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Cat Detect Proximity Awareness For MineStar Onboard PDF

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The manual discusses important safety information and precautions to take when operating heavy machinery. It emphasizes being alert of potential hazards and having proper training before performing any maintenance or repairs.

The manual mentions observing basic safety rules and precautions. It warns of hazards identified by the 'Safety Alert Symbol' followed by a 'Signal Word' like 'DANGER', 'WARNING' or 'CAUTION'. It also discusses safety precautions and warnings provided in the manual and on the product.

The status window can display alarm status icons, GPS status icons, miscellaneous icons, proximity critical icons, and radio status icons.

M0065690-01 (en-us)

January 2018

Operation and

Cat® Detect Proximity Awareness for
MineStar Onboard Version 4
PA4 1-UP (Machine Control
& Guidance Products)


Important Safety Information

Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe
basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous
situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards, including human factors
that can affect safety. This person should also have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these
functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could
result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you verify
that you are authorized to perform this work, and have read and understood the operation,
lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard warnings
are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as
“DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.

The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:
Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.
The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or pictorially
A non-exhaustive list of operations that may cause product damage are identified by “NOTICE” labels on
the product and in this publication.
Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard.
The warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. You must not
use this product in any manner different from that considered by this manual without first
satisfying yourself that you have considered all safety rules and precautions applicable to the
operation of the product in the location of use, including site-specific rules and precautions
applicable to the worksite. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating technique that is not
specifically recommended by Caterpillar is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you
and for others. You should also ensure that you are authorized to perform this work, and that the
product will not be damaged or become unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair
procedures that you intend to use.

The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information that was
available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures,
measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can
affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before you
start any job. Cat dealers have the most current information available.

When replacement parts are required for this

product Caterpillar recommends using Cat re-
placement parts.
Failure to follow this warning may lead to pre-
mature failures, product damage, personal in-
jury or death.

In the United States, the maintenance, replacement, or repair of the emission control devices and
systems may be performed by any repair establishment or individual of the owner's choosing.
M0065690-01 3
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Foreword ........................................................... 4

Safety Section

Safety ................................................................ 5

Product Information Section

General Information .......................................... 6

Operation Section

Before Operation ..............................................11

Operation......................................................... 13

Maintenance Section

Maintenance Interval Schedule....................... 40

Index Section

Index................................................................ 43
4 M0065690-01

Foreword Maintenance
The maintenance section, if present, is a guide to
Literature Information equipment care. Proper maintenance and repair are
essential to keep the equipment and systems
This manual should be read carefully before using operating correctly. As the owner, you are
this product for the first time and before performing responsible for the performance of the required
maintenance. This manual should be stored in the maintenance listed in the Owner Manual, Operation
product literature holder or in the product literature and Maintenance Manual, and Service Manual. The
storage area. Immediately replace this manual if lost, Maintenance Interval Schedule lists the items to be
damaged, or unreadable. This manual may contain maintained at a specific service interval. Items
safety information, operation instructions, without specific intervals are listed under the "When
transportation information, lubrication information, Required" service interval. The Maintenance Interval
and maintenance information. Some photographs or Schedule lists the page number for the step-by-step
illustrations in this publication show details or instructions required to accomplish the scheduled
attachments that can be different from your product. maintenance. Use the Maintenance Interval
Guards and covers might have been removed for Schedule as an index or "one safe source" for all
maintenance procedures.
illustrative purposes. Continuing improvement and
advancement of product design might have caused
changes to your product, which are not included in Maintenance Intervals
this publication. Whenever a question arises

regarding your product, or this publication, consult Use the service hour meter to determine servicing
your dealer for the latest available information. intervals. Calendar intervals shown (daily, weekly,
monthly, etc.) can be used instead of service hour
meter intervals if they provide more convenient
Safety servicing schedules and approximate the indicated
The safety section, if present, lists basic safety
service hour meter reading. Recommended service
should always be performed at the interval that
precautions. In addition, this section identifies the text occurs first. Under extremely severe, dusty, or wet
and locations of safety messages used on the operating conditions, more frequent lubrication than
product. Read and understand the basic precautions is specified in the maintenance intervals chart might
listed in the safety section before operating or be necessary. Perform service on items at multiples
performing lubrication, maintenance, and repair on of the original requirement. For example, at every
this product. 500 service hours or 3 months, also service those
items listed under every 250 service hours or monthly
Operation and every 10 service hours or daily.

The operation section, if present, is a reference for Product Capacity

the new operator and a refresher for the experienced
operator. This section includes a discussion of Additional attachments or modifications may exceed

gauges, switches, controls, attachment controls, product design capacity, which can adversely affect
transportation, and towing information (if applicable). product performance characteristics, safety,
Photographs and illustrations guide the operator reliability, and applicable certifications. Contact your
through correct procedures of checking, starting, dealer for further information.
operating, and stopping the product. Operating
techniques outlined in this publication are basic. Skill
and techniques develop as the operator gains
knowledge of the product and its capabilities.

Product Information
The product information section, if present, may
provide specification data, product intended use,
product identification plate locations, and certification
M0065690-01 5
Safety Section

Safety Section PL671 Radio Regulatory

Safety FCC Notice to Users
SMCS Code: 1400
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Caterpillar
Safety Messages could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply

with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of
Do not operate or work on this machine unless the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
you have read and understand the instructions reasonable protection against harmful interference when the
and warnings in the Operation and Maintenance equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This
manuals. Failure to follow the instructions or equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
heed the warnings could result in injury or death.
Contact your authorized dealer for replacement energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
manuals. Proper care is your responsibility. instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio

communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential
area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the
Operation user will be required to correct the interference at his own
• Ensure that you have read and understood the
machine Operation and Maintenance Manual.

• Ensure that the screen is clean and adjusted

properly. Industry Canada Notice to Users
• During system start-up, ensure that the audible
alarm is heard during the display self-test. This device complies with CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB-3(A)
• Prior to operating the machine, ensure that the
brightness of the display is properly adjusted. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
Ensure that the brightness is adjusted after • This device may not cause interference
changes in conditions for ambient light. • This device must accept any interference, including
interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

• Check the display for system information

warnings, if warnings are present, contact your
Radio Frequency Exposure Notice to

To comply with the FCC and Industry Canada rules regarding

Radio Frequency exposure, the PL671 V2x device must be
installed in such a manner that, during normal operation, a
person is not closer than 20 cm from the device.
6 M0065690-01
Product Information Section
General Information

Product Information GLONASS: – Global Navigation Satellite System

Section GNSS: – Global Navigation Satellite Systems
(generic naming used to describe the use of more
than one positioning system)
General Information BSM – Basic Safety Message is a standard format
message that allows machines to share positioning
i07059083 information.

General Information DSRC – Dedicated Short Range Communications is

the communications protocol used to pass Basic
SMCS Code: 7348; 7490 Safety Messages.

Intended Use GPS/GNSS Availability

Use of this system does not replace basic safety pre-
cautions and procedures for operating a machine.
Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual of Due to the nature of wireless communications

the machine for additional information. and government controlled navigation systems,
satellite timing signals may be lost, inaccurate, or
Cat ® Detect Proximity Awareness uses a of poor signal strength. The availability of satel-
combination of hardware and software, both onboard lite-based positioning signals is beyond the con-
(machine) and off board (infrastructure and office) to
provide information to the machine operator. The
trol of both, the user and Caterpillar. Diagnostics
to detect low accuracy or the loss of signal pro-
machine sends GPS position to other machines over vide warnings to the operator. Failure to follow
DSRC using V2x modules and to the office (server) the instructions or heed the warnings could re-
over a wireless radio network. The V2x modules and sult in injury or death.
the office then process all the messages from the
individual machines within coverage. The V2x Detect Proximity Awareness consists of several key
modules then share near real-time positions with the elements that make up the complete system. At the
display and the office broadcast the messages out heart of the Proximity Awareness system are the
over the wireless radio network for machines that GNSS satellite constellations. Both GPS (United
have shutdown or that are equipped with WiFi only States) and GLONASS (Russia) are owned and
Proximity Awareness. The display processes the operated by the defense departments of the
messages and calculates machines of interest based countries that placed the satellites in orbit. While
on the position of your machines and the machines these government agencies recognize the great
around you. dependence the private sector has for these

systems, an important message is, that for national

The Proximity Awareness onboard system uses security reasons, and at any time, the government
locations from a Global Positioning System (GPS), to can shut off, move/reallocate to a different slot, or
enhance operator awareness of other equipment with alter the timing signals provided by these satellites.
a proximity awareness system installed and These government activities are out of the user and
configured boundaries surrounding the machine. Caterpillar control and would have an adverse effect
on the system to report accurate locations of the
Detect helps increase operator awareness of equipment. The onboard system incorporates
machine surroundings. Detect includes a range of diagnostics to detect low accuracy and/or no
capabilities designed to assist the operator, including corrections to warn the operator of this condition.
blind spot and proximity detection of fixed and mobile
equipment. Elements of the Proximity Awareness System
The system is highly configurable during setup and The following list defines elements of the Proximity
the on-board alarming behavior may differ from what Awareness system:
is specified in this manual. Refer with your site
supervisor for site-specific alarming behaviors. • GPS/GNSS (Space element)

Detect Basics • Reference station (Ground element)

• Onboard Site Awareness system (User element)

• Wireless network, onboard, and infrastructure
GPS: – Global Navigation System (United States (Two-way data communications)
Department of Defense (DoD) NAVSTAR)
M0065690-01 7
Product Information Section
System Components

• Office application (receives machine locations and

broadcasts to all)
Another key element embedded within the user
element is the geographic local coordinate system
calibration file. This file is a conversion file on the
GNSS satellite receiver that is created by the mine
site. The file calibrates the latitude, longitude, and
elevation calculated by the satellite receiver into the
mine site local coordinate system (northing, easting,
and elevation). The accuracy of the indicated position
in the plan view window of the Proximity Awareness
system depends on the accuracy of the conversion
file and measure-up of the machine during
installation. Ensure that the GNSS reference point
that is on the machine is placed over known site
calibration point. Verify that the Proximity Awareness
indicated that position matches the known mine site
calibration point prior to placing the machine in

Object Detection System (If
If your machine is equipped with the Object Detect
System, refer to the applicable system Operation and
Maintenance Manual for further information.


System Components
SMCS Code: 7348; 7490
The Detect onboard system consists of the following

• Touchscreen monitor display


• V2x module

• GPS antenna
• Wireless radio (customer supplied)
• Interface module

• Ethernet switch
• Medium precision satellite receiver

Reference: Refer to Special Instruction, M0077913,

“Installation Procedure for theCat ®Detect Proximity
Awareness System - PL671” for the installation
8 M0065690-01
Product Information Section
System Components

Illustration 1 g06212749
Stand-alone Proximity Awareness system
(1) GPS antenna (3) Secondary PL671 radio (5) Third-party wireless radio
(2) Primary PL671 radio (4) GS407 monitor display
M0065690-01 9
Product Information Section
System Components

Illustration 2 g06212780
Integrated with Fleet
(1) GPS antenna (4) GS407 monitor display (7) Ethernet switch
(2) Primary PL671 radio (5) Third-party wireless radio (8) Health Interface Module (HIM)
(3) Secondary PL671 radio (6) MS352 satellite receiver

Touchscreen Monitor Display • Sends and received Basic Safety Messages

The monitor display (4) provides the only operator GPS Antenna

interface to control the system. The monitor display

provides the following functions: The GPS (1) antenna receives signals from the GPS
satellites and provides them to the V2x module.
• Displays the position of the machine and other
machines and configured areas in the plan view of
the mine site Wireless Radio (Customer
• Displays the status of system and diagnostic
screens The wireless radio (5), supplied by the customer,
provides network connectivity between the onboard
• Generates visible and audible alarms based on and office systems.
proximity of machines and avoidance zones to
Optional Items
V2x Module The following list depicts items that can be integrated
when used with Cat MineStar Fleet Onboard
The V2x module is the systems main communication Systems:
module. The V2x module performs the following
functions: Interface Module (Optional)
• Processes GPS positions
The interface module (8) performs the following
10 M0065690-01
Product Information Section
System Components

• Provides directional gear information from the

machine to the monitor display

Ethernet Switch (Optional)

Supplied by the customer, the onboard Ethernet
switch (7), provides network onboard between the
Detect and Fleet systems.

Medium Precision Satellite Receiver

Medium precision MS352 GPS satellite receivers (6)
can be configured to provide positions to the V2x

M0065690-01 11
Operation Section
Before Operation

Operation Section

Before Operation

Before Operation
SMCS Code: 7348; 7490

The Proximity Awareness system is highly con-

figurable. Depending on site configuration set- Illustration 3 g03863938
tings within Detect Office, certain visual and/or “Caution” screen
audible alerts may not function for a particular
event. Work with your supervisor to understand After turning the keyswitch on, the “CAT” startup
the alert behavior prior to using the system. Fail- screen will appear while the application launches.

ure to follow the instructions or heed the warn- The disclaimer splash screen and “caution” will
ings could result in injury or death. appear. When the self-test is completed, the
following actions occur:
Perform the following tasks prior to operating the
AF • The operator logon window appears (as required).

• Understand the functionality of all the views on the • The plan view becomes active.
monitor display.
If a portion of the application fails or a system fault is
• Adjust the screen brightness for optimal viewing in detected, one or more of the following icons will be
the current conditions. present:

• Position the display to provide clear visibility of the No GPS – This icon displays when there
screen from the operator seat. is no GPS communication.
• Ensure that the display is clean.
No communication to office – This icon
displays when broadband radio
communication to the office is

unavailable in WiFi mode or when BSMs are

Improper operation of an access platform could unavailable in V2x Mode.
result in injury or death. Operators must carry out
their duties properly and follow all instructions V2x Fault, High Priority – All Machine to
and guidelines given for the machine and access Machine communication functions with
platform. the V2x module are stopped.

V2x Fault, Low Priority – Some Machine

Power ON/OFF to Machine communication functions
with the V2x module are stopped.
Power is supplied to the system when the operator
turns the machine keyswitch to the ON position. If the self-test fails, contact your site technology
During the power-up process, the monitor and the support or Cat technical communicator.
V2x module will perform a self-test. During the self-
test, the monitor display will ensure that all the If a fault is present, contact your site technology
components are communicating. System status icons support or Caterpillar dealer.
will be displayed if GPS or communication issues are
present. The V2x module will illuminate LEDs to PL671 Indicator Lights
indicate what processes are functioning.
The PL671 is a V2x module used on CaT Detect
systems. The module contains 4 LED indicator lights
that indicate the following scenarios:
12 M0065690-01
Operation Section
Before Operation

Green LED
The purpose of the green LED is to indicate when the
radio is powered ON or OFF.
Green LED OFF – Indicates that the radio is not
Green LED ON – Indicates that the radio is powered
properly and is ON.
Green LED Blinking – The green LED will blink
when a fault has been detected that will prevent the
application firmware from running. If the green LED is
blinking, contact your Caterpillar dealer.

Orange LED - GPS Illustration 4 g03738018

The purpose of the orange LED is to indicate whether Blue LED OFF – Indicates no Ethernet link
a GPS fix has been made. established.
Blue LED Blinking – The blue LED will blink to

Orange LED OFF – The orange LED will be OFF
when a GPS antenna is not found by the radio. indicate Ethernet activity.

Orange LED ON – The GPS antenna is working Blue LED ON – The blue LED will turn ON when the
module has established an Ethernet link. Refer to
properly, and can see enough GPS satellites to Illustration 4 .
determine a good location fix.
Orange LED Blinking – The orange LED will have a
constant blinking status when the GPS antenna is
working properly, however not enough GPS satellites
are viewable to get a good GPS location fix. If a
blinking orange LED persists, contact your Caterpillar
Yellow LED - DSRC Communications

The purpose of the yellow LED is to indicate that a

connection to the communication network, through
DSCR, is being attempted. This action does not

indicate that there is an appropriate signal, only that

the hardware is working properly, and is capable of
making a connection given that a signal is present.
Yellow LED OFF – Indicates no DSRC
communications available.
Yellow LED Blinking – Indicates that there is a
DSRC fault and the device is unable to launch

Blue LED - Ethernet

The purpose of the blue LED is to determine when

Ethernet connections are present.
M0065690-01 13
Operation Section


Display Navigation
SMCS Code: 7348; 7490


Illustration 5 g06012813


Arrow button (1) – The arrow button is Brightness button – The brightness
used to perform the following functions: button is used to adjust the screen
brightness. The screen will toggle
• Highlight a selection (up/down) between two settings. Press the button once to
set the screen to the brightest mode, press the
• Manually adjust brightness level after the button again to set the screen to dimmest mode.
brightness button is depressed (right/ left) Pressing and holding the brightness button for 3
seconds will cause the brightness adjustment
OK button (2) – The “ OK”” button is used window to appear.
to select items that are highlighted.
Alarm acknowledge button (5) – The
alarm acknowledge button is used for
Tab button (3) – The tab button is used acknowledging alarms. Press the button
to change the active screen between the once to acknowledge the alarm. If a new alarm
plan view and the camera view. occurs, the new alarm must be acknowledged
again. Also, the alarm acknowledge can be used
to mute the alarm until the next power cycle or
when the button is held again for 10 seconds.
When the alarm is muted, all alarms will still be
displayed but not be audible. The mute feature
depends upon site configuration.
14 M0065690-01
Operation Section
Main Screen


Main Screen
SMCS Code: 7348; 7490
The main screen allows the operator to monitor the
operation of the system. The operator can perform
the following tasks in the main screen:
• Monitor the system state for Global Positioning
System (GPS) and wireless communications
• View system information
• Monitor position of other machines

• Access toolbar buttons

The main screen is divided into seven areas. The
following seven items make up the main screen:

• System information window
• Plan window

• Status window
• Status bar

• Tool access window

• Toolbar button

Note: Depending on how the site has configured the

onboard display, the screen may look different.
M0065690-01 15
Operation Section
System Information Windows

Illustration 6 g06213236

(1) Object Detection Proximity Bar (6) Soft Panel Next Screen button (12) Status Window
(2) System Information (7) Soft Panel Alarm Acknowledge button (13) Object Detection Quadrant Detection
(3) Speed Limit (8) Soft Panel Brightness button (14) Map View
(4) Operator Name (9) System Status and Warning
(5) Soft Button Panel including Up and (10) Tool Bar Button Menu
Down Arrows, and OK buttons (11) Truck State


System Information Windows


SMCS Code: 7348; 7490

Illustration 7 g06012976
System information window
(1) Speed limit (2) Name of operator currently logged in
16 M0065690-01
Operation Section
Status Window

A system information window displays information to No GPS – “ No GPS”” icon displays when
the machine operator. A dedicated system there is no GPS communication.
information window is configured to display the time.
An extra dedicated system information window is
configured to display the current speed limit. The Radio Status Icon
system information window that is at the top left of
the screen can be configured to display several types No communication to office – “ No
of system information data in a single window. This communication to office”” icon displays
system information displays one item at a time.
when broadband radio communication
Touching the system information window scrolls to
the next configured system information item. to the office is unavailable.

Several types of system information data can be Alarm Status Icon

combined in the system information window. The
following system information data can display: Alarm muted – “ Alarm muted”” icon
displays when the alarm has been
• Time muted by the operator.
• Global Positioning System (GPS) accuracy
Proximity Critical Icons
• Speed limit (KM/H or MPH)

Low priority – “ Low Priority”” icon
• Operator name displays when a machine equipped with
proximity awareness is in the path or
Note: Depending upon site configuration, different avoidance area of the machine or a machine
items may be available in the status information
AF around your machine. The low priority icon will
display when the avoidance or path area of one
machine has entered the avoidance or path area
i07060230 of another machine. This information is
calculated based on GPS positions and the
Status Window defined dimensions of your machine in the office.
SMCS Code: 7348; 7490
High priority – “ High Proximity”” icon
The status window continuously displays critical displays when a machine equipped with
system and proximity information. Status icons proximity awareness path, avoidance, or
provide status information to the operator for the body area is in the body area of your machine or
following system components: your machines path, avoidance, or body area of
another machine. This information is calculated
• Global Positioning System (GPS) based on GPS positions and the defined

dimensions of your machine in the office.

• Radio

• Alarm V2x Module Icons

• Zones High Priority – High Priority icon
displays when all machine to machine
• Speed limit violation communication functions with the V2x
module are stopped.
The status bar will also display information about
GPS proximity detection. Low Priority – Low Priority icon displays
when some machine to machine
GPS Status Icons communication functions with the V2x
module are stopped.
Low Priority – “ Low GPS”” icon displays
when the GPS accuracy is low. Miscellaneous Icons
Speed limit violation – “ Speed limit
violation”” icon displays when the
machine exceeds the speed limit set for
the class of machine being operated. Also, if the
machine exceeds a speed limit for a zone that the
machine is located in, the speed limit icon will
M0065690-01 17
Operation Section
Plan Map Window

Avoidance zone – “ Avoidance zone”” icon

displays when the machine enters an
avoidance zone.


Plan Map Window

SMCS Code: 7348; 7490
Illustration 9 g03142117

The name of the machine is displayed next to the

icon. Refer to Illustration 9 .

Illustration 8 g02614938
Plan view window
Illustration 10 g03417508
The plan window is the main operating screen in
Detect onboard. The plan window displays the (1) Compass
(2) Machine icon
following information: (3) Zone

• Position of your machine The compass (1) is located in the top left corner of
the plan map. The red portion of the compass
• Position of other machines indicates which direction is north. In Illustration 11 ,
the machine is facing North.
• Zones
The operators machine is always centered on the
• Reference points screen with the front of the machine (2) facing the top
of the display. This location matches the physical
Position of Your Machine orientation of the machine.

The position of your machine is displayed within the The map rotates around the machine during
plan view window. Your machine is shown as the icon movement to ensure physical and displayed left,
in the center of the screen. right, front, and rear always match. For example,
zones that are displayed on the right are physically
located to the right (3).
18 M0065690-01
Operation Section
Plan Map Window

Note: The machine icon will always display near the

center of the map. The icon does not move or change
directions. The machine icon will always appear to
travel towards the top of the display, even when the
machine is traveling in reverse. The movement of the
machine on the map is shown by the map display
changing machine instead of machine in the
background, moving behind the icon of your

M0065690-01 19
Operation Section
Plan Map Window

Zoom Level

Illustration 11 g03142318
Zoomed out level
(4) Zoom in button (5) Zoom out button (6) Sliding scale

The operator can adjust the zoom level by pressing

the zoom in (4) and zoom out (5) buttons on the plan

The sliding scale (6) in between the zoom buttons

indicates the current level of zoom. After the operator
has set the zoom level, the scale will disappear until
the zoom button is pressed again.
All machine icons are displayed to scale both with
other machines and their physical environment such
as zones and other machines.

Position of Other Machines

The position of other machines is displayed within the
plan view window. Your machine is shown as the icon
in the center of the screen.
20 M0065690-01
Operation Section
Plan Map Window

Illustration 12 g03142338

(6) Your machine (7) Other machine

Based on the operator-selected zoom Level, the

machines are displayed in the plan view at the
appropriate location and size dimensions. In addition,
the statuses of the other machines are also displayed
as on overlay of the machine icon.

Machine Status Indicators


Use of this system does not replace basic safety pre-
cautions and procedures for operating a machine.
Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual of
the machine for additional information.

Due to the nature of wireless communications

and government controlled navigation systems,
satellite timing signals may be lost, inaccurate, or
of poor signal strength. The availability of satel-
lite-based positioning signals is beyond the con-
trol of both, the user and Caterpillar. Diagnostics Illustration 13 g03416717
to detect low accuracy or the loss of signal pro- Example of powered off icon
vide warnings to the operator. Failure to follow (8) Powered off machine
the instructions or heed the warnings could re-
sult in injury or death.
M0065690-01 21
Operation Section
Plan Map Window

Powered Off – This icon overlay Compactor

indicates that the machine has been
shutdown. This location is the last
known good position reported to the office prior Dragline
to the shutdown. Since the machine indicates
that it is shutdown and has not reestablished
communications to report a startup, then the last
known position is likely the current position of Drill
the machine.

Fuel Truck or Water Truck


Hydraulic Shovel or Track Excavator

Light Vehicle
AF Scraper

Soil Compactor, Underground Loader,

or Wheel Loader

Illustration 14 g03416721
Track Dozer or Track Loader
Example of out of communication icon
(9) Out of communication machine

Out of Communication – This icon is Wheel Dozer

only used for Detect machines in WiFi

only mode and will not be used for V2x

Mode machines. This icon overlay indicates that Wheel Excavator
the machine has low GPS quality and/or has lost
communication with the office. The current
location on the screen is the last known good
position reported to the office. The machine Wheel Loader
position on the display may not reflect the actual
current position of the machine or machines.
Other Machine with Heading
Machine Types
The following list indicates the machine icon with the
associated machine type:

Articulated Truck, Haul Truck, or

Underground Truck

Cable Shovel
22 M0065690-01
Operation Section
Plan Map Window

Other without Heading Avoidance Zone

Zone Polygons

The proximity awareness feature does not re-

place basic safe operating procedures identified
in the machine Operator and Maintenance Man-
ual. Machines equipped with proximity aware-
ness that are turned off and/or have lost radio
communication, will not report current position
of machine. Be aware of your surroundings be-
fore moving. Failure to follow the instructions or
heed the warnings could result in serious injury
or death.

Zones can be configured as any color. Note which
type of zone you are approaching before you enter
the zone.
Zones are used to define specific areas on the mine
Illustration 15
Avoidance zone

site. The zone polygons display on the plan view

screen to the operator. The operator may encounter (8) Avoidance zone symbol
(9) Icon indicating machine has entered avoidance zone
the following types of zones:

• Avoidance zones Avoidance zones (8) are areas on the mine site that
are restricted to the machine. An icon (9) will appear
• Speed limit zones indicating that the machine has entered an
avoidance area. Also, a “do not enter” notification
message may display to the operator and a constant
• Hazard zones
audible tone will sound. These alerts will continue
until the machine leaves the avoidance zone.
M0065690-01 23
Operation Section
Plan Map Window

Speed Limit Zones Entering and Exiting Zones

The operator may be notified upon entry and exit of
zones. The following notifications occur:

• An audible alarm may sound depending upon site


• A popup text message may appear depending

upon site configuration.

The site may not be configured to display visual

or audible warnings. Be aware of the site configu-
ration settings before operating a machine. Con-
sult your site operations manager. Failure to be
aware of the site configuration settings could re-
sult in serious injury or death.

Illustration 16
Speed limit zones
AF g03140165

(10) Speed limit zone

(11) Speed limit of the zone
(12) Current speed limit
(13) Speed limit violation icon

Speed limit zones are areas on the mine site where

the speed limit changes from the set global speed
limit. The current speed limit indicator (12) will update
indicating the new speed limit of that zone to the
Illustration 17 g03057276
Note: If the global speed limit for your class of Example message
machine is lower than that of the zone, the speed

limit will not change.

If the machine exceeds the set speed limit, a single
beep audible tone may sound and a visual speed
limit violation icon (13) will be displayed until one of
the following scenarios occur:
• The machine speed drops below the speed limit

• The machine exits the speed zone and enters an

area with a higher speed limit which is not being

Hazard Zones
Hazard zones are areas on the mine site that the
operator needs to be aware of. These areas include
but are not limited too, material spillage, damage to
haul roads, and disabled machines. A “do not enter”
notification and message may be displayed to the
operator and a constant audible tone may sound.
These alerts will continue until the machine leaves
the hazard zone.
24 M0065690-01
Operation Section
Tool Button Display

Refer to Illustration 13 for an example of a message

that would appear upon entry of a zone.


Tool Button Display

SMCS Code: 7348; 7490
Illustration 19 g03410764

Operator login – This toolbar button is used to

change the operator.

Illustration 20 g03106256

Send mayday – This toolbar button is used to send a

AF mayday to the office.

The mayday feature is for non-critical situations

Illustration 18 g03064342
where the operator requires assistance from of-
fice personnel. Due to the nature of wireless com-
Tool buttons munications, the mayday message is not ensured
to reach the office in a timely manner. Failure to
The tool button display expands vertical and buttons follow the instructions or heed the warnings
stack. The tool button display would allow for four could result in injury or death. Proper care is your
buttons. A dedicated button at the bottom is available responsibility. Use other methods of communica-
to scroll to other tool buttons.
tion for safety critical situations.

The following functions are accessible from the tool

bar windows:

• Operator login
• Send a mayday
• Mark hazards

• Diagnostics
Illustration 21 g03416726
• More buttons
Mark hazard – This toolbar button is used to mark a
• Delays hazard.
• Zone lock

• Data record
M0065690-01 25
Operation Section
Visual Proximity Alarming

Illustration 22 g03142760

More buttons – This toolbar button is used to cycle

through the toolbars on the display.

Note: Additional toolbar buttons are available as part

of the Cat MineStar Fleet system. Consult the Fleet
Operator Maintenance Manual (OMM) for details on
these buttons.


Visual Proximity Alarming
SMCS Code: 7348; 7490


Illustration 23 g03320138

(1) Avoidance area (3) Stop zone

(2) Machine body area (4) Projected path

Proximity alarming is based on the following: The avoidance area (1) is a fixed area around the
machine, is configured in the office at the machine
• Machine speed class level, and does not change based on the
heading or the speed of the machine. The area does
• Machine position scale as the GPS accuracy decreases. For example,
if the GPS accuracy is 1 m (3.28 ft) and the zone is
• Machine heading configured as 2 m (6.56 ft), then the total avoidance
zone around the machine would be 3 m (9.84 ft).
• Machine dimensions and avoidance areas defined
in office software
26 M0065690-01
Operation Section
Visual Proximity Alarming

Note: The dimensions of the machines and the

avoidance areas of the machine are defined in the
office software.
The projected path (4) is added onto the avoidance
area (1) at the (front or rear) of the machine to
determine potential collisions. The total projected
path is a mathematical calculation tied to the speed
and direction of the machine and is defined in the
office software. The projected path will increase as
the speed of the machine increases and decrease in
the direction of travel as the speed of the machine
Alarms are based on priority. For example, if a
machine is equipped with Object Detection and an
object is detected by the Object Detection sensors,
that alarm would have higher priority then a GPS-
based proximity alarm.
Table 1

Priority Alarms

Other Machine

Path Avoidance Body

AF Low Low High

Your Machine Avoidance Low Low High

Body High High Critical

Refer to Table 1 for priority of the alarms.

Low Priority Proximity Alarm


Illustration 24 g03061398
(5) Projected path
M0065690-01 27
Operation Section
Visual Proximity Alarming

Illustration 25 g06012988

(5) Projected path (6) Machine proximity low alert icon


The projected path (5) appears on the plan view and

a proximity alarm icon (6) appears in the bottom right
When the proximity awareness audible alarm is corner. During caution, the icon is solid. Depending
sounded, identify the other machine and the loca- on configuration, an audible alarm tone is sounded.
tion of the other machine before you move your Refer to M0065690, Audible Alarms section for
additional audible alarming details. Refer to
machine. Failure to identify the location of the Illustration 24 and Illustration 25 for an example of a
other machine prior to moving your machine can low priority proximity alarm.
result in product damage, personal injury, or
High Priority Proximity Alarm
The low priority proximity alarm is generated when
any of the following occur: The high priority proximity alarm is generated when
any of the following occur:
• Projected Path on Projected Path
• Avoidance Zone on Body Area
• Project Path on Avoidance Zone
28 M0065690-01
Operation Section
Visual Proximity Alarming

• Projected Path on Body Area

M0065690-01 29
Operation Section
Visual Proximity Alarming

Critical Proximity Alarm

Illustration 26
30 M0065690-01
Operation Section
Visual Proximity Alarming

Illustration 27 g06012994
Critical Zone
(5) Projected path (7) Stop zone alert icon

A critical proximity alarm is generated when any of

the following activities occur:

• Body on body area

The projected path (5) appears and a proximity alarm
icon (7) appears in the bottom right corner. During the
incident, the icon flashes, and an audible alarm tone
is sounded. Refer to M0065690, Audible Alarms
section for additional audible alarming details. Refer
to Illustration 26 and Illustration 27 for an example of
a critical proximity alarm.
M0065690-01 31
Operation Section
Visual Proximity Alarming

When the proximity awareness audible alarm is

sounded, identify the other machine and the loca-
tion of the other machine before you move your
machine. Failure to identify the location of the
other machine prior to moving your machine can
result in product damage, personal injury, or

Unknown Machines


Illustration 28 g06013037
Unknown Machine
32 M0065690-01
Operation Section
Audible Alarms

Unknown machines are treated as a rotational Low GPS

machine and have a default body area and
avoidance area that is defined in the configuration When GPS drops below the level defined in the
file. These machines are represented as an arrow on configuration file, a single beep may sound
the display. Illustration 28 shows an unknown depending on the site configuration for 1 second
machine type and the default body area and indicating to the operator that the system has a low
avoidance area. The same rules apply regarding GPS signal. No action is required by the operator.
alarming for machines that are unknown.
When GPS signal is lost for more than 5 seconds
either due to the environment or equipment failure,
Audible Alarms the audible alarm may sound depending on the site
SMCS Code: 7348; 7490 configuration for 1 second indicating to the operator
that the system has lost the GPS signal. The operator
should contact the supervisor if the “no GPS”
Proximity Alarming Filters indicator does not disappear from the screen.

The system can be configured to exclude Proximity Loss of Wireless Communications

Awareness alarms except for the body on body
alarm. These filters are used generally with loading When wireless communications with the office are

tools so that normal operating procedures do not lost for more than 15 seconds either due to the
produce nuisance alarming. Check with your environment or equipment failure, the audible alarm
supervisor regarding the site-specific configuration. may sound depending on the site configuration for 1
second indicating to the operator that the system has
lost wireless. The operator should contact the
Alarm Types
AF supervisor if the “no communication to office” status
indicator does not disappear from the screen.
The Proximity Awareness System sounds audible
alarms for different types of events. Object Detection System Fault (if equipped with
Object Detection)

If the Object Detection detects a fault with one of the

components within the system, the system will trigger
The Proximity Awareness system is highly con-
a diagnostic code or an event. The operator should
figurable. Depending on site configuration set-
contact the supervisor to resolve the issue. Refer to
tings within Detect Office, certain visual and/or
the applicable Object Detection system for additional
audible alerts may not function for a particular
information regarding diagnostic codes and events.
event. Work with your supervisor to understand
the alert behavior prior to using the system. Fail-
ure to follow the instructions or heed the warn- Zone Alarms

ings could result in injury or death.

The following alarms are raised for zones:

Note: Depending upon how the system is configured • Speed zones

an audible alarm may not be present for all the
scenarios listed below. • Entering hazard zones

• Entering avoidance zones

Diagnostic Alarms
Speed Zones
The following alarms are raised for diagnostics:
When the machine is operating in a speed limit zone
• Low GPS and exceeds the speed limit of that zone, an audible
alarm may sound depending on the site configuration
• No GPS continuously until the machine slows to the speed
limit or exits the speed zone and enters an area with
• Loss of wireless communications a higher speed limit which is not being exceeded.
• System fault (if equipped with Object Detection) Entering and Exiting Zones

When the machine enters a hazard zone, an audible

alarm may sound depending on the site configuration
for 1 second. Once the machine exits the zone, the
audible alarm depending on the site configuration
may then sound again for 1 second.
M0065690-01 33
Operation Section
Audible Alarms

Entering Avoidance Zones

When the machine enters an avoidance zone, the

system may sound depending on the site
configuration an audible alarm until the machine exits
this zone.

Proximity Alarms
The following alarms are raised for proximity events:
• Object Detection System (if equipped)

• Proximity Awareness
Object Detection System (if equipped)

The Object Detection system has various alarm

levels depending upon the distant of the object to the
machine. Refer to Operator and Maintenance
Manual, “Proximity Indicator (If Equipped with Object

Detection)” for more information regarding the
various alarms of the Object Detection system.
Proximity Awareness

The Proximity Awareness system has two distinct

alarm types based on the proximity of the object to
the machine. Refer to Operator and Maintenance
Manual, “Proximity Alarming”for more information
regarding the various alarms of the Proximity
Awareness system.

Note: Alarms are automatically silenced once the

machine is stopped and the gear selector is put into
park or neutral. Once the machine is back in gear, the
alarms are reactivated. This scenario applies to
Object Detection and Proximity Awareness alarming
only when installed on a machine utilizing VIMS
supporting Cat MineStar system products. Consult

your Site MineStar champion for more details.

Table 2
Proximity Awareness Operator Notifications (GPS Based)

Notification Levels Description Conditions Audible Alert Visual Notification

Signals to the operator con- Path or avoidance regions Low Frequency On Off On Solid yellow low priority
trol new conditions of two machines intersect Off tone pattern reference icon
Low Priority
Prepare to take action if PA_Caution.wav on Dealer.
required Cat.Com

Signal to the operator new Path or avoidance regions Medium Frequency OnOf- Flashing red high priority
conditions have escalated intersect with another ma- fOn Off On Off tone pattern icon
High Priority
Prepare to take action if chines body region reference PA_Warning.wav
required on Dealer.Cat.Com

Signal when conditions are Body regions of two ma- High Frequency OnOffOn Flashing red high priority
in violation of configured re- chines intersect Off On Off tone pattern icon
gions and require immedi- reference PA_Critical.wav
ate correction on Dealer.Cat.Com

34 M0065690-01
Operation Section
Audible Alarms

(Table 2, contd)
Miscellaneous Alerts
Notification Levels Description Conditions Audible Alert Visual Notification

Signals when there is a Poor GPS signal, loss of Configurable single 0.5 Fault icon in the System
Fault loss of functionality that is communication second alarm Status window
not under operator control

Indicates that a configured Entering or exiting a prox- Configurable single 0.5 Configurable pop-up
Zone entry proximity zone has been imity zone second alarm
Indicates that the speed Exceeding a class or con- Constant tone Speed violation icon dis-
Speeding limit has been exceded figured zone speed limit played in the System Sta-
tus window
Indicates that a restricted Entering or exiting a re- Constant tone Zone violation icon dis-
Zone Violation zone has been entered stricted zone played in the System Sta-
tus window

Table 2 outlines the details of the various notification • Proximity Awareness events

Muting Alarms
Acknowledging Alarms
Note: The alarm can be muted permanently based
AF on-site configuration. By default, the alarms are not
Depending upon site configuration, the operator may
be able to mute certain audible alarms. Muting the
alarms silences the audible tones until the display is
power cycled or the operator unmutes the alarms.
The following alarm types can be muted by the
machine operator depending upon site configuration:
• Loss of radio communications

• Low GPS

• No GPS
Illustration 29 g06013042
• Interaction with machine that is out of
Acknowledge alarm communications
Depending upon the site configuration, the operator • Speed limit violation
is able to acknowledge audible alarms.
Acknowledging alarms silences the current active • Proximity Awareness events
audible tone during that particular alarm event (for
example, a radar object detection). Acknowledgment To mute the alarms, perform the following procedure:
does not affect new events from generating audible
alarms. Press the alarm button to acknowledge the 1. Press and hold the alarm acknowledge button for
alarm or alternatively, press the alarm acknowledge approximately 3 seconds. The disclaimer dialog
softkey (optional). will appear. Refer to Illustration 30 .
The following alarm types can be acknowledged by
the machine operator depending on the site

• No GPS
• Speed limit violation
M0065690-01 35
Operation Section
Operator Utilities

• “Login Confirmation”

• “Select User Id”

Illustration 30 g03353994
Disclaimer screen

2. Press the “Accept” key to mute the alarms. An icon

Illustration 32 g02155330

will appear in the status window indicating that the
“Login Confirmation” window
system is muted. AF
Illustration 31 g03353997
Muted alarm icon
Note: The ability to mute an alarm type is configured
specifically for each alarm type.

3. To unmute the alarm, press the alarm


Illustration 33 g02155332
acknowledge button again for 5 seconds or cycle
“Select User Id” window
the power to the display.
2. If the “Login Confirmation” window appears,
confirm the login. If the “Select User Id” window
appears, perform the following procedure:
Operator Utilities
SMCS Code: 7348; 7490 a. Select a user name in the selection tree of the
“Select User Id” window. Alternatively, the user
Logging In may press the “Enter Id” button. If the “Enter Id”
button is used, the keypad will display to enter a
Change operator – This button may be numerical user ID.
configured to display on the toolbar of
the display. Press this button to log into b. Press “OK” once a user is selected from the
the system. selection tree or a user entered. The “Login
Confirmation” window will display.
To log into the system, perform the following
procedure: c. Select “Yes” to confirm the login. Press “No” to
return to the “Select User Id” window.
1. Press the change operator button on the
touchscreen of the display. Note: In the “Login Confirmation” window, if “No” is
selected, the “Select User Id” window will then
One of the following windows will appear: display.
36 M0065690-01
Operation Section
Operator Utilities

3. Press the “OK” on the touchscreen or press “OK” 2. Press “Yes” to confirm the logout.
button on the display.
The “Select Id” window appears for the next
operator to log in.
Unknown Login
Note: Confirmation is not required if the office has
disabled the operator confirmation window.

Pre-Operation Check
A pre-operation check may be configured to display
at operator login. Each item in the checklist must be
verified. Then each item is selected as pass or fail
and the information is sent to the office.

Note: The items in the checklist are customized by

the site.

Illustration 34 g02155702
“Login Failed” window
The system will allow a user to perform a login as
“Unknown” . This feature allows operators that
cannot provide an ID to continue to operate the
machine. If the operator enters an ID which is not
found in the operator ID file, the “Login Failed”
window will appear.

Logging Out
Change operator – This button may be
configured to display on the toolbar of
the display. Press this button to log into
the system.

Illustration 36 g02645850
“Pre-op safety check” window

Perform the following procedure to process the pre-

operation check:
1. Select the first item in the list and the press “OK” if
the item is operational or press “BO” if the item is
The next item will be highlighted automatically
once the previous item has been processed.
2. Continue until all items in the list have been
Illustration 35 g02155713 processed.
“Logout Confirmation” window 3. Press the “Send” button to send the information to
the office.
To log out of the system, perform the following
1. Press the “Change Operator” button on the toolbar.
The “Logout Confirmation” window will appear.
M0065690-01 37
Operation Section
Operator Utilities

Note: The checklist window may also be configured

not to display the “Cancel” button. This feature
ensures that the checklist is processed before
operating the machine.

Sending a Mayday Message

Send mayday – This button may be
configured on the toolbar of the display.
Press this button to send a mayday to
the office.
If a machine operator requires assistance in a
situation, the operator can send a mayday message
to the office. The system asks for confirmation before
sending the notification. If the message is accepted
by the dispatcher in the office, the office can then
send a mayday message to all machines on the site.

The mayday feature is for non-critical situations
Illustration 37 g02645979
where the operator requires assistance from of-
fice personnel. Due to the nature of wireless com- “Hazard Type Selection” screen
munications, the mayday message is not ensured
to reach the office in a timely manner. Failure to Perform the following procedure to mark a hazard:
follow the instructions or heed the warnings
could result in injury or death. Proper care is your 1. Press the hazard marking button.
responsibility. Use other methods of communica-
The hazard type selection screen will appear.
tion for safety critical situations.
2. Select the type of hazard from the list and then
1. Press the send mayday button on the touchscreen press “OK” .
for the display.
The plan view window now displays a box around
the machine.
The “Mayday” window appears.
2. Press “OK” to confirm sending a mayday
message. Press “OK” on the display or “Yes” on

the touchscreen.
A mayday message will be sent to the office.
When received in the office, the mayday displays
as an “Urgent Alarm” pop-up message on every
“MineStar Client” that is running at the time of the
event. The event is also captured in the alarm
monitor page in the system.

Marking a Hazard
Hazard marking button – Press this
button to mark the location of on-road
Detect Proximity Awareness on-board provides a
method to allow machine operators to mark the
location of on-road hazards that are encountered
while in transit. Once the operator presses the
hazard marking button, the operator selects the type
of hazard and then locates the hazard using a
polygon on the screen. This information is then sent
to the office. The hazard information is then sent to
other machines for display on the screen.
38 M0065690-01
Operation Section
Operator Utilities

Illustration 38 g02645985
Polygon in plan view
(1) Adjustable poly (3) Confirmation key
(2) Hazard marking tool button (4) Cancel key
3. Use the arrow keys shown on the plan map or the
physical keys on the display to position the box
around the hazard.

Note: If the GPS accuracy of the machine is too low,

then this feature will be disabled. A dialog box will
appear indicating to the operator that the functionality
is disabled.
Illustration 39 g03057509
4. Press the confirmation button to create the
Brightness adjustment mode
polygon. The hazard waypoint information is then
(5) Dim button
sent to the office. The office then sends the hazard (6) Brighten button
information to other machines for display on the
screen. Two brightness modes may be set. A day mode and
a night mode are configured by the operator.
Adjusting Screen Brightness Press and hold the brightness button for 3 seconds.
The screen brightness adjustment window will
Brightness button – The brightness display to set the two modes. Move the slider button
button is used to adjust the screen towards the dimmer button to change the level of the
brightness. The screen will toggle minimum brightness and then release the slider
between two settings. Press once to set the button. This action will set the night mode level. Then
screen to the brightest mode, press again to set move the slider button towards the brighter button to
the screen to dimmest mode. change the level of the maximum brightness and
then release the slider button. This action will set the
day mode level. Once the two modes are set,
switching between the modes is possible by pressing
the brightness button once.
M0065690-01 39
Operation Section
Operator Utilities

Note: At night, adjust the brightness of the display to

a level that allows viewing comfort while not
distracting from night time operation.

40 M0065690-01
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule

Maintenance Section

Maintenance Interval Schedule

SMCS Code: 1400

Every 8 Service Hours or Daily

“ Display - Clean” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
“GPS Accuracy - Check” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
“GPS Mast - Align” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
“GPS Orientation - Adjust”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
“Harness and Cable - Inspect” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

“V2x Module - Check” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Every 2000 Service Hours or 1 Year

“Dimensional Coverage - Verify” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
M0065690-01 41
Maintenance Section
Dimensional Coverage - Verify

i06552490 Always inspect the condition of the GPS antenna

mast and the condition of the GPS antenna mast
Dimensional Coverage - Verify mounting hardware before you operate the machine.
Replace any parts that are damaged or worn before
SMCS Code: 7347 you operate the machine. Make sure that the
mounting bolts are tight.
After 2000 hours or 1 year of service, ensure the
machine measurements recorded in MineStar office
are correct. Perform the machine measure up as
described in Special Instruction, REHS9127 and
compare the current results with the previously GPS Orientation - Adjust
documented results in MineStar Office. Update
values as needed. SMCS Code: 7348-025; 7490-025
After start up, ensure that the system is displaying
i06535635 the correct machine icon associated with your
machine. Verify that the machine is positioned
Display - Clean correctly relative to other machines or geographical
features. If the orientation is incorrect, the Proximity
SMCS Code: 7347-070 Awareness system will not alarm correctly. To verify
the system configuration, refer to “Cat ® Detect
To maintain sufficient vision, the display must be Proximity Awareness User Guide”UENR3246 for

inspected and/or cleaned for dust and debris at the GPS configuration information.
beginning of each shift due to the environment.
Use a soft, damp cloth with water only to clean the i07070734
AF i06546889
V2x Module - Check
SMCS Code: 1639-535
GPS Accuracy - Check Check that the power and communication lights
illuminate when powered “ON” . Check for physical
SMCS Code: 7348-535; 7490-535 damage to the module.
After start up, ensure that the system is displaying a
GPS accuracy in the “Status” and “System i07070757
Information” windows. Verify that the level that is not
reading “fault” . If the GPS mode is faulted, the Harness and Cable - Inspect
Proximity Awareness system will not be active. Refer
to “Cat ® Detect Proximity Awareness User SMCS Code: 1408-040; 4459-040
Guide”UENR3246 for GPS troubleshooting


GPS Mast - Align

SMCS Code: 7348-535; 7490-535

Improper operation of an access platform could

result in injury or death. Operators must carry out
their duties properly and follow all instructions
and guidelines given for the machine and access

Note: When accessing the GPS antenna mast for

cleaning of inspection, be sure to observe safe
procedures for access. Maintain a three-point contact
and or use a body harness.
Illustration 40 g06214673
PL671 inspection
42 M0065690-01
Maintenance Section
Harness and Cable - Inspect

Inspect for damaged wires or cables routed to the

V2x modules. Refer to Illustration 40 .

M0065690-01 43
Index Section

A Maintenance Interval Schedule....................... 40
Every 2000 Service Hours or 1 Year ........... 40
Audible Alarms ................................................ 32
Every 8 Service Hours or Daily.................... 40
Acknowledging Alarms ................................ 34
Maintenance Section....................................... 40
Alarm Types................................................. 32
Muting Alarms.............................................. 34
Proximity Alarming Filters............................ 32 O
Operation......................................................... 13
B Operation Section.............................................11
Operator Utilities.............................................. 35
Before Operation ..............................................11
Adjusting Screen Brightness ....................... 38
Power ON/OFF .............................................11
Logging In .................................................... 35
Logging Out ................................................. 36
D Marking a Hazard ........................................ 37

Dimensional Coverage - Verify........................ 41 Pre-Operation Check................................... 36
Display - Clean ................................................ 41 Sending a Mayday Message ....................... 37
Display Navigation........................................... 13 Unknown Login ............................................ 36


Foreword ........................................................... 4 Plan Map Window ........................................... 17

Literature Information .................................... 4 Position of Other Machines ......................... 19
Maintenance .................................................. 4 Position of Your Machine ............................. 17
Maintenance Intervals ................................... 4 Zone Polygons............................................. 22
Operation ....................................................... 4 Product Information Section.............................. 6
Product Capacity ........................................... 4
Product Information ....................................... 4 S
Safety............................................................. 4
Safety ................................................................ 5
Operation ....................................................... 5

G Safety Messages ........................................... 5

General Information .......................................... 6 Safety Section ................................................... 5
Detect Basics................................................. 6 Status Window ................................................ 16
Intended Use ................................................. 6 Alarm Status Icon ........................................ 16
Object Detection System (If Installed) ........... 7 GPS Status Icons ........................................ 16
GPS Accuracy - Check.................................... 41 Miscellaneous Icons .................................... 16
GPS Mast - Align ............................................. 41 Proximity Critical Icons ................................ 16
GPS Orientation - Adjust ................................. 41 Radio Status Icon ........................................ 16
V2x Module Icons ........................................ 16
System Components......................................... 7
GPS Antenna................................................. 9
Harness and Cable - Inspect........................... 41 Optional Items................................................ 9
Touchscreen Monitor Display ........................ 9
I V2x Module.................................................... 9
Wireless Radio (Customer Supplied) ............ 9
Important Safety Information............................. 2 System Information Windows ......................... 15

Main Screen .................................................... 14 Table of Contents .............................................. 3
44 M0065690-01
Index Section

Tool Button Display.......................................... 24

V2x Module - Check ........................................ 41
Visual Proximity Alarming ............................... 25
Critical Proximity Alarm ............................... 29
Fundamentals.............................................. 25
High Priority Proximity Alarm....................... 27
Low Priority Proximity Alarm........................ 26
Unknown Machines ..................................... 31

Product and Dealer Information
Note: For product identification plate locations, see the section “Product Identification Information” in the Operation
and Maintenance Manual.

Delivery Date:

Product Information

Product Identification Number:

Engine Serial Number:

Transmission Serial Number:

Generator Serial Number:

Attachment Serial Numbers:

Attachment Information:

Customer Equipment Number:

Dealer Equipment Number:

Dealer Information
Name: Branch:


Dealer Contact Phone Number Hours




M0065690 CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow”, and the POWER EDGE trade
©2018 Caterpillar dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and
All Rights Reserved may not be used without permission.

46 January 2018

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