5
Current value for Logging measuring data
57466 E07Ah 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 1
Current value for Logging measuring data
57467 E07Bh 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 2
Current value for Logging measuring data
57468 E07Ch 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 3
Current value for Logging measuring data
57469 E07Dh 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 4
Current value for Logging measuring data The RANGE / unit is the same
57470 E07Eh 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 5 as the “7 .1List of Parameters”.
Current value for Logging measuring data Check each logging element
57471 E07Fh 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 6 that has been set.
Current value for Logging measuring data
57472 E080h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 7
Current value for Logging measuring data
57473 E081h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 8
Current value for Logging measuring data
57474 E082h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 9
Current value for Logging measuring data
57475 E083h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 10
Current value for Logging measuring data
57476 E084h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 11
Current value for Logging measuring data
57477 E085h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 12
Current value for Logging measuring data
57478 E086h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 13
Current value for Logging measuring data
57479 E087h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 14
Current value for Logging measuring data
57480 E088h 2 R
(Data other than integrated value) 15

(4) Alarm data
This register is used to read out the alarm element and time data when an alarm occurrence / retention /
canceletion event occurs.
The latest 100 records are stored in the order in which each event occurred. (Note that if an event occurs when
the main unit's time data is changed, the data is stored in the order of occurrence, not in the order of time.)

(a) Alarm data register

Resister Address Byte R/W Register name RANGE Unit

Dec. Hex. Count
57600 E100h 2 R Alarm information data (latest) Refer to (i) -
57601 E101h 2 R Alarm time (Year,Month) (latest) 16h…99h+01h…12h -
57602 E102h 2 R Alarm time (Day,Hour) (latest) 01h…31h+00h…23h -
57603 E103h 2 R Alarm time (Minute,Second) (latest) 00h…59h+00h…59h -
57604 E104h 2 R Alarm information data (latest - 1) Refer to (i) -
57605 E105h 2 R Alarm time (Year,Month) (latest - 1) 16h…99h+01h…12h -
57606 E106h 2 R Alarm time (Day,Hour) (latest - 1) 01h…31h+00h…23h -
57607 E107h 2 R Alarm time (Minute,Second) (latest - 1) 00h…59h+00h…59h -
… … … … … -
(Note1) (Note1) 2 R Alarm information data (latest - n) Refer to (i) -
(Note1) (Note1) 2 R Alarm time (Year,Month) (latest - n) 16h…99h+01h…12h -
(Note1) (Note1) 2 R Alarm time (Day,Hour) (latest - n) 01h…31h+00h…23h -
(Note1) (Note1) 2 R Alarm time (Minute,Second) (latest - n) 00h…59h+00h…59h -
… … … … … … -
57996 E28Ch 2 R Alarm information data (latest - 99) Refer to (i) -
57997 E28Dh 2 R Alarm time (Year,Month) (latest - 99) 16h…99h+01h…12h -
57998 E28Eh 2 R Alarm time (Day,Hour) (latest - 99) 01h…31h+00h…23h -
57999 E28Fh 2 R Alarm time (Minute,Second) (latest - 99) 00h…59h+00h…59h -
Note.1: Refer to the folloing for calculating the register address.
Register address
Register name Remarks
Dec. Hex.
Alarm information data (latest - n) 57600 + 4 x n E100h + 4 x n
Alarm time (Year,Month) (latest - n) 57601 + 4 x n E101h + 4 x n
n= 0 to 99
Alarm time (Day,Hour) (latest - n) 57602 + 4 x n E102h + 4 x n
Alarm time (Minute,Second) (latest - n) 57603 + 4 x n E103h + 4 x n

(i) Alarm information data

The alarm information data includes items when an alarm event occurs and the elements of the target alarm.
The higher-order byte is the alarm event item, and the lower-order byte is the alarm element.
⚫ Alarm event (higher-order byte)
Data (Higher-order byte) Alarm event
00h - (Alarm not set, etc)
01h Alarm occurrence
02h Alarm cancellation
03h Alarm retention
⚫ Alarm element (lower-order byte)
Refer to “7 .2(20) Upper/Lower limit alarm item/value”.
If there are multiple phases for alarm monitoring, alarm events are stored for each phase. (The alarm
element cannot be used to identify the phase.)

(ii) Example
If the latest alarm (power upper limit alarm) occurs at the current time on December 23, 2019, a.m.4: 56: 7,
the monitor data will be as follows.

Resister Address Byte R/W Register Name Data(Hex) *1

Dec. Hex. Count
57600 E100h 2 R Alarm information data (latest) 01 15
57601 E101h 2 R Alarm time (Year,Month) (latest) 19 12
57602 E102h 2 R Alarm time (Day,Hour) (latest) 23 04
57603 E103h 2 R Alarm time (Minute,Second) (latest) 56 07
*1 Data of logging unit present time are BCD code.

(5) Max/Min value occurrence time
One record of the time data when the maximum or minimum value is updated is stored for each element.
For the registers, refer to the maximum value / minimum value occurrence time registers described in the
following chapters.
・ 7 .1(2) Instantaneous Value / Maximum Value / Minimum Value Registers (0x0300)
・ 7 .1(14) Harmonics Current r.m.s. Maximum Registers (0x0F00)
・ 7 .1(15) Harmonics Voltage (L-N) THD/ Distortion ratio Maximum Registers (0x1000)
・ 7 .1(16) Harmonics Voltage (L-L) THD/ Distortion ratio Maximum Registers (0x1100)

(6) System log data

This register is used to read time data when an event such as a setting change occurs.
The latest 100 records are stored in the order in which each event occurred. (Note that if an event occurs when
the time data of the main unit is changed, the data is stored in the order of occurrence, not in the order of time.)

(a) System log data register

Resister Address Byte R/W Register name RANGE Unit

Dec. Hex. Count
58112 E300h 2 R System log data (event) (latest) Refer to (4)(a)(i) -
58113 E301h 2 R System log data (Year,Month) (latest) 16h…99h+01h…12h -
58114 E302h 2 R System log data (Day,Hour) (latest) 01h…31h+00h…23h -
58115 E303h 2 R System log data (Minute,Second) (latest) 00h…59h+00h…59h -
58116 E304h 2 R System log data (event) (latest - 1) Refer to (4)(a)(i) -
58117 E305h 2 R System log data (Year,Month) (latest - 1) 16h…99h+01h…12h -
58118 E306h 2 R System log data (Day,Hour) (latest - 1) 01h…31h+00h…23h -
58119 E307h 2 R System log data (Minute,Second) (latest - 1) 00h…59h+00h…59h -
… … … … … -
(Note1) (Note1) 2 R System log data (event) (latest - n) Refer to (4)(a)(i) -
(Note1) (Note1) 2 R System log data (Year,Month) (latest - n) 16h…99h+01h…12h -
(Note1) (Note1) 2 R System log data (Day,Hour) (latest - n) 01h…31h+00h…23h -
(Note1) (Note1) 2 R System log data (Minute,Second) (latest - n) 00h…59h+00h…59h -
… … … … … … -
58508 E48Ch 2 R System log data (event) (latest - 99) Refer to (4)(a)(i) -
58509 E48Dh 2 R System log data (Year,Month) (latest - 99) 16h…99h+01h…12h -
58510 E48Eh 2 R System log data (Day,Hour) (latest - 99) 01h…31h+00h…23h -
58551 E48Fh 2 R System log data (Minute,Second) (latest - 99) 00h…59h+00h…59h -
Note.1: Refer to the folloing for calculating the register address.
Register address
Register name Remarks
Dec. Hex.
System log data (event) (latest - n) 58112 + 4 x n E300h + 4 x n
System log data (Year,Month) (latest - n) 58113 + 4 x n E301h + 4 x n
n= 0 to 99
System log data (Day,Hour) (latest - n) 58114 + 4 x n E302h + 4 x n
System log data (Minute,Second) (latest - n) 58115 + 4 x n E303h + 4 x n

(i) Event for System log data

The following table lists events for system log and its corresponding data.
Events Remarks
Dec. Hex.
0 0000h - (No system log)
1301 0515h Start-up
1302 0516h Current time setting was changed.. Time after change is stored as log data
1303 0517h Built-in logging data was cleared.
Applies changes to settings other than those
1304 0518h Setting of the ME96 main unit was changed..
related to built-in logging.
1305 0519h Built-in logging function ON / OFF setting was changed.
1306 051Ah Built-in logging element pattern setting was changed.
1307 051Bh Built-in logging cycle setting was changed.
Measurement element for LP00 of built-in logging element
1308 051Ch
pattern setting was changed.
1309 051Dh Optional pulg-in module of ME96 was changed.
1901 076Dh RTC error of ME96 main unit was notified.

8. Test Fumction Mode
ME96 has the test function mode which the fixed values are replied if there is no input. It is available to check the
communication to PLC.

(1) Shift to Test Mode
Operation of ME96 is necessary. At first, shifts to the setting value confirmation mode from the operation mode.
And then, select “9” of menu number, and shifts to the test menu screen. And then, select “1” of menu number,
and shifts to the test mode. (For details, refer to each user’s manual)

(2) How to Test

In the test mode, you need to appear values which wanted to monitor on the screen of ME96. For example, if
you want to monitor the active power, you need to appear the active power on the screen of ME96.

(a) Replied Data

Values displayed on the screen of ME96 can be monitored by MODBUS communication. Measurement
elements not displayed on the screen are zero (only power factor is 1.000). When DI1 to DI3 are used, it is
also possible to monitor the digital input status.

(b) Display screen

In the same as the operating mode, items are displayed when making settings such as those for the display
pattern. Maximum and minimum values can be displayed. (Cyclic function is invalid.)

(c) Button Operations

Button Operation
[DISPLAY] Switch the measurement screen.
[PHASE] Switch phase display.
Switch between the harmonic RMS value and distortion ratio.
(Available on the harmonics display screen)
[MAXMIN] Enter/Exit the Max/Min value screen.
[+], [-] Switch the item expressed with the bar graph.
Switch the harmonic degree. (Available on the harmonics display
[+]+[-] for 2 seconds Change the units such as Wh, varh, and VAh.
[SET] Test mode is finished and back to test menu screen.
* In details of valid operation, please refer each user’s manuals.

(3) Restrictions
Registers of “7 .4 Specifications of built-in logging data” do not support this test function mode.

8 .2 ME96NSR-MB
(1) How to Test
To test, it is necessary to operate the basic device.
Operate as follows.

①At the state of power failure, turn on the power supply while pressing the DISPLAY of basic device.
②After display on the right is shown, operate the normal communication.
③Data shown in the next section is replied.

When the test is finished, turn off the power supply.

(2) Reply Data

The reply data at test function mode is shown in next page and on.
The reply data takes the value of primary side, but the data of table 8.1 describes the secondary side.
It is necessary to convert to the value of primary side using the VT ratio and CT ratio.

(Example)At three phase 3-wire, VT: 6600 V / 110 V, CT: 100 A / 5 A

・Phase 1 current (Inst.) = reply data(secondary side)×CT ratio.
= 4.11 A × 100 A / 5 A = 82.2 A
・1-2 voltage (Inst.) = reply data(secondary side)×VT ratio.
= 101.1 V × 6600 V / 110 V = 6066 V
・Total active power (Inst.) = reply data(secondary side)×VT ratio×CT ratio.
= 1041 W × 6600 V / 110 V × 100 A / 5 A = 1249.2 kW

(3) Table 8.1 Reply Data
(a) Setup Register
Reply data(secondary side)
R/W Register Name RANGE Unit 3P3W 3P3W
Address count 3P4W
_2CT _3CT
Dec. Hex.
512 0200h 2 R/W Phase Wiring Refer to 7 .2(1) - - -
513 0201h 4 R/W Primary voltage (L-L) Refer to 7 .2(2) V - - -
515 0203h 4 R/W Primary voltage (L-N) Refer to 7 .2(3) ×0.1 V - - -
517 0205h 4 R/W Secondary voltage (L-N) Refer to 7 .2(4) ×0.1 V - - -
519 0207h 4 R/W Primary current Refer to 7 .2(5) ×0.1 A - - -
521 0209h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
522 020Ah 2 R/W Time constant for DA Refer to 7 .2(7) s - - -
523 020Bh 2 R/W 16 bits Set/Reset register Refer to 7 .2(12) Note3 Note3 Note3
524 020Ch 2 R 16 bits monitor 1 Refer to 7 .2(14) Note1 Note1 Note1
594 0252h 2 R 16 bits monitor 2 Refer to 7 .2(13) Note2 Note2 Note2

Note1: b5 and b8 become ON(1). And, b0 to b4 of digital inputs are reflected to the present state.
Note2: b7, b12 to b15 become ON(1).
Note3:When you read this register, b4,b5 of digital output are reflected to the present state of contact.
(Contact=open ⇒ “0” Contact=close ⇒ “1”)

(b) Instantaneous Value Register
Address Reply data(secondary side)
R/W Register Name RANGE Unit 3P3W 3P3W
count 3P4W
Dec. Hex. _2CT _3CT
768 0300h 2 R Phase 1 current 0 to 32767 A 4.11 A 4.11 A 4.11 A
769 0301h 2 R Phase 2 current 0 to 32767 A 4.21 A 4.51 A 4.21 A
770 0302h 2 R Phase 3 current 0 to 32767 A 4.61 A 4.61 A 4.61 A
771 0303h 2 R Neutral current 0 to 32767 A 4.51 A - -
772 0304h 2 R Average value current 0 to 32767 A 4.31 A 4.41 A 4.31 A
773 0305h 2 R Phase 1 current demand 0 to 32767 A 4.11 A 4.11 A 4.11 A
774 0306h 2 R Phase 2 current demand 0 to 32767 A 4.21 A 4.51 A 4.21 A
775 0307h 2 R Phase 3 current demand 0 to 32767 A 4.61 A 4.61 A 4.61 A
776 0308h 2 R Neutral current demand 0 to 32767 A 4.51 A - -
777 0309h 2 R Average value current demand 0 to 32767 A 4.31 A 4.41 A 4.31 A
778 030Ah 2 R Voltage V12 0 to 32767 V 171.1 V 101.1 V 101.1 V
779 030Bh 2 R Voltage V23 0 to 32767 V 172.1 V 106.1 V 106.1 V
780 030Ch 2 R Voltage V31 0 to 32767 V 176.1 V 176.1 V 176.1 V
781 030Dh 2 R Average value voltage (L-L) 0 to 32767 V 173.1 V 127.8 V 127.8 V
782 030Eh 2 R Voltage V1N 0 to 32767 V 101.1 V - -
783 030Fh 2 R Voltage V2N 0 to 32767 V 102.1 V - -
784 0310h 2 R Voltage V3N 0 to 32767 V 106.1 V - -
785 0311h 2 R Average value voltage (L-N) 0 to 32767 V 103.1 V - -
786 0312h 2 R Phase 1 power factor -500 to +1000 to 500 ×0.1% 81.1% - -
787 0313h 2 R Phase 2 power factor -500 to +1000 to 500 ×0.1% 82.1% - -
788 0314h 2 R Phase 3 power factor -500 to +1000 to 500 ×0.1% 83.1% - -
789 0315h 2 R ΣPower factor -500 to +1000 to 500 ×0.1% 84.1% 84.1% 84.1%
790 0316h 2 R Frequency 445 to 999 ×0.1 Hz 50.0 Hz 50.0 Hz 50.0 Hz
791 0317h 2 R Phase 1 active power -16383 to 16383 kW 1011 W - -
792 0318h 2 R Phase 2 active power -16383 to 16383 kW 1021 W - -
793 0319h 2 R Phase 3 active power -16383 to 16383 kW 1031 W - -
794 031Ah 2 R ΣActive power -16383 to 16383 kW 1041 W 1041 W 1041 W
795 031Bh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
796 031Ch 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
797 031Dh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
798 031Eh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
799 031Fh 2 R Phase 1 reactive power -16383 to 16383 kvar 711 var - -
800 0320h 2 R Phase 2 reactive power -16383 to 16383 kvar 721 var - -
801 0321h 2 R Phase 3 reactive power -16383 to 16383 kvar 731 var - -
802 0322h 2 R ΣReactive power -16383 to 16383 kvar 741 var 741 var 741 var
803 0323h 2 R Phase 1 apparent power -16383 to 16383 kVA 1211 VA - -
804 0324h 2 R Phase 2 apparent power -16383 to 16383 kVA 1221 VA - -
805 0325h 2 R Phase 3 apparent power -16383 to 16383 kVA 1231 VA - -
806 0326h 2 R ΣApparent power -16383 to 16383 kVA 1241 VA - -
807 0327h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
808 0328h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
809 0329h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
810 032Ah 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
811 032Bh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -

(c) Maximum Value Register
Address Reply data(secondary side)
R/W Register Name RANGE Unit 3P3W 3P3W
count 3P4W
Dec. Hex. _2CT _3CT
812 032Ch 2 R Phase 1 current Max. 0 to 32767 A 4.12 A 4.12 A 4.12 A
813 032Dh 2 R Phase 2 current Max. 0 to 32767 A 4.22 A 4.52 A 4.22 A
814 032Eh 2 R Phase 3 current Max. 0 to 32767 A 4.62 A 4.62 A 4.62 A
815 032Fh 2 R Neutral current Max. 0 to 32767 A 4.52 A - -
816 0330h 2 R Average value current Max. 0 to 32767 A 4.32 A 4.42 A 4.32 A
817 0331h 2 R Phase 1 current demand Max. 0 to 32767 A 4.12 A 4.12 A 4.12 A
818 0332h 2 R Phase 2 current demand Max. 0 to 32767 A 4.22 A 4.52 A 4.22 A
819 0333h 2 R Phase 3 current demand Max. 0 to 32767 A 4.62 A 4.62 A 4.62 A
820 0334h 2 R Neutral current demand Max. 0 to 32767 A 4.52 A - -
821 0335h 2 R Average value current demand Max. 0 to 32767 A 4.32 A 4.42 A 4.32 A
822 0336h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
823 0337h 2 R Voltage V12 Max. 0 to 32767 V 171.2 V 101.2 V 101.2 V
824 0338h 2 R Voltage V23 Max. 0 to 32767 V 172.2 V 106.2 V 106.2 V
825 0339h 2 R Voltage V31 Max. 0 to 32767 V 176.2 V 176.2 V 176.2 V
826 033Ah 2 R Average value voltage(L-L) Max. 0 to 32767 V 173.2 V 127.9 V 127.9 V
827 033Bh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
828 033Ch 2 R Voltage V1N Max. 0 to 32767 V 101.2 V - -
829 033Dh 2 R Voltage V2N Max. 0 to 32767 V 102.2 V - -
830 033Eh 2 R Voltage V3N Max. 0 to 32767 V 106.2 V - -
831 033Fh 2 R Average value voltage(L-N) Max. 0 to 32767 V 103.2 V - -
832 0340h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
833 0341h 2 R Phase 1 power factor Max. -500 to +1000 to 500 ×0.1% 81.0% - -
834 0342h 2 R Phase 2 power factor Max. -500 to +1000 to 500 ×0.1% 81.9% - -
835 0343h 2 R Phase 3 power factor Max. -500 to +1000 to 500 ×0.1% 83.0% - -
836 0344h 2 R ΣPower factor Max. -500 to +1000 to 500 ×0.1% 84.0% 84.0% 84.0%
837 0345h 2 R Frequency Max. 445 to 999 ×0.1Hz 51.0 Hz 51.0 Hz 51.0 Hz
838 0346h 2 R Phase 1 active power Max. -16383 to 16383 kW 1012 W - -
839 0347h 2 R Phase 2 active power Max. -16383 to 16383 kW 1022 W - -
840 0348h 2 R Phase 3 active power Max. -16383 to 16383 kW 1032 W - -
841 0349h 2 R ΣActive power Max. -16383 to 16383 kW 1042 W 1042 W 1042 W
842 034Ah 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
843 034Bh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
844 034Ch 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
845 034Dh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
846 034Eh 2 R Phase 1 reactive power Max. -16383 to 16383 kvar 712 var - -
847 034Fh 2 R Phase 2 reactive power Max. -16383 to 16383 kvar 722 var - -
848 0350h 2 R Phase 3 reactive power Max. -16383 to 16383 kvar 732 var - -
849 0351h 2 R ΣReactive power Max. -16383 to 16383 kvar 742 var 742 var 742 var
850 0352h 2 R Phase 1 apparent power Max. -16383 to 16383 kVA 1212 VA - -
851 0353h 2 R Phase 2 apparent power Max. -16383 to 16383 kVA 1222 VA - -
852 0354h 2 R Phase 3 apparent power Max. -16383 to 16383 kVA 1232 VA - -
853 0355h 2 R ΣApparent power Max. -16383 to 16383 kVA 1242 VA - -
854 0356h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
855 0357h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
856 0358h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
857 0359h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -

(d) Minimum Value Register
Address Reply data(secondary side)
R/W Register Name RANGE Unit 3P3W 3P3W
count 3P4W
Dec. Hex. _2CT _3CT
858 035Ah 2 R Phase 1 current Min. 0 to 32767 A 4.10 A 4.10 A 4.10 A
859 035Bh 2 R Phase 2 current Min. 0 to 32767 A 4.20 A 4.50 A 4.20 A
860 035Ch 2 R Phase 3 current Min. 0 to 32767 A 4.60 A 4.60 A 4.60 A
861 035Dh 2 R Neutral current Min. 0 to 32767 A 4.50 A - -
862 035Eh 2 R Average value current Min. 0 to 32767 A 4.30 A 4.40 A 4.30 A
863 035Fh 2 R Phase 1 current demand Min. 0 to 32767 A 4.10 A 4.10 A 4.10 A
864 0360h 2 R Phase 2 current demand Min. 0 to 32767 A 4.20 A 4.50 A 4.20 A
865 0361h 2 R Phase 3 current demand Min. 0 to 32767 A 4.60 A 4.60 A 4.60 A
866 0362h 2 R Neutral current demand Min. 0 to 32767 A 4.50 A - -
867 0363h 2 R Average value curret demand Min. 0 to 32767 A 4.30 A 4.40 A 4.30 A
868 0364h 2 R Voltage V12 Min. 0 to 32767 V 171.0 V 101.0 V 101.0 V
869 0365h 2 R Voltage V23 Min. 0 to 32767 V 172.0 V 106.0 V 106.0 V
870 0366h 2 R Voltage V31 Min. 0 to 32767 V 176.0 V 176.0 V 176.0 V
871 0367h 2 R Average value voltage(L-L) Min. 0 to 32767 V 173.0 V 127.7 V 127.7 V
872 0368h 2 R Voltage V1N Min. 0 to 32767 V 101.0 V - -
873 0369h 2 R Voltage V2N Min. 0 to 32767 V 102.0 V - -
874 036Ah 2 R Voltage V3N Min. 0 to 32767 V 106.0 V - -
875 036Bh 2 R Average value voltage(L-N) Min. 0 to 32767 V 103.0 V - -
876 036Ch 2 R Phase 1 power factor Min. -500 to +1000 to 500 ×0.1% 81.2% - -
877 036Dh 2 R Phase 2 power factor Min. -500 to +1000 to 500 ×0.1% 82.2% - -
878 036Eh 2 R Phase 3 power factor Min. -500 to +1000 to 500 ×0.1% 83.2% - -
879 036Fh 2 R ΣPower factor Min. -500 to +1000 to 500 ×0.1% 84.2% 84.2% 84.2%
880 0370h 2 R Frequency Min. 445 to 999 ×0.1Hz 49.0 Hz 49.0 Hz 49.0 Hz
881 0371h 2 R Phase 1 active power Min. -16383 to 16383 kW 1010 W - -
882 0372h 2 R Phase 2 active power Min. -16383 to 16383 kW 1020 W - -
883 0373h 2 R Phase 3 active power Min. -16383 to 16383 kW 1030 W - -
884 0374h 2 R ΣActive power Min. -16383 to 16383 kW 1040 W 1040 W 1040 W
885 0375h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
886 0376h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
887 0377h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
888 0378h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
889 0379h 2 R Phase 1 reactive power Min. -16383 to 16383 kvar 710 var - -
890 037Ah 2 R Phase 2 reactive power Min. -16383 to 16383 kvar 720 var - -
891 037Bh 2 R Phase 3 reactive power Min. -16383 to 16383 kvar 730 var - -
892 037Ch 2 R ΣReactive power Min. -16383 to 16383 kvar 740 var 740 var 740 var
893 037Dh 2 R Phase 1 apparent power Min. -16383 to 16383 kVA 1210 VA - -
894 037Eh 2 R Phase 2 apparent power Min. -16383 to 16383 kVA 1220 VA - -
895 037Fh 2 R Phase 3 apparent power Min. -16383 to 16383 kVA 1230 VA - -
896 0380h 2 R ΣApparent power Min. -16383 to 16383 kVA 1240 VA - -
897 0381h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
898 0382h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -

(e) Counting of Energy Register
Address Reply data(Note1)
R/W Register Name RANGE Unit 3P3W 3P3W
count 3P4W
Dec. Hex. _2CT _3CT
1280 0500h 2 R less than 1000 666 666 666
Active energy import kWh
1281 0501h 2 R 1000 or more 666 666 666
1282 0502h 2 R less than 1000 555 555 555
Active energy export kWh
1283 0503h 2 R 1000 or more 555 555 555
1284 0504h 2 R less than 1000 444 444 444
Reactive energy import LAG kvarh
1285 0505h 2 R 1000 or more 444 444 444
1286 0506h 2 R less than 1000 333 333 333
Reactive energy export LAG kvarh
1287 0507h 2 R 1000 or more 333 333 333
1288 0508h 2 R less than 1000 222 222 222
Reactive energy import LEAD kvarh
1289 0509h 2 R 1000 or more 222 222 222
1290 050Ah 2 R less than 1000 111 111 111
Reactive energy export LEAD kvarh
1291 050Bh 2 R 1000 or more 111 111 111
1292 050Ch 2 R less than 1000 666 666 666
Extended active energy import kWh
1293 050Dh 2 R 1000 or more 666 666 666
1294 050Eh 2 R less than 1000 555 555 555
Extended active energy export kWh
1295 050Fh 2 R 1000 or more 555 555 555
1296 0510h 2 R less than 1000 444 444 444
Extended reactive energy import LAG kvarh
1297 0511h 2 R 1000 or more 444 444 444
1298 0512h 2 R less than 1000 333 333 333
Extended reactive energy export LAG kvarh
1299 0513h 2 R 1000 or more 333 333 333
1300 0514h 2 R less than 1000 222 222 222
Extended reactive energy import LEAD kvarh
1301 0515h 2 R 1000 or more 222 222 222
1302 0516h 2 R less than 1000 111 111 111
Extended reactive energy export LEAD kvarh
1303 0517h 2 R 1000 or more 111 111 111
1304 0518h 4 R/W Active energy import 0 to 999999 kWh 666666 666666 666666
1306 051Ah 4 R/W Active energy export 0 to 999999 kWh 555555 555555 555555
1308 051Ch 4 R/W Reactive energy import LAG 0 to 999999 kvarh 444444 444444 444444
1310 051Eh 4 R/W Reactive energy export LAG 0 to 999999 kvarh 333333 333333 333333
1312 0520h 4 R/W Reactive energy import LEAD 0 to 999999 kvarh 222222 222222 222222
1314 0522h 4 R/W Reactive energy export LEAD 0 to 999999 kvarh 111111 111111 111111
1316 0524h 4 R Extended active energy import 0 to 999999 kWh 666666 666666 666666
1318 0526h 4 R Extended active energy export 0 to 999999 kWh 555555 555555 555555
1320 0528h 4 R Extended reactive energy import LAG 0 to 999999 kvarh 444444 444444 444444
1322 052Ah 4 R Extended reactive energy export LAG 0 to 999999 kvarh 333333 333333 333333
1324 052Ch 4 R Extended reactive energy import LEAD 0 to 999999 kvarh 222222 222222 222222
1326 052Eh 4 R Extended reactive energy export LEAD 0 to 999999 kvarh 111111 111111 111111

Note1. Counting values reply values of primary side.

(f) Alarm Value Register
Address Reply data(secondary side)
R/W Register Name RANGE ※2 Unit 3P3W 3P3W
count 3P4W
Dec. Hex. _2CT _3CT
1536 0600h 4 R/W Current demand upper limit 0 to 4000000 ×0.01 A - - -
1538 0602h 4 R/W Voltage(L-N) upper limit 0 to 75000000 ×0.01 V - - -
1540 0604h 4 R/W Current upper limit 0 to 4000000 ×0.01 A - - -
1542 0606h 4 R/W Power factor upper limit -500 to +1000 to 500 ×0.1% - - -
1544 0608h 4 R/W Frequency upper limit 445 to 665 ×0.1 Hz - - -
1546 060Ah 4 R/W Harmonics current upper limit 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - - -
1548 060Ch 4 R/W THD voltage upper limit 0 to 200 ×0.1% - - -
1550 060Eh 4 R Reserved 0 - - -
1552 0610h 4 R/W Active power upper limit -1638300000 to 1638300000 W - - -
1554 0612h 4 R/W Reactive power upper limit -1638300000 to 1638300000 var - - -
1556 0614h 4 R/W Current demand lower limit 0 to 4000000 ×0.01 A - - -
1558 0616h 4 R/W Voltage(L-N) lower limit 0 to 75000000 ×0.01 V - - -
1560 0618h 4 R/W Current lower limit 0 to 4000000 ×0.01 A - - -
1562 061Ah 4 R/W Power factor lower limit -500 to +1000 to 500 ×0.1% - - -
1564 061Ch 4 R/W Frequency lower limit 445 to 665 ×0.1 Hz - - -
1566 061Eh 4 R Reserved 0 - - -
1568 0620h 4 R/W Active power lower limit -1638300000 to 1638300000 W - - -
1570 0622h 4 R/W Reactive power lower limit -1638300000 to 1638300000 var - - -
1572 0624h 4 R/W Neutral current demand lower limit 0 to 4000000 ×0.01 A - - -
1574 0626h 4 R/W Neutral current lower limit 0 to 4000000 ×0.01 A - - -
1576 0628h 4 R/W Neutral harmonics current lower limit 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - - -
1578 062Ah 4 R/W Voltage(L-L) upper limit 0 to 75000000 ×0.01 V - - -
1580 062Ch 4 R/W Voltage(L-L) lower limit 0 to 75000000 ×0.01 V - - -

(g) Harmonics Value Register
Address Reply data(secondary side)
R/W Register Name RANGE Unit 3P3W 3P3W
count 3P4W
Dec. Hex. _2CT _3CT
1792 0700h 2 R Harmonics value V1N Total 0 to 32767 V 78.9 V - -
1793 0701h 2 R Harmonics value V2N Total 0 to 32767 V 73.2 V - -
1794 0702h 2 R Harmonics value V3N Total 0 to 32767 V 79.3 V - -
1795 0703h 2 R Harmonics value V1N 1st 0 to 32767 V 91.1 V - -
1796 0704h 2 R Harmonics value V2N 1st 0 to 32767 V 91.2 V - -
1797 0705h 2 R Harmonics value V3N 1st 0 to 32767 V 91.3 V - -
1798 0706h 2 R Harmonics value V1N 3rd 0 to 32767 V 36.1 V - -
1799 0707h 2 R Harmonics value V2N 3rd 0 to 32767 V 36.2 V - -
1800 0708h 2 R Harmonics value V3N 3rd 0 to 32767 V 35.9 V - -
1801 0709h 2 R Harmonics value V1N 5th 0 to 32767 V 35.1 V - -
1802 070Ah 2 R Harmonics value V2N 5th 0 to 32767 V 16.8 V - -
1803 070Bh 2 R Harmonics value V3N 5th 0 to 32767 V 34.9 V - -
1804 070Ch 2 R Harmonics value V1N 7th 0 to 32767 V 34.1 V - -
1805 070Dh 2 R Harmonics value V2N 7th 0 to 32767 V 34.2 V - -
1806 070Eh 2 R Harmonics value V3N 7th 0 to 32767 V 34.3 V - -
1807 070Fh 2 R Harmonics value V1N 9th 0 to 32767 V 33.1 V - -
1808 0710h 2 R Harmonics value V2N 9th 0 to 32767 V 33.2 V - -
1809 0711h 2 R Harmonics value V3N 9th 0 to 32767 V 33.3 V - -
1810 0712h 2 R Harmonics value V1N 11th 0 to 32767 V 32.1 V - -
1811 0713h 2 R Harmonics value V2N 11th 0 to 32767 V 32.2 V - -
1812 0714h 2 R Harmonics value V3N 11th 0 to 32767 V 32.3 V - -
1813 0715h 2 R Harmonics value V1N 13th 0 to 32767 V 20.1 V - -
1814 0716h 2 R Harmonics value V2N 13th 0 to 32767 V 21.2 V - -
1815 0717h 2 R Harmonics value V3N 13th 0 to 32767 V 21.3 V - -
2048 0800h 2 R Harmonics value V12 Total 0 to 32767 V - 78.9 V 78.9 V
2049 0801h 2 R Harmonics value V23 Total 0 to 32767 V - 79.3 V 79.3 V
2050 0802h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
2051 0803h 2 R Harmonics value V12 1st 0 to 32767 V - 91.1 V 91.1 V
2052 0804h 2 R Harmonics value V23 1st 0 to 32767 V - 91.3 V 91.3 V
2053 0805h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
2054 0806h 2 R Harmonics value V12 3rd 0 to 32767 V - 36.1 V 36.1 V
2055 0807h 2 R Harmonics value V23 3rd 0 to 32767 V - 35.9 V 35.9 V
2056 0808h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
2057 0809h 2 R Harmonics value V12 5th 0 to 32767 V - 35.1 V 35.1 V
2058 080Ah 2 R Harmonics value V23 5th 0 to 32767 V - 34.9 V 34.9 V
2059 080Bh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
2060 080Ch 2 R Harmonics value V12 7th 0 to 32767 V - 34.1 V 34.1 V
2061 080Dh 2 R Harmonics value V23 7th 0 to 32767 V - 34.3 V 34.3 V
2062 080Eh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
2063 080Fh 2 R Harmonics value V12 9th 0 to 32767 V - 33.1 V 33.1 V
2064 0810h 2 R Harmonics value V23 9th 0 to 32767 V - 33.3 V 33.3 V
2065 0811h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
2066 0812h 2 R Harmonics value V12 11th 0 to 32767 V - 32.1 V 32.1 V
2067 0813h 2 R Harmonics value V23 11th 0 to 32767 V - 32.3 V 32.3 V
2068 0814h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
2069 0815h 2 R Harmonics value V12 13th 0 to 32767 V - 20.1 V 20.1 V
2070 0816h 2 R Harmonics value V23 13th 0 to 32767 V - 21.3 V 21.3 V
2071 0817h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -

Harmonics Value Register
Address Reply data(secondary side)
R/W Register Name RANGE Unit 3P3W 3P3W
count 3P4W
Dec. Hex. _2CT _3CT
2304 0900h 2 R Harmonics value I1 Total 0 to 32767 A 3.15 A 3.15 A 3.15 A
2305 0901h 2 R Harmonics value I2 Total 0 to 32767 A 3.07 A 2.92 A 3.07 A
2306 0902h 2 R Harmonics value I3 Total 0 to 32767 A 2.99 A 2.99 A 2.99 A
2307 0903h 2 R Harmonics value IN Total 0 to 32767 A 2.92 A - -
2308 0904h 2 R Harmonics value I1 1st 0 to 32767 A 3.71 A 3.71 A 3.71 A
2309 0905h 2 R Harmonics value I2 1st 0 to 32767 A 3.72 A 3.75 A 3.72 A
2310 0906h 2 R Harmonics value I3 1st 0 to 32767 A 3.73 A 3.73 A 3.73 A
2311 0907h 2 R Harmonics value IN 1st 0 to 32767 A 3.75 A - -
2312 0908h 2 R Harmonics value I1 3rd 0 to 32767 A 1.63 A 1.63 A 1.63 A
2313 0909h 2 R Harmonics value I2 3rd 0 to 32767 A 1.60 A 1.54 A 1.60 A
2314 090Ah 2 R Harmonics value I3 3rd 0 to 32767 A 1.57 A 1.57 A 1.57 A
2315 090Bh 2 R Harmonics value IN 3rd 0 to 32767 A 1.54 A - -
2316 090Ch 2 R Harmonics value I1 5th 0 to 32767 A 1.48 A 1.48 A 1.48 A
2317 090Dh 2 R Harmonics value I2 5th 0 to 32767 A 1.45 A 1.39 A 1.45 A
2318 090Eh 2 R Harmonics value I3 5th 0 to 32767 A 1.42 A 1.42 A 1.42 A
2319 090Fh 2 R Harmonics value IN 5th 0 to 32767 A 1.39 A - -
2320 0910h 2 R Harmonics value I1 7th 0 to 32767 A 1.34 A 1.34 A 1.34 A
2321 0911h 2 R Harmonics value I2 7th 0 to 32767 A 1.30 A 1.24 A 1.30 A
2322 0912h 2 R Harmonics value I3 7th 0 to 32767 A 1.27 A 1.27 A 1.27 A
2323 0913h 2 R Harmonics value IN 7th 0 to 32767 A 1.24 A - -
2324 0914h 2 R Harmonics value I1 9th 0 to 32767 A 1.19 A 1.19 A 1.19 A
2325 0915h 2 R Harmonics value I2 9th 0 to 32767 A 1.15 A 1.09 A 1.15 A
2326 0916h 2 R Harmonics value I3 9th 0 to 32767 A 1.12 A 1.12 A 1.12 A
2327 0917h 2 R Harmonics value IN 9th 0 to 32767 A 1.09 A - -
2328 0918h 2 R Harmonics value I1 11th 0 to 32767 A 1.04 A 1.04 A 1.04 A
2329 0919h 2 R Harmonics value I2 11th 0 to 32767 A 1.00 A 0.94 A 1.00 A
2330 091Ah 2 R Harmonics value I3 11th 0 to 32767 A 0.97 A 0.97 A 0.97 A
2331 091Bh 2 R Harmonics value IN 11th 0 to 32767 A 0.94 A - -
2332 091Ch 2 R Harmonics value I1 13th 0 to 32767 A 0.89 A 0.89 A 0.89 A
2333 091Dh 2 R Harmonics value I2 13th 0 to 32767 A 0.86 A 0.79 A 0.86 A
2334 091Eh 2 R Harmonics value I3 13th 0 to 32767 A 0.82 A 0.82 A 0.82 A
2335 091Fh 2 R Harmonics value IN 13th 0 to 32767 A 0.79 A - -
2560 0A00h 2 R THD V1N Total 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 86.6% - -
2561 0A01h 2 R THD V2N Total 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 80.2% - -
2562 0A02h 2 R THD V3N Total 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 86.9% - -
2563 0A03h 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 3rd 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 39.6% - -
2564 0A04h 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 3rd 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 39.7% - -
2565 0A05h 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 3rd 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 39.3% - -
2566 0A06h 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 5th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 38.5% - -
2567 0A07h 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 5th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 18.4% - -
2568 0A08h 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 5th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 38.2% - -
2569 0A09h 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 7th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 37.4% - -
2570 0A0Ah 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 7th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 37.5% - -
2571 0A0Bh 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 7th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 37.6% - -
2572 0A0Ch 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 9th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 36.3% - -
2573 0A0Dh 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 9th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 36.4% - -
2574 0A0Eh 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 9th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 36.5% - -
2575 0A0Fh 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 11th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 35.2% - -
2576 0A10h 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 11th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 35.3% - -
2577 0A11h 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 11th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 35.4% - -
2578 0A12h 2 R Harmonic distortion V1N 13th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 22.1% - -
2579 0A13h 2 R Harmonic distortion V2N 13th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 23.2% - -
2580 0A14h 2 R Harmonic distortion V3N 13th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 23.3% - -

Harmonics Value Register
Address Reply data(secondary side)
R/W Register Name RANGE Unit 3P3W 3P3W
count 3P4W
Dec. Hex. _2CT _3CT
2816 0B00h 2 R THD V12 Total 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 86.6% 86.6%
2817 0B01h 2 R THD V23 Total 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 86.9% 86.9%
2818 0B02h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
2819 0B03h 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 3rd 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 39.6% 39.6%
2820 0B04h 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 3rd 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 39.3% 39.3%
2821 0B05h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
2822 0B06h 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 5th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 38.5% 38.5%
2823 0B07h 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 5th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 38.2% 38.2%
2824 0B08h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
2825 0B09h 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 7th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 37.4% 37.4%
2826 0B0Ah 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 7th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 37.6% 37.6%
2827 0B0Bh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
2828 0B0Ch 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 9th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 36.3% 36.3%
2829 0B0Dh 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 9th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 36.5% 36.5%
2830 0B0Eh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
2831 0B0Fh 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 11th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 35.2% 35.2%
2832 0B10h 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 11th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 35.4% 35.4%
2833 0B11h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
2834 0B12h 2 R Harmonic distortion V12 13th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 22.1% 22.1%
2835 0B13h 2 R Harmonic distortion V23 13th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 23.3% 23.3%
2836 0B14h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3072 0C00h 2 R THD I1 Total 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 84.9% 84.9% 84.9%
3073 0C01h 2 R THD I2 Total 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 82.5% 77.9% 82.5%
3074 0C02h 2 R THD I3 Total 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 80.3% 80.3% 80.3%
3075 0C03h 2 R THD IN Total 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 77.9% - -
3076 0C04h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 3rd 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 43.9% 43.9% 43.9%
3077 0C05h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 3rd 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 43.0% 41.1% 43.0%
3078 0C06h 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 3rd 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 42.1% 42.1% 42.1%
3079 0C07h 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 3rd 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 41.1% - -
3080 0C08h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 5th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 39.9% 39.9% 39.9%
3081 0C09h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 5th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 39.0% 37.1% 39.0%
3082 0C0Ah 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 5th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 38.1% 38.1% 38.1%
3083 0C0Bh 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 5th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 37.1% - -
3084 0C0Ch 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 7th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 36.1% 36.1% 36.1%
3085 0C0Dh 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 7th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 34.9% 33.1% 34.9%
3086 0C0Eh 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 7th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 34.0% 34.0% 34.0%
3087 0C0Fh 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 7th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 33.1% - -
3088 0C10h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 9th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 32.1% 32.1% 32.1%
3089 0C11h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 9th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 30.9% 29.1% 30.9%
3090 0C12h 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 9th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 30.0% 30.0% 30.0%
3091 0C13h 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 9th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 29.1% - -
3092 0C14h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 11th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 28.0% 28.0% 28.0%
3093 0C15h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 11th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 26.9% 25.1% 26.9%
3094 0C16h 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 11th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 26.0% 26.0% 26.0%
3095 0C17h 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 11th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 25.1% - -
3096 0C18h 2 R Harmonic distortion I1 13th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 24.0% 24.0% 24.0%
3097 0C19h 2 R Harmonic distortion I2 13th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 23.1% 21.1% 23.1%
3098 0C1Ah 2 R Harmonic distortion I3 13th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 22.0% 22.0% 22.0%
3099 0C1Bh 2 R Harmonic distortion IN 13th 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 21.1% - -

(h) Harmonics Maximum Value Register
Address Reply data(secondary side)
R/W Register Name RANGE Unit 3P3W 3P3W
count 3P4W
Dec. Hex. _2CT _3CT
3328 0D00h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3329 0D01h 2 R Harmonics value V(L-N) 1st Max. 0 to 32767 V 91.8 V - -
3330 0D02h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3331 0D03h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3332 0D04h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3333 0D05h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3334 0D06h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3335 0D07h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3584 0E00h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3585 0E01h 2 R Harmonics value V(L-L) 1st Max. 0 to 32767 V - 91.8 V 91.8 V
3586 0E02h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3587 0E03h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3588 0E04h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3589 0E05h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3590 0E06h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3591 0E07h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3840 0F00h 2 R Harmonics value current Total Max. 0 to 32767 A 3.48 A 3.51 A 3.48 A
3841 0F01h 2 R Harmonics value current 1st Max. 0 to 32767 A 3.76 A 3.77 A 3.76 A
3842 0F02h 2 R Harmonics value current 3rd Max. 0 to 32767 A 1.66 A 1.67 A 1.66 A
3843 0F03h 2 R Harmonics value current 5th Max. 0 to 32767 A 1.56 A 1.58 A 1.56 A
3844 0F04h 2 R Harmonics value current 7th Max. 0 to 32767 A 1.46 A 1.47 A 1.46 A
3845 0F05h 2 R Harmonics value current 9th Max. 0 to 32767 A 1.36 A 1.37 A 1.36 A
3846 0F06h 2 R Harmonics value current 11th Max. 0 to 32767 A 1.26 A 1.28 A 1.26 A
3847 0F07h 2 R Harmonics value current 13th Max. 0 to 32767 A 1.16 A 1.17 A 1.16 A
3848 0F08h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3849 0F09h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3850 0F0Ah 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3851 0F0Bh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3852 0F0Ch 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3853 0F0Dh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3854 0F0Eh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3855 0F0Fh 2 R Harmonics value neutral current Total Max. 0 to 32767 A 3.51 A - -
3856 0F10h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3857 0F11h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3858 0F12h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3859 0F13h 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 1st Max. 0 to 32767 A 3.77 A - -
3860 0F14h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3861 0F15h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3862 0F16h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3863 0F17h 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 3rd Max. 0 to 32767 A 1.67 A - -
3864 0F18h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3865 0F19h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3866 0F1Ah 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3867 0F1Bh 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 5th Max. 0 to 32767 A 1.58 A - -
3868 0F1Ch 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3869 0F1Dh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3870 0F1Eh 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3871 0F1Fh 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 7th Max. 0 to 32767 A 1.47 A - -
3872 0F20h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3873 0F21h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3874 0F22h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3875 0F23h 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 9th Max. 0 to 32767 A 1.37 A - -
3876 0F24h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3877 0F25h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3878 0F26h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3879 0F27h 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 11th Max. 0 to 32767 A 1.28 A - -
3880 0F28h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3881 0F29h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3882 0F2Ah 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
3883 0F2Bh 2 R Harmonics value neutral current 13th Max. 0 to 32767 A 1.17 A - -

Harmonics Maximum Value Register
Address Reply data(secondary side)
R/W Register Name RANGE Unit 3P3W 3P3W
count 3P4W
Dec. Hex. _2CT _3CT
4096 1000h 2 R THD voltage Total Max. 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 91.7% - -
4097 1001h 2 R Harmonic distortion voltage(L-N) 3rd Max. 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 40.1% - -
4098 1002h 2 R Harmonic distortion voltage(L-N) 5th Max. 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 39.1% - -
4099 1003h 2 R Harmonic distortion voltage(L-N) 7th Max. 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 37.9% - -
4100 1004h 2 R Harmonic distortion voltage(L-N) 9th Max. 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 36.8% - -
4101 1005h 2 R Harmonic distortion voltage(L-N) 11th Max. 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 35.7% - -
4102 1006h 2 R Harmonic distortion voltage(L-N) 13th Max. 0 to 1000 ×0.1% 34.6% - -
4352 1100h 2 R THD voltage Total Max. 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 91.7% 91.7%
4353 1101h 2 R Harmonic distortion voltage(L-L) 3rd Max. 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 40.1% 40.1%
4354 1102h 2 R Harmonic distortion voltage(L-L) 5th Max. 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 39.1% 39.1%
4355 1103h 2 R Harmonic distortion voltage(L-L) 7th Max. 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 37.9% 37.9%
4356 1104h 2 R Harmonic distortion voltage(L-L) 9th Max. 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 36.8% 36.8%
4357 1105h 2 R Harmonic distortion voltage(L-L) 11th Max. 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 35.7% 35.7%
4358 1106h 2 R Harmonic distortion voltage(L-L) 13th Max. 0 to 1000 ×0.1% - 34.6% 34.6%
4608 1200h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
4609 1201h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
4610 1202h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
4611 1203h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
4612 1204h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
4613 1205h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -
4614 1206h 2 R Reserved 0 - - -

9. Sample program for the programmable controllers (Reference information)
This chapter explains the sample program for the programmable controllers, the MELSEC-Q series QJ71MB91
MODBUS interface module (hereinafter refered to as QJ71MB91) and the communication adapter for MELSEC-F

Section 8.1 explains the sample program for QJ71MB91 with MELSEC-Q PLC.
Section 8.2 explains the sample program for FX3U-485ADP-MB with MELSEC-F PLC.

9 .1 Sample program for QJ71MB91

This section explains the sample program (setting example) for sample program for QJ71MB91 with MELSEC-Q
Section 8.1.1 explains the configuration process for QJ71MB91 with MELSEC-Q PLC.
Section 8.1.2 explains the sample program of the reading data from two ME96.
Please refer to the following manual for QJ71MB91.

Manual Name Manual No.

MODBUS Interface Module User's Manual SH-080578ENG (13JR86)

9.1.1 Configuration process example for QJ71MB91

(1) Setting for MODBUS communication

Set the operation mode, transmission speeds, transmission settings and station numbers in the intelligent
function module switch.
Set the procedure (a) or (b).
Procedure (a) : Example of use the GX Works2
Procedure (b) : Example of use the switch setting of “PLC parameter”

(a) Setting procedure: Example of use the GX Works2

This section explains the setting procedure of use the intelligent function module switch with GX Works2.

(i) Adding intelligent Adding intelligent function module data

Add the intelligent function module data to the project being edited.
Select [Project] ⇒ [Intelligent Function Module] ⇒ [New Module].
(A module can be added by clicking the [New Module] buton on the <<I/O Assignment>> tab of the PLC

Occupied I/O points information

Item Description Setting value

Module Selection ― ―
Module type Select the type of the intelligent function module to be added. MODBUS Interface Unit
Module model Select the model of the intelligent function module to be added. QJ71MB91
Mount Position ― ―
Specify the base number where the intelligent function module is
Base No. -
Mounted Slot No. Set the slot number of the intelligent function module. 0
Specify Start XY
Set the start XY address of the intelligent function module. 0000
Occupied I/O points Display the number of occupied slots and the number of occupied
information I/O points of the module selected for "Module Name".
Title Setting ― ―
Set the title.
Title (Blank)
(The number of applicable characters is 32)

(ii) Switch setting of intelligent function module
Edit the switch setting of the intelligent function module.
Select Project view ⇒ “Intelligent Function Module” ⇒ “(QJ71MB91)” ⇒ “Switch Setting”

Item Description Setting value Remark

Master function / CH2 should be set
Mode setting Set the operation mode of the QJ71MB91
Master function the Master function.
Transmission setting ― ― ―
When "Start with the default parameters" is set, the
module is started with the parameters assigned by
MODBUS device
default. "Start with the user-
assignment Start with the user-
When "Start with the user-set parameters" is set, set parameters"
parameter set parameters.
the module is started with the sequenc program or should be set.
starting method
the MODBUS device assignment parameters set
on the intelligent function unit.
Data bit Set data bits. 8
Parity bit presence Specify whether parity bit is present or not. Present
Set even or odd parity. Set the same value of
Even/odd parity This setting is valid only when "Parity bit presence" Even ME96 setting.
is set to "Present".
Stop bit Set the stop bit. 1
Set “RTU mode” ,
Frame mode Set the frame mode. RTU mode same as frame mode
of ME96.
Set whether to enable or disable data writing to the
RUN-status programmable controller CPU by a
Online change request message from the master. Disable -
This setting is valid only when the slave function is
set for the channel.
Communication Set the same value of
Set the Communication speed. 38400 bps
speed setting ME96 setting.
CH1, 2 station No. Set slave station No. of the QJ71MB91.
0 -
setting For the master function, set 0.
*Use the CH2 side RS-422/485 interface.

(b) Setting procedure: Example of use the switch setting of “PLC parameter”
This section explains the setting procedure of use the intelligent function module switch with GX Developer.

(i) Setting procedure

1) Start the GX Developer. Double-click “PLC parameter” in the project window of GX Developer.
2) Click the “I/O assignment” tab to display the I/O assignment setting screen.
Set the following th the slot where the QJ71MB91 is mounted.
Type : Select “Intelli”
Module name : Enter the model name of the module.
Points : Select 32 points.
Start XY : 0000 (Enter the QJ71MB91 head input/output numbers.)
3) Click the I/O assignment setting screen [Switch setting] button to display the “Switch setting for I/O and
intelligent function module”screen.

Item Description Details
Value Descripsion
Switch 1 Mode setting 0000h Master function Set the mode setting of CH1 (RS-232C)
Set the transmission setting and MODBUS
Communication Start with the user-set
CH1 device assignment parameter starting method.
Switch 2 speed/transmission 0001h parameters
* When using the automatic communication
setting (CH Common)
function, set ON(1) for b0.
Switch 3 Mode setting 0000h Master function Set the mode setting of CH2 (RS-422/485)

Bit Item OFF(0) ON(1)

b0 - Fixed to OFF
b1 Data bit 8 7
b2 Parity bit Present
Data bit:8 b3 Even/odd parity Even Odd
Parity bit:Present b4 Stop bit 1 2
CH2 Even/odd parity:Even RTU ASCII
Switch 4 speed/transmission 0900h b5 Frame mode
Stop bit:1 mode mode
Online change:Disable b6 Online change Disable Enable
Speed: 38400bps b7 - Fixed to OFF
2400 bps :03h
b8 4800 bps :04h
to 9600 bps :05h
b15 19200 bps :07h
38400 bps :09h
* Set the same value of ME96 setting.
b0 to b7: CH1 side
Switch 5 CH1,2 station No. setting 0000h For the master fanction, set 00h.
b8 to b15: CH2 side
*Set the CH2 side RS-422/485 interface.

(2) MODBUS communication example
In case of reading/writing the MODBUS devices with the QJ71MB91 operated as a master, the master function
includes the following two functions.
(a) : Automatic communication function
(b) : Communicaiton using dedicated instruction
(a) Automatic communication function
By setting the automatic communication parameters, ME96 data can be automatically read from or written to
the slaves at the specified intervals using the QJ71MB91 buffer memory.
Up to 32 automatic communication parameters can be set for each channel.
Set the automatic communication parameters when using the automatic communication function with the
QJ71MB91 operated as a master.
(b) Automatic communication parameter
Parameter name Setting range Details
(for CH2)
0380h to
0381h Setting parameter 00000000h: Disabled Set whether to enable or disable the
(896 to existence 00000001h: Enabled automatic communication parameters
0382h Specify a slave to which request
Target station No 1 to 247: Slave station No.
(898) messages are sent.
Upon reception of a reply
message from a slave, The Request interval timer represents
immediately issues the next the interval between any successive
request message. request message transmissions in the
0383h Request interval timer
2 to 65535: automatic communication function.
(899) value
The time from when the The time from when the QJ71MB91
QJ71MB91 sends a request sends a request message until it sends
message until it sends the the next request message is measured.
next request message (Set
time = set value 10 ms)
The Response monitoring timer is used
0 : 30 seconds
Response monitoring to monitor the time from when the
0384h 2 to 65535:
timer value/Broadcast QJ71MB91 sends a response message
(900) Response monitoring timer
delay value until it receives a response message
(Set time = set value 10 ms)
from the slave.
Type specification of 0000h: Not specified
0385h 0500h is for the read holding registers.
Automatic the target MODBUS 0500h: Read holding registers
(901) 0005h is for the write multiple registers.
communication device 0005h: Write multiple registers
parameter 1 Specify the head address of the buffer
memory where the data read from the
Head buffer 0000h: None
0386h slave (ME96) are stored.
memory 2000h to 2FFFh:
(902) The head buffer memory addresses
address CH2 read data storage area
should not duplicated among Automatic
Read communication parameters 1 to 32.
setting Target
0387h MODBUS Specify the head number of the read
Refer to section 7 .1.
(903) device head target MODBUS device (ME96).
0388h Access Set the number of points to be read from
0 to 125
(904) points the MODBUS device (ME96).
Specify the head address of the buffer
memory where the data written to the
Head buffer 0000h: None
0389h slave (ME96) are stored.
memory 4000h to 4FFFh:
(905) The head buffer memory addresses
address CH2 write data storage area
should not duplicated among Automatic
Write communication parameters 1 to 32.
setting Target
038Ah MODBUS Specify the head number of the write
Refer to section 7 .1.
(906) device head target MODBUS device (ME96).
038Bh Access Set the number of points to be written to
0 to 123
(907) points the MODBUS device (ME96).
038Ch to Automatic
04FFh communication
(Same as in automatic communication parameter 1)
(908 to Parameter 2 to
1279) 32

(c) Automatic communication parameter setting (Example of GX Works2)
(i) Automatic communication parameter of the intelligent function module
Set the automatic communication parameters when using the automatic communication function with the
QJ71MB91 operated as a master.
Up to 32 automatic communication parameters can be set for each channel.
Set the automatic communication parameters of the intelligent function module in GX Works2.
Select [Project]⇒ [Intelligent Function Module]⇒ [“QJ71MB91”]⇒ [Automatic communication parameter].

Item Description Setting Remark

Setting parameter Set whether to enable or disable the
1: Enabled -
existence automatic communication parameters
Specify a slave to which request
Target station No 1 Specify the address of ME96.
messages are sent.
Upon reception of a reply message
from a slave, immediately issues the
The Request interval timer represents the
next request message.
Request interval timer interval between any successive request 50
2 to 65535:
value message transmissions in the automatic (500 ms)
The time from when the QJ71MB91
communication function.
sends a request message until it
sends the next request message (Set
time = set value 10 ms)
The Response monitoring timer is used to
0 : 30 seconds
Response monitoring monitor the time from when the
10 2 to 65535:
timer value/Broadcast QJ71MB91 sends a response message
(100 ms) Response monitoring timer (Set time
delay value until it receives a response message from
= set value 10 ms)
the slave.
0500h: 0500h is for the read holding registers
Type specification of
Specify the types of the read/write target Read (03h).
the target MODBUS
MODBUS devices. holding 0005h is for the write multiple
registers registers (10h).
Read setting - - Specify in case of reading.
Specify the head address of the buffer
Head buffer The data read from ME96 are stored
memory where the data read from the 2000h
memory address to the buffer memory 2000h and later.
slave are stored.
Target MODBUS Set “1408” in case of Active energy
Specify the head number of the read 1408
device head (import) (unit: kWh fixed). Change it
target MODBUS device. (Note1)
number according to the reading data.
Set “2” in case of Active energy
Set the number of points to be read from
Access points 2 (import) (unit: kWh fixed). Change it
the MODBUS device.
according to the reading data.
Write setting - - Specify in case of writing (setting).
Specify the head address of the buffer Specify the head address of the buffer
Head buffer
memory where the data written to the - memory where the setting data for
memory address
slave are stored. ME96 are stored.
Specify the head number of the write
device head - -
target MODBUS device.
Set the number of points to be written to
Access points - -
the MODBUS device.
*Set the CH2 side RS-422/485 interface.
Note1: Register address “1408” is invalid address for ME96NSR-MB. (Refer to 7 .1(4))
(ii) MODBUS device assignment parameter of the intelligent function module
MODBUS device assignment parameter is for using the QJ71MB91 as a slave station.
It is unnecessary to set the MODBUS device assignment parameter in case of reading the measurement value
of ME96 or setting to ME96.

(iii) Auto refresh setting of the intelligent function module

Make this setting to store the QJ71MB91 buffer memory data into the specified devices of the programmable
controller CPU or to store the programmable controller CPU device data into the QJ71MB91 buffer memory
Set the Auto refresh setting of the intelligent function module.
Select [Project]⇒ [Intelligent Function Module]⇒ [“QJ71MB91”]⇒ [Auto referesh setting].

Item Description Setting Remark

Transfer the data from buffer memories into
Transfer to CPU
Transfer the read data (Active energy (import)
(unit: kWh fixed)) from ME96 into device D0.
* Swap process is required to read the 4-byte
data such as active energy. An example is
shown below.
Automatic Areas used for storing data read
communication from the slave.
function buffer input Transfer the device specified by
area device number (offset, word count).

Automatic The operation statuses of the

0: Operating normally/automatic
communication automatic communication function
communication parameter not set/automatic
operation status are stored in bit format in B0
communication function stopped
storage area correspondence with automatic
1: Automatic communication error occurred
(Parameters 1 to 32) communication parameters 1 to 32.
The MODBUS devices to the
User free area
QJ71MB91 buffer memory are (Blank) -
assigned and stored.
Transfer the data from devices into buffer
Transfer to the intelligent function module
Automatic Areas used for storing data write into
communication the slave.
Blank -
function buffer output Transfer the device specified by
area device number (offset, word count).
The MODBUS devices to the
User free area
QJ71MB91 buffer memory are (Blank) -
assigned and stored.

(d) Automatic communication parameter setting (Example of with wequence program)
Set the automatic communication parameters with sequence program as follows.
1) Store parameters in the Automatic communication parameter area of the buffer memory (address: 0200H
to 037FH / 0380H to 04FFH).
2) Turn ON the Automatic communication parameter setting request/Automatic communication start
request (Y4/YC).

An example of automatic communication parameter setting is shown below.

Initialize the automatic
communication parameter
Setting CH2 Intelligentfunction
Automatic module switch
setting area.
communication setting change
operation status

Setting parameter existence:

1: Enabled

Target station No; 1:

(ME96: Address:1)

Request interval timer value:

500 ms

Response monitoring timer

value: 100 ms

Type specification of the target

MODBUS device:
0500h (Read holding registers)

Head buffer memory address:

2000h (Read holding registers)

Target MODBUS device head

number : 1408
(Active energy (import) (unit: kWh
Note) Register address “1408” is
invalid address for ME96NSR-
MB. (Refer to 7 .1(4))

Access points: 2
(2 words)

CH2 Automatic communication

parameter setting
communication start request

When CH2 Automatic
communication parameter
setting, normally completed or
error completed,
reset CH2 Automatic
communication parameter
setting request/Automatic
communication start request

Refresh the automatic

Module function buffer input area.

Swap process of active energy.

(e) Communication by dedicated instructions
The dedicated instructions make programming easy for use of the intelligent function module functions.
Dedicated instructions can be used to make communication from sequence programs at any timing.

(i) Z(P).MBRW instruction

This instruction allows reading or writing of MODBUS device data to a slave.

Z(P).MBRW “Un” (S1) (D1) (S2) (D2)

The device that is turned ON for one scan on

completion of the instruction
(D2)+1 also turns ON when the instruction
completes in error.
Setting side: System (*1)
Data type: Bit

Write data storage device

Setting side: User (*1)
Data type: BIN 16 bits

Read data storage device

Setting side: System (*1)
Data type: BIN 16 bits

Head number of the device where control data is stored

Setting side: User, System (*1)
Data type: BIN 16 bits

Head I/O number of the module

(00H to FEH: Upper 2 digits of the I/O number in 3-digit notation)
Setting side: User (*1)
Data type: String / BIN 16 bits
*1 The setting side is as described below.
・ User : Data are set by the user before dedicated instruction execution.
・ System: The programmable controller CPU stores the result of dedicated instruction execution.

(ii) Control data
Control data of the MBRW instruction.
Setting Setting
Device Item Setting data
range side *1
(S1)+0 - Specify 0. 0 User
The status of the instruction completion is stored.
(S1)+1 Completion status 0 : Normal completion - System
Other than 0: Error completion (QJ71MB91 error code)
An exception code from a slave (ME96) is stored.
MODBUS exception 0 : Slave (ME96) processing normally completed
(S1)+2 - System
code Other than 0: Slave processing completed in error (exception
Specify the target channel.
(S1)+3 Channel 1: RS-232 1,2 User
2: RS-422/485
(S1)+4 - Specify 0. 0 User
Specify the station number of the target slave.
(S1)+5 Target station No. 1 to 247 User
1 to 247 : Target slave (ME96) station number
(S1)+6 - Specify 0. 0 User
Specify the time for monitoring a response from the target
Response monitoring device (slave). (Unit: 10 ms)
(S1)+7 timer value/Broadcast 0 :30 seconds User
2 to 65535
delay value 2 to 65535: Set value (Response monitoring timer value = set
value x 10 ms)
0500h: Read
Type specification of the registers
(S1)+8 Specify the type of the read/write target MODBUS device. User
target MODBUSdevice 0005h: Write
Specify a file number when the target MODBUS device is the
(S1)+9 Target file number 0 User
extended file register.
Specify the head number of the read target MODBUS device.
Read Setting

Specify the lower 5 digits of the device head number.

Target MODBUS Refer to
(S1)+10 The device head number is specified as "(Actual device User
device head number section 7 .1.
number) - 1".
(Example) Specify "768" when accessing registers 400769.
(S1)+11 Access points Set the read points of the MODBUS device. 1 to 125 User
Read data storage Set the word size of the read data stored in the argument (D1)
(S1)+12 - System
size and later fields.
Specify a file number when the target MODBUS device is the
(S1)+13 Target file number 0 User
extended file register.
Specify the head number of the write target MODBUS device.
Write Setting

Specify the lower 5 digits of the device head number.

Target MODBUS The device head number is specified as "(Actual device Refer to
(S1)+14 User
device head number number) - 1". section 7 .1.
(Example) Specify "512" when accessing Holding registers
(S1)+15 Access points Set the read points of the MODBUS device. 1 to 123 User
Write data storage Set the word size of the write data stored in the argument (S2)
(S1)+16 1 to 125 User
size and later fields. Set "1" for the case of read only.
*1 The setting side is as described below.
・ User : Data are set by the user before dedicated instruction execution.
・ System: The programmable controller CPU stores the result of dedicated instruction execution.

(iii) Example for reading of Active energy (unit: kWh fixed)(import) (Register address 0580h)
Note: Register address “0580h” is invalid address for ME96NSR-MB. (Refer to 7 .1(4))
Fixed to “0”

Clear the completion status to 0.

Clear MODBUS exception code

to 0.

Specify the target channel to

CH2 (RS-422/485).

Fixed to “0”

Target station No.

(ME96 station No. is 1)

Fixed to “0”

Response monitoring timer

value (30 s)

Target MODBUS device type

(0500h:Read holding registers)

Read setting;
Target file No. (0 fixed)

Read setting;
Target MODBUS device head
number ; 0580H(Active energy
(unit: kWh fixed)(import))

Read setting;
Access points
2 words (4 bytes)

Read setting;
Clear the read data storage size
to 0.

Write setting;
Target file No. ; 0 fixed.

Write setting;
Target MODBUS device head
number ; 0 fixed (Read only).

Write setting;
Access points ; 0 fixed (Read

Write setting;
Write data storage size.
(Set "1" for the case of read

When errors are not occured,

D100 Hi Lo
D101 Lo Hi

QJ71MB91 error code is stored

into D2000 when an error
occurs in each processing on
the QJ71MB91.

ME96 error code is stored into

D2001. (For detail of error code,
refer to chapter 6.

The device that is turned ON for one

scan on completion of the instruction
M101 also turns ON when the
instruction completes in error.

Set the write data storage device

For read, set the dummy device.

Set the read data (Active energy) storage device

Set the head number of the device where control data is stored

9.1.2 Program example for reading multiple measuring data from two devices with QJ71MB91
When applying the program examples introduced in this manual to an actual system, ensure the applicability
and confirm that it will not cause system control problems.

(1) Program details

This sample program is for reading the following measuring data from two ME96.
・ Active energy (unit: kWh fixed) (imported) (Resister address: 0580h) (Note1)
・ Phase 1 current, Phase 2 current, Phase 3 current (Resister address: 0300h to 0302h)
・ Voltage V12, Voltage V23, Voltage V31 (Resister address: 030Ah to 030Ch)
・ Σ Active power (Resister address: 031Ah)
・ Σ Power factor (Resister address: 0315h)

Note1: Register address “0580h” is invalid address for ME96NSR-MB. (Refer to 7 .1(4))

(2) System configuration

1) 2)
3) 3)

No. Devices Description

MELSEC-Q series
1 Use the base unit, power supply module and programmable controller CPU.
programmable controller
MODBUS interface module.
The QJ71MB91 is to be mounted in slot 0 of the base unit with the head I/O
2 QJ71MB91
number set to "00H".
Use the CH2 (RS-422/485) interface as a master.
Multi-Measuring instrument.
3 ME96
MODBUS slaves. (Address: 1,2)

(a) Setting of ME96

Item Setting value
Communication speed 38400 bps
Even/odd parity Even
Stop bit 1

(3) Sample program (Transmission setting)
This section explains the transmission setting as below.
(a) : Example of use the GX Works2
(b) : Example of use the switch setting of PLC parameter

(a) Setting procedure: Example of use the GX Works2

(b) Setting procedure: Example of use the switch setting of PLC parameter

(4) Relevant devices of sample program
Below table shows the devices used by sample program.
Device Description Remark
I/O signals
Module READY
X0 ON : Accessible
OFF : Inaccessible
CH2 Automatic communication parameter setting, normally
ON : Normally completed
OFF : -
CH2 Automatic communication parameter setting, error
completed The following I/O signal assignment is
ON : Error completed based on the case where the start I/O
OFF : - No. of the QJ71MB91 is "0000"
CH2 Automatic communication operation status (installed to slot 0 of the main base
X0E ON : Operating unit).
OFF : Stopped
Intelligent function module switch setting change status
X10 ON : Setting being changed
OFF : Setting not changed
CH2 Automatic communication parameter setting
request/automatic communication start request
ON : Being requested
OFF : Not requested
Relay devices
Automatic communication operation status
The devices set by auto refresh
OFF: Operating normally/automatic communication
setting as an automatic
B0 to B9 parameter not set/automatic communication function
communication operation status
storage area.
ON: Automatic communication error occurred
Data read command for ME96 (Address 1).
M0 ON: Process dedicated instruction.
(Turn ON every hour on the hour.)
Data read command for ME96 (Address 2).
M1 ON: Process dedicated instruction.
(Turn ON every hour on the hour.)
The device that is turned ON for one scan on completion of
the data read command for ME96 (Address 1).
The device that is turned ON when the data read command
for ME96 (Address 1) completes in error.
The device that is turned ON for one scan on completion of
the data read command for ME96 (Address 2).
The device that is turned ON when the data read command
for ME96 (Address 2) completes in error.
Buffer memories
Area stored automatic communication operation status
0: Operating normally/automatic communication parameter
not set/automatic communication function stopped
1: Automatic communication error occurred
Data registers
D0 to D26 Read data from the ME96. Data read from ME96 are stored.
D100 to D116 Controll data of the dedicated instruction.
D117 Clock data (minutes)
D2000 to
Error code when the dedicated instruction is used.

Device Description Remark
Measuring data
D200,D201 Active energy (unit: kWh fixed) (imported)
D202 Phase 1 current
D203 Phase 2 current
D204 Phase 3 current
D205 ME96 Voltage V12 Measuring data read from ME96
D206 (Address1) Voltage V23 (Address1) are stored.
D207 Voltage V31
D208 Σ Active power
D209 Σ Power factor
D210,D211 Active energy (unit: kWh fixed) (imported)
D212 Phase 1 current
D213 Phase 2 current
D214 Phase 3 current
D215 ME96 Voltage V12 Measuring data read from ME96
D216 (Address2) Voltage V23 (Address2) are stored.
D217 Voltage V31
D218 Σ Active power
D209 Σ Power factor

(5) Sample program

(a) Communication using the automatic communication function (Setting with GX Works2)
This section explains the setting example of the automatic communication parameter to add the QJ71MB91
to the data of the intelligent function module in GX Works2 for the settings.

(i) Automatic communication parameter setting

Automatic communication parameter setting
Param; Param; Param; Param; Param; Param; Param; Param; Param; Param; Remark
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Setting parameter
1 Enabled
Target station No. 1 2
Request interval
timer value
monitoring timer 0
Type specification Read
of the target 0500h holding
MODBUS device registers
Head buffer
memory 2000h 2002h 2005h 2008h 2009h 2010h 2012h 2015h 2018h 2019h
Read Setting

Target 1408 768 778 794 789 1408 768 778 794 789
MODBUS (Wh) (A1, (V12, (W) (PF) (Wh) (A1, (V12, (W) (PF)
device head *1 A2, V23, *1 A2, V23,
number A3) V31) A3) V31)
Access points 2 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 1 1
Head buffer
memory 0 Read only
Write Setting

device head
Access points 0
*1: Register address “1408” is invalid address for ME96NSR-MB. (Refer to 7 .1(4))

Automatic communication parameter;1 to 5 Automatic communication parameter;6 to 10
(ME96:Address 1) (ME96:Address 2)

(ii) Auto refresh setting setting

(iii) Sample program for data store

Address: 1 ME96

Store the active energy (unit:

kWh fixed) (imported)

Store the phase 1 current

Store the phase 2 current

Store the phase 3 current

Store the voltage V12

Store the voltage V23

Store the voltage V31

Store theΣActive power

Store theΣPower factor

Address: 2 ME96
Store the active energy (unit:
kWh fixed) (imported)

Store the phase 1 current

Store the phase 2 current

Store the phase 3 current

Store the voltage V12

Store the voltage V23

Store the voltage V31

Store theΣActive power

Store theΣPower factor

(b) Communication using the automatic communication function (Using seauence program)
This section explains the setting example of the automatic communication parameter to set the parameters by
a sequence program.

(i) Automatic communication parameter setting

Automatic communication parameter setting
Param; Param; Param; Param; Remark
1 2 3 4
Setting parameter existence 1 Enabled
Target station No. 1 2
Request interval timer value 0
Response monitoring timer
Type specification of the target Read holding
MODBUS device registers
Head buffer
Write Setting Read Setting

2000h 2002h 2030h 2032h

memory address
1408 768(A1) 1408 768(A1)
(Wh) to (Wh) to
device head number
(Note1) 794(W) (Note1) 794(W)
Access points 2 27 2 27
Head buffer
0 Read only
memory address
device head number
Access points 0
Note1) Register address “1408” is invalid address for ME96NSR-MB. (Refer to 7 .1(4))
Initialize the automatic
communication parameter
setting area.

Parameter 1
Setting parameter existence: 1
Target station No.:1

Type specification of the target

MODBUS device: 0500h
(Read holding registers)
Head buffer memory address:
Target MODBUS device head
number: 1408 (Wh) (Note1)

Access points: 2

Parameter 2
Setting parameter existence: 1
Target station No.:1

Type specification of the target

MODBUS device: 0500h
(Read holding registers)
Head buffer memory address:
Target MODBUS device head
number: 768 (A1)

Access points: 27
(A1 to W)

Parameter 3
Setting parameter existence: 1
Target station No.:2

Type specification of the target

MODBUS device: 0500h
(Read holding registers)
Head buffer memory address:
Target MODBUS device head
number: 1408 (Wh) (Note1)

Access points: 2

Parameter 4
Setting parameter existence: 1
Target station No.:2

Type specification of the target

MODBUS device: 0500h
(Read holding registers)
Head buffer memory address:
Target MODBUS device head
number: 768 (A1)

Access points: 27
(A1 to W)
CH2 Automatic communication
parameter setting
communication start request

Address: 1 ME96

Store Wh into D200.

Swap process for 2 words data.

Store A1 to A3 into D202 to

Store V12 to V31 into D205 to

Store W into D208

Store PF into D209

Address: 2 ME96
Store Wh into D210.
Swap process for 2 words data.

Store A1 to A3 into D212 to

Store V12 to V31 into D215 to
The operation statuses of the automatic
communication function
0: Operating normally/automatic
communication parameter not Store W into D218
set/automatic communication function
1: Automatic communication error occurred Store PF into D219

Note1: Register address “1408” is invalid address for ME96NSR-MB. (Refer to 7 .1(4))
(c) Communication using the automatic communication function (With GX Works2) and the dedicated instruction
This section explains the setting example of the automatic communication parameter and the dedicated
instruction at the same channel to set the parameters and programs.

Data read by the automatic communication function are shown below.

・ Phase 1 current, Phase 2 current, Phase 3 current
・ Voltage V12, Voltage V23, Voltage V31
・ Σ Active power
・ Σ Power factor
Data read by the dedicated instruction is shown bellow.
・ Active energy (unit: kWh fixed) (imported)

(i) Automatic communication parameter setting

Automatic communication parameter setting
Param; Param; Param; Param; Param; Param; Param; Param; Remark
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setting parameter existence 1 Enabled
Target station No. 1 2
Request interval timer value 0 9 0 9 *1
Response monitoring timer
0 3 0 3 *1
Type specification of the
0500h holding
target MODBUS device
Head buffer
2000h 2003h 2006h 2007h 2008h 200Bh 200Eh 200Fh
Read Setting

memory address
768 778 794 789 768 778 794 789
Target MODBUS (A1, (V12, (W) (PF) (A1, (V12, (W) (PF)
device head number A2, V23, A2, V23,
A3) V31) A3) V31)
Access points 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1
Write Setting

Head buffer
0 Read only
memory address
device head number
Access points 0
*1:When the automatic communication function and the dedicated instruction are used on the same channel,
the dedicated instructions can be executed at the timing shown below.
Set appropriate automatic communication parameters and create a proper sequence program so that the
dedicated instruction can be executed in the right timing.
At above table, the interval timer values of “Param; 4” and “Param; 8” are set to ensure the timing for
dedicated instruction execution.

Request interval timer Respnse monitoring timer

*Timeout value

Request Responce Request Request
message message message message

Dedicated instruction Dedicated instruction

executable timing executable timing

Automatic communication parameter;1 to 4 Automatic communication parameter;5 to 8
(ME96:Address 1) (ME96:Address 2)

(ii) Auto refresh setting setting

(iii) Sample program
Set the SM213 (clock data read
Initialize for control data
Fixed to “0”

Clear the completion status to 0.

Clear MODBUS exception code

to 0.

Specify the target channel to

CH2 (RS-422/485).

Fixed to “0”
(Set D105 as target station No.
before dedicated instructions)
Fixed to “0”
Response monitoring timer
value (40ms)
*Next response of automatic
communication parameter
Target MODBUS device type
holding registers)
Target file No. (0 fixed)

Target MODBUS device head

number; 0580H (Wh) (Note1)

Access points
2 words (4 bytes)
Clear the read data storage size
to 0.
Write setting;
Target file No. ;0 fixed.

Write setting;
Target MODBUS device head
number; 0 fixed (Read only).
Write setting;
Access points ; 0 fixed (Read only).
Write setting;
Write data storage size.
(Set "1" for the case of read only.)
Store minute data of clock into
M1 and M2 are turned ON at 00-
M1: Read Wh command for
M2: Read Wh command for
Note1: Register address “0580h” is invalid address for ME96NSR-MB. (Refer to 7 .1(4))

Clear the completion status to 0.

Clear MODBUS exception code

to 0.
Read setting;
CH2 Automatic Clear the read data storage size
communication ready to 0.
status storage area Target station No.
(Parameter 4) (ME96 station No. is 1)

Executing a dedicated

Swap process for 2 words data.

Store an error code when an

error occurs.

Reset the read Wh command

for address1.

Clear the completion status to 0.

Clear MODBUS exception code

to 0.
Read setting;
CH2 Automatic Clear the read data storage size
communication ready to 0.
status storage area Target station No.
(Parameter 8) (ME96 station No. is 2)

Executing a dedicated

Swap process for 2 words data.

Store an error code when an

error occurs.

Reset the read Wh command

for address2.

Store each measuring data.

9 .2 Sample program for FX3U-485ADP-MB
This section explains the sample program (setting example) for sample program for FX3U-485ADP-MB with
Section 8.2.1 explains the configuration process for FX3U-485ADP-MB with MELSEC-F PLC.
Section 8.2.2 explains the sample program of the reading data from two ME96.
Please refer to the following manual for the communication adapter.

Manual Name Manual No.


- MODBUS Serial Communication Edition

9.2.1 Configuration process example for FX3U-485ADP-MB

(1) Setting for MODBUS communication

This section explains the setting procedure of MODBUS communication with the communication adapter and
FX3S/FX3G/FX3GC/FX3U/FX3UC series.
To initiate the setup, the PLC program must use the auxiliary relay M8411. When the PLC program contains the
"LD M8411" instruction, it is then possible to configure the MODBUS functionality using MOV operations.
The communication parameters for MODBUS communication can be setup using the following program.

Device Name Description Setting value

This device sets the communication format.
Bit No. Name
0 (bit=OFF) 1 (bit=ON)
b0 Data length 7-bit 8-bit
b1 (0, 0):Not provided 10A7h :
b2 (0, 1):Odd
(1, 1):Even Name Contents
b3 Stop bit 1-bit 2-bit
b7,b6,b5,b4 8-bit (fixed)
Communication length
D8400 b4 ( 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 ):2400
Format Parity Even
b5 ( 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 ):4800
Baud rate (bps) Stop bit 1-bit
b6 ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ):9600
Baud rate
b7 ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 ):19200 38400bps
( 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 ):38400
H/W type RS485
b8-b11 Reserved -
b12 H/W type RS232C RS485
Reserved -
*Parity, stop bit and baud rate (bps) should be same setting value
of ME96.
Selection of the channel used, RTU or ASCII mode and Master or
Slave identification.
Bit No. Name 0001h :
0 (bit=OFF) 1 (bit=ON)
Other Name Contents
b0 Protocol selection communication
serial line Protocol MODBUS
selection serial line
b1-3 Not used -
D8401 Protocol Master/
b4 slave
setting Master Slave Master
b5-7 Not used -
mode setting
b9-b15 Reserved -

Device Name Description Setting value
After the master sends a request and no response is received from
the slave within the specified time, the master will retry to send the
message or terminate the processing of the command with a time
out error depending on the setting of the "number of retries" 0000h
D8409 Response
(D8412). (3 seconds)
Valid values: 0 to 32767 [ms]
0 will default the timeout to 3 seconds
This value defines the minimum waiting time between two
messages. This time is used to detect the end of a message.

Valid values: 0 to 16382 [ms]

Message to 0000h
D8411 0 will be interpreted as 3.5 character times according to the selected
Message delay (3.5 character times)
baud rate.

If a value less than 3.5 character times is selected, the master will
at least wait 3.5 character times.
In the situation where a slave does not respond within the set time
by the Slave Response Timeout the master will try to retransmit the
message a set number of retries before it terminates the command
Number of processing with a timeout error. 0000h
retries (0)
Valid values: 0 to 20 [times]
If a value of 20 or more is set the number of retries used by the
master is set to 20.
* Change the device number in case of use the Channel 2.

Parameter setting program for master is shown below.

b15 b0
0001 0000 1010 0111
1 0 A 7 Stop bit and parity.

RS-485 (fixed)
Baud rate (bps)
*Parity, stop bit and baud rate (bps) should be
same setting value of ME96.

0001h fixed. (MODBUS serial line / MODBUS Master / RTU)

Slave Response Timeout: 3 seconds (default).

Message to Message delay: 3.5 character times (default).

Number of retries: 0.

(2) Example for use of MODBUS read/write instruction (ADPRW)
This instruction allows the MODBUS Master to communicate (read/write data) with its associated Slaves.

ADPRW (S・) (S1・) (S2・) (S3・) (S4・) / (D・)

PLC Destination Device (head address) or

PLC Source Device (head address).
Block length: number of (S3・) device.

Device count: 1 to 125

Device address for read/write.

Command code: 3H:Read holding register

10H: Write multiple registers

Slave (ME96) node address

(a) Example of read phase 2 current (register address: 0301h) of ME96 (slave address: 1)
Set address of ME96.
Set command code.
(3H:Read holding register)
Set register address of phase 2
current of ME96.
Set device count.
Set PLC Destination Device
(head address)

Store the phase 2 current of

ME96 (address 1) into device

Store MODBUS error code to


Store MODBUS error details to


End MODBUS command


Set during the processing of the current MODBUS command error.

(Special auxiliary relay)

This bit is turned on if the ADPRW processing command is completed.

(Special auxiliary relay)

(b) Example of read active energy (unit: kWh fixed)(imported)(register address: 0580h) of ME96(slave address: 1)
Note: Register address “0580h” is invalid address for ME96NSR-MB. (Refer to 7 .1(4))
Set register address of active
energy of ME96.
Set device count.
Set “K2” for 2-word data (4-byte
data) such as active energy.
D1: High order data of kWh.
D2: Low order data of kWh.

When errors are not occured,

D1 Hi Lo
D2 Lo Hi

(c) Example of read from phase 1 current (register address: 0300h) to phase N current (register address: 0303h)
of ME96 (slave address: 1)
Set device count.
Set “K4” for 4 words.

D3: Phase 1 current

D4: Phase 2 current
D5: Phase 3 current
D6: Phase N current

9.2.2 Program example for reading multiple measuring data from two devices with FX3U-485ADP-MB
When applying the program examples introduced in this manual to an actual system, ensure the applicability
and confirm that it will not cause system control problems.

(1) Program details

This sample program is for reading the following measuring data from two ME96.
・ Active energy (unit: kWh fixed) (imported) (Resister address: 0580Ah) (Note1)
・ Phase 1 current, Phase 2 current, Phase 3 current (Resister address: 0300h to 0302h)
・ Voltage V12, Voltage V23, Voltage V31 (Resister address: 030Ah to 030Ch)
・ Σ Active power (Resister address: 031Ah)
・ Σ Power factor (Resister address: 0315h)

Note1: Register address “0580h” is invalid address for ME96NSR-MB. (Refer to 7 .1(4))

(2) System configuration

2) 1)
3) 3)

No. Devices Description

PLCs main unit (FX3S/FX3G/FX3GC/FX3U/FX3UC Series) and expansion
board are used.
* Refer to user’s manual about PLC communication type applicability and
expansion board accordingly.
MODBUS communication adapter.
2 FX3U-485ADP-MB
Use Channel 1 (CH1). Use as MODBUS master fanctions.
Multi-Measuring instrument.
3 ME96
MODBUS slaves. (Address: 1,2)

(a) Setting of ME96

Item Setting value
Communication speed 38400 bps
Even/odd parity Even
Stop bit 1

(3) Relevant devices of sample program
Below table shows the devices used by sample program.
Device Description Remark
Special auxiliary relays
LD M8411 can be used to trigger a set of subsequent MOV
M8411 MODBUS configuration request flag
commands that initialize the MODBUS function.
This bit is turned on if the processing of a MODBUS
M8029 Command execution complete
command is completed.
Set during the processing of the current MODBUS
M8402 MODBUS communication error
command error.
This relay turns ON and remains ON only momentarily when
M8002 Initial pulse
the PLC mode is changed from STOP to RUN.
Special data registers
This device sets the communication format.
Setting value: 10A7h
1: H/W type =RS485 (Fixed)
D8400 Communication format 0: (Reserved)
A: Baud rate = 38400 bps (Set as same setting of ME96)
7: Stop bit/parity/data length = 1-bit/Even/8-bit
(Set as same setting of ME96)
Selection of the channel used, RTU or ASCII mode and
D8401 Protocol Master or Slave identification.
Setting value: 0001h = RTU/MODBUS Master (Fixed)
After the master sends a request and no response is
received from the slave within the specified time, the master
D8409 Slave response timeout will terminate the processing of the command with a time
out error.
Setting value: 0000h = 3 seconds. (Default value)
This value defines the minimum waiting time between two
messages. This time is used to detect the end of a
D8411 Message to message delay
Setting value: 0000h = 3.5 character times. (Default value)
In the situation where a slave does not respond within the
set time by the Slave Response Timeout the master will try
D8412 Number of retries to retransmit the message a set number of retries before it
terminates the command processing with a timeout error.
Setting value: 0000h = 0 time.
D8402 Communication error code Current error code generated by the MODBUS function.
D8403 Error details Current error details.
Auxiliary relays
M0 Read Wh (Address 1)
M1 Read A_V_PF_W (Address 1)
Turn ON in case of read the measuring data of each ME96.
M2 Read Wh (Address 2)
M3 Read A_V_PF_W (Address 2)
Data registers
D0 to D26 Read data from the ME96. Data read from ME96 are stored.
Active energy (unit:
D200, D201
kWh fixed) (imported)
D202 Phase 1 current
D203 Phase 2 current
D204 ME96 Phase 3 current
D205 Measuring data read from ME96 (Address 1) are stored.
(Address1) Voltage V12
D206 Voltage V23
D207 Voltage V31
D208 Σ Active power
D209 Σ Power factor
Active energy (unit:
D210, D211
kWh fixed) (imported)
D212 Phase 1 current
D213 Phase 2 current
D214 ME96 Phase 3 current
D215 Measuring data read from ME96 (Address 2) are stored.
(Address2) Voltage V12
D216 Voltage V23
D217 Voltage V31
D218 Σ Active power
D219 Σ Power factor

Device Description Remark
Data registers
Communication error code
(Read Wh (Address1))
Error details
(Read Wh (Address1))
Communication error code
(Read A_V_PF_W (Address1))
Error details
(Read A_V_PF_W (Address1)) Store the error code and error details generated bu the
Communication error code MODBUS function.
(Read Wh (Address2))
Error details
(Read Wh (Address2))
Communication error code
(Read A_V_PF_W (Address2))
Error details
(Read A_V_PF_W (Address2))

(4) Sample program

Set the MODBUS communication

setup parameters.
*Parity, stop bit and baud rate (bps)
should be same setting value of al

Store kWh(register address 580h) of

ME96 (address:1) into D0 and D1.
Note1) Register address “0580h” is
invalid address for ME96NSR-MB.
(Refer to 7 .1(4))

When error occurs, store MODBUS

error code into D2000.

When error occurs, store MODBUS

error details into D2000.

When error does not occur, store

kWh into D200 and D201.

Reset the read command of Wh

(address 1).

Set the next command.

Store 27 devices from A1 to W of
ME96 (address:1) into D0 to D26.

When error occurs, store MODBUS

error code into D2002.

When error occurs, store MODBUS

error details into D2003.

When error does not occur, store as


A1 into D202
A2 into D203
A3 into D204

V12 into D205

V23 into D206
V31 into D207

W into D208

PF into D209

Reset the read command of

A_V_PF_W(address 1).

Set the next command.

Store kWh(register address 580h) of
ME96 (address:2) into D0 and D1.
Note) Register address “0580h” is
invalid address for ME96NSR-MB.
(Refer to 7 .1(4))

When error occurs, store MODBUS

error code into D2004.

When error occurs, store MODBUS

error details into D2005.

When error does not occur, store

kWh into D210 and D211.

Reset the read command of Wh

(address 2).

Set the next command.

Store 27 devices from A1 to W of
ME96 (address: 2) into D0 to D26.

When error occurs, store MODBUS

error code into D2006.

When error occurs, store MODBUS

error details into D2007.

When error does not occur, store as


A1 into D212
A2 into D213
A3 into D214

V12 into D215

V23 into D216
V31 into D217

W into D218

PF into D219

Reset the read command of

A_V_PF_W (address 2).

Set the first command.

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Other company and product names herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
In the text, trademark symbols such as "TM" and "®" may not be written.


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