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Security Oversight & Tactical Ref Sheet PF

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MINOR ACTIONS SECURITY OVERSIGHT TASKS OVERRIDE: The character may attempt a Task from any other

role, but increasing the Difficulty by 1.

INTERACT: The character interacts with an object in the DEPLOY SECURITY: The officer sends a security team to FIRE WEAPON: The tactical officer nominates a single active
environment. the chosen location, then attempts a Presence + Security weapon system on board the ship, chooses a viable target
Opposed Task, normally Difficulty 1, opposed by the for that weapon, and makes an attack. This is a Control +
CHANGE POSITION: The character moves to any other intruders. Security Task, assisted by the ship’s Weapons + Security.
station on the bridge, or by taking three Change Position
Minor Actions, can move to any other location on the ship MODULATE SHIELDS: Control + Security Task, assisted by

PREPARE: The character prepares for a Task.

TACTICAL TASKS the ship’s Structure + Engineering, with a Difficulty of 2. If
successful, the ship gains +1 Resistance, +1 per Momentum
spent (Repeatable) until it next suffers one or more damage.
RESTORE: The character clears some minor problem or fault ASSIST: The character nominates a single ally they can

with a system, restoring it to function. communicate with, and assists that character’s Task. TRACTOR BEAM: Engage a tractor beam on a nearby object
or vessel. This requires a Control + Security Task, assisted
RAISE/LOWER SHIELDS: (Tactical only.) The shields are PASS: The character chooses not to attempt a Task.
 by the ship’s Weapons + Security with a Difficulty of 2, and
raised or lowered. If the shields are down, the ship has Shields can only be directed at a target within Close range.
0. When raised, they go immediately to their maximum, or READY: The character declares that they are waiting for a

to their previous score (if lower). You cannot raise and lower particular situation or event to occur before attempting a Task.
shields during the same Round.

947 LOCK

COMM 694




TM & © 2017 CBS. ARR
1. Choose one Attribute and one Discipline, and one Focus.
Add together Attribute and Discipline to get Target Number.
2. Gamemaster sets Difficulty.
A character may buy up to three additional dice before attempting a Task.
3. Roll 2d20, plus any extra d20s bought (see below). Each die that rolls equal
or under the Target Number scores 1 success. Dice may be bought by the following methods:
A.  If there is a Focus, each die that rolls equal or under the Discipline used  Spending saved Momentum from the group’s pool. First die costs 1,
ALERT STATUS scores 1 extra success. second costs 2, third costs 3.
B.  If there isn’t a Focus, each die that rolls 1 scores 1 extra success.  Adding Threat to the Gamemaster’s pool.
C.  Each die that rolls a 20 causes a Complication.  Spend 1 Determination; gain 1d20 which has already rolled a 1.
Requires an applicable Value. Must always be the first die bought.
4. If successes equal or beat Difficulty, then Task is successful, otherwise it
fails. Any successes above the Difficulty become Momentum. Additionally, characters may have assistance on a Task. This doesn’t count
towards the normal limit. The assisting character rolls 1d20, against an Attribute
5. The Gamemaster describes the Task’s outcome, and the Player may spend and Discipline of their choice, and adds successes rolled to any rolled by the
Momentum to improve the outcome. character being assisted.


Immediate uses can be used outside of a successful Task paid for out of the If a character has a Value which positively affects their current Task, they may
Group Pool or by adding to Threat. Repeatable uses can be used multiple times spend one Determination to do one of the following:
per Task/Round.  Add an extra d20 that has already rolled a 1.
 Re-roll any dice in your dice pool.
CREATE OPPORTUNITY: Immediate, Repeatable. 1 Momentum to
  Perform an extra Task immediately.
purchase +1d20 for a Task, 3 to purchase +2d20, or 6 to purchase +3d20.  Create an Advantage.

CREATE PROBLEM: Immediate, Repeatable. Spend 2 Momentum to

 If a character has a Value which would negatively affect their current Task, they
98383 increase the Difficulty of an enemy Task by 1. may take one Complication to regain one Determination.
28033 OBTAIN INFORMATION: Repeatable. Ask the Gamemaster one question
 Once per session, if a character has a Value which would negatively affect the
about the situation, that must be answered truthfully. current Task, they may challenge the Value; gain one Determination, and cross
67 out the Value – it will be rewritten after the mission.
78505 CREATE ADVANTAGE: Spend 2 Momentum to create an Advantage,

or remove a Complication.

TM & © 2017 CBS. ARR

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