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A1+ UNIT 1 Life Skills Video Teacher's Notes

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Life skills teacher’s notes A1+ Unit

Understanding statistics 2b 14 This exercise requires students to do some

writing, so consider pausing at appropriate points to
SELF STUDY give students time to complete their answers.
If students are working alone, note that 3b, 4a, 4b Answers
and the REFLECT ON IT box all have open answers. If 1 people in the east of Australia
possible, give self-study students the opportunity to
2 people in the west of Australia
show you their answers and work, or to exchange their
answers and work with other students. 3 people from Italy, Germany and Greece
4 the average age

  Before watching 3a 14 This exercise is more challenging as it focuses on

some language that students may not have come across
before (e.g. were born, the coast). Once again, it will
Write STATISTICS on the board and ask the class: help students if they can compare their answers in pairs
What are they? To help them answer this question, so they can help each other to recall and make sense of
provide prompts like these, or help them to express things they heard.
other things they want to say:
They’re …
1 one person for every 2.9 square kilometres
They tell us about …
2 85% are on the coast
1 The exercise reviews the statistical terms students will 3 27%/6 million people were born outside Australia
need to understand the video. Point out that the words 4 one in six people is over 65
and phrases on the right generally tell you how to say
3b Give students the following prompt to help them
the numbers and symbols on the left.
express themselves when they react to the statistics: I
Answers think it’s surprising that … because …
% – per cent
4,000 – four thousand   After watching
4,000,000 – four million 4a This exercise develops the life skill by getting
39 – just under 40 students to produce some statistical descriptions of
41 – just over 40 their own country. Encourage students to write their
2 4 6 – average ideas individually and then pool their ideas with their
– one in four classmates. You could get a volunteer to write the
4km2 – four square kilometres statistics on the board, but only do this if everyone
agrees on them.
4.4 – four point four
4b SKILLS 4 LIFE  The idea behind this activity is to use
  While watching statistics in a fun way by getting them to imagine their
class is a country. Students could do step 1 together
VIDEO SKILLS: Think before you watch and vote on the best name for their new country. They
This focus introduces a key sub-skill (or strategy) – using could then work in pairs to do step 2 before comparing
your knowledge or common sense to make predictions their information as a whole class. Step 3 could be a
about what you’re going to hear, and thus increasing competition to see which pair or group of students can
your chances of understanding things. produce the best poster to present statistics related to
their new country.
2a 14  VIDEO SKILLS  Ask students to read through the video
skills box before doing this exercise. If your students REFLECT ON IT
have seen the video before, ask them to choose their
answers before watching and then watch to check them. The idea here is to encourage students to think about
To reinforce the sub-skill, students should compare their why so many people dislike statistics. To provide
predictions in pairs and discuss any differences. support, if needed, write prompts on the board:
They’re boring/difficult/confusing.
I don’t/can’t understand them.
1 23.4
2 east

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