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Trans Fatty Acids: Presentation of Data: Proposed Modifications To AOAC 996.06, Optimizing The Determination of

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1, 2008


Proposed Modifications to AOAC 996.06, Optimizing the

Determination of Trans Fatty Acids: Presentation of Data
Covance Laboratories Inc., 3301 Kinsman Blvd, Madison, WI 53704

The increased focus on the accuracy of trans fatty available, the quantitation is performed using the response
acid data generated using current methodologies factors of isomers of similar chemical structure. Identification is

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has resulted in research initiatives to optimize the then established using peak retention times and comparison of
quality of these assays. In this study, scientists the fatty acid profile to the peak assignments in the method.
combined the established methodology from Quantitation of each analyte is then performed relative to a
AOAC 996.06 and the American Oil Chemists C11:0 (undecanoic acid) internal standard. Using this FAME
Society method Ce 1h-05, as well as other profile, trans fats are identified and summed to generate a total
independent research. As a result, method trans fat value.
modifications are proposed that could allow for a
After the development and validation of Method 996.06,
more accurate determination of trans fat than the
the American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS) performed
current AOAC 996.06 method. Validation data from
additional research to optimize trans fatty acid isomer
this study are presented. The authors encourage
separation and identification. This was done using a round
peer review and offer to facilitate a collaborative
robin, multilaboratory validation process and culminated in
validation to update AOAC 996.06.
the release of method No. Ce 1h-05 in 2005 (3). As a result,
additional fatty acid isomers are more clearly separated, and at

n January 1, 2006, legislation in the United States went least 15 trans isomers can now be specifically identified and
into effect requiring the labeling of trans fat in food and quantitated using the AOCS conditions. Because analytical
dietary supplements. As a result, nutrition labels are standard materials for direct calibration are not available for
required to include trans fat and disclose amounts >0.5 g. all isomers separated, some isomers were identified using
Foods that contain less than this can claim “0 g of trans fat per techniques such as Fourier transform infrared spectrometry
serving” (Canadian regulations allow this statement for levels and silver-ion chromatography.
<0.2 g). The methods of analysis for trans fat in these products Due to the fact that the AOCS method was written
have subsequently become increasingly important, and have specifically for the analysis of pure oils and fats, it does not
also come under intensive scrutiny by manufacturers and include the sample preparation procedures documented in the
consumers alike. These methods need to evolve in order to AOAC Method (i.e., the separation of the fats from food
accurately analyze foods against these regulatory requirements matrixes). To compile the data presented, we have continued
while maintaining the highest degree of scientific accuracy (1). to follow the sample extraction as written in AOAC
AOAC Method 996.06 (1) for the analysis of trans fat is Method 996.06, but have employed the improved analytical
specified as one of the preferred methods by the U.S. Food and separation of the GC conditions as documented in the
Drug Administration (FDA; 2). It is specifically the method of AOCS method.
preference for foods that contain low levels of trans fat, as It should be noted FDA district laboratories currently use
opposed to ingredients, such as frying oils, that contain high both AOAC and AOCS methods. In addition, the AOAC
levels. This method, originally developed in 1996, involves the guidelines allow the use of alternate steps within the scope of a
extraction of fat and fatty acids from food by acidic or alkaline method, provided that all potential parameters related to the
hydrolysis. After hydrolysis, the fats are extracted into mixed accuracy and reliability of the data are validated. Different GC
ethers and converted into fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs). conditions in this analysis are inherent to the proposed
The FAMEs are a mixture of all of the cis and trans isomers
modifications, as they affect the determination of trans fat.
derived from the food product. A profile of the isomers is
The GC column temperature program, in particular, is critical
obtained using gas chromatography (GC). When available,
in analysis of trans fats, as minimal changes have a great
individual standards are employed to identify and quantitate the
effect on the separation of the trans isomers (4). The other
individual isomers in the sample. When standards are not
component in the modifications is in the interpretation and
quantitation of the chromatography. Measures to standardize
Received May 14, 2007. Accepted by AP October 24, 2007.
Corresponding author's e-mail: the procedure have been established in an attempt to quantify
trans fat accurately and consistently.

Table 1. GC conditions of AOAC 996.06 versus the modified method

AOAC 996.06 Modified method

GC detector Hydrogen flame ionization Hydrogen flame ionization

Capillary column packing 100% Cyanopropanol 100% Cyanopropanol
Capillary column dimensions 100 m ´ 0.25 mm, 0.20 mm film thickness 100 m ´ 0.25 mm, 0.20 mm film thickness
Suggested capillary column SP 2560 SP 2560, HP-88, CP-Sil 88
Injector temp., °C 225 250
Detector temp., °C 285 300
Split ratio 200:1 100:1
Injection volume, mL 2 0.2

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Carrier gas Helium Helium (HE) or hydrogen (H)
Flow rate, mL/min 0.75 1.0 (He), 1.2 (H)
Linear velocity, cm/s 18 18 (He), 30 (H)
Hold-ramp-hold sequence Initial temp. 100°C; hold 4 min; Helium: initial temp. 170°C; hold 17.5 min;
ramp 3°C/min; final temp. 240°C; ramp 5°C/min; final temp. 200°C; hold 2 min; ramp 5°C/min;
hold 15 min final temp. 210°C; hold 22.5 min
Hydrogen: initial temp. 170°C; hold 11.2 min;
ramp 7.9°C/min; final temp. 200°C; hold 1.3 min; ramp 7.9°C/min;
final temp. 210°C; hold 16.0 min

Figure 1. 18:1 and 18:2 cis and trans isomers in USDA Grade AA butter, identified individually but integrated for
quantitation using the proposed method.

Table 2. Typical levels of trans fat in a variety of foods Table 3. Precision data for trans fat in 4 different
using the modified method matrixes

Food product Total trans fat, % Shortening

Potato chips 11.0 Oil Cereal cracker 18:1t 18:2t
Butter 4.04
French fries 2.76 Mean trans fat, 5.54 0.77 1.14 12.7 2.84
%, as acids
Fried corn tortilla chips 2.59
SD, % 0.154 0.014 0.023 0.222 0.146
Sweetened condensed milk 1.80
RSD, % 2.77 1.83 2.02 1.75 1.62
Beef/hamburger 0.86
Bread 0.25 a
SD = Standard deviation.
Corn cereal 0.14 RSD = Relative standard deviation.

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Peanut butter 0.06
Granola bars 0.02

to the profile of the identified isomers in the AOCS method.

Total trans fat in this method is defined as the trans isomers of
Over the last 2 years, the revisions and recommendations set the 18:1 and 18:2 fatty acids, which are quantitated and
forth in this paper have been used to analyze hundreds of food summed to yield total trans fat (see the note below concerning
and supplement matrixes. As performance checks are imperative other trans fatty acids). The peaks 9 trans 18:1 (elaidate) and 9
with any method, every analysis we perform includes the testing trans, 12 trans, 18:2 (linolelaidate) are identified and
of a control material. The control material used for fatty acid quantitated using external standards. Additional 18:1 and 18:2
profiles including trans fat is a cheese cracker matrix. Statistics trans fat isomers are quantitated using guidelines from the
on this material are the foundation of our study, although we also AOCS method, in which the regions of 18:1 and 18:2 trans
present the chromatography of U.S. Department of Agriculture isomers are quantified as grouped peaks, identification being
(USDA) Grade AA butter and analytical data on cereal, confirmed by retention times of other known peaks.
shortening, and a proprietary oil blend.
Quantitation of these peaks is performed using the response
factors of elaidate and linolelaidate, respectively. Trans 18:1
METHOD isomers are considered to be the peaks immediately near 9 trans
18:1 elaidate (typically 4 trans–14 trans 18:1) but prior to 9 cis
The method of analysis for trans fat used in this evaluation 18:1, as well as 16 trans 18:1 (which elutes after 9-cis 18:1).
combines aspects of both AOAC 996.06 and AOCS Ce 1h-05.
Trans 18:2 isomers are considered to be the peaks between
Proposed revisions to AOAC 996.06 occur in the
15 cis 18:1 and 9 cis, 13 cis 18:2. Figure 1 is a chromatogram of
GC conditions and the identification and quantitation of trans
18:1 and 18:2 cis and trans isomers in butter. Isomers are
fat in subsequent chromatography. Suggested modifications
to the GC parameters in AOAC 996.06 are presented in identified individually, but integrated by region to demonstrate
Table 1 as a side-by-side comparison. Calculation of data the quantitation of 18:1 and 18:2 trans by the method described.
using the modified method is explained below. These peak regions are subsequently calculated against the
The quantitation of major peaks in the profile is performed most similar external standard (elaidate for 18:1 trans, and
using external standards relative to a C11:0 internal standard. linolelaidate for 18:2 trans). One exception to the grouped
However, standard materials for many of the minor quantitation is the inclusion of 16 trans 18:1, which elutes
components in the profile are not available. As a result, between known 18:1 cis peaks. Total 18:1 trans, total
identification of some important isomers is done by comparison 18:2 trans, and total trans fatty acids can be reported using this

Table 4. Precision statistics for total fatty acids in the cheese cracker matrix control (n = 47)

As acids

Total quantitated fat,

Total Saturated fat Monounsaturated fat Polyunsaturated fat Trans fat as triglycerides

Mean, % 7.04 6.41 10.15 1.14 25.97

SD, % 0.134 0.117 0.183 0.023 0.461
RSD, % 1.91 1.83 1.80 2.02 1.78

Table 5. Trans fatty acid statistics, modified method versus AOAC 996.06

USDA Grade AA butter Cheese cracker matrix

Modified methoda AOAC 996.06a Modified methodb AOAC 996.06a

18:1 trans 18:2 trans 18:1 trans 18:2 trans 18:1 trans 18.2 trans 18:1 trans 18:2 trans

Mean, % 3.37 0.68 2.07 1.10 0.82 0.32 0.71 0.38

SD, % 0.178 0.058 0.073 0.051 0.015 0.009 0.024 0.012
RSD, % 5.28 8.53 3.53 4.64 1.81 2.68 3.38 3.20

n = 16.
n = 47.

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methodology. This method of identification is supported by trans are underestimated because the small isomers are hidden
research published in Food Chemistry (5). under the much larger cis peaks. The net result is, therefore,
Note: Some coelution of cis and trans isomers occurs in the considered to be negligible (5). This also ensures, in the
current methodology and in this method. For example, 6 cis interest of human health, that significant trans fatty acids are
18:1 coelutes with 13–14 trans 18:1, 14 cis 18:1 with 16 trans quantitated. Regions of other trans fatty acids, such as 14:1,
18:1, and 15 trans 18:1 with 9 cis 18:1. However, because 16:1, 18:3, and 20:1, are not addressed, as they are typically
individual peak identification cannot be confirmed, we have not found in significant levels. Also, conjugated 18:2 linoleic
followed the AOCS method of identification that takes a and conjugated 18:3 linolenic acids (CLA) can be determined
conservative approach and quantitates all peaks in the 18:1 independently. Because these conjugated isomers are not
and 18:2 trans regions as trans fat. This is a result of the fact classified or quantified as part of trans fat, they are out of the
that the relative amounts of cis versus trans in these minor scope of the proposed method changes.
peaks cannot be determined. Although some trans may be Another item to consider in regards to using external
overestimated by quantitating entire regions of peaks, the standards in any analysis of fatty acids is that commercially
research reported in Food Chemistry (5) shows that other available fatty acid standards are not 100.0% pure (i.e., 99.5 to

Figure 2. Cis and trans isomers in USDA Grade AA butter using the GC conditions and integration guidelines in
the proposed method.

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Figure 3. Cis and trans isomers in USDA Grade AA butter using AOAC 996.06 GC conditions and integration

99.8%); impurities typically are other fatty acids. When a In the chromatograms, note that the modified method
standard solution is prepared with multiple analytes, trace produces better separation of 18:1 trans peaks. The 4–11t
contaminants in each reference standard could increase the 18:1 peaks, while still not baseline resolved, can be seen
actual concentration of another fatty acid in the mixture. There using modified conditions. Also, the 13–14t 18:1 peak is
is not really a clean way to eliminate such interference, and it very well resolved when compared to the AOAC 996.06 in
has generally been accepted that in the absence of absolutely which it is completely hidden under the large 18:1 cis (oleic
pure reference materials, it is a negligible source of error to acid) peak. Another difference is that the 16t 18:1 peak is
the assay. slightly better defined in the modified method, and the
modified approach identifies it and subsequent 14–15 cis
Method Evaluation 18:1 peaks. This, in turn, lowers the total 18:2 trans when
compared to the approach in AOAC 996.06 (that method
This method has been evaluated on a variety of matrixes. quantitates all of these peaks as 18:2 trans). A final point of
Table 2 shows trans fat levels in different food products, while interest with the modified method is that by using hydrogen
Table 3 contains precision data for different types of as the carrier gas, the retention time of the trans region is
matrixes (6). Tables 4 and 5 contain expanded precision data better defined at 17–19 min than the AOAC Method is at
and specific statistics on 18:1 and 18:2 trans fat in butter and 44–47 min.
the cheese cracker matrix. This method has demonstrated a high degree of precision at
Possibly the best evaluation of the method is to show low levels. The limit of quantitation (LOQ) typically
chromatograms and results from the same food product employed by Covance is 0.01%, based upon the successful
analyzed by both methods. Figures 2 and 3 show the analysis of the low standard in a 5 point standard curve. The
difference between the modified method and AOAC 996.06 at limit of detection (LOD) has not been established for the
the 18:1 and 18:2 trans region in USDA Grade AA butter. Key assay, but as Tables 2–5 demonstrate, foods with very low
differences in the chromatography are the amount of sample levels of trans fat can be analyzed successfully. Table 5 shows
injected on the column, the carrier gas (hydrogen is used with 18:1 and 18:2 trans in butter and the cheese cracker matrixes.
the modified method), and the temperature program. See The components have relative standard deviation (RSD)
Table 1 for a complete listing of method differences. values <10%, with mean levels of 0.32–3.37%.

Table 5 shows a comparison of the statistics for the total Acknowledgments

18:1 and 18:2 trans in butter and the cheese cracker using the
2 methods. The modified method displays less precision for We wish to acknowledge the editorial contributions of
butter than the AOAC Method, but better precision with the Richard Crowley (Covance Laboratories) in the preparation
cheese cracker [although the number of trials (n) of 47 versus of this manuscript.
16 must be considered with regard to the cheese cracker]. The
modified method quantitates more 18:1 trans. This can be References
attributed to the separation of 13t, 14t 18:1, and less 18:2
trans; as 16t 18:1 and 14c, 15c 18:1 are (correctly) not (1) AOAC Official Method 996.06 (2005) Official Methods of
included. The net result in the case of butter and this cheese Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 18th Ed., AOAC
cracker is that the modified method quantitates more trans fat INTERNATIONAL, Gaithersburg, MD
than AOAC 996.06. The conclusion, however, is that the (2) Federal Register (July 11, 2003) U.S. Food and Drug
modified method is more accurate and precise for cis and Administration, Washington, DC
trans determination. (3) AOCS Official Method Ce 1h-05 (2005) Official Methods

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and Recommended Practices of the AOCS, The American
Oil Chemists Society, Champaign, IL
(4) Ratnayake, W.M.N. (2004) J. AOAC Int. 87, 523–539
(5) Golay, P.-A., Dionisi, F., Hug, B., Giuffrida, F., & Destaillats,
A more accurate determination of trans fat in all food
F. (2006) Food Chem. 101, 1115–1120
samples may be possible using these modifications. The
(6) Kohn, A., & Mitchell, B. (2006) Lipid Technol. 18, 279–282
authors will solicit comments prior to conducting a single
laboratory validation (SLV) on a cheese cracker matrix. Upon
successful completion of the SLV, a collaborative effort to
revise AOAC 996.06 would be proposed.

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