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SI and Adults Fact Sheet

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Fact Sheet

Occupational Therapy Using a Sensory

Integration–Based Approach With Adult Populations
Occupational performance difficulties due to sensory modulation
challenges or poor integration of sensation can result from difficulties in
how the nervous system receives, organizes, and uses sensory information
from the body and the physical environment for self-regulation, motor
planning, and skill development. These problems impact self-concept,
emotional regulation, attention, problem solving, behavior control, skill
performance, and the capacity to develop and maintain interpersonal
relationships. In adults, they may negatively impact the ability to parent,
work, or engage in home management, social, and leisure activities.

Occupational Performance Indicators of Sensory Integration and Processing Problems in Adults

(May-Benson, 2009)
Sensory Systems Performance Skills
Somatosensory (Tactile & Proprioceptive) Motor Performance
• Sensitive to texture and fit resulting in avoidance • Difficulty driving, parking, shifting gears, or entering a
of some types of clothing (e.g., ties, turtlenecks, freeway with an automobile.
pantyhose). • Difficulty managing common home and office
• Dislikes crowds or jostling in public places (e.g., equipment.
standing in lines or shopping). • Clumsy or awkward with motor activities (e.g., exercise,
• Becomes irritated with light or unexpected touch. May leisure, self-care tasks).
have difficulty with intimate touch. • Difficulty organizing and planning materials and
• Limited engagement in food and meal preparation and/ environment, possibly impacting work performance and
or variety in diet. health and safety at home.
• May not discriminate when clothes are askew or food is • Difficulty following directions for community navigation.
on their face. Social Performance
Vestibular • Difficulty discriminating visual and auditory cues,
• Difficulties with balance, dislike of walking on uneven impacting social interactions and role performance.
surfaces. • Difficulty with body awareness, affecting body
• Dislikes or disoriented in elevators or on escalators. boundaries and body image.
• Becomes nauseous when riding in the car. Needs to ride • Difficulty discriminating sounds and following verbal
in the front seat or be the driver. directions.
• Fearful of leaving the house or of flying. • Difficulty managing self-care and hygiene.
Auditory Emotion Regulation
• Sensitive to loud sounds. • Difficulty discriminating visual and auditory cues,
• Irritated by sounds not usually bothersome to others decreasing the ability to understand the emotional
(e.g., pencils or pens scratching, lights buzzing, others expressions of others, resulting in frustration, anxiety,
eating, candy wrappers rustling). and anger management issues.
• Difficulty developing adaptive sensory-based physical
supports (i.e., exercise, environmental adaptations) for
emotional regulation.

What is the Role of Occupational Therapy With Adults With Sensory Processing Issues?
Occupational performance concerns due to poor integration and processing of sensation may occur in isolation, contribute
to, or be comorbid with other conditions such as anxiety and panic disorders, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, or
schizophrenia. Those with learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, developmental disabilities, or autism spectrum
disorders may also have these difficulties.
4720 Montgomery Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814-3425
Phone: 301-652-2682 TDD: 800-377-8555 Fax: 301-652-7711
Occupational therapists have unique training and skills in neuroscience, anatomy, and activity/environmental analysis
to identify and treat occupational performance issues resulting from sensory modulation, sensory integration, motor, and
psychosocial deficits in adults experiencing difficulties with sensory functions. They work with caregivers and medical,
educational, and mental health professionals to increase awareness of the signs and symptoms of sensory-related problems
and types of interventions used with adults.

Occupational therapy services are offered through consultation, individual therapy sessions, and/or group therapy in
settings such as private, hospital, or community-based outpatient clinics; residential and day programs; acute and long-
term-care hospitals; state hospitals; forensic facilities; skilled nursing facilities; rehabilitation centers; and military-based
programs, such as Veterans Administration hospitals and clinics.

Occupational therapy services provided for adults experiencing problems processing and integrating sensations often use
the principles of Ayres Sensory Integration®; however, specific approaches vary greatly depending on the person’s needs and
may include the following (Sensory Integration Global Network, n.d.):
• Remedial Intervention involving the skilled use of sensory and motor treatment activities and equipment,
including engagement in activities that provide increased tactile, proprioceptive, and movement opportunities, such as
suspended equipment (e.g., various swings); intensified physical activities, engagement in mediated tactile experiences
(e.g., cooking, massagers); and activities that promote motor planning, organization of time and space, bilateral
integration, and postural-ocular skills.
• Accommodations and Adaptations such as wearing ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones, or using a loofa
sponge when showering, to manage hyper sensitivities and improve attention, self-regulation, or organizational
difficulties to increase effectiveness in performing school, work, household management, or parenting tasks.
• Sensory Diet Programs involving a daily routine/plan with a menu of individualized, supportive sensory strategies
(e.g., rocking chair, quiet space, aromatherapy, weighted blanket), identified physical activities (e.g., yoga, swimming)
and materials (e.g., sensory kits containing music, stress balls, items for distraction). These are used throughout the day,
as needed to help manage sensory modulation problems (e.g., touch, movement, visual or auditory sensitivity) and
related emotions and behaviors, such as anxiety or self-injury, to help change sensory processing patterns, minimize
crisis escalation, or promote calming for overall health and wellness (Champagne, 2010).
• Environmental Modifications and adaptations such as lighting, use of white noise machines, wall murals, and
other types of furnishings and equipment to increase or decrease the sensory stimulation a space provides. In some
settings, sensory rooms, sensory stations, or sensory carts may be used to achieve these goals.
• Education of individuals, family members, caregivers, administrators, and policymakers about the influence of
sensory functions on occupational performance and how to minimize their negative impact on function; proactively
help prevent and deescalate maladaptive behaviors; and, in some settings, decrease the need for seclusion or restraint.

Occupational therapy plays a vital role in identifying and treating sensory integration problems in adults and supporting
their ability to fully participate in meaningful life roles, routines, and important daily activities. Administrators and
organizations benefit from working with occupational therapy practitioners to enrich the services offered to adults.

Champagne, T. (2010). Sensory modulation & environment: Essential elements of occupation (3rd. ed., rev.). Sidney, Australia: Pearson Assessment.
May-Benson, T. (2009). Occupational therapy for adults with sensory processing disorder. OT Practice, 14(10), 15–19.
Sensory Integration Global Network. Ayres Sensory Integration. Retrieved from

Updated by Annie Baltazar Mori, OTD, OTR/L; Tina Champagne, OTD, OTR/L; & Teresa A. May-Benson, ScD, OTR/L. Copyright © 2017 by the American
Occupational Therapy Association. This material may be copied and distributed for personal or educational uses without written consent. For all other
uses, contact

Occupational therapy enables people of all ages live life to its fullest by helping them to promote health, make lifestyle or
environmental changes, and prevent—or live better with—injury, illness, or disability. By looking at the whole picture—a client’s
psychological, physical, emotional, and social make-up—occupational therapy assists people to achieve their goals, function at
the highest possible level, maintain or rebuild their independence, and participate in the everyday activities of life.

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