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Masteral ED 202 Activties To Be Answered

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The Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc.

RMC Buildings, Purok 5, Lopez Jaena & F. Torres Streets,

Barangay 8-A Poblacion District, Davao City
Student: Annabelle D. Jorolan
Professor: Nelia B. Aga, PhD  
Subject: Educ 101 Advanced Research Units 3  
Date: December 5, 2020  


Activity: Thought Bubbles

  Oftentimes we hear fears among learners in making full blown researches. In the master’s
program, this is a requirement which is frequently dreaded. Let us try to trace some reasons for the said
fears. In the bubble quotes write the reasons of the fears of the learners.   You may add more bubbles if
needed. A sample answer is written in one of the bubbles.

Finances Stressful Not


Lack of Support
Anxiety from People Lack of Self
Involved in Confidence


1. Challenges in student life are inevitable; but for many times they have been overcome. You are now in
your graduate studies and you are expected to produce a research output. Your being enrolled is a sign
that you are accepting the challenges such as fears. What maybe your means of facing them? One thing
is to be understood by researchers. There is no such thing as perfect research. What is needed is to do our

Answer: My means of facing them is PREPAREDNESS:

Preparedness financially, holistically and time-bounded. Yes, indeed there are no such thing as
perfect research, but I myself can do the best through preparedness and motivation and
willingness that comes from within.

2. Why is there a need for an institutional format in research? Are you acquainted with
that of RMC?

Answer: There is a need for an institutional format in research for guidance and correctness of
the output and also to prevent from errors. I am currently enrolled in RMC and have a subject in
Educational Research. With this, I may have a pointer and guidelines in making such research.

3. What will be your bases in formulating your title?

Answer: I did not think of it yet but if ever today is that day, I would prefer my title is simple but
broad. Simple for it is not complicated to understand and broad for somehow it can relate to all
issues (international, national and local).

4. Why is it important to look into international, national and local issues regarding a
study? How do you think will they help you in establishing your rationale?

Answer: When you look into issues, you don’t close doors, but instead you open it wide and look
into the point where it can resolved or atleast by giving suggestion into the unsolved issues of a
community. How do they help me establishing the rationale? Simple, do a research, gather a data,
do a survey, calculate and analyze den put a conclusion. It is win-loose situation, either the issues
are solved/resolved or not, but at least in a certain problem you open the book where others may
read it for the next generation.

5. What fundamental reminders are you going to consider in choosing significant

literatures especially on the dates, contents, relevance to a study and ethical concerns
such as the consistency of citations and references, avoidance of plagiarism and

Answer: First, you have to choose the best literature that suits your concepts. Read the content
and avoid copy paste the whole content, reading the whole content is advised but write on your
research what you comprehend, this is how you avoid plagiarism. Do not forget the author and
the year that must be indicated.

6. Why are theories and concepts necessary in research? Are they to be proven? If so,
how then will you do the procedure? Why are delimitation of studies important?

Answer: Theories and concepts are also important in research; this can prove weather your
research has supporting content in real-based articles or not. In order to prove such stories, you
have to read the origin of the issue then followed by reality structure in a current situation that
probably aligned to the said issue. Delimitation of the study is important, it is just like a movie, it
must have a beginning, climax and end. In short, it must have a limitation when writing your
theories and concepts.


Research is a careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or problem using

scientific method. According to the American sociologist Babbie (2002), it is a systematic inquiry to
describe, explain, predict, and control the observed phenomenon. It is generally of two types, the
quantitative and the qualitative. In order to establish a brand in research and for the sake of having
uniformity in doing it, an institutional format is needed, although some schools do not give much
consideration on it but just on the contents.


1. Design a research title of your choice. Support it by reading some international, national and local
issues on its concern.

Answer: My title: Factors Affecting Family Livelihood specifically in Food Consumption during
Pandemic in the Community of Brgy. Zone 3, Digos City.

2. Look for five (5) literatures and (5) studies which are significant to your study. Do not forget the
informational details of the authors cited.


1. Most people in urban areas have, therefore, had to resort to individual and collective survival
strategies. For the poorest, food security constitutes a basic problem around which households evolve
strategies to cope with rising cost of living. Men engage in several activities since available
employment opportunities are often temporary and poorly paid. In order to supplement the declining
incomes of their husbands’ and consequent reduction in the contribution to household food
consumption expenditure, most women engage in petty trading and other micro-enterprise activities
like sewing and brewing traditional beer on permanent or temporary basis. Street food trade usually
represents a first step in the integration of women into the urban economy, as it requires very
minimal capital and training (Ibrahima Dia, 1997).

2. At the national level it was perceived mainly in terms of food available for consumption, as
derived from food balance sheets. At the household or individual level, the emphasis has shifted
from simple "availability of food" to a more complex system of "food access" (Rome, 1997).

3. Eight key factors were identified as important influences on food consumption. These factors
included food preferences, perceptions of healthy eating, family environment, peer influence, school
influence, food advertising, lifestyle characteristics and control & choice. Within the broader theme
of home food environment, sub-themes of family meal patterns, family food practices, home food
availability and food purchasing decisions were identified (A. Fitzgerald, 2009).

4. The income instability, prices of food items, market distance, and storage were perceived as
barriers for increasing food consumption. The high livelihood diversified families significantly and
regularly consumed more food items than low diversified families (Shabaz, 2020).

5. In an analysis, Young and Nestle (2002) found that the containers for virtually all foods and
beverages prepared for immediate consumption have increased over time and now appear to be
typical and the norm. Given these findings, there is a need for greater attention to food portion size
and consuming recommended serving sizes, such as those in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
(DHHS and USDA, 2005).

3. What theory or theories can fit your study? Justify its or their fittingness.

Answer: The first, in which researchers formulate hypotheses on the basis of the previous research
and test them against empirical data, is called confirmatory research. Confirmatory research confirms
(or rejects) hypotheses. The other, possibly supplementary, strategy is exploratory research.
Exploratory research is by definition exploration, a kind of adventure into the data. This method
starts with the data and exploring in order to formulate hypotheses and theories based on the
understanding derived from the data.


Activity: Brain Writing

I am sure you have already come across Brainstorming. This time try Brain Writing. I have here
a constructed problem of a study. Just give a quick reason for it to be considered being SMART. I have an
answer for A.

S It is systematic yet need not difficult data gathering.

M It is measurable and not limited to do a research.
A It is achievable. It is not an impossible dream.
R It is retrievable that’s not possible to be rephrased and saved.
T It is time-consuming yet always have boundless chance privileged.

Problem: What is the degree of awareness of the respondents on the causes of the Covid 19

1. Why is the Statement of the Problem (SOP) or the Research Questions considered as the heart
of the study?
Answer: A research problem is a definite or clear expression (statement) about an area of
concern, a condition to be improved upon, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question
that exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or within existing practice that points to a need for
meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation. A research problem does not state how to
do something, offer a vague or broad proposition, or present a value question.
2. Just like behavioral objectives, the two are also based on the acronym SMART. Why do you
think is this so?

Answer: A behavioral objectives is also known as:

 Learning objectives
 Instructional objectives
 Performance objectives
A behavioral objective to be meaningful and effective it should be SMART, it means:
 S – Specific M- Measurable A- Attainable R- Realistic T- Time bound
- We give acronyms to be definite and precise of pointing out the general terms into

3. Give the difference in forming the statement of the problem between a quantitative study and
and a qualitative one.

Answer: When forming the statement of the problem, you must know how to determine these
two differences: the quantitative and qualitative type of research. Though it may have the same
purpose but it may differ in content and context way on how to create it. In quantitative it is more
closed, it emphasizes the probable cause and effect, also uses of theories and assess differences
and magnitude. While the qualitative is more open-ended, it is descriptive, interpretive and
process oriented.

4. Do all studies have hypothesis? Why and why not? Differentiate a null from an alternative
hypothesis. How do you formulate them?

Answer: Not all studies have hypotheses. Sometimes a study is designed to be exploratory
(see inductive research). There is no formal hypothesis, and perhaps the purpose of the study
is to explore some area more thoroughly in order to develop some specific hypothesis or
prediction that can be tested in future research.

The major differences between the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis are that the research
problems are simple questions that cannot be tested. These two hypotheses can be tested, though.
These two are useful only if they state the expected relationship between the variables or if they
are consistent with the existing body of knowledge. They should be expressed as simply and
concisely as possible. They are useful if they have explanatory power.

The null hypothesis is what happens at baseline. It is the uninteresting hypothesis--the boring
hypothesis. Usually, it is the hypothesis that assumes no difference. It is the opposite of your
research hypothesis.

The alternative hypothesis--that is, the research hypothesis--is the idea, phenomenon, observation
that you want to prove.

If you suspect that girls take longer to get ready for school than boys, then:

Alternative: girls time > boys time

Null: girls time <= boys time

If you think that your sibling gets more expensive presents than you on the holidays, then:

Alternative: sibling presents cost more than my presents

Null: the cost is not different

5. Differentiate a conceptual from an operational definition.

Answer: A conceptual definition tells you what the concept means, while an operational
definition only tells you how to measure it. A conceptual definition tells what your constructs are
by explaining how they are related to other constructs. This explanation and all of the constructs
it refers to are abstract. On the other hand, your operational definitions describe the variables you
will use as indicators for your constructs and the procedures you will use to observe or measure
the variables.
6. Why are the inclusion of the significance of the study and the definition of terms relevant in a

Answer: Significance of the study is written as part of the introduction section of a thesis. It
provides details to the reader on how the study will contribute such as what the study will
contribute and who will benefit from it. It also includes an explanation of the work’s importance
as well as its potential benefits. It is sometimes called rationale.


The statement of the problems must proceed from a general declaration going towards the
detailed components which are expected to be specific, measurable, attainable, result-oriented or reliable
and time-bounded (SMART). In quantitative studies, they include the hypothetical questions which may
look into the significant differences and relationships among the variables of the study. These are then
turned into null or alternative hypotheses. The answers to the hypotheses are leading to the development
of the conclusion of the study. They lead to either their negation (rejection) or acceptance. Again, please
be reminded that hypothesis testing is not done in qualitative studies.

The definition of terms taken from two views. The conceptual definition is derived from a source
such as the dictionary. The operational definition is based on its usage in the study. In research, the
operational one is preferred although there are situations wherein there is a need to know the diction of a
term hence an authored source is used giving then a conceptual one. It is now a common practice to
define terms as soon as they are mentioned.
The benefits of the study and their beneficiaries are also important elements to be given
emphasis. A topic which has no use or importance, needless to say, must not be considered for a study.


Learning requires actual work.

William Crawford

Learning is said to be incomplete if we cannot put it in operational use. Doing the following can
make you prove the justification of your learning

1. From the title, “Causes and Effects of Being Teacher Front Liners in the 19 Corona Virus
Disease Pandemic”, formulate the Statement of the Problem following the acronym SMART.

S – Which among the cause and effect have shown most affected front liners teacher during 19
corona virus disease pandemic?
M - How do these number of affected results measures on those teacher front liners in the
rational outlook prevention from COVID-19 disease in the future?
A - Which among these causes attain more preventive result from Covid19 disease towards
teacher front liners?
R - How do teacher front liners do ways by retrieving modules that can prevent spreading these
disease Covid19?
T – How teachers front liners determine time-bound solution from acquiring concerns of
student’s parents during Covid19 pandemic?

2. What can be the significance of the study?

This study will be undertaken to find out the cause and effect of being teacher front liners
in Corona Virus Disease Pandemic.
Benefiting the study are the various sectors as follows:

The Students
The direct recipients of the output of this research are the students of a certain school.
Any improvement of determining preventable solution of causing corona virus pandemic can
pave the way of producing better learning and discipline to survive and thrive in the society.

The Parents
The research benefits the parents of the students. As parents enrolled their children in
certain institution, comes with health-awareness and self-responsibility that their children are
given more focus on their learning modality despite of Covid19 pandemic that would make them
a functional individual in the society.

The Teachers
This study will be very beneficial to the teachers Sped teacher and general education
teachers, especially to the teachers who are still newbie in the teaching profession. Through this
research, teachers may purposefully discover how classroom management is conducive to

The Administrators
This study will be used as basis for implementing the raised curriculum and on how to
enhance the learning process for the 21st generation of learners during cases like covid19

The Society
The teacher front liners, students and parents aren’t excluded in the term “society”. This
study would benefit the society for a reason that producing responsive prevention and solution
that would cater the needs of the society that eventually would make them a responsible

The Researchers
The outcome of the study is beneficial to the neither present researchers or the future
researchers. This study may be one of the basis that a new theory in learning will arise.

3. Give the conceptual and operational definitions of CoViD 19.


Cause PANDEMIC Effect



Quantitative, Qualitative, Eclectic and Mixed Research Designs

Participants, Respondents and Subjects
Tools or Instruments Data Gathering Procedure Data Analysis

Activity: Reflective Analysis

Using an object or a person what reflective comparison can you make to a research?
Justify your answer.

Answer: I have come to think since I was in first year college, a research where a student,
graduate student and a teacher might be confused if I pursue. This research is a qualitative and
can be also a quantitative. This research was titled “The Significant Differences of Achieving
Intellectual Progress between Schooling and Reviewing”. I propose this but our Dean did not let
me because it will make a big issue if my research proved right. As I compare it to a simple title,
it would take me long process before I finish that, because Quantitative research is easier than
getting into point like the combination of qualitative and quantitative kind of research.

Propriety in performing research looks at the significant method to be carried on. Carefulness is of
utmost importance hence ethical standards are very keenly followed.

1. How can the research designs be properly distinguished from each other?

Answer: When it is Quantitative type of research, simply it measures. From the participants,
respondents, object, and other things that can be measured. While the Qualitative type of research
is more on proving, reflective, subjective and objective that must have an evidence to defend
what is the research all about.

2. In what way can participants, respondents or subjects be determined in a study?

Answer: By the content and comprehending the significance of the study.

3. Why is it important to make a proper choice of tools and instruments to be used in a study?
Answer: It is very important to use the proper tools and instrument in the study for it will be
mistakenly misunderstood if we are using the wrong one.

4. How are data to be gathered?

Answer: There are lots of ways that a data can be gathered, it can be through survey, interviews,
document and records, focus groups or oral histories.

5. How are they to be analyzed?

Answer: Define your question; Set clear measurement and priorities; collect data and analyze it
by using systematical and logical techniques to illustrate condense, recap and evaluate data.

6. How are ethical considerations to be followed in research?

Answer: Every field of study has developed its accepted practices for data analysis, further states
that the norms are ‘…based on two factors:

(1) the nature of the variables used (i.e., quantitative, comparative, or qualitative),

(2) assumptions about the population from which the data are drawn (i.e., random distribution,
independence, sample size, etc.). If one uses unconventional norms, it is crucial to clearly state
this is being done, and to show how this new and possibly unaccepted method of analysis is being
used, as well as how it differs from other more traditional methods.

If one uses unconventional norms, it is crucial to clearly state this is being done, and to show how
this new and possibly unaccepted method of analysis is being used, as well as how it differs from
other more traditional methods.

Researches are of different types according to styles and purposes. They have their own
distinctions and proper means of producing them are important.
A quantitative research design is aimed at discovering how many people think, act or feel
in a specific way (Trochim,2006). It involves large sample sizes, concentrating on the quantity of
responses, as opposed to gain the more focused or emotional insight which is the aim of qualitative
Quantitative studies are of several types but generally, they are divided into three: descriptive,
historical and experimental. The most difficult to make is the historical one due to scarcity of true
In a descriptive study, the sample providers of answers are called respondents while in an
experimental one, we have the subjects. For qualitative ones, we go for participants. We have ways of
inclusions to have them. Two of the most commonly used Instruments or tools are in the form of
questionnaire and test which have to be validity and reliability tested
The gathering of data expresses the need for ethical standards which is also true in the entire
study. There are a number of statistical computations used to analyze the data. Some are in the form of
ready to use packages such as the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) (Kallet, 2004).
Qualitative studies involve collecting and analyzing of non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or
audio) to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It can be used to gather in-depth insights into a
problem or generate new ideas for research Common approaches include grounded theory, ethnography,
action research, phenomenological research, and narrative research. They share some similarities, but
emphasize different aims and perspectives (Bhandari, 2020)
A combination of research methods is called a mixed method such as putting together in a study
both quantitative and qualitative approaches. An eclectic research is having only one type of study in
which the data may be coming from different sources.
The gathering of data includes the process of asking permission from authorities in order to carry
on with the study. Proper protocol must be followed giving emphasis to ethical standards. Different
processes are involved according to the type of research involved. This is also true in analyzing the
procured data.


Learning is useless if it is not utilized so do with research. After discussing Module 2 Lesson
1, here are thought provoking activities for consideration:
1. Do you have a favored research design? Justify your answer.

Answer: I would favor in quantitative design of research, because it has measures where you
can prove your research or not. It also justifies probable cause and effect that needs data
surveys that must be shown. Most of the research prefer this design, but choosing the right
design will always depend on the content of the problem itself.

2. What problems do you think will be encountered by you in choosing your respondents,
participants or subjects?

Answer: One of the problem is not being prepared, not being open-minded of ideas and not
being consistent to what tools and instruments to be used to choose the right respondents,
participants and subjects.

3. What problems may likewise appear in the choice of instruments or tools?

Answer: The data result will be invalid, void and null.

4. How can you best practice the ethical standards in research?

(1) the nature of the variables used (i.e., quantitative, comparative, or qualitative),

(2) assumptions about the population from which the data are drawn (i.e., random distribution,
independence, sample size, etc.). If one uses unconventional norms, it is crucial to clearly state
this is being done, and to show how this new and possibly unaccepted method of analysis is
being used, as well as how it differs from other more traditional methods.
Module 2 – Lesson 2

 Philosophical and Qualitative Assumptions for Qualitative Studies

 Ethical Considerations
 Role of the Researcher
 Trustworthiness of the Studies

Activity: “To do or not to do, That is the question”

As a researcher, what do you choose to make, a quantitative study or a qualitative one Why
and why not?
Answer: I want to do “a change” where I will use my old proposal that was declined 3 years ago, and it
was a qualitative type of research titled: “The Significant Differences of Achieving Intellectual Progress
between Schooling and Reviewing”

Research to be systematic must have a format to be followed and as much as possible must be
institutionalized in order for a school to have a brand, a trademark or an exclusive style to be followed by
the researchers for uniformity of style. However, there are really schools who opt to give freedom in the
choice. Here are our analytical guide questions for your consideration.

1. How do you interpret this: Quantitative research is attuned to generalizing data while the
qualitative one is exploring data through familiar descriptive terms?
Answer: As I interpret, the description is right. Qualitative research is more comprehending
generally in the context of pointing out on a research. Proving it with the collection of general
reflective sources is a great influence when you do a qualitative type of research. While on the
quantitative research is more on collecting data through measurements, items and numbers where
it needs statistical and logical operation in order to prove your research.

2. Where do we find the similarities and the differences between a quantitative and a qualitative
Answer: On the types of data collection and analysis, and also to the significance of the study.

3. How are ethical standards applied to both quantitative and qualitative studies?
Answer: At times investigators may enhance the impression of a significant finding by
determining how to present derived data (as opposed to data in its raw form), which portion of the
data is shown, why, how and to whom. Even experts do not agree in distinguishing between
analyzing and massaging data. Investigators maintain a sufficient and accurate paper trail of how
data was manipulated for future review.

A better way of differentiating a quantitative study from a qualitative one is by a thorough scrutiny on
their parts and the processes that they undergo. Their tools I gathering data as well as the way in using
the participants, respondents or subjects are great factors to be reflected. Please study the tabular
arrangement of the parts of the two.


The Problem and its Setting

Quantitative  Qualitative
Introduction (Implied or unlabeled)  Introduction (Implied or unlabeled)
Purpose of the Study (Implied) Purpose of the Study (Either implied or expressed)
Review of Significant Literatures
with Synthesis
Significance or Usefulness of the Study (Implied or
Research Questions 
Theories and Concepts with Framework
Literature Review with Synthesis
Theoretical Lens with Framework
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study (implied or
Definition of Terms (implied or unlabeled)


(Greater emphasis on ethics is made)

Philosophical Assumptions

Ontology (How the issue relates to reality

Epistemology (how knowledge claims are justified by staying as

close to the participants
Axiology (the role of values in research)

Rhetoric (the researcher’s use of language which should be

engaging, personal, literary and informal)

Qualitative Assumptions Describe the qualitative correlates of

your research paradigm which explain your beliefs and practices
in human inquiry as a qualitative researcher
Research Design Design and Procedure including the validated instrument 
Respondents/Subjects with Participants with inclusion criteria and locale
sampling design and locale
Instruments or Tools (Validated
and reliability tested)
Ethical Consideration

Role of the Researcher

Data Gathering Procedure Data Collection

Data Analysis Data Analysis with the Analytical framework (Ex. Use of
Colaizzi’s framework)

Trustworthiness of the Study (credibility, dependability,

transferability and confirmability)


Results and Discussion

(Results, Unlabeled) Results (unlabeled)

Provide sub-sections based on the statement of Provide sub-sections based on the research
the problem questions

Data Presentation (textual, tables and graphs) Narrative (story), themes, description of the
phenomenon under study or an interpretive
account of the understanding or meaning of an
experience (Use of transcriptions)

Discussions Discussions

interpretation and analysis of data; infusion or  interpretation and analysis of data; infusion or
RRL and theories; implications and expositions RRL and theories; implications and expositions on
on contributions to current body of knowledge contributions to current body of knowledge (May
(May have grounded literatures) have grounded literatures)


 Conclusions and Recommendations Implications and Future Directions

Findings (Unlabeled) (no more numbers) Findings (unlabeled)

Conclusion/s Implication/s
Recommendations Future Directions

Quantitative and qualitative studies have similarities and differences which make both distinctive. As a
means of showing your acuity to the two, make an account of the reasons why both are qualified for
choice of being used.

Answer: Same as my proposal way back three years ago, it was declined because it is very complicated
and hard for me as a student to study a research where both quantitative and qualitative are applied.
Titled: “The Significant Differences of Achieving Intellectual Progress between Schooling and
Reviewing” why this title? Because I myself witness how schooling and reviewing had made big
differences when it comes to person’s intellectual comprehension. It was taught to us for 4years yet still
cannot remember the lesson, but in reviewing it took us 4 months only to get the whole entire lesson that
a teacher wanted as to learn when we were in college. That’s why our dean in college did not allow me to
do such research coz it will make a big issue if some point my research is happen to be right. But I believe
that this kind of research is a combination of qualitative and quantitative kind of design.

Module 2 – Lesson 3
Preliminary and Ending Part of Research Paper

Activity : Crossroad Barriers

Oftentimes crossroads are giving problems on which way to go especially if we are new to a
place. This is also true in making a research. If we are not guided by the institutional format, we may find
many crossroad barriers along the way.
Please name at least five (5) ways on how you can face the challenges of cross road barriers in
making a research. Ex. Follow the institutional format.

1. Select a research topic - The most important thing in getting creative with your research project is to
work out what you want to research, scope out your critical areas, and then formulate the key questions.
2. Building a great team - Depending on the type of research you do, you may need collaborators,
advisors, or staff to ensure success. This can be especially challenging if your research topic is
multidisciplinary, as many of today’s research projects are.
3. Securing funding - Professional researchers know that securing the funding to pay for your research is
a critical hurdle to getting your project started.
4. Finding the necessary content - It is hard getting started on a project, especially if you have a steep
learning curve. Making matters more difficult is the fact that sifting through the amount of content in
books, journals, and databases can be “overwhelming”. Just choosing the right content to read can be a
difficult task.
5. Getting organized - So you’ve got your topic, team, funding, and content. You’ll have other
competing priorities; things like updating your advisors, participating in events, and managing the lab.
The workflow and prioritization techniques like list-making and mind mapping, and carving out
distraction-free workspaces. Other techniques, organizational tools, and smartphone apps are likely to
help, too.
And I will follow the instructional format of a research paper:
 Title (cover page)
 Introduction
 Literature review
 Research methodology
 Data analysis
 Results
 Conclusion
 Reference page

All the parts of research, may they be main or sub-parts, have always their definite importance, hence a
thorough acquaintance with them can really help in forming a scholarly research paper. Here are some
questions which can lead us to a better understanding of the components of a study:

1. How can an institutional format assist you in making a research?

Answer: It made my research for reliable and creative if I know that I follow on the right tract.

2. Personally, for you, why must the preliminary and ending parts be given importance?
Answer: The ending part is also an important in part of research because it gives emphasis on the
overall conclusion of the content of the study, where the result and evaluation is proved and it
avoid for the readers from being confused. It also gives credits for the authors and other sources
to be distinguished in a research study.

Propriety in making our research is a by-word which is significant to avoid confusion. This explains why
an institutional format is needed. It guides us on what to do in the process. It acts as a visual reminder for
us to include all the pertinent details of our study. It refers to the skeletal version of our paper.
Like a story, a thesis is expected to have preliminary or opening parts as well as the ending ones.
Placing them properly where they must be situated is an important aspect for consideration. In our
institutional format, we are to be guided by the following means:

Quantitative Qualitative
Preliminary Pages Preliminary Pages
Cover Page Cover Page
Title Page                                             i Title Page                                              i
Approval Sheet                                   ii Approval Sheet                                    ii
Abstract                                               iii Abstract                                                iii
Acknowledgment                                iv Acknowledgment                                 iv
Dedication (Optional)                          v Dedication   (Optional)                          v  
Table of Contents                               vi Table of Contents                                vi
List of Tables                                      vii List of Tables  (Optional)                     vii
List of Figures                                    viii List of Figures                                     viii
Declaration of Original Work              Declaration of Original Work              ix
Ending Parts Ending Parts
References                                        68 References                                           68
     Bibliography     Bibliography
     Webliography     Webliography
     Other Materials     Other Materials
Appendices Appendices                                          85
       A    Endorsement  of the Dean            A  Endorsement of the Dean
       B    Approval of the           B  Approval of the
             Superintendent                Superintendent
       C    Approval of the District           C  Approval of the District
              Supervisor                 Supervisor
       D    Approval of the Principal            D  Approval of the Principal
       E    Validation Sheets            E  Validation Sheets
       F     Reliability Result            F  Interview Guide
       G     Sample Questionnaire            G  Transcriptions
Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae

Application: CONTEMPLATE!!!
Make a short reflection on the meaning of propriety.

Answer: Propriety is a proper outline that can be used as a guide in making a research to avoid mistakes
and confusion. It gives emphasis on the institutional format that a research must orderly organized. This is
like a bone in a research where it cannot be stand-alone without it. It just like making an essay, it needs to
be started in an introduction and ends with conclusion. In making the proper out of it, it must use with
exact instructional guidelines in order not to be misinterpreted and misguided. Therefore, a propriety is
important in making an institutional research.

Module 3 - Lesson 1
Results and Discussions: Conclusions and Recommendation

Activity: Compatible Partners

Choosing a life partner is a tedious effort wherein many pairings end up in bitterness; hence, they
lead to separations or bidding goodbyes. In this activity, match column A with column B to have a well-
paired attributes in measuring the trustworthiness of a research paper.

Column A Column B

_c_ 1. Credibility a. acknowledgment on the findings

_a_2. Conformability b. rigidity of findings
_d_3. Dependability c. confidence on the results
_b__4. Transferability d. replication of the study

The results are among the most awaited part in a study. They are expected to be valid, reliable, credible,
conformable, dependable and transferable. Discussions are needed in order to give in depth elucidation to
the said results. Here are questions to be thought of in the process:

1. How are the results and discussions going to be rightly situated or placed in a study?

Answer: The results section is a section containing a description about the main findings of a
research, whereas the discussion section interprets the results for readers and provides the
significance of the findings. This section should not repeat the results section.

2. What rules are to be followed in stating or writing them?

Answer: Since your results follow your method section, you’ll provide information about what
you found from the methods you used, such as your research data. You may also include
information about the measurement of your data, variables, treatments, and statistical analyses.
To start, organize your research data based on how important those are in relation to your
research questions. This section should focus on showing important results that support or reject
your research hypothesis. Include your least important data as supplemental materials when
submitting to the journal.

The next step is to prioritize your research data based on importance – focusing heavily on
the information that directly relates to your research questions using the subheadings. The
organization of the subheadings (subheading organization information below) for the results
section usually mirrors the methods section. It should follow a logical and chronological order.

Results are the empirical and realistic findings of the study. They present the key answers to the statement
of the problems. In quantitative studies, results are presented in tables or figures with number
representations. In qualitative studies, they are usually based on the transcribed confessions of
In presenting tables or graphs, there is no need to be presenting all their contents for they may be
just make them non-challenging and repetitive. The readers must also be made to think analytically. Only
the highest, lowest, modal ones and the average have to be emphasized. We have to remember that when
we are presenting the contents of the tables or figures, we have to use present tense even if they were
gathered in the past because we are mentioning data which are presently seen in the paper right before us.
This is also true to the transcriptions.
Discussions interpret and define the implications of the findings. Like the results, they are
grounded on the statement of the problems. They may include fresh insights or perceptions in the study
hence, we are made to refer back to our related literatures and studies to see some points of sameness or
differences. If we find them insufficient to make our presentations clear and deepened, we may opt for
some grounded literatures. We must not forget again to check on the congruency of the citations and the
references in order to avoid plagiarism. We likewise must remember that titles of tables are placed on top
of them while those of figures are placed below them.


“Education without application is just

                           entertainment.”  — Tim Sanders

Let us try stating the results of this study:

Table 1. Performance Ratings of the Learners in their Final Tests

Subject                Rating             Description                       Interpretation
 English                 85.00                Good           Lessons are well understood  
 Social Studies      90.05            Very Good      They are satisfactorily understood.  
 Values Education 95.02            Outstanding    They are excellently understood.
 Mathematics         73.00            Very Poor        They are very unsatisfactorily 
 Filipino                  85.00                Good            They are well understood.

Average                85.614               Good             They are well understood.  

Look for two significant literatures to support the results.

Answer: This study sought to explore what are excellently, satisfactorily, well and unsatisfactorily
understood, of students’ subject: English, Social Studies, Values Education, Mathematics & Filipino to
activate their interest and enhance their motivation to the performance in their final test. There will be a
presentation of the results from each participating subject and a discussion of the results as they relate to
the study.
Results determining average excellently, satisfactorily, well and unsatisfactorily understood, of students’
subject: English, Social Studies, Values Education, Mathematics & Filipino are “well understood”.

Research Gap Reflection

In terms of finding a research gap, I understand that for academic research you need to identify a gap
within the extant literature so that you can situate your work. Good research needs to address a gap in the
existing literature as this provides a literature motivation and also, because your gap is based on prior
literature you understand the contribution of your research in the context of other preceding studies.

I think that various ways of identifying a research gap include:

 Portraying the literature as incomplete (there are gaps that need to be filled);
 Portraying it as inadequate (demonstrating that it excludes alternative perspectives);
 Portraying it as incommensurate (showing that it is wrong or misguided in some way);
 Presenting contradictory findings, mixed results/evidence that need reconciling;
 Using the directions for future research in prior papers;
 Limitations of prior work.

Based on academic papers I have read, I see that authors ‘problematise’. In order words, you are
constructing an argument that is embedded within the literature and clearly indicating that there is a
problem that needs to be resolved. Throughout the paper you are presenting your argument and you need
to be persuasive and convincing.

I have also noticed that good research needs a clear thesis statement, which captures your argument and
your position. Basically, your research needs to further explain something that is not, as yet, understood,
otherwise there would be no research. I think it also helps is there is some tension, controversy or
paradox. This makes the research interesting.

For example, the paper by Professor Jacobs on the struggle for legitimacy, highlights the paradox of
performance auditing where performance auditing may simultaneously provide legitimacy to some actors
while also challenging the legitimacy of others. This tension grabs the attention of the target audience.

I think that qualitative and quantitative methods may complement and one another as one type of research
method may lead to a study in the other research method, thereby providing a broader pool of potential
research opportunities for a researcher. For example,
Quantitative research to qualitative research – explain unexpected results, anomalies
Qualitative research to quantitative research – to get ideas for a research study
I was wondering if there are other ways to identify a gap in the literature?
Use quantitative and experimental methods to generate and test hypothetical-deductive generalizations.

Use qualitative and naturalistic approaches to inductively and holistically understand human experience
and constructed meanings in context-specific settings, which requires in-depth information-rich cases.

Permit and Certificate

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