Power System Protection
Power System Protection
Power System Protection
I I I I 111111li I Ii i1111
Videotraining Program
Bus Protection
Instructor's Guide
The "Power System Protection " videotraining program is designed for Relay Techni-
cians, Engineers , and System Operators , to aid in up-grading their knowledge and
understanding of the function and application of protective schemes , which are used in
the protection of generators , buses, transmission and distribution lines , transformers,
large motors, etc.
The practical know -how gained from diese 18 videotapes and associated workbooks
will improve the participant's ability to perform his day-to-day activities, whether they
be related to operation , maintenance, or engineering.
Although each power system is unique in design , successful completion of this generic
program will ensure that operating and technical personnel have a thorough under-
standing of how the power system behaves under fault conditions , and the different
types of protection schemes which are installed to detect and protect against diese fault
conditions . The concepts presented will apply to your own specific system.
The program will help Technicians evaluate the performance of their protection
schemes, and the knowledge gained by Operators will greatly assist them in analyzing
fault problems.
The videotape format is ideally suited to individual or group instruction . Each video-
tape is broken -down into four or five segments . The participant should view each
segment of the tape, then review this material in his workbook . He should then com-
plete the set questions before proceeding to the next segment.
There are advantages if several people view the material together, and then, as a group,
complete the workbook tests in the segment breaks . A period of discussion proves to be
most beneficial in assuring retention of the information. A technically qualified person
should act as instructor to coordinate the discussion periods.
Adequate time should be taken to review your actual power system installations and
compare them with the generic examples shown in the videotapes . It will be useful in
diese discussions to review schematic diagrams of your own system and especially to
make periodic field trips to view specific protection schemes and equipment.
The objective of chis videotape is to review che different bus layouts that are used in
power systems, and to present che different protection schemes that are installed to
protect against bus faults.
After study of chis tape and che associated workbook, che participant should be able
to understand che following overall concepts and apply them to his day-to-day work
activities. He will also be able to answer related test questions on these subjects:
The subject master in Chis tape is broken down into che following lessons:
This segment demonstrates the different bus arrangements that are used on power
systems, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each. The location of CTs
is indicated and the consequent zones of bus protection.
In Chis segment we look at the simpler forms of bus protection that would typically be
used on a distribution substation . We also look at some of the problems which are
particular to bus protection, namely the wide divergente of current flows in different
circuits with the resultant problem of CT accuracy.
Tisis segment points out the need for high speed differential protection as the bus is
such a strategic pan of the power system. Numerical examples are shown to indicate
the problem of Cr saturation and the need for multiple restraint coils on the differential
relays. The linear coupler is also introduced and discussed.
This segment looks at the operation of high impedance differential relays . Also pre-
sented is a typical "check circuir" which may be permissive or alarm.
The instructor should emphasize or (where feasible) dentonstrate the following poinrs:
2. L&K Videotraining program : Power System Operation, tapes 5104 and 5116.
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