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Icc2 - Candidates - Report - JOE PAULRAJ STELLABAI - 00550058

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The inspection report identified several health and safety issues at the construction site including unsafe work at heights, hazardous substances, fire safety risks, poor housekeeping, and inadequate emergency access/egress. Recommendations were provided to address each issue through improvements like installing safety barriers, proper storage of materials, fire prevention measures, cleanliness programs, and designated pathways.

The main health and safety issues identified were unsafe scaffolding and work at heights, exposure to hazardous cement and paint dust without proper PPE, improper storage of combustible materials near potential ignition sources, accumulated waste and poor general cleanliness, and blocked emergency routes.

Recommendations provided to address the issues included closing unprotected scaffold openings, installing safety mesh, using safer ladders, rearranging scaffold planks, properly storing cement bags and removing combustible materials, installing larger bund walls and suitable fire extinguishers, conducting mass cleanliness programs, and providing designated walkways and emergency access points.

INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATE Candidate report template




Student number : 00550058

Location : SUBSTATION SITE, UAE Date of review : 15 / 12 / 2020

Report on Inspection of ongoing SUBSTATION Construction project.

Introduction including overview of area inspected and activities taking place

This reports represents the main findings of an inspection of the health and safety
arrangements of the above worksite. Various civil activities such as Excavation & Back filling,
Shuttering & Rebar fixing works. Finishing works such as block works & plaster Works, painting
works, Flooring works, false ceiling & Waterproofing works are being carried out during inspection.
90% of structural works are completed. Finishing works are in progress. The organisation have
company owned machineries and equipment’s such as boom loaders-2 nos, tower crane, bar
bending & cutting machines, compactor rollers, mixer machine etc. There are approximately 110
workers working a site daily including sub contactors. The numbers of subcontractors availability may
vary depends on the available work front and type of works carried tie to time. All the subcontractors
are selected based on their competence previous work experience and their safety culture. This is
managed by team of 4 members who are always at site during workhours

Executive Summary

This report, highlights the five principal areas where improvements are required to ensure the workers
safety and keeping the company away from the dangers of catastrophic effects by enforcement
authorities and substantial financial loss incurred by a serious incidents & accidents.

1. Work at Height

Unprotected openings on the scaffolding platforms, improper planks arrangement on scaffolding

platforms, unsuitable/ damaged ladders, and uncovered scaffolding platforms nearby access are
leads to the hazards such as Trip & Fall, fall from height, Material falling down. It can be avoided by
proper supervision & training to the workers to make them competent to erect safe scaffold system to
work at height

2. Hazardous Substance

Hazardous substance such as cement, activity produced silica dust and solvent and chemical based
Epoxy paint application were present without proper, adequate precautions at site. This issue can be
quickly addressed and at relatively little cost by ensuring Proper PPE, Training & Supervision
3. Fire Safety
Combustible Chemical/Solvent based thinners/ paints kept under direct sunlight, Unsuitable fire
extinguishers kept nearby diesel storage tank in reach of fire, insufficient capacity bund wall
constructed for Diesel spillage control which may leads to overflow in the event of spillage, Wooden/
general waste stored nearby Diesel generator are the greater risk which ignites & Spread the Fire at
site. This hazards can be eliminated & controlled through improved management supervision &
provision of a suitable storage area and providing suitable fire extinguisher at the right place not at the
reach of fire

4. House Keeping

Accumulated Concrete debris at work area, Wooden general waste piled up without disposal, scatted
material storage at material laydown leads to crating the trip & Fall hazard and shows up the
housekeeping standards are not met up to the standards. Housekeeping should be addressed by
removal of activity produced waste (wooden/ General material surplus wastes), Proper segregation
and proper waste removal methods with improved supervision.

5. Site Emergency Access/Egress

Lifting equipment blocked Site access, Excavation pit does not have sufficient Access/ egress points,
Cable drums stored on access road causing blockage of site emergency access road. These hazards
prevents worker from safe evacuation in the event of Emergency. This can be eliminated by providing
designated and sufficient storage area, pathway and access/egress points into the work area

Main findings of the inspection

Work at Height

Unsafe scaffolding and lack of hazard controlling measures followed at height making very vulnerable
to the workers and leading to safety hazards such as fall from height, Material fall etc. Further It may
cause loss of life and sever injuries if any accidents taken place. Local regulations OSHAD (Abu
Dhabi occupational safety & Health system)- COP 26.0 clearly defines the roles of the employer, that
is Employer should provide sufficient trainings & deploy competent workers for scaffolding works to
provide safe work place.

Thus action to be taken immediate to rectify the scaffoldings. Competent scaffolding inspectors should
be deployed and scaffolding inspection should be done on weekly basis or as soon as any major
changes done at the scaffolding. Sufficient of safety trainings should be provided to workers and
supervisors. Risk analysis at work at height should be prepared and hazards should be discussed
with the work team before start of work. Supervisor should ensures all the workers involved in the
work at height activity have proper PPEs

Hazardous Substance

The controls and safe use of hazardous substance needs to be improved. There were number of
instances of substances beings used (e.g. .Epoxy Paint application, Cement handling or produced (
e.g. Grinding & chipping of concrete produces air born silica ) without sufficient precautions and its
causing the workers is being exposed to the Hazardous substances and sufficient Safety Measures
are not in place with respect to the related hazards. This clear violation from project’s Health and
Safety Plan. OSHAD-SF (Abu Dhabi Occupational safety & health system) CoP 1.0 Guidance should
be followed for handling of Hazardous materials. As exposure to Hazardous Substance such as
inhalation of airborne silica particles & fumes of Epoxy paint, longer exposure to Hazardous
substance may lead to longer chronic diseases and affect lungs and body parts.

And it is breach of Federal law & construction Code of Procedures

Thus suitable measures such as, job safety trainings, Proper risk assessment, proper & Suitable use
of PPE, training on safe handling & Management of Hazardous materials to the supervisors and
workers should be in place. Job rotation between the work personnel’s by limiting their exposure
hours to the hazardous activity is recommended. These are cost effective solutions.

Fire Safety

As the construction site involves lot of ongoing hot works such as grinding, cutting, welding &
bituminous waterproofing using flames torch and painting ( solvent based, flammable), it very
essential to control the storage & Use of flammable materials at site. Improper Storage of Flammable
fuels & storage of General waste nearby Diesel Generators, Accumulation Wooden Wastes,
Flammable chemical containers exposed to direct sunlight are found during Site investigation. These
are putting construction site into the greater of Fire. And the cost of fire could be catastrophic to the
company because fire could cause loss of life, severe loss of assets, huge compensation & Legal
procedures on criminal courts

And it is a breach of UAE Fire code of Practice 2018

The remedy is almost cost free solutions such as the good training and good supervision. Good
housekeeping should be followed at site. Sufficient number fires exit and clear marked fire exit routes
can reduce the impacts in case of any fire. Blocking fire exit during construction and all other time
should be avoided as it could prevent timely escape in event of Fire

House keeping

The Housekeeping at the construction site found below average. Little care can make huge difference
on site and it will make site safe. Managers have a duty Under Article 13 of ILO C167 convention
(safety and health in construction) to ensure that safe work place and keeping site free from
obstruction. Failure to maintain a safe & Tidy workplace can create bad morale among the workers
and cold cause tripping accidents. It could result in lost tie accidents, compensation claims and legal
actions by the enforcement authorities leading to fines.

Remedial actions should be carried immediately to bring the site as safe working place to reduce the
accidents, trip& fall, Protruding sharp objects. Tool Box training should be provided to all the work
personals. Site Wastes should be removed on every day basis. Construction waste management
plan should be prepared and implemented at site. The cost of safe work area is tidy & clean worksite,
Workers awareness & Management commitment

Site Emergency Access/ Egress

At the construction site, the provided access/Egress points at different area excavation, Scaffolding,
Main building at different levels are less than sufficient. It may causes delay in escape in the event of
emergency such fire & Collapse. Work equipment’s are blocked the Emergency exit route. And
Materials are being stored by blocking the way of emergency route. These may cause cave-in the
event of excavation side collapse, Water entry and fire. Company will be at danger by putting the
workers life at greater risk such as loss of life, huge compensation claims to families, and fines by
authorities and legal precedence that cause catastrophic effects on the company.
Providing Tool box trainings, sufficient access/ egress points, keeping the fire exits/ access route from
free of obstructions will keep the mentioned risks & dangers away and will keep construction site as
safe working place.


Among of all the hazards identified at site, these are the most pressing areas that, highlighted
in this detailed report. Other hazards also needs to be improved at site such as noise, vibration,
manual handling, use of electrical operated tools as that also have greater impact on safer work place
and to create accident free site.

Scaffolding platforms for work at height activities are not up to standards and leads to the
hazards causing loss of life. It should be eliminated with deploying suitable control measures, Job
safety trainings and improved & frequent supervision the competent person.
Greater care should be taken for storing, managing & working with activities involves
hazardous substance like cement, silica dust, epoxy/solvent based paints. ILL health is the major
concern which caused by the Hazardous substance. To prevent the chronic, long term diseases
caused by the hazardous substances used at site, suitable personal protective equipment such as
Gloves, Respiratory masks, should be provided. JOB rotation, limiting exposure time can reduce the
risk amount of hazards.
Fire hazards are present a site because of improper storage of combustible materials, storing
wooden general wastes nearby Diesel Generator, unsuitable Fire extinguishers & improper protective
measures against spillage of Fuel in the event of leakage. Fire accidents will cause huge
catastrophic effects to the company such as loss of life, asset, and heavy cost of claims by family,
legal actions by the authorities which leads to heavy fines, closure of business etc. It can be avoided
with care and improved supervision, and deploying suitable control measures and proper storage of
combustible materials.
General Housekeeping is found below than average which could be improved with the small
cost by implementing clean as you go policy on daily basis and with the continuous effective
supervision. Long back accumulated issues can be resolved by implement MASS Housekeeping
Finally storing the materials & Blocking on the Fire Exit routes & insufficient Access/Egress
points in the work area causing trip & fall, cave in hazards and prevent escaping in the event of
emergency which may cause catastrophic effects to the company. These can be eliminated with
proper care, improved supervision, creating awareness to the worker at the tool box training.

If Management commitment seen to taken a lead on implementing, Improving and

Maintaining the safe work procedures and thereby improving site conditions on site, will have
significant positive impact on improvement of morale of the workforce and playing their work
role by maintaining a safe and health work place
Recommendations – include as a table in the following format:

Target date/Time
Recommendation Likely resource implications Priority

Work at height/ Scaffolding

Close the unprotected

2 hours of 4 scaffolders high 1 day

Cover the Scaffold 10m above The Estimated cost of Green Mesh
Medium 1 week
height platforms with Screen covering shall be less than 500 AED
Mesh externally

Use “A” ladders instead

Cost of “A” ladder. Which is less than
straight edge ladders for Small/ high 1 day
100 AED
less Risk activities
Re-arrange the planks and
use transoms to avoid tipping Approximately 4 Hours of 6
High 2 days
over supports scaffolders

Hazardous Substance

Remove & Store the cement bags in

covered rooms 1 Hour of 4 Helpers High 1 day and ongoing

Provide proper Ventilation for Epoxy

works area & Limit exposures hours
Immediate &
by Job Rotation/ sufficient 2 hours of rest during activity High
intermediate rest during long work

Provide all the workers with effective

PPEs and proper Job safety trainings
In house training & PPEs shall High 1 Week
on managing & controlling job related
be Less than 500 AED
Hazards and their effects.

Fire Safety
The estimated cost of bund wall
Provide Bund wall with 1.5 times
expenses shall be less than High Within 1 week
capacity of fuel storage tank
1000 AED

Remove and store combustible

materials away from fire ignite 1 days of 6 workers High Within 2 days
Provide training to ensure all workers
to understand the need for control of
flammable materials In house training Medium 1 week

Provide suitable fire extinguishers at

safe distance of fire from the ignition The estimated cost approx. less
sources High Within 3 days
than 1000 AED

House keeping
Clean the area by Mass
housekeeping programme 5 hours of 20 Workers High 1 day
Conduct Tool box trainings on the
topics of safe work place, need of
good housekeeping In house training Medium 1 week

Site Emergency Access/ Egress

Provide designated Walk ways
Negligible High 3 days

Provide sufficient number of Access/

Egress in the excavation and other
work areas 4 hours of 4 workers High 1 day

Provide Tool box training on the topic

of use of Emergency Access/ Exit
during emergency In house Training Medium Within one week

Prepared & Signed by JOE P S dated 15-12-2020

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