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P-5 Apostrophes Review

Multiple Choice

In each of the following sentences, replace the underlined words with words that use

apostrophes correctly. If the underlined words are correct, select “c,” No change.

1. Through Dr. Murphys lecture, we discovered that the brain has four lobes’: frontal,

parietal, occipital, and temporal.

a. Dr. Murphy’s; lobes

b. Dr. Murphys’; lobe’s

c. No change

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a and P-5d.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a and P-5d.



2. Professor Saks’ discussion focused on the cerebellums functions of balance and


a. Saks’s; cerebellum’s

b. Saks’; cerebellum’s

c. No change

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a.


3. Human anatomys’s a difficult course, but it’s content is essential for medical and

nursing students.

a. anatomys’; its

b. anatomy’s; its

c. No change

ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5b and P-5d.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5b and P-5d.


4. Most of us got As on our midterm, which is an improvement over class scores in the


a. As; 1990’s

b. A’s; 1990’s

c. No change

ANS: c

REF: The correct answer is c.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5c.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5c.


5. However, Mike and Jerry’s grades were among the lowest mens’ scores ever recorded.

a. Mike and Jerry’s; men’s

b. Mike’s and Jerry’s; men’s

c. No change

ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a.



6. Professor Saks emphasized that everybodys capable of achieving higher grades. Are

you ready to improve yours?

a. everybody’s; yours

b. everybodys’; your’s

c. No change

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a and P-5d.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a and P-5d.



7. By viewing a medical film on the TVs in the auditorium, we gained a better

understanding of the skeletal and muscular systems’ components.

a. TV’s; system’s

b. TVs’; systems

c. No change

ANS: c

REF: The correct answer is c.


In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a and P-5c.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a and P-5c.



8. Student’s took detailed notes so that they wouldn’t fall behind in the course.

a. Students; wouldn’t

b. Students’; would’nt

c. No change

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5b and P-5d.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5b and P-5d.



9. Leah brought up her parents’s suggestion that we also watch the Department of

Educations’s films.

a. parent’s; Department’s of Education’s


b. parents’; Department of Education’s

c. No change

ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a.


10. “Thats’ a good idea,” our instructors agreed, “the level of details’ astounding in those


a. That’s; detail’s

b. That’s; details

c. No change

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5b.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5b.


P-5a Apostrophes for Possessives

Multiple Choice

Select the answer in which each possessive is formed correctly.


a. Sean Penn and Tim Robbins both appear in the movie Mystic River. Penn’s 2003

Oscar was for best actor in that movie; Robbin’s was for best supporting actor.

b. Sean Penn and Tim Robbins both appear in the movie Mystic River. Penn’s 2003

Oscar was for best actor in that movie; Robbins’s was for best supporting actor.

ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a.



a. Director Robert Zemeckis and actor Tom Hanks’s Oscars in 1994 were for Forrest


b. Director Robert Zemeckis’s and actor Tom Hanks’s Oscars in 1994 were for Forrest


ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a.



a. Although members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences fall into

thirteen branches, all members’ votes count toward best film and the other categories.

b. Although members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences fall into

thirteen branches, all members’s votes count toward best film and the other


ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a.



a. Everyones’ Oscar votes are confidential throughout the polling process.


b. Everyone’s Oscar votes are confidential throughout the polling process.

ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a.



a. Some actresses claim that mens’ movie roles are more diverse than womens’.

b. Some actresses claim that men’s movie roles are more diverse than women’s.

ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a.



a. Richard Dreyfuss starred in The Goodbye Girl; Dreyfuss’s performance earned him an

Oscar in 1977.

b. Richard Dreyfuss starred in The Goodbye Girl; Dreyfuss’ performance earned him an

Oscar in 1977.

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a.



a. George Burns’s and Jason Robards’s Oscars in the 1970s were for The Sunshine Boys

and All the President’s Men, respectively.

b. George Burns and Jason Robards’s Oscars in the 1970s were for The Sunshine Boys

and All the President’s Men, respectively.

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a.



a. The awards’ popularity seems to have diminished over the years.

b. The awards’s popularity seems to have diminished over the years.

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a.



a. It’s anyone’s guess who will win Oscars in the coming year.

b. It’s anyones guess who will win Oscars in the coming year.

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a.



a. The Coen brother’s collaboration has resulted in several Academy Award

nominations, including a Best Picture nomination for Fargo.

b. The Coen brothers’ collaboration has resulted in several Academy Award

nominations, including a Best Picture nomination for Fargo.

ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5a.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5a.


P-5b Apostrophes for Contractions

Multiple Choice

In each of the following sentences, replace the underlined words with the correct

contractions. If the original sentence is correct, select c. No change.

1. Beth’s rushing to get ready for the party, but shes not sure she’ll be ready on time.

a. Beths’; shes’; she’ll

b. Beth’s; she’s; she’ll

c. No change

ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5b.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5b.


2. Her sisters’ ironing the dress, Deirdre’s polishing the shoes, and Jose’s waiting

impatiently for Beth.

a. sister’s; Deirdre’s; Jose’s

b. sisters’; Deirdres’; Joses’

c. No change

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5b.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5b.


3. “Wer’e going to be late,” Jose complained, “and wel’l never be invited to anyones’

party again.

a. We’re; we’ll; anyone’s

b. We’re; we’ll; anyones’

c. No change

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5b.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5b.


4. “Im trying to hurry,” Beth emphasized, “but my hairs not cooperating, and I cant find

my purple earrings.”

a. I’m; hairs’; ca’nt

b. I’m; hair’s; can’t

c. No change

ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5b.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5b.


5. “Why don’t you skip the earrings? Your’e looking good, and its already 9 o’clock,”

Jose replied.

a. dont; Your’e; its’

b. don’t; You’re; it’s

c. No change

ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5b.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5b.


6. “Thanks, Jose,” Beth answered, “that’s nice of you to say. Maybe I shouldn’t be so

pokey; I’ll try to speed things up.”

a. thats; should’nt; I’ll

b. that’s; should’nt; Il’l

c. No change

ANS: c

REF: The correct answer is c.


In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5b.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5b.


7. “Ive been waiting for an hour, so what’s a few more minutes?” Jose said dejectedly.

“The pizzas’ probably gone by now anyway.”

a. I’ve; what’s; pizza’s

b. Iv’e; what’s; pizzas’

c. No change

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5b.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5b.


8. “There’s no pizza tonight, Jose; the food’s catered in, and it’s going to be yummy,”

Beth informed him.

a. There’s; food’s; its

b. Theres’; foods’; its’


c. No change

ANS: c

REF: The correct answer is c.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5b.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5b.


9. “I suppose everybodys wearing fancy clothes—the women, anyway—and theyl’l all be

checking out what each persons wearing,” Jose commented.

a. everybody’s; they’ll; person’s

b. everybodys’; they’ll; persons’

c. No change

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5b.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5b.


10. “Youv’e got that right, my dear,” Beth said, as she finally put on her coat, “I even

heard that Rogers’ borrowing his buddy’s limo to pick up Celeste and another couple.”

a. You’ve; Rogers’s; buddys’

b. You’ve; Roger’s; buddy’s

c. No change

ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5b.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5b.


P-5c and P-5d Apostrophes for Plurals and Possessives

Multiple Choice

Some of the following sentences contain errors in plurals or possessives. Select the

answer that has no such errors. If the original sentence is correct, select c. No change.

1. The comedy I Love Lucy won two Emmy’s more than fifty years ago, and the Ricardos

are still popular in reruns.

a. The comedy I Love Lucy won two Emmys more than fifty years ago, and the Ricardo’s

are still popular in rerun’s.


b. The comedy I Love Lucy won two Emmys more than fifty years ago, and the Ricardos

are still popular in reruns.

c. No change

ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5d.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5d.


2. During the 1990’s, membership in Parent Teacher Association’s (PTA’s) declined.

a. During the 1990s, membership in Parent Teacher Associations (PTA’s) declined.

b. During the 1990s, membership in Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) declined.

c. No change

ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5c and P-5d.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5c and P-5d.



3. The girl’s on The Golden Girl’s hadn’t seen girlhood in many a year.

a. The girls on The Golden Girls hadn’t seen girlhood in many a year.

b. The girls’ on The Golden Girls’ hadn’t seen girlhood in many a year.

c. No change

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5d.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5d.


4. Some teachers encouraged us to get MA’s or PhD’s, making us strive for high grade-

point average’s.

a. Some teacher’s encouraged us to get MAs or PhDs, making us strive for high grade-

point average’s.

b. Some teachers encouraged us to get MAs or PhDs, making us strive for high grade-

point averages.

c. No change

ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.


In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5c and P-5d.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5c and P-5d.



5. In The Soprano’s, Tony Soprano has an unusual family. How does it compare to


a. In The Sopranos, Tony Soprano has an unusual family. How does it compare to


b. In The Sopranos, Tony Soprano has an unusual family. How does it compare to yours?

c. No change

ANS: b

REF: The correct answer is b.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5d.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5d.


6. Your uncle’s lottery number had three 2’s, three 3’s, and three 1’s. What did ours


a. Your uncle’s lottery number had three 2’s, three 3’s, and three 1’s. What did our’s


b. Your uncle’s lottery number had three 2s, three 3s, and three 1s. What did ours have?

c. No change

ANS: c

REF: The correct answer is c.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5d.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5d.


7. Gwen Verdon won a Tony Award for her work in the Broadway musical Damn

Yankee’s; it’s singers and dancers were superb.

a. Gwen Verdon won a Tony Award for her work in the Broadway musical Damn

Yankees; its singers and dancers were superb.

b. Gwen Verdon won a Tony Award for her work in the Broadway musical Damn

Yankee’s; its singer’s and dancer’s were superb.

c. No change

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.


In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5d.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5d.


8. After the graduation ceremony, several VCR’s and more than a dozen DVD’s were left

in the auditorium. My cousin is wondering which ones are their’s.

a. After the graduation ceremony, several VCRs and more than a dozen DVDs were left

in the auditorium. My cousin is wondering which ones are theirs.

b. After the graduation ceremony, several VCRs and more than a dozen DVDs were left

in the auditorium. My cousin is wondering which ones are their’s.

c. No change

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5c and P-5d.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5c and P-5d.



9. My sister saw the Broadway hit musical Jersey Boys, but it is not a favorite of hers.

a. My sister saw the Broadway hit musical Jersey Boy’s, but it is not a favorite of her’s.

b. My sister saw the Broadway hit musical Jersey Boy’s, but it is not a favorite of hers.

c. No change

ANS: c

REF: The correct answer is c.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5d.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5d.


10. When the boss asked if the employee’s would attend a weekly meeting after hours,

the no’s outweighed the yes’s.

a. When the boss asked if the employees would attend a weekly meeting after hours, the

no’s outweighed the yes’s.

b. When the boss asked if the employees would attend a weekly meeting after hours, the

no’s outweighed the yes’s.

c. No change

ANS: a

REF: The correct answer is a.

In The Norton Field Guide to Writing, see P-5c and P-5d.



In The Little Seagull Handbook, see P-5c and P-5d.



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