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Final Exam Review

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The key takeaways are that the passage discusses different types of primaries, the role of interest groups, and Madison's view of factions in Federalist No. 10.

An open primary allows voters of any party affiliation to vote, while a closed primary only allows voters registered with a specific party to vote. Closed primaries are also known as blanket primaries.

The principal function of an interest group is to obtain favorable policies from the government for the cause it supports.


1. Which of the following statements best summarizes the author’s arguments?

The state governments retain many significant powers and the federal government’s will
rely on the states to function
2. Which of the following best describes cooperative federalism?
Intergovernmental relations in which the national government supports state
governments efforts to address the domestic matters reserved to them
3. Which of the following would Robert Yates, the author of Brutus 1 be most concerned
McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
4. Which of the following is an accurate description of Federalists and Anti federalists?
5. The EPA under the Trump administration secretly met with some business leaders and
rolled back environmental regulations that they thought weakened economic growth.
This was done without any time for public comments or feedback from environmental
groups. This scenario describes which of the following theories of democracy?
Elite democracy, which emphasizes limited participation in politics and civil society.
6. Which of the following scenarios would most likely be the implementation of a funded
The state of Oregon receives money from the federal government and Oregon is able to
do whatever it wants with the money
7. Which of the following best represents the ideas described in Brutus 1?
The Constitution gives too much power to the federal government which will take away
the powers of the states and fail to protect personal liberties
8. According to the infographic, in a federal system
Power is divided between a central and regional government
9. Which of the following scenarios would most likely be the implementation of a block
The state of Georgia receives money from the federal government for Temporary Aid to
Needy Families (TANF) and must decide how to spend this money to assist needy
10. Which of the following scenarios would be considered an unconstitutional use of state
A state taxing goods from another state to help businesses in their state
11. Which of the following most clearly disagrees with the author’s argument?
Federalist 10
12. Which of the following quotes from the Preamble of the Constitution most clearly
describes the government’s role in this situation? (Florida is hit by a powerful hurricane).
Promote the general welfare
13. Which of the following constitutional provisions supports Hamilton’s arguments?
Nomination of judges in Article II
14. Which of the following best describes political engagement?
Citizen actions that are intended to solve public problems through political means
15. Which of the following best explains the results in the graph above?
Young voter’s turnout the least in presidential elections than other age groups
16. Supporters of Yate’s view would be most concerned about which of the following cases?
McCulloch v. Maryland (1803)
17. Which of the following statements is most consistent with the author’s argument in the
passage? (History furnishes no example…)
A small republic would best represent the wishes of the people
18. Which of the following statements is most consistent with the author’s argument in the
passage? (Suppose the legislature of the state..)
The states should have supremacy over the federal government
19. Which of the following scenarios would most likely be the implementation of a
categorical project grant?
The state of Maryland received matching funds from the federal government to
implement Medicaid
20. The term dual federalism refers to
The fact that the national government implements its enumerated powers and the states
have their own reserved powers
21. Which of the following best describes efficacy?
Citizens belief that they have the ability to achieve something desirable and the
government listens to people like them
22. The framers created a system of dual sovereignty. Which of the following is an accurate
description of the exclusive and concurrent powers under the Constitution? (exclusive
23. The Supreme Court’s interpretation of the implied powers of Article 1 in McCulloch v.
Maryland (1819), is an example of the Supreme Court
Expanding the powers of the national government
24. Which of the following quotes from the Preamble of the Constitution most clearly
describes the government’s role in this situation? (North Korea threatened Hawaii)
Provide for the common defense
25. Which of the following best represents the ideas described in Federalist 10?
Factions can threaten a government but a large republic would allow many different
views to be heard and would not threaten the rights of the minority
26. Which of the following best describes public goods?
Services the government whose benefits cannot be limited and that are available to all
27. In United States v. Lopez (1995), the Supreme Court ruled
That congress could not use the commerce clause to control school district policy on
28. Which of the following is an accurate description of the Articles of Confederation and the
29. Natural rights are best defined as
The concept that there are freedoms that you automatically have no matter where you
30. Republicanism is best defined as
The concept that government should be done by elected representatives
31. Which of the following best illustrates the concept of separation of powers?
The legislative branch makes laws and the executive branch enforces laws
32. Which of the following quotes from the Preamble of the Constitution most clearly
describes the government’s role in this situation? (Several bridges have collapsed)
Promote the general welfare
33. Which of the following statements best describes Article 1?
It delegates lawmaking authority to congress, describes the structure of the legislative
branch, and outlines the legislative process
34. According to the passage, which of the following does the author seem to be concerned
is missing in the constitution?
Popular sovereignty
35. During President Obama’s presidency the Keystone pipeline transporting crude oil from
Canada to the United States to be refined was opposed by environmental groups and
Native American groups and supported by construction companies and labor unions.
This scenario describes which of the following theories of democracy?
Pluralist democracy which recognizes group based activities by non governmental
interests striving for impact on political decision making
36. Jefferson’s discussion of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness can be best described
Natural Rights
37. Which of the following quotes from the Preamble of the Constitution most clearly
describes the government’s role in this situation? (Identity theft crimes)
Establish Justice
38. Which of the following statements best explains why the NRA lobbies the state
governments as well as the federal government?
Federalism allows for multiple access points to policy making
39. The framers created a system of dual sovereignty. Which of the following is an accurate
description of state and federal powers under the Constitution? (state powers)
40. Which of the following is an accurate description of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey
41. Which of the following fortifies state government powers?
Tenth Amendment
42. Which of the following statements best describes Article IV?
It describes how the states must respect the rights and liberties of citizens in other states
as well as other states legal proceedings

UNIT 2.1
1. Which of the following is true of congressional redistricting
It occurs every 10 years to reflect changes in population as measured by the census
2. Which issue would be most relevant to this case (Baker vs. Carr 1961)
3. Which of the following best explains how the data in the map of (Illinois) congressional
district for below represent gerrymandering?
The strangely drawn and unusual shape of the district
4. Which of the following best describes the role of pork barrel legislation
Appropriation of funds for a special project
5. Evidence of widespread Fraud and Abuse involving the veterans Affairs comes to
6. Which term best exemplifies when a legislator makes a deal with another legislator to
promote to vote for their proposed legislation in return for support of their legislation?
7. The Supreme Court decision in Baker v. Carr as reflected in the excerpt above best
reflects which of the following issues with the electoral process?
Redistricting and unequal representation of constituencies
8. In comparing the House of Representatives and Senate the above map best illustrates
which of the following?
The house is designed to represent populations more than the Senate
9. Healthcare reform along with policies regulating immigration and terrorism are all
examples of congressional responsibilities that rely on
The necessary and proper clause
10. Which court case also deals with issues surrounding the courts and redistricting
Shaw vs Reno
11. Which scenario triggers reapportionment in the House of Representatives
The US Census every 10 years counts the number of people in the state and determines
how many representatives each state will have
12. Which of the following is the best example of divided government
In 2016 President Obama nominated Merrick Garland chief judge of the DC Circuit Court
to the Supreme Court. The Republican Senate did not hold hearings on this nominee
and the seating remained empty
13. Besides the power of oversight which of the following Congressional functions best
represents the checking of executive branch power
Agency review
14. Which of the following issues least likely influence the framers of the Constitution during
the creation of the Congress
the implementation of foreign policy
15. What is the single most important variable in determining the outcome of an election for
a member of the House of Representatives
16. Which of the following statements best represents this table
Congress especially the Senate is older whiter more educated and more likely to be
male than the population as a whole
17. Which of the following has the widest gap between Congressional members and the
population as a whole
Those with bachelor's degrees in the Senate
18. Which of the following represents the outcome in Shaw vs Reno 1991
Race-based redistricting must be held to a high level of scrutiny and comply with the
Voting Rights Act of 1965
19. Which of the following is a specific power granted by the Constitution only to the House
of Representatives
All bills of revenue must originate in the house
20. Which of the following pairs correctly represents a difference between the house and the
Option C no filibusters and allows filibusters
21. A congressman From a conservative District in Mississippi knows that over 70% of the
people who live there are opposed to the Affordable Care Act
22. Which of the following is the definition of a conference committee
It contains members of the house and Senate to reconcile the competing versions of a
23. Identify a trend in from the map
States in the Midwest and Northeast have lost the most seats in Congress
24. Which of the following best describes pork barrel politics
Members of Congress negotiate bills so that individual districts get money for project that
do not necessarily benefit the whole nation
25. Which of the following is true of the seniority system in of Congress in relation to
committee leadership that occurs today
The chairs of congressional committees tend to be senior members of the body's
majority party
26. Which of the following policy areas would be covered by this clause (Article 2 of the
United States Constitution)
Regulating immigration and Healthcare
27. Which of the following choices accurately represents the difference between the rules
and procedures in the House of Representatives and the Senate
D (This Chamber approves Cabinet Secretaries)
28. Which of the following best explains the importance of this Clause (Article 2 of the United
States Constitution)
It has been responsible for a congress's ability to legislate in many matters not described
in the enumerated powers
29. All of the following best represent the duties of speaker of the house except
Aid party members in reelection efforts
30. Scenario: a first-term member of the House of Representatives from Silicon Valley
California wishes to maximize opportunities for constituent service would most likely
seek placement on which of the following committees
Science and Technology
31. What process is taking place on this map
32. In the legislative process, the president is most likely to use an executive veto for all of
the following except
To create tensions and confrontations with Congress
33. Identify a trend in the graph
Democrats had control of the Senate and House 2007 to 2010
34. In which of the following years was there a divided government
35. Which of the following best represents the concept of gerrymandering
Incumbents influencing the drawing of legislative district boundaries
36. Which of the following choices accurately represents the difference between the House
of Representatives and the Senate
A (ratifies treaties and initiates revenue bills)
37. Which of the following best explains the concept of pocket veto
It is a veto issued more than 10 days after the beginning of a legislative session
38. Which of the following choices accurately represents an example of a check on Power
by the two branches
A (sets jurisdiction of Courts and declares laws unconstitutional)
39. Which of the following reasons is generally cited as the reason for the use of
congressional oversight in relation to the executive branch
To serve as a check of executive authorization and appropriation
40. When members of Congress decide issues or vote according to their conscience they
most likely represent which of the following models of representation
Trustee model

Unit 2.2

1. This passage explains the Founders insistence on creating a government with

(Federalist 51)
➔ Broad voting rights
➔ A single president
➔ Popular sovereignty
➔ Checks and balances
2. Concerns over the emergence of a 20th century imperial presidency would have
been shared by
➔ Federalists
➔ Antifederalists
➔ Colonial Governors
➔ Loyalists
3. The primary difference between an iron triangle and an issue network is
➔ Iron Triangle: forms to support a public policy. Issue Network: Forms to
oppose a public policy
➔ Iron Triangle: Uses a long term collaborative effort. Issue Network: Uses
short term temporary collaboration
➔ Iron Triangle: Relies on the work of interest groups. Issue Network: Does
not involve interest groups
➔ Iron Triangle: Does not involve bureaucrats. Issue Network: Relies on the
work of bureaucrats
4. According to this survey, the factor that would most strongly affect a voters
decision to support or oppose a presidential candidate
➔ They do not believe in God
➔ They have served in the military
➔ They are Jewish
➔ They are Catholic
5. Which of the following government actions does not reflect the principle of
checks and balances
➔ Expulsion of a senator
➔ Ruling a president’s actions unconstitutional
➔ Veto of a bill
➔ Impeachment of the president
6. Which of the following best describes the concept of bully pulpit?
➔ The use of prominent position to speak out and be heard
➔ The use of celebrity endorsements to influence public opinion
➔ The use of social media to express a point of view
➔ All of the above
7. Whistleblowers are people who
➔ Work directly below cabinet secretaries
➔ Are members of Congress who oppose new programs
➔ Support the creation of a new agency
➔ Expose government misconduct
8. Which of the following correctly pairs a role of the president with a power
associated with that role?
➔ Chief Legislature: Make a State of the Union Address
➔ Commander in Chief: Declare War
➔ Chief Executive: Negotiate Treaties
➔ Chief Diplomat: Appoint Cabinet Secretaries
9. Congress can limit the power of an agency in all of the following ways except
➔ Cut the agency’s budget
➔ Eliminate the agency
➔ Modify the agency’s legal authority
➔ Fire the agency’s director

Use the graph to answer the question. Since 1950

➔ The number of federal, state and local bureaucrats all significantly
➔ The number of federal, state and local bureaucrats all significantly
➔ The number of state and local bureaucrats significantly increased, while
the number of federal bureaucrats remained relatively steady
➔ The number of federal bureaucrats significantly increased while the
number of state and local bureaucrats remained relatively steady
11. Which following cabinet departments is correctly paired with its primary mission?
➔ Department: Department of State. Primary Mission: Promote federalism
and state governments
➔ Department: Department of Justice. Primary Mission: Nominate Supreme
Court and federal judges
➔ Department: Department of Homeland Security. Primary Mission: Direct
American military forces in combat
➔ Department: Department of the Interior. Primary Mission: Protect natural
resources and national parks
12. A regulatory agency’s authority to develop specific regulations, monitor
compliance with those regulations, and impose penalties on businesses that
violate those regulations seems to run counter to the American ideal of:
➔ Suffrage
➔ Federalism
➔ Separation of Powers
➔ Sovereignty
13. A president’s veto can be overridden by a vote of
➔ ⅔ of the states
➔ ⅔ of the Congress and ¾ of the states
➔ ⅖ of the cabinet
➔ ⅔ of the Congress
14. Use the quotation to answer the question: “No government ever voluntarily
reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear.
Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see
on this great planet.” - Ronald Regan. In response to President Ronald Reagan’s
concerns about the difficulty of eliminating programs which are no longer
necessary, Congress has at times incorporated into agency legislature:
➔ Legislative Oversight
➔ An appropriation Bill
➔ A Sunset Clause
➔ An inspector general
15. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an example of
➔ An independent regulatory commission
➔ A cabinet department
➔ An independent administrative agency
➔ A government corporation
16. Similar to the power of Congress to override a veto, the Supreme Court uses the
power of judicial review to
➔ Promote the power of the bureaucracy
➔ Determine whether the president’s policies are effective
➔ Limit the power of the president
➔ Establish new presidential powers
17. Use the graph to answer the question. The sudden spike in President George W.
Bush’s approval rating after the 9/11 attacks can be attributed to
➔ Spin control
➔ The Bully pulpit
➔ The rally round the flag effect
➔ The honeymoon period
18. The president’s primary concern in appointing cabinet secretaries and other
executive leaders is to:
➔ Receive the approval of bureaucrats in the agencies
➔ Promote the president’s policy agenda
➔ Select a balanced number of liberal and conservative leaders
➔ Support the political needs of congressional leaders.
19. Because constituents generally express little interest, Congress generally defers
to the president’s decision in the area of
➔ Education policy
➔ Military policy
➔ Economic policy
➔ Foreign policy
20. An independent administrative agency, such as the Smithsonian institution is so
named because it is independent of
➔ Cabinet departments
➔ The federal government
➔ Congressional control
➔ The federal budgeting process
21. The most successful bureaucracies share all of the following
characteristics except - not right
➔ Adequate funding to accomplish program goals
➔ Public support from electoral officials and the media
➔ Large amounts of administrative discretion
➔ Strong support from a single core constituency
22. The 22nd Amendment ratified in 1951 sets the presidential term limit and was
most strongly linked to which of the following
➔ A reaction to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s four term presidency
➔ The provisions within the 12th Amendment surrounding presidential
➔ A long standing reaction with American politics regarding presidential
➔ A president established by George Washington’s retirement from office
23. Under the Hatch Act, it would be illegal for a bureaucrat to
➔ Work on a campaign during work hours
➔ Vote in a federal election
➔ Express a political opinion in a local newspaper
➔ Criticize the president
24. Bureaucrats differ from cabinet secretaries because bureaucrats
➔ Are rarely criticized by the public officials of the media
➔ Generally spread most of their careers in the private sector
➔ Are encouraged to publicly agree with the president’s policy positions
➔ Cannot be fired just because a president of a different party has been
25. Policy change tends to be:
➔ Incremental
➔ Fast moving
➔ Supported by bureaucrats
➔ Initiated by the courts
26. Under the patronage system before 1883, bureaucrats were hired based on
➔ Loyalty to the president
➔ The number of years of seniority in government service
➔ Experience in similar jobs
➔ Public expertise
27. Which of the following is NOT an argument against the use of the Electoral
➔ The winner take all system makes it possible for a candidate to win the
popular vote, but lose the electoral vote
➔ Candidates focus their campaigns on a fairly small number of swing
➔ The representation of states in the electoral process strengthens
➔ Smaller states have disproportionate power due to the guarantee of at
least three electors per state
28. Which of the following Constitutional Amendments is correctly paired with the
way in which it affects the power of the president?
➔ Constitutional Amendment: 22nd Amendment. Restriction of the
President: Limits the president to two terms in office
➔ Constitutional Amendment: 24th Amendment. Restriction of the
President: Allows the vice president to become acting president if the
president becomes disabled
➔ Constitutional Amendment: 25th Amendment. Restriction of the
President: Allows voters 18 -20 to vote for the president
➔ Constitutional Amendment: 26th Amendment. Restriction of the
President: Establishes the order of presidential succession
29. One of the most important roles the president plays as party leader is to
➔ Appoint cabinet secretaries with views from across the political spectrum
➔ Heal fractures that develop within the party during the primary process
➔ Ensure that every member of the White House staff adheres to party
➔ Promote policies that strengthen the power of third parties
30. Which of the following best describes how informal powers, such as signing
statements differ from other powers within the executive breach?
➔ They are powers enumerated in the Constitution
➔ They are powers implied by the Constitution
➔ They are powers not found in any written document
➔ They are powers granted by Congressional action
31. Congress generally passes legislation which is
➔ Detailed giving clear direction to agencies for how to implement policy
➔ Vague giving agencies administrative discretion to determine how to
implement policy
➔ Detailed so the president cannot order charges in the agency’s
implementation procedures
➔ Vague, so courts can later define the agency’s mission through rulings on
32. Modern presidents can reach out directly to the people for support of their policy
agendas through all of these means EXCEPT:
➔ The president’s Youtube channel
➔ The State of the Union address
➔ The White House press secretary
➔ Social media such as Facebook and Twitter
33. Use the quotation to answer the question.
“That unity is conducive to energy will not be disputed. Decisions, activity,
secrecy, and dispatch will generally characterize the proceedings of one man in
a much more eminent degree than the proceedings of any greater number; and
in proportion as the number is increased, these qualities will be diminished.”
This passage of Federalist 70 calls for putting power in the hands of a single:
➔ Speaker of the House
➔ Executive
➔ Autocrat
➔ Supreme Court Chief Justice
34. Devolution has caused an increase in:
➔ The consistency of programs among states
➔ The burden on state governments
➔ The power of federal policymakers
➔ The size of the federal bureaucracy
35. Presidential power and public opinion are closely intertwined because of
➔ The need for public support when pushing for Congressional actions
➔ Modern technology which allows for rapid response to political issues
➔ Presidential reliance on public approval ratings and polls
➔ The difficulties of declaring with a unified government
36. Which of the following government actions to promote economic growth most
closely aligns with Keynesian economic policy
➔ President Trump’s permanent tax cuts for corporations
➔ President Clinton’s tax increase for high-income individuals
➔ President Clinton’s stimulus package to increase government spending
➔ President Reagan’s deregulation of the airline industry
37. In 2016, Senate Republicans refused to hold confirmation hearings for President
Obama’s Supreme Court nominee until after the next presidential election. Such
issues arise from
➔ Gerrymandering
➔ Executive privilege
➔ The bully pulpit
➔ Divided government
38. Regulatory commissions most closely fulfill which of the following purposes of
government from the preamble to the Constitution?
➔ Provide for the common defense
➔ Secure the blessing of liberty
➔ Insure domestic tranquility
➔ Promote the general welfare
39. In most U.S states, the Electoral College vote is determined by
➔ A system matching the proportion of the popular vote
➔ The popular vote in each congressional district
➔ A winner take all system
➔ A vote of the state legislature
40. Use the quotation to answer the question.
“In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the
great difficulty lies in this you must first enable the government to control the
governed, and in the next place oblige it to control itself” - Federalist 51
Which president’s statement is the antithesis of the principle described in this
passage of Federalist 51?
➔ Richard Nixon “When the president does it, that means it is not illegal”
➔ Barack Obama “I’m the President of the United States. I’m not the
Emperor of the United States”
➔ George W. Bush “Dealing with Congress is a matter of give and take… A
dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there’s no question about it”
➔ Ronald Reagan “Concentrated power has always been the enemy of
41. Regulatory commissions are responsible for all of the following except
➔ Developing rules for businesses and industries
➔ Monitoring businesses and industries for compliance with rules
➔ Assisting businesses and industries to develop rules for the bureaucracy
➔ Imposing sanctions on business and industries that violate rules.
42. The president has the power to fire:
➔ A postal service worker
➔ The chairman of the federal reserve system
➔ An FBI agent
➔ The Attorney General
43. During the policy process, which of the following stages best represents the main
body of work for bureaucrats
➔ Policy evaluation
➔ Agenda setting
➔ Policy approval
➔ Policy implementation
44. The government institution charged with implementing public policy is:
➔ The courts
➔ Political parties
➔ congress
➔ The bureaucracy
45. The purpose of the general election for president is to:
➔ Choose the delegates to the national conventions
➔ Determine which candidate's slate will cast the electoral votes
➔ Formally select the parties’ nominees
➔ Formally elect the president
46. Which of the following best reflects the main role of bureaucrats within the public
policy process?
➔ Enacting goals into laws
➔ Putting laws into action
➔ Resource allocation and budgets
➔ Establish political agendas
47. Which of the following presidential action requires the approval of ⅔ of the
➔ Appointing a cabinet secretary
➔ Sending troops into conflict
➔ Appointing supreme court justices
➔ Signing a treaty
48. The role of the vice president is generally determined by:
➔ The president
➔ The bureaucracy
➔ The courts
➔ congress
49. Which of the following best represents President Truman’s logic in issuing the
decision stated in the excerpt above
➔ To ensure his policy would be enacted into law
➔ To direct the enforcement of an already existing statute
➔ To guide the administration of military policy
➔ To enforce a special provision within the Constitution
50. In addition to advising the president, the primary role of the cabinet secretary is
➔ Determine the constitutionality of presidential actions
➔ Coordinate the passage of relevant legislation with congress
➔ Limit who has access to the president
➔ Lead the department to implement policy
51. The Congress has enacted legislation to significantly expand the size of the
bureaucracy to administer economic, environmental, and social policies through
➔ Emoluments clause
➔ Advice and consent clause
➔ Privileges and immunities clause
➔ Necessary and Proper
52. The largest number of bureaucrats in the United States work for:
➔ States governments and local governments
➔ The federal government
➔ International agencies
➔ The executive branch
53. Which of these presidential actions flows from an expressed power
➔ President Harry Truman’s executive order to desegregate the military
➔ President Bill Clinton’s use of the line-item veto to reduce spending by
➔ President Thomas Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase
➔ President Gerald Ford’s pardon of President Richard Nixon
54. The number of Electoral College votes was increased as a result of:
➔ The 15th Amendment, which expanded voting rights to black men
➔ The 26th Amendment, which expanded voting rights to 18-20-year-olds
➔ The 23rd Amendment, which expanded voting rights to residents of Washington
➔ The 19th Amendment, which expanded voting rights to women
55. Because most presidents face similar downward sloping approval trends, presidents
tend to:
➔ Spend most of their presidencies focusing on ways to increase their job approval
➔ Introduce policy proposals that require public support early in their terms
➔ Propose popular policies early in their terms and unpopular policies later in their
➔ Introduce the most important policy proposals late in their terms, to increase job

Unit 2.3

1. This passage explains the Founders insistence on creating a government with

(Federalist 51)
➔ Broad voting rights
➔ A single president
➔ Popular sovereignty
➔ Checks and balances
2. Concerns over the emergence of a 20th century imperial presidency would have
been shared by
➔ Federalists
➔ Antifederalists
➔ Colonial Governors
➔ Loyalists
3. The primary difference between an iron triangle and an issue network is
➔ Iron Triangle: forms to support a public policy. Issue Network: Forms to
oppose a public policy
➔ Iron Triangle: Uses a long term collaborative effort. Issue Network: Uses
short term temporary collaboration
➔ Iron Triangle: Relies on the work of interest groups. Issue Network: Does
not involve interest groups
➔ Iron Triangle: Does not involve bureaucrats. Issue Network: Relies on the
work of bureaucrats
4. According to this survey, the factor that would most strongly affect a voters
decision to support or oppose a presidential candidate
➔ They do not believe in God
➔ They have served in the military
➔ They are Jewish
➔ They are Catholic
5. Which of the following government actions does not reflect the principle of
checks and balances
➔ Expulsion of a senator
➔ Ruling a president’s actions unconstitutional
➔ Veto of a bill
➔ Impeachment of the president
6. Which of the following best describes the concept of bully pulpit?
➔ The use of prominent position to speak out and be heard
➔ The use of celebrity endorsements to influence public opinion
➔ The use of social media to express a point of view
➔ All of the above
7. Whistleblowers are people who
➔ Work directly below cabinet secretaries
➔ Are members of Congress who oppose new programs
➔ Support the creation of a new agency
➔ Expose government misconduct
8. Which of the following correctly pairs a role of the president with a power
associated with that role?
➔ Chief Legislature: Make a State of the Union Address
➔ Commander in Chief: Declare War
➔ Chief Executive: Negotiate Treaties
➔ Chief Diplomat: Appoint Cabinet Secretaries
9. Congress can limit the power of an agency in all of the following ways except
➔ Cut the agency’s budget
➔ Eliminate the agency
➔ Modify the agency’s legal authority
➔ Fire the agency’s director

Use the graph to answer the question. Since 1950

➔ The number of federal, state and local bureaucrats all significantly
➔ The number of federal, state and local bureaucrats all significantly
➔ The number of state and local bureaucrats significantly increased, while
the number of federal bureaucrats remained relatively steady
➔ The number of federal bureaucrats significantly increased while the
number of state and local bureaucrats remained relatively steady
11. Which following cabinet departments is correctly paired with its primary mission?
➔ Department: Department of State. Primary Mission: Promote federalism
and state governments
➔ Department: Department of Justice. Primary Mission: Nominate Supreme
Court and federal judges
➔ Department: Department of Homeland Security. Primary Mission: Direct
American military forces in combat
➔ Department: Department of the Interior. Primary Mission: Protect natural
resources and national parks
12. A regulatory agency’s authority to develop specific regulations, monitor
compliance with those regulations, and impose penalties on businesses that
violate those regulations seems to run counter to the American ideal of:
➔ Suffrage
➔ Federalism
➔ Separation of Powers
➔ Sovereignty
13. A president’s veto can be overridden by a vote of
➔ ⅔ of the states
➔ ⅔ of the Congress and ¾ of the states
➔ ⅖ of the cabinet
➔ ⅔ of the Congress
14. Use the quotation to answer the question: “No government ever voluntarily
reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear.
Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see
on this great planet.” - Ronald Regan. In response to President Ronald Reagan’s
concerns about the difficulty of eliminating programs which are no longer
necessary, Congress has at times incorporated into agency legislature:
➔ Legislative Oversight
➔ An appropriation Bill
➔ A Sunset Clause
➔ An inspector general
15. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an example of
➔ An independent regulatory commission
➔ A cabinet department
➔ An independent administrative agency
➔ A government corporation
16. Similar to the power of Congress to override a veto, the Supreme Court uses the
power of judicial review to
➔ Promote the power of the bureaucracy
➔ Determine whether the president’s policies are effective
➔ Limit the power of the president
➔ Establish new presidential powers
17. Use the graph to answer the question. The sudden spike in President George W.
Bush’s approval rating after the 9/11 attacks can be attributed to
➔ Spin control
➔ The Bully pulpit
➔ The rally round the flag effect
➔ The honeymoon period
18. The president’s primary concern in appointing cabinet secretaries and other
executive leaders is to:
➔ Receive the approval of bureaucrats in the agencies
➔ Promote the president’s policy agenda
➔ Select a balanced number of liberal and conservative leaders
➔ Support the political needs of congressional leaders.
19. Because constituents generally express little interest, Congress generally defers
to the president’s decision in the area of
➔ Education policy
➔ Military policy
➔ Economic policy
➔ Foreign policy
20. An independent administrative agency, such as the Smithsonian institution is so
named because it is independent of
➔ Cabinet departments
➔ The federal government
➔ Congressional control
➔ The federal budgeting process
21. The most successful bureaucracies share all of the following
characteristics except - not right
➔ Adequate funding to accomplish program goals
➔ Public support from electoral officials and the media
➔ Large amounts of administrative discretion
➔ Strong support from a single core constituency
22. The 22nd Amendment ratified in 1951 sets the presidential term limit and was
most strongly linked to which of the following
➔ A reaction to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s four term presidency
➔ The provisions within the 12th Amendment surrounding presidential
➔ A long standing reaction with American politics regarding presidential
➔ A president established by George Washington’s retirement from office
23. Under the Hatch Act, it would be illegal for a bureaucrat to
➔ Work on a campaign during work hours
➔ Vote in a federal election
➔ Express a political opinion in a local newspaper
➔ Criticize the president
24. Bureaucrats differ from cabinet secretaries because bureaucrats
➔ Are rarely criticized by the public officials of the media
➔ Generally spread most of their careers in the private sector
➔ Are encouraged to publicly agree with the president’s policy positions
➔ Cannot be fired just because a president of a different party has been
25. Policy change tends to be:
➔ Incremental
➔ Fast moving
➔ Supported by bureaucrats
➔ Initiated by the courts
26. Under the patronage system before 1883, bureaucrats were hired based on
➔ Loyalty to the president
➔ The number of years of seniority in government service
➔ Experience in similar jobs
➔ Public expertise
27. Which of the following is NOT an argument against the use of the Electoral
➔ The winner take all system makes it possible for a candidate to win the
popular vote, but lose the electoral vote
➔ Candidates focus their campaigns on a fairly small number of swing
➔ The representation of states in the electoral process strengthens
➔ Smaller states have disproportionate power due to the guarantee of at
least three electors per state
28. Which of the following Constitutional Amendments is correctly paired with the
way in which it affects the power of the president?
➔ Constitutional Amendment: 22nd Amendment. Restriction of the
President: Limits the president to two terms in office
➔ Constitutional Amendment: 24th Amendment. Restriction of the
President: Allows the vice president to become acting president if the
president becomes disabled
➔ Constitutional Amendment: 25th Amendment. Restriction of the
President: Allows voters 18 -20 to vote for the president
➔ Constitutional Amendment: 26th Amendment. Restriction of the
President: Establishes the order of presidential succession
29. One of the most important roles the president plays as party leader is to
➔ Appoint cabinet secretaries with views from across the political spectrum
➔ Heal fractures that develop within the party during the primary process
➔ Ensure that every member of the White House staff adheres to party
➔ Promote policies that strengthen the power of third parties
30. Which of the following best describes how informal powers, such as signing
statements differ from other powers within the executive breach?
➔ They are powers enumerated in the Constitution
➔ They are powers implied by the Constitution
➔ They are powers not found in any written document
➔ They are powers granted by Congressional action
31. Congress generally passes legislation which is
➔ Detailed giving clear direction to agencies for how to implement policy
➔ Vague giving agencies administrative discretion to determine how to
implement policy
➔ Detailed so the president cannot order charges in the agency’s
implementation procedures
➔ Vague, so courts can later define the agency’s mission through rulings on
32. Modern presidents can reach out directly to the people for support of their policy
agendas through all of these means EXCEPT:
➔ The president’s Youtube channel
➔ The State of the Union address
➔ The White House press secretary
➔ Social media such as Facebook and Twitter
33. Use the quotation to answer the question.
“That unity is conducive to energy will not be disputed. Decisions, activity,
secrecy, and dispatch will generally characterize the proceedings of one man in
a much more eminent degree than the proceedings of any greater number; and
in proportion as the number is increased, these qualities will be diminished.”
This passage of Federalist 70 calls for putting power in the hands of a single:
➔ Speaker of the House
➔ Executive
➔ Autocrat
➔ Supreme Court Chief Justice
34. Devolution has caused an increase in:
➔ The consistency of programs among states
➔ The burden on state governments
➔ The power of federal policymakers
➔ The size of the federal bureaucracy
35. Presidential power and public opinion are closely intertwined because of
➔ The need for public support when pushing for Congressional actions
➔ Modern technology which allows for rapid response to political issues
➔ Presidential reliance on public approval ratings and polls
➔ The difficulties of declaring with a unified government
36. Which of the following government actions to promote economic growth most
closely aligns with Keynesian economic policy
➔ President Trump’s permanent tax cuts for corporations
➔ President Clinton’s tax increase for high-income individuals
➔ President Clinton’s stimulus package to increase government spending
➔ President Reagan’s deregulation of the airline industry
37. In 2016, Senate Republicans refused to hold confirmation hearings for President
Obama’s Supreme Court nominee until after the next presidential election. Such
issues arise from
➔ Gerrymandering
➔ Executive privilege
➔ The bully pulpit
➔ Divided government
38. Regulatory commissions most closely fulfill which of the following purposes of
government from the preamble to the Constitution?
➔ Provide for the common defense
➔ Secure the blessing of liberty
➔ Insure domestic tranquility
➔ Promote the general welfare
39. In most U.S states, the Electoral College vote is determined by
➔ A system matching the proportion of the popular vote
➔ The popular vote in each congressional district
➔ A winner take all system
➔ A vote of the state legislature
40. Use the quotation to answer the question.
“In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the
great difficulty lies in this you must first enable the government to control the
governed, and in the next place oblige it to control itself” - Federalist 51
Which president’s statement is the antithesis of the principle described in this
passage of Federalist 51?
➔ Richard Nixon “When the president does it, that means it is not illegal”
➔ Barack Obama “I’m the President of the United States. I’m not the
Emperor of the United States”
➔ George W. Bush “Dealing with Congress is a matter of give and take… A
dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there’s no question about it”
➔ Ronald Reagan “Concentrated power has always been the enemy of
41. Regulatory commissions are responsible for all of the following except
➔ Developing rules for businesses and industries
➔ Monitoring businesses and industries for compliance with rules
➔ Assisting businesses and industries to develop rules for the bureaucracy
➔ Imposing sanctions on business and industries that violate rules.
42. The president has the power to fire:
➔ A postal service worker
➔ The chairman of the federal reserve system
➔ An FBI agent
➔ The Attorney General
43. During the policy process, which of the following stages best represents the main
body of work for bureaucrats
➔ Policy evaluation
➔ Agenda setting
➔ Policy approval
➔ Policy implementation
44. The government institution charged with implementing public policy is:
➔ The courts
➔ Political parties
➔ congress
➔ The bureaucracy
45. The purpose of the general election for president is to:
➔ Choose the delegates to the national conventions
➔ Determine which candidate's slate will cast the electoral votes
➔ Formally select the parties’ nominees
➔ Formally elect the president
46. Which of the following best reflects the main role of bureaucrats within the public
policy process?
➔ Enacting goals into laws
➔ Putting laws into action
➔ Resource allocation and budgets
➔ Establish political agendas
47. Which of the following presidential action requires the approval of ⅔ of the
➔ Appointing a cabinet secretary
➔ Sending troops into conflict
➔ Appointing supreme court justices
➔ Signing a treaty
48. The role of the vice president is generally determined by:
➔ The president
➔ The bureaucracy
➔ The courts
➔ congress
49. Which of the following best represents President Truman’s logic in issuing the
decision stated in the excerpt above
➔ To ensure his policy would be enacted into law
➔ To direct the enforcement of an already existing statute
➔ To guide the administration of military policy
➔ To enforce a special provision within the Constitution
50. In addition to advising the president, the primary role of the cabinet secretary is
➔ Determine the constitutionality of presidential actions
➔ Coordinate the passage of relevant legislation with congress
➔ Limit who has access to the president
➔ Lead the department to implement policy
51. The Congress has enacted legislation to significantly expand the size of the
bureaucracy to administer economic, environmental, and social policies through
➔ Emoluments clause
➔ Advice and consent clause
➔ Privileges and immunities clause
➔ Necessary and Proper
52. The largest number of bureaucrats in the United States work for:
➔ States governments and local governments
➔ The federal government
➔ International agencies
➔ The executive branch
53. Which of these presidential actions flows from an expressed power
➔ President Harry Truman’s executive order to desegregate the military
➔ President Bill Clinton’s use of the line-item veto to reduce spending by
➔ President Thomas Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase
➔ President Gerald Ford’s pardon of President Richard Nixon
54. The number of Electoral College votes was increased as a result of:
➔ The 15th Amendment, which expanded voting rights to black men
➔ The 26th Amendment, which expanded voting rights to 18-20-year-olds
➔ The 23rd Amendment, which expanded voting rights to residents of Washington
➔ The 19th Amendment, which expanded voting rights to women
55. Because most presidents face similar downward sloping approval trends, presidents
tend to:
➔ Spend most of their presidencies focusing on ways to increase their job approval
➔ Introduce policy proposals that require public support early in their terms
➔ Propose popular policies early in their terms and unpopular policies later in their
➔ Introduce the most important policy proposals late in their terms, to increase job

Unit 3

1. *In 2015, the U.S Supreme Court decided that marriage could not be defined as
heterosexual in nature. Which of the following was used to justify the Supreme Court’s
Equal Protection clause
2. A police officer is investigating a murder suspect and does not have a warrant To search
the suspect's house or car. Which of the following would most likely be considered an
unreasonable search if the officer did not have the warrant
A police officer placing a GPS device on the suspect's car to see where the suspect
3. Which of the following best represents the protections afforded by the two amendments
the excerpt above?
As a defendant you have the right to counsel and the right to confront your witnesses
4. Based on previous rulings the Supreme Court is most likely to view a case concerning
which of the following as an equal protection case?
A student was denied entry into a college because of her race
5. Which of the following are accurate descriptions of the first amendment and the Sixth
D: The right to assemble: the right to an attorney
6. Equal protection of laws
Means that laws cannot establish different standards for the treatment of different groups
7. Which of the following cases would likely be used as a precedent for this case?
Brown v. Board of Education
8. Which of the following would be considered most likely be considered a violation of the
8th Amendment?
A suspect is tortured to find out who the other criminals were
9. Which of the following is an example of a controversy regarding equal protection under
the Fourteenth Amendment?
A female employee being denied a promotion in a workplace where male employees
have been promoted doing less quality work
10. Supreme Court’s interpretation of The Establishment Clause in Engle v. Vitale (1962)
Limit the power of the state government to introduce School sponsorship of religion
11. Which of the following actions would most likely use the precedent set in Tinker v. Des
Moines Independent Community School District (1969)?
A student wears a shirt that says “Impeach the President”
12. A High School Athletic director spends $15,000 on the football and baseball teams, but
spends no money on woman’s sports. Which of the following is laws is the athletic
director violating?
Title IX of the Civil Rights Act
13. Which of the following court cases is paired incorrectly with the Constitutional issue that
B) Bakke v. UC Davis: exclusionary rule
14. The addition of the Bill of Rights in the year following ratification of the Constitution
demonstrates the
States’ fear of an overpowered national government
15. The 24th Amendment was attempting to ban which of the following practices?
Poll taxes
16. Which of the following is an accurate description of the due process clause in equal
protection clauses
B. It has been used to incorporate freedoms in the Bill of Rights to affect the state's: in it
was used in Brown V. Board of Education
17. Which of the following would be considered would most likely be considered a violation
of the 4th Amendment?
A terrorist suspect is searched without warrant
18. Based on previous rulings by the Supreme Court is most likely to view a case
concerning which of the following as a free exercise clause case
A worker is fired for using hallucinogenic drugs in a religious ceremony
19. An example of the exclusionary rule would be if police
Used a defective search warrant to seize evidence
20. Based on previous rulings the Supreme Court is most likely to view a case concerning
which of the following as a clear and present danger case?
A person giving a speech talking about using violence against immigrants
21. Which of the following would be considered most likely be considered a violation of the
6th Amendment
A suspect is not allowed to speak with an attorney
22. According to the text which of the following principles is the Ferguson Police Department
most likely violating
equal protection clause
23. Which of the following best describes poll tax?
Fee that had to be paid to vote for the purpose of preventing poor southerners from
voting particularly African Americans
24. Which of the following actions would most likely use the precedent set in Wisconsin v.
Yoder (1972)
A student is required to attend school even though their faith says they should no longer
25. Based on previous rulings the Supreme Court is most likely to view a case concerning
which of the following as a right to privacy case?
When searching a home the police bring along reporter who takes photos of the home
26. The passage of strict gun control laws in a state reflects which of the following
A growing debate involving the concern over Public Safety with that of individual rights
27. This case is likely to be decided on which of the following freedoms?
Equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment
28. Wearing an armband and/or burning the American flag are examples of ____ actions
that do not consist of speaking or writing but that still Express an opinion
Symbolic speech
29. Which of the following liberties is paired correctly with an amendment from the Bill of
Option I: Amendment: 1st. Constitutional Liberty: Freedom of Speech
30. Bakers or wedding planners that oppose same-sex marriage and refuse service to
same-sex couples oftentimes sight which of the following First Amendment Provisions in
their defense
Free exercise of religion
31. Which of the following actions would most likely use the precedent set in McDonald v.
Chicago (2010)?
A student in college is banned from storing his shotgun in his dorm room
32. Which of the following describes the implication of the Court engaging in selective
Selective Incorporation has imposed limitations on state regulation of civil rights and
33. A newspaper prints a story accusing a candidate for office of cruelty to animals. They
know this accusation is untrue but the newspaper claims the first amendment protects
them. Which of the following is the reason that the newspaper is wrong?
Libel is not protected by the first amendment
34. The clear and present danger test created by the Supreme Court gave the government
the leeway to
Limit Free speech
35. Which of the following amendments has the most in common with the Voting Rights Act
19th Amendment
36. Which of the following court cases is paired incorrectly with a right that it addresses?
D) Court Case: Schenck v. US. Constitutional Right: Right to privacy
37. Which the following best describes intersectionality
The experience of multiple forms of gender oppression such as race gender and sexual
38. Based on previous ruling the Supreme Court is most likely to view a case concerning
which of the following as an establishment clause case
One of the speakers at the high school graduation says a brief prayer
39. Which of the following would be considered most likely be considered a violation of the
5th Amendment?
A person’s land is taken by the government without any compensation
40. A woman applied to be a principal of a school with a proud football team although the
school board thought she was the best candidate they did not think that the woman
would be able to gain the respect of the community and so she was not hired. Which of
the following is laws is the school board violating
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
41. Which of the following are accurate descriptions of the First Amendment and the Fifth
A) Establishment Clause; Freedom from double jeopardy
42. The Voter Rights Act of 1965 was attempting to ban which of the following practices
Literacy Tests
43. Based on previous rulings the Supreme Court is most likely to view a case concerning
which of the following as a Miranda rule case?
➔ A student is not allowed to see his attorney while police questions him
➔ When searching a home the police bring along a reporter who takes photos of
the home
➔ Police paid a criminal to break into a suspect’s house and obtain evidence of a
➔ A person giving a speech talking about using violence against immigrants
44. Which of the following is an accurate description of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the
Voting Rights Act of 1965
A) Prevented government agencies from discriminating: Banned Literacy Test
B) Allowed federal government to sure to desegregate public schools: Created the
Equal Opportunity Commission
C) Law requires equality in public accommodations: Prevented sex-based
discrimination in educational institutions receiving federal funds
D) Banned Poll Taxes: Required states with lower voter registration to get
permission from DOJ to change voter laws
Unit 4

1. *Use the scenario to answer the question: In a public opinion poll of a stratified sample
of a population contacted by landlines, 1,200 people were asked whether they
supported the Democrat or the Republican in the congressional election the next day.
The result was 46% for the Democrat and 54% for the Republican. The next day the
results came in and the Democrat won with 51% of the vote. Which of the following most
likely accounts for the difference in results?
➔ The survey did not include people who only have cell phones
➔ The results are within the margin of error
➔ The question was biased
➔ The sample size was not large enough to be reliable
2. *The following question is based on the graphic below

According to the graph, which of the following statements about support for same-sex
marriage is true?
➔ The “silent generation” has historically been more in favor of same-sex marriage
than other generations
➔ Most Americans are in support of same-sex marriage
➔ The younger the generation, the more in favor they are of same-sex marriage
➔ Since 2005, most generational support for same-sex marriage has decreased
3. *Use the table to answer the question:
Which of the following would, if true, help the credibility of this poll?
➔ Pollsters lectured respondents on the perils of big government before asking a
➔ Pollsters used a quota sample to find respondents
➔ The poll has a margin of error of six points
➔ Pollsters contacted respondents via a landline telephone
4. *Use the graph to answer the question: (Source: Lydia Saad) Which of the following is
an accurate statement according to the information in the graph?
➔ Conservatives have been the largest ideological group since 2004
➔ The number of people claiming to be moderates increased 1995 to 2005
➔ The number of people claiming to be moderates steadily declined from 2005 to
➔ The number of people claiming to be liberal steadily increased from 2002 to 2015
5. *Use the graph to answer the question

Which of the following statements is true?

➔ The Silent Generation in 2014 is more supportive of same-sex marriage than
Milennials were in 2004
➔ Boomers in 2014 are more supportive of same-sex marriage than Milennials
were in 2004
➔ Gen X is the group most likely to support same-sex marriage
➔ A majority of Boomers support same-sex marriage
6. *Which of the following best explains one reason why minority groups are more likely to
favor liberal policies than whites?
➔ Minority groups have highly developed political knowledge
➔ Minority groups have a great distrust of government
➔ Minority groups have historically benefitted from federal social programs
➔ Minority groups typically pay more in federal income taxes than whites

7. *Use the table to answer the question

Which of the following is an accurate statement according to the information in the table?
➔ Mexicans have little support for Republicans because of immigration policy
➔ Salvadorans show the greatest support for independent candidates
➔ Republicans receive the most support from the Cubans as compared to other
➔ Puerto Ricans have the highest support for the Democratic Party
8. * The following question is based on the illustration below

Which of the following statements best illustrates the importance of the illustration
➔ Errors in political profiling has led to a ban on polls 60-90 days before a general
election in the Bi-partisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) of 2002
➔ Political polling has been an important and accurate tool to determine electoral
➔ Errors in political polling have led to some embarrassing mistakes by the media
in predicting presidential outcomes
➔ Presidents have used political polling in the past to help them improve their
chance for electoral success
9. *Pollsters from news agencies wait outside of voting locations and ask voters who they
voted for and what issues were important to them and then use the information of
extrapolate who won the election. Which of the following best describes this process?
➔ Push poll
➔ Tracking poll
➔ Straw poll
➔ Exit poll
10. *Which type of poll would you most likely want to use if you wanted an accurate picture
of what candidates would be elected in the weeks leading up to an election?
➔ Exit poll
➔ Straw poll
➔ Push poll
➔ Tracking poll
11. *Use the graph to answer the question

Which of the following is the best description for this type of poll?
➔ Exit poll
➔ Straw poll
➔ Push poll
➔ Tracking poll

12. *Use the graph to answer the question

Which of the following is the best description for this type of poll?
➔ Exit poll
➔ Straw poll
➔ Push poll
➔ Tracking poll
13. *Which of the following best describes random sampling?
➔ A scientific method of selection in which pollsters structure a sample so that it is
representative of the characteristics of the target population
➔ A statistical calculation of the difference in results between a poll of randomly
drawn sample and a poll of the entire population
➔ A method of selection in which the target population is divided into fourths and
certain areas within these regions are selected as representative of the national
➔ A scientific method of selection in which each member of the population has an
equal chance of being included in the sample
14. *Use the scenario to answer the question: In a public opinion poll of a quota sample of a
population, 1,200 people were asked whether they supported the Democrat or the
Republican in the congressional election the next day. The result was 53% for the
Democrat and 47% for the Republican with a margin of error of 4 percentage points. The
next day the results came in and the Republican won with 51% of
the vote. Which of the following most likely accounts for the
difference in results?
➔ The sample size was not large enough
➔ The question was biased
➔ The results are within the margin of error
➔ The question was not open ended
15. *Use the graph to answer the question

Which of the following in is an accurate statement based on the infographic

➔ African Americans support the Republicans more than any

other minority group
➔ Hispanics support the Democrats more than Caucasians
➔ Hispanics support Democrats more than Asians and other
➔ Whites support Independents more than African Americans

16. *The following is based on the graphic below

An important change in political culture since 1972 is that the United States citizens have
➔ More trusting of non-governmental institutions and leaders to solve domestic
➔ Less trusting of governmental institutions and leaders to solve domestic
➔ More likely to believe that their actions can influence governmental policy
➔ Less supportive of US foreign policy actions to solve international problems

17. *Use the quote to answer the question:

“Well educated parents are more likely to also be politically active and to discuss politics
at home and to produce children who are active in high school growing up in a politicized
household and being active in high school are associated with political engagement “

Which of the following statements support the authors’ argument

➔ Parents who expose their kids to media will help them become more politically
➔ Parents who take their kids to protests are more likely to be politically active
➔ Donald Trump’s insistence on creating a border wall inspired engagement in
➔ Children who attend religious service regularly are more likely to be politically
18. *Use the graph to answer the question

Based on the graph, which of the following is an accurate statement about the
information in the graph
➔ Most independents are moderately religious
➔ Very religious Muslims are most likely to be Republicans
➔ Moderately religious Americans are most likely to be Republicans
➔ Very religious Americans are most likely to be Republicans
19. *A cable news program asks its viewers to respond to an online poll and then proposes
to report on the results in tomorrow’s programs. Which of the following best describes
this practice?
➔ Exit poll
➔ Straw poll
➔ Push poll
➔ Tracking poll
20. *A pollster asks who people would vote in this upcoming Presidential election and does
so each week to follow what candidate is doing well and what candidates are doing
poorly. Which of the following best describes this practice?
➔ Exit poll
➔ Straw poll
➔ Push poll
➔ Tracking poll
21. *Which of the following has historically had the highest impact on political socialization
➔ Media
➔ Peers
➔ Politicians
➔ Family
22. *The validity of a poll is best determined by
➔ A sample of citizens who are contacted by large groups of volunteers going door
to door
➔ A reliance on using television as a primary medium to contact citizens
➔ Large online samples in which citizens are asked to voluntarily submit responses
➔ A random sample of citizens in a poll whose margin of error is less than 4%
23. *Use the table to answer the question

Which of the following is an accurate statement according to the information in the

➔ Millennials are more in favor of small government than Gen X
➔ Gen X is the most in favor of Big Government
➔ Baby Boomers are the least in favor of Big Government
➔ eration is most in favor of small government
24. *A challenger’s campaign sends out a robocall to as many people in the Incumbent’s
congressional district as possible asking if constituents would support the incumbent
spending campaign funds to take his girlfriends on vacation. Which of the following best
describes this practices
➔ Exit poll
➔ Straw poll
➔ Push poll
➔ Tracking poll
25. *Which of the following CORRECTLY pairs a political ideology with a government
➔ (A) Liberal; Believes that college admissions ought to support affirmative action
➔ (B) Conservative; Opposes any government intervention to end discrimination
➔ (C) Libertarian; Supports government efforts to ban personal possession of
➔ (D) Populist; opposes economic tariffs that support domestic factory workers
26. *Which of the following is an accurate description of the Democratic and Republican
➔ (A) Democratic Party: Supported by a majority African Americans; Republican
Party: Supported by a majority of Asian Americans
➔ (B) Democratic Party: Follows a liberal ideology; Republican Party: Follows a
libertarian ideology
➔ (C) Democratic Party: Supported by a majority of men; Republican Party:
Supported by a majority of women
➔ (D) Democratic Party: Supported by a majority of Hispanics; Republican Party:
Supported by a majority of whites
27. *Political socialization is the process by which
➔ Public attitudes toward government are measures and reported
➔ Political values are passed to the next generation
➔ The use of private property is regulated by the government
➔ Governments communicate with each other
28. *The following question is based on the excerpt below: (Quote from Herbert Asher)
According to the excerpt above, political polling gains it legitimacy from
➔ Being scientifically accurate because of technological improvements
➔ The distrust of the public towards public opinion
➔ Its ability to reflect the mood of public opinion and policy wishes of constituents
➔ Its independence from the news media and elected officials

29. Use the graph to

answer the question
Which of the following court cases is most relevant to the topic of the graph?
➔ Brown v Board of Education
➔ Roe v Wade
➔ McDonald v Chicago
➔ Shaw v Reno
30. *Which of the following represents a liberal political belief?
➔ Tax cuts are the best solution to economic problems in a nation
➔ The government ought to make every effort to reduce unemployment
➔ The government should have zero tolerance for protest demonstrations
➔ The government ought to implement race-blind policies regarding minority hiring
31. *According to the graph above, the term “gender gap” as shown in the 2016 election,
demonstrated that
➔ Women tended to be proportionately over-represented in the US Congress.
➔ Women tended to vote in much higher numbers than men in national elections.
➔ Women tended to be more educated than men.
➔ Women tend to be more liberal than men in their voting
Unit 5

1. *Interest groups are protected mainly by the

➔ 1st Amendment
➔ Decision in Gitlow v. New York
➔ Executive orders passed by Presidents Bush and Obama
➔ 10th Amendment
2. *The passage of the Motor Voter Law had which of the following effects?
➔ There was an increase in registration and a increase in turnout
➔ There was an increase in registration but no dramatic increase in turnout
➔ There was an decrease in registration and a decrease in turnout
➔ There has been a decrease in registration because states have successfully
challenged the law’s constitutionality
3. *How do political parties and interest groups differ?
➔ Political parties represent both sides of the political spectrum while interest
groups usually only represent liberal interests
➔ Political parties are strictly regulated by the government while interest groups are
➔ Political parties run candidates for office while interest groups do not run
➔ Political parties register citizens to vote while interest groups are barred from
doing that
4. *In the last thirty years, which of the following is the single most important variable in
determining the outcome of an election of the House of Representatives?
➔ Incumbency
➔ Membership in the political party of the president
➔ Positions on key social issues
➔ Previous political office held in the district
5. *Use this scenario to answer the question.

A state has 13 electoral votes. In a presidential election, the Republican candidate

receives 47 percent of that state’s popular vote and the Democratic candidate receives
43 percent of the vote.

If the state is similar to most other states, how will the electoral votes most likely be
➔ The votes will not be allocated until there has been a runoff election between the
two candidates
➔ The Republican candidate will receive 6 electoral votes, the Democrat will
receive 5, and the third place candidate will receive 2
➔ The Republican candidate will receive all 13 electoral votes
➔ The Republican candidate will receive 7 electoral votes and the Democrat will
receive 5
6. *The free rider problem refers to
➔ A person who benefits from an interest group that does not join in.
➔ A candidate with great personal wealth who does not need pac money.
➔ Candidates for office who faced no primary opposition.
➔ Members of Congress who take gifts from lobbyists.
7. *Use the quote to answer the question:
”A restriction on the amount of money a person or group can spend on political
communication during a campaign necessarily reduces the quantity of expression by
restricting the number of issues discussed the depth of their expression and the size of
the audience reached.... given the important role of contributions and financing political
campaign contribution restrictions could have a severe impact on political dialogue if the
limitations prevented candidates and political committees from amassing the resources
necessary for effective advocacy”
Which of the following statements best represents the decision made in this Supreme
Court case?
➔ It struck down provisions that allowed large donors the ability to serve on a
political campaign or be hired after the election
➔ It placed harsh restrictions on the amount of money that corporations and interest
groups could donate to candidates and political parties
➔ It ruled that political parties could not redraw political boundaries to favor their
➔ It ruled that placing restrictions on financial contributions would essentially be a
violation of the first amendments rights to free speech
8. *Which scenario best explains the big tent principle
➔ Democrats seeking labor support from labor unions
➔ Republicans seeking support from members of the National Rifle Association
➔ Republicans seeking support from evangelical African Americans
➔ Democrats seeking support from pro-choice New Yorkers
9. *In which way are interest groups most likely to influence decisions of the Supreme
➔ By making a key donation to one of the justices they are trying to Lobby.
➔ By voting for justices who will likely decide in their favor.
➔ By filing an amicus curiae briefs supporting one side of a case that the court is
➔ By controlling the decisions that reach the court.
10. *Use the chart to answer the question.

Why do interest groups support incumbents at a much higher rate than Challengers or in
open seats
➔ Incumbents usually win elections.
➔ Challenges are already very well-funded.
➔ Incumbents tend to be Republicans who receive much more money than
➔ Open seats are almost always a tossup
11. *Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the two court cases?
➔ Buckley v. Valeo: placed caps on political spending limits; Citizens United v.
FEC: ruled that the 1st Amendment does not protect all political speech
➔ Buckley v. Valeo: allowed soft money; Citizens United v. FEC: banned hard
➔ Buckley v. Valeo: overturned some limits on political spending; Citizens United v.
FEC: allowed for the creation of issue advocacy groups to raise and spend
unlimited amounts of money
➔ Buckley v. Valeo: created the FEC; Citizens United v. FEC: stopped the ability of
interest groups to form Political Action Committees (PACs)
12. *A third party candidate has run for Congress 4 times with no success at winning a seat.
When she retires from seeking office, she wishes to promote electoral reforms to help
more candidates like herself have a better chance of winning. Which of the following
should she promote?
➔ Incorporation of the 3rd party platform into the platforms of the two major political
➔ Abolishing the national televised Presidential debate
➔ Abolishment of the single member district winner take all voting systems in favor
of a proportional representation system
➔ Restrictions on negative television advertising
13. *Use the table to answer the question. Which of the following choices is an inaccurate
representation of the iron triangle?

➔ The President’s Chief of Staff is asked to be the new CEO of General Electric
➔ The former head of the Federal Reserve is asked to serve on the board of
directors for the iU.S Chambers of Commerce
➔ The CEO of Blue Cross/Blue Shield is tapped to be the next Secretary of Health
and Human Services
➔ A former Congressman on the armed services committee is hired as the chief
lobbyist for the Boeing Corporation
14. *Use the chart to answer the question

House of Reps Democrats - 189 Republicans - 246

Senate Democrats - 48 Republicans - 52

President Democrat

Which terminology best describes the government in the diagram above?

➔ Two-party government.
➔ Divided government.
➔ Multi-party government.
➔ Polarized government.
Because most of the American electorate do not have political opinions
➔ Candidates are afraid of alienating those on different sides of important issues
➔ The public tends to have stronger opinions than parties
➔ Because most of the American electorate have positions that middle-of-the-road
15. *Use the scenario to answer the question. Marcus has won the Republican primary and
will be on the ballot in the general election this November. He has not yet chosen his
vice presidential running mate. Marcus is known as being a very right-wing Republican
from Virginia who has been a senator for the past 24 years. When selecting a candidate
which of the following is the Presidential nominee most concerned with in choosing a
running mate
➔ They are both from the same ideological wing of the party
➔ They add balance and appeal to the National Ticket
They have significant personal wealth
➔ They can effectively preside over the Senate
16. *Which of the following citizens would be the most likely to vote for a Democrat?
➔ An Hispanic pastor
➔ An Asian doctor
➔ A white small business owner
➔ An African American teacher
17. *Organizations that allow individuals to communicate their preferences to policymakers
such as the media and political parties are often associated with which important political
science concept
➔ Grassroots Organizing
➔ Gatekeeping
➔ Linkage institutions
➔ Hyperpluralism
18. *Which scenario best illustrates grassroots lobbying?
➔ An interest group encourages and organizes its members to contact their state
legislators to support their policy goals
➔ A direct Mail effort by an interest group to increase its membership rolls
➔ A corporate PAC makes a large donation to a candidate a week before the
➔ An interest group goes on television to talk about the goals and objectives of their
19. *Use the quote to answer the question:
“If the First Amendment has any force it prohibits Congress from finding or jailing citizens
or associations of citizens were simply engaging in political speech... When government
seeks to use its full power including the criminal law to command where a person's may
get his or her information or what distributed sources he or she may not hear it uses
censorship to control thought this is unlawful the First Amendment confirms that freedom
to think for ourselves.” - Justice Anthony Kennedy writing for the majority in citizens
united V. Federal Election Commission

Which of the following phrases would most likely be associated with this case
➔ Fake news is not protected speech.
➔ Political speech is protected speech.
➔ The spoken word is not protected speech in every situation.
➔ One’s thoughts are protected speech.
20. *With reference to political parties, how does the U.S. Constitution describe them
➔ Mentions how primary elections are held
➔ Made no mention of them
➔ Provided a detailed plan for their organization
➔ Specified that Congress be organized along party lines
21. *Use the quote to answer the question:
“If the first amendment has any force it prohibits Congress from finding or jailing citizens
or associations of citizens were simply engaging in political speech... When government
seeks to use its full power including the criminal law to command where a person's may
get his or her information or what distributed sources he or she may not hear it uses
censorship to control thought this is unlawful the First Amendment confirms that freedom
to think for ourselves.” - Justice Anthony Kennedy writing for the majority in citizens
united V. Federal Election Commission

What was the outcome of the Supreme Court decision?

➔ Candidates for office could for the first time doing it their own campaign.
➔ Labor unions were unable to force workers to join their cause.
➔ Federal government workers could now work on political campaigns.
➔ Corporations could essentially donate unlimited amounts of money to Super
22. *Use the chart to answer the question. Identify a trend in the chart
➔ Black voter turnout was at its in 2008 and 2012
➔ Asian turnout has always been the lowest since 1988
➔ White voter turnout has always been the highest since 1988
➔ Hispanics voters have the second highest voter turnout percentage
23. *Use the chart to answer the question: Which group would be encouraged by an overall
incline in voter turnout for Asians, Hispanics and Blacks since 2000

➔ Swing states candidates

➔ The Democratic Party
➔ The Republican Party
➔ Third party candidates
24. *Use the graph to answer the question. Identify a trend in the chart
➔ From 2012-2016 Republicans had a much higher favorable opinion than
➔ Since 2004 favorable opinion for Democrats has been generally higher than the
Republican party favorable opinions
➔ The widest gap in favorability between the Democrats and Republicans was in
➔ Since 1993 Republican party favorable opinion was lowest in 1999
25. *Which of the following is usually the result of a critical election
➔ Divided government.
➔ Policy gridlock.
➔ Party realignment.
➔ Policy implementation.
26. *Use the following visual to answer the question. Which of the following answers
represent the best example of an effective and well-connected iron triangle?

➔ The President's Chief of Staff, the CEO of Blue Cross/Blue Shield, the Secretary
of Health and Human Services
➔ The Chief of Justice of the Supreme Court, the President of the American Bat
Association, the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee
➔ Chairwoman of the armed services committee, the chief lobbyist for Boeing, the
Secretary of Defense
➔ Ranking member of the education committee, Secretary of the Department of
Education Department, the mayor of New York City
27. *Imagine you have been tasked to head a special committee to increase voter turnout in
the United States. Which of the following situations would provide the biggest
opportunities to increase voter turnout?
➔ Having earlier registration deadlines
➔ Holding more elections
➔ Moving toward a system of national nominating convention
➔ Turning Election Day into a national holiday
28. *Considering every election in the United States at the local, state, and federal level.
Which of the following best describes electoral behavior of the American people?
➔ Voter turnout almost no role in election outcomes.
➔ Primary elections usually have higher voter turnout than general elections.
➔ The majority of the electorate does not vote in most elections.
➔ Citizens under the age of 30 have the highest rate of voter turnout.
29. *Use the quote to answer the question:
“Open, competitive examinations for testing the fitness of applicants for the public
service now classified or to be classified here under. Such as emanation shall be
practical in their character, and so far as may be shall relate to those matters which will
fairly test the relative capacity and fitness of the persons examined to discharge the
duties of the service into which they seek to be appointed. That no person in the public
service is for the reason under any obligation to contribute to any political fund or to
render any political service, and that he will not be removed or otherwise prejudiced for
refusing to do so” - Provisions of the Pendleton Act (1883)

The Pendleton act led to which of the following for the federal government
➔ Political Based Appointments.
➔ The spoils system.
➔ Reduced accountability.
➔ Merit-based hiring.
30. *Use the image to answer the question. Republican candidate Donald Trump often used
social media as an effective way to promote a candidate-centered campaign which
allows him to

➔ Bypass federal laws and limitations for advertisements

➔ Anger and upset his political opponents
➔ Help the Republican party win key swing states
➔ Communicate with and mobilize his supporters without relying on the party
31. *What can be described as the key role of Political Action Committees (PAC)?
➔ Raising funds in support of a favored candidate’s election
➔ Providing testimony at Congressional hearings
➔ Creating ‘Friend of the Court’ briefs at trial
➔ Assisting in the writing of congressional legislation
32. *Political parties and interest groups are both formally organized groups. How do they
➔ Political parties tend to encompass more broad coalitions while interest groups
tend to be more narrow
➔ Political parties raise and spend money in large quantities while interest groups
are generally nonprofit entities
➔ Political parties operate at the national level while interest groups operate at the
state and local level
➔ Political parties stimulate awareness of important topics while interest groups
33. *Use the quote to answer the question

“When deciding for whom they will vote, some voters evaluate candidates on the
basis of their positions on issues and then cast their ballots for those who best
represent their views. Called prospective voting, this method of evaluation
focuses on what the candidates will do in the future. I'm more common form of
candidate evaluation is retrospective voting, in which a voter examines an
incumbent candidate out of the basis of whether their incumbents past decisions
and actions are satisfactory to the voter.” - Pippa Norris

A retrospective voter would choose which of the following candidates

➔ A candidate promises to cut taxes when elected.
➔ A candidate running for governor, with 20 years of experience as mayor.
➔ A candidate who has consistently been pro-choice their entire career.
➔ A candidates switches their party to cater to more voters

34. *Use the quote to answer the question.

Louise Overacker, a political scientist, wrote this in 1932: “any effective program of
control must make it possible to bring into the light, the sources and amounts of all funds
used in political campaigns and the way in which those funds are expended”

Which of the following best illustrates the desired goals from this quote?
➔ The outcome of the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC
➔ PACs who are required to disclose their donors and are limited on their donations
➔ Large corporations spending hundreds of millions of dollars in the 2016
➔ The creation of super PACs
35. *Which of the following is true about most third-party campaigns in American history?
➔ They usually become major political parties over time.
➔ They raise more money than two major parties.
➔ They frequently are successful.
➔ They almost never win office.
36. *This question is based on the excerpt below:

“Democracy is a competitive political system in which competing leaders and

organizations define the alternatives of public policy in such a way that the public can
participate in the decision-making process.” - E. E. Schattschneider

Based on the excerpt above which of the following statements about interest groups
would correspond with the viewpoint of the author?
➔ Interest groups are usually co-opted by wealthy corporations and elites who have
disproportionate influence in society.
➔ Competing interest groups can oftentimes conflict with one another, leading to
policy gridlock and legislative inaction.
➔ interest groups are rarely criticized, since the public overwhelming view lobbyists
as positive contributors to a democracy.
➔ interest groups are necessary linkage institutions in a society where a multitude
of citizens are trying to have their voices heard.
37. *Use the chart to answer the question:
Hypothetical congressional election results (Note:there are 435 total seats in Congress)

Political Party Percent of vote won Seats won in Congress


Party A 51% 246

Party B 37% 189

Party C 10% 0

Party D 2% 0

Which of the following is the most likely reason that party C did not win any seats in
➔ Parties a and b ran candidates with better debate skills than party C.
➔ The election had high voter turnout and Party C voters did not turn out at high
➔ The election use single member district winner-take-all rules which hindered
party C.
➔ Party C did not present a coherent set of ideas to the electorate in the campaign.
38. *Use the chart to answer the question. The two major parties often issue formal
statements of its principles and policy objectives prior to the general election. What is
this referred to as?

a. Strong support of rights granted from Roe v. Wade
b. Curbing the interests of well financed lobbyists & special interests
c. The right to own firearms is subject to more regulation

a. Congress cannot balance the budget by raising taxes
b. Congress should repeal Obamacare
c. Support a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as a union between
one man and one woman

➔ Platform
➔ Coalition
➔ Constituency
➔ Affiliation

39. *Which of the following scenarios represents the practice of “ticket splitting”?
➔ The procedure used to conduct automatic vote-counting
➔ voting for one party for one office and another party for another office.
➔ voting with one party in one presidential election and another party in the next
presidential election
➔ switching membership in political parties
40. *Use the table to answer the following question:
Which of the following individuals would be the most effective person to hire to represent
these large lobbying interests?
➔ The former head of a federal agency that oversees your business
➔ A community activist who often rallies large numbers of people to protest causes
related to your business
➔ A former congressman who lives in the same district that your headquarters are
➔ A former government official of a foreign government
41. *Which of the following explains why politicians and citizens oftentimes criticize interest
➔ Interest groups increase the awareness of special interest groups to the
➔ Interest groups may over represent the interests of elites, thus limiting
representative democracy.
➔ Interest groups provide information to members of congress that is favorable to a
position taken by a special interest group
➔ Interest groups poll the public to help determine a position that a special interest
group should take.
42. *Both democrats and republicans agree that immigration should be a major concern of
the federal government. Where are there disagreements over the policy of immigration?
➔ Democrats would more supportive of a physical barrier along the southern border
with Mexico.
➔ Republicans would be more supportive of increasing the net immigration levels to
help solve the problems of underemployment.
➔ Democrats would be more supportive of a pathway to citizenship for immigrants
who are already in the United States.
➔ Republicans would be more supportive of providing economic and health benefits
to newly arriving immigrants to the United States.
43. *Which of the following best describes the relationship between income and vote
➔ Those with the highest income and those with the lowest income tend to vote for
➔ Those with lower incomes tend to vote for Republicans, those with higher
incomes vote for democrats.
➔ Those with the highest income and those with the lowest income tend to vote for
➔ Those with lower incomes tend to vote for Democrats, those with higher incomes
vote for Republicans.
44. Former President Jimmy Carter (1977 -1981) bemoaned the influence of special-
interest, saying that they are “the single greatest threat to the proper functioning of our
democratic system”. Ronald Reagan (1981 -1989) said that interest groups are “placing
out focus our constitutional balance”. What would these presidents think about the role
of interest groups today?
➔ They would be encouraged by the wide-reaching amount of legislation passed by
Congress to limit the amount of money in politics.
➔ They would be concerned that the number of interest groups have grown
exponentially and most Americans now are a member of an interest group.
➔ They would be worried that the role of Super PACs and 501(c)(4) groups have
rapidly increased the amount of money in politics.
➔ They would be happy about the role that the Supreme Court has played in strictly
limiting the amount of money in politics.
45. *Use the chart to answer the question. What is the most likely predictor for voting for a
particular candidate in the presidential election?
➔ Party identification
➔ Bipartisanship
➔ Character
➔ Gender
46. Which of the following correctly pairs a theory of representative democracy and
the actions of an interest group?
➔ A) Pluralism; Interest groups representing oil companies and environmental
groups work to help pass a compromise bill from Congress on global warming
➔ B) Elitism; Multiple interest groups from both the tobacco lobby and health
industry work together to provide services to their respective constituents
➔ C) Hyper Pluralism; Two interest groups representing Wall Street interests
provide the vast amount of financial support to Congress people voting on a bill
to limit banks
➔ D) Populism; Many interest groups from both sides of a controversial issue
manage to stop all pending legislation from Congress
47. *A primary election in which voters are required to identify a party preference before the
election and are not allowed to split their ticket is called
➔ A closed primary
➔ An open primary
➔ A blanket primary
➔ A runoff primary
48. *Use the following visual to answer the question:
Which term explains how people move from point to point within the Iron Triangle?
➔ Revolving door
➔ Issue network
➔ Electioneering
➔ lobbyist
49. *Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the two types of primary?
➔ A) Open primary: also known as the Australian primary; Closed primary: also
known as a blanket primary
➔ B) Open primary: candidates from any party can run; Closed primary: candidates
from only the two major parties can run
➔ C) Open primary: strict limits on spending; Closed primary: no limits on spending
➔ D) Open primary: all voters can vote regardless of party identification; Closed
primary; only voters of a specific political party can vote
50. *The principal function of an interest group is to
➔ Draw media attention to its cause
➔ Obtain favorable policies from the government for the cause it supports
➔ Win congressional seats
➔ Provide campaign money to candidates for public office who favor its programs
51. *The following questions are based on the excerpt below:
“By a faction I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a
minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of
passion, or interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and
aggregate interests of the community. There are two methods of curing the mischiefs of
faction: the one, by removing its causes; the other, by controlling its effects”
- James Madison, Federalist No. 10
For Madison in Federalist No. 10 “the most common and durable source of factions has
➔ The unequal distribution of property
➔ The various political views held by the elites
➔ Unequal natural abilities of people
➔ Religion and ideology
52. Which of the following would most likely be accused of influence peddling through the
revolving door?
➔ A former president who advises the current president on a particular foreign
policy issue
➔ A voter who researchers the positions of all candidates in a race and chooses the
one who will personally benefit his positions on tax policy
➔ An official who leaves the State Department in order to work as a paid consultant
to foreign governments
➔ A congressperson who retires to take a position teaching political science at a
53. Which of the following is most likely responsible for the recent trend shown in the graph
➔ Proliferation of
➔ Buckley v. Valeo
➔ Gerrymandering
➔ Citizens v. FEC

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