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101 - Prajwal Khandare OB Case Study-5

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Q.1) What are the key elements in the corporate culture at W.L.

Gore that
may prevent employees from taking advantage of there being no set work

The key elements in the corporate culture at W.L. Gore that prevent
employees from taking advantage of their being no set working are the because of
the team-based environment where teams are created around opportunities and
leaders emerge.
The corporate culture at W.L. Gore & Associates (Gore) is refreshingly
different than that of other firms. Forgoing the more traditional organizational chart,
the company describes itself as a team-based, flat lattice organization W.L. Gore &
Associates Our Culture. Its employees generally do not have job titles and are called
associates also favoring the term sponsors over bosses . While some businesses in
today’s economic environment are just trying to survive, Gore takes a long-term
view approach to decision-making that has helped it thrive for over 50 years. As a
privately held company, it is also interesting that Gore’s culture provides for making
a wide variety of information available to the public on its website. In addition to
publishing information about its history, leadership, and associates Gore includes
annual growth and revenue figures for the world to see. It is quite unusual for a non-
public company, especially one of this significant size, to voluntarily make this
information available to everyone including the competition. This sends a consistent
message that strengthens and protects the organization’s well-deserved reputation
for integrity among customers, associates, and vendors alike.

Q.2) How would you describe the management style and

management responsibilities in this company?
The best management style is when employees are lead by example and not
by command. Managing people is a skill you learn from listening, explaining
expectations and working with your employees, teaching them what TEAM
WORK is all about. Treat your employees with respect and they will respect you.
They may not always like the choices they make, but they understand there are
always consequences to their actions and e have to do are jobs, do it with respect.
Being a good manager is about knowing your people. You can manage all
day long, assign work out and be as directive as possible. But do you have respect
from your team? Can they come to you and ask questions and feel at ease and
confident in your response? Leading is the term I like to reference because a good
leader supports their team and is uplifting. They give everyone an opportunity to
advance if that is what they desire. People management is about your people and
how you treat them. Don't be a friend but rather a mentor, someone they can look
back at and say you were a positive influence in their life. For me the hardest part
about leading is having that rock star employee who goes above and beyond, how
do you continue to challenge that person if there is no room for advancement.
People Management is my passion because I care about the people who work with
me I don't just manage them. Management style is solely dependent on you and
your approach to your team's success.

Q.3) What are some challenges employers may face when trying to
implement W.L. Gore’s distinctive approach to work-life balance in
different countries of its operations?
How does someone maintain a healthy work-life balance. We have families,
kids, organizational events, church, recreational activities, and so on. Combining a
day in the office with all the additional daily obligations, a work-life balance can
be a tricky thing to accomplish, especially in today’s rush-rush, no rest for the
weary lifestyle. But strategies can be implemented in the workplace to at least
make “work” more bearable, balancing the scale more toward the center.
Published in 2009 by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the
Case Study Series on Work-Life Balance in Large Organizations contains a
handful of approaches to improve work-life balance for employees. And even
though the series was published a decade ago, the techniques discussed could still
assist in creating a more balanced life and happier employees.
Q.4) What elements of this company’s approach to work-life
balance could be adopted by other organizations?
Ans :-
1. Taking Time Off Between Work
Taking time off in between work helps in dealing with stress. The human
body is not designed to endure long working hours in one go. Physical movements
like light walks, stretching in between work is essential and particularly for white-
collar employees. Quick breaks help the body to recover from the physical and
mental exhaustion endured by employees.

2. Volunteering Time Off

Volunteering is a great way to stay social and build interpersonal
connections. Encouraging the employees to volunteer for social causes helps them
de-stress and commit socially. Moreover, this also helps boosts a company’s CSR
i.e. Company Social Responsibility initiatives. Thus, earning good will for the
organization and build a better relationship.

3. Proper Planning
Planning the day to day activities at work is another great way for managing
a good balance between life and work. It helps the employees to prioritize their
activities and work in accordance with the importance of a task. Moreover,
adhering to a well-laid plan also helps save a lot of time at work. Thus, adding
more to an employees personal time for taking some rest, reading, playing,
gyming, spending quality time with family friends and more.

4. Encouraging a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle plays a big role in an employees quest to
achieve a healthy work-life balance. Healthy employees are like the jewels in the
crown for every organization. An unhealthy work-life balance disrupts the
employee’s physical and mental health. Considering this fact, it hampers their
productivity to a great extent. Encouraging the employees to take up a healthy
lifestyle eliminates various health risks. Just like having good physical health helps
one to stay energetic, a stress-free mind is a room full of clarity. This helps the
employees to excel both in their career and life. A healthy lifestyle is also a great
stress management solution and helps the employees cope with stress smoothly.

5. Encouraging No Work at Home Policy

Most often the employees carry their work home in order to make up for the
deadlines. The inability to leave work at the workplace is a major issue resulting
from the excess work-load born by the employees. Committing to work during off
hours hinders the amount of rest needed by the human body. Moreover, it leads to
a social imbalance in the life of an individual by creating barriers. These barriers
are mainly not able to give time to the family, friends, missing out on occasions,
less interpersonal communication and many more. Employers can make sure that
all these don’t happen by adopting a strict “No Work at Home” policy.

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