Aptis General PDF
Aptis General PDF
Aptis General PDF
The Listening test has four task types. You can choose to listen to the text once or twice.
Information In this part, you will listen to a short Visit the British Council's LearnEnglish
recognition phone message or a short monologue website for lots of very useful activities,
Part 1 or dialogue, and you need to identify tips, apps and podcasts:
specific information such as a phone http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/
number, a time or a place.
The elementary podcasts are useful
preparation for these questions.
Information In this part, you will listen to four There are quite a few useful practice
matching people’s monologues and match the videos and podcasts on the LearnEnglish
Part 2 person to information. There are six website, so that's a very good starting
pieces of information to match to the point. In addition, try to listen to as much
monologues. English as possible (e.g. films, television
or radio).
Opinion In this task, you listen to a dialogue Listening to authentic speech, such as
matching between a man and a woman and then television drama programs or films, is a
Part 3 decide who expresses an opinion. good way to prepare for this task.
Monologue In these tasks, you listen to a monologue There are a number of higher-level
compre- and answer two questions. podcasts on the LearnEnglish website.
hension Also try the BBC World Service radio
Part 4 The focus here is not on understanding station.
the meaning of what the speaker is
saying, but on identifying clues in their
language or tone to help identify the
attitude of the speaker, their intention
or opinion.
19 Aptis Candidate Guide
Remember that if you'd like to hear a question for a second time, just click on the Play
button ( ). The system will not allow you to listen more than twice.
For each question, you are given a maximum amount of time to speak, but you can end
the recording early by clicking on a stop button. Please make sure you fully respond to the
question before you stop the recording.
The most common reasons people receive lower scores than they expect include:
O not doing a proper sound check (details on how to do this are shown below)
O not speaking clearly
O not answering the questions
O giving under-length answers – not using the full amount of time to speak
O overusing words such as 'and' and 'so'
O speaking in simple sentence lists
O not using a variety of sentence structures.
Before the Speaking test begins, you’ll be asked to check your microphone.
34 Aptis Candidate Guide
Personal In this part, you are asked to answer It’s a good idea to practice introducing
information three questions on personal topics. You yourself and talking about your personal
Part 1 are expected to talk for 30 seconds per experiences. Think about how you can
question. talk about familiar topics (e.g. holidays,
weekend activities, sports) and practise
giving general information about those
Describe, In this part you are asked to describe a You should try to be fluent and
express photograph and then answer two questions spontaneous, showing little sign of
opinion and related to the topic illustrated in the photo. effort. Make sure you answer all three
provide The three questions increase in complexity questions.
reasons (from description to opinion). You are
and expla- expected to talk for 45 seconds per
nations question.
Part 2
Describe, In this part you are asked to compare two To prepare for this task, practise
compare pictures and then answer two questions comparing two different things (e.g.
and provide related to the topic. The three questions two cities or two houses). Focus on
reasons increase in complexity (from description to describing their advantages and
and expla- speculation). You are expected to talk for disadvantages.
nations 45 seconds for each question.
Part 3 To achieve a very high score in this part,
it’s important to make sure you are using
correct grammatical structures when
you speculate.
35 Aptis Candidate Guide
Discuss In the final part, you will see a picture and A common error is to describe the
personal be asked three questions about an abstract photo. You will not receive a high score
experience topic. if you describe the photo. The questions
and opinion are more abstract (e.g. how you feel
on an You are given one (1) minute to prepare an about something).
abstract answer and in this time, you can take notes.
topic You are expected to talk for two (2) Another common error is to go off-topic.
Part 4 minutes. Focus on answering each question in
clear, smoothly flowing, well-structured
Each part of the test will appear automatically. You can stop recording your response
before the timer runs out by tapping on the stop button, but we recommend that you try to
speak for the full time available to maximise your score.
When the time to record comes, the timer begins. This tells you the amount of time you
have been recording for (in the screen shot below, the timer shows that it has been
recording for 25 seconds).
37 Aptis Candidate Guide
The areas assessed in this part of the Speaking test are how completely and relevantly
you have answered the question, grammatical range and accuracy, vocabulary range and
accuracy, pronunciation and fluency.
Areas assessed: task fulfilment / topic relevance, grammatical range and accuracy,
vocabulary range and accuracy, pronunciation, fluency.
4. A2.2 Responses to all three questions are on topic and show the following features:
• Some simple grammatical structures used correctly but basic mistakes
systematically occur.
• Vocabulary is sufficient to respond to the questions, although inappropriate
lexical choices are noticeable.
• Mispronunciations are noticeable and frequently place a strain on the
• Frequent pausing, false starts and reformulations but meaning is still clear.
3. A2.1 Responses to two questions are on topic and show the following features:
• Some simple grammatical structures used correctly but basic mistakes
systematically occur.
• Vocabulary is sufficient to respond to the questions, although inappropriate
lexical choices are noticeable.
• Mispronunciations are noticeable and frequently place a strain on the
• Frequent pausing, false starts and reformulations but meaning is still clear.
2. A1.2 Responses to at least two questions are on topic and show the following
• Grammatical structure is limited to words and phrases. Errors in basic
patterns and simple grammar structures impede understanding.
• Vocabulary is limited to very basic words related to personal information.
• Pronunciation is mostly unintelligible except for isolated words.
• Frequent pausing, false starts and reformulations impede understanding.
39 Aptis Candidate Guide
1. A1.1 Response to one question is on topic and shows the following features:
• Grammatical structure is limited to words and phrases. Errors in basic
patterns and simple grammar structures impede understanding.
• Vocabulary is limited to very basic words related to personal information.
• Pronunciation is mostly unintelligible except for isolated words.
• Frequent pausing, false starts and reformulations impede understanding.
Speaking part 2: Describe, express opinion and provide reasons and explanation
In this part, you will see a photo and answer three questions. You have 45 seconds to
respond to each question.
41 Aptis Candidate Guide
The areas assessed in parts 2 and 3 of the Speaking test are how completely and
relevantly you responded to the question, grammatical range and accuracy, vocabulary
range and accuracy, pronunciation, fluency and cohesion.
Areas assessed: task fulfilment / topic relevance, grammatical range and accuracy,
vocabulary range and accuracy, pronunciation, fluency and cohesion.
4. B1.2 Responses to all three questions are on topic and show the following features:
• Control of simple grammatical structures. Errors occur when attempting
complex structures.
• Sufficient range and control of vocabulary for the task. Errors occur when
expressing complex thoughts.
• Pronunciation is intelligible but inappropriate mispronunciations put an
occasional strain on the listener.
• Some pausing, false starts and reformulations.
• Uses only simple cohesive devices. Links between ideas are not always
clearly indicated.
3. B1.1 Responses to two questions are on topic and show the following features:
• Control of simple grammatical structures. Errors occur when attempting
complex structures.
• Sufficient range and control of vocabulary for the task. Errors occur when
expressing complex thoughts.
• Pronunciation is intelligible but inappropriate mispronunciations put an
occasional strain on the listener.
• Some pausing, false starts and reformulations.
• Uses only simple cohesive devices. Links between ideas are not always
clearly indicated.
2. A1.2 Responses to at least two questions are on topic and show the following
• Uses some simple grammatical structures correctly but systematically makes
basic mistakes.
• Vocabulary will be limited to concrete topics and descriptions. Inappropriate
lexical choices for the task are noticeable.
• Mispronunciations are noticeable and put a strain on the listener.
• Noticeable pausing, false starts and reformulations.
• Cohesion between ideas is limited. Responses tend to be a list of points.
43 Aptis Candidate Guide
1. A2.1 Response to one question is on topic and shows the following features:
• Uses some simple grammatical structures correctly but systematically makes
basic mistakes.
• Vocabulary will be limited to concrete topics and descriptions. Inappropriate
lexical choices for the task are noticeable.
• Mispronunciations are noticeable and put a strain on the listener.
• Noticeable pausing, false starts and reformulations.
• Cohesion between ideas is limited. Responses tend to be a list of points.
You have one minute to prepare a structured response. A timer on the screen will show
how long you have left. When preparation time is over, the message appears at the bottom
'You now have two minutes to talk'. You should speak until the recording automatically
stops after two minutes.