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Jeevangi Santoshkumar, S. Manjunath, Deepak D. Mariguddi, Prakash G. Kalashetty,
Prashant Dass, Chetan Manjunath

1. Associate Professor. Department of Pharmacology, M.R. Medical College, Gulbarga.

2. Professor. Department of Pharmacology, S. Nijalingappa Medical College, Bagalkot
3. Post Graduate Student/Tutor. Department of Pharmacology, M.R. Medical College. Gulbarga.
4. Professor & Head. Department of Pharmacology, K.B.N Medical College. Gulbarga
5. Post Graduate Student/Tutor. Department of Pharmacology, M.R. Medical College. Gulbarga.
6. Lecturer. Department of Pharmacology, H. K. E. College of Pharmacy. Gulbarga.

Dr. Jeevangi Santoshkumar,
Associate Professor,
Department of Pharmacology,
M. R. Medical College,
Gulbarga- 585105, Karnataka, India.
Ph: 0091 9945910158

ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE AND BACKGROUND: Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is one of the common
constituents of our daily food. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the anti-diabetic
effects of ethanolic extract of Rhizomes of curcuma longa in alloxan induced diabetic rats and
compared with of Pioglitazone, which is the standard anti-diabetic agent. METHODS: Alloxan
monohydrate is used to induce diabetes mellitus in albino rats in the dose of 120mg/kg i.p. and
anti-diabetic activity of turmeric was studied by following study design.
The rats are divided into 6 groups and each group contains 6 rats (N= 6) as follows.
Group I: Normal control
Given normal saline (10ml/kg/day).
Group II: Diabetic control
Given normal saline (10ml/kg/day).
Group III: Euglycemic rats
Given turmeric extract (300mg/kg/day).
Group IV: Diabetic rats
Given turmeric extract (300mg/kg/day).
Group V: Diabetic control
Given turmeric extract (500mg/kg/day).
Group VI: Diabetic rats
Given Pioglitazone (6mg/kg/day)

Study was conducted for a period of 28 days and all the drugs were given orally once
daily. Blood glucose levels were estimated at 1, 3, 5, 7 hrs. (acute study) and 7, 14, 21, 28 days
(chronic study). The body weights of the rats in every groups recorded weekly and general
behavior and health of the animal were monitored carefully. The data was analyzed statistically
using student’s paired and unpaired t-test. RESULTS: Ethanolic extract of turmeric produced
significant ( p < 005 ) decreases in blood glucose levels on 7th, 14th, 21th and 28 days in diabetic

Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/ Volume 2/ Issue 11/ March 18, 2013 Page-1669
rats but there was no significant reduction in blood glucose levels after 1hr, 3hrs, 5hrs and 7hrs
after single dose of administration of turmeric extract. CONCLUSION: Present study revealed
that curcuma longa possesses anti-diabetic activity can used to treat diabetes patients.
KEY WORDS: Curcuma longa, Turmeric, Alloxan-induced rats, Pioglitazone, Diabetes mellitus.

INTRODUCTION: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by

hyperglycemia resulting from defect in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. It is associated
with high morbidity and mortality from long-term micro vascular and macro vascular
Diabetes mellitus is among the most common endocrine disorder in developed and
developing countries and has become major health problem in the modern world .India is the
diabetic capital of the world. India leads the world with largest number of diabetic patients i.e.
40.9 million in the year 2007 and is predicted to rise to 69.9 million by the year 20251. In the
world, for every 10th second 2 persons will develop diabetes and 1 person dies from diabetes
related causes. There is increased risk of atherogenic dyslipidemia and hypertension in
diabetes; hence increases prevalence of coronary artery disease, heart failure, stroke in diabetic
Despite the availability of many medications to treat diabetes mellitus, still we are
unable to check the growing incidence and prevalence of this modern pandemic. The currently
available anti diabetic drugs have number of adverse effects.3 so there is increased demand for
herbal / natural products which are supposed to have no or less side effects. Also, following the
recommendation of WHO expert committee on diabetes mellitus on beneficial uses of medicinal
plants in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, research on medicinal plants has gained the
Indian traditional medicine is one of the richest medicinal systems among those
available around the world. It is important to know that the oral hypoglycemic drug metformin
was discovered from the traditional plant Galega ethlinasis or Galega officinalis5.Earliest
description of curative properties of medicinal plants found in Rig Veda ( 2500-1800 BC ).
Charaka Samhita6 and Sushruta Samhita7 give extensive description on various medicinal herbs.
Turmeric is well known condiment in the world. It is a prime ingredient in curry powder and
figures heavenly in Asian cuisines, aptly known as “Golden spice” of India .Turmeric plants were
cultivated by Harappan civilization in 3000 BC. Turmeric is extensively used in Ayurveda, Unani
and Siddha medicinal systems since from Vedic-ages and also as home remedy for various
ailments. It is also used in Indian ritual and worship.
Turmeric is host of medical properties with its wide spectrum of actions8 such as Anti-
inflammatory9, anti-fungal10, anti-mutagenic11, anti-carcinogenic12, anti-coagulant13, anti-
hepatotoxic14, anti-fertility15, anti-protozoa16, anti-viral17, anti-fibrotic18, anti-venom19, anti-
ulcer20, anti-hypertensive21, anti-diabetic22,23 and hypo-cholesterolemic24 / hypo-lipid emic
properties25.Recently explored uses Alzheimer’s disease26, Rheumatoid arthritis27, Multiple
sclerosis28, Inflammatory bowel disease29, Cataract30and HIV31.
The comparative study of anti-diabetic effects of turmeric extract with that of
pioglitazone has not been documented. In the view of these reports, it seemed interesting to
search for more efficient, safe and cost effective single anti-diabetic agent, which can also
improve the lipid profile in diabetic patients. Hence the present is taken up to evaluate anti-
diabetic activity of ehanolic extract of turmeric in alloxan induced diabetic rats and compared
with the effects of pioglitazone, which is the standard anti-diabetic agent32.

Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/ Volume 2/ Issue 11/ March 18, 2013 Page-1670
MATERIALS AND METHODS: STUDY CENTER: The present study was carried out in the
Postgraduate Research Laboratory Department of Pharmacology, M R Medical College, Gulbarga
after obtaining the permission from the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee
(HKES/MRMCG/256/2008 Dated 03/11/2008) of M.R. Medical College, Gulbarga.Karnataka.
1. Adult albino rats weighing 180-200 grams of either sex.
2. Glucometer and Strips (Accu-chek Active Glucometer, Roche Diagnostics, Germany).
3. Needle, Syringes, Feeding tubes, Rat holder.
4. Soxhlet Apparatus for preparing the Ethanol extraction of Turmeric.
5. Drugs-
a. Alloxan Monohydrate obtained from Otto Kemi Industry, Mumbai, India.
b. Ethanol Extract of Rhizomes of Turmeric.
c. Pioglitazone Hydrochloride (pure form) obtained from Bio-con Pharmaceuticals
d. Ethanol (99.99%) of Changshu Yangyuan Chemicals, obtained from Venkatesh
Chemicals, Gulbarga.
e. Vehicle: Normal Saline (0.9%) and Tween80 (Hi Media Laboratories Pvt Ltd.
6. Proforma
Experimental Animals used in the study
• Study was carried out in healthy albino rats of Wister strain (Rattus norvegicus)
of either sex.
• Body weight of all the animals was in the range of 180-200gms each.
• They were acclimatized to the laboratory conditions before carrying out
experimental work in a well-ventilated animal house under natural photoperiod
conditions for a period of 1 week.
• Total number of animals included in the study is 36, out of which diabetes was
induced in 24 rats and 12 rats were euglycemic, housed separately in groups
with distinct identity throughout the study in standard conditions of
temperature and a 12 hours light-dark cycle.
• Sources: Animals were procured from Central Animal House, MR Medical
College, Gulbarga, Karnataka.
• Diet: Animals were maintained on standard rat pellet diet. Water was given ad
libitum during the entire period of the study.
• CPCSEA (Committee for the purpose of control and supervision of experiments
on animals) Guidelines for laboratory animal facilities were strictly adhered 33, 34.
INDUCTION OF DIABETES MELLITUS: A single dose (120mg/kg i.p) of freshly prepared
solution of Alloxan Monohydrate (dissolved in Normal Saline, Citrate buffer, pH 4.5) was
administered to overnight fasting rats for induction of type-2 diabetes mellitus in the rats35.
Control rats were similarly injected with normal saline. To prevent fatal hypoglycemia as a
result of massive pancreatic insulin release, Alloxan administered rats were provided with 10%
Glucose solution after 6 hours for next 24 hours. Fasting blood glucose level was checked after
48-72 hours when the animals became hyperglycemic reflected by glycosuria, hyperglycemia,
polyphagia, polydipsia and progressive loss of body weight as compared with normal rats.
Blood glucose levels between 200-350 mg/dl were selected as diabetic.

Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/ Volume 2/ Issue 11/ March 18, 2013 Page-1671
PREPARATION OF EXTRACT36: Fine powder of dry rhizomes of Turmeric was purchased from
local market and was packed into thimble of filter paper and put in Soxhlet extractor in 5
batches of 200gm each and subjected to continuous extraction with 99.99% ethanol for about
48 hours at 600C till solvent in the siphon tube becomes colorless and it took around 8-10
cycles/200 gram powder. Small porcelain pieces were added to the flask to avoid bumping of
solvent. The solvent so obtained was distilled off and was heated evaporated using water bath
/magnetic heart stirrer to get concentrated thick extract which is later diluted in Tween80 and
administered to the rat by oral route once daily.

The experiment was carried out for a period of 28 days. For this purpose, 36 healthy albino rats
were selected and grouped as follows:
Group I: Normal control
Given normal saline (10ml/kg/day).
Group II: Diabetic control
Given normal saline (10ml/kg/day).
Group III: Euglycemic rats
Given turmeric extract (300mg/kg/day).
Group IV: Diabetic rats
Given turmeric extract (300mg/kg/day).
Group V: Diabetic control
Given turmeric extract (500mg/kg/day).
Group VI: Diabetic rats
Given Pioglitazone (6mg/kg/day)
Body weight of rats in every group was recorded weekly. Experimental rats were carefully
monitored every day for general health and behavior.
Study was carried out in 2 phases to assess acute and chronic effect of Turmeric extract
in euglycemic and hyperglycemic rats.
Acute study: After a single dose administration of Turmeric extract, blood samples were
collected and estimated for blood glucose levels at the end of 0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 hours by
using glucometer.
Chronic study: Treatment was continued for 28 days with once daily administration of
Turmeric extract. Blood glucose levels were estimated at the end of 7, 14, 21, and 28

ORAL ADMINISTRATION OF EXTRACT /DRUG: As ethanol extract of Turmeric and

Pioglitazone were insoluble in water, they are suspended in 5% Tween80 (w/v), administered
orally according to the dosage in the respective groups using an intra-gastric feeding tube.
Method of collection of blood samples: Tail cut method from tip of the rat tail37.
Estimation of blood glucose
Blood glucose estimation was done by using Accu-chek Active glucometer. It uses
glucose oxidase specific strips and works on principle called as Reflectance Photometry. It is
easy to use, quick to perform and reliable. There is a reasonable co-relation between laboratory
results and those obtained with glucometer38.

Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/ Volume 2/ Issue 11/ March 18, 2013 Page-1672
The test strip is inserted into the glucometer and the blood sample is directly placed on
the strip. The result i.e., blood glucose level appeared on the screen within a few seconds in

STATISTICS: The results were analyzed by employing the Paired‘t’ test and the Unpaired’ test.

RESULTS: The study was carried out to evaluate the effects of ethanol extract of Turmeric on
blood glucose levels in Alloxan induced diabetic albino rats.

Table I Effect of ethanolic extract of Turmeric on blood glucose levels of euglycemic rats
(Group III)
Rat 0 hrs. 1hrs 3hrs 5hrs 7hrs 7days 14days 21days 28days

1 96 94 90 88 94 90 90 86 88

2 86 88 96 89 90 92 94 92 90

3 92 90 88 85 84 90 92 90 91

4 98 92 90 99 90 96 90 89 84
5 90 91 92 86 88 87 92 93 88
6 93 90 94 88 89 88 90 90 90
Mean 92.5 90.8 91.66 89.2 89.6 90.5 91.3 90 88.58
±SD ±4.9 ±1.9 ±2.68 ±4.6 ±2.9 ±2.92 ±1.49 ±2.4 ±3.29

‘t’ test value 0.79 0.38 1.18 1.26 0.86 0.58 1.14 1.63
with 0 hour
P value P > P> P> P> P> P> P> P>
0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
By the data analysis, it is very clear that Turmeric extract (300mg/kg) has no statistically
significant effect on blood glucose levels of euglycemic rat.
By using paired ‘t’ test when we compared the initial values (at 0 hour) with 1 hour , 3 hour, 5
hour, 7 hour, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days and p values at all the time intervals found to
be > 0.05, i.e. statistically not significant.

Table –II Effect of ethanolic extract of Turmeric 300mg/kg on blood glucose levels of
diabetic rats (Group IV)
Rat 0 hrs. 1hrs 3hrs 5hrs 7hrs 7days 14days 21days 28days

1 290 282 270 280 265 280 200 180 130

2 285 278 275 260 282 290 235 198 138

Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/ Volume 2/ Issue 11/ March 18, 2013 Page-1673
3 312 295 289 268 272 255 212 218 140

4 270 312 263 282 290 294 230 208 152

5 248 240 259 239 242 220 240 180 158

6 292 284 270 242 230 198 198 192 130

Mean 282.17 281.86 271 261.8 262.8 256.16 219.16 196.3 141.33
±SD ±19.76 ±21.8 ±9.57 ±16.7 ±20.51 ±36.14 ±16.85 ±14.2 ±10.49

‘t’ test value 0.04 1.25 1.94 1.66 1.74 5.88 8.64 15.41
comparing with
0 hour
P value P> P> P> P> P> P< P< P<
0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.001 0.001

Turmeric extract (300mg/kg) has no significant effect on blood glucose levels of diabetic rats in
acute study (i.e. 1hr, 3hr, 5hr, 7hr and 7 days). Turmeric controls the blood glucose only in the
acute diabetic rats but not in the chronic diabetic rats in lower dose i.e.300mg/kg/day. By using
paired ‘t’ test, when we compared the initial values at 0 hour with 1 hr, 3 hr, 5hr, 7hr, 7 days and
p value at all the time intervals found to be > 0.05, i.e. statistically not significant. In the chronic
study, i.e. 14 days p < 0.01, 21 days and 28 days p < 0.001 i.e. very highly significant.

Table III Effect of ethanolic extract of Turmeric 500mg/kg on blood glucose levels of
diabetic rats (Group V)
Rat 0 hrs. 1hrs 3hrs 5hrs 7hrs 7days 14days 21days 28days

1 297 295 282 286 290 230 225 180 125

2 302 286 293 298 240 223 186 170 130

3 298 280 275 232 200 191 158 162 108

4 248 269 292 294 258 196 175 152 98

5 262 262 284 208 220 200 180 145 105

6 290 280 268 226 220 182 160 128 118

Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/ Volume 2/ Issue 11/ March 18, 2013 Page-1674
Mean 282.83 278.66 282.33 257.34 252.1 203.6 180.66 156.60 114.12
±SD ±20.39 ±10.76 ±8.84 ±36.4 ±29.26 ±17.17 ±22.23 ±16.98 ±11.29

‘t’ test value 0.44 0.055 1.49 2.11 7.28 8.27 11.69 15.33
comparing with
0 hour
P value P > P> P> P> P< P< P< P<
0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001

Turmeric extract (500mg/kg) has no significant effect on blood glucose levels of diabetic rats in
acute study i.e. 1 hr., 3 hr., 5 hr., 7hr. By using paired ‘t’ test when we compared initial values at
0 hr. with 1 hr., 3 hr., 5 hr., 7 hr. and p values at all the time intervals found to be > 0.05 i.e.
statistically not significant. In chronic study i.e. 7 days to 28 days, p value < 0.001 i.e. very highly

Table IV Effect of Pioglitazone 6mg/kg on blood glucose levels of diabetic rates (Group
Rat 0 hrs. 1hrs 3hrs 5hrs 7hrs 7days 14days 21days 28days

1 300 294 280 210 178 146 120 102 99

2 292 282 265 200 205 118 112 116 106

3 287 276 280 208 200 122 117 114 112

4 243 240 200 200 210 110 118 98 90

5 295 282 262 216 222 132 122 118 94
6 276 256 240 206 202 112 128 113 108
Mean 282.03 271.66 254.86 206.6 202.28 120 119.5 110.16 101.5
±SD ±19.13 ±18.16 ±26.12 ±9.6 ±13.22 ±7.6 ±4.89 ±7.44 ±7.8

‘t’ test value 0.96 1.94 8.62 8.43 19.28 20.26 20.70 21.48
comparing with
0 hour
P value P > P> P< P< P< P< P< P<
0.05 0.05 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Pioglitazone has no significant effect on blood glucose levels of diabetic rats in acute study i.e.
1hr and 3hr. By using paired ‘t’ test, when we compared the initial values at 0hr with 1hr, 3hr p
values found to be > 0.05 i.e. statistically not significant. But in chronic study after 21 days to 28
days pioglitazone has significant effect on blood glucose levels of diabetic rats in chronic study,
p < 0.001, i.e. very highly significant.

Table V Recording of body weight changes in experimental rats at the end of every week
0 days 7 days 14 days 21 days 28 days
Group I 221 ±2.6 220 ±6.82 223 ±8.5 225 ±8.48 225 ±9.8
Group II 202 ±3.6 185 ±2.5 180 ±1.8 165 ±2.4 161 ±6.9

Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/ Volume 2/ Issue 11/ March 18, 2013 Page-1675
Group III 210 ±5.84 211 ±3.8 213 ±4.3 213.3 ±5.2 213.4 ±6.96
Group IV 211 ±5.32 210 ±3.86 209 ±2.86 206 ±4.36 206 ±3.2
Group V 210 ±3.6 208 ±3.6 213 ±2.78 214.8 ±3.6 215.2 ±2.96
Group VI 208 ±3.2 190 ±3.2 212 ±2.3 218 ±3.9 221.2 ±6.52

In comparison of body weight at 0 days to 28 days,

Group I, t = 1.98, p > 0.05, i.e. not significant
Group II, t = 25.62, p < 0.001, i.e. very highly significant
Group III, t = 1.72, p > 0.05, i.e. not significant
Group IV, t = 3.98, p < 0.05, i.e. significant
Group V, t = 5.59, p < 0.01, i.e. highly significant
Group VI, t = 9.12, p < 0.001, i.e. very highly significant

DISCUSSION: Diabetes Mellitus is the commonest endocrine disorder and is as old as mankind.
Since Vedic period, many herbs have been in use for treating diabetes39. The current arsenal of
anti-diabetic drugs is prone to many grave side effects. Therefore a need to develop safer herbal
preparations is felt. Turmeric is a well-known condiment, which is used in our daily diet and has
many medicinal properties. The present study is taken up to evaluate the anti- diabetic effect of
Turmeric which is rich in active ingredient Curcumin. From the earlier studies, it was found that
Turmeric is known to possess anti-diabetic properties40, 41. Our standard anti diabetic drug,
Pioglitazone, acts on PPAR-γ which is present primarily in adipose tissue and less in cardiac,
skeletal, smooth muscle cells, islet β cells, macrophages and vascular endothelial cells. These are
insulin sensitizer by nature and increase insulin mediated glucose uptake by 30-50% in patients
with type 2 diabetes mellitus42. Current use anti diabetic drugs like our standard drug
Pioglitazone comes attached with various side effects including development of life threatening
conditions like bladder cancer and cardiovascular abnormalities on long term administration43.
Main constituents of the extract viz Curcumin, Dimethoxy Curcumin, Bis-demethohoxy
Curcumin and Arturmerone have PPAR-γ ligand binding activity and thereby enhance the
transcription of several insulin responsive genes and improve the insulin resistance in Type 2
Diabetes mellitus44. From our study we also conclude that turmeric in itself has shown to
possess a euglycemic property which is very useful and convenient for diabetic patients. Studies
suggest that the anti-diabetic action of Turmeric needs some preparations of functional islet β
cell mass45. So it is very helpful in treating type 2 diabetes than type 1 diabetes mellitus.
After single dose administration, Turmeric extract reduced blood glucose levels in all
groups but the reduction was not statistically significant, thus suggesting it requires a longer
duration for the onset of action.
It is found that Turmeric extract at a dose of 300mg/kg, has not significantly reduced the
blood glucose levels in euglycemic group (Group III), suggesting that it has no significant effect
on blood glucose levels in healthy rats. Turmeric extract 300 mg/kg has significantly reduced
the blood glucose levels in diabetic rats from 7th day onwards. But 500mg/kg has more efficient
action, as reduction in blood glucose levels was statistically highly significant. Pioglitazone
which is a standard anti diabetic drug, reduced blood glucose by a highly significant level in both
acute and chronic study.

CONCLUSION: Results obtained from the present study proved that ethanolic extract of
Turmeric has anti diabetic and euglycemic action, hence Turmeric is proved to be a promising

Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/ Volume 2/ Issue 11/ March 18, 2013 Page-1676
medicinal plant which can be used as an adjunct to drug and diet therapy for the management of
diabetes mellitus.

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Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/ Volume 2/ Issue 11/ March 18, 2013 Page-1679

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