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Guidelines For National Gas Expansion Programme Final

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August 2020

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1. Introduction

Nigeria is richly endowed with both energy resources, such as coal, tar sand,
crude oil, petroleum and other derivatives of crude oil, natural gas, and
various gas liquids and condensates. With proven gas reserves of 188 trillion
cubic feet (tcf) of gas, the natural gas industry presents an opportunity to
diversify the economy through domestic commercial utilisation of its natural
gas. Historical non-viability of domestic commercial production and utilisation
of gas continues to severely constrain private investments in the industry.
Consequently, the low level of investment in the industry has resulted in the
minimal production and utilization of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as clean alternative sources of domestic
energy in Nigeria. Failure to harness its gas resources has had negative
consequences for the country – economic, environmental, fiscal and social,
particularly as the industry has the potential to engender rapid growth in
Nigeria’s non-oil economy.

To this end, the National Gas Expansion Programme (NGEP) was

introduced to make CNG the fuel of choice for transportation and LPG, the

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fuel of choice for domestic cooking, captive power and small industrial
complexes. Equally, gas-based industries, most especially the
petrochemical (fertilizer, methanol, etc) are to be enabled to support large
industries, such as agriculture, industrial applications, textile and so on.

Therefore, as part of its efforts at stimulating finance to critical sectors of the

economy, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) introduces the N250 billion
intervention facility to help stimulate investment in the gas value chain.
Large-scale projects under the intervention will be financed under the Power
and Airlines Intervention Fund (PAIF), in line with existing guidelines
regulating the PAIF, while small-scale operators and retail distributors will be
financed by the NIRSAL Microfinance Bank (NMFB) and / or any other
Participating Financial Institution (PFI) under the Agribusiness/Small and
Medium and Medium Enterprises Investment Scheme (AgSMEIS).

The initiative is to be implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of

Petroleum Resources (MPR).

This framework outlines the operational modalities for the intervention.

2. Objectives

The objectives of the Facility include:

i. Improved access to finance for private sector investments in the

domestic gas value chain;
ii. Stimulate investments in the development of infrastructure to
optimize the domestic gas resources for economic development;

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iii. Fast-track the adoption of CNG as the fuel of choice for
transportation and power generation, as well as LPG as the fuel of
choice for domestic cooking, transportation and captive power;
iv. Fact-track the development of gas-based industries particularly
petrochemical (fertilizer, methanol, etc) to support large industries,
such as agriculture, textile, and related industries;
v. Provide leverage for additional private sector investments in the
domestic gas market;
vi. Boost employment across the country.

3. Eligible Activities

Eligible activities under the intervention shall include:

i. Establishment of gas processing plants and small-scale

petrochemical plants;
ii. Establishment of gas cylinder manufacturing plants;
iii. Establishment of L-CNG regasification modular systems;
iv. Establishment of auto gas conversion kits or components
manufacturing plants
v. Establishment of CNG primary and secondary compression stations;
vi. Establishment and manufacturing of LPG retail skid tanks and
refilling equipment;
vii. Development/enhancement of auto gas transportation systems,
conversion and distribution infrastructure,
viii. Enhancement of domestic cylinder production and distribution by
cylinder manufacturing plants and LPG wholesale outlets;

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ix. Establishment/expansion of micro distribution outlets and service
centres for LPG sales, domestic cylinder injection and exchange;
x. Any other mid to downstream gas value chain related activity
recommended by the Ministry of Petroleum Resources (MPR).

4. Funding

4.1 Aggregators, manufacturers, processors, wholesale distributors and

related activities shall be funded under the Power and Airline
Intervention Fund (PAIF).

4.2 Small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) and retail distributors

shall be funded by NIRSAL Microfinance Bank (NMFB) under

5. Loan Type and Limit

5.1 Manufacturers, Processors, Wholesale Distributors, etc

i. Term loan: Shall be determined based on the activity and shall not
exceed N10 billion per obligor.
ii. Working capital: Maximum of N500 million per obligor
5.1 Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Retail Distributors
i. Term loan: Shall be determined based on the activity and shall not
exceed N50 million per obligor.
ii. Working capital: Maximum of N5 million per obligor.

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6. Interest Rate

Interest rate under the intervention shall be at not more than 5.0% p.a. (all
inclusive) up to 28th February 2021, thereafter, interest on the facility shall
revert to 9% p.a. (all inclusive) effective from 1st March 2021.

7. Loan Tenor and Moratorium

7.1 Manufacturers, Processors, Wholesale Distributors, etc.

i. Term loans shall have a maximum tenor of 10 years (not exceeding

31st December 2030) depending on the complexity of the project.
Each project tenor shall be determined in relation to its cash flow and
life of the underlying collateral.
ii. Term loans shall be allowed maximum of two years moratorium on
principal repayment only.
iii. Working capital facility of one (1) year with a maximum roll over of not
more than twice, subject to prior approval.

7.2 Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Retail Distributors

i. Term loans shall have a maximum tenor of 5 years (not exceeding 31st
December, 2030). Each project tenor shall be determined in relation
to its cash flow and life of the underlying collateral.
ii. Term loans shall be allowed a maximum of two years moratorium on
principal repayment only.
iii. Working capital facility of one (1) year with a maximum roll over of not
more than twice and subject to prior approval.

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8. Repayment

8.1 Deposit Money Banks: Monthly interests on the facility shall be

amortised and transferred to CBN monthly.

8.2 NMFB: Monthly interests on the facility shall be paid monthly after the
moratorium period.

9. Participating Banks (PBs)

All Deposit Money Banks and the NMFB will be eligible as PBs under this

10. Transaction Dynamics for the Facility

10.1 Manufacturers, Processors, Wholesale Distributors, etc

i. Eligible applicant or sponsor shall submit applications through any

Participating Banks (PBs) to the CBN;
ii. The PB shall carry out due diligence on the application based on
business and credit considerations;
iii. Each request must be accompanied with documents as may be
required by the PB under PAIF, including relevant endorsements and
permits from the Ministry of Petroleum Resources (MPR) for the
iv. Upon approval by appropriate Credit Committee, the PB shall forward
approved application under the intervention to the CBN;
v. The Central Bank of Nigeria shall conduct internal review of the
application to ensure compliance with the guidelines. All applications

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that meet the specified requirements under the intervention shall be
processed and the PB notified of the status of the request.
(Note: The CBN reserves the right to reject any application from any
lending bank that does not meet the requirements of this Guidelines);
vi. Upon approval, the CBN shall release the approved sum to the PB
according to mutually agreed disbursement schedule tied to specific
milestones; and
vii. The PB shall, within 5 working days, disburse the approved sum to the

10.2 SMEs and Retail Distributors

i. Eligible SMEs shall approach NMFB with bankable proposals.

ii. The NMFB shall carry out due diligence on applications based on
business and credit considerations.
iii. Applications that meet disbursement criteria shall be forwarded to CBN
for review and release of funds to NMFB;
iv. The Central Bank of Nigeria shall conduct internal review of
applications to ensure that laid down criteria are met. All applications
that meet the specified requirements under the interventions shall be
processed and the NMFB notified of the status of the request.
(Note: The CBN reserves the right to reject any application from any
lending bank that does not meet the requirements of this Guidelines);
v. Upon approval, the CBN shall release the approved sum to NMFB for
disbursement to the obligor according to the disbursement schedule
not later than 5 working days after receipt of funds from the CBN

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11. Collateral Requirements

11.1 The collateral acceptable for projects to be financed under the

intervention shall be as may be acceptable by the PB under PAIF.

11.2 The collateral acceptable for SMEs will be as determined by the NMFB.

12. Verification/Monitoring of Projects

Periodic monitoring of projects financed under the Scheme shall be

conducted jointly by the PB, MPR and CBN.

13. Management of the Facility

The Development Finance Department of the Central Bank of Nigeria shall

be responsible for the management of the intervention facility.

14. Responsibilities of Stakeholders:

For the effective implementation of the intervention facility, the

responsibilities of the stakeholders shall include:

14.1 Central Bank of Nigeria

The Central Bank of Nigeria shall:

i. Provide the funding for the intervention facility;

ii. Release funds to the DMBs and NMFB for disbursement to approved
financing requests;
iii. Carry out periodic verification and monitoring of projects financed;
iv. Provide periodic reports to the CBN Management on the performance
of the intervention;

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v. Ensure compliance with the provisions of the Guidelines; and
vi. Review the Guidelines as may be necessary from time to time.

14.2 Participating Banks (PBs)

The PBs shall:

i. Appraise and approve requests under the Facility based on normal

business consideration and due diligence;
ii. Forward such approved requests to CBN for verification and final
iii. Monitor financed projects and render periodic returns as may be
specified by the CBN from time to time;
iv. Ensure repayments of facilities by obligors; and
v. Comply with the Guidelines of the Facility.

14.3 Ministry of Petroleum Resources (MPR)

The Ministry of Petroleum Resources shall:

i. Receive and endorse project proposals for financing under the

ii. Ensure first class independent diligence is undertaken to ascertain
the economic impact and commercial viability of proposed projects;
iii. Partner the CBN and Participating Bank in monitoring the project till
full repayment;
iv. Comply with the provisions of the Guidelines.

14.4 Beneficiaries

Beneficiaries shall:

i. Adhere strictly to the terms and conditions of the Facility;


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ii. Ensure prudent utilisation of facility for the purpose for which it was
iii. Keep up-to-date records of the enterprise’s activities under the
iv. Allow access to the project and records by the CBN and PB;
v. Repay the facility in accordance with the approved repayment
schedule; and
vi. Comply with the provisions of the Guidelines.

15. Discontinuation of a Credit Facility

Whenever a loan is repaid or the Facility is otherwise discontinued, the PB

shall return the fund to the CBN within 3 working days, providing details of
the credit facility.

16. Infractions

Sanctions on infractions shall be applicable as determined by the CBN.

17. Amendments

The Guidelines shall be subject to review from time to time as may be

deemed necessary by the CBN.

18. Enquiries and Returns

All enquiries and returns should be addressed to:

The Director,
Development Finance Department,
Central Bank of Nigeria, Corporate Headquarters
Central Business District, Abuja.

August 2020

Classified as Confidential

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